dummy-dot-exe · 2 years
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by ナンポウ@nanpou0406
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dumbsack · 7 months
Ooh la la! It's another Trials of Mana/Seiken Densetsu 3 fic written by me, this time with Duran/Angela and Hawkeye/Riesz elements. Really going crazy here, aren't I? Golly. Nobody kisses in this story, though.
It's a humorous story where Angela prepares for a little private party with Duran. I don't want to say too much about it, but Kevin is in it. People like Kevin, I think. And Karl. Charlotte appears too, in aww of hew gwowy. Oh, and Hawkeye and Riesz of course...
Thank you. If you decide to read it, I hope you enjoy it! 😁
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chacusha · 3 months
Visions of Mana class system
A lot of information about Vision of Mana's class system has been released on the Japanese website (see source).
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Val's classes: [No element:] Soul Guard (moribito). [Wind:] Rune Knight. [Moon:] Aegis. [Water:] Duelist. [Fire:] Liege (Lord). [Wood:] Edelfrei (Swordmaster).
Val's classes are very "knight" archetype, mostly based on Duran's classes (Duelist, Liege, and Edelfrei) with a bit of Riesz (Rune Knight) and some that are new although still in line with the knight theme (Aegis).
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Careena's classes: [No element:] Oracle (kannagi). [Wind:] Dancer (maihime). [Moon:] Moon-reader(?) (tsukiyomi). [Water:] Dragon Master. [Fire:] Divine Fist (Godhand). [Wood:] Exorcist(?) (onmyouji).
Most of Careena's classes are new ones based around a kind of priestess or shaman sort of vibe (Oracle, Dancer, Tsukiyomi - not sure what the localized name for this will be but I wonder if it will be something like Fortune Teller - and Onmyouji). But some of her classes reference Riesz (Dragon Master) and Kevin (Divine Fist - this outfit is BOMB by the way).
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Morley's classes: [No element:] Ranger. [Wind:] Nomad (Wanderer). [Moon:] Nightblade. [Water:] Hermit. [Fire:] Rogue. [Wood:] Samurai.
Morley's classes are entirely based on Hawkeye's classes (Ranger, Nomad, Nightblade, Rogue), with some new additions along that same thief/rogue/vagrant vein (Hermit, Samurai - I wonder if this one will be localized as Ronin or something to fit the theme).
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Palamena's classes: [No element:] Queen. [Wind:] Rune Seer (Rune Master). [Moon:] Empress. [Water:] Grand Diviner. [Fire:] Masquer (Masquerade). [Wood:] Beastleader (Beast Tamer).
Palamena seems to have a mix of royalty-themed classes (Queen, Empress), Angela's classes (Rune Seer, Grand Diviner), and some new additions that seem quite quirky (Masquer, Beastleader). I'm a fan of the pirate-themed Masquer costume and the blue Grand Diviner costume (makes me think of Angela's pixel art).
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Julei's classes: [No element:] Custodian (Watcher). [Wind:] Hamelin. [Moon:] Warlock. [Water:] Scholar. [Fire:] Gatekeeper. [Wood:] Sage.
Julei is the squishiest mage ever the party healer, so his classes are very much based on Charlotte's (Warlock, Sage; Scholar is not a Charlotte class but is kinda in line with that theme). He also seems to have a sentry theme as well (Custodian, Gatekeeper), and I'm not sure what is going on with the Hamelin class; maybe it will have some musical/musical instrument elements to it given that horn on his hip?
Overall, it looks like we have four of Trials of Mana's six classes that are aligned with one character each (Duran (->Val), Hawkeye (->Morley), Angela (->Palamena), and Charlotte (->Julei)), with the last two (Riesz and Kevin) being distributed wherever they fit.
Anyway, I am so excited. I love me a good class system, especially when it comes with different costumes, especially when the costume designs are as fun and elaborate as these ones are. (This is like Bravely Default all over again, haha.)
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askagamedev · 1 year
I'm playing Trials of Mana and Angela is massively, hysterically broken. It's to the point where Hawkeye is useless and Duran is only used when I need to break a boss's super attack chargers. But Angela is doing Duran's damage as massive AoE's. I notice in many RPG's this tends to frequently be the case where mages are just overwhelmingly powerful without a noticeable drawback. Why is this?
