shelbgrey · 5 months
can you do a mark sloan x reader sfw/nsfw hcs , and can she be richard webbers god daughter
please & thank you!<3 you write such amazing works
Mark Dating Richard's god Daughter headcanons
Paring: Mark Sloan x Webber!Reader
Summary: headcanons about Mark Sloan dating Richard Webber's God Daughter. -SMUT warning
MasterList ML2
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You are Richard and Aele's god Daughter. They adopted you after your parents died in a car crash.
Richard has always been a father to you, but you call him uncle Richard.
You wanted to be a doctor like Richard for as long as you could remember. You worked hard in medical school and soon enough you were in the same intern class as Miranda Bailey.
Bailey is your best friend and has threatened Mark’s life if he hurts you.
Derek thinks it’s funny that Mark started dating you after Webber tried to say it was nothing personal when he hired Mark.
Richard notices how Mark looks at you almost immediately and he absolutely hates it. He thinks Mark is just looking for a one night stand, but that’s not true.
“I want you to stay away from him. There’s a reason the nurses formed a anti-Mark club”
But what your uncle said went in one ear and out the other. Honestly Richard couldn’t blame you. He knew what it was like to be in love with someone you couldn’t have.
Speaking of Love, you didn’t find out about Richard and Ellis till your intern year when Ellis showed up at the hospital with Alzheimer. You and Meredith became close friends through this situation.
You couldn’t really stay mad at Richard since it was a long time ago, but it still hurts that he could do something like that to Adele.
“It's kinda funny in a dark way, the two most important men in your life are both man whores” Bailey said, she was your person and she could say stuff like that to you without getting mad.
You know Richard and Bailey are close, but whenever they have a petty argument you're taking Bailey’s side. Yes, she's smug about that.
Adele gets mad whenever either one of you tatel on Richard. You may get annoyed, but she’ll drive down to the hospital whenever you need something.
You think it's hilarious when Adele yells at Richard like he's a child. She’ll definitely do it to Mark too if she has too. “Out of all the petty, ridiculous, infantile.. Are you running a hospital here or a playground?”
“Adele..” Richard started. “Playground or Hospital, Richard?!” Adele yelled and Mark snickered as Richard mumbled, “Hospital”
“Apologize to our goddaughter right now” Adele scolded, Making Mark hide his laughter in your shoulder. “Sorry” Richard mumbled.
“Not to complain or anything Aunt Adele, but that’s not a real apology” you said with a smirk.
“That is not an apology! You give an apology you mean, because if i have to drag myself down here though rush hour traffic again, to police this damn Jungle Gym..”
“You made your point Adele” Richard sighed. Adele huffed and turned to you. “Love ya aunt Adele”
“Love you too, Dear”
Mark and you both gave Derek crap when Richard and Derek were living together. “Derek is dating your uncle Richard”
“I am no!”
Richard does his best to be nice to Mark, but he wants to protect you from him. Especially when he found out he slept with Addison.
He definitely used his ‘Chiefʼ voice when he threatened him about dating you. “If you hurt her. IF you cheat on her, even the morgue won't be able to identify you. Are we clear!?”
“Yes!.. Yes sir”
Adele loved him when she was still alive. “RIchard you be nice to him he’s part of the family now”
Mark comforted you when Adele started getting Alzheimer. Adele was the closest thing you had to a mother, so it hit you hard when she died.
Mark had gotten close to her as well. Mrs. Shepherd was like a mother to him. Yes, when he started dating you Adele was constantly in his life. She gave him relationship advice and was like the aunt he never got.
Then Catherine showed up. She really didn’t like you or Mark that much. She had a problem with Mark because she thought Jackson was wasting his time in plastics then she just thought Richard ‘babyed’ you too much.
“You mom is banging my Uncle” you said bluntly to Jackson.
“The Chief banged my mom too” Meredith said, thinking it’ll make Jackson feel better.
Richard walking you down the isle on your and Mark's wedding.
NSFW Headcanons:
These are from the original mark HCs I posted a couple of days ago... Sorry. If you want all of them go to the original HC post.
He’s an expert at foreplay. He’ll spend as much time as he can trying to get you hot and bothered or worked up.
He's definitely the dominant person in bed and your not complaining, he'll get rough and pound hard enough were the bed starts rocking.
Mark loves bitting your neck just to hear you moan. When you finally give in to him, he'll lay you down on the couch or bed and start pealing your clothes off to reveal your chest.
The sex maybe rough, but Mark isn't not big on insults. He refuses to degrade you and will only use sweet words.
He has big chocking kink, he won't be too rough about but he loves wrapping his fingers around your neck and feeling your pulse when he's ramming into you.
Loves eating you out,your legs around his head. He loves your legs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
There's also a tone of jealous sex. If he sees Alex shamelessly flirting with you expected to be tied to bed as fucks your brains out. If he sees Jackson touch you in a way thats reserved only for him you’re pinned against the wall.
This man is amazing when it comes to aftercare. He knows exactly what you need. After your both cleaned up, he'll pull you to his chest to cuddle.
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nicodrawings · 1 year
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Dump time featuring Billie Morales aka Silly Billie
Update 2: oh! Also the first two illustrations are based on Yotsuba art!
Update: ok HC time, if you wanna know more keep reading as usual.
-I made Billie 5 years old.
-I’ve mentioned this before but Billie has Asperger’s.
-She didn’t talk until she was like 3 going on 4.
-Her nickname is "silly billy"
-Miles always says "how's my favorite girl in the whole wide world?" when he comes home from school on the weekends.
-Miles is a doting big brother and helps take care of her as well as connecting with her interests.
-As much as she loves her parents, she thinks the world of Miles. She's up under him the most, especially when she's over stimulated, stressed or sleepy. His heartbeat calms her.
-She has a limit to physical contact and taps when she’s ready to let go. She usually only hugs her family. Her and Ganke do hand touches instead of hugs.
-The family helps her navigate her environment and her emotions as well as socializing but never push anything that makes her uncomfortable. They always ask questions and have special routines to help her.
-A part of her routine is on Saturdays they go to the park so she can see the pigeons.
-Miles does not like pigeons, but tolerates them for Billies sake.
-They also have special songs for her like "🎶when you walk across the street take ur eyes off your feet🎶" to remind her to look both ways and pay attention when walking across the street since she can get distracted easily.
-The songs they use also attach her to music. So whenever they go to ganke he plays the piano for her and they make songs up and when she hears a song she likes she starts stimming and wiggling.
-She also takes interest in drawing because she sees Miles drawing and they draw animals and watch Steve Irwin on Saturdays too.
-She doesn't understand figure of speeches so if you say "don't sweat it" she would be like "...sweat what?"
-she doesn’t show a lot of emotions unless she’s feeling something intense.
-She rarely sees Miles in superhero mode in public but when she does she just goes “SPIDER!” and smiles and he waves at her.
-Moral of this story, she is loved.
-He lives with his grandparents in the Bronx area (I’m not sure which side yet tho).
-He loves his grandparents very much.
-One time at a punk rock concert a wise man told him “the most punk thing to do is to take care of yourself, don’t be reliant on the system to do so, cuz they ain’t”
-He told his grandpa the following day and they had a heart to heart about it considering that Hobie was very depressed at the time.
-So with that being said, health is incredibly important to him.
-Some ppl tease him and call him “straight-edge” but it don’t bother him much.
-Hobie officially meets the other spiders when he’s 16.
-Clicks with Gwen and Miles almost immediately.
-Especially Miles, Peter always jokes and says that they were definitely brothers in their past lives.
-Gwen and Hobie bond over music.
-Gwen gets the crush first.
-But unlike Miles she’s more forward and doesn’t wait a billion years so she’s asks him out.
-Hobie says yes.
-Only one that knows how to drive by the time he’s 18.
-Gwen’s relationship with her father just…never gets better in my AU. He’s just an ass and as far as Gwen is concerned they’re not family, they’re just related. With that being said, although it’s never acknowledged, Gwen definitely sees Peter as a father figure in her life. She even has him as her top emergency contact. Peter started to understand this when she was 16, he never questioned it and sees her as his oldest daughter. When she’s had really bad arguments with her father she goes to Peters and spends the night.
-Peter and MJ’s home is open to all the spiderkids. No questions asked.
-Peter and MJ always say “On our taxes we have one kid” when people ask them how many kids they have.
-When Peter gets home he sees how many pairs of shoes are at the door then yells “how many kids are in the house?" They usually yell in response which gives him an idea as to how many kids are there.
-On average there’s no less than 2.
-One time he asked and a really deep voice responded along with the kids.
-It was Venom.
-All the spiders have their own therapist’s but every other weekend there’s a group therapy session for kids with powers funded by S.H.E.I.L.D. It’s not required that they go but it’s open for them regardless, just sign up and come in.
-Ganke donates some of his legos to the program and helps assist sometimes with running it since it’s not ran in the best shape.
