#have to wake up early tomorrow so will watch in the morning but hey double feature in my lofe
just-an-enby-lemon · 7 months
Wait wait a second... the new WTNV episode laucnhed today as well? Hah. Holy shit.
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betweenthings2 · 3 months
“did i scare you? sweetheart…” for gatty pleaseeeeeee
Thank you for the ask!! The prompt list is here if anyone else wants to see it =)
Reactions to making someone cry- "Did I scare you? Sweetheart..."
This is inspired by the time I watched too much Criminal Minds and legitimately thought there was going to be a murderer in my closet so I had to stop watching Criminal Minds which is disappointing because I liked Criminal Minds.
Matty should know better than to listen to true crime podcasts when he's going to be alone. Really, he should know better than to do it at all, but he can only work on so many things at once and he finds them morbidly fascinating. The problem is that they freak him out. Every natural sound of the house and appliances becomes someone trying to break in. Every shadow or oddly shaped pile of laundry dumped onto a chair because he didn't want to fold it just then becomes a killer lying in wait. Every set of headlights that slice through the gaps in the curtains becomes a potential get-away car. And sure, Matty could just turn on the lights to let would-be intruders know that someone is there and won't be cause by surprise, but then those would-be intruders would know that he's there, potentially alone. Sure, he could play music or put something on TV to drown out the sounds, but he needs to be able to hear in case someone does try to break in. There's no good option, Matty thinks.
Actually, there is: he could quit with the podcasts in the first place, like his therapist tells him, but he just doesn't want to, and, surprising no one, Matty is stubborn. Telling him not to do something is just about as good as guaranteeing he'll do it forever. George will home tomorrow, and then Matty won't be alone and if he's not alone, well, no one gets murdered in their bed when they're sleeping with their amazing and wonderful boyfriend, do they?
Matty does a lap of the house to double check that the doors and windows are locked and the alarm system is armed before he goes to bed. He's not sure he'll sleep much, but his therapist tells him that going through the routine of going to bed and laying down with the intention of resting is important, so he goes to bed.
Matty does eventually fall asleep, but he has a strange and disjointed nightmare about being held captive and he wakes in the early morning to the sound of the door falling shut, then footsteps across the hardwood downstairs. He freezes for a moment, then scrambles for his phone, but it's dead, and the footsteps are coming up the stairs. Matty looks around for something, anything he could use to defend himself, but there's nothing but his dead phone and a glass of water on the nightstand. Every single regret Matty's ever had runs through his head and the bedroom door slowly opens. Matty lays still and prepares himself to fight, but with the backlight from the hallway, he realizes that the person in his house at four in the morning isn't an intruder, but George.
It's George. George is home. Of course it's him. The alarm would have gone off if it wasn't and he was supposed to be home at an odd time, Matty recalls. Everything is fine. He's safe. George is home. Still, Matty would be lying if he said he hadn't been scared.
Pushing himself into a sort of seated position, Matty rubs a hand over his face like he's just woken up, and asks, "George?" His hand comes away wet, then he realizes that his face is wet, and oh, he'd been crying.
"Hey," George responds, quietly closing the bedroom door, so the hallway light stops flooding in. "Sorry to wake you. I'll be to bed in just a few minutes, ok? You can go back to sleep."
Matty sniffles and nods, then lays back down, watching George disappear into their bathroom. He'll shower, unwilling to get into their bed with a day of traveling stuck to his skin, and get ready for bed, then he'll come to bed. Matty just has to wait fifteen minutes before he has George close.
Matty makes a concerted effort to relax, but he feels tears welling in his eyes again, so he just rolls over and curls up as small as he can get. It's silly, he knows, that he freaked himself out like this by listening to true crime podcasts, but he's also long had an overactive imagination. Maybe his therapist is right.
It ends up being closer to ten minutes that Matty has to wait before George lays down with him. He immediately gets himself as close as his can, inhaling the comforting scent of George's soap combined with the lingering fingers of his last cigarette. Matty can't help but sniffle again and try to blink back the tears, hoping George won't notice.
"Sorry to wake you up," George repeats, accepting Matty close.
"Not your fault," Matty mumbles. "Had a nightmare."
"Wanna talk about it?" George offers.
Matty shakes his head.
"It might help," George pushes, combing his fingers through Matty's hair. As he does, his thumb brushes over Matty's cheekbone and comes away wet. "Are you crying, love?"
"Maybe a little," Matty admits.
"Are you sure you don't wanna talk about it?" George asks.
Matty is quiet for a moment, then admits, "I dreamed I got, like, held captive somewhere. Couldn't go anywhere, do anything, couldn't talk to anyone. All I could do is just sit there. Thought someone was breaking in."
George holds Matty a little closer and asks, "Did I scare you?" Matty gives a nod and George murmurs, "Sweetheart, I'm sorry. Fuck, I didn't mean to do that."
"'s not your fault," Matty mumbles. "I was listening to that podcast you keep telling me not to."
"I'm sorry I scared you," George insists. "I was tryin' to be quiet. I really didn't think you'd wake up."
Matty gives a helpless kind of half shrug, saying, "I didn't think you'd be home when you were."
"I texted," George counters. "When my flight got delayed, I texted you."
"Phone's dead," Matty admits.
George can't help but chuckle a bit at that. Some things never change, but he presses a kiss to Matty's forehead and holds him close, saying, "Doesn't matter. 's all ok now. Go back to sleep, ok? I've got you."
"Ok," Matty agrees. "Thanks, G. Love you even though you scared me half to death."
"I love you, too, Matty. Go to sleep."
So Matty sleeps.
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shuxiii · 1 year
Everyday pt.3
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Hanni Pham x reader pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5, pt6, pt7, pt8, pt9, pt10, pt11, pt12, pt13
a/n feeling generous today so double update!!! still, credits are all given to the real author ''every day'' by David Levithan
Day 5996
All I get is tomorrow.
As I fell asleep, I had a glint of an idea. But as I wake up, I realize the glint has no light left in it.
Today I’m a boy. Yang Jungwon. Soccer player, but not a star soccer player. Clean room, but not compulsively so. Videogame console in his room. Ready to wake up. Parents asleep.
He lives in a town that’s about a four-hour drive from where Hanni lives.
This is nowhere near close enough.
It’s an uneventful day, as most are. The only suspense comes from whether I can access things fast enough.
Soccer practice is the hardest part. The coach keeps calling out names, and I have to access it like crazy to figure out who everyone is. It’s not Jungwon’s best day at practice, but he doesn’t embarrass himself.
I know how to play most sports, but I’ve also learned my limits. I found this out the hard way when I was eleven. I woke up in the body of some kid who was in the middle of a ski trip. I thought that, hey, skiing had always looked fun. So I figured I’d try. Learn it as I went. How hard could it be?
The kid had already graduated from the bunny slopes, and I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a bunny slope. I thought skiing was like sledding—one hill fits all.
I broke the kid’s leg in three places.
The pain was pretty bad. And I honestly wondered if, when I woke up the next morning, I would still feel the pain of the broken leg, even though I was in a new body. But instead of the pain, I felt something just as bad—the fierce, living weight of terrifying guilt. Just as if I’d rammed him with a car, I was consumed by the knowledge that a stranger was lying in a hospital bed because of me.
And if he’d died … I wondered if I would have died, too. There is no way for me to know. All I know is that, in a way, it doesn’t matter. Whether I die or just wake up the next morning as if nothing happened, the fact of the death will destroy me.
So I’m careful. Soccer, baseball, field hockey, football, softball, basketball, swimming, track—all of those are fine. But I’ve also woken up in the body of an ice hockey player, a fencer, an equestrian, and once, recently, a gymnast.
I’ve sat all those out.
If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s video games. It’s a universal presence, like TV or the Internet. No matter where I am, I usually have access to these things, and video games especially help me calm my mind.
After soccer practice, Jungwon’s friends come over to play World of Warcraft. We talk about school and talk about girls (except for his friends Sunoo and Jake, who talk about boys). This, I’ve discovered, is the best way to waste time, because it isn’t really wasted—surrounded by friends, talking crap and sometimes talking for real, with snacks around and something on a screen.
I might even be enjoying myself if I could only unmoor myself from the place I want to be.
Day 5997
It’s almost eerie how well the next day works out.
I wake up early—six in the morning.
I wake up as a girl.
A girl with a car. And a license.
In a town only an hour away from Hanni’s.
I apologize to Ahn Yujin as I drive away from her house, a half hour after waking up. What I’m doing is, no doubt, a strange form of kidnapping.
I strongly suspect that Ahn Yujin wouldn’t mind. Getting dressed this morning, the options were black, black, or…black. Not in a goth sense—none of the black came in the form of lace gloves—but more in a rock ’n’ roll sense. The mix in her car stereo puts Janis Joplin and Brian Eno side by side, and somehow it works.
I can’t rely on Yujin’s memory here—we’re going somewhere she’s never been. So I did some Google mapping right after my shower, typed in the address of Hanni’s school, and watched it pop up in front of me. That simple. I printed it out, then cleared the history.
I have become very good at clearing histories.
I know I shouldn’t be doing this. I know I’m poking a wound, not healing it. I know there’s no way to have a future with Hanni.
All I’m doing is extending the past by a day.
Normal people don’t have to decide what’s worth remembering. You are given a hierarchy, recurring characters, the help of repetition, of anticipation, the firm hold of a long history. But I have to decide the importance of each and every memory. I only remember a handful of people, and in order to do that, I have to hold tight, because the only repetition available—the only way I am going to see them again—is if I conjure them in my mind.
I choose what to remember, and I am choosing Hanni. Again and again, I am choosing her, I am conjuring her, because to let go for an instant will allow her to disappear.
The same song that we heard in Minji’s car comes on—And if I only could, I’d make a deal with God.…
I feel the universe is telling me something. And it doesn’t even matter if it’s true or not. What matters is that I feel it, and believe it.
The enormity rises within me.
The universe nods along to the songs.
I try to hold on to as few mundane, everyday memories as possible. Facts and figures, sure. Books I’ve read or information I need to know. The rules of soccer, for instance. The plot of Romeo and Juliet. The phone number to call if there’s an emergency. I remember those.
But what about the thousands of everyday memories, the thousands of everyday reminders, that every person accumulates? The place you keep your house keys. Your mother’s birthday. The name of your first pet. The name of your current pet. Your locker combination. The location of the silverware drawer. The channel number for MTV. Your best friend’s last name.
These are the things I have no need for. And, over time, my mind has rewired itself, so all this information falls away as soon as the next morning comes.
Which is why it’s remarkable—but not surprising—that I remember exactly where Hanni’s locker is.
I have my cover story ready: If anyone asks, I am checking out the school because my parents might be moving to town.
I don’t remember if there are assigned parking spaces, so just in case, I park far from the school. Then I simply walk in. I am just another random girl in the halls—the freshmen will think I’m a senior, and the seniors will think I’m a freshman. I have Yujin’s schoolbag with me—black with anime details, filled with books that won’t really apply here. I look like I have a destination. And I do.
If the universe wants this to happen, she will be there at her locker.
I tell myself this, and there she is. Right there in front of me.
Sometimes memory tricks you. Sometimes beauty is best when it’s distant. But even from here, thirty feet away, I know that the reality of her is going to match my memory.
Twenty feet away.
Even in the crowded hallway, there is something in her that radiates out to me.
She is carrying herself through the day, and it’s not an easy task.
I can stand right here and she has no idea who I am. I can stand right here and watch her. I can see that the sadness has returned. And it’s not a beautiful sadness—beautiful sadness is a myth. Sadness turns our features to clay, not porcelain. She is dragging.
“Hey,” I say, my voice thin, a stranger here.
At first she doesn’t understand that I’m talking to her. Then it registers.
“Hey,” she says back.
Most people, I’ve noticed, are instinctively harsh to strangers. They expect every approach to be an attack, every question to be an interruption. But not Hanni. She doesn’t have any idea who I am, but she’s not going to hold that against me. She’s not going to assume the worst.
“Don’t worry—you don’t know me,” I quickly say. “It’s just—it’s my first day here. I’m checking the school out. And I really like your skirt and your bag. So I thought, you know, I’d say hello. Because, to be honest, I am completely alone right now.”
Again, some people would be scared by this. But not Hanni. She offers her hand, introduces herself as we shake, and asks me why there isn’t someone showing me around.
“I don’t know,” I say.
“Well, why don’t I take you to the office? I’m sure they can figure something out.”
I panic. “No!” I blurt out. Then I try to cover for myself, and prolong my time with her. “It’s just … I’m not here officially. Actually, my parents don’t even know I’m doing this. They just told me we’re moving here, and I … I wanted to see it and decide whether I should be freaking out or not.”
Hanni nods. “That makes sense. So you’re cutting school in order to check the school out?”
“What year are you?”
“A junior.”
“So am I. Let’s see if we can pull this off. Do you want to come around with me today?”
“I’d love that.”
I know she’s just being nice. Irrationally, I also want there to be some kind of recognition. I want her to be able to see behind this body, to see me inside here, to know that it’s the same person she spent an afternoon with on the beach.
I follow her. Along the way, she introduces me to a few of her friends, and I am relieved to meet each one, relieved to know that she has more people in her life than Minji. The way she includes me, the way she takes this total stranger and makes her feel a part of this world, makes me care about her even more. It’s one thing to be love-worthy when you are interacting with your girlfriend; it’s quite another when you act the same way with a girl you don’t know. I no longer think she’s just being nice. She’s being kind. Which is much more a sign of character than mere niceness. Kindness connects to who you are, while niceness connects to how you want to be seen.
Minji makes her first appearance between the second and third period. We pass her in the hall; she barely acknowledges Hanni and completely ignores me. She doesn’t stop walking, just nods at her. She’s hurt—I can tell—but she doesn’t say anything about it to me.
By the time we get to math class, the fourth period, the day has turned into an exquisite form of torture. I am right there next to her, but I can’t do a thing. As the teacher reduces us to theorems, I must remain silent. I write her a note, as an excuse to touch her shoulder, to pass her some words. But they are inconsequential. They are the words of a guest.
bsp; I want to know if I changed her. I want to know if that day changed her, if only for a day.
I want her to see me, even though I know she can’t.
She joins us at lunch.
As strange as it is to see Hanni again, and to have her measure so well against my memory, it is even stranger to be sitting across from the jerk whose body I inhabited just three days ago. Mirror images do no justice to this sensation. She is more attractive than I thought, but also uglier. Her features are attractive, but what she does with them is not. She wears the superior scowl of someone who can barely hide her feelings of inferiority. Her eyes are full of scattershot anger, She posture one of defensive bravado.
I must have rendered her unrecognizable.
Hanni explains to her who I am, and where I come from. She makes it clear that she couldn’t care less. She tells her she left her wallet at home, so she goes and buys her food. When she gets back to the table with it, she says thanks, and I’m almost disappointed that she does. Because I’m sure that a single thank-you will go a long way in her mind.
I want to know about three days ago, about what she remembers.
“How far is it to the ocean?” I ask Hanni.
“It’s so funny you should say that,” she tells me. “We were just there the other day. It took about an hour or so.”
I am looking at her, looking again for some recognition. But she just keeps eating.
“Did you have a good time?” I ask her.
Hanni answers. “It was amazing.”
Still no response from her.
I try again. “Did you drive?”
She looks at me like I’m asking really stupid questions, which I suppose I am.
“Yes, I drove” is all she’ll give me.
“We had such a great time,” Hanni goes on. And it’s making her happy—the memory is making her happy. Which only makes me sadder.
I should not have come here. I should not have tried this. I should just go.
But I can’t. I am with her. I try to pretend that this is what matters.
I play along.
I don’t want to love her. I don’t want to be in love.
People take love’s continuity for granted, just as they take their body’s continuity for granted. They don’t realize that the best thing about love is its regular presence. Once you can establish that, it’s an added foundation to your life. But if you cannot have that regular presence, you only have the one foundation to support you, always.
She is sitting right next to me. I want to run my finger along her arm. I want to kiss her neck. I want to whisper the truth in her ear.
But instead I watch as she conjugates verbs. I listen as the air is filled with a foreign language, spoken in haphazard bursts. I try to sketch her in my notebook, but I am not an artist, and all that comes out are the wrong shapes, the wrong lines. I cannot hold on to anything that’s her.
The final bell rings. She asks me where I’ve parked, and I know that this is it, this is the end. She is writing her email address on a piece of paper for me. This is goodbye. For all I know, Ahn Yujin’s parents have called the police. For all I know, there’s a manhunt going on, an hour away. It is cruel of me, but I don’t care. I want Hanni to ask me to go to a movie, to invite me over to her house, to suggest we drive to the beach. But then Minji appears. Impatient. I don’t know what they are going to do, but I have a bad feeling. She wouldn’t be so insistent if making out weren’t involved.
“Walk me to my car?” I ask.
She looks at Minji for permission.
“I’ll get my car,” she says.
We have a parking lot’s length of time left with each other. I know I need something from her, but I’m not sure what.
“Tell me something nobody else knows about you,” I say.
She looks at me strangely. “What?”
“It’s something I always ask people—tell me something about you that nobody else knows. It doesn’t have to be major. Just something.”
Now that she gets it, I can tell she likes the challenge of the question, and I like her even more for liking it.
“Okay,” she says. “When I was ten, I tried to pierce my own ear with a sewing needle. I got it halfway through, and then I passed out. Nobody was home, so nobody found me. I just woke up, with this needle halfway in my ear, drops of blood all over my shirt. I pulled the needle out, cleaned up, and never tried it again. It wasn’t until I was fourteen that I went to the mall with my mom and got my ears pierced for real. She had no idea. How about you?”
There are so many lives to choose from, although I don’t remember most of them.
I also don’t remember whether Ahn Yujin has pierced ears or not, so it won’t be an ear-piercing memory.
“I stole Judy Blume’s Forever from my sister when I was eight,” I say. “I figured if it was by the author of Superfudge, it had to be good. Well, I soon realized why she kept it under her bed. I’m not sure I understood it all, but I thought it was unfair that the boy would name his, um, organ, and the girl wouldn’t name hers. So I decided to give mine a name.”
Hanni is laughing. “What was its name?”
“Helena. I introduced everyone to her at dinner that night. It went over really well.”
We’re at my car. Hanni doesn’t know it’s my car, but it’s the farthest car, so it’s not like we can keep walking.
“It was great to meet you,” she says. “Hopefully, I’ll see you around next year.”
“Yeah,” I say, “it was great to meet you, too.”
I thank her about five different ways. Then Minji drives over and honks.
Our time is up.
Ahn Yujin’s parents haven’t called the police. They haven’t even gotten home yet. I check the house phone’s voicemail, but the school hasn’t called.
It’s the one lucky thing that’s happened all day.
Day 5998
Something is wrong the minute I wake up the next morning. Something chemical.
It’s barely even morning. This body has slept until noon. Because this body was up late, getting high. And now it wants to be high again. Right away.
I’ve been in the body of a pothead before. I’ve woken up still drunk from the night before. But this is worse. Much worse.
There will be no school for me today. There will be no parents waking me up. I am on my own, in a dirty room, sprawled on a dirty mattress with a blanket that looks like it was stolen from a child. I can hear other people yelling in other rooms of the house.
There comes a time when the body takes over the life. There comes a time when the body’s urges, the body’s needs, dictate the life. You have no idea you are giving the body the key. But you hand it over. And then it’s in control. You mess with the wiring and the wiring takes charge.
I have only had glimpses of this before. Now I really feel it. I can feel my mind immediately combating the body. But it’s not easy. I cannot sense pleasure. I have to cling to the memory of it. I have to cling to the knowledge that I am only here for one day, and I have to make it through.
I try to go back to sleep, but the body won’t let me. The body is awake now, and it knows what it wants.
I know what I have to do, even though I don’t really know what’s going on. Even though I have not been in this situation before, I have been in situations before where it’s been me against the body. I have been ill, seriously ill, and the only thing to do is to power through the day. At first I thought there was something I could do within a single day that could make everything better. But very soon I learned my own limitations. Bodies cannot be changed in a day, especially not when the real mind isn’t in charge.
I don’t want to leave the room. If I leave the room, anything and anyone can happen. Desperately, I look around for something to help me through. There is a decrepit bookshelf, and on it is a selection of old paperbacks. These will save me, I decide. I open up an old thriller and focus on the first line. Darkness had descended on Manassas, Virginia.
The body does not want to read. The body is alive with electric barbed wire. The body is telling me there is only one way to fix this, only one way to end the pain, only one way to feel better. The body will kill me if I don’t listen to it. The body is screaming. The body demands its own form of logic.
I read the next sentence.
I lock the door.
I read the third sentence.
The body fights back. My hand shakes. My vision blurs.
I am not sure I have the strength to resist this.
I have to convince myself that Hanni is on the other side. I have to convince myself that this isn’t a pointless life, even though the body is telling me it is.
The body has obliterated its memories in order to hone its argument. There isn’t much for me to access. I must rely on my own memories, the ones that are separate from this.
I must remain separate from this.
I read the next sentence, then the next sentence. I don’t even care about the story. I am moving from word to word, fighting the body from word to word.
It’s not working. The body makes me feel like it wants to defecate and vomit. First in the usual way. Then I feel I want to defecate through my mouth and vomit through the other end. Everything is being mangled. I want to claw at the walls. I want to scream. I want to punch myself repeatedly.
I have to imagine my mind as something physical, something that can control the body. I have to picture my mind holding the body down.
I read another sentence.
Then another.
There is pounding on the door. I scream that I’m reading.
They leave me alone.
I don’t have what they want in this room.
They have what I want outside this room.
I must not leave this room.
I must not let the body out of this room.
I imagine her walking the hallways. I imagine her sitting next to me. I imagine her eyes meeting mine.
Then I imagine her getting in her car, and I stop.
The body is infecting me. I am getting angry. Angry that I am here. Angry that this is my life. Angry that so many things are impossible.
Angry at myself.
Don’t you want it to stop? the body asks.
I must push myself as far away from the body as I can.
Even as I’m in it.
I have to go to the bathroom. I really have to go to the bathroom.
Finally, I pee in a soda bottle. It splashes all over.
But it’s better than leaving this room.
If I leave the room, I will not be able to stop the body from getting what it wants.
I am ninety pages into the book. I can’t remember any of it.
Word by word.
The fight is exhausting the body.
I am winning.
