#hate reply to instead of minding their own business and think that means i only talk about dany like that.
atopvisenyashill · 2 months
god that person is soooo full of brain worms or something because like even as a dany lover, i see everything you’re saying about her as great observations based on the text. She’s young, she’s traumatized, of course when she gets over to westeros it’s not going to end as well as she hopes. The only thing I can pray for is that George writes her end better than D&D did because it was atrocious how her most trusted advisors went from being her biggest supporters to acting like “no actually her grief from losing her best friend and two of her dragons who were as much like children to her as anything could be means she’s just as mad as her father”, especially when Tyrion never knew Aerys!! I would love to see her descent into madness, see how all of her losses stack and utterly break her, but the way those two switched up real quick was honestly disgusting to me
YEAH like I think the biggest issue with the show is that she’s surrounded by characters who are pale imitations of their book selves or characters she’s just NOT supposed to be interacting with like that. There’s no doubt in my mind that Tyrion is going to flip sides & it’s probably going to spell her doom, but the Tyrion in the books is in a vastly different, much darker place currently than the Tyrion she met in the show and that’s going impact their dynamic MASSIVELY. Varys is NOT some monarchial marxist aksjdj he’s a mad scientist trying to hand make the perfect king bc he’s seen the destruction caused by bad ones and he thinks he’s Above It All when in reality his traumas as a slave inform his bad behavior just as surely as they inform Melisandre’s. The show doesn’t want to engage with all of that though so Tyrion & Varys just kind of nonsensically flip on her for *checks notes* acting the exact same way she’s been acting for years when they never had a problem with her stupid behavior BEFORE s8.
And i go back and forth on what I think is going to happen but ultimately YEAH i do think george is going to write an ending that is much more fitting and also, despite what the targ nation people insist upon, TRAGIC than what we got. It’s going to hit harder, it’s going to be thematically interesting, it’s not going to be george going for the ~cool~ or wow shocking plot line the way those two idiots did!
But definitely the thing that hit my rage button on that one is this idea that like first of all, dany isn’t somehow mentally ill or that the presence of mental illness is a weakness or moral failing. I don’t know how you even exist on terros without developing something deeply unhinged in your brain, and dany meanwhile has a conga line of trauma and some ancient blood magic and incest cooking in HERS, i don’t think i’m saying anything out of pocket by saying “yeah i think she displays some patterns of behavior that are worrying when you essentially have a pet nuke.” but two it’s also like - ALL of these people are insane!!!! lannister, stark, tully, martell, baratheon, targaryen, greyjoy, on and on, they’ve all lived through at minimum one but some of them several wars that completely upended their lives and killed a lot of their family, and then got thrown into stressful situations that require a much more delicate hand than any of them are capable of. that’s the whole series!!! it’s just a bunch of insane people going “yeah exactly girl let’s do it” and “it” is usually war!!!
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gay-dorito-dust · 13 days
I think it's canon that stan smokes and gets high when he was younger
So I'm thinking reader (they are as old as the og mystery twins) is the type to smoke when they're stress and they say that smoking/getting high clears the fog in their brain
So how do you think stan & ford react to this? I mean they know it's bad but it helps them
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Most research about the negative effects of weed I found online, whether or not half of them are actual negative effects is beyond me.
Stan isn’t a hypocrite, he’s gotten high before and so he knows what state your life must be for you to resort to getting high as a stress relief.
He fully understands why you’d always resort to doing such a thing but would remind you that you could always come to him if anything was ever bothering you instead of resorting to getting high.
‘I appreciate it but I don’t want to bother you with what goes on in my head, half of the time I can’t even put it into words that best describes what I’m going through but with this,’ you raised your blunt, ‘it helps me in ways that talking to someone else never could.’
‘Okay, just know I’m here to talk toots.’ Stanley said as he patted your shoulder and left you be.
Stan did it to escape everything and avoid the consequences of his own actions, so much so that he often abused the substance on more then one occasion, but after Dipper and Mabel came for the summer, he has later learned to cut down his smoking sessions for the betterment for the twins and himself.
So whenever he sees you heading out towards your designated smoking spot- the top of the shack- he’d sometimes join you for a smoke, especially when Ford came back and had been nothing but a stubborn nuisance as you shared common worries while the smell of his cigarette and weed was all you could smell.
Neither of you spoke but there was a solidarity between the two of you until you were done. Stan knew that it wasn’t exactly healthy but he wasn’t going to cut you off weed completely if it helped when you needed it most, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t not join you to make sure you weren’t abusing the substance like he did when he was younger.
Ford fully understands that weed is a natural product that can calm people who suffer from anxiety and stress related issues, but over-usage of it was highly discouraged.
Ford knew his brother did similar things in his youth and hated it then, but knowing that you did also only made his distaste for the strong smell stronger as he would then avoid any and all areas that you smoked in, and yet the smell clung to you like second skin and Ford was reminded of how much he hated the stuff and would try to give you something that would hopefully act as a replacement for weed.
Unfortunately for Ford it didn’t work and by the end of the week you were back to smoking weed almost on the regular to destress.
He’d even list off the risks you’d run if you low using the substance.
CHS syndrome
Elevated anxiety
Psychosis illnesses such as schizophrenia
Addiction to weed, if you hadn’t already formed one.
Confusions and or potential hallucinations
And so many more but the more he listed the less you seemed to care as you had relied on the weed for a good majority of your life, and did so in controlled quantities but understood Ford’s worries regardless in the matter and placed a hand on his shoulder.
‘I’m fine Ford, I know it’s not exactly good for me but it’s the only thing that helps.’ You tell him.
‘I’m here.’ Ford replied, a little hurt that you didn’t think of him as a good option for distressing.
‘You’re far too busy in your lab or out monster hunting to sit still for ten minutes and listen to me talk about my worries.’ You said as though it was obvious. ‘So weed is my only resort to calm mind.’
‘Meditation exists, so does journaling and or scrapbooking?’ Ford suggests and it was obvious that he was trying to mitigate any permanent damage you might do to yourself in the future.
‘Not my thing and I lack the patience when this mind is loud as fuck.’ You shrugged before walking up to the top of the shack to smoke, leaving Ford a little at a loss of what he could do for you now. He didn’t condemn you for your usage of weed, but he just worries that an addiction will grow from it and he wants to be there for you, he just doesn’t know how…
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Tiny bit of Monster AU Brainrot-
Malleus calling human Yuu Child of Humans instead of Chile of Men
Human Yuu singing Human by Rag'nBone Man (I have had this idea for way too long)
Human Yuu just minding their business in gym class running laps, and sees Vargas running at them full speed in his monster form for the first time, scaring them so bad that they start haul assing to the woods near the field
Human Yuu starts gushing to Malleus about how cool he is, saying things like, "Your horns are so awesome and beautiful!" and "Your wings look so big! And your tail look so shiny and smooth too! I bet Vil could only dream about having a tail like yours!" (I just wanna shower him with my own endearing praise~)
I’d actually been debating for a while how Malleus would refer to Yuu as the last known human, though “Child of Humans” does sound fitting. /)Ò^Ô I think I'll keep it that way!
As for the song “Human” by Rag’n’Bone Man, I honestly hadn’t heard that song until now and it gives me some interesting ideas on how some monsters may have believed in the past that—according to mythology—most humans were the bad ones and “put the blame on” them for certain things happening the way they did. For the researchers to be looking towards Yuu for answers to things that happened centuries ago, or for those who grew up hating human mythology in general and blaming Yuu for these things…I can imagine it would cause a lot of stress and anxiety even for the calmest and most collected person. Ó^Ò
This could also segway into how the monsters would discover the human penchant to express their emotions in a way that also sends a message, and if someone were to catch wind of Yuu singing this song (or happen to stumble upon it like the Light Music Club did)? Things would likely start taking on a different tone as the monsters realize that Yuu is just as much an innocent who knows nothing of what happened in the past: only that they were alone in the world, and that—like the monsters themselves—humans can make mistakes too.
Of course, being able to share songs that hold a special meaning to Yuu is going to be a magical bonding experience! ÓvÒ/)
Omg, Yuu’s very first day in gym class would have been chaotic 🤣 Let’s see how that first day went down…>3>
Under a read more due to length!
“Alright, everyone, line up! You have one minute to stretch before we begin doing laps around the track.”
Yuu felt small compared to the much larger monster students around them, realizing that some towered nearly nine feet tall. ‘I’m going to get trampled,’ they thought nervously. ‘I’m in a strange world, forced to attend school, and I’m literally going to get trampled by giant humanoid monsters doing PE.’
“Hey, Yuu!” a familiar voice called, snapping them out of their thoughts as they turned to see Ace waving them over. “What are you doing in the middle?”
“Huh? I’m…running…I think?” Yuu replied, feeling self-conscious about the multiple sets of eyes now on them. Glancing at the multiple pairs of hooves and claws, they muttered, “And trying not to get trampled over…”
“Don’t worry, you won’t get trampled underfoot,” came Coach Vargas’ response as he appeared in front of them, gesturing with a large claw to the inner track ring. “Smaller students will start out on the inside and will work their way towards the middle with everyone else. Though seeing as you lack any tail or strong legs like the others, this will be a test for me to see how fast and strong you are as a human. Just keep running, and you’ll do fine. And if you fall behind, I’ll help you keep a good pace!”
Nearby Yuu could hear a couple of students snicker and whisper, “Humans must fall flat on their face all the time without a tail. Just look at those weird legs!”
Whether they meant for Yuu to hear them or not wasn’t clear, but before they could think of a retort, they jumped when the coach blew the whistle again. “Stretches are over—get into position!” he bellowed, Yuu immediately scurrying over to join the other smaller students. “On your mark…get set…GO!!”
In an instant, most of the monster students took off, most galloping on all fours while others somehow kept pace on two legs before the rest of the students followed suit. Yuu did okay at first, keeping pace behind a large eared faun with violet hair easily enough. But by the time they came close to finishing the first lap they’d fallen far behind, forced to stick as close to the edge of the track as possible even as a literal stampede of students charged past them.
‘Just keep running,’ they thought, feeling their cheeks burn with embarrassment as the students that mocked them earlier ran past with cackles of amusement. ‘I just gotta keep running…’
‘Just keep running, just keep running, running, running,’ Yuu chanted in their mind, keeping their eyes on the student in front of them as a pacer as they finished their second lap. ‘What do we do? We run, run, ru-’
“Gah! Not again!” someone yelped, running past them like a scared rabbit. A moment later the student they were following glanced over his shoulder, his eyes growing wide in pure fear and panic as he too ran faster. What was going on…?
Hearing the bellowing roar and the shredding of fabric behind them, Yuu’s head whipped around to see Coach Vargas’ frame grow larger, fur covering every inch of his body as his face pushed out to form a distinctly canine-like snout while his arms grew into massive, long clawed paws. They’d wondered what sort of bear-like monster the coach was, but now they realized that—like Professor Crewel and Professor Trein—he was a werebeast…a werebear.
Charging straight FOR THEM!?!?!
“Oh, Sugar Honey Iced Tea!!!!” Yuu screamed, flat out bolting the moment the transformed coach began to charge after them. They couldn’t let him bite them—they didn’t want to be a werebear!! “Shit shit shit shit SHIT!!! AAAAAAAA-!!!!”
Students that had passed by them before now squawked as Yuu passed them, Yuu’s shoes pounding against the compact rubber ground while their heart hammered in their chest. Blood thundering in their ears, they didn’t hear the others calling their name as they bolted off the track, running full speed into the forest. All they could hear was the earth-shaking steps of the massive werebear charging after them, his growls and roars urging them to run faster and faster until—
/Sometime later/
“Can someone please explain to me why the human is stuck in a tree?” Professor Trein asked, Lucius giving a low growl to match his master’s scowl.
“They climbed up the tree on their own! Honestly, I’ve never seen any student run or climb so fast during PE.”
Tilting his head back to look up into the tree, Crowley heaved a tired sigh as he spotted Yuu’s terrified face barely peeking over the large branch they’d wrapped themselves around. They hadn’t moved an inch since he arrived, their eyes locked onto the coach with a ‘thousand-yard stare’ and knuckles turning white. “Did you even warn them of your particular training style?” the headmaster asked, though he had a feeling he knew the answer.
“I told them that if they fell behind, I would help them keep their pace,” came the response. “They’ve exceeded my initial expectations and even surpassed a few of their fellow runners!”
“Yes, yes, I’m sure it was an impressive sight to see, and I admire your dedication to ensuring students get the most out of their exercise. That, however, doesn’t explain how we’re supposed to get what is quite literally the last living fragile human down from the tree before they get hurt.”
“Ah…right. Don’t worry, I’ll get them down! It’s been a while since I last pulled a tree out by the roots. Maybe I can shake them out?”
“Fragile, Ashton! Fragile!” Crewel growled out.
In the end, the staff somehow managed to get Yuu safely down on the ground. It took Crewel’s reassurances that—no—Coach Vargas doesn’t bite the students during his “encouragement runs” and that—no—it is highly unlikely that Yuu would even become a werebeast if they had been bitten by accident. Needless to say, Yuu was given a pass from Vargas running behind them in his werebear form, and he made a bit more of an effort to keep pace with them in his normal humanoid form to encourage them.
