#havent started acolyte
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one day i will catch up on all of the star wars there are now. maybe
#i still havent seen like the last two eps of ahsoka#havent read high republic#havent started acolyte#i dont think i ever finished mando s3 either but do i really need to#i didn't finish jfo and will probably never get to survivor#many books and comics haven't read i love the book club but my reading time is already maxxed out i feel like#there is so much to Consume now just to get the full storyline of your faves#the fun of it but also the drag of it#what Keeps You Subscribing to Didney Plus i guess#so the mouse wins again
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Main thoughts on The Acolyte based on the first 5 episodes.
Seeing a different era of the Republic and Jedi has been neat.
Sol asked Mae pretending to be Osha where her sister was. That and other little things about how he’s behaving with her and looking at her make me suspect he either suspects she may in fact be Mae, or outright know she’s Mae and is playing along to try to get her to the ship easier and maybe get more info, possibly even gain some trust or something with her.
Not to brag too much. But when Qimir first showed up I thought he'd be doing some drunken master shit or something. And I feel I wasn’t far off. Also. Gotta be honest he did look great doing all his crimes.
The force witch coven was cool.
Im really curious where the Qimir stuff goes. He says he has no name but the Jedi would call him sith. Now that can be interpreted a couple ways. Personally? It could be a lie for a few reasons, but considering how confident he was and his stated desire -freedom- I’m inclined to believe him. I admit though, I think it’s more interesting if he’s not Sith but instead just something else or something new.
…speaking of which. I do like digging into more of the Jedi beliefs and potential misdeed. There’s layers of complexity to their practices for sure, but they’ve always been a little bit pushy about their beliefs and practices. They are the only -or maybe one of very few- recognized force using organizations in the Republic, and I think that has some ramifications that are being explored here. They are light users, quasi-monastics, and still a religious organization with political ties. When you look at it together, Anakin being the balance of the force makes sense, even all the main movies show the force is dark and light and both will always exist. The Jedi try to reject the dark completely oftentimes, which is not balanced. The Jedi often act as absolutist and for lack of a better word supremacistic, and certainly it seems like this is a period where that is in full force. I mean, we will see what happened exactly with the witches -which may not have been officially sanctioned but still indicates the presence of a certain attitude towards force users other than jedi.
Also related to above -tbh we needed a paragraph break. Qimir brings up a good point about freedom -even if he’s also probably evil, again we’ll see I guess. However again my point: limiting the force strictly is never going to work long term.
That said. I really enjoy Star Wars when it is willing to interrogate the idea that the dark side is always evil. And this series has, poked at it a little. I’d love to see it poke more. (Tbh the oppositional duelism of the force is a bit simplistic, and I find the ideas that the force is just the force, an undivided energy that has been dogmatically perceived through a dualistic lens for millennia by most of the galaxy but isn’t actually more interesting.)
#star wars the acolyte#long post#i kinda got rambly there. Oops#Also. I’ve always liked the idea of so many force orders#And also after their fall so many ‘new/secretly surviving’ Jedi orders arising#Like. They are gone. What they were is gone bc all things end. Maybe this is just going to let progress and change happen#After so long of tbh stagnation#That’s imho what the prequels show. The republic is in a state that things must change bc for too long they havent#I think this show is the beginning of that decline. The bubble is starting to burst it’s just going to take a couple centuries#The og deals with the immediate fallout of the bubble bursting#The sequels are trying to just rebuild and grapple with how to move forward#…which the plot being at war with itself over what the future should be is ironically further driving that point across#Huh. Anyway tags are an extra bonus tonight I guess
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i don't feel like copying what i wrote, so take some screenshots of me having brainworms for the JDK villains again. primarily spurred by me going "hey wouldn't Nisha and Artemis and Apollo make cool rockstars instead"

#i really need to hurry up and finish organizing my writing blog so i can start posting these there instead#anyways i feel like this finally nails EXACTLY the kind of vibes that i wanted for the Acolytes and Solanace#and tbh.....even if i cant find a way to work JDK's original curse themed plot with these ideas#i feel like it would absolutely be worth changing the stories/motivations for the POV trio to fit this new set of ideas#kinda adds a lot more to the villains as a whole#and also sets it apart from a lot of my other stories that revolve around 'essentially a cult' as an opposing force#if i decide to be the most self indulgent that i possibly could be#i might even consider the idea of making it a story ABOUT Solanace and the acolytes in the POV sense#theyd still obviously be villains but the protags of the story instead of the antags#at which point jonas/lydia/hayes would have to be majorly reworked to then fit into the antagonist roles#could also theoretically work with the idea of jonas AND nisha being POVs#so the reader would be getting insight to the good guys and the villains at the same time#JDK(which STILL needs a better placeholder title) really is a story that ive had to majorly change multiple times#most of my stories i have the general idea + genre settled before anything else#but this one is more character driven#i have two groups of OCs ive thought about in depth and i just havent been able to build the story around them in the right way yet#i think once i can Actually get my brain focused long enough to draw#i wanna doodle more rockstar inspired designs/themes for nisha/artie/apollo#see if the idea continues to tickle the brainworms in such a great way + then have time to make polished refs b4 artfight#bc i really love my overdramatic artsy villains okay. i think they deserve to be extra as fuck ya know?#who doesnt love a villain whose primary goal is to put on a show and THEN to do the evil things?
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I havent watched it yet, but I saw a lot of reports that The Acolyte promotes a lot of Jedi Order "hate" if you will. What did you think about it? As a Jedi fan, I kind of DONT want to watch it because of that.
If you ask me, it's a fine show :) it hasn't quite gripped me, the thick lightsabers that look like toys are a nitpick that keeps triggering me.
But overall it's nice!
Yes, there are some small jabs.
The Jedi in The Acolyte are really reticent towards using their lightsabers, resorting to hand-to-hand or even stun weapons.
