#having an internal battle fr
tatsu-terrorfang · 2 months
Okay so, I have many many more children that I can't find the motivation juices to actually draw but I have made them on Heroforge.
Long story short,
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nulltune · 11 months
-googling what size cage do women need to sleep in and what do they eat-
unprompted,  always accepting !   @elderjia  ♡
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❛   huh.   just what are you searching.  gross.   ❜      
—in a manner that was even more devoid of any feeling than usual,  blunt words are remarked sharply,  a vacant stare particularly cold.  in a second though,  her hand raises to her mouth,  and she lets out a small  ( forced )  cough into a closed fist.  when she speaks again,  her voice returns to its pleasant  /  neutral  /  detached tone.
❛   ... ah,  please excuse me.  i didn't mean to speak so abruptly.   ❜       she meant every word though.  she sure did.  her only qualm being the manner of phrasing and delivery;  it wasn't like her to act without thinking like that.       ❛   perhaps i should be more considerate of your situation.  after all,  i suppose this is to be expected ...  you seem to have never once felt the touch of a woman in your life.   ❜
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nejackdaw · 2 months
morthal and markarth for the skyrim asks!
Ty for the ask! 💞
Morthal - Do you enjoy exploring dungeons and ruins? Why or why not?
Kinda depends tbh. Dungeons with multiple rooms absolutely FULL of enemies encourage a more stealthy approach, and while I'm a capable stealth archer, it's not my preferred play style, so it can be a bit unfun. The alternative, however, is the ENTIRE DUNGEON hearing me engage in melee and swarming me at once, which. Also isn't fun. Ultimately I guess the answer comes down to "depends on the number of guys in there" and "how likely is Marked For Death to solve the entire issue?" Skyrim is basically the only game where, when given a choice, I'll choose martial over caster or archer, but this can be a problem in packed dungeons. I like single or few guy brutal slugfests where we just beat the shit out of each other. Also then I can just take a break to throw up my shield and watch Celann materialize to OHKO them, which fills me with glee literally every time
Markarth - If you could rewrite one questline in Skyrim, which would it be? (This answer is sooooo long btw)
Hmm... I'm actually not too interested in a lot of them, but when it comes to being disappointed in one, it's the Civil War questline. The entire thing amounts to "use your main character powers about 5 times in a dungeon or something and then go fight the oppositional leader." You can't even fix Whiterun, a place you specifically took for its geographical, strategic, and mercantile advantage. You just leave it in ruins???
There are two quests in the entire line that aren't just "awkwardly storm this place with a couple guys,' and one of them is optional. Both sides have a "steal/plant enemy orders" quest, but the "gaining intel/blackmail" quest is in both cases entirely optional. There's one non-combative "sneak and find this document/gather intel" quest, and no "root out a traitor" or "disrupt a supply line" type quests (technically this one is awkwardly tacked onto the end of the optional quest.) The Dark Brotherhood, Dawnguard, and Thieves Guilds have similar respective quests that we can compare to the 1.5 non-combative Civil War quests: finding intel on Maro's son, the radiant "vampire advisor" quests, basically the entire beginning TG questline (Honningbrew, Goldenglow hives.)
Each of these questlines involve non-typical quests, aka quests where you have to approach it a little differently than the rest of your work: the Brotherhood stealing documents and planting false evidence like thieves, the Dawnguard committing assassinations and pickpocketing orders like both the Brotherhood AND the Guild, the Guild quest where you engage not only in open combat with Mercer, but kill him, like both the Dawnguard and, well, the Brotherhood Brynjolf insists you're not.
While those questlines are largely the same sort of quests on repeat, it's because they're, well, specialized guilds. Built entirely around doing those things. That's their entire function. When it comes to a war (which is very NOT a guild,) you'd expect a bit more than just a few skirmishes, especially considering the only thing that changes when you join is, well. There's one more guy in the skirmish. But magically this turns the tide and the entire war is won through brute force when previously there seemed no end in sight. The questline lacks variety, is incredibly, oddly short for what's supposed to be a war, and generally just... lacks impact. Nothing really happens afterwards. Faction camps are still sitting around, and you still can't even clear them. Hold guards are replaced by the faction that won and Whiterun is permanently in shambles. Can't even fix Whiterun ffs there's not even quests for that.
* After leaving this in the drafts for a few weeks and thinking about it some more, I think ultimately the problem IS the brevity. "Do four battles and suddenly we win" is absolutely insane. The Dawnguard DLC and the Thieves Guild, even the one single time I played it, have spoiled me rotten with the never ending radiant quests. It prevents the Companions feeling of "I joined three days ago and now I'm in charge and everyone does what I say" that throws everyone off. Not only can you keep accepting them, the mainline quests don't get in the way of accepting them (... like the Companions only telling you to go talk to Aela.) This means you can keep accepting radiant quests that provide a feeling of integration and contribution (in)to the guild, and also avoids the Companions and Civil War feeling of "I did three quests and it's over and everyone is bowing to me" by allowing you to do guild things in-between the main quests.
Not only that, but they offer a variety the main line might not provide, especially with the Dawnguard. For example, siding with the Volkihar includes a quest where you're given Dawnguard armor and told to go cause a scene, striking down some innocent civilian in the name of "vampire hunting" to sow public distrust. This quest is cool as fuck conceptually btw, why is a Volkihar radiant cooler than the entire CW line???
Ultimately I think if I could change one thing about the Civil War line specifically it would be adding TG/DG style radiant quests that can be done between main missions and also include "milestone" type quests that really bring home the feeling of growth and contribution. I think it would make it feel considerably less jarring and I'd even maybe consider playing it again if we could fix Whiterun.
#asks#uh. i am. so sorry this took so long to answer alsnkwnswk i couldnt word my thoughts on the cw line satisfactorily#idk man the war before you join is this brutal slog that supposedly is severely impacting the entire population#no end in sight because no one has the upper hand#and then the quests just. are more battles. the ones that were getting no one anywhere besides a grave#like if the same battles in the same places werent really getting results youd think youd try literally anything else#sure you get the crown and whoever you bavk gets public support but i dont recall that really resulting#in like. any extra supplies or soldiers or anything#like the whole point is there ARENT any supplies left for ANYONE and people who can be soldiers are#on the basis of 'its literally a CIVIL war' it is an internal thing#and then you do the one (1) not open combat keep storming quest and divert some weapons#fr i think those are the only changes#idk it was super boring to play through and the reward for my efforts was a fucked up whiterun#like. thanks. i cant even fix it???? wtf#anyway this has been in my drafts for WEEKS im just posting this#okay coming back after that last edit actually i have one last thing to say#dawnguard 10/10 for not making you the leader at the end no one listens to you youre just some guy#which is soooooo. great. no one does it like dg im busy i dont wanna lead your fucking guild#and isran would never fucking let you. he would come back as a malevolent ghost if he died and keep running the guild#absolute dawnguard supremacy in cast quests and not making you god spin that fucking chore wheel boy#edited to add the ask game link rip
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
10 year old Spider girl reader is tiny and mean. She’s like a chihuahua.
Fr, and like imagine a villain being a platonic yandere for small spidergirl. Like this villain is always ready for duels and everyone is like???? Why is your nemesis a CHILD???? And this dude does not give a crap what anyone thinks, he is doing his homework and preparing well to give you epic battles that never really cause you any harm, it's just for theatrics. Maybe the villain in question here is Miguel? And maybe 10 year old spider girl resembles his dead kid so he is trying hard to bond with you and only fights with you because he has already eliminated every other real criminal and he would never let them harm you, but you're dead set on becoming a hero, so to fulfil your dream, he'd play the role of a notorious villain WHILE ALSO ACTING LIKE A FATHER IRL BECAUSE HE OBVIOUSLY KILLED YOUR REAL DAD AND REPLACED HIM AND YOURE CONFUSED AS TO WHY YOUR DAD (miguel) is suddenly so caring and attentive and protective towards you unlike your dead dad who wasn't so bothered to raise you properly but you appreciate the change of heart.
Anyways, you don't know that Miguel and the villain are the same guy, so you are going out everyday to fight him, and Miguel is lowkey impressed with your fighting skills, while also going the whole nine yards to be the BEST VILLAIN ever, like my man has a whole speech prepared, full on dramatics.
Miguel, disguised as the villain: You won't be getting away this time, spider girl! I HAVE PLANNED-
10 year old spider girl: can we skip the speech? I have a curfew at 8 and my dad made my favourite for dinner🥺🫶👊
Miguel, internally clutching his heart in awe: of course, sweetie, whatever you want-
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mistydeyes · 6 months
the boys during medical residency
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summary: we've seen the boys on the field but how would they deal on the other side of battle: in the medical field?
pairing: none!
warnings: swearing, medical descriptions
a/n: just a lil something something as i'm working on a few requests, wips, and preparing for my hospital rotation on monday!
