#have you ever read his full original robin run. i felt like i was reading a character doomed by the narrative
Dare I say it's actually be a bit of a disservice to Jason to say he's "pit mad"
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81scorp · 7 months
Constructive critiscism: Batman 1 to 4
Ah yes, Burtons and Schumachers Batman movies. Created in early 1939 by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, Batman, a man who fights crime dressed as a bat, has enjoyed great popularity and become a recognizeable character. He is so wellknown that you don`t even have to have read his comics to know who he is. Through out the years there have been several attempts at taking the adventures of the caped crusader out of their drawn, nonmoving, soundless original medium and bring them into the live action, moving, audible world of the cinematic medium.
In 1966 we had the Batman TV-series. The creators knew it was gonna be hard to have folks running around in colourful PJs and convince anyone over the age of 10 to take it seriously, so they just went for a fun, campy style.
Then in 1978 came the Superman movie. A movie still silly in some places but also sincere. It had some heartfelt and earnest moments that allowed you to take it seriously, and in a way, the same can be said about the Batman movie from 1989. These two movies are good examples for how to make good superheromovies. So, for future superheromovies, other filmmakers could look to these two for guidence, the blueprint was right there in front of them.
But in the 90s people seemed to have forgotten how to make movies like these. After Batman returns had gone a little too deep into Tim Burtonland the bigsuits at WB decided that the tone needed to be a little lighter for the next movie. On this point I agreed with them. They felt that they had to take it back to the campy style of the 1960s Batman series. On this point I disagreed with them. Dont get me wrong, I like the old campy Batman series, something about it felt more sincere than Schumachers Batman. It was made in a time when that was the best they could do. It took something that looked silly and played it very straight in an exaggerated, dramatic way. It reminds me of the comedy rule that the Zucker brothers had for "Airplane!": Deliver a funny line with a straight face. It had a kind of sincerity that the Schumacher Batman lacked. Schumacher`s Batman was made in a time when they knew that there were other ways to make superhero movies but decided not to. It was even made in a time when the animated Batman series existed, so, like I said earlier: the blueprint was right there in front of them.
The problem with the Schumacher Batman movies was not that they were trying to be live-action saturday morning cartoons. The problem was that they were trying to be live-action saturday morning cartoons and Tim Burton`s Batman at the same time.
Now, Ive been pretty harsh on Schumacher, who had to take a lot of crap for Batman and Robin when it came out, so now, with that out of the way, I want to come to his defense. I should point out that he did want to preserve the tone from the first two movies, but the executives at Warner Bros insisted that hed make it lighter and turn it into a feature-length toy commercial. And say what you want about Batman and Robin, but atleast it`s plot is not as messy as Batman V Superman.
Now, with that said, if I could run so fast that I could screw the laws of physics, travel backwards in time and change these movies, What would I have done differently?
Burton`s Batman
Tell me, have you ever danced with the SPOILERS in the pale moonlight?
Batman killing Ive talked about this in Batman V Superman and I should be consistent, so, no killing for Batman in this movie either. That scene where he blows up Jokers smilex factory? How about: that grenade that his car releases is a tear gas grenade that forces the Jokers henchmen to leave the factory where they are greeted by the GCPD. Im however, willing to make one exception to this rule: that bald guy in the clocktower. This was clearly a situation where Batman wasnt in full control and was forced to drastic measures. So Im willing to let this one slide.
Joker killing Bruces parents Didnt mind this when I was little but not everything has to be connected. His parentskiller should be an ordinary, nameless robber. I know, if Joker didn´t kill Bruces parents we wouldnt get the "I created you" speech at the end or the "Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?" line. But thats not really a great loss
On the fence: Killing Joker I understand why they killed off Joker and am kinda OK with it. But still, I can`t help with coming up with some ideas for what they could have done differently. How about: Joker falls but he has a parachute hidden on him that he opens up. But the wind grabs him and he lands in the Gotham river. They never find his body. Did he die? Did he survive? Who knows?
Batman Returns
Penguin being raised by penguins since he was a baby How the Penguins get him out of that basket? How did they raise him? I know, Im being nitpicky here, but still. How about: Oswald ran away from home when he was just 10 or 11 years old because his parents were cruel people who hid him away from the world because the were ashamed of his looks. He came to the Zoo, which was closed but he found a way in though the sewers. Thats where he met the penguins.
The way Selina Kyle falls through the awnings She falls through them like a hot knife through soft butter, a little too fast. She doesnt have nine lives, and I read that the filmmakers wanted her "deaths" to be ambiguous, something a normal human could survive. Her surviving this is a little hard to swallow. Maybe theres a way to have her fall through them a little slower but still keep it interesting and suspenseful. And then her fall could end with her landing in a big pile of garbage that softens her fall.
Penguin biting that guys nose I can see why this scared people and it wasnt really necessary. Lose it.
Batman killing Like I said before: Batman shouldnt kill. (Atleast not if hes in control of the situation.) That scene where he kills the big Muscleman with dynamite? How about this: First he throws the dynamite so that it lands somewhere where it does no harm to people. Then, when Batman meets the Muscleman he dodges his punches, pulls out a tazer and stuns him.
High-tech batarang I know what youre thinking: "But using High-tech gadgets is Batmans thing!" Yes, but a targetseeking, High-tech batarang? How about this instead: he uses an ordinary batarang, throws it at a crook, then, just as it returns to him a knife-thrower throws a knife that disrupts it`s trajectory, it falls on the ground and is picked up by the poodle.
Penguins "Youre just jealous because Im a real freak" line Yes, I know, its a small line and in this scene hes mad with rage and not thinking straight, but still. How about this instead: Penguin: "Youre the protector of Gotham! They don`t deserve protection! They deserve to BURN!"
Catwomans final death Yes, that scene where she gives Shreck the kiss of death. Sure, it looks cool but theres no way that she can survive that (and yet the movie decided that thats what she did). How about this: She kicks Shreck into the power generator, he is electrocuted, debris falls between Selina and Bruce, so it is impossible for him to see if she managed to escape or not. When the dust has settled Bruce finds only Shrecks burned corpse.
Schumacher`s Batman
Where does he get all those wonderful SPOILERS?
The tone Should`ve had the same tone as the animated series. I know they took some ideas from it, so why not the tone as well?
The look of Gotham These are supposed to take place in the same universe as the Burton Movies right? Lose the neon lights and keep the old look.
Batman Forever
The name of the movie I saw a video on youtube that explained the title*. Bruce was gonna hit his head and forget that he was Batman but then remember it again, realize that he was Batman… now and forever. But since that scene wasnt in the movie the title doesnt really have the same meaning or importance. Since this movie introduced Robin I`d call it: Batman and Robin.
Two-Face Lets say that you know nothing about Two-Face, dont worry, its explained early in the movie that he cant make up his mind without flipping his coin. Theres just one problem: in several scenes Two-face has made up his mind about something and is only waiting for the coin to land in a way that he prefers, like when he and Riddler breaks into Bruces mansion. He sits on a couch and flips the coin several times, gets disappointed when it ends on the good side up and keeps flipping it until lands on the evil side up. A comicbook accurate Two-Face would have accepted whatever side the coin landed on. I would also not make Two-Face so campy, but more like he was in the animated series.
Riddler I have nothing against Riddler being a campy villain, he would be a nice contrast to Two-Face who would be more serious. Buut… I think I`d remove him and replace him with Sal Maroni, the man who scarred Harvey Dent and turned him into Two-Face. Which brings me to my next point.
Two-Face killing Robins parents How about this: Before the big show Dick Grayson hears the owner of the circus talking to Sal Maroni. Sal Maroni gives him the old: "What a lovely circus you have, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it" speech. The circus owner gets angry and tells him to leave. Then later at the big show: a trapeze breaks and Dicks parents fall to their deaths. Bruce, seeing himself in Dick, takes him into his custody. it is revealed that the trapeze broke because someone had sabotaged it. Speaking of Robin, that brings me to my next point.
Robins age I`d cast a younger actor to play Robin. Old enough so that youd believe that hes 15 to 17 but young enough so that youd believe that he would need a legal guardian to take care of him. I dont know how old Chris O'Donnell was when this movie was made, but he looked like he was 20 to 25.
Chase Meridian Nothing against Chase Meridian and there is nothing wrong with creating a new, original character for the movie. Buut… I would like to bring back a familiar one, like Catwoman. After Dick has figured out that Bruce Wayne is Batman and that Sal Maroni murdered his parents it becomes a race between him and Two-Face over who gets to kill Maroni. Catwoman shows up in Gotham and helps Batman track down Robin to prevent him from killing Maroni. Two-Face has already found Maroni and flips his coin. Batman, knowing Two-Faces weakness, throws a roll of coins made to look like the one that Two-Face uses (but without the scarred side). Two-Face is devastated, he cant decide without his coin. Robin is there and wants to kill Maroni but Batman talks him out of it. Maroni is grateful and thinks hes off the hook but Batman tells him that hes going to jail. Bruce wants Selina to stay but she declines, this was just temporary, she doesn`t see herself as the hero type. She suggests that he teams up with "Boy Wonder over there" and leaves. Batman teams up with Robin and they become a crimefighting Dynamic Duo. The end… atleast for now.
Batman and Robin
The name of the movie Since I changed the name of Batman Forever to Batman and Robin I have to change the name of this one too. How about: Batman: Midwinter Knight.
Mr. Freeze Make him (and his outfit) more like the animated series, and he`s only allowed three ice-puns Max.
Poison Ivy Make her more like how she was in the animated series. She could start with human looking skin at first then gradually be more green as the movie progresses and her hair becomes more unkempt. Like a garden without a gardener. At first she wears green clothes but as the story progresses she gradually gets rid of more of her clothes and covers herself with leaves to show that she is distancing herself from humanity.
Bane When I first saw this movie I didnt know who Bane was because I had not read the Knightfall storyline. But now that I do know who Bane is I can say that the Character named Bane in this movie is not Bane, its the Hulk in an S&M outfit. Loose Bane and replace him with some henchmen.
The Bat-nipples and the Bat-creditcard Lose them. Instead of Batman and Robin being invited as honored guests to the auction they are waiting on the outside, on top of the roof, ready to (literally) drop in in case some criminals decide to show up and rob the place.
Making Barbara Alfreds niece This is my inner comicbook purist talking. How about: Bruce starts to notice that some nights there are reports of Batman showing up in a part of the city where he knows for a fact that he wasnt. Must be a copycat. One night Robin runs into thi mysterious copycat and discovers that it is a woman! Barbara Gordon to be precise, Commissioner Gordons daughter! She explains that she cant just sit at home at nights when crime is on the rise, and the reason she uses Batmans identity is because he is a symbol that the criminals fear. In a way she is "piggy backing" on his reputation. If this bothers Batman she is willing to invent a new costumed crime-fighting identity, but in the end Batman doesnt mind so she keeps using her Bat-themed identity. She modifies her cowl though so that people easier can tell the difference between her and Batman.
And that `s how I would do it.
I used Jokers "wonderful toys" line from the first Batman for my spoiler warning for the Schumacher movies because I couldnt remember any interesting, memorable lines from them.
It is of course very easy for me to write these because I have the luxury of hindsight. And unlike the filmmakers I dont have a movie studio breathing down my neck, forcing in unnecessary changes and pressuring me to get it made before a deadline. Im sure Schumacher could have made a great Batman movie if the studio had let him.
"Getting a movie made in Hollywood is like trying to grill a steak by having a succession of people coming into the room and breathing on it." ―Douglas Adams
It`s a wonder any movies in Hollywood get made at all.
Started writing this 2024-02-03
I was gonna call this "Constructive criticism: Burton and Schumachers Batman" but from previous experience Ive learned that that title would be too long for DA. (Titles can be max 50 characters.)
*: "What Could Have Been: Tim Burton's Batman Forever" by Bullets and Blockbusters
Other movies on my Constructive Criticism list that you can look forward to
Supergirl (1984) Jonah Hex (2010) Dragonball evolution The Spirit (2008) The Dark Knight trilogy
And as usual: English is not my first language, so if my writing doesn`t seem to flow naturally, you know why.
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neonponders · 3 years
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Here’s a prologue for my The Mummy AU!
This all started because of the moodboards above, created by @memes-saved-me and @harringrove000 . I just couldn’t help myself.
Here’s my original post about this au (it includes links to the moodboards) ~
And @hoegrove I know you wanted to see this so 🌹
Read on ao3 ~
• • • • • • •
The overhead bulbs and candlelight cast harsh shadows and warm light throughout the grimy bar. Everyone glistened with sweat from the desert heat. The night brought with it gentle, cool breezes over the Nile, but in this packed place, the occasional thworp of paper and silk fans being thrown open could be heard. Even the swish of luxurious ostrich feathers swayed to cool people off.
Steve moved his legs to cross his knees, the papyrus green trousers brushing against the military beige breeches of the man sitting opposite him at their small, round, gambling table. They had gathered quite an audience; the messy pile of money had long since included bets beyond Steve and this man’s wagers. Steve hadn’t caught his name, but he felt the heat of his body through their trouser fabrics, and more than once caught himself staring at how the light gleamed in that dark blond, honeyed hair.
“You trying to distract me?”
“No,” Steve smirked, “I’m trying to get comfortable.”
“Stressed?” the man crooned.
Steve removed his gaze from those pin-made waves of his hair. They had long since given up their shape to the day’s heat, but a tress outright curled over this handsome bastard’s forehead. Steve dared to think he looked better unkempt. “Not one bit. Play your cards. You’re dressed like you have somewhere to be.”
“I’m in no rush,” he replied lethargically, like this was exactly where he wanted to be.
Steve let his eyes wander him a little more. “You sure? You look like a military man.”
“Honorably discharged.”
Steve knew his eyes were blue, but in this lighting they looked like clear glass over onyx pupils when he tilted his head to look at Steve curiously. The latter retaliated before he even spoke. “Is that a strange thing to say?”
The blond shrugged with a gentle shake of his head as he plucked at his cards, rearranging them in his hand. “Only if you worship at the alter of hyper patriotism and military imperialism.”
Some chuckles sounded around them as harlots shared long, cigarette filter stems with their johns, and the barkeeps made glass clatter. Steve exhaled in a huff. “Whatever that means. I’d like to win, already. Play your cards.”
“You first, dear.”
He did, laying down his fan of cards underneath the row of cards from the dealer. The Madame of the place listened to their exchanges with amusement but kept it professional as she narrated, “Full house. Always something to brag about. And you, Mr. Hargrove?”
Hargrove, huh? Steve mused as he watched for any amount of discomfort on the man’s face. He didn’t get it.
“Straight flush,” the Madame said, aligning the winning cards with those from Steve’s and her own line. Steve had practically given him that win. And more of his father’s allowance than he would ever admit.
Hargrove moved a stack of chips to the Madame’s side of the table for a substantial tip, and then offered that hand to Steve. “Good game, Mr…?”
His eyes lolled under a slow blink before he accepted the hand. “Just Steve. It’s what I get for losing.”
“Let me top off your drink, at least, Steve.”
He took his loss with grace and stood to follow Hargrove to the bar. The crowd separated for him apart from a random slap on the back and long fingers stroking his hair in consolation. Hargrove reached the bar first, and watched all this while leaning back on his elbow. A light overhead moved across the exposed skin of his chest, just as honeyed as the rest of him, and the sparse hair there. Steve discretely lowered his gaze as if to not trip over the tiled stair raising the bar from the regular floor.
“Do you come here often?”
Steve snorted a quiet laugh and lifted his gaze. “You’ve already got me here. Ask me a real question.”
Hargrove smiled as the barkeep approached. “A bottle of red, please. Two glasses. It is a real question. People respond to you as if they know you here.”
Steve mirrored his stance and leaned into his elbow on the bar. “My sister and I come here sometimes. When we want to get away from…all of it.”
Hargrove hummed deep in his chest as the sound of a cork popping briefly diverted their attention. “Sister?”
“Stepsister, if you want to get specific, but she’s not here. You’ve only got little ol’ me.”
The barman poured two glasses without stopping, holding the vessels together with a practiced hand before he set them and the bottle on the bar. Hargrove paid him as he replied, “I have one of those. A stepsister, I mean. Although I don’t know how much it counts if you haven’t seen your so-called family in years.”
Steve reached for his wine and asked before he meant to, “Do you miss her?”
It was a bit too personal of a conversation between strangers. Hargrove’s pause made him quickly add, “You don’t have to answer that.”
“I’ll miss you, depending on how the rest of this night goes.”
Steve coughed on his wine. Hargrove chuckled as he offered a pale blue handkerchief to wipe his mouth. “Are you always this generous to people who’ve lost money to you?”
“Only the ones who are pretty enough to be a prize themselves.”
Steve’s eyes lolled in his head despite the rouge blooming in his cheeks and dusting across this throat. “If I’d known you were so used to winning I might’ve spent my money better.”
Hargrove’s eyes held steadily on him. “I’m glad you didn’t.”
* * *
Steve’s back pressed hard enough against the wall to break the kiss with a huff. He craned his face towards the sky as Hargrove made him shudder with soft lips and prickling stubble on his throat. They could hear the bar’s goings-on just on the other side of the exterior wall, but leaving the humid interior was refreshing on their wine-flushed skin. The darkness of the Cairo alleyway freed Hargrove’s hands to massage Steve’s backside.
As Steve caught his breath, he managed to slip his own hand between them, feeling the muscle of that chest for himself before he ducked to taste Hargrove’s skin. Salt and the neutral sweetness of a man’s skin. He liked the little sounds that Hargrove hummed while making a mess of Steve’s hair.
“I want this hair all over me. Better than silk.”
Steve lifted back up to frame Hargrove’s head in his hands, claiming and tasting and licking into his mouth. The way Hargrove kissed—like Steve was an oasis and honeycomb. Delicious and all his. It made Steve want to have him right here. Better than wine and cigars—intoxicating, having this kind of attention all to himself.
Hargrove hummed again, this time to get Steve’s attention. “Put your arms around me. I’ll do the rest.”
He didn’t fully understand until his trouser buttons slid free with ease. Steve openly moaned in the wake of Hargrove’s hand massaging his front, finding which direction his erection stood and easing it out into the night air. As his warm palm pumped him to aching readiness, Steve’s hands continued to wander Hargrove’s body. The man kissed him in a rush, almost brutally plundering his mouth before releasing to latch onto Steve’s collarbone.
One of Steve’s arms remained anchored around Hargrove’s shoulders. The rest of him rocked gently against the man intent to take him apart in a back alley—not that Steve minded one bit. His other hand pushed aside that half-open shirt to squeeze a nipple. Hargrove groaned deliciously and lifted his head to give Steve’s ear the same tantalizing attention—
Steve frowned a little at the hard and heavy rock of a thing knocking against his hand. It didn’t take much to pry the thing out of Hargrove’s jacket breast pocket. Steve didn’t have the time or the lighting to see what it really was. He had half a mind to hold onto it just out of petty spite. A token for taking so much out of his own wallet.
A reason for Hargrove to find him the next day.
Except a voice made Steve chirp, “Huh?”
And then Hargrove faced him with the same curiosity. They realized together that neither of them had spoken. Gas and oil lanterns were quickly moving through the alleyway, held aloft by harsh voices.
“Shit!” Steve hissed, rapidly putting himself back in his trousers. He yelped a choked sound as Hargrove yanked him out of the alley by his arm.
“We gotta go!”
“No shit!”
“Split up!”
With that, Hargrove shoved him right into the vaporous air of a crowded hookah restaurant. Steve could only dodge and duck around rapidly standing patrons as the police flooded inside. The kitchen staff only reacted after he’d already dashed through the room, and by then, the police were too held up to catch up with him. Steve didn’t stop running. He heard yelling and whistles in the streets behind him, but he kept going—Hargrove’s strange stone clutched tight in his hand.
Only once he’d finished a very round-about path back to his lodgings, did he sneak quietly past his sister’s room and light a lamp to see his prize. The octagonal…thing…fit well in his palm. On one face, jagged lines had been finely carved, but all around its edges were familiar hieroglyphics.
“Oh. What the hell—better yet, what is a handsome American in Egypt doing with you in his pocket?”
Steve went over to his writing desk to find his glasses in a drawer. He popped them on and recognized a cartouche when he saw one. “Seti. Pharaoh Seti, huh? Well, Robin’s going to be all over this when she sees it.”
A shrill whistle outside startled him enough to drop it heavily on his floor. The whistle sounded far away, but he remained very still in case the wrath of a woman awoken before dawn barged into his room.
If Robin woke up, Steve remained blissfully unaware. He quickly undressed, washed as much of himself as he was able with the washbasin, and collapsed onto the bed. With Hargrove’s fancy artifact on his bedside table, Steve let the memory of sharp beard stubble and firm hands guide his own down to his cock. He got himself back to standing and finished what Hargrove started quickly.
But it was soft lips, open arms, and steady eyes that eased Steve to longing sleep. A slumber so deep that had his stepsister threw a pillow at him the next morning for oversleeping on her way to work at the National Library.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
If you were editor of Nightwing's book ever since at least the start of Rebirth to today and you were given free reign, what would your story mandates?
Oh no, this is dangerous. LOL. Hmm, I have no idea what to shoot for here, so I'll try to keep it to ten. That's reasonable right? Ten is good. Yeah. Is fine.
Okay, so, in no particular order:
1) Let Dick be competent 101. None of this him having to play hype man for every other character to pop up in HIS title bullshit. Nope. That's not what they're there for. He's the lead man, LET HIM BE THE LEADING MAN. Like sure, everyone has their areas of expertise, he doesn't need or have to be the best at everything, blah blah blah.....but its about the nuance. All of that is kinda lip service because the thing is, you don't go into MOST comic books and NEED to be reminded of that because the lead characters of those books are all constantly getting saved or shown up or chastised by every guest star in their books, you know? This is a very weird, very niche phenomenon very specific to Dick's character, and I'm super over it. I'm here to read about the guy who has literally been doing this longer than most superheroes twice his age. The guy who's been doing this since before he hit double digits. The born acrobat. The destined ultimate warrior or whatever of Gotham's Ornithological Society Of Murder and Pretentiousness. Gimme that guy. And that guy doesn't need to be 'humbled' every other page, because the thing is, he's not some egomaniac to begin with so the everpresent need to humble him doesn't actually come off as humbling! It just comes off as pandering and not even to actual fans of the actual character, so its like.....wyd DC.
2) Let other people take responsibility for their own crap with Dick rather than always just expecting a mea culpa from him. I'm so unbelievably tired of the words I'm sorry from Dick. I love personal accountability, so I never thought I'd have to say this about a character, but enoooooough. They have made it completely in character for this dude to apologize to everyone ELSE for being brainwashed, getting amnesia, being KILLED, like.....the amount of things he's groveled for forgiveness for when he didn't actually do a damn thing wrong or worse yet, was the ACTUAL victim of is like....pretty damn staggering. And meanwhile, there's nary a peep of apology from the people who regularly insult or belittle him, get physically violent with him, take advantage of him or take him for granted, etc, etc, etc. Its entirely too one-sided and imbalanced, and the pendulum needs to swing the other direction, like YESTERDAY, and in a fairly big way, IMO.
3) None of this Baby's First Social Justice Awakening 101 crap. I'm sorry, but no. Especially not when you go out of your way to acknowledge that Dick is Romani, only to then turn around and act like he's only JUST had his eyes opened to an awareness of like, classism and poverty and the real struggles people face day to day? Sorry not sorry, but especially for other white writers out there, do not use people of color as self-inserts for dipping a toe into Learning To See Past Privilege. And especially when talking about a character who has a history of being actively abused and hurt by the system and institutions of power, or hell, even leaving out that particular origin story, who has still been out on the streets helping people since he was a literal child. You can not tell me that this is his first face to face experience with social issues, or the first time he's had the inclination to try and address those head on. (And its also particularly egregious that the people second-guessing Dick in his own title and giving him reality checks or acting like they have more of an awareness of all this than he does like, happen to all be white? OPTICS. LEARN ABOUT THEM. COMMON SENSE. GET SOME.)
Know what would actually be a better way to approach this? Flashbacks. Show us Dick running into situations that make him think back to a case when he was still Robin, when he and Batman had started fighting over their approaches to things, actually SHOW us those conflicts and how their viewpoints had started diverging, and how much of that was due to Dick not having the same experiences as Bruce, or the same standing in society, no matter what house he lived in. THEN you can jump BACK to the present, with the reminder/awareness that this is something that isn't NEWS to Dick, but that he in the past felt he was forced to make his peace with as something he wasn't in a position to do that much about....only NOW, he's in a very DIFFERENT position, and suddenly it just hits him how he's still acting like he did when he was limited in resources or in having to be part of a chain in command or having to factor other responsibilities into things....now he ACTUALLY has the power and the resources to make meaningful change in the ways he ALWAYS wanted to, but maybe just needed time to figure out HOW.
Like you know what would have made Shawn Tsang's story arc so much better? If Dick didn't just remember her as the Pigeon's one time teenage sidekick he'd briefly fought as a kid, but like.....if he remembered her as someone he and Bruce had FOUGHT about. Because he didn't agree with sending someone to juvie for defacing public property as a form of political protest, when it was someone's LIFE who was going to be irrevocably damaged by that while the damage to the city could be fixed with a check, and what made Dick any more deserving of Bruce's leniency and faith in his potential or underlying goodness than Shawn?
But he was still a kid himself back then, and when Bruce responded with his usual conviction, talking about the importance about rule of law and etc etc, Dick just didn't have the words to get through to him then, to get him to understand that this wasn't just Dick not getting it because he was too young, it was BRUCE not getting it, that Dick was literally just saying well he wasn't too young to have been in juvie himself, and of the two of them, he's the one who has experience there so why was Bruce's opinion on whether this was the punishment that fit the crime the one that got to hold more weight here? When Dick's the one who knows what that punishment actually LOOKS like beyond the abstract, for whom it was a reality that still haunts him in ways that even defacing a few statues of some rich old fucks doesn't deserve?
Or hell, go back FURTHER than when he was Robin. Idk where any of those posts are, but I've always wanted to see something where Dick maybe runs into someone he remembers from his time in juvie, maybe a guard who is like, the source of the reasons Dick mistrusts figures of authority and is so hung up on independence and not being under anyone's thumb, or maybe someone who was in there with him, another kid who looked out for him when he didn't have to, etc. Gimme Dick tackling head-on his firsthand awareness that there's no rehabilitation to be found in a jail for kids, when most of those kids don't even need rehabilitation in the first place and only did what they did in order to survive or escape from worse situations or like, were there purely because of racist cops, etc. Let him go after THAT system, driven by personal experiences and memories that maybe only hit him in full after recovering his memories from the Ric Grayson arc, like they're things that he put in a box in his mind a long, long time ago because he didn't have the spoons or reserves to deal with them when he was a kid still so traumatized in so many ways, like, something had to give and so he put all those memories away for another day and just....never got back to them because life kept hitting him with new and fresh trauma every week.
But now something has him thinking back to those early days in Gotham, and reminding him that not everyone had a Bruce Wayne willing and able to give them an out from that place or acrobatic skills to escape it on their own, and like. You want to do something about the cycles of violence in Gotham and Bludhaven? Why not start with the places that literally MANUFACTURE cruelty on an institutional level, that teach kids that no matter what they did to get put there, even if that was nothing at all, they're all going to be treated the same way and given no reason NOT to do whatever it took to be top dog in a dog eat dog world by the time they got out.
There's SO many better approaches to social awareness in the Batbooks than what we're seeing, and like. Sheesh. The bar is way too low.
4) On a related note, if I'm editor of the Nightwing book, the FIRST thing I'm doing is making it a priority to find a writer of color for that book, ideally someone of Rom descent. Its waaaaay past time to let a Romani writer take the reins on Dick, Wanda, Pietro or Doom, aka some of the only prominent Romani characters out there? You can't tell me that there aren't talented writers who identify as Roma who would be more than willing to add their perspective to Dick's archive of narratives, and if an editor's gotta go looking for them? Go fucking look. DC and its fans have milked a lot of mileage out of the idea of Dick being Romani with very little in the way of nuanced storytelling to show for it in the past twenty years, and if DC wants to trot out little reminders that Dick is Romani every couple years, like in the form of a freaking line that has no follow up or expansion to any degree and is offset by an internal monologue that otherwise reads as incredibly privileged, the least they can do is TRY to expand on that with the narrative perspective of someone they claim to be representing via that character.