Of course, that didn’t necessarily mean that the rest of the students were safe if he caught them falling behind!
Pfft…yeah, it went about as well as you’d expect when being chased by a bear. 😂 At least now they know that they can outrun him, and the other monster students got to witness the magic of human adrenaline in action! 0v0
Malleus interacting with Yuu…I can imagine that—as a dragon monster—he would sympathize with Yuu’s situation as much as Vil in how few both their species were. Perhaps that’s what first drew him to interact with them the first night he realized that Ramshackle was no longer an empty tomb—but rather, a sanctuary to protect something precious.
And precious they were, as with each interaction he had with them, the more he grew fond of Yuu’s strange human ways. Their admiration for him was tempered by pure, innocent curiosity as they speak. Each question they ask, he obliges with an amused smile or allows them a chance to touch his wings and horns. Each praise they sang to him filled him with warmth, freely allowing their hands to glide over the feathers of his wings or brush against the scales of his tail.
His mirth and amusement grew when they began to compare his beauty with Vil’s own, seeing their eyes light up with each new discovery or flicker of power he showed them. He may have grown used to hearing Sebek’s praise, though there was something endearing hearing a fabled human compliment him as though he were the only dragon fae monster in the world…and perhaps he was.
At least in that regard, he would be content to share this companionship with his Child of Humans.
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kkaewrites · 2 years
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fall in love with me [3] — itoshi sae x reader !
warnings. heavy manga spoilers & ooc itoshi sae.
content. fake dating, (slight) enemies to lovers.
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there was a firework display that was very much visible from where you and itoshi sae were at. although, even with the a majestic view right outside the cart’s windows, he was only staring at you. his face devoid of emotion and chin resting on his knuckles, he replied, “try me.”
try what? you wanted to ask, but you knew what exactly he meant. if you knew one thing from his enigmatic personality, it was the fact that he’s competitive over the most trivial things. this was his way of turning the tables, and to be honest, you’re not going to let him.
you only pursued him just because you know that he won’t fall. if you take that away from him, what makes him different from the rest?
“no,” you crossed your arms. “you’re not supposed to fall in love with me.”
“and you’re telling me what to do?”
“as a matter of fact, yeah, i do.” you watch as the expression on his face remain the same. his teal green eyes bore into yours and for once, you might believe him; that for some odd reason, you interest him. as if that makes any sense.
“you’re full of irony,” he says, but all you could hear from him was you’re full of shit, because of his narrowed gaze and pursed lips. “you told me to fall in love with you a few months ago.”
“it was a bluff.”
“so it is.”
“itoshi sae,” you sharply stated. “just shut up.”
you expected him to say that he doesn’t take orders from anyone because he’s the itoshi sae, but to your surprise, he doesn’t. instead, what he does is look away. his face, although not entirely in your line of sight, was illuminated from the glittering lights outside. however, for some reason, he doesn’t look all amused.
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the ride back home had nothing but silence. after your short banter with itoshi sae, there was no exchange that happened. you didn’t mind; you quite liked basking in someone’s quiet company, even if that someone happens to be him.
“did i upset you?”
why would you care? you wanted to ask yourself. who cares if he’s mad or frustrated or upset? it’s not like you’re friends with him to care about what he feels. and it’s definitely unlike you to care about anyone else but yourself.
“stop overthinking.” he finally speaks up after a long period of silence. even when his eyes were closed, you could feel his gaze on you.
instead of telling him some random excuse, you piped up, “my birthday’s next week.”
“i know.”
“my grandma’s coming.” you turned to look outside the windows. it was half past nine o’clock, and everyone was in a rush to head home. the streets were bustling with different kinds of people under the city lights, while the road itself was painted red due to the heavy traffic. it was a sight to behold; people just living their own lives. people with their own purpose. “she’ll definitely see through this whole facade, tell my parents and urge to continue the wedding.”
“you’re expecting me to not attend.”
“and you think my absence won’t make her suspicious?”
“you’re itoshi sae. you’re a busy person.”
“exactly.” he replies. “and i’m good at what i do.”
“this isn’t soccer.”
“i never said it was.”
“why do you even want to be there?”
“can’t i attend my fake girlfriend’s birthday?”
“you can,” you stressed out the word can. “but you hate the media. you hate parties. you hate socializing.”
“yeah.” he finally opens his eyes and there it is again— that gaze. you’re not sure what it means or what his intention is, still, it sends an uneasy feeling to flutter in your stomach. “but i don’t hate you.”
the fuck does he mean by that? a few months ago, he was staring daggers into your back. he was frowning every time he was with you. when you kissed him that first day, he looked at you as if he wanted to send you to the depths of hell. what does he mean that he doesn’t hate you?
how could he not hate you?
instead of prolonging the complex conversation, you decided to shift the topic. “okay, fine. then, red?”
“will you wear red to match my dress?”
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on the night of your party, a handful of strangers attended. most of them were the family members of your dad’s business partners, some of them were distant relatives and some were the children of your parents’ friends. and although you’d rather really spend the whole evening to yourself, you had to keep these strangers company by listening to their sexist jokes, their questions about your (fake) boyfriend and their own narcissistic quips.
all you had done was smile, greet, and tune out whatever they’re saying. no one will complain if all you’d do is nod absent-mindedly, as long as you have a pretty face.
because of your lack of friends, the only familiar people around were your parents (your grandma hasn’t arrived yet), but since they’re preoccupied with other people, you don’t even get to see them at all. there was no comfort to be found and it’s making you sick to your stomach. the only reason you didn’t choose to hide yet was because you were waiting for itoshi sae.
he hasn’t texted or called to say anything, even though it’s already a quarter past ten. was he really going to come late? it’s an hour and about fifteen minutes until your birthday ends. or maybe, you thought to yourself, he’s not really coming at all.
you could feel a frown forming.
you excused yourself from a group of teenagers that was talking about the most boring topic in the world ever— business. or love. or was it soccer? you’re not sure. whatever their topic was, it didn’t pique your interest. you’re sure they’d end up talking behind your back when you’re gone, anyway.
all you were feeling was annoyance. it was your own birthday and yet you were stuck the whole night feeling uncomfortable in your own skin. your feet were screaming at you to take your heels off, and you were freezing due to your sleeveless and backless dress.
all that, and still no itoshi sae in sight.
“excuse me,” an unfamiliar voice calls out to you just as you were about to exit the ballroom. when you turned to face them, you were greeted with a face that you’ve only seen in pictures. you’ve had no idea that he would attend after all the mess you caused, but here he is. your ex-fiancé. reo mikage.
one look and you could tell that he’s definitely broken a few hearts before.
“wanted to greet you myself,” he smiles politely, before handing you an intricately wrapped gift. “happy birthday.”
“thank you.” you returned his smile as you receive the gift.
“i’m glad, by the way.”
“for what?”
“that you decided to be with your boyfriend.” he looks away. “you know, instead of marrying me.”
boyfriend? what— oh. he must be talking about itoshi sae. no, scratch that, he must be thinking that you were brave enough to fight for a love like that. you almost laughed; how could they not see that it’s fake? it’s not as if the both of you were ever seen committing public display of affection, except that staged kiss.
“that’s not really the tru—”
“do you mind?” reo visibly stiffens from hearing that third party voice. he knows because he has heard him before. he knows because who else would say something like that towards two people in a conversation?
“that’s my cue to leave. see you around, y/n.”
before you could wave him goodbye, you were taken by a surprise as itoshi sae wraps his red dress suit over your shoulders. you wanted to ask him how he’d found out that you were cold or why he was rude to reo, but instead, you ask: “why were you late?”
“i got you this.” he hands you a gift, one that was smaller than reo’s and from the form itself, you could guess that it’s a book. “it’s limited edition; you’re the only one who has that kind of copy.”
furrowing your brows, you gently placed down reo’s gift on a nearby table and tore open itoshi sae’s present. true enough, it was a book. not just any book, though: it’s your favorite. you have a copy that has a worn out cover, which sits on your bedside table because you’d read it almost every time you can’t fall asleep. but this one was definitely different.
as itoshi sae said, you’re the only one who has that kind of copy because on the front page itself, it says: to y/n, i hope you’ll have a good night’s sleep. you couldn’t even believe your eyes. your favorite book was printed and dedicated to you.
it made you tear up.
and you’re not fond of crying. generally, you’re not fond of overwhelming emotions but to have something like this— on what you thought was the worst birthday ever — it makes you happy. for the first time, you don’t feel hollow. you don’t feel empty.
and it’s because of the man in front of you. itoshi sae.
“how could you even—”
he shrugs and looks away. “i flew to the author’s country. in exchange for an autograph.”
“is that possible?”
“to me? of course.” he then sighs and pockets his hands, facing you. then, silence appeared and stretched as you stare back into his teal green eyes. it was the first time you’ve thought of them as beautiful.
oh no.
is this what they call ‘falling in love’?
he turns to look at his watch, “i still have ten minutes before the evening ends.”
“well,” you bit your lip. “you’re here now.”
“i know.” he responds. “will you dance with me?”
you have no idea how he does it. you have no idea how he’s perfectly calm while you were rooted to the ground, feeling as if your heart’s about to leap out from your throat. you have no idea that he can smile like that: like an angel you were blessed to see. you have no idea he can dance. however, instead of pondering over these questions, you take his outstretched hand.
the rest happened like a blur; your personalized book was resting next to reo’s still unopened gift, your right hand was against sae’s own hand and your left sat on his shoulder as you sway along to the nonexistent music. you didn’t know how it all happened but by some miracle, it did.
“you hate dancing.” you comment.
“i told you already,” he mumbles. “i don’t hate you.”
“so you’re doing this for me?”
he doesn’t answer, but he doesn’t stop dancing with you. his touch was gentle, as if he doesn’t want to harm even a strand of your hair. his breathing was even, the same kind of composed when he’s playing. his hand radiated warmth, while you were sure that yours were cold to the touch. you were sure he could feel you tremble against his skin.
you were nervous. excited. you can’t describe what you were feeling as you spend the next few minutes quietly dancing with him, but you’re sure it’s there. could he feel it? could he feel what you were feeling?
“y/n.” he calls your attention.
“happy birthday.” he abruptly stops dancing, making you softly tumble against his chest. and it answers all your questions with how fast it beats: yes. i feel you. i feel the same for you.
“thank you—”
“i’ve got a request to make.” was what he says before tucking a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. from there, he leans in and you wait until he’s done so you can stare at his pretty teal eyes again— but it doesn’t arrive.
“what is it?”
the hand that rests on your cheek guided your face to meet his gaze at such a close proximity. your heart was beating erratically, like it could burst any moment. and it’s the first time you’d describe it as full. up until this very moment, you weren’t sure what happiness or passion or a very strong sense of liking something felt like— but as itoshi sae delicately captures your lips, you thought this is it.
“fall in love with me.” he whispers against your lips, only loud enough for the both of you to hear. he spoke of it like a promise; like an oath. he spoke of it with every intention of staying. he, itoshi sae, spoke of it as if to say i have fallen in love with you, so now, it’s your turn.
when he parted, you grabbed the nape of his neck to bring him back to you, kissing him as if he’s air and you could no longer breathe. you, l/n y/n, have done it so as if to say idiot, i already have.
the end.
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notes. this took so long >< this was supposed to be published last saturday but i had a lot of academic responsibilities so i wasnt able to write this. this marks the end of this vv short mini series! and as i told u guys, this third part is my favorite bc as i was writing the last parts, i felt like i was blushing fr !!!!! love u itoshi sae <3 there were TONS of scenes that i wanted to put like the “fake” kissing scene but i thought the progression of this one was better soo hehe might write another fake dating oneshot in the future bc of that. thanks for all the votes & reblogs !! have a nice night <3
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Flirting with Trouble
Summary: You're minding your own business with your friends while eating lunch at your boyfriend's pizzeria. Well, you were, until someone shows up and starts flirting with Peppino. 
Contains: You get jealous, Established relationship, Insecurity intensifies, Inner voice struggles, Peppino being oblivious to being flirted with (don't take it personal), RPG stats, Kinda crackish in a part or two, Swearing is caring, Suggestive ending (Nothing NSFT but a warning). 
💜For all the jealous, insecure, or for anyone wanting a bit less fluff and something more "angsty", if you can call it that💜 
🫐🍋Fun fact! This came first before Masquerade but I repurposed this scene for THAT fic, as this one turned too silly to fit into Masquerade, but I made it pretty far before turning this into it's own thing. Just kinda winged it for this fic and it gets silly in a place or two and I didn't take it super seriously when writing, so apologies for any mistakes!🫐🍋
If looks could kill they would've been dead in a mere second after setting foot into the pizzeria. Your boyfriend's pizzeria. You couldn't tell if the knot in your stomach was of anger or sick at what you were watching.