-This connects to a bigger problem of helping hero’s with their mental health and stability, especially when they decide to retire.
-If you read the other AU list I had, this is the reason why Ganke switches his major to Social Work when he goes to college.
Peter’s nicknames for the kids:
Miles-“Junior/Little Man”
Gwen-"Gwennie Pie”
Hobie-“Hobie” (obviously)
Ganke’s nicknames:
Friends-“Gee” judge calls him “G-money”
Miles’s mom-“Honey”
Ganke’s mom-“Gee-Chan”
The boy that bullies him AKA Sean “Gay-ke”
Peter-“Goober” (as I’ve said before)
Venom and Eddie-“Boy”
Miles’s for when he’s feeling affectionate-“Cariño”
Anyway that’s all I got for now! If you have any questions about my AU please feel free to ask away. I love talking about it as you can see.
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klutzyroses · 1 year
Hii! I would like to request how would the ikevamp boys feel about a mc with daddy issues (with Comte,Vlad,Faust,Vincent and Arthur) Thank you in advance
*coughs awkwardly*...Well if this doesn't hit home a bit.
IkeVamp HCs: SO with Daddy Issues
How do they react to an so with daddy issues?
Suitors: Arthur, Vincent, Comte, Vlad, Faust
Warnings: Toxic parent-child relationships, implied abuse
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Oh luv...
Suddenly her past behaviour towards him makes so much sense.
She had been so off with him at first, to the point where he was almost under the impression that she hated him, that he had to wonder if there was a reason behind it.
Only when they have become closer did she open up to him about her complicated relationship with her father who, much like Arthur, was quite the playboy, but to a more extreme, reprehensible extent.
She speaks to him of the many times her father had missed an important event in her life, birthdays, school activities, because he had a mistress that he found far more important.
It saddens him to know that she felt so irrelevant in the eyes of the man who should have loved her the most.
But then...he isn't complaining about taking that position.
He is determined to make sure she never spends one moment question her worth.
He will certainly let her know that there will be no woman who will take her place in his life, she is his priority and she will be second to no one.
He himself had a...contentious relationship with his own parents, thus, he is fully understanding of Y/N's ache.
Though, from the sound of it, her father seemed to be the predominant issue between her parents and his behavior was to a worse extent.
From being overly controlling to being downright militant, hearing how treated her hurts him in ways he couldn't imagine.
How could anyone be that way to his scatje? It's painful to think about.
He will do everything he can to let her know how special she is, how perfect, to him she didn't to worry about being a certain way. She could just be herself.
To prove it, he will paint her the way he sees her; As the perfect, beautiful sunflower she is. The way everyone else sees her. The way she deserves to see herself.
Just because her father was too blind see it, doesn't mean Vincent will allow her to be blind to her own shine.
His heart aches for his poor cherie.
When he learns of her childhood growing up with a selfish, narcissistic father, he feels slight anger and upset grow inside him for the man himself.
It may not be reasonable to hold any hostility for a man who isn't present, but he can't help it. Anyone who thoughtlessly hurts his cherie is no good in his eyes.
He, as something of a father figure to the rest of the mansion's residents, knowing how it feels to care for someone he is essentially responsible for, can't understand why someone would mistreat a loved one that way.
Especially a person as endearing and lovable as Y/N.
He knows as her partner, he can't actually fill the void of a father in his beloved's life, but he will more than make up for it by fulfilling her every desire. Physically and emotionally.
Y/N will never want for anything, whether that be a shiny pair of heels or just a long warm hug.
Is money a substitute for love? No, but spoiling her is as much a pleasure for him as it is for her, because he loves her.
Knowing a thing or two about...less than present parents, Vlad sympathizes when he learns that Y/N's father was very much a non fixture in his daughter's life.
It makes him hurt for her when she tells him of how distant and neglectful her father was when she was a child, and had passed away when she had barely reached adolescence, leaving a larger hole in her life with his absence.
He listens carefully and comforts her accordingly before making a very...unexpected offer.
With his power, he is capable of allowing her just a little bit of escape. Just a brief moment of tenderness with her father.
The tenderness that he never gave her in life...
Whether or not she accepts the offer, Vlad means well. He himself is not her father, but he will do his best to close the gap he left in the heart of his beloved flower.
It may seem like he is somewhat indifferent to the fact that his guinea pig's father was an excuse of a human, but in truth, Faust is disturbed by what she has to say about it.
To hear her father was a verbally violent, hot tempered man that treated his daughter in such a unforgivable manner sickened him.
How appalling. He may not show it in any other way than to frown, his eyes glinting coldly.
He will plainly tell her that if the man was like that, there was no use in even saying she had a father to begin with.
Harsh way of putting it, but not completely untrue. Y/N was and is better off without him.
The memories hurt, the lost possibilities of reconciliation hurt, yes, but in the end he will make sure she understands that it was for the best that she will not see him again.
Now she can move on with people who actually care. Like him. And she should brace herself, because he has little to no intention of letting her go either.
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musicalmoritz · 23 days
I was wondering if you had any headcanons about Nene and Akanes home lives?? Like we really know nothing about there parents and stuff
Thank you for this ask, I love to yap abt this kinda stuff!!
TW: Mentions of neglect
So for Nene I like to imagine her parents are good but not perfect yk?? Like they’re nice people who are very loving towards her but they’re not very involved in her life. She’s closer with her mom, who makes more of an effort to get to know her. A lot of fans like to hc her parents as being really awful and I don’t have a problem with that but I personally don’t see it (it can be interesting to read tho). It’s also important to keep in mind common tropes when pulling the “her parents never show up” card. It’s insanely common in media focused around teens for the parents to be absent, that’s a way for writers to depict the newfound senses of freedom and independence kids feel at that age. It doesn’t always mean the parents are neglectful, though you can most certainly headcanon them that way if you want to.
When I’m making headcanons based on characters’ home lives I tend to analyze their behavior and see where it might stem from. Nene is a very friendly girl with lots of love to give but she is a lot of insecurities, which leads me to believe she has kind parents but not ones that reaffirm her self-esteem. They probably aren’t the type to call their daughter beautiful every day, but I could see them still being nice to her. Their family probably isn’t overly close tho, they might not go out and do things. But again these are all my personal headcanons, others might interpret it differently. Sometimes I make her parents get divorced so Mama Yashiro can get a wife and Nene and Mitsuba can be siblings. That might be the best fic trope this fandom has created I fear (aside from Akane patching up Teru’s wounds)
Akane is the one I dump more trauma on lol. I feel like his parents are neglectful which leads to him going out of his way to be attentive towards others. He’s subconsciously trying to find someone who will give him the love he’s been missing out on. He also wants to make sure that no one else feels isolated/ignored, that they don’t have to worry about their basic needs not being cared for. He makes himself reliable and tends to be very independent outside of his emotional dependency on Aoi (which ties back to his search for love). The Minamotos also act that way with the independence/need to be relied on, and we know their father isn’t home much. I also like to hc that his parents act like the two different sides of his personality. His mom is very doting and affectionate, but in a shallow way. Then his father acts more apathetic, like Akane if he didn’t have a perpetual chip on his shoulder. And I don’t think he’s realized their neglect is a problem yet
Anyways Kako is his best parental figure. That’s grandpa fr fr
I just realized the top part of this response looks objectively hilarious. Let’s all take a minute to appreciate that
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lovelytayforce · 1 year
Why Oogway from Kung fu panda is the most supportive grandpa and not a huge bitch! And your fave villain is actually a huge bitch! <3
Now, I know what you’re thinking? Why the inflammatory and very obviously vague post? Because it’s being spread everywhere like wildfire and I’m tired of it. We get it, you all love your men like Tai Lung and Kai but they're not the UwU babies you HC them as, and blaming Oogway isn’t making them look cool or cuter. So, without further ado, I, Oogway’s lawyer will step up to this fandom’s unjustified hate for him just cause they got hit with the consequences of their actions. Now, let’s start with the first movie because you people can’t seem to grasp the simple lesson in the film that “Your actions have consequences.” Okay, remember that? It’s very important. And I need you to remember it okay? I’m counting on you! Alright, let’s start with the literal first scene with MR. PING AND PO: Yes, this is important, just stick with me okay? Po asks his father right at the beginning if he ever wanted anything else in his life outside noodles.
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He even calls his own dream stupid, and you can see he slightly regrets it in the scene if you watch closely enough. This was the first mistake Ping made, he was repeating a cycle of denying the younger generation of their own dreams and needs without even realizing it. Now, we can actually get to our favorite turtle. Two things we have to talk about before we move on is the fact, this second scene is dedicated to foreshadowing mostly Shifu’s character, every little reaction to Oogway is a means to tell us why Shifu needs to calm down and think before he acts. Remember? “Your actions have consequences.” Now, you're probably looking at the scene like, this was just a funny joke scene but no. Shifu is distressed expecting nothing but the worst news while Oogway is calmly accessing the situation at hand, he doesn’t reprimand Shifu because he knows the pain his friend is going through, he was there for it and stopped it before it could kill him. Shifu here displays everything about the quote below, had he not rushed Oogway and merely listened to the very end he would have understood what to do. 
