#have this crappy sketch lmao
benetnvsch · 5 months
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it's been a while
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seldompathic · 6 months
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He fall down :((
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
I was wondering if you could write something with Ellie x fem reader where reader is like an actress/film director who's passionate about just filmmaking and acting in general, maybe her and Ellie met because they're jobs crossed over or maybe Ellie was a fan of reader or something.
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, fluff, mention of crappy dating??,
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope/a lil
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - so sorry this took months, I'm so behind but I was going through some shit lmao, thank you for the rq!! <3 ALSO making these banners here and there cause I'm running out of good gifs and got a lot of good screen shots and photos.. :)
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"Don't you understand, she was my daughter too.."
You muttered your lines to yourself as the artist did your makeup, brushing over your eyes as she captured an old timey look. Using so many reference photos that the entire table was filled when you walked in, giving you both something to talk about at first.
That was until a comfortable silence filled over, Mia having become a close friend of yours on set. You felt excited every morning to come and get done up for whatever scene you had as the duchess you played. Knowing she'd capture every dated detail on your skin.
But today your mind was filled with other thoughts than just the make-up. Stressed to all hell for the next few days, knowing you and the director needed to perfect both your acting and the shots that would make your performance come together.
And that was just it, you needed to be perfect.
"Nervous?" Mia asked with a smile, taking a hint from your shaky, silent nature, backing up to grab a different brush.
"Extremely." You responded with a light laugh, looking at yourself in the mirror. "You got this, you're being nominated for, not one, but multiple of the most prestigious awards in media. If anyone can pull off such an important scene, it's you. Especially with how pretty I'm making you everyday."
You nodded with a small smile, but still felt like you could pass out at any moment in time. Clutching onto the papers like they'd disappear while letting out a shaky sigh.
"I know, but-" "But you still act like you've never been in front of the camera every time they're ready for a big shellshock to be filmed. Mind you, the scenes start filming tomorrow, not today."
You winced at the very clear truth to her words.
"Too loud Mia." She laughed, continuing on with your makeup, ignoring the door opening to reveal your favorite stage manager, smiling too brightly for the fact that it was six in the morning.
"The painter is ready when you are, ready to be photographed Y/n?" You sighed in response, looking at the clock as Mia applied an old looking lip color to your mouth. "I'm ready to look like a renaissance portrait, that's for sure."
"She said she might need you for the sketch too, just to make sure she's got the best outline of you that matches, but other than that, you should be done quick and have some free time before shooting starts."
The stage manager spoke, looking down at the tablet in her hand while speaking. Mia pulling away to look at your face, turning your head lightly with her fingers.
"What's her name?" "Don't remember, all I know is that she's good and the directors favorite prop guy really likes her." Mia took the cover off your costume, allowing you to stand up in your long, olden style dress.
"Ready to be renaissanced?" You nodded, leaving the makeup trailer and telling Mia you'd see her later. Walking off towards one of the nearby buildings labeled for set creation and prop design.
The place was decked out too, even more so since the last time you'd come inside. Pieces from every time period hanging about complimented by posters on every wall. Familiar drawings and items from some scenes of your favorite shows displayed out to remind everyone that these people had made them.
They liked showing off their stuff where they could, most of the workspaces and offices a bit more boring depending on who you were talking to. But other than that, the entire building was the best on set.
"Miss Y/l/n?" An assistance appeared behind you, wearing pajama-like clothing making you wish you were them just because of how early it was. "That's me." "Right in here." They led you to an office room, though there was only a desk covered in papers and the walls lined with movie and TV art and décor.
The rest of the room had easels and different sized canvases against the walls and laid on the ground, tarps on the floor with paint covering every corner. Jars of different colors and paint brushes laid about on different carts and shelves.
"She had to leave but she should be back in a moment. She said though, you can sit there while you wait."
The person pointed at a stood that was set up across from an empty easel, a very dim light pointed at the stool.
"Alright, thank you." They nodded and left, closing the door behind them leaving you alone in the silence to admire the painters area.