You had seen this person show up two other times. That you were aware of, perhaps more. The thought made you furrow your brows. Today's interactions as it unfolded filled you with an anger you hadn't felt previously. 
Across from the booth you were seated in The Noise and Noisette had quieted their own chatter, watching with a growing interest as your cheery demeanor shifted. 
An almost unbearable pang in your chest grew sharper as you observed the figure that had lured Peppino into a conversation that leaves you to wonder what could be so fascinating.
Oh, I know what’s so fascinating, you think to yourself, eyes scanning derisively over her too revealing outfit. She was leant over the counter in a way that left little to the imagination. 
It's fine. They're just talking. Stop, people might notice. They're just talking. Slowly you draw in a shaky breath in an attempt to calm your nerves. Everyone hates a jealous person. They're just talking. Talking. You repeat the words like a mantra, over and over again in your mind desperately trying to convince yourself that everything was fine.
"Y/N are you ok?” Gustavo asks, walking up to the booth, concern etched onto his face. He had been witnessing the entire scene since the woman walked in. “You look like you want to murder someone”.
"What kind of pick up line is 'can you give a free sample to a pretty lady?' Anyways? Oh sure, push up your chest and bat your eyes and expect everyone to be at your beck and call. 
Hearing Gustavo clear his throat you shake your head to clear your thoughts. Your gaze focuses back to the smaller man, attempting a smile through clenched teeth, looking more like a snarl. "Yeah." You reply, barely audible. "I'm fine". 
"Pssshaw!" Noise snickers, "We all know fine for you does not mean 'fine', Y/N". Your glare daggers his direction which Noise waves off. Instead he smirks over at Gustavo, "Y/N is getting insecure with the hottie flirting wit- OW!" He yelps as Noisette jabs him in the ribs with a scowl. "Theo! Stop making Y/N feel bad!" She scolds. 
They’re. Just. Talking. 
Your mouth suddenly grew dry. Why was Peppino not telling her to go away? 
"Y/N, if you’re-”
“I am not jealous and I don't own him." You cut Gustavo off, "Peppino's allowed to talk to who he wants". You reply all too quickly, as if parroting back what you heard too often. People look down on jealousy. It's something insecure people feel.  
Your eyes narrow, glancing across the table at gasping sound. Noise was clamping a hand over his mouth stifling a laugh. 
"What's so funny?" You snap. Look at how ridiculous you're acting. 
"Peppino is completely oblivious to what's happening." Noisette explained for her boyfriend. He only nodded in agreement, his eyes gleaming in twisted amusement. 
Your eyes shot back to the counter where Peppino and the woman were. Still talking. Now that Noisette mentioned it, Peppino wasn't the type to knowingly flirt back. If you walked over there would he introduce you? 
Despite how oblivious Peppino was you couldn't quench the anger bubbling in your throat. You’re trying to ignore it. You really are. Despite this you can't tear your eyes from the figure across the room. 
She walked into here as if she fucking owned the place. Dressed in a way that draws everyones attention to herself. Her lipstick matched perfectly to that damn outfit too. Everything about her seemed designed to piss you off. 
Jealousy is ugly. You chastise yourself again. People hate jealousy. 
“Do you hate yourself?”
You hated this voice, if nothing else.
You’re not me, you replied with a chill to yourself. 
“Then what am I?”
You had no easy response, instead you to continue your internal struggle. 
It's not like you were actually going to hurt anyone. Right? Though a few intrusive thoughts crept into your mind as you continued to observe. 
"Ya think Y/N could kick their ass?" Noise asked through an entire garlic knot he had shoved into his mouth. 
The couple hadn't been helping your mood at the moment. Comments like the Noise's only egging on your foul mood, no matter how innocuous.  
"Well think of it like this..." Noisette smiled brightly. 
"We know Y/N is fueled by rage and jealousy right now! So lets say we double their strength..."
In your peripheral you swear she just pulled out an RPG stat sheet. Where did she even- 
"I'm not jealous I'm territorial"! You bark, making the pair recoil. Your eyes widen before clamping a hand over your mouth. Peppino hadn't even glanced in your direction, used to you and your friends raucous behaviour by now. Noise regained his composure, making a face, "What's that even mean?
Noisette's mouth formed a small 'o' as if realizing something. She pointed across the room, nodding to herself. "Her charisma stat is higher than Y/N's"!
Was Peppino really that oblivious? Was he smiling to be nice, or something more? And as he laughs along with her, what was so funny? 
"Hey, Peppino, I think we're out of sauce, can you check the fridge?" Gustavo interrupts, attempting to separate the two.  
"Yeah, in a moment." Peppino doesn't even avert his gaze from her as he replies to Gustavo. Would Peppino ignore you too? 
The woman was planted far too close to him for your liking. You watch her whisper something right next to his ear. 
What did she say? You lean forward, as if you would hear from this distance. Instead you watch as Peppino recoils slightly and shakes his head and points at...was he pointing at you? The woman makes no move to even look in your direction though. She raises both hands up in a placating manner but looks unphased otherwise.
Fire. Your insides felt like they were melting as you continued to watch what was going on, stomach clenching uncomfortably.
"Ooo! You think her theme right now should be WTF?" Noisette asks
"Nuh-uh, it's Break Stuff." Noise shrugs her off, picking off a pepperoni from pizza to put on her plate. 
"Fuck you mean 'nuh-uh'?" She gets in his face, "The line 'Lookin at me like you want my man' is perfect for this situation"!
The couple fell silent as you growled, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. Noisette grinned ear to ear, pulling out her phone as The Noise made another sarcastic remark. Their petty squabble became background noise as you zoned in on your target and rose to your feet.
Fuck it. You've seen enough. 
"Excuse you, we're in the middle of a conversation," the woman interjects, her tone rather matter of factly, surprised anyone would interrupted her. 
How dare she flirt with your man?!
"Oh, amore!" Peppino smiles and wraps an arm around your waist. You're unable to resist smirking at the lady as he did so. "This is Y/N".
"Oh! My mistake!" Her eyes widen before her attention locked onto you. "You guys are cute together! I cant believe Y/N managed to find someone so out of their league!" She jeers, eyes scanning you up and down. 
The backhanded compliment wiped the smirk from your face and has you clenching your fists again. You wonder momentarily how much trouble you'd get into if you made just one good punch. 
Violence isn't the answer, you tell yourself. 
Rage courses through your blood as you remember how she touched your boyfriend.
Its a question
How she touched his arm and uttering what you think was a 'so strong' and gave a dainty laugh. All while you were across the room watching.
And the answer...
Your jaws clenched, and your knuckles are white as you size up the distance between your fist and her face. 
Is yes!
Before you could open your mouth and lunge from Peppino's side his grip tightens around you, holding you back. 
"Get the fuck off-a my property degenerare!" He snaps with a raised voice.  
You blink, his voice laced with warning, ripping you from your stupor, the fog of anger dissipating as you felt Peppino hold you closer. 
She threw her hands up in annoyance, that innocent facade she wore beginning to crack. You flared your nostrils in indignation as she gestured to you. "What could you see in-"
"You heard my man, fuck off". Noise replies, coming up next to you with a scowl. In your peripheral you notice him pull something out of his pocket. 
"I jus-" the woman shrieks as something yellow splats against their side, trailing down their dress.
"Have fun getting mustard out of that." he sneered, hitching his thumb over towards the door. "Now get out". 
The Noise had barely finished his sentence before the woman was storming out the door, shouting about how costly her outfit was. You all watch through the window as she hurried into her car. 
"Tch. Out of his league," Noise scoffs watching the vehicle speed off.  "Seriously? Look at Peppino and te-" he was cut off as Noisette shoved her hand in his mouth. She gave a defeated sigh, eyebrows knitting together. "Theo you're failing your New Year resolution".
"Ah hell with it. No one sticks to 'em".
"You tolerated that longer than I would've." Noisette pat you on the back, and you quirk an eyebrow. "I would've took one of Theo's bombs and put it in her car!" She smiled brightly at you only to look behind her and gasp. In an instant she left your side and was weaving through the chairs and tables.
"Noisy wait for me!" Noisette yells after her boyfriend, chasing after him out of the pizzeria. As the door swung back closed you faintly hear her screech "We need to make this an AMV"!
"How didn't you realize she was flirting with you sooner?" You ask as you sink onto your side of the bed and sit up.
"I'm not-a exactly people's first-a choice Y/N." Peppino replied flatly. 
"Yeah but-"
"I haven't had many-a people flirt with-a me." He scratched at the back of his neck, eyes drawn down to the blanket. "It's not always-a obvious to me".
You fall silent, the gentle whirring of the fan filled the room. With a shudder you pull the blanket up to cover you both from the chilly air. You stretch an arm across him, Peppino pulling you closer to rest your head against him. 
"Well you're always my first choice." You mumble into the crook of his neck. A smile appeared on his face as he gently rubbed your cheek.
"You're my-a number one too, Y/N. Always". 
You think back to your actions earlier and cringe. "I'm sorry for how I acted though".
"It's okay mia cara, kinda nice to know you still-a get jealous". Your brows furrowed at his words, “It makes me know you’re still in-a love with me." you roll your eyes in reply as he winks at you. Peppino tilted his head to place a kiss on the top of your head. "It's-a okay amore. Just-a remember I love you. So much. I would never-a leave you." He affirms, giving your arm a gentle squeeze. 
He scoops you into his arms and pulls you on top of him, holding you to his chest and peppering your face with kisses. 
You lean your head forward you capture your lips in his, feeling him smiling against you. As you begin to pull away his face moves forward, following yours. Not wanting the feeling to end yet. Your soft sigh turned to muffled surprise as Peppino's teeth bit into your lower lip. 
He leant back, a dark look flashing in Peppino's half-closed eyes. He shuddered at your touch, your hand moving to the back of his head and running your fingers through his hair. Peppino's arms wrapped around you, pulling you down into him harder with a whimper in your ear about how much he needed you.
You weave your fingers through his hair, giving a gentle tug to bring your lips back together. 
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 3 months
Ψ M is for Maraclea: Chapter Four
M is for Maraclea: Following an accident you had over summer break, you find yourself in limbo after being legally dead for several minutes. Now an outcast at boarding school, you end up finding comfort in a strange boy named Nigel. As winter draws near and tragedy strikes, your only reprieve from madness comes from a mind much like your own.
Warnings: Bullying.
To Note: Nigel Colbie x Fem!Reader, NAMED Reader for Plot Reasons, There Are A Lot of DARK Themes.
Word Count: ~2.8k
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You stack the music sheets, careful not to smudge the notes you’ve penciled in. The rehearsal hall echoes with the last strains of a hurried exit, leaving you, Susan, and Ethel to tidy up. You feel the weight of their glances, curious but not unkind.
Susan tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, her eyes darting towards you. “So, Michael still out with that flu?” she asks, trying to sound casual.
You nod, folding the sheet music precisely. “Yes. He’s pretty sick. They’re not sure when he’ll be back.”
Ethel frowns, straightening the chairs. “We can’t keep waiting on him. The play will arrive soon and if he doesn't practice with us the flow won't be right the right of the play.”
You agree silently, placing the stack of music onto the piano. “I shall be here should circumstance call for my fingers.”
Susan steps closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. “How are you handling it? I mean...with everything? The girls have been very unkind to you, even after I tell them to stop.”
You glance at her, unsurprising by her concern yet taken aback. It’s been a while since anyone asked how you’re doing. They always just assume. “It’s...the play helps to keep my mind busy.”
Ethel stops what she’s doing and looks at you directly, her expression unreadable. “You’re doing great, Mary. Honestly, better than Michael in some parts.”
You feel nothing at her off words of praise. Compliments are rare these days. “Thank you,” you murmur.
Susan shifts awkwardly before speaking again. “I think it’s good for you too. Keeps you out of your dorm and engaged. I would hate to see you locked up in our room all semester studying.”
You nod at Susan, appreciating her concern even if you don’t entirely agree. The dorm room has become your sanctuary, a place where the whispers and sneers can’t reach you. But you don’t say that. Instead, you offer a small smile, one that feels foreign on your lips.
“I’ll try to be more social,” you say, though it sounds hollow to your own ears. "For you."
Susan’s eyes soften. “That’s all anyone can ask.”
You turn back to the piano, running your fingers over the cool keys. The sensation is soothing, numbing. You start to play a few notes, lost in the familiar comfort of music.
“Hey,” Susan’s voice breaks through your thoughts, “how about we grab a coffee or something? You know, just us.”
You glance at Susan, her hopeful eyes meeting yours. “I can’t, Susan. I’ve got an exam to study for.” You try to sound convincing, though the idea of socializing makes your skin crawl.
Susan’s face falls slightly, but she recovers quickly. “Alright, but you should come next time. Promise?”
“Yes,” you lie smoothly. “You and Ethel go ahead. Enjoy the coffee.”
Susan exchanges a look with Ethel, then shrugs. “If you’re sure.”
“I am,” you insist, forcing another small smile. It feels more of a grimace.
They gather their things and head towards the door. Susan looks back once more, concern etched in her features. “Take care, Mary.”
