#have this.
goldengrecha · 4 months
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That's all I have for you today guys.
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matchbet-allofthetime · 7 months
I'm so stressed but I DO think sitting on Kung Lao or Raiden's faces would help me relax a little.
Or being bent over by Liu Kang, whichever. Or all of the above, just to make sure I sleep well-
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siyo-koy · 1 year
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Sorry. Sorry.
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florbelles · 1 year
tagged by @shallow-gravy, @adelaidedrubman, @socially-awkward-skeleton & @trench-rot, ty beloveds!!
sending tags to @henbased (yes you), @ishwaris, @nightbloodbix, @corvosattano, @jackiesarch, @jacobseed, @chuckhansen, @queennymeria, @blissfulalchemist, @shellibisshe, @roofgeese, @confidentandgood, @nokstella, @risingsh0t, @fourlittleseedlings, @purplehairsecretlair, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @jacobsneed, @indorilnerevarine, @strangefable, @leviiackrman, @ladysanjo & else can @ me (fr i’m not on top of who is posting writing at the moment so these are Sparse i apologize)
primarily been writing my original work lately BUT here is where i stranded the fcnd crew (house wars edition)
“Are you hearing this? Twice, I’ve returned her husband to her, and has she returned the favor?”
Kim’s knuckles whiten.
"Are you seriously making an issue,” she seethes out between clenched teeth, “of seizing property?”
“That was different.” Lyra primly stubs out her crumbling cigarette. “That was the end of the world.”
“Like fuck it was,” spits Kim.
Lyra widens her eyes innocently, glances outside. “Wasn’t it?”
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sparrowhero · 2 years
You are more than friends, not quite lovers– something indefinable in simple words. Hawks x Reader
Confidante Ch. 1
It’s always a little chilly in Hawks’ apartment. Maybe it was the several tall windows that surrounded the penthouse from all sides, or the fact that Hawks himself was just used to the brisk temperatures high above the clouds, but it was always hard to get up out from under one of his large, red wings and comfortable duvet in the morning. Today was no different– his wings were longer than he was tall when they were spread out, and one of the only ways he can sleep well is with his wings spread out and laying on his stomach. Like it or not, that meant you would be toasty right underneath, his arm (sometimes a leg too), slung over you like your own personal heating pad. You try to wiggle out from under him as gently as possible, but trying to do anything without him noticing is an exercise in futility. His wings twitch the moment you move, and the next second, his voice is almost directly in your ear.
“Mmm, hey.  Mornin’.”  He yawns, chin resting on your shoulder.   His voice in the morning is deceptively low and scratchy from sleep, but you’re certain that he’s more awake than you are right now.  “What’s the rush?  Sun’s barely even up.”  He tightens his arm around you childishly to keep you from leaving.
“We should at least pull back the curtains and let in some of that natural light you’re so proud of.” You reply back, pushing his face back playfully. He allows it, though he groans in a faux complaint that’s muffled by his face falling flat on the pillow once you properly sit up. You press the button on the remote control for the curtains, allowing them to slowly let the light flood into the space.
You had to hand it to him: the view was worth it. All of the city beneath you as well as the bright, vast blue of the sky above. Even though the morning light was blinding, once you blinked away most of the blurriness in your eyes, it was calming. It also helped that the large windows were tinted on the outside so no one could “accidentally” see you relaxing in bed with the number three hero in Japan.
Not that you were sleeping with him– well, not in that way, at least– but nobody would believe you
if they saw you nestled in bed with him the way you were before. The coffee maker bubbling away in the background, the sound of Hawks’ rhythmic breathing, and view of the city below make for a rare, peaceful morning.
You can feel his eyes on you, and soon enough, a fierce feather tickles your cheek as he reaches out his wing beckoningly.
“Come back to bed, I’m gettin’ lonely over here.”
You swat playfully at his wing, but he’s relentless. Next thing you know, he’s draped himself over your shoulders, wings and all. His bare chest presses against you, and you can feel the fluttering of his heart against your back. Even his heartbeat is fast, the steady rhythm is more familiar to you than your own at this point.
