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luckytidbit · 2 months ago
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DAY FIVE: Mistletoe <3
Well… you were warned.
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twelverriver · 1 year ago
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strideofpride · 2 years ago
our girl Lemon Breeland <3
First impression
Honestly, don't really remember sorry (this is gonna be a theme). I think I was kind of just like...okay. Antagonist alert. I don't remember when I first fell in love with her, maybe late season 1?
Impression now
Love of my life!!!!!! Truly though, Lemon is one of my favorite characters of all time. The amount of time I've spent thinking about her, analyzing her...unquantifiable.
Favorite moment
Her telling off her mother and then inviting Scarlett out to brunch with her and Magnolia <3 <3 <3 v v important to me.
Idea for a story
I'm gonna preface this with that I'm probably never going to write it, because to be very frank, posting non Zade hod fic feels like talking to a brick wall, but I got a mini fic idea last week in my head of when it comes time to start trying for a family with Lavon, Lemon goes to Zoe for advice because obviously she wouldn't go to Brick on best practices for conception and what not and Zoe's just like. No thank you. And then Lemon threatens to get her medical license revoked if she doesn't help lololol
Unpopular opinion
I don't feel like there's a ton of disagreement in the hod fandom lol but I will say I do not at all like any sort of headcanon that involves Lemon having an unplanned pregnancy. She already had one child kinda dumped on her to take care of, let the next one be on her own terms!!!!!!
Favorite relationship
Ugh, this is hard but I think I ultimately have to go with Lavon. They just...they're just so perfect for each other in every way and I don't think people realize that cause of the bad timing when they first met and the George of it all but like. Idk the fact that Lemon considers Lavon to be the love of her life before they even officially get together, and not George, really says it all to me. Like I'm actually mad we only got the one flashback, cause clearly whatever they had during that six week affair was so insanely deep and beautiful and ugh. And also the fact she dresses younger when she's with him is not a coincidence that costume design is intentional!!!!! Lemon was forced to grow up so fast and preparing to be George's housewife was a big part of that and it's important to me that it was Lavon who brings out Lemon's girlboss side, that first starts as his campaign manager. It's important to me that she dresses younger in that one photo of her he kept and that she is dressed the youngest she ever has been in season 4 when they're getting together. Like it's all so!!!! Lavon brings Lemon back to the person she was before her mother left and the world was still full of possibilities for her!!! Again, it's also not a coincidence that her mother comes back right as she's about to get together with Lavon!!!!
Favorite headcanon
It's not even really a headcanon it's pretty much canon (to me) but Lemon's initial dislike of Zoe is entirely because she thinks Lavon is dating her, and has nothing to do with George until several episodes into s1 when she realizes Zoe likes him (also there's hella projection on Lemon's part as well because she thinks Zoe is attractive and has no idea what to do with that information)
send me a character and i'll tell you
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robotstrategy · 10 months ago
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Rewired • Part 2/2
Previous Part
10 - Bad Trip
Hayden isn’t really sure when he wakes up, an hour, two hours maybe, all he knows is that when looks at Roland his eyes are completely bloodshot, and he’s got a really goofy expression on his face. 
“Hi yin-ass, are you enjoying my man-titties?”
The ridiculousness of whatever just came out of Roland's mouth makes Hayden sit up and burst out laughing.
“Oh? You think I’m funny?” Roland asks.
“Hah, well you put me there, so I think you’re even more of a yin-ass.”
“Well, you stayed there.”
“You wanted me there.”
“Man, I must really like weird boys like you.”
“Hey! I’m not weird.”
“Noooooooooo, I’m pretty you said your favourite food was Spam one time in the basement, so do you still like Spam, Spam-eater?”
“I do, but at least I eat it in style now.”
Roland laughs. “How can you eat Spam in style, that’s impossible.”
“Ever heard of Spam musubi?”
“Well, it’s a slice of Spam on rice wrapped in seaweed.”
“That sounds, really fucking good. Anything sounds really fucking good right now.”
Hayden giggles. “Oh, whoops, I forgot to feed you earlier.” He feels Roland palm his face, putting pressure on his nose so that it goes up like a pig's snout. “Asshole,” Roland says.
Hayden moves Roland’s hand away from his face; he sets it down and moves all the way off Roland.
“Aww, don’t go.” Roland puts both his hands up and tries to grab for Hayden.
“I’m not going anywhere, I’m just getting off you.”
“But now I feel so lightweight, so empty, so incomplete.”
Hayden reaches over to pat Roland’s cheek. “Oh boo hoo, you’ll survive.”
Roland folds his arms. “You know what? I could live with you.” 
Hayden raises his eyebrows and smiles. “Really?”
“Yeah, I could do research with you, do rich people stuff with you, talk shit on your radio show, and go to parties with you.”
“I don’t think we’ve got the best history with parties. There’s that time I had so many microphones in my face, and another time a lot of girls tried to hit on me…”
“And that date.” Roland giggles. 
Hayden laughs “Yeah, that was pretty stupid.” 
11 - Party
Hayden becomes more and more tipsy as he drinks, it’s alarming because he’s only had one drink. Roland feels bad whenever he gives Hayden the cold shoulder, but he can’t help it if all he can think about is his ex. It’s honestly driving Roland miserable and insane. He looks back over at Hayden, who’s starting to act like Roland’s mother, well, when she’s drunk, at least he's not berating him.