From what I've seen on Twitter, people are speculating that this is to show how much more "good" the Jedi were back then, as opposed to the more "square, dogmatic, quick-on-the-draw Prequel Jedi," who lost their compassion and have fully detached themselves to the point of dehumanizing themselves.
Yord is clearly meant to be one of the first "Prequel Jedi" as described above.
It's played for laughs 50% of the time, but yeah. The narrative frames him as being a bit of a dick who's a bit too proud of himself. And I'm seeing reflections of Tales of the Jedi Mace Windu & what Filoni described Episode I Obi-Wan as.
Same goes for Vernestra, dogmatically insisting he return to Coruscant because "protocol" and literally shown playing politics.
I've seen folks draw a parallel between Vernestra's attitude and that scene in Episode II where Yoda and Mace agree that they can't let the Senate know their powers of foresight are waning... and yeah, people interpret that scene as the two of them playing politics.
The director commentary of Episode II states that's not the case. It's more about the fact that if they trying to keep the war from starting.
Parallels between Sol and Qui-Gon
Very evident. But again... if you ask me, Sol is just being a Jedi. Qui-Gon isn't the only one with those character traits. Look at Obi-Wan, Yoda, Mace, Shaak Ti.
Finally, there's some hints that some evil shit went down years prior to the show and the Jedi were at the center of it.
I'm gonna hazard a guess that it's not as black and white as Mae or Sol makes it seem. A "big misunderstanding" type deal.
So yeah. Vernestra and Yord strike me as one-dimensional and a bit cartoonish. But overall:
Love seeing Jedi do some Kung Fu.
Love that they finally fixed how lightsaber blades look on camera.
Love the concept of a Jedi-centered detective story.
Mae and Osha are fun in different ways, but I'm kinda scared that, from their mantra, the show is gonna culminate in a "Gray Jedi is the way" kinda direction, and you know how I feel about that.
Love Qimir. And I get the feeling he's more than what he says he is, if you get my drift.
Love the acting in it, the set pieces, the production value, the way some Force powers are used (Sol with the Force speed, fuck yeah!)
Love that the title of "sith acolyte" is an actual thing now. It kinda helps us figure out what Dooku was between when he left in Dooku: Jedi Lost and his last episode in Tales of the Jedi. If I understand correctly, Sidious had an apprentice while grooming an acolyte... once the apprentice kicked the bucket, he promoted Dooku.
8/10 as far as I'm concerned.
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hey, sorry if you’ve answered this before, but I am really struggling to find horror analysis yt channels that aren’t just “this is what happens in the movie and btw it’s about [generic one-word theme that is never elaborated on]”. Do you have any that you particularly like?
oh hmm well i like scaredy cats. they talk about a lot of movies i havent seen and probably wouldnt seek out on my own which i consider a plus. altho right now theyre doing a series of episode recaps for a canadian vampire police procedural so maybe not the best time to jump in if youre hoping for like newer stuff. good time to get familiar with their older videos tho i guess! or a good time to watch them talk about canadian vampire cops if youre into that!
i also am a rly big fan of nyx fears for particular more extreme horror stuff but i believe shes focusing on her music and writing rn. so again good time to catch up on her older stuff!
other than that jacob geller is excellent and has a lot of horror videogame analyses but i feel like everyone knows that. ragnarrox is also great for especially older and more overlooked horror games. night mind specifically talks about arg and horror unfiction projects but if thats something ur interested in at all you cant get much better than his videos imo.
and recently ive started watching acolytes of horror! i havent seen a lot of his stuff yet but i thought his video about so-called political horror that fears taking any actual political stance was really good and well articulated and helped me pinpoint why a lot of movies of that sort of subgenre really miss the mark for me.
hope this is helpful! followers feel free to add on if youve got any relevant recs you wanna share!
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wowie zowie, there are a ton of new trailers!!!
there are a ton of new trailers for things im looking forward to this year that just dropped, here's my thoughts on them!!
star wars: the acolyte

the name of the game here is: cautious optimism. im being cautiously optimistic about this one because im more excited about new stories & characters in the star wars series rather than a reliance on pre-existing characters. idk, after the boba fett show, the obi wan show, mando season 3, & the ahsoka show, ive been worried about the state of star wars as its presented in shows (out of those 4, ive only ever seen 2 of them, & the quality seems pretty consistent across the board)
maybe the series just needed new names & stories to change things up. and i was initially excited for this one after it was announced to be part of the high republic initiative, an era of star wars we havent really seen in the disney canon yet. in terms of upcoming star wars content, this & the skeleton crew are like the only stuff im cautiously anticipating because of the wholly new content they're presenting
as for this show in particular, idk. ive seen people make fun of this (purely because of the recent battlefront rereleases reputation currently), but idk. this seems interesting, it seems like this one is gonna be more action packed than the slow lightsaber duels we've had in the most recent shows. and i like seeing a whole bunch of jedi together, im glad lucasfilms are getting comfortable enough to put a bunch of jedi in a scene together since the prequel films (theyve been slowly building up to this since at least the order 66 grogu flashbacks in the mando)
really, we'll have to see if this ends up being good or not when episodes start dropping in june
alien: romulus

speaking of classic 70s sci-fi series, ever since this and the tv show were announced, ive been looking forward to a new back-to-basics approach for alien!! after living through the prequel era of the 2010s, it kinda seems like the series was stuck in a weirdly creative rut?? idk, i havent actually sat through prometheus, and alien: covenant i thought was. OK. it was OK, serviceable.
but hearing that the next film would be an early reboot of the series set closer to our time, directed by fede alvarez of 2013's evil dead, i was a lil bit excited. even if i may not like 2013 evil dead, the kills in that were really gnarly & sick!! im ready to see him bring that energy into an alien film!!