“You big baby.” You accuse, though you reach back behind you to stroke his messy hair.
“Yeah, maybe I am.” A low, rumbling laugh in your ear. “You know me: when I want something, I can’t help but reach out and get it.” His hands squeeze around your midsection just a little tighter, and he kisses you right on the junction of the shoulder and your neck. In response, you turn your head and press a kiss onto his cheek that slowly moves towards his lips.
To anyone looking in, they’d be convinced you were lovers. You two did love each other in your own ways, but you were not in love with each other. A relationship where you fulfilled each others’ need for trust, intimacy, and affection.
Plenty of people would kill to be in your place, but you’re not sure if they would be able to handle it if they weren’t the same kind of people that you and Hawks were.
It’s probably why you’re able to coexist like this. There’s no way he can hurt you, because you’re in love with somebody else. Maybe that’s why he acts so selfishly around you– he knows you’re only ever going to give what you want, and you don’t expect anything special from him. Even if all of this stopped tomorrow, nothing would change between the two of you. He would still be your good buddy Hawks, and vice versa.
The media would have a field day with that. He has to be ‘everyone’s Hawks.’ You remember him complaining about the head of the HPSC scolding him for getting too friendly with some up and coming celebrity a few months ago. They’d only just been seen exiting a restaurant together coincidentally (whether that was true or not, you honestly didn’t care), but he was put on probation and had to do extra work to keep his image up.
You wonder, idly, how much volunteer work he’d have to do if people found out about your arrangement. For starters, you’re not a big name hero in the slightest. Your friendship happened by chance– a work venture, then a couple of drinks, a few late-night talks, slowly progressing over the last year into whatever ‘this’ was now. Thinking back, while your meeting was a trick of fate, everything afterwards was probably of your own similarities. Sometimes people were drawn to their opposites, what they lacked, and avoided those who mirrored what they had. You just melted into each other in such a way that the boundaries between you slowly disappeared.
It’s why kissing him doesn’t make your heart race. Sure, it feels nice (Keigo is a good kisser, gentle and considerate) but it’s more like being wrapped in a blanket: something comfortable and safe. You’ve never felt the kind of hunger to kiss him the way you feel for…You still don’t want to think about that person right now.
He’s got that early morning fuzz that brushes your cheeks while he sighs against your lips, matching with the little beard that grows in patches on his chin. He sleeps bare chested, so the direct warmth from him siphons directly onto you. He shifts around on the bed so he can kiss you properly, only loosening his arms around you enough to allow you both to face each other on the bed. Once he has full access to you, he wraps himself around you once again, his wings extending outward as if to keep the light of the outside world away.
Hawks presses affectionate kisses onto your cheeks, gentle pecks like butterfly wings scattered about your face. He seems to enjoy the ticklish feeling they give you, refusing to let you wiggle out as he continues them down your neck and eventually blowing a raspberry on the junction between your head and shoulders. You can’t help but laugh, falling backwards on your back while Hawks takes advantage and hovers over you. He spends a moment to smile down at you with all of the fondness in the world before he kisses you like he means it. His tongue flicks teasingly against your lips, and his hands have somehow found themselves interlaced with yours against the bed. He’s all you can see right now, all you can feel. Part of you wishes he’d let go of your hands so you can hold him, but he’s clearly having too much fun to let that happen. You’d consider yourself lucky if he doesn’t go straight into tickling you for real this time.
“Better than getting up, yeah?”  He asks, eyes crinkling into a smile.  The hands that hold yours are incredibly gentle, caressing your skin.  His hands are hard and callused, but god if they aren’t always so warm.
“It’s alright.” You tease, and he puts on an expression of mock hurt and surprise.
“I’ve been hunted, shot at, and bit by some of the baddest villains around, but they’ve got nothing on that mouth of yours.” He dramatically turns his head away for a moment, as if you had truly wounded him, before devilishly returning his gaze to you. “Guess I’ve gotta take care of it–”
His phone ringing stops that in its tracks, leaving you both to listen to the default tone and its accompanying vibrations on the side table. Hawks’ entire body stiffens, and as it goes through the second ring cycle, he knows he’s not going to be able to get out of not answering. He sighs and reluctantly reaches over you to go and pick up his phone.