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specialty: general surgery
the long hours or sudden calls don’t get to him bc this man never sleeps
"Price, sorry it's late but-" "I'll be right in"
no one knows how he does it but rumor has it he can be ready and over at the hospital in 20 minutes tops
maybe he's just the king of multitasking
a great educator for his fellow medical professionals and patients
he can make a procedure sound like a walk in the park with his soft smile and reassuring words
in fact, the new intern mistook him for a senior doctor when they first met him
that boosted his ego and made the early mornings even more worth it
once he's in the operating room, he is fully focused and locked in
regardless of the surgeon's choice of music for that day, price is ready to go and immediately steps in when its time
speaking of which, his stitches are textbook, perfectly aligned, high tensile strength, and with no tissue reaction
always has everything prepared for handoff to the night resident
this man is READY to leave once he sees his co-resident enter the ward
he gives the most essential run down (he's just tired, not sloppy) and he gets the hell out of there
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specialty: pediatrics
most people think pediatrics are straight forward but actually you need to have some creativity
that’s where soap comes in
a child needs to take a respiratory test but is having trouble? think of it like you’re blowing birthday candles
a child doesn’t understand why they need to have their operation? time to pull out dolls and teddy bears to show how the doctors are gonna make them better
he always shows up no matter how early or late with a smile on his face
easily the kids’ favorite resident (he’s the first person most ask to sign their cast)
hates pre-rounds, he wants to get right in and see the patient's and families for the day
despite this, the other senior and junior residents (even the interns) have to remind him that it is essential to have a plan
when he's finally let loose is able to round, he has a field day walking down the hall
you just know all the attendings and nurses have to keep it a secret that he's working the night shift
or else they'll have a full floor of excited kids waiting to chat when he comes in during rounds
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specialty: physical medicine and rehabilitation
the absolute king of finding resources
he'll whip out a full pdf study guide on spinal cord injury treatment and leave you questioning if he made this or found it online
also has one of those pocket guides that sums up everything you learn in med school
he's always there to help out those in the same boat
has such a steady hand when it comes to injections for spascicity
always has a terrible joke when he sees someone is receiving botulinum toxin
"You're basically receiving a less cool botox treatment"
despite his corny jokes, the residents, especially the geriatric ones, love him
has a friendly demeanor when collecting a patient's history, they simply feel like its a conversation and they'll tell him everything
he loves when people report sport accidents but still say they'll go back to it when they're better
he appreciates the dedication fr
also great at communicating with patient's and giving them detailed instructions to follow before their next visit
but his favorite part of the job? the diversity of the patient's he sees
PM&R is such a unique speciality that you'll see patients with a variety of injuries from all walks of life
this man truly thrives on his adaptability to educate and treat whatever patient the hospital throws to him
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speciality: emergency medicine
sign-out in the morning is always the most awkward with him
as the nurse gives him a run-down of his patients, he'll just stare and occasionally nod to show he's following
"That all?" is his go-to way to end the conversation and actually begin the day's work
despite his quiet demeanor, he'll go through the motions beautifully for any emergency
easily the attending's favorite because he requires no further instruction and keeps a level head given the hectic nature of the room
since he's the attending's favorite, he's the intern's nightmare with his constant stares and the overwhelming presence he gives
"Am I doing something wrong, Simon?" the intern asks as she preps a central line and he just shakes his head, "Personally not how I would do it but go ahead."
this motherfucker
despite this, everyone admits no one deserves the title of "chief resident" more than him
he's not necessarily the best in the "educating others" department but he's sure to give a good explanation if needed
just know he's not happy about it
but if you survive the infamous ghost of the emergency department, you're on the path to success
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mncxbe · 9 months
I believe Ur requests are open rn, so can I request bad men (pls include jouno I'm so down bad for him rn 😭) taking Ur V card? How would they act, etc yk?
Anyhow, Ur writing is beautiful and I wish you a good day/night 🤍
tysm anon^^ you're really sweet and yes ofc I can write for that. hope you like it♡♡
also the way I resisted including my fav dilfs I cannot. internal battle fr
First time♡
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊, 𝑪𝒉𝒖𝒚𝒂, 𝑱𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒐, 𝑻𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: smut♡/ itty bitty fluff
bro does not go easy on you just because it's your first time
he will be gentle at first until you get used to his size and all but after that he'll edge and overstimulate you until you're a babbling mess under him♡
wants to be on top so he can see your pretty face
doesn't really care about the whole making the first time special. every time should be equally special^^ so don't expect anything too fancy
for aftercare you cuddle
"Shit baby. Look at you taking me so well" he praised, leaning in to place a chaste kiss on your tear stained cheeks.
It's only been half an hour since the two of you got in bed but your boyfriend had you cumming countless times already. Legs wrapped loosely around his waist, your glossy eyes rolled back in your skull as you pleaded him to stop.
But how could he stop when you were chanting his name like a prayer with each of his thrusts?
A heartfelt chuckle rolled past his lips as his thumb pressed on your aching clit, rubbing gentle circles on it.
"What was that bella? Want me to stop? Can't have that until you cum one more time. You can do it f'me yea?" he cooed, smiling down at you.
You only nodded in response, too fucked out to form a coherent thought. And so your sweet boyfriend kept rolling his hips against yours, reaching your sweetest spots until your high washed over you again; leaving you panting softly.
When he eventually pulled out, Dazai rolled to the side and slid his arms around you, pulling you flush against his frame. The sheets were damped by your sweat, cold against your skin.
"Was it good bella? Did you enjoy yourself?" he asked, nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck.
You sighed deeply, feeling your breath slowly return to its normal rhythm.
"If I liked it? God damn you Osamu it was amazing" you smiled, kissing his damp forehead. "I love you"
"I love you too baby" he whispered softly, smiling contently. Not long after you both fell asleep, relishing each other's embrace.
he's so gentle and caring
puts his whole chuyussy into it; there will be scented candles, silky sheets and he probably buys you a fancy lingerie set
takes his time with you with foreplay and when you actually do it he's so tender. holds your hand. constantly asks if you're ok
he does not stop until you cum at least twice
"Good girl. You're taking me so well baby"
for aftercare you either take a warm bath together or share a glass of wine while you debrief the sex; what you like and dislike and what he should do different next time
overall an amazing experience
The sweet, syrupy scent of the candles placed on the nightstand lulled you into a blissed out state. Your gaze was hazy as you took in the imagine of your boyfriend underneath you, ruby coloured locks standing out against the pearly white sheets.
Chuya's thumb gently caressed yours as he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.
"You feeling good princess?" he hummed, watercolour gaze carefully observing your expressions.
You rolled your hips against his at a steady pace, meeting his thrusts; and nodded, a sultry smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
At first your boyfriend wasn't too keen on letting you be on top. After all, it was your special night. Why would you have to work for it? But after coaxing two orgasms out of you he finally agreed and helped you straddle him before burying his cock deep inside you again.
As for now you were chasing your high again, manicured nails softly grazing the skin of his chest as you let your head fall back and mewled so sweetly for him.
"Chuu..." you began, struggling to keep your pace but failing miserably. Chuya's free hand came to rest on your hip, guiding your movements.
"That's it baby you can do it. Just a bit more ok?" he groaned and squeezed your hip.
After you both came and you stumbled off him, laying on the damp sheets beneath, Chuya let out a mellow laughter.
"You did so good baby. Did you enjoy yourself?"
"Yea, I did. And you?"
"Obviously" His fingers brushed a few stray strands of hair from your face; he couldn't help but smile when he saw the content expression on your face, a mask of pure bliss.
"How about we take a bath sweetheart? Sounds good?"
You only nodded in response, eyes shutting tight as you shifted closer to him. Your boyfriend rested his hand on your head, gently caressing your hair.
"Okay then. I'll go get the tub ready"
just like Dazai he likes to overtsimulate you but he's a bit more gentle
the fact that he picks up on your reactions- hitched breaths and heartbeat- helps him adjust his pace
the perfect mix of praise and degradation sjsjjs
loves to hear you moan
any position is good for him. as long as you feel comfortable
for aftercare you just cuddle♡
Jouno could feel your heartbeat spike as he pushed himself deeper inside you. You were so sweet and warm; he was utterly entranced.
"Ah fuck Sai" you mewled, causing your boyfriend to shudder lightly, his strong arms threatening to give out. You made him so weak.
You've both been at it for a good while but Jouno showed no sign of stopping. And how could he when your walls were wrapping around him like a vise, milking him of all he's worth? The pretty pleas and mewls that rolled past your lips were like music for his ears, a sweet symphony just for him, that only added to the cocktail of pleasure.
But of course he couldn't let you see the effect you had on him, so he picked up the pace, causing your eyelids to flutter shut.
"What a pretty doll I have. I could swear this ain't your first time judging by how well you take this dick" he chuckled, relishing the feeling of your velvety walls fluttering around him. "Shit baby. You gonna cum again? You like it when I talk to you like that don't ya?"
"Y-yea" you babbled out, fingers sliding to the nape of his neck as you pulled him in for a sloppy kiss.