Honestly, anytime he looks at that drunk person he’s just reminded of his mother and stepfather. That’s why he’ll never drink, he doesn’t want to end up hurting someone like they hurt him. 
Hayden hums a tune, it’s very off-key. 
“What are you humming?” Roland asks.
“Twinkle, twinkle, little star.” 
“Really? Sounds more like you’re trying to summon a demon.” 
“Whatever hot stuff.” 
Roland won’t lie, all this flirting and complimenting is getting to him, but then it’s being constantly shrouded by all the flirting and complimenting Trevor used to do. He can’t even totally like the fact that Hayden got him flowers without thinking about how Trevor also got him flowers. At least with Hayden Roland likes him, even if they don’t end up together, it won't be awkward, they’ll just stay friends. Unlike Trevor, whom Roland couldn’t even bear to be in the same room as him after the assault. 
Hayden gently grabs his hand, swaying it back and forth. “Are you having fun?” He asks.
“We haven’t really been having fun yet, but the food is good,” Roland replies. 
“We can go dance.” He suggests. 
Roland laughs in spite of himself. “I think you're too drunk to do that now.”
Hayden gets up. “I’m not that drruuuuunnk.” He slurs, he grabs Roland by the forearm and leads him to a bigger part of the mansion that’s currently being used as a ballroom. “You wanna dance with me now?” Hayden asks. Roland looks off to the side, there’s a corner of the room that doesn’t seem so bright and noisy. “Could we dance over there?” Roland asks, pointing to the corner. 
“In the dark pit?” 
“That’s a corner, Hayden.”
“Oh, ok.”
Roland drags Hayden over to the corner, to his surprise when they get there Hayden slumps down into a squat. Roland kneels on the floor beside him. “Are you okay?” 
“I just want to sit down.”
“But you were just sitting.” 
“Hmm,” Hayden huffs, and he looks over to Roland. “Do you love me?” He asks. 
Roland is taken aback, he didn’t expect Hayden to be so blunt about it, but the next thing Hayden does shocks him even more. Hayden presses his lips against Roland’s, giving him a kiss. “Now you try.” 
Roland touches his lips in shock, he looks over at Hayden, who looks completely love-struck.
12 - Bad Trip
Roland’s eyebrows turn downward. “Yeah, it was,” He sneered. 
Hayden looks at Roland, puzzled and scared. 
“I thought we were going to hang out and dance together, instead you got yourself piss drunk and I had to drive you home.” 
Hayden, understanding that Roland is high out of his mind, tries to let him down easily. 
“You said you’d take me home.” 
Roland grabs for Hayden’s shirt, burying himself in it. 
“You reminded me of my parents, of my ex-boyfriend.” He cries. Hayden tries to pat Roland’s back, but he’s immediately met with a blood-curdling scream. “I thought I told you already, I’M SENSITIVE THERE!”
Roland gets off Hayden, stumbling over to the kitchen where he hides from his view between the counter and the island. 
Hayden gets up once he can’t hear Roland moving anymore, he goes over to the island and looks over it to see Roland. Roland wraps his arms around himself. “Go away, pervert!” He growls. 
“How am I a pervert?” Hayden asks. 
“Because,” Roland looks at himself, he then unwraps his arms and stretches out his legs. “Just go away!” 
Hayden goes back over to the couch and pretends to watch TV, in reality, he’s got a pretty good view of Roland from here even if Roland doesn’t notice. He wonders if Roland thinks the knobs on the drawers are eyeballs; it would explain the weird comment he got just now. 
13 - Party
“I, I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re drunk.” 
“But I want you to kiss me.” 
“Maybe another time.” ‘When I’m not thinking of my ex and you’re not completely and utterly drunk.”
Hayden frowns as he shakily gets up off the floor. “Then can we at least dance together?” He asks, annoyed. Roland quickly gets up to hold his hands, for the fear that Hayden might turn into something akin to his mother. 
As they sway Hayden looks lovingly at Roland, while he tries to avoid his gaze. Hayden tries to get closer, but Roland takes a step away. “Sorry,” Hayden whispers, at least he seems to be becoming more self-aware now.
Roland is embarrassed by Hayden, he thought tonight would awaken new feelings within him. Instead, he just sways half heartedly with his drunken date. “Mmm,” Hayden hums, he lays his chin into Roland’s neck. He starts to kiss it, and Roland can’t help but cry. He wants to enjoy Hayden’s affections, but with him being terribly drunk and Roland’s thoughts filled with Trevor, this experience is terrible. 
“I love you,” Hayden whispers into Roland’s ear.
“I know.” He cries back.
“Do you not love me back?” Hayden asks as he places another kiss on Roland’s neck, Roland doesn’t respond.
“Mmm, I don’t care anyway, I’ll love no matter what.” 
Now admittedly that sounded a little creepy, but Roland was happy he’d still have another chance with Hayden. Another time to actually love him back.
They sway for a little longer until Hayden’s face becomes noticeably red and Roland feels him sweating through his gloves. 
“Can we go to the bathroom?” Hayden quickly asks, Roland nods leading him to a bathroom nearby. Roland locks the door and braces himself for whatever he has to do to help Hayden. He turns around to see Hayden bent over the toilet bowl looking like he’s about to puke. Roland winces as he hears whatever Hayden ate coming back up and hitting the toilet water. He walks over to kneel beside him and starts brushing his hand on his back.