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It isn't mages as a thing, it's mostly that single player games don't need to be balanced. As long as the gameplay experience is engaging and puts players into the flow state when playing, it doesn't actually matter if one class/character/build/etc. is stronger and another is weaker. Players can choose to challenge themselves or take an easier time by using the stronger character/class/build/etc.
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It's much more detrimental to give players a major option that isn't particularly engaging. This is can be because the option is so strong the game becomes boring, so weak the game becomes frustrating, so repetitive with minimal things to think about or solve, so complicated that the player has difficulty finding the fun, or any of another thousand problems. Regardless of which reason, the result is the same - the player drops out of the [flow band]. Players that can't get into or stay in the flow band will typically drop the game entirely because the experience isn't fun and there are better things they can do with their time. It doesn't matter how powerful or weak options are relative to each other as long as those options help keep the player in the flow band.
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jockoppressor · 2 years
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Top Row, L-R: Duran, Angela, Kevin
Bottom Row, L-R: Charlotte, Hawkeye, Riesz
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teegeeteegee · 9 months
#8 and #14 for the fandom ask?
Since the fandom I have been active in on tumblr is Mario, my answers will be mostly center around that fandom.
8. You hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
Mostly Peach. Based on my time here, Peach is a popular and well-liked character. However, in other media, she is often bashed, rebuked, and seen as inferior to the other female Mario characters. I think a lot of that has to do with her being kidnapped in many Mario games and her being the primary female character. Mario suffers from this as well, especially when compared to Luigi. Back to Peach, she is much more than that, of course. I find her to be a very charming, fun and in today's female character landscape, unique character. This shows significantly outside of the mainline Mario games. With Princess Peach Showtime coming out in March, I believe it will showcase more of her positive traits, and I think that could go a long way when it comes to her being appreciated more (I also hope the game is a good one). Although I could say this about all of the Mario characters and everything about them (ships, games, and others included), Peach is the one who immediately came to mind regarding this question.
14. The ship that always makes you smile
Mareach (Mario x Princess Peach) hands down. 😊 The idea of a short yet courageous blue-collar plumber with a heart of gold who is not considered to be conventionally attractive by most of society's standards being paired with a tall, beautiful, regal, and kind-hearted princess who is thankful and appreciative of said plumber (the cakes and kisses, just to name a few) just really hits the feels. Luaisy (Luigi x Princess Daisy) is another one I love seeing, especially with the plumber/princess dynamic albeit with different personalities and characteristics. 😂
Ships from other fandoms I love and appreciate:
Zelink (Princess Zelda x Link) from The Legend of Zelda
Crono x Marle from Chrono Trigger
Durangela (Duran x Angela) and Hawkeye x Riesz from Trials of Mana
Cloud x Tifa & Cloud x Aerith from Final Fantasy VII (yeah, I like both ships, sue me)
Liu Kang x Kitana from Mortal Kombat
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vanyalanthirielofmana · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thank you @firebatvillain for the tag! Sorry for getting back to it only now 😬
Won't be tagging, but if anyone wants to answer feel free!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
61,038. It's not much, but I have a novel-sized fic in the works so I expect it to balloon in size, hopefully soon haha
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Trials of Mana/Seiken Densetsu 3, mainly Hawkeye x Riesz
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Final Vows - A short retelling of the final battle of the game where Hawkeye and Riesz confess to each other in the midst of battle. I decided to raise the stakes and make the scene more dramatic, because it's something I felt was lacking in the original game.
Matched - A jealous Hawkeye watching Duran and Riesz spar. Jealous Hawkeye good! Jealous Hawkeye delicious! Also with some angst, hurt, comfort and fluff at the end. I personally had a hard time with this, particularly the fighting scene but it seems like people enjoyed it so it's all good!
Magic Kiss - One of my personal favorites. It's about how Hawkeye talks about his first kiss with Riesz. It's not a very fluffy first kiss, but a very dramatic and romantic one, nonetheless. I'm very proud of this one!