Spaceships hung from the ceilings in one of the corners, little figurines and action figures on the walls and done up to look cool instead of just sitting there. But some were still in boxes making you wonder if she collected them or would eventually sell them. Judging by the room though, collector for sure.
You sat down with a racing mind, messing with your fingers while you waited. You liked the warmth the office brought, it was like a child's daydream and it made you smile.
This person definitely had an eye for the arts.
"Shit, I'm so sorry." A girl then stumbled in through the door, her black tank top covered in colors that were probably not there when she bought it, as well as her blue jeans and shoes.
Her grown out mullet pushed back from her face that only showed stress. Arms lined with paint and markings, some of it even looked like dry clay making you wonder what kind of things she'd made besides paintings.
"Fuck, I shouldn't cuss. Sorry." You laughed, finally catching her attention but not her eyes.
"I don't mind, everything alright?" "You know, it's early, people are tired, you might accidentally drop something. But a perfectly good fucking vase someone spent hours making should not be one of them."
You clenched your teeth, feeling familiar with her frustration while watching her grab a few things from her desk drawers.
"Yeah, I agree. But I've also broken bones this early in the morning, so, I should not be talking." The girl laughed, rummaging for something and then grabbing an expensive looking camera and opening the bottom of it.
"How long you been doing this?" "Uh, couple years now. Fresh out of college." She stood up turning around but not looking up. "Something that I liked besides playing video games." You giggled. "Same. But with acting and you know, the other stuff."
Finally she looked up, meeting your eyes and then seeing your smile. The morning sunrise reflecting off your irises and skin, making you glow more than you already were before the window had assisted you.
She found herself at a loss for words as you continued to talk.
"I'm Y/n, by the way, but I mean by slight chance you don't already know that. I do hate saying that though, makes me seem like I've got a big head."
The girl didn't respond for a moment, suddenly nodding and humming.
"Yeah, no, I know you. Dina- my friend- loves you. Big 'Walking Dead' fan." Ellie felt stupid in the moment, thinking you probably thought she was an idiot especially when you chuckled, covering your mouth lightly with your hand.
"Aw, that's sweet. Tell her I love her too." You winked, Ellie still struggling to speak. "Yeah, for sure. I'm Ellie by the way! Probably should've said that when I walked in."
Ellie whispered a few curses under her breath while switching the settings on the light, trying to avoid your stare that was still on her.
"Heard you were one of the best at creating stuff like this." "Really?" She choked, making you laugh with a shake of your head. "Yep. Inclined to agree, you seem cool and cool people are talented. Even if they don't know it."
"Thanks, just doing my job."
Face palm, Ellie, c'mon get it together.
"So, anything you need me to do?" Ellie stood back, hanging the camera strap around her neck while stepping in front of you.
"Just, turn this way." Her hands brushed your shoulders while you positioned yourself, noticing how close she was when she knelt down. Adjusting your limbs to look as perfect as possible.
"Chin up, like this." Her finger went under your chin making butterflies erupt in your stomach. You weren't going to lie to yourself, she was attractive, very attractive. Somewhere inside your head hoping to all that would listen that this wouldn't be your last time seeing her.
"Just like that." She muttered, making the nervousness you felt in the tense room even worse than it already was. "Better?" "Yeah, perfect."
Ellie then adjusted your outfit and look, backing up to make sure it was perfect.
To her, with the lighting, you already looked like a portrait.
"How do I look?" You questioned, eye flickering up to meet her green ones. "Good.. good, yeah." "I mean in terms of beauty on this Monday morning, c'mon. Am I just, 'good'?" Ellie froze up, grabbing her camera to distract herself.
"I guess you're pretty."
"Wow, I'm so getting your ass fired."
You both laughed, Ellie getting down to the level she wanted for the picture while aiming the camera at you.
"Just stay still." You heard the camera click a few times, wondering to yourself if she ever got sick of looking at some ones face for hours on end. She then stood up, looking down at the photos.
