#hate gojo all you want why do you have a problem with everyone around him
The Space Between Sounds
Chapter 4: Finding A Place
SYNOPSIS: After a silent week at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech, someone finally reaches out and invites you to participate with everyone. Are they just being pitying or are you really going to find your place?
WC: 2.8K
You were sitting alone at lunch today, as usual, and you had noticed that Tired Guy was observing you. You had no idea why, he was probably just being judgmental or something but you couldn’t quite convince yourself that was the case. He looked almost sad for you so you assumed he was just pitying you.
But your assumptions were quickly proved wrong today.
A few bites into your meal, he came over and sat down across from you with a small smile in greeting. He pulled out a yellow notepad and pencil before writing something down and turning it around for you to see.
—Hey! You know you don’t have to sit alone. You’re always welcome to come join us if you want to. Just tell us how you need to communicate and we can do that. We did it with Toge so that’s not a problem at all. Want you to feel like you fit in and everything. And if it’s any consolation, I struggled to fit in at first but they’re all really good people/panda—
You looked at the message a little shocked. You were not used to people taking the time figure out how to communicate with you, let alone inviting you to participate with them. You picked up the pencil and wrote back, hand a little shaky in shock.
—Thank you. I really appreciate that. Kinda used to not fitting in anywhere tbh. Thing is, I can speak, I just don’t sound normal and hate talking—
—We don’t care if you think you sound weird. Toge only talks in onigiri ingredients so you definitely won’t be alone in the unique communication situation—
—I’ll manage. But thank you for including me. I kinda don’t know anyone’s name still since I struggle with new words—
—I’m Yuta. Panda is pretty self explanatory. I told you about Toge and then that’s Maki. She’s a bit intimidating but nice once you get to know her—
—It’s nice to officially meet you. Sorry it took so long. I’ll come sit with you guys—
He nods and smiles at you before leading you over to the table everyone else was sitting at. He gestures for you to take a seat and you end up between him and Blond Guy— Toge, that’s his name.
Picking up on the fact that you knew nothing about anyone, Yuta says something to the group that you don’t quite catch before he hands the notepad to Panda.
He takes a second and writes something down before handing you the notepad back. In his, interesting, handwriting is a proper introduction and an explanation of his cursed technique. Rather the fact he’s a cursed corpse.
After you read, Toge gestures for you to hand him the notepad and does the same. Cursed speech is his technique and it makes sense as to why he covers his mouth. You hadn’t noticed before since you sat alone during meals but he has cursed speech marks, a snake and fangs seal as he explained, on his cheeks and tongue along with having actual fangs which you found pretty cool.
Maki goes next and explains she can’t use cursed energy which you find interesting. Could you potentially give her some and teach her to use it? You had tried with Mari but it didn’t work so you weren’t too hopeful and didn’t bring it up.
Yuta went last and explained his curse, Rika, and his newfound technique— copy. He rambled a bit on the paper and you figured you might be able to help him control cursed energy if he wanted your help that is. He seems pretty damn competent with it already.
He requests you introduce yourself as well since Gojo had apparently not done a good introduction for you and they also had no idea what your cursed technique was. You figured this would be a good time to explain that, while you were touched by the gesture of using the notepad, you could get by without it. So needless to say, you wrote for quite a bit.
—Hey, I’m Y/N. Obvs I’m deaf but I actually can hear cursed energy. Sounds like how electricity feels if that makes sense. My technique is called Energy Flux and along with hearing cursed energy, I can manipulate it. Give it, take it, move it around, stuff like that. But there’s some stuff that’s important about me you should know. I can usually hear you guys coming up behind me because of your energy and stuff but it’s really loud around here and I’m still getting used to it so you’re welcome to tap my shoulder to get my attention if you need. You all sound different so I’m figuring it out. We don’t have to use the notepad the whole time since I can read lips but new terms and names are hard for me at first. So that’s why I had no idea who you guys were until now. But let me know if you have any questions about me and being deaf and stuff. I don’t get offended about it so you’re welcome to ask anything.—
Everyone reads your message and nods, letting you know they understand and will ask when they need. Toge notes the two of you will probably need to keep writing or typing since you don’t know his onigiri language and that he prefers it anyway since his language doesn’t exactly convey much.
Today at lunch, Y/N was sitting alone again, as she had done all week, and I watched Yuta’s mind race. I knew what he was thinking so I nudged him and nodded my head toward Y/N.
He gave me an appreciative smile before digging through his bag for a notepad and pencil. I heard him take a deep breath before going over and sitting down across from Y/N.
Obviously I wasn’t privy to their written conversation but a few minutes later, to my delight, Y/N followed him over to our table. I scooted over on the bench so she could sit between Yuta and I. She was clearly comfortable with him so I hoped she’d be okay with me too.
Yuta explained that she didn’t even catch our names during introductions last week and that we should do a proper introduction. We all took turns writing on the notepad and passing it around.
Y/N’s turn to introduce herself came around and I was actually a bit excited to get to know her. Figure out how she talked in a sense— what she was like.
She handed me the notepad after writing down a good bit of information and I scanned the page. The first thing I noticed was her handwriting. I really liked it and it was a nice personification of how she would sound if she spoke. It gave her tone and emotion that normally wasn’t present with written words.
She explained her technique which I thought was really cool. She could hear cursed energy? That was, well, unheard of. Not only could she hear it but she could manipulate it too. I wondered what exactly she could do with that.
She said we were welcome to ask any questions and after a few basics about how to communicate with her that Panda and Yuta asked, I scribbled down a question.
—What do I sound like?—
She smiles and takes the notepad back, writing down her answer.
—Like a humming noise. It’s not low like a bass speaker but more like a machine. Soft and not annoying. Kinda nice actually. You’re not as loud as Yuta but you’re louder than Panda. He sounds like a cat purring. Yuta sounds like a storm. Crackly, buzzy, the most like electricity. Maki is a quiet buzz but when she gets angry she sounds like electricity too.—
I chuckled at her response and was honestly happy that I didn’t sound annoying to her. I liked that she seemingly liked how I sounded the most. Based on her description, everyone else sounded kinda annoying except maybe Panda. I loved that he sounded like a purring cat— I was definitely going to give him shit for that.
I loved finally getting a little glimpse into who Y/N was and I really liked her personality and seeming resilience. She was doing her best to make the most of her situation and while clearly frustrating, she was still upbeat and kind to us.
You have a good time with everyone at lunch and after going back to the dorms to change into your training outfit, meet up with them in the arena. They’re all talking together when you arrive and you walk up to join, your notes app pulled up on your phone so you can communicate with Toge.
They all greet you and Maki indicates to you that she has a question for you.
“So, theoretically, can you give someone or a weapon cursed energy?” She asks, placing a hand on her hip.
You nod and smile, not expecting someone to be that interested in your technique.
“Show me.” She requests simply, brows raised.
You give her a thumbs up and everyone takes a few steps back, not knowing what to expect. To take or give cursed energy, you have to make contact with the target entity. You can still repel, amplify and manipulate the energy otherwise without physical contact. It’s just that the transfer process is much faster and safe for you this way.
That being said, you simply extend you hand out to her and she gives you an odd expression. You glance from her, to your open palm and back to indicate to her to hold your hand.
She furrows her brows a bit as if she was skeptical of the experience but places her palm face down on top of yours.
You already know she can’t use cursed energy, you can hear her or rather, she’s almost silent, so you channel a very small amount into her hand. To you, cursed energy feels and sounds like electricity, buzzing and slightly tingly and you don’t want to freak her out.
She flinches a bit at the new feeling, her eyes widening as she feels it move through her per your direction. You donate a small amount of your energy to her and once completely transferred, you drop your hand out from underneath hers.
She looks down at her hand, turning her palm up and making fist a couple times before she gives you a genuinely grateful smile. You then point to her polearm lying in the grass next to her and raise your brows. She picks it up and hands it to you, and upon touching it, you feel the energy flowing through it. It is already extremely powerful on it’s own, clearly compensating for her lack of cursed energy so you don’t tamper with it and quickly hand it back.
Training goes by faster than you could have thought and on your way back to the dorms, you reflect on your interactions earlier.
Sure everyone was nice to you which was surprising but welcome but were they just doing it out of obligation? Were they just being nice out of pity? It didn’t quite seem like it, Toge and Yuta being the most genuine with you. Maki was a little more closed off and Panda was hard to understand but was clearly trying to cheer you up and lighten the mood.
Maybe they weren’t being fake.
Y/N seemingly had a good time at lunch and didn’t struggle as much during training today so I figured it would be a good time to invite her to hang out with us again. Dinner would probably be a good, casual, no pressure opportunity for her to join.
I wanted her to continue to feel included and not like lunch was a one time thing. Plus I liked hanging out with her so I pulled out my phone and typed up a message to her.
Toge walks up next to you, snapping you out of your thoughts, and hands you his phone with a message typed up in his notes app.
—Wanna have dinner with us at 7?—
You smile and nod as you hand him his phone back and he accepts, smiling back.
You showered, changed, and hung out in your room until seven rolled around. You walked down the hallway to the kitchen to discover everyone already there, Toge and Yuta cooking something that smelled really good while Panda and Maki sat at the table, chatting.
They all greeted you in some form, smiles and waves once more, and Panda gestured for you to join him and Maki at the table. You sat across from the pair and Panda said something that was clearly directed at you. But you still couldn’t read his lips yet, or snout rather, so you furrowed your brows and pointed to your mouth as you shook your head.
“You can’t read his words?” Maki asks, picking up on your confusion.
You nod, happy someone understood. You pulled out your phone and typed to the pair.
—I’ll pick it up eventually so don’t worry. I’ve just never exactly talked to a panda before—
You watch the pair chuckle at your message and Panda nodded to acknowledge you. He said something again and you picked up on an ‘okay’ assuming he was telling you it was okay and that he’d be patient.
Maki looked up over your shoulder as you heard someone come up behind you. You turned to see Toge sit down next to you, setting a plate of yakitori in front of you. You flashed him a grateful smile that he reciprocated and, after Yuta served Panda, Maki and himself, the five of you dug in.
The food was absolutely delicious and you tapped the table between you and Toge to get his attention. He looks over at you and you point to the plate before giving him a thumbs up. He gives you a thumbs up back and elbows Yuta who is on the other side of him, pointing to you, his plate and giving him a thumbs up.
Yuta peers around him. “Glad you like it.”
Everyone diligently includes you in the conversation and as delighted as you were to be accepted, you knew you were only slowing it down. Toge noticed your change in demeanor and typed to you.
—What’s wrong?—
—I appreciate being included but I know I’m just hindering the conversation—
He vigorously shakes his head no before typing back.
—You’re definitely not. Promise. We want you to participate so we can get to know you and learn your gestures and stuff—
You smile, a bit sadly, but accept and continue answering questions and typing to everyone until you finished eating. After you cleaned up dinner the five of you migrated into the living room to continue your conversation.
In the middle of dinner, Y/N’s expression and body language suddenly changed. She looked sad and upset with something I couldn’t quite tell. No one else seemed to notice so I did what I would have wanted and typed up a quick message to ask if she was okay. For all I knew she could just be lost in thought but I got the feeling something else was wrong.
I tried to hide my sad expression after she answered my question.
She felt like she was being a burden. And I knew exactly how that felt. The two of us have unique communication needs and while I knew everyone here didn’t mind adapting, I understood why she felt that way.
I made sure she knew she wasn’t hindering the conversation in the slightest. She was actually contributing quite a lot to it and everyone was having a particularly good time tonight. Maki was more involved, Panda was a bit crazier and Yuta was more relaxed. She was helping for sure.
In the living room, Toge sat next to you on the smaller couch and you were more comfortable with his presence than you thought you would be. He seemed to understand you in a different way. Quietly. Intently.
Whatever it was about his presence was comforting in a way and you found yourself relaxing into the couch and social situation more fluidly and easily than you had ever done before.