A small groan left Jouno's throat as you both reached your high, the tight knot in your abdomen snapping into a delicious pool of heat.
Your boyfriend gently rested his forehead against yours, mumbling sweet praises until you both regained your breaths.
After a few seconds he tried to roll to the side but you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him back on top of you.
"Just stay like this for a bit. It feels nice" you hummed sleepily against his shoulder, earning a soft sigh from your partner.
"As you wish baby" he smiled, his lithe fingers finding your, loosely interlocking with them.
another gentle boy; when I tell you he's more nervous than you
Tachi really wants to make your first time special so he asks you 1000 times if you're sure you wanna do it
takes his time with foreplay and when you get to do it he takes it slow. maybe a bit too slow. he just doesn't wanna hurt you
but as soon as you tell him you're good he'll pick up the pace
please for the love of God praise him
he whimpers (sources: trust me bro)
for aftercare he brews you a cup of tea and you talk about how you felt
"But you sure you felt good right? Right??"
"You sure you're ready sweet thing?" asked your boyfriend with a concerned expression.
"Yea. I am, don't worry about it. I just need you so badly" you whispered in response and he nodded, slowly pushing himself inside you.
And oh you felt divine. Tachihara couldn't contain the loud groan that fell from his lips when he bottomed out and slowly started moving, rocking his hips against yours in a steady rhythm.
"You ok there pretty?" he asked, taking in your features; you looked so beautiful sprawled beneath him like this, silky hair a tangled mess from all the foreplay.
You bit your lip and nodded in response as you urged him to pick up the pace; and naturally he did.
Soon after you were both panting, His eyes were shut tight, mouth slightly agape as he whispered sweet nothings against the shell of your ear.
"You're so good f'me sweetie. You feel like heaven." he said in a sultry voice between sweet moans and whimpers and you swore you could've came just by the sight of his blissed out expression. Your boyfriend's hands worshipped every inch of your heated skin, fingertips slowly tracing down your body to rub little circles on your puffy clit.
"Baby wait wait I'm-" you attempted to protest but were cut off by his gentle touch.
"Shh sweet thing it's ok. Need ya to cum f'me like a good girl"
The moment he spoke those words a wave of pleasure washed over you, causing your thighs to squeeze his narrow waist.
Nails digging into the plush skin of your hips Tachihara let out a groan, thrusting a few more times before releasing his cum deep inside you.
"God that was..." he sighed, eyelids fluttering shut for a moment as he took a deep breath in. When he opened them again and saw the mess the two of you made, his cum dripping down your thighs as you desperately squeezed them together he got out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom to bring you a towel.
"Here you go babe. Lemme clean you up" he smiled gently, brushing the puffy material against your sensitive skin. "Was it good?"
"Of course it was babe" you replied, returning his smile "But I could use some sleep now"
"As you wish"
He slid back underneath the covers, arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he nuzzled his head against the nape of your neck.
"You were amazing darling. I'm so happy I got to be your first" he hummed, sending warm tingles down your spine.
What did you ever do to deserve someone as sweet as him?
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yrthr · 1 year
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gunwook masterlist / zb1 masterlist ; wc 0.975k
➛ genre ; angst - fluff ➛ warning ; cursing , mentions of food
🎧— sorry this took so long anddd i think i also got carried away with this one..
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the tension in the living room was intolerable. the rectangle room which was once considered a safe haven turned into some kind of war-zone.
snarky remarks with raised voices and the added passive aggressiveness bounced off the four brick walls and into the emotions of the couple sitting on the couch.
“ it’s not my fault you were scolded today. “
“ and ? how does that play into this right now , you clearly knew i was in a bad mood and you still couldn’t let me cool off. “
“ i just asked you to eat the dinner i prepared. i literally spoke three words. “
gunwook let out an annoyed ‘ tsk ‘ , rolling his eyes and he stared holes into the electronic device he was suddenly so interested in.
“ no one asked you to prepare it , god you’re so naggy. “
as if his actions weren’t enough to full the bubbling anger in you , the absolute ungratefulness was the breaking point.
“ …fuck you. “
leaving the couch in a huff you grabbed the necessities for the night and threw them in the guest room , slamming the door shut.
the next day rolled around after a rather unsettling sleep. out of habit you reached out your hand to the other side of the bed before realising the person that usually greets you every morning was no where in sight.
you sighed out of frustration and a slight hint of embarrassment as well.
ding !
the rectangular device vibrated on the white sink , which almost caused it to fall off the curved edge. somehow the spidy sense in you managed to catch it in time , a sigh of relief escaping your lips.
with a toothbrush half sticking out of you mouth and toothpaste smothered around your lips you smiled at the silly conversation with your friend.
‘ y/n bbg wna watch the little mermaid today ? my treat. ‘
‘ now ? ‘
‘ starts in 3 hours , meet me for lunch at coex. ‘
‘ ight thanks sugar mommy. ‘
after putting on a comfortable outfit for the day and one last quick comb of your hair you begrudgingly opened the door dreading the thought of seeing the culprit of all your anger from the previous night.
‘ out the door at last , ‘ you thought , ‘ never have i ever been this happy to get out of the house. ‘
the day out definitely cheered boosted the once sour mood and took your mind off the problem. movie , arcade games and even a spontaneous aquarium trip also ripped that bank account. [ me fr ]
“ are you sure you don’t want me to drop you off at your apartment lobby ? “
“ nah i wanna hit the convenience store anyways , see you at school. “
“ see you , and do your homework. “
“ bye mother. “
you watched as the silver car drove off leaving you walking towards the said convenience store.
picking up the ramen package and a drink you considered getting a snack for gunwook as well.
‘ he can get his own shit. ‘ the little devil sitting on your shoulder whispered into your ear.
click click click !
ah… home sweet home.
the empty bundled up plastic bag served as a coaster for the cold drink , the seasoning scattered across the counter and the open packet of noodles , together with its consumer , waited rather impatiently for the water to boil.
“ where did you go ? “
a voice came from the hallway which its owner came crawling out of the darkness right after.
he walked into the light of the kitchen with disheveled hair and hands behind his back staring at the floor.
a spark of annoyance rushed through your veins as you fought an internal battle to not roll your eyes at the sheer sound of his voice.
ding !
saved by the water boiler of all things.
you turned your back to him suddenly being extremely invested into the process of preparing ramen.
a few shuffles were heard behind you and a small ‘ sorry ‘ before the soft sound of the door closing caused a surge of relief.
you did feel bad for ignoring him but the small grudge you held against him plus the added pettiness constantly persuaded you that ignorance was the best solution.
the next few days played out about the same way.
to you it was an internal conflict of whether to forgive him now or carry on with this silence.
but to gunwook this was his version of hell.
arguments rarely happen.
small ones , sure but they were solved in about five minutes he couldn’t bare to see you upset over his actions. [ even if it wasn’t his fault ]
he’s tried almost everything he could think of , trying to strike up conversations with dumb questions , leaving food on the table for you after a long day of school which he’d hide in the hallway and take a quick glance or two to see if you’d eat it.
bringing you water while you’re locked up in your room even organising the mess on your desk hoping you’d notice and say something.
but you were still ignoring him.
gunwook was at his breaking point.
and so once again today you came back home from a tiring day of school ready to retreat into the guest room for some much needed youtube when you were suddenly engulfed into a warm embrace.
one at you shared with a certain someone.
“ im sorry.. please stop ignoring me. “
he muttered and muzzled himself into your collarbone while practically squeezing you against himself.
“ sorry too i should’ve just let you cooled off before saying anything. “
he shook his head and you felt tears trickle down.
“ its my fault… im sorryy “
you felt his grip tighten which made you instinctively chuckle and ruffle his hair.
“ don’t cry you big baby. “
“ im not ! “
he whined but made no effort to stop or wipe his tears away.
“ yeah yeah sure you aren’t babe. “
divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
©️ yrthr 2023
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moliathh · 1 month
This had been irking me so i have to say it. I know Hellsing is a horror media with a LOT of flashy action scene, however, it is unjust to see it as solely gore and fights. I've seen complaints about how adding a "romance" in will reduce the quality of the story as an "action horror". (specifically speaking is between Alucard and Integra because of course in the end of the day this is just ship war, not a serious discussion whatsoever) I would argue that Hellsing is never ONLY about the actions. Yall might have already noticed how Alucard is too OP, and it was not even because he got any tricks up his sleeves. He is simply invincible, his mechanism is just that hes a "deus ex machina". He did NAWT need to start out with zero and levelling up like your common action anime protagonist. It's not a first time a central character is overpowered in an unreasonable way. A way you could interpret this trope is that it was not about battles, not the physcial one, but the development in their characteristic, their thoughts and emotions and ideology all that stuffs. A classic example is Sir Gawain and The Green Knight (TGK), where all of their (physical) battles are nonsense and did not mean anything in terms of combat, they dont even fight each other, even the climax (the decapitation of TGK) was dismissed into a looney tunes moment. BECAUSE OF COURSE IT WAS NEVER ABOUT THE BATTLE NOR PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT, it was the internal struggle and maturing in character. THAT is what's happening in Hellsing IF yall look pass the very flashy facade of gore scenes Hirano put up. READ BETWEEN THE LINES, because he's not gonna hand it out to you on a plate. If you want to see how each character developed you have to look closely at their reactions and dialogues, not how they fight.