"Perfect, stay like that though, just wanna make sure I get the-"
"Outline?" "Yeah."
"Ever get sick of staring at the same picture?"
"Not if it's you."
It just slipped out, Ellie panicking as soon as it happened. Her face burning red while she grabbed the canvas she had set aside for your portrait. Swallowing hard when you breathed a laugh.
"I knew you thought I was more than just 'good'. Was that an attempt at a flirt? Because if so, it definitely landed."
"Good to know I've still got it." She picked up her pencil, smirking at you when you giggled, trying your best to keep your pose.
"What's it like being you?" Ellie then asked, beginning to draw the shape of your head. "Eh, not all it's chalked up to be. Scary sometimes. Awesome most times. Lonely.."
"All the time?" You shook your head slightly making your earrings move. "No. Dating fucking sucks though."
Ellie snorted, quickly following up with a quiet 'sorry' making you grin.
"Especially when you like girls, it's an even smaller pool of fish, maybe like a puddle." "Puddle o' fish?" "My favorite dating app."
You could hear the pencil against the white surface, going both quickly and precisely, her eyes moving to you and back to the work in progress.
You shifted just barely, eyes scanning over her desk once again, admiring her green rolling chair. It looked kind of like yours at home, the color just different, but the design all the same.
"I get it though, sometimes I even wonder if the light is too bright." You laughed to yourself, Ellie even chuckling at your words.
"I just don't like paparazzi because I know I look like shit on camera." Ellie then said, making you snort and barely cover your mouth before returning to your pose.
"I beg to differ." "Trust me, you wouldn't differ if you seen some of the photos my friends have." You giggled again, hearing her pencil moving slower now against the the sketch.
"They're idiots though." "Just like mine, my dorks are a hivemind of morons." Ellie nodded in agreeance, smiling. "What's it like being you?" You questioned, Ellie erasing something from the sketch.
"Eh, probably a slower life compared to yours. I get a lot of freedom. Get to do shit on my own time. I like making stuff, art." Looking around the room you realized a lot of the décor was her own, by her hand.
"I wish I could do that." "You do, in a different way." "How poetic, Ellie."
She wished she could hear her name pass your lips again and again. Something about the way you said it, like a sickeningly sweet hum.
Your eyes danced to the clock, noticing the time was becoming less and less, the sinking feeling of your departure creeping up your back.
"You gotta go?" Ellie asked, noticing your stare on the two hands pointing at their respective digits. "Not right this minute, but soon." "Might need you again."
No she wouldn't, not actually. But seeing you again was definitely on her bucket list.
"If I'm not on set, I'm available. Usually. For you though, I'll make time." You joked, copying her flirtatious nature from before. "Fuck me." She whispered with reddened cheeks, unheard by you, or at least she hoped.
"Yeah, I'll make sure to hunt you down." "Is that a promise?" Ellie felt like a school girl talking to her first crush, hoping the canvas hid her face well enough. "You bet it is."
You glanced at the time again, more minutes having passed.
"Times up Michelangelo. The camera needs me." Ellie felt a pang of disappointment, finishing up the near perfect outline of your upper half. "Alright, alright. I'm done with you, for now."
"Make me look pretty, 'kay?" "Can't fix what's not broken."
You picked up the bottom of your dress with a grin, standing up from the stool. Dusting off the long skirt as if anything had gotten on it.
"See you later?" You practically asked, walking towards the door with little happiness. "Door's always open."
"I'll take that as a yes, I'll be back to check on the painting."
"I'm counting on it." "Better be."
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A/n: Argh ( in pirate )
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captainmera · 1 year
Do you happen to have a tut on how you draw your little poses? Like when you draw you? This is like a very weird question but I am in dire need of help with poses and I absolutely adore all the ways you draw them (and just in general)
Totally fine if not though,😭🫶
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STEP.1: draw head.