And no, this isn't gatekeeping, this is prioritizing. Its not about preventing other writers from writing this character, like just for the hell of it, its about being proactive about finding a writer who can write specific aspects of this character that have long gone unaddressed or poorly represented. And like. Okay. Its not easy breaking into the comics industry for anyone, but its particularly not easy for marginalized writers. Most every major comic book company just recites 'make your own stuff first and then show us that' but when you're a writer specifically, finding a compatible artist to partner with on creator-owned indie stuff first, when those artists are in the same position as you are and apologetically and understandably tend to have to take paying work over yours if you can't pay except on the back end, like....there are a lot of hurdles to getting your start in comic books, and while there are more and more marginalized writers in comics these days, DC and Marvel kinda fucked up, because you know what?
After being told 'make your own first, then we'll talk,' writers DID do just that....but then found out that well, due to the ease of online distribution and access these days, for any writers who CAN find an artist to partner with, its a hell of a lot easier to get their content out there these days WITHOUT a major publisher behind them.....and for a lot of marginalized writers in particular, its worth it to keep full creative control in exchange for smaller circulation. Especially when they don't have to deal with editors 'softening' their work to make it more palatable for audiences that quite frankly aren't necessarily their primary target. So yeah, marginalized voices are becoming more and more present in comics, but Marvel and DC for the most part are keeping the same voices centered they always have, and what these voices have to say is becoming less and less relevant and outdated. Because much like this arc from Taylor, even when they DO dip their toes into story matter that's of interest to wider audiences, they're doing so to a degree that still puts them years behind the conversations everyone else is having.
5) The same holds true of disability representation. I stopped reading Taylor's run for a lot of reasons but his way of responding to people unhappy with his depiction of Babs was a key one. If I'm editor on a book, and someone tweets at one of my writers that their depiction of a disabled character was hurtful because it feels like they're doubling back on everything Babs has ever said about not being defined by or ashamed of her disability and now its being treated like a dirty little secret, and that writer's response is essentially to just laugh at them and say there's nothing wrong or ableist about their writing of a disabled person, TO a concerned disabled person? That writer's ass is getting fired. Full stop.
Either you give a shit about this stuff or you don't. Don't pay your readers lip service about how important social issues are to you and how much you care about using superhero narratives to inspire people on these matters if you're gonna turn around and show your ass the second you don't feel comfortable and prioritized by the conversation, like it wouldn't exist without your oh so valuable contributions. ESPECIALLY if you don't identify as sharing the same identity of the marginalized character you're writing. You are a guest in someone else's lived experiences at that point, and you think you've got the right to belittle and talk down to the people who LIVE THERE? Fuck off, my dude.
6) Re-center Dick as someone who the superhero community RESPECTS. I love seeing Dick depicted as someone who has an awareness of his own limitations and an appreciation for what others bring to the table, and so I'm not opposed to him calling on others when he needs to.....but I also would like to see more of the opposite. But not in the way we usually see it these days, where he's asked to come help with a crisis and then usually second-guessed the whole way, and then sent back home without so much as a thank you when its done. Yawn. Sorry. I've read that story by now.
You know what story arc I freaking LOVED as a kid, back in the 90s? In Green Lantern, when Kyle Rayner first became the sole GL, one of his very early arcs, before he ever joined the JLA or anything....was him realizing how little he knew about being a superhero. He was like, my predecessors all had a full fledged CORPS to teach them everything they needed to know, but I had a few lines of exposition from a funny little blue guy in a red pillowcase and then I was off to the races. That's not good enough. There's so much I don't know about being a hero, I don't even KNOW what I still need to know.
So he went on kinda a superhero training roadtrip. He went to Metropolis to ask Superman for advice, he went to Batman to learn from Batman and Robin (Tim at the time). He went to Wonder Woman, Sentinel (Alan Scott, the first Green Lantern), etc, etc. And in the end, Kyle very much became his own kind of hero who wasn't just a pastiche of all those other heroes and the advice they gave him, but like....this put him on the road to that.
And I'd love to see something like that happen in Dick's solo title. We've seen him train in a team setting, we've seen him train the other Robins.....I'd love to see like, young superheroes from OTHER books, not ones created by the title, but like names people actually recognize from other franchises, like, guest star in Nightwing's book to learn from HIM, specifically. I wanna see something where Wally looks at the latest speedster and is like, you know what, if you really wanna be the best hero you can possibly be, then Nightwing's who you gotta go to, because there's no one I trust to make a better hero out of someone than him. I want the newest kid on the JLA block to worry that people aren't taking him seriously because of his age or experience, and he's always hearing them talk about Nightwing and how young he was when he started and so if anyone knows something about how to gain the respect of your older superhero peers, that's the guy to talk to.
Gimme Dick's couch being crashed on at various times by a half dozen new or upcoming young superheroes who all heard or figured out that if they really want to up their superhero game, Nightwing's the guy to see.
7) Bring back Bea. There's no long paragraph expansion on this, its really simply. Bring back Bea. She was one of the freshest breaths of air in Dick's supporting cast in ages, most of the current run is based off her character direction in the first place, she's literally the best suited TO help Dick in this venture, and the reasons they gave for writing her out of Dick's life were all bullshit and they just wanted to focus on his previous relationships, which would be fine if they didn't fall into the same two endless cycles of bring back up, go nowhere with, awkwardly avoid each other for years, rinse and repeat. Like. Bring back Bea, please and thank you, the end.
8) Focus on new villains. Heartless is meh, but the idea of new villains is still better IMO than rehashing Blockbuster, Zucco, etc. Like, nostaglia ain't it. If I want to read Blockbuster fucking up Dick's life, I can do that. They're called back issues. The thing is, love it or hate it, the Blockbuster arc WAS iconic. It left its mark. And anything that doesn't leave just as much of a mark, if they're going to bring him up again, is just gonna be a waste of time, you know? It'll just dilute his overall presence when like, what he was - worked fine as is. We don't need Round Two.
The trick to good villains, IMO, is they have to speak to a fight that needs fighting.
What I mean by that is....the best villains are those who resonate on a more instinctive level because they embody something that already exists in a reader's mind as a conflict that needs fighting. Like, if superheroes exist, if the embodiment of larger than life presences and forces devoted to protecting the world from various things are real....then their villains need to embody the kinds of fights or conflicts that NEED larger than life figures to combat them, at least on a one to one level.
Look at Superman and Lex Luthor. Superman at his core embodies the strength of community. He's the ultimate hero of the people, his essence is that he was the last survivor of a doomed race who was raised by two honest, hard working people to see the beauty in just being ONE of them, in using what he had on behalf of all of them and not just himself. In contrast, Lex Luthor is basically the embodiment of capitalist greed, of excess, of the entitlement of being able to have anything with a snap of your fingers and thus assuming that gives you divine mandate to make the kinds of choices that he sees as only his right to make.
He hates Superman, ultimately, because Superman is the WRONG savior of the people. He wants their only savior to be HIM, half the time he honestly believes he's saving the world FROM Superman, but just as often he's perfectly content to be the villain and not shy about it....because Lex Luthor's ultimate motivation is he wants everyone to know when he's dead and gone that LEX LUTHOR WAS HERE. He genuinely doesn't care WHAT his impact or legacy is at the end of the day, just that it exists and it overshadows most everything else...because all that really matters to him is the irrefutable proof that HE mattered. And thus at their cores, Superman and Lex are perfectly opposed. Ideally situated to eternally be in conflict, their own forever war, because their core natures are incompatible. They CAN'T compromise, without compromising themselves and essentially ending up as someone totally other than who and what they are already.
And you can go down the list. The Joker is the chaos to Batman's order, while Mr. Freeze is the stagnancy of that order taken too far, he's what you get when you freeze everything in your grief and refuse to let anything go on, anything new grow, because that would mean having to admit once and for all that what you're mourning is really gone. Two-Face is the ultimate embodiment of Man vs Self, a once good man at war with his own worse nature, and reminding everyone who looks at him how easily they could fall to the same fate.
And so on and so on. What Dick needs, is more of the same. Like, as much as I'm not a huge fan of Talon stories, I maintain that the Court of Owls were a great foil for him - just they tend to be poorly used in canon as well. But I also think how poorly they come off in canon has a lot to do with canon not really touching on WHY they're such a perfect foil for Dick....and that's Dick's history with being outside the system, mistreated and even exploited by the system. Because the Court, their core concept, is they ARE the system. They are entrenched, enfranchised, institutional power, passed down through generations, dynastic control that is a perfect counterpart to the dynastic power of the Wayne family, embodied in its youngest generation in the form of Bruce's FOUND family, the children he adopted regardless of whether or not his peers found them deserving of that honor. The Court, and their entire....thing...about the Gray Son, is the entitled fury of those denied something they deem theirs simply because they WANT it, and who will burn the whole world down rather than admit defeat or let someone else have it instead.
And that resonates. It could resonate a lot MORE if DC would actually lean into those concepts and allow Dick to explore how the Court are nothing he's not used to, they're literally made up of the same people who have looked down on him ever since he came to Gotham, but now they're actually a face and a name put to all those attitudes, something he can literally FIGHT BACK AGAINST. The Court are literally human-sized embodiments of everything and everyone who's tried to confine Dick since his parents' deaths, tried to define him without his permission, tried to make him other or lesser than who and what he is.....and who thus now exist in a form that Dick can literally BATTLE. So that he doesn't HAVE to just take this stuff lying down.
Thanks to the Court, he doesn't HAVE to just passively accept it, that this is just how life is, that some people are going to view him this way and think this about him and there's nothing he can do about it. He CAN do something about it, in superhero stories. He can kick its ASS, in the form of the Court of Owls and everything its members think about him and intend for him. He can refuse to bow down to them, to accept their mark on him. He can say lol, no, and then blow their shit sky high, ideally with a little help from his family. He can BEAT them, in this incarnated form, and in doing so, even though he can't beat everything they stand for and represent, that victory still matters, still means something symbolic to readers it resonates with.
And that's what we need more of. Villains created specifically to embody concepts that are diametrically opposed to Dick and what he represents. The system, yes, but also villains who embody the kind of tyranny and control he fights back against in his constant battles for autonomy and self control. Villains who embody the 'new hopes' of a second generation just like Dick himself is the focal point of the hopes embodied by the second generation of heroes. I'm actually not the hugest fan of multiversal constant Dick Grayson, but I might like it more if he had an opposite number there, someone he was specifically contrasted with. Idk.
But you get it.
9) Dick having a social life. Gimme the Titans and his siblings showing up JUST to show up. We have room enough for at least a couple pages every other issue where we just get to see these characters having some breathing room, taking a beat to stop and be something other than just a superhero, to be human as well. There's more to life than 24/7 fighting, even for them, and that's largely been lost in modern superhero comics, which kinda sucks, because that was what made most of the more iconic and lasting dynamics between various characters like, STAND the test of time. The larger than life battles between good and evil might be what many of us come to superhero comics FOR, but the relatable back-and-forths and ups and downs of their private lives spent with friends and family tends to be what keeps most of us coming BACK. And lately its all just mission, mission, mission, and I'm like blah, blah, blah and its like, meh, meh, meh. Y'know? Give the guy some down time, and let his friends come spend it with him.
10) Boone. This is purely self-indulgent, but if you know anything about me, you know my obsession with Robin: Year One, Dick's brief time at Vengeance Academy, and the hate/hate relationship he has with his brief frenemy from that period, Boone aka Shrike. This character has SOOOOO much potential to be Dick's true archnemesis and rival, and like. *Sobs* I can't get into it all again. Its too much. I can't do it.
Okay, I absolutely can. And will, probably. But like. Later.
Other thing I would absolutely insist upon if I were Nightwing editor....
Like. Seriously. WHAT THE HELL. Why would you double down on THAT? Why is Babs STILL wearing it? (Last I checked, like I think I saw it in a scan from last issue? I'm pretty sure its still there? If not, forget this entire rant, and I am very embarrassed. Okay not that embarrassed. I don't really care if I'm wrong here but like, in case I'm not)...
WHY. Who thought that was funny? No, seriously, on behalf of any other abuse survivors who like me are SERIOUSLY not amused, who the FUCK thinks its FUNNY to have one of Dick's best friends sporting a shirt that no matter what it represents IN universe, to readers OUT of universe, is always going to call to mind the fact that this meme only freaking EXISTS because of all the times DC has obliviously and without acknowledgment written Bruce abusing his children, including the BFF that Babs is literally wearing that right in front of.
Like omg do you hate her, DC? What other possible reason could you have for thinking that would be a cute, funny thing for her to wear around the guy getting SLAPPED, by his DAD, in your shirt's iconography.
Okay I'm done.
Sorry, that last one was brewing for awhile. Deep breaths. Woo.
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purplellamanator · 3 years
So, I'm sorry I don't really know what to call this and did not give it a name- but, this is a product heavily inspired by these head-canon's created and posted by @detectivegeekshin! Please check them out if you haven't already! (if you're following me though you probably already did :D) This is insanely long though and I hope ya'll like it! Sorry @detectivegeekshin that it took me so long! I've been working on this for more than two months I think- so again, sorry!!! Thank you for allowing me to use your ideas to make, what was supposed to be a drabble, story and I hope I did your head-canon's justice! Please excuse my grammar mistakes! I tried my best to clean it up! Thank you again!
Read below the cut for the story :)
Stealing wasn't exactly the word he wanted to use. He didn't consider himself to be a thief. Was it really even stealing if he was taking it from someone it didn't actually belong to? Shinichi didn't think so.
And it wasn't about giving the wealth back to the poor. He wouldn't necessarily call himself Robin Hood either. It was about returning something to its rightful place; to the rightful owner.
It was wrong. All of it. It went against the very morals he himself created to follow when he first decided he'd be the greatest detective of the era. Stealing was wrong no matter if it was stealing something that was already stolen. It was the law and if the law was followed, then it would work out correctly in the end either way.
But that way of thinking wasn't always true. He realized that the longer he worked in this business and the more experience he gathered. It would be a nice world to live in when the law could fix everything. And unfortunately he wasn't naïve enough to actually believe that world existed anymore.
The first time he did it, it had gone against every fiber of his being. The mental crisis he thrusted his entire being into had sidelined him for weeks. So ashamed, Shinichi couldn't bring himself to work on another case. What right did he have? To expose criminals for killing? For kidnapping? For stealing?
He had no right. He was no better than those criminals. Because that was what he was now- a criminal.
The stress and just anxiety that this put him under- Shinichi considered dropping his dream of being a detective. His morals and guilt had been tearing him apart inside.
Until he turned on the news and remembered why he did what he did.
A woman was crying. They were tears of joy and happiness. And she was thankful. Thankful that the heirloom that had gone missing for decades had miraculously found its place back on her dresser. That she had no idea who or how it happened but she was grateful to whomever had given her this.
And that was when Shinichi was reminded of what finally pushed him to this. What made him crack.
He was a detective and he had done his job. He found the precious necklace that had eluded every private eye hired before him. He located it and all they had to do was retrieve it and return it back where it belonged.
But the police couldn't. They needed warrants and that took time. Time they did not have enough of. It would be sold once more on the black market and disappear likely for another decade before they were even served.
The adrenaline that had coursed through him when he finally decided what he would do. He had never felt more satisfied. There had been no disguises; no gimmicks. Just himself. His own face and his own brain. And they still hadn't caught him. It had been easy. So much easier than waiting on the courts.
After that day he saw the news, Shinichi had walked with his head held higher than any other day. He didn't know why exactly. It wasn't like anybody else besides him knew what he had done. No one but him was aware that the woman got that necklace back because of his own actions. Yet hearing people congratulate and whisper about how amazing the mystery was made him smug.
Shinichi told himself it would be a one time thing. Seeing that woman from before distraught and sobbing that her family's prized possession would likely never be returned in her lifetime- it had done something to him. It made him act. Even though he usually did so well detaching himself emotionally from his cases, that one alone had gotten to him. But he'd do better next time. Even if the outcome would be bittersweet and leave him feeling like he failed, he could not do it again. No matter who the victim was or if they cried.
But he didn't stick to that clearly because he did it again a month later, and then soon after that, and again after that.
His excuse each time- he had done so well not getting caught before. What could it hurt to do it again? It was easier. It was faster. With his genius he was sure he would get away with it no matter how many times he tried this. He couldn't be caught. He couldn't be beat. He was just too . . good at it.
Until he wasn't.
He had gotten too cocky; too arrogant. He should've stopped while he was ahead. He had gotten away with it so many times and yet he kept pushing it. And he pushed the boundaries each time. He got more and more careless than the last. And now he was stuck explaining to the last person he ever wanted to find out, why he was parading around as some law abiding detective when he was really a thief.
In the midst of his newly found hobby, Ran- one of his best friends, had realized he was not acting the same as usual. Shinichi didn't allow her to join him to certain cases anymore. He would be secretive about where he was going afterwards as well as if she had somehow already been there, he had even told her to straight up leave.
He should've known that Ran would notice something sooner. It wasn't like him to ever hide things from her and it definitely was not normal for him to tell her to leave a crime scene- unless it was a rather dangerous one. Cases that had to do with robbery didn't normally fall under that. Those were the cases he'd usually rather her witness. She didn't like anything with too much gore and like any normal person, she got scared if she even saw a corpse.
But each time he told her to leave or that she shouldn't follow him. Most of the time he did lie and say it was because he worried it would turn violent. Other times he didn't give a reason. And he definitely should've noticed her suspicion because he normally loved having her witness his cases and deductions. He liked impressing her.
Unfortunately, he didn't notice in time that he was actually worrying her. His sudden change was concerning to her and she ended up following him when he said the Inspector had called and asked for him to come by the station.
Shinichi never went to the station. There had never been a call. Instead, donning his change of clothes, he took a train almost a full hour out till he reached his actual destination.
When he said he had started pushing the boundaries, he had meant it. No longer did his thefts remain with cases within the Japanese Police. He started digging for unresolved cases in the black markets.
The entire time Ran had been tailing him. She had followed him the entire way and he hadn't noticed a single thing, which he didn't know if he should be annoyed by or impressed.
When he had almost been shot however and Ran's foot suddenly came down on the guards head, he settled on being impressed. Because though he was furious she had followed him into such a dangerous underground location, she had saved his ass. And it didn't help that Ran was aware of that fact.
She hadn't pressured him for an explanation. Shinichi thought she would yell at him and demand to know what he was doing and why. Ran hadn't done any of that. Instead, she took it upon herself to be his lookout as he finished what he originally set out to do.
Ran kept her thoughts to herself at first. It had made him nervous considering he was expecting her anger. When he hadn't gotten it, he didn't know what to expect now. Her moral compass was just as strong as his had been. When she realized what he was doing- and she definitely already had, he could only assume it'd upset her. Why wouldn't it? At this point he was no better than-
"Are you Kaito Kid?"
Kaito Kid. Obviously he knew who she was talking about. And it was actually insulting and ticked him off.
What he did took more skill. He wasn't some magic freak with a couple fog machines and pet doves. He had no disguise. If Shinichi wanted something, he walked in there and took it. With his own face.
With a stony expression, he denied the accusation. As far as he was concerned, he always thought of the Phantom Thief as, exactly that, a thief. Truthfully, he hadn't run into the magician too much after his new found discovery. And at the thought he realized that it must mean Kid wasn't after just any treasure. He must've been looking for something in particular which reminded him that he didn't know the guy's actual motive behind his crimes. Maybe like him, he realized, Kid might have a valid reason for turning to crime.
When he started sympathizing with a criminal however he noticed how far in his own crimes he actually was.
Ran took his denial in stride. She didn't seem all that surprised by his response. She clearly didn't actually think he was the Phantom Thief. But oddly enough, she didn't really ask for an explanation. If he wasn't doing this as Kid, then why was he doing it? She didn't claim to want to know.
Oddly enough, that annoyed him as well. It should be a good thing she wasn't drilling him for answers. She was just accepting what he was doing and not going to stop him.
"You're that vigilante thief they're talking about all over the news. . . aren't you? The Night Baron?"
Night Baron? Out of all the things, that's what they decided to go with? And though it was exactly what he was, the word vigilante left a bad taste in his mouth.
This accusation was different however. Unlike the Phantom Thief one, she uttered this one with confidence. If he denied this, Ran would not believe him. There was no point in trying anyway when she had literally caught him in the act.
It took him aback a little that she had caught on so easily. The Night Baron wasn't as common in the news. He hadn't been doing this nearly as long as the other well known thief. It made him question if she'd been contemplating this for awhile. How long had she suspected him? And how could she not say this without any ounce of anger?
"Well. . . I have faith in you, Shinichi," she finally said when he asked. "I know you and I know you wouldn't be doing this unless you had a good reason or you thought it was right."
"And what you're doing is right. The Night Baron helps people."
The amount of trust she put in his character made him feel warm inside. It was embarrassing but that sentiment made the corners of his eyes almost prickle. Shinichi hadn't realized how desperately he had wanted to hear those words. He thought he had come to terms with his guilt. But clearly he had not if hearing Ran say that almost made him get choked up.
Ran didn't think less of him for losing his morals. She didn't look at him in disgust. She approved of it. She encouraged him for doing it. No explanation given yet and she had already determined that what he did, he did for good. He had no desire or intention for personal gain. And he had never felt like someone had ever seen him so clearly before.
Again, she didn't push for his actual reasonings. Based off her earlier assumptions, she likely already knew them. But though it was clear she didn't think it, he didn't want to risk her assuming he was some mindless criminal. Without her prompting, he gave his explanation.
The law wasn't enough sometimes. And though it was sad and went against what he engrained in his own head, this was the best and more efficient option. After all, if you want something done correctly, do it yourself then, right?
Ran hadn't so much as flinched. And it was staggering.
"You're not upset?" He couldn't help the disbelieving tone he used. It was almost a little concerning she wasn't more opposed to this.
Ran shrugged. "I am a little. Clearly you've been doing this by yourself and lying to me when you could've just told me."
Tell her? Why would he want to tell her?
"Shinichi, you were almost shot. Clearly you need help doing this."
Absolutely not.
That had been his initial reaction. If he ever for some reason got caught, it would likely drag her down with him. And that was the last thing he wanted.
But after sleeping on it for a quite a few days, and also that he couldn't sneak off anymore once Ran realized what he was going, Shinichi began to see the possible perks to working with a partner. And not just any partner but Ran specifically.
She was smart. He was definitely the mastermind behind all of their plans but that was not to say Ran couldn't come up with a plan of her own. Her insight gave another perspective that sometimes, he never would've thought of. If she didn't like an idea, she said it. If she thought they should do something else, she told him. Shinichi wasn't perfect. He missed things sometimes. It was good to have her pair of eyes as well.
It was just as helpful to have her brute strength as well. He assumed most would find it somewhat emasculating to be physically weaker than their female counterpart. Shinichi didn't mind at all. He was strong as well but admittedly, there were things Ran could do that he could not. Like denting a wall with her bare fist.
With Ran added into the picture, it came with even more possibilities. And perks.
The one person he didn't want to have to lie to, he didn't have to anymore. And they worked close.
He liked that too.
Ran was a good asset and made his job a whole lot easier. He really took note of that fact when instead of climbing through an air duct to sneak into some party, Ran had somehow managed to get them clearance through the front door.
And that wasn't nearly all she was able to do.
Ran is gorgeous. It was the bitter sweet conclusion he came to when Ran easily had the host eating out of the palm of her hand. The guy probably would've just given her the painting they were after if she simply asked properly.
The thought annoyed him.
He always knew he had a thing for Ran. He was pretty sure everybody knew that fact besides the girl herself. He had known her for a long time now. They had been friends since the first year of college. Their friend group was also the same and their parents both had ties to the Japanese Police Force. And she was stunning to look at. He'd argue it would be impossible for him not to take a liking to his friend.
He never told her though. He didn't know if she felt the same and after this partnership they just started, he wasn't sure it was worth the risk. If he tried a move and it scared her off, he'd have to revert to working alone. And he didn't want to do that for more reasons than one.
Like he acknowledged before, Ran was beautiful. He was not alone in that belief. It made it all the more difficult to witness guys flaunt their wealth and good looks in her face. He didn't want to see that. They didn't actually know her. Ran was his friend for three years. They didn't deserve her especially when clearly all they wanted was to undress her. And they were arguably worse criminals than half the people he got locked up.
So it was all instinct when he finally cracked. Some guy whom they didn't know was trying to dance with Ran. And he wasn't just 'trying'. He was touching and caressing her arm. Gritting his teeth, Shinichi couldn't help himself when he wrapped an arm around Ran's waist and tugged her back into his chest.
"I thought the first dance was mine, wife."
It was stupid. He had no idea why he allowed that to slip out. If he didn't have better control of his emotions he probably would've turned flustered all the way to his toes.
Ran's eyes bulged. "W-wife?!"
Honestly, her surprise couldn't be helped. He had totally blindsided her. It was his fault. And he definitely didn't have a valid enough reason to interfere like he did.
Sensing something was off between the couple, the other guy raised a brow as he eyed the arm wrapped firmly around her waist. "You don't recognize your own husband?"
Shinichi wanted to bash his own head against the wall. This was why they weren't supposed to go against the plan. Posing as her husband had definitely not been part of what they discussed earlier. It caused too many questions that they did not prepare beforehand to answer-
A hand suddenly slid up and brushed against his cheek softly. "We're not married just yet, Shin-chan. Only engaged so it's a bit too soon to be saying that," she chastised with a giggle; her acting on point.
Beyond his control, he could feel a slight heat rise to his cheeks. The intimate way she touched his face wasn't helping either. He swallowed hard as he looked down at her eyes, meeting her softened gaze.
"Oh, forgive me. I didn't see the ring."
The ring?
A ring!
They didn't even have rings to back up their story-!
It was at that point Shinichi didn't know if the guy was actually apologetic for hitting on a married woman or suspicious that they weren't actually a couple that was engaged.
"No, it's our fault really," Ran said sheepishly. "This dummy here didn't get me the right ring size so it's sadly getting resized."
Shinichi was a little insulted. He would've most definitely did his research to get her the correct ring size before proposing.
After the guy walked away, they both found their way to the dance floor with all the other couples and joined in the slow sway. If asked why, he'd argue it was to back up their story even more. Deep down though, Shinichi knew better.
Ran was oddly silent however.
"Shin-chan?" He grumbled with forced annoyance. At the time it had completely caught him off guard. The nickname that his mother used for him. At the time he figured it was payback for the confusion he started. It didn't mean he hated the name any less.
But just as easily, she quipped back, "Wife?" She raised a brow as if to drive her point and he immediately shut his mouth.
It was definitely payback.
Ran never did question why he stepped in that night. They were on a job after all and he deduced that likely she had already forgotten what he'd done. Besides the little hiccup, every thing else went according to plan. Everything else stayed the same.
Until their next job. And the job after that. And the one after that.
Because that one night when they had taken the painting; it had started a trend of sorts. A trend where one or the either would claim to be in a relationship with the other. Before it had started with a dance which at the time, neither had been prepared for and both were too awkward to acknowledge properly. But the next time they are holding hands and eventually it becomes normal for Ran to hug his arm to her chest or for him to hold her waist.
Each time is a mystery to them. Neither have any idea what they'll be. It was a constant cycle of being married, to dating, to two already taken spouses in a very wanton and promiscuous love affair. And the stories they came up with on the spot were more extravagant and extra than the last. And they were never prepared before hand. Suddenly it was a game for them. How deep could they take this? What tale could they come up with this time? It was getting out hand. The stories were getting more detailed each time, he almost believed the lies himself.
Shinichi didn't usually snap back out of it until he saw her again in class the next day. They weren't childhood friends that had been together since preschool days. He hadn't dramatically confessed his love in London while the Big Ben chimed behind them. They hadn't shared a first kiss at Kiyomizu-dera on a school trip to Kyoto.
And it didn't stop there. If they weren't already talking to each other, they would always be touching in some form. Whether that was by a hand resting against his thigh or his fingers dragging dangerously low on her lower back.
It was a very small line they were tiptoeing against and the blatant flirting they joined in with was starting to toy with his emotions. It was one thing to elaborate or give false truths to further their disguises. It was another entirely to grope each other secretly. There was no witness to convince. Who were they showing off for other than each other?