It is a mistake to think of the body as a vessel. It is as active as any mind, as any soul. And the more you give yourself to it, the harder your life will be. I have been in the bodies of starvers and purgers, gluttons and addicts. They all think their actions make their lives more desirable. But the body always defeats them in the end.
I just need to make sure the defeat doesn’t take while I’m inside.
I make it to sundown. Two hundred sixty-five pages gone. I am shivering under the filthy blanket. I don’t know if it’s the temperature in the room or if it’s me.
Almost there, I tell myself.
There is only one way out of this, the body tells me.
At this point, I don’t know if it means drugs or death.
The body might not even care, at this point.
Finally, the body wants to sleep.
I let it.
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shiroi---kumo · 10 months
for the 2023 meme:
just this time last year i was inquiring about 1 marshmallow and now look. look at how much kain has grown as a muse and look at the fact chicken and sielu (and all his friends/family) exist. i am so honored and lucky to have gotten the chance to write and create alongside you.
i always look forward to around 6am my time because i know there's gonna be that bird discord sticker or kumo emoji or something like that before i go clock in. if i'm extra lucky, there's a ramble or a song recommendation.
you wished me a good first day at work when i got my job. i don't know if i could ever explain how much that meant to me, to know people think about me when i'm not actively speaking to them. no one ever really does stuff like that for me anymore, but you did. you still do.
you've helped me through the nightmare that is being a working adult in the cursed year of 2023 and i can only hope i've helped you even a fraction as much... or at the very least been decent company.
sending love from me and chance, as well as good vibes for tomorrow and next year.
your friend (who loves you on purpose SO much),
theo 💚
2023 is almost over, what do you need to tell me? || Accepting
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|| OOC || Hey you, I love you. You're right, just this time last year you told me you would like to know everything about cloud boy and I ran over to your DMs to tell you. Kain was just a fledging muse and you had never heard of FFU before in your life. Now look at us. You have all these amazing muses and I adore them all to pieces.
You have been more than decent company to me, quickly becoming one of my closest friends and someone I think about often. Someone I love screaming about HC and Meta with and just generally rambling about our muses and Misterica and FFU in general and FMA and other things we nerd about.
Theo you put my art on your wall and when you asked for my permission to do so I sat and my desk and cried that someone loved my work that much. You checked on me every day during the hell that was that stupid concussion and you listened to me rant about having to deal with all the stupid people and doctors and all the headache that came with it.
I have watched your writing takes wing and grow, I am watching you re-learn how to draw, I get to see you grow and evolve and better yourself and just fucking win at life and I am so excited and honored to be along for that ride with you. I love seeing you win and even when we don't we're still here and we still listen and exist and just generally be around each other even if we're body doubling from the other side of the country. (north and south, whatever same thing)
I give you all the good luck and good vibes for today and tomorrow and the coming year and beyond. I give you
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To bless you and this post with Sun Puff's good luck. I love leaving that little message in the morning because it means I was thinking of you (and everyone else in chat) and it lets you know I got to work safe if you see it when you wake up in the morning since I get there so fucking early every day. But I'm here and I see you and all the hard ass fucking work you've done this year and I love you.
Thank you for being in this crazy ride with me Theo. I look forward to whatever next crazy place we decide to go from here.
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devils-wonderland · 2 years
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"Heartslabyul Sleepover"
⛓Summary: You host a sleepover at Ramshackle, inviting your favorite Heartslabyul boy.
⛓CW: GN!Reader, lots of fluff, clingy boys, Trey's hat.
⛓Characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Riddle Roseheart, Trey Clover, Cater Diamond.
⛓Notes: This will be an ongoing series with every dorm! Next headcanons coming soon!
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⛓Ace Trappola⛓
Isn't every other night a sleepover with Ace? Yes. Is it official? No, he's always intruding! But this time, he wants an official sleepover, just you, and him-WHEN DID GRIM GET INTO THIS EQUATION?! Ace will not tolerate popcorn stealing of any sort!
Ace is clingy as hell, he literally won't let go of you no matter what, and if you comment on it, he turns it around on you?? Will push Grim off the first time he jumps on him when a scary part plays in the movie, but next jumpscare, he doesn't care if Grim clings onto him.
Speaking of scary movies, Ace loves scary movies. Thinks he's going to be a knight in shining armor, he is crying into your pillow alongside with Grim. Will also sneakily hug himself on you. He'll make a dumb excuse like "this pillow is too small!" No he will not explain any further.
Cuddliest number one, Ace is a big fan of cuddling, and he's not ashamed of it either! At least, not when others are around. He's honestly so warm too? There's just a comfortable type of feel with him. Yes, Ace will let Grim into the cuddle session, even if he makes a snarky comment about it.
As cuddly as Ace could be, he's the worst sleeper! You guys have to move place to place for Ace to get any sort of sleep. Tried the couch, tried the floor, what's that? You two are gonna sleep on your bed? Get ready to be smothered by him in his sleep. He ends up kicking Grim off the bed a few times, Grim can't take this anymore.
If Ace ends up waking up earlier than you, he'll watch you sleep. He loves tracing little patterns on your skin, if you turn in your sleep from that, he'll pull you back so he can see your face again.
"Sleepover tomorrow again? I'm in! You want to invite Deuce? Nah, three's a crowd already, no room on the bed!" Ace gets excited and tries to find as many scary movies as possible for next time.
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⛓Deuce Spade⛓
This is Deuce's first sleepover. He's never been to one before because the other delinquents said that's what babies do. He will never live that down either, not with as much fun he's having right now.
Deuce takes this sleepover very seriously. Wants to make this the best sleepover in existence, and has a list of what he wants to do, if you don't mind, of course!
You manage to build a pillow fort in the Ramshackle lounge, Grim almost lit one of the blankets on fire, but hey, you three were having fun. You put a flashlight on, and make shadow puppets with Deuce. Deuce is jealous of all the cool shadows you could do. He can only do a bunny, alligator, and a cauldron?!
To make this an official sleepover, Deuce wants to sleep on the floor, he even makes it comfy by double laying blankets on the ground. He's so stiff when he lays next to you, Deuce is just so nervous?? You notice, and hold his hand, he melts immediately.
Deuce phone rings in the middle of the night, turns out it's his mom asking how the sleepover has been so far. "Mom, I know I told you about this...but it's one in the morning..!" His mom will make him put her on speaker so she can say hi to you.
Overall, the sleepover has been really fun, Deuce will keep this moment in his heart for life, and would be very excited for the next!
"Maybe we can bake next time..? You're fine with that? Then I'll be waiting for next week!"
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⛓Riddle Rosehearts⛓
Like Deuce, Riddle has never been to a sleepover, his mother would never allow it, so when you ask him if he wants to sleep over at Ramshackle for the night, he agrees...reluctantly.
This was the longest he has ever been up, he was usually in bed by early hours, but you two lasted up til two in the morning, and while Riddle complains about this, he's nowhere near tired, not that he'd admit it.
One of Riddle's favorite moments were the movies, movies he'd never gotten the chance to watch before. Also, he's a big fan of Titanic?? He cries, and hides his face up against your chest. "This doesn't make sense! Why couldn't Rose just move over?! Where is her logic?!"
You definitely have to comfort him after that one. What's better comfort than cuddling? Riddle refuses to sleep on your floor, there's no way you will catch him laying down there. However, he will feel extremely bad if you're not in your bed with him. Riddle is way too shy to initiate any type of intimacy, or touch, but once your arm pulls him in closer, he'll get all flustered and cuddle into your chest.
You wake up like an hour later and ask him if he wants any leftover cake in your fridge, Riddle wants to yell at you for waking him up, but cake does sound nice... You both eat the rest of it, and pass out on your couch.
The next day Riddle swears he slept like an angel, while you're there with your back cramped from the position you were in on your couch, it was worth having Riddle lay on you though.
"Thank you for inviting me, y/n. Next sleepover will be hosted in my room, and no, we will not be having late night snacks of any sort." Riddle lied. He was the one waking you up this time.
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⛓Trey Clover⛓
You two were studying, but since it was so late, you might as well have a sleepover at Ramshackle? Trey definitely calls Riddle before the sleepover starts, wouldn't want his housewarden filing a missing person report.
Trey will definitely bake something for you, and Grim. You want cookies? He'll make cookies? Cake, that's a piece of cake. If you don't laugh at his little corny joke, he'll get a little sad.
Makes sure you brush your teeth thoroughly right before bed. Grim says he doesn't have a toothbrush, guess what? Trey has one right here, wherever he magically got that from...you swear he's the tooth fairy's co-captain.
Sleeps like a log, honestly, no matter where he lays. Trey suggests sleeping on the floor, remembering the sleepovers he had with Che'nya, if you sleep anywhere else, he might crush you.
Not a big cuddler, but will go crazy if you let him hold his arm, or something. He also has a bedtime fedora. No, you don't let him wear it. You refuse. Grim burns it.
"I didn't cause you any trouble at night, are you sure? Maybe we can do this again, if it's not a bother..?"
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⛓Cater Diamond⛓
Cater comes fully prepared, he is a professional at slumber parties. He has everything you will possibly need in his little diamond-shaped bag. He will keep it out of safe reach from Grim.
Facemasks, facemasks, facemasks! It's a daily routine for Cater, but he brought you a special one since you obviously don't do it as a routine. If you hiss like an animal, Cater will spray you with water. Would also love to do your nails, only if you let him! He wants to show you how he practiced your aesthetic!
Cuddliest number two, Cater is really clingy, especially with you. Wants to take a photo of everything that goes down here tonight. The pictures are the most ungodly photos in existence. Definitely posting them later!
You and Cater watch teen romance type of movies, just so you both can make fun of the characters. It's a real good laugh because what is this love interest even doing?! You two most definitely reenact the romantic scenes, Cater does amazing impressions.
Cater loves sharing a big blanket with you, you get to hold his hand, tickle him, let him lay on you. Grim is gagging at the amounts of affection. "What's that, Grimmy? You want to hold my hand too? Give your paw to Cay-Cay!"
Cater brings ghost peppers for fun, wants to do a little challenge. Cater is surprisingly very neutral with the pepper, you assume he's cheating??? Because how??
You two end up cuddling on the couch at the end, your legs are completely numb by the way, thank Cay-Cay for that.
"That was super fun, 10/10 subscribed to this idea! Let's do another one next week?<3"
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dreamingdixon · 3 years
Full Bloom
No trigger warnings. Back on my fluffy Daryl game.
5424 words.
Daryl was grateful for the fact the sun wasn’t quite as harsh as it had been over the last few weeks, today it was tucked away behind one of the only clouds in the sky and oh my God it felt so nice to breathe a little bit easier, despite the fact the air was still stifling - just slightly less so.
He was also grateful that he woke up before the heat became suffocating with the sunrise. The clammy heat from his bed brought on vivid dreams and sweat-dampened bed sheets that he was thankful to have thrown off in the night, so he made the most of his early awakening by heading out to get a head-start on some possible hunting. Heavy boots and a crossbow added an undesirable weight as he walked through Alexandria, and he instinctually slowed his pace as he walked by your house.
House was the only word for it, it wasn’t a home. 
‘Home is where the heart is’ or so you heard, which is why the only place you’d call home was anywhere Daryl was. It was a mutual sentiment - neither of you would say that out loud until the other did first, so it was left unspoken - until one day it wasn’t.
“Hey. Successful morning?” 
Aaron all but beamed upon Daryl’s return, not sure if his eyes should be on the bunch of flowers stuffed into the side pocket of his bag - one or two sitting at an odd angle, but he daren't say anything - or the desperately needed line of squirrels hanging from the man’s shoulder. The heatwave left a good amount of their crops looking worse for wear, so this was the equivalent of striking gold for the small community.
“Yeah, for sure. Headed out early ‘fore everything ran for shade. I’ll do the same tomorrow, too.”
“This is amazing, thank you. We needed this.”
Daryl gives an acknowledging nod in response, as he shrugs the animals off his shoulders before ungracefully nudging the line towards a very unwilling Aaron, who politely mumbles that he’ll take them to the kitchen as he watches the man walk away. 
He throws a sarcastic glance over his shoulder as his thoughts trail over to you, he wonders if you’re still asleep in your own bed despite the muggy heat, or if you’ll have made your way over to his couch like usual. You spend more time in Daryl's basement than you do in your own house. He clearly remembers the memory of how it all started when you hesitantly knocked on his door. It was late in the night, the group freshly divided into their own accommodations after spending the last few evenings bundled into one house, and he answered the door to you with a knife in his hand. ‘I just - I don’t like it. Can I sleep here?’ Now you rarely sleep in your own bed. Last night was an exception and Daryl didn’t like it at all, he’d grown so familiar to waking up to the sound of your breathing across the room and he felt robbed. 
A quick peek down the stairs answers Daryl’s questions, and he finds himself doing a double-take just to confirm that his eyes aren’t deceiving him and that you are actually wearing his button-up shirt, the one he wore for about 15 minutes yesterday before shrugging it off because ‘This’s nuts, why’s it so fuckin’ hot, Jesus Christ’  - that same shirt is now loosely draped over your shoulders, secured around the waist with one button done, and he could swear his heart skipped a beat or two. The five - or maybe thirty - seconds he spends admiring you has completely derailed his train of thought, but he gathers himself again when you let out a comfortable sigh and your hand twitches in your sleep.
Your sleeping figure almost looks out of place, and Daryl flushes when he realizes how messy his basement is and how perfect you actually look. Embarrassment tinges the tips of his ears pink and he thinks about the fact you’ve got your own house right next to Rosita, which he’s sure you would keep immaculately tidy if you actually spent any time there, yet you’re curled up on the sofa of a basement, surrounded by motorcycle parts slick with oil, bolts and a furniture arrangement he’s sure would make any interior designer cry. 
His feelings for you don’t make it difficult, but he wishes he could find the courage to utter the words to get you from the couch and next to him instead. 
What sort of place would you live in, if the world never changed? He imagines you’d like somewhere remote, somewhere secluded where you’d live forever reading by a large open window, surrounded by plants (he’d recommend some fake ones because ‘what’s the difference?’ and he can almost hear how dramatically you’d sigh when you tell him ‘it’s not the same, idiot’) maybe a log cabin? Hell, he would build you a log cabin with his own two hands if you asked - he’d build you 10 of them.
But instead of 10 log cabins filled to the brim with plush sofas, you’re in a shabby basement and he wants to cringe.
He can feel just how ridiculous this train of thought is, he knows it’s leading him down a slippery slope of uncomfortable thoughts, and he’s only just turned on his heel to head outside for a quick breather when he hears some shuffling from the space he’s just turned his back on, accompanied by the tired sounds of the sofa’s ancient springs.
He turns sheepishly, wiping his palms on the rough material of his trousers and gripping the straps of his backpack before allowing his feet to lead him down three more steps of the staircase so you can see him entirely without being blocked by the wooden paneling leading to the ground floor. He can’t help but feel soft at how your face scrunches when you yawn and how your eyes take a moment to focus. 
“What are you doing?”
Voice still coated in a deep layer of sleep, it comes out somewhat more slurred than you anticipated, so you clear your throat and try again.
“Come here”
You blink a few times and harshly rub at your eyes, trying to wake yourself from the unexpected nap you’d fallen victim to. Blinking away the multicoloured stars and splotches that form behind your eyelids, you smile as Daryl makes his way down the stairs, noticing how some of his wavy hair looks stuck to his forehead with a glossy sheen of sweat and the tiniest flush of pink on the bridge of his nose that would be undetectable to anyone else - you were the only one lucky enough to get close enough to notice. 
He places his backpack at the bottom of the stairs before making his way over to you. 
Swinging your legs over the edge of the sofa, you stand up to meet him as he reaches the edge of the cushions, gently wrapping your forearms around the back of his neck and dragging you both back onto the jumble of scavenged blankets and pillows you’d thrown together earlier in the afternoon. Quick reflexes and strong arms that brace themselves on either side of you are the only things that stop your foreheads from colliding, and when he looks down at you, he fumbles over how badly he wants to reach down and kiss you, or even just rest his forehead against yours. 
“Missed you.”
Daryl absolutely melts at how you’re staring up at him, tiny lines collecting by the corners of your eyes as a result of the most beautiful smile he’s ever seen in his life. 
Dangerous thoughts, he reminds himself. You’re just affectionate, calm down.
“Nah, you’ve been too busy sleepin’.”
He quickly rolls himself to the side, out of your grasp and even though you tried to hold keep him there, he’s too quick.
Calm down, you tell yourself. You’re being too obvious.
Smiling at each other from the close proximity of sitting on the sofa, Daryl lets himself sink into the thick array of soft, appreciating the coolness of the air and the fact you’ve inched yourself closer so subtly until your arm is against his, and he forces himself to think it was an accident. 
“Where were ya last night?”
The amount of effort he spends to keep his voice light and casual is unreal, but he manages it. He watches you yawn before answering, flexing your legs in an attempted stretch as you speak and he’s surprised at how you start your explanation with an apology.
“I’m sorry, I got called to see Deanna so late, I went straight back to mine because I didn’t want to wake you up with how creaky your damn stairs are. She’s got plans for the crops, an irrigation system and she wanted to talk to me about it at like, what, 2 in the morning?”
Daryl’s scoffing at the amount of casual sarcasm you manage to get into your words and how you dramatically throw your hands in the air to really emphasize your words, dodging a rogue fist when you’re asking ‘why did she need me to talk to her about soil, Daryl? At two in the morning! Doesn’t she have a bedtime, I know I do. What the fuck’s wrong with her? She’s great, but what the fuck, you know?’ and he just laughs, he’s never seen anybody so animated or carefree in his life and he wouldn’t interrupt unless his life depended on it - maybe even then.
You’re so grateful that he just listens, there’s no need for you to filter or tiptoe around anything with him, you can just figure out your words as you go without any pressure, and when you finish your rant, you turn your body towards him and it’s your turn to listen. 
He’s not as exuberant with his words when he tells you how it was ‘real nice to see full traps’ and how he saw a walker that was pretty much a tree - completely grown into the tree trunk. He tells you he’s never seen that before, and it was ‘kinda incredible’ and he describes it in such a way you wish you’d been there because nobody’s ever made a walker sound so pretty before, only Daryl could have that effect.
“I’ll go out with you, outside the walls in a few days once we have a plan for the irrigation system. Can we go for a ride?”
You’re desperate to get outside, itching to be where you’d grown so used to. Alexandria is beautiful and safe and everything you’ve wanted since the fall - but so is Daryl, and you feel that and more with your arms around him when he weaves his way through abandoned woodland, sparing the occasional glance over his shoulder just to see you. 
“Course, it’s weird not havin’ ya out there with me.”
The biggest confession he’s able to muster right now, but your smile widens at his words and he means it - it really is strange, you’d been joining him on runs for months, he never even had to ask anymore if you’d wanted to join, you’d be sat by his motorcycle waiting for him and he never understood why that gave him butterflies. 
“You miss me, Daryl Dixon?”
Raising your eyebrows at him, he huffs because you’ve moved so close that your nose is pressing into the dip of his cheek, followed by ‘well? I’m waiting’ when he doesn’t immediately reply - he’s too busy rolling his eyes so hard he thinks he might go blind but you’re so soft as you lean against him and you’re tickling his jawline with your breathing. He’s so comfortable and you’re just so playful. 
The first time you’d both touched was when he was saving your life, a strong hand pulling you from the frozen ground. Daryl wasn’t familiar with friendly or warm touches back then, flinches and anxiety being at the forefront of his mind - every touch is unkind, malicious, or so he’d been taught.
He’d been so shy, bashful, the first time he felt your hand on his shoulder when he’d unintentionally made you laugh so hard your side hurt, but your hand felt like cool silk against his sunburnt shoulder and he lay in bed that night wanting to feel it again and again, it had been the most gratification he’s ever experienced from his Chupacabra story, and he spent hours wondering if you would have laughed if it was Rick or Shane making the same joke, so he indulged his own curiosity the next day. You giggled at something he couldn’t quite hear, but your hands stayed tucked tightly into the pockets of your jeans, then you asked ‘Do you know where Daryl is?’ and he’s never averted his gaze so quickly in his life. 
You chipped away at him slowly with your gentle touches and kind words, and now you’re almost sat on him with your nose pressed into his face and he wants more, but it’s a boundary he isn’t sure how to cross, so he doesn’t - not yet.
“Like a bullet in the head, maybe.”
You dramatically gasp, nudging his shoulder in jest as he leans himself even further into the jumble of pillows as you tell him he’s rude.
“You stink, by the way. Get off my couch and go shower.”
He raises an eyebrow, lightly smirking before reluctantly pulling himself to his feet - he wouldn’t disagree, he’s completely covered in a now cool layer of sweat and if he can smell himself, he’s sure you can too. Daryl already misses the lean of your body against his, but the moment he’s stood in front of you, you’re holding your hand out, it’s a habit - or maybe an excuse - you’ve found yourself in as if you physically can’t stand if Daryl doesn’t help. 
His hand in yours, you groan as you’re dragged from your comfortable spot and you wobble momentarily once you’re upright, holding on just a little tighter to the hand still supporting you. Daryl clears his throat, drawing your eyes upwards to him, and fuck you’re looking up at him in a way that makes him want to never let go of you, but you’re not his to hold, so he releases you once you’ve found your footing, much to your disappointment - but it doesn’t last long.
“Got ya something when I was out today.”
Calm the fuck down, he thinks to himself at the way his palms sweat and he’s not subtle as he rubs them over his pants, nudging his nose in the air as a sign to follow him, and you do.
“Uh, ya- I, uh, found ‘em when I was checkin’ the snares this mornin’.. I hadn’t seen any flowers in a while an’ was just surprised. Thought they looked nice. I realized I don’t know what kinda flowers you like, or uh, I do, but dunno if you like these ones. Can’t say I’ve seen ‘em before.”
You listen as he shuffles the contents of his bag, digging into the side pocket before he stands in front of you again, with a bouquet of..
Daryl Dixon brought you flowers?
You watch as he raises his hand and awkwardly rubs the back of his neck as he fumbles over his words, but your heart absolutely swells as you listen to him talk. His morning mission of checking and re-setting his traps wasn’t exactly a dangerous mission, especially for a man as experienced as he was, but there’s something so sweet in knowing he’s taken extra time outside to pick flowers for you when there are a million and one things out there actively trying to kill him. 
“Oh my god, really? They’re for me?”