Usually you were pretty guarded when it came to sharing details about yourself aside from surface level explanations about your deafness and the like. But the group had really put in an effort to include you and you could tell they were being genuine. Not pitying.
As you all settled into the living room, the conversation drifted to topics like favorite movies and embarrassing childhood stories. You found yourself laughing more than you had in weeks, and when it came time to share something about yourself, you hesitated for a second before revealing a small detail about your life before Jujutsu Tech. The group listened intently, their reactions kind and encouraging, and for the first time, you felt a glimmer of belonging.
You slowly opened up to them some, still a bit guarded because of past experiences but you could tell they all meant well so you revealed a few little pieces of yourself. Maybe you had found another little band of misfits.
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alixm4trix · 1 year
jujutsu kaisen season 2 comes out tomorrow and i just know i'm gonna be really hurt. like all i ever wanted was satosugu to be endgame and i'm not at all ready to watch their childhood and then their divorce animated??? like
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buttercupblu · 28 days
Satoru's Psyche|Escalating
"Should I really have to suffer for my actions?"
Session 2 of 10|Previous Session
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🗂️Patient Chart Update: Patient Gojo displayed extremely flirtatious and unruly behavior during the first half of his visit. Mentions of escape and kid-napping were noted as well as enforced close proximity with his nurse. Threatening remarks were also made at the end of his lunch in response to mentions of disciplinary action. Patient is scheduled for a bath but is pending the possibility of negative punishment to instill corrective behaviors. 📋Length of Session (w.c): 8.1k out of "i said we will cross that bridge when we get to it 😊" 💊Intake Chart (tags): mild violence but no in-action descriptors, coercion, manipulation, drug use, angst, unwatched close contact and touch, nudity, mentally unstable Gojo, Nurse!Reader ✏️Doctor's angel’s note: i hope you know what you're doing, Nurse 🎼Waiting room music: Overheated|Billie Eilish
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Choose wisely.
Hunger stirs in your tummy, and Gojo's words sit with you through lunch. Your spoon clinks around the bowl, stirring the soup growing colder by the second though the growls from your stomach are too obnoxious to be ignored. But your mind wanders.
You're stuck. Earlier, you were all for serving up justice on a silver platter, but now you're seriously second-guessing your "genius" idea to punish Gojo by making him someone else's problem.
As if anyone would be crazy enough to say yes.
Everyone already avoids his wing like the plague. It's kind of an unspoken fact that you are Gojo's one and only. The only staff he allows near him. Anyone else would be playing with fire.
And if someone was brave enough to willingly throw themselves into the lion's den, they definitely couldn't be new. New to nursing—new to the ward. High expertise was needed here. Someone seasoned—experience which you lacked yourself—otherwise, they wouldn't last a second with Gojo.
It'd be way too easy for him to make them snap, like tossing a bone to a dog.
"Persephone." Yuko brings you out of your coma.
You perk up, instinctively smiling. "Hey, what's up?"
"You tell me," she snorts. "You've been playing with your food like break isn't over in 10 minutes." She touches your arm. "Everything ok?"
It's written all over your face, huh? You could deflate right now.
This is why Yuko is your favorite co-worker. Always reading you like a book without you needing to say a word. Quick to call anything off out.
Leaning back in your chair, you huff, rubbing circles into your temples to relieve the headache you didn't know you had.
"Yeah, yeah," you begin, "It's just—" You stop, her eyes hold so much concern and you've barely opened your mouth. Not sure if you should now because you know what kind of person Yuko is.
And if she knew even half of what you don't tell her during your lunch breaks spent complaining about work, she'd hang Gojo out to dry if she could. She often makes it very clear she hates you have to deal with him at all.
"—I'm just a bit tired. Gojo's scheduled for a bath later, him and two others. Gojo's easy but...I don't know. I feel slower than usual today. Definitely won't get home until late, again, because of all these sponge baths." You cringe at the last part.
Aside from trying to keep Yuko cool, you also didn't want to risk the news getting back to the Director who could take you off of Gojo completely. No one else could take your place. And who knows what would happen if you disappeared from his roster for good?
How would his threats manifest?
Yuko scoffs, waving her hand.
"Gojo and easy do not go together," and you both shake your heads and laugh. "But I get it. You did come in super early."
"Thought there'd be less of us," you sigh.
"Sonya's been on our asses lately, right? But hey, she finally got us all here."
"A little too late. The damage is done," you pout, resting your elbows on the table, realizing you've accidentally grown used to chaos and ever-changing schedule.
You routinely plan ahead to make sure you can stand up when people fall short. Constantly putting yourself on the back burner seems to be a thing that always set you back.
"Sooo, you just need rest, ya? Nothing else? Gojo—" there it goes "—been 'okay' with you lately?"
Your heart skips. "Ya. he isn't so bad today," you lie, "I'd just love to be home on time for once. Maybe even a bit early, I'm soo close. Overtime's been wringing my neck for weeks."
Yuko looks at you with puppy dog eyes. And not in a "I feel sorry for you" kind of way, but one that almost makes you feel bad for not telling her the whole truth.
"Here," she pushes your soup towards you, "How about I do Gojo's bath and you get an early start on my last two? That way you can at least binge that show you won't shut up about later." She smiles.
You immediately protest.
There's no way you can do that to her.
Yuko never even crossed your mind and was far from your first pick, not because she couldn't handle him but because she was your friend. Not just a colleague, but someone you actually cared about more than anyone else in this run-down job even if she didn't feel the same.
She's too good of a person, and you'd be the Devil Incarnate if you let her do something so risky. Especially when you can just suck it up and get it over with.
"Woah, woah, it's just a bath, calm down," she says, taking your hands in hers as you ramble on trying to convince her that you'll be fine or that you'll find someone else.
Burdening her was completely out of the question.
"Who else but me, Seph'? You don't you think I'm as good as you?" And the way she says it, giving you that look she does when you're being stubborn, dares you to challenge her.
Now you really had to think about what to say.
Goddamn it, you regret saying anything at all, but Yuko's so motherly, how could you resist? Hiding from her is impossible, she would've sniffed you out sooner or later.
Easing your pains when she could was her specialty—helping to calm and settle you down when you're quick to blow things out of proportion.
Could this be one of those moments? Or were Gojo's words more than just hot air?
The back and forth was killing you, but the combination of Yuko's reassuring touch and your gurgling stomach put the final nail in the coffin as she reminded you of the time.
Eyes wide, you look at the clock, ticking away faster than you realized, then back at your lukewarm soup.
Denying that you needed help would be silly because technically it was true. You probably should've asked the Director for a little Gojo break long ago, even if just for a few hours a few times a week. It was better than nothing because if you couldn't function, Gojo couldn't be cared for.
And when you really think about it, who better to fill in for you than Yuko?
The gutsy woman has been your rock since you started at the ward, She's had your back, sticking with you through tough times at work when staff constantly dipped in and out of the facility like a rotating door after being unable to handle the job.
A real day one.
Next to you, she's the most competent nurse in these walls, fully equipped with a "take-no-shit" attitude that routinely keeps her patiently in check.
It'd be silly, downright irresponsible to trust anyone else.
Her offer is simply too good to dismiss.
"Thank you, Yuko," you cave, grabbing your spoon and finally allowing yourself to enjoy your meal. "You're...amazing. I don't deserve you."
She looks on happily. "Just promise me you'll take some personal time after this," she insists, worry evident in her voice. "We both know how much you care, but even superheroes need rest."
She's too kind and right in more ways than one.
"Besides, I think Gojo will like me, ya? I'm cool. I'm fun. He'll like a friend of friend, you think?"
Your eyes roll—ya, totally, cool people definitely say they're cool.
You don't know whether to joke back or wave her off, softly smiling at her concern instead before nodding. You vow to make good on your promise and feel a bit lighter knowing your wish for early release will actually come true.
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The latest threat to your miracle in the making is Mr. Hampton, who is personally making it his business to drag the already long day by its edges. Almost bringing time to a standstill with the way he's handling his bath.
Enormous and lumbering, the man Yuko usually deals with took his sweet time gathering his things and even longer trekking down the seemingly endless halls leading to the bathing area. Occupying every inch of the space like those massive trucks on the interstate, hogging the road, yet inching along at a pace that makes a snail look like it's in a sprint.
All that was missing were the yellow hazard lights.
Oh no, please, take your time, you think, watching Mr. Hampton clean each limb painstakingly s l o w in a tub that's comically too small for him. You may have been able to rush through Yuko's first patient, but this one wanted all that time back.
His pace resembles a giant's, and his cheerful nonsensical hums echo around the hollow chambers, lulling you to sleep, turning your eyes into bricks under the spell of the melody. Perfect timing for the energy drinks from early to crash you out, tag teaming with the chair beneath you that feels a bit too soft as you lean over the tub, willing the colossal man to hurry up.
Warm water flows over your skin as you scrub circles on his neck, deciding to bite the bullet and take over the bath so he can play with the foamy bubbles, when you hear a blood-curdling scream.
Your entire body goes rigid, shock reverberating through your spine and forcing you to halt as your mind goes blank. But steamy water brings you back to life, drenching your shirt and upper thighs when Mr. Hampton jumps from surprise.
The rude awakening makes you lock in.
The scream. It sounds like...no, you know it came from the west wing...where Gojo is.
And Yuko.
Hurried steps rush past your door, sounds of multidirectional distress and frantic shouts echoing through the corridor—staff members and patients alike swept into a whirlwind of panic.
You're number one, dropping the scrubber and scrambling to help Mr. Hampton out of the tub, hands shaking as he grips them.
A security guard bursts into the room, face ashen and jaw tight.
"Nurse! We need everyone in the west wing, immediately!" The command is sharp, laced with an urgency you've never seen before.
And immediately feel responsible for.
"There's been an incident."
Without another thought, you wrap Mr. Hampton in a towel, trying your best to assure him that everything is fine when your obviously trembling body said nothing was. His confused gaze follows you as you lead him back to his room, the commotion in the air moving him a lot faster than earlier before you rush back out heading straight for the west wing—where chaos reigns supreme.
The usually pristine floors, normally squeaky clean floors due to lack of traffic, are now barely visible. Staff members crowd the familiar hall for the first time since Gojo made it his own, filling the space with more bodies than you were used to and making it difficult to find the source of trouble.
Not like you needed to. The truth is painfully clear.
It's disrespectful even to even pretend you don't know exactly what went wrong, and your heart feels as if it'll burst from your chest any moment now just thinking about it. Crushing guilt wrapped you in its clutches, but it was nothing compared to the pain you might've caused.
You push through the masses, clumsily bumping shoulders, heart beating into your ears making the world seem quiet as you inch closer and closer to disaster. Dragging imaginary shackles on your feet with each step until you all but collapse once you spot it.
Gojo—barely restrained by guards, straitjacket nowhere in sight—standing absolutely furious.
And for the first time today, time seems to slow down, your mouth becoming suddenly dry mouth when you look past him.
Halfway out the door to his room. Sprawled out on the ground. Bruised, unconscious, and no signs of breathing.
Your hands fly to your lips, mouth agape. Murmurs from the crowd swirl around you as attendants rush to Yuko's side, knocking into your pathetic frame as you stand too frozen to move.
They gently pick her up, careful to handle her motionless body and place her on a stretcher. Her usually vibrant face is drained of color, twisting the dagger in your chest when you spot the subtle rise and fall of her chest. Fighting for breath.
It hits you like a hammer.
Someone as kind as her, so full of light, love, and joy, always greeting you with warmth and empathy and capacity every time she sees you, should never have to lift a finger let alone fight for her life. The sight is too much to bear.
Waves of helplessness crash over you and you can't even look at her. Regretting with every ounce of your being that you sent her in your place. Knowing this could happen. Concerned only with your silly wants and needs.
But you're so confused.