It was getting increasingly more difficult to act like nothing was going on- or at least nothing was going on with his end. He was stressed and constantly filled with anxiety that at some point these lies would eventually bleed into their actual daily lives. Because when he once again had to suppress the urge to grab her hand as they walked from class, he was realizing once again who they actually were.
They were Shinichi and Ran. A Shinichi and Ran that had met three years ago in a shared psychology class. A Shinichi and Ran that were best friends and nothing more. A Shinichi that had been mooning after the same girl since he first met her. A Ran that as far as he could tell, didn't share that same sentiment.
This whole thing was a dangerous idea where his emotions were involved. And due to his argument that they didn't need to stop this 'charade' or whatever was the proper term to call it, it wasn't a matter of if this would affect their personal lives. It was a matter of when.
Surprisingly, it wasn't him that cracked.
It had been an honest mistake- one Shinichi didn't exactly mind. They had been in a study session with Sonoko and Nakamichi. It was a hot day and they had all taken refuge in the campus library. And to also help combat the heat, Shinichi had a water bottle that he was casually sipping on. One that Ran had easily grabbed from his hands to take a swig out of.
Shinichi didn't mind. He really didn't and truthfully, he probably wouldn't of even noticed if it weren't for the fact all their friends froze to gap at her incredulously. She had done this to him numerous times on a job. Asking for a sip of his champagne or simply stealing a bite of food off his plate. It had been a shock the first time but it in the moment he knew that was likely her intention to get a rise out of him. Now however, he was positive that she had fell into that act by mistake. She didn't mean anything by it, he was sure- not like she used to.
Nakamichi whom had been in the process of reading out his answer for one of the questions on the study guide had trailed off slowly, almost completely floored by what he had witnessed. Sonoko looked like she would fall out of her seat.
It was almost laughable that Ran didn't realize the stares that were being drilled into her. Attempting to keep his face neutral, he nudged his knee into hers gently and it was only at that she finally began to realize her mistake.
Features turning a scorching red, she quickly forced the water back into his hands. "I-I'm so sorry!" she burst. "I have no idea why I did that! I don't know what I was thinking," she sputtered. "I-it was just so hot and I-I-"
She was drowning; sinking further into her panic and he tried to save her.
"Ran, it's okay," he said calmly even though on the inside, he was freaking out just as much as she was. "It's hot outside and I've known you forever. We can share a water bottle." Shinichi was trying to play it cool. For the sake of their image with their friends.
Of course it wouldn't be enough to deter the teases they were sure to receive from their friends but what else could he do? He couldn't very well say she grabbed his by mistake. It had literally been in his hand. He had just drank out of it and been going to sip out of it again when she grabbed it. And he definitely couldn't say that she did this to him all the time when pretending to be his wife.
There was absolutely nothing they could say to excuse this. The whole scene had been way too casual even for the two of them. Sonoko, whom had made numerous jokes that they were actually a married couple, looked like this was too much for even her to comprehend. Because whether she knew he had a thing for Ran or not, anything she said before this had been harmless taunts.
"How long has then been going?!" Sonoko having determined that the study session was now over, pointed between them furiously. And that wasn't just an exaggeration. Sonoko looked irritated. Not because they were seemingly dating but because she had both missed and not been informed when it happened.
But there was nothing to tell. Nothing was going on- or rather nothing in the way she was thinking. No matter how many times they both told her that, the Suzuki heiress did not look convinced. Not even Nakamichi seemed to trust it but unlike the other girl, he thankfully kept his accusations shut till they were in private.
"Look- I'm not saying I'm mad or anything. It just sucks a little that you didn't tell me," his friend finally admitted when they left the two girls at the library.
Neither had been worried or surprised when Sonoko said they would catch up with them later. Shinichi felt bad for abandoning Ran but he knew that Sonoko would want to grill her for answers. It would've been more humiliating for both of them to be present for that.
Nakamichi wasn't nearly as difficult as Suzuki to deal with but Shinichi still found himself rolling his eyes. "I already told you," he said tiredly. "Ran and I are not dating." Shinichi wasn't sure how many more times he would have to say just that. He didn't even know if there was any other way to word what he was trying to get through his friend's apparently thick skull.
Suddenly his friend stopping walking, forcing him to do the same. For some reason his eyes were wide and a slight red was forming on his cheeks. "Oh."
Oh? Shinichi raised a confused brow. "What?"
"Well- I just never thought Ran-chan would ever. . . " Nakamichi trailed off, scratching behind his ear awkwardly. "She just doesn't seem the type, you know?"
"Her . . type?"
And then suddenly his friend looked concerned, waving his hands in front of him defensively. "Hey- I'm not judging! Whatever you wanna call it- I support it!"
Suddenly Shinichi was freezing himself. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked aggravatedly.
"You and Ran-chan aren't dating but you're. . . you know," Nakamichi said pointedly. "You still could've told me though. I'm not going to tell anybody. Have some faith man. We've know each other since grade school."
Shinichi's eyes bulged and all the blood rushed to his face as understanding finally hit him.
"Ran and I aren't dating and we're not doing t-that either!" he exploded.
Without Ran even needing to tell him, Shinichi knew Sonoko must've given her a hard time afterwards. Nakamichi probably wasn't nearly as difficult to deal with but it still had been an uncomfortable conversation nonetheless.
His friend actually thought that he and Ran were having . . . sex on the side.
He wouldn't be so lucky.
Shinichi was flushing at the thought alone. It had been so humiliating.
But what made it worse however was when Ran actually apologized to him again in private. She reiterated once more that she couldn't understand what she had been thinking in the moment. She also suggested that maybe it would be best to stop pretending. It was mixing them up in real life and confusing for both of them.
A small part of him was crushed by her suggestion no matter how logical it was. It hurt.
Shinichi rejected the idea. He agreed that maybe they could tone it down some. They didn't need to be a couple every time they did a job. But he also argued that sometimes the act actually did make their job easier. And deep down there was another reason he didn't want to share.
Because if they gave up their little charade, then he knew what that would mean. There was no logical circumstance that would allow him to touch her and flirt with her like when they were on a job. And he desperately didn't want to lose that. Even if their act escalated each time.
But he knew Ran had a point.
Their next job was once again at another extravagant and fancy party. And this time, they both arrived alone. The two had snuck in separately and at different times as well. And throughout the entire night, neither acknowledged the other. They acted like perfect strangers.
This time the showcase was a pearl. A pearl that would surprisingly 'go missing' by the end of the night. And like every other job they did, he had a plan that they had gone over in detail numerous times. One that didn't work out at all considering the whole night had been derailed by the sudden appearance of the Phantom Thief.
The moment that magician's calling card appeared, Shinichi knew they'd have to make adjustments to their plan and they needed to do it now. If KID followed and stuck by the time on his announcement, then the pearl they were both after would be long gone by the time they got anywhere near it.
They had to improvise which was difficult without them even talking to each other. Besides that factor added in, throwing Kid into the mix only derailed everything further. If they wanted any hope of beating Kid, then they had to act right then.
To be honest, it wasn't very surprising they were almost caught. It hadn't been particularly smart of him to continue with his intentions of stealing the pearl. Just Kaito Kid being there caused too much of a scene. Any calling card that arrived meant it would soon be followed by police and a camera crew. The Phantom Thief brought media attention wherever he went. It was dumb of him to not just give the pearl to the thief. Especially cause-
Kaito Kid had mentioned the Night Baron in his calling card. He had made it clear he was aware that he wasn't the only thief present with their sights set on the pearl. And he had mentioned the other thief by name.
That gave a lot of insight Shinichi wasn't even sure Kid meant to give. That calling card told the detective that either Kid knew what types of jobs the Night Baron targeted or worse- that he knew the true identity of the Night Baron. And if the latter was correct, then it meant that someone had been watching him for a long time. Someone was probably watching him right now. And if that were the case, Kid knew his entire plan.
The right thing to do would be to pull back. To grab Ran and bail. The plans he had made were done without taking Kaito Kid into account. But if the other thief really had been watching him, then those plans could be tossed out a window. Nothing was worth getting both him and Ran caught and possibly arrested. The logical conclusion was to escape while they could.
Shinichi was too prideful for that. And stubborn. This wasn't his first run-in with the Moonlight Thief. Shinichi had dealt with him quite a few times when helping Inspector Nakamouri or Inspector Meguire. This would however be the first time he ran into the guy when he was on one of his own little side jobs.
And he was not prepared. Fighting against him as a detective had numerous resources. He had the Japanese Police Force at his disposal. As well as when he was working his real job- he did not need to hide his own face. Not only could he be recognized by the police, he had also made a name as a criminal. If somehow his face was linked to the scene of all those crimes- he was done for.
But like the idiot he was, he couldn't help but take this as a challenge. The fact Kaito Kid mentioned him by name in his calling card told him that the thief knew he was there and also he didn't really care nor was he stressed by that.
It wasn't like him to panic. But in the end, that was what he'd done. His actions had been panicked and rushed and honestly- thoughtless. Ran hadn't scolded him at all through the night; probably thinking now wasn't the time when they were running from police officers. Shinichi could just feel her disapproval however. He knew the moment they were out of here and alone at his house, he'd receive the yelling of a lifetime.
Getting an earful would be the least of his worries if they couldn't find a way out of this building. All of the usual exit points had been closed or cut off due to Kid's warning for his appearance. The guy was a showoff and frustrating. Shinichi knew it was all part of the guy's show to leave people wondering just how he made his escape.
Shinichi wanted to throttle him.
Because of that hack of a magician, he'd get caught. Because of him, Ran would get in trouble with him. The two of them had been running nonstop and even if they had the layout of the mansion memorized, it wouldn't help with guards standing at every single entrance and exit- which is what they had been doing the moment Shinichi triggered their alarm.
The panic and just straight anxiety that he felt in that moment, could not be paralleled to anything else in his life. He knew they were running out of options. Usually he was the one with all the plans but he couldn't even gather his thoughts to try to formulate one. All he could think was how much of a sad excuse for a thief, a detective, and a friend he was-
No. If there was one thing he would do, it was to save Ran. He got Ran involved in this and he would not allow her to go down with him. Already he had given up on finding escape. Now all he was trying to do was deduce just how he was going to explain Ran's side of things. He'd force her to pose as his hostage if he had to. He would not allow her to be ruined from this-
Abruptly his thoughts caught off when Ran very suddenly gripped his fingers tightly. When he glanced over in her direction, he found she was already looking at him. They were both running as fast as they could trying to put more and more distance between them and the heavy footfalls coming from behind them. Unlike him however, she did not appear scared or stressed. In fact, while he was internally having a meltdown, Ran shot him a quick but soft smile.
And suddenly she was pushing ahead of him; her fingers still clenching his tightly as she tugged him behind her.
She was taking them further in though, he noticed incredulously. In fact she was taking them towards the rooms. Shinichi had to stare into the back of her head, as if wondering if she'd lost her mind. There was no exit to the outside this far in. Nothing but windows which they already realized was not going to be an option. There would be officers outside each window waiting for them. They would not be able to get far.
Just when he had been about to reprimand her himself, he found himself being tugged to the side again. Ran's goal hadn't been the window. She had pulled him into one of the numerous bedrooms that lined the hall. Which he guessed would be nice for shock value but again, he found himself wanting to question her. Sure hiding in a room would be unexpected at first but he highly doubted they would fail to check these rooms. All it would do is buy them some time before they were eventually captured. And a simple search would prove that he was in possession of the pearl that was currently missing.
They had put quite a bit of distance between them and the task force that was chasing them. They would have a few minutes at most. And he knew exactly what he was going to do with those few minutes.
"Ran, what the hell?" he spun on her only for his eyes to grow bigger even more. He had turned to find her turning on the table lamp and he really thought she had lost it. They were trying to hide. They should be turning lights out, he wanted to yell as he watched her come back over to him. Anything he was meaning to say was gone when she was suddenly pulling him again and he only watched in confusion as she seemed to position him just in front of the table she had walked to.
His eyes bulged when she grabbed one of his hands and placed it around her ribs. And when she placed the other very firmly onto her rear, he turned into a sputtering mess.
"R-Ran . . . " The way he said her name this time was unlike before. It was smaller he knew but it was definitely nervous as well. By this point he was less concerned about the police chasing them than he was about his partner's behavior. He had given up on talking when suddenly she was pressing her palm flat against his chest. He followed the movement with his eyes until her other hand caressed his cheek forcing him to look directly at her.
She wasn't saying anything. And even if he wanted to, she didn't give him enough time to try. Palm on his chest scrunching into a fist, all he could do was gasp when suddenly he was tugged down into a kiss.
He froze. His eyes had bulged even more he was sure and he felt his features flood red- redder than they had been. It was hard for him to comprehend what exactly was happening right now. Ran hadn't given him a chance to process anything and the moment her lips touched his, his mind went blank. He was pretty sure he wasn't even breathing at this point.
She must've felt how frozen he was because suddenly she was pushing forward more, her mouth pressing insistently against his own. As if yelling at him to do something. And that was all he needed.
Taking notice that her eyes were shut, he did the same before he leaned into her willingly. His hand that she had pressed against her rear- that he had left there mostly out of shock, grabbed her and pressed her against him more firmly. The movement made her gasp and going off her response, his other hand rose to bury itself in her hair where he angled her face to fit more comfortably against his.
The kiss was slow but it didn't mean it was any less sensuous. Tongues were brushing against each other, their breath intermingling as it panted against the other's lips. Shinichi wasn't sure exactly why Ran felt the need to kiss him now, but as far as first kisses could go- he wasn't complaining. Was a reason really necessary?
No. He didn't think so.
Was he going to ask her why she was suddenly tugging his shirt from where it was neatly tucked into his pants?
Maybe later- definitely not now though. He didn't question it. He didn't question hearing what sounded like a door opening before being slammed shut. He didn't want to. If Ran wasn't, then why should he? All he knew in that moment was that something that he had been waiting for- something he had been wanting, was finally happening and he wasn't going to waste his time trying to get an explanation of why.
But even without wasting his time, it still wasn't enough. All too soon he felt Ran begin to pull away. Her hands released their tight grip on his shirt and hair and came to rest smoothly against his chest. Shinichi felt the retreat. She was moving away from him. And the realization made him panic.
No. He felt his mind shout. That wasn't enough. It's not enough.
Surging forward, just after their lips had completely separated, he found them slamming against hers once more. This time because of him. And when she gasped into his mouth he just couldn't help himself. Arms gripping her firmly, he turned to the side forcing her into the wall just beside the shelf she had him pressed against. His fingers had never left her hair and instead his fingers buried deeper into the long strands. If the grip was painful, Ran didn't say. If anything, it sounded like she liked it with the way she released a moan into his mouth.
Shinichi had her pressed into the wall, the hand that wasn't angling her face closer to his, gripping the bare skin of her thigh. In the moment, he didn't care to process or wonder just how his hand got through the slit of her dress. All he wanted to do was just get closer and closer and as close as he could get, he concluded as he forced her leg to stay raised against his hip. When it got to the point they needed a second to just breathe, he had his lips slanting across the smooth skin of her neck. From this position he could feel her panting heavily against his ear. He could feel her desperately trying to draw in air to her lungs. He also felt when she stiffened.
When he had practically picked her up, forcing her into the wall, Ran's hands had both slid to the front of his shirt. When she gripped the lapels of his suit coat she had used force to tug his mouth closer to her neck. Suddenly however, he felt that grip slacken.
"I t-think. . . I think they're gone now. . "
That was like a wake up call.
His own common sense kicking in, he remembered where they were. What they were doing. Who was chasing them. Gently, he released his hold of her thigh and set her to rest on her own feet. Taking a glance at her he noticed she was redder than he was.
"I-I'm sorry. I knew they would find us either way so I-I . . improvised. . . "
Still sort of stuck in some dazed haze, it took him longer than it should to understand what exactly she meant.
Improvised, he repeated again in his thoughts.
That was what she kissed him for? Shinichi could remember discreetly at some point the door opening and then slamming shut shortly after. At the time he hadn't really cared that much to question it. He had been way too focused and interested in something else.
Something else that she 'improvised'.
The bitter thought left the same taste is his mouth.
Frowning, and face turning a darker shade, he took a step back.
"Right . . . " he agreed swallowing hard.
Of course they couldn't stay there any longer than they already had. There was always the possibility that the police would realize their mistake and return. If they were smart, they shouldn't be here for if or when that happens. There was no time to just stand there awkwardly. Though that was what he proceeded to do.
The reminder she gave for why they had hid in this room in the first place, did nothing for him. He should've been like her; scrambling to fix their appearance to look somewhat normal. But he couldn't be bothered. Shinichi watched as she hurriedly straightened her dress and finally, began the process of cleaning himself up. His motions were slow and sluggish however compared to her quick and hastened ones. It was only after a few moments of him pulling his tie forward that he realized his shirt was untucked.
"Does my hair look okay?"
All at once he was distracted. Again. Pausing with his shirt, and glancing back at her. Did her hair look okay?
Belatedly he realized what she actually meant. Was her hair fixed? Did she look normal? And still looking at the hair that he knew she had styled meticulously beforehand, it was tangled and frizzed. The long strands were very obviously out of place.
He startled a little when suddenly Ran was just before him, brushing her fingers through his hair. He was taller than her so she was on her toes, stretching to reach his height. He acknowledged that but seemed to struggle to realize maybe he should lean down to make it easier for her. The thought didn't occur to him. Not at first anyway. Once the thought hit that maybe she was trying to kiss him again, he found himself bending down. Her face was close to his again and he caught the scent of whatever it was she was wearing.
The sudden movement clearly caught her off guard and his eyes that had apparently been focused on her mouth watched as she didn't pull away, but instead rested flat on her feet again. Her hands were still in his hear however and he had to take a moment to wonder if she was going to use that to grab him again.
"Shinichi! What are you doing?" she practically hissed the question; her movements still hurried. "You look like a mess. Hurry up!"
And with a blushing face he realized that no, she wasn't trying to kiss him again. She was trying to fix his hair because it looked ridiculous. And he was just standing there, taking his time. Like an idiot.
Hearing noises in the distance however, they had run out of time. Immediately whatever stupor he had been in, broke and not willing to use anymore time, they bolted.
Shinichi was sure they looked like quite the pair. There was no way people would look at them and think they hadn't done something. He guessed that meant the plan worked but it didn't make it any less humiliating having to push through snickering guests that 'just knew what they'd been up to'.
They hadn't been up to anything however. Just 'improvising'.
And all he had said in response was, 'right'.
Shinichi hated how that one word was all he said. It gave the impression that they were on the same page. And if that was all that kiss was to her, then clearly they weren't. In the moment he hadn't the brain to make the connection between her actions and the situation they had been stuck in.
He wasn't surprised he didn't get her intentions to begin with. Unlike her, it never crossed his mind to use that as a . . disguise? And the fact that they didn't think exactly alike is what saved them.
But he was still mad.
It was laughable and dramatic and infuriating. Because he couldn't do or say anything in response and he knew it. How could he be angry? How could he complain if her plan actually worked? Yeah, sure his pride was hurt and he was a little embarrassed when he realized they were not on the same page. But he could admit, hurt feelings were easier to deal with than jail time.
It didn't mean he couldn't feel the sting still.
Shinichi knew why it hurt so much. He knew the real reason. Because for once he actually believed that Ran saw him as he saw her. Not just best friends or partners in crime but maybe something . . . more.
They had met years prior in a shared class on psychology. And he didn't want to say it was love at first sight but- it was definitely a lasting first impression.
He knew from early on that he held interest there. An interest that was built upon by the constant joint study sessions and realization that they also held numerous moral similarities. They were just pursuing them in different ways. She wanted to be a lawyer and he wanted to be a detective. Quite often he'd make the joke that they'd be an unstoppable pair in law enforcement; jokes that deep down held a hint of seriousness that, at the time, he hoped she didn't notice.
The truth was much harder to swallow. It had come like a bucket of ice, cold water dumped over his head. It felt like a slap to his face. A stone, hard slap of reality. His subtly backfired or rather- his lack of action did. Because again, how could he be mad when he never made his desires known?
He was a real coward. He never could bring himself to confess no matter how often the thought occurred to him. The excuse being- Ran had never gave any indication that she felt the same. Shinichi didn't want to ruin the strong bond they already had; their friendship that they had built on for years. It just wasn't worth the risk when he couldn't be confident in her answer nor her reaction.
But then she kissed him. His whole mind had shut down. And when they separated, possibilities flooded him. He could confess or was a confession really necessary at this point? Ran liked him. Ran wanted him.
That's what he first thought. So he responded. He had kissed her back. And if that already wasn't an obvious display of his feelings, he had acted like a totally catatonic fool directly afterwards.
Once they knew they were in the clear, Ran had become oddly silent. And distanced. She wouldn't meet his gaze and her cheeks were still a suspicious amount of pink. She seemed extremely fidgety to be beside him and the moment they said their goodbyes for the night, she had bolted.
Shinichi didn't know what he had been expecting exactly. An apology? Maybe even a confrontation over his obvious infatuation with her? But she had said nothing. And she had fled like the police were still chasing them.
Maybe what made it worse was that he couldn't be sure if it was because she had kissed him or, that she realized how he saw her and she panicked. Neither meant well for him. Both gave the impression that kissing him made her uncomfortable.
Shinichi wanted to punch something.
And his shirt still needed to be tucked in.
He got more than halfway of doing that before he remembered he was already home and began asking himself why exactly he was fixing it now. He had no need to do it now and grumbling irritatedly to himself, he instead began taking it off.
They didn't take on another job for almost an entire month after that. Waiting in between gigs wasn't unusual but not planning the next however, was. Normally by this point, he'd already be casing their next event. By this time he would've already consulted Ran.
He had done neither.
Instead, he went to school as normal and also continued helping Inspector Meguire when prompted. Nothing appeared different except the absence of their little side cases.
And that Ran was avoiding him.
It wouldn't of been as bad if it wasn't for their friends noticing that something was off. It also didn't help that even the media was pointing out the unusually long hiatus for the Night Baron.
"So about this . . . thing . . that's not really a thing with Mouri-san. . . Do you wanna talk about it?"
And there was his other issue. Shinichi had long given up trying to explain to Nakamichi that absolutely nothing romantic was going on between him and Ran. Now, after their earlier predicament, it became even more difficult to deny. His friend was convinced that the two were simply trying to keep it under wraps. That for some reason they didn't want anybody to know they were seeing each other. Nakamichi had already switched to asking why exactly Mouri-san wanted to hide things because he was confident the two were already together and that there was no way Shinichi would be the one wanting to hide it.
Grudgingly, Shinichi wasn't sure if he should be insulted by that last comment. Deeming that Nakamichi was correct and there was absolutely no way he'd want to hide the fact they were dating, Shinichi decided to keep his mouth shut. If they were dating, he wouldn't want to hide it. If they were dating, he'd walk home with her instead of his dork of a friend. If they were dating, he wouldn't have to explain why she suddenly decided to drink from his drink at a group study session. If they were dating, it would've been his idea to kiss the life out of her while running from the police. If they were dating-
Hand flying to his head, he could feel the strands of his hair getting scrunched between his fingers. And just as quickly as the tangent had started in his head, it stopped. As if the only thing keeping it all together was his hand against his head.
What was he thinking? He mentally hissed at himself as his teeth clenched. Entertaining Nakamichi's story. He was spiraling in his own thoughts and elaborating an idea that had not, and by the looks of it, would not be happening. Ran and him hadn't even spoken properly to each other since the last job. If they did, it was curt, in passing, or in the presence of someone else. Meaning it was a guarantee they could not discuss anything that had happened- her actions nor his seemingly obvious to him confession. Which all he could do was assume that was her intention.
He wanted to pull his hair from his scalp, it was so frustrating. Was he supposed to take this as a rejection? Was he not worth the time to say she wasn't interested directly to his face? Or did she think he would not accept her refusal? Did she think that low of him? He wouldn't lie- he liked her a lot. The rejection would hurt but they could at least be friends still. She didn't need to run from him as if he had the plague. Shinichi swore he could see the panic in her face anytime she happened to stumble upon him unexpectedly.
The space that stretched between them seemed to be widening. And worried the gap would become much too big to mend, Shinichi did the only thing he could do.
He found them another job.
At first, his intentions had been different. He had wanted to use this as a way to get her to talk to him; to address what exactly happened between them almost a month ago. If it was on a job, that was a guarantee they would have a moment alone. But at the realization of how that would probably make Ran feel- he paused. He would be cornering her. And that realization made him wince internally.
Shinichi didn't want Ran to feel trapped. He didn't want her to feel like she couldn't talk to him anymore just because she didn't want him the same way. They could be friends still. He wanted that more than anything. The rest, he could learn to deal with. He was well aware more than anybody about how kind Ran was. Her silence was most likely her way of sparing his feelings and easing her guilt about not returning his affections. She didn't need to feel guilt though. She wasn't obligated to feel any certain type of way. Ran didn't owe him anything regardless of how much he wanted it.
If he had considered it, he knew Ran must've come to the same conclusion- that he was trying to force her to talk. It would likely explain why she took her time responding to his invitation of working again. Her response had come in the middle of the night when he must've been dead asleep. Shinichi had only noticed the text message after turning his alarm off that morning.
Shinichi hated to think it, but Ran's presence- in a roundabout way- likely did more harm than good for his well being. He had already gotten a little risker the more jobs he took on. He acted rash and with no regard for his own safety after a certain point. Once Ran's presence in the form of an accomplice was assured, the possibilities became endless. And so did the risk. If Ran hadn't been there backing him, he surely would've been done for numerous times. He knew that. But that was also why he even attempted those risks.
Having their first real interaction since their last job being another mission, was a mistake. Not addressing what had happened between them before starting this, was a mistake. He acknowledged that when Ran still wouldn't even look at him directly. She definitely made sure to keep her distance as well.
Shinichi had already decided before meeting up that he would not be mentioning 'that job'. It wouldn't be right and it wouldn't be fair of him to try that. Clearly however, Ran hadn't grasped that yet. Any moment he would be about to start talking, she would tense. As if preparing herself for the inevitable.
That meant she knew this could've been a perfect moment for him to question her. She knew that, yet she came anyway. Not even the possible awkward conversation of unrequited feelings would she leave him to fend for himself. She had started joining him on these jobs to defend him in the first place. Whether she didn't want him the same or not, it was still nice to know that at least that wouldn't change.
He just wished that she would relax. There was no way for him to tell her he wouldn't talk about it without actually bringing it up. By the time she might've understood that, they had already put their 'plan' into motion. If it could even be called that. How could they plan when neither could even look the other in the face let alone have a conversation?
This whole night was a bad idea. Shinichi had the feeling throughout the night and as things progressed, it only got worse. Why would he even think this was a good idea? Any person with half a brain would've just dodged the bullet and asked to have the conversation. He had already come to terms in his head that clearly she didn't want him that way. He knew that. Her avoidance spoke louder than anything she could ever tell him. Yet he also knew, hearing it aloud and in the open provided a confirmation her silence didn't give.
Shinichi needed to hear it; aloud. Regardless if deep down he already knew. He needed it. If anything for his piece of mind and for closure. He had pined for her for a long time. Moving on would not be easy. It would take time. But the process wouldn't begin until she gave her refusal outright.
Having all of this sit on him, literally weighing down on his mind, just before a job was dumb. Her presence was only making it more difficult as was her refusal to even properly acknowledge him. He wasn't doing much better, he'd admit. But he had tried to bridge that gap and Ran wasn't reaching from her end.
How Ran felt was everything to him. Shinichi didn't want his presence to be uncomfortable for her. He was doing everything- even down to the plan- to show it was okay. She didn't have to feel the same way. It was fine. He would be fine.
Where as normally they would walk in as a couple when it came to balls and galas, he decided they could work this one a little more separately. Shinichi was doing everything he could possibly think of, to show her that he didn't want to make her uncomfortable. And after the revelation a month ago, pretending to be his wife would surely do that.
Ran only got more tense. And that only made him more nervous. Neither a good sign when communication and teamwork was the most important aspect to be able to successfully carry out these jobs. That should've been the biggest indicator that once again, this was a bad idea.