Scars - A rather short, somewhat steamy fic about Hawkeye and Riesz showing their scars to each other. It's short but sweet, also one of the first ecchi leaning fic I've written.
My Teacher, Our Secret - This is my most popular work, it seems. It's a High school AU Hawkeye x Riesz where Riesz is his homeroom teacher and Hawkeye is her student. It's PWP. It's Teacher x Student. Also has an 'almost caught' moment. What else is there to say? Haha
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Almost always! If I haven't then... Maybe I was busy and missed the notification. But I make sure to always respond when I do see it! The fandom's very small, so I'd like to be able to interact with everyone as much as I can!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Torn between Next Spring, which is a moody fic abour Hawkeye not being able to express his love for the now Queen of Laurent Riesz, and heartbeat, which is about a soon to marry Hawkeye and Riesz, but Hawkeye having terminal illness. The latter feels more like an angsty premise rather than ending, which is why I'm considering the two at all haha
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Magic Kiss! Please read it! Happiest, heartwarming ending ☺️ Promise! (Hawkeye x Riesz, of course)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope, fandom too small for that shit.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Yes.
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10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, I don't, but since Echoes of Mana is a thing, why not? But no I still have not haha
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope, my fandom too small for that shit 😂
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No as well, but I am sure my Japanese readers are hitting the translate button on the browser when they read hahaha
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I would love to! (I can also do Duran x Angela, Kevin x Charlotte... Or general ToM or EoM...)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Hawkeye x Riesz!!!!!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
None because I WILL finish all the WIPs!!!! WAHAHAHHAHA!!! MANIFESTING!!!!
16. What are your writing strengths?
The two comments I get often is that I'm good with mood and plot. So I guess those two.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Repetitive phrasing. Bad rhythm. Small vocabulary. No time for editing. Misspelling. I have a small list of gripes with myself so the list could go on haha
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Not ideal, but why not?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Trials of Mana, Hawkeye x Riesz!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I like Magic Kiss a lot, but I feel like it's tied with Falling for You! The latter is about a regretful Hawkeye who wasn't able to tell his feelings to Riesz after the party disbands, but perhaps fate has something in store for him. Please read it! I am quite proud of those two.
Thank you so much again for reading thus far and thank you again for the tag!
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steverogersnotebook · 2 years
For the weird questions lol #s 20, 37, and 49
Thank you for these!
20. do you say soda or pop? soda. sometimes "sodie" because my dad used to say it occasionally.
37. someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years? my BFF, we met in our senior year of HS have been friends for 37 years. We met over Duran Duran, and have fandomed together for the entirety of our friendship. She's a big Hawkeye fan. @ronins-eyes 👋
49. can you skip rocks? I was never able to get better than a couple o' skips
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wonderkat11 · 1 year
How did the Smash Spirits become to Merfolk?
Another story that I would like to think about from "Super Smash Adventures: The Great Mermaid Adventure". This is what happens to the Smash Spirits. Like here, according to my research, you wouldn’t see Smash Spirits Mermen & The Fighters who were Mermen being in a club, & the point of view: they were located to Atlantis but stuck into it.
& one weekend ago, people were swayed by the longest story that I made for the biggest Smash Movie which you should see if you're a video game lover.
Well, this is our spiritual clue together before the movie ideas...but I have a theory. The Male characters from the Others (Pre-DLC) spirits will be transform when they wanna act the sirenix, right? So if I put so many into this site, people might think they were bless out, everybody ready?...
Good, now let's start.
Amazing, huh? Now that the Miis & Super Smash Bros spirits aren't believed in common, I just wanna notice to the Others (Pre-DLC) spirits, so.... The Other spirits! Rhythm Heaven! Golden Sun! Whatever those things are! Go!
Urban Champion Fighter: Take that Blue pearl power!
Donbe (Shin Onigashima Kouhen): YEAH!!! Blue pearl power!
Andy: Let's do this! Blue pearl power!
Eagle: Do this Blue pearl power!
Prince Richard: AAAAH! Blue pearl power!
Satoru: *grunts* Blue pearl power!