Between the boyish look on his face and his thick hands holding the most beautiful pink flowers, you don’t actually know where to look as you tenderly grab the stems, your fingers brushing his in the process. You can smell them, a soft aroma filling the little bubble you and Daryl find yourself in and you’re so content bringing the soft petals to your face, closing your eyes and inhaling the floral fragrance like it was the most expensive perfume. Daryl doesn’t think he’s ever seen a sight so perfect and he only manages a nod and a gruff ‘Yeah’ in response, he’s too busy admiring.
“They’re pentas, I think. It’s been a while since I’ve seen any of these, they’re gorgeous.”
He watches with pure adoration as you press your nose against the pastel pink petals again, and he silently promises to bring you flowers every single time he can because you look happy and that’s all he needs. He’ll raid every single garden center within a 100-mile radius for seeds and bulbs, he’ll work his hands raw and turn the garden of the house into a tropical jungle if it means you look like this every time you go outside.
Daryl’s seen every emotion possible in your eyes since he found you, but this one just.. Hits different. Your eyes are closed and there’s a calmness that’s just radiating from you, like a heat he wants to simply lay and bask in for days. It’s intoxicating.
When you’ve committed the scent of the flowers and the softness of Daryl’s eyes to memory, you realize they need a home, a vase or they aren’t going to last very long. There used to be a vase in your house but you’d broken it during your first night alone, attempting to place the decorative glass over the door handle in the hope that if somebody came in, the smashing glass would wake you up. You didn’t quite manage that - after a few hours of staring at the door, after not feeling safe despite the locked front door, you pulled on a hoodie before giving the vase a frustrated kick, and found yourself on Daryl’s couch moments later.
The flowers are quickly thrust back into Daryl’s open hands and you’re asking him to ‘hold onto them for a sec, I just need to.. Hang on..’ and he’s left confused when he sees you digging through one of the cabinets but you have an idea, and after a few moments of clattering, and running the tap, you happily make your way back over to him with the solution to your problem.
“Ain’t that last week’s wine?”
Deanna had sent you home with a spare bottle after a community party, and you’d both quickly finished it off the following night over dinner and it left you gigglier than you’d hoped, so the glass bottle found itself being shoved into storage and forgotten about - until now.
“Yeah, but look, works a treat.”
He admires the delicate arrangement tucked into the narrow rim of the deep green glass, a contrast to the feminine array sprouting from the neck of the bottle. Daryl likes it because you like it, and you hold the bottle up so proudly that he’d be a criminal to disagree with you. An apocalypse teaches so many skills, resourcefulness included. It’s ugly and mismatched but it works.
“You’re so literally amazing for getting me these. If you ever see anymore and I’m not with you, would you maybe grab some more for me? They’re so beautiful.”
There’s such a brightness to your voice, an optimism from the fresh flowers, and the warmth creeping through you because you don’t remember the last time you received a gift, so it’s such an incredible gesture in itself but this is a gift from Daryl and if you could preserve the petals forever you absolutely would.
“Course. Nothin’s a hassle if it’s you that’s askin’, and I’ll take ya where I found ‘em when we go for that ride, there’s some red ones out there, too, but I thought you’d like these more.”
He isn’t planning on going alone, though. He won’t have to follow up on his promise of gathering them for you because he’s committed to the thought of taking you with him - he wants, no, needs to see your reaction to seeing the colourful patches hidden away. If a few flowers can bring you this much joy, he can’t wait to see your reaction to the hundreds of various colours that are completely untouched.
“Yes, oh my god, please. You’ve made my day, Daryl, really.”
He’s so touched that his gesture has had this effect on you, surprised.
“Maybe we can bring a bunch of them back, plant them in the little patch of grass out front, what do you think?”
You already can’t wait for this plan you’re beginning to form - flower picking with Daryl after a ride on Daryl’s motorcycle, planting flowers with Daryl outside the place you share with Daryl. 
Daryl, Daryl, Daryl. He’s consuming and warm and perfect.
“What was bothering you earlier?”
Your voice is soft into the evening breeze. Daryl’s sat next to you, squeezed into a fold-away chair that’s trying its hardest not to buckle under his weight. You were on guard duty tonight - so, that meant Daryl was, too.
“I can read you like a book, Daryl. Saw the way you looked so tense on the stairs. Did something happen this morning when you were out?”
He pauses - busted. 
He’s silently begging you to leave it at that, but he knows you’re not going to. He needs to decide if he’s going to skirt around the truth or just fucking tell you, but he’s caught between a rock and a hard place and he isn’t sure which option is worse - what if you don’t feel the same? Your eyes linger on the side of his head when he averts his gaze to the ground.
“I was just bein’ stupid.”
He can’t lie to you, and you both know it.
You raise your brows.
“Comin’ back and seein’ ya, lookin so.. Pretty. I just - ya looked out of place, y’know?”
Daryl thinks he summed up his thoughts pretty well, a few stutters aren’t a big deal, and he couldn’t hold eye contact to save his life, but it’s condensed and it works. What he doesn’t tell you, is the way you’re sitting there, so fucking beautiful and jovial with your hair sitting just how he likes it - reminds him of the very flowers he picked for you - winsome and delicate and somehow in bloom, yet surrounded by parched wasteland. That’s how he saw you, curled up on his dingy sofa in his dingy basement when you looked like.. You. Like the fucking sun itself had been plucked from the sky, wrapped in his own shirt and gifted to him.
“What do you mean?”
It registers that he just called you pretty, but you don’t quite grab the underlying message in his words. 
But still, Daryl Dixon called you pretty.
“I just, uh..”
He rubs his face, frustrated that he just doesn’t know what to say or how to say it. Rough fingers rub over his eyes in the hopes of some shred of clarity as if a bruised eye socket will tell him what to do. It doesn’t.
“I’d give ya so much more than a couch in a basement if I could. Whatever you want, sunshine. Hope ya know that.”
You smile at how you think you understand what he’s getting at, but it seems like a riddle and you think you’ve figured it out but what if you’re missing something, some hidden message or twist that means your answer is wrong? 
“I know.”
You do know, but doesn’t he realize that’s a mutual feeling? Judging from the way he snaps his head in your direction at your softly spoken words, you assume he doesn’t.
“But I wouldn’t want anything else, I really hope you know that. You’re so amazing, you’ve kept me so safe from the moment I joined your group, you’ve taught me to hunt and how to shoot, you let me sleep in your own place just because I wanted to, you brought me flowers, Daryl, I- what else could I want?”
Daryl isn’t sure what else you could want, but he knows what he’d be willing to give - and it’s a pretty long list. His gaze turns back towards the road, unfocused but thoughtful. A light breeze passes through the trees while he thinks of a response, but he doesn’t get much time to ponder before there’s something brushing over his fingers. His eyes shoot downwards, and he watches your hand slowly position itself around his, and oh my God are his lungs deflating, or is he having a heart attack? It’s like he can’t blink, he’s in a staring competition between him and your touching fingers and he’s winning. 
You bring yourself in front of him until you’re both facing each other, and suddenly he can’t feel the breeze or hear the rustling branches, his body isn’t warm from the lingering heat in the air - all he’s aware of is the fact you’re only a few inches away from him and you’re asking a timid ‘is this okay?’ and his eyes finally lift to meet yours.
You don’t have a clue what you’re doing or what you’re asking. His hand is in yours, but it’s lax against your gentle hold and he’s staring right at you and now you really don’t have a clue. Your eyes dart between his as you try to understand the emotions behind them without any luck, so you give him the gentlest squeeze to test the waters - then you feel his fingers curl around yours and when your eyes dart up to meet his, he nods.
You never thought you’d get this far - never thought you’d be brave enough to even attempt anything of this caliber and you feel your heartbeat speed as anxiety meets adrenaline. Daryl just stands in a daze - optimistic but also trying to remind himself to expect the worst - but it’s you, and there is no ‘worst’ when it comes to you, so he finds some courage to reflect your movements by reaching out and intertwining your fingers, and he steps just a little closer now that both your hands are laced together. Your heart climbs its way into your throat, watching his face as you inch closer and he’s just looking at you until it’s not just eyes that are connected.
You realize if you don’t just do it now, you never will - so you swallow hard and kiss him. 
And when he kisses you back immediately, you smile into the motion.
It’s gentle and cautious but it’s Daryl and it’s perfect. 
You pull yourself away slightly to gauge his reaction to what you’ve just done, but he stops you from getting too far. Both his hands leave the grip of yours, but they quickly find new skin to touch as he places his thumbs on your cheekbones, fingers delicately wrapping around the nape of your neck and you’d swear you feel the electricity coursing through everywhere his skin meets yours. 
There’s nothing else happening in the world besides this. The dead aren’t walking the earth and there aren’t any threats, the litter and leaves blowing across the concrete have frozen in their path and nobody else exists. All Daryl acknowledges is you and the fucking stars surrounding your figure and the speck of light reflecting in your eyes bouncing back from the moon behind him. He’s been so deprived of this, so subconsciously desperate that he throws caution to the wind and pulls himself closer and he keens at the fact he sees you smile as he does. He’s so gentle, thumbs tracing back and forth by your temple as he tilts his head and kisses you how you always hoped he would - carefully, but he’s firm enough to really show you that he means it. You return the motion by bringing your hands up and grasping at his wrists as if you were strong enough to keep him there by that alone, returning the kiss with the same tenderness. 
You’ve both been fantasizing about this forever. It’s been years since your first day as a part of the group, since a man with a crossbow found you, lying atop dried foliage collected on the floor over an unrelenting winter. 
Years since he offered you his poncho when you didn’t have a blanket.
Years since you first made him laugh.
Since he learned how to braid your hair for you because ‘it’s so in the fucking way, it’s making my neck sweat’ and he couldn’t have that.
Since you brushed away dried blood from his cheek after a bad run, fingers as tender as you could muster and he just let you.
Daryl doesn’t pull back until you do, desperate to savour every last moment so when you finally pull away to catch your breath and you smile at him, he knows he’s a lost cause now. if you told him to jump he’d ask how high, if you caught a cold he’d build you a hospital. He’s been yours since he can remember, does this mean you’re his? 
His hands stay against your cheeks and yours around his wrists like it’s the most natural thing you’ve ever done, like you were both made to touch each other -  little magnets drawing you together that you finally stop resisting. There’s a heat where your skin makes contact and butterflies in your stomach at the softness and relief across his face, and neither of you can suppress the affection and need you have for each other anymore.
When you offered to cover Eugene’s watch, this isn’t what you had planned - but as you stand with your forehead pressed against Daryls, exchanging the most gentle kisses under the sparkling sky with only the occasional rustle of the leaves in the background, you’ve never been so grateful to miss a night’s sleep before. 
“This just ‘cause I brought ya flowers?”
A slight smirk graces his lips, always teasing as he pulls away slightly.
“No, Daryl, not just because of the flowers.”
You don’t give him time to respond, you’re too busy pulling him back to you instead.
Walking back to the basement is a different experience with your hand in his, and you think of all the times you’ve held his fingers intertwined with yours and how you’d brush it off as a joke ‘Just so everyone knows I’m yours’ and how he’d just laugh but never correct you, never pulled his hand away from yours. He didn’t want to. There’s so much pride bursting out of you both because you won’t try to cover your actions with a joke anymore, there’s an understanding between the two of you now - you’re his and he’s yours. Calloused hands around yours - shielding. You almost make it back to the basement in complete silence, too elated from the events of the day until there’s a gust of wind that has you gathering your shirt with your spare hand in an attempt to keep the fabric closer to you when Daryl mumbles something along the lines of ‘Nice shirt, is that your boyfriends?’ under his breath and you refuse to feed his ego by telling him ‘Yeah, it smells like him’, so you settle for nudging his shoulder instead, a pink tint taking over your cheeks as you walk down the stairs.
There’s still a shyness to you both, neither of you quite bold enough to suggest sharing a bed so soon - no matter how much you both want it. So that night, you sleep on the couch as usual. The same tired springs and the same lumpy cushion, the moonlight painting a cool-toned glow across the scuffed table next to you - only this time, there’s no pillow under you or an empty space against the cushions. Instead, Daryl’s thigh supports your head and the couch is overflowing, sprawled out hair and tangled limbs tucked messily onto the patchy velvet settee, his fingers resting at your ribs and an overfilled wine bottle continuously bursting with freshly bloomed flowers proudly on display.
Check out my masterlist!
TAG LIST:  @candycuckoo @fandom-cuties @sweatywildpanda @hottestchickatthebakery @fuseburner @chaoticyuna @xxtinasxxblog
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haik-choo · 4 years
how the haikyuu boys end the year
he relaxes on his couch, either watching a documentary or reading a book, not paying attention to the time. probably wouldn’t even notice it’s new years eve until he heart fireworks outside and scowls. he also probably hates new years because of the noisy-ness. he makes no new years resolutions and goes to bed he same way he does every night, and wakes up the next day the same way he wakes up every morning. 
the type to throw a mini new years party with all of his closest friends in attendance. spends the day shopping for supplies and baking sweets and cleaning the apartment for the guests. either singing holiday songs under his breath or blasting them at full volume on his speakers, regardless of his neighbors complaints. also bakes his neighbors cookies afterwards because, hey, even he knows he’s a pain in the ass (sometimes). 
wouldn’t do anything normally, except tendou invites himself over and forces ushiwaka to go to the pastry place he owns and help out because it’s flooded with orders. basically, he spends his day doing work for his best friend. doesn’t really mind. honestly just looks forward to working out the next morning. is tired by the end of the day but tendou brings him out a small cake as a thank-you to share and ushijima devours it, telling himself he’ll just double the workout routine tomorrow. 
“new year, new me!” headass. makes a list of things he’ll swear he’ll actually do but deep down inside he knows he won’t do them because he’s too hyper-focused on volleyball. says he’ll have one (1) drink but ends up having like 4 and because he’s a lightweight he passes out on his couch and wakes up the next morning to osamu in his apartment with a bag of new years onigiri. a little sad he missed the year transition but also doesn’t care because: food. 
doesn’t realize it’s new years eve until like 11:30pm when he’s almost asleep and his sister calls him to wish him a happy new year and he he’s like “a happy new what”. hinata video calls him from brazil to wish him the same, but kageyama ignores his call because it’s too late and he has leg day tomorrow. (after declining hinata’s call kags feels bad and sends him a ‘happy new years, i guess’ text message LOL) 
spends the early morning changing the prices on his food to be higher because people are willing to pay more and hey a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do for a fat paycheck. literally all day is just cooking food, giving out food, cooking more food, getting that sick cash. he closes late at night, like 11pm, and spends his last minutes of the year to hand out free food to the homeless because he’s not heartless. before he goes to bed he packs food to give to atsumu the next day and goes to bed happy and fulfilled. 
busy making sweets the day before new years eve and the day of. underestimates the amount of help he needs that day and ends up panicking and getting ushiwaka... and ends up forcing him to do unpaid labor for the day. poor tendou is running around all day, but he makes hella cash so its worth it. closes the shop early and decides to share a cake with ushijima but the green giant decides to eat it all and tendou is just sitting there like: ok ey i gu ess, nonetheless ends the year with his bestie so he’s fine :’)
spends his new years eve finishing up a project for his company, sleep-deprived and tired. is happy that another year has passed but also lowkey doesn’t care and just wants to take a warm shower and sleep. doesn’t get to his apartment until like 10pm but when he gets home kenma is there with the rest of their old teammates, setting up a cake and other decorations. suddenly kuroo’s energy goes up and he thinks he can stay up for a little while longer. (p.s. lev breaks a potted plant and kuroo almost commits homicide) 
is at oikawa’s end of the year party, dressed in sweats and wearing a headband that as 2021 in golden, glittery numbers. has beer in his hand, casually chatting with his old teammates and friends. actually pretty excited for the new year because he comes up with a new training regimen every year for himself. honestly just a chill guy who hopes the next year will be fruitful, and goes about his merry day. the first half of his day is spent cleaning his apartment because he believes it gives him a clean slate for the new year. so pure omf
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sukifans · 4 years
Congrats on 1k!!! Can you do number 9 from 50 cliché promts and tropes with mako x reader? :)
MAKO + “there’s only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling”
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“Well, this is... unfortunate.”
“It’s unacceptable.” You glanced at Mako, who was visibly irritated. “First Beifong only approves one room because of ‘budget cuts,’ and now we’re expected to share a bed?”
“Relax, tough guy. I’m sure it was just a booking error. I’ll go talk to the receptionist.” You left your partner and your bag in the room with the single large bed against the wall to go downstairs and sort out the mistake. You gave the man at the desk your friendliest smile as you approached.
“Hello again,” the man said, looking up at you. “Is there a problem with the room?”
“Yes, actually. We should’ve been booked for a room with two beds but there’s only one. Could we be moved somewhere else?” You tried to sound as amicable as possible as you spoke, hoping the employee would oblige.
He flipped through the large book of records in front of him and traced his finger down a page. “Ah, yes! You reserved a double. So sorry about that—let me see what else is available.” You watched as he flipped through again, mumbling to himself. Your smile faltered a little when he frowned.
“What’s wrong?”
“It appears everything else is filled for the night. I’m terribly sorry, but there’s nothing I can do.” The man eyed you as if expecting you to blow up at him, but you just sighed and tightened your smile.
“Ah, it’s okay. We’ll figure it out. Thank you for checking, though.”
Mako was not gonna be happy.
“You’re joking,” he deadpanned, crossing his arms over his chest. You dropped down to sit on the edge of the problematic bed itself. “Are you and Beifong trying to pull a prank or something?”
You stared up at him. “Beifong? A prank? Really?”
“Okay, no,” he huffed. “But you’re kidding, right?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you think it’s funny to inconvenience me?”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Mako.”
“Tell me you’re joking.”
“I’m not joking.”
He groaned and threw himself in the threadbare armchair in the corner of the room. “Great, just what I needed,” he grumbled to himself.
“Hey, I’m not exactly thrilled about this either!” You rolled your eyes. “If you’re gonna freak out about it you can take the bed and I’ll just... sleep on the floor or something.”
“No, no. You take the bed and I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“How noble,” you laughed. “You’re the one who has a problem sleeping with me. Take the bed.”
“I—” His cheeks tinged a slight pink that didn’t escape your notice. “I don’t have a problem.”
“You sure seem to.”
“I shared a blanket with Bolin on the street for most of my childhood.”
“You must be getting spoiled with that detective salary if you can’t rough it for one night and share a bed with your favorite partner. Going soft?”
You grinned when he glared at you. “Why are you torturing me?”
“You’re easy to torture.” You stood up to rifle through your bag. “And it’s fun.”
“I’m requesting a partner transfer when we finish this assignment,” he muttered, making you bark out a laugh.
“You wouldn’t, you’re too attached now.” You straightened up with your arms full of toiletries and clean clothes. “I’m gonna go wash up so I can pass out. Early day tomorrow, and all. Catchin’ bad guys, kickin’ ass, takin’ names.”
“Uh-huh.” A small smile finally graced his handsome face for the first time since arriving at the inn. “I’ll be here keeping watch—y’know, for the bad guys.”
Once you’d scrubbed off the long day of travel and changed into clean, comfortable clothes you reentered the main room to see Mako studying the files for the case the two of you were working. His eyebrows were set into a furrow as he read through it and chewed at the inside of his cheek absently. You watched him for a few more moments once you settled down onto the worn but comfortable mattress. Something in the papers seemed to perplex him as he wrinkled his nose and flipped back a few pages. Suddenly, his warm orange eyes flicked up to meet yours.
“Why are you staring at me?” he asked with a small frown.
You shrugged. “Trying to figure out if that smell is the room or just you.”
His frown deepened. “Uncalled for.”
You hummed noncommitally and snuggled down between the sheets. “Go clean up so I can sleep.”
“I’m not stopping you,” he said, snapping the file shut and rising from the chair.
“I gotta keep watch, remember? Bad guys,” you murmured despite your heavy eyelids. Mako shook his head and disappeared into the bathroom. The gentle, steady sound of running water lulled you into a drifting sleep after only a few minutes.
You roused slightly when Mako returned, shuffling around the room followed by curling steam and the smell of his soap from the bathroom. You squeezed your eyes shut tighter and tried to fall back asleep until you felt him grab a pillow off the other side of the bed. Rolling onto your side you sleepily looked up at him.
“What are you doing?” you mumbled, rubbing at your eyes.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you up.” He stood next to a blanket on the floor with the pillow in his hand, dressed in a clean white shirt and loose pants. “I was just getting set up over here.”
You squinted at the pillow he held while your tired mind tripped over itself trying to catch up. “What?”
“I told you I’d sleep on the floor,” he said, gesturing to his makeshift sleeping area.
You blinked slowly at him. “Mako.”
“Get in the bed.”
“I wasn’t asking,” you interrupted. “Come. To. Bed.”
He flushed lightly and opened and closed his mouth a couple times before looking down at his pillow he srill gripped. “I—I don’t want to make you... uncomfortable.”
“Uncomfortable?” you repeated blankly and he nodded. “I put my life in your hands every day, Mako. I trust you, probably more than I’ve ever trusted anyone. You’re not gonna make me uncomfortable. In fact, I’d be a thousand times more comfortable with you up here than on the floor.”
“Okay, okay,” he relented, finally moving back towards the bed. “You’ve made your point.”
“Good.” You closed your eyes again and yawned loudly. “The mattress is big enough we can both stay on our sides, no big deal. You need to rest well so I know you’re alert enough to save my ass tomorrow and sleeping on the floor does not reassure me.”
“I already agreed, you don’t need to keep working at me.” Mako carefully slid into the sheets, being almost calculating in how close he could stay to the edge without falling off. Even with the considerable empty space between you, you could still feel his familiar warmth seeping into your tired muscles.
“‘M a detective, can’t help it.”
“Go to sleep. You’ll have plenty of time to harass me in the morning.”
“You know you love me.”
If only you knew, he thought to himself as you slipped back into your dreamland.
The first thing you noticed upon regaining consciousness was the thumping rhythm next to your ear. The next thing you noticed was how warm you felt, despite the sheets being tangled down around your feet. You turned your head and buried your face into your pillow, inhaling deeply.
Soap. And smoke.
Hold on. You lifted your head up slowly and blinked blearily, taking in where you were as your brain whirred back to life.