SO, imo, it's reducing the quality and message of Hellsing to interpret it solely as an action horror media, not the other way around. AND MIND YOU, romance subplot and action horror can coexist. For what does the character fight? A higher ideal? Power? Fun? Love? All that is noteworthy to think about when you engage in a media display many fight scenes. DONT YOU WANNA KNOW WHY THEY FIGHT THAT HARD ???? and in this case it is VERY obvious that Alucard is motivated by Integra. LIKE it cant be more obvious
And I'm so tired of seeing "Alucard only listen to Integra because of the seal and shes a Hellsing". Bestie, he literally ripped Richard's hand off, we dont even know the extent of the seal, like how far? or can it REALLY control Alucard? Besides, if you have read The Dawn you would see what a damn lazy ass Alucard was, Arthur sent him on a mission and he didn't even bother to walk on his own and just sleep safe and sound in his coffin until he felt like waking up??? Compare that to his enthusiasm to beg Integra on four just for her order and even purposefully tick her off by asking about her enthusiasm for war, oh and did we collectively forget this
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(This is the Dark Horse eng scan if i remember correctly? i might be mistaken idk)
Sure it could just be a mere parallel, "The woman he personally desired" might only means Mina Harker and not directly Integra herself, I see. But, why bother choosing this parallel, and RIGHT after this panel he went STRAIGHT to Integra to ask for her order.
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You know how enthusiastic he is with a fight and everything was already laid before him, worthy enemies and all. Yet he would not act without her words? I did not see him needing permission before ripping Richard's hand off... Also the seal did NAWT ask him to do all this
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There are more of his sickening and excessive display of obedience but i don't have time to pull the panels out yet, but we all know its there since Alucard's submissive attitude and Integra's bossy demeanour is one of their most appealing traits, I know, because it is literally one of the BIGGEST selling points and running joke of the fandom, funnyyyy how people always love to call Alucard a sub and use words such as "freaky" and "slutty" to call him as if he didn't reserved this treatment for ONLY Integra. Sure Integra is a demanding boss to even her enemies, and it works like wonder everytime, because she's Integra, she mastered Alucard, others are just piece of cake to her. But that's not the same case with Alucard. Major literally said "She is the only authority Alucard recognizes". And have Alucard extended the phrase "My master" and all the begging and insinuating jokes to anyone else? It's so convenient isnt it, to just take one specific trait of Alucard's personality and make it his entire character without considering to WHO he directed those innuendos to.
Oh and I haven't walk us to the final chapter yet, like the seal did NAWWWWWTTT asked him to call her "Countess" (or Count, depending on the translators) and literally he could accept his death becoming a paradox? Wasn't Alucard had been craving an end for a long while now? Why the need to return just because Integra asked him to??? Be serious for a moment here
Also a personal interpretation of mine that could be a stretch or just pure delulu is that, in the manga AND the anime adaptation, the last word Alucard said after goodbye is "Integra" (In both Japanese and English dub, the word order is exactly the same), not "Master" or "Integra HELLSING". The same goes when he addressed how he can kill without remorse but the decision is in her hand, he also said "I am a monster, now regarding you, Integra". To me that is an indicator for how he CARED for her not just because she's a Hellsing or his master but she's Integra, from the first of their meeting it was very clear, that Alucard wounded A HELLSING to protect Integra.
So... even non-romantically, you cannot deny that Alucard voluntarily worked for Integra. They DO care about each other a lot, even platonically, their bond is almost like soulmates with how well they trust and understand each other. I just don't like it when people keep side-stepping the depth of their relationship just because you don't like to ship them romantically. These are the canon informations you can't just seriously unironically say that there was nothing there.
And oh don't even get me started on the "But he is a vampire, the enemy of her family and he hates Hellsing because of Abraham something something stockholm syndrome something she's ace coded she's lesbian coded she swore to be a virgin until death she wouldnt throw it away for the enemy of her family etcera etcera" you're saying it as if ace people aren't allowed to date or have sex and you're saying it as if Alucard isn't canonically genderfluid. Why always view the ship as solely heteronormative while they were never conventional to begin with. And MIND YOU, i thought everyone love the enemies to lovers trope?? they were BARELY stockholm syndrome at all did we forget about the Bird of Hermes analogy as a metaphor for loyalty voluntarily given.
If you care so much about "monsters and humans are forbidden" and "they are not canon" maybe treat every ship with the same attitude since MOST of hellsing most popular ships fit into that exact two sentences above, maybe except Pip x Seras is canon, but they're also human x monster, so what now???? Just hate on a ship all you like, I hate ships too and I hate them because I don't like them, that's all, no need to do extra mental gymnastic to prove the ship is "wrong" or their shippers are "wrong".
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punkeropercyjackson · 26 days
Team Parent Percy Jackson headcanons
Before i forget to do them again!!He is canonically but Rick dosen't expand on it and i also don't wanna hear any critisism because this is based off irl experiences and Percy used to his full potential because he deserves better
I wanna start off with the canon evidence:He's the eldest main hero in the franchise(T.oa is Not Real)and the most experienced one too,he feels the need to look out for younger people all the time and this is a springoff growing up a bully beater that was so set on protecting the innocent he never stopped even after getting kicked out of 6 schools by age 12,he's constantly compared to Poseidon as a foil to him whos's him but better,Hazel said he looked like a roman god which her dad is and Percy himself even compared his relathionship with Nico to acting like Sally does with him
He also said Sadie looks like his daughter and he specifically used 'mother' for the Nico part so darkskin afro-dominican and transfem bigender Percy is hashtag real <3
Nico and Hazel are his platonic soulmates by choice in every universe and they're known as 'The Dead Sea Siblings'.No Hoo retcons for Nico and Percy's dynamic and in fact between Botl and Tlo they spent the year bonding and reconnecting so when Hazel comes in to complete them they're a proper trio like they were always meant to be and Sally legally adopts Nico and Hazel after Tlo and after Boo respectively but they keep their birth surnames just for shortness' sake
He calls them 'Papito' and 'Mamita' and helps them take care of their hair and they have wash day together with Percy doing the work most often and Nico and Hazel lean on him for support both emotionally and literally when they're exhausted.They hang out almost 24/7 and the younger two are enrolled at a Special ED school as Percy convinced them to out of regret from rejecting Sally's offer to him when he was in elementary school because his internalized ableism was so bad already he had a meltdown and then a shutdown about it.He made sure to tell Nico and Hazel how smart they are too since he knows what it's like to have almost nobody say it to you
He guiltrips Poseidon into giving him money for Nico's chronic pain meds and mobility aids and helps Hazel out with girls,with her love life being as Mabel Pines-esque as she is(Nico is Dipper obviously)
He radicalized them as a multitype punk(afropunk,crustpunk,seapunk and solarpunk-The sea does not like to be restrained)so Nico's goth punk and Hazel's pastel goth punk.He taught them all they needed to know and takes them to safer punk activities like charity events and shows until they get old enough he's comfortable taking them on riots with him too.His battle jacket patches include a skull and a yellow diamond to represent them and a part of punk culture that appealed to him big time was the emphasis on children's rights in the form of older punks taking care of and protecting baby punks.Naturally he did Nico and Hazel's piercings for them too
He uses his powers to make beach days straight up tropical for them and just in general loves making kids happy by doing water tricks for them.He himself is pretty kiddy as a way of healing his inner child and having intergenerational friends where he gets to be the caretaker so he can give kids who're like he used to be a better childhood than he had which includes not making them be his therapist but the reverse is a huge help(Percy just like me fr fr).He loves legos,video games,cats,cartoons,princesses(also his type in women,specifically BLACK princess-y girls since i mean Andromeda?Duh)and pink is his second favorite color after blue
He looks like as much of a dad as he acts like.He's 6'4,thick as fuck(healthy fat and muscles mix),has long hair,super darkskinned and strongfeatured and radiates a vibe that puts off normies and makes children think he's trustworthy.The piercings(tongue ring,eyebrow,spider bite and forward helix on both ears)give him an edge that's oddly friendly
His cooking skills are on par with Sally's so he packs Nico and Hazel lunch and leaves them little sticky notes with positive words/gentle reminders on them.They share the bed often so they can all have good sleep schedules and it was Percy's idea with Hazel's convincing Nico after his initial hesitance out of worry his boney cold build would be uncomfortable to sleep with but they think he's as snuggly as a teddy bear and Percy having boobs thanks to being on estrogen in the past makes his chest comfortable to lay on(Nonsexually for them.If you make it sexual please repent and disintegrate,i literally grew up doing this with my relatives who're girls like me)
Has a 'Protect Trans Kids' banner in his room and a pin of it on his battle jacket.He's known as the cool punk Manhattan dude you go to if you're having gender troubles because he knows his shit and just what to say because of his extreme gender fuckery and obviously Nico and Hazel are his trans kids and inspired him to start handing out knowledge of transgenderism to younger generations in general and same goes for autism,even more so because he's literally the most autistic character ever
The little kids at camp consider him more their parent than their godly ones and some of them even call him 'Dad' or 'Mom'.It makes Percy tear up every time because it makes him feel like really succeeded in breaking the cycle of abuse and changing the system(as if he didn't straight up kill Zeus and cause a revolution he helped out on a lot)
Owns matching Aquapets with Nico and Hazel and it was their idea to buy them so they searched for ones together at thrift stores
He gets maddddddd if someone hurts younger people even if he dosen't even know them and jumps to their defense because it's a built in instinct at this point
Carries around a backpack with emergency items in case anything happens and has important facts about the kids memorized
Wholesome memes connoiseur.These are literally Percy core but he has an entire phone gallery of them saved for when his loved ones are sad:
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I wanna make the obvious nsfw jokes but i also want to keep this post to be pg so imma just say Dilf Percy.Yeah that's it
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marshmallowmanta · 7 months
The battle of Light vs. Arcane has concluded on Flight Rising, and I'm excited to share my contributions!