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This is one of the rawest quotes that follow Shifu and his son throughout the first film, they are both avoiding the inevitable, trying to stop what must come. Life doesn’t bend to your will and that’s what Oogway is telling Shifu right here in the present. But what does this dummy do? Try to ruin what Oogway was doing from the get-go. 
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Had Shifu not panicked and quickly told Zeng to leave then Tai Lung would have never escaped. IT'S IRONY AND say it with me, the consequences of his actions. Oogway even tells him this in the scene where he reveals it is time to pick the Dragon warrior, and Shifu makes so many assumptions that Oogway never speaks of the legend itself. Shifu makes the Dragon warrior seem bigger than life itself but Oogway never says that. If you haven’t realized: Shifu assumed things. 
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He’s not actually seeing the true picture Oogway is laying out for him, he’s just waiting for that big moment, uncaring of how it affects others. (Aka the five cough his own daughter cough and even his own son cough) He’s clouded the water for everyone and only Oogway is the one who sees it for what it is. Oogway does nothing but tries to guide Shifu away from this mentality that not only destroyed his own son but himself in the process, remember the Ping scene I showed you at the beginning This is the same thing. Shifu has done nothing but projects himself onto others and that’s not only an aspect in the films, it was in the short “Secrets of the scroll” too. 
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“You must let her grow into what she must be.” - Oogway. This isn’t the first time he's said this to Shifu and surely will not be the last. Shifu is by all means a stubborn character who leans very heavily toward how traditional Kung fu is taught along with its ideals. He focuses on strength, speed, and endurance above all else which is also shown in the film's training course. He does not divert from tradition, just like Ping. Oogway doesn’t hold the same ideals but respects Shifu unconditionally despite their differences. Because he respects and cares for Shifu along with his children. He does the very same with Po, never outright disagreeing because that’s not helpful to them, that won’t allow them to grow as people. Into who they are meant to be. Po goes on and on about how he sucks and Oogway is understanding, he doesn’t say “Oh you’re great just the way you are.” He allows Po to vent the way he wants to and gives him actual support when he needs it most.
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Po shouldn’t be concerned with how he sucked today, because he can try again tomorrow and get better as time goes on! And that’s the truth when you start something, especially something as difficult as Kung fu with a teacher who's comfortable bullying someone 40+ years younger than them is HARD. But what Po needs to focus on is the PRESENT. He tells that to EVERYONE. To focus on the now instead of the past or the future, that’s why it’s a gift. Because you can choose who you want to be at that moment. The past is already gone, decided, and written, and the future is uncertain and leaves you with nothing but anxiety at what could be. But right here, right now. You have a choice. And now we get to the main man himself, Tai Lung aka the loser stuck in the past: Now again, you’re probably pausing like “Really man? Calling Tai a loser from the get-go, do you have no shame?” And I reply with a “No, I do not.” Because he is a loser and the film shows that. Very clearly. I know we all love the awesomeness of the escape scene but think about the context of it real quick: This FORTY-YEAR-OLD MAN, let me say this again FORTY YEAR-OLD MAN, was hard-pressed to release himself for one thing and one thing only, The scroll saddled with his revenge for something he was never promised after endangering innocents in the past and then endangering more guards for a scroll. Take that in for a moment. Doesn’t that sound like loser behavior? Don’t you think maybe he could have taken that time to, I don’t know, think about why he wasn’t chosen or if he wanted literally anything else in his life. He had no one to talk to, so he should have been using that noggin’ for something useful but he didn’t. 
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Also, this man is out of his goddamn mind. Like we have to move forward here so we can realize the full delusion in this single frame. But I’m getting off-topic, we have to talk about when he was rightfully denied the scroll. Now we have to note two very important lines here because Tai Lung fans have very selective memories, so we need these screencaps
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Okay, that is the first line, the second is Po’s line before this, it’s very clear even to the common folk in the Valley, Tai Lung was an ambitious, selfish, and one-track-minded fella. With the line: “He turned bad and went to jail.” Now, let’s think back for a minute about Oogway’s morals. He supports people who are kind and uplift others even though sometimes they do questionable things, Shifu bullying Po-but that’s for another conversation. But he obviously would not pick someone who is solely focused on such a selfish goal. We all know the scroll is blank, and you have to love and accept yourself for who you are in the present. Tai Lung would not be able to understand much less accept that because he wanted the scroll to change him into something Shifu told him about, not Oogway. Oogway had every right to refuse Tai Lung, that’s his school, his house, his scroll and without him, he and Shifu would be without a roof. Now, remember what I said about Shifu’s beliefs in traditionalism right? You're supposed to listen to your master as they guide you, Shifu albeit a stubborn student and Master, listened to Oogway, and Tai Lung should have followed suit, he grew up there. But no he CHOSE to ruin everyone else's day, and let me show those innocents by the way. 
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HE'S LITERALLY ASKING FOR SHIFU TO COMMIT FRAUD! Tai Lung showed what his ambition truly was and Shifu didn’t see until it broke right through him literally, Tai lung doesn’t even hesitate to swat his father aside before going for the scroll before Oogway stops him and spares his life for his old friend, Shifu. Because he cares. Oogway cared about Tai Lung and let him choose who he wanted to be. Remember? Actions have consequences. Tai lung has had two instances of his life where he could have chosen to do better and what did he do? He fucked it up. Just decided to be a bitch ass sore loser instead of bettering himself which is what Kung fu is about, it’s what Po did. But you know, that’s life.  Speaking of, Shifu is mostly at fault for this. I think everyone knows that? Oogway as I said above with the short, tries his best to guide Shifu on his horrid parenting journey but such is life. I’m sure we all know someone who shouldn’t be a parent and if we could we would ban them from being around children in general. Back on topic, Shifu has a problem of not listening to Oogway as we’ve established: - Didn’t listen til he got sick to let Tigress be herself - Bullied Po and didn’t listen until Oogway died - Filled his son and daughter’s heads with untrue folklore of the Dragon warrior missing key elements such as Kindness in the memo… - Also, he tried to “Well, ACK-TUALLY” him in an argument about control. Shifu is not a very bright man. And neither is his son. Po and Ping are a direct mirror to this though in the fact that, unlike Shifu, Mr. Ping stops and realizes his son is in distress about the whole situation and does something special. He tells him the secret ingredient which is nothing but believing something is special because he believes Po is special. Shifu stopped believing in his son, which is why Oogway asked him to promise to believe and even took his meek reply of “I’ll try.” When Shifu and Tai Lung met again they couldn’t mend what Tai Lung destroyed, not even an apology could heal what his son broke inside Shifu. And Oogway knew this. Because you can’t force a peach tree to grow into anything else but what it was meant to be. No one in the Jade Palace was meant to be the dragon warrior, they should have been training for themselves but they followed Shifu. Nothing was ever promised to anyone. And again, that’s the beauty of life, you can change. Every day you change, every time you look into that blank scroll you see every little change you worked for and some you got along the way figuring it out. Tai lung does not have that though, all he has is Kung fu and that’s Shifu’s fault. Not Oogway’s, you cannot blame someone who never promised you a thing and simply told you no. You have to move on.  Tai Lung even naively states, he only thought of Shifu’s opinion, never the Master who bestows the scroll itself. He was not in the present, all he wanted was the future he was never promised and blamed everyone else for it and hurt his own father, in the process. Not once, but twice. Shifu only admitted Tai lung was not meant to be the Dragon warrior and that it was never his decision to make and even goes so far as to ask Shifu to falsify the results of who the Dragon warrior is. Shifu was too late in allowing his son to dream. Oogway had nothing to do with any of their dramas. They decided to push themselves so far instead of cherishing the present. And that’s why Oogway is the best grandpa because he doesn’t force his ideals down your throat because he listens to your troubles without downplaying how bad you feel because he believes in the power of change that we all have but accepts we don’t always take the right path. That is the true gift. The gift of change. As for Kai um idc, he was stealing people’s chi, aka killing them, and being a horrible person to people who helped Oogway in his darkest hour, so fuck him. I still love his theme but again, Kai’s actions caught up with him and he caught them tortoise's hands for being an asshole.  Bye~! Also, Shen's a bitch too.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Klaus M. x Omega Have an Omega Child HC’s
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•Hope will be the most spoiled child to ever exist on the planet
•Not just Klaus will spoil her with everything she wants, but so will her aunts and uncles leaving her Omega mother to be the practical one. ‘No you can’t take her to Disney world every weekend!’ ‘No, she can’t wear a Princess dress every day of her life!’
