#hatsune miku does not talk to British people
ceilingfan02 · 1 month
Are you British?
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lizmarieghiardi · 9 months
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don’t like this if you’re british
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odditythe3rd · 29 days
Watching the 80s version of pride and prejudice with my mom and let me say Mr Darcy is NOT neurotypical
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mushroomgrenade · 1 year
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Happy Miku Day
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spider miku
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drawing hatsune miku in my favorite fandoms because this is the internet and no one can stop me
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danganronpa96 · 1 year
Man, I would've loved to see everyone who died in danganronpa 69 reaction to finding out that Miku and Teto were the ones behind the killing game.
(I think 2D would be the most affected.)
Honestly, it would really shock almost all of them.
Dedede, Mr. Krabs and Peter would be pissed out of their minds, so taken aback that such a harmless looking girl could have caused so much destruction.
Others like Fluttershy would be heart broken that the Miku she befriended and spilled so much kindness with was all a ‘facade’ she put on just to have a little extra fun for her killing game.
Ashely would take her grief more inwardly, internalising the idea that she can’t even trust people who seem so nice on the outside. She probably wouldn’t have much she’d want to say, other than a snide insult towards Miku.
I feel like Sans wouldn’t want to say too much, either. Maybe crack a joke at the expense of the heavy mood just to keep grounded. He’d definitely never forgive them for using their power for total destruction and pain on innocent people.
Brian, at the point he was at before he died, wouldn’t find the energy to get as mad as say Peter. He’d still hate them for what they did, but more solemnly, as if he could almost find himself taking pity on their immature actions (which would not run well with Miku).
Mario would have no trouble in calling them out for what they did. He’d definitely prioritise the damage and pain that’s been subjected onto millions of innocent people just from their doing alone. I don’t know if he’d be exactly willing to properly fight them. He could convince himself their not exactly ‘human’ or ‘teenage girls’ as they are just vessels for a voice. Otherwise, he might try to do something similar to what Luigi did and convince them to stop their terror and join up to fix everything.
And 2D… I mean, what would you do after finding out the young girl that befriended you with seemingly wholesome intentions just to share her passion for music with yours, acting as a motivation to keep pressing forward despite the uneasy future ahead, turned out to be the one behind your captivity, and even the one who killed you in the end?
The one who you thought was being targeted by some cruel monster to the point you decided to take actions and help her, only to be stabbed by her, the true monster this whole time?
What could you do? What would you say? You were nothing but a prop for her little mid-game story.
All just because she decided to target you at random.
Sure, you’ve been basically bullied and abused all your life by your own band mate, but at least he was always upfront about it. This felt different. This felt like a stab in the back, the knife being twisted ever so slowly just to drag out every nerve of pain that can be felt, every drop of blood they could squeeze out of you.
…I don’t think he would’ve handled it at all.
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fleshwallter · 3 months
hatsune miku
[ ❔ ] — "Whh... What...?"
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probablybadalaribbons · 10 months
Miku "Oh No."
As a British or British-adjacent character, take a picture with Hatsune Miku.
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psychicmisfortune · 1 year
excuse me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
are you british,,,? 🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸
oh no. oh no no no no no! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
hatsune miku does
talk to british people
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dog-violet · 2 years
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ezra/alice + me u and quinn
an vaguing akito 🫢
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corndog-tarot-cards · 2 years
i am doing anything besides paying attention in calculus class
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almond-tofu-chan · 2 months
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achivement-unlocked · 20 days
people on my blog are trying to make me think I’m Argentinian. I’m not. I’ve never been to Argentina. I’m British
Achievement unlocked!
Hatsune miku does NOT talk to British people
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leorawright · 1 year
funny little waffle house anon returns (i was very happy with the baptiste, thank you, i love him <3) >:D
can we get ramattra, genji, zenyatta and hanzo with a partner who can do the hatsune miku voice and tone >:) not a single inch of context for this, i just think it’d be funny to very faintly hear tracer and them talking, and just “no, hatsune miku does NOT talk to british people”
Waffle House Anon! I'll try my best for this prompt
Overwatch with s/o who can do a Hatsune Miku voice
He was extremely caught off guard when he first heard your impression
He'd never heard humans do an impression before so he though you were possessed for a second
You'd have to explain what an impression is before he starts trying to perform an exorcism to get the 'real you' back
He definitely knows who Hatsune Miku is and when he heard you do an impression perfectly he nearly fainted on the spot
He thought your impression was so fricking cool
When he overhead you talking to Tracer, he nearly spit out his water
He finds it fascinating at how you can make yourself sound like someone completely different
And he's heard that voice before because Genji showed him who Hatsune Miku is so Zen is happy he can identify who you're imitating
He also thinks it's funny if you randomly change your voice to Hatsune Miku when you meet Ramattra because Ram doesn't understand impressions so Zen thinks it's funny
He choked on his drink when he heard you mimic Hatsune Miku's voice
He didn't know you could do impressions it caught him off guard
Pretty soon, though, he grew to be unphased by your impressions, and it's easy to make him laugh if you mimic Hatsune and say something really serious to him
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hoofpeet · 2 years
Zingo... Hatsune Miku....
Imagine Zingo doing the. the. Hatsune Miku does not talk to british people
Zingo does NOT. talk to British people
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correctproseka · 10 months
My opinion on Leo/needs new design
Bc i can.
Everyone is free to disagree or to add onto smth i want to know what yall think.
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Overrall, i like them, they feel more united as a band, but individually i have some ehs.
They also look very british. Hatsune Miku does NOT talk to british people /j
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I'll say it here now: Ichika is the only one that for me feels like a downgrade.
Her old outfit was so cool, no tie, sleeveless shirt, gloves, tied jacket, it showed personality so well.
I like the tie to be honest, and im happy she kept the leg thingies (i have no idea of the name of that), but overall... where's my dumbass loser rebel? Ichika was kind of s rebel and now that shes coming back with confidence to do the stuff she did they're taking it off?
Anyways. At least shes smiling now smh
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While i liked the skirt and the tie, the jacket always felt weird for me, dunno why. Plus that transparent keeping the damn keyboard was so bad for my editing stuff smh /hj, now the keyboard is smaller.
I like the blazer more than i like her jacket before, and the tie as a lace looks so cute <3
Props to the new detail on the socks.
But i will miss her little wink.
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I sincerely dont have much to say about her ngl.
I kind of disliked her.. jacket? Mostly it emphasized her chest too much and i kind of disliked that.
And now i dislike the skirt cjsjcjdi.
The rest is fine, and i love the little star on her arm.
And i also like that she actually has part of her instrument here, congrats you learned how to make a drummer colopale /j
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Cool. So much of an upgrade cnsjcjdjvjd
Plus lets be honest. That lime jacket was fjsmcjsjdj
But also. IDK SHE JUST LOOKS SO COOL. My favorite from the girls ngl
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I didnt have any opinion in her old design, but i do like the (british ass) jacket and the pins on it
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