STEP.2: choose an expression and then draw what you want the hands to be doing/gesturing. (think body language and emotion)
STEP.3: draw body as quick and flimsily as you can using lines in the shape of only C's S's and I's.
if you look at most of my quick sketches or doodles, a lot of the lines are just wonky CSI's, it's called the CSI-method. As a comic artist you just wanna communicate a pose as best as possible without lingering too much. At least if you do full colour + background + character designs + camera work + storytelling + and + and + lots of things... You don't have the time, you just wanna get to next page, tell the story.
And, like...... Allow yourself to draw crappy once in awhile and post it anyway. Idk if you've read my webcomic but there are very obvious pages where it's like WOAH MAMA THAT'S EFFORT and then there are pages where they all look like muppets. But it also makes the cool pages look even more BAMF thanks to it, it gives everything a nice melody and bounce from page to page.
I am inconsistent and I use that to my benefit by leaning into it and letting it punch emotion home more.
it's about communicating a feeling, I think, rather than always being accurate.
I am actually-- really, really, bad at dynamic poses and camera work. Like, legit super bad at it. I bullshit everything, lmao;;; I encourage anyone to also bullshit, and use references if you want! Like go! Whatever makes it fun and less stressful.
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see? it's all nonsense but it looked nice anyway haha!
I didn't really consider perspective or anything, I'm trying to teach myself to draw from different angles and it's hard because I like my face-forward-camera lol. But I was focusing more on framing:
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so that colours and shadows highlight the scene, so I can say more with one panel than I could with words. It's about the CINEMA~~!
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Or, if you close your eyes and then open them. Where does your eyes go? That's the flow of your art. Sometimes it goes in different directions, but there will be key areas your eyes are drawn to. In this image, Hunter will most likely be first, Good! And then secondly Camila, also good! ... Sometimes it's the pizza as second, less good but it still works.
As long as you have fun playing around with it, you'll learn from it. Don't hate the process, learn from it. If you just relax it'll definitely look better anyway.
My fanart looks better than my serious stuff sometimes lmao, because I put too much pressure on a perfect finish and that just works against the grain of what I'm actually, like, good at doing.
You should absolutely study backgrounds and perspective and anatomy!
I'm just saying that, like...... It's okay if it isn't perfect. You wont die, people will like it, you'll like it. It's OKAY.
idk if this is what you asked for but I hope it helped.
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 month
At Summer's End, September Begins <3
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(lmao at my fucking crappy quality thing I made)
Welcome to Fall, ya'll!
I know there's some new folks here so as per each monthly update here at some housekeeping rules:
It's chill here, but I don't tolerate any kind of foolishness including but not limited to: racism/homophobia/zoos/p3dos/harassment. If I catch you doin' something weird like that on the low, expect a block from me.
Requests are slow, so feel free to send 'em but it could take me a while to get to it. Please don't rush me <3
Don't bring your beef with another specific user in my inbox to indirectly call them out. I'm not a mediator.
Opinions about the game negative and positive are welcome here. I believe in folks venting. Also understand though that I may not answer it depending on my mood. I also have opinions of my own so very fair warning if you do want my honest input.
No minors interacting with any posts of mine on this blog. WHB is not only an adult game, but I cuss a lot and make a lot of inappropriate thirsts posts so this space ain't for ya'll sorry.
What's Happening This Month for My Blog??
Well, lmao. I kind of forgot my goals for last month because my blog was interrupted by being shadowbanned for a few days so it really threw me off. But here's what to loosely expect this month!
More Inbox Requests being posted
Reacts for: Michael's Christmas Story | 5 Kings Card | Recap React of Mammon's origin story
More sketches of Cain, for the love of fucking hell if I can sketch out a full body of Astra for ya'll I will
That's pretty much it??? I know I have to work on my Masterlist and organize it but for now it's very WIP. I also expect that there's a Gehenna Event coming up because we got the new boi Amy showin' up like he did. I mean that should be good since a lot of Satan stans have been missin' their man (Astra too, she's been in Niflheim and Tartaros a lot in my fic blurbs)
Am I really gonna go for Zagan's future L-card?