•One good thing is that Hope is a practical little girl. Spoiled? Yes. But she doesn’t let it go to her head thanks to her mother, she is a very kind and gentle little Omega which just makes her more cherished by everyone around her
•She presented as an Omega when she was 3 and anyone who wasn’t already in love with the little girl became so, Marcel giving up his issues with his surrogate father because he doesn’t want any harm to come to his little sister
•You have pictures on your phone that you aren’t allowed to show anyone ever, images of Klaus playing dress up with his daughter and attending tea parties, wearing flower crowns and getting his face painted just to see his little girl smile
•He once ordered every kind of donut, cupcake and cookie to be brought to the house and your child woke to a dining table full of sweets. You left it up to your Alpha to clean up the mess once she got sick, though you still bathed your daughter and got her into her pajamas yourself, her snuggling up in your nest with you and her father for the rest of the day with an upset tummy, watching movies. It was the first real time your child had been in your nest for anything other than sleep and she fell in love with it
•Hope started building her own nest that next morning in her bedroom, stealing pillows and blankets from everyone’s rooms to make it as fluffy as possible
•Klaus had to sit her down and explain to her later that day that it wasn’t okay to take things from her Mommy’s nest and they would get her whatever she wanted to make her own. She sat down with you that night and you explained what a nest is used for other than sleeping and why it’s so important and personal to each Omega
•She understood and promised not to touch your nest without you there ever again but she refused to believe there would ever be a time in her life that she wouldn’t allow her Daddy into her nest
•Both you and Klaus took the little girl shopping since she had to give everyone back their things, and you bought her all kinds of comfortable pillows and blankets, more than she could need now knowing that in a few years she will be making a nest for real and she’ll be glad she has so many extra materials when she really needs them.
•It was the cutest sight to see, your Alpha having been dragged into the nest that was far too small for him, pink and purple blankets and pillows, and a small Omega child curled up into Klaus’ chest sleeping peacefully. You had taken many pictures once he had fallen asleep and shown everyone as it was just too adorable not to
•Your Alpha later told you how precious that moment was to him, seeing his little girl building her own nest and pulling him into it so innocently, wanting him to hold her all night long like he does to her mother. It made his heart swell at how insistent she was that he would always be welcome in her nest and though he knew that to be false, it was incredibly sweet to see how sure she was and to hear how much his little girl loved him
•Klaus went to the store the next day and came home with bags of stuffed animals that she could put in her nest whenever she wanted them, also getting her fairy light to hang around the corner of her room that held the pile of comfort
•She would often bring her nesting stuff downstairs and make an even larger nest for people on movie night so that no one felt left out
•Hope found comfort in the scent of her father being in her nest as she was still young enough for the ‘Alpha Scent’ to not bother her senses as it has just always been the comforting smell of her father so she often stole a shirt or jacket he had worn so that she could smell him when he wasn’t home at night
•She was the sweetest little Omega anyone had ever seen and anyone that met her would take a bullet for her. Klaus prepared himself for the day Alphas would be knocking down his door for a chance to court her
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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bohemian-nights · 2 years
Aemond x Reader HC
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Warnings: None(except for cousin incest 🤷🏽‍♀️)
Word Count: ~960 words
I know I said I might write something for Daemon, but this came into my head last night. I can’t help it, I have Aemond on the brain🤷🏽‍♀️ I might turn this into an actual full fledged fanfic.
Okay so reader 🧝🏽‍♀️ is Aemond’s half-cousin(her mom is the younger half-sister of Viserys). Her dad is the younger brother of Corlys Velaryon(Vaemond?).
She was basically raised at court and was a childhood companion of Helaena. Her mom died when she was young so Alicent was kinda like a second mom to her.
She was betrothed to Aemond when they were children(maybe shortly after Aemond claimed Vhagar). Got to keep the Valyrian bloodline as pure as possible.
Reader doesn’t have a dragon🐉 Her dragon egg never hatched. She may try to bond with a dragon once the Dance begins though.
She and Aemond married 💍when she was 15-16 and Aemond 18-19. So they’ve been married for about 7-8 years by the start of this story.
Aemond is hard for her to read sometimes. Reader still feels that he is distant despite the fact that they’ve known each other for most of their lives. He’s still very loyal though. Aemond can also be very possessive over her.
By the time the Dance 🐉is about to kick off they have three children. Maybe one girl(their first born?) and twin boys. I feel like they have the names of the old school Targs/dragon lords. Perhaps Visenya, Aerion, and Maegon. Their daughter is betrothed to Aegon’s son and heir. Maybe the reader is pregnant 🤰🏽with their fourth child, but they don’t know it yet.
Lol Aemond is a girl dad, but he is not a deadbeat to his boys cause he loves his kids equally(I’m looking at you Viserys). He loves taking his kids on rides with him and Vhagar. He teaches them high Valyrian, their history, and how to “control” their dragons 🐉 He teaches the boys how to fight⚔️ You know the works.
I feel like this story starts off when Vaemond 👱🏾‍♂️comes to Kings Landing asking to be made his brothers successor. Reader tries to get him to see reason and not rock the boat, but her father doesn’t listen.
Reader is there standing by her husband and in-laws when her father pleads his case. Obviously things go left and Daemon takes Vaemond’s head💀(on Rhaenyra’s orders like in the book). Reader is rightfully horrified. Aemond has to literally carry her away from the scene since she starts to break down.
Aemond is beyond pissed off with the situation himself(though he never had great regard for Vaemond he was still his good father), but someone’s got to keep it together.
Reader is obviously still in shock by the time nightfall rolls around. She does not want to go to family dinner 🥘 . Honestly she just wants to hug and cuddle with her babies and lowkey so does Aemond, but Viserys forces both of them to attend.
At dinner 🍽 Jace tries to ease some of the tension by dancing with her which she reluctantly accepts(cause King Dumb Dumb is still in the room). Jace dancing 🕺🏻with his wife + the Luke 🐷 situation + Vaemond being beheaded = Aemond Strong speech. Reader would have told him to stop but she’s beyond exhausted at this point. Alicent has to be the one that scolds him(like in the show).
When King Dumb Dumb finally kicks the bucket 🪣 that night, reader and Aemond are alerted. It might be stretch, but I’ll say Reader is on the Green 🟢council. Her daughter is set to become the future queen and Alicent considers her an important and trusted person.
She tries to argue for peace, but Otto and Alicent(why did they have to make it seem like Alicent was clueless?) point out what Rhaenyra and Daemon will do to them if Rhaenyra takes the throne. I love Daemon, but you can’t convince me that he wouldn’t have at least made Viserys' trueborn sons and grandsons take the black ▪️ to protect Rhaenyra’s reign.
Reader obviously fears for her husband and son’s safety so she goes along with Aegon being crowned king🤴🏼
Aemond voices to her privately that he’d make a better king, but both are loyal to Aegon. While Aemond is on the hunt for Aegon, the reader finds out that Rhaenys is being kept prisoner in her room. She feels guilty about Rhaenys👩🏻‍🦳 being locked up(she is her aunt)so she goes to free her.
Rhaenys tries to get her to leave 🛫with her. She says that Rhaenyra will be merciful to her and her kids(they are first cousins after). Reader doesn’t trust it(I mean they did behead her father).
Plus she could never abandon Aemond and she definitely could not take away their children from him. Lol Rhaenys does not burst through the coronation(seriously why did they add that?) when she leaves.
When the Green 🟢 council finds out that it was the reader who let Rhaenys go, they are furious (even Alicent, who reader is usually in the good graces of). They need all the dragon 🐉 riders they can get on their side to win this war.
Otto is especially upset. He kinda wants to put the reader on house arrest 🚔, but both Aemond(he’s still pissed but that’s his wife) and Alicent defend her.
Since Aemond is married he goes to Storm's End with a proposal on his younger brother’s (Daeron) behalf. Daeron is still in Oldtown so it’s more convenient for Aemond to make the journey. The Luke situation obviously goes down. Team Black ⚫️ gets pissed off(understatement I know).
Daemon was initially going to go after Aemond’s kids in retaliation for Luke, but they are heavily guarded. You won’t catch Aemond 🧝🏻‍♂️slipping plus he knows that Daemon 🧝🏻‍♂️ will be coming for his kids. So Daemon has settle for Aegon’s kids instead.
The Dance is definitely in full swing now. Both sides want blood 🩸 and to see their side come out on top👑 Reader just wants to see her babies, herself, and Aemond make it out in one piece.
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fluffyjack5 · 10 months
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This is it! The reveal of main antagonists of Zoophobia, also known as Four Horsemen of Apocalypse. Not wasting the time.....
The first character is Jestine-Deity of Dreams, before known as a Sin of Pride. A long time ago she tried to overthrown Lucifer from throne, but she failed. After this act she was banished from hell. But soon Malvada offered to her to become the Deity of Dreams in exchange for her serving him. She was placed under supervision of second main antagonist-KayCee.