“Hawks here…Yeah, sorry about that, I was just asleep.” He winks over at you, a silent apology as he gets off of the bed and walks towards the kitchen to continue his conversation. It had to have been something important.
“--No, no, I definitely wasn’t avoiding your call. Hawks’ honor.”
It’s incredibly hard to muffle the laugh that threatens to escape, but you succeed valiantly. Since he was probably going to hit the shower, you could get ready at a leisurely pace. You brushed your teeth and washed up while Hawks was in the shower that you still barely know how to use (Why are there so many nozzles? So many options? There was even a touch screen for music), and had a bowl of cereal waiting for him when he walked out in nearly full gear. Hawks has a nice kitchen for a guy who never steps foot in it outside of cooking instant ramen, but at least he keeps some staples stocked. It’s no full course meal, but at least he’ll have a bite before he flies off.
“You’re a lifesaver.” He praises as he slides into the seat across from you. Judging by the way he’s holding his mug, he’s already downed his first cup of the day. Hawks eats so quickly, you wonder if he can taste the food. It’s equal parts fascinating and kind of disgusting; you wonder if his fans would still be as crazy for him if they knew the kinds of food habits he has when no one is watching. Probably, if experience is any indication. “Thanks for the food! Don’t worry about the bed or dishes, leave whenever you want.” He reaches over and ruffles your hair before he leaves– literally jumping out one of his large windows. Another convenience offered to one of the most successful heroes in the business, you assume. You’re about to focus on your own meal when the sound of knocking on the windows alerts you. He’s still lingering, flapping his large, red wings outside. He makes the ‘phone’ hand gesture, and you grab your cell to call him.
“See you tonight?” His voice sounds scratchy and far away over the receiver, even though he's right there.
You wonder why he doesn’t just open the window again, but who could really tell just what goes on in that sandy blonde head of his.
“Not tonight, I’ve got work.” You answer in between bites of cereal. He frowns at you like a sad puppy from the tinted windows outside since he knows you can see him. “Hey, it may not be as illustrious as yours, but I have a hero career too.”
“Alright. I’ll call you later, see you when I see you?”
“See you when I see you. Now get going before you get yelled at.” Even though he couldn’t see you, you still made a shooing motion with your hand for him to fly off. The phone clicked off, and he was soon a bright red dot in the distance.
Now, time for you to start a truly daunting task. You take a long, lingering look at Hawks’ shower, a mix of emotions on your face.
Maybe today is the day you’ll learn how to work this thing without getting blasted or completely soaking his bathroom floor?
After somehow wrangling your way through Hawks’ overly complicated shower, you step onto the elevator with your overnight bag. One of the benefits of the building was privacy. Since Hawks’ apartment took the entire top floor and he had his own private elevator, it was easy enough to get in and out without looking suspicious. A secret so well-kept that even the doorman for the building didn’t know exactly where you ended up. For all they knew, you were just one of the many tenants in the building. You still waved politely at the doorman, who similarly smiled back, and checked to see if you had any texts on your way to work.
Your hero agency was small, located in the same prefecture as Hawks’. With as busy as he was around the country, there was no way even a guy like him could handle every little thing, so there were a lot of smaller agencies like yours scattered about. ‘Agency’ may have been a strong word since it encompassed you, your sidekick, your social media manager, and a tiny office rented out of a professional building, but it was yours.
“Good morning!” Your sidekick, Galligator, greets you, same as always, as you open the door to your office. Her long snout curls into a smile, scales immaculately shining in the fluorescent lighting.
“Good morning. Any messages?” You ask, dipping behind the screen to change into your hero costume.