14 - Bad Trip
Hayden isn’t paying attention to what’s really on the TV, and he’s not really paying attention to Roland either. He’s busy dozing off until the appearance of Roland in front of him scares him awake.
“Do you like sharks?” Roland asks, Hayden looks him in the eyes, his scleras are light pink now, meaning he’s slowly coming off being high. Having a slight disagreement with him shouldn’t be such a hazard now.
“They're okay.”
Roland grunts, he looks at the TV, and Hayden looks up at it and realizes it’s playing a sea life documentary, right now it’s specifically talking about sharks.
“I like sharks,” Roland says, he goes over to the couch and climbs onto Hayden, he’s still looking at the TV. “I love sharks, I love…”
“Sharks?” Hayden tries to finish the sentence for him.
Roland lays down on Hayden’s chest, he stays silent for a moment or two. “Yeah.”
“Why did you come over here?” Hayden asks.
“The drawers were staring at me.” He responds, Hayden nods, having his suspicions affirmed.
Hayden starts combing through Roland’s hair as he watches the documentary, getting a little disappointed once they're done talking about sharks. 
“Are there any other sea creatures you like?”
“Nope, just sharks.”
“Hmm, I like seahorses, I think they look silly.”
“Don’t the guys get pregnant in that species?”
“I think so.” 
Roland shifts his head to look at Hayden. “I’m sorry I got mad at you.”
“It’s okay, you were pretty high.”
Roland frowns at him. “That’s not an excuse Hayden! That’s never an excuse!”
Hayden gets him to calm back down. “Alright, okay.” He tries to change the subject. “Earlier you said something about me reminding you of your ex.”
“Yeah… that’s kinda what was happening at the party. A girl told me that there’s a denial phase after an assault. I thought I had already gotten out of it before Lilian’s party, but I guess I didn’t.”
“Oh, Roland, we didn’t have to go to that party if you didn’t feel like it.”
“But I didn’t want to ruin it for you, and deep down I wanted to go too.”
Roland cuts him off. “Listen, I wanted to go to that party! I wanted to be in that mansion! And I wanted to be your date!” He sniffs. “Stuff like that happens every other day to you, I’m not going to give up on a chance to party at a mansion because my ex is making me moody.”
Hayden continues to comb Roland’s hair. “I wanted to be your date too, I wouldn’t have chosen anyone else if you weren’t feeling like it that night,” He looks him in the eyes. “And I’m sorry for getting drunk in front of you.”
Rolan looks away from him. “Is it bad that I’m about to sound like a hypocrite?”
Hayden laughs.
“I’m being serious,” He continues. “You only had one glass and your body just decided to screw you over.”
“Well, that’s why both of us have agreed that I should wait until I’m 21.”
Hayden sees Roland doze off and snap awake a few times. “Do you want to have a nap now?”
  “No, I want food.” He mumbles.
Hayden chuckles. “Alright,” He shifts Roland off of him so that he can reach his phone. “Does pizza sound good?”
“Anything sounds good.”
15 - Party
“I’m sorry,” Hayden heaved. “I didn’t mean to get this drunk.” He then hurls up more food. Roland combs back Hayden’s bangs as he keeps throwing up. At this point, it’s just water and spit coming out of Hayden’s mouth.
Hayden finally gets a few breaths in before weakly reaching up to the top of the toilet’s tank to hit the flush button. He then looks over all teary-eyed at Roland. “Are you mad at me?” He asks. 
“Why would I be mad at you?” 
“You, you said if I puked you’d be pissed.”
“Well, that was more for if you got sick in my truck,” Roland takes a tissue from the bathroom counter and wipes off Hayden’s mouth. “You didn’t sneak another few glasses past me did you?”
Hayden shakes his head, he then gets dizzy and grips back onto the toilet seat. 
“Careful!” Roland shouts. “I think your body just didn’t take it well.” He puts his hand under Hayden’s chin to get him to face him. “Next time let’s wait until you’re 21 to have alcohol.” 
Hayden softly nods, he gently pulls Roland’s hand from his chin and places it on his cheek. Roland sits there with him as Hayden closes his eyes, staying silent, almost as if he’s savouring the moment. He then opens his eyes and looks into Roland’s.
“I want to go home.” He whispers. 
“Ok.” Roland gets him off the ground and leads him out of the house. As they go through the main area Hayden winces and covers his ears from all the noise. Getting in the truck Hayden avoids making eye contact with Roland, something tells him that both he and Hayden are going to pretend this date never happened.
16 - Bad Trip
“This is the best pizza I’ve ever had. Is it authentic or something?” Roland asks as he shoves another slice down his throat.
“This is Dominos, you’re just still a little high.”
“Ah jeez, I’m gonna have horrible heartburn later.”
Hayden laughs. “I’ve got stuff for that if you need it,” He comes up to Roland. “What do you think about staying the night? We could watch a movie together in bed.” 
Roland blushes. “That sounds nice, but I don’t have anything to wear to bed.”
“I wouldn’t mind seeing you in the morning with nothing but underwear on.”
Roland scoffs. “Of course, you wouldn’t, fine, I’ll stay.”
“Great! Do you wanna watch a certain movie?”
“Yeah, a Hallmark movie.”
Hayden is taken aback. “Like, the Christmas ones.”
“Yeah, I hear they’re stupid funny.”
“Hah, yeah, they sure are cheesy.”