Not your pillow. Mako—his chest, more specifically. Your eyes trailed down to where your bodies were pressed together in a tangle of limbs. The arm wrapped around you ended in fingers pressing into your waist. Your thigh was hiked up around his hip and his knee was slotted between your legs. You looked up at his face to see he was still sound asleep, lips parted as he breathed slowly.
You sat up all the way and his hand on your waist flopped down onto the bed. “Mako.”
He snorted and gave no other response.
“Mako,” you hissed, smacking his chest lightly. Without opening his eyes, he grabbed your hand and yanked you back down.
“Don’ hit me,” he grumbled, lips brushing your forehead as he spoke. “‘M sleepin’.”
Your face was starting to burn. “Well, wake up!”
He cracked one eye open to peer down at you and closed it again with a sniff. All at once it seemed to hit him and his eyes flew open as he shot upwards, knocking you to the side. You groaned as he launched himself out of the bed and onto his feet.
“What time is it?!” he barked.
“I don’t know!”
He whipped his head around to look at the clock on the bedside table. He made a small noise of panic and snatched it up as if getting a closer look would change the reading it gave.
“Fuck, we’re late!”
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thank you for the request! i hope you enjoyed it! it ended up being way longer than i thought it would be lol. i guess i’ll tag my atla list and the people who wanted to be tagged in my full mako fic lol
ATLA TAGS: @hotgirlazula @octophopi @blazedbakugou @protect-remus @akiris @sunflowerazula @wooscottoncandyhair @chewymoustachio @ohno-caroline @sunflowerr-mami @1vitamin @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @u-4iia @nymeria-targaryen @tommy-braccoli @dizzy-miss-lizzieeeeee @a-sloppy-bitch
REQUESTED TAGS: @ur-jinji @maruchan77 @songofgratitude @missturtleduck @zuko-is-the-sun @xxspqcebunsxx @atlabeth @malauri-lynn @sadskater25 @biqherosix @goodandevil18 @theeavtrkyoshi @miyonii @mcallmestiles @zutaraisendgamee @unketh @shortmexicangirl @keysvdssstuff @simmantha
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sunfire-forever · 4 years
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Punishment time part 2
Part 1
Pairing: The Boyz Juyeon x The Boyz Eric x Reader
Word count: 2.7k
Tags: smut, threesome, dom!juyeon, switch!eric, sub!reader, oral (receiving + giving) , 18+ , double penetrati0n, nipple play, usage of toys, swearing, teasing, just extremely filthy
Summary: After a wild night spent with your best friend's flatmate without your bestie knowing, you are coming back to their apartment. It is your birthday and they are waiting for you with a proper gift, making this night definitely one that you and your body will never forget.
You woke up to the morning sunlight shining from Juyeon's window to your face. Juyeon had his arm wrapped around you caressing your naked body under his blanket. You could still smell his parfume mixed with many other scents from the night before. His muscles around you made you feel so safe and sound. You needed a few minutes to realize that the past night was not a dream and you were thinking about if you could even walk from so much pleasure the man next to you gave you. You turned around to look at him. Juyeon was dead gorgeous. He was still sleeping yet his messy hair made him look so cute and innocent - completely opposite to what happened last night.
You looked at the clock and it was already 10:27am. Oh my goodness, you needed to go home! You didn't plan to have sex with your best friend's flatmate but even more you didn't plan to stay overnight. There were so many thoughts in your head - how should you behave after this? how will Eric react - does he already know? and what was the comment Juyeon said about Eric, was it true?
You needed to put away these thoughts for awhile and just get your ass out of the room before Juyeon wakes up. You put on your clothes, packed your things and quietly exited the room. You peeked in the room next door which was Eric's trying to see if he is sleeping but no one was there. After turning around and letting a sigh of relief, you went to put on your shoes. After tieing up your shoelaces where you needed to squat, you raised up again seeing 2 legs in front of you.
"Eric Sohn! What are you doing here?"
"Um it's my apartment I guess. You look messy, what happened to you? Here - your charger."
You completely forgot that you were supposed to meet because of the charger. Gosh, you've had luck since if didn't hear anything thinking you came for the charger.
"Thanks!" you said trying to look as less obvious as possible. "By the way, why do you have a cake in your hand?", you ask noticing him holding a cake as well.
"Hm, I wouldn't think you'd forgot your own birthday tomorrow but yeah I bought it for you"
Oh shit, that's true. Your birthday was tomorrow and you didn't think of it at all.
"Wow Eric, thank you! But it's too early to eat it now..."
"True, but you can come by in the evening and we can wait for midnight together just like we do every year."
"Sounds like a plan" you said.
"Yeah the cake was meant to be a surprise, y/n" - Eric said while accompanying you to the door, you already going outside. He gazed at you and made a dramatic pause.
"But I guess we need to think of another surprise for the night" he said slowly, while the door closing in front of your eyes watching Eric's mischievous smile get out of your sight.
8:00pm. Juyeon and Eric's apartment.
You waited in front of the doorstep checking yourself out in the reflection of the door.
Every time you've entered this apartment you were in some sort of hoodies, sweaters, clothes for chilling out and relaxing.
But today, that was not the case.
You rang the bell and the door opened.
"Hey y/n what's up.. Ohhhhh myyy" - you heard Eric say in awe.
You took your birthday as a reason good enough to look smoking hot. Sexy. Seductive.
You wore a tight red see-through dress and black lacy bra and fishnet tights underneath.
You had a choker around your neck and you were smelling like roses. And yes, you were standing like this in front of your best friend. He doesn't need to know that you drank 3 glasses of soju before you came here. You just enjoyed this confidence and thought it's completely appropriate for your birthday. He also looked very handsome with a black unbottoned shirt.
You entered the apartment . "I'll go to the basement and get the beer", said Eric leaving your sight. You bent down to take your heels off and while squating you felt a big hand grabbing your butt.
"Hello princess."
You threw your heels on the side and stood up while the hand still grabbing your booty.
*Shit* you said in your head. This was unfair.
In front of you was Juyeon, looking like the most fuckable creature in the world. He had a black t-shirt and extremely tight leather pants on. His forehead was showing and he was looking at you like you're a treat he is just about to taste.
"Miss me?" he asked.
"Oh what do you think?" you replied moving his hand from your butt under your dress to your core. His hands were going over your cold skin and fishnet tights and when they reached the end point, you saw his expression change.
Maybe you decided to leave your panties home making his cold fingers directly over your core. This small thing made you notice his bulge becoming more evident making him go crazy even if he didn't want to show it much, his body revealed all signs. He leaned in for a kiss, but the moment got interrupted by the sound of Eric's steps approaching the living room from the basement.
"I brought the beer!" Eric shouted while you two got your hands off of each other. In the end, Eric doesn't know anything. You tried to act normal, although the chemistry and sparks between Juyeon and you were on fire.
An hour and 10 beers later, the three of you were all on the couch comfortably next to each other. In the beginning you were all just regularly sitting, but many laughs and celebratory cheers afterwards you were all laying down. You were in the middle and as the night approached, you comfortably turned around to your bestie Eric him hugging you from the back. You used to hug a lot, this was nothing new. He was also the one who liked skinship and sometimes you also played video games in this position. But as he was holding you in your arms and hugging you, he started doing something so far unknown. He took your palms and started slowly massaging them. This felt so good. You felt your body relaxing and at one point you even closed your eyes diving into this unfamiliar yet erotic sensation. You opened your eyes and saw Eric's head move much closer to yours, his soft lips being an inch away. But then you turned your hand around looking at Juyeon on the other side of the couch extremely furious. You were not touching him, but the way of how you were laying down with your legs very open made him looked at your bare pussy under your short dress.
You spread out your hand and took another beer, not breaking the eye contact with Juyeon. He looked jealous, irritated and needy.
He wanted to grab you from Eric's arms and use you to his own pleasure. You opened the bottle, yet the weird position made you... spill half of the bottle over you.
You and Eric immediately wanted to stand up looking at the mess. The beer spilled over you and your floor. Your top was so wet that the thin material completely revealed your stripped bralette as well as your hardened nipples after the reaction with the cold liquid. And while you were standing up Juyeon took a close look at your soaked body.
"Eric, where is the mop?"
"In the first drawer in my room."
"Cool, let me get it quickly"
You entered Eric's room and approached his shelf, opening the first drawer. You froze.
"Holy shit" you said being flabbergasted. You were looking at were definitely... not mops.
It was a drawer full of sex toys. Your eyes opened wide. Dildos, vibrators, chains, nipple clamps, rings and so many items you were not sure what they are. You had a few moments of blackout your brain not believing that your so far innocent best friend had a collection like this. You were staring at the items when you suddenly heard noise behind you.
"Oh well, well, what do have in here" you heard while turning around and seeing Eric at the front door.
"I told you the first drawer from above baby, not from below"
"I didn't know you're into these things, Eric", you replied.
"Oh look who's the one saying that. I also didn't know you were into being fucked raw the whole night. I couldn't sleep yesterday from your moans coming out from Juyeon's room"
"You... you heard it? I... I can explain"
"There is only one thing I want you to explain."
said Eric stepping closer and closer to you.
You heard a door slam in the back.
"Eric, Eric, Eric. We didn't agree to play like this. I still didn't give you permission to touch... what was mine." said Juyeon approaching you too and holding your chin up.
"Don't start whining once you receive your punishment pup. You'd be so powerless against me, begging and begging to cum for me but only I can decide when and how you will. You're mine and your body knows it, responding only to my touch I'll make sure you feel things beyond your wildest dreams." - said Juyeon... to Eric.
You witnessed Eric turning from a confident flirt to an ultimate sub carefully listening and obeying to every word Juyeon spoke out of his mouth. Damn, you knew Juyeon can make so many people wrapped around his finger but you never thought your best friend is one of them. Juyeon took Eric's chin and stared at the younger one, pulling him in for a wild kiss.
"But not today, pup. Today we are taking care of this birthday princess over here. She deserved to be handled well. Do you have a wish, baby?" Juyeon asked switching the attention to you.
"I only have one wish" you said, hearing the clock marking that the midnight has arrived.
"Fuck the hell out of me", you replied.
A second later Juyeon took your waist and pushed you relentlessly on the bed. He pulled your dress up and didn't even bother to take off your tights but just ripped a part of them making a hole exactly at your already dripping core.
"Happy birthday, beautiful" said Juyeon at the second where he slammed 3 of his fingers in you while his thumb hitting a sensitive spot on your clit.
"Ahhhhh fuck Juyeon" you moaned loudly, but soon you were shut up by Eric who started making out with you.
Eric's lips felt like cotton candy. They were so soft and plump but the tenderness didn't last long since all of a sudden the mood completely changed and the kisses started being faster, deeper and rougher, matching the pace of Juyeon's fingers. Eric's kisses felt forbidden, you never expected for you two to get closer to this level of intimacy. But damn, you couldn't complain since it felt so damn good. You felt your high was coming closer so you couldn't control yourself but whine and moan. Eric moved his lips to your neck, leaving juicy kisses, marking it as his territory. A few moments later, you felt your high coming up, your orgasm filling your entire body and your cum going all around Juyeon's fingers.
After you calmed a bit down, you realized your two men still have their clothes on. Now it's time to change it. You crawled up to Juyeon and soon later all his clothes were on the floor. His toned muscles and doll-like body turned you on even more, so you couldn't help yourself but start worshiping his cock, taking it all inside your mouth and deep throating it while swirling your tongue around it, making you hear his needy moans again. He was standing next to the bed, and you were on your fours when unexpectedly Eric came from the back and slammed his cock inside you without any prior notice. Juyeon's hands already stretched you well, but Eric's size made you see all the stars. Being in the doggy position made you feel different spots. Your mascara got completely smudged up from tears which started going while your body tried to get used to the sizes inside your mouth and your core. A few minutes and many thrusts later, you started clenching and you felt both Juyeon and Eric cum inside you, you simultaneously reaching your second orgasm and your body becoming weak to their core and collapsing on the bed.
"Look at our goddess taking us both so well." said Juyeon. He went out for a second and came back with a something in his hand. "Close your eyes kitten, I have a small surprise for you". All of a sudden your eyes went black and a second later, your body froze. And then at once you had both Eric and Juyeon on you, each of the guys giving attention your nipples. But this was a different kind of feeling - they took an ice cube in their mouth and while the cube being in the mouth they both mercilessly sucked and licked your nipples - the left one was Juyeon's and right one Eric's. It was their warm, tender lips stroking one of the most sensitive part of your body mixed with the freezing feeling of the cube giving you shivers all over your body.
After the ice cubes melted, Eric slowly stood up and came to his drawer. "Since you were so curious about it, shall we use some pretty toys on you, y/n?" pointing at his sex toy collection.
He took a big clit vibrator in his hand, handed it to Juyeon, which put it to the highest speed and placed it on the perfect spot. You've never used toys before and someone else using them on you turned you even more on. The vibrator did wonders, but just before you wanted to orgasm, Juyeon turned it off.
"What the fuck Juyeon, why did you stop?"
"You aren't allowed to cum until I allow you to."
You got angry. You knew he was jealous so you wanted to make him even more furious.
"And what if I want someone else to make me cum?" you said with a tricky voice, turning up to Eric and starting to ride him.
"Show me what you got, Eric" you said to your best friend, him controlling the pace and placing his hand around your neck pulling just as much as pressure for the choking to spice you up. You couldn't see Juyeon anymore.
All you could hear is noise from the drawer.
Probably he was putting the vibrator back, you thought. But instead he pulled lube out of Eric's drawer. He approached you and you knew it because you felt his warmth on your back. But you didn't want to say anything.
Maybe you should have, because Juyeon took the lube and prepared your second hole for his entrance. And at that moment, you had your best friend and your lover double penetrating you. You loved the attention, especially from someone like them which exactly knew how to pleasure a woman.
"Fuck, don't stop! Don't you dare to stop!" you screamed from the bottom of your lungs, sweat on your forehead, with your makeup completely ruined, watery eyes, looking like a slut that you are. They haven't stopped but continued ruining you up to the point where the biggest, most powerful orgasm in your fucking life hit you. You started squirting, messing up the whole bed and your men pulling their cocks and spitting their cum all over your chest.
All three of you were laying on Erics bed, trying to catch your breaths. Soon after, you fell asleep, cuddled in between Juyeon and Eric.
"Do you do this often?" you asked Eric
"Do you expect less from two porn stars?" he answered, leaving you without words.
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milkiane · 3 years
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lost time
pairings: colin zabel x reader
warnings: mentions of food, awkward mare lol
word count: 1834
note: because colin is alive and well, watching marvel movies with you and reggie <3
a soft graze upon your forehead caused you to stir a bit from the slumber you were in. eyes blurred and mind still disoriented, you let out a puzzled hum.
colin sighed, his hopes of not waking you up went down low as you rubbed the somnolence away with your hand.
“go back to sleep, sweetheart,” he whispered, caressing your hair.
“work?” you mumbled, forcing back a yawn.
colin hummed, making you frown. as much as you loved seeing your husband at the peak of his career, all of his hard work finally paying off- making him one of the infamous detectives in pennsylvania, it didn’t mean you never longed to have his presence around more.
“can’t you have a day off? just f’today?” you asked, words slurring with sleep, “reggie and i missed you, colin.”
colin’s heart sank. he knew he was spending too much time at work again, only seeing you and his son whenever he comes home late from work, reggie asleep in his bed and you passed out on the living room from waiting up for him, or in the early morning before he goes to work.
“i’ll see what i can do, alright? mare and i have had plenty of information now and we’re so close to solving this case,” colin said, he paused for a bit to think, “but hey, i promise i’ll be home early today for some dinner date with you and reggie, maybe watch some movies if we have some time, is that fine?”
you mustered up a small smile, “sounds perfect, detective,” you leaned up to kiss him on the lips, “now go to work, we’ll see you later.”
with one last kiss on the forehead, colin brought the blankets up to your shoulders and left the room, going into the next one to take a peek at his son.
“mumma, where’s dad?” reggie, your three-year-old son, asked for the umpteenth time. dinner was ready; table mats and plates arranged, the cooked food you spent hours upon making served in your delicate chinawares, and chosen movies fiddled in the hands of your son.
before you could even answer him, the front door jingled, alongside the voice of your husband. you grinned at reggie and exclaimed, “oh- hey, see, daddy’s home!”
you turned back around to make sure everything was in order as your son waddled across the room and into the arms of his father, “hi there, li’l buddy!”
although when you pivoted around, the sudden arrival of another guest surprised you to the limit. mare sheehan, colin’s partner, was standing beside him, taking in the sight of your humble abode.
colin turned his gaze away from his son and to you. usually, the sight of you in his clothes, dinner ready, and soft music playing would have made him more laid back than he was at work, but seeing your hurt expression, dinner ready, and his son still awake, he knew he messed up.
he carefully placed his son back down, letting him shuffle back towards you, “y/n, i- work just caught up, and chief- chief said we have to- and we needed to talk- talk about the case, and i forg-”
pushing aside his stuttering excuse, you forced out a smile and looked at mare, who was just standing there awkwardly, “mare, hey,”
“hey, y/n,” she sent you a tight-lipped smile.
you grabbed reggie and placed him up in his high chair, “c’mon, dinner.”
colin stepped forward and tried to make you look at him, “y/n, i-”
you looked at him with a blank face and replied sternly, “sit down and eat, zabel,”
dinner was awkward and tense, to say the least. colin and mare were exchanging information and questions about the case whilst you were glaring at your husband every once in a while, feeding your son amidst the clattering of utensils and chatter.
there was a moment where silence filled up the room, the discussion of the case long over.
“delicious dinner you made, y/n,” mare cleared her throat, trying to diminish the awkward silence.
“yeah, dinner’s amazing, sweetheart.” colin agreed, trying to get to your best side by complimenting your cooking skills. he wasn’t lying though, it did taste immaculate.
“thanks, mare,” you replied, looking up for a second to acknowledge her, and only giving colin a side-eye.
you were still upset.
“auntie mare, you have cool nerf guns at work?” reggie asked, shaping his mashed potato into a small mountain.
mare blinked, looking between your son and you, “uh, yeah.”
“that’s cool!” reggie’s eyes widened in stupefaction, “you catch bad people like dad, too, auntie?”
mare hummed, sipping on the half-empty beer in her hand.
he whispered a small wow, before talking once more, doing an excellent job of clearing the aura of the room, “like spiderman? spiderman catch bad people, too, auntie! like a superhero,”
“mommy doesn’t catch bad people but she’s my fav’rite superhero.” reggie bragged, beaming at you as you wiped the potato off the corner of his mouth.
as your look softened, you kissed the nose of your son, “thanks, baby. that’s very sweet of you,”
colin smiled, slightly feeling bad for spending less time with his family. he knew that the case they’re working on is important, but he vowed that family always goes first and disregarded that- resulting in you and reggie missing him and colin forgetting that he has a family that he goes back home to.
smiling once more, you stood up, “c’mon, now, say goodnight to auntie mare, alright? we’ll get ready for bed and i’ll read you your favorite bedtime story, ‘kay?”
“but you said we’ll watch spiderman with daddy tonight,” he pouted, arms crossing as he slouched back on his chair.
you sighed, “i know i did, reggie, but daddy has some work to do. he needs to talk about catching the bad guys with auntie mare.”
“okay…” he frowned, raising his arms so that you could get him out of his chair, “good night, auntie mare and daddy.” you nodded politely to mare as you prepared your son for bed.
once he and mare finished off their deliberation on the case, colin got ready for bed and walked into your shared bedroom. seeing you curled up on your side, and asleep, colin sighed.
he never liked sleeping when he knows that you’re both going to bed with a heavy heart. the both of you always fixed things through before heading to bed. ending the night with soft kisses and cuddles.
but that wasn’t the case this time, so he got in under the comforters and turned off the lamp, debating whether or not he should wrap his arm around you.
deciding against it, he kissed your forehead instead and turned to face the other side.
reggie’s eyes slowly fluttered open, it was still dark outside. you promised that the three of you will be spending time together to watch spiderman once his dad got home, but reggie was too avid.
rubbing his eyes, he grabbed his plushie and opened the door of his bedroom, slowly waddling his way to your bedroom, whispering to himself to be careful not to hit anything.
a careful shake on colin’s arm woke him up, he let out a confused groan before begrudgingly opening his eyes.
“reggie? what’cha doin’ up, buddy?” he croaked out, rubbing his face in disarray. his gaze fell onto the clock, 02:34 am.
reggie slowly climbed onto the bed and colin opened his arms to bring him in, “just missed you so much, dad,”
colin’s heart ached. he carefully brought his son in the middle of the bed and let him cuddle further into his hug.
“mommy and i watch superhero movies, but i miss when you copy them in silly voices,” reggie mumbled, slowly feeling the sleepiness take over once more.
“‘m sorry, reggie, i’ll make it up to you and mommy tomorrow, okay?” said colin, he kissed his forehead and rubbed soothing caresses on his head to lull him back to sleep.
the chirping of the birds and the blinding light of the sun seeping through the window served as your wake-up call.
slightly turning around in bed, you sighed as you didn’t see colin in bed anymore. you didn’t know what to expect, of course he’d go back to work.
when you fully turned, you were confused to see reggie sleeping peacefully beside you, arms securely wrapped around his spiderman plushie.
you were about to stand up and make some breakfast when the door suddenly opened. the sight you’re suddenly seeing made you double-take, making sure that you weren’t dreaming.
colin carefully kicked the door a little wider, trying to balance the tray in his hands. when he looked up, he saw that you’ve already woken up, a dazed look on your face.
he smiled, “hey, you’re up. just in time for some breakfast in bed,”
“i thought you were at work,” you sat up, leaning against the headboard.
“made some calls with the chief a while ago, gave me the rest of the week off,” he said, he lowered the food tray on the bedside table and made his way towards reggie.
“reggie?” colin whispered, shaking the little boy a bit to wake him up, “reggie, wake up, buddy,”
he stirred a bit, whining at the sudden disturbance of his sleep.
“reggie, wakey-wakey,” he cooed, running a hand through his son’s hair, “hey, look. i made breakfast, we can watch a movie while eating like i promised, remember?”
“daddy?” he whispered, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to wake up.
“yeah, c’mon, sit up,” colin raised him slowly, resting him beside your arms, “there we go, now…”
“for breakfast,” he grinned, grabbing the tray and placing it on your lap. he grabbed reggie’s sippy cup, containing his favorite hot chocolate.
“choc’late?” reggie beamed, placing a hold on the bottle to warm his hands up.
