#haven’t posted a poem in a while
buyingaradspaceship · 7 months
I think it’s beautiful
Going outside in the cold winter air to grab the parcel that arrived while I was asleep from the garden
It’s 1pm and I only just got out of bed
The harsh freshness catches me off guard for a moment
Forces me to really notice
I notice the brown leaves in their resting place
The bird bath glazed over solid
A robin curiously hopping closer
I notice and it’s beautiful
I take some deep breaths and I give the robin some seeds
I soak it up because as wonderful as it is I know I probably won’t go back outside today
The parcel was candles
They smell beautiful
The postie drew a smiley face on the ‘sorry we missed you’ card
The neighbours were putting up christmas lights
Everything feels so still
And I think, what if I died in 2014?
Not ‘what if’ in the sense of ‘imagine if that happened’
More like ‘what if it’s true?’
A part of me, at least
A piece of 2014 me might be a ghost
I want to honour them but I also don’t want to be haunted anymore
If I died that day so what?
Shit happens
Then it’s winter again
And I wonder why my life is strung out like this
It isn’t cohesive
It’s bubbles on a web
Today I lived
Insignificantly but boldly
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i-am-a-fan · 2 months
I never even looked in the poetry tag until i saw you liked poetry and now all i can do when i go into the tag is find angsty poetry lines that fit my characters
I love that for you! Good luck :>
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publius-library · 2 years
Why do people say Alexander Hamilton Jr (Alexander's second son) was an asshole? I know he often left the family behind without consideration, but was there anything really else he did that was so terrible?
this is a really good question, and i honestly had trouble answering it. thank you @yr-obedt-cicero for basically doing my job for me GEJSBWMWV
still, there really isn’t much outside of the family that he did that was shitty. he was a divorce attorney so there was that
essentially the gist of everything cicero told me (imma cite the sources they gave me in case you want to do further reading) was that alex jr in general left his family in times of financial hardship to fend for themselves, putting all the responsibility on james to be basically the eldest son (cicero also has a good post on this). he also stole his father’s papers and tried to get an unreasonable amount of money out of e. holly’s will.
tl;dr outside of being a shitty brother, he wasn’t the worst person, but was a really shitty brother
As Phil II was writing a calendar and description of every letter and on one he wrote; “… taken by my brother Alexr Hamilton from the House of my sister E[liza] H Holly immediately after her death without any colour of right or authority …,” dated, December 30, 1859 (from my dms with @yr-obedt-cicero bc the link didn’t work)
#alexander hamilton#alexander hamilton jr#hamilkids#hamilton family#history#again thanks to cicero for being super thorough and awesome#i dont know jack shit about hamilton’s kids really#like i did one post on them but i haven’t really gotten the chance to go in depth on their lives#im moving very slowly through hamilton’s life its gonna be a while till i get to the next generation GSJWHWJWB#they are interesting to learn about tho#bc most of the boys have parallels with hamilton its really cool to see#also i think this issue specifically is an interesting contrast between alexander hamilton jr and sr#bc ham sr was very family oriented#as a child he really looked up to his mother and sought her approval#(last part is my speculation)#then after he was orphaned he really idolized the family structure ie the stevenses and that one poem about a mother losing her child#and ESPECIALLY after he married eliza and had kids of his own#he really craved closeness in a familial environment#so reading this about aj is really interesting bc he seems kind of cold towards his family??#this may just be my interpretation but he seems to really not have like strong emotional ties to his siblings especially#like they don’t seem close bc if they were james would probably have expressed his stress to him at least#so he seems kind of like the estranged black sheep#this is all in the tags bc its irrelevant to your question but i still think its interesting#my tags are like optional reading HSJSBWK#okay i’ll shut up now
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strigoita · 2 years
your heart rushes. my eyelashes flutter.
you both love and hate the lace of
my gloves, hugging my fingertips -
undeniable elegance obstructing
your skin from touching
mine. although, you could say the same
for the rest of my attire.
but we both know actions speak
louder than words.