17 - Party
Roland settles Hayden onto his bed once getting him into his apartment, he grabs a glass out of Hayden’s cupboards and fills it with water. He sits with Hayden on the bed and makes him drink down the glass. Hayden clings onto him after finishing the glass of water, he holds him from the back, and Roland can feel Hayden’s forehead on his neck. “You should stay for the night,” Hayden mumbles.
“There’s not much of a place for me to stay,” Roland tells him. 
Hayden groans getting off the bed. “So you’re leaving then?” 
Roland nods.
“Then at least take the flowers I got for you home.” Hayden stumbles into another room before coming out with a little bouquet of blue flowers. Roland thinks they’re pretty until Hayden gets closer, only then does he realize what kind of flower that bouquet is made out of.
Hayden smiles. “They’re forget-me-nots because I never want you to forget about me.” 
Tears start welling in Roland’s eyes as he inches away from Hayden. 
“You can’t ignore me forever.” Trevor’s voice echoes in Roland’s mind.
“Do you not like them?” Hayden asks with worry in his voice.
“Get, get them away from me!” Roland yells.
“But there for you.” 
“I don’t want them!” Roland cries.
Hayden puts the flowers aside and sits back down with Roland. “I love you.” He tells him again. 
Roland looks away from him, he can’t take it anymore, and he starts getting up and walking to the door. 
“Roland come back!” Hayden calls out to him. 
Roland doesn’t even turn around to look at him one last time, he just opens the door, hearing Hayden call out to him for the last time before he closes the door behind him.
“I love you, Roland!”
18 - Roland
The movie ends in the predictable way all the movies do, they say ‘Merry Christmas’, they kiss, and the movie ends. 
“Wow, it ended just like we predicted,” Roland says sarcastically while nudging Hayden, no response. Roland looks over to see Hayden sleeping on his shoulder, Roland watches as Hayden’s unconscious body slowly goes forward, falling into Roland’s lap. Roland huffs, there’s no chance to sneak away into the guest bedroom anymore, he’s trapped.  
So he shifts himself downward into the covers. Looking at Hayden’s sleeping face he thinks up the idea of waking himself up early and leaving before Hayden wakes up. He pulls Hayden close and kisses him on the forehead.
“I love you too.”
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masoena · 6 months ago
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Kindling Sparks of Love
A fic for the Shadowhunters Reverse Bang 2024
Hey everyone, Cor321 came up with a wonderful prompt as part of the SH RB 2024 and here's the outcome of our collaboration.
Dive into this meet-cute but slightly explicit wonderful modern-day AU fic about a single dad Jace Hayland and firefighter Simon Lewis meeting in New York city. It's fluffy, meet-cute, a tiny bit smutty and but mostly wholesome end very happy. Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Jayce Wayland/Simon Lewis
Beta: @jld71
Artist: Cor321 on AO3 Fic on AO3 ~~~~~~ Art on AO3
This fic was created for the Shadowhunters Reverse Bang 2024: Presented by the @malecdiscordserver
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cengler42 · 2 years ago
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I finally got back to the painting table recently. Usually my long hiatuses from painting are because I get daunted by the prospect of how long it will take me to finish something so I don't start. My local game store (Black Knight Games) is doing one of their "Call to Arms" event which has spurred me on to productivity. A "Call to Arms" is essentially an achievement league for miniature painting whereby you have to take on a project of a certain scope and then work towards completing it by a certain date. You get small rewards for certain milestones and then a bigger reward if you complete your project by the deadline. Usually these Call to Arms events focus on army-scale games that I don't play but this summer they did a "Summer Skirmish" event for a variety of games so I dove in. I'll post details soon about that when I have my project finish (and I'm pleased to say I'm about 90% done with three weeks to go). The models I'm posting today are some that I painted on a short break from my Call to Arms project. I stumbled upon the Medieval Mayhem line of models from Hayland Terrain. They're inspired by the characters in Monty Python & the Holy Grail and they're delightful. They're very old-school in their sculpt style and composition but they're right up my alley. They remind me of Grenadier and Ral Partha models from the 1980s and the fact that their metal gives them a satisfying heft. As much as the plastic sculpts of modern plastic miniatures are better in almost every way in the detail department, there's just something about plonking down a metal model. I splurged and got their "Full Monty" set which has 60+ models, most of which are directly inspired by characters in 'Holy Grail plus a few extras like Merlin, Robin Hood, and The Sheriff of Nottingham. I started out with "The Knights Who Say Ni!" and they were a joy to paint.
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qubixo1 · 13 days ago
The star of the "modern family" was a "tyrant" in the collection of participating films
“A modern family” The star Sarah Hayland was “rude to everyone” on a movie group, according to her co -star. Comedian Jeff Day appeared “George Yanko’s offer” Bodcast last week, his side of his interactions with Hyland shares the 2019 movie “The Wedding Year”. Dai admitted that his role in the film was small, but at the time in the group, he claimed that Hailand was “such a tyrant” and “rude to…
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haylandfarms · 5 months ago
In a peaceful rural village named Hayland, a once-thriving farm lies in ruin after the passing of its elderly caretaker. George, a man who once spent a carefree childhood summer there, returns as an adult to find the farm abandoned and overgrown. The villagers look to George to fulfill his grandfather’s dying wish: to restore the farm, not just for his family, but for the entire village.
With the help of the skipper, George wants to invite the farmers to revive the land, reconnect with the village, and make every day on the farm an amazing journey.