“yeah! now, scootch over, we’ll eat together.”
glancing over your husband, a ghost of a smile appeared on your lips. you watched as your two favorite boys interacted, making up for lost time.
as reggie munched on his pancakes, a marvel movie playing on the television, colin sipped on his coffee and turned to look at you.
feeling the weight of his stare, you shifted your gaze away from the movie and stared right back, “what is it?”
he sighed, running a hand through his messy hair, “it’s just- i’m sorry, y/n. i know i haven’t been around much, spending too much time at work and little time with you guys. i just wanted to make it up to both of you.”
you smiled softly, placing your cup down, and leaned a bit to kiss his cheek, “s’alright, colin. you’re here now, and that’s what matters.”
grinning widely, the both of you turned your attention back to your son who’s babbling about how pepper potts and tony stark are like his parents.
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general taglist: @daltonacademia @inks-and-jinx @silencioe @oldschoolkiddo @midnightgremlin @inglourious-imagines @peterssweetpea @iwritesiriusly @fives-cup-of-coffee @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @band--psycho @marswilson24 @miraclesoflove @chokemepansy @spideyspixies @lolooo22 @justfangirlthingies @mypainistemporary @remugoodgirl @tatestripedsweater @gryffindorgirl @hellounicorn @l0vely-lupin @undeadcortez @thatspookyagent @evanmybeloved
colin zabel taglist: @xmaximoffic @raincoffeeandfandoms @tatesrubbersuit
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ecto-american · 3 years
Liar Liar
Phic Phight Oneshot for Ectopal: After an argument with her now grounded son, Maddie wishes that Danny wouldn't lie to her-and Desiree overhears. [TransDanny]
The OG prompt: After an argument with her now grounded son, Maddie wishes that Danny wouldn't lie to her-and Desiree overhears.
Potential TW for trans-related venting and implied violence, but there’s nothing graphic
on FFN and AO3
The front door opened, and Maddie frowned as she glanced at the clock that informed her that yes. It was definitely hours past his curfew.
No lights turned on, but she still could tell from the faint light of the one kitchen light, the light that the family just never turned off so that they could see at night, that it was definitely her son doing his best to remain quiet. And now that she knew he was safe, all of her fears about if he was okay and his safety melted away and allowed for anger to start boiling.
"Daniel James Fenton," she finally called out. The figure froze, and she flipped the light switch on. Before her was her son, looking as guilty as ever. One hand was on the wall, guiding him as he approached the stairs, the other holding onto his binder and shoes. "Do you have any idea what time it is?"
"...Um...Can I plead the fifth?" he asked weakly. Her frown deepened.
"It's nearly two in the morning, and on a school night!" she scolded. "Let's not even talk about how you snuck out right now." His shoulders slumped. "You could have been dead for all I know!"
"I'm sorry," he replied quietly.
"Where were you?" Maddie asked.
"I was at Tucker's, we got caught up playing video games," he said. Maddie scowled.
"Tell me the truth," she said. Danny scowled back.
"I am!" he insisted.
"Then how come Pamela called me?" Maddie asked. At the name of Mrs. Manson, Danny paled.
"...She called you?" his voice croaked out.
"You bet she called me," Maddie snapped. "What were you thinking?"
"I wi-I just!" Danny cut himself off as he seemed to struggle to find his words. "I'm just wanting more freedom! I'm an adult now! I can legally buy cigarettes!" Maddie couldn't help but roll her eyes.
"Well I wish you wouldn't lie to me!" Maddie argued back. Danny flinched at her words. "And maybe if you didn't, I'd let you have more freedom! But you lied about going to your room, you lied to me just now about where you were, and I already know that you're going to lie to me when I ask you what you and Sam have been doing!"
"We weren't doing anything!" Danny half-yelled back. "We fell asleep binge watching one of her true crime shows!"
"Don't lie to me!" Maddie told him.
"I'm not!"
Maddie made an angry grumbling noise, crossing her arms.
"You're ground, all weekend," she informed him. Danny didn't respond; he simply made a face at her. He brushed past her to angrily stomp up the stairs. She didn't bother snapping at him over that too.
"So you have wished it, so shall it be."
Maddie turned around rapidly at the voice. It wasn't Danny's...and Jazz was miles away at college…But what she did hear was Danny slamming his bedroom door shut. She'd get onto him about that in the morning.
A quick inspection, and she found nothing, and she decided to just call it a night. She went upstairs herself, pausing at Danny's door to listen. She could hear Danny shuffle around for a moment, though after a moment, she saw his light go out and heard his bed creak as he rested on it. She just knew he was going to fall asleep in class tomorrow. Maddie sighed, and she went into her room.
Jack was just coming from the bathroom with a light yawn, and she felt guilty.
"Did we wake you up?" she wondered. Jack gave her a small smile and shrugged.
"It's okay," he assured her. Maddie huffed.
"No, it's not," she insisted. "He should have been home. He was over at Sam's house until about ten minutes ago. Pam called to complain about it."
"Ah, he's just doing what teenagers do," Jack replied. Maddie frowned as she got into bed.
"Well that mentality is how we end up grandparents way too early," she reminded him. Jack gave a light sigh as he also slipped back into bed.
"Yeah, you're right," he agreed. "I'll talk to him about it soon."
"Thank you. He's pretty mad at me right now," Maddie turned her bedside lamp off. Jack chuckled.
"He'll probably be mad for a bit, but he'll get over it," he reassured her. He switched his own bedside lamp off as he got settled back in. "Night, love you."
"Love you too."
Despite the late night, Maddie was up early. She could hear that Danny was already up and getting ready in the bathroom, so she didn't feel the need to say anything to him just yet. They could reserve any conversation for after school.
By the time she came downstairs, Danny was in the kitchen staring at the toaster, backpack on the kitchen table.
"Morning, sweetie," she greeted him warmly.
He gave her a somewhat dirty look, and he mumbled a cranky and short "morning" in response. She opted to ignore his attitude for now, and she went over to the coffee maker. While she was waiting for Danny, she had gone ahead and scheduled the coffee maker to start making coffee, and man was she glad. It was already pouring, and it smelled great.
"Danny, do you want a cup of coffee?" she asked him. He glanced over, and he shook his head no.
"Mm no thanks," he replied.
"Did you sleep okay?"
"I slept like shit."
Maddie glanced at Danny in surprise, and he stared back at her, equally as confused. Danny never cussed at her.
"Cause you stayed out all night, huh?" Maddie lightly accused, leaning her hand on the counter.
"No, cause I slept with my binder on and now my chest hurts," he snapped back. Maddie frowned.
"You're not supposed to do that," she told him.
"Well maybe if I wasn't fucking born like this-," he began but cut himself off. He looked so confused, and Maddie was too. Not at the statement. She had no doubt that it was true, but where did all this cussing come from? He knew better than to talk to her like that, and it was so...weird. Danny glanced back to the toaster, clearing his throat. "Sorry, I...I uh…" Two pop tarts popped out of the toaster, and he quickly snatched them up. "I gotta go. Bye."
"...Have a good day," Maddie called after him, staring as he quickly walked out, and she heard the front door close. She made her cup of coffee, and she got to work.
She jumped as their ghost alarm went off, but Jack and Maddie wasted no time quickly collecting their things and rushing out the door and into the RV. It led them right to the scene. A fight against Amity Park's most popular ghost and another fairly familiar ghost, a green skinned woman with flowing black hair dressed exclusively in blue.
Maddie messily pulled into a parking spot off the side of the road, and Jack immediately hopped out. Maddie followed suit, and she hurried towards the action.
"Stop granting every damn wish you hear! I swear, it's ridiculous!" she could hear Phantom yell.
"I'm merely giving people what they ask for," the woman, Desiree Maddie believed she was called, replied smugly.
Phantom looked like he was gonna say something more, but stopped when he seemed to glance over and notice their arrival.
"Let's just finish this," he said instead, and he blasted her, only to miss. The woman smirked, but it was quickly cut off by a secondary blast from Jack.
"Jack!" Maddie gasped in excitement. "Excellent shot!" Jack grinned proudly, firing another. Only to miss, as sorta expected.
"I do not have time for this!" Phantom scowled. Maddie rolled her eyes. What the hell does a ghost have going on? He pulled out the Fenton Thermos and sucked the other ghost in.
"You ever going to return that?" Maddie called out sarcastically.
"It's my thermos! You gave it to me!" Phantom called back, immediately giving her a weird blank look. Maddie narrowed her eyes.
"We didn't give you anything," she replied. She held her hand out expectantly. "Give it back."
Phantom opened his mouth to rebuttal, only to get blasted. It knocked him back and made him drop the thermos. Maddie dove for it as Jack fired more shots, and she was thankfully able to grab it before it hit the ground. However when she looked up, Phantom was gone.
"Mads! Did you see that!?" Jack asked. She looked up at him with a proud smile as he jogged over to her.
"I did!" she replied cheerfully. "You've gotten a lot better!" Jack puffed up proudly. "Where did Phantom go?"
"Dunno," he admitted, and his shoulders immediately fell a bit. "After I got him, he flew off. Musta been scared." He offered his hand out to her, and she accepted it.
"Probably," she agreed. She held the thermos up. "Least we got this back though." Jack nodded. "We'll put her back in the Zone later. Let's get some lunch."
Maddie made a point to make sure she was upstairs so that she could make sure Danny came home on time, given his grounding situation. While she waited, she began to make some cupcakes. As she was mixing batter, she heard the front door open and close.
"Hey Danny," she greeted from the kitchen. She glanced at the clock. He was ten minutes later than he normally would have come home, but it wasn't enough for her to say anything.
"...Hey mom," came the reply. He stepped into the kitchen, and Maddie glanced at him, only to do a double take. His right cheek was badly swollen from a bad bruise. Maddie immediately wiped her hands on a dish towel, staring at him.
"What happened?" she asked, stepping towards him. He stared at her in confusion before putting his hand to his face. He pressed his lips tightly together and didn't answer. She asked once more, more firmly. "Danny, what happened?"
He opened his mouth to say something, only to choke on nothing and close his mouth again. Maddie went to the freezer to get an ice pack. She motioned for him to sit down. He sat at the kitchen table, and she pulled a chair up to him. She pressed the ice pack to his face, and he took it from her, leaning his elbow on the table.
"I'll only ask you one more time," she began, only for Danny to angrily cut her off.
"I got beat up today, okay?" he replied, sounding exasperated. Maddie blinked.
"By who?" she asked. Danny gave her a sour look, and he refused to speak. "Danny…"
"I don't wanna talk about it," he finally spoke. He began to stand up. "Look, I'm fine. It's not a big deal."
"It's a huge deal!" Maddie argued. She grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to sit back down. "You're going to tell me what's going on right now. Who hurt you?"
"Just some dudes at school," he tried to keep his answers short. But Maddie was having none of that.
"But why?" she pressed. Danny stayed quiet. "Daniel James-"
"What do you want me to say, Mom?" he snapped. "That I constantly get my ass kicked for being queer? That every day I get reminded that they think I'm some freak that shouldn't be allowed to exist? Let alone in any kind of relative peace? People don't like me. Why do you think I want to get my name changed as soon as possible? Why I've been begging for surgery as a birthday gift? It's so that when I go to college, nobody will know."
"...I had no idea," she said slowly.
"Yeah, I know," he said shortly. He got up, managing to evade her touch again to go for the stairs. Before she could say anything else, he was upstairs, and she could hear his door closing.
What had gotten into him? Maddie had never heard Danny talk about any of those things to her before. How long had these feelings been going on? Why had he never talked to her before about this?
She forced herself to stand and return to her baking. Mindlessly, she began to fill her cupcake tray up with batter, slipping them into the oven when she heard noise in the basement. She frowned, quickly setting her timer before going down.
Phantom was there, looking through her stuff. Snooping around. He was carefully looking around, muttering to himself as he hunted for...something.
"Can I help you, Phantom?"
The ghost jumped, turning on his heel.
"I'm looking for the wishing ghost so I can undo a wish," he replied. She raised an eyebrow at his blunt honesty.
"What wish?" She asked. Phantom scowled, narrowing his eyes as he seemed to think hard.
"That's private," he replied. She glared back at him, but then it hit her.
"Well I wish you wouldn't lie to me!"
Her son couldn't lie to her. Because of the wishing ghost still trapped in the thermos. She hadn't had a chance to empty the thermoses of ghosts she had Jack had caught over the past two weeks.
"I suggest you leave through that portal then before I blast you through it," she said. "The wishing ghost is staying here with me." Phantom narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her.
"Not without that wishing ghost," he replied. Maddie picked a blaster off the table near her, pointing it at him. He held his hands up defensively. "Whoa, take it easy. Why do you want Desiree so bad? Don't you normally throw the ghosts back into the Ghost Zone anyway?"
"I do, and let's start with you," she replied. She pulled the trigger. It hit Phantom square in the chest, pushing him into the open portal. She quickly stormed up, slamming the closed button.
It was hours before Danny finally came down from upstairs. She knew that he had stayed upstairs, for once, instead of sneaking out again, from occasional footsteps and the sound of him talking on the phone. Maddie had actually just gotten off the phone with him, having called him to ask what he wanted from their favorite Chinese restaurant before she sent Jack out to pick it up. Soon as Jack was out the door, Danny came out of his room and downstairs. She gave him smile as he came into the living room.
"Hey sweetie, dad will b-"
"I know about the wish."
Maddie instantly felt guilt wash over her as Danny stared at her with a frown, arms crossed. She stayed where she sat on the couch.
"What makes you say that?" she questioned. Danny's lips tightened, and she knew that he wasn't going to answer her. "Danny-"
"And I know that you know about it!" he accused. "I've been through this kind of thing before! Why haven't you undone the wish yet?"
"Because you don't need to be lying to me!" Maddie finally snapped back as she got to her feet. "For once, I'm getting honest answers from you after almost three years of constant lie after lie!"
"And you're okay with this being how you get those answers?" Danny talked back. His fists balled up, though they stayed by his sides. "Instead of making me feel okay and comfortable telling you these things? Or wait for me to be ready to say something?"
Ouch. Maddie flinched, and she just knew that had Jazz been here...she'd be absolutely agreeing with Danny. And she knew in her gut that Danny was right. Maddie's shoulder slumped.
"I know," she said quietly. Danny looked completely taken aback. "...But why haven't you said anything? You know your dad and I love you so much. I had no idea you've been in this much pain."
Danny stared at the ground, shifting to lean against the doorway.
"...I didn't want you guys to feel like you were bad parents," he replied. "Because you're not. It's not your fault everybody else sucks, or that I have to wait for surgery or to get my name changed and everything. And you can't fix it. It's just how it is."
"Dad and I would have started fighting harder for you had we known," Maddie said softly. "All we ever want is for you and Jazz to be happy and healthy."
"Yeah, I know," Danny half-grumbled. "It's just...It's just how it is. And I can't even tell the therapist that, cause she keeps pushing back everything if I hint at being depressed about it."
"If that's the case, we can find a new therapist," Maddie replied. "One that'll take you more seriously." Danny shook his head.
"No, it's okay. I'll be done with school this year, and I'll be seeing a new one anyway when I go to college," he said. Maddie frowned.
"But still-"
"Mom, it's fine," he interrupted. He smiled. "Seriously." She sighed. "Please, just. Undo the wish."
"...Okay," she finally agreed. She began to walk towards the basement, only to pause, turning to him. "But first." Danny raised an eyebrow at her. "What were you and Sam doing up so late?" Danny gave her a sour look, rolling his eyes.
"...Sam's been having a hard time lately. Lots of girls at school bully her for the same reason as me, and it's just been hitting her super hard lately," he explained. "I was up late with her cause she was crying so much, and we fell asleep while I was holding her to make her feel better."
Maddie's heart twisted a bit. She truly wish she had known. And she already made a mental note to march into Casper High first thing Monday morning after having a long phone call with Pam that night. A call to Vlad too, to get in touch to see if he'd help hire a lawyer. She had absolute hell to raise, and a school she was ready to sue.
"But seriously," Danny's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "I'll eventually come and tell you these things when I'm ready. Don't rely on dumb ghost wishes."
"Yeah, I know," Maddie replied somberly. "I'm sorry, Danny." She took a few steps towards him, wrapping her arms around him tightly. After a moment, she felt him return the hug. She let go, cupping his cheeks and making him lean down a bit so she could kiss his forehead. "I just worry about you. I want you to feel like you can always come to me. You're my baby boy."
"I know, Mom," he smiled. "And I will when I need you, but I'm not a little kid. I can handle a lot of things on my own."
"Yeah, but you're still my baby," Maddie sighed. Hell, he and Jazz were both taller than her by now. They definitely got that from Jack. Or in Danny's case, he got nearly everything from him. Almost a mirror image the older he got. Danny's cheeks flushed a bit.
Maddie chuckled.
"Come on, let's go undo the wish. I have the wishing ghost still in the basement," she said. She paused. "But once we undo the wish, will you honestly tell me how you knew?"
Danny stared at her for a moment, seemingly thinking. And he nodded.
"Yeah. After dinner, just you and me," he promised. "I'll tell you the whole story. Start to finish."
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Hello! I truly love your writing! Would you consider a continuation of that piece where Jules stays with coops for a week? Or just some snippets of what they get up to?
Here’s part 1, folks! It’s about 3k words and I’m thinking there will be three or four parts total, released over the next couple days. I hope you enjoy it!
Sweater Weather and Jules credit belongs to @lumosinlove!
“Jules.” A series of gentle knocks echoed down the stairs and Sirius smiled into his coffee cup. “Jules, it’s time to wake up.”
Regulus snorted. “Bet you five bucks he has to drag the kid down.”
“Jules.” Remus knocked again, sounding more exasperated. There was a heavy sigh and the door clicked open; after a moment of quiet, someone yelped. “Good morning, sunshine.”
“Go away!” Jules groaned. “An’ give it back!”
“It’s time for breakfast, get a wiggle on. I’ll carry you if I have to.”
“I’m cold.” More rustling noises followed before Jules appeared at the top of the staircase, bundled in Remus’ sweatshirt—which was really Sirius’, but it didn’t matter—and scowling. His bedhead was outstanding.
“Bon matin,” Sirius said with a smile when Jules sat heavily in the chair next to him and put his forehead on his arms. “How’d you sleep?”
“I don’t like your fiancé.”
“He’s mean.”
Sirius winked at Remus as he rolled his eyes and pulled a cereal box out of the pantry. “What did he do?”
“He stole my blankets with no warning.”
“That is such a lie,” Remus scoffed. “I knocked on your door for five whole minutes before I came in!”
“Thank you for that, by the way,” Sirius said, walking over to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Reg owes me five bucks now.”
“Sweet, we can get more Oreos.”
“Oreos aren’t on your diet plan,” Jules sulked as Remus passed him a bowl of cereal and milk.
“How do you know?”
Jules mumbled something and shoved his spoon into his mouth. The night before had been hectic, with Sirius driving the Hope and Lyall to the airport while Remus helped set Jules up for the night. Regulus came back from hanging out with Leo around ten pm; by that time, Jules was still wired for sound at the idea of a week-long sleepover. He finally went to sleep around eleven thirty and Sirius and Remus crash-landed into bed, exhausted.
Practice was going to be hell.
“Why do we have to wake up early, again?” Jules asked around a yawn.
Sirius ruffled his hair as he sat down again. “Practice starts at ten. Eight o’clock is not early at all.”
He squinted at him, confused. “How early do you usually wake up?”
“Seven, seven-thirty.”
Jules shuddered and turned back to his cereal while Remus plonked himself down in Sirius’ lap with a coffee cup, looking moments away from falling asleep again. “Children are exhausting. Why did we get two of them?”
“Hey!” Jules and Regulus said in unison, clearly offended.
“We’ve got terrible judgement,” Sirius laughed.
“Older brothers are the worst, right Jules?”
“Totally. Are you coming to the rink with us?”
Regulus shook his head. “Sorry, buddy, I’ve got college stuff to work on. Want to help me with paperwork?”
Jules made a face. “I’ll pass.”
“We’re leaving in forty minutes, okay?” Remus said, stretching his back as he stood up and left Sirius’ lap cold and empty. “Jules, please take a shower.”
“I smell fine!”
“You didn’t take one yesterday or the day before. Scoot.” Jules rolled his eyes and got up. “Don’t give me that look! And put your bowl in the sink.”
Sirius and Regulus shared a glance as Jules put his stuff away and trooped up the stairs. “Hi, Hope,” Regulus snickered.
Resignation overtook Remus’ face and he sighed. “Fuck. I’m turning into my mother already. Reg, you should take a shower, too.”
“I smell fine!” The withering look from both Sirius and Remus made him raise his hands in surrender and wander off to his bedroom. “I’m nineteen, not nine!”
”And yet we still need to babysit you,” Sirius called back. Finally, they were alone. He hopped up to sit on the counter and grabbed Remus around the waist as he passed by, pulling him back for a hug. “Good morning, sweetheart.”
“Good morning.” Remus kissed him gently, bracketing his hips with his hands. He looked tired, but happy. “I’m actually pretty excited to have Jules stay with us. Thank you for that, by the way.”
“Ne rien. It’s good to have people here.” They kissed for a moment longer, listening to the shower running upstairs and Regulus’ rummaging noises down the hall. “I swear to God, he’s like a raccoon.”
Remus laughed and leaned his forehead on Sirius’ shoulder. “He definitely sounds like one.”
“At least his room’s clean.”
“Cheers to that. He’s heading back tomorrow, right?”
“Mhmm. Dumo’s been bugging me for, like, three days.”
Remus hummed, wrapping his arms around Sirius and snuggling into him. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. We’ve only got a little bit of time before Jules is out, so we should get dressed.”
Remus groaned, but released his limpet hold. “That was so close to a perfect sentence.”
Sirius paused just before hopping off the counter and raised his eyebrows. “If we have extra time…”
“Come on, you,” Remus laughed, tugging him off the counter by the hand and hurrying toward the stairs.
They arrived at the rink at 10:05, and Sirius began bracing himself for the inevitable chirping as soon as he stepped out of the car. Jules bounced on his toes in excitement as they walked toward the building, laden with their hockey gear and still a bit frazzled from the mad dash out of the house.
“Is this the munchkin?” Moody asked when Remus knocked on the door to the PT office.
“Yep.” Remus looked down at Jules, whose eyes were wide and more than a little nervous as his grip tightened on Remus’ jacket hem.