Our expedition team's portraits!
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My child, Cassius! They are the drama. They are the problem. But like, not on purpose. And mostly self contained. A fantastic researcher with unique opinions. Imagine, your rival in your field with the most heavily contrasting opinions- shares a body with you. I love. Them. (This is the only one I wrote for. The rest of the writing was done by the fantastic and wonderful Valoria!)
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Marjorie, Team lead. Stern, smart, probably tired of your antics.
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We have Alwyn, a bean. Our intern. The subject of torment.
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Mina! Our cartographer! Here to map the library. Love her.
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Eddie! Full of knowledge! And love. For the knowledge.
CREDIT TO CounterCats on FR for the frames for these! They were our push artist and made the little paper assets, among MANY other things. CC, sugar to you my friend!
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eijirousbestie · 1 year
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use of the word girl like once
i try to keep it gn but this was soooo self indulgent WHOOPS
office fluff + i need a man like him fr
* * *
Thinking about Eijirou stopping by to visit you at your job in his free time for no particular reason at all. Everyone knows him at the front office and they smile as they let him right in. He’s been in the building before and knows his way around and takes the elevator to the third floor where your department resides.
You’re typing away at your desk, piles of papers at your side as you transfer the information onto spreadsheets. Amidst the paper chaos you see a flash of red in your peripheral vision causing your eyes to perceive who’s approaching. You look up once then do a double take, your eyes widening on their own and your lips slowly creeping into a smile.
“Hey pretty girl.” He flashes you a sweet smile, pearly whites on full display as he walks into your cubicle. His voice is hushed as to not disturb your co-workers but it makes your heart beat nonetheless.
You let out a soft and breathy “Hi” in response, your stunned face now simmering into a pleasantly surprised smile.
“What are you doing here? I thought you were on patrol?” He leans down to reach you and places a soft kiss on your cheek before standing back up to his full height. Your face tilts up to meet his loving gaze.
“Incident report day. I was filing paperwork and got done early so I thought I’d come see you.”
You swear if you smiled any harder your face would split in two. His thoughtful gesture is so admirable it makes you dizzy.
“Eiji, you really didn’t have to. I’m sure they still need you at the agency.”
He raises a brow at you before a smug smile graces his face.
“Wouldn’t leave if I wasn’t certain hun. Plus, that’s a perk of running your own agency. It’s what I’ve got employees for.” You shake your head softly, a playful laugh leaving your lips.
“Well thank you regardless for coming to see me.” You stand to give him an enveloping hug, promptly hidden by your spacious cubicle. His built arms wrap around your waist as he hugs you closer to him, making you wrap your arms around his neck.
“Anything for you.” He places a chaste kiss to your temple before loosening his grip on you, his hands now resting gently on your hips. “Hungry?”
You breathe in the heady scent of his cologne, soft wafts of cinnamon and chai warming your senses. He always smells so homey. His soft hold on you draws a relieved sigh from your lips.
“Always.” He chuckles at your reply. His fingers lightly pinching the skin of your hips through your uniform just before he pulls away.
“Good ‘cus I brought some good eats for ya.” You only just now notice the white shopping bag he’s placed on your desk away from the mess of papers. You look back up at him with a grateful expression, eyes filled with appreciation.
“You know I love you right?” You’re so drunk on gratitude it’s the first thing you think to express. He smiles just as widely at you and crosses his arms over his chest, muscles rippling.
“I dunnooo, might need to hear you say it for a little reminder.” His grin turns smug as he looks down at you, patiently waiting. You step closer to him and unfold his crossed arms, taking his hands in yours. You lock your gaze on him and admire his face. The subtle freckles from time in the sun littering his nose. His lengthy eyelashes. His plush and slightly chapped lips.
It feels like an eternity before you speak and he feels how long you’re taking. His heart pitter-patters in his chest as he takes notice of the way you’re looking at him. Like you’re trying to memorize every feature of his. He’s trying so hard not to blush. To not take your lips in holy matrimony. To not pull you out of the office and show you just how far his love for you goes. He feels like he might lose this internal battle if you don’t speak. And quickly.
“You gonna keep me waiting baby? The way you’re lookin’ at me is gonna-”
“Eijirou Kirishima. Everything you do for me is done out of the kindness of your heart and I have so much gratitude for you. I love you so much, not only for what you do, but because you’re always thinking of me. I love you and appreciate you so much.”
His body goes slack. Mouth hung open as he stares at you before it stretches into a gentle smile. With reddened cheeks he closes the gap between you both and places a loving kiss on your lips.
“I’d do it all for you hun.” And as you enjoy your lunch with him in the break room, your co-workers can’t help but to feel envious.
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tonycries · 1 month
OMG YOU SAW THE LEAKS TOO??? okay but privately... real talk... narratively speaking i actually hope it's nobara with one of gojo's eyes.
i read a fic where gojo gives nobara his eye as soon as he gets out of the box bc he feels like he failed his student and he wants her to succeed. and it just HIT DIFF.
gojo's emotional arc of "being the strongest means being unable to connect to others" has always been so muddied by suguru and megumi and even yuji and nobara.
like? he obviously CAN invest himself emotionally in others, but the manga heavily favors showing him being arrogant, being invincible in battle, beating the crap out of people. or locking him in a box sdfgjhklshg
his character as a whole would have so much more depth if gege put a spotlight on gojo as a teacher, which is where all of his humanity is. gojo's not fighting to protect the world or whatever. he wants to protect his students.
he wants to raise up new, powerful sorcerers, he wants to feel less alone, he EXPLICITLY wants to form a connection with these young people he's personally mentoring. we find out he hid straight up HID sukuna's final finger just to protect yuji!
it sucked that we never saw him think about megumi, even internally just going "i know megumi would choose for me to kill him now, if it would save his friends". gege STOP BEING ALLERGIC TO GOJO CHARACTERIZATION! IT'S THERE! STOP DENYING IT!
OOOO I love the theory of it being Nobara actually cuz I miss my girl fr, though I'm not sure if Gege's gonna be that nice to us.
I deffo agree with the Gojo as a teacher characterization like I NEED MOREEE GEGE GIVE ME MOREEE. Here are a few of my theories on next chapter tho, let's see:
GOJO IS BACK, I think the "unmistakable eyes" kinda did it for me. But what if he lost an eye/ was nerfed a bit in some way because his eyes looked black. And he fights Sukuna - maybe with Yuji? Idk I need him to get back at him for the 3v1 shit.
Nobara or maybe Kenjaku - Kenny in Gojo's body?? Maybe?? Like we saw his body disappeared, right? What are the chances that Kenny got his grubby lil' hands on it (stay away from my man Ken).
Was literally just a hallucination or something. Because I feel like a) Gege isn't THAT nice and b) Yuji is reaching his full potential as a sorcerer and MC so putting Gojo back into it might just throw everything off.
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reds-writings · 3 months
First and foremost, you are so talented in the fluidity of your writing and the characterisation of Rust. I was wondering how you think Rust would react if the Reader got pregnant? Would he pull a 2002 and freak out and leave? Would he even be capable of doing that?
thank you so much anon!! here’s some headcannons on that topic!
heavy content involving child loss ahead!! mentions of pregnancy and implications of abortion!! do not read if these are triggering topics!!