Di sebuah desa pedesaan yang damai bernama Hayland, sebuah peternakan yang dulunya berkembang pesat kini terbengkalai setelah ditinggal pergi oleh pemiliknya yang sudah tua. George, seorang pria yang pernah menghabiskan masa kecilnya di sana, kembali setelah dewasa dan mendapati pertanian itu ditinggalkan dan ditumbuhi tanaman. Penduduk desa berharap George dapat memenuhi keinginan kakeknya yang telah tiada: memulihkan pertanian, tidak hanya untuk keluarganya, tetapi juga untuk seluruh desa.
Dengan bantuan para juragan, George ingin mengajak para petani untuk menghidupkan kembali lahan tersebut, terhubung kembali dengan desa, dan menjadikan hari selama di pertanian sebagai perjalanan yang menakjubkan.
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random-racehorses · 1 year ago
Random Real Thoroughbred: DONA DE
DONA DE is a chesnut mare born in Venezuela in 1986. By SAPIN out of HAYLAND VIS. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/dona+de
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ailtrahq · 1 year ago
As September draws to a close, Bitcoin enthusiasts are eyeing potential bullish trends, with indications pointing towards a positive trajectory. The leading cryptocurrency has already exhibited a bullish candle this month, suggesting a possible continuation of this trend into October if the candle closes in the green. Bitcoin Trend Reversal Amidst these developments, market veteran John Bollinger, the creator of the widely used market indicator Bollinger Bands, shared his insights on Thursday. In a tweet, the 73-year-old noted that a two-bar reversal occurred for $BTCUSD at the lower Bollinger Band on September 11/12, which he believed to be a crucial technical factor. Bollinger further tweeted; “This is a good setup for a walk up the upper band, just need a bit more strength to confirm.” To provide a visual context for his statement, he also shared the chart below. In addition to Bollinger Bands, other Bitcoin fundamentals have also been falling into place. Crypto analyst Matthew Hayland noted in Friday tweet that the two-week Bollinger Bands for Bitcoin have reached their tightest levels since 2015, and they are currently the tightest ever recorded. Historically, when such tight squeezes occur, they are often followed by explosive price movements, catching many by surprise. Hayland also mentioned that he has been closely monitoring the weekly Bollinger Band width, which has also tightened significantly. Positive Signs in Bitcoin’s Performance Beyond Bollinger Bands, Bitcoin’s overall performance has displayed positive signs. Gert van Lagen, anther crypto analyst, highlighted a crucial bullish cross in Bitcoin’s moving averages. Via a Thursday tweet, he mentioned that the 200-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) has crossed above the 200-week SMA, which is seen as a bullish signal.  This follows a bullish crossover that occurred in June involving the faster daily 200 and Weekly 200 exponential moving averages (EMAs). That said, combined, these technical indicators and expert opinions have brought renewed optimism to the Bitcoin market, suggesting the potential for an upward surge. In the meantime, Bitcoin remained in a state of tight consolidation following a price pullback that occurred after an impressive surge beyond $27,000 on Thursday. At press time, BTC was trading at $26,864, reflecting a 0.70% decrease over the past 24 hours.
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luckytidbit · 1 year ago
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You know what? Since we never get to find out who Hayden brings to Grace’s Party in UnConfirmed, this is who he brings, deal with it! RAAAAAAAAAA!
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twelverriver · 2 years ago
oh god. i totally forgot lavon says lemon was his first true love... she was the one to show him what a relationship can look like... oh my god.
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strideofpride · 1 year ago
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sorry to the zades but today actually belongs to them
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robotstrategy · 10 months ago
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Rewired • Part 1/2
Next Part
1 - Party
Tonight was pretty bad all things considered, Roland had thought that the moment of body dysmorphia and the talk he had with Hayden would be the last time he’d ever think about Trevor. He was wrong, for the last few days his mind had kept playing out the moment of the assault. Tonight was no different, even as he got out of his truck, went into the apartment, and rang on Hayden’s doorbell Trevor still lingered in his mind. The door cracks open and Hayden smiles at him, he seems to have his dress pants and a t-shirt on. 
“Sorry, I’m only halfway dressed, you can come in and sit down,” Hayden tells him.
“I can wait in the truck.”
Hayden frowns for a moment and then laughs. “Oh Roland, you’ve probably been driving for four hours, come and sit down.” Hayden ushers Roland into the small apartment. 
“It’s kind of cramped in here.” Roland notices.
Hayden nods. “Yeah, I’ve got the money to buy a bigger apartment, I just think I’d feel lonely in a bigger space.”
“Maybe you should think about buying a space that fits two people.”
Hayden playfully jaw drops, he then winks at Roland. “Maybe I should.”
Roland sits down on Hayden’s bed, taking in Hayden’s scent, something he didn’t really know Hayden had.
“Hope you don’t mind the show,” Hayden says as he takes off his shirt to put on a dress shirt. “Are you wearing any cologne tonight?” He asks, taking a little fancy bottle of liquid out from his dresser.
“I’ve never worn cologne, only deodorant.”
Hayden passes him another small bottle. “Think you’d do well with this one.”
Roland looks at it, it’s a cedar musk, he puts a little on his wrist and smells it, it’s just strong enough for him to not smell like an old lady. As he rubs the cologne in, Hayden comes over to sit beside him.