“Tatsuki-san says that she may have an offer for a collaborative charity event with another hero here in Kyushu. She’s gonna go meet up with their manager today and hash out the details.” Lily, or as you know her, Galligator, chirps happily. You hired her when she was fresh out of school and boldly asked you to take a chance on her, and since then, she’d been by your side dutifully. As a mutant, she had an alligator quirk– fast in water, strong jaw, and even stronger hands– all beautifully maintained and her claw-like fingernails were always dutifully painted. You think that she could probably make it bigger, better at a larger agency, but she’s incredibly loyal to you.
‘I like the way you work.’ has always been her answer whenever you ask her if she’d like something more, a job reference to some of your more successful peers. “I really believe in us. We can do it!” Her enthusiasm is contagious when yours can tend to run dangerously low, so you couldn’t be thankful enough for her.
Most of the morning is devoted to catching up on any late paperwork or addendums to what’s previously been submitted. For bigger offices, you could leave that to a secretary, but it’s been divided between the two of you. Later on, you have a simple lunch and have a meeting with Tatsuki to discuss how to boost your image, and then the late afternoon and evening is devoted to patrolling the neighborhood and investigating any leads on current cases. According to the information that you and Lily have garnered, there’d been an influx of violent activity in the area around this time of night, so you’d go down there and have yourself a little sting operation.
“Uggghhh, I hate getting my hair wet.” She complained, putting her hair in the wet cap she used when diving. You chuckled at her– she sure was cute since it had a variety of pink stars on the top.
“You’re so brave, thank you for everything.” You praise her even as she huffs, diving underneath the water, now completely hidden by the dark of night. As for you, you hid yourself into the trees surrounding the water. The benefits of both of your quirks is that you were both very adept at camouflage. She absolutely disappeared in the water, and you were able to adopt the characteristics of whatever you were touching and “meld” with it. Right now, you were a tree, but if you really wanted, you could also sink into the loamy surface of the ground, but that was usually a last resort. The adopted physical aspects did help protect you from harm, but you have to be real: who wants to be dirty and stepped on?
Time goes by slowly in this state. You’re used to it; most of your training in school and internship was the grueling process of getting used to being in your melded form for long periods of time with no human contact. You can let your mind drift away to other places, able to be snapped back into the present at a moment’s notice. This late at night, most people around are either homeless and looking for a place to sleep, young couples trying to find a place to neck…and whatever allegedly was going to go down here. One hour passes. Two hours. At the third hour, you think that it may be a bust. Since you knew it was going to be a long night, the both of you had made extra sure to power nap in the afternoon, but it didn’t make the long day any easier. You hate to admit it, but you might have bit off more than you can chew
You’re a half second away from calling it a night when the air changes. Your senses, honed from years of hero work, prickle as you see a single figure walk down and take a seat on one of the rocks near the water. They’re completely covered in dark, nondescript clothing head to toe. They’re not too tall, and their figure is lean, but you can sense danger emanating from them despite their humble appearance.
This person is the one you’re waiting for. Lily attempts to swim closer, but as soon as she does, the figure whips to check the direction of the water. It sends a shiver down your spine. When she’s in the water, Lily is practically impossible to see or hear. One of the only reasons you’re able to pick her out right now is because of the years you’ve spent alongside her.
If their instincts were just that good…
You didn’t want to think about that. Just focus on whatever information you can gather. They moved too fast for you to get a proper look, unfortunately. Cursing the circumstances, you stare and strain your ears as much as possible when their apparent contact finally comes around. The guy who approaches is nothing compared to the first one— you can tell by his submissive body language that the guy sitting down is in charge.
“Haven’t…not yet…still looking.” You can just barely make out some words and phrases. It would help if the figure could turn your way— maybe you’d be able to hear him better. The wind is picking up, so maybe you could disguise your moving along the trees with it? You decide to take the risk, since these two seem a cut above the average criminal in your pay grade.
“Keep up the search.” The cloaked figure’s voice is detached, matching with their body language as they wave their underling away. “I expect results.” Results for what? They exchange something between them, something you recognize. You lean in just a bit more…
One of your leaves crack, and it’s all over. Whether he knows it or not, his bright blue eyes, illuminated by the flame, meet yours. You’re completely surrounded by a beautiful blue that blocks out almost your entire sight, and overwhelming heat. It doesn’t hurt, not yet. You have your outer shell to thank for it but you’d be lying if you didn’t have to rely on every single muscle in your body to keep from screaming as each second you were closer and closer to being burned.