Yes. Unless it doesn't look like it would be worth it. I would hate it if my money were wasted on a subpar story and experience. I'm callin' it but I bet they'll do that evolve thing for him (maybe) unless they only do those for revivals?
A Little Shoutout for ya'll! <3
I just want to say I'm very appreciative for all the interactions, follows, my moots, oomfs, and enjoying me enjoying this rollarcoaster of a damn horni demon game. We're nearly close to the anniversary of it's release and there's been a lot that's happened so far. I pretty much shit on fandoms a bunch because I haven't really uh...had a good experience majority of the time, but it's been alright here. I may be speaking too soon because there's always something ain't it? Lol But at any rate, ya'll are lovely, creative, and I'm glad to be included.
Thank you for dealing with me and my crazy, your lovely admin~ ♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
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lunchtimebedamned1997 · 3 months
Glitz and Glam WIP (pt. 2)
(+ other Helluva sketches under the cut)
Hadn't picked this up since may, and I needed a break from my big Hazbin Summertime Painting so here we gooooo!
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Original update from back in may lmao
It's fun to be working on something bigger from Helluva tbh, I haven't done a digital piece for HB since my Verosika Human Disguise Redesign - just some traditional sketchies of The Best Boys™
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Sorry the pic of the Stolas drawings is kinda crappy lmao, I drew him in green pencil and it did NOT wanna show up on camera :(
I already shared these Blitz and Fizz pages in my Cosplay updates post from June I think? Yeah I did - but they're cute so have them again XD
ANYWAYS hope y'all are doing well. I've been having Big Emotions lately so I've just been making art to try and move though some of the feels. Mostly sketchbook art, which has been nice. Touched copics for the first time in years to doodle Astarion and I haven't really put them down since >:3
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mossyriverrocks · 9 months
ok uhhhh how i draw ig idk 😭 I’m really bad at this idk why I’m doing this but anyways
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^ I use either of these to sketch, usually in a brighter color. I generally gravitate towards blues but it honestly depends on who I’m drawing.
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Then I um um uh sketch idk how to like. Talk about it it just comes really naturally uhhh. I always start with the head. First you draw a circle. Y’know. And then the body underneath with like a. A line. For the shoulders and turn that into the body and like a box I guess idk. I added the red box line this just to make the anatomy clearer or something idk I usually just draw it and then move on. So I lower the sketch opacity and move on to lineart. I use a downloaded brush for it which uhhhhh I forget where I got it :( but uh it’s max stabilization because I can’t make non shaky lines lmao
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I um got a little fancy here sowwy :( so um um um um uhhh um idk 😭 lineweight ig I love lineweight!!!! 😍 I just uhhh put it where I think it should or just. Do it accidentally idk sowwy 😓
So uh I don’t actually add color before I do colors but like since she has black sclera and color eyes I was just like eh why not yknow so uh
next I add.. colors. Idk how I shade like. Changes so sometimes I do flats and sometimes I’ll just do one color and shade it and do the next color and shade so uhhh idk I’ll do flats first here
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So uh. Flats. Idk not much to say here. I just color picked from her ref. And chose colors when I needed to bc that’s not her usual outfit
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So then I just. Idk. Hue shifting 😍 I just add stuff where it feels right tbh sorry :(
I don’t actually use a light source for most things unless it’s like really dramatic I probably should. Do that…..