He tilts his head away from Roland, exposing his neck. “Wanna see what I smell like?”
2 - Bad Trip
Hayden anxiously wipes down the counters in his new apartment he had gotten a week ago. He had taken Roland’s advice to get a bigger apartment, but now it almost felt like he had empty nest syndrome even if he never had kids and didn’t want to have any. Roland comes over today, he hasn’t seen him in a month, and he only started talking to him again last week. Hayden is even surprised Roland is talking to him again, he doesn’t think anyone would want to talk to him after seeing him make a fool of himself. The party was awful, looking back on it now Hayden could tell something was the matter with Roland, he had just wished they could’ve stayed home and figured that out.
Hayden hears the doorbell ring, he sprints over to it to let in Roland.
“Hi.” He smiles.
“Hi.” Roland smiles back with a closed mouth.
Hayden closes the door behind Roland as he looks around. “This place looks really nice,” Roland tells him. 
“Yeah, I took your advice and got a place meant for two people.”
Roland’s smile drops a little, “Oh, then are you seeing someone?”
“No, I really wish I was, it’s really lonely here.”
“Oh, well I hope you find someone soon.”
Hayden sighs. “Yeah, me too.” It seems like Roland is too oblivious that he’s the one Hayden wants, that, or he’s trying to let Hayden down gently.
“Can I have a tour?” Roland asks, snapping Hayden out of his own thoughts. 
“Yeah sure, why not.”
Hayden brings Roland around the apartment showing him the downstairs bathroom, the upstairs bathroom, the guest and master bedroom, the kitchen and the living room. All of the rooms are somewhat decorated, though the place doesn’t seem so lived in yet. 
“I see what you mean,” Roland laughs. “You could fit a family of three in here.”
“Yeah, I don’t really think I’ll ever have kids.”
“Me neither, I don’t think any Awol, Recall, or Rewind would want to either. I’m not even sure if Rewinds can even reproduce.”
“I’d be worried they’d look like incest babies or something straight from Dah Zey.”
“Oh god, that would be awful.”
3 - Party
Roland turns his head away from Hayden. “No thanks” He feels his head being turned back towards a concerned Hayden.
“Are you nervous?” Hayden asks, he brushes the piece of hair in Roland’s face behind his ear. “Don’t worry, I can do all the talking tonight if you’d like.” He assures him. Roland has to hold back tears, he really doesn’t want to ruin the party for him. “That would be nice.” He sniffs.
Hayden smiles. “I think you’d like Grace, and I think she’d like you too, she’s a lot like your sister. Though I’m sure Lilian doesn’t think of filling the home with sad clown paintings.”
Roland gives him a weird look, and Hayden continues. “Don’t worry she hasn’t actually done that to her house, yet.”
Hayden pulls out his phone. “I should call us a cab tonight.”
Roland puts a hand on Hayden’s shoulder. “No, I can drive us there and back.” He tells him. 
“Roland… there’s alcohol there.” 
“I know, I don’t drink.” 
“Really? I thought you’d be all over that.” 
Roland shrugs.
“You don’t mind if I get a little tipsy then do you?” Hayden asks.
“Aren’t you not old enough to do that?”
Hayden laughs. “I’ve already done a whole bunch of edibles in my teenage years, I think we’re past being concerned about what goes into my body.”
“Fine, but if you throw up I’m gonna be pissed.”
“Oh, I won’t get that tipsy, I promise.”
Hayden ties his tie and puts on a black jacket and gloves “How do I look?” He asks Roland. 
“Either like a con artist or a spy, I think it’s the gloves.” Roland points out.
“Oh, guess I’ll steal your heart, or maybe I’ll sweep you off your feet.” He flirts, and now that actually gets Roland to laugh.
“Should we head out now?” Roland asks with a smile.
4 - Bad Trip
Hayden looks Roland in the eyes. “Hey umm, about Grace’s party.” 
Roland sighs. “Yeah, I’ll be honest, it wasn’t the worst thing in the world.” 
“It wasn’t?” 
“No, but it was still terrible.” 
Hayden nods. 
“Sorry, I kept giving you the cold shoulder, I… I was going through something.” 
“It’s alright,” Hayden smiles. “We can start over on square one.” 
Roland smirks. “If we started back on square one, I’d think you were annoying, I’d be losing my mind over Connor and Mai, and we’d be stuck in an antique shop basement.” 
Hayden laughs. “Maybe square five then?”
“Square five,” Roland affirms. 
“So what do you want to do?” Hayden asks as he watches Roland fiddle his thumbs together.
“I’m used to bringing out board games whenever someone comes over, do you have any of those?” 
Hayden shakes his head. “No, the only thing I’ve got like that is plastic toy keys for Mason.”
“Sorry, what? Mason?” 
“Oh yeah, that’s Bam’s kid, she’s from the graveyard but I don’t think you ever met her, er um, Roland ever met her.” 
Hayden pulls out his phone and cycles through pictures to find the one he took of Mason sleeping on Bam's chest. “There.” 
“Oh, he’s cute.”
“Yeah, I told Bam she looks like the dad who said they did want a pet.”
Roland smiles. “She does.” 
“Yeah, she told me sometimes she teases Mason for giving her Baby Fever.” 
Roland changes the subject a tad bit. “I think Nero was talking to a girl like that the other day, she was calling her Bambi.”
“Yeah, that’s Bam’s full name. I’m guessing Bam knows Nero has half of Starkey’s face.” 