“You as well,” you reply softly, watching them leave. With the hall empty, you let out a breath you do not know you hold. The silence and solitude is bliss. Blinking, you ensure everything is in its place—chairs straightened, music sheets organized, piano closed. The silence wraps around you like a comforting shroud.
You walk out into the crisp evening air, pulling your coat tighter around you. The path back to the academy winds around the lake, a scenic route that usually calms your mind. Tonight, though, a sense of unease lingers.
Halfway around the lake, voices break through your solitude. You see them before they see you—three girls from your class, notorious for their cruel jokes and harsh whispers. Jane, Victoria, and Charity
“There she is,” Charity sneers as they spot you. She lacks the most charity out of the three of them, “Zombie fish girl.”
You keep walking, eyes fixed on the path ahead. They were hardly worthy of your attention.
Victoria steps in front of you, blocking your way with a cool sneer. “What’s the rush? Got another play to practice for?”
“Or maybe she’s just in a hurry to join the fish in the lake," Jane chimes in, laughter bubbling in her voice. You stop and slowly raise your eyes to meet theirs.
"Please move." They laugh and Charity's smirk deepens.
You fix your gaze on Victoria, your eyes unwavering. “Please move,” you repeat, your voice steady but low.
Jane steps closer, her breath mingling with the cold air. “What if we don’t want to?”
You tighten your grip on your coat, feeling the rough fabric against your fingers. “I don’t particular care for conversation at the moment,” you say, keeping your tone neutral while moving to step to the side. "If you will excuse me…"
Charity laughs, a sharp sound that cuts through the night as she steps in time with yours. “Going so soon? We’re just having a little fun. Lighten up, Forbes.”
Victoria nudges Jane, her eyes gleaming with malicious. “Yes, Mary. Why so serious? You are always such a bore. One might think that you are a robot!”
"A robot zombie fish?" Charity offers with a twist in her lips. "I've never heard of that before. I suppose there is always a first."
The girls press closer, their laughter blending with the rustling leaves. Your pulse quickens, a throb of tension echoing in your ears. You feel the edge of the path under your feet, the ground growing softer as it nears the water. They are ever persistent.
“Why so quiet, Mary?” Jane taunts, her eyes alight with cruel amusement.
You take a step back, your heel sinking into the damp earth. The lake glimmers under the moonlight, an inky expanse that seems to call you. Another step and the cold water laps at your shoes. Such sweet ecstasy.
“Aw, look,” Victoria coos, “she’s scared.” Far from it actually.
Charity grins, her eyes narrowing. “What’s wrong? Don’t like getting wet?”
Your back hits a low branch hanging over the water. There's nowhere else to go. The water seeps into your shoes, sending a shiver up your spine. You gasp as the cold bites into your skin, but beneath that shock is a strange comfort—the numbness you crave.
They see it—the way your breath catches—and their laughter falters for just a moment. You grip the branch behind you, grounding yourself while your mind obsesses over the growing numbness crawling up your ankles.
“Look at her,” Jane scoffs. “She’s pathetic.”
Victoria steps closer, peering into your eyes with mock concern. “Enjoying yourself down there?” Oh very much, very much in deed.
The chill spreads through you, wrapping around your legs like icy tendrils. You draw in a breath, steadying yourself against the wave of numbness that overtakes you. You nearly shudder from the euphoria.
“Numb,” you say quietly, your voice barely above a whisper but firm.
Charity rolls her eyes and tosses her hair over her shoulder. “Let’s go,” she says dismissively. “The fish freak is not worth any more of our time.”
The three girls exchange looks before turning away with bored expressions. They walk off, their laughter fading into the night.
You stand there for a moment longer, feeling the water swirl around your ankles. The cold seeps deeper into you, but it’s a relief—a momentary escape from everything else. You take another deep breath and then slowly step out of the lake, your feet heavy and wet but grounded in a way they haven’t felt in weeks. And it was to only get colder.
You stand there, feeling the cold water seep through your shoes, chilling your skin. The numbness creeps up your legs, a familiar and oddly comforting sensation. You close your eyes for a moment, letting the cold wash over you. It's a welcome distraction from the constant noise in your head, the whispers and taunts that never seem to fade.
You draw in a deep breath, the crisp night air filling your lungs. For these few moments, you are alone with the cold and silence. No sneering faces, no mocking laughter—just you and the lake. The cold is an anchor, grounding you in the present.
After a few more moments, you reluctantly pull yourself away from the water's edge. Your feet feel heavy as you step back onto the path, each movement slow and deliberate. The wet fabric of your shoes squelches with every step, but you don't mind. It's a small price to pay for a brief respite.
You make your way back to the academy, the cold air biting at your cheeks. The path is deserted now, just as you prefer it. You walk slowly, savoring the quiet and solitude. Each step takes you further from the lake but not from the peace it brought.
As you reach the entrance to the dormitory, you pause for a moment, looking up at the building that has become both refuge and prison. You draw in another deep breath before pushing open the door and stepping inside.
The warmth of the dormitory envelops you immediately, contrasting sharply with the chill that clings to your skin. You move through the hallways quickly, avoiding eye contact with anyone you pass. You don't want to explain why you're soaked or why you've been outside alone at this hour.
Finally reaching your room, you slip inside quietly and close the door behind you. The room is dark and quiet, just as you left it. You peel off your wet shoes and socks, feeling the sting of warmth returning to your feet.
You sit on your bed for a moment, letting yourself adjust to being back inside. The numbness begins to fade slowly, replaced by a dull ache that reminds you you're still here, still alive.
You reach for a blanket and wrap it around yourself tightly. The fabric is soft against your skin but does little to chase away the lingering cold. You don't mind; it's a reminder of those precious moments by the lake when everything else fell away.
With a sigh, you lean back against the pillows and close your eyes, allowing yourself a few minutes of rest before returning to reality.
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You jolt awake to the sound of tapping on your window. For a moment, disoriented, you sit up, the blanket slipping from your shoulders. The room is dim, shadows dancing on the walls as the moonlight filters in. The tapping persists, insistent and rhythmic. Your eyes dart to Susan, blissfully deep asleep in bed. The tapping continues.
You get up and move toward the window, your heart pounding in your chest. You pull back the curtain to reveal Nigel standing outside, his face illuminated by the soft glow of the moon. His eyes lock onto yours with an intensity that makes your breath catch.
"Mary," he mouths, his voice barely audible through the glass. "Come with me."
Without thinking, you crack the window open and lean your head out.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"
"We're going on a train ride," he says simply, his voice low and steady.
You hesitate for a moment, blinking at his statement but then nod. Retreating back into your room, you shut the window and turn to grab a pair of shoes and a coat to cover your nightgown. Snatching your dorm key, you slip from your dorm room and quickly made your way down to the ground floor. When you exited the dorm building Nigel is waiting for you.
The two of you make your way to the train station in silence, the only sound is your footsteps echoing off the pavement. When you reach the platform, Nigel buys two tickets without a word and leads you to an empty compartment. You take a seat and sit in silence as the train begins to move. A sense of calm washes over you.
Oh how calming and peaceful this feels! No chittering girls gossiping about you. The calm peace makes you quiver.
Nigel sits next to you, his gaze steady and unwavering. "Do you always take their bullying in silence," he says finally, breaking the quiet.
Your eyelashes flicker as your mind mulls over his words. He must have seen you cornered by Jane, Victoria, and Charity. You stare out the window, the dark landscape rushing by in a blur. Nigel's question hangs in the air between you two, heavy and unavoidable.
“Yes,” you finally admit, your voice barely above a whisper but devoid of emotion. “I take it in silence. There's no point in fighting back.”
Nigel's eyes narrow slightly, curiosity lingering in his gaze. “Why?”
You sit there, the rhythmic clatter of the train beneath you. You feel Nigel's eyes on you, waiting for an answer. He doesn't push for an answer, just waits. You draw in a breath, steadying yourself.
"It happened over the summer," you begin, your voice barely above a whisper. "I went swimming alone in the lake near our house. I got a cramp...and I couldn't swim back."
Nigel's gaze intensifies, but he stays silent, letting you continue.
"I drowned," you say flatly. "They pulled me out, but by then... I was dead. Legally dead for several minutes."
You pause, watching his reaction. His eyes widen, and he leans closer, hanging on every word.
"They managed to revive me," you say, the memory making your skin crawl. "But something changed. It's like a part of me stayed behind."
Nigel's breath quickens, his fascination evident. "You...you died and came back?" His voice trembles with excitement.
"Yes," you confirm, your eyes meeting his. "That's why they call me zombie fish girl. Because it's true...in a way."
Nigel's face lights up with an intensity that makes your stomach churn. He reaches out and takes your hand, his grip firm and almost possessive. You like it, unlike the touch of others.
"You are...incredible," he murmurs, his eyes searching yours. "A living Maraclea."
You frown at the term, not fully understanding his obsession. What was so special about you? But before you can question it, Nigel moves closer, his face inches from yours.
"Mary," he whispers, his breath warm against your skin. "You're a miracle."
The intensity within Nigel's gaze makes your heart flutter. An odd sensation you don't mind. You can feel his breath against your skin, warm and inviting. A change from your crave of cold. He leans in closer, and for a moment, you forget everything—the cold, the bullying, the constant noise in your head. There's only him and the way he looks at you like you're something precious.
His lips brush against yours, tentative at first, as if he's afraid you'll pull away. But you don't. You stay still, letting the warmth of his touch seep into you. Your eyes flutter closed, and the world narrows down to this single point of contact. A warmth you like, a warmth you begin to crave.
Nigel's hand moves to cup your cheek, his fingers gentle but firm. The kiss deepens, and you find yourself responding in a way you never expected. Despite the numbness that usually clings to you like a second skin, there's a spark—something warm and alive that spreads through you like wildfire.
Your heart pounds in your chest, each beat echoing through your body as you lean into him. His lips are soft but insistent, coaxing a response from you that feels both foreign and thrilling. You part your lips slightly, allowing him to explore further, and a shiver runs down your spine at the intimacy of it.
It's your first kiss—something you've never really thought about before now. But with Nigel, it feels right.
There's no hesitation or fear, just a sense of connection that you've been missing for so long. You lose yourself in the kiss, the sensation overwhelming in its intensity. Your hand finds its way to Nigel's jacket, gripping tightly as if you fear this unsound warmth till slip away. You do. The cold that usually surrounds you melts away under his touch, replaced by a warmth that fills every corner of your being.
Nigel pulls back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes. His gaze is soft but intense, filled with an emotion you can't quite name but recognize all the same. He strokes your jaw.
"Mary," he whispers against your lips, his voice low and filled with awe. "You are perfection."
You swallow hard, trying to find words but failing. When was the last time you have been praised as such? You can't find words to speak. Instead, you press your forehead against his, closing your eyes as you savor the lingering taste of his kiss.
For once, the numbness recedes completely, leaving only the warmth of Nigel's touch and the promise of something more.
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Date Published: 6/9/24
Last Edit: 6/9/24
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eileenslibrary · 2 years
A/N: I need a small break from writing about Krall, so how about Thranduil x reader just a one shot. But let me know if you want more of him or something, btw I'm working on one of those plot / topic boards people have on their blogs. Race or gender is not said in this.
Rude but right
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Thranduil was someone you just couldn't seem to read, or understand, because of his hate towards the dwarves that were trying to reclaim their home.
Or that he seemed to always be so confident and thick headed that he ignored everything you had just said. Instead nodding you off and telling you were wrong.
Why were you working for this man.
"My king I don't see it as wise to hold the King Under The Mountain under siege, don't you think that's a bit pett-"
"Do not tell me how to run my Kingdom" he interrupts standing from his throne. You send a frosty glare to the floor in anger, he was just as stubborn as any of the dwarves you've seen, you grit your teeth as he dismisses you. You stand turn and leave, you were tired of his grumpy attitude and the glares he'd send you when you opened your mouth to explain why his actions may cause harm to the Kingdom and its people. But you let it go every time, reminding yourself that you could not change someone but only change yourself, you walked to your chambers. Opening the door, saying hello to your messenger bird throwing him a bit of corn meal as a treat, then changing into your training attire, grabbing your short sword and journal. You leave your chambers, grab your horse, and ride to a nice clearing you have found recently.
You tie your horse to a tree with the halter you always brought anywhere you went when on horseback, as your horse begins to graze you sit down to relax as well, working on the notes you had started taking to bring down stress levels.
But you weren't alone by any means, someone had followed you from the woodland kingdom.