Dion: 運命が動き出す!Blue pearl power!
Harry: Maximum Blue pearl power!
Saki Amamiya & Isa Jo (Both): 精霊たち!Blue pearl power!
Sagi/Sagittarius: The hell it will! Blue pearl power!
Welt: Blue pearl power! Activated!
Glory of Heracles Hero: Blue pearl power!
Orvilee: Huya! Blue pearl power!
Frey: ブルーパールパワー!
Zael: Blue pearl power!
Tempo: Take that Red Heart Blue pearl power!
Kageshina Kurabe: Kagushi! Blue pearl power!
ASTRAL CHAIN Hero: Blue pearl power Mega!!!
Duran, Hawkeye, & Kevin: Together! Blue pearl power of The Sound!
Seth: It's time! Blue pearl power!
Well that's a lot of these Others Spirits for their Transformation ideas, or is it? Because not all of them can transform & all that is left if the doodle ideas...Kinda makes you wanna do something artsy in Transformations, huh?
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teefa85 · 1 year
✋ 13, 15 & 17 for the writer meme, if it's alright 😊
Sure. Sorry it's late...had to go to work.
How much planning do you do before writing? It depends on the fic. Sometimes I sit there and make outlines, sometimes I just write as I go. I think it's based more on what I'm writing or which game I'm writing about.
How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters? Sometimes it's based on what the subject of a chapter/fic is. There are a few fics I had themed titles (one was all song titles for example, another had "In Which There" as the lead to all chapters). But usually I don't bother with themes, especially in longfics.
What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic? A few favorites from working on Trials of Mana stuff. I looked up Middle Ages hairstyles for how Riesz would do her hair for her wedding. Viking names since I wanted Duran/Angela to theme their kids that way due to Duran's dad being Loki. And Greek Amazons for Riesz and Hawkeye's Daughters.
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theshatteredrose · 4 years
Of Oblivious Knights and Mischievous Thieves - Trials of Mana Oneshot
Summary: Inspired by the prompt “You’re so adorable.”
Pairings: Hinted Hawkeye/Duran
AN: Happy birthday @thispleasestormod ! Hope you enjoy~
“You’re so adorable.”
Duran immediately felt indignant and he turned to glare in the thief's direction. Instead of wilting beneath his stare, Hawkeye's smile widened. Both cocky and mischievous. His gaze held his for a moment before they drifted down to the ground before him. He remained facing him, but his eyes looked elsewhere.
"That's a lot from someone who can't look me in the eye longer than three seconds," Duran retorted.
It was something that Hawkeye had done the moment they had met.
Hawkeye stood before the invisible barrier, muttering to himself about getting through when Duran approached him. The purple-haired thief had idly glanced in his direction, prompted by the sound of his feet when he suddenly did a double-take. And did that slow, inspecting pan that Duran had experienced multiple times in his life.
He appeared friendly enough, if a little chatty. He needed through the barrier and Duran saw no negativity in letting him tag along with him.
But that was before he realised that the other man kept looking at him, but not holding his eyes for longer than a few seconds while they spoke.
Instead of being sheepish at being caught out in his little act, Hawkeye snorted lightly in amusement. His gaze remained lowered, however, looking idly at the ground, and at Duran without actually raising to look upon his face for longer than two or three seconds.
It almost felt that he was…inspecting him. Or something.
Still, the fact that he barely looked into his eyes was starting to grate on him. Ok, sure, they’ve only just met but it was still agitating!
"Why won't you look me in the eyes?" Duran asked.
"I'm too busy looking at something else," was Hawkeye’s swift and wholly unexpected response.
Duran unconsciously tilted his head slightly to the side, his face creasing into a look of confusion. "Looking at what?"
"Your abs."
The confusion deepened as Duran's hand threw up to touch his bare stomach. That definitely wasn’t the answer he had expected. Especially when Hawkeye sounded so nonchalant about it.
"My abs?"
“They’re very impressive,” Hawkeye complimented with a smile.
“Oh, ah,” Duran stuttered. “Thanks?”