The ward should have weakened Gojo—Yuko should have been fine. The only threat Gojo has up his sleeve is mental torture but Yuko might as well be Freud. Her mind is sound, strong.
And that's where you fucked up, forgetting that Gojo's pure strength, especially when he's lost his fucking mind and triggered, is stronger.
Even with his security system in place, the devil was still powerful enough on his own. And like this was some sick and twisted experiment to figure that out, Yuko was the one to pay the price.
"I warned, I WARNED YOU!" Gojo's words pierce the overlapping voices like a sword, drawing everyone's attention to the strange interaction between the two of you. "I don't like to be touched by strangers, Nurse." Guards struggle to restrain him as he tugs and pulls away.
All eyes fall on you and you can feel the tense stares. The unspoken judgment.
Why was Yuko here in the first place?Where was Seph’?How’d he get out?How did this happen? 
You don’t know if the murmurs are real or only in your head, but the effect is all the same, making you wish you could completely vanish.  You stand like a deer in headlights—and they're so fucking bright.
Gojo brims with malice and amusement, chaotic energy pulsing from the hellish man and threatening to send sparks flying. As if he's daring someone to be brave and push the button.
But despite his outward display of dominance, the pure rage on his face making you feel sick to your stomach about every decision you've ever made, something...uncertain lurks behind those fiery eyes.
Something like...apprehension.
Like he knew he had done something wrong.
Words escape you, as if anything even needs to or could be said. But fear and guilt soon turn to anger and threatens to consume you. Ready to eat you alive and spit out the bones with disgust.
You are not a victim.
You have no right to stand here, spineless, shocked, or feeling even a little sorry for yourself.
Your fists clench as you hold back tears. 
What was done was done. And someone needed to pay.
But you exhale, thoughts shifting to Yuko as you take a good look around at the results of what happened the last time you decided to punish Gojo. All of your actions, even now, rooted in selfishness. Like you've learned nothing.
You push down the knot growing in your stomach and turn away to follow the medics.
Your friend needed you more than you needed revenge.
And Gojo didn't deserve any more of your attention, even if it meant risking your job or even your life to turn your back on him.
And there's nothing Gojo hates more than being ignored.
Struggled and strained noises grow louder. Guards tighten their grip on the fuming man whose raw strength outnumbered thousands of them even without his cursed energy.
You look back, their determination to keep him contained makes you nervous—you don't want anyone else to get hurt and Gojo knows that.
You're painfully aware that your decisions have put you in this position, watching the guards' valiant but increasingly pointless effort to prevent Gojo from causing further harm.
But it's an obviously losing fight, and the unease on their faces is unmistakably clear.
You wonder why they don't just run like hell.
"Let's go," a guard barks, but Gojo remains fixed in place. Moving a boulder would be easier.
"No, I'm filthy," Gojo protests, smirking, "And if I don't have my bath soon, there will be hell to pay."
He sees no one else in the room, eyes locked only on you, his expression a menacing promise that would send anyone else running for the hills. A look that says, "Try that shit again, and there will be casualties instead of mercy."
Reinforcements are called but it'll never be enough. Not even the goddamn military. Gojo...is the strongest, after all.
"Stop this."
Your cry freezes the room, plunging everything into a tense silence.
You hesitate, fuck, what should you do?
What can you do? No one else can suffer—no one else should suffer. Because of you.
You take a deep, shaky breath, silently apologizing to Yuko.
"I'll do it," you say firmly, "Just stop this and...and I'll give you your bath. Please—" The sharpest pang you've ever felt cuts through you. "—just don't hurt anyone else."
But necessary.
He looks into your pleading eyes in surprise, amazement even, then smiles.
The submission in your voice sounded better than he could ever imagine. Like sweet music feeding his already inflated ego.
The guards exchange uneasy glances, clearly unsure of how to proceed.
Gojo's strength is undeniable, and it's evident that restraining him forever is not possible.
And you know offering to give him what he wants is risky as hell...but this was your doing. Your mess to clean up.
You squeeze your sweaty palms and give a decisive nod, signaling to the guards to let him go. They hesitate, then reluctantly agree and step back, leaving Gojo standing smugly before you.
You close your eyes and breathe, hating the idea of looking at him, but needing to stay strong. For Yuko. And everyone else in the ward.
Gojo's satisfied grin says it all.
Let's get this over with.
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The squeaking of your shoes has never been this loud, each echo bouncing off the empty halls and reminding you of how alone you are.
Alone—with a psychopath.
A bit more docile, doped-up psychopath but, the man could probably still rip someone's head off if he wanted to.
Still Gojo despises anything that alters his body—mentally, physically, all of the above. Alcohol, medication, coffee, energy drinks—anything that threatens his need for absolute control.
But he also needed to compromise, and you refused to be alone with him again unless he took something stronger. Otherwise, it would be you, all the guards in the ward, and a pay-per-view premiere of his bath time.
He knew he had to agree because his ass is not for free, but only if you took it as well.
You blinked, hard.
You knew he would be skeptical—hell, it could be poison, and he wouldn’t blame you. But to suggest something so ridiculous?
"Half, then," he said, as if that made his suggestion any less idiotic, but, surprisingly, as you waited for your supervisor to dismiss the insane idea, the back and forth with Gojo actually didn't save you. And there was no need to ask why. The entire ward shot daggers at you any time someone walked by now.
She reassured you that you'd be fine, the mild tranquilizer would be out of your system by the end of the day, then patted your back as if to say, "lay in the bed you made."
It felt unreal, holding the familiar pill between your fingers, one you were used to dishing out but now had to take.
With a quick snap, you broke it in half, holding the half-pill out to the leering man. Gaze unwavering, he leaned forward and parted his lips, waiting.
You took a deep breath and placed them both on your tongues, but he couldn't pass up this opportunity to feel you and closed his lips around your fingertip with a quick lick before you snatched away.
But it wasn’t quick enough to avoid the tingles shooting up your arm as you swallowed without needing the water you had set aside, a confusing mix of emotions churning as it spread through the rest of your body.
He made good on his promise and swallowed his own, still watching you with a knowing look. And damn him, he's probably still thinking about it.
The guards carefully lead you and Gojo to his private bathroom—they're more there for show than for protection, but you'll take what you can get, and they keep a firm grip on his replacement straitjacket.
You trail behind, mind buried with thoughts of what to say once you're really alone with him.
The door shuts behind you followed by the familiar sound of a series of locks clicking shut. "We'll be right outside," one of the guards mutters, eyes shifting between you and Gojo. A stereotypical hint lacing his voice, but even he probably doesn't believe it.
"Perv," Gojo sneers. And laughs, but you don't find a damn thing funny, keys to his jacket digging into your palms as you spin around the face him, furious. Debating on whether to slap him, kick him, or knock his teeth out. Or be particularly evil and just let him sit in the shower, fully restrained and drenched in cold water. A move you know would do no good but show him exactly how done you are with his shit.
"That isn't funny. None of this is funny. You've hurt someone—you hurt my friend."
His laugh fades, smug expression slipping from his face. Even you're surprised.
...oh shit.
You're actually confronting him.
The intense words burn through his usual arrogance, leaving a heavy, uncomfortable silence between you.
Then, for a fleeting second, his face does something weird.
Something you haven't seen before as his eyebrows draw together. Is that...regret?
"I'm sorry."
The record scratches.
...the hell is this??
You squint at him.
The words were muttered, reluctant, but there they were, hanging in the air between you.
"It...won't happen again."
And he's serious, the same seriousness you see when his heart races when you take his vitals...but why? Because an apology? From him?? Unheard of.
Gojo has said some nasty things to you in the past that you've immediately scolded him for but he's never apologized. He'd make a note when certain jokes didn't land, but he never took them back, preferring to cut out his own tongue rather than waste his breath being sorry.
You know better than to take anything Gojo says at face value, but...what the fuck??? You almost feel offended.
He has to be joking, fucking with you to dig even deeper under your skin.
Or is he?
Now you don't know how to feel.
He's so good at that. Stealing the air back and hanging his words in them. Tempting you to pause and even consider if he truly meant them. If he could mean them. The mind games are endless.
But then, the familiar cockiness returns, along with that smile that twists your stomach into knots.
"Now," he says, strutting towards the stalls, "let's get this bath started, shall we?" And his easy, but confident steps call you to follow, a stark reminder of who you're dealing with. But he never knows when to quit. "Or should I really have to suffer for my actions?" and the bastard pouts.
Though you know he's being sarcastic and not to feed into his taunts, you can't help but wonder—what would suffering even look like for someone like Gojo?
Violence? Physical pain? A slow and agonizingly painful death?
But the guy is damn near invincible. What on earth could hurt him?
Whatever it was, it would have to be his absolute worst nightmare, but nothing comes to mind other than frustration.
Damn it, you have to keep making choices.
Return his energy or keep it professional? Tolerance or revenge?
"Apologizing won't cut it," you snap and gesture at his jacket, wondering how the hell he slipped out of the first one without leaving a trace. "And no tricks, or those guards will be back in here faster than you can tell another joke."
Gojo sighs sooo dramatically, like he can see straight through your little kitty claws. "Fine, fine. Loosen up," he drags, "I won't cause any trouble. Just don't go getting any ideas now, Nurse." He finishes with a wink.
He's insufferable—but despite your smoldering anger, tendrils of doubt still creep in.
Your fingers slightly tremble as you begin to unfasten his straps, but each click feels a bit like victory. A fragile illusion of your 'control'—at least for now because at the end of the day, Gojo had chosen you to listen to. And after today, he's sure you won't forget there isn't room for anyone else.
The jacket falls with a heavy thud, your eyes immediately scanning his upper body in search of any signs of injury or stress. The cascading bruises on his arms surprise you.
They feel so feeble in your hands, the jarring evidence of him not as invincible as he seems. Pale, weak, and resting between your fingers. Devoid of the power that makes him so feared.
"Never seen bruises before," and he tilts his head, "at least not on me"
You hope Yuko was at least partly responsible for the marks on the villain, but they appear self-inflicted, and he's not as mobile.
Fuck, now you'll have to bathe him too. But it's strange, seeing him like this. Even weirder knowing that he could still do damage in this state and you can't shake the feeling of this temporary 'truce'. If it isn't obvious by now, you've learned that Gojo always has something up his sleeve.
Warm water soothes you a bit, flowing over your fingers into the large white tub—pristine, imported from somewhere far away and standing on decorative claw feet. Your eyes wouldn't stop rolling the first time you saw it, completely annoyed with Gojo's over-the-top alterations and sense of style, but you'd be a liar if you said you never thought about sinking your body into it.
The best you could do was cope with the little porcelain tub in your apartment, and you get lost thinking about how you'd love to take a long, hot, and steamy bath when you get home—if you'll even have the energy. There's no way you'll be leaving early now, not like you deserve it, and feel sick even thinking about it. You doubt you'll even have a job tomorrow.
You look so defeated Gojo thinks, sauntering forward, lifting the hem of his shirt. You turn away, focusing instead on the temperature of the water but the rustling fabric as he pulls the shirt over his head and pants to the ground sends heat to your cheeks.
He certainly isn't lacking in physique, even in his current state, but still, you wonder how such a slim but toned frame could be so...powerful.
Could you be more obvious? Your flickering eyes are so telling, darting between him and the water, but he catches your gaze from the corner of his eye as if he's read your mind. So cute trying to hide away your thoughts.
You toss in his loofah, "Well...go on. Your water's ready." But Gojo can only grin, amused by your attempts to look away despite seeing his muscled frame a number of times. Still managing to fluster you.
"Your shirt," he eyes your top, "Your pants. Looks like you've already started without me."
The water stains from earlier sit beautifully across your chest, not yet fully dry, and drawing his eyes to your semi-erect nips.
His teeth tug at his bottom lip, eyes shamelessly raking over your hefty chest. "Always such a tease, aren't you, Nurse?"