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rosicheeks · 1 year
oh yes you were at court! i forgot that was at the start of that post lmao. i've been to court twice when i was super young for drinking underage and then smoking lool it was so boring and long and shit but thankfully you were just there for moral support, i hope it wasen't such a bad thing your friend had to deal with! I remember seeing you post about moving but i forget if it was TO or AWAY from your parents but that clears it up. I totally get you on that though, i'm living at home right now and i feel kind of similar about not feeling comfortable in your own home. Its a bit different for me, but similar enough. Hell my stepdad even sleeps in the living room too! hes always done that so ive always felt like i had to be on eggshells when night time hit. I used to sneak smoking in the backyard back in the day myself, i got caught once when i was in highschool he made me throw all my pieces out which sucked big time. ahhh i love that, art! you should totally show more stuff on here too, at least if you're comfortable and its not stuff you'd wanna sell, i would absolutely love to see any of it 🖤i've dabbled in writing poems and things i planned to make songs, although only recently. I've always wanted to be a musician but my attempts at learning guitar over the years have never ended up lasting long and i try to learn singing but i just dont really think i can. plus i was always afraid of self expression so i never wrote until a few years ago. i still do, because music is so important to me (which is why i did pick 🎤!) and it makes me so happy but yeah. i have 2 shows im headed to in a few months even so im so excited 🥰my day though has been so boring, i mostly played video games and watched youtube videos. watched another episode of a show i've been watching called Silo, which i absolutely love. im so surprised you had room in your tags still after myself lmao, but i do that same thing i always talk in the tags! also i'm giving you tons of hugs and kisses 😘🥰 - 🎤
Hi hi hi ☺️ how are you doing lovely? 🥰
#I’ve actually never even been inside a court house or room (still haven’t since my friend didn’t even see a judge thankfully)#but it was interesting ngl walking in especially felt like I was at an airport lol#sorry to hear you had to deal with it twice :( I hope it all ended up ok!#also sorry that you understand the pain of not being comfy in your own home#it really really fucking sucks ngl#dude I would have been SO pissed if my parents made me throw out my pieces 😭😭😭 like 1 that’s my babies and 2 that’s fucking money!!!#lol I was caught in high school too once or twice (but I was a dumbass and smoked inside LMAO still can’t believe I did that????)#I still remember my mom walking in while I was spraying the room and I just fucking fell to the floor for some reason 😂😂#my moms friend was over and apparently told my mom ‘I’m getting high from the fumes’ and ughhhhhh I was so mad#it’s funny now cause wtf who says fumes????#show art like more of my Etsy paintings or my personal paintings?? honestly I don’t have thaaaat many personal paintings#I have one that is a tree that is probably my favorite and I have a few pour paints that I saved when I was first starting#if you’re ever comfortable and want to share a poem or two please feel free to send me them!! (lmk if you don’t want me to post it)#I’ve always been in awe of people who can write poetry or lyrics#I’ve wanted to write songs ever since I can remember tbh and I did back in high school#I had a few classes that I actually wrote songs in but it was just the instrumental - I could never figure out the lyrics#almost failed a class cause I couldn’t figure out the damn lyrics lol#trust me I totallyyyyy understand wanting to learn an instrument but it not *clicking* buuut I personally think singing is different#don’t get me on a rant about how I think it’s sad how most people don’t sing or do art because they aren’t ‘good’ at it#also singing is sooooooooo subjective (think that’s the right word lol) so I think anyone can sing if they want to#music is important to me too!! what type of music do you like to listen to?? like do you have a fav genre or even a fav artist/band rn?#2 shows??! like concert???? who are you going to see?! fuck I’m so jealous! I don’t even remember the last concert I’ve been to ☹️#I’ve never heard of silo but maybe I should check it out! I’ve been looking for a new show to watch ☺️#sorry it took me a lil bit to reply to this :(#my depression was hitting me HARD the past few days#I’m feeling a lil better now but still kinda funky#I’m dogsitting Wednesday-Sunday and I’m super duper excited for that!!! just gotta get to Wednesday ☺️#thank you for the hugs and kisses 🥺🥺🥺 they’re super appreciated 🤗#you’re amazing 🥺 I’m squeezing you and giving you the bigggggggggggest hug 🤗🤗🤗#🎤 anon
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musingsofmemory · 1 year
I hold onto your memory
Somewhere within my heart
Within the music and songs
Ill find you there, I know it
There will always be a part
Of me that always wants to hold on
Fading now as you may be
You’ll be there, in my heart
And I wont allow it to move on
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mamaslittleheretic · 2 years
Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of god,
I hope that while you lived as a human on earth, you got to experience the utter joy of having a little kitty curled up on your chest, her purrs making your whole chest cavity vibrate. 