-i actually planned for the reader in the jj universe to not be able to have children due to a forced (botched) procedure from a teen pregnancy thus making her infertile (not sure if i was going to make a smaller fic about it since it’s such heavy content)
-so she understands having life take away something so crucial from her and having the choice of children be permanently made for her (just in a different way)
-but! if she were to hypothetically be able to have children:
-rust is dead set on never having children again after sofia as per various scenes stating so throughout the show
-what was once deep despair from such devastating loss slowly hardened into a sworn duty to never be selfish enough to bring something so pure for the never ending evils of the world to take away or tarnish
-you understand this and after one rather ugly argument about it one night a while back that almost had you two splitting you realized that you could set aside that certain desire (for it was a distant one to begin with)
-with your line of work and how little time you have it never seemed much of a reality anyway
-it’s not that rust hates children or is cruel to them in any capacity. he looks out for them and is kind to them in his own way, just at a preferred arm’s length distance more or less
-it’s hard to expect someone, let alone one like rust, to be able to ever pick up from the tragedy of his daughter’s death and start anew just like that
-to him it’d be like she never existed. like he’d be forced to forget and let go of his undying love for the precious soul ripped from him so cruelly. the thought of it all made him nothing short of sick and you wouldn’t be the one to push him on it
-if you were to ever get pregnant though it’d be an honest to god slip up
-how he’d react would greatly depend on how far into the relationship you’d be and just where he is in life at that moment
-his first instinct would to be to shut down and run but it’s you so fighting that internal battle would be hell itself
-he’d probably do the wrong thing and keep his distance one way or another for a while. leaving you to feel all sorts of things not good bc all you have is yourself at the moment to process something so monumental
-you’d like to think he wouldn’t just be some asshole deadbeat but the severe bout of radio silence became a breeding ground for negative second thoughts
-like this is something that might cause a huge rift or separation should you keep it
-mr ‘a man needs a family’ marty would be so mad at that man oh lord. he’s hounding on him any chance he gets
-would fr give him the cold shoulder at first with the news of your guys’ predicament and how rust was handling it like a damn coward (his words not mine)
-it takes a real hot minute (like far into the pregnancy hot minute) but rust does finally come around although things are still horribly tense
-trusting him to not turn tail again was a feat in itself. you gave him the rundown that if he wasn’t ready you didn’t need him around no matter how much you loved him. plus this was a ‘it takes two to tango’ situation so no one was to necessarily blame. it was what it was and that was that.
-you were done with the unnecessary stress and drama. all you could do was lay out the rules and let him decide to get with it or not
-it’d be hard on him once he’s realized how much of the little things he missed so far on the beginning of this new journey so that’s a whole other can of worms to deal with
-he tries his best in his own way to do what he can to make up for his absence. build a crib/nursery necessities, take you to the rest of your appointments, have everything you need at the ready, quiet freak outs about your health every minute of the day and so on. silent acts of service as per usual
-his insomnia is his excuse to make sure you’re doing okay but he won’t admit it really
-the fear of it all grips at you two in different ways but his is all the more paralyzing at times
-(he breaks down on his own time when the baby is born no doubt)
-i feel once the baby does come around he’d be one of those slightly distant fathers more often than not
-his support is performed in silence and his affections are kept mostly at bay. kinda like an old school dad who takes on the sole role of being a provider/mentor while you give your outward affections/love enough for the both of you and focus on keeping your kid happy
-there are times where he lets this demeanor slip, where you just know that he’d do anything no matter what for this kid despite it all. that loving them didn’t mean forgetting sofia. not in the slightest
-he’d just be extremely slow to warm and it’d take a lot of time to chip away at his exterior in this context but he also probably keeps in mind not to end up a total fuckhead like his father
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velvetlilacsdaisies · 4 months
Flames & Weapons pt. i
OC!Fem!Reader x Garrick Tavis, OC!Fem!Reader x Bodhi Durran
Word count: 3.5k
Synopsis: What happens when you attend Basgiath war college as an infantry cadet with your lover, your ride or die best friend and your twin brother? Alot of fucking shit. Follow the story of our oc’s Allie Henrick and Katia Lalley as their bond of friendship remains strong as their dynamics of life change around them. What happens when they meet two fellow first year riders in their first year? Will their world change forever? Then again nothing can be as expected in war college. Stay tuned as our oc's become badass infantry cadets.
Warnings: swearingggg (a lot.), iron flame spoilers???, NO USE OF Y/N!!, mentions of cheating, let me know if we missed anything 🤭
Author’s Note: SURPRISE!! A month in the making thx to my procrastination hehe sorry allie. This is a self indulgent fever dream of a collab between @garricks4thwingqueen (president of the garrick tavis fan club fr) it’s first person original character fic. Primarily focusing on GarrickxOC but with side quests of BodhixOC as well. It’s an entirely new perspective for me to write bc i do y/n pov or third person so this was a treat. We hope you all enjoy!
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Three years…three years I had spent in that toxic cesspool of a relationship. For what? For everything I had an intuition about to be true? Fucking incredible. Nothing like being right and a fool, maybe once RSC started Malek could put me out of my misery, and save me from the overwhelming amount of embarrassment I felt. The clock tower in the courtyard sounded alerting it was a quarter to 8, indicating it was almost time for Battle Brief as the chatter in the halls started to die down outside my door.
I sighed, finally rolling myself out of bed after lying there, staring at the ceiling replaying the events of last night since the alarm on my bedside table went off an hour ago, but I was numbly stuck in the warmth of my blankets. What a waste of time… I’ve repeated that to myself for what felt like the umpteenth time that morning.
I barely had enough time to get dressed in the navy blue uniform I grew accustomed to, and put my auburn hair into the slicked-back bun I had to wear, my hair was barely unkempt and uniform not as crisp as the codex required. I was sure to get yelled at by one of the executive lieutenants today, but I didn’t quite care, too numb to feel the usual anxiety I would feel about abiding by the stupid little handbook we were given in the beginning of the year. I dreaded every second of the thought of going to Battle Brief. Being forced into proximity with Zachariah made my stomach churned at the flashbacks of last night.
Minimal conversation was my goal for today, I thought, setting the agenda internally for myself as I walked to Battle Brief. Just make sure my battalion doesn’t do anything stupid and stay in line. I didn’t need to get reprimanded anymore than I probably already would be today. Plus after the night I had prior, I just couldn’t bother with much interaction with anyone. It’s bad enough I had to show up for classes. I put my bag on my shoulder and made sure that my door was locked as I made my way to the academic wing of the infantry quadrant. I was never more thankful for having my own room, one of the primary perks of being a Battalion leader.
I entered the somewhat crowded hall that was used for Battle Brief. A giant map in the middle of the room, showing all of Navarre. Keeping my head down as I made my way to my usual spot.
"Allie you missed breakfast." My best friend, Katia, said concerned. I slid into my seat between her and my twin brother, Drew. He offered a tight-lipped smile in greeting. “You’re going to be sluggish through morning lessons.” She added.
"Fuck off, I’m not gonna die if I miss breakfast." I whispered snappily.
"Eat this," Drew said with a roll of his eyes, ignoring my foul mood, tossing an orange to me.
It landed on my desk with a thud, as I wasn't paying him any mind, no, my sole attention at this point was on my ex and the girl that had her arm wrapped around his waist as they walked into the enormous classroom. "Fucking hells, Chiara Reid?” Drew hissed lowly to us as they walked by.
"Oh shit?" Left the girl besides me lips as they both realized the cause of my current mood. Katia’s eyes now set to a death glare at the pair that passed by.
“I saw them kissing in the library last night. Dumb ass tried denying it all.” I sneered, pushing the lump that had formed in my throat down.
It was the last straw of the tension that had been building between us in the last few weeks. We had been together since we were teenagers, but I guess that hadn’t accounted for anything when you attend war college together.
The last few months were filled with fighting and arguing over his lingering eyes and neglectful behavior. It had driven me mad to the point that I felt crazy for even accusing him of such thoughts of cheating, but last night had confirmed my intuition was right. Fighting the burn in my eyes as silver tears lined them, threatening to spill. I would not get upset over some loser. Katia grabbed my hand, rubbing small circles on the back of it.
“I’m gonna beat his fucking ass.” Drew glowered, gripping his notebook until his knuckles turned white.
"It's not worth it Drew, he's in our squad you know the penalty," I murmured, glancing his way. "I guess I'm out of a best friend now.” He mumbled, slouching in his seat. I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, feeling guilty that I got in the way of their friendship.
Katia scoffed, “You’re more worried about losing a best friend than the fact he treated your sister like shit? Unbelievable Drew…”
“Yeah, well he was my friend first, and I warned him—” My twin grumbled, leaning over me to glare at her.
“Warned him? I fucking told him I’d castrate him if he ever did something to Al. And unlike your pansy ass I fully intend on keeping my promise.” Her green eyes were darkened.
Drew continued to haughtily argue in a hushed whisper with her trying to prove whatever point. I kept opening my mouth to try to shut them up, but they just kept volleying back and forth retorts to one another before I could get a word in.
I rubbed my temples, trying to focus on what our professor was debriefing instead. I didn’t expect my breakup to cause a full argument between the two people closest to me. Any other topic? Yes. Not this though.