KayCee-The Deity of Chaos with demonic origin, like how Jestine, and like Jestine she's serving to Malvada-Strange and mystical person, She wants only one-to see the whole world in chaotic fire. But she need a help to do this terrific plan, and firstly she was hoping to our third antagonist-Mirage
Mirage is Demon-Oni, which (in my headcanon at least), can take over the body of various species. A long time ago, after Jestine's failed coup d'etat, Oni was subjected to genocide for that, they was supporting Jestine in coup. But Malvada saved Mirage from fate to being killed in massacre. Despite she was owe him for that, Mirage wants something more that just being a puppet in someone's hands. Once she discovered information about Sun Wukong's rod-Artefact, which can gave to his user the power, which subject only for chosen one. So after this, she make the escape plan alongside with Phineas-at this moment, lover of Jestine (Yeah, i used some old canon things in my HC). They escaped because of Gale, in which Mirage take over. Now Mirage and Phineas want to find this artefact to become most powerful subject in the world. But someone also wants to take this power, like how our fourth and last character in this time-Tha-Haarut
Tha-Haarut is a right hand of Jestine. He's a Deity of Fantasies and caretaker of Jestine's daughter. But as a Mirage he's not loyal to Malvada, but wants to not show this. He was obsessed by idea being most powerful deity in Panteon (place where living various deities, like how Autumn or Heff. At this moment the most powerfull deity in Panteon is Father Sky), so when Mirage discovored the existance of Sun Wukong's rod, Tha-Haarut decided to find this artefact for all cost. (Yeah. I know that he looks like how piece of ShiihS, so wait for redesing of him)
That's all. Malvada is only at last guys. The most main antagonist is so important for Zoophobia's universe, that he needs to other page.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
i’m so happy your requests are open again omg!! i think i’ve read pretty much everything you’ve ever written on this blog sdjfgifakskfk
i’m asking for any type of romantic headcanons involving brandon stark. like, a marriage between him and a lady from the stormlands, family/kids hcs, jealousy hcs or literally anything you want. i’ll literally read anything you write <3 if you don’t have the muse for this, that’s completely okay too !!
Oh, my cup runneth over with choices! Hmmm .... for now ill do a little bit of everything? Mostly relationship and domestic HC's 🤔
To start with! When it comes to an arranged marriage, he's initially huffy about it ... until he realizes she's pretty and interesting and whoops he's like a boy trying to impress her before the wedding. Lyanna especially teases the hell out of him for this change of heart. Ironically a lady whose more closed-off, shy or nervous will get a much gentler side to him, whereas one whose more outgoing or friendly will get his full gregarious self. He isn't really aware of it, but a lot of this trying so hard is because he'd like her to be comfortable and happy in Winterfell. Brandon's parents were happily married, and if he really sat with himself about it, he'd want his relationship to be the same - but he knows that's a pipe dream in Westeros, so trying to start off on the right foot with his new bride is important to him.
Now, if this was someone he was familiar with for a while, like a lady whose also a Northerner, Brandon is much less anxious. If anything, he's probably more boisterous and himself because he feels more comfortable. He "gets" Northern girls, and he gets you. You're more familiar and therefore he's less nervous about "messing up".
And the thing is, Brandon can become very attached with the right lady. Even if she doesn't fully feel the same yet, he's finding himself wanting to do things for her. He wants to be lordly and gallant and all those things he used to make fun of in the songs. He wants to get flowers delivered to her (isn't that what ladies like?) and help her up on her horse (he's pretty sure she rides ...?) and carry her over the snow and mud (though, the Winterfell yard is well kept, so ...). Alright, maybe that doesn't pan out, but he can still impress her with his hunting and swordsmanship and show her all over Winterfell. The Stark siblings are having a field day with all this and his father is just happy he's too busy to sleep around.
There's also the matter of jealousy, and it's something that shows up early. It's a childish sort of jealousy at first, especially if his lady is lovely and not from the North, therefore many lords want to see her and speak with her during feasts. He wants to interrupt them and take her away, and if he's drinking he's only more obvious about it. It's gotten some of the court to whisper, look how taken the wolf lordling is with his bride. He just frowns and sulks if you, his father or Lyanna scold him about how boyish it is.
(Now, if there was a serious breach of etiquette, like a lord taking too many liberties during a feast or Brandon was feeling some fierce insecurity ... Yeah, the dueling swords are coming out, if he doesn't just wring the man's neck with his bare hands. In the North, you fuck around and find out).
He's the sort of person who really needs to be in love with their spouse, or at least fond of them, even if he knows that's childish to expect. He'd start to become lonely and listless otherwise, his eye prone to wandering to other women, wondering why his house isn't like the warm and happy family he was raised in. He'll always love any children, though he's not always the most attentive father. Twins? Oh, he won't tell them apart until they're ten. His daughter wants a sword? Sure, sure, let her have steel, that's what he practiced on. A child wants to ride? Well, why not come up on the warhorse with him, no need to start with a pony - you get the picture.
Now if he is in love with his spouse, it's utterly obvious, just like his early infatuation and jealousy was. He'll trust her completely and be grateful to her for many things, not just raising children and helping him with the more infuriating parts of running the house, like numbers and logistics for guests. He doesn't like leaving his wife for a long period of time, even if his brothers are there to protect her. He'll give her a tight, long embrace before leaving and takes her in his arms once he's back. He always wants to kiss and touch, even in inappropriate places (old servants warn the new people about which rooms and halls to avoid). It's not hard at all for the new Lady Stark to get Brandon wrapped around her finger.
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mothstache · 1 year
Random Susie hc time
bursts down the door violently killing 2 people instantly
I love Susie and I also love brainrotting over my hcs for her. So for once I will be sharing some of those hcs! Everything is under the cut for ease of access.
First of all, anyone who has followed me longer than 2 seconds will know how much I love my shark Haltmann hc. I don't care that I make him look completely different from canon or tumblr sexymanified, he's a literal loan shark in my heart and I love him. in my verse, Haltmann is a type of alien called 'sonar sharks' that originate from a Subnautica-esque planet covered in 95% water. This planet is Haltmann's home planet and is very technologically advanced despite society being primarily underwater. A lot of sonar sharks live on this planet and are one of the major species there.
Sonar sharks are naturally extremely bulky (I mean look at that guy) and very physically powerful. They are extremely voracious as they have to eat a LOT to keep up their weight and overall health. Not eating enough can make their health and mental state deteriorate rapidly.
Where does Susie come into the picture here? She's Haltmann's daughter but looks almost nothing like him. While I hc her mother was a different species than Haltmann (the same species as the mage sisters, in fact) Susie seemingly possesses none of the natural heftiness that Haltmann has whatsoever.
My hc is that she SHOULD have at least some of the chub Haltmann has - she just never got the chance to develop it properly. Every Kirby fan and their mothers know how her backstory goes, she was whisked away into Another Dimension as a child. In my verse, she was 12 when that happened, at an age where she was only a few years away from putting on more natural weight like her father.
In Another Dimension, she was teleported to a remote location away from any nearby society that could have offered her food - dropped off in the middle of the wilderness essentially. And here she had to fight to survive near constantly - which included fighting for food. It was hard to come by, so she didn't always have a lot of it, and ended up having to ration it the best she could.
Even when she made it back to society in this dimension, most of her time was occupied by working with anyone she could there to find a way home, back to her father.
And we all know how that must've turned out when she finally got home...
So. Working at the HWC, with a PLETHORA of food available, she still rationed her eating out of habit from all her years stuck in the wilderness of a foreign dimension. To add to this, she constantly lived under the stress of the expectations of the dictatorship-like company, as well as anxiety about the plan she was putting into place (her plan to steal Star Dream).
As a result from barely eating during teenhood, a critical time for growing, as well as living under so much stress and repression that she barely ate, Susie has been eating irregularly for over 10 years in my verse. As such, she's very thin for being part sonar shark, as well as rather runty compared to her father.
Luckily, post-Planet Robobot, after working and working to make amends with Dreamland, Susie is able to start healing emotionally in my AU, as well as physically. She starts learning to eat more (with help from Kirby ofc) and slowly but surely, starts putting on her natural weight. This improves her health considerably - she would often get sick a lot, but on the HWC they had systems to combat sickness she would use. Nowadays she doesn't need to worry about that as she doesn't become ill nearly as much. She's considerably less snappy, and her mental attitude about various things has improved for the first time since childhood.
Does she still have trauma and struggle with a lot of shit? YES very much so. but in my verse, she is happier, healthier and healing, which is very important to me for a character like her.
If you read this to the end CONGRATS and thank you so much for hearing my insane rambles :)
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Can you do Parenting Hcs for Candace please? :3
Parenting HCs - Candace
A/N: Well hello there, dear Anon. Here you go. I wanted to include Barbara as well, but I just don't... feel her. I hope it's alright with you, anon-who-requested-her-earlier. Enjoy!