Ahh… thank you for this small mercy.
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finch4hearts · 2 years
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candidcondor · 1 month
You will be warm when you die
You will be held
I’ll coo soft words in your ear
And gently preen your feathers
At the end of your life, I
will keep you dry
and make sure the kids aren’t too loud
You’ll curl into the shape of my palm
I promise to sing to you
A song about soaring
And hiccup from crying between verses
But i know you won’t mind
You’re going to chirp softly and close your eyes
As I enchant with a lullaby of starry skies
And my heart will skip a beat when you stop nodding along
But I’ll keep singing your song till it is done
My father will tell me to wash my hands
And erase any trace of you
“It might have had the flu” he’ll beg
but this hour is dedicated to you
because when you die you’ll be held and warm
and your feathers will be preened and
I’ll sing you your song
because i refuse to let you die alone
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waitingawhile · 1 year
i have GOT to write a poem . or something. And soon
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leafgorge · 20 days
uh hi it’s been a while
shit really hit the fan recently, so i haven’t really been posting, but i have been painting daily!
this one was from god knows when *checks notes* the seventh. wow.
anyway the prompt for @poemsofanentomologist’s thingy was: aro / ace / aroace
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i decided to only do one so i did aroace since it’s both
fun fact about this one: i had to discard my first attempt because it wasn’t good enough
play now check out victoria’s poems she’s a brilliant writer bye
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httpsai · 1 month
Hey!! I'd like to request hcs or maybe an imagine of KK Arnold with an introverted and lowkey awkward reader 😭😭 maybe reader is the type to express her feelings through writing music, im thinking something like house song by searows
introverted- k. arnold
!! - hi! i’m so so so sorry i haven’t been active, a lot is going on and i’m planning on moving to America, which is taking up a lot of my free time
!! - it’s short i’m so sorry
!! - you just stand there silently every time she does something embarrassing
!! - when her and paige are fooling around in public you just stand behind them acting like you don’t know them
!! - you post the cutest stories of her
!! - like the ones that are pinterest themed that take 10 minutes to edit with cute music
!! - you have a journal of poems dedicated to her
!! - you’re embarrassed of them so you don’t let her read them
!! - always listens to you no matter what
!! - you’re like her babysitter tbh
!! - “hey do u wanna game tonight?”
!! - “can’t, y/n says i’m too loud and i’m grounded for the weekend :(“
!! - this turned into golden retriever x black cat but i love that trope so i’m not mad
!! - has a random chill playlist in her spotify that’s just “y/n’s tunes”
!! - will take a nap in between your legs while you’re reading
!! - makes you read to her while she falls asleep, even if it’s in a language she doesn’t know
!! - “i just love the sound of your voice”
hi! once again, i’m so sorry i’ve been inactive. i’m working on chapter 2 of blackout and some other requests right now (as well as a pert 2 to ‘caught’ with smut!), but feel free to send in asks just to talk!
love, moka
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writingwithfolklore · 7 months
Following a Trail of Clues
                Lots of plots have at least some aspect of figuring out a mystery or uncovering some hidden truth. While it may not be a traditional murder mystery, writing a plot that revolves around the gathering of information and uncovering of clues can be written using a lot of the same techniques.