“Alastor Moody,” he grunted, holding a hand out that Jules tentatively shook.
“Wanna see how bones work, kid?”
Instantly, his nerves disappeared. “Yeah!”
Moody winked at them as he led Jules toward the joint models on the far wall and Sirius let out a slow breath. “He’ll be fine.”
“God, I hope so. If anyone can drive Moody off the wall, it’ll be my little brother,” Remus murmured as they headed off down the hall.
The yelling started the second Sirius opened the locker room door. “You’re LATE!” James shouted, grinning from ear to ear. “Hand over the badge, Captain.”
“We still have fifty minutes until practice starts, shut your face.” Sirius socked him on the shoulder and set his bag in the stall.
“What, pray tell, was the reason for this tardiness?” James leaned over and batted his eyelashes.
Remus rolled up a towel and smacked him on the ass with it. “My little brother.”
“Jules is here?” Leo perked up on the other side of the room, and Sirius saw several of the guys look over in excitement, as if they were hiding him in one of their bags.
“He’s staying with us for the week since my great-aunt passed away.”
“Shit, Loops, I’m sorry.”
Remus shrugged. “I never met her, but my folks went back for the funeral. Moody said he’d keep an eye on Jules during practice.”
“Lupin, Black, you’re late,” Coach Weasley said from the doorway, giving them a look over his glasses. “Do we need to have a conversation?”
“No, Coach,” Sirius said as he pulled his pads over his chest.
“I hear you’ve commandeered my head PT for the day.”
Remus shook his head. “If Jules starts bugging him—”
“I’m kidding, Loops.” Arthur’s mouth twitched into a smile. “Moody loves kids. This’ll be good for his disposition.”
Finn snorted. “Can’t get any worse.”
“I expect all of you on the ice in twenty. Any stragglers are doing laps outside!” Arthur slapped the edge of the doorway before ducking out into the hall again; his sneakers squeaked on the freshly-washed floor and Sirius stifled a laugh as he finished buckling up.
The five minute delay did not have a terrible impact on his pre-practice rituals, which he took a  moment to be grateful for—they had a scrimmage planned, and he didn’t intend to lose. Once warmups were over, they moved into running plays, until finally the whistle blew and Coach called out the teams. Remus ended up on the other side and he slapped Sirius’ ass with his stick as he passed him, grinning over his shoulder before stopping next to Dumo.
Jules and Moody came out to watch a few minutes in; Sirius caught a glimpse of his wide eyes when he saw the speed of the game and smiled to himself. Everyone else seemed to notice the new arrivals as well, because their effort doubled and suddenly the plays were running smoother than ever.
Showing off for a ten-year-old, he thought with a shake of his head. Talk about baby fever.
Remus sped through the defense, weaving back and forth until he was nearly face-to-face with Sirius. His whole face lit up and he braced; when Sirius went to check him, he dipped sideways at the last second and slipped the puck right through his skates, catching it on the other side and zipping toward the goal at top speed. The goal light went off and Talker whooped, checking him in celebration.
“Lupin! Where’s that been all season?” Arthur demanded, though he was laughing. “Christ, guys, thanks for finally waking up!”
“Where the fuck did you learn that?” Sirius asked as they headed back for the face-off.
“You think you’re the only one who skates in the basement?” Remus said with a cheeky grin.
The whole rink buzzed with energy throughout the rest of the scrimmage—once or twice, Sirius realized even he was showing off a little for Jules, who cheered louder than fifteen thousand fans whenever someone scored.
Arthur shook his head when the final whistle went off. “Everyone say ‘thank you’ to Julian.”
“Thank you, Jules,” they chorused. Jules looked like he was about to die of happiness.
“I need to get him in here more often,” Arthur muttered as they headed to the locker room to change into their gym gear. “Let’s get that energy for every practice, okay? Not just the ones with Little Loops.”
“What are you talking about?” Kasey laughed.
Arthur fixed him with a look. “Don’t bullshit me, Winter, all of you were showing off for the kid.”
Remus blushed all the way to his ears, and the rest of them mumbled some half-assed excuses until they were shooed away. “I put the new schedule on the mirror,” Sirius called over the noise. “Try to pay attention to it for once.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Logan reached up and patted him on the shoulder as he passed; Sirius dragged him back into a headlock to ruffle his hair. “Ow, fuck, okay!”
Logan did not, in fact, stick to the schedule. He was far too busy tossing the lightest medicine ball they had with Jules, who staggered slightly whenever he caught it. Both looked absolutely thrilled.
Sirius, on the other hand, was glad for the opportunity to do a fair bit of ogling while he spotted Remus—who stuck to the schedule, Sirius had never loved him more—until he finished his bench-pressing rotation. He was strong before being a player, but now…well, it was safe to say he could sweep Sirius off his feet literally and figuratively.
“Re, Re!” Jules ran over when Remus finally sat up, then paused and made a face. “You’re sweaty.”
Remus pulled him in for a hug, making him shriek and wiggle to get out. “I am, yeah! Isn’t it great? Here, lemme just—”
Jules flailed, but he couldn’t get out of Remus’ hold in time to avoid the head nuzzle that plastered his hair up on one side with sweat as the guys laughed. “Ewww!”
“Did you need something, buddy?” Remus asked at last.
“Well, now I need a shower.” Jules grimaced. “I was going to ask if you guys actually do ice baths.”
“Of course we do!” Kasey cut in before Remus could quickly divert the topic. “And your brother loves them.”
Sirius had to turn around to muffle his laughter as interest lit on Jules’ face. “Really? Can I see?”
Kasey opened the door dramatically. “Right this way, Little Loops.”
Two of the ice baths were full when they arrived and Sirius did not miss the pained look on Remus’ face at the sight, nor did he miss the devious smile on Kasey’s. Jules hurried over to one and looked over the end, practically sticking his whole face in. “Woah.”
“Pretty cool, huh? You want to know what the best part is?”
“Oh, Christ,” Remus muttered.
“Loops, will you do the honors and make sure your darling little brother has a good time?” Kasey asked, the picture of innocence. Remus sighed and stood next to the ice bath, silently begging Sirius for help with his eyes as Kasey motioned Jules over. “Alright, so you take one of these, and then you have to be super careful as you aim. Lucky for you, you’re learning from the best.”
Remus winced as the first ice cube smacked him in the side of the head and gritted his teeth as the second went down the neck of his t-shirt. Sirius schooled his expression into the mildest, sweetest smile he could muster. “He’s not doing anything,” Jules whispered. Remus began taking deep breaths.
“He will.”
“Try me, Wint—oh, sh—” Remus muffled a squeak as ice went directly down his spine. “Hoo, boy, that’s cold.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you censor yourself,” Kasey said, amazed. “It’s uncanny.”
“Are you done?”
“I could do this all day, but it’s my turn to make dinner tonight and Nat gets hangry if I’m late. Good game, Little Loops.” Kasey and Jules high-fived and Remus shook his shirt out; no less than four ice cubes clattered to the ground.
“Young man, you are in such big trouble,” Remus growled playfully as he swept Jules over his shoulder and began tickling his knees. Sirius dodged the squirming legs and held the door open for them as they walked back into the hallway. “You’re okay hanging out with Moody while we get our stuff together, right?”
“Yeah! He’s got the coolest knee statues.”
Dinner was anything but a quiet affair; all three of them had taken a nap when they got home, then had a dance party in the kitchen while Remus taught Jules how to actually cook chicken so nobody got food poisoning. Sirius was torn between begging them for the details of that particular story and wanting to stay as far away from it as possible.
Regulus and Jules got into a fierce game of footsie under the table that only ended when a small foot—he still didn’t know which one it was—slammed into the base of Sirius’ knee, hard enough that it would certainly leave a bruise. “Ow.”
They both froze, shared a look, then silently went back to eating. “Practice starts at nine tomorrow,” Remus said around a bite of broccoli. “That means wake up time is six thirty, okay? We’ve got a game on Thursday and it’s super important that we’re not late again. Reg, what time are you heading out?”
“I was thinking noon-ish? That way I can get my stuff set up while Dumo’s still at practice. Don’t want to bother him.”
Jules turned to him with the biggest, saddest eyes Sirius had ever seen. “You’re leaving?”
“I live with Dumo, remember?” Regulus hesitated. “I’ll be at the game, though.”
“Can I sit with you?”
That seemed to placate him, and he turned back to his chicken happily. Sirius nudged his brother, giving him a significant look, which was met with an eye roll that couldn’t quite cover the fond flush on his face.
Jules and Regulus took care of the dishes after dinner and Sirius stretched out on the couch to the sounds of the kid’s excited chatter as he recounted the day’s events. Remus flopped down on top of him, settling between his thighs with a contented smile. “Today went well.”
“Yeah, it did.” Sirius began running his fingers through Remus’ soft hair. “I think Moody is about thirty seconds away from adopting him.”
Remus laughed against his chest. “I think so. It’s pretty cool seeing him so excited about PT stuff.”
“It is.” There was a slow sigh and Sirius raised his eyebrows. “What was that about?”
“I just realized that even though Reg is leaving tomorrow, we won’t have the house to ourselves for six more days. It’s been two weeks.”
Sirius closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the armrest. “Fuck. I didn’t even think about that. Think we can dump him on Dumo for a night?”
“We can handle six days, right?”
“Yeah, totally.”
There was a beat of silence. “This is going to be difficult.”
“If we make it to the three-day mark, I say we break open the Oreos as a reward.”
“Sounds good to me—oof.”
They both groaned as an extra hundred pounds of person squished on top of them. “Dishes are done!” Jules chirped.
“Did you wash your hands?” Sirius wheezed, blinking the dark spots out of his vision. Remus’ chin was digging into his upper ribs.
“Yep! Regulus wants to watch a movie. I think we should watch Jurassic Park, but he says it’s terrible—”
“He what?” Remus raised his head slightly and craned his neck to look back at the kitchen. “Regulus!”
“You don’t like Jurassic Park? I thought you had taste!” Remus pushed off the couch and Jules wrapped all his limbs around him like an oversized koala. “We’re watching it tonight and you’re going to like it. Come on, baby, we need to make sure your brother has culture.”
Two hours later, as the credits rolled and three people snored gently, Sirius smiled to himself. He could handle a week of this.
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mondstadtbreeze · 3 years
Under the Windtree
Word count: 2.5k
Genre: Hurt/comfort
Aether returns to Mondstadt only to find that Venti hasn't been seen in a few days. He can't shake the feeling that something isn't right.
Aether and Paimon come back to Mondstadt after a long time of traveling the country between Mond and Liyue to collect ingredients, artifacts and looking for more clues of the whereabouts of Lumine.
Everyone is happy to see them and he's immediately roped into helping out here and there, despite being tired.
Paimon eventually tells him to stop because she knows he's exhausted and he goes to stay at the Angel's Share.
He was really hoping to see Venti before retiring for the night, but the bard is difficult to get a hold of on the best days, since he doesn't have actual residence in Mondstadt.
He wishes Charles a good night and goes to end the day after a good meal.
Aether wakes up the next morning with Paimon gone, probably to get breakfast somewhere and gets ready for the day, happy for the access to a good bath with warm water after weeks.
He finds Paimon at the counter talking Charles' ear off who seems happy to entertain her and Aether sits down with them.
They talk and Aether finds out after asking (he tries to sound casual when he asks, but Charles looks at him a bit too knowing) that Venti hasn't really been seen by anyone around for about 3 days now, which is somewhat rare, but it happens.
Aether cant help but feel worried despite Charles being calm about it but he, better than anyone, knows Venti can take care of himself.
He doesnt look for him.
He goes talk to jean to see if she needs help and to lighten the load he knows she has on her shoulders and then sneaks off with Kaeya to take a break in which they see who can catch a slime faster.
Aether wins and Kaeya promises to smuggle him a drink later.
Kaeya pulls him into a half hug-half headlock and ruffles his hair, dodging Paimon who playfully swats at his head to 'defend' Aether, before they go off to continue their jobs.
Aether finishes some commissions and sinple tasks asked by the citizens until Paimon tells him to go sit for a while.
Venti still hasn't shown his face and Aether is getting anxious now.
He knows the bard is often busy with his own mischief and isn't always around but whenever Aether goes back to Mondstadt he's been there at least a day and most of the time immediately sought him out, as if he knew he was in town.
Which, as the archon of wind, is very likely.
So why hasn't he visited yet?
Was he on a trip?
Did Aether do something wrong the last time he was here?
The thought of that sits like a stone in Aether's stomach, adding to the heavy weight of his anxiety.
He can't sit around and wait.
Something tells him to go look for Venti instead of waiting.
"You really are like a mother hen sometimes, you know?", Paimon says when he asks her to come along.
"Paimon would love to come but...."
They look at the food that's still on the plate.
"Paimon is tired from getting up early and being busy all day."
"I can carry you."
Paimon puffs her cheeks and huffs.
"No way! Paimon isn't a little kid OR a pet! Noone carries Paimon around! Why don't we go look for him tomorrow? He's probably with that dragon anyways. Paimon will come if we wait until tomorrow."
She looks at him a little pleading and Aether can see a hint of concern bleed through.
"You should sleep, too, Aether."
He knows he should.
Aether sighs.
"I'm sorry Paimon, I need to check on him. Something feels... off."
Paimon pouts but nods.
"Paimon will save you a snack for when you come back."
Aether is out of the city faster than he planned to, worry and the growing knot in his stomach bite at his heels and drive him forward.
He decides to go to Starsnatch Cliff first to see if his friend is there but realizes quickly that it was pointless.
He does his best to avoid fights and obstacles on his way back to Windrise.
If Venti isn't there he'll look at Dvalin's Lair and then return to Mond.
He is already making a plan on how to get to Dvalin the fastest when he reaches the statue at Windrise.
He immediately knows that something is wrong.
Looking over the area it seems the same, nothing unusual, not even slimes or hilichurls.
But as soon as Aether steps up to the roots, his foot touching it's tip, the anxiety he'd had the entire time turns into cold, clawing fear.
His throat closes up and he gasps in shock of the sensation as it washes over him.
Aether stumbles back and has to lean against the statue, hold on to it, to keep himself upright.
He knows they aren't his own emotions, has experienced this once or twice before when connecting to statues of the Seven and somehow that knowledge makes it worse, because it means Venti is terrified.
He has to find him, quickly.
Aether fights to push the feelings into the back of his mind and concentrates on the foreign feeling of wind rushing through his body as he leans closer to the statue, closing his eyes.
He can feel it flowing through him, around him, into the statue and back out and-
An image flashes up in his mind, blurry.
He sees the blue sky vaguely and a lot of strings and roots that obscure it. He can also see the river.
Aether let's go immediately and rushes around the tree to where the water would be visible, heart pounding.
He doesn't find Venti right away, mostly because the fear doesn't ebb off but becomes stronger the more he searches.
When he realizes why, he stops moving.
"Venti!", he calls.
No answer, but the fear spikes.
Aether has to blink, to get the tears out of his eyes from the intense feeling.
"Venti, it's Aether!"
He keeps searching and shortly after this he feels the fear lift a little and can think more clearly again.
Aether freezes and turns to where the voice came from.
Carefully he approaches a spot overgrown with roots and bushes.
Venti is practically invisible behind it, with his green clothing.
He's pushed himself into a hollow at the tree's trunk behind them, like a miniature cavern. Aether can't see a lot with the gloomy lighting but Venti looks like he's slumped against the bark.
"Hey... Traveler", he greets and the faint glow of his braids and half lidded eyes shows just enough for Aether to realize there is blood on his face.
His heart almost stops.
He tries to get closer, but the roots make it impossible for him to reach, almost as if they'd grown there just to protect anyone from getting to Venti.
How did he even climb in there?
"Venti, what happened?", he asks softly, copying the soft tone the bard had used before. Venti looks at him as if he only heard half of it.
"Wait no, don't answer that. I'm here to help, can you move?"
Aether doesn't wait for an answer and instead starts pushing roots aside with more force.
Venti watches him the entire time, sometimes blinking rapidly as if to stay awake, so Aether continues to mumble what he's doing for Venti to concentrate on.
Finally, he reaches out but Venti shakes his head.
"Don't think I should move... right now."
"I can't get a look at you or help you in here", Aether explains and grabs for him anyways.
Before the bard can do anything against it, Aether has shoved his arms under his legs and behind his back and lifts him out of the hole.
He almost drops him when Venti screams in pain.
"Down! Aether!", he yelps right after, but Aether carries him further.
When he puts him down, it's in a spot he can prop Venti's back up against a large rock.
The bard is still holding onto him, fingers clawed into Aether's shirt, but let's go tohold his sode when he moves too sudden.
And then Aether finally catches sight of what happened.
He gasps in horror when his hands come away from Venti's stomach stained in red.
There is old blood plastering his shirt to his body and new that now seeps further into spots that used to be white.
Aether realizes that, whatever this wound came from, he just opened it up again.
But there is no time for blaming himself now.
"Venti. Venti look at me."
The bard is staring at his stomach, breathing heavily, and Aether has to practically force his head up to get his attention.
"Can you understand what I'm saying?"
Venti blinks. He looks tired.
He nods.
"Good. How long have you been here?"
"A day... maybe", is the quiet answer and Venti seems to struggle with even just that.
Aether's mind is racing.
A day with a wound like this would've killed any normal human.
Which Venti is not.
Should he leave him here? For the tree to heal him?
Venti answers the question before he can ask it.
"Isn't working. Not... healing."
He moans in pain when he tries breathing in deeply and then... doubles over, coughing and gasping for air.
Aether yells his name, doing his best to hold him upright, so he doesn't hit his head.
Venti coughs one more time, wheezing painfully, before he slumps against Aether.
He stops moving.
The blood in Aether's veins freezes.
"Venti! Venti, wake up!"
He doesn't think he's ever felt this cold.
Venti isn't responding and his breathing is too shallow.
The fear Aether feels is his very own this time.
He does his best to swallow around the panic, checking Venti's pulse and, upon finding it, lifts him up again.
Venti is so much lighter than he looks and Aether has to hold back a sob, when he feels the blood run down his hand.
Before he knows it, he's running.
He knows he shouldn't move someone with a wound like this, but he doesn't have any other choice to help him.
This way there is at least a chance of reaching Barbara before... before...
Aether concentrates on the wind around him and sprints.
Barbara is just about to leave the church when there is a ruckus from outside and the doors burst open, splintering in their hinges at the same time as Aether yells "HELP! I NEED HELP!"
She's at his side within a second and flinches in shock when she recognizes who Aether is carrying and what state the bard is in.
There is blood all over both of them and the look Aether throws her is one of feral desperation.
Barbara gets to work.
Venti had stopped breathing right when Aether had reached the steps of the Church of Favonius.
Aether still feels the dread and panic sit in his throat, which is why he hasn't taken his eyes off of the bard since Barbara told him to lay him down in the churches backroom.
A few hours ago, Venti had woken up, feverish and in pain, repeatedly mumbling what Aether believed to be the word "Himmel", before slipping back into a fitful sleep, brows furrowed and face screwed up in pain.
Eventually Aether starts switching between carding a hand through Venti's dark hair and running a finger along his brows and forehead as if to ease the creases out of it.
It works for a while.
Venti wakes up feeling like he got stomped on by a geo vishap.
His vision is blurry, everything hurts and he's still tired.
What keeps him from going back to sleep, however, is the body next to him.
When Venti looks down, he finds himself face to face with Aether.
He's snoring lightly, eyes moving behind closed lids.
A few lose hair strands hang into his face.
When Venti moves a little, Aether hums and then buries his face in the crook of Venti's neck.
He holds his breath and when he moves again, he realizes that Aether's hand is on his hip, holding him losely to his body.
Venti lets out the air he's holding in a stutter, doing his best not to disturb the other.
His heart is thumping loudly against his ribcage, fluttering every time Aether's breath hits his skin.
He almost forgets his own pain.
He groans loudly when he tries to turn and suddenly Barbara is right next to him.
"You should move him if it hurts you", she says quietly without greeting but Venti shakes his head softly.
"I'm fine. Promise!"
Barbara smiles gently as she puts her hand on his forehead, nods a little and holds a straw towards him.
He drinks and makes a face at whatever medicine she's just given him.
She gives him another glass with straw and only water and he drinks it greedily.
"You were hurt pretty badly. Who attacked you?"
"Noone who will ever hurt anyone again", Venti replies cryptically and Barbara nods, although a little disapproving.
Then she nods to Aether.
"You were lucky he found you on time. You weren't breathing when he got here."
Venti swallows.
Not breathing? That was close.
"O...oh. Guess I'll have to thank him for that."
"You better. A lot of us would be in trouble without him. It's no surprise that he'd end up helping you out eventually as well."
Venti giggles softly.
If she only knew just how MUCH he owed Aether for.
Speaking of...
"What is he doing here still?"
"He insisted on staying. He was very distraught when he arrived and only calmed down when he was able to see you were breathing again."
She clicks her tongue disapprovingly when she add: "Ripped the church doors out of their hinges when he arrived."
Venti gapes at her.
"That's... kind of h-"
Barbara puts her hand over his mouth faster than he can finish and tries to look upset.
"I will not have this kind of conversation in our Lord Barbatos' church. What if he hears! Such frivolous words, bard."
Venti chuckles.
"Oh, I'm sure he'd agree with me."
"Blasphemy!", she hisses playfully and he laughs lightly and sticks his tongue out.
"You seem to be recovering well. I'll leave you to sleep some more. Kick the honorary knight out of bed if he hurts you."
She pauses shortly.
"I'm glad you're better, Venti. Don't go off alone next time."
With that she leaves.
Venti lets out a shuddering breath as he relaxes.
Aether mumbles something against his neck and Venti shudders under the sensation.
He experimentally runs his fingers over Aether's spine.
The other hums in his sleep.
Venti swallows his nerves.
He could let himself indulge in this.
This one time.
He closes his eyes and, as far as he can, curls closer into Aether, who's quiet snoring and slow breathing lulls him into a soft daze.
He turns his head to bury his nose in Aether's hair, feeling nothing but comfort and safety, before he fell back asleep.
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albertasunrise · 3 years
It's Yours - Chapter 3
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
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Summary: You and Javier have been sleeping together for almost two years but after his name was leaked by the papers, he is sent home for investigation. You remain behind with Steve to catch Escobar but when he’s finally dead, you decide to go after the man you’ve fallen for. You don’t like what you find when you finally reunite with him.