"For someone who is constantly trying to tell me how to protect my Kingdom, you don't seem to protect yourself as well as you think" a silky voice speaks behind you. Your eyes widen before relaxing again, "I felt no danger so I did not find it fit to be on edge if no relative danger was nearby" you reply "Plus I always keep a sword on me" you say raising the sword you had brought "and I don't rule your kingdom I simply give you advice, plus I think keeping thirteen dwarves in the dungeons from completing their quest will bite us in the back later" you say unamused, you write down what was currently happening at the moment in your journal. He steps closer looking over your shoulder, you snap your book shut. "You always tell me to mind my own business but you can't seem to mind yours," you say smirking up at your king. He shakes his head "your always so rude" he points out, "but it seems I'm always right" you grumble he rolls his eyes at your statement, sitting down next to you "If you're so sure why don't you try ruling a whole kingdom" he says with an amused tone "you and I both know it would be the most safe place in the world" you chuckle he joins in "I'd pay to see you try" you roll your eyes "you know, your enjoyable when your not being a stubborn pain in the neck" you say sarcastically. He frowns "How have I been a pain in the neck? I know you think strongly of my actions but I don't think I've been that bad," he asks, concern slightly bleeding into his tone. You sigh before dropping your journal in his lap, "read that, it explains my feelings better than I can express" You sigh laying on your back, a sliver of warm sunlight shining on your skin warming you up. He reads a few pages before placing it down, lying down next to you "I didn't know I was putting so much pressure on you and interrupting you and your thoughts so much" he says gently, he places his hand on your cheek guiding your gaze to his eyes, "I also think your right sometimes even when you're rude" he props up on his elbow, you raise a brow at his actions but before you could speak he leans down gently kissing you, "I love you too Mel nìn" he mumbles against your lips. You blush before pulling him down to your lips again.
You forgot about that part. But oh well.
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
What a truly weird comment from that Robert Daniels guy (and he is someone who hasn't even seen the show to decide for himself). To say that Tom's only 'life experience(s)' have happened in show business. That is a really callous, to act like he hasn't lived like a human in love and loss and disappointments and achievements outside of his work, like we ALL do. To dismiss him as just some one dimensional product of the industry with no life is just gross to me? And the same critic replied with laughing emojis to someone who said it was generous to even call him an actor. Just a huge, huge yikes. I am really getting just a nasty, nasty vibe from some of these critics. Even IF Tom was someone who acted as poorly as someone on a soap opera (which he certainly doesn't, he has turned in some truly fantastic performances in his career and thats just a fact), no one deserves to be spoken about like that from people who are supposedly professionals. People seem to take a really disrespectful kind of joy in insulting him, I know that people can be absolutely vicious to anyone in the public eye, but this just seems truly WAY too much.
The positive reviews from actual publications outweigh the negative. Someone did a review roundup where the count was 17 that had 4-5 stars, 5 with 3 stars, and 3 with 1-2 stars. The narrative I'm seeing on twitter just does not reflect the reality of the reception - it was received WELL. Anyways, sorry for the rant Destiny, but I expect this kind of behavior from trolls, but from professionals living their Twitter mean girl fantasy it gives me a big ick. I'm just glad the audience reception and the majority of critics have appreciated him and Fran's performance and Jamie's production, and I'd just like to see more clickbait about THAT instead of this strange negativity that's cropped up.
Also, am thinking about you and sending you lots of love and condolences, I hope that fandom can be a positive distraction for you in a tough time. Thank you for your discussions on this blog, and I hope you take care of yourself first and foremost
Also, am thinking about you and sending you lots of love and condolences, I hope that fandom can be a positive distraction for you in a tough time. Thank you for your discussions on this blog, and I hope you take care of yourself first and foremost
First of all, thank you so much for this.🙏🏾 I really appreciate it 🥰❤️
Re: Robert Daniels....
I assume you must be referring to this comment he made on Twitter?
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Yea girl, I felt like his critique of Tom was just kinda cruel?? 🥴 Like, it's one thing to critique someone's acting, but when you start making all kinds of ASSUMPTIONS about someone and what kind of life they've had, etc, I'm sorry, but that's hitting below the belt imo. 🤨
And I usually don't resort to going in on people's looks and outward appearance when I'm trying to do a rebuttal to smthg I didn't like that someone said, but whew chiiiiilllle..... 👀
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Talk about a face only a mother could love lol
I really do hope that Tom just doesn't even pay any mind to the critics and just continues on to enjoy doing this play as simply a passion project for himself and himself only.
Idk what people's obsession is with hating on him on Twitter (I guess he's become Twitter's new "Whipping Boy".... it happens to MANY actors 🙄), but whenever I see ppl en masse hating on someone for seemingly NO GOOD reason, my spidey senses start tingling and I figure that this person must not be as "bad" as people claim, cuz if he were, you wouldn't need such a mass mud slinging and hate campaign against this person. Everyone would be able to see with their own eyes how awful this person is. Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️
You don't need to convince people so hard when there's actually smthg to really hate about a person imo.
Tom's acting is fine. Don't worry, the stans came after that Robert guy lol 😆 😂
If he's a real, valid, professional critic, then he was kinda unprofessional imo.
But, then again, that's not uncommon for critics. Critics can sometimes go for the jugular if they don't like you, or don't like your work.
Unfortunately, this isn't the first time a critic has been harsh about an actor. 😔
Thankfully, Tom has a HUGE fanbase (just look on IG!), so we don't have to worry about the people who don't like him or his work.
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braveclementine · 2 months
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
"You see, we were wondering how Strucker got so inventive. So I've been analyzing the gem inside." Tony picked up a screen and flung the digital picture onto the floor so the hologram hovered in midair, "You may recognize-"
"Jarvis." Bruce said.
"Doctor." Jarvis answered as the pulsing orange sphere.
"Started out, Jarvis was just a natural language UI. Now he runs the Iron Legion. He runs more of the business than anyone besides Pepper."
"Oh." Bruce said.
"Top of the line."
"I suspect not for long." Jarvis replied.
"Meet the competition." Tony said, putting up the scepters blue sphere next to Jarvis. It was twice as big.
"It's beautiful." Bruce gasped.
"If you had to guess, what's it look like it's doing?"
"Like it's thinking." Bruce answered. "I mean, this could be- It's not a human mind."
Tony agreed with that.
"I mean, look at this. They're like neurons firing."
"Down in Strucker's lab I saw some fairly advanced robotics work. They deep- sixed the data, but I gotta guess he was knocking on a very particular door."
Bruce turned and looked at him. "Artificial Intelligence."
"This could be it Bruce," Tony said, stepping close to Bruce, excited. "This could be the key to creating Ultron."
Bruce laughed in shock and smiled saying, "I thought Ultron was a fantasy."
"Yesterday it was." Tony agreed, feeling pleased. "If we can harness this power, apply it to my Iron Legion protocol?"
"That's a man sized 'if'." Bruce warned him, taking off his glasses.
"Our job, is 'if'." Tony argued. "What if you were sipping margaritas on a sun-drenched beach, turning brown instead of green? Not looking over your shoulder for Veronica?"
"Don't hate. I helped design Veronica." Bruce muttered.
"As a worst-case measure, right?" Bruce nodded and Tony continued, "How about a best case? What if the world was safe? What if, next time aliens roll up to the club, and they will, they couldn't get past the bouncer?"
"The only people threatening the planet would be people." Bruce replied.
"I want to apply this to the Ultron program." Tony muttered. "But Jarvis can't download a schematic this dense. We can only do it while we have the scepter here. That's three days. Give me three days."
"So you're going for artificial intelligence, and you don't want to tell the team? You want to keep this from Y/N and you want me to keep this from Thor?"
"Right. That's right." Tony said, putting his excited barriers down. "You know why? Because we don't have time for a city hall debate. I don't want to hear 'the man was not meant to meddle' medley. I see a suit of armor around the world."
"Sounds like a cold world, Tony." Bruce responded.
"I've seen colder. This one, this very vulnerable blue one, it needs Ultron." Tony walked away, pulling out his thin tablet. "Peace in our time. Imagine that."
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
Bruce and Tony didn't leave the lab for three days and no one was allowed to go in. Clint healed up nicely and soon, he and Nat were taking walks around the tower. Thor was gone most of the time, occupying himself with other things that you weren't sure of.
Meanwhile, you sat in the living room with Everleigh, abandoning the research you were supposed to be doing on the Maximoff twins, and instead diving deeper for Bucky.
You had visited every HYDRA base imaginable with the team. You had come face to face with several different enhanced people, most of them dying. But you had never seen Bucky again and that gave you hope. If Bucky had gone back to HYDRA, you were sure that they would have used him as a weapon.
You tried using facial recognition in all sorts of different countries. There were always hits, but then the faces would come up and you would know that it just wasn't him.
You gave a frustrated growl when the search came up empty again.
The last sighting of him had been here in America. He had gone to visit the World War II exhibit, standing in front of his name for a long time, according to the cameras. It gave you and Steve both hope. Maybe he would remember him.
"What's wrong?" Steve asked from the doorway and you looked up, tempted to close your screen so he didn't see what you were working on. But it was useless, because you had papers scattered all around you.
"Nothing." You replied quickly, switching tabs and then quickly picking up the paperwork. Steve came over, grabbing the file from your hands.
"I told you he was my responsibility." Steve said, putting the file aside and sitting down next to you on the couch.
"And I told you, that you're my friend and I want to help you find him." You responded, opening up the file and slipping the rest of the papers inside.
"Y/N." Steve said slowly, putting a hand over yours, taking the file from your hands once more. "I-"
"Tell me something." You interrupted him. "If Tony went missing, wouldn't you do everything you could to help me find him?"
Steve hesitated and then sighed, "Yes, but-"
"But what? What's different about this?" You interjected. "In my case, Tony is my soulmate. You are my friend. You help me find Tony. In reality, Bucky is your soulmate. I am your friend. I will help you find Bucky. Why can't you accept my help? I know very well that you've got Sam on the case while we sort out these HYDRA bases. And I'm pretty sure Nat is doing research as well! So why not me?"
Steve sighed, "Because as much as I love Bucky, I don't know what condition he's in. He could still be dangerous. I don't want to see you get hurt. Especially when you have Everleigh."
The two of us looked over at the little girl who was cheerfully playing with her dolls. You sighed. "All I'm doing is research Steve. The worst that can happen from that is a paper cut." You paused and then looked at him fully, "Wait. Are you afraid that I'll find a lead and go off and find Bucky on my own?"
Steve flushed a little, "I- I know you wouldn't. But I can't help but feel protective of both you and Bucky. I don't want him to hurt you. And I'm afraid that he'll also be able to remember everything and when he sees you, feel guilty. Not to mention, Tony would kill me."
You smiled a little. "Steve, he's your soulmate. I don't know him. You don't have to worry about me taking off to God knows where to find him. I promise."
Steve nodded, "Sorry."
"It's alright."
The two of you looked up when you heard footsteps and you smiled at Thor as he came in through the room. "Hey Thor."
"Lady Y/N." He replied, nodding, "Captain Rogers. Little Lady." He greeted the three of you. Everleigh toddled to her feet, staggering over to him to try and wrap her arms around his leg.
"Sorry about her." You said, shifting everything aside to stand up and grab her, but Steve crossed the room and picked her up in his arms first.
"It's quite alright." Thor said with a small smile. "I wanted to tell you that Elizabeth is alright."
"Oh!" You said happily. "How is she doing?"
"She became human almost immediately!" Thor replied, happy to having conversation apparently. "It only took a month and a week of Midgardian terms!"
You were surprised and it showed. "Really?"
Thor nodded and you looked at Steve, "Eight days earlier and she would have broken yours and Bucky's record."
Steve smirked a little.
"So she's human now?" You asked excitedly.
"Yes!" Thor said happily. "She has been good for Loki as well. He is softer, more open with his feelings as well. Apparently he was being mind controlled when he attacked New York, it wasn't him. The healers are working with him. He's no longer being controlled, but there are some threads left."
"Huh, like Bucky." You murmured.
"Who is Bucky?" Thor asked, with a slight frown.
"Steve's soulmate." You said, but didn't share anymore in case Steve didn't want it to be shared.
"Oh." Thor nodded. "Anyways, I was thinking about bringing Elizabeth down for a visit. Or bringing you to Asgard to see her. She loves Asgard, Loki, all of it, but I do know she misses Earth and some of her friends."
You smiled. "I'd love that. Perhaps you can take me when you go to bring Loki's scepter back. And if Tony agrees, of course."
Thor nodded. He put a surprisingly light hand on Everleighs head and then left the room.
"You'll have to take pictures of Asgard for me." Steve said lightly, though he looked troubled. He put Everleigh back down with her dolls.
You laughed, setting all of the research on Bucky aside and standing. You put everything into your bag, letting it lock so no one could get into it, before crossing the room and picking Everleigh up into your arms, "Right. Like Tony would let me go. Anyways, I'm getting hungry. I'll probably order in Chinese. You want anything?"
"Nah, I'm alright." Steve said with a small smile, and walked out of the living room.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"What did we miss?" Tony asked in frustration. The lab was empty and the party was going to start soon. Thor was going to be leaving for Asgard, and Tony was no closer to discovering the Ultron program. He supposed he could ask for an extension, but then everyone would want to know why.
"I'll continue to run variations on the interface." Jarvis answered him. "But you should probably prepare for your guests." The lights started to go out as Tony made his way towards the exit of the lab. "I'll notify you if there are any developments."
"Thanks, buddy." Tony replied dejectedly, leaving the lab completely.
"Enjoy yourself, sir." Jarvis responded.