and then I like. Idk just. Repeat. For. The other colors. Sorry this is NOT helpful I’m sorry 😭 I usually like. So for the edge of the shadow I add a darker color shifted to the left or right, and towards the … uhhh opposite side of the edge I add a slightly lighter color also shifted. Bounce light or something idk. Then like highlights if I want idk 😭
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So um I went too far oopsies but uhhh yeah look at her go we aren’t done yet though so uhhh um uh i honestly don’t know from here I just. Add stuff until it looks cool enough. I gotta edit the cigarette smoke (WHICH BY THE WAY, NOT TRYING TO MAKE IT LOOK COOL. SMOKING GIVES YOU CANCER SO UM. PROBABLY DONT) and uhhhh yeah idk I’ve said all I can basically 😭😭😭😭😭 I kinda lose myself in the process and like. Don’t think at all? I kinda forget I or anything else exists. Why I like drawing: 🤭 but ummmmm um um yeah see you on the other side ig 😞
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Yea. Um. Um. Yea. If you have questions pLEASE ask I like. I didn’t this very badly 😓 but anyways yeah that’s my. Crappy art tutorial featuring my OC Luna
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quasarsansserif · 2 months
- Not dead™
Things I did not so far ago ↓
• Here is a character design commission I had recently; her name is Zoe ! She represents God's life as He meant it to be, God's nature, Eternal, joyful, peaceful, serene, full of Love !
This concept will be used by the team to hire someone to play the role of Zoe in a future musical ✨
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• Next is a little redo of an old oc sketch from 2022
Still mistakes but I’m happy with it, it’s been a while since I’ve drawn for me only with no real purpose but having fun !
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I’m happy to see the progress though ! She’s cute 💕
• Sadly, this one will never be finished, so have it :
Lmao for your interest; this is not baldness ! Just where the light should be 😂
She’s holding a lamb, love for God, God’s love for you.
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I really like her face, and I think I don’t want to ruin it by messing up the rest :’)
Some other crappy stuff that won’t saw the internet; anyway this year wasn’t very creative for me, even if I’m kinda proud of how I progressed with so little time to paint !
I am now the proud mom of a 20 months old little girl; free time vanished. ✨
I would be so happy to draw more though, only for my own sanity 😂
Feel free to chat, I’ll be glad to
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coffehbeans · 1 year
G/t July Day 3: Impulsive
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I had planned to write smth but I have no time arrgghh have this crappy sketch instead :,)
What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? Yeah, it's these two. They'll be good friends I promise, eventually tho lmao
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thebigbidea · 1 year
I've vaguely mentioned her in a previous post but here's my Welcome Home OC/ Self-C. Her name is Emira. Emira Eagerly. Emi for short. Alike me, she uses all pronouns, (she/he/they), and is genderfluid. Oh! And after realizing her design was alike the Joyfuls, i decided she'd be related to them somehow. Like, first cousin once removed, maybe?.
Anygay, this is just an art/info dump to get her out there, i didn't feel like curating a post to get likes, so yuh.
I'll be using she/her pronouns for Emi only so it doesn't get confusing xd // the green text is kinda like the words i exaggerated while theoretically talking
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Here's my first real sketches of her <33
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Ignore the crappy Julie drawing lmao. I made a poopy mini comic about Emi getting a haircut.
I do heavily multiship WH characters. Mostly me multishipping Wally x Julie, Julie x Sally, and Wally having a crush on Eddie (the other characters i ship aren't multiships, just regular ones like Poppy x Howdy and Frank x Eddie). This is all to say that i also multiship Wally alot. And so, i both hc him as pan and ship him with my own OC (and some other peoples' OCs that are really cute). I also hc Wally as having a bit of a preference to guys, sooo, when Emi cut her hair, Wals was like awooga.
And yea, that's basically what the mini comic was. Emi cut her hair and this caused Wally to start crushing a little.
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I think atp i did figure out that i wanted Emi to be a fashion designer/ seamstress.
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Other outfits!! Yippie!! - I really love the party outfit. The shoes, ahhg! I wish they really existed.
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Hehe, lil (crappy) sktech :·)
Oh yeah, i kind of had the idea of Wally drawing out the patterns for Emira when she was overwhelmed with ideas and didn't know where to start on an outfit. She'd just waffle about her ideas with Wally. Probably assumed he was drawing an apple or something, but oh? What's this? You drew a whole template for the dress i was rambling on and on about!! Thank you, Wally!