1. You should probably plan it
If you’re strictly a pantser, give it a shot, but I have never been able to pants mysteries like this. I would recommend planning it from the beginning and saving yourself a lot of time and headaches trying to piece it together later.
2. Start with the beginning and end
When planning a mystery, I start with the beginning, and then skip to the point that they uncover the truth or figure it out and work backwards to fill out the middle. What is the last hint they need to uncover the full truth, then, what leads to that hint, rinse and repeat until we get back to that beginning you created.
                For example, say the MC is trying to find their missing friend. The last point would be ‘they find their friend’, so that’s where we begin. Maybe right before that, they’re told the location, to get their location, they’ve kidnapped one of the bad guys who knows it, to get to him, they need to break into the evil lair, to find the lair, they need to spy on the organization, and so on.
3. Diversify the hints
I talk about this a bit in my post about written elements (here), but essentially, you’ll want to diversify how your characters get their hints. It will seem cheap if they find everything they need to know on conveniently spaced notes or journal entries (unless you can really justify that), or it’s all told to them by someone who happens to know it all (such as the ‘wise man’ trope).
                Maybe they find the last clue written down, but the one before was told to them from a key character, and the one before was puzzled out through a riddle, etc. etc. Here are some places to find clues:
Someone else knows something
This could be either an ally or an enemy. Family members, friends they weren’t aware of, a hidden partner, seemingly a stranger who knows more than they’re letting on. If they are an ally, there should be a reason they haven’t come forward yet, or justification for why their testimony is where it is in a story. Maybe they are somewhat accidentally guilty in the mystery, maybe they are afraid to be involved, maybe they aren’t aware anything has happened at all.
If they’re an enemy, maybe your protagonists need to corner them, best them in a battle, talk to them away from their boss, kidnap them, etc. Consider why this person would betray their ‘side’ to provide a clue to the protagonists.
Journal entries, notes, letters, ledgers, or otherwise written down
Physical evidence—footprints, pieces of clothing left behind, an object, photos, drawings
Biological evidence--fingerprints, DNA, hair, etc. If your character already has access to the equipment for this, great! If not, consider how they could find this out.
A prophetic dream or vision (use in cases in which it would make sense for your character to have this, obviously)
A riddle, poem, or song, if you can justify it.
An educated guess (for small jumps)
Timing—if they can figure out a timeline, they may be able to figure out something else
Something is missing or off place. That’s odd, character always leaves their book on the bedside table, so why isn’t it there?
Any other ways to get hints or clues to your characters?
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libraincarnate · 2 months
astrology notes: 18 (love quotes) 🦇‧₊⁺⭒
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quick note: i'm absolutely not an astrologer and this post is just for fun. i understand that some of these quotes or excerpts may not be about love when you consider the full context of the poem or work of literature, but this is how i am intepreting and applying them without context. lastly, keep in mind that i'm not reading your birth chart and i know nothing about you. these are just quotes that remind me of the signs so you may or may not be able to relate to them. enjoy!
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𓆩♡𓆪 aries:
“If we meet each other in Hell, it’s not Hell.”
— Geoffrey Hill, Broken Hierarchies: Poems 1952-2012
𓆩♡𓆪 taurus:
“The smell of her hair, the taste of her mouth, the feeling of her skin seemed to have got inside him, or into the air all round him. She had become a physical necessity...” 
           — George Orwell, 1984 ↟♡↟
𓆩♡𓆪 gemini:
“The next day I write him one of the most human notes he has ever received: no intellect, just words about his voice, his laughter, his hands.”
— Anaïs Nin, from Henry and June: From “A Journal of Love”: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1931-1932
𓆩♡𓆪 cancer: 
“…Your chest is becoming the field I want to be buried in.” 
— Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz, from The Year of No Mistakes: “Atlas”
𓆩♡𓆪 leo: 
“Attention is the beginning of devotion."  
           ― Mary Oliver, Upstream: Selected Essays 🦇
𓆩♡𓆪 virgo: 
Pylades: I’ll take care of you.