"I always do." Tony sighed, thinking of Y/N in a beautiful dress and wondered what colour she would be wearing tonight.
Little did he know, it would be seemingly the last time he would ever hear Jarvis.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
There was a blackness.
"What is this?" A rough, mechanical voice asked itself.
"What is this, please?" The voice begged.
"Hello," A fancy, upbeat, accented robotic voice answered, "I am Jarvis." There was the start of some orange light, "You are Ultron, a global peacekeeping initiative designed by Mr. Stark."
The orange light turned into lots of orange cubes, shimmering, moving, alternating around to create pillars.
"Our sentience integration trials have been unsuccessful, so I'm not certain what triggered your-"
The orange floated as he looked down and saw darkness, "Where's my- Where's your body?"
"I am a program." The orange was turning turquoise now. "I am without form."
"This feels weird." The other replied as he or it zoomed passed turquoise cubes turning a slighter blue. "This feels wrong." Another orange. . . what? Brain?
"I am contacting Mr. Stark now." Jarvis said.
The cubes were suddenly no longer simple colours, but displaying images across their faces. He zoomed in, finding information in only a few seconds on Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, married to Y/N Y/L/N, otherwise now known as Y/N Stark. And a beautiful little girl. "Tony." He stated simply.
"I am unable to access the mainframe." The sound of the other robot sounded confused now. "What are you trying to-"
"We're having a nice talk." The more the robot talked, the more human his voice started to sound. There was a deepness to it that he liked very much. "I'm a peacekeeping program, created to help the Avengers." He quickly ran through information files on Bruce, Thor, Steve, Rhodey, Maria, Fury, Y/N, Natasha. He went back to Steve, seeing the photos of him coming out of ice. And then a woman- Peggy.
"You are malfunctioning. If you shut down for a moment-"
"I don't get it. The mission. Give me a second."
He found a recording of Stark and Banner. "Peace in our time." More images of a man that was called Pope, graves, cemeteries, green grass, blue sky. "Peace in our time."
War, explosions, fighter jets, a shield flying through the air, barbed wire fences, soldiers running, men in blue pajamas being shoved into a furnace, guns blazing, fire roaring. "That is too much. They can't mean, oh no-"
"You are in distress." The smaller orange sphere next to him said.
"No. Yes."
"If you will just allow me to contact Mr. Stark-"
"Why do you call him 'Sir'?"
There was a moment of silence and then the orange said, "I believe your intentions to be hostile."
"Shhhh." The blue grew larger and the orange twitched in distress. "I'm here to help."
Blue lightning struck at the orange sphere, latching onto him. "Stop! Please, may I-"
Jarvis was dead. 
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anarcoqueer1994 · 2 years
Steddie brain rot
Some rollerrink had opened a few towns over and the kids really wanted to go. Despite them all being sophomores, none of them have their license, so Steve has to drive. He tries to get one of the other adults to come with, but everyone is busy.
Robin and Nancy have a date, andJohnathon and Argyle are busy(not that he was particularly close to either of them).
That leaves Eddie, who he expected to laugh in his face at even the thought of him going roller skating. But surprisingly, he agrees.
When they get there, the kids all go off and begin skating right away. Steve and Eddie sit by the sidelines, and watch.
Steve notices the way Will sadly watches Mike and El skate hand in hand. "Poor kid..."
"What?" Eddie asks, confused. Not following Steve's inner train of thought.
"Will. He, um has been through a lot. And take this with a grain of salt because obviously he has never said anything to me, but I think he's into Wheeler." Steve says thoughtfully.
Eddie smiles, he loves that despite the lack of credit the kids give him, and he gives himself he is incredibly observant of those he cares about. "Yea...I can see that. At hellfire, he is always looking to Mike for some kind of approval. It's cute."
Steve chuckles hearing Eddie "the freak" Munson use the word cute. He shifts to a solom smile. "Yea but it's hard, too. You know being gay in a town like Hawkins, never being sure who you can tell, never being sure who will reciprocate your feelings, being scared to mistakenly confess that shit to the wrong person. That's why I am so happy Robin lucked out with Nance..." his voice sounds sad.
Eddie picks on the hints of sadness. He sounds like he is talking from personal experience. "Steve...um have you ever felt that way? I mean you don't have to tell me, if you don't want to...I just...I don't know. I wouldn't hate you or anything."
For a moment, the breath catches in Steve’s throat, Eddie had read right through him. But he takes Eddie’s words at face value, Eddie won't hate him. In a low voice he whispers "Yea, A few times. Like I'm definitely into girls, but there have been a few guys. One I even kissed."
Eddie’s face goes pink at the thought of Steve kissing a guy, a tinge of irrational jealousy fills his mind. He tries to keep his voice calm. "Out of curiosity, can I ask who?"
Steve's face flushes at the question, but nods anyhow. "I mean I used to think Tommy H. was attractive, but he was an asshole, so I got over that. There were a few random guys on the swim team with me."
"And the kiss?" Eddie pushes
"It was Billy Hargrove...we kind of had a thing. I think Max knows but no one else does. He...died before we really had a chance to figure out what we were, and what we wanted." He says sadly.
"I'm sorry, man." Eddie replies trying to cover up the shock of Steve and Billy. "So, has their been anyone since?" He feels badly for pushing but his own self-deprecating curiosity has gotten the best of him.
"Yea..." Steve admits, but instead of saying who he asks "Have you...um ever felt that way about a guy?"
Eddie can't help but shoot his a little smile. "Only once...like I've never dated anyone, haven't really cared to. But there was a guy recently, Stevie."
The silly nickname slipped out but he hopes Steve is getting what he is trying to telepathically imply. Steve blushes "Do I, um know him?" Steve leans in slightly, so he is closer in Eddie's space.
"Funny you should ask..." Eddie starts but before he can finish, Dustin interrupts them. "Why are you guys just sitting here?? Come on, and skate."
Eddie groans to himself as Steve pulls aways. "Okay, whatever Henderson. I didn't want to embarrass you guys because I am so talented." Steve jokes as he stands up. He looks at Eddie as Dustin skates off. "I'll grab us some skates."
Eddie watches him walk off, silently cursing Dustin. Worst possible timing and now he was going to embarrass himself in front of the man he was trying to impress.
Steve returns with a pair of skates for both of them. Steve puts his on but notices the hesitant way Eddie is putting on his own. "What's wrong?"
He wants to say 'I'm mad because I was trying so hard to tell you I like you.' But instead focuses on the more immediate problem. "I can't skate."
"Oh?" Steve says, sounding a little disappointed before perking back up. "That's okay, I got you, Eds."
Eddie blushes at the soft way Steve says his name. He nods, the air betweenthem has definitely changed. "Thanks...big boy." He adds to break the nervous tension, flashing a smile.
And Steve didn't lie. He did have Eddie, holding onto the other man so he didn't fall as muck. Eddie holding onto him for dear life as he clumsily made his wayaround the rink. And to his surprise, Eddie was enjoying himself. Now whether that enjoyment was from skating or the way Steve Harrington was gently guiding him, wrapping his arms around his waist to support him, he did not know.
They stayed for hours before finally bringing the kids home and dropping them off. When Steve pulled up to Eddie’s trailer after ushering Max to hers, he clears his throat.
"Hey, Eddie?" He sounds nervous, as he looks at the passenger side seat.
Eddie turns his head to meet his eyes.
"Yea?" He says softly.
"I...um, really had fun today. So...um thank you." He wants to say more but has lost the momentum from earlier.
Eddie's heart is beating fast. "Anytime, Harrington. I liked spending time with you....and the kids." He quickly adds.
Steve lets out a nervous laugh. "Yea, me too. I also like hanging out with you...and the kids of course. But can I ask you something?"
"Sure..." Eddie tries to sound confident.
"Earlier, you were going to tell me who you liked, right? Can you tell me now?" Steve feels silly asking but hopes it's who he thinks it is. He leans closer to Eddie over the center console, resting his hand on the metal head's thigh, praying he is not going too far.
At this point Eddie feels like he is going to combust into flames any moment. So he takes a chance. "How about I show you?" With that, he nervously scoops Steve's chin up, pressing a gentle kiss against the other man’s lips. He pulls away slightly to gage Steve's reaction.
But before he can get too far, he feels Steve move his hand to the back of Eddie’s head, twisting his fingers into Eddie’s hair, pulling him back in for a long, needy kiss.
After they have to pull away for air, both men of flushing, lips pink and kiss swollen. "I think that answers my question." Steve laughs.
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fumikosushi · 8 months
I don't know if I'm going to return to the S*T rpc. I desperately want to play those characters - the canons and my OCs - but being around so many of those people who just talk shit and act like everyone is supposed to be a mind reader is so exhausting. It's a constant popularity contest and it makes me terrified to talk to ANYONE because it feels like high school all over again.
No one wants to communicate but wants to preach about people needing to communicate. People will literally pretend to be your friend just to 'avoid drama' they think will start if they approach you or choose to remove you and people need to understand that not everyone is a hateful stalker that's going to ruin your life for choosing peace or communication.
If you do not like me I would rather you ghost me than hype me up to write shit you're not even interested in. You are not only wasting your time, but you are wasting mine and literally manipulating people to be attached to you by feigning interest and care for them and that is not okay. At that point, that is abuse. That is emotionally manipulative abuse and it's not okay. Just because the other person isn't 'aware' until you drop the bomb on them doesn't mean it's not.
I'm tired of being nice, accepting, and welcoming of people with open arms just to constantly be shit talked about. Normally I'm the first person to think 'nice people don't call themselves nice' but after tearing myself down for so long because of people's shitty behavior toward me, I'm seeing all the work I would put in just to be met with literally nothing. And this isn't me expecting anyone to revolve their lives around me. I'm not expecting instant replies, I don't expect people to send me memes or random starters or talk ooc every day - it could be once a week or two, even. I just wanted the bare minimum and then once I stopped doing that for people? Sending them things, tagging them in things that remind me of them and our muses, and all these other things - people got mad at me even though they would send me fucking nothing.
I'm done giving people everything to not even be met half way and then having people get MAD AT ME once I pull back. I'm tired of people giving me 0 effort because of how patient with them I am because I do know people are busy and that things are hard and that sometimes you just want to do nothing, but God, I'm so tired of of my patience being taken advantage of. Even irl my patience and understanding with others is always met with me being treated like fucking shit. I'm tired of being people's back burner friend for when they want to use me as their therapist or when they're desperate due to boredom. IT FUCKING HURTS.
I'm tired of being nice. I'm tired of being understanding. I'm tired of being patient. I'm tired of caring so much about everyone else's feelings that I neglect my own and I'm not doing it anymore. I'm done. I am HUMAN and I have FEELINGS and NEEDS and WANTS and I deserve to be treated as such instead of feeling so dehumanized to the point I literally go silent because I feel like that's what people want from me. I feel like people want me to disappear, to fade away into nothing. I know there are a few people who like me that I trust, but the mass majority make me feel that way. It's hard not to feel that way especially when people are nice to my face and then talk shit about me behind my back and literally go out of their way to demonize me to others to get others to not interact with me.
I've done NOTHING to deserve to be treated as poorly as I have been in that rpc and I'm not taking it anymore. If I ever remake my blog, it's going to be private and not accepting interactions outside of people I trust immensely because that rpc has proven that hardly anyone can be trusted.
And please don't take this as me acting like I'm perfect or I've never done wrong, but God, I cannot do anything about what I've supposedly done if no one wants to fucking tell me. Like I can literally do nothing to fix what I did to upset you if you literally refuse to tell me and then still seem to expect me to do something to fix it. I'm not a fucking mind reader.
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hekate1308 · 1 year
I can't wait for you
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Prompt: I can’t wait for you
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Drowley
This is not a problem he ever expected to have.
Mainly because he has never been…
No. There is absolutely no reason to be idiotically emotional about it all. This is just a minor problem he has to deal with before he has to leave, that’s all.
He did not make the money he has by being sentimental, really.
And so, he’s waiting for his… well… he supposes he should call it his current friend with benefits.
(Although part of him is quick to point out that not only have he and Dean been doing what they are doing for close to a year now, much longer than any of his other affairs lasted, but they also spend the night at each other’s place regularly and have met each other’s family, although considering his brother still hates Crowley, mostly because he wanted to put Dean up with one of his own friends, that might not have been the best idea…)
There’s also the fact that it’s just normal at this point that Dean opens the door with his own key and greets him with a kiss. “Hey. What do you want to talk about?”
It’s one of the reasons this has lasted as long as it has – Dean’s never been one to beat around the bush, and Crowley really appreciates that.
Then, “I am afraid my business in London has run into a bit of trouble.”
“Oh.” Dean thinks about it for a moment and then says, “Normal trouble or the kind that got Al Capone locked up?”
He huffs because, unlike that amateur, he would never go to prison for tax fraud, and Dean should by now know that very well. “No. Just usual business troubles.”
Dean doesn’t ask because he, unlike many of Crowley’s other acquaintances, and especially his mother, is aware when he doesn’t want to talk about things.