He messed up. He knew that. Even in the moment when he forcibly shoved that guy away from her, he knew he was the one at fault. There was no reason for his actions. No logical one anyway. The only thing that powered him in the moment was jealousy. It fueled and burned through him stronger than anything he could remember. Nothing had ever cut off his thought process so quickly. Not even the time Ran kissed him.
But this was not what he'd been expecting when Ran said she would 'make an opening for him'. The sensation that sunk deep into the pit of his stomach was similar to being sick. That was the feeling he got when watching Ran disappear into a hallway with the 'owner' of this gem.
He didn't trust it. Not the look in the guy's eye nor the impatient tug he seemed to give Ran. Shinichi didn't trust any of it. And no, it had nothing to do with his jealousy. It was for Ran's safety that he followed them; that instead of going the clear way his partner indicated, that he trailed behind the two out of sight.
Nothing to do with his personal emotions at all.
Peeking around the corner to find his partner pushed against a door about to be kissed however was, again, nothing he had been expecting. Yet the reaction was instantaneous.
This anger he felt was different. This was a different kind of rage that reared its head forward. A nasty emotion he had never experienced so strongly. With a mixture of fury, possessiveness, and just about anything in-between, before his brain could even catch up and actually think- he was already across the hall and shoving the man roughly.
Ran seemed as surprised as the guy. Her eyes had bulged when suddenly the arms that had been bracing her weight disappeared. She stumbled in her satin dress but Shinichi was too furious to help her straighten. His attention was too focused on the creep that was still on the floor, mostly in shock. Shinichi had pushed him hard. Probably too hard if it was able to knock the guy off his feet but in the moment, he could care less. There was nothing that could be said to him then that would make him believe this guy didn't deserve it. He had been touching Ran. That was enough for him.
After finally realizing what just happened, the guy's eyes shot up to look at him angrily. Shinichi wasn't sure exactly what made the guy do it. He honestly thought he just initiated a fist brawl. But likely taking one look at the simple fury on his face, the guy stood up while wiping the blood off his bottom lip; the anger gone from his eyes and instead a smirk that was anything but happy. With a promise to get security for the both of them, the guy exited the hall from where they had come.
They couldn't let him go; not if they wanted their plan to succeed. Both of them had to know that. But neither of them did a thing till he was long out of sight.
It was Ran that reacted first. It was his turn to be shoved as she pushed her hands against his chest angrily.
"What are you doing?" She questioned him furiously. And from that alone he realized the shove was more out of panicked frustration than any real anger.
Shinichi was fine with that. He was sure he had enough anger for the both of them.
"No- what are you doing?" His voice was incredulous just like his face.
"I thought my job. You said to get close to him. You told me to make sure he was distracted."
"I didn't mean like that."
Ran sighed as if she were exhausted. "Well what did you mean, Shinichi?"
"I-I don't know- just anything except making out with him," he snapped and in his frustration he couldn't help but stutter.
"Why are you getting so upset?"
It was clear to him then before she even spoke that Ran understood he was mad. He knew that when her eyes softened towards him. But from her question, she clearly couldn't understand why he was mad. And if possible that was making him angrier. Because from his last sentence alone, it should be obvious why he was upset. If they took away everything that had happened between them a month ago, with his words alone that he spoke tonight, her answer was still right in front of her. He wasn't understanding why she just wasn't getting it.
"Y-you can't do something like that!"
"And why can't I? I swear you don't make any sense to me, Shinichi. I was only doing what I thought you wanted."
She was only trying to make his job easier for him. And if he weren't so heated he'd recognize that what she had been trying to do really would've made the job easier. That disgusting lowlife would've been so distracted. But to achieve that in that way was unacceptable to him.
"Why would I want you to kiss him?"
"Why would you not?" she countered.
His eyes blazed. "Are you actually serious?" he asked incredulously.
"You're mad." The way she stated it- it wasn't a question. It was a fact. And he was mad. He was so furious it was almost insane how personally he had taken this. Because this wasn't acting for him. It had never been. He never had to pretend to feel more for her. This was something he wanted. Not just on jobs but all the time. Him and Ran together. Him and Ran being a couple.
And he knew he had no right to be so upset. She never gave any indication that this would happen outside of their side jobs. He was the one that was turning it into something it wasn't meant to be- a reality. But she could at least do him the courtesy of not acting clueless. He had clearly kissed her that night without any other intention except that he simply wanted to. She knew that. She wouldn't of avoided him in their regular daily lives if that weren't the case.
He needed to step back. It was too soon to come back to this when clearly he wasn't over it. There wouldn't be another job until he could get over his feelings for her. And if that never happened, so be it. He was done with this conversation.
Shaking his head, Shinichi went to walk away. "Forget it."
Ran being quicker than him however, shot forward and gripped his arm. "How am I supposed to 'forget it'? You're obviously angry. Just tell me why." And for the first time in this conversation, he saw that she was actually beginning to get mad.
He had already decided what he would do though and instead he just shook his head again. "If you don't get it on your own, then it doesn't matter," he responded calmly.
Ran obviously rejected that idea.
"It matters to me! I played my part in your plan. I was going to do something I didn't even want to do-"
He wanted to argue that he never forced her to join him as the Night Baron. But it didn't matter now because this would be the last time.
"-so you could grab a stupid rock-"
That rock could sell for over 500,000 yen, he wanted to say but instead he remained stoic.
"-and you just storm in here like a jealous boyfriend-"
He was jealous. But he wasn't going to engage in this any further.
"-which we're not together-"
They're not. He knew that. He would work on it.
"-which you made that perfectly clear in your plan-"
He knew they weren't together. That's why he switched up their usual plan-
Shinichi was actually stunned into silence. There wasn't a lot that could do that for him either. But to bring up the plan that he made specifically to make her comfortable and complain about it, had him even more aggravated. She seemed like she wanted to continue but he wasn't about to allow that to slide.
"What is that supposed to mean?" he finally cut her off, not even paying attention to what she was currently saying. His earlier idea to just let this whole thing go, vanished as quickly as it had come.
Probably thinking she said too much, her tone got quiet and her face went pink.
Regardless of her obvious embarrassment however, she didn't try to take back what she said. "There's other ways to say you're not interested besides pushing me to the side for some side act. You could've told me how you felt. I wouldn't of left you to do this alone," she said with that hint of frustration still there.
But Shinichi was still stuck. Because now nothing was making sense to him. After all this time and he thought he finally figured out why Ran was avoiding him before, what she was saying now completely contradicted all of that.
"What the hell are you talking about?" he flat out asked.
A frown marred her features. "You know what we usually do as these kinds of parties. You know what . . acts work better here. And you changed that on purpose," she accused.
"You avoided me!" was the only thing he could bring himself to say.
"Only because I didn't know what to do!" she raised her voice with a completely flustered face now.
"How about talking to me-"
"Woah, woah, woah!" Immediately their shouting was cut off; both of them jerking in shock before going on the defensive. They were still on a job after all. But once they saw just who it was that had the audacity to interrupt their argument, they both froze with widened eyes and slackened jaws.
Kaito Kid didn't seem to care if he was intruding or not. For some reason, he looked frustrated as he stormed out behind a pillar.
"Are you two actually kidding me?" And the other pair watched as he came closer without a care.
"Some of us are actually trying to work. I've literally been sitting alone in that room waiting and neither of you came to do anything. I could've bailed an hour ago while you guys were griping during a heist. Not to mention the guy I had to knock unconscious on my way over here," he jabbed a thumb behind him and lo and behold the guy he had shoved to the ground was currently leaning unconscious against the far wall. But the Phantom Thief didn't seem to be through.
"Which- how has this not been resolved yet?"
Shinichi and Ran both flushed scarlet and taking that as his answer, Kid threw his hands up in frustration.
"I swear there has been absolutely no progression between the two of you since the first time I saw you. Do you have any idea how obnoxious  that is for a bystander?"
"She avoided you because she kissed you and actually liked it," he pointed a finger at Ran who flushed brighter at his words before turning it to Shinichi next who went pale, "and he changed the plan because he thought you avoiding him meant you didn't like it!"
"Do you see how easy that was? Is there anything that you two do not understand?"
At their mutual silence, Kaitou Kid shook his head aggravatedly before spinning around, his cape billowing out behind him. "And you guys are my rivals?" he grumbled bitterly under his breath. "You guys better have this sorted out before next time."
Even long after Kid left, the two remained standing there completely frozen. They both were staring at where the thief had made his exit but neither seemed to want to break the silence first. Neither wanted to be the first to confirm or deny the accusations thrown at them.
Instead, realizing that they were still very much in the open with an unconscious body and that this job was definitely ruined, Shinichi turned a glance towards Ran. Unsurprisingly she was avoiding looking at him again and her face was still insanely red. But his was too and if it were for the same reason. . . then they had a lot to discuss.
"Do-" he started before cutting himself off. He wasn't sure if now was the right time when they were standing in the hall of one of their heists after having a shouting match. But when her eyes flit up to his quickly at the sound of his voice and saw they looked hopeful, he didn't care.
"Do you want to get something to eat. . . with me?" And then he cleared his throat realizing how informal that sounded and that he better be clear because obviously she didn't go off hints.
"Would like you to go out to dinner with me?"
Her face still impossibly red, she bit her lip before nodding slowly. "I'd like that."
Months later, Shinichi found himself at another gala. It was the usual type of party he hated attending but he'd have to admit as his eyes followed one figure across the room, this one wasn't too bad.
Until it got closer and certain features became clearer and he realized this was actually the worst one yet.
"Ah, Shin-chan, did you see they have a chocolate fountain?" she beamed excitedly before reaching for him.
Immediately he side stepped the arm that went to link with his own making 'Ran' pout at him. Shinichi didn't care until he noticed the confused stare from across him. He had stated this was his fiancé after all and froze when he caught their puzzled looks.
This time, when she went to link her arm with his, grudgingly, he allowed it. No matter if he was cringing so badly inside, his teeth gnashing together irately. "Yes. I saw," he bit out. And barely getting the whole statement out, his champagne flute he held was snatched from his other hand that wasn't currently wrapped around 'Ran'.
Shinichi had to grit his teeth as he watched her swallow practically the whole thing in one gulp. With a cheeky grin he was sure was meant to seem mockingly innocent considering the actual Ran had done this numerous times before, she held the glass out to him with the one measly sip that was left in it as an offering.
"Keep it," he bit out still trying to keep his cool. There were people still watching them after all. And shrugging she downed the rest of it.
Probably noticing the peculiar tension between the two, it was quite easy to dismiss themselves. And as soon as they were somewhere deemed a little private, Shinichi turned angrily.
"Where is she?"
And mocking him further, violet eyes widened comically as brows scrunched in faux confusion. "Where is who?"
The voice was exact. Purely feminine and a complete copy.
But it wasn't real. It was fake and he could tell.
Or rather he noticed the obvious struggle for Kid to keep his knees bent. It was quite embarrassing and even more infuriating to notice that his girlfriend whom he had been trying to ogle had in fact not actually been his girlfriend. But in actuality a hack of a magician doing his best to maintain the height and appearance of a young woman.
More mortified that he believed for a moment this was his girlfriend enough to ogle her, Shinichi had no patience. Fully irritated now, he gripped Kid's arm furiously while snapping in a harsh whisper, "Where is Ran?" The grip only loosened when he realized they were still technically in the open and he forced a small grin at anybody that looked their way.
"Calm down," the still female voice tried to wave him off. "We had a small issue so we had to do a little switch."
Doing his best to ignore that this wasn't actually Ran though it was her voice, Shinichi prodded further. "What do you mean a 'small issue'? What happened?"
"Well something didn't exactly go according to plan and since we both agree your girlfriend has monster strength, I decided as a last resort we can rely on that," the imposter smiled happily.
He was so proud of himself.
Not really sure if he wants to know what that means, Shinichi began heading towards the hall where he knew Ran would be then. "And you just left her there alone."
"What?" Kid pouted. "You don't have confidence in me, Shinichi?" They were in the hall now and Kid was trailing behind him still in that irritating disguise. He had given up on trying to maintain a shortened height and was walking normally, but out of all the things Shinichi could pick apart about the disguise, it was something else that disturbed him more.
"Do not do that," he spun around angrily. It was one thing to call him 'Shin-chan'. Ran would never call him that except for that single time before. But to speak to him how she actually does- it was starting to freak him out.
Kid frowned for real this time. "Don't do what?"
"Stop sounding like her!" He snapped uncomfortably.
Seeming to finally understand, Kid shrugged before saying in his own voice, "Fine."
But that was just as bad. Hearing that voice with Ran's face.
"Never mind- that's worse," Shinichi sighed heavily and fingers went to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Just stop talking."
This was the first and only time they'd ever team up again. Shinichi couldn't believe they managed to talk him into it in the first place. They had been right. There was no point in the two thieves fighting over who stole the ring first when it was clear the goal was the same. Not like last time when the two men both stumbled into a treasure's room two weeks ago wanting to steal the same thing. And after they managed to almost both get caught last time due to them arguing, Ran had been the one to present this idea.
But Shinichi couldn't get over what the dunce had accused him of. 'Stealing his thunder'- as if they were competing to be the most wanted criminal in the fraud department. He wasn't trying to steal anything. As far as he was concerned, Kid could carry all media attention he wanted. Shinichi would never try to take that. But he couldn't help it if fans of theirs constantly argued over who the best thief actually was.
And yes, amazingly that was a thing.
Shinichi resented that though. He was no thief. And after watching him a little more closely, Shinichi realized that just maybe . . . Kid wasn't either.
Neither one wanted the treasure for themselves. Besides Kid's weird rule that he needed to 'look' at the gem before they decided anything. It was clear the Phantom Thief was looking for a treasure and once he found it, he wouldn't be giving it back. Shinichi wondered if that was likely the reasoning for what Kaito Kid was doing in the first place. He had never thought much of the guy. He had always just assumed that he was some mindless criminal that flaunted and attempted to disguise what he was- a criminal- behind obnoxious magic acts. Because that's all they were. Even if sometimes it took a bit to realize how the thief had done it, he always figured it out. There was always an explanation. And that's why Shinichi didn't understand nor did he care to learn just why Kid paraded around like a magician.
But now working with him, it annoyed him, but his curious mind made it easy for him to at least attempt to analyze his behavior.
Kid was doing this for a reason. A reason other than crime at least. He was positive Kid would never try to actually kill or harm a cop or bystander. He always took the treasure and bailed. And every single time, he would read the next day that the treasure had magically been 'returned' to the rightful owner.
Kaito Kid never held onto a single gem he stole. Not a single time.
It was difficult for him to admit, but Ran was right. The two were very similar. Even if they carried it out differently or if their way of doings things were the opposite of the others, their outcome was always the same. Shinichi wasn't foolish enough to believe they had the same goal; that they did this for the same reason. It was clear that Kid was looking for something and once he found it, he would not be returning it. But though he would never say it aloud, the Magician was not a bad person. He always wanted to believe there was no good enough reason to break the law. There was nothing that warranted another person committing a crime. But if that were actually true- then what were he and Ran doing? He wanted to believe they were doing the right thing. And so grudgingly, he accepted that about the Phantom Thief.
Things were very rarely black and white.
"Who was your nice date?"
The soft voice called over to him gently from up ahead on the path. Recognition immediately pulled his attention away from his feet he had been watching dejectedly; his hands stuffed inside his suit pockets. The words that filtered in however had him perking up.
Supressing a grin he shrugged. "Just some girl I met in college psychology."
Ran blushed slightly but smiled all the same. It wasn't till he reached her that she began walking beside him. "She seemed to be dressed a bit risqué though, don't you think?"
Shinichi peeked over at her as she stayed beside him. She wasn't looking back but he could only assume she was wondering how he liked her dress.
Which he refused to judge after having only seen Kaito Kid wearing it.
Referring back to her question, he snorted. "Probably because the wrong person was in it."
He would've much rather seen the real Ran wearing it.
Finally breaking composure- stopping whatever roundabout way she was trying to ask, she stopped walking. "But it was a perfect copy!" she protested pouting and Shinichi had to wonder what exactly she was after here. He had a feeling he'd be in trouble no matter the answer he gave her.
But perfect? Perfect clone, his ass.
"There are just some things that can't be copied," he supplied simply even though in his mind, he knew exactly what parts of Ran couldn't be imitated.
Ran was not content with his response. If anything, she almost became suspicious as he leaned forward with narrowed eyes. "Like what?"
Realizing he might've steered this conversation somewhere he definitely didn't want, Shinichi swallowed hard when she raised a brow.
"What did he not copy?" she asked outright.
If she wants an honest explanation . . .
Sighing, he looked away, turning his nose up. "Your chest does not sit that high. Not only does he not have any, but your breasts are large. He most likely had to make them rest higher to disguise that. And though your thighs do have quite a bit of muscle, they are much softer than what he presented- not to mention he was actually walking around with his knees bent slightly to accommodate the height difference."
Ran didn't respond right away. Her silence dragged on and eventually he became nervous. He definitely confessed too much. Even if she was his girlfriend, surely it would make her uncomfortable to realize he watched her that intently. And on every little detail as well. But Shinichi couldn't help but to be insulted that she said Kid was an exact copy. That would never be possible. Ran could not be replicated. Especially when Shinichi could pick out so many things that the magician had gotten wrong in his disguise. Of course the detective knew there was only so much one could do in a disguise. But still, Shinichi was too much of a perfectionist and Ran was perfect in his eyes.
Suddenly his arm was being gripped gently and Shinichi blinked oddly when Ran slowly wrapped her arms around his. At first he thought she would be mad. He had openly admitted to ogling her. And if she asked him to be more honest, he would have to say he'd been watching her long before they started dating.
"Thank you," she said softly, startling him by breaking the silence and catching him off guard with her response. The confusion must've clearly been on his face because she turned red again. Her smile didn't drop though.
"It's nice to know that you could tell it wasn't me. . . that all you see if me."
They had begun walking again and Shinichi couldn't help but think he definitely dodged a bullet. But he would've been lying if he said anything else. And though it made him anxious to know that all his thoughts and feelings were out and on the table, he was sick of hiding them. Ran deserved to know exactly how he thought about her. She deserved to know just how much he noticed her and for how long he wanted to be with her.
And if he was rewarded for honestly. . .
"I guess that means you'll have to wear that dress again so I can actually give you an opinion on it," he said nonchalantly even though his gaze continued to rest ahead of him. He hoped it came out like a suggestion because he really hadn't gotten to see her in it. Currently she was wearing jeans and coat after having to give up the dress for Kid's impromptu disguise.
"Can't. I'm pretty sure Kid went home in it," Ran innocently said completely missing why he wanted her to wear it again and bursting his bubble in the process.
Deflating, he changed his mind. "He really is a thief," he grumbled.
Ran raised a brow. "And then what are you, Night Baron?"
"Alright," he said sternly while narrowing his eyes and she began giggling.
Clenching her arms much more firmly around his arm, he felt her chest press against it even more making him gulp. "Don't worry. I have something else I can wear just for you," she whispered.
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thattimdrakeguy · 3 years
Favorite tim writers
Sorry for taking so long to answer this one. I'm still moving boxes, and I had to get a shower cause I got all sweaty and such. Gross I know.
But hmmmm. I been trying to think about it along the way.
1) Marv Wolfman.
He created Tim. No other contenders for me. While he may not have wrote him a lot, he wrote enough to make the base for all depictions of Tim at least should be based on.
2) Adam Beechon.
Why you may ask, because I think he understood the character at Tim, and used the personal trauma that Tim had amassed at the time in a way that stayed true to Tim's character. Showing that Tim can evolve, while not losing who he is for simple melodrama. And plus, he's this high, mainly cause while I like most of Dixon's writing till later on in his run, he's a prick.
The only thing off the top of my head is that Adam Beechon made Tim just a bit too cool. Because while he isn't the biggest geek ever compared to his friends who are obsessively geeky. Tim is still a big geek. That often felt a bit forgotten to make him more of a popular kid. Tim has his cool moments that get recognized, I think mainly his confidence in certain situations. But Tim needs to feel at least like a notable bit of a geek.
He didn’t write for my favorite era. But, I admire he kept Tim consistent while others destroyed him for the drama. Plus he had a longer chance to write him compared to others who either had him for a few small issues, not under his solo, or in Dixon’s case--wasn’t an asshole.
Beechon still can’t write Cass Cain, though.
3) Meghan Fitzmartin.
She's mostly got a very solid understanding of Tim, if not his relationship with some of the others. Typically one that's honestly not paid attention too for so long, it's just made to be generic, pretty, and bland.
There's a few flaws in the way she writes Tim, that, while small, are just not enough to make her go higher. Plus, you know. Revealed Tim's gay. Which is pretty nice.
Like this could just be me needing to reread, but I felt she made Tim take himself way too seriously. Tim never took himself too seriously. He took the job and being Robin seriously, but not himself. So sometimes when the story was focused on purely Timmy, he felt just a bit off.
4) Alan Grant
Though never a writer of Tim's solo, as far as I am aware. He wrote some of his earliest stories, and among them at least a hand full of his most important stories. I also think that he understood Tim's more childish side compared to Dixon, who I saw gave Tim a line about insurance deficits or something--like a 14-year-old boy would even care to do that, let alone reference it.
I think his biggest flaw if I remember right, was just that Tim's dialogue could be worded like he was tryna think of how a 90s kid would talk. Which dates it a bit. But mostly he was just fine and it fit in with how Tim was established to speak in his origin. A little kid doing his best to sound smart, with enough innocence, and naiveté, and with a genuine kid voice in there that makes it all work within what his origin establishes about him.
How well Alan Grant always achieved that--eh, but, still. I remember him being quite good. And I think he deserves more credit than he's given since he helped establish Tim, alongside Marv Wolfman, and Dixon.
5) Chuck Dixon.
While stated before he's not a morally great person. Who's bigoted opinions are shown well through his own contradictions made in his attempts to defend himself. He still wrote a very good Tim, and Tim's best stories. His biggest flaws to me, where sometimes feeling like he forgot what a kid was like within Tim's dialogue. It would sometimes be very good, which, that's part of writing a very good Tim. But every now and again Tim--didn't really feel like himself, and talked more like I imagine Dixon would speak. Going from a joke Tim would make that references TMNT to a joke only a curmudgeonly 30-year-old man would make, is very distracting.
And every now and again would portray Tim as a bit too mature, or--something along those lines if not the exact word to use. Tim was a light hearted kid that used his brightness to make Bruce hopefully remember his own light side. Dixon at times would struggle at this and write Tim more like how Dick would get at, at Bruce, and not Tim himself. Or just overall have Tim say something that, I really don't think the same kid from Lonely Place of Dying would be saying. He also made Tim proper mean in the few things of Young Justice he wrote. Clearly not understanding the Young Justice dynamic. Like Dixon couldn't help but leak out his own cynicism on a character literally created to be idealistic and a bit of an optimist.
He's a writer that could easily be one of Tim's best writers, which he showed with series like Tim's first Robin mini. Where, while Tim was portrayed as a bit more mature than in Lonely Place of Dying. Made more sense as his "mommy" had just died and he was trying to prove he's not just a kid. While also writing him to show just how much of a kid he really was deep down with his obliviousness and naiveté.
That still persisted in the solo, but there's just some moments where it's like. "He does remember what Tim's like right? And what a kid is like?" Which would created inconsistency among the Batman or Detective Comics writer that still had Tim just a bit more closer to his lighthearted naïve, but ready to prove himself roots.
Not to say this makes Tim's solo bad, but the more I've read it the more I noticed odd moments, I think towards the middle, and some even more towards the end where it could get very noticeable. Tim by the end of his run didn't always feel like Tim, and when he did, more often than not a very bland two dimensional version. Though there’s a few moments like that even in the beginning.
If I can think of anymore I'll add them, but as it is now, that's the best I can think of, and tried to give my reasons as to why on their positioning.
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peterxwade24 · 3 years
Safety Found in Red Sleeves
Chapter 9
I know it's been nearly four months (just five days shy of four months) and I apologize for that.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy.
Thana watched as all of the patrons of the Iceberg Lounge turned to look as they entered. She knew they weren’t the usual crowd, seeing as how Adrien had on a fanny pack, but since they all had red, or some shade of pink, sleeves Uncle Ozzy would let them in.
“I’m sorry. Do I-” Oswald Cobblepott was, fundamentally, a good man. He would never turn away a child in need and he remembered the children he gave shelter to, so imagine his surprise when the person standing in his place of business was none other than the girl who’d managed to burrow under his skin and earn a special nickname. “Chick? Is that- are you- you’re really here?”
Thana let out a laugh and rushed at the man, throwing her arms around his neck before letting out a louder laugh. “I’m taller than you Uncle Ozzy!”
Oswald laughed before his gaze drifted back to the rest of the teens gathered just inside his place of business. “Chick, as much as I love seeing you, who’re they?”
“Oh!” Thana pulled away from Oswald before turning to her friends. “Well, the tall boy with black hair and frosted tips is Kim, the blonde girl is Chloé, the guy with short brown hair is Nino, the other blond is Adrien, and the short sporty girl is Alix. They’re friends I made in Paris, with my mother’s cousin.”
Oswald smiled and waved. “I see my niece has given you a heads up on the dress code around here.”
Kim nodded, a smile on his face. “Mèo con’s always reminding us that we have to wear red when we’re in Gotham, says she’ll ditch us if we don’t.”
Nino snorted before his eyes drifted over to the turntables. “Do you mind if I?”
Oswald smiled and nodded. “Go ahead, you can’t be any worse than my usual guy.”
Nino drifted over to the turntables and began playing some music.
Chloé strode over to the duo, a smile on her face. “It’s so nice to finally meet Fragolina’s Uncle Ozzy.”
“You must be the one my Chick won’t stop saying reminds her of the second Robin.” There was a twinkle in his eye as he pulled Thana close.
Adrien and Alix followed Kim over to the trio, where Kim draped an arm around Chloé’s shoulders. “That’s a possibility.”
Thana and her friends, accompanied by Thana’s Uncles Ed and Jon, toured Gotham. Thana made sure to show her friends around, showing them shortcuts to use to get around if they ever get separated from Madame Bustier. Eventually, the group came to an overgrown looking park.
“Uncle Ed, Uncle Jon. I’m going to show them around, and if we run into her introduce them. If we don’t, could one of you text her to let her know where they’re staying so we can do the introductions there?”
“Of course Mini Todd.” Her Uncle Jon nodded and wrapped an arm around Ed, who smiled softly at the act before nodding as well.
“And we’ll keep an eye out for You-Know-Who. He seems to think that you will come crawling back any day now.” Her Uncle Ed rolled his eyes.
“Thank you both so much.” Thana pressed kisses to their cheeks and smiled. “If we ever come across him, I’ll send an SOS to the group chat and then beat his ass.”
Jon and Ed pressed kisses to her cheeks and smiled. “Be safe.”
“With Aunt Pam? Always.” Thana turned towards the park and took a breath, smelling the local flowers and feeling better than she had since she’d been removed from the streets.
Thana led her friends around the park, pointing out all of the Poison Ivy original plants and warning her friends to stay away from them since they hadn’t built up an immunity to the toxin within the plants, with a smile on her face. “Aunt Pam always has a new plant that she’s making, and she’s been sorta kinda courting my Aunt Harley since she first saw her, although Aunt Harley used to be with this abusive asshole. I do wonder what happened to Aunt Harley’s daughter, I know she said she was with her sister but still.”
“Who?” Adrien asked, his hand hovering dangerously over a hybrid Venus Flytrap and Trumpet Pitcher plant, as he looked back at the group.
Adrien’s hand was saved by a wall of Boston ivy that shot up out of the ground. A loud scoff could be heard just beyond the plants before a beautiful head of red hair appeared through the leaves. “Didn’t your parents ever teach you not to touch wild plants?”
Thana smiled and allowed Kim to pull her into his side. “Are all of your relatives ridiculously attractive people?”
“You’ve met my Ma’s cousin,” Thana shrugged and settled more firmly against his side, “and Jervis Tetch is a rotten man, he’s rotten to the core.” Thana’s head rested against Kim’s chest, her ear close to his heart, as she forced thoughts about her birth father out of her head. “My Uncles and Aunts have this friend, Harvey Dent, who’s a little disfigured. He was in this really bad accident a while back and his face is a little hard to look at. He’s kind of nice, never really been mean to me specifically. I think he’s kinda cool though, he’s got a whole schtick about truth and luck.”