You grit your teeth, cursing the swirling conflict in your easy heart, fully aware of the thin line between professionalism and this game of intimacy he just refuses to turn off. Everything was always a game no matter the circumstances. And he loves to push your buttons.
"Just get in, Gojo," you order, and after what feels like an eternity, the silence is broken by splashing water as he steps into the bath.
He slowly sinks in, sighing at the warmth of the water. Ringlets of steam engulf him, almost making his silky white hair disappear with it.
His arms string over the rim of the tub, a look of relaxation resting on his face as if he's had a long, hard day. You resist the urge to slap it off.
Sudsy bubbles form from the solution you pour under the faucet, hoping to shield your eyes from his body. You've seen enough today and expect the mini-rebellious act to piss him off, but as the bubbles grow, so do his eyes. He picks up a handful and actually starts playing with them.
"Nice touch," he adds, blowing them right into your face, and you watch with a tight lip as he decorates the bathroom with them, knowing you'll be the one to clean it all up.
He sits a crown on his head and gives himself a bubble beard, nipping your nose with some that you're quick to wipe away.
His pale eyes flutter, settling on you in a curious way.
He leans, arms flexing over the edge—steam-slicked sweat dripping down his face that he doesn't bother to wipe away. "I'm ready for my sponge bath," he says, and if it was hard to take him seriously before, it's damn near impossible now—especially with this ridiculous bubble mustache.
Sickening, him managing to still be so playful, so unserious, at a time like this.
You know Gojo's unhinged, yeah, quote, "mentally unwell and a literal danger to society, tf did you think??", but to nearly take someone's life and then make jokes afterward?
God, you feel so stupid, walking around him like you were the shit but with the wrong guard up the whole time, playing right into his hands and accidentally rewarding this grown-ass man who likes to play with bubbles.
The reality of your circumstances replays in your head, the story of how you ended up here, coddling this monster. Still confused as hell as to why it had to be you.
But then again, this was your job...right? To heal. To help those who can't help themselves. To offer redemption, no matter how twisted they seem.
Loofah in hand, you resist the urge to roll your eyes for the 400th time today. "Keep talking like that and I'll stop, Gojo," you say, reluctantly drenching the tool in soap before gently washing his back.
He sinks into your touch, closing his eyes and letting his body completely rest on the cool cast iron, breathing. Feeling like he's won no matter what you say because your scrubs feel like magic.
Across his arms and over his broad shoulders, you work your way down, bubbles glistening in your trail as you're careful not to miss a single inch of skin but don't linger too long.
Every now and then, you catch glimpses of his marked skin between the foam and because you hate yourself, your brain absolutely refuses to give you a break. You have to give kudos to the dedication to his craft. The muscle definition, the scar tissue telling stories of battles won. Evidence of his past before corruption. Everything it takes to be a hero.
It's unsettling, yet fascinating, the polarity between his beauty and his monstrous deeds.
This is another first for you, this level of care. Gojo usually just hops into the shower and takes care of himself as you wait outside—easy and thorough but always taking his sweet time, all while loudly singing some annoying song that inevitably gets stuck in your head.
But after today, it'll be impossible to trust him or you again, and the hushed whispers as the guards walked you both to the restrooms made that abundantly clear.
The pitiful thoughts seep into the way you hesitantly clean him, moving down to his chest and abs and making sure to avoid more sensitive areas, but the malicious glint in his eyes is unmistakable.
"Whatsamatter, Nurse?" Gojo taunts, feeling you slow around his lower region, "Afraid of gettin' too close?" And you can't believe you're praying for a speedy recovery so he can handle this himself.
You ignore his comment, trying to get this over with as quickly as possible. You're humiliated enough as it is and he can sense it, mocking you with a laugh.
"You're so uptight. Can't you just relax and enjoy the view?"
You want to scrub his cocky brow right off his face. "Just doing my job," you mutter, twice squeezing the loofah that feels a little funny in your hand as the soapy water rinses his chest.
The water feels heavenly on his skin, but the subtle change in your movements makes his brows furrow. Slowing, more deliberate, heavy as if you're wading through molasses. You keep adjusting your grip but the material feels so strange—the texture almost too soft like it could melt into your palm.
Your breath catches when you brush his skin, not realizing how close your fingers drifted to the edge of the sponge, and though it was only a second, it sends an unexpected jolt through his chest.
The muscle relaxers. How could you have already forgotten, you both think.
But Gojo, ever observant, doesn't miss a thing.
His eyes narrow slightly as he watches you. "Feeling a little funny, Nurse?" his velvet voice teases.
"I'm fine," you lie, though you couldn't be less certain as the muscles in your hands start to relax more than you intended, the sponge gliding over his abs, down his sides, rhythm almost hypnotic and making the man's head fall back. You try to push through the haze, to finish quickly and be free of him, to try to regain your slipping control, but you're in a losing battle against numbness and heightened awareness.
ANd God, he has to bite his lip at your touch that feels so intense, a sensation too good to keep to himself that you obviously need to stop being such a tight-ass.
You need to loosen up in a way that medicine can't help. And Gojo knows just the trick.
He licks his lips, tongue curling over his canine before splashing a wave of water on you in one swoop.
Saying you gasp is an understatement as the steamy wash drenches your face and front once again. You've been hit not once, but twice in a day—a new personal record.
Instinctively, you reach up to shield yourself, the loofah slipping from your hand, but Gojo is quicker, wrapping his hands around your wrists and holding you in place.
A scream prepares to surge from your body when Gojo maneuvers both of your wrists into one hand and places a finger to your lips.
"Ssssh ssh ssh ssh ssh," he hushes, his voice a little too calm, "I'm not going to hurt you." He swipes a lone droplet hanging from your eyelash. "I just want you to listen."
You freeze, nerves on fire as you're forced into this close proximity for the second time today. Inches away from his face that softens.
Though you can easily call for help, you know better than to argue—he knows you know better but he never felt threatened in the first place.
Besides, he can feel your breathing slowing, the effects of the pill combined with his firm hold sending a faint buzz from your wrists to your stomach. His finger remains on your lips as he brings his closer.
"Now," his eyes flicker to your bottom lip, "You're so very good at your job, Nurse." He smoothly pulls it with his thumb. "That's why I like you. You're thorough but real. Just what I need to keep me sane."
"Sane," he repeats like he's heard your thoughts. "Believe it or not, you keep me grounded...like a good boy. Be proud, not a single soul here or anywhere else can compare to my strength, let alone deal with me yet...here you are." He looks at you like you're a marvel.
"You can handle that...can't you?"
Words fail you. This feels rhetorical. Why does he keep torturing you like this? What is it about you?
You haven't really thought about it since your first few weeks with him but now he's forcing you to think about the little 'power' he's given you that he can easily snatch back.
What happens if he decides to go further than flirting?
You can't handle it, any of it, any of this.
You hesitate, unsure of what to say but know it could never be the truth.
Gojo must sense it because he leans closer, his breath warm on your cheek.
"If you leave, I just might crack completely, beauty." A breath you didn't realize you were holding slips. "How do you think everyone else will fare against me then, hmm?"
Gojo knows he's a prodigy, yet he still manages to surprise himself sometimes, eyes lingering over the spots on your uniform soaked through just enough to make the fabric cling—perfect aim.
Ice shoots up your spine from the heat of his unadulterated gaze, but you refuse to let him see you falter. He almost feels a prick from the daggers you throw with your eyes.
"Oh, don't be like that, Nurse," and he purrs, thumbs grazing your wrists in a mockingly gentle touch. "We all have our boundaries, right? I thought communication was key in a relationship."
"Let go of me," you find your voice, "We're done here."
Gojo slightly tilts his head.
Look at you calling the shots, he thinks. So strong, so very serious.
"God I can't help it," he breathes, "You're so fun to mess with."
He could laugh in your face, have his way with you, and show you that your resistance means nothing.
Instead, he slowly releases your wrists and lies back against the tub. "I know you think about it—there's nothing wrong with a little fun...right?" and though the connection is severed, you don't know if it's the drugs or just him that makes his amplified touch linger as you sheepishly rub your wrists.
Gojo watches you blush red—thoughts you didn't know lived within you rushing to the forefront as if he's pushed a button.
Grimy, raw, salacious, unwanted thoughts of forbidden fruit, wandering hands, and stolen touches in the dark. Wondering what his idea of "fun" was like under the sheets. With a psycho named Gojo.
You feel like you should throw up in disgust but the nausea never comes, instead you burn between your legs.
Fuck, you've got to get out of here.
You draw a breath, forcing away the torturous daydreams and quickly finish his bath.
"You should rest," you firmly say and pull the plug to let the tub drain. "And don't expect any more favors from me."
He sits up slow, his expression stone-cold as he slicks back his wet hair. Then he smiles. "I promise. Now dry me off?" he quips.
You ignore his request, swiftly handing him a towel before he can flash you. Gruffing, you lower to your knees and begin drying the floor of his messes, hoping to distract you from your questionable sanity.
Rustling fabric fills the chamber as he dries off, and when you figure it's safe, you look up to a nude Gojo. Still dripping with bubbles, hair plastered to his derpy face, and toned muscles, all the muscles, presenting themselves in all their glory.
The only things dry are his damn hands.
He throws the towel over over his shoulder, sauntering towards you with a wicked grin.
"Well, aren't you gonna help me put this thing back on?" He nods at the jacket he knows is more bullshit than security. "Don't want you getting all worked up again."
The first time your brain registered that Gojo was flirting with you was on your third day as his nurse.
"Well, aren't you a breath of fresh air?" Gojo was sitting on his bed, leaning against the wall. It was the second time he'd noticed how sluggish you looked while tending to him, suggesting with a grin that you must be quite the party animal.
Ha. If only.
You tsked, tossing his bedsheets into the hamper, and assured him that your sleepy eyes and dragging feet were the result of long hours and running on fumes. Having time for fun was just a dream.
"I don't get out much myself," he says, alluding to the situation he's in, wearing sarcasm like a necklace. "I love a good night in as much as anyone else but, I don't know. The stuffiness hasn't grown on me yet."
You tugged the collar of your scrubs—the air did feel a bit thick, like the room hadn't been aired out in ages and you couldn't help but wonder how long he'd been sitting in it—how he could. That alone would be enough to drive you up a wall.
Sunlight flickered in your eyes, and you raised your hand to block it, noticing the small window perched above his chair.
"Ah, let's open this then," you said, walking over and wrestling with the ancient wood for a moment before finally pulling the creaky flap up to the ceiling.
Standing on your tiptoes to reach it, a sliver of your midriff peeked out, but what captured his attention most was the way the sun rays washed your face. You scrunched your nose, the breeze sending wisps of your hair to tickle it, and he imagined the feel of them between his fingers.
The view was beautiful, you thought, hands gripping the warm bars. Trees surrounded the vast area, stretching out as far as you could see, the pathway to civilization completely covered in dense forest from this angle.
You never realized how high up his ward was—or how long the drop was from here.
"Too bad I'm not small enough to slip through those bars." He rubbed his stomach. "But you know me, 'Mr. BigBack.'"
He joked around as he usually did, looking to trigger your defenses, but your sentiment was...odd.
This was the first time anyone had cared to do something so simple for Gojo. And the closest anyone had gotten to him without their knees buckling.
The first two days of your trial, the Director had guards posted right outside of Gojo's door, their presence a constant reminder to stay alert and maintain a safe distance from the convict and Gojo was positive the mental barrier would keep a wall between you forever.
But then you laughed. A real laugh. Snickery and cute. Finding his joke funny instead of threatening.
It surprised him, that sound. And he wanted to hear it again and again and again.
"Who knew you could bring so much light into this place?"
Later at lunch, you sat with Yuko, having your usual midday catch-up. You never start with yours but she, like most people in the ward now, was absolutely dying to hear about how you were dealing with the villain of the century.