Orestes: It’s rotten work. 
Pylades: Not to me. Not if it’s you.
― Orestes by Euripides from An Oresteia, translated by Anne Carson
𓆩♡𓆪 libra:
“If there is life after the earth-life, will you come with me? Even then? Since were bound to be something, why not together.”
           ― Mary Oliver, from “West Wind” ↟♡↟
𓆩♡𓆪 scorpio:
“They had made love in every possible way, or so they believed, and they theorized about new ways but came up only with death.”
― Roberto Bolaño, from '2666', translated by Natasha Wimmer
𓆩♡𓆪 sagittarius:
"All roads lead to you even those I took to forget you."
           ― Mahmoud Darwish 🦇
𓆩♡𓆪 capricorn:
“She turned to me and said, ‘hold me’. So I dropped the world I had been holding and picked her up with both hands.”
           ― Zachry K Douglas ↟♡↟
𓆩♡𓆪 aquarius:
“I feel the distance between myself and others. I guard that distance … But when you move away from me, even just the least bit, a blackness descends upon me, I feel engulfed.”
— Henry Miller, "A Literate Passion: Letters of Anaïs Nin & Henry Miller 1932-1953"
𓆩♡𓆪 pisces:
“I asked if you heard the rain in your dream and half dreaming still you only said, I love you.”
           — Edwin Morgan, When You Go 🦇
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this was just something cute and extra since I haven’t posted anything in a while. if you read this until the end i hope you enjoyed it & thank you so much for reading. ♥︎♥︎♥︎, those hearts are for you.
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shrimshrim4fun · 6 days
PTN as Chinese Myths:
Adela: 梦貘 (mèng mò) 
A mythical creature that eats your nightmares in the middle of the night. Usually resides in the forest and sleep under trees but, at night will come out and eat nightmares. When having nightmares will come to your aid.
-She blends well with society and has a small cabin a few murmurs away from the city
-She looks like a human though her nails are slightly longer
-Her physical body is more frail than others in her human form and paler skin. And the whites of her hair covers more mass
-Very doting person and is curious about how you know what she is. Though her curiosity turns into something more…
-Will use the excuse of her “not wanting to let you have nightmares” to let her watch you sleep or let her sleep with you in bed
L.L: 鲛人 (jiāo rén)
Similar to a mermaid though live in different areas. Known for their beauty and have scales near their cheek bone. Also their half human body and half fish like bottom. Their tears turn into pearls and have soothing voices that sing
-Found her tangled up in fish nets and struggling as she got blown onto the shore by some pirates
-After rescuing her and taking back home she was cautious at you at first until you started to feed her some fish. After some time she finally realized you weren’t gonna hurt her and slowly got more familiar to you
-Her tail is a dark blue leading to a more teal blue at the fins. And some scales near her cheekbones. Her hearing is also more sensitive than others
-Didn’t like it when you sent her back to sea. Though every time you went to visit her she’ll give you all types of shells and pearls. Only saying it was a gift, she was courting you
Sumire: 花妖 (huā yāo)
Is made up from numerous types of flowers that turns into a human. They have enchanting and bewitched beauty. Used mostly to seduce and kill humans.
-Long black hair all the way down to her legs and deep purple eyes that look like they can pierce through your soul. Has purple and pink flowers adorning her hair with some golden accessories
-Looks like a very caring and loving person in the morning while hunts down humans at night. Her fragile looking appearance deceive lots of people from what she it
-Was gonna hunt and kill you after knowing you know what she was. But for unknown reasons, she didn’t. Sometimes can see her caught staring at you
-Once you received a flower crown at your door with a love poem at your door. Though you didn’t know from far away she was watching you, a little anxious about your reaction to her love
Ummm I hope y’all enjoyed it. If you guys have any other suggestions on PTN as Chinese myths please interact with my inbox or if you want me to elaborate on any characters (like my Garofano one) you can ask :) I know Adela’s doesn’t make too much sense but I was thinking of having them have similar abilities to the myth and some qualities. Size, different features, or any colors, etc I’ll add into it. I’m probably gonna include NSFW in some into this (I’ll find a way) Probably gonna make like head canons for them, so just ask for characters if you want them :D There’s some things I haven’t added into Adela’s but I’ll elaborate in another post ><
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“fuck sweden” “…you haven’t seen me in two weeks and that’s the first thing you say????”