Kim nodded, his eyes flitting over the rest of their friends. Kim had never really had a big friend group, not until Thana joined their class, and then suddenly Kim was always around other people, had a shadow who was nearly as protective of him as his Mẹ was, and suddenly his fledgling crush was one of his best friends. Kim would probably always be thankful that Thana showed up when she did. Without Thana, Kim probably would have always been just a dumb jock who fell for some perfect princess. Kim knew his Mè was as thankful as he was that Thana had shown up in their lives, that Thana had stayed after she learned about the skeletons in their closets.
Kim looked at Thana, and he could see how much lighter she was here in what was the darkest city Kim had ever stepped foot in compared to back home. He could only hope that no matter where she went after Lycee, she would keep in contact with him and his Mè.
Thana and her friends left Robinson Park just before dinner that evening, her Uncles Jon and Ed escorting them back to the hotel when Thana’s friends went in for the night. Thana, however, followed her friends in and ate a meal with the class before ducking out of the hotel to go spend the night on the streets.
Thana refused to spend any more time in that building than absolutely necessary. She could still feel the cold lead encased in steel as it pierced her abdomen.
Thana hunkered down in an old spot, one she knew like the back of her hand, and could only hope that she would be safe here. She could only hope that she wouldn’t catch a cold while she slept on the streets.
Thana’s friends, however, slept fitfully that night in their comfortable beds in the hotel. Their thoughts filled with worry about Thana on the streets.
Jason puttered around the kitchen, his feet encased in his slippers, and let out a yawn. He looked at the counter and noticed the already full coffee pot. He glanced around the room and frowned when he didn’t see anything before the sound of the TV reached him a moment later. “Duke?”
Duke’s head popped up over the back of the couch and he gave Jason a sheepish smile. “Yeah?”
Jason let out a breath and his whole body sagged for a moment. “Just had to make sure. Little twitchy after our late night visitor last night.”
“Who stopped by last night?” Duke stood up off of the floor and walked into the kitchen, sitting down on one of the counters like Tim, Steph and Cass had started doing.
Jason set his coffee mug (which read “World’s Greatest Dad” in a similar red to his helmet) down on the counter with a little more force than necessary. “The Bat.” Jason turned to the fridge to pull out the coffee creamer, but frowned when the only creamer left was the Southern Butter Pecan Pie flavour. He simply reached past and grabbed the milk to add to his coffee instead of creamer. “He wanted to know why I’d ‘taken you as well’. Because he sees you all as things to be taken and not children to be taken care of.”
Jason pressed a kiss to Steph and Cass’ foreheads before hitching Damian further up on his hip. “I’ll be back later. I just need to take Damian to finish introducing him to his aunt’s aunts and uncles. Unless of course, you two wish to join us.”
Steph looked at Cass and shrugged. “Timmy’s got work. I think Bart is out running around.”
Cass nodded before mussing up her hair and frowning at her sister in question.
“Kon might be in Kansas, I think he mentioned going to visit Clark’s parents. Cassie is hanging out with Donna, getting advice most likely. Cissie is spending the day with Oliver.” Steph slung an arm around Cass’ shoulders and smiled. “Give us a few minutes to get dressed and then we’ll join you.”
Jason nodded, a small smile on his face. “Of course. Take all the time you need.”
Steph and Cass disappeared into the room they had officially claimed, coming out a few minutes later in coordinated outfits.
Steph walked out wearing a dark purple crop top with black shorts and a black sweater tied around her waist. Her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail and a pair of black sunglasses, easily recognized as Kon’s, sat atop her head.
Cass, who walked out just a step behind Steph, wore a black t-shirt under a black and yellow flannel paired with black high-waisted jeans. Her hair was freely flowing around her shoulders while her wrists sported scrunchies she’d pilfered from Cassie and Cissie.
Jason shook his head at his sisters, Cass who was just a scant six months older than he was but acted so much younger and Steph who was just a few months older than Tim, and smiled. “Any particular reason for the attire today?”
“Just felt like coordinating.” Steph smiled at Jason and slung an arm around Cass. “Well, what are we waiting for?”
Jason led the way into the Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane, his sisters just behind him and Damian clinging to him like he was the only thing keeping him attached to the planet.
“So, not to question your sanity or anything but, why are we here?” Stephanie’s voice was filled with trepidation and Cass’ arm was wrapped around Steph’s in an act of comfort for both girls.
“One of Thana’s uncles is here right now. He’ll be out soon. Do not compare him to the guy who killed me.” Jason smiled at the guards on duty and continued into the building.
The person at the front desk, a young individual of indeterminate gender with short brown hair and brown eyes, looked up from the clipboard in front of them and deadpanned. “Name of the patient you’re here to see?”
“Jerome Valeska. He should be expecting me, Jason Todd.” Jason smiled and shifted slightly so Damian’s face was more comfortably buried in his neck. “My son and sisters will also be joining us today.”
The receptionist nodded and jotted down the details relayed to them. “Identification?”
Jason handed over his identification card while Steph and Cass pulled out their driver’s licenses. “My son is only nine and only has a passport, will that work?”
The receptionist nodded and smiled. “A passport will work.”
Jason pulled Damian’s passport out of his pocket and handed it over. “We’ll come back to collect those when we’re finished visiting.”
“Have a good visit.”
“Thank you.” Jason smiled and led the way back into the rehabilitation center, his sisters sticking close to his back with their free hands clinging to the back of his shirt just over where Damian’s leg rested, passing the cells filled with the more humane residents of the asylum. Jason paid them no mind, having grown used to their hooting and hollering as he passed on his previous visits.
The little four person group of the family finally reached the rehabilitation center and were let in by one of the orderlies, a bulkier individual dressed in teal scrubs. They all gave the orderly a smile and a nod as they passed into the room.
Jerome was sitting at a table with blank sheets of paper mixed in with sheets of paper filled with writing, and as soon as Jason could read what was on the paper he could see that the pages were filled with apologies and plans to become a better person if for no one other than his favourite niece and her wellbeing. Jerome looked up when Jason started to cast a shadow across his paper. “Hey buddy. You’re standing in my- Jason! What a surprise!”
Jason’s face grew soft, a smile on his face and pulled out the chair next to Jerome to sit down in. Damian was settled into Jason’s lap while Steph and Cass sat down in the chairs next to Jason’s. “How are you today Jerome?”
“I’ve been better.” Jerome had been better, before his parents and his uncle died, before his twin fell apart and brought him down with him. Jerome had been happy in the circus, performing with his family for crowds of people who adored their act, and then everything changed.
“Jerome, I’d like you to meet my son. Damian al Ghul-Todd, nephew of your niece Thana Todd, as well as my sisters, Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown.”
“Oh come on Jace. Why’d you have to use last names?” Steph pouted and punched Jason’s upper arm.
“Because now that Uncle Jerome knows of your parentage he’ll be less likely to toss anything you say aside.” Jason smiled as Jerome spoke about himself in the third person.
“What he said.” Jason let out a chuckle. Damian frowned at the lack of attention he was receiving and simply headbutted Jason in the chin. “Yes, yes, we know you’re here Kutlat Saghira. I’m sorry that we’re not paying attention to you.”
Damian pouted and puffed out his cheeks. “Baba, not here.”
Jason smiled at his son, knowing that he was safe in his arms. “I love you my Little Nugget.”
“Baba!” Damian frowned and looked towards the table, effectively ignoring the four other people at the table.
Steph and Cass watched the moment between father and son, sharing only a look before looking back at the duo.
Jerome watched as his niece’s brother smiled at his child, glad that he got to see it but all he really wanted was to see Thana.
“She’s in the city.” Jason’s voice was quiet, barely heard over the lull of the rest of the patients in the center. “She’s in the city and she, she got so big Jerome. She has a really good group of friends. You’d be proud of her.”
@amigotasbien @maribat-is-lifeblood @mystery-5-5 @our-preciousss @mochegato @chocolatecatstheron @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @2confused-2doanything @wannajointhecrabcult @dreamykitty25 @tomanyfandomsonmymind @moonlightstar64 @justafanwarrior @mialuvscats @pheony1882 @pepelachanel @moongoddesskiana @abrx2002 @ladybug-182 @greatcatblaze @thatonecroc @vixen-uchiha @superbwhispersconnoisseur @sauseyyy @susiej1118 @bluesimani @thatonecroc
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Summary: Jason Todd was raised on the streets, in Gotham’s filth, but the blood that was running through his veins was everything but. Jason was the last of a line of gruesome, death stained mages, necromancers who dealt in souls and flickering images of immortality. Jason was a fifteen-year-old boy who crawled out of his grave, weeks after he died, reanimated by powers he couldn’t understand or control, and struggled to feel alive even when his father was holding onto him.
AN: I finally get to post my @batfam-big-bang fanfic! I My lovely beta readers for this wonderful project were @nycis and @queerbutstillhere while my amazing artists were @darkmagyk and @paperedking and @zannakai. Check out their stunning pieces!!!
Read on AO3
I had a night I had a day I did one million stupid things I said one billion foolish things I'm not okay
If there are two emotions Jason knows well, they are  fear and anger. Both had accompanied him since his earliest childhood memories. His father’s shouting had been a constant source of anger and fear. His loud voice had forced Jason to hide beneath the table, his bed, the closet, all spaces he had falsely assumed would be too small for his father to reach. With bated breath he had waited for the screeching to stop until only his mother’s soft sobs had echoed through the rooms. Those too had angered Jason. He didn’t know whether it was on her behalf, because he had hated his father so much for causing her any pain, or because that anger had been for himself, the poor child whose mother wasn’t strong enough to leave her piece of shit husband.
On the streets, anger had kept him warm at night and fear had ensured he stayed alive. He had marveled at the shiny tires of the Batmobile, but even then, deep down, he had been so incredibly angry. He was going hungry while another drove a car like that. He had ignored his fear then and stolen the tires regardless.
It had been the best decision of his life.
So now, when once again  he was stuck between fear and anger, he chose to dismiss his fear and lash out instead.
“You can’t be serious!” Jason hissed, throwing up his arms.
Rage boiled beneath his skin like an active volcano. It infected his voice, his stance. He rose to his full height, making him the tallest in the room, but none of his siblings even blinked at it. They were too used to such simpleminded intimidation tactics, employed similar ones in front of villains who thought they could get the better of them.
“This is the right way,” Dick said, his voice strained with finality, a kind of authority he had no right to evoke.
He was not their leader, and he sure as hell was not their father. Dick barely understood what Jason was capable of and when he did, was too scared of it. The others didn’t see it, but Jason knew a coward when he saw one. Dick always tip-toed around Jason’s room like he expected the undead to crawl right out of it and drag him into a bloody casket. Beyond that, he also always took the patrol routes far away from Jason’s apartment complex and city district. Jason didn’t mind, he preferred it when the others kept their noses out of the Narrows and Crime Alley. His people didn’t particularly enjoy it either when the other bats and birds came around to play there as they tended to mess with the wards and ask uncomfortable questions. Jason understood too well how unsettling his presence could be and therefore knew very well that Dick had no room to make such decisions or judge Jason for them.
“The right way,” Jason repeated. “Do you even hear yourself? If everything was right, Bruce would still be here!”
Tim and Steph both winced when Jason said his name and even Dick’s face fell. They all didn’t understand it. Death was so final to them instead of just another state of being, one that Jason could reverse.
“I can bring him back,” Jason continued, desperation seeping into his voice. “Everything will be alright again. It’s all in these books. I just need your help.”
Why couldn’t his siblings just understand that he would fix it and then everything would go back to being the way it was before Darkseid had torn their lives to shreds. The Cave had become messy since Bruce’s death. It had been barely a month ago but it already showed despite best efforts. Jason had dragged all his books here to study and take notes, the constant hum of the technology as much a motivational hymn as it was a lullaby. His notes now were spread out all across the table, proudly displaying the work Dick was disregarding so very easily.
Dick only stubbornly shook his head. “No, Bruce wouldn’t want that.”
This wasn’t about what Bruce wanted, he was dead. This was simply about deciding how they were going to fix it.
“You don’t know that,” Jason countered. “It’s not like he wrote it in his will.”
Dick let out a low breath and dragged his hands through his hair as if Jason were causing him a headache. They had attended the reading of the will just hours before. Alfred had made sure they had all dressed up in proper suits the way they had for the closed casket funeral because there hadn’t been a body to recover. It would make it all more difficult to bring Bruce back without his original body to tie his soul too, but Jason was confident that he would be able to pull it off. Jason had only listened half-heartedly to the reading of the will. He knew its contents by heart, they all did. Every hero had a will set up and about ten proxies who knew every word and could recite it in case their death had been unnatural.
Alfred had been given custody over Damian while Tim had been emancipated. The Wayne fortune had been split five ways between Dick, Jason, Tim, Cass, and Damian while Steph and Barbara both got a huge stipend. It was all for nothing, Bruce would be back. Cass knew it as well, or so Jason hoped. She hadn’t even bothered to show for the funeral but had left the city the night before. Jason wished she had stayed, she would support him.
Instead, Jason had to make everyone else listen to him.
Tim was still straight up in denial and didn’t believe that Bruce was dead. His parents had died around the same time, just two years earlier. Of course, he wouldn’t be able to handle it and escape into his delusions instead. Steph, for all that she was a part of the team and family, Jason’s closest confidant out of all of them, had chosen to stay neutral while Dick protested vehemently.
Damian, meanwhile, just thought that Jason wouldn’t be able to pull it off, but that could be blamed on his superiority complex. While the kid, a perfect mix of Talia and Bruce, could imitate Bruce’s accent and body language as well as he wanted to, he still reeked of al Ghul arrogance and the Lazarus pit’s side effects. It was a foul stench, poisonous, and foreign to this world. It had hurt Bruce when Jason had told him what exactly was keeping Damian’s heart beating, but there was nothing that could be done about it. It wasn’t like anybody else besides Jason actually noticed.
“Had he wanted to, we would know,” Dick said.
“Jason, stop.” Dick’s order, his tone couldn’t be mistaken for anything but a bark, was harsh. “Bruce is dead and he will stay dead. You will not experiment on his soul just because you think you can bring him back.”
“I don’t think so, I know so,” Jason argued. “You’re just incapable of trusting me! You still think I’m a foolish kid who is just playing around with powers he doesn’t understand!”
His voice rose with every shouted word. It had always been like this. Dick thinking that Jason was crossing too many lines, wasn’t good enough to be Robin or anything. Hell, he had accepted Tim more readily as Robin than he ever had Jason.
“Jason-“ Tim tried to speak up, but was harshly cut off by Dick.
Trust big brother to always know best.
“Because you are!” Dick shouted back. It hurt, cut into flesh like sharp knives, but at the same time it was liberating. Finally, Dick was actually speaking his mind. Honesty, so Jason had learned, was the only way to keep moving forward. They all lied, it was a part of their training, came as natural as breathing, but there was a line you had to be aware of.
“Bruce is dead and you can’t let go. Instead of helping me figure out how to keep Gotham running, you run off and bury your head in old books to find a solution to a problem that isn’t there! He’s gone. I needed you on patrol tonight and you didn’t show.”
Patrol had been just fine, Dick hadn’t needed him. Jason had kept an eye on the comms, they had done as good as they could with three men down. It hadn’t even been a busy night.
“You’re just giving up!”
“And you’re delusional!” Dick retorted.
He picked up one of the pages the closest to him. The originally white paper was covered by ink stains, diagrams smeared uncaringly all over it while Jason had been trying to figure out what exactly his ancestors had gotten up to when they tried to raise the dead.
“This is too much, Jason. You’re only setting yourself up for my failure. I let you keep researching because I thought it would help, but it’s only hurting you. You have to let go.”
“And leave?” Jason spat out. “Like you always do the moment something goes wrong with Bruce?”
Dick froze. His annoyance and misguided worry slowly twisted into dark anger. At that moment, it just felt right. Dick had ceased pretending that he was so much better than them, that he wasn’t struggling without Bruce around. Jason loathed how he sat at breakfast every day, acting as if it was all still alright and fine, smiling and lying continuously.
“I-“ Dick interrupted himself, reigning in his anger as everybody else watched him with keen eyes. “No, no, I’m not having this discussion with you. None of us are on board with your reckless endeavor, so you’re not doing it and that’s final.”
Jason turned to look at the rest of his family, but they were all averting their eyes. Of course, they would all side with Dick over him. He was older, more experienced, the first Robin out of all of them.
He wasn’t the resurrected boy who talked to ghosts and turned living beings to worthless decay with nothing more than a touch.
“I see,” Jason replied and grabbed his jacket from the chair.
Fine, it wasn’t like he needed any of them anyway. It would have been easier with more living anchors, but Batman had left his mark all over the city. Gotham was his, even the magic that buried itself so far underground that hardly anybody could see it knew who it belonged to. Jason had plenty of anchors he could use to bring Bruce back. What were five children compared to an entire city?
“Where are you going?” Tim spoke up. He had barely said a word since Jason and Dick had started fighting, but Jason supposed that it made sense given that Tim thought both of them were wrong.
“Away from here,” Jason replied. “Since Dick is so keen on running this show himself, he can do it. I’m out.”
“What?” Steph asked. “Wait! Jason, no, you have to stay!”
“What I need to do is fix this.”
Jason picked his backpack up from the ground and started stuffing his papers into it. He didn’t particularly care in which order he did it, he would have to sort through them all anyway once he was back in his apartment. He needed to toss those that were trash and copy the calculations and incantations that actually made sense and seemed like they were a good first step onto fresh sheets. Maybe he should get actual parchment. He didn’t usually work with dead writing materials, but with whatever he had on hand. His spells were powerful enough without, but he couldn’t afford any mistakes here.
Once he was finished, he threw his backpack over his shoulder and headed towards his bike, not sparing the group behind him another glance.
“Jason,” Dick started once more.
Jason just threw his hands up, dismissing him.
“Don’t worry, Richard,” he said. “It’s not like I can stay dead for long if something goes wrong. Don’t bother contacting me. I’ll come back once I’m finished.”
He couldn’t see his older brother’s reaction, but Jason would bet that he had flinched. They all hated to be reminded of Jason’s death, but it wasn’t like Jason could erase that part of him.
Jason put on his bright red helmet and turned on his bike. Then, without looking back, he drove off, disappearing into the dawn of a new day.
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writer-and-artist27 · 3 years
Book Reflections
Note: Inspired by this skit from the Chaldea Gurus, some of the new interludes in Interlude Campaign 9 in FGO that featured Murasaki Shikibu, and the feelings I felt when I ended up pulling both Jeanne and Jeanne Alter (Avenger) in the same span of time. I’ll refer you all to this song from the apparent Tsukihime anime I never knew about until now, just for a tone-setter.
Written to give myself a mental break before starting to study for my Immunology final.
For @partialdignity, as fluff inspiration and just because our conversations in this past week has been helping me regain energy. Small mentions to Rem and @hasquetzdoneanythingwrong with his pairing in Rex and Quetzalcoatl have also been thrown in for good measure.
Please enjoy, friends. :)
It didn’t take much for Vy to blink once a shadow was looming over the previously lit pages in her hands. It was hard to ignore the long strand of black hair brushing the edges of the page she was poking at, too. “What are you reading, Master?”
Vy slowly raised her head from her book, squinting as best as she could to focus her view before lurching back a little. “Oh. H-Hi, Saki-san.”
“Hello to you too, Vy.” Even with her image blurred from Vy having put down her glasses, Murasaki Shikibu’s smile was still easy to make out as the Caster kneeled down to Vy’s sitting height, purple eyes warm and inviting. “You don’t have to sit against the shelves to read,” Murasaki continued in the same soft voice, raising a hand to gently press her palm against Vy’s head. Vy couldn’t help but notice a single index finger in particular brushing some stray hairs away from her forehead. “But you didn’t answer my question.”
“I-It’s been a while since someone asked that to me, Saki-san,” Vy replied in just as quiet of a voice, a wry smile on her face. “But,” Vy glanced down at the book in her hands before shrugging her shoulders in Murasaki’s general direction. “I’m just reading a book that my parents once read to me.”
“Ah,” Murasaki said. “May I see?”
“Aye.” Vy gently placed her Eevee Pokémon card (it made for a good bookmark in her opinion) in-between the pages to mark her place, nestling the small thing just above the book’s spine before closing it and handing it to Chaldea’s librarian. Muraski’s eyes skimmed the covers for a moment before widening, and she raised her head to look at Vy with surprise and what Vy could only guess as warmth and care. “I’m guessing it’s a surprise to see me read this?”
“A little bit, but it makes sense considering it’s you, Vy,” Murasaki said, although her voice came out all the more gentle and fond with the inflection. “I heard from the other Servants how you knew about some of us from reading as a child, but I didn’t exactly expect to see this after everything you’ve been through.”
Vy giggled a little, taking the book back once Murasaki offered it to her. “Even when knowing the real people, there’s something about coming back to the books that makes me feel like I’m back at home with Mommy and Daddy, Saki-san. Reading National Geographic’s reiteration of Robin Hood just brings back the nostalgia when I need a break. Everyone’s been running around for Quetz-san’s birthday lately, so the library’s been a good place to be alone.” A shaky, nervous laugh left Vy’s lips as she glanced down at the book in her hands. “More so when I haven’t exactly figured out a present yet. Rex might have my head if Quetz-san doesn’t.”
Murasaki’s hand froze mid-retraction from Vy’s head. “Master…”
Even without her glasses, Vy could see Murasaki’s hesitation, and thus reached up with her own hand to rest a palm against Murasaki’s cheek. “I’m okay, Saki-san,” she said softly. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll figure something out.”
“That… is a hard thing to abide by, not worrying about you,” Murasaki replied, but she still reached up to grip the hand Vy was using to cup her cheek, squeezing softly. “But as long as you don’t push yourself, then I can settle for that much, Master.”
Vy smiled up at the Caster. “I’ll do my best, Saki-san.”
Murasaki let Vy’s hand go at the exact same time Vy turned back to her book, but she still sat down on her knees near Vy’s side, long hair brushing the floor. “Still, is there anything I could do for you, Vy?”
“Just…” Vy considered, taking a quiet breath. “If it’s okay, some quiet company would be nice, Saki-san."
Murasaki proceeded to shift, and without her full vision, Vy could still see how Murasaki was moving her ceremonial robes underneath her legs so that she could fully sit in quiet seiza next to Vy against the shelves. “Of course,” Caster said softly, smile in her voice. “But why sit against the bookshelves, Vy? We have chairs and those modern ‘bean bags’ in the library if you so wished to rest against those instead.”
“Why not the bookshelves?” Vy pointed out, a giggle leaving her lips again. “When I was little, I’d always like to visit the library and read like this, feeling the books in my hands and the spines of other books against my back. It was cozy. Still is now, actually."
“As much as that is… endearing,” Murasaki said dutifully, “you could strain your back if you keep sitting against the shelves without proper support, Vy.” There was some rustling, and Vy did her best not to resist when a hand was gently pushing at her shoulders so that a cushion could be placed between herself and the bookshelves. “Be careful, okay?”
“Aye, and thankie, Saki-san.” With seating secured, Vy opened her book again, glancing over the faded illustrations and the Pokémon trading card nestled in-between them before smiling again. “I guess, just to explain a little more, if you don’t mind, Saki-san…”
“I don’t mind,” Murasaki said, a hand gently patting Vy’s head all over again. “Go ahead, Master, if it comforts you to talk with me.”
“Then thankie again, for listening.” Vy paused, considering the first thought on her mind. The book underneath her fingers felt a bit colder than before. Maybe it was the air conditioning.
“Vy?” Murasaki said after a moment of silence.
“…I know Big Robin and everyone here won’t leave again if they could say anything about it,” Vy said softly, “but I wanted to come back to this book in particular because it started a lot of things for me.” She closed her eyes, letting her blurred vision go away for a moment to speak freely. “Sometimes, Mommy and Daddy would drive me to the library after school, and I’d find this book and keep rereading it between homework assignments. I still remember looking at the kind man in green and enjoying the idea of a hero who looked out for the common person. For people who were too poor and weak to fend for themselves. And, I get it, sometimes life doesn’t go the way it does in books and fairy tales. But I couldn’t help it.”
Even Big Robin said that, once upon a time.
Murasaki hummed in thought, the hand on Vy’s head gently brushing her hair. “It doesn’t,” she said softly. “But that doesn’t make those stories any less valid, Master.”
“And I’m glad to hear that,” Vy answered, leaning into Murasaki’s touch. “It’s just… it’s still unbelievable sometimes, that there’s so many heroes that I know now that would do that for me.”
“Why wouldn’t we?” Murasaki echoed, her touch lingering against Vy’s scalp as she continued to pet Vy’s hair. “A hero is still human in the end, Vy.”
We love you too much, was left unsaid, but still echoing through their mental connection.
Vy nodded. “Aye…” She still leaned against Murasaki’s hand, feeling a sigh bubble up in her throat. “I just want to make sure I can keep being good to you all to deserve all that.”
Murasaki’s hand froze again, this time mid-stroke of Vy’s hair. “Vy…”
“I-It’s a weird thought, but I couldn’t help thinking it when I look back at all the enemies we’ve fought since the original Chaldea fell,” Vy admitted, lowering her head. “Mash has been sighing a lot more lately, Rem hasn’t been feeling that great either, and with Rex being here and there with our missions, I can’t help but wonder if I’m doing enough, is all…” With a small shrug of her shoulders, Vy turned the page, ignoring the urge to put on her glasses. The words were a bit blurry no thanks to her lacking the usual corrective lenses, but Vy could still see all the pictures and thus find warmth curling up in her chest. It was a better feeling than being weighed down by guilt. “…I just look at our enemies and think, ‘I don’t want to become like them.’”
“Like Kadoc and that other Tamamo?” Murasaki filled in quietly. “Vy, I don’t think you ever will. Become like them, I mean.”
“I-I dunno about that, considering the Lostbelts we had to handle, Saki-san. That other Tama-san…” Vy shook her head. “That wasn’t Tama-san. She was mean, she put people down, and she laughed at all of us like we were nothing. She and that priest killed Da Vinci like it was nothing. She even poisoned a cake like it was nothing, and cake is supposed to be a comfort thingie. Kadoc kept blaming us for his own failures, and,” Vy grit her teeth, “saw Mash as a non-person. Kept boasting that he was better. But… he still fought us when he said he could’ve done better for Humanity. He still became an enemy of Humanity when he claimed he could’ve been better for it. What was the point in all that… All the death…”
Murasaki didn’t say anything.
“I-I guess…” Vy’s index finger lingered on a single picture of a green cloak and bright hair as a sad smile played with her lips. “I wanted to come back to this book just to remind myself that I’m still me. That even after three Lostbelts, after destroying three whole histories of people, I haven’t lost all of me yet when trying to get Mommy and Daddy back. That kindness still means something when it’s one of the first things Mommy and Daddy taught me through this book.”
Vy raised her head to smile, sheepish laugh leaving her lips. “I-I mean, I hope that makes sense! It’s kinda weird, huh? I-I’m sorry for rambling on you, Saki-san.”
Even with her blurred vision, it was obvious Murasaki was feeling something, because her normally calm features were overcome with what looked like tears. “It’s not weird,” Murasaki said shakily, pulling on the back of Vy’s head to gently bump their foreheads together. “And thank you for telling me this, Master.” A shaky breath echoed between them, and Vy couldn’t tell if it came from her or Murasaki. “You are kind, Vy. So much. More than what a lot could claim of you too, and I hope you continue to stay that way.”
“H-How do you know that, Saki-san?” Vy asked weakly. “N-Not to be rude or anything.”
Instead of responding immediately, Murasaki gently let her hand that was on Vy’s head fall, letting it rest against her ceremonial robes as a sparkle shone in those purple eyes. She then scooted back to provide some extra distance, a new serene smile on her face all the while. “I know, Vy, because I am not the only Servant who feels that way.”
Vy glanced back down at the book in her lap, vaguely registering a hint of something green that wasn’t a part of the illustrations suddenly being in view, before looking up.