"He's actually not so bad...yet. Corny, but," you took a pondering breath, "He kind of thanked me today?"
She immediately scoffed and waved you off and who could blame her?
You were the anomaly he chose to show mercy to and now he was thanking you??
Being polite was too far of a stretch to believe, you must have been mistaken. But when you gave her the deets on why he'd do such a thing, she nearly choked on her apple. "He said that??"
"Ya?" You patted her back with a concerned look.
"Watch out, Casanova." She cleared her throat and did a nervous laugh.
Her comment threw you off for the rest of lunch, but when you thought about it later that night while surfing for new shows, a light bulb went off.
He flirted with you.
Thinking it was just another one of those literal dry-humor jokes or simply gratitude for making his stay a little less crappy, it flew right over your head. You always feel warm inside when you help people so you didn't think too much about it.
To you, it was just a kudos. Nothing more.
But the way the stands in front of you now is everything.
As bold and brash as it gets.
Fuck. Me.
And your body betrays you, sending all of the vulnerable sensations you've been fighting to suppress from your soaking chest, tingling wrists, aching thighs, and heavy breath, straight to your throbbing clit.
Air escapes you and you scramble to grab your supplies and leave.
Enough is enough. The guards outside can restrain him and escort him back to his room for all you care. You just have to get out of there.
Away from him.
Away from temptation.
Hot, overwhelming, guilty, mentally and physically unstable temptation.
In the quiet of the hallway a level below Gojo's ward, you lean against a wall taking deep breaths, completely disgusted with yourself.
How are you supposed to keep dealing with this, with him?
He keeps pushing and pushing and pushing you to the edge until there's nowhere else to go. You can only imagine the hell the nurses he didn't like went through.
Taking care of him isn't getting any easier, and now you were fucking up and making mistakes.
But you're the only one who can do this. Who must.
So suck it up. Play along, Stop thinking only of yourself. Pretend.
What terrifies you the most is the thought that you may not have to.
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You keep your scrambled thoughts to yourself when you're called into your Director's office at the end of the day.
You tell him the same story you told Yuko and take full responsibility for what happened, blaming it on exhaustion and needing a break. Swearing to never let it happen again.
By some miracle, you get to keep your job, though your one wish to leave early ended up costing you an hour and a half of unpaid overtime, and almost a friendship.
When you finally get home, you collapse onto your bed—images of the day, the ward, Yuko, flooding your thoughts, refusing to be pushed aside. You tell yourself that it's all just the guilt talking, just anxiety gnawing at your edges.
But then there's Gojo.
The most prominent one of all.
Staring you in the face with lifeless eyes and a ghostly smile. Tugging on your moral strings like a puppet.
When you close your eyes, you can't shake the feeling that he's waiting for you, a lurer in the shadows awaiting your every move.
Leave it. Leave it. Le—
You find yourself scrolling through your phone, deep-diving the web for information on your tormentor.
His past, his affiliations, anything to tell you who Gojo was, and who he is now.
The man is an anomaly.
Not much is known about him outside of mainstream news and internet rumors.
He's just this guy that kind of popped out of nowhere in the worst way possible. Conveniently on the tail of what could have been the most devastating incident in the history of Tokyo.
The media says he's a hero gone rogue but not much else. They damned him to hell and that was that. Even the Director disclosed very little about him during your briefing and you weren't allowed access to his files or records because it's all 'confidential'.
The more you search, you less that comes up. Not even silly conspiracy theories that you definitely thought would be riddling Reddit. The longer you scroll, the more you find yourself beginning to question your own sanity. Your interest. Sweet little buds of obsession.
Even though you hated taking it earlier, you actually need the pill now more than ever to relax, sleeping eluding you and mind wandering to imaginary scenarios as you stare at the ceiling. 
Tomorrow, you'll have to face Gojo again. And the day after that and the day after that and every day after.
In between your nearly non-existent off days, you'll have to seem him and decide what face you want to put on.
Because you simply cannot walk away.
After all, he's right—no one else can handle him like you can.
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extended angel's note:
when i originally decided to make this into short story, i had no plans on using a y/n perspective. it was just going to feature an OC name i’ve used in stories before, named Persephone, buuuut i decided to wanted to keep it immersive and include no physical descriptors/personality specifics bc i knew i wanted to upload it to tumblr. 
to keep it reader-friendly, yk? 
alas, Persephone has had her claws in me the entire time i’ve been editing and said with her whole chest that i couldn't just dismiss her like that chile. so i decided changed the perspective but keep her name in place of y/n. 
you won’t see it too often in the story bc it’s not super significant or said a lot in general, bUT it is relevant for a certain moment later in the story. you’ll know when you know 🤭. 
anyway, hope it doesn't bother you guys too much. and def feel free to mentally plug your name when you see it to keep yourself grounded into the story.
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tag list p.1: @reddiamondjazz @kiwismoother @rune1920 @blkkizzat @suguwife
@xerroe @enthyn @gloomuri671 @ressyshi @startatdawn
@khenanadeche @heijihatsutori @inluvkai @ixqiix @strawnanamilk
@rosso-seta @05-simply-06-simping @sims-4lifers @bratidol @rh-tg1
@hyunsuks-beanie @n1vi @luna-v-roiya @neteyamsluvr111 @supsiii
@natadecoco30 @chiyokoemilia @ririoutspoken @kyoxko @strawberrymilkshakes-posts
@nen-nyy @cinnamorochiroll @kazeniya @maybe7tommorow @sxnkuna
@misoyuh @lupitalove @sebastianlover @gojosatorubrainrot @sleepiebunniee
@mmmidkman @theonecrackhead @thathorsegotpoobrain @iveivory @samistar
@yuuan-66 @gojoslefttoenail @soyalovestoyap @winkwonks-world @thebiggestsimpforyou 
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iayos · 11 months
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jjk boys and their icks… because no man is perfect…
jjk boys x implied fem!reader
cw : men being gross, slight nsfw in nanami’s part, very mild misogyny if you squint in megumi’s part, this post was literally just so i could rant kinda
a / n : long time no see… not much to say other than i’ve been busy !!! anyways hope you enjoy :)
yuji itadori - bad grammar
giving him the tamest one tbh because he’s such a sweetheart </3 idk why but i feel like he just has such shitty grammar… like he’s smart ! just not when it comes to grammar. for example, he mixes up his to, too, and two’s, his there’s, and don’t get me started on your vs you’re :/ again he’s the sweetest boy ever ! it’s just the fact he probably failed his lit classes…
megumi fushiguro - “females”…
i was so close to giving this to satoru but i didn’t cause he has shoko to hold him down, megumi on the other hand… look, i don’t think he’d say it in front of girls, but to other dudes, yk ? and i definitely don’t think it’s on purpose to try and be an asshole but it just happens. quickly unlearns it when he says it around maki though.
yuta okkotsu - referring to himself in third person
you guys know how elmo is like, “elmo wants to go to the park,” yeah… yuta does this. and no, it’s not ironically. he definitely thinks it’s cute too and sometimes it is ! but it’s to an extent. like it’s cute the first couple times where he is goes, “yuta loves you,” but then it gets weird and corny when he’s like, “yuta wants to get dinner,” like ermmmm ok…
toge inumaki - fish pics.
as someone who lives in those south i see these OFTEN. for those who don’t know, fish pics are basically when dudes hold up fish they caught while fishing and post pictures of them holding it… i think the main problem with this to me is that a lot of very weird and racist men do it, so that’s why i hate it. anyways i’m 90% sure he has an official art where he’s holding a fish ( i also didn’t know what ick to give him ).
satoru gojo - his height is his whole personality
this shit irks me so bad omg. as someone who’s short ( 5’0 ) and hates seeing other short people make their whole personality their height, it’s even worst when it’s a tall person. satoru is definitely the type to be like, “omg guysss i bumped my head otw hereeee i’m so tallll,” like no you’re just stupid ! he definitely has other icks but this was the main one i could think of… ik he gets on everyone’s nerves.
suguru geto - says “my bad” instead of “im sorry”
another personal one tbh. i hate hate hate when people do this especially if it’s something serious. i remember one time someone pushed me in the mud ( i didn’t fully go on, just my foot ) and i got mud all over my white shoes and they have the audacity to go, “my bad,” like yeah it is your bad lmao. anyways, suguru def does this often especially to shoko. i feel like he’s pretty clumsy and say if shoko’s studying and he knocks over a drink onto her books he’ll say “my bad” and not even attempt to help her clean it up. like dude at least say sorry or something idk ???
nanami kento - calls his dick anything but a dick
“my member” you are grown !!! say dick !!! he does it to be ‘classy’ but like, he is pushing 30 doing this, just say dick. i also think it’s a shame thing ? idk probably hanging out with stsg for most of his teen years rotted his brain so he hates hearing really nasty stuff but he won’t even say penis half the time. like it’s really not that serious nobody wants to call your dick a phallus ( it was also really hard to give him an ick ).
choso - using 🥺 / 🥹
oh BROTHERRRR this one pisses me off. i hate both of those emojis in general but especially when men do it, it’s cornball behavior. like aren’t you supposed to be fighting in wars ? stand up. but i don’t think he has any ill intentions at all, honestly just picks emojis that represent his mood often. however he definitely uses 😂 instead of 😭… sorry choso…
song : ick - lay bankz
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lemonlover1110 · 1 year
Satoru Gojo
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
Summary: After your divorce, you never hear from Satoru again. Until he ruins your date, and confesses that he's been ruining your last couple of dates. You're so mad at him that you get into his car and let him take you back to his apartment.
You're so mad at him that not only do you have sex with him- But you agree to carry his baby and get back together
Warnings: MDNI, Divorce, Second Chance, Smut, Oral Sex (f. and m. receiving), Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Car Sex, Praising, Breeding Kink (YES again), Gojo is a bit possessive and maybe coo coo, Creampie
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The sound of your husband’s stoic voice asking for a divorce still rings through your ears even a year later. It sometimes makes you wonder how things could start off so beautifully and shatter as if for twelve years you two were nothing. One morning Satoru just wasn’t the same man that vowed to spend every breathing moment by your side. 
You accepted without demanding an explanation. The romance wilted, and you didn’t know what to do to revive it. You didn’t want to suggest couple’s counseling or anything of that sort because Satoru sincerely looked finished with the relationship. You dwelled on it while your divorce was happening, and a month after it was finalized. 
With time you came to appreciate life again, even more than you did before. You find yourself happy, smiling at trivial things that you never thought about before. You dress how you want, you eat what you like, you interact with whoever you want without having to worry about your husband not liking it. But sometimes you miss him, and you find yourself upset as you think about how everything came to an abrupt ending.
Moving on isn’t hard though. You’re able to go on dates, and see other people. You have a problem though; no relationship succeeds because you always compare everyone to Satoru. You hate him because he tarnished your view on how a man should be. Satoru was damn near perfect, his only flaw was his jealousy and you didn’t mind that. 
“So… What do you do?” You ask, trying your best to keep conversation alive but it’s hard because he’s not showing any interest. The man that sits across the table clearly doesn’t want anything but sex. It annoys you, but you still give in because you’re bored and have nothing to do. What you like the most about all of this is that there’s no strings attached.
He answers but you don’t understand what he says and you don’t care enough to tell him. He begins to talk about something else, and you nod to pretend that you’re listening. Your eyes wander around for a moment until they land on him. Him of all people.
You shift in your seat and you bring your drink up to your lips, hoping that taking a sip of it will get rid of the lump in your throat. You try to look back at your date, taking your eyes off Satoru. You bite down on your lip as your leg anxiously bounces, worried that Satoru will notice you. So many times you’ve wished that Satoru would see you with another man, but now that he’s actually here, you’re nervous. You wish you could just disappear.