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Her house :·)
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AHHHH i love this drawing!!! Em and Emi, Emira and Emira, she and he, they and they, idc how to describe it, just.. genderfluidness!? And also, the outfits!! I just loved drawing them, I'd hella wear them irl. Especially the belt. I wish i had that 1970s belt irl!! I also loveee how she has longer hair and shorter at some point, meaning i can basically give her any hairstyle i want in my art!! It doesn't have to be consistent (unless it's a comic) - :·)) // this took me about 3hrs. And i barely took any breaks, that's how much i enjoyed drawing her!! Ahhh!!!
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I was just looking through Pinterest and got the inspiration!! Well no, not just that. I failed to mention b4 that I'd like to think in the WH Halloween special, Emi attempted to dress up as a biblically accurate angle.. but it scared the kids tm (not actually, it mostly scared Frank) so she changed!! Her alternative costume was a clown!!. - And while, no, i didn't draw her as a biblically accurate angle, i did still make her an angle!! :·)
I do like this drawing, butttt my original sketch was way more expressive than this one. My second sketch was definitely more stiff, however i still went with it bc the first sketch was kinda wonky when flipped. Whoopies!!
Now i can ramble about Emi wayyyy more. I have so many more headcannons, comics, and crappy little drawing not shown here but this post is getting to long!! Buh bye, now loves <33!!!
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radellama · 1 year
10, 14, 16, 22, and 25 for the art asks! :)
10. What’s that one thing that inspired you to make drawing your consistant hobby?
It's hard to say cause I've been drawing since I was a baby, but I definitely know that I loved art classes in school and was glad to have encouraging teachers, and I was glad that my parents were supportive of that for a hobby. I think digital art being consistent for me is when I saved up to get my very first drawing tablet, there was barely anything on the market at that point and they were all super expensive but I saved up for aaaaages and dad helped me... Acquire some adobe programs so I could draw in Photoshop (and edit in premiere!!) And I just thought it was soooo interesting trying to figure out how far I could push the program and how to make drawings look epic cause it was all digital. Once I got over the initial frustration of my art looking crappy cause skill and understanding of the program+tablet was tricky, it was game on. Back then I didn't have internet either so I couldn't look up how to use Photoshop, I just had to play around for HOURS figuring out what to do. Once that Wacom broke for good (but it lasted nearly a decade!) I asked my dad if we could split payment and get me an iPad for my bday, he ended up getting the iPad and pencil and I got all the other accessories. I'm not an apple fan at all but I love the portability and that's helped increase my habit too, cause I can draw in bed or on the couch or at my desk, and it's not as clunky as setting up my laptop and wacom
14. How has your art changed over the years?
God, so much. I don't have any of my REALLY old art from when I was a little kid, but I have some from when I first started digital art. Compared to recent years... Yeah it's a lot 🤠👍
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16. What’s the most daunting part of your process? Ex, planning, sketching, lineart, rendering etc
Depends on what I'm working on... For bigger pieces getting the right poses and composition and perspective can be huge, for others it's the rendering and especially picking the right colours. Maybe the most daunting thing for me is making sure everything looks consistent within the piece haha, I've got one that I've been working on and off for over a year so I had to redraw the base sketches to match my style changes lmao
22. When is your prime time to work on your art?
Usually in the evening or at night, when it's easiest to just sit and chill with some music or something on the TV while I draw
25. Based on your recent reference searches, what would the FBI assume about you?
That I like ladies holding guns in their knickers (and they're not even holding the guns correctly) or that I'm a huge homo (I am)
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kirnet · 2 years
actium update sunday
howdy!! progress is happening! i had a slump where i was feeling really crappy abt my art and writing in general, but literally just switching to a new brush for sketching fixed it lmao.
chapter 1 is... pretty much done! i just need to color a few pages and get them spot checked. tysm paris for being my editor! (i missed halin’s lip scar sooo many times lmao). chapter 2 is being penciled right now! im playing a lot more with unique and dynamic paneling and camera angels (a lot of fight scenes in this one) so it is a bit of a challenge but i’m feeling much more confident about it!
im also working on the cover for chapter 2 (i’ll post it on patreon when im done. im actually really proud it). i’m also getting the website set up!
ultimately... i’m a month behind schedule. i really thought i would have chap 2 totally done by the end of february, but alas. still aiming for my late june release date though! chapter 1 was a struggle bc i’ve just. never made a comic before. but now im really getting the hang of my workflow! tysm for hanging with me!