Another new hand was on top of her head now (when did that get there?), and Vy blinked once Robin Hood made himself known with a barely audible step forward and the calloused fingers pulling her in just for faintly chapped lips to press against her forehead.
“It’s about time for your scheduled daily nap, little sparrow,” Robin Hood whispered against her head, a gentle smile on his face once he pulled back. Vy could feel her breath stall in her throat as she looked up at him, and he merely offered her glasses to her with his other hand. It was telling how Robin wasn’t even fazed at Murasaki’s surprised and quiet “Awawawa”s at his arrival. “I think that’s enough philosophical reading with Caster when you still have a cake to bake later. Not to mention handling your usual mana drain.”
Vy felt herself smile up at the May King before she realized it, the warmth in her chest growing to eclipse her entire heart. “Always going about checking up on me, huh, Big Robin?”
“Who else is going to do it?” Robin said snarkily, but he still kept his volume to a whisper as he turned his head to wink at Murasaki. “Saber and Rider are still making sure that dancing Samba Santa’s clueless about your birthday plans, little sparrow. You just gotta reserve the kitchen when you wake up later.”
“S-So you did have an idea!” Murasaki said in amazement.
“I know, a-and Saki-san, it’s still in the works.” Vy still gently got up from her sitting place with Robin’s help once he offered his arm, leaning against his shoulder once she was standing and hugging the book that started everything to her chest. “Think I’d be able to convince Rex and Quetz-san that the cake isn’t a lie with maraschino cherries? And that Rem would like double-decker chocolate?”
Even without wearing her glasses, Vy could feel both Robin and Murasaki smile at her.
“I think, Vy,” Murasaki said in a warm whisper, “that as long as you’re not alone, you’ll be just fine.”
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lov3nerdstuff · 4 years
Voluptas Noctis Aeternae {Part 7.8}
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*Severus Snape x OC*
Summary: It is the year 1983 when the ordinary life of Robin Mitchell takes a drastic turn: she is accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the struggles of being a muggle-born in Slytherin, she soon discovers her passion for Potions, and even manages the impossible: gaining the favor of Severus Snape. Throughout the years, Robin finds that the not quite so ordinary Potions Professor goes from being a brooding stranger to being more than she had ever deemed possible. An ally, a mentor, a friend... and eventually, the person she loves the most. Through adventure, prophecies and the little struggles of daily life in a castle full of mysteries, Robin chooses a path for herself, an unlikely friendship blossoms into something more, and two people abandoned by the world can finally find a home.
General warnings: professor x student, blood, violence, trauma, neglectful families, bullying, cursing
Words: 1.3k
Read Part 1.1 here! All Parts can be found on the Masterlist!
A glimpse into the seventh week of travels (or the second week of August):
After the Spanish heat a week ago, it honestly shouldn't have come as a surprise to Robin that Greece at this time of year would be no better. Indeed, it proved to be even worse in terms of both the scorching sun and also the tourists it attracted. The islands obviously were a preferred destination for tourists from all parts of the world, but Robin hadn't known just how many people were willing to squeeze themselves onto a tiny speckle of sand merely because the water was supposed to be the bluest there. Neither could she understand what some people liked about lying in the sun all day, which was exactly what the majority of people were doing here. Undoubtedly, this made their mission a whole lot more difficult, as literally every place Robin and Snape went to was already crowded with muggles. After checking the seventh and final location –Robin had researched multiple options to search for today's object of study in advance– only to find it littered with people as well, she honestly had enough of humanity for crossing her plans like that.
"Why the hell are there people everywhere?!" She groaned under her breath, trying to keep her voice down as she looked at Snape in sheer frustration. They were sitting in the soft sand of a small beach in the most secluded bay imaginable, shielded by rocks and reefs and cliffs, and yet they were surrounded by a crowd of vacationers. "How are we supposed to do the thing here?!"
"As it seems, there is little to no possibility to follow through with the plan. The means to prove your theory rely on 'the thing', as you so eloquently called it, and I currently see no way around it." He replied in equal annoyance about the people screeching and laughing and running all around them, but at least he understood the problem Robin saw here. With a group of muggles around, it was practically impossible to go through with the spells she had come up with to acquire the clam-like thing they were here about in the first place. Not without some serious consequences at least. They were huge creatures, these clams, and that usually meant high efforts as well as lots of unwanted attention.
"I didn't come all the way to Greece just to be stopped by bloody tourists now!" Robin protested, even though there was little use in it. It wasn't Snape's fault after all, nor was there anything he could change about their unfortunate situation. "We've never let anything or anyone stop us before…"
"There is a first time for everything."
"Nope, I'm not having it. I'll get this stupid thing, with or without magic." She said, and in the utmost determination to see this through indeed, she got up from where she'd been sitting in the sand. There always was more than one way to do something, and if the easiest one didn't work, she would have to get her hands dirty after all.
"What, pray tell, are you doing?" Snape asked, sounding slightly alarmed as he looked up at Robin with a frown while she halted in her movement to return the gaze.
Seeing him sitting there, dressed all in black as always, in such a contrast to the white sand beneath them… Robin just had to smile. He'd actually let her show him how to put his hair up indeed, the way Robin had done it with her own occasionally ever since the new year's ball, by twisting it into a bun and fixing it with a wand or pen. And good gods it did look way too good on him, which meant that Robin had to remind herself not to stare from time to time. Times like now. Her eyes snapped back to the edge of the water a few steps ahead in an instant.
"I'm doing what everyone's doing. Going for a swim." She sighed in defeat, then took off her sunglasses and put them down on her backpack.
"No, you're not."
"Yes I am."
"Not if you're planning to do what I think you're planning to do."
"And what do you think I plan to do?"
"Diving down the part of the cliff that is underwater to find the clams yourself, then try to detach one from the wall somehow and bring it back to shore." He stated in obvious disdain for the idea, which only served to amuse Robin, even as he spoke on. "I will not let you do such a stupid and dangerous thing. The current would undoubtedly throw you against the ragged stone, especially underwater, and trying to separate one of the clams' shells from the wall also is nigh impossible without the… method you had originally planned."
"That's why I'm not doing that." Robin shrugged almost easily. Almost. "I mean yes, I will still need to dive down the wall of the cliff, but I'm not separating the shell from the wall. All we need is a few of the leaves that grow inside the clam, and I think I can get it to open up while it's still alive. Then I can take out the leaves underwater and leave the shell where it is."
"You clearly must be joking." He scoffed and finally got up to his feet as well, leaving him to look down at Robin once more with that ineffably intense expression. "You were the one who told me just this morning that this… creature can literally bite your hand off when it isn't stupefied before the leaves are taken out! And the dangers of nature alone you obviously disregard entirely."
"Well yeah, I will just have to be careful then." She argued back, but her words lacked the conviction she'd still had moments before. Perhaps it really wasn't the best idea. Both, the strong currents that far outside of the bay and the clams themselves were a serious risk, especially in combination. A risk that, if she really thought about it, wasn't necessary. Her pride wasn't worth risking her life for.
"Don't do this, Robin. Please. Think about it, at least."
"I just-... No. You're right. I won't do it, it was a stupid idea." Robin replied quietly, and she couldn't help averting her eyes for a moment. It really had been a beyond thoughtless idea to dive down the cliffside; there was a reason why she had come up with a theory and a strategy to avoid having to take those risks after all. Gods, she felt stupid now. "I was just being an idiot."
"You would have been an idiot had you gone through with it despite better judgement. Admitting that an idea is too dangerous to be executed however has absolutely nothing idiotic to it."
"I could've done it though, you know…" Robin said after a moment of silence, as she put her sunglasses back on against the insufferable brightness of the beach. "It would have been unreasonably dangerous, but I could have gotten those leaves."
"I know." He replied calmly, and picked up Robin's backpack before she could. "But instead of risking lives and limbs right now, we could also find a quiet place in the shadows and wait until dusk to return here in the hopes that the people will be gone once night falls."
"You would seriously suffer through this heat for five more hours just so I can be stubborn and prove my theory after all?"
"How about some old-fashioned sightseeing?"
"Don't push it."
"I would never." A pause. A smirk. "We could send Dumbledore a postcard."
"Now you are just being sarcastic."
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whereflowersbloom · 4 years
Damian found his girlfriend standing out on the lovely vine-shaded balcony, dressed in civilian clothes and staring out into the city. Night turned Gotham into an endless sea of luminescence. Skyscrapers around the city glow with the light of thousands of residents inside, creating trails of brilliance that ascend up towards the starry sky. It is quite beautiful, in its own way. The soft evening breeze caressing her ebony hair, creating wafts of lavender and rosemary in the air. Had she always been this breathtakingly beautiful? Slowly, Damian set his gaze towards the stars above. The precision that Raven studied the sky with passion, it fascinated him. It was as if she was reading lines from a story book, but instead there was a mass of speckled lights as she was connecting them, tracing invisible lines.
Raven took a deep breath of fresh night air and sighed, a mix of contentment, and something else, she couldn’t point it. “Have you ever considered what your life would be like If you had taken a different path?” Her breath hitched on the last word but her eyes had glance sideway to his large calloused hand still in hers, for someone who appeared to be controlling and unapproachable, Damian was surprisingly gentle and affectionate. The question caught him off guard. He felt a bubble of longing as he remembered her words that night at the carnival when she had called him kind and generous, nobody had ever spoken that way about him. That night something inside him changed, high and fenced walls began to crumble down.
Soaking in the view a little longer, Damian waited a few minutes before deciding to speak. He supposed that the saying that one’s life flashes before their eyes must hold some kind of truth, though he was not dying, and yet he had been dangerously close to the gates of death several times. Raven was his anchor amidst the unpredictability of their life as titans, always bringing him back from the turbulent waters. He couldn’t stop himself from recalling the most memorable moments of his unusual and complex life. He exhaled a long audible breath as he begins.” My life had been long decided before I was born into this world.” He murmured to the whistling wind, his words sounding faraway, even to his own ears. He would rather not relive any of the horrors he’d seen, the terrible acts he had committed in order to build a new world, make it better. What a blind and naive child he had been. At some point he had been ready to surrender his sword, his Robin suit, his claim to fight for others, offer her perhaps a normal life if that’s what she wished for. He would give her anything she asked for in a heartbeat. He squeezed her small hand tighter, Raven immediately noticed way he’s gripping onto it, like she’s the only thing keeping him tethered to this world. “After some time coming to the tower, I contemplated a rather uneventful, ordinary life. If my parents had conceived me under very different circumstances. If mother loved me more than her own insatiable ambitions. If father wasn’t the eccentric, mysterious millionaire Bruce Wayne or a vigilante consumed by his thirst to serve justice.” There was a tone of melancholy in his voice, the promise of a different retelling of a story. His story. “It wasn’t all bad. Mother…she used to read to me, every one now and then, nights like these. Tales about the greatest leaders in history, others about the origin of the Al Ghul dynasty. I treasured those moments.” He looked over at her, and he didn’t seem to recognize her for a moment, like the memory had been so strong it had actually confused him, taking him back to that instant. This was the most he’d ever really said about his mother. His past as an Al Ghul. Sure he’d shared some stories, about certain things he enjoyed and disliked. But he never spoke about Talia with such profound emotions. This was personal and precious to Damian. It saddened her. Saddened for the pain in his emerald eyes that he was trying to hide. Another long breath was blown between his full lips, and he deflated again, like he was accepting the undeniable truth. “Perhaps I would have met Jon at a local school and we would play basketball after classes and Greyson would be the team’s coach. Maybe we would have crossed paths at the extensive and valuable Gotham Public Library. I would have offered to treat you a cup of Earl Grey tea. A part of me believed I’d have picked Veterinary medicine as my bachelor degree.”
She looked at him with such intensity and Damian thought her violet eyes grew deeper, darker, more reflective. She was weighing her own reflection in his eyes, trying to see through him like she always did. And they both were visualizing, a different life consisting of trivialities, a simple lifestyle, maybe in the countryside, a rather nice and quiet house, perhaps similar to the Kent farm with some slight but substantial improvements. “What about you?” He abruptly asked her, startling her. Oh she had never been sure about her own future. “As the daughter of an inter-dimensional demon. I didn’t think a future was possible for me. A happy family, a stable romantic relationship, loyal friends. Everything was endless blackness when I was trapped by Trigon. What I have right now is more any blissful future I could have imagined.” She muttered softly. This companionship between them, the mutual care, the tender loving, the sense of equality between them, the feeling of belonging to each other beyond any outer interference because they chose one another. Their family and friends. Everything was more than enough. Damian was unconsciously too absorbed at how she looked at the whole world as one precious thing, values life in every form and shape. Her unnatural powers gave her the ability to look into something and see what others can’t. It was fascinating. He was thankful too, sincerely appreciated what he had. His father, troublesome siblings adoptive or not, his teammates and Raven. He is product of the flames which burnt him, his actions, his choices and the will that made him grow formidable instead of breaking. They both were. This woman was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his human days with.
“There’s something that wouldn’t change. You. It’s always been you, Raven.” He’s got a dazed look in his eyes, a familiar bright gleam to them that hadn’t been there earlier, but he flashed her a dazzling smile at her, one that make her insides jump. Raven let his words sink in. He wanted her even if things were different and joy seeped through her whole body.
She just felt greedily wanting more time with him, every moment and experience. She loved him, from the possessive way he held her or how he kept on touching her the instant they are alone and he felt he same. They have been together for a few years now, it took them some time to announce it to their significant others. No matter how things turned out, they have this genuine, real and consuming love. That emotion when you felt like your lungs are out of air when your lover is away from you, everything was so intense and yet so tender, you were worried it would break between your fingers like crusty autumn leaves. She focused on him.
Damian looked out of his depths. He’d always been so controlled and measured, knew the weight of his every word and was completely unflappable despite whatever life threw at him, but now he didn’t. He seemed as if he was nervous, unable to spell out his own feelings. Hesitant. Could be her imagination but she sensed a slight agitation awakening in him.
“Marry me, Raven.” The words are said with his whole heart. They are genuine and honest and very him. He couldn’t hold back the words any longer. Why wait anyway? theres simply no time when you’re busy saving the world day-to-day. There’s no question to calculate when is the right right or your fated person, no formula for the correct time. Timing. There’s no use reminding about the past or the life they would have dreamed to have. The present was a gift and ultimately what matters the most. They have been romantically involved for 4 years now. He knew she was the one the moment he gathered courage to ask her out, court her properly the way he had been taught. Initially, he planned to propose differently but it felt right. This conversation only strengthened his resolve to make a Raven his wife.
“Damian.” She breathed with astonishment.
“No buts. Marry me.” He commanded with an eyebrows raised stopping her from coming up with an unnecessary excuse, content filling his veins and the marrow of his bones, flooding him with a blanket of warmth and hope. He didn’t want to wait anymore. He wanted her, now and tomorrow and the rest of his existence, and she loves him. Like he knew she’s always had her doubts on if she could be loved or she did before they started dating.
Her bottom lip trembled momentarily. She felt a bit like she can’t breathe properly, but then Damian is reaching up and gently cupping her cheek, and she exhaled shakily as he runs the pad of his thumb over her lips. He was looking at her dead serious, asking her to marry him. “I’m not taking the chance to wait too long.” Damian whispered urgently. His tone more serious than before. Her heart was hammering in her chest. They moved in together about a year ago. Were they ready to take the next step?
It felt too real all of a sudden. Too damn real, and she wants to drown in it this moment, in this bottomless sea of feelings for him. She wanted to pretend that this is real and more than that, she wanted to say yes. Damian Wayne didn’t take a no for an answer. When he was determined, he did everything posssihke to get it, one way or another. And she loves him nonetheless. Raven felt her heart flutter, her chest tightened ever so slightly as she finally exhaled. “Yes. I’ll marry you, Damian.”
“I love you.” Her voice breaking as tears are rolling down her cheeks and the small smile on her lips. It was easy to find herself gravitating toward Damian, falling back into that wordless sync they had. To feel herself being pulled into his personal space as he crowded hers. Until they faced each other with barely inches between them and her breath hitched as he snaked his arms around her, emerald eyes softened, glowing against the moonlight, they didn’t leave her, and his arms made the distance between them disappear. Their lips are barely touching but he can feel the softness, the plumpness of her mouth, like an overripe fruit. She brushes her lips against his and Damian rapidly kissed her fervently. His lips breathing silent ‘I love you’s. The low giggle that rumbled up through her could not be contained though she tried. She knew several language but no words could describe this ecstatic happiness.
Damian is overwhelmed by the sweet taste, the delicious scent, the warm feel of her. He was intoxicated and drunk off their hungry kiss. He trailed his hand on her waist up her back and feels her heart hammering against her ribs and wonders for a moment if she’s feeling as consumed by the kiss as he is. If she is as incredibly happy as he is right in this moment. He didn’t need a different life, this one was exactly what he wished for.
Damian made a mental note to ask Jon to accompany him ring shopping tomorrow. Tonight he had plans to celebrate his engagement with his gorgeous fiancée.
His lips brushed hers in a soft, tender rhythm once again. Once. Twice. Thrice. Harder, and a little bit hungrier than before, until her fingers are intertwined in his hair and his solid body is pressing against her frame. He lifted her up effortlessly, taking a few steps back, taking her back to their bedroom. Two figures bathed in tranquil starlight disappeared.
Oneshot because I need fluff. Final edit
Thank you to @chromium7sky @ravenfan1242 @deep-in-mind67 and all my readers for motivating me to write. This might be the last chapter for a while. 💜💜
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Steve//i can see a better time, when all our dreams come true
hey! last part! i just want to say thank you to everyone who’s read, liked, reblogged and supported this series! you all mean the absolute world to me. i know this is gonna sound cringey or whatever, but this series is more than just that. i was originally supposed to write and post this last christmas. but something that i can’t really remember stopped me and i was so disappointed in myself. then this hell hole of a year happened and i had a major mental health crisis (something i am still recovering from) meaning i couldn’t do anything but watch the same three tv shows and scroll through instagram for about 3 months, as well as a bunch of other awful things. i thought it would be a miracle to just start writing requests again, but then when i was going through a notebook, i found this idea and remembered how much i loved it and how upset i was that i hadn’t done it. so i thought i’d try and do it, and after many, many days and nights of me stressing about the littlest things and driving my girlfriend absolutely insane by only talking about this (sorry, i love you!), i’d done it! and i am so proud of myself! i know its not the biggest achievement of the year, but it’s mine. so again thank you to not only everyone whose read this series, but also thank you to everyone who has read and supported everything i’ve done this year. i really do hope that next year is a better one for all of you! happy new year my loves! 
They say that time moves in different ways depending on the situation. 
For example, the day you spent hours driving to the beach with Steve and Robin felt like it was over in five minutes. But the time stuck under ground in a really crappy elevator with them felt more like a week. 
From the time it takes Steve to take his bandana and goggles off and to walk the three steps to you, it feels like days and seconds all at once. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you tight to him and the two of you let out a breath you feel like you’ve been holding for the past week. Finally you feel like you can breathe again, and finally the weight on Steve’s chest shifts a little. 
Your hair is matted, your clothes dirty and torn and there’s a cut on your cheek, blood slowly trickles down your cheek, staining your face and your t-shirt red. But you’re you, and you’re alive and you look like you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. 
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” You’re the first to speak, your words stumbling over each other. A chuckle mixed with a sob passes your lips as you hug him again, you hold him tighter than he’s ever been hugged before, it feels like his ribs are being crushed but he doesn’t care. He just presses a kiss against your forehead, and runs his fingers through your knotted hair. 
Hot tears land on the top of your head but you don’t feel them, you’re too busy crying into his shirt and the two of you stand like that for a few minute, thankful and very overwhelmed that the other one is alive and well. 
“I think I do.” He sobs and you let out a short laugh. “I love you so much Y/n. I am so fucking sorry. I’m such an idiot.” 
“No, no. It’s fine.” You cup his cheeks. “I was overreacting and I shouldn’t have stormed off. It’s fine.” You say and press a quick kiss to his lips, they’re salty because of the tears but neither of you care. “I love you Steve.” You finish and he breathes deeply, his shoulders sagging and the only thing that keeps him from falling is you. 
“I thought you were dead.” He cries. 
“Nah. You can’t get rid of me that easy.” You try, nudging his shoulder but he doesn’t smile. 
“I thought I’d never see you again. I thought...I thought.” 
“I’m fine.” You cut him off before he can finish his sentence. “Look. I’m good.” 
“I wouldn’t go that far.” He teases and you stare at him offended. 
“Rude. You do know that I almost died right?” 
“You’re so dramatic.” He rolls his eyes and yours widen. 
“Excuse me? I’m sorry who came all the way into an alternate dimension just to save me? Oh right. You.” 
“I only did that because I had nothing better to do. You know after boxing day things got a bit boring.” He shrugs and you slap his shoulder. 
“Asshole.” You mumble making him laugh. “How did you find me?” 
“Do you really think I’d forget the place we first met?” He replies, sending you a look and you squint up at him, the light from his torch blinding you slightly. “Sorry.” He mumbles and quickly turns it off.
“I thought given the circumstances you would have at least tried.” You shrug, staring at the floor. 
“Nah. Surprisingly it was the best day of my life.” He confesses and it surprises not only you but himself. That’s something he never thought he’d say. 
He thought Halloween 1984 would be a day that always hurt to think about. And yeah, thinking about what Nancy said to him still stung, but then he remembers you. 
You, in a costume he didn’t quite get. Your expression full of irritation that only softened when you saw him crying. You who asked what was wrong and stayed with him until he decided he wanted to go home. You who the next day found him to make sure he was okay. 
“Will you marry me?” He asks and your eyes widen.
“What?” You splutter and he stares at you hopefully. 
“I love you more than I have loved anything ever. You’re my favourite person ever, you make every day brighter. On days where I think I can’t do anything, when I think my dad is right about all the the shit he’s said and that little nagging voice in my head is shouting, you’re always there to tell me I’m wrong. You’ve helped me when I’ve been broken up with, beaten up and drugged. You fought a Russians for me and beaten up creatures from another dimension without even knowing what it was. I’ve never felt safer or happier with you by my side. I know I’m an idiot, but still...will you marry me?” 
“Steve.” You gasp, tears roll down your cheeks mixing with the blood and goo. “Yes. Yes I will marry you.” You reply and he lets of a sigh of relief. “Although, you didn’t get on one knee, and I don’t see a ring.” You tease and he rolls his eyes. 
His hands cup your cheeks delicately, he ducks his head down and presses a gentle kiss against your chapped and sore lips. 
“Steve? Steve? Are you okay?” Robin’s voice crackles through the walkie-talkie and you jump apart, suddenly remembering where you are. A loud crash comes from just outside and you and Steve freeze and stare at each other.
Thunder booms so loud it rings in your ears for a few seconds after and Steve feels the weight come back, only this time its shared with you too.
“I’ve got her.” He says slowly and eyes the bathroom suspiciously. “If you’re not already at the portal, go now. We’re on our way back...over.” He says and you hear a collection of relived sighs. 
“Yay! You said it!” Annie cheers and Steve rolls his eyes.
“What she means is we’re glad you’re both okay. Now get your ass back.” Robin adds and you and Steve don’t need to be told twice. Steve grabs the bat he dropped on the floor and reaches for your hand. He starts to pull you but is instantly stopped when he hears your cry in pain. 
“What? What’s wrong?” He’s in front of you instantly, looking you up and down for any injuries, and then his eyes land on your leg, and you watch him pale. 
“Stupid ugly thing got me.” You mumble and glance down at it, you cringe at the sight of the now brown blood, and inflamed scratches. Yeah, there is no way you’re going to be able to get that stain out.
“Can you walk.” He asks and looks around for anything to help. 
“I’ll be fine Steve. I just need to get used to it.” You reply. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yes.” You nod. “Come on. I don’t want to be in Tina’s bathroom anymore than I already have been.” 
“Same.” He huffs and wraps his bandana around you. 
“What about you?” You ask while he puts the goggles on you. 
“I’ll be fine.” He waves you off. “It’s only a bit of dust.” He smirks and you roll your eyes. “Now come on.” He says quicker and wraps an arm around you. The two of you hobble towards the front door, tripping on a few vines and branches.
Steve helps you balance against the wall and the front door creaks as he pulls it open. 
“Okay.” He nods and looks back at you. “Nothing is waiting to kill us so I think we’ll be fine.” 
Famous last words.” You smirk and he rolls his eyes at you while helping you walk again. 
As soon as your outside, the door slams closed making the two of you jump. Wind rushes around the two of you and brown and black works its way into the cracks of the sky. Buildings tumble down around you, almost as if an invisible force is stomping on each of them. You and Steve share a look as the chaos seems to get closer and closer to you. 
“Shall we go then?” Steve asks, his eyes wide with fear and you quickly nod. 
“Yep.” You reply. “I hate parties anyway.” You say and a small smile twitches on your lips. Steve returns it and the two of you make your way down the steps and onto the street. 
Thankfully, Tina doesn’t live that far from you. In the past that was something you hated because it meant you couldn’t get out of parties, this time however, you’re very grateful for the closeness of your homes. 
In an ideal world, it means you’ll be able to get back to the right and semi-safe world in less than twenty minutes. However, if the past seven years have taught you and Steve anything, it’s that you don’t live in an ideal world. You live in the opposite in fact. 
Like you said, the habitants of The Upside Down, don’t care much for cleaning, and it’s only made worse now that the entire things seems to be collapsing around you. Either it’s doing it on purpose so none of you can escape, or all of you just have some really bad timing. 
“So this whole place is dying?” You ask and look around. It certainly looks like it’s dying. It has done since you woke up and its only gotten worse. You also thought it was strange that you hadn’t been eaten by now. 
“Yep.” He replies. “Apparently all those times we thought we’d won but hadn’t. Did actually do something. It just took a while for it to feel the affect.” 
“And I’m in here because?” 
“Annie said that whatever dragged you in, was probably looking for anything to eat.” He replies and you think about it for a few seconds. 
“So why didn’t it eat me?” 
“How the hell am I suppose to know.” He says. “Do I look like the scientist here?” 
“Furthest from actually.” 
“Exactly.” He smiles. 
“So what’s the plan?” 
“We get out as quickly as we can.” 
“The more detailed plan?” You roll your eyes. 
“Dustin and Lucas got a bunch of explosives and fireworks. We’ve dumped them in here and as soon as we get out, El and Will’s going to explode them!” He says proudly and you look at him impressed. 
“Wo-Watch out!”
You and Steve narrowly miss being hit by a falling tree, only to trip over some sort of decaying monster. 
“Gross.” You huff and look down at your hands, now covered in blood and guts. “Are you okay Steve?” You ask while trying to stand back up. 
“No.” He mumbles and you frown as you turn around to face him. He’s hunched over in the middle of the road, dry heaving and your eyebrows furrow as you watch him. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask, however instead of answering you’re just met with a groan. “Steve? We haven’t got all day.” 
“It went in my mouth!” He exclaims and turns around, throwing his hands up in the air. “That things guts were in my mouth. I can taste blood. Oh god. I’m gonna die. Or turn into one of those. Y/n, if I turn into anything like that please just kill me. You have my permission to take a baseball bat to my head...just please, bury me somewhere nice.” He rambles making you snort a laugh. “It’s not funny Y/n.” 
“It kind of is.” You reply and he glares at you. 
“It’s not.” He mutters and slowly walks towards you. However he freezes when he notices your eyes widening. “What?” He asks. “Y/n? What’s wrong?” 
“Don’t move.” You whisper and he feels his blood run cold. 
“What?” He squeaks and watches you slowly limp and pick up the bat lying on the floor. 
“Oh god. It’s happening isn’t. I love you Y/n. Tell Robin it was me that broke her Walkman. I told her it was Dustin, but it was me.” He closes his eyes, expecting the worst. 
Something scratches at his legs and he breathes in, this is it. He’s going to die, so are you and everything is going to be for nothing. He wants to reach out for you, to hold you close and then at least you’ll be together, but he can’t he’s frozen. 
And then he hears a thud, a small whine and your heavy breathing. Slowly he opens one eye, expecting to see some sort of toothy monster staring back at him. But instead he’s met with the back of your head. He watches you drop the bat, the noise echoing into the darkness and slowly he looks down. 
He’s not entirely sure what tried to kill him, it’s unrecognizable now that’s been beaten into the ground, but it looks scary anyway. 