CW: Male!Reader, religious themes.
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Candace is a very religious woman, and so she follows her duties. She desires to fulfill her role, described in the sacred books of Al-Ahmar, as both a wife and a mother. 
But if you ask her personally? You’ll earn a chuckle from her as she wraps her arms around your waist. It’s the most beautiful thing to do in this world, she’ll say. 
Candace is patient, and fully willing to wait until you’re comfortable with having kids with her. 
She’ll slowly discuss the matter with you over a few months, making sure to cover every millimeter of the topic. The last thing she wants to do is half-ass parenthood. 
Candace has read through the holy texts many times, and the image of a perfect family stuck to her. A son for you to take care of, and a daughter for her to teach would be just ideal. Even better if they’re twins. 
After you do the necessary things, Candace is going to pray a lot. She will pray for fertility (yours as well), for the health of both hers and her offspring’s, and for their safety in the future. She served The Mournful King well throughout her entire life so far, and she’s willing to do so for the rest of it. The only thing she wants in return is these three blessings. 
While you pick up her duties of protecting the village by force, Candace is going to be surrounded with only the best of care. Throughout her many years of service to Aaru Village, Candace has helped many female inhabitants with the entire process. They want to repay her in any way they can. 
To make sure the children come into the world safely, Dehya will hire the best obstetricians from Sumeru. It’s the least she can do for her dear friend. 
Speaking of Dehya, the bond between the two women will deepen. Dehya isn’t going to pass up an opportunity to protect Candace for once. There’s no way she’ll dodge the shopping expedition as well. It’s going to turn out to be quite a commercial spree, with them buying everything from jewelry to children’s clothing.
And when it comes to the little ones, Dehya is going to become their third favorite person. She’s going to take them on trips through the desert, just like she does with Dunyarzad. She won’t skip on the chance to teach them how to fight as well, just like her father had taught her before. 
Deshret have mercy on those who happen to raise their hand on Candace, you or the kiddos - because Dehya certainly won’t. They’ll take a trip to the wilderness and never return, or a group of friendly Eremites will visit them one day, offering to go for ‘drinks’. Either way, they won’t get the chance to hurt any of you while Dehya is on guard. 
As said before, Candace follows the family model displayed in her holy scriptures. 
She’s going to pass down every tradition and every bit of culture she remembers onto her children. It’s only natural that she wants to preserve her people’s history. She’s going to encourage the kids to pray with her and attend ceremonies or sacrifices as well. 
She’ll do most of the house work after having children. She knows that you can handle the fighting well enough, and caring for her little ones brings her the utmost of joys. 
Even when she has to wake up in the middle of the night. It’s no problem most of the time, since life in the desert happens after dark. Sure, the little ones can be a handful, but just seeing them grow and develop makes all the trouble worth it. 
While she leaves the son for you to guide and teach, the daughter will be hers. She’s going to teach all the important values she was taught at that age - family first and foremost. She’s going to show her how to do house chores, how to cook, but also how to defend herself. 
Oh, and dancing. The two are going to dance a lot. Obviously, those won’t be the same types of dances Candace shows you behind closed doors. 
When it comes to her male heir, the books suggest he take on the role of a warrior. But, as he got older and started coming back with more and more injuries, Candace started losing her confidence on that. 
It’s just that… seeing her child hurt harmed her as well. Every time they winced while she was putting on dressings, every time they said that the injuries weren't that bad… her heart ached. So she’ll try to steer her son away from getting himself in danger, but ultimately it depends on whether he wants to fight or not.
10/10. Candace is spiritual, but she isn’t unwilling to skip the more… questionable passages and directives. That makes her a great mother, and ensures that her children won’t be immoral or uncultured. Whenever you need her, Dehya will also be backing you two up.
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Thanks for reading!
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eclipsecrowned · 1 month
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hc: evi & the lopen, perhaps.. // @nectaric
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For some overlap with my chosen FC, I actually write Evi as not being wholly Riran! She has a Shin grandfather hidden back on the family tree. She has never brought this up since fleeing East, because she doesn't need to deal with that while already handling Alethi xenophobia. Was mildly afraid that her children would give it away and be crem-sized --
Evi is a creative! I don't know if she registers herself as such, but she does have some artistic pursuits. She picked up a knack for storytelling when she was traveling, which we later see her carry on with Ren. She also likes to paint, but prefers landscapes to portrait work. She sees storytelling as something collaborative with her audience, and her painting as collaboration with the earth and the forces that occupy it. She fears describing it as 'art' properly somehow solemnizes acts she takes plain joy in.
She dealt with depression on and off throughout her life. From fleeing her homeland in the night to the very end of her story, she's been dealt a hard hand the whole way through. Evi has her own personal fixes for when she feels herself going 'away,' long walks, time with her boys when she can handle it, her hobbies, but sometimes it still presses against the surface of her stillwater facade. It spiked most noticeably after her eldest was born, as the one two punch of 'my son will never know my half of his heritage' and 'my husband is leaving me alone again,' to a point she struggled to function and others took note.
Evi truly wanted a daughter, someone to be gentle to, someone the ways of war and conquest could not take from her. Evi never would have forgiven herself if she had given birth to a daughter. She never wanted to bring anyone into the back-biting society that made her feel so small, to raise her treasure to hide her hand and her desires and her truths.
Ialai lied. Evi was not some wanton, exotic scandal waiting to swallow her betrothed whole. However, she did think the safehand thing was a little funny, and delighted in teasing her husband with it. Before the boys were born, she'd sometimes freehand in their private chambers, and laugh at how she could fluster the man all others feared. She had to laugh. She had to see him as something else to cope, and he was so easily ruled by the mere glimpse of skin that to her still seemed so innocent.
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It has been a minute since I read through the scene where the Lopen's family is all together, but I like to imagine he just has a ton of sisters. I don't know if he's an only son, but he's definitely outnumbered. I also think he's the baby of his family, which helped him get so smug and bold in life.
Spent a bit of time in his childhood being 'The Man of The House' whenever his father went out looking for work. Depending on the state of his Alethkar, work for immigrants could be in short supply. So clearly all his older cousins should listen to him, on account of his being so mature and important.
I think the lost his arm/made a slave plotlines actually overlap. 'Being Annoying' is an explanation for why his people wanted him gone, but would not be a valid enough reason for him to get the boot from superiors, unless the xenophobia in-universe is way darker than what is depicted on page. Between his immediate family being well established in the Camp as well as the estimate of his slave brands age, I think he was one of those teenage boys trying to make something of himself in war and got eaten alive, whether as a soldier or in some support role. Got injured. Survived, but not with his arm intact. See, now he's annoying and no longer able-bodied. It's the perfect storm for his squad to turn on him and literally sell him upriver a few years prior to canon -- and for the loss to be recent enough he hasn't internalized his status as an amputee.
Smarter emotionally than he -- or anyone -- gives him credit for. Can be short-sighted about his own behavior and its impact, but is particularly adroit about other people. He has a knack for coming around and helping Ax's Kal, for instance, or getting Pupper's Szeth to actually let down at least one wall. He recognizes there's men from the original crew that need to confront and work through their lingering feelings towards Gaz to keep the peace between respective Orders in he future.
Most likely to turn to locker room talk. Not in the sense of degradation or reducing someone to what he finds attractive, but more 'I have no filter and I'm about to educate you naco.' At present his record is giving one of my OCs a thorough understanding of techniques when on weapon maintenance duty and having sent Ax's Kal zooming off in mortification in separate incidents --
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godsofhumanity · 1 year
Athena’s relationships with the rest of the olympians ( + hades and persephone) hcs??
he's her father, and more importantly, her king.
i think Athena is fairly loyal to Zeus, and she respects him, BUT, she doesn't agree with everything he does.
Athena's first and most important goal in life is to serve JUSTICE, and sometimes she perceives that Zeus isn't just. that's when she tends to participate in Hera's rebellions.
but chiefly, she respects him a lot, and upholds/enforces his word.
in terms of father-daughter relationships, Zeus embarrasses Athena a lot.. she doesn't laugh at his dad jokes, just rolls her eyes.. the prank's on her though because any reaction is a good reaction to Zeus, and he gets a kick out of embarrassing any of his children, Athena included.
Athena tries not to act like she's Zeus' favourite, but she knows that Zeus is definitely the most lenient with her on account of her being his firstborn, and so, sometimes she does use this to her advantage (it's the strategic thing to do!).
already covered here
honestly? i don't think they have any particularly special relationships.. i don't see them interacting very much. they're civil/cordial with each other, but that's the extent.
Athena's mother will always only be Metis. and there's no other "living" god she would ever call "mother"... but i do like the idea that when Athena emerged, Hestia was the one who guided her around the place.