“Hey, honey… What are you doing here?” You hear his caring voice, a tone that he only uses when he’s trying his best to mask his anger. You look at Satoru, taking in every detail about him. His hair is a little longer than usual, making you wonder if he’s letting it grow out like his old friend. You’re not all too focused on his hair though since he’s wearing a tight black shirt that emphasizes his well toned body. “Honey… Aren’t you going to answer?”
“I’m sorry, you’re married?” Your date furrows his eyebrows. The man wouldn’t mind if your husband hadn’t shown up, but he did. You shake your head but Satoru speaks for you, and in this situation, words hold more weight than actions,
“We are married. We have been for around five years… So I hope you’re not doing anything with my wife.” Satoru says, and you don’t know why but you can’t bring yourself to say anything. Not even when your date gets up to leave, leaving his half of the bill unpaid. You don’t care because he was just going to give you momentary pleasure, he’s easily replaceable especially since the night is still young. You’re upset that you’re stuck with the ex-husband that you haven’t heard from in the past year. He sits across from you, his eyes following your date as the pathetic man walks away, “Do you usually go out with losers?”
“I mean, I did get married to you.” You roll your eyes, and he ends up chuckling. You open your purse and get out your wallet to pay for the bill. You feel his eyes on you, which makes you feel as if a spotlight is right on you. “Do you need anything else or?”
“I just want to talk to my favorite girl.” He answers, and you place the money on the table before standing up and walking away. You don’t feel him follow you, and it annoys you. He doesn’t even bother chasing after you when he ruined your date– But then you feel his hand on your arm, and he stops you from taking another step further. “Didn’t you hear that I want to have a conversation with my favorite girl?”
“Your favorite girl? The same one that you stopped loving one morning and decided to leave?” You make it clear that you’re still mad at him. What he did isn’t something that you can just move past. “What the hell do you want from me?”
“You’re mad at me? I’ve been hearing from everyone around me how much of a whore you’ve turned out, and yet you’re mad at me.” He tries his best to not cause a scene so he whispers his words. He’s clearly irritated though. “Every other week I hear from a dumbass that you’re with a new guy, whoring yourself out and–”
“Don’t you ever talk about me like that!” Your hand strikes his cheek, not caring if you’re causing a scene. There’s not too many people out, especially not in the area you’re in. It’s best to just walk away though before you bring attention to yourself. “I can do whatever I want since you left me. I don’t owe you an explanation the same way you never gave me one when you gave up on our marriage.”
“Baby, I’m sorry.” Satoru begins when you start to walk away again. He follows behind you while you walk to your car. He apologizes over and over again, which brings a smirk to your lips. “I just hate how much I miss you. I hate the thought of you with some other guy– Please! Can we talk?”
You come to a stop and you turn to look at him. You cross your arms and squint your eyes as you stare him down, “I’ll give you a minute.”
“I was just scared of losing you and you getting bored of me so– I ended things before you could.” He answers, which makes you click your tongue. “But I’ve had a very weird– Not to mention rough, two weeks and I just… You might leave me someday but I’m willing to take that risk.”
“You’re willing to take that risk? You didn’t even bother looking for me, Satoru, you just bumped into me and decided that ruining my date would be fun.” You point out as he takes a couple of steps toward you. His hand goes to your chin and he tilts up your head. 
“Did you think it was a coincidence? Did you think your last couple of dates just decided that not showing up would be fun?” Satoru questions and your breath hitches. He brings his face down, his lips creeping closer to meet yours. “I can be his replacement for the night, if not getting fucked is what upsets you.”
“I’m not insane enough to fuck you.” You answer even though your legs are giving out, and even though he’s just touching your face, you’re already putty. You look into his eyes for a moment, and you watch his gaze shift from your eyes to your lips. You contradict yourself, your lips moving up to meet his, while your arms wrap around his neck. 
His tongue glides on your bottom lip before it enters your mouth. His tongue presses against yours, and you get lost in the kiss. His hands go to your back and move down your body. Before he can grab your ass, you pull away from the kiss and you tell him, “We’re still in public.”
“I want to show everyone–”
“Do you still own the Porsche 911?” You cut him off and he nods in response. He ends up sighing as he lets go. He grabs your hand and begins to lead you to his car, while you smile. You’re about to commit a bad decision, but you know you’ll have fun while doing it.
He opens the passenger door for you, and you get into the car. He hurries to get into the driver’s side, leaving you no time to regret getting into the car. He turns on the car and begins to drive back to his place, and you stare at him as he focuses on the road. He can’t even look at you for a minute because he’ll pull over and start fucking you on the side of the road.
Your hand goes to his lap and you begin to caress it, a smirk coming to your lips as you see his flustered face. You get an idea, but you aren’t sure how safe it is. Satoru once vowed to always protect you, and you ask him, “Will you protect me if I do something that could possibly cause an accident?”
“What are you–” Satoru begins, a bit confused until your hand goes to his belt and you begin to unbuckle it. You don’t do anything else as you wait for his response and he says, “I wouldn’t crash from that. Knock yourself out.”
You unbutton his pants before pulling them down, along with his boxers. You lick your lips at the sight of his cock. “You’ll be fine, right?”
“Yeah… I think so too.” He responds as you spit on his cock, your hand wrapping around it and slowly stroking it. You kiss his shaft before your tongue drags on his length and begins to circle on his tip. He can’t help but bite his bottom lip as you press a couple kisses on the tip.
“Don’t think that because I’m doing this, that we’re okay.” You confess. The man furrows his eyebrows. He just wants you to suck him off, nothing else. He doesn’t want to hear it now while he drives. “You know you could’ve just tried to talk to me instead of ruining my dates.”
“Oh baby, but I was just so busy.” He takes one hand off the steering wheel and lifts your head. “Do me a favor and say ahhh.”
Satoru is desperate. He doesn’t want to wait for you to finally decide to stop teasing him. And even after so much time separated, you’re obedient to him. You open your mouth and he quickly pushes it down on his cock.
You gag, taking every inch of him in your mouth. He isn’t going to be merciful. He hears the sound of your gagging, tears are streaming down your face and he knows it. But he loves the sound of your gagging.
Your mouth just feels so nice and warm, and every inch of his cock should get to experience it. You’ll be so messy after this too, and he can’t wait till he sees it. He knows the drool will cover your chin. He wants to see your tears and your glassy eyes. And of course, the cum that will come out of your mouth because it’ll be too much for you to take.
“Such a pretty princess- Taking all of my cock in her pretty little mouth-” Satoru grabs a handful of your hair and begins to bob your head. It sounds so wet and so lewd. Your mouth feels so great too. He’s using you like his doll again, and you hate how turned on you are by it.
You would never let any man treat you the way that Satoru does. He disrespects you and treats you as if you were an item that he could just own, yet you’re so weak for him every time. 
He lifts your head up completely, his cock leaving your mouth. He takes his eyes off the road for a moment, looking at your messy face, as a string of saliva connects his cock and your mouth. He has a smirk on his face, and you hate how happy that makes you. He pushes your head back down. 
“I fucking love how messy you look, baby. We should start doing this again.” He tells you. His moans finally roam into the air. His release is nearing. You love hearing how he’s loving this.
“Fuck– Baby, I need you back in my life.” The man has to pull over so he can properly enjoy this. Once he’s parked, he throws his head back, moaning your name. “Please–”
He groans as he climaxes, his cum hitting the back of your throat. He lifts your head up, and he watches so much of his cum come out of your mouth. His index and middle finger pick up some of the cum that comes out of your mouth, and he shoves them into your mouth. His fingers reach all the way back to your throat, gagging you.
“Sit still while I drive back to my apartment.” He orders and you do as he says. You wait patiently, squeezing your legs as you try to control the heat between your legs. You’re back at his apartment in around five minutes, and he carries you to his bedroom because he can’t wait for you to catch up.
He puts you down on the floor and you both begin to get undressed. When you’re completely naked, your arms wrap around his neck and you begin to kiss him. When he detaches his lips from yours, he kisses down your neck and begins to suck on it. He sucks on a peculiar spot that makes you moan. He begins to kiss down again, until he’s met with your breasts and his tongue begins to circle around your nipples.
His lip attaches to one, and he begins to suck. His fingers begin to play with your other nipple. He gives equal love to both your breasts, moving his lips to attach to your other nipple. When he gets bored and pulls away, you push him away with a smile on your lips.
You sit down on his bed and begin to rub your clit. He loves the sight, but you can’t read his expression. He’s so focused on you as you slowly play with yourself . Your fingers stop and two fingers press against his bottom lip. He opens his mouth, and you shove your fingers in. He rolls his tongue around them, his eyes looking at you practically begging for some sort of praise.
But he’s done nothing so you don’t praise him. You take your fingers out and run those same fingers down your folds. You tease yourself a bit before you insert those two fingers into your cunt. His eyes glue themselves on your cunt and the way your fingers fuck your cunt. He hears the little noises of pleasure that escape your lips, and he thinks about how much he’s missed. He’s dreamt about you doing all of this for him again.
His thumb moves down and begins to play with your clit. You bite down your bottom lip as he begins to toy with you. You continue fingering yourself until it gets boring and you want him to eat you out.
He looks at your fingers that are covered with your juices. He watches your hand near his face and his mouth opens. He takes your fingers in and rolls his tongue around them. He gets every sweet drop on his tongue. And it takes so fucking good, and now he hates himself for ever leaving you first just because he was scared. You notice, “Tastes good?”
He hums while you take your fingers out. You finally look down at the hand that is still rubbing your clit. You push his hand away and you look up at him with adoring eyes, “You know what to do next, baby.”
He gets on his knees, his lips kissing your clit before he begins to flick his tongue on it. He looks up at you the entire time, hoping that you’ll praise him because it’s just been so long since the last time he’s done this. But your head is thrown back as you enjoy the way his tongue moves. 
“Oh, Toru– Put a finger in please!” You’re a little too loud and he knows that his neighbors can hear you through the thin walls. 
He does what you say and his right index finger gathers your slick before he inserts it. He moves it slowly, not matching the pace of his tongue on your clit. But it still feels so good. His finger is so thick, and so long. Although he doesn’t do much with it, you like the way it feels. 
“Just like that, Toru!” You moan. The way his name rolls off your tongue serves as encouragement to him. It has always sounded so right when it comes from your mouth.
His finger speeds up, soon enough the speed matches the one of his tongue. You have to shut your eyes, because the feeling of pleasure becomes too dominant, and it possesses your body. Your orgasm is approaching but it’s not there yet.
Your hands land on his hair, and you grab a fistful of it. You don’t know why you’re here in his room, but as your orgasm approaches you start to see a purpose. 
He adds another finger into your cunt, heightening your pleasure. He begins to curve them so they brush against your sweet spot which drives you wild. Satoru knows your body so well and you hate it. You hate it because you know no other man will ever touch you the way he does. Maybe that’s why you’re so hypnotized.
“Fuck-” The way his tongue feels along with his fingers is just too much for you to handle. Your orgasm approaches, and you bite your bottom lip. You try to suppress it to enjoy his tongue for a bit more, but it’s nearly impossible. “Toru, I’m gonna- I’m gonna-”
You repeat it over and over again making him catch on. He continues going with much motivation from the knowledge that you’re about to come. You see white and finally manage to practically scream, “I’m coming! I’m coming!”
He slows down but continues going, until he comes to a complete stop. He detaches his mouth from your cunt, and takes his fingers out. They’re covered in your juices and he licks his fingers clean. You slightly open your eyes and look down at him as he licks his fingers. You smirk as you look down at him. You pat his head, praising him, “Good boy.”
“Don’t treat me like a dog.” Satoru says as he stands up from the floor. But he does love hearing how he’s so good for making you come. He’s so proud that he still can make you come like that, and he wonders how good your boy toys have made you feel.
Satoru grabs your legs, putting them over his shoulders while he runs the tip through your folds. You look at him through heavy lids, almost thinking about how bad you’ll regret your decision. But he says, “I want us to get back together.”