and from the one minute teaser we got, it looks fun!! it looks like a fun alien movie
i liked the wave of facehuggers chasing people around
i also liked how Orange this film is. compared to like the first & second films (alien is a very Green film to me, & aliens is a very Blue film to me), i'm glad to see how Orange this film is. whenever i think of the 70s, i think of Orange, so im glad to see this film use Orange to its advantage
speaking of 70s, i like how this film accurately recaptures the exact set design of the original film. that exact feeling of claustrophobia in an old space trucker ship surrounded by an unknown lifeform that could kill you, its really cool!! this & isolation were like the only two alien media that accurately recaptured the original films unique set design
yeah, idk what else to say, this looks like a fun, freakier alien film than i ever expected!! i hope the writing quality will match up, but even if it doesnt, id be down to just watching some really freaky kills in space
#rubys clown thoughts#BTW idk if it matters but i will be pirating these two#20th century is owned by disney & theyre still giving money to israel. im gonna pirate star wars & alien when these two drop#i still wouldve pirated them even if disney wasnt donating money to israel
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i really wish i had someone to talk to about story stuff and writing and workshopping
#i suppose when i start posting this marvel fanfiction i'm writing now i can fish out an acolyte#but idk i havent had a friend like that in years
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hi! quick tip: if you’re on mobile type ‘:readmore:’ then hit enter! i dunno if you’ve been told but. yeah :)
also, your recent piece on apd was incredible!! very nice to see representation!! keep up the excellent work <3 it did get me thinking though: reader with vocal stims, cementing it in the acolytes’ minds that you don’t speak the language of teyvat, and then you’re all just stuck in this loop of “oh man they don’t speak the same language of me” but they DO
if asks are closed or this is outside of your comfort zone then feel free to delete! have a lovely day <3
A cookie for thee, and also extra for telling me how to do Expand thingy on mobile ilysm 🤲🍩🍪✨️ (pspspsps all askers,, u get cookies,,cometothedarksidepspspspspsss)
I was so worried bc it wasnt like super all the aspects of Apd issues, and it was very based on my personal experience w/ similar symptoms + other bits of ppl's experience so i was hoping it still felt somewhat recognizable for ppl w/APD!! Tysm for the feedback :D
So i think ive experienced verbal stims, so this is a combination of others shared experiences + personal experience, and while everybody experiences things individually/their own way, please let me know if there is something obviously inaccurate/maybe even offensive.
You will definitely not make me mad or otherwise offended, I really want to hear that kind of feedback from others who vocal stim!
Thank you so much for reading! :)
So lets just say that ur vocal stims r pretty non-verbal or non-sensical ("her sister was a WITCH BRO-" like memes that dont make sense to them)
Or like, u have verbal stims that r actual language but they dont hang around long enough to hear it maybe ??
So like, this ends up happening
Chongyun was exploring near Qingce village for supernatural stuff as usual
And U were just vibin, chillin near Qingce village livin ur best Creator god cottagecore life
And ur like planting a new seedbed, Jueyun Chilis :) (bc jfc however bad it was to collect them in game, its 10x worse in person, ur tired of running around town getting chilis, Qingce isnt exactly flat 💀)
And every seed u put in the dirt ur like "boop!"
And Chongyun comes by, bc u at edge of town, and the villagers mentioned a strange new traveler settling here
He immediately feels a wave of that same feeling he used to feel when the Creator god had their eyes on him, or would assist him in battles
So poor boy almost overheats trying to climb up the hill to ur house
And is like "??...Creator??"
Then kinda stops bc ur just like-
"Boop!" "Boop!" "Boop!" ☺️ LMAO
And then u finish planting seeds, get the watering can,,
And everytime u pour it just-
... "EJACK! Come, water!"
(Ur saying it so fast too, and he's still somewhat farther away, so he cant rlly hear that well too)
And its just so incomprehensible to Chongyun he's deadass like "A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE??!"
So of course,
He waves, 👋
And ur like omg icy boy!! :D 🧊💙
But u dont say anything yet, and then he starts,, miming?? He points at u? Then like?? Points up? The sky?? Then like, mimes swinging his claymore???
U look up, very confused 🧐
He seemes frustrated.
Then he just kinda, bows and leaves?
...oh no.
Do Teyvat people speak that crazy language that u saw in game?
Instead of English??
.... U havent rlly talked to anyone in Qingce yet since u just got here in Teyvat like a week ago
And found this abandoned house
It just gets worse 😭
Bc slowly, one by one,
Each playable character in Liyue comes to attempt to talk to you
(And since u have a farm, and they keep giving u food/goods? For some reason?? U still dont need to go into town)
At one point, even Zhongli shows up
And thru complex miming and hand motions u think he means dont worry abt him? Like just go back to what u were doing?? Okay??
U guess he's just gonna chill here for now?
...Zhongli just kinda,, squints, and puts his hand on his chin in his classic "thinking very hard" face
So ur tending to the garden saying,
" FREDDY! You're supposed to be on lockdown!Vanessa...I'm... a Material Gworl✨️"💀
...Just, on an endless loop LMAO-
(Hes trying to see if he recognizes any part of ur language, poor old man 🤔🤔😭)
And it just snowballs even more, and now,
None of you have even tried to say a word to each other. 🤡
(Other than ur vocal stims)
Keqing: "Perhaps, it's similar to Fontaine's native language?"
You, in the background: "🎵 dUdE,,, sHe'S jUsT nOt InTo YoU 🎵" (mimicking the autotune and everything)
Ganyu & Keqing: "..."
You: " 🎵 gOtTa MoVe On, mOvE oN-🎵 Hurricane Katrina?? More like Hurricane Tortilla!"
Ganyu & Keqing: "...Can't be,"
"what else do we got? Should we call Yunjin to better mime for us??"