Warnings: Angst, Kissing
Relationships: Javier Peña x Reader
Note: I picture that Si looks like Charlie Hunnam, hot but with the kindest eyes and face.
The guest house was beautiful. The wood panelling was whitewashed with two potted orange trees sat either side of the steps that lead up to the porch, a swinging bench hanging to the left and a small table and chairs say to the right of the front door. Javier unlocks the painted, white, door and leads you inside to the lounge with minimalistic decor. It was clear that the place wasn’t finished but it was certainly liveable.
‘The bedrooms are through here.’ He states as he motions with an open hand for you to follow.
He takes you down a long hallway. The first door to your left is a bedroom, its small with a single bed on one side and a desk and bookshelves on the other, then a little further on to the right is a bathroom, tiled white with a large double shower, clawfoot bath and double sink. Javier watches you as you admire each room you pass. He comes to a stop next to a door at the far end of the hall and you glance at him before heading inside. The room’s walls are painted a warm shade of red with a four-poster bed stood proudly within. A door sat in the centre of the wall opposite the bed with a wardrobe on one side and a dresser on the other, both the same rich shade of brown as the bed.
‘This is beautiful Javi.’ You say as you turn to look at him, noting his nervous expression.
‘The place isn't finished yet but I hope you’ll be comfortable here.’ He states ‘Well at least until you find a place or whatever.’
‘I’m sure I will be.’ You reply with a smile.
‘There’s no food in the fridge, didn’t get a chance to buy anything in but Pops has invited you to dinner tonight if you want to join us.’ He pauses as he studies your expression ‘Unless you and Si have plans.’
‘Si’s working tonight.’ You reply and he nods ‘I’d love to join you and your father. Be nice to get to know our baby’s grandpa.’
Javier’s heart tugged at the mention of the tiny being growing inside of you, the being that he had helped create but then his heart ached a little as he remembered that you wouldn't be raising this baby together. He showed you where the towels were and how all the appliances in the kitchen worked and then left you alone. You took your time looking around a little more before picking up the phone to call Si liked you'd promised.
‘Hey, baby.’ You say sweetly, grinning down the phone like a loon ‘I’m here. The place is lovely.’
‘That’s great baby.’ He replies ‘Everything okay? Not weird or anything?’
‘Well of course things are a little weird.’ You chuckle ‘I’m pregnant with my partner’s baby and living in a guest house on his father’s ranch. No way for this not to be weird.’
Si chuckles in reply and you laugh along with him, chewing your bottom lip as you swoon over him.
‘He’s invited me to join him and his dad for dinner tonight.’ You start ‘Should probably get to know my baby’s only grandparent.’
‘Probably.’ Si teases ‘But I’m taking you for breakfast tomorrow morning beautiful.’
‘Oh, are you indeed?’
‘What?’ He chuckles ‘Can’t a guy treat his girl?’
‘So I’m your girl am I?’ You tease, eyebrows raised in feigned surprise.
‘I hope so.’
‘I hope so too.’ You grin ‘See you tomorrow handsome.’
‘Bye baby.’
You hang up the phone and practically shake with excitement. You’d not felt this excited about someone in a long time. Simon exhilarated you in a way that only Javi had before, but you hadn’t been Javier’s girl. You unpack your clothes and decide to take a walk around the ranch, surprised at how many animals Javi’s father has. You perch yourself on the bench that overlooks the two horses you’d seen that first day you came, smiling as they play and prance.
‘Those two never stop.’ Chuckles Javier as he walks up beside you.
‘Do you ride?’ You ask, glancing up at him as he watches the two mares play.
‘Yeah.’ He replies plainly as he looks down at you ‘You?’
‘Used to.’ You reply with a smile ‘Haven’t in years.’
‘Well, maybe we can go for a ride some time.’ He says sweetly and you smile at him.
‘I’d like that.’ You pause as you place your hand on your belly ‘I uh… I made an appointment to get a scan done. It’s on the 17th.’
‘Okay great.’ He replies as he perches himself on the edge of the bench.
‘I’ll probably need you to drive me. I need to return the car tomorrow.’ You state and he nods.
‘Do you need me to collect you tomorrow after you give it back?’
‘No Si’s coming with me.’ You reply, a pang of guilt rearing its head when you mention his name ‘He’s actually going to take me to breakfast tomorrow morning so I’ll be gone early.’
‘Oh right.’ He replies, unable to hide his disappointment.
‘It’s nothing.’ He replies, giving you an unconvincing smile.
‘Javier I know when you’re lying. What is it?’
‘Pops bought a load of extra food in. He assumed as you had no groceries that you’d join us for breakfast too.’ He replies honestly, grimacing as he spoke.
‘I’ll cancel with Si.’
‘No don’t.’ Javier shakes his head ‘Why don’t you invite him? There’s plenty for us all. Pops won’t mind.’
‘It’s fine really.’ He says, giving you a small smile ‘I better get back to work. There’s a really nice walk down that way.’ He says as he motions to a small dirt track ‘Just don’t leave the path. So easy to get lost.’
‘Okay.’ You reply as you watch him stand ‘Thanks.’
He gives you a brief nod and leaves, heart aching for you as he walks towards his truck. He doesn't want Si there but he knows that that man can offer you everything he can't so he has to accept he's lost you to the nicest man he knows.
‘Chucho, these are the best Enchiladas I have ever eaten!’ You gush and the man grins at you ‘Actually Javi made these.’
‘You can cook?’ You make no attempt to hide your surprise.
‘Yeah well, I’m Mexican. Cooking was forced onto me from a young age.’ He chuckles.
‘Well, these are delicious Javi.’ You smile ‘At least I know the baby will eat well when it visits.’
Javier’s face drops at this and you feel your stomach twist. You hadn't really discussed what the arrangement was going to be. It was a little early on to be thinking about it but you’d somewhat assumed that you would move back to DC and the baby would come to visit during the holidays. The distance is a bit much for alternating weekends.
‘Have you thought about what you want it to be?’ Asks Chucho, trying to relieve some of the tension.
‘Not Fussed’ ‘Girl’
You look up and Javier in shock, a small smile tugging at your lips.
‘You want a girl?’ You question ‘Didn’t know you’d given it any thought.’
He shrugs as he chews ‘I dunno… I've just always thought if I have a kid, I’d like it to be a girl. Boy’s are hard work.’ He chuckles.
‘You really not thought about it Chica?’ Asked Chucho, smiling at you.
‘Honestly, as long as it’s healthy I’m happy.’ You reply, smiling back at him.
‘Javi said your boyfriend is joining us for breakfast.’ You nearly choke on your food at this statement, you’d not labelled him yet.
‘Uh… yeah.’ You reply ‘If that’s okay with you.’
‘Not a problem.’ He replies ‘Plenty of food.’
‘Thank you, Chucho.’
Dinner goes by with relative ease. Some leftovers get wrapped up for you, you thank Chucho for a wonderful evening and then Javier walks you back to the guesthouse, casserole dish in hand. Stopping beside the front door you take the dish for Javi and smile sweetly at him, willing your heart to slow down.
‘Thank you, Javi.’ You start, feeling your heart flutter a little as he looked at you with his expressive brown eyes ‘Was a really lovely evening.’
‘Glad you enjoyed yourself.’ He replied ‘Goodnight.’
He leans in and kisses your cheek, your heart stopping as his soft lips make contact with your skin. You let out a shaky breath as he pulls away, just enough that he can look you in the eye and you find your gaze flitting between his lips and his glittering brown orbs. In the blink of an eye, his lips are on yours, kissing you with fervour and after the initial shock, you’re then kissing him back. Then your brain catches up with you and you push him away with your free hand, chest heaving as you feel tears forming.
‘We can't do this Javi.’ You sob.
‘No… We can’t.’ You interrupt ‘I’m with Si. I care about him and he doesn't deserve this.' You pause as you wipe your tears with the back of your hand 'Goodnight Javier.’
You quickly unlock the door and disappear inside and leaving a heartbroken man in your wake.
‘You don’t have to do this baby.’ You say as you walk towards the main house with Si at your side ‘Still time to back out.’
‘Well, I should probably get to know the sober version that is the father of my girlfriends baby.’ He states and your heart skips a beat ‘If this is heading where I think it is then we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other.’ He finishes as he spins you around to kiss you passionately, beard tickling your lips and making you giggle.
‘Girlfriend eh?’ You question with a wink.
‘That okay?’
‘More than.’ You reply as you place a sweet kiss on his lips.
You knock on the door three times and you’re greeted by Chuchos smiling face ‘You didn’t tell me Si’s your man!’ He exclaims as he gives the man a friendly pat on his shoulder.
‘Good to see you Chucho.’ Replies Si as he grins at him.
‘Come in, come in!’ He says excitedly as he motions you in with his hand.
The table is covered in food and you can’t help but smile at the effort that’s been made. Javier is busy at the stove and you make your way over to him, peering at the pan and seeing that he’s making scrambled eggs.
‘Good morning.’ He says with a smile and you wonder if he’s forgotten about what happened last night.
Then the smell hits you and your stomach rolls. You say nothing, just make a b-line for the bathroom and Javier’s face drops as he watches you run. Si sprints after you and holds your hair as you empty the contents of your stomach, letting out a sob as you try to breathe through it.
‘You okay?’ Si asks as he rubs comforting circles on your back.
‘What happened?’ Asks a flustered Javier as he appears in the doorway.
‘Morning sickness.’ Replies Si as you rest your head remains resting on your forearm ‘She gets set off by the smell of eggs and Coffee.’
‘Shit I-.’
‘You didn’t know man it’s fine.’ Interrupts Si and Javier nods before leaving, not wanting you or him to see the tears forming in his eyes.
He feels like he should know these things. You’re carrying his baby yet the local barman knows more about your triggers than him. You walk back in to the kitchen ans see him tossing the eggs into the trash and your brows furrow.
‘What are you doing?’
‘The smell makes you sick so we won’t eat them.’
‘You didn’t need to do that Javi.’
‘It’s fine Chica really.’ States Chucho ‘There’s still plenty of food.’
Si and Chucho talk each other’s ears off over breakfast but Javier doesn't say a word. You note that his eyes are bloodshot, that he keeps wiping his nose with his napkin and that he avoids any form of eye contact with you. You help clear up, hoping that it will give you a moment alone with Javier to talk but he doesn't say a word to you, doesn’t look at you and you feel yourself getting more and more irritated as it goes on.
‘Can I speak to you a moment?’ You say suddenly as you toss the drying cloth down and grab his arm, pulling him through the backdoor ‘What the fuck is your problem?’
‘What? He growls.
‘You’ve been in a shit mood all morning.’ You spit ‘I’m sorry that I got sick because of the eggs. You didn’t need to act like a child about it! You put this kid in me. You don’t get to be upset about some silly eggs.’
‘You think that's why I’m upset?’ He says, raising his voice a little ‘I’m upset because I don’t know what triggers morning sickness in the mother of my child and yet the local barman does. I’m upset that I won't get to raise my first kid with the woman I love. I’m upset that I’m not going to be able to do the feeds with you, the night changes... I’ll miss watching them grow, walk, probably talk. This is not how I imagined things would be when I finally became a father but it’s what I deserve right? I’m a bad man. I don’t deserve the perfect life with a wife and a baby. But he does!’ He finishes as he points at the closed door before he storms through it, leaving you speechless.
The woman he loves?
What were you supposed to do with that information?
You looked through the windows and saw him swiping up his keys and bidding his father and Si goodbye before leaving them as abruptly as he left you. Then your eyes drift to Si who’s looking at you with a sympathetic expression and your heart flutters. You’d waited years to hear Javi say that he loved you. It had been all you'd ever wanted but you also knew that he’d fuck it up. He wouldn’t be able to prioritise you and this baby. The job would always come first. Si was everything you’d ever wanted in a man. He was kind, loving, committed. He knew what he wanted and he would stop at nothing to get it and what he wanted is you. You could feel yourself falling hard from him already and that scared you because you had to decide. Do you want the man you’re in love with? The father of your child. Or do you want the man you’re falling in love with? The man who you know will give you everything you’ve ever wanted.
Time to decide.
Chapter 4
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Can you write some more Owen smut I really liked your other stories. Could you go a little more in-depth with the description, but still make it a story. You should start a series, you’re writing is really good.
Too Long (Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so this one took a while I hope you like it! Make sure to dm me or comment your requests! And let me know if you guys want a tag list!
Requested by: @jjbassett (Tumblr)
Warnings: Smut (18+)
"Owen Patrick Joyner!" I yelled knocking viciously on the door Savannah had directed me towards. I had finally gotten time off from school to be able to come visit my best friend in Vancouver. And after talking about it for weeks with his good friend Savannah and the director of the show Kenny. We were able to plan a surprise visit with the exception that I'd cheer him on during his last scenes the next day. Like a good bestfriend would. So here I was here knocking on his front door of the place he was staying at. It was currently 12:32 in the morning so I just hope and prayed he'd actually opened the door. I smiled widely hearing the door unlock from the inside.
"Surprise!" I shouted as the door opened to reveal a cute brown haired boy. With arms for days.
"Oh I'm sorry. Uh is Owen here?" I asked nervously hoping he didn't think I was some crazed fan.
"Can I know who's asking?"
"My names y/n. Y/n Y/l/n I'm Owens best friend"
"Oh so your y/n" He smiled opening the door wider to let me in.
"I'm Charlie Gillespie" The guy spoke making me sigh in relief definitely recognizing the name as one of the main actors.
"I'm Owens roommate. Kenny told me you'd be coming by soon. I just didn't think it'd be at this time"
"Yeah my flight landed like an hour ago and by the time the Uber got there it was pretty late. Plus I went to go say hi to Sav before this"
"Oh you know Savannah?"
"For how long?"
"I've known her since Owen starred in Knight Squad so a while now"
"Cool" He said the room going silent.
"So is he here?"
"Yeah he's dead asleep in his room. But I can wake him"
"No! No let him rest. You guys have a big day tomorrow don't you?"
"Yup. It's our last day. Which is exactly why your here. He's gonna be so happy"
"I'd hope so I crammed in my studying for my English final into 3 days and took it early. Just so I could be here" I said making him chuckle.
"So you've got a place to stay?"
"No not really"
"You could take my room if you want"
"It's fine. Thank you though. I'll probably crash in Owens room. If I can roll him over enough"
"Sounds good. I'm here if you need anything"
"Thanks Charlie. Something tells me we're gonna be good friends" I said earning a grin from the boy.
"I feel like I know so much about you already because of how much he talks about you"
"He talks about me?"
"Yeah he never shuts up about you. It's almost like he has a crush on you" He said bumping my shoulder jokingly.
"Ha ha very funny Gillespie"
"I thought we were on a first name bases"
"We were. Then you made a joke" I teased him back.
"Fair enough. I'm gonna get to bed. Please help yourself to the small amount of food we have here because none of us cook. Bathrooms last door down the hall to the right. And Owens room is right here" He said leading me down a dark hall to a door on the left.
"Thanks again"
"It's no problem" He smiled before walking into a door across the hall. I sighed thankful I decided against makeup today. Making my way into the room I turned on the light. Immediately finding my bestfriend sure enough dead asleep. I smiled walking over to him pushing a couple of strands of hair out of his face. I watched as his face contorted and his beautiful green eyes slowly opened.
"Y/n?" He groaned in confusion. Clearly still half asleep.
"Yes Owen?" I whispered as he did a double take. “Am I dreaming?"
"Yes dumbass any second now Justin Bieber's gonna walk in and serenade you" I joked as he sat up. As soon as he was steady he took my hand pulling me into him. Embracing me in a tight hug. A blush grew on my face realizing he was shirtless. Nothing I hadn't seen before but he's definitely been working out.
"How are you here?" He whispered holding onto me tightly.
"Well I crammed in studying for my final and left on spring break early to come visit. I couldn't miss your last scene now could I?"
"You're the best.....I missed you" He mumbled into my shoulder. I smiled hugging him back just as tight.
"I missed you too toaster strudel boy" I spoke earning a groan from the boy.
"Really? You had to ruin the moment" He said pulling away to finally get a good look at me.
"Of course I did" I smiled sheepishly realizing I was straddling him. I quickly removed myself from him laying down next to him.
"So how's filming been so far?" I asked playing with my fingers.
"Good. The cast is amazing but I definitely missed home. Mom says you visit a lot"
"I do" I confirmed.
"I don't want her to get lonely not having her little baby boy around" I joked pinching his cheek.
"Thanks. She really appreciates it. So do I"
"You better. But I'm not complaining we've been learning how to do all sorts of things together. I know how to crochet now" I smiled proudly.
"You weirdo" He playfully scoffed standing up. I took this as an opportunity to kick off my vans laying back. I watched as he shut off the light. The room going completely dark with the exception of the street light shining into the window of the room ever so sheerly.
"I missed your cuddles" He said laying back down immediately little spooning me.
"I did too" I spoke feeling my eyes get heavy.
I woke up the next morning feeling a pair of arms wrapped tightly around my waist.
"Aww isn't that just adorable" I heard someone say my body immediately jumping at the unfamiliar voice.
"Charlie" I let out a breath of relief noticing the boy standing at doorway.
"You scared the living shit out of me"
"You are very welcome" He smirked.
"I just came to tell you guys I made breakfast. But it seems you two are a little preoccupied"
"This isn't what it looks like"
"And what does it look like?" He asked etching on his teasing.
"Can I ask you something?" He asked as I sat up being careful to not wake the blonde boy beside me.
"Sure" I answered wearily.
"When was the last time you slept with someone?" He asked my eyes going wide.
"I-I don't think we're close enough for you to be asking me that"
"Just answer the question"
"Why?" "Because" I sighed giving in.
"A couple months ago" "A couple months?"
"7 months"
"What?" I asked defensively.
"It's just we started filming 8 months ago. Including the boot camp and all. So why haven't you slept with anyone new since he's been here. Could it be you tried it and realized you didn't want anyone else but him" Charlie spoke putting the pieces together. My heart rate picking up.
"You know Owen hasn't had sex in 9 months if it helps" He winked before walking out.
"It doesn't!" I called after him. He'd figured me out so easily after meeting him one time. Was my love for the blonde boy so obvious? I groaned looking at the time. 7:30 in the morning. What the fuck. As if on cue an alarm began to ring. I watched as Owen began to churn in his sleep.
"Owen" I called for him.
"Five more minutes" He murmured pulling me close again.
"Five more minutes? Last time you 5 more minutes me I was late for my orientation" I said getting out of his grasp.
"Fine" He groaned sitting up.
"So today's your big day. How do you feel?" I asked putting my hair up.
"Good. Definitely a little sad it's over. But you're here and you're finally gonna meet the cast so I'm excited"
"Me too. Charlie's seems great"
“Yeah just wait til you really get to know him”
"You know it's a good thing he was awake to let me in last night. Since you were in a deep sleep. Who the fuck do you think you are sleeping beauty?" I joked throwing on one of his nearby hoodies.
"On what?"
"On if your gonna kiss me to wake me from my slumber" He said finally standing up.
"I-uh well um"
"Relax I'm kidding" He said making me sigh in relief. I fixed myself a bit in the mirror to make myself look more presentable before Owen spoke again.
"I'll meet you outside for breakfast 7 months" He said leaving the room with a chuckle. My eyes widened. He couldn't have heard. He was asleep. Deep deep asleep.
It was a couple hours later since we'd been on set. I stuck by Savannah and Owen the majority of the time. But finally met the majority of the cast. With the exception of Sacha, Taylor and a few others.
"Hello ladies. Y/n how you holding up?" Charlie asked walking towards Savannah and I. Now in a royal blue tuxedo for the bands final scene.
"Pretty good. I didn't realize you guys had so much to do"
"It's all in the job description" I heard him say before my eyes landed on a certain blonde boy entering the building.
"He looks good doesn't he?" Charlie teased me. I rolled my eyes scoffing at the boy hoping Savannah hadn't noticed.
"Well I mean light pinks always been his color" I said taking in his appearance. His shirt was unbuttoned. The sleeves hung loosely around his wrist. And his hair was parted to the side. A hair style I always attempted to get him to wear in public but always was shut down by him saying he looked stupid. Which was far from what I saw. It took everything in me not to bite my lip.
"Oh my god I'm not the only one that noticed their totally into each other right?" Savannah asked Charlie my head immediately whipping towards her.
"What are you talking about? Me and Owen don't have anything but a great friendship"
"Oh please since Knight Squad I noticed the spark. You two only got closer and flirtier as the years passed. At some point I though it was just me that noticed"
"Nope. You should have seen them in bed this morning"
"Charlie" I warned watching the blonde make his way over.
"Hey guys how do I look?" Owen asked doing a 180.
"How does he look y/n?" Charlie asked in a teasing tone.
"You look great Owen. You both do" I said going to fix the collar on the boys neck.
“Thanks" he mumbled. My cheeks began to heat up as I attempted to focus on the clothes instead of the intense glare the blonde held on me.
"No problem. I see you finally flipped your hair" I spoke backing up.
"Yup. I requested it"
"You did?"
"Yeah. I know how much you like how it looks. So I though why not?" He said as a small smile formed on my face at his cuteness.
"So it's your last scene together as a band" Savannah broke the silence.
"Uh yeah. Then I'm back off home" Owen spoke looking straight at me. "I mean we all are" He corrected himself letting out an awkward chuckle.
"We all are" Charlie mocked him pulling the boy away.
I turned back to Savannah to see her smirking at me.
"What? I didn't say anything" She giggled pointing behind me. I laughed watching Jeremy dancing funnily on stage.
"Looking good Jer!" Savannah shouted catching the boy's attention. He threw his head back in laughter as everyone got prepared on stage around him.
"Y/n" I heard my name from behind me making me jump.
"Oh Kenny" I smiled at the man who I'd been speaking to throughout the day.
"I'll see you in a bit" Savanah said before walking off making sure to pat Kenny on the shoulder on her way out. I nodded turning back to Kenny.
"What do you need?"
"I was wondering if you'd do me a favor and head to wardrobe"
"Wardrobe?" I questioned.
"Is my outfit that bad today? Owen said I looked great. I swear if that boy lied to me I'm gonna-"
"No! No! It's just our last day and Owens been distracted lately. I just want him to feel happy afterwards. Like all the cast of course. We're having an after party tonight and I want you to be just as dressed up for him"
"For him?"