“It’s the same fucker that dragged me in here in the first place.” You look over your shoulder and wipe your forehead. 
“I love you so much.” He stares at you in awe. “That was hot.” 
“Shut up.” You huff but wink at him anyway. “Are you okay?” You ask and glance at his leg. 
“Oh, yeah.” He shrugs and looks at the small scratch. “I’ll be fine. What about you?”
“I’ll live.” You shrug. 
The two of you stumble around the corner and into the forest and you watch as your friends climb through the glowing doorway to the real world. 
“Guys!” Steve shouts making everyone freeze. The kids have already gone through, leaving just Nancy, Jonathan, Robin, Annie and Joyce behind. Tears form in your eyes as you stare at your friends. 
“Hurry up!” Jonathan shouts. 
“I’m trying! It’s a bit difficult though with my leg hanging off!” You shout back and watch as Jonathan pushes Nancy through the goo before running towards you. 
“Jonathan!” Joyce shouts, her voice can barely be heard over the wind. It blows through your ears and makes you shiver. Trees move wildly around you and you watch as the sky starts to fall away. 
“Well that can’t be good.” You gulp and walk a bit quicker. Jonathan stands on the other side of you, holding your waist and the three of you stumble towards the portal. 
They let go of you and push you through, you land on the forest floor with a loud thud and small groan escapes your lips. 
“Y/n!” The group shout and everyone moves to help you stand. You’ve never been so happy to see everyone. Robin and Annie pull Jonathan, Steve and Joyce through. And as soon as Joyce is stood up, El and Will press the detonators. There’s a loud bang that makes you all jump back, and you watch as the portal vanishes, leaving the brown of the tree trunk behind. 
“Is everyone here?” Joyce asks and scans the group. 
“It’s a bit late if they’re not.” Robin replies. “But yes...I think we did it. We actually did it! Yes!!” She cheers and jumps up and down. Everyone shares a look before looking back at her and even Annie looks a little concerned. 
“I can’t believe you all came for me.” You pull the goggles and fabric off of your face, and tears roll down your cheeks. 
“Of course we did.” Dustin hugs you. 
“You didn’t think we’d leave you in there did you?” Nancy asks also wrapping you up into a tight hug. The res of the group follow and soon you’re in the middle of an eleven people hug...not that you’re complaining though. 
“Jesus Christ. How long were we in there?” Steve asks and looks at the now dark sky.
“Who the fuck cares. Let’s go home.” 
Fireworks crackle and explode above your head. The sky lights up with red and oranges, leading the way home for the 12 of you. 
The residents hope that the bright lights will keep the darkness at bay, but from now on, they won’t have to.
“Happy New Year love.” 
“Happy New Year Steve.” 
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classysmashy · 4 years
Right Behind You Baby
#2/??? of Nuclear Winter
ZoNa Holiday 2020 Entry Prompt 2 (Under the Christmas Tree / Something Red)
One Piece in Fallout Universe (kinda~) [I do not own One Piece or Fallout]
AN: It’s done! Took awhile to get it together, but I’m happy with how it turned out. Since I’m behind, there will be a double update tonight with this one (pretty casual) and another one (bit of a darker mood) that are readied up, major apologies on the wait. Ideas are easy, but words are hard. I’m so happy that people liked the first one and I hope that this one also holds you’re interest, it’s so much fun to write. <3 Also, I need more of Nami and Usopp being open friend with each other in my life. I just can’t help how much I think the two would be honest with one another and gossipy. And, if it isn’t clear yet, I live for horny Nami not being able to catch a break. ;) Honestly, I can’t believe you read all of these rambles and haven’t moved to the story yet...
Rated: T for Blood, Violence, Suggestive Themes
Word Count: 5,716
Nami hadn't been lying to Zoro when she said she was a busy woman. Of course, when they got back, there was Chopper fretting his little self over Nami's injuries and racing over his hooves to carry out the upmost care to her. It made her a little sad to worry him so much, but nothing could be done about it now.
By the time Chopper had properly wrapped her up and let her leave the infirmary, Luffy had whisked Zoro away and the two were gone on another job. 
Which meant Nami wouldn’t see Zoro again for at least a week, knowing Luffy’s track record of getting off topic from the original reason he would set out, and that wasn’t even counting in the times the two would get lost. Great.
Yet, maybe that was a good thing for now, she thought after arriving back at her bedroom, picking up Zoro’s jacket that he seemed to have forgotten about. A soft roll of Nami’s eyes accompanied the moment she brought the fabric close to her chest, pressing her nose to it. There was a mix of the Deathclaw blood, the radiated wasteland, dirt and grass, but it was worth getting a huff of those smells just to be able inhale Zoro’s scent from the jacket.
A musky metal and sweat and booze, but it was Zoro, and her head spun as she fell back on her mattress of her bed, still clutching the jacket close.
Slipping her eyes closed, Nami let her mind drift back to the heat of his hand in her pants, mind you, it was only a second, but it was only a second she needed to lash onto for her thoughts to race of him doing more than just snapping the band of her panties.
The jacket laid nicely over her eyes, covering it entirely and the scent intoxicating, taking both hands and tracing her fingers down ever so slowly along the side of her breasts, ghosting over the fresh bandages on her stomach, and arriving at the front of her jeans.
Zoro, Zoro, Zoro. Nami could only think of him, his rough hands on her body, hot lips working her... 
She popped open the button and pulled the zipper down. If it was Zoro, he would have taken the damn metal between his teeth and yanked it away, his one good eye burning her alive. And that was only if he hadn’t cut them to bits yet in frustration of wanting her.
Nami’s body came alight, her hands were so close to the promised area, just as close as Zoro’s body had been so many times in the past couple days, oh how she wished that Chopper hadn’t interrupted them yesterday...
Knock! Knock! Knock!
“Oiii, Nami! You’re back, right?! Chopper said you were!” A frustrated whimper was drowned out by the fabric of the jacket. 
Usopp. Of all people that had to come by now, it was Usopp. There was no way he would leave her alone, even if she had fallen asleep already.
Fixing her jeans back and folding the jacket to place on the right side table by the bed, Nami came to her feet to let the fool in. 
“You do realize what time it is, right, Usopp?” she had questioned as soon as their eyes met around the hunk of junk, his nose pressing into her cheek with how much he invaded her space right away.
“Yeah, but goodness Nami, those ugly monsters really did get you good! I thought Chopper had to be lying!” Usopp pulled back, pushing one hand under his chin and the other at his hip. “It’s too bad I wasn’t there, I would have taken those Deathclaws out in a millisecond, after all, the Great Usopp here had killed a whole horde of a hundred Deathclaws on his own just at the age of nine!” 
Her eye twitched and it took all the strength in the world to not out right punch the idiot to stop him in the middle of one of his over the top lies. 
“Right, right, the Great Usopp would have killed them in a flash and not have been forced to play Mommy,” Nami teased, watching the way Usopp scrunched up his nose and blanched at what she had been insinuating.
“There’s no way that I could help them breed, I don’t have those types of organs in me!” his voice hit a shrilly octave, hands flapping around at the insanity. “That’s only something Robin would say, did they put the wrong memories into your synth?”
That really got to her and Nami’s fist connected with the top of Usopp’s head, sending him down to the floor with a cry of panic and pain, clutching the bumps forming. “Don’t say something that only the idiots from that city would say! I’m tired of hearing what does and doesn’t make someone a synth!”
“I’m so sorry!” Usopp cried, running behind Nami and taking shelter at her bed. “Though, I guess you won’t be too happy with what I came here about if it means having to go to the big city.”
Stretching out a frown, Nami closed the door finally and took a seat next to him on the mattress, wrapping her plaid blanket across her shoulders. “Sabaody? Why do I need to go to Sabaody?” She winced at the tiny twinge within the muscles of her leg alerting her to the care it needed that only could be gotten from a well rested night.
Her thin fingers kneaded the skin while Usopp leaned back on his arms, “Well, you’re the one that always says our trades should be worth their while and a caravan is leaving tomorrow to trade our water surplus for bottlecaps. Plus, Franky is wanting some more shipments for materials that go into decorations.” He brought his left hand to Nami’s leg as well, helping to massage the pain away. Usopp was always a sweet friend to have around, even if he could get annoying with his tall tales.
Nami rung her head side to side, trying to uncoil some of the pressure. “Mmm, that’s true and I guess it wouldn’t hurt to catch up on any stories that have been floating around that we should be privy to.” Usopp took over the massage completely with both of his hands, letting her lay on her back to toss the leg into his lap.
“Oh? Like how there’s rumors of you and Zoro being weird in the hall outside of your mikan trees yesterday?” his voice was teasing and he made a snicker like he had the full scoop of what went down and more. Nami’s hand coming forward to swat his arm, but her eyes didn’t hold any actually discomfort from the question.
“If you mean weird in Zoro planning to rail me out of the blue in a semi-public hallway, then you would be correct,” she dug her teeth into her bottom lip, not even trying to hide the grin she had. Nami’s loud giggling echoed around the room at the way Usopp’s eyes went wide like dinner plates and stuttered over his thoughts of the image.
Usopp gave up on the massage to flop in a laying position beside, curling his arm under his head and gathering together his racing mind. When Nami turned more to him and the two looked like a pair of teenage girls from those old magazine pictures, he seemed to finally decide on what he wanted to say.
“I want to know, but I don’t want to know. But, I do want to know why you didn’t let him after all this hopeless pinning you come to rant my ear off about after your thirty-fifth bottle of wine,” garnering a laugh from both of them. 
That was true, she’d spent so much time turning to Usopp as the only person she could properly talk about the feelings that had been creeping through her about Zoro and he listened well, helping her calm down at the times she would be so freaked out inside about how it could be possible to like, let alone be falling in love, with the meathead. It couldn’t be helped that she trusted him the most as her best friend and the only normal person in a relationship —Nami didn’t feel comfortable in giving away the information to Robin or Franky, as they would definitely tell one another and force her into situations with Zoro like sneaky rats.
Curling the blanket tightly around her body in one swift movement, Nami let out a long sigh. “Well, Chopper came around and Zoro started off being weird by pointing out how I had been avoiding him and saying to never do it again and just deciding all of a sudden to make a move. He said it was because of Brook, but I'm still confused from how strong he came on to me,” she drummed her fingers on the mattress and Usopp gave his own sigh in reply.
“Well, it can't be helped that the two of you would have an awkward phase, right? You're switching from being friends that always berate each other to possible lovers. Trust me, it’ll be a weird and awkward switch for everyone if the two of you do make that decision to cross those thresholds.” 
Usopp had grown an understanding about dynamic’s between lovers that could only be achieved by being in a relationship —as he liked to say himself. And while Nami was sure that officially being with Kaya had changed some things for Usopp, there was nothing that could make up for how different the dynamic he understood with Kaya that varied from the dynamic between herself and Zoro.
But it was still sweet of him to try and downplay her worries so she wouldn’t be overwhelmed too much.
“Thank you,” Nami whispered, her body slowly relaxing to lay flat on her back, head lolling to the side as she began to doze off. 
A hint of a chuckle left Usopp and she felt the bed dip when he stood up. “Don’t worry about it!” Lights caught the corner of his eye and he turned his attention to a small metal table pushed into the farthest right corner of the room with a Christmas tree resting upon it. “Ohhh, that’s pretty, feeling a bit festive, huh? Well, that’s exactly why Franky is wanting more supplies, so he’ll be able to spruce up the place for people to have a bit of holiday cheer around here. I mean, it’s not like we haven’t celebrated all together before, but so many people in this world haven’t thought about holidays their entire lives and him and Luffy decided it would be a great morale boost for all the new folk around.”
The Christmas tree was a tiny tabletop one stuck to a mat as the bottom and a piece of metal going straight through the middle to be the stand. The tree itself was a dark pine, dazzling with mini ceramic string lights wrapped into the shape of the branches, leading to a prefect star at the top of the tree, shining a golden hue along the table. On the mat beneath the Christmas tree, there was about twenty to thirty mini presents varying in sizes and colors, though all of them sparkled like glitter and had a beautiful red bow to adorn the top. 
She was sure of the beauty a life-sized Christmas tree would be, but it was hard to come by any of these tabletop ones that had survived the wasteland and Nami worried that it would be even worse for Franky to try and recreate such things for their home. But, then again, she really shouldn’t doubt Franky’s skills and knack to make anything that he set his mind on, he was a Strawhat after all, and it only seemed proper he would have a fortitude to carry out the very reason he had joined up.
“You should leave and get some rest, Usopp, and let me rest too if I’m going to be protecting the caravan, huh?” Nami stretched out a lethargic smile to the long-nose and he gave a wide grin back. “Hey, are you done messing around with my Clima Baton yet?”
Usopp scratched at the back of his head with a choky laugh, “Almost, uh, shouldn’t be much longer, but I assure it will be worth the wait!” 
If she wasn’t so sleepy, Nami would have gave him a solid beating for the answer, but instead gritted her teeth together. “Won’t you just go ahead and tell me what it is you’re doing exactly with my precious weapon?”
“Definitely not! It’s a surprise!” Usopp shouted and straightened his spin up before zooming off to the bedroom door, peaking his head around the wood one last time to wish her goodnight then sprinting away down the hall.
Mumbling to herself about how it was taking forever for him to do whatever it was with her weapon, Nami quickly faded into a dreamless sleep, much needed for the coming week.
A trip ranging from the Strawhats personal settlement to the outskirts of the grand city of Sabaody Archipelago would take a full week, give or take the time that she and the others walked and whether the brahmin wanted to keep a fast pace or not.
Before even leaving the compound, Nami had decided she would send one person back on their own before the rest after arriving in Sabaody as to get the supplies Franky wanted to him faster. That would mean five people in total would start on the job, but only four would travel back together with the brahmin. 
Sure, she and the four other somewhat new settlers to the settlement could just carry plenty of the water cans to Sabaody to save time on the trip, but that would mean sacrificing money that could be made from loading up the Brahmin with many cases and sacks filled to the brim. 
Nami would never sacrifice money that could be used to improve their lives, so there was no way she would choose a different option. 
The trip to Sabaody would be complicated, she had explained to the settlers once everyone geared up and left the gates of safety. There wouldn’t be a good, straight shot to the city and the only available pathway would put them in broad visibility, meaning the risk of being attacked by raiders, gunners, rogue robots or synths, super mutants, ghouls, Deathclaws, mole rats, radroaches, and the likes were higher than the normal run of the mill luck to ending up in bad fights.
Well, to put it mildly, an hour into traversing and she had finished off her small speech of what they would go through, the settlers decided that next time they would avoid a Sabaody caravan trip. 
But, really, what could go wrong? Nami tried to play it down, just as Usopp managed to help her the night before. It wasn’t easy to take the edgy off of them though and rather than help, she soured the mood even more.
Nothing was wrong with a quiet trip, it gave a better chance to listen out for impending doom.
Not much had happened on their first day out, nor the second day either, the tarnished blacktop of highways seeming to never end and the polluted waters they passed by glowing up a storm that made Nami’s skin crawl. 
The downside of winter meant the night sky would shine above sooner in the day and the sudden darkness only played more into the isolating, eerie air the wasteland had when the tragedies could no longer be seen. It wasn’t the same as the high roller city in the desert where they had spent time with Vivi, oh how the night never came there because of the lights that was forever aglow, compared to the wasteland that had been swiped of all such things and left a shell.
Sometimes she wondered about Vivi, if the princess would ever collide paths with them again and have fun times together as well. Thinking back on the girl though brought a memory to the forefront of her mind she had seemed to discarded.
Vivi had tossed around in the other bed of the girl’s cabin for hours on end before asking if Nami had been awake. Once she had realized that, yes, Nami had never went to sleep, she let loose what had been plaguing her mind. 
“There was just something so interesting in how Mr. Bushido looked at you today!”
The statement had caught Nami off-guard, as nothing of particular note had gone on during that day and was only spent drifting along and waiting for the time of finally reaching Alabasta. Nami had tried to get her to explain more, but Vivi was too caught on the fact that it had to of been a loving stare that he gave the orange-haired navigator and was happy to get it off her chest. 
It had been such an odd thing at the time, but also not so odd. She played it off with Vivi that her eyes must have been wrong in what she saw, that Zoro was probably looking at her in scorn and hoping that she would burn up on the spot and making the debt he owned Nami to also vanish.
Yet now, looking back on that moment, there seemed that some of what she thought was wrong could have been real. That Vivi had seen him with a wanting stare at her so long ago and well before she had gotten to this moment.
Tilting her eyes to the sky, the sun inking out from the clouds marked the third day of the caravan’s walk and that she had also spent the entire night awake thinking of just how long ago Zoro’s view shifted of her.
The afternoon creeped on quickly, Nami’s leg had started swelling only an hour into the restart of their walk, but she had toughened it out so far with the thought of how the sooner the whole thing was over, the sooner she would get some good rest and not be on the leg doing strenuous activity. 
A simple snowfall had started only a mere few minutes ago, the sky painted a soft white that went for miles and the snow falling to a melt instantly. It was a pretty picture, one that made up for the surroundings outside of the bubble of paradise that could exist in such moments.
And it was that distraction, her eyes so focused onto the sky, she had missed the warning sight of gunners facing off against a legion of super mutants, cutting off the rest of the highway with their battle, and the five of them walking right in-between the onslaught.
Zoro would have chewed her ear out with a grin of how she was worse than him, waltzing into a fight that could have taken care of itself. Damn idiot creeping into Nami’s mind, he would have easily put down both sides without so much as a yawn.
In a flash, one of the settlers grabbed for the brahmin and led it to hide out behind an overturned semi-truck they had just passed up, leaving her and the other three to duck behind a concrete traffic barrier. Making sure it was full on ammo, Nami gripped the laser pistol she’d been using with both hands, peering her head a hair of an inch beyond the barrier to mark her aim for a super mutant.
No person in their right mind would rather take on super mutants alone, and aiding the gunners for a moment before they would turn their fire onto Nami would be fine if it meant the worse threat of the two was dealt with.
The green giants, a darker shade of green than Zoro’s hair, towered with miniguns that seemed to never cease an end of a rain of bullets, and the group of six all were packing one. Except for the suicider strapped up with mini nukes making a run towards a gunner squatting behind a metal bin, only a couple seconds of beeping indicating the explosion that blew the body of the super mutant into flying chunks.
Sometimes, the amount of suffering that the super mutants had been through made them so dumb they didn’t even understand how they were causing their own death, along with ally super mutants. Which, is what the suicider did, as the gunner’s head and limbs promptly tore from the rest of the flesh and bone and muscles of his torso, blood sprouting out everywhere. 
Two of the super mutants, with their miniguns in hand, were shaken by the blast, sending them backwards firing upon each other rapidly during the stupor, killing one another with multiple shots to the head.
That left them with four super mutants and seven gunners. 
How fun it was to wait it out and see the wild shenanigan's the wasteland offered on its own before a somewhat sane person intervened, Luffy would’ve gotten a good kick out of seeing something like that, Nami would definitely have to pass the story to him about the scene.
Just as she was releasing off some rounds towards the hands of the closest super mutant —hoping to cause enough damage to make him drop the minigun— one of the settlers yanked open their pack to reveal an array of grenades, catapulting nearly ten cryogenic grenades and diving back down to hide out of view again. Each one landed and exploded right by the super mutants, delivering a shock of pain through each one over and over again, freezing their bodies in place for a handful of seconds between each blast.
There were better ways the grenades could have been put to use, a plan worked out, but that didn’t matter now as one of the gunners suddenly tossed out his own grenade, which was a plasma one that knocked the four super mutants to the ground as soon as the green wave burst out and hit them. It was only about two seconds that they were down, but the force of the hit made them lose hold of their miniguns and made easy picking to drive bullets into their heads.
With the gunners sending all their firepower in and Nami aiming nicely timed shots into eyes that Usopp would be proud of, the super mutants were dead in a matter of minutes and once the last body had dropped, the gunners turned their attention towards Nami and the three settlers with her.
Bullets ricocheted and got caught into the concrete as the gunners began running down to surround them, her and the other settlers shifted around to get in some shots from the side rather than raising their heads to easy hits. The first one to run up on them had looked dead into Nami’s eyes, cocking the shotgun in her hands and placing the barrel at the space between Nami’s eyes.
Unloading the whole clip of thirty shots into the female gunners own face, Nami drew back and clutched her chest, trying to even out the ragged breathes that came from being so close to a bullet in the head.
One settler to her right was using a semi-upgraded 10mm pistol, burying bullets into a gunners shoulder and creating a splatter of blood as the arm endured too much of the burning metal and tore itself away, flying into the face of the gunner beside him upon death.
Five more.
Even though gunners were extremely skilled in the area of guns, they also seemed to go down pretty easily just as a normal raider would because of being a normal human, and that was what helped Nami regained her strength to finish the fight off.
The settler that went with the brahmin peaked himself out, guiding down the scope of a pipe rifle to split open a hole through the left ear and ripping out of the right ear of one of the gunners.
Four more.
Nami took the moment to reload the laser pistol and left the position of hiding out behind the barrier to run up on the last of the gunners perched on the hood of a rusted and busted pickup truck. She easily shot through the one who jumped off and rushed at her, sending the gunner to the ground in a final scream filled with agony at the hole left in his gut. The female gunner who had been behind him on the hood shot at Nami’s feet, but she ignored the hail, raising up to focus in a shot and the blast from the laser melting the gunner into a puddle of ash.
Past her head, a storm of bullets impaled the final two gunners, one bashing into the open cab and dying out in a folded position while the other tried to rush Nami with the last of her strength. 
The gunner knocked into Nami’s body like a ram, hands clawing out at the fabric of Zoro’s jacket she wore and slamming her head into the edge of the highway railing. Just below had to be a fifty foot drop into a heavy stream of a river, and if Nami didn’t die on impact, then she would have died by the rush of the water beating into her body. In an act to prevent herself from being thrown over, Nami brought her right foot into the gunner’s ankle, causing the gunner to stumble and release the hold over Nami.
Bringing her knee between the legs of the gunner, Nami used the moment of confusion to push her over the side of railing, leaning in to watch the pulls sweep the body into a thrashing current and the screams came to a silent halt.
No more. 
All of them were huffing in puffs of air, trying to regain a footing after the battle. This was a normal day in the wasteland, how could she have forgotten about things like this?
Too much time spent behind walls and tending to those needs was clearly taking a toll on what Nami could do away from the building societies. If it kept up, would she really be able to call herself a survivor anymore? How many times was she going to put herself close to death in simple situations? 
Something needed to change.
The rest of the week was still filled with fighting for their lives, though not to any troubling extent that super mutants posed, but it seemed a multitude of raiders had decided to bug out along the highways for the winter, bracing themselves for any heavy storms that may come. Not a single snowstorm had hit during the travel, which had to be an upside since there didn’t have to be any stops or struggling to make it away through piles of snow.
When the unnerving border of the Sabaody Archipelago came into view, its trees extending among the clouds, there was a choir of cheers from the settlers she set out with and the brahmin waddling forward to lead the way to safety this time. It was the dead of night though and Nami was sure that there wouldn’t be any merchants available until the morning, so she paid for hotel rooms for the settlers, got the brahmin set up somewhere safe, the water put away with one of the settlers, and took off to a familiar bar.
All the feelings that had been swarming her lately and after the many gun fights, Nami needed a nice drink. 
She strolled along a worn out path of stones, zoning out to the cracks between each one. A set of shadows from the overarching trees were casting spookily over the sleeping city, but that was until a swarm of lights broke out over Nami.
“Woah,” her breathe had been taken away from her body as soon as her eyes laid on the sight sitting in front of her.
It seemed that her worries were wrong.
Standing at least seventy-five feet, was a beautiful spruce tree that was still brimming in life, the branches sprouting out in silverish green. Wrapped around the Christmas tree was thousands of string lights, all glinting off each other and sharing the light to the ground below and surroundings. In different shapes and sizes were cute ornaments, round bold colored ones, spiky ones with glitter, plaided cones, and even handmade ones that were probably put up by citizens. At the very top was a shining star, swaying in the wind and sending a spark of its golden light in different directions with each movement.
Beautiful, so beautiful. 
Seeing the real deal of a Christmas tree like this up close and personal didn’t compare to the idea she had in mind by the little light up tabletop Christmas tree she had in her room back home.
Nami was certain now that she definitely wanted Franky to decorate the compound for Christmas or she wouldn’t be able to live there without seeing a beauty like this when she woke up in her bed during the winter mornings.
Across the way from the Christmas tree was a rundown bar where Nami was planning to stop in, the words had gotten more faded since the last time she had been around, but there was no way that someone in the area didn’t know who’s bar it was.
A soft chime above her head alerted the few in the bar of Nami’s entry. Standing behind the counter was a tall woman with a dark bob of hair, cigarette perched between her lips as she read a newspaper. The woman’s eyes glossed above the paper with a smirk at Nami, folding it away and blowing out a cloud of smoke.
“Impeccable timing as ever, Nami,” the woman curled her lips as Nami settled at the bar, pointing at a bottle of whiskey on the top shelf. She needed a hard drink that was worth the money and knew that Shakky would deliver on that here.
Watching the drink splash around in the glass, Nami twirled a strand of hair, “Why do you say that? Did something happen that I wished I had been here to learn about?” 
Knocking back the glass in one gulp, it slammed to the table with a hard raddle, Shakky filling it again as she talked, “No, instead you narrowly missed that Monkey-chan and the grump.” Nami paused midway to carrying the glass for another fast gulp.
“Luffy and Zoro were here? When?” To think she had been so close again to being able to talk, but missed him, her luck seemed to be running up lately.
“They only left a few hours ago, not sure of where they're headed, but they did seem to know you were going to be here,” Shakky smiled slyly, looking too much like Robin when she really wanted to tease someone, and Nami felt her stomach do an uneasy flop. “The grump left this for you.” In a fluid motion, she had pulled out a flat plain white envelope and slid it to the younger girl’s grasp.
Nami stared at it, burning holes through it with her eyes and questions zooming around in her head of what exactly was inside of it. 
“He also said it would be best to read outside,” Shakky finally laughed this time, shaking her head at the antics the man pulled and made her carry out for him. 
“Shakky,” Nami swallowed down the second glass of whiskey and laid out some bottlecaps on the counter, scooting out of the squeaky metal, “I’ll come back tomorrow to talk more. Have a good night.” She didn’t even wait to hear a response from the older woman or notice Rayleigh coming from the back to greet her, just picked the envelope and took back off into the night.
Once right outside of the bar, she dug into the envelope with shaky hands, the cold night eating her up. Within it had been one slip of a thick card that Zoro wrote a note for her on.
“Nami, the real tree is better than that one in your room, right? Search beneath the tree outside of Shakky’s and you might find something you’ll enjoy. —Zoro”
The thought of Zoro hiding a gift for her made a heat bloom through her chest, the tingly feeling in her spine reappearing. She instantly rushed over to the tree, keeping her brown eyes peeled for any sort of box or bag that Zoro had left behind. 
About halfway around the tree, a small box wrapped in red with a light green ribbon finally caught her eye and she settled on her knees to tear open the box beneath the tree. Once the paper was away and the cardboard box rested on her hand, she gently pulled the lid away to reveal a bracelet.
The bracelet was a simple band of polished gold with three different charms hanging off of it. The first charm was meant to represent her, she’d assumed by the plate having a 2Dcarved compass on it. Next was a charm to represent Zoro, three swords carved into the gold plate. And the final charm was a gold plate that had a mikan carved into it and there was the three swords being stabbed through the fruit, showing how the two were connected.
Grinning, Nami put the bracelet on, being extra careful of harming it when she slid it on. She turned her wrist back and forth, seeing how it looked so good and perfect on her.
She was alone beneath the tree. To anyone else, it would be a sad sight to see a gorgeous woman all alone beneath a Christmas tree when she received a gift, but that didn’t matter to Nami at all.
Her eyes guided up the tree again and brought the jacket she wore to her nose.
Zoro’s scent was nearly gone by now.
Because even though she was alone under the tree, Zoro was still with her by a small way that he made the decision on. 
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iheartkikixo · 4 years
Thoughts on the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D series finale
You were warned.
Okay. So Agents of Shield is finished.