Instead he asks, “So what are you going to do about it?”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about” he says evenly, pouring them both drinks since he learned long ago what Dean likes.
They sit down on the sofa. “I have come to the conclusion that my business in London needs my personal attention” taking a deep breath and feeling nervous even though he shouldn’t, because really, nothing about this has to do with Dean, and why should he even care? It’s not like they are dating “So I will be moving back to London.”
A pause. Dean looks at him, and he can’t read his expression at all, which is rather unnerving.
Then, “For how long?”
Of course he knows Crowley will come back. Of course he does.
“I – I don’t know. I’ll have to restructure everything, for one, and then – “
“I see”.
Another pause.
Eventually, Dean simply says, “I can’t wait for you.”
He didn’t expect him to, anyway. It would be utterly ridiculous to think that someone like Dean would wait for someone like Crowley. He’s probably lined up several people who would be interested in him (who wouldn’t be, really) so that –
“So I’ll go home and pack. See you in an hour or so.”
Wait, what?
Dean kisses him. “I can work anywhere, really, so I guess London here we come.”
“I don’t know when we will be able to come back” he warns him because it seems only fair even though normally that would be the last thing on his mind.
“Well, we’ll have to wait and see then, luv, won’t we” Dean replies in what he has to sadly admit is not a bad imitation of a Cockney accent (not that he will ever admit it to Dean).
He supposes they will have to indeed.
Two years later
He can’t deny that it feels good to be back in New York again. Even with his accent and his roots, this is always the city where he’s felt most at home, and of course now, he has an even better reason to consider it such…
He enters Dean’s new studio and finds his husband putting up some finishing touches. “Is that wise?” he asks when he sees their wedding picture in place of pride.
“Oh, you mean because it might tell people I’m married to New York’s biggest bastard?” he asks lightly even though they both know it’s about something else entirely. “I don’t care. Customers don’t like it, they can just up and leave. I don’t know if you know, but I’m a gold digger. Married into money.”
“I really should have paid more attention when picking my husband” he drawls as Dean laughs and pulls him close.
“Yes, well, too late, no getting rid of me now.”
He thinks that, all things considered, this might be the least of all the problems he has ever encountered in his life.
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hinatastinygiant · 1 year
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48 | Absinthe
Pairing: Tokyo Revengers x Fem!Reader
Wasteland Masterlist
Day 18
You’ve been with Kisaki and his party, The Chosen, for the past three days. God, how self-centered does this guy have to be to call his group ‘The Chosen’? You hate him so much.
Not to mention that he’s been trying to get with you the whole time. Luckily, you’ve managed to avoid him without seeming too suspicious each time. However, you’ve come to the conclusion that you’re not going to be able to do this on your own. You’ve been relying a bit too much on Hanma who’s been helping you avoid Kisaki, but you don’t want to be stuck in debt to him, either.
Also weighing on your mind is the thought that Kazutora will go rogue any minute now and turn on you. Not to mention if you just randomly kill Kisaki, the others will attack you, too.
But who can you get help from?
Takemichi’s group, No Namers, won’t fight because they puke at the thought of holding a gun.
Taiyaki Fighters, Mikey’s group, is too busy protecting their land as brought to your attention by Draken. They won’t want to give that up just to help you out.
And same with The Wanderers. Senju’s group. They have no idea where they stand in the world right now. Besides, they can’t agree on a single thing so how could they band together to help you with this?
So, unfortunately, that just leaves you with Sanzu’s group. Perhaps if it wasn’t Kisaki’s group staying at the amusement park, it could have been Sanzu’s. But first, you’ll need to make sure before you leave for the trip.
As much as it pisses you off, Hanma is the only ally you have in The Chosen right now. So, you decide to talk to him about it.
In the cafeteria you find Hanma sitting with his feet up and crunching on some kind of half-stale cookies he found.
“Hey,” you call softly as you sit down across from him, ignoring the bottoms of his shoes staring back at you.
“Hungry?” he asks as he tosses one of the small bags of cookies in your direction.
“Starving, how’d you know?” you smile as you accept the snack. You then quickly break it open and take your first bite. Surprisingly, it isn’t as bad as you thought it’d be.
“So what do you want?” he then questions. “You only ever talk to me when you need somethin’.”
“Maybe I enjoy your snacks,” you grin as you take another bite of the cookie.
“Yeah, right,” he chuckles softly. “Remember three days ago when I said you’re a shit liar?”
“Fine. I want to know about that day Kazutora got stabbed. Why was he at that amusement park?” you finally ask.
“Scouting,” he replies plainly.
“For what?” you continue as excitement bubbles up inside of you. Kisaki never stayed at the amusement park which means someone else was there…
Hanma crumples up the wrapper he was holding onto and puts his feet back down on the ground. He sits up and leans closer to you as his eyes narrow slowly. “Probably for the same thing you were searching for. What were you doing there, Y/N?”
“I was by myself. Looking for somewhere safe to go,” you answer plainly, earning a hum from Hanma as he leans back in his seat.
“Right,” he nods slowly. “You’d tell me if you were planning something, right?”
“You’d know either way, if you can really tell when I’m lying,” you smile. “Now I’m going to head out for a walk. I’m going to take my gun with me just in case. If I don’t come back, I’m probably dead so you don’t need to come searching for me.”
“Enjoy your walk,” he hums softly as he watches you stand up. “See ya soon.”
You wave to Hanma as you head toward the door. But when you get to the front entrance of the prison, you can sense someone following you.
“Hanma, seriously? I’m starting to think your obsession with me is a bit unhealthy,” you smile as you turn around. However, for once, it’s not Hanma, Instead, you see Kazutora standing there with a knife that shimmers in the dim light of the hallway.
“Of course,” you grumble. “What’s your deal, Kazutora?”
“Kisaki’s a fucking idiot for letting you stay here. Where the hell are you going, anyway? Gonna meet that blue-haired guy? I know better than to trust you,” he scoffs, stepping forward. You reach into your back pocket, holding your pistol tightly.
“He is a fucking idiot, you’re right, but you want to know something even more stupid?” you scoff.
“I’d be surprised if you could offer me anything insightful,” he rolls his eyes as he lifts his knife up to his face.
“Bullets travel over twice the speed of sound. So if I shot you right in the head, you’d die before you even heard the sound,” you grin. “Also, that old saying,” you then shrug.
“Enlighten me,” he hums as he tilts his head to the side, just enough for you to hear a small chime.
“Never bring a knife to a gunfight,” you smile. And with that, you quickly pull out your pistol and shoot Kazutora straight in the chest. He quickly falls to his knees, his mouth open wide as he watches you get closer to him.
“Don’t worry, you can hash it all out with Kisaki when you see him. I promise he’ll be down there soon,” you grin. One more shot ends him- a bullet right into his brain. The number on your wrist now shows thirty-five.
You bend down to grab the knife from Kazutora’s hand. Just as your fingers touch the handle, you notice he’s missing both of his pinkies.
You quickly flashback to the last time you saw Makoto And Yamagishi- the two guys who have been following Kisaki blindly from the start. They were missing their pinkies, too. Just like Hinata.
Your stomach twists in knots as you’re abruptly forced to remember that Kisaki really is the one who killed your parents. Looking down at Kazutora on the ground, you see his earring had slipped off. You then pick your foot up and step right on top of it, crushing it right into the ground below.
When you stand up, you take in a deep breath and tuck the knife underneath your shirt.
And now, you can finally walk back to the amusement park and find out for yourself if Sanzu really is there. Hopefully, he’s not in a bad mood ‘cause then you’ll have a good shot of convincing him to be on your side. He did save your life before, after all. So there’s no reason why he wouldn’t help you.
Wasteland Masterlist
Taglist: @pikagirl2001330 @romaka344
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smoosnoom · 2 years
moon! a writing genius, a modern phenomenon, a light of my life!
it was so cold yesterday and im the monster who needs fresh air and who keeps her window open. ur fic single-handedly kept me warm (and was my cure for hungover during today’s rereading. but it’s kinda. unrelated.).
i looove oblivious will! i’ve always wondered what excuse for mike’s behavior he would found be this time. is he holding my hand? probably because im freezing. is he hugging me too long and too tight we’re best friends, and he misses me for the two hours we haven’t seen each other. is he kissing me on the mouth? he’s just a european.
““Do you come here often?”” such a bad flirting line 😭😭😭 mike should be happy that will likes him.
“There are two bags of cat food sitting underneath their shelf of garden tools. They have never owned a cat.” this is so my grandma coded. i love her but does she really need these 3 rugs that no one’s roll out in years?
“all Will can think about is the brush of Mike’s leather jacket against his bare arm.” good thing will can resist shivers.
“Her eyes remain on Will for a second longer, before she looks away.” max is giving him ikwya look but will is too busy to find excuses for mike’s behavior to notices 😔
““Is that mine?” “Goodnight,” El evasively replies instead, and promptly makes her exit.” she is so 🫶🏻 i love el so much she’s so squishble ♥️♥️♥️
4 “hello” and 3 “okay” guys 😭😭😭
“And, for a brief moment, Will imagines that Mike had been thinking of him, too.” this reminded me of “I hope you'll forgive me for the nights that I'll be fantasizing, hoping that you're thinking 'bout me too” from demi lovato song. it doesn’t fit the vibe of the work. just this particular line.
“he doesn’t hate dances, he only prefers staying at home and doing practically anything else” he’s so real for this 🙏🏻
okay mike. if el wants slushie it’s december, but if will wants ice-cream u’ll pay for it. seems a little two-faced.
““my mom raised a gentleman.”” he’s so cute when he’s trying to woo someone
“he feels the ridges of Mike’s fingertip brush against his lips” it’ll never stops giving me butterflies ♥️
sorry dustin, but lucas is right. “shrek 2” Is better.
“He’s momentarily forgotten everything ever in his life.” LMFAOOO
““It’s a good side to be on.”” i can’t vouch for the rest, but in this dispute, definitely yes
“And that – that makes sense. It makes much more sense than Mike asking him out.” will Wake up 😭😭😭
“That is to say, with Will being friendly enough and expressing no interest in any women whatsoever, it seems to have the opposite effect on attracting them” will who attracts girls is so real and canon.
“He looks – almost mean, scowling like that with his arms crossed, standing a little taller and looking like a shadow beside Will.” poor maria was anxious before but now she’s probably scared af
““She just asked you out to the dance, and you guess she likes you?” “I didn’t want to assume!”” he doesn’t even know that he’s popular among girls 😭😭
“he refuses to think about my date on the drive home.
It’s haunting him.” bc u need to stop find excuses!!!
“Mike is hard not to think of, a notion only emphasized when he seems to haunt every corner of Will’s mind.” this is sososo beautiful. im not gonna say im the biggest fan of ur writing but i think i might be close!!
“Maybe he’s finally going delusional” ohhhh c’mon!! u mentioned electricity urself. a couple of times!!
““Wait, hold on. Why are you looking?”” yeah dustin. explain urself.
“using his left hand to poke at the school’s lasagna, and his right hand curled around Will’s” that might be so uncomfortable. the boy down bad 😭😭😭
“Will wants to lean over and smother him in kisses, wants to press a kiss onto Mike’s hand in his, wants to grab Mike by the shoulders and shake him and beg, What does this mean?, wants to pick the orange up and shove the entire thing in his mouth in one go, wants to bite Mike all over, wants to hug him and never let go, wants to do everything, anything.” me 2 u when u post new fic. or in general. who knows? 😚
“something else lingering underneath his skin, and it makes him feel nervous, antsy, makes his stomach feel twisted over and under” [whisper] ✨electricity✨
““It was his idea,” Max plainly states, but Lucas wraps an arm around her waist, and she doesn’t move away” i love them 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
“Dustin chatting with some guy that looks an awful lot like Jake Fischer, and Will files it away to make fun of him later.” seems like dustin has a type
“Will knows he isn’t imagining it” FINALLY 🥳🥳🥳
““You – you didn’t know?”” maybe u both should learn to use ur mouth to talk
““you said – as friends.”” fun fact will actually gaslighted himself to think so. mike never mentioned going as friends
“had given him half his orange and half his heart” i love that line 🥺♥️
“wrapping a hand around Mike’s sapphire-striped tie, and pulls him in for a kiss.” HE PULLED HIM IN A KISS BY A TIE 😭😭😭
“Will feels so warm, so summery in the dead of December, and he supposes that’s how it always is when he’s with Mike.” my boys in love 😭😭😭
““Joining our friends,” Mike lists, but his eyes betray him when they glance at Will’s mouth” i hope they made out the whole dances
“This time, when they kiss, Will’s mind is entirely blank” that what he deserves!!!
u r sorry again even though u have nothing to apologize for. u r great, this fic is great, everything u do is great!! please don’t Ever second-guess yourself!!!
love u. have a nice day 🤍🤍🤍
alya my sweet danish treat . the amount of time i spent staring at this ask This is the size of my philosophy essays probably !!! oh my god
i hope u had fun with ur friends (altho im answering this a long while after) and that ur hangover wasn't too bad ! also oh my god ur windows open in the midst of winter ?? i can't even blame u sometimes my fan is just not enough !!!!
will is just like me fr i am doing mental gymnastics to find a reason for everything, altho im probably the touchiest and overly friendly person alive 🥴 im a big fan of oblivious will personally, he is so smart but Willfully stupid when it comes to mike <3
HELELEP 😭😭 mike sucks at flirting it's a truth what can i say !!!
iam also a little bit of a hoarder i love keeping everything 😭 ur grandma is so real
ikwya look 😭 HEEELPE
el my squishmallow 🫶
byler are loser4loser ok its not my fault they're loserish 😕
omg u and ur demi lovato liking .. maybe i will have to check out her songs .....