Xiao's the first one to even get close to knowing u can actually talk to each other, bc he's always checking in on u most often <3
And he only heard u bc u swore u heard a monster outside ur house one night and came out ur house with a pitchfork, very nervous,
"...Hey there demons.. it's me.. ya boy."
(And u just keep stimming that out of nervousness to make urself feel better as u check around ur house lol)
Xiao: "??? Demons???!! WAIT-"
By then, it literally took like 6 months for yall to finally have a real conversation 💀💀
(Chongyun got so embarassed bc he was one of the first few to misunderstand he overheated rip🙏)
Im. So. Sorry. This. Is. ✨️Ass✨️
Twas the best scenario i could come up with, im telling yall, im not as funny as the ppl who send in these asks 😔
Keep in mind, I never claimed i was funny or a good writer, u cant hold it against me lol /lh
Lower ur expectations LMAO
Well i hope u got sm enjoyment outta this anon, sorry abt the quality!! :)
#ahdkalajf#tysm for the request!!#i hope i did ok#im gettin tested for adhd and i think ive vocal stimmed before but lmk if its inaccurate#also other ppls personal experience theyve shared#genshin impact#ask box open#genshin sagau#my asks#sagau#genshin imagines#genshin sagau ideas#gender neutral reader#please send asks#zhongli#chongyun#keqing#ganyu#neurodivergent reader#neurodivergent imagines#verbal stims#my requests#genshin isekai#genshin god reader#genshin disability imagines#genshin disability#disability imagines
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heya! It’s been a while, hope you’re doing well :)
It’s past midnight for me but I can’t sleep again so here are some random brainrots I had.
MC (most likely from soft au) finding out abt the teapot realm and practically disappearing in there for so many hours, it causes everyone to panic and freak out. When she comes back (prolly to get more wood tbh— so much wood is needed to make stuff), she brings a handful of acolytes into the realm and just shocks everyone with insane builds and creations. Gotta show those Hermitcraft building skillz yk?
Bonus: MC waves off the builds saying that these were very simple creations compared to her mega bases in hermitcraft or smth
In addition to MC building in the teapot realm, what if each island is dedicated to some part of her family? Like y’know how as you level up friendship with Tubby, you gain more areas to build? Yeah each one has a different style dedicated to each member of the family made out of homesickness and longing to see them.
It’s 2am and I desperately need sleep but thoughts keep me up.
Hi GhastyAnon its been a while XD
I am doing well but struggling with severe half burn outs or writers block sometimes with my story which is why i havent been updating due to those problem TwT including personal irl businesses along with the fact classes start next week ughhhhh DX
But anyways i hope you see this once you wake up!
About your ask I wasn't sure if you are talking about my DSMP/SBI reader or my Hermitcraft reader but I guess ill do both XD
So yes this will be long but hey I try my best to avoid spoiling you guys on my stories especially Hermitcraft reader XD
For my soft au of DSMP/SBI readee she would actually start making stuff in her teapot and would lioe disappear for like hours. Legit there are times she comes out the teapot just to eat or explor a bit Teyvat nations before quickly going back to the teapot and never appearing again XD although there are times she would eat inside the teapot lol. The acoylotes would for sure panic or be worried for not being able to see their god for a while and Traveler or Paimon well mostly Paimon would accidentally snitch that reader is practically busy in the Teapot. Rubedo on the other hand also is aware of this and would be sometimes the one who helps in getting materials for reader to use in the teapot realms.
Despite reader is very much has the skill in like making a good or average hermitcraft building thanks to her stay in that server you could also find some buildings of hers having a similar or familiat build like Philza XD
Yes i agree the part where reader would try to ask Tubby or Madame Ping on Realm ideas or something that she could use the land to make it for her family. Considering i did mention there are two soft aus with DSMP/SBI reader with one being a soft au where C!Reader losing her life and appearing in Teyvat in shock and confusion but also she will experience slow healing there as well. The other soft au is the one where I meantioned of Reader finding Aether saves him from the Warden XD
But yes each realm will have one that has a presence that relates to her brothers and Father.
So now we will go to Hermitcraft Reader!
Hermit! Reader would be gone for days or even months with Rubedo on the teapot realm and Grian is the one who will pull the duo out to touch grass go out to be with people after being stuck building for days in the realms.
Legit its just a chaotic mess to bring the duos out especially if they are in a middle of building lol XD
I can say is that Hermit! Reader would be the one to dismiss the acoylotes sometimes on her some of her builds saying they are amazing when one of those buildings werent put much efforts and mostly build for like examples or trying to get an idea on what they build XD
(Also you could just see one of the hermits paling when Hermit Reader mentioned something about creating a nuke or a new bomb idea to help her terraform easily in Teyvat)
But yeah hopefully this is what you are after GhastyAnon XD I apologize if i dont sound that hype much i have been getting busy and tired these days TwT
#sagau#genshin impact self aware#genshin self aware#self aware genshin#genshin sagau#genshin impact#genshin self aware au#self aware au#genshin impact x dream smp crossover#sagau dsmp reader#genshin impact x hermitcraft crossover#genshin x hermitcraft reader#sagau hermitcraft reader#genshin crossover
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Sagau x Fnaf. Oh boy--
Well fnaf: security breach, that just dragged me by the feet back to my old fnaf phase-
So here you go, a random idea of a reader/darling from FNAF: security breach.
To the ones who havent seen or played Security breach, there will be slight spoilers on the true ending so please play the game or watch someone play it before reading. You've been warned!
So how this au works is this is going to be based on "Street kid Gregory".
Both you and Gregory grew up homeless and used the pizzaplex as a shelter until you two got stuck inside and the regular thing continues with you stealing a line here and there or guiding Gregory.
This will be based on the true ending with some changes such as repairing everyone after freeing Vanessa, this is also based on some of the stories where Gregory stays with the glamrock animatronics. By the time that happens you have already started playing genshin impact.