Their voices started to raise as they used meaningless insults as jabs towards one another, causing the attention of the cadets around us to look at us. Including Zachariah and Chiara. The girl only had a smug smirk on her face, which made the impreding frustration that had been rising since I woke up grow even more.
“Silence.” Our professor yelled across the room. I slid myself down into my seat, making myself as small as possible in the crowd of infantry cadets now looking our way.
"Henricks', Lalley I didn't realize this was a socializing hour." The professor shouted mockingly. Instantly, Katia and Drew shut up, muttering coy apologies, both embarrassed they were caught.
“Now can we turn our attention back to the map.” The professor continued the lesson. I had to pinch Katia’s arm as she reached behind me to flick Drew on the side of the head. An “ow” leaving her lips as she finally stopped and actually started to take notes for class.
These two would be the death of me…
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"Look I know you guys dated for years, but you had a hunch. Think of this as a celebration of a new chapter?” Katia sighed, stopping mid-route in our evening run.
"I just don't feel like doing anything extra this weekend, especially socializing." I groaned, lifting my hands and resting them on top of my head.
"Which is exactly what you need, to socialize." A mischievous glint sparkled in Katia's hazel eyes. I didn't like that glint. She had always been the rebellious one since we became friends years ago. She always got into trouble, and then I had to bail her out or succumb to her ideas. “We should definitely go to Chantara tomorrow night.”
She used any excuse to find a way to party or sneak off campus. I’m surprised I’ve upheld my titles with her as my executive squad leader with the antics she always seemed to get us into.
"This is the one weekend I'd rather just stay in my room—" I started to protest going back into a jog.
"Just humor me, Henrick." She rolled her eyes. "Besides, I'm finding the infantry dating pool rather incestuous at this point." She pointed in her mouth, making a gagging noise as she kept up her pace with me. "Anddddd Garrick and Xaden will be there and you're finally a single woman." She wagged her eyebrows at me. I just rolled my eyes at the suggestive expression on her face knowing what she was thinking.
"Fine." I huffed in the refreshing air of a late summer evening.
"Yay!" She squealed excitedly. "We're gonna have so much fun! Not to mention Garrick looked like he wanted to beat Zach's guts out before Drew stopped him; after the little spat you two had last weekend."
Garrick and Xaden…Any mingling between Riders and Infantry was frowned upon. The codex even goes as far to state there will be no toleration of inter-quadrant dating during a student’s attendance at Basgiath. But that hadn’t stopped us from becoming friends with riders. The four of us hit it off the first night we met.
I thought to myself silently as I thought back to that first night out in town during first year.
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"Damn, we both clean up nice." Katia whistled.
She wasn't wrong, despite wearing our infantry winter fur-lined jackets, we looked good. We didn't have to wear our typical uniformed sleek buns, and finally could let our hair down for once. Despite the anxiety that brewed in the pit of my stomach, I was excited that my best friend had convinced me to sneak out.
I shook my head, "You're crazy, you know that right?" She linked her arm with mine, grinning maniacally in response as we left the barracks.
She led me through tunnels and stairs I’ve never been in since we started infantry a few months ago. “How do you know about this?” I asked again. She’s been rather elusive and secretive on how she even learned about Chantara, the town older Basgiath students would frequent on the weekends to drink, party, and shop at.
She pushed her brunette hair over her shoulder, shooting a wink at me. “It’s amazing what intel you can gather with incredible charm, good looks…a few gold coins.”
We reached an ancient iron gate that a couple second years were standing at. The smell of churam filled the air, making my nose scrunch up. The codex said the herb was forbidden from school property?
One of the second years grinned seeing my best friend. “Lalley, you’ve got some guts. I didn’t think you and your friend would actually show up.”
She walked up to the man, her smile alluring radiating under the dim patterns that lined the stone walls. “My promises and threats are never empty.” Reaching into her pocket, she set two gold coins down into the guy’s hand.
He handed a coin back to her, “promise me a game of darts later at Féasta?”
“Yeah, sure.” She replied coolly, her tone sultry. Though I could tell by the look in her eye, that was one promise she wouldn’t be following up on. I was ready to lose my composure, biting my lip to stifle the laugh about to fall from my lips.
His grin grew even broader. “Sweet, just follow the path through the clearing and you’ll see a fork—take the left. We just let a group of riders through not too long ago. Just follow their obnoxiously loud yelling if you’re unsure.”
She linked her arm with mine, using her free hand to wiggle her fingers at the man in goodbye. “Thanks Trey.”
She discreetly dragged me outside a reasonable distance from the gate before I burst out in giggles. “Thanks Trey?” Mocking her flirty tone.
“Listen,” she giggled lightly herself. “Desperate times call for desperate measures. And I’m desperate for a drink and a dance.”
“It must be so hard to be single.” I said sarcastically.
“We all can’t be fortunate to have their hometown sweetheart attend War college with us now can we?” She used her linked elbow to nudge me, causing me to shy away from her. She just pulled me closer. “You owe me the favor of being a wing woman tonight, I’ve covered for you and Zach too many times this year… and we haven’t even made it to squad assignments yet.”
“Whatever you say Kati.” I just rolled my eyes, shaking my head at her.
The walk into Chantara was brisk, as we giggled about what we should expect for our first night out of Basgiath. The town was lively, citizens of the town and students all throughout the town square browsing the market stalls that lined the cobblestone. Strings of lights glimmered lining the stalls, while musicians played on the corners. Everything was so lively to what we were expecting. There were three different taverns in the town square: Féastas, Lúchás, and Doyle’s. We decided to try Lúchás first seeing the group of riders Trey was talking about wandering in there, along with some couple infantry and healers.
“I knew I should have ordered food when I was up there because I’m starving.” My best friend said as she came back to our table with Lavender Lemonades.
The bar wasn’t crazy packed due to the cold weather, but there was a sizable amount of patrons in here. It was cozy, we had a table right next to the hearth, and I could see why most of the patrons were Basgiath students. The music from the band wasn’t ancient sounding, and the barmaids weren’t either. It was very youthful and merry than the taverns we had back home. Scanning over the decent sized room, my eyes landed on the opposite side of the room. On two riders more specifically, the one looked to be Katia’s type. Tall, tanned skin, dark hair. Though a scar marred his eye, it didn’t take away from his handsomeness. He would be perfect for her.
I did promise an attempt at being her wing woman tonight. My eyes kept lingering on the man next to him. He had an inch or two on his friend, longer dark hair that was more styled than his friend's unruly short waves. The most built man I’ve ever seen, Amari had to have designed her herself, his relic a masterpiece expertly marking his bulky biceps. I have a boyfriend…
“Huh?” I said as she was trying to get my attention, my gaze not leaving the far left corner of the room.
“For once would you not be in a daydream!” She chuckled until her gaze followed mine. “Oh wow, they’re hot.” She blurted.
"Shh, don't be that obvious," I said, slapping her shoulder while we both took in two very tall and handsome riders in their black leathers.
“Oh please like they aren’t even looking our way.” She scoffed, taking a sip of her drink.
But they were, well at least the taller one was looking directly at me as his friend tried to get his attention. And I couldn’t help to unabashedly stare back.
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Garrick’s POV
“Garrick!” Xaden half raised his voice snapping his fingers at me, drawing my attention back to our usual corner of the tavern.
“What?” I peered over to my best friend.
“Were you even listening to what I said?” He acted annoyed.
‘Don't lie, you weren't.’ Chradh chuckled.
‘Are all dragons as sarcastic and grumpy as you?’ I chidded back getting only a huff of hot air as my answer. "Yeah, something about… OK yeah no."
Xaden chuckled, finally noticing what had caught my attention across the tavern floor. "You're obviously looking at the shorter infantry cadet, aren't you?” He nudged my side. “Only you would be the one to be six-six, and have a thing for extremely short girls, dude. She can’t even be more than five foot nothing dude.” He rattled off.
Xaden had a thing to point out the obvious and be rather talkative once he had a couple drinks in his system. Reminding me of his younger cousin, Bodhi, every time I had drank with him. I paid no mind to his rambling as I walked to the table the two infantry girls sat at.
“Where are you going? You don't even know if she's single." Xaden started to say as I couldn't help myself. I heard my best friend mutter a curse and his footsteps behind me.
"Could I fancy you two ladies to a friendly game of pool?" I asked the two girls. The taller one looked like she was about to speak first, but the shorter cadet with auburn hair was the first to open her mouth.
“Not even a ‘hi what’s your name?’ Typical rider fashion.” She had a brow arched in my direction, causing her best friend to giggle as she teasingly scoffed in my direction. Holding out her hand she beamed up at me. “I’m Allie, and this is Katia.”
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That evening was the first night of what started the friendship of two first-year infantry cadets and two first-year rider cadets. Our friendship only grew over the last year as Drew and Zachariah started joining us. Though Drew and Zach were wary of the riders at first due to silly rivalry between the quadrants.