“You’re making my pussy dry, Toru. Just fuck me.” You respond. You won’t admit how you enjoy hearing him say that he wants you back, but you don’t want to ponder on getting back together with him. You just want to feel good for a moment.
He pushes his cock inside of you, and you shut your eyes as you take all of him in. Satoru is just so perfect inside of you. He stretches you out, and when he bottoms out, he gives you a moment to adjust to his size since he doubts you’ve been with men as gifted as him ever since your divorce. 
He begins to move and he says, “Do they make you feel as good as I do, baby?”
“Toru…” You can’t give him an answer because you’ll end up embarrassed. He thrusts slowly in and out of you as he gets adjusted to your tight cunt.
“You’re still so fucking tight” He hisses. The man missed the feeling of your cunt around him, and he fucking hates himself for pretending a fist would be good enough to fuck. Satoru slowly starts to speed up. You missed the way he fucked you, mainly because his cock just fills you up so right.
He begins to get lost inside of you, and he begins to say nonsense, “Let’s get back together and have a baby.”
“Fuck, Satoru!” Your voice is so loud. You’re squeezing around him, and he begins to play with your clit to make you come faster.
“You gonna make me a daddy?” Satoru asks, hoping that you’re slowly becoming fucked out enough to say yes to the question. He’s making you feel so good that you’re not able to process the question
“Yes! I’ll make you a daddy!” You yell back, and Satoru’s thrusts somehow pick up more speed.
“I want to see you all round and big with my baby.” He says. “Gonna give you every last drop of my cum, and you’ll become my good wife and carry my babies, right? Will you?”
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” You chant. He begins to get vocal as he gets closer to his release. You get tighter and tighter around him as your orgasm approaches. It doesn’t take long for your legs to shake as you reach your orgasm. He groans at the feeling of your cunt as you reach your climax
“Fuck-” He mutters. He throws his head back, his thrusts slowing down as he releases his seed inside you. Your cunt milks him for every drop of his cum, and it feels like so much. Because Satoru did come a lot.
He pulls out his cock and takes your legs off his shoulders. The man catches his breath for a couple of seconds before he begins to kiss your stomach, sticking true to his word of wanting a baby. Satoru lays down beside you and he pulls you closer to him.
“Please come back to me, baby.” He says after he fully catches his breath. He knows that he’ll get you back, even if he has to ruin every other relationship you have. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” The words slip out of your mouth, and you instantly regret it. You regret the next words even more, “I’ll come back to you, Satoru.”
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🏷 @cactustattoo @dearsunaa @mykyoon @b3ast1706 @crispmarshmallow @levismainbabe @matchabluebeiry-for-nanami @nobody289x @galactict3a @nothisispatrick300 @tojianddabisslut @katsuwhore @tamaki-jiki @thisbicc @rumi-rants @chloee0x0 @kageyamaslittleroyal20 @dakumarauder @lovemarvel16 @lilithlunas @witchofoe @sarcasticallydrowning @dilfs-lover @celi-xxmoon @sanzusblkgf @missyasma @lem-hhn
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animehideout · 8 months
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Love Is The Most Twisted Curse Of Them All
Part 6
Gojo Satoru x Fem!Reader
Check out Part 7 here 🆕
a/n: Hii everyone I'm back with another chapter, since you requested longer chapters so ofc I had yo give you what you want babies💗 I really hope you enjoy it , your feedback is highly appreciated ✨💗.
wc: 2.8k+
Song recommendation to listen to while reading to set you in the mood you know: DOJA CAT - CANDY 💕
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Your eye lids fluttered open, slowly adjusting to the sun light that pierced through the window. Your neck hurting from sleeping in a sitting position, you don’t even remember how you managed to doze off. You got off your bed, stretching, massaging the back of your neck, a warm bath would definitely fix it before starting your day at Jujutsu High.
“Ugh shit- that bitch” you sighed in annoyance, remembering that Satoru spent the night here.
You unlocked your door, heading to the bathroom, hoping that he has already left to school.
You tiptoed outside, grabbing your towel. Your eyes widened when you found Satoru standing right in front of you, shirtless. A towel wrapped around his bottom part, his wet hair falling on his face and droplets of water found their way on his chest.
You hated him to the Saturn and back, but you can’t deny that he looked extremely hot. If he was nice a bit, maybe this marriage could have worked out, maybe you could have become a real husband and wife. But no, he chose to be a dick. And you chose to be enemies.
“What are you looking at?” he started, raising his brow.
You rolled your eyes, completely ignoring his question. It was too early in the morning to start an argument with him. So you muttered a small “get out of my face” and walked past him to use the bathroom.
That morning was intense to say the less. Even though you didn’t sit at the same table for breakfast or even bother to look at each other, but being under the same roof felt completely wrong and made you ick.
You quickly ate your breakfast and left to Jujutsu High, leaving Gojo at home. You had a morning class with the 2nd year, and honestly you didn’t care if Gojo was going to school or not, all what you were thinking about was Nanami. You were excited to see him again, and maybe get to chat again. Since that day, he gave you a reason to be happy about teaching in Jujutsu high unlike Gojo who made it living hell for you.  
Busy in your deep thoughts a voice called your name “Y/N”
you quickly turned around, a smile found its way on your lips,
“Oh Nanami! Good morning” you greeted him,
your eyes glued on his perfect figure as he approached you so elegantly. His surprise appearance made you entire morning already, not even Gojo can ruin it.
“Are you going to Jujutsu High?” he asked
“Yes! I have a morning session, and you?”
“yea, same! I hope that it’s okay that I joined your morning stroll”
“OF COURSE” you said rather excitedly then paused clearing your throat realizing how hyper you were. “yeah s-sure” you added trying to sound calm and composed, you weren’t good at social interactions.
It was a new feeling that made you float. For someone like you who was locked inside for your entire life, this small simple social interaction ; literally just walking with a friend and having an actual conversation was special to you, even though it was considered a routine for others. The way you were trying hiding to excitement, made Nanami smile to himself, it was rare for someone to get him to genuinely smile.
“By the way! Sorry if I caused a problem between you and your husband yesterday I-”
“Huh? What prob?”
“Gojo seemed unhappy yesterday because-” 
“Oh no don’t worry about it! We’re in an arranged marriage so there are no feelings involved” you explained,
at the beginning of your marriage you didn’t want to say such thing but now remembering that Gojo spilt everything about your marriage to Mei Mei and Utahime, so why not do the same and spill it to Nanami?
“Oh I apologize, I didn’t know-”
“No that’s okay! We’ll divorce eventually so-” you chuckled awkwardly “Anyways, enough of him, tell me about your Jujutsu technique! We didn’t get the chance to talk that much yesterday”
“Oh yeah right! So basically-” he started explaining and talking not only about his technique but also sharing stories about his former job…a salaryman.
You walked inside the school, giggling and all. Your smile immediately dropped when you saw your husband Satoru there.
“How the fuck? I left him home?” you thought to yourself, full of surprises isn’t he?
He was leaning against the main door frame, crossing his arm infront of his chest, despite wearing his sun-glasses, by his body language you can tell he was glaring at you both.
“Enjoyed your time wifey?” he started
“Yeah! I did actually” you answered offensively.
Sensing the electricity in the air, so to not cause further stress for you, Nanami decided to just head inside and give you time with Gojo. Even though it was arranged, Satoru is still your husband and Nanami respected that.
“See you later Y/n” he smiled and walked past Gojo.
“Hah! Good morning to you too Nananmin” but of course he got ignored,
Nananmi has nor time or patience to get into childish argument with Gojo.
You sighed, getting inside as well but he got into your way, blocking the door with his huge figure.
“Huh? What now?” you asked
“I hope you’re ready for tomorrow”
“for what?”
“haha did you forget about our duel? Or you���re acting stupid on purpose as if you forgot so you can avoid fighting me?”
“Oh Crap! Its Saturday tomorrow” you thought to yourself.
You definitely weren’t ready for that, but to protect your pride and dignity you have to do it.
“I don’t run away from battles, Storu! Put that in mind” you slapped his arm away and got yourself inside.
Time skip to the night:
Another night, locking yourself inside the room. Your mind keeping you awake, you took your fight with Satoru too personal and too seriously. Only a few hours left till the break of dawn, the clock ticked closer to your duel with him. And you couldn’t help but feel your stomach twisting, your inner organs sinking deep within you.
“What if I get beaten up and everyone is watching?” you muttered,
thinking of effective ways and tricks to defeat the most powerful sorcerer. If someone else knew, they’d make fun of you for even considering that you stood a chance against him. Anxiety kicked in, the room narrowed around you, making it hard to breathe, prompting you to take your  ass out to get some fresh air. Maybe you’ll spend the rest of the night in the balcony, maybe the cold night air refreshes you, maybe the shining stars comfort you.
As you walked outside, you could hear some noises that quickly faded into the darkness, your brows forrowed, clenching your fists. Was it an intruder? You stood in place, trying to figure out where did the noise come from and it led you to the main bedroom, that it was next door.
Curiosity took over you, slowly turning the door knob, met with a sleeping Gojo. His eyes were shut but he his body was restless, tossing and turning on the bed, battling against the haunting visions that disturbed his sleep. You got closer to him for a better look, beads of sweat traced down his forehead, whimpering and panting
“is he having a wet dream?” you whispered,
but nah scared expressions etched on his face.
“oh is he having a bad dream?” you said in confusion.
“N-no –no.. I don’t w-wanna kill…..him” he muttered, scrambled words that didn’t make much sense left his mouth.
“What should I do!” you thought to yourself.
You remember having chronic nightmares, but there was no one to comfort you, so you understood well the fear and the feeling of being trapped there but no one to wake you up. But why would you consider helping him, is he deserving of that?
But you’re too good to be true, too good for him and for the world.
You gently reached out to wake him, but was met with an abrupt startle. His defensive instincts awoke, his eyes shot open.
Misinterpreting your presence with the confusion of his nightmare, thinking you were one of his enemies, he flipped you and pinned you on the bed. His hands gripping yours tightly that it started to really hurt. The bedroom that was once filled with his uneasiness is now filled with a stunned silence, realizing that it was you. His eyes gazed at yours, you could get lost in his ocean eyes. You can hear his heavy breathing, his chest rising on falling on top of yours
“Y-you? What the hell are- you- doing here?” he asked still panting, his eyes narrowing.
“I- I was trying to wake you up from your nightmare” you answered. “you seemed really disturbed an-”
your intentions were genuine but his pride and his unexpected vulnerability had already ignited a fierce reaction within him. Anger flickered in his eyes, as he pulled you out of his bed, dragging you towards the door.
“I don’t need your help” he snapped “Get the fuck out of my room, now!” he commanded.
No way he would allow you to catch him when he’s vulnerable, not you, not anyone. You walked to the balcony, cursing at him under your breath,
“This son of a bitch, I should have left your night terrors eat you up”.
But it took you by surprise as well  that Gojo Satoru can be vulnerable and weak at some points, you shook your head, he’s a human after all.
Time skip to the morning:
“Imagine if she kicks your ass” said principal Yaga
“Nah I’d win” said Gojo with a smirk.
“Good luck Gojo I’m pretty sure you’ll win… you know she’s just a normal person not special like you” said Mei Mei with a flirtarious smile.
In the charged atmosphere, you stood there facing your husband, Satrou.
“I hope you don’t mind me showing off a bit Y/n”  he smirked,
as he started attacking you first, determined and convinced to finish you off in a matter of seconds. But he didn’t know that you’d give him a hard time. You easily dodged his punches, that instead flew into the air like lightening inches away from your face. At first you were more focused on dodging and avoiding his attacks, and then strike him with unexpected hits.
“Fight back damn it! Don’t just dodge me” he said through gritted teeth pissed that he didn’t land a single blow on you yet.