In the acolytes view, whoever you control (aka, whoever is in your team) can see a faint silhouette of you with them. Their God walking amongst them.
But theres someone else. Someone controlling other people
Soon, Albedo and Lisa find a way to hack your camera to view what you do and who the heck that other person is as they can slightly hear you and that person laugh or have some muffled conversation (aka, you and Gregory laughing your butts off at so many things like glitches or watching Pallad suffer)
Then they see someone else. Someone with brown hair and a blue shirt.
"Gregory i swear if you push me off with Jean one more time i will not help you with Azdaha."
"ok ok i wont."
On Jean's side, she again, pushes off one of their Divine one's vessels. And hears:
Then hears laughing. Huh, she really wonders who that "Gregory" is.
-----(Ok quick thing this will be reverse isekai)
"Ah, Gregory, [name]! Theres some people near your room. Do you perhaps know them from your school? Are they your teachers?" You hear Freddy on both of your Fazwatches. Wait who was at the door?! Did Freddy forget your homeschooled?1
You see, the acolytes found a way to your world and sent people (specifically, you and Gregory's teams) to explore it. You and Gregory, being kids with now a slight fear of pounding doors because of roxy and monty (they're still kind of guilty), jump when you hear the door pound.
"Your Grace! Are you there?!"
Who tf--
When you open the door your acolytes are shocked to say the least. Their God. was a KID.
So again, they're shocked, once telling them "...I was always a kid wdym" They think it made some sense. I mean, both you and gregory were bullying each other in game using Jean, who is still confused.
Looks like they have lots to learn.
#fnaf security breach#sagau#fnaf gregory#sagau reverse isekai#reverse isekai#sagau kid!reader#reader is a child#might make a part 2. might#more crossovers#fnaf sb spoilers
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Is it okay if I share SAGAU Brainrot? If not ignore this
So i have been brainrotting real hard for the villain SAGAU the past few days and I had a cool idea
So the normal SAGAU setting we land in Teyvat, we get branded as imposter, statues of the reader exist etc. But the reader gets a hold of a part of their godly powers: shapeshifting
After they got hunted again they manage to change their appearance but the look of the statues change too. So basically we change our appearance a lot and the acolytes try their hardest to chase after our latest appearance. But we start taking on more non-human appearances. First things that help us escape and to defend ourselves like a pair of wings and claws. The smarter characters that arent as obsessed with punishing us are starting to realize that maybe we are the Creator but dont say anything cuz the majority of the people still think we are a imposter. After a while we start to take on the shape of the mobs like slimes, hilichurls, foxes and in the latest shape that of a bird. One of the characters that isnt as involved in the hunting down of us finds a little hurt bird, takes us in and nurses us back to health. We feel guilty but also angry and sad that we get taken better care of as a bird than our original face. We grow close to them and become their companion so they take us everywhere with them. Just when we start to want to stay as a bird and by the characters side somehow the followers realize who we are and accept us (idk how i havent thought about it) and try to coax us to change back to our original shape. But we cant because we forgot how we looked in the first place because we havent been truly us in such a long time. Now they feel really guilty. Idk how to finish but i hope you like the idea
I'm sorry these take me so long to respond to they jsut give me so many thoughts and i can't fucking communicate them kgdsfgjrdifojgrdf
But I love that??? We've been persecuted for our identity so long that we forgot it to protect ourselves.
People try to show you idols and statues and pictures, but whenever you try to shift back, you're too much like an imitation that it makes even you uncomfortable to look at. You favor animal and monstrous forms, and every look at them reminds the cult of what drove you to favor them.
Maybe one day you'll recall the face you once held, but you can only hope for that day to come.
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Nixon ‘Finch’ Dusk
I only had a few bits to add at the end ....smh I shoulda ALREADY had him posted but either way here’s the sona/oc I talked SO much bout making for the Ministry of Darkness a LONG ass time ago
btw if things seem... outta character well for one i usually wind up diverting canon ...but also ...iiiii havent... watched MoD stuff in a long time so shush
TW: Cult themes and Kidnapping mentions
| Name: Nixon ‘Finch’ Dusk (not his real name tho it was given to him by the leader himself, this is a sona/oc mix at this point lmao)
| Nicknames: Nix, Finchy, Fin, Dusk, Dusky (Finch is not his actual middle name, its a… Special name let’s just say that, so is ‘Little Finch’ only a certain person can call him that)
| Gender: Trans FTM (He/Him)
| Age: N/A (I’d have to do some math)
| Signature/Finisher: I’m theming him with bats- so his signature is just biting his opponent before knocking them down and then finisher is him going up to the top rope, spreading his arms wide and swooping down onto his opponents) doesn’t have a name bc im not super creative with these lmao
| Classification: Heavyweight (probs somewhere around 340 to 360 pounds)
| Height: 5’5”
| Species/Race: Human…???
| Eye Color: Electric Purple (the brightest color you’ll see on him tbh also his pupils are slit)
| Hair Color: Dark Brown (spiked quiff)
| Skin Color/Body Type: Extremely pale and chubby
| Appearance: His main outfit is a black gothic victorian tailcoat, he has a dark purple bowtie and then a dark purple silk shirt underneath the tailcoat, black and dark purple pants (the dark purple is essentially just zippers, despite seeming only there for aesthetic-
Those are actually pockets just not very deep ones) he wears a wide brimmed dark purple boater hat with a black ribbon around it, there’s various kinds of bats hanging down on all sides of the hat, seems like he attached those himself (it’s basically just jewelry of different bats, vampire bats, flying foxes, etc) and finally he has just normal black wrestling boots with purple laces in em.