The next night, Katia met me outside in the alcove of the infantry courtyard like we always had since that winter in first year. The only difference was we no longer had to cough up gold coins to pay our way into town, and could go freely.
Our walk into Chantara was enjoyable as today had been the coldest day in July after our new cadets had joined us just a few weeks ago. My heart rate was almost pounding in my chest as we neared the tavern. Why was I so nervous? Yes this was my first trip into the town as a newly single woman, but that didn’t change much? It already felt like I was single by the end of first year anyway, and we’ve been to Chantara plenty of times since then.
We made our way to our usual end of the tavern where our crew usually hung out which now consisted of Drew, Katia, Xaden, Garrick, and myself. I noticed three extra bodies, two I didn't recognize at all but one had a shorter but similar build to Xaden, the second a female abou Katia’s height with short pink hair that was half shaven. Of course, Drew was shamelessly trying to flirt with her. Then there was the familiar mop of curly-haired dirty blonde 20-year-old I'd recognize anywhere.
"Sawyer!" I said excitedly, wrapping my younger cousin into a tight hug.
"Missed you too, Big Al." He chuckled. I flicked his ear at the mocking nickname.
Sawyer was all that Drew and I had left for our family. Our parents were in infantry while Sawyer's were riders and we lost all of them in an ambush on an outpost several years ago, including Katia’s; her mom a rider and father an infantry cadet. The four of us easily had become a found family of our own.
We were introduced to the other new first-year riders; the man that looked like Xaden was his younger cousin, Bodhi, and the pink haired girl was Imogen. I remember Garrick and Xaden telling us stories about them, so it already felt like I somewhat knew them. Bodhi seemed more eager to talk to us than Imogen. She stood by Sawyer and Xaden’s younger cousin a majority of the time. Even as Katia tried to compliment her hair, she offered dry responses. But everyone fell into a familiar session of banter and catching up on what's been going on for the last couple of weeks.
Throughout the night, I got lost in my thoughts. The summertime had the bar packed to the point everything was so overstimulating. The music, the loud chatter, it was too much. Why did I even come here? It was stupid to listen to Katia, I should have just stayed back in my dorm. Everyone seemed to be having a great time, but I wasn’t.
Then I saw the familiar sandy brown hair at the entrance to the tavern. Zachariah. Chiara in tow with him, as I made eye contact with my ex. His face looked as if he saw a ghost, and quickly pulled her to the other side of the bar.
“Allie, what the fuck?” Sawyer was the first to speak up.
“Yeah isn’t that your boyfriend?” Xaden offered a glare towards the shorter man across the crowded room.
“Was her boyfriend,” Katia sneered. “Two timing piece of worthless—”
“Kati.” Drew gave her a look of warning.
“I still haven’t got to fulfill my promise.” She leaned back in the booth, crossing her arms. Xaden, who sat next to her, playfully shoved the side of her head.
“Pipe down, firecracker. You’re not going to do shit.” He smirked, as she swatted his hands away.
“Riorson, it was hair washing day.” She groaned. I rolled my eyes at her dramatics. At all my friend’s dramatics actually. I didn’t want to discuss the newly ended relationship tonight or have it made a big deal. But also I certainly wasn’t expecting Zach to show up with his new girlfriend to the tavern he knew my friends frequented at.
I felt a pair of eyes glance towards me from across the table, looking over I saw Garrick looking at me. His usual hardened look was replaced by a look of concern, his hazel orbs intently focusing on me. He cocked his head towards the back door, signaling me to join him outside. I followed him towards the door, once he got up, and into the cool evening air.
I didn't realize by now that I had tears threatening to escape until Garrick pulled me into his chest and wiped a tear from my cheek.
I had been so focused on lessons and training the past couple days, I hadn’t realized how much I bottled up trying to play it off. I was upset, frustrated, and beyond done.
“It’s okay,” he whispered as my shoulders began to shake from my quiet sobs.
Garrick had always been the one that I was closest to. He always somehow caught a glimpse of the ugly side of things in my relationship and was always conveniently there to pick up the pieces when Zach would storm off.
“I’ve got you,” he murmured against my hair.
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Feedback is always appreciated, likes, and reblogs as well!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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11queensupreme11 · 7 months
this percy and piper situationship is so funny lol. i feel like percy is willfully ignorant about a lot of things so when piper begins getting territorial she may be like huh wonder she's in a mood and go back to dueling with jason. piper would def call her like a whore or something but like no one in camp would agree with her. piper and octavian are shittalkers fr.
like i don't think it would register to percy that this random piper girl is into a boy she just met or that there is a problem with percy and jason's friendship.
also like i lowkey do want to see percy and jason butt heads more. just like with earlier scenes with thalia, jason is also the one of the very few demigods that are able to even compete with percy. like we obvi knows who wins, but their almost-battles have sm tension!!
i also think piper would have a insecurity complex against percy bc she beats the whole pretty feminine girly that's evil and weak trope. like piper's quirky haircut and natural beauty can't compare to percy's effortless bombshell looks (like come on, girl's a victoria secret angel). percy's waters trumps charmspeak anyday and even her mom likes percy waaay more. also, like piper is not very nice and rude a lot of the time but percy is kind, sarcastic, and adorable. percy's also the pretty but doesn't know/acknowledge it which i'm sure infuriates piper bc it's her thing. percy's more well-loved, experienced, and like the greatest swordsmen of her time so piper can't just fight for victory or intimidate her either.
in all, piper can't compete. she also can't do much to percy either except being a bitch. (i also loved ur characterization of drew in the essie book and i'm looking forward to meeting her in act 4).
percy would totally be like "omg what's her damage" every time piper acts cuckoo, but eventually she'd start to see the red flags due to her experience with.... you know.... her yanderes.
THANKFULLY, piper's not god-level crazy like her yanderes, but percy would genuinely start to worry about jason because of her own experience which is why i don't think i can go with the percy vs jason butting heads route 😔
but yes ur definitely right about insecurity piper will feel. if percy was a dude, piper wouldn't care much about him at all because jason's cooler to her, but piper's internalized misogyny is gonna get triggered so bad since percy's a girl in my fic 😭😭😭
"even her mom likes percy waaay more" LMAO THIS KILLED ME 💀 (but ur right tho 🤭)
(also, just to add a little correction, percy DEFINITELY knows she's hot lmao 😭😭 she's grateful for the massive glow-up 🙏 it almost makes up for the constant trauma she's forced to go through)
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forwardvoid · 1 year
Dark Miguel O'Hara
She was new. Well, she was supposed to be the newest recruit, but she must have identified him as a threat for some unknown reason 👀. And a battle ensues.
The girl in front of him is nothing really special at first glance, average, compared to some of the other spider people he had seen, but Miguel had the privilege to witness firsthand the skill and precision of which she used to tear into her enemies. He silently thanked whatever being might be watching over them for his accelerated healing abilities (then cursed them begrudgingly for giving this little speed demon swords). Internally cringing at the outcome of what might have happened regardless of the bite he was able to land on the girl after the grueling fight (Miguel desperately trying to not die (fr bro didn’t even have time to get angry)and landing blows here and there in between). 
As soon as Miguel’s canines pieces through her suit, venom sinks into her bloodstream forcing an end to the brawl. Her hands which previously clasped firmly onto a set of sickle swords eroded with shadows, now clasped firmly onto him, fingers sinking into his skin at the surprising sensation. A dazed moan managed to leave the girl's mouth before succumbing to the drug that worked its way through her system. He catches her before she plummets to the ground of her earth. Chest heaving from adrenaline (and being the receiving end of a punching bag for a good ten minutes).
Perhaps it was because of the adrenaline rushing through his veins, he even tried blaming his next action somewhat on blood loss. But he paused for a brief moment, taking his time to indulge in his curiosities.
His finger reached to her mask and lifted it off of her sleeping form, analyzing the girl about a good foot smaller than him, taking him one on one and with such a viscous nature, similar yet so unlike his own. He observed the most notable scars from the top of her left eye that ran down an inch from her jaw, then the gruesome claw marks that peaked up from the black fabric on her neck. The thing that drew in his attention the most however wasn’t the scars but the tattoo that although seemed too detailed and refined to be fake seemed to somewhat move and shift. Almost slithering along the girl's skin. Without a single thought in mind Miguel caught his hand mere centimeters away from her skin. Almost eager to feel the skin underneath. 
Shaking his head lightly Miguel positioned the girl over his shoulder, stabilizing her with a hand planted on her hips unknowingly digging into her skin as she had done just minutes before.
Going into this idea more. Reader's just a dark shadow spider woman and she can teleport. She's highly trained in combat, and she definitely isn't one for emotions. Plus she has a TRAUMATIC past. Also I put dark!Miguel put I plan on writing my dark fics a lot more softer than most. So while he does technically kidnap the reader here he's not gonna make her stay. And the plot will change I just haven't slept in 42 hours and wanted some advise. Or just lmk if you're interested in it or something.
Sneak peak (draft) pt1
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