Hestia is the one who taught her about Olympus' history, about the social dynamics, about what to say and what not to say. Athena is a pretty rigid girl; she might say anything that came to her mind, but Hestia helps teach her to be a little more emotional.. a little more courteous.
she fills in the role that Metis would have served to a minor degree, and therefore, Athena always holds Hestia in high esteem.
she doesn't hate Poseidon, but she does find him irritating.
Athena and Poseidon are always at odds with each other, and unintentionally, they always seem to have the opposite opinion.. i like the idea of Zeus sitting on his throne with Athena on the right side and Poseidon on the left, and both are trying to tell him different things.
they glare at each other a lot from one side of the hall to the other.
a similar deal like with Demeter.. i don't see Hades and Athena talking too much. i think they both just hold each other up with mutual respect, but there's nothing special.
i'm not sure what the actual timeline is, but i like the idea that Persephone is already married to Hades by the time Athena emerges from Zeus' skull...
so even though Athena is actually older than Persephone, because Persephone is a Queen and ranks slightly higher than Athena, i like the idea of Persephone acting a little bit like an older sister to Athena.
they probably don't talk too much, but Persephone is very lovely and civil to literally every single person ever, so they would most likely be friends.. or at least friendly acquaintances.
as the only other young, chaste goddess around Olympus, i think Athena and Artemis have a natural friendship.
Artemis is excited when Athena is "born" because a) there's another goddess beside her, and b) Athena is likeminded with Artemis.. not just in their decision to remain chaste, but their "unemotionalness" (idk what the word is), and their desire to live their own lives on their own terms.
prior to Athena's birth, i think Apollo would assume the position of "eldest child", even though he's not. Artemis doesn't really want anything to do in Olympus, so she's usually off in the wilderness, which kinda just leaves Apollo there to deal with Hermes, Ares, and later Dionysus; Olympus' favourite troublemakers.
then when Athena arrives, she brings with her a new sense of authority and control that rivals Apollo, so i can see him getting a bit sidelined when Athena first arrives-- the boys listen to Athena immediately, but will throw a bit of a fuss when Apollo tells them the exact same thing she does.
over time of course, Athena and Apollo build a good rapport with each other. they don't really fight too much, and they both sort of pick on each other the way friends tease each other.
all in all; they're good to each other.
Hermes isn't a child, but compared to all the other gods, he definitely gets treated like one because he's so mischievous.
Athena 100% fits the "elder sister" category with Hermes, and he does pretty much anything she tells him to.
they get along very well (who doesn't get along with Hermes??), and i can imagine Hermes expressing any doubts he has to Athena first and foremostly. they have a lot of trust between each other.
Ares and Athena have always been at odds with each other due to Zeus assigning Ares' domain to Athena.
their rivalry is mostly charged by Ares who believes it to be his, but Athena doesn't really perceive Ares as much competition so she shuts him down a lot.
that being said, i like the idea that sometimes Athena and Ares are quite in sync with each other... they have a similar tastes and ideas.
most importantly, i like the idea that Ares and Athena train together a lot-- they're the only ones who can really keep up with each other.
i'm aware of the dark side of Hephaestus and Athena's relationship, but i've erased it from my personal hc's because it doesn't really contribute anything to either gods' characters.
i actually like the idea of Athena and Hephaestus having a really good, friendly relationship.
in the beginning, i do agree that Hephaestus is in love with Athena- and being Zeus' son, he's arrogant and full of himself like his father, and can't imagine Athena ever refusing to marry him... until she does. repeatedly.
i have a hc that Athena, sick of Hephaestus' propositions, makes a bet with him-- she'll marry him willingly, without complaint, IF he can win against her in a duel. BUT, if Hephaestus loses, then he has to promise he'll never pursue Athena again but will support her decision to remain chaste and even defend it. and Hephaestus, already strong and pretty toned from all the blacksmithing he does, is like "sure, easy".
naturally, Athena wins.. she's a war goddess. and so from then on, Hephaestus is forced to give up his dream girl... and with time, his little crush dissolves and Athena and Hephaestus actually become very close.
he makes her all the latest weapons and tech, and she is one of the few gods who actually come down occasionally to spend time in the forge.
when Hephaestus has his troubles with Aphrodite and he intends to humiliate her and Ares by stringing them up and putting them on display, i like the idea that Athena, worried about Hephaestus' anger and obsession, attempts to convince him to settle things normally, with his words, because she knows he'll regret it later.. of course, she's unsuccessful, but she at least tries.
also, Hephaestus and Athena are sort of equal with each other. Hephaestus, Apollo, and Athena share a special bond in which they kinda all can tell each other the truth about how a situation is without the other party getting jealous or irritated...
for example, i like the idea of Hephaestus calling Athena out on her pettiness for cursing Arachne and Medusa when she attempts to call Hephaestus out on his pettiness for wanting to humiliate Ares and Aphrodite. no other god could speak to Athena like that and live to tell the tale. Apollo could have pulled this off as well, i believe.
honestly? again, nothing special. the way Athena is with Hermes is the way she is with Dionysus also.
they're CIVIL to each other, but mostly, they don't really get along too much.
things started out bad when Aphrodite cheated on Hephaestus (due to Athena and Hephaestus being close).. so i think Athena never really had that high of an opinion of Aphrodite.
but things become even worse after the whole Trojan war stunt when Athena loses out to Aphrodite in a beauty competition.
all in all, Aphrodite's probably irritates Athena the most in the world. it doesn't help that Aphrodite is tight with Poseidon, whom Athena also doesn't get along with too much.
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danganronpafan777 · 2 years
How about some wedding HCS for the SDRA Girls with there Y/N
Alright, here are some awesome drawings by Vvaochan!
Kizuna Tomori:
Prepare for the most luxurious wedding ever
She's definitely going all out!
Perfect dress, perfect makeup, perfect cake...
You'll probably get married in a fancy chapel, she might consider the beach for the opportunity to wear a bikini, but the sand would just annoy her
She'll invite a lot of people to show you off, but will mostly interact with her close friends and family
Kizuna can't believe that after treating men like servants for years, she finally found someone who loved her for who she is rather than her looks
You say that in your vows, about how you love her for who she is, and no matter how much age diminishes her beauty, you'll stay by her side
She wills herself not to cry, to not look weak in front of so many people and because her makeup cost a fortune
Her own vows are pretty simple, she'll talk about how you changed her for the better and how happy she is to be with you
Her mom congratulates the two of you after the ceremony, and tells you how happy she is to have you as a son/daughter in law
Kiyoka Maki:
Kiyoka is very adventurous, so your wedding is probably at a beach in some foreign country
Your wedding would probably be more vibrant and colorful than a typical wedding, and Kiyoka would probably wear a brightly colored dress instead of a typical white wedding dress
(Obviously you can wear whatever you want, she wants you to know that it's your special day as well)
She doesn't care much for a luxurious or expensive wedding, she just wants a big cake
If you're a guy, Ryutaro is probably your best man, but if not, then Kiyoka would want him to be the ring bearer
Kiyoka is shocked that she's actually getting married, having so many goals and dreams in her life and having an other half to do them with
She probably stressed over her vows for weeks, but talked about how much she loved you for how supportive you were, and all the things she wanted to do with you and all the places she wanted to go
Ryutaro cried a bit but would absolutely never admit it
The two of you try to smudge cake on the other's face
She'd try to lift you up bridal style just for the fun of it  
Rei Mekaru:
Rei is happy with a small and classy wedding
She would like to be married in a nice chapel or even in a library
She would wear a red or a golden wedding dress as she walks herself down the isle
Rei's personality is usually cold, but her vows will blow you away
The years you spent together, opening her up to people all prepared her for this moment to openly say how much she loves you and wants to be with you forever
She pulls you in for the kiss as soon as Kinji stops taking
She's probably forced you to take a dance class for the slow dance between the two of you, but your clumsiness still makes her smile
After everything she went through in her life, being bullied and left on the streets, this is the happy ending she wanted for herself
And she couldn't be happier to spend her future with you
Mikako Kurokawa:
Your wedding is in a place that's important to the two of you, whether it's where you first met or a place where you had one of your first dates
Mikako wears a white or light purple wedding gown, and the purple beads stay on
Yamato is crying the entire time, and also makes a long but sweet toast to the two of you
Mikako's adoptive father holds her hand and walks her done the aisle
She worked really hard on her vows, going to Yamato for advice more than once, but she clearly captured how much you mean to her
She tosses the bouquet and Yamato accidentally flips over a table trying to get it
You take her hand and the two of you dance in each other’s arms as your favorite songs plays overhead
The day ends with you both sharing a loving kiss under the stars, as Mikako promises herself to never take her ring off
Ayame Hatano:
Ayame would want you to have a say in what you’d like the wedding to be like, but would like a wedding on a nice and open field
She’d wear a simple but elegant wedding dress, either white, red, or golden
She invites all her classmates and teammates, and wants them to enjoy themselves as much as she will
You have to remind her that the day is literally about her (To which she argues that it’s about you too)
For her vows, she’s bright red and rambling about how much she loves you and everything that the two of you do
(She wrote her vows beforehand, but once she started talking about how much she loved you, she couldn’t stop)
Ayame’s father walks her down the isle, as Akane, her maid of honor, cheers her on
Even though she’s kissed you hundreds of times by now, the blush on her face won’t go away, especially if you end up picking her up bridal style
As red as she is the entire day, Ayame still believes the wedding to be the best day of her life, and couldn’t be more excited to spend her future with you
Akane Taira:
She'd enjoy a fancy wedding
Besides her classmates, there's not a lot of people who would show up for her
Some of her coworkers cater and help set up the event (You have to stop her from doing everything herself)
She's happy to see her friends enjoy themselves and the two of you having the best and most romantic day of your lives
She decides to make your wedding cake herself, adding toppers of the two of you
She spent weeks perfecting her vows, and half the attendants are in tears by the end of it
She purposely throws the banquet to Ayame and Utsuro makes an awkward toast to the two of you, but you get the message
She makes sure that you have as much a day in the wedding as she does, the two of you picking out the songs together
She also picks you up bridal style for the wedding picture
As you slide the ring on her finger, the both of you share the meaningful kiss, tying the knot once and for all.