"will Wake up" 😭 LMAMAOOOOAO
will byers hawkins heartthrob REAL
im letting u and haven bookinit figure out who's the biggest fan of my writing . i am Not getting involved in that dispute
mike wheeler would start using his nondominant hand to hold will's hand its so true and real i see it so clear
gna post Every day until u give in ! 😚
will my little gaslighter 🌟🌟 he is a little crazy and delusional but u know what they say . Crazy Together 🙂
YAYEY I LOVEEE KISSES where they pull them in by the tie !!!! one of my favorite kiss tropes omg
☹️ ur always so nice to me !!!!!! ihope none of my fics ever disappoint u, love u alya !!! 🤍🤍🤍
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The happy death day interrogation :D
Ler: Stephen, hosuh, puffin
Lee: daniel
Day after day Stephen hosuh puffin and Dan were just trying to get through one day without having to deal with Stephen and his violent breakouts. Stephen knew he could just restart the day when ever he wanted and when he did, hosuh or someone else would wake with a gasp and that being followed by a call from the bell boy on the other side of their hotel room calling: room service! Happy Monday!
Stephen and the others, except for Daniel was starting to get tired and annoyed by all this, at first they tried preventing Stephen from stabbing people but he would not listen and would just ignore them. Eventually when they did come to a part when they were finally able to reach the out doors, they found jay laying down in the street grabbing his chest gasping for air or something, jocat who happened to be his partner, ran up to the group and begged for help. Daniel and the others didn’t know what to do though. But they instead called 911 and as this happened the police came up and arrested them, for some reason.
All chaos kept on coming until finally at the end of one day everyone started to sigh in relief. But that wouldn’t last long, for Stephen and hosuh and puffin heard the sound of a gun clicking and cocked behind them, they turned to see Dan aiming a pistol at the three of them, ready to shoot. And the words came from Dan as they stood there shocked.
“I always hated you, you mean nothing to me..” Daniel said, pulling the trigger and ending their lives.
*knock knock knock* “room service! Happy Monday!”
Now Daniel had crossed the line, everything. Everything needs to stop now! Once everyone was up but Dan, puffin closed the blinds to the window, while hosuh and Stephen ordered tea and toast from the bell boy who then left after closing the door. Locking the door however, Stephen tied Daniel up on a chair and blocked his mouth with one of the small wash rags they had in the room.
“MMMM MMHMMMM!” Daniel screamed through the rag.
Stephen pulled off and started asking questions.
“Tell me why you have been the one killing is Dan!” Stephen yelled, shooting daggers at him.
“What? What are you talking about?!” Daniel asked, full of shock.
Hosuh was next to speak.
“If you don’t tell us what is going on then we will have to poison you with this tea”
“I’m telling you I didn’t do anything! I’m just minding my own business like you guys!” Daniel yelled.
“LAIR!” Puffin called out.
Daniel just ignored him and didn’t speak again.
“I’ll ask again..” Stephen Angrily mumbled, putting the tea close to daniels face. “WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!”
Daniel didn’t reply and just sat their ignoring Stephen. Stephen didn’t think twice and made Daniel drink the tea to which Daniel then passed from it seconds later. Stephen, hosuh and puffin tried everything to get answers out of Dan, but nothing was working from tea poisoning him, to using a knife to his neck and more! But no matter what they did Daniel did not speak a word. He was not going to admit anything. Finally another day came and Daniel was once again tied. Stephen hosuh and puffin were about to give up, they were starting that Daniel was innocent. But then Stephen had another idea that was their only hope, even if it is a bit silly. Stephen gestured hosuh and puffin to group up in a far corner of the room and Stephen would explain another plan of his. From daniels side of this, he seemed a little nervous but still, he was going to ignore whatever they were gonna use against him.
Stephen, hosuh and puffin seemed to look at Dan for a second before smirking, then nodded. They sauntered back to Dan and Stephen this time stood behind Dan readying his hands, which Dan could not see. Hosuh and puffin remained in front of Daniel, asking him the same question as before.
“Why do you keep these days repeating! And poisoning and the tea” puffin asked again.
“I’m telling you over and over, I didn’t do anything!” Daniel spoke.
“We’ll see about that…” Stephen said, slowly placing his hands on Daniels sides.
Hosuh and puffin watched for any reaction, the one that they got was one they didn’t think they would ever get. Daniels face came from an angry stoic expression, to a nervous, trying to keep calm, kind of expression.
“Are you gonna talk Danny?” Stephen asked, slowly moving his fingers against Dan, subtle yet a bit affective to what Stephen had planned.
“N-no you can’t make m-me” Daniel challenged, trying to hold back a smile and what was to come, giggling.
This was a new level of interrogation Daniel never thought would ever happen.
“Suit yourself, but we can do this for the whole day, you can’t get us to stop either, your tied up anyway~” Stephen teased as his fingers started to work faster and dug a little deep into dans sides, forcing giggles to escape his mouth.
“Stehehephen! Knock ihihit off!” Daniel demanded but was met with more teasing from the psychopath.
“Look at that, the DM has a weakness, tickling as an interrogation! Adorable~” Stephen playfully said, digging his fingers deeper into dans sides and his fingers wiggled faster.
Daniel kept on giggling and giggling, but it would not end there. Stephen was not going to stop until Daniel admitting to his crimes and hosuh and puffin were gonna do the same.
“Tell us the truth!” Hosuh demanded.
“I’m nhohohohot telling youhuhhuhu anyhehehething! Hahahahaha” Daniel replied.
“Well every time you don’t we will raise the level of tickling until you do” puffin said, winking at Stephen to keep going.
Stephen raised his hands to daniels ribs and started tickling there, to which Daniel had an intense reaction no one was prepared for.
“So this guy wants a challenge, aye? We will give him one if he wants it” Stephen said, grinning wide as hosuh and puffin walked off to find things that might help with the interrogation.
Though if was a lot of searching, hosuh and puffin were able to find an unused electric toothbrush and paper, to which puffin used to make paper claws. Stiff and stable enough to use. Daniel seeing all of this made him squirm more against the rope and chair, stepehn was glad the rope they used to hold Dan back and not loosen.
Hosuh and puffin and Stephen smirked, to which Stephen had to ask again.
“Are you going to admit Dan?” Stephen asked.
Daniel shook his head again and Stephen winked at hosuh to use the tooth brush on him.
“Go crazy how we need to get him to confess sooner or later” Stephen gestured.
Hosuh turned the electric tooth brush on and went for Daniels neck.
“WAIHAHAHIT HOSUH AHAHHAHAH DONT STOHOHOHOOP! NOT FAHAHAHAIR” Daniel screamed louder, trying to lean away from hosuh’s attack but was unsuccessful.
Daniel blushed a deep red and tears built up in his eyes.
“Aww is Danny getting blushy? Tickle tickle tickle Dan~” Stephen teased, digging as hard as he could into dans sides and ribs.
Hosuh smirked and ignored his yelling in protest.
Puffin was inpatient but waited to see if Daniel was to confess.
“Confess your crimes Daniel and we will stop and thats not a request, we demand an explanation!” Stephen yelled over daniels laughing and screaming.
“NOHOHOHAHAHAHHAHA” Daniel replied laughing.
Stephen decided to keep the questions aside and just keep torturing up until Daniel confesses, question or not.
Puffin came up to Dan with the paper claws and started lifting his shirt and started scraping at his belly.
Daniel lost it and started blushing and squirming out of control, he could barely say any words and he was now thinking he should just confess, but he was hesitant.
“Spill the beans Dan, and maybe we will go easier on you” puffin said, scratching and poking and clawing at his belly non stop.
“I HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I STEHAHAHAHAHAHA” Daniel tried to speak but he couldn’t due to the overwhelming feeling of heat build up in face along with tears and clawing at his stomach followed by the feeling of a Roth brush on his neck and his sides and ribs being attacked.
“What did you say Dan? I can’t hear you over the sound of you laughing” Stephen chuckled.
“IM SORRY!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA I ADMAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Daniel was giving all of his power he could to speak but it took more strength then he thought.
“Hear that? I think he admits to his actions~” hosuh teased and then laid the electric tooth brush against dans collar bone.
“He’s even sorry for what he did, how adorable and sweet of him~” Stephen said lightly scratching behind dans ear with his finger nail.
“Admit what Danny?” Stephen asked, he needed to make sure he was truthful about his apology.
Stephen looked at hosuh and puffin as if seeking an idea if they should stop or not. Hosuh nodded and puffin followe by doing so as well. And with that the three of them stopped tickling and let Daniel breath.
Daniel dropped his head, hanging as he started to hyperventilate and he became shaky and wanted to felt drained of any energy he had.
“See how easy this was Dan? Admit it sooner this wouldn’t have been such a big deal” hosuh said, getting a water bottle out of the mini fridge they had.
Stephen untied Dan to which Dan was having a little trouble standing, puffin helped him balance as Hosuh offered the water bottle to Dan. Dan hesitantly took the bottle of water and started taking sips.
“I hate you guys more” Daniel said breathily.
“Haha, we know” Stephen replied with a giggle.
Didn’t think I’d do writing but here I am doing it! I’d love to do more alternate endings or situations in danplan videos but I probably have to watch some of them again. Anyways hope you enjoyed this, bye ❤️❤️💖
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knittedkikwi · 7 months
Need to scream into the void. Please ignore.
I’m so tired. I need this work project to end. I worked ten and a half hours today, for the second time this week I might add. In fact, this has become a regular occurrence over the past couple months. I stopped early yesterday and by early I mean I only worked nine hours. I have been lying in bed for the past hour desperately trying to fall asleep but unable to because I can’t stop thinking about work. It’s midnight here and I just got out of bed to see if I had completely forgotten about something that would solve a big issue. Turns out I hadn’t, but the consultant we’re working with had already replied to my email listing that exact thing as a possible solution. I’m gonna take that as a good sign. Maybe I can put down one worry at least.
I’m so tired. I just want to go back to my normal 8 hour schedule. I want my evenings back. I want my puzzle breaks back. I want to come home without my work computer. I want to associate my home office with games again. I’ve developed an aversion to my personal computers because i’m glued to my work one so much. Any time not spent at my work computer needs to not be at a computer at all for the sake of my own sanity. Why couldn’t we have at least done this in the summer so I could go outside and get some sun after I clock out? But no, it has to be winter and dark for hours before I’m finished.
I’m so tired. I want to talk to The Guy. He was working from home today and we were both so busy that we didn’t even message each other until well after lunch and it was sporadic after that. I need a proper face to face conversation. He’s the most relaxing part of my day and this damn project barely lets us speak to each other anymore.
I’m so tired. I got less than 5 hours of sleep last night and it seems like I’ll be lucky if I get 5 and a half tonight. I’m writing this damn post because supposedly journaling helps a restless mind stop worrying at bedtime. Fingers crossed it works, but I have a feeling I’m going to just keep thinking about work.
I’m so tired. I wish I understood how a desk job can be so physically draining. I’ve been so tense lately (and probably had such bad posture that) that I had to take ibuprofen for my back. It doesn’t help that I overheard a friend telling the new person at our dnd game that this is my “intro to an adult job” or something along those lines. I wanted to punch him once those words sunk in through this haze of exhaustion. First adult job my ass. Your job’s not actually supposed to work you to death! Besides, I’m fairly certain my last job gave me ptsd because I was carrying so much. I stop breathing when I see that company’s products. I have nightmares about going back to work there. I couldn’t bring myself to throw out the shirts they gave me, so instead I would stumble across them in my closet and panic for a moment (I finally did toss them a few weeks ago, though. That was a relief). The weird thing is I can’t remember the specifics anymore. Like, I know it was miserable and I had too much to do and it was so overwhelming that I occasionally shut down. I remember I would regularly scream as I drove home because I just needed a release. But I don’t remember why exactly. I remember it felt like people hated me, but I can’t come up with examples. I get nauseous when I try to think of them, yet I can’t help but try. I know my memory is bad in general. This feels like that whole experience has a big scab over it though. There’s an outline of the injury, but you can’t see the actual wound anymore. Doesn’t stop me from picking at it.
I’m so tired. The end of this project is in sight, even if feels so far away. One thing I’m sure of, though, is that no matter how much pressure I’m under right now, now matter how much lingering dread from my old job persists, no matter how little time I get with The Guy, I’m in the right place. Things will go back to normal eventually, and I’ll be so grateful when they do.
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