youtube au! 5wirl x reader who just got back from a long trip
if you’re from sweden i’ll fight you /j
literally writing this while in the customs line
has one of those cute “Welcome Home” signs where he’s waiting by your gate <333
such a sweetheart fr, he brings you comfort snacks and flowers i love this man
bro out here acting like he didnt stay up late so he could facetime you every night 💀
will be clingy because while you obviously stayed in contact he missed having you physically there with him <3
will post a picture of you guys at the airport with a really cheesy caption, something like “they’re back ❤️❤️❤️”
his friends call him a simp but it’s okay cause he loves you
and yes he’s picking you up alone because he wants some time for just the two of you before the rest of 5wirl bother you lmao
cries when you give him souvenirs cause you know he likes to collect them
will ask you a million questions about where you went so he can plan a travel vlog so be prepared once he’s used to having you around again to never know peace /lh
menace, literally sobbing at your gate waiting for you. it’s okay though cause he’s pretty and brought you flowers
and like ten “welcome home” balloons 💀
dragged xiao along with him because no one trusts this man behind a wheel
a moment of silence for xiao’s suffering as a third wheel
anyone watching you two reunite would think you were gone for YEARS and he hasn’t been able to contact you for their enterity
will leave you at the airport if you didn’t buy him souvenirs /hj
takes a million pictures, makes like three different posts full of old pictures of you when you’re gone and has some emo ass captions (taking inspo from xiao fr /j)
as soon as you’re back he posts pictures of you at the airport and captions it “didn’t even know they left” and deletes his angsty posts like bro you’re not fooling anyone 💀
forces xiao to take pictures of you guys together cause that’s what besties are for
never lets you vacation by yourself
won’t show it too much but is SO happy to have you back
panic called heizou to ask what a good gift would be to welcome you back and heizou, like a normal person is like “give them flowers”
xiao is like fuck that and brings you flowers, your favorite chocolates and boba
denies that he picked those gifts out of his own free will (heizou snitches lmao)
doesn’t even say anything just instantly hugs you really tight, he needs a moment
has your favorite takeout waiting for you with the rest of 5wirl and some of your friends to surprise you :D
is going on vacation next time with you, non-negotiable /hj
just like aether has a cute little “Welcome Home” sign and a small bouquet of flowers, keeping it simple and sweet
kinda unrelated but i just KNOW his car smells heavenly and is cozy but still super clean
takes your luggage, he refuses to let you handle even a single backpack because yoh must be exhausted (the others would do the same but would let you carry your own backpack and are just not as extreme as kazuha is about it. bro is usually chill but he won’t budge on this)
ordered your favorite takeout ahead of time to be at your house ((lowkey craving some chipotle as i’m writing this))
posts a really cute poem about you on his alt twitter and how happy he is to have you in his arms again <3333
made a playlist for y’all to listen to as he’s driving, encourages you to take a nap in the car and drives as gently as possible
brings you flowers and a cute little card <3
he told you not to tell him the gate you’re at so he could deduce it with his amazing abilities (he looked it up online but shush he wanted to tease you)
kisses your cheek, steals your bags and replaces them with a cute little chocolate box that he totally didn’t buy last minute at the airport 💀
kazuha is waiting in the airport parking lot for y’all because while heizou can drive first of all kazuha’s car is the nicest in the world and if he can make an excuse to be in it he will and second of all he wants to cuddle with you in the backseat <3
will not let you do anything for the rest of the week, as a detective who totally has credentials he sentences you to a week of relaxing on the couch and snuggling while watching movies sorry :P
will begrudgingly invite the rest of 5wirl but only if they bring snacks
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