On the first watch I won’t lie, I was REALLY conflicted and bothered by the ending. I really couldn’t understand why they chose to go that route and I ended up pacing my house for like 30mins. However, after a couple hours of mulling it over, a rewatch and a nap. I understand why they ended it the way they did and actually have a newfound respect and maybe even love for the ending.
I know on first watch seeing everyone (especially May and Daisy) separated and alone initially feels depressing and possibly like the last 7 years of building this family was redundant, but if you look closer, it wasn’t...at all.
When we first met May, she wasn’t just alone, she was broken and self-isolated from everyone that she cared about and who cared about her. After the events of Bahrain, she closed herself down and became a shell of herself while her guilt and self-loathing threatened to eat her alive. The May we see in the final 3 episodes is so incredibly far from that. When Daisy throws Bahrain in her face in s2, the self loathing is still very present and she still can barely speak on it, she still feels like a monster for what happened and she retreats away from the team (to a degree) and back into herself. This reaction is so different to when Kora throws Bahrain in her face in 7x11. May is at a point where she fully realizes she wasn’t the monster in that story, she did what she did to save the innocent, and that at her very core is who she is, a protector of the innocent and those who can't protect themselves. And like she tells Kora, she’s “made peace with it”. In the last scene with May, yes there is a sadness that the team isn’t all together, but she’s not broken, unhappy or even alone. She’s found a new calling teaching at an Academy named after Coulson which upholds his legacy. She’s jovial when Flint comes and she laughs and jokes. It's so far removed from s1 May. Before Bahrain, May wanted kids and even when she was trying to save Katya, you could tell that she cared about kids a lot, this echoes to her protectiveness over the bus kids, and also extends into the Framework where kids being in danger was the thing that kinda brought her back to herself, and then also Robin, who she becomes a mother to. This is where the best of May comes out, she’s a mentor and a protector and in her last scene we see her happily being that to Flint and other students. So it’s full circle, she’s physically away from the team but not holed up alone in a cubicle in pain. She’s healed over these past several years and found a new purpose for her life, and her Shield family and time with them gave her that and made that possible.
The same with Daisy. When we meet her she is truly alone, she’s grown up alone, has nobody, she’s living in a van, she doesn’t even know her real name or date of birth, she’s searching for her family and searching for an identity and purpose. Throughout the last 7 seasons she’s found all of that and more. In this ending, like May, she’s not with the team, but she’s not truly without it either. She’s still in Shield, still doing missions, still in contact with the team, she still has them. If something goes wrong, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that they will come running as they always have, but after several years of fighting Hydra, Inhumans, ghosts, demons, LMDs, aliens, Chronicoms, being stranded on alien planets or at the bottom of the sea, being thrown into the future and then into the past, being mutilated or killed and resurrected or not, they all deserve some reprieve. They also can’t live under each other forever and they all deserve to actually live their lives. At the beginning of the series Daisy was lost and she didn’t know who she was, by the end neither of those are true anymore. She’s found her calling, she’s found family, she’s found relatives, she’s even found love. And now It’s like she’s paying it forward. Someone found her and gave her love, home, family and solid ground and now she’s doing the same for others (namely Daniel and Kora). Everything really goes back to the conversation her and Mack had where he tells her that even if the team dynamic shifts, it's okay and she’ll be okay. In real families we don’t all stay under the same roof forever, we branch out, take jobs in other cities or countries and start families of our own, but it doesn’t negate our original family and I don't think this ending does either. It doesn’t mean found families hold less weight than blood families, because with family (the people you’ve chosen to love and have chosen to love you back, blood or not), even when you’re not around them 24/7, distance and time change nothing. Based on the group conversation, they clearly have been in contact and will continue to be, Jemma saying she’ll email Daisy later about something they had earlier discussed, Mack and Yoyo still being together even though they’re on mission in different places at the moment, May telling Mack she has some names of recruits to send him, Coulson telling Daisy to give him a call once she gets back to Earth etc. It's not that they’re not family anymore or that they’re only gonna contact or see each other once a year, their life choices just have them spread out and busy, but they’re still family. Jemma saying they need to do the group meeting annually doesn’t mean it has to only happen once a year, nor does it mean they won’t interact individually whenever they can, it just means that despite how busy life gets they need to make sure they as a whole group isolate some time to be together however they can. That is the most family thing ever. Throughout the year ppl are busy and you see each other but not everyone together at the same time, but then you have something like Thanksgiving or Christmas where everyone makes it their business to find themselves under the same roof for a day. It feels like the same concept applies here. It only feels sad right now because it's new, but after a while it will be normal. They’ve spent the better part of a decade living under the same roof and now they’re not even on the same planet all the time, it's a weird adjustment, but they will adjust.
As far as Philinda goes. Philinda has been my AoS OTP since season 1 and while I was kinda sad initially that they didn’t end together, I get it. Phil is dead and PhilLMD is just that, an LMD. A robot. He’s not real and as such, while still having Philinda scenes makes me happy, I don’t think I want May to have to settle for a robot no matter how advanced. It’s not fair. Especially with her being an empath now, every time she touches Phil it's a reminder that he’s not real. He can’t grow old with her or be truly intimate because everything about him is coded into him. She deserves the chance and the space to move on and find something real with someone real and him being around her all the time would prevent that because she loves Phil, even though he’s not really here anymore. Phil was ready to go in season 5 as he felt like he had already been given a second chance and didn’t want to be greedy, which is why he didn’t seek out the cure in space. LMD!Phil who works solely off of Phil’s memories and feelings is echoing the same sentiments by contemplating shutting down. It's not fair for May to let herself explore this any deeper (especially now being an empath as she feels things more deeply), only for him to decide to shut down leaving her again, and it's not fair for them to explore this and him to force himself to stay operative until she dies as to not hurt her again, even though his Phil coding is telling him it's time to go. I feel like once everyone is comfortably settled into their new lives and he knows they’re all truly okay, he’ll shut down for good, until then he’s just around in case they need him.
I don’t think I need to speak too much on Fitzsimmons or Mackelena. With everything Fitz and Simmons have endured over the last 7 seasons, retirement (not sure if Simmons is fully retired too) seems beyond reasonable. We’ve watched them lose each other or themselves in one way or another every season, and like everyone else on the team they kept coming back for more when it would’ve been easier to walk away and most probably would have. But they're not most people, they are a family and refused to abandon the team while it was in need. So this ending with their super cute kid is just very deserved and great to see. Mackelena. I love that they’re still agents. I was also initially surprised Mack was still an agent as he seemed like the most likely to leave a couple seasons ago. Maybe the Adventures of Mack and The D gave him a new outlook, realizing that there are so many out there who want to and will do good if given the space and opportunity to. I also love that Piper asked for a Davis LMD and that he and Piper can argue like old times. I thought that was kinda cute.
Overall, I feel like this moment was necessary. Change sucks, but it's necessary for growth. I also think the messaging is great and applies to the cast, the fans and just the world in general. Change isn’t bad, people come into our lives for seasons and they teach us, love us, heal us and sometimes leave us, but that’s not the end. There are new people and new adventures waiting, and the same way people come into your lives for a reason, we also are destined to go into other people's lives and be that person who teaches, loves and heals them the way someone did for us. It’s a cycle. And that's one of the ways the world moves forward and gets better. Good people bringing out the best in other people, who move on to bring out the best in other people, creating more and more good people. Philindaisy will always hold the most special place in my heart in this show. Phil found May in her cubicle and Daisy in her van, and the three of them saved each other in so many ways and gave each other everything they needed as well unconditional, unwavering love and support which helped them move beyond their past traumas to the point where they were mentally healthy and strong enough to not just have the family they formed with each other, but also form their own families outside of the original family unit and do the same for others. That in itself is beautiful. This is the end of this particular part of their journey, but in no way do I think it's the end of the family that they all formed over the last 7 years, because you don’t go through all they went through and then just feel nothing. They will forever be a part of each other and they will forever pull from the lessons, experiences and love they have for and gave each other. And that’s life, and also what I’m taking away from this show.
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davidmann95 · 4 years
Got a handful of DC-solicit asks, so I’ll just write up my thoughts on the whole batch again.
Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #1: The BALLS to not only do the next Mister Miracle thing after King and Gerads, but to do it with Shilo Norman and therefore invite Seven Soldiers comparisons as well. I wouldn’t be that interested, but the preview art that came with the announcement looked fun so this is a maybe for me.
Wonder Girl #1: I got a Yara Flor ask so I’ll go more into detail with that, but this sounds...not good.
Future State: Gotham #1: Hahaha, thanks, call me in six months if the next team does something there’s a reason to give a shit about. Except...wait, Dennis Culver cowrote that E Is For Extinction Secret Wars mini, dammit this might be good. Either way though, god willing we get a Future State: Metropolis book by Dan Watters too.
Legends of the Dark Knight #1: Hopefully this going with Sensational Wonder Woman means there’s a similar Superman anthology in the cards too, but I won’t hold my breath. Darick Robertson doing Batman is enticing, but I’m not familiar with his work as a writer and the premise doesn’t sound that gripping so I’ll wait and see. That Francavilla variant though? DC, blow that up to poster size and you’d make a mint.
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Milestone Returns: Infinite Edition #0: Hmm. I got love for Static, but I might wait for further announcements and/or buzz before taking the plunge on this one.
DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1: This is a SERIOUSLY stacked lineup, definite buy.
Stargirl Spring Break Special #1: Impeccable timing, DC. It feels like it must be some kind of statement that there are no Morrison members of the Seven Soldiers in the mix (even swapping out Ystin for the original version of Shining Knight no one cares bout) - we focus on the Moore fixation, but there’s enough tidbits that I really do feel like Johns probably flat-out hates Morrison. And what’s this ‘secret eighth soldier’ nonsense? There’ve always been eight soldiers, people have been joking about it forever!
Justice League: Last Ride #1: Discussed that announcement here.
Batman: Earth One Vol. 3: *blinks*
*blinks again*
*squints at the cover art*
...Geoff Johns are you seriously trying to step to Morrison and use the Miagani tribe? YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN PEOPLE
I Am Not Starfire: Interesting concept that seems like it pushes into indie-flavored territory as much as DC’s superhero output just about ever has, if word-of-mouth is good there’s a decent chance I’ll get this.
Action Comics #1031: Wonder if this is serious about the potential of Kryptonian refugees, given PKJ suggested the idea in Worlds of War and that could play a significant part in the New Krypton stuff from Bendis’s Legion (with Johnson being clear he’s following up on a lot of Bendis’s ideas with his own Superman run).
Superman #31: This sounds big-time like Johnson hammering Superman into a swords-and-sorcery shape for an arc since that’s his bag, but Superman’s malleable enough for that to work so I’m not complaining.
American Vampire 1976 #8: Still not getting, so.
Batman #108: Tynion’s well and truly figured out how to game the direct market’s dopiest instincts, hasn’t he? Well, as long as that’s in service of him getting to continue doing weird Batman stuff with Jorge Jimenez like introducing whatever the ‘Unsanity Collective’ is, that’s fine with me. And more Ghostmaker!
Batman: Black & White #6: Not as packed for the finale as some previous issues, but still looking good. And there’s really never gonna be a ‘last’ Scott Snyder Batman story, is there? Sure it’ll be good but that’s kind of a shame, his Detective #1027 feature really felt like a nice full circle.
Batman: The Detective #2: Guess I wasn’t the only one wondering if it was a stealth DKR prequel and they wanted to cut that notion out at the knees.
Batman/Catwoman #6: Still very down for it, but BOY that Batwoman costume Mann debuted on Twitter.
The Batman & Scooby Doo Mysteries #2: I recently finally started reading Sholly Fisch and companies’ Scooby-Doo Team-Up! recently after getting the whole run for free on ComiXology earlier this year and have fallen in love with it, so I’m totally grabbing this digitally.
Batman/Superman #18: “The Dark Knight and the Man of Steel are on a mission to stop the godlike Auteur.io from destroying the pocket worlds he’s created...but where on Earth did Auteur.io even come from? The answer starts not on Earth at all, but with an ancient cult of World Forger worshippers on a planet far away—and if our heroes are to have a prayer of stopping this mythic behemoth, they’ll need to get to the bottom of his power source, and quick! It’s a race against time as the parallel lives of entire worlds hang in the balance!”
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Anonymous said: Haha is Yang really doing Superman & Batman vs. Zack Snyder and the Snyder Cult (look up “auter” if you don’t know what I mean)? That’s fucking hilarious, especially since he apparently comes from the World Forge which is where all the shitty Earths full of bad ideas are made. Pretty pointed criticism there if I’m reading it right.
I’ve seen two or three people other than this anon independently conclude this arc is about the Supermen and Batmen of the Multiverse teaming up to stop Zack Snyder from destroying them all and at this point I’m ready to ask my LCS owner if I’m allowed to pay more than cover price for this run.
Batman: Urban Legends #3: Much more into this after the Grifter and Outsiders stories in Future State.
Catwoman #31: No reason not to assume this’ll continue to be great.
Challenge of the Super Sons #2: Good for the folks who want this, and that Nick Bradshaw variant is fun.
Crime Syndicate #3: I wanna be convinced to get this book, but the interviews are not persuading me.
Detective Comics #1036: How long is Mora sticking around?!
The Dreaming: Waking Hours #10: Another one I’ve got nothing to say about because I’ve never been getting it.
The Flash #770: Actually really excited to hear about how bad this run will suck now that I know it’s by the mind behind that “Geoff Johns’ OC - do not steal - beats up the Grant Morrison DC future” catastrophe from Future State.
Green Lantern #2: Really couldn’t wait a month for Far Sector to wrap up, huh?
Harley Quinn #3: Still not interested, but that *is* a nice cover.
The Joker #3: There’s a very real possibility I’ll have dropped the book by this point if it turns out to be the illustrated editorial mandate I get the feeling it could be, but fingers crossed.
Justice League #61: Not complaining, but wow, this really is Naomi 2 since Campbell’s busy in order to provide the necessary material for the CW show.
Looney Toons #260/Mad #20: Were these grouped with the rest of the solicits before?
Man-Bat #4: Very curious how this’ll be received, given nobody much cares about Man-Bat but Wielgosz seems to be quickly becoming a favorite.
The Next Batman: Second Son #2: Hadn’t realized this was only 4 issues - guess for at least one of them it’ll be the Luke Fox book everyone expected in the first place.
Nightwing #80: Dick Grayson vs. Heartless, not how I expected the DC/Kingdom Hearts crossover to happen but I’ll take it. That variant though? ALL TIMER:
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The Other History of the DC Universe #4: I was trying to figure out who the focus of #4 would be since we know #5 is about Thunder and Lightning, forgot Montoya was confirmed.
Robin #2: Wanna care, so don’t care.
Rorschach #8: I will get it and probably like it.
RWBY/Justice League #2: My thoughts here will be their own post because there’s something particularly notable, but:
Anonymous said: Have you seen the BATtleaxe from the new art for RWBY/Justice League?
Yes, anon. Yes I have.
Sensational Wonder Woman #3: Eh, premise doesn’t grab me but maybe.
Strange Adventures #10: God I love the book about how Adam Strange sucks.
Suicide Squad #3/Teen Titans Academy #3: Hahahahaha
Superman: Red and Blue #3: Fiffe and Stokoe doing Superman stories!!! And...Nick Spencer. With Christian Ward art?! Sigh, fine, hopefully it’ll be Nick Spencer doing a nice little comedy, and not having Grant Morrison Superman throwing his t-shirt away because he grew up and realized changing things is too hard. A horrible shame Pope is doing the main cover though, the allegations against him I guess never really got any attention. At least there’s this JPL variant:
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The Swamp Thing #3: Swampy will never be my guy but very happy for those who dig him, because I imagine this’ll be terrific.
Truth & Justice #4: Normally I wouldn’t care at all, but what I’m hearing on Twitter about this is a crying shame - that Jeff Trammell is really talented and Red Hood is a favorite of his and this is likely to be one of Jason Todd’s few Actually Good comics, but that artist Rob Guillory is a bullying transphobic piece of shit. Sucks all around.
Wonder Woman #772: I was so excited for this run, and then Immortal Wonder Woman had to go and suck.
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klariwitch · 4 years
All You Ever Were was One’s and Zero’s
There was some sort of light above them. It casted long shadows among their noses, their bodies that pressed tightly against one another’s and even the little lilies scattered by the pond nearby. Was it the sun? Sure. Could be, if you were to look past the science fiction side of it. So, maybe it was a laser, or not, either way he found himself completely distracted from all the possible ill intent it held. He didn’t care. No, not when he had all this.
Conner was with him. Right there. Holding him oh so tightly. It was the way they were always supposed to be. His do-over.
The grass scratched at their legs below. It was nice at first, but now just annoying and itchy. He’d most certainly puff right up tomorrow but what did he care? Hell, he’d  choose to sniffle and sneeze all week if he had to.
They probably should have gotten up earlier, time passed so much quicker on the screen. Almost like, a movie you really like? One you’d never wish to end. Well, the credits were well past rolling. It was the kryptonian that kept him there. Tied him down like an anchor. It was okay, though. All is well in pure bliss. 
Kon huffed. He nudged his side slightly. “Hey,” he chuckled. What a fucking angel, “I know that look,” he nodded, brain doing small turns and twists. “Care to share what’s gotcha so stuck in that big brain of yours, wonder boy?” His voice. Oh god his voice. It rasped so heavenly and choked him into lust. Tim slid into his lap. They sat against the old barn, the rusty red paint properly poisonous, chipped and splintered from wear. 
They were indeed where they belonged. Not, in the city. Sure, that’s where they hung out most often and where they were to reside, but really they could only truly thrive out in the country. There, it would be quiet, peaceful, and…happy?
read the rest on ao3
Tim rolled his eyes in a playful manner. He tilted his head to stare at Kon, he could so easily lose himself in the depths of his eyes. Like some sort of romantic maze of one's and zero's.
He tangled his fingers in the inky curls. “Just that, I like this,” the boy shrugged, lips pursed. His voice kept quiet, almost like a hushed whisper with his mind preoccupied.
“You like this?” Kon chuckled, raising his eyebrow. Tim hummed a soft agreement as he felt large hands slip up his waist. “Care to be more specific?”
The robin tilted his head back, giving a soft sigh and hopefully the sudden sort of ability to quickly hide a blush. When he turned back, he held on to Kon’s face, fingers balancing below his jaw. Leaning slightly, he craned his head to dip in for a kiss. One, that would only last a split second before he pulled back away.
“Well, lets see,” Tim started, resting one hand on Kon’s chest and the other still gripping the black locks. “I missed that,” he gave his lips a glance, “I missed this, I missed you. I missed your touch, I missed your laugh, I missed your dumb jokes and your little rants and your cockiness and your smile and god, I missed your charm,” Tim groaned, looking away now.
Kon rested his head against the old boards of the barn. His fingers inched up his lover’s hip, and the other caressed the small muscles in his arm. He brought his palm in for a kiss, then set it down on his heart. His beating heart. “Fuck, Tim,” he bit his lip. “You didn’t lose me. You didn’t lose any of that,” Tim could hear the sigh escape his lips. If he were to sink any closer he could feel the hot breath on his neck.
The only problem was, he did lose him. Very much so. The Superboy died nearly a year ago and he hasn’t came back till now. Maybe that’s why it felt off. Why was he here again? Come to think of it, none of this was right. The blue sky tended to glitch around them, and he was pretty sure the original spot they had settled in was in the field. They had held hands and kissed in the dirt whilst flooded in nothing other than wheat. He remembered thinking that the sun didn’t hurt his eyes no more. No, not as it did before, not while Kon was huddled over him, kissing his-
No. He wasn’t to look far enough into it. He held on to Kon, in the now instead. This was better. This would be safer.
“Can you just kiss me?” He muttered, voice shaky and eyes tired.
Kon groaned. He'd never looked at him with such sad eyes before.“Tim, look-"
He kissed him. Kissed him because he didn’t want to fucking talk he just wanted to be held. With Conner, he felt completed. Obviously this was something he wouldn’t so easily let go of. The clone played along too, giving into the simulation in every way possible.
Then, a single tear came between them, and when Kon jolted away Tim watched his own tear stream down Kon’s cheek. How lovely was that? Anyway, the water flooded his eyes now and would have flowed over if it wasn’t for the thankful barriers.
Yet, they broke. Harshly, too. Like a dam ready to burst. Hot tears flooded down his cheeks and dripped from his chin. Besides all that, the boy managed to remain almost completely emotionless and dull. What a scary look.
“Jesus,” Kon swore. “Tim? Love, you didn’t lose me. I'm right here. I promise,” he pleaded, holding his darling oh so very close. He lifted his chin, turning him face to face.
Tim held his expressionless disarray.
“What can I do to help? Whatever it may be,” Kon asked, too sweet for his own good.
His muscles stiffened. Any sort of way that could keep him from touching him, really. Why did he feel so nauseous?
It was all fake. All artificial and false and any other sort of synonym to describe the true alarm of the situation
A sob developed in his throat. “Can you just talk? I don’t care about what I just…” Tim looked him in the eye, “my head is so loud.” His request was obviously simple enough, because he heard a small ‘of course’ in return.
Kon pondered for a moment, it wasn’t everyday someone was to encourage him to talk. “Y’know, now that you ask me to its like my mind is just drawing blanks?” That earned a soft laugh. When Tim opened his eyes, it was just as before only this time, he was looking directly up at blue skies. He was laying on his back, not one cloud in sight.
“Lets see, well, one time I sunk a tractor?” Kon offered. His story continued on too, but to Tim it all sounded like babbles, getting drowned out by inaudible sound.
He realized then his full surroundings—some sort of strawberry field, with everything around them so overgrown and the light dimming that suggested evening. His head still was placed on Kon’s lap, of course he’d only notice that when he felt familiar fingers twirling his hair.
Something about this was nostalgic, like some sort of odd case of deja vu.
“We moved,” Tim stated duly. His doll eyes stared up at Kon with such curiosity, and his arm reached to caress the side of his cheek. Solid. Real. Even when all he really was-
“Hm. Yeah, I guess we did, didn’t we?” The meta glanced around. He picked one little white flower from the strawberry bush, tucking it neatly into Tim's hair. What an angel. His ttk seemed to be present as well, Tim found himself shuddering as the imaginary compression of hands snaked down his body and scrapped against his collarbones. “Malfunction?”
“Yeah, I suppose so,” Tim nodded, swallowing his gasp.
“C’mon, let's get out of here,” Kon finally announced. He stood then, bringing his lover up with him.
“What?” The Robin asked shockingly. On his feet now, he could feel the soft flower buds tickling up the ends of his jeans as he was lead out of the small field.
“I want to show you something,” Kon insisted, bringing him further along.
“Kon,” Tim halted. The air between them felt almost toxic and unwelcoming.
“What it is?”
“We uh,” the boy started, looking around for some help. “I mean, I don’t think we can..” Why couldn’t he finish? This was all so wrong, so incorrect and not to mention horrible for his health. The world quite literally felt like it was going to crash, how were they to surpass this? Who were they to decide to keep going? The system had already been running for so long…well he wasn’t quite sure how much longer it could go.
“Why do you only ever care when it's getting good?” Kon asked him harshly. That was sure to break his trance.
“What?” Tim shot back in shock. He was still holding his hand, only now Tim could feel his grip getting tighter. Bone crushing.
“Kon,” he gasped, eyes wide, “you’re hurting me,”
“Oh,” was all the superboy said in return. He loosened his grip and smiled, “shall we continue on?”
Tim just nodded. What else was he supposed to do? His hand throbbed, heart matching the same. He wanted again to ask where they would even go, but who knew what the computer would throw at him this time. Or, maybe it was his subconscious begging him to stay.
It didn’t take long for the pair to reach the car. It was of course the Kent’s old truck, parked in the midst of the driveway. The one that seemed to go on for miles. Maybe it did.
       He’d never seen so many trees in his life. It was like, being in a forest when really they were just driving down a dirt road. The trees seemed to change colors as they drove on, from darker greens to lightened ones and then fading into dead yellows and…reds? Fall.
The system was crashing, time speeding up far faster than could be contained. He’d have to leave this soon.
Somewhere along the way, Kon’s hand found his thigh. Tim looked up when he noticed, only to see his lover smiling at their surroundings. He placed his hand to overlap Kon’s.
He wanted to ask, ‘are we there yet?’ Like some sort of impatient child, but before he even had the chance to, the engine roared to a stop.
“Well?” Kon turned for his reaction.
All around them sat more trees, which didn’t appear to be much till he spotted the red fruit. An apple orchard.
In the center was nothing but a red checkered blanket and a bottle of white wine, accompanied by two tall glasses.
“You, Conner Kent, have truly outdone yourself,” Tim smiled, looking over his shoulder from the landscape, to his loving boyfriend.
It wasn’t so sad anymore, all the glitches. After all, he was sure the system could hold on just a tad longer, right?
“There it is,” Kon sighed a bit of joking relief, “there’s that famous Timothy Drake smile,”
He rolled his eyes at the tease, of course the never could have a sweet moment with the reminder of being best friends.
“Zip it,” Tim hissed, pulling his boyfriend in for a kiss. It was all too familiar, lips pressed together softly with some sort of rhythm going. Maybe he was just that lucky, too, because suddenly the car had no middle compartment he remembered, making it easier to slip into his lap.
Just like magic, he had Kon’s hands holding him steady at the hips and his own bringing him closer with his fingers intertwined with untamed curls.
They smiled, heads tilting and breaths quickening. If they were to have done this back at Gotham they’d have the paparazzi all over, the media would annoyingly wonder, “who is Gotham’s youngest bachelor dating?” But, without all that they could give less than one fuck.
It was only, when he felt strong hands slip up his shirt did it get interesting. Then feeling of warm fingertips against his cold back was something ethereal, like something could just possess him and ask for Kon to never stop.
Within enough time there was something new to drive him crazy—that being the trailing of kisses down his own jaw and down to his neck. This time, Tim allowed a few soft sounds to escape his lips, ones that bounced their way around the small roof of the old truck.
He thought, maybe he’d tell him he loved him, that he never wanted to leave this place and that he would promise to make it happen.
His knuckles went white when he gripped the seat, he could feel all sorts of emotions flooding his brain, all as kon slipped his way up-
The soft cushion of his lap turned to concrete. The fastest it ever had before.
It was numbing, really, the way his elbow hit the ground.
Tim cried out.
“Kon?” He called, sitting up in almost an instant.
He wasn’t there, though. He wouldn’t be there to lift him up off the ground.
“I wasn’t finished..” He whispered, tears welling in his eyes.
Above him, he stared. The blackened lens of the projector stared back at him, evilly.
“I said,” Tim spat, standing up to get a better look at the mindless machine. “I wasn’t finished!” He yelled at it. “I wasn’t ready yet!” The robin screamed at the projector, he’d probably hit it down if he was close enough.
It was times like this, where he couldn’t think. He couldn’t breath or speak. All he was left with was the ability to scream. To cry. To throw himself against the hard walls and punch the stone till the skin over his knuckles turned raw and sensitive.
He would look at the controls. Begging and praying to no god to bring his beloved superboy back.
Screaming and crying doesn’t help, though. Even with voice control. The audio constantly insisted on being fried whilst the robin barked back for it to all start up.
“System overload,” the robotic voice reported.
The creator sat slumped over in the corner. His eyes were bright red and puffy, cheeks flushed and hands torn to shreds. “Please..” He would beg the system, the one that didn’t understand that sort of command. “I love him, you know that?”
Still, the computer didn’t budge.
His chest felt heavy, hot and overemotional. It was fake but it still hurt. He lost Kon. Again. He wasn’t able to decide when he wanted to leave before the system shut down itself. But, who could blame it, really? That was sure to happen when you stay in for an almost forty-eight hour period. It was fried. Overworked, just as Tim was. Now he had no choice but to let the system to rest.
How had he almost forgotten he was there? Like some sort of magic wooed him into confusing tech and reality. Almost like some sort of alluring way of putting him to shame.
From then, he’d get to work. The next week or so he would simply spend his time hunched over a small computer screen, eyes wearing from overloading amounts of one’s and zero’s.
In no time, he spotted the hundred of bugs, that and the needed storage.
“That explains the teleportation and seasonal jumps,” he’d talk to himself aloud, anything to reassure the idea of losing his love.
He got to work immediately.
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