"Well yeah. You two are together aren't you?"
"Oh uh no. What makes you say that?"
"Well by the way he looks at you" Kenny said pointing in the direction of the blonde. I looked over to see him staring at us. He smiled at me realizing I noticed him. Sending me a quick wink before I turned back to Kenny.
"Plus the way he talks about you. It's obvious that kids head over heels for you"
"I-I didn't realize"
"So what do you say? We've got a dress waiting curtesy of Savannah down to the fit. Hair and makeup also made sure to stay late just for you" Kenny spoke with a large smile on his face.
"Well how could I keep them waiting?" I smiled back at the man.
"Great. You should be back by the time we're done. If not I'll be sure to stick around"
"Thanks Kenny. You've really been great"
"No thank you for making him happy again. He's great but is always a little mopey talking about being homesick. I really think he just missed you. So promise me when season 2's filming you'll be around more often" I chuckled taking in a deep breath.
"I actually haven't told him yet but I'm switching to online classes next semester. I'm pretty ahead in my course so there won't be a problem and it'll really save the 2 hour drive to school every morning with traffic"
"He's gonna love that"
"I bet" I smiled at the man once more before making my way towards the trailers out back.
I looked at myself in the mirror a smile forming on my face. My hair cascaded loosely on my shoulders and the short light pink dress sat right above my knee. Of course it was light pink. Savannah picked it out.
"You look beautiful" The hairstylist spoke.
"Thank you. All of you" I smiled at the wonderful ladies around me.
"Go have fun tonight"
"I'll see you ladies at the after party" I said before walking out and making my way back to set.
Entering I realized they were in the middle of a take. Then I heard it. His voice.
O- Whatever happens, even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall
Owen sang my heart fluttering.
J- Whatever happens, even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall
Stand tall!
M- Stand tall!
O, C- Stand tall!
He looked so cute yet so hot. Sweat was prominent on his forehead as he continued on the drums. A smile sitting on my face throughout the rest of the song.
All- Whatever happens, even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall
Whatever happens, even when everything's down
I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall
I gotta keep on dreaming, 'cause I gotta catch that feeling
Whatever happens, even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall
I watched as the four cast mates took center stage, taking their final bow.
"And cut!" Kenny yelled from somewhere across the room.
I clapped along with everyone as the four group hugged.
Proud of them. Of him. As soon as they pulled away I noticed his eyes scanning the crowd.
Until they landed....on me. He smiled wide jumping off stage and running towards me.
I yelped as he picked me up and spun me around digging his face into my shoulder. I could feel the tears of mixed emotions falling onto my skin.
"I was looking for you. I- I didn't know you were gonna change" He said finally putting me down.
I blushed as he soaked in my appearance.
"You look beautiful"
"Thanks. Kenny and Sav. They put this together" I spoke doing a little twirl. Not receiving a response I dared to look into his eyes to see him gazing at me.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked with an awkward chuckle.
"Owen seriously you're acting weird I-" My words were cut off by a soft pair of lips landing on mine.
I slowly sunk into the kiss as my arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer.
"Owen" I panted as his lips moved to place kisses down my neck. His arms holding my body close.
"Hmm?" He hummed pushing his lower region further into me.
"W-were in public" I bit my lip to hold back the moan threatening to escape my lips.
I looked over his shoulder to see Charlie and Jeremy smirking at us. Immediately becoming more aware of our surroundings.
"Owen seriously!" I spoke sternly, pushing him away.
"Sorry, sorry" He grinned still holding me close by the waist.
"So the after party?"
"It's gonna be in the cafeteria. My trailers empty. Queen bed" He whispered as I nodded noticing Kenny walking over to us.
"Owen you did amazing out there"
"Thanks Kenny" He said letting me go to hug the man in front of us.
"Thanks for the opportunity. And thank you for bringing her to me" Owen said taking a hold of my hand.
"I couldn't have it be your final day and have you be all alone. Carolynns in Jeremys trailer. Charlie's sister is on her way. And so is Madisons mom. It was only fair that I'd bring someone very special for you too. This after parties gonna be great after all"
"Yeah about that. Y/n’s not feeling too well"
"I'm not?" I asked in confusion to see Owen giving me a look.
"I'm not" I stated holding my stomach putting on my acting skills.
"Yeah I'm just gonna take her to my trailer and have her get some rest"
"That's unfortunate"
"I know we'll stop by later if she feels any better"
"Okay just text me then"
"For sure Kenny thanks. Tell the guys I'll talk to them in a bit"
"You got it" Kenny said winking at us.
"Bye Kenny" I mumbled leaning on Owen.
The blonde was quick to pull me out of the building leading me back to the trailers.
"That went well" I said smiling.
"Yeah but I think next time you should leave the acting to me"
"Hey! I thought I did well"
"I'm not" Owen jokingly mocked me as we reached his trailer clutching onto his stomach.
"Oh look at that I'm feeling a lot better" I said turning around to walk away.
"No wait!" He said pulling me back into his chest.
"I've waited too long for this" He whispered leaning down to meet my lips once more.
I squealed as he lifted me off the ground walking me into the trailer.
"Owen" I moaned as he pushed me onto the bed.
"Mm say my name baby" He muttered trailing kisses down my neck.
"No Owen wait. It took me forever to get into this dress" I whined.
"I'll help you after" He groaned pushing it up my leg.
"But it's-"
"9 months y/n! I havent had sex in 9 months! I know that's doesn't compare to your 7 months somehow but I need you so bad" He pleaded.
"How do you know it's been 7 months?" I teased him.
"I may have been awake this morning when you and Charlie were chatting" He spoke sheepishly.
"Yeah no kidding" I smirked using all my strength to flip us over. Watching the boy below me become putty in my hands as I pulled off the light pink dress from my body throwing it on the ground. I leant down placing a kiss to his lips before moving down to his chest.
"I'm gonna need this suit off" I giggle as he threw me off him onto the bed. Quickly undressing.
"In a rush?"
"9 months" He repeated tripping on his dress pants making me laugh harder. His boxers were the only clothing left on him. I finally calmed down as he put us back in the position we were in. Biting my lip, the both of us serious now. I moved downwards pulling down his boxers letting his dick spring free. A moan escaping my lips.
"Wow" I whispered. Wrapping my hand around it.
"Baby no wait" He said stopping me once more.
"What?" I whined
“I just- I need to be inside you. Like now" I bit my lip moving back up with a nod.
"Do you have a condom?" I asked pecking his lips.
"A condom?" he asked panic flashing his face.
"I uh no I though you were on birth control" He said.
"I am. I'm just teasing" I grinned as he squeezed my ass. My panties coming off quickly leaving me to line up with his cock. I slowly sat down adjusting to his size. A mixture of our moans filling the trailers as pleasure coursed through me.
"It's been too long"
"Way too long" I agreed beginning to move.
"Fuck y/n" He moaned as I began to bounce up and down. Owen filling me up with every thrust sending rippling sensations coursing through me.
"Owen" I moaned out as I felt a familiar knot forming.
"I'm so close"
"Me too baby. Shit" He cursed doing everything possible to pound into me.
“I'm gonna-” My words cut off as my orgasm hit at the same time as Owens. Our pants being the only noise bouncing off the walls. I laid my head on his chest exhausted after a long day and now this. Not that I was complaining.
"I love you y/n. I love you so damn much and I'm not just saying that cause you made me feel so damn good right now" He whispered placing a kiss on my forehead.
"I love you too Owen. And I'm not just saying that cause I made you feel so good right now" I mocked his words causing him to let out a chuckle.
"I've waited too long for you. But it was so worth it" He said running his fingers through my hair.
"We should get to the party and say hello to everyone" I spoke looking up at him.
"We can do that on one condition"
"And what's that?"
"This time I introduce you to everyone as my girlfriend"
"I think we can make that happen" I smiled placing a chaste kiss on his jaw.
Up Next: Nick x Reader
Jeremy Shada x Reader
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anightflower · 4 years
Come and Find Me
Chapter One: I’m Stuck 
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I won’t lie when writing the cute parts of the story I listened to “I’m Stuck” by Noah Cyrus.  
Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: None 
Read Prologue here   Masterlist
You stumbled into your favorite coffee shop. You were a mess this morning and it’s all because your alarm decided to fuck you over and not wake you up on time. Luckily your body didn’t completely betray you, naturally waking up an hour later than you had planned, but still giving you a half hour to get to your meeting. 
You had screamed when you saw the time, this meeting could be your next big break, and getting there late was not how you wanted to start a new design deal. At a mere 23 years old you were still making your way up into the world. After graduating college a semester early you had worked your ass off and started your own independent interior design business. You focused on designing office spaces for big businesses using workplace psychology to create an environment that brought up productivity and reduced the stress of workers. 
Your business was slowly gaining traction, but the company you were meeting today could really put your name out there. 
You had planned to wake up early, put yourself together and center yourself over a cup of coffee, however, life can never be that simple. So here you were, quick light makeup and your hair in a simple bun rather than the elaborate “I am a professional” look you planned. The one thing you did have going for you was your outfit, a white blouse that complimented your figure and tan capri pants, with a strappy heeled sandal. You had made sure it was spotless and ironed before your big day today, so at least you had that going for you. 
“Oh darling, you look a bit out of it, are you alright?” Your favorite barista and dear friend Ava, asked, her green eyes filled with concern. 
“Av, you would not believe the hell of the morning I’ve had.” You groaned. “I woke up late today and I have that huge meeting I told you about and all of the things I had planned to keep me grounded and ready flew out the window.”
Ava let out a tsk sound and patted your hand. “Oh babe, in that case, coffee’s on me. Take a deep breath. You’ve been planning for this meeting for weeks and with that amount of work and dedication, you’re definitely going to knock’em dead.” 
“Ave, you are the light of my life.” You said, already feeling lighter than you did when you first entered. 
“Oh babe, I know.” She winked, brushing a stray purple bang out of her eye. “I want an update on everything afterwards, you’ve got my number! James will have your coffee ready for you at the other end. Good luck!” 
“Thank you! I promise I will!” You grinned and made your way to the other end of the counter, where your coffee was waiting. 
Knowing your order by heart, James had already started your latte the moment you walked in, you thanked whatever God listening that it was ready so fast. James gave you a shy smile and handed you the coffee. “Here you go.”
“Thanks James.” You gave him a kind smile and turned to leave. Glancing down at your watch, you realized you had ten minutes to get to your meeting, but luckily it was just up the block so you would get there right on time. 
But like you said nothing is ever easy. You weren’t exactly paying attention as you walked out of the store, you were double checking your bag to make sure you had everything, so naturally you slammed into someone, causing coffee to get all over your blouse.
You let out a yelp, while a large hand came out to steady you. “I am so sorry! Are you alright?” A male voice asked. 
“Well, aside from the fact that I have a meeting that could change my life in 5 minutes and now I look like a disheveled mess with coffee on her blouse, I’m fine.” You grumbled finally looking at the face of your accidental attacker. Your heart stopped for a moment. 
He was stunning. Shoulder length curly brown hair, caramel eyes, and a TALL, fit body.
He was clearly flustered as your eyes met. His face had a gentle dusting of pink across it and his eyes could barely meet yours. “I really am sorry, I wasn’t paying attention- uh- here!” He began to shrug off his cardigan. “This should be able to cover up most of the stains.” He thrust the sweater towards you. 
Now it was your turn to be flustered. “Oh no, really, I can figure something out-” 
“You said this meeting is supposed to change your life right?” He interrupted before you could stutter out anymore excuses. You nodded. “While I don’t want to be the person that ruins your life. Just wear it to your meeting and uh, how about we meet back here tomorrow morning and you can just give it back to me then?” He blushed a deeper crimson, as a big smile grew across your face. 
“I would love that, thank you so much.” You put on his cardigan and buttoned it up. He was right, almost all of the stains were covered. “How do I look? Professional?” You asked him.
“Beautiful- I mean yes, professional, you look great!” He smiled, pushing a shoulder length curl behind his ear.
You blushed, but quickly forced yourself to regain your composure. “So I’ll meet you here at 7 tomorrow-” You paused looking at him for his name. 
“Dr. Reid, well, Spencer, call me Spencer.” 
“Spencer.” You smiled. “I will see you tomorrow then.” 
That was the first time you met Spencer Reid.
The next morning, Spencer arrived 30 minutes early to the coffee shop to get a table, he felt fidgety and nervous. He hadn’t even caught your name yesterday before you left and he felt like an idiot. Of course he bumps into the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, spilt coffee all over her, AND forgot to ask her her name. Part of him was worried you wouldn’t even show up, it’s not exactly the best first meeting. 
30 minutes later when you walked in, he thanked a God he didn’t even believe in. You looked less bewildered than you did yesterday, but no less beautiful. 
You had chosen to go for a business casual look, your hair curled and flowing past your shoulders, a deep red blouse, black denim jeans, and black heeled boots. You had Spencer’s cardigan draped over your arm, you had made sure to wash it before giving back to him. 
You searched around the patrons until your eyes met Spencer’s, your whole face lit up as you made your way over to him. 
You had no idea that somebody else was watching you as you made your way over to him. You were too distracted by Spencer to feel the angry gaze that burned into your back.
“Hi.” You said shyly as you sat down. 
“Hey.” Spencer said smiling at you. 
“Were you waiting long?” You asked, a concerned look crossing your face.
“Oh no, not at all, I just came a few minutes early to get us a good seat.” Spencer lied, not wanting you to know how early he actually came. 
“Well you choose right, this is the best seat in the house. It’s right by the counter where you pick up coffee, but it’s the perfect window seat to people watch.” You explained. 
“Yeah, did you know coffee is actually a fruit?” Spencer asked you. “They’re actually the pit of a berry and grow on a bush. 
You let out a giggle, “No, I had no idea that was even a thing. At least I can use that as an excuse when I get chastised for drinking too much. Where did you learn that?” 
Spencer blushed. “I tend to pick up random knowledge here and there. Which reminds me, I never got your name yesterday before you ran off.” 
“Well Dr. Spencer Reid, my name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” You grinned offering him a hand. “No fancy title, but I am doing my best for simply being a Miss.” 
Spencer would usually avoid handshakes due to all the germs, however he wanted nothing more than to shake your hand, which was warm and soft. 
“(Y/N).” He tested your name out on his tongue. You smiled. 
“Have you gotten a coffee yet?” You asked him, getting up to head to order.
“I had one a bit earlier, but I could use another one.” Spencer answered, getting up to follow you. 
As you approached the counter you tried to ignore the smug look Ava gave you, praying she wouldn’t say anything. She gave Spencer a not so subtle up and down look, checking him out and obviously finding him attractive. You gave Ava a stern look that told her not to say a word. 
She just gave you a wink. Spencer had picked up on all of this, his profiler skills not missing a thing. A small smile crept across his face and he swallowed back a laugh. 
You gestured for Spencer to go first, “I’m buying, to thank you for letting me borrow your sweater yesterday.” 
Spencer looked at you in bewilderment. “No way! If anything I’m buying for destroying your coffee and spilling it all over your blouse before your ‘life changing’ meeting!”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Spencer, just order the damn coffee. I promise you it won’t break my bank. Especially after I got the design yesterday.” You grinned. 
 Ava let out a squeal. “You did not! Oh my god, I knew you could do it girl! All of your hard work paid off!” 
Spencer’s face lit up. “Congratulations! I’m glad our collision didn’t ruin anything.” 
You let out a laugh. “If anything I think your cardigan brought me good luck, I even got a couple compliments on it. I may just have to keep it.” You teased 
Spencer’s heart warmed at the idea of you wearing his clothes. “Well if it brought you that much luck, maybe I’ll just let you keep it.”
A voice behind the two of you cleared their throat. “Are you guys going to order? Some of us have places to be.” 
You glanced behind you at the woman, a small line had apparently grown behind you and Spencer.  “Sorry about that. Ava I’ll just do my usual. Do not let Spencer pay.” 
Ava raised her hands defensively. “I’m just here to make coffee love.” 
“I’ll just do a large coffee with extra cream and a lot of sugar.”  Spencer said. 
You went to grab your wallet from your purse, but Spencer cut you off, cash already in hand. 
“Spencer.” You whined and Spencer just shrugged. 
As you made your way to the counter, you found it a bit strange that James had just left your coffees there. Usually he would at least wait a moment to say hi before taking off to make more orders, but you shrugged it off, they did have a line right now so he probably had to focus on getting the coffees out to customers. 
Though the two of you only got to spend about an hour together, the two of you had immediately hit it off, completely unaware of the eyes that had been burning through you as they watched throughout what you and Spencer would later consider your first date. 
From there it was a whirlwind of dates snuck between cases and your design jobs. After a little over a month Spencer had asked to officially call you his girlfriend and you had obviously accepted.  
It was ridiculously cliche how quickly the both of you had fallen for each other, but you had just seemed to click right away. You loved Spencer’s logical mind that went on and on with random facts, he loved your creativity and energy. Your minds worked well together, helping each other out when the other got stuck. 
As your relationship progressed, you found yourself spending more and more time at each other's apartments.
“Ava, he's just a dream. I’ve never felt like this with anyone ever.” You explained joyfully. 
You had sat in your regular window seat, while Ava remained on the  other side of the service counter. It was a bit slow in the shop today, so she had come over to get all the details on “your smokeshow boyfriend.” Since she was the manager of the shop and beloved by her boss, she could get away with it.
“Oh hon, if he has a brother, let me know.” She purred, sneaking a glance over her shoulder to check on James who was holding down the fort for her. The boy stood by the register, poor thing looking a bit bored. 
James was a year younger than you and apparently starting grad school, but his shyness made him seem so much younger that you felt this slight protectiveness over him even if you only knew him from around the shop and stories from Ava. 
His eyes met yours and you gave him a sympathetic smile. He blushed deeply and turned away, scampering to busy himself. 
You looked back at Ava, giving a little nod towards James, “What about James? He seems sweet and he’s cute.” You waggled your eyebrows at her. 
Ava snickered. “(Y/N/N), he is sweet, but way too shy, he can barely look me in the eye. I need someone who’s more of a dom if you know what I mean.” She smirked. 
You pouted at her. “Poor James.” 
Ava shrugged, “He’ll find his someone. Anyway you’re switching the topic, back to your dreamboat. You said he was an FBI agent? That’s heroic and sexy.” 
You rolled your eyes at her. “Yes, he’s part of the Behavior Analysis Unit. They create profiles to help solve different criminal cases. It’s actually amazing. Spencer is giving a lecture about it at a college this Friday if you want to come with me.” 
“I’ll come, but only if I get to officially meet your sexy doctor superhero boyfriend.” Ava smirked. 
“Well obviously.” You smiled. 
The boy’s breathing was heavy as he struggled to control his anger. He watched the Doctor’s tall form strutting across the stage, his long brown hair swinging back and forth as he broke down profiling and the criminal cases he and his BAU team had solved. 
From where he sat in the lecture hall he could watch the doctor while also keeping an eye on you. You were sitting near the front, your friend by your side.  It was hard to miss her with her deep purple hair, that’s how he always found you. Though to him, you outshined everyone in the room. Even the ridiculous doctor. 
He growled to himself as he observed your look of awe. He knew you two had made your relationship official. He knew almost every detail. Like how last weekend, the Doctor had come home early from a case and had surprised you with your favorite flowers: pink dahlias. You had spent the whole rest of the weekend together; you had brought him to your favorite Thai place, then went to both of your favorite bookstores. He knew everything. 
He knew where you lived, your schedule, the design projects you were working on. He watched and he listened. He followed you home some days. Other days, he would simply wait outside your apartment building. He knew what window to watch if he wanted to catch a glimpse of you. 
The worst days are when the Doctor would be with you. He would watch as you two joked around and kissed, it made him sick. 
He didn’t like the Doctor. He hated hearing him ramble on to you. Fact after fact, never shutting up. But he understood him as he had researched him, found his accomplishments; he was a prodigal, graduating high school at the age of 12 and earned three PhDs. He worked for the FBI, catching criminals and profiling them. The Doctor constantly had something to prove, how could you be with a man so weak?
The Doctor was someone who could hardly befriend anyone besides his books, so how had the Doctor gotten you, when he had always been there? The Doctor did not deserve you, the Doctor could not give you what he could. Yet here you were, giving this man a ridiculous moon-eyed look that he did not deserve. 
He couldn’t take it anymore. He got up and left. 
He made his way down the hall towards an all-too familiar office, one that he practically lived in. 
He was greeted by his usual cheery eyed professor, Professor Irving. 
Never one to miss anything, Professor Irving raised an eyebrow. “You’re back early, how was the lecture?” Professor Irving asked. “Isn’t that Dr. Reid something else?”
“He’s alright. Someone worth looking into for sure. I left early to get ahead of these reports you wanted me to help grade, I do have a life outside of classes.” 
Professor Irving smirked at him. “Son, I have known you too long, the only three places you go are classes, your job, and your apartment. I was hoping this lecture would show you how much the world has to offer, I mean look at Dr. Reid! He was one of the youngest to ever join the BAU-”
“ENOUGH about Dr. Reid!” He growled, interrupting his professor. 
Professor Irving just stared at his student, shell-shocked. 
The boy shook his head and rubbed his face. “I’m sorry professor, that was uncalled for, I have just been stressed lately.” The boy began picking up the papers he had to grade. He wanted to get through some of these as quick as possible, that way he could spend his weekend with you. 
Professor Irving solemnly nodded. “I understand. I know you’ve been stressed lately, is that girl of yours acting up still?”
The boy sighed as he shrugged on his bag full of student’s reports. “Something like that. Listen, I know you said Dr. Reid is going to continue to come back and give lectures every few weeks or so. I will go to those ones and actually stay for them. Who knows? Maybe it will help me with my thesis paper. I just- I just can’t focus tonight, but I will do better. I promise.” 
Professor Irving nodded. “Of course, let me know if there is anything I can do to help.” 
The boy nodded then left the room.
@andiebeaword @haylaansmi @parkastoria @possessedjoker @amronsparty @generaltheoristexpert @sierraraeck @coniumalces @tamedbyafox @anotherr-fine-mess @adoregin @rainsong01 @canyonnmoonn  @mggshoe @boxofsparklingmuses @richardpapensmuse @deanlenaz​ @rainsong01 @goldentournesol @annesauriol @itsametaphorbriansblog @secretpickleprofessordean @shameleswhorehourstm @stepsofthefbi​ @iifloweringnightsii 
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