Hawkeye suddenly closed the gap between and stood directly in front of Duran. The sudden closeness surprised him, but he remained steadfast, ready to defend himself if necessary. Though…he didn’t necessarily feel anything threatening from the other man.
Although, he certainly didn’t expect Hawkeye to suddenly place his hands against his sides and squeeze.
Duran uttered a yelp, though rather surprisingly made no attempt to pull away. “What are you doing?” he did have the mind to ask.
“I see,” Hawkeye murmured, his expression that of severe concentration. “They’re as taut as I had expected.”
“Well, I am a knight,” Duran swiftly retorted, though he was still completely and utterly confused. Especially by his sheer inability to pull away.
“Hmm,” was all Hawkeye replied with, however.
How long the thief was going to, ah, physically inspect his stomach and sides, Duran didn’t know. And he most certainly had no idea why he was letting him touch him!
But as Hawkeye trailed a thumb just under the hem of Duran’s vest, he finally moved. But it was a grimace, his stomach muscles tightening because…it tickled.
“Oh, are we ticklish~?” Hawkeye suddenly exclaimed, a smile of pure mischievousness on his lips.
“No,” Duran insisted firmly, perhaps a little too much.
Hawkeye didn’t believe him. His impish expression stated as much. And Duran feared that the thief might try to test his theory.
The sound of scurrying promptly reminded the two of them that they were indeed in the middle of a cave. A cave system filled with monsters.
It was then that Duran finally moved. As he stepped backwards, away from Hawkeye and turned toward the approaching monsters, he noted that he was mildly surprised at the relief and disappointment he felt. Why would he be disappointed? Disappointed with what?
And why did his stomach suddenly twist into knots?
He shook his head. He was just…antsy to get moving. Yeah. First time away from home and all that.
As Duran lifted his sword over his shoulder, Hawkeye stepped around him and…slapped him lightly on the butt. The hit wasn’t hard nor painful, but it was sudden and unexpected. And that caused Duran to utter an extremely undignified yelp and jump a half-foot in the air.
His face flared with embarrassment as he whipped around to stare at the thief. Hawkeye, however, seemed pleased with himself as he sent Duran a strangely playful wink.
“You really are adorable~”
Duran had felt embarrassment more times than he would like to know that he was blushing severely. And yet…he didn’t feel angry. Surprised was definitely something he felt. But not angry.
Something else…something he couldn’t quite identify.
That thief…what was he trying to do?
He tried to concentrate on battle, but fairy started to chirp at him from inside his head. “You really don’t know what he’s doing, Duran?”
“Throw me off guard? I mean, what else could it be?”
“Um…maybe he was flirting with you?” Fairy returned slowly.
Duran outright scoffed at that. “Flirting? Why would he do that?”
Fairy sighed loudly. “Honestly, Duran, you really are adorable.”
Duran felt indignant once more. “I’m not adorable!”
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dumbsack · 2 years
Duran going around telling everyone he's DTF. He is very confused by the weirded out reactions and slaps to the face he gets... And he is especially confused when Angela yells, "FINALLY!" and starts stripping.
Hawkeye is laughing his ass off the entire time as he watches it all unfold.
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of-nyon · 3 years
Ranking the SD3/ToM party members based on how well they can flounce out of a room after an argument
Carlie: 1000/10, literally a child, not afraid to burst into tears to get her way.
Angela: 10/10, the role she was born to play, a dismissive flip of her hair can kill a man at twenty paces.
Duran: 8/10, more stomping off in a huff but he has the emotions down, needs to work on his form.
Lise: 5/10, politely excuses herself because she has better things to do with her time, but it carries weight.
Kevin: 3/10, genuinely tries to resolve the situation to the best of his ability, if he leaves you'll feel bad about it.
Hawk: 0/10, trying way too hard to be the coolest person in the room, keeps throwing quips and one-liners at you until you leave.
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by あんべよしろう
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It’s the big found family from trails of mana- staring cool older brother, swordsmen older brother, KEVIN, and annoying yet cute younger sister. Have a wonderful day, evening, and night! ^w^
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jinn-mori · 4 years
The rest of the party: He don't bite.
Masked Mage: *fearful screaming*
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