Nix has a purple heart necklace that is held in place by black wings that he cherishes and wears all the time except when wrestling, he places it somewhere safe when he’s fighting so he doesn’t lose it- That necklace seems to be VERY special to him but he won’t say why, he also wears a bat themed necklace and then bat rings
He has a black cane with a bronze vampire bat atop it (the bat has red glowing eyes and it seems to have some red stains on its teeth, gee I wonder what that could be) he has razor sharp fangs both top and bottom, black and purple claws (short claws so they won’t break as easily)
Aside from that he has a circle beard, has a buncha scars- mostly from wrestling related injuries, and the final bit I can think of is that he has top surgery scars.
| Side Facts: Idk I just don’t wanna give him a s e t personality,, I wanna just- do it as things go along ya know? Anyways, uh his relationship with other members of The Ministry- I’ll give that much info-
So I’ll start off with… Mideon, you’d think Nixon finds him annoying much like the Leader and well… Everyone else tbh but actually… Nix gets along with Mideon fairly well, like they're not SUPER close or anything but Dusk likes Mideon’s company.
Nix ain’t too fond of The Acolytes, now THEY are the ones he tolerates- and he only does so for the benefit of The Ministry other than that he avoids them as much as he can, wants nothing to do with them, I won’t say he ABSOLUTELY hates them but he’s just not too fond, basically he just dislikes them, they can be assholes.
The Brood he absolutely adores! They are very close friends with one another actually, Nix adores Gangrel’s vampiric aesthetic and it seems Gangrel of course loves the bat themed attire Dusk wears, Gangrel has offered Nix some blood and weirdly and grossly enough Nixon took that offer, they have a sorta… ‘tea time’ on the weekends and they’ll sometimes gather and watch cheesy vampire movies and poke fun at them.
Viscera? Mm, they haven’t gotten many chances to hang out so Nix is unsure but he does seem to show a sense of appreciation for Viscera, there’s a mutual respect amongst one another and Nixon has been saved from The Acolytes being assholes thanks to Viscera many times before and he could never thank the other enough for that, so not friends but also no tension between them, just a mutual respect for one another.
Paul Bearer… …Ugh, he absolutely DETESTS that man but he is much higher ranking than him, he’s practically the Leader’s right hand man so Nixon doesn’t DARE say anything hateful to the other, he bites his tongue and keeps things to himself but he definitely despises Bearer deep down, that’s the one things him and The Acolytes can actually agree on btw! They share a mutual hatred for Paul Bearer.
Paul doesn’t like Nixon either though, makes tons of snarky remarks toward him and is even MORE of an asshole somehow than The Acolytes themselves. …Nix also thinks Paul knows he’s hated but he uses the advantage of being the Leader’s right hand man, it's like he just waits to hear some kind of slip up and then runs to report it to him ...bc he would be the sleazy tattletail, y’all know he would
…And then finally… The Undertaker himself… The Leader of the Ministry of Darkness… How does Nixon get along with the Leader…? Lmao if it ain’t obvious like ALL my sona-oc mixes, he’s got a big ol crush on The Leader because of course he does.
He’s very gay for him, has he admitted anything? HJVKFGJDS ABSOLUTELY N O T- Nixon is way too terrified to outright admit his feelings, and to the Leader of The Ministry of Darkness itself? He feels like that’s a death wish waiting to happen. He would sooner drop dead than uh... Admit his feelings
He doesn’t think Taker would like him back like that anyways, and honestly…? Nixon’s convinced himself if he ever confessed not only would he be rejected but probably frowned upon, looked at in pure disgust- that The Leader would take this as an insult so he keeps his feelings all inside (also bc uh well he doesn’t seem to be one for… ‘love’ in general)
There’s only t w o people that actually know about his pining for Taker- and that’s Gangrel and Viscera, how Viscera knows? …He has… Experience, that’s how, don’t ask me what that means if you know you know.
Gangrel? He knows because Dusk has told him p much, he thinks it’s cute, he can’t really offer any help though, that’s a thing for Nixon to do on his own …But he’s very much rooting for him so uh yeah, there’s that.
Other than that literally no one is any the wiser that Nixon has a crush on their Leader lmao, he’s good at keeping things hidden, he’s good at keeping a neutral face and even when he does blush or any shit like that he merely says it’s just hot, after all the outfit he’s got on can get p hot sometimes-
Now for some more… Juicy kinda lore… Nixon did have a life before The Ministry, a relatively normal one in fact, he didn’t dress like this or anything- and he even looked w a y more human than what he does now, he had a few close friends but he can’t… Seem to remember them or their names anymore, he doesn’t seem to remember much of anything outside of his life with The Ministry.
I will say though, while at first The Ministry did kidnap him bc he very much didn’t want to go, something changed when he saw their leader for the first time and then he became more willing (before Taker did anything weird with his powers I should clarify)
Which,, threw The Ministry for a complete loop but either way, it made things much easier and then soon enough, Dusk had joined, the details are fuzzy and just a complete blur when it comes to life outside of them and his old friends.
But I WILL say, his friends hated that he joined so willingly like that bc Nix did tell them that despite how they first kidnapped him, he joined willingly, he WANTED to be in The Ministry and well… You can piece together what happened, a bad falling out occurred and well, ya know how it is in wrestling-
There was a l o t of hurt and ….I might even call it betrayal, so yeye- that didn’t go so well unfortunately, the last tidbit I can think of to add to this bc I REALLY EXTREMELY just want to post him after talking so much about him…
Is that Nix is Pansexual.