Satsuki Iranami:
This is gonna be a wild wedding-
Color. Everywhere.
She doesn't care for an expensive wedding, but wants the biggest cake that she can buy
Satsuki hates dresses, so she'll either suck it up or wear a colorful suit
Keisuke walks her down the isle and later makes a toast to the two of you
Her vows mostly consist of inside jokes between the two of you
She has a fair share of jokes in her speech, but she makes it clear that her love for you is and was never a joke
Also, she's definitely going to smother your face in cake. You have literally no say in it
She doesn't leave your side for a moment, she's so excited to take the next step with you
Kanata Inori:
She'd prefer a simple but sweet wedding at a chapel or courthouse
She's not very picky, mostly making sure that you're happy
She would wear a sweet and elegant gown that her and her father picked out
Kanata invites as many of her colleagues and classmates as she can, making sure that there are other surgeons to cover everyone's shifts
She would like a vanilla wedding cake with toppers of the two of you
Her adoptive father walks her down the isle, beginning to cry a bit
It took her a while to write her vows, but they are meaningful to the both of you and speak from the heart
She knows her job is time consuming, but she couldn't be happier to have met you, the love of her life
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Samatoki as a father (with daughter)
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I was writing one of the requests about characters interacting with their daughter, yet ended up writing just general HC for Samatoki.. >_< Decided to make this as a separate post and start a new part for him
no reader, family relationship, fluff, just wholesome stuff;;
-Ok but really, he experienced such a bad childhood not for nothing, and now is willing to make everything so his precious daughter will never feel sad.
-Someone ever dares to laugh at her? Samatoki doesn't care who it is, even if it was a small mockery in school from her classmate he will talk with their parents, waiting for their apology. And if it was a whole adult then he wouldn't even try to control himself from teaching them a lesson.
-If she starts feeling sad or insecure after that, or maybe even without such an accident, he's here to listen. Yes, he's a harsh Yakuza who's known for his absolutely reckless behavior, but inside his house he's just a soft dad who's ready to sit with his precious angel and listen to her troubles.
-And despite always swearing half of his talk in normal life, he knows how to talk with deep words, and can soothe her. So many things that he finds adorable in his amazing, strong daughter! And Samatoki doesn't shy to talk about this, knowing how important some praise is for kids.
-Oh, and of course some pillow fights or tickles after she calms down and now needs to be cheered up! There's some childish bratty side in him that he unleashes only sometimes to fool around, and today is a perfect timing. A whole evening just for his daughter so she would always remember that her dad is always here to help and listen…
-Also, about supporting and praising. Any hobby, even an expensive one, is okay. There's no way Samatoki would be greedy when it's about his daughter and her development, buying all needed stuff. And of course if she wants to brag about her new painting or a new medal he would listen with interest.
-ESPECIALLY if it's some hobby where you have competitions or performances, he would visit all events to watch how bright his girl shines. Yes, this type of parent who's standing here with a camera and almost crying. And glance angry at all others who would think he's acting strange.
-Cause he's just a little bit overprotective. When she's just a newborn he would always ask his wife every day how their baby is. When she starts to go to school, he rides her here and back, and he doesn't care if at this moment something is happening on his 'work'. Even when she graduated from high school and got into university or college he still would call her to ask for her grades and more importantly about her well-being.
-Oh, and if she decided to start dating a boy.. This guy should be prepared as there's no way Samatoki wouldn't talk with him at least a few times, pretty angry and annoyed in the beginning. Very possessive father in this case, as he knows pretty well how stupid young boys can be.
-He was fighting the urge to control his daughter's phone and friends for her whole life but this is another occasion, and Samatoki would bother her with questions now. How does this guy treat her? And isn't he trying to do something bad?
-Oh, and if it actually would not be the love of her life but just a bad experience.. Never in his life he would scold her for that, blaming only this jerk. For his daughter, he would just spend a few days together with her, spoiling more than usual with presents and all this silly stuff like pillow fights again. Cause she doesn't need to know that her dad would actually pay this asshole back, no matter how much he hurts her feelings…
-Family is a very important part of his life and he values his wife and daughter deeply, holding them in the most sensitive part of his heart, so maybe his overprotective behavior can be forgiven.
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this isn't about natsu on his own but more of a natsu and lucy theory (or hc(?? since ik it won't be true) and the importance of their relationship and status as -both- mcs had mashima done things with a little more thought
basically it roots from anna's 400 year plan and the reason she decided to send the kids to that specific time to kill acnologia and it was because lucy is alive in this time
I don't believe for a second that anna was "the most powerful celestial wizard to ever have existed", not with lucy in the picture -and having seen literally not a single instance of anna using her powers- my hc starts with anna seeing through the eclipse gate and discovering one of her ascenders will hold an inmense ammount of power and unique relationship with the celestial keys when she grows up and that's when she makes up her mind, she will send the kids to a timeline where her most powerful family/clan(? member will be alive and be able to help them
and now onto the natsu part sorry this is getting long ndhsjf
I think zeref creating natsu was ultimately what made him lose his final straws of sanity tho I can't remember if this was canonically implied
but I also think he was sane enough to realize making so many demons as tests to revive natsu made him completely unable to raise his brother and in his last moment of conciousness he decided that anna and the dragons were far better options, even if it meant natsu was deliberately being used as a war pawn, so he used whatever remained of his power to make natsu more powerful to be able to survive this war and hopefully being able to kill him as his way for atoning for not being the brother natsu deserved to have
and there you have it, pretty much natsu and lucy's relationship was threaded by fate and the plan was for the dragons slayers to kill acnologia under the support of the actual most powerful celestial wizard that has existed or will ever exist
you can think of little moments under this pretext, like why was lucy's father set up on bringing his daughter back after finding out she's part of fairy tail, or how natsu and lucy together was the catalyst a handful of characters needed to surpass their traumas
idk I like them both a lot be it platonically or romantically, mashima could've expanded their relationship so much more 🤧 but anyways hope you liked my derrangedness
I know u sayin a lot right now but i have to let u know in the midst of your paragraphs i zoomed tf in on this point specifically
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Cause i sorta wrote a whole ass essay some time ago bout that and it activated my neurons.
Anyways! Onto your actual ask!
Honestly we share a pretty similarish school of thought on the situation there as a whole. With regards to how the heartfilia's got thrown into the mix (and Anna. I have, mixed thoughts on how she was used in the final arc and just her being there in the present the whole time. Home girl would've been a much more interesting character if her role stayed in the past and her connection to the dragons expanded on but! Gettin off track!)
I think the only part here where we may differ majorly is around where you said this-
but I also think he was sane enough to realize making so many demons as tests to revive natsu made him completely unable to raise his brother and in his last moment of conciousness he decided that anna and the dragons were far better options
It's just in my head I always found it so hard to wrap my head around the idea of Zeref doin all that to just give away Natsu. It always felt so hard to believe that mans literally undid the fabric of death to give away his hard work.
(Note this is not a jab at you for using it! It's just me disliking it in canon lol, I personally don't like using that reasoning. Plus with my mental characterization of Zeref he doesn't feel like the type to atone or fix his wrongs to me so can't really see him doing certain things willingly. Forgive me i'm sittin on a whole ass different characterizations and plot beats that im holdin onto for the thing i'm writing that i dont wanna rlly let loose yet)
But like, you're right! Natsu n Lucy work as a neat package deal of MCs! Two weirdos! Blah blah the demon and the star child, blah blah the writer and the guy who's a book. Daddy issues but in opposite directions! It's fun that they're linked with each other! Wish it was used more :)
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