His underling does it for you, jumping backwards and falling on his ass, demanding to know what the hell just happened?!
“I thought I felt someone watching me.” He replies easily. His arms once covered by his sleeve, reveal telltale purple scar tissue lined up against his pale skins. The staples— or maybe just simple piercings— glimmer in the moonlight. It feels like he’s looking directly at you, an unspoken challenge to drop the disguise and attempt to either get the fire out or beg for mercy. The skin on your arms and legs will be burnt and blistering red once you drop your quirk, but it’s better than being completely burnt alive. You can handle it.
You tell yourself that several times, grinding your teeth together to keep from screaming out. You’re strong.
“…guess I was just imagining things.” He shrugs, lightening the flames’ intensity and letting it burn out on its own. Noting his underling still on the ground, he callously nudges the man with his foot for him to get the fuck up already and get back to work. Not wanting to face the same fate you had, he scrambled to his feet and dashes away. The man watches him leave before adopting a leisurely pace the other direction. It feels like forever until he’s out of sight and you can finally drop your quirk.
You release with a loud exhale, throwing off the pieces of bark still alight with the blue flame and Lily cries out your name, leaping out of the water to drag you in and put out whatever was remaining. She plops you back on shore securely once the fire is completely out and she can check on all your wounds. Her eyes are shining with tears as she observes the bright red burns up and down your arms and legs.
“I’m so sorry!” She wails, and you shake your head to comfort her. It was the right call— that man was dangerous, and neither of you had the kind of combat experience to be able to take him in a one on one. You were both alive thanks to her ability to stay calm and rational.
“I— I couldn’t d-do anything!!” She objects as she picks you up and carefully hoists you on her back.
“You saved my life, Galligator.” You reassure her, and then hiss in pain while getting settled. You’d definitely need a trip to the hospital to get your wounds dressed, but something else was bothering you…
That man was definitely Dabi. Even the most ignorant of people these days knew how to recognize him; if the scars weren’t enough, it was those iconic blue flames. He was on a watchlist everywhere in the country, same as the rest of the League. Though as much as it confused you that he was in your area, that wasn’t the main issue.
You recalled the exchanging of hands between him and his underling… That shimmering red you’d recognize anywhere.
Lily’s voice feels far away as she quickly dials the number of the nearby hospital, letting them know of your arrival. Her cool, wet scales feel nice. Only one thought remains as she speeds down with you securely in tow:
Why did Dabi have a fierce feather?
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trustrage · 8 months
@acourtcfmuses gets a starter for Darcy.
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"You do not think that is too much creamer?" He watched her pour it in for all too long, shocking how her cup did not overflow. These midgardians and their sweet tooths.
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genderfluid-druid · 9 months
hurr hurr I'm a human body hurr hurr I'm gonna solve all my problems using mucus
187K notes · View notes
cartoonsinthemorning · 3 months
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Since you guys liked Marcille as Kermit that much, it seems fitting to thank you for my 12k milestone with MORE Kercille. And this time, Miss Falin is also here.
Thank you so much again everybody! MWAH 💗
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ugartecoco · 10 months
the transition im crying
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oldwomanyuri123 · 4 months
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73K notes · View notes
faeriekit · 11 months
"This fic was ai generated—" Cool, so lemme block you real quick
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girlstressed · 9 months
can’t stop smiling in inappropriate situations
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bookslutskye · 8 months
so i recently got top surgery and this was on my discharge papers after a mild complication
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theblob1958 · 11 months
people are saying do it scared, but you also gotta do it alone. you'll miss out on so much you want to do if you wait til someone will do it with you. do it scared and do it alone.
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theredtours · 6 months
why yes I AM making boop gifs from screen recording
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snakesinsocks2005 · 6 months
Pin for survivors
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