“I wouldn’t know, I just caught her cooing at her phone the other day and asked why she was doing that.”
“Well, next time you hear her talking to Bam you should ask Bam why she lets Nero call her Bambi, ‘cause she doesn’t let anyone do that.” 
“Will do.”
5 - Party
At sun down they arrive at a beautiful Floridian mansion decked out in pink with a red-tiled roof. Hayden bends himself forward from the passenger seat to announce them on the intercom. After a moment the wrought-iron gate swings open allowing them to pass through. Roland parks and gets out of the truck, mesmerized by the scenery. He walks over to the pink azalea hedges, just as he reaches them he’s spooked by the sound of someone calling out for him. He looks over to see Hayden standing away from the truck next to a butler. 
“I’m just looking around.” He explains himself.
Hayden gently waves away the butler before coming up to Roland. “It’s going to be fine in there Roland.”
“I know.”
“Then why are you avoiding going in?”
“I’m not, I just want to look around.”
Hayden looks around with him. “I mean, it’s nothing special, it’s honestly kinda tacky.”
Roland frowns. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t grow up with rich tastes like you!”
Hayden is taken aback. “Wha-”
“Hayden, this place looks like a real-life Barbie Dream House! But, y’know, maybe that’s why you find it tacky.” His voice slows into a mutter as if he’s trying to backtrack from snapping at him. 
“I… never saw it that way.” Hayden pauses. “Wait, how do you even know what a Barbie Dream House is?”
“I have a little sister, Hayden.”
Hayden scoffs at himself. “Oh, of course.”
Roland looks back at the bushes. “There’s a lot of pretty flowers out here.” 
Hayden stares at Roland, then he looks at the flowers. “I think you’re prettier.” He says under his breath. 
“Nothing! I just remembered I had flowers for you at home.” A great save on Hayden’s part, mostly because he did have a bouquet at home for Roland.
Roland smiles. “Oh, that’s nice!” 
Hayden holds his hand out for Roland to take. “Can we go inside now?”
Roland takes his hand. “Alright, if you insist.” 
The mansion is filled with marble furnishings and designer seating, and the walls are covered in abstract art, it’s absolutely extravagant.
“This place is beautiful,” Roland says in a state of awe.
“I think it looks like a model home from a magazine,” Hayden comments. “Though, this place probably looks like the American dream to you.”
6 - Bad Trip
Hayden looks towards the kitchen. “So I’ve got some snacks if you want any.” 
“Oh thank god I’m starving.” 
Hayden laughs as he and Roland go into the kitchen.
“So are we cooking anything?” Roland asks. 
“No, unless you want me to watch you cook while hugging you from behind.” Hayden teases, he grabs onto Roland’s back and as soon as he does Rolan lets out a pained wheeze. 
Hayden backs away from Roland, putting his hands over his mouth. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” 
Roland takes a deep breath. “It’s okay, I’m just taking a break from my meds for a while.” 
“Doesn’t it hurt?” 
“A little, but don’t beat yourself up over it, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
Roland’s voice becomes firm. “It’s fine, Hayden.” 
Hayden still feels guilty as Roland rummages through the fridge for something to eat. “What’s with the brownies?" Roland asks.
Hayden peers inside the fridge. “Those are edibles.” 
“Have you ever had one before?” 
“Do you want to?” 
Roland looks up at Hayden, going over his options before he says anything. “If I do, will you stay sober?”
“If that’s what you want.” 
“Then I’ll try a piece.”
Hayden gets Roland to sit on the couch as he cuts a sliver off of one of the brownies. He comes over with the piece of brownie and gives it to Roland. He takes the piece and puts it in his mouth, chews it, and swallows it, he then stares at Hayden. 
“It’ll take a while to kick in,” Hayden tells him. 
For now, they just stare at each other. Hayden looks at Roland’s face, whoever put him back together did a good job. The only noticeable thing about it is that the corners of his mouth are slightly open. He then looks up at his hair, his beautiful dark brown hair that now reaches his shoulders. 
Roland smiles at him. “Whatcha lookin’ at?”
“Your hair.”
“Everyone at work says I should cut it.”
“Please don’t!”
Roland laughs. “Relax, I like it this length.”
Hayden gets closer to him. “Can I feel it?”
“Your hair.”
Roland takes an awkward tone of voice “Okay...”
Hayden softly combs his hand through Roland’s hair. “It’s so soft.” He feels Roland pass his hand through his bangs. “Your hair is soft too.”
“Yours is softer.”
“Yeah,” Hayden sits back down on the couch. “So what have you been up to?”
“Oh, well I work a lot for the emergency services, it’s usually picking up people from places they shouldn’t be.”
“I’m guessing from places that are off-grid too?”
“Yeah, that and mountains and stuff.”
7 - Party
“Heh, I don’t think I’d want this big of a house. So, is the woman who owns this house really like my sister?” Roland teases. 
Hayden rolls his eyes. “Would you believe me that she lives in the guest house and that this place is only for parties?” 
Someone around Roland’s age comes up to them, she’s got a puffy dress reminiscent of a holiday doll. 
“Looks like someone came out of the radio again.” She smiles.
“Nice to see you too Grace,” Hayden points to Roland. “I brought a date like you asked.” 
“H-hi,” Roland shyly waves his hand.
“Oh, so did the radio boy grab you from the radio too, or maybe the TV..?”