#oc#original character#Nixon 'Finch' Dusk#ministry of darkness#ministry of darkness oc#...sona? oc? ...Both-#wrestling oc#wwe oc#btw i wanna remind just in case- everything is STRICTLY in kayfabe- in CHARACTER#i dont uh do shit outta character ....bc thats just#...just w e i r d and gross-#but uh here's the sona I talked SO much bout making#im sure i'll write for him some day and flesh out his personality and LORE IMMENSELY so#...also i havent watched anything bout the Ministry of Darkness in a l o n g ass time so give me a break lmao
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[wip] shattered
no one asked for these amount of feels, weeks before the dlc, for a character who we havent even seen yet, concerning a series of events about my clan and a certain shitty warlock that hasnt even been written
and yet here we are
sorry friends aha @mrpinstripesuit @nattiebug14
Avia only just, just, manages to make it out of the Lighthouse without threatening another cult member. She’s proud of herself really, those books the fanatics were flicking through did look pretty heavy. If one just… Fell off of the shelf, perhaps caused a nasty bruise or a dint in an exo-skull, no one would point the finger at her.
Well. Actually, they’d all point the finger at her.
She storms through the portal and onto the sandy dunes underneath the tower. What could pass for night bathes the caloris sink in a swathe of magenta. As she kicks up dirt, readying her hand cannon, getting ready for a fight; for something to take the edge off, she steps on a Cabal rifle.
“Beat you to it, I’m afraid,” Osiris’s voice chuckles behind her. “In another timeline, one of those cultists is dangling from the top of the tower, begging you not to let them go.”
“Well, aren’t you glad you’re in this one then,” Avia snaps back. “Can you find one where your little acolytes don’t annoy the ever-loving Light out of me?”
He grunts. “Such a reality doesn’t exist.”
It’s enough to make her laugh. She kicks the massive gun at her feet out of her way, walking over to where he’s leaning against the Mercury rock.
“What do you want, old man?”
His blue eyes squint. He looks down, stiffens, and pushes off of the pillar.
“Why do you return?”
His walk is slow, agile, and Avia can’t help but stiffen herself.
“You mean,” she points at the lighthouse, “here?”
He nods.
“What, you don’t want help controlling the Vex?”
“I’ve never asked,” he points out, and Avia shrugs, her lilac face contorting into confusion.
“Uh, well – I mean, for Grier, mostly. And Carver. They can’t get enough of your little fan club, considering they’re the only ones willing to share the information they’re after.” He stops in front of her, and she folds her arms. “Information that, I’m sure, you have in tenfold.”
Osiris chuckles. “It’s not information your friends are after, it’s knowledge. For someone who acts like they’d rather be bathing in radiolaria than spending another minute on Mercury, you keep close company with many a Warlock.”
“Well, you could spare me the pain of listening to Vance go on about your ‘formidable legacy’ and tell one of my ‘many Warlocks’ what they want to know.”
He laughs again, and it begins to grate on Avia, like an itch under the skin.
“Surely you know, their quest for knowledge will never truly be over.”
“I was afraid you’d say something like that. There a point to all this, Warlock?”
Avia wonders if the Osiris in the timeline where he stayed amongst the Guardians infuriates her as much as this one does.
“Oh, please,” a Ghost appears at the older man’s shoulder, whirling her decorative shell with all the frustration Avia feels. “Would you get to the point?”
Sagira blinks over to Avia, stage whispering; “I am so sorry about him. I’m sure you know what he’s like.”
Avia chuckles. “Oh, I know far too well.”
Sagira turns to her Guardian, and prompts him with a motion that would mimic a head tilt.
Osiris sighs, looks down. His eyes steel over and when he looks at Avia, she gets the feeling that they both know that she won’t like where this is going.
“Your friends return to garner knowledge. You return because you feel the need to protect them.”
“That’s what fireteams–”
He cuts her off with a swish of a hand. “I’m not talking about the duty of a Guardian. I’m talking about the camaraderie of a friend.” A pause. “Of a family member.”
Oh, she definitely doesn’t like where this is going.
“Grier has knowledge that I need, and so do you. Your clan, in fact. The ones who took down Oryx did so with the help of someone whose been looking for me for a long, long time.”
She can’t tell if it’s rage or dread that boils up inside of her.
“Avia,” Sagira says, softly, noticing the clench in the Hunters jaw. “We know what Toland put you through–”
“It wasn’t me he–” She spits, and then grunts. Taking a breath, she starts again. “He used Grier. He used all of us to try and preserve the Hive’s hierarchy. He fed Grier lies, he nearly drove a wedge between him and all of us in his twisted pursuit, some backwards attempt at learning more about the Hive. He didn’t care who he hurt.”
Sagira shares a look with her Guardian. Osiris pulls the scarf over his mouth down, but before he speaks Avia rambles.
“I mean, I guess I don’t – I’m not their keeper,” she laughs bitterly. “Grier would still happily tell you all about Oryx, the Raid, Toland. If you want to ask them go ahead, but just don’t expect–”
“I expect nothing from you,” Osiris says, soft, less imposing without the scarf. “You want to protect them. Yes?”
She nods, strong.
“I only desire to make sure that I stay hidden from that lunatic,” Osiris says, and Avia can’t help but crack a smile. “No knowledge, just information. I am asking for help – this is what that looks like, by the way.”
The smile stretches along her face and she mutters, cursing Warlocks in general.
“Does that mean…” She starts, her arms coming down to her hips. “That you could protect Grier from Toland, too?”
Sagira and Osiris share a look.
“I mean, what are you even planning on doing? You can jump through different realities and he’s trapped in the Hive wherever-the-hell, he’s no danger to you.”
“Overworld,” Ghost and Guardian correct her. Avia huffs.
“When the Traveler woke,” Osiris begins. “The Light spread to the far reaches of the galaxy. In doing so, the Vex began to understand it’s paracausal nature; our nature. The Hive are our foils, able to wield the Darkness as we do the Light; this Toland understood. But there is something Dark in the Vex that mirrors them, also.”
“You’re saying the Vex and the Hive are connected?”
Sagira whirls her shell. “Ooh, quick. For a Hunter.”
Avia saves the Ghost a scowl. “What does that mean for Toland?”
“We don’t want to wait to find out,” Sagira says. “We’ve seen some reports from Titan – Sloane seems quite adamant that the Hive are bringing something powerful to the planet.”