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volkihar · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you had any tips on learning to draw? I haven't drawn anything in uhh ~6 years and even then I was barely learning. I just got a nice little drawing tablet so I'm gonna try with that
Also it is currently 1:40 Am as I send this so whether I remember to read your response Tomorrow remains to be seen ahfuenwjamqka
I’m the worst person to ask bc I’ve been drawing for 10 years and I still have no idea wtf I’m doing 😭 I recently had to return to basic practice skills (figure drawing from references) because I feel my own brain withering away, but I will Attempt some semblance of advice based on things I wished I knew when I was a beginner:
I think a good selection of tips is to start with some basic tutorials on youtube (thats where I started mang many moons ago) to learn stuff like figure drawing, basic anatomy/proportioning, lighting/shading, color theory, etc. I think I learned a lot from the Proko youtube channel when I was a beginner!
Also ALWAYS USE REFERENCES. I personally browse pinterest for pose & clothing ideas. and don’t let anyone tell you that using references is bad or makes you a worse artist because you cant 3d print exactly what you wanna draw from your brain. Those people are idiots. It’s also 100% fine to trace references to learn (I personally deploy the method of freehanding a reference, then tracing the reference, then freehanding it again to incorporate what I missed/did wrong. It Just Works) Just don’t trace other ppl’s art & pass it off as your own bc that’s obviously Not Okay
I’d also recommend challenging yourself to draw at least 1 thing a day. It doesn’t have to be a grandiose art project, just like a quick figure study or referencing something nearby/online to sketch. sometimes I’ll just doodle little things in the corner of a notebook while I’m watching a youtube video and that’s all I’ll draw that day. But it’s good to draw something every day bc if you don’t your brain will be like “how do draw?” the next time you pick up a pencil 5 months later (not speaking from experience or anything >.>) plus I think it helps with keeping you in the “mood” to draw so that you don’t burn yourself out as quickly drawing stuff you actually wanna draw!
It’s also good to remember that everyone learns at a different pace and some things will slowly come to you over time if you keep practicing, even if you feel like you just aren’t “getting” it. I honestly didn’t get an eye for coloring until like, last year (and I owe most of that to gifmaking tbh) and prior to that I had no idea how color theory worked, despite being constantly reminded about it in tutorials and school lmao. If you keep practicing enough some things will just “click” eventually.
Aaaaand I think the most important tip, which I am still struggling to learn, is to not measure your own art’s worth based on other ppl’s progress, because there’s always gonna be artists younger than you out there who somehow draw like professionals that will make you panic and think wtf!!!! But your art is worth making because you made it, and the only way to get better is to be unafraid of making “crappy” art, because the only alternative is to never make art at all. (plus I gaurantee all of those people who could paint like vincent van gogh before their 30s have days where they feel like complete talentless hacks, too)
Anyways yeah I hope this helped at all. somewhat. And good luck!
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vicious-scribbles · 13 days
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A few sketches for today. I'm working out some designs for my first tarot card. This one is The Fool. Including my crappy handwriting taking notes lmao. I traced a card I have from my like 5 decks of random-ass playing cards so I have actual size. They'll be smaller than usual tarot cards, but that's OK. Might change that if I run into problems though.
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kanobarlowe · 10 months
Side note: I plan to document a couple of the merch ideas I have that my husband and a friend of ours may be helping me make. Mostly just sharing my crappy sketch ideas lmao, we'll see.
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vynnyal · 5 years
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Here at babey hq we do not resist the temptation of The Waggle. [high..er res]
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