Roland laughs. “The BioBuilder actually.” 
Grace nods. “I’ve finally seen one of ‘em creations from that machine, count me impressed.” 
Roland becomes awkward. “Hah, right.” 
“She’s the one who brought the original organ printer to Rifkin Medical Instruments,” Hayden whispers into his ear. 
“Oh, umm, thank you for… everything then.”
Grace dismisses him. “You should go thank Sonia and Janson at their memorial, they are the ones who created it. I just rushed the machine out of a burning building.” 
“That memorial was built on top of the fire site wasn’t it?” Hayden asks. 
“Mhmm, where there was an antique shop, there is now a sculpture of a scientist couple.”
Roland looks at Hayden. “…What?…”
Hayden excuses them for Grace and pulls Roland aside. 
“What is she talking about Hayden?” 
Hayden sighs. “Do you remember Sonia?” He asks, Roland nods.
“Well, a long while back Connor, Risa, and Grace were at the antique shop. Some parts pirate searching for Connor came in and set the entire place on fire.” 
Roland looks down. “Oh.” 
“Yeah, everyone got out except for Sonia, I heard she was chained to the chair she sat in.” 
Roland looks solemnly at the ground. 
“We could visit their memorial after the party,” Hayden suggests. 
“I don’t want to.” Roland mumbles.
8 - Bad Trip
There’s a bit of silence before Hayden brings Nero up. “How has Nero been doing? I've always wondered since she has half the face of Starkey.”
“Oh, she’s fine, she moved back in with me a month ago, in between helping Sam with his work she works as a nurse at her old ward.”
“I’m surprised they let her back in there.”
“Well, it’s not like a regular ward, there’s probably a lot of medical stuff going on in there.” 
“Yeah, I guess.”
Hayden supposes this is going better than he expected, he thought as soon as he opened the door for Roland he'd start chewing him out of how horrible he was being at the party. 
“You look tired,” Roland comments, it was true Hayden spent all last night busy worrying about how today would go.
“Do you want to lay down?” Roland asks him.
Hayden has to do a double-take. “Like, with you?” 
“Alright.” Hayden tries to wedge himself between the couch and Roland before his body is promptly placed on Roland’s chest. 
Hayden starts to blush really hard. “Roland.” 
“I’m on your chest.” 
“Well, I can see that.” 
“But why?”
“‘Cause I don’t care if you’re on my chest.” 
“But, but, I’m like on you.” 
“And? I don’t care. This is like our second date isn’t it?”
“Wow, you’re far bolder when you’re not going through something.” 
“When I pulled you onto the dance floor at Lilian's party it should’ve told you that much.” 
Hayden nods, he feels Roland comb through his hair again. “You should have a nap,” Roland tells him. 
“But I want to be awake when you’re feeling the full effects of that brownie.”
“Hayden, all I’m doing is looking up at a white ceiling, I'll be fine.” Roland gently presses Hayden’s head into his chest as Hayden starts falling asleep.
9 - Party
Hayden holds Roland’s hands. “What’s wrong?” 
Roland makes up a half-excuse. “It’s just my first date after y’know… I’m just nervous.” 
Hayden kisses Roland’s hand, making him blush. “Everything is gonna be okay, I promise.” 
Roland sighs, the moments of, before, and after the assault still playing in his head. ‘It really isn’t, and I don’t know how you can make it better.’
Hayden guides Roland over to the seating area. He looks around the room, there are at least fifty people in here. He looks back at Hayden, and seeing him eye the champagne glass tower he smirks at him. 
“Can I restrict you to just one drink tonight?” 
Hayden smiles at him. “You can.” He walks over to the tower to receive a glass, and on his way back he takes minimal sips. 
Roland looks at him curiously. “How’s it taste?” 
Hayden shifts closer to Roland, almost too close, he then strokes a finger onto Roland’s vest, stroking a finger was something Trevor used to do. 
“You’re really pretty.” He says.
“Thanks, Hayden,” Roland says flatley.  
Hayden looks down, almost defeated-looking, instead of taking a sip of the champagne Roland remarks that this time Hayden takes a full gulp.
“Have you eaten anything recently?” Roland asks.
Hayden shakes his head, Roland takes away his glass and sets it aside. “Come get something to eat with me, that stuff can’t be good for you on an empty stomach.” Roland leads Hayden over to a giant buffet table, it’s probably filled with the best the world has to offer.
They sit back down and Roland hands Hayden back the glass. As they eat Roland can’t help but notice a stain on the corner of Hayden's mouth. 
“You’ve got something in the corner of your mouth,” Roland says. Hayden grabs the cloth napkin and wipes the other side of his mouth. 
“No, not that side.” Roland licks his thumb and wipes away the stain, after realizing what he’s just done he becomes a sputtering mess. 
“Anywhere else to clean up? Maybe my lips?” Hayden giggles. 
Roland stares him straight in the eyes, his voice goes back to being flat. “Can you never ask that question, like, ever again?” 
Hayden recoils a little. “Oh, sorry.” He quietly utters, again, taking a big gulp of his champagne.
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replaythemaster · 1 year ago
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Some props I printed and painted for a diorama background for a miniature painting contest. Altar and stocks by STL Miniatures, chest by Hayland Terrain, crystal brazier by me
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brooksdavis · 3 years ago
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Hart of Dixie 1.14 / Hart of Dixie 2.06
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