“They’ve tried summoning rituals, more than once,” Avia sighs. “A lot of Guardians have died on Titan to the Hive.”
“Make no mistake,” Osiris says, taking a step closer to her. “Toland is not dead, I very much doubt he can die. I dread to think what he might do, what he might facilitate should another God come to our system.”
Avia wonders once again what this man was like as part of the Vanguard; what he could have been as the Speaker. It’s enough to spark a thought, and she takes it before it disappears.
“You said he’s been looking for you.”
Osiris stills.
“How do you know?” Avia asks. When the Warlock goes to answer, she stops him; “Don’t tell me what a Guardian wants to hear. Tell me what a family member wants to hear.”
Sagira whistles quietly. Osiris shoots daggers at her, and Avia smiles slyly.
He releases a breath, long, drawn out.
“He calls me.”
Avia’s eyebrows furrow.
“He taunts me. Reaches out from the darkest edges of the Overworld and – laughs. That’s how I know that the Vex and the Hive are connected. And that’s why I want to know as much I can about his – corruption. I want it to stop.”
There’s a quiet that reaches over them. Like the nanosecond before waking up; when your eyes are open but your brain hasn’t followed, the blissful ignorance, the warmth on the skin. Then it shatters.
“Grier…” Avia starts, but the memories bite. Painful, dull, like the blade that’s been forgotten. So much has happened and yet they still cut, sharp. “Grier heard messages, on the Dreadnaught. When Oryx first came to the system. I don’t know how he did it, but he traced the messages back to Toland, got him a new corporeal form and. Well. The rest, you can probably imagine.”
Osiris scrunches his face up, looks away in thought.
“You can ask Grier more about it. And they didn’t stop, Grier still heard him from time to time. It’s probably similar. Carver tried to figure out how Toland was doing it, but he only got so far, I’m sure he’d love to talk to you about it too. Like I said; I’m not their keeper.”
“I never said you were,” Osiris says.
“Then why are you basically asking me for permission?” Avia replies, exasperated.
“Because,” Osiris smiles. “I didn’t want to take the opportunity to protect them out of your hands. You’re family, after all.”
“Also,” Sagira cuts in. “He didn’t want to have to face your wrath if he went straight to the Warlocks.”
“We’ve seen you take down Oryx, Fallen Devils, Ghaul. He’s really just scared of you.”
Avia laughs, pushes a stray lock of hair back into place.
“If you know so much about me, you should really stop inflating my ego.” She thins her lips, takes the hand cannon off of her hip again. “Just do me one favour, with Grier. Don’t baby him. He’s a lot smarter than he looks, he’s just – excitable. If he seems happy about the idea of Toland still being alive, trust me, he’s not, he’s probably latched onto something you said half a second ago that proves a theory of his. He’s–”
“Like any Warlock?” Sagira provides, shooting her own a look.
“Ha, yeah. Like any Warlock.”
“And you?” Osiris asks.
“Me?” Avia replies, checking the magazine of her gun.
“Toland. Did he–”
“All he did was make me want to figure out how to get into the Overworld and kill him for good.”
She snaps the mag back into place.
“I know what corruption feels like. And I know what it looks like when someone falls into the trap of doing anything for someone who thinks their own ends justify the means.”
Osiris nods his head, and pulls his scarf back over his mouth. Before he turns, Sagira makes a coughing sound. The Warlock looks at her inquisitively, she motions towards Avia, and the Warlock rolls his eyes.
“Thank you.” He says, and then Sagira dematerialises.
Avia chuckles. “You’re welcome, old man.”
#im planning two other 'sections'#osiris talking to both grier and carver#and maybe a flashback or smth#but i probably wont expand this until we see more of osiris#i want him to be a good#please bungie let him be a good#jadeisadork.txt#wip
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Share a headcanon you havent shared (whops i dont have these singns on my ohone :( sorry)
Meme: Questions for the mun about the portrayal/muse! | ( accepting. )
I think I have never mentioned this so far - but I actually added up to the canon information that Kayn likes to wear light clothes. It is, of course, obvious that just any kind of garment is lowering your mobility in the very end - and therefore it is not difficult to imagine that someone like Kayn, who is so very proud of his fast combat speed and his silent assaults, had always disliked to wear much ever since he was with the Order of Shadows. Kayn already wears special clothes, by the way - he did not have them in the very beginning when he just started to be trained by Zed (which you’ll be able to read in my series I’ll start to publish very soon!) yet when he started to gain his very first Shadow Marking (as you can refer to this headcanon here), he also gained clothes very similar to Zed, who recognized him as his best student among them all. Kayn never wore the full garment, though - in fact he only wore the common shadow acolyte garment for one day before he decided it is more of an nuisance than actually helpful. He does understand the true assassins’ and ninja’s nature to hide their true identities - a lesson Zed still spreads among the Order - but Kayn had always been quite rebellious. He saw no reason for him to follow this tradition - one of the very few Zed even kept to begin with - particularly because he never left anyone alive during his missions or because he was not foolish enough to be seen anyway. However, the true reason for Kayn to always refuse to wear his full shadow acolyte garment is different. When Kayn was still living in Noxus, suffering hunger and thirst, he was often forced to wield the most heavy weapons made for a tall man’s hand or out dated armors of twice their height. It was this kind of mockery they had to endure, along with the pain and the torture. There had been no difference on this very day when he came to Ionia - he had learned to despise the immobility Noxus had given to him for so many years. Those had been their shackles - nothing more. To finally be free from them is reason enough to keep it this way.
#( just leaving a small hc here sorry - meanwhile doing things for work! )#( hope that answers it! )#Anonymous#| ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜɪʟᴅ ᴡʜᴏ ʜᴀᴅ ʙᴇᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴀ sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ. ( ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ )
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