“You don’t get to tell me how to do my thing Satoru”
The battle escalated, with everyone focused on you. It became intense, each one of you trying to get the upper hand.
“Come on Y/n” muttered Nanami worry and concern visible in his eyes, he wanted to interfere, so desperately but he couldn’t.
And it’s your time now to attack. Sensing a split-second vulnerability, you seized the opportunity with a quick move that caught him off guard. You closed the distance between you two and unleashed a powerful punch that landed on his jaw. A punch fueled by anger but most importantly, by determination and years of solo training.
That strike left him momentarily stunned, pain surged through his jaw. His hand instinctively moved there to alleviate the pain. Never in a million years, Gojo or even  everyone watching expected to see him get punched. Their mouths were hung open in utter surprise.
Finally someone managed to do it, and this someone was you, his lovely wife.
Frustration fueled his anger.
“You little bitch”
His arrogance and ego wouldn’t let what you did slip easily even if it means crossing lines. So he had to break that one rule, driven by revenge, he unleashed his Jujutsu technique. Using his privilege as a sorcerer. By the look on his face you knew you were fucked.
With a blow fueled with Jujutsu energy he sent you flying. Falling on your back. In a split second, he was on top of you, pinning you down, completely overpowering you. He held you in place, maintaining a strong unbreakable eye contact. A trickle of blood escaped from your nose.
“I see your smirk disappeared now, no longer cocky Y/N hm? Haha what? What are you gonna do now with me laying on top of you just like that night! Are you gonna gaze into my eyes and I gaze into yours?”
“You fucking c-cheated! It’s supposed to be a hand to hand combat you dick”
“Well I’m special, I’m Gojo Satoru, I d-” but he didn’t get to finish his words,
you summoned a burst of strength and took the chance with a kick directed at his private area. He groaned in pain, pulling away. Your strikes didn’t end there, you shifted your focus and kicked his face now. Finally, breaking free from him.
He looked at you in disbelief, wiping the blood that dripped from his nose. “we’re even now Satoru! Next time if you wanna beat me then try to hit harder”
Your students and school staff erupted into applauses and cheers. It felt great to win your very first combat that happened to be against the strongest man. Maybe now he’ll learn to respect you and treat you with decency and not like as if you were a weak human. You proved yourself today to you first, to Gojo and to everyone; being a normal person with no Jujutsu doesn’t mean you’re weak.
“Y/n-sensei that was awesome!!” said Yuji with a wide smile.
“Thank you Yuji-kun” you smiled trying to catch your breath, limping towards them.
“but you’re nose! It’s still bleeding , should I call Shoko sensei?”
“No no I’m fine no ne-”
“Let me help you Y/n!” offered Nanami and of course you can’t refuse.
“I see he’s treating your wife right! Watch out he might steal her away from you” teased Mei Mei
“As if I care!” he rolled his eyes and then left to join principal Yaga  leaving Mei Mei standing alone.
You walked together to the school common room, sat on the couch waiting for Nanami to treat your wounds. From the intensity of the battle with Gojo to the gentleness with Nanami.
He kneeled on one knee in front of you, carefully tended to your bleeding nose. His touch was delicate and tender. You tried to maintain composed but his touch tugged at the corners of your lips, hinting a smile that you couldn’t fully suppress. You felt your cheeks heating up, trying to not look too obvious after scanning his face so you looked away.
“And we’re done!”
“Oh um- thank you Nanami” you said fidgeting with your fingers.
“You did great by the way!” You smiled warmly, still learning how to react to a compliment, muttering a little thanks.
“Alright! Take care I have something to deal with”
“Your wife is full of surprises Satoru!” Said Principal Yaga.
“I’ve always been a nice guy Sensei, so I went easy on her”  he answered using a wet napkin to wipe the blood.
“Doesn’t seem like it! Don’t hide it Satoru, we’re both surprised and confused I know what’s on your mind right now”
He took a deep breath, “You always figure things out, don’t you sensei? Yeah I guess you’re right I’m confused”
“Succeeding in laying a nasty punch on you while your infinity is activated is something intriguing”
“I can’t swallow it Sensei! There must be a mistake!”
“No! I think that’s why the higher ups said that once her curse breaks and becomes a sorcerer she’ll flip the balances in the Jujutsu world…Satoru can’t you see?  Y/n is something else!! Could she be-”
“GOJO SATORU!” yelled Nanami, interrupting their conversation. Approaching them, furiousness and anger etched on his face, veins popping up on his neck.
He grabbed Gojo by the collar and yelled,
“you knew her only for two days so chill, don’t act like you care!”
“yes I CARE! I care when I see a bastard like you tries to humiliate others! Its your wife goddamn it”
With that Gojo pushed Nanami away, and said,
“What’s between me and her is none of your business, so stay out of the frame Nanami! She’s my wife not yours”
“Lucky for her you’ll divorce soon! Can’t wait for the day when she breaks free from your arranged marriage”
“d-did she tell you that?” questioned Gojo, his eyes widened.
“Guys, guys Ugh cut this shit!!” yelled principal Yaga who was busy talking on the phone.
“I was on the phone with one of the higher ups! They called for an urgent meeting..I’ll gather the others, classes are dismissed for today"
“An urgent meeting for what?” asked Nanami and Gojo at the same time.
“It’s Toji Zenin! He’s on the loose now!” said principal Yaga with a hint on concern in his tone.
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kiwismitten · 3 months
Can I make a request please? Jjk guys noticing y/n hasn't been eating. I read one fairly recently and as someone struggling with the same issue, it just hit me in all the right places. I totally understand if you give this a hard pass since it can be triggering for others. Thank you
No problem <3! I get it, and I struggle sometimes too, and if anyone reading this just needs an ear to listen to msg me i’m not like an advice giver but i can listen.
sorry its only satosugu, i was gonna do sakuna too but he would be a dick about it. and Shoko is involved in both because, shes a cutie.
‼️CW. PLEASE READ: disordered eating , body image issues in gojo's ‼️
Geto and gojo (Separate)
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Geto Suguru
Suguru would probably notice the fastest. I feel like he’s struggled with eating before, like when gojo was worried that he lost weight. and for him it gets bad after tough missions, so when he notices you struggling, he’ll pick up on it. (also no defection since i just want everyone to be happy and get alongplsplspls)
After returning to the apartment you share with Geto after a long mission, you practically collapse onto the couch. Your clothes are torn, and you have scrapes across every inch of exposed skin. Leaving the bedroom, hearing the front door shut, Suguru walks over to your beat up form.
"y/n." He speaks softly but stern.
"Suguru-" whatever you were about to say is interrupted by him picking you up. You protest weakly.
"I'm bringing you to Shoko, that was like a two-week-long mission." He notices you're lighter but doesn't mention it. "They should've let me go with you, those damn higher ups."
"Sugu they're just some scrapes it's fine" You protest weakly, but he's already on the way to Shoko, "She's tending to the first year that was with me." he scoffs at that.
"She can multitask just fine, or, i say, just let that kid die." He chuckles softly and you smile at the sound. You had to throw yourself between the first year and a grade one spirit. The higher-ups only told you there would be grade three and four so you can introduce the new student, but once again they proved themselves to be incompetent.
Kicking the door open to the infirmary, Shoko immediately gets ready to scold a certain white haired sorcerer, but seeing it was Geto she walks over observing you in his arms. The first year peeks around the curtain, gasping at the sight of you in the taller male's arms.
"A-ah miss Shoko it's them! I told you they were more hurt than me." the short first year cries, his hair covering one of his eyes. Shoko looks you over and eventually flicks your forehead, making you cry out.
"Sho what was that for i'm injured!" You cry out as Suguru sets you on the infirmary bed.
"Yeah so why didn't you come here?" She glares down at you. Cleaning your wounds.
"They're just some scrapes." Shoko is poking and prodding at you, and she gasps slightly when she touches your back. Suguru watches knowingly, he felt it too, the way your bones poked at his arms as he carried you. Shoko gives a look at Geto, and he nods to let her know that he's aware of your toxic habit of not eating properly on missions. She sighs, giving in and wrapping you in bandages to let the two of you on your way.
Leaving the Infirmary, Suguru insists on carrying you. Walking up the stairs to your apartment, you pout, hating being carried. Opening the door up, he sits you down at your dining table. Walking over to the kitchen. All you hear is the beeping of the microwave, and the delicious smell of your favorite take-out food. He brings you practically a feast, complete with your favorite dessert.
"eat." he states firmly. You poke at the food, having not had a proper meal for the entirety of the mission, unsure of what to do, your bandaged arms feeling stiff under his pressuring gaze. Suguru sighs, taking the spoon from you, creating a bite and holding it up to your mouth. Practically moaning at the taste of the food, Suguru sighs in relief. "y/n… they're making your missions longer, you can't keep doing this."
You freeze up at his statement. He always made you a big meal after your missions, but you never realized it was because he knew.
"I'll even pack you meals if you need me to... when i picked you up earlier, and you were so light, and you felt so fragile. I didn't realize how bad it could get if they keep you away so long." His voice is almost cracking as he fumbles to prepare you another bite. Your eyes meet his soft ones.
"i'm sorry suguru.." Your voice is soft. "i'll try to be better with it..." making promises feels like too much right now, but he's just happy that you'll try.
(Suguru does end up making you food to bring with you on every mission after this)
Gojo Satoru
Satoru notices after he brings home your favorites, and you don't eat like you normally do. He's observant, and is way more pushy than Suguru. When he learns it's from insecurities, he will make you feel like royalty every time he sees you.
Going on a run through the High School grounds, you observe the visiting school from Kyoto. Satoru introduced you to his old classmates Mei Mei and Utahime, you studied at the Kyoto location, and transferred to the Tokyo one after graduation. Mei Mei is beautiful, slim and even with her face covered she's glowing with beauty. Then Utahime, she speaks back to Satoru a lot of bantering, but it kind of seems like she genuinely doesn't like him. Satoru teases her a lot, making you doubt your standings with him a bit. You weren’t really officially dating, so were you really in the right to feel jealous?
"Yo y/n! Mei Mei Utahime and I are gonna grab some lunch at that café you like wanna join?" You freeze slightly sweat making your shirt stick to you, would you be intruding on the two if you joined them?
"Ah no Satoru, I uh had planned to grab some food with Shoko!" You lie through your teeth, knowing that you'll just be returning to your quarters and staring at yourself in the mirror wondering what Utahime has that you don't. Satoru makes a face since he had already asked Shoko to join, but she said she was busy.
"ah okay! I'll just bring back your favorite then?" He looks a little disappointed, you normally jump at the opportunity to hang out with him. You nod your head waving your goodbyes and walking off to your campus apartment provided by the school.
After slipping inside you walk to the bathroom looking at the mirror poking at your skin. You glance at your skin, it's not as glowy as Mei Mei's maybe you can ask for her skincare routine... Utahime has his cute energy surrounding her, even in this grim line of work, how do you get that? In the end your mind wanders back to Mei Mei, her body was gorgeous, slim and her uniform hugged her making her look so elegant and beautiful. You sigh dejected, deciding to work out in your bedroom.
After a few hours, you're absolutely soaked in sweat, and you hear a knock at your door. Opening it to see the blindfolded strongest sorcerer holding a bag adorning the logo of the café he was at. You wipe the sweat off your face smiling at his gesture.
"I wasn't sure what you wanted so I just got you two of the things I saw you order before!" He smiles widely, inviting himself in making u scoff.
"ahh yes come in Satoru," You have your yoga mat set out on the floor along with some adjustable weights. He looks at them, cocking an eyebrow, setting your food on the table.
"Weren't you on a run before I went out to eat? You're still working out?" Even with his sunglasses you could feel his eyes piercing through you.
"Ah yeah had to work off what Shoko and I ate-" He stares at you.
"Shoko called me and asked to get her food since she was hungry." He states blankly. "y/n why are you lying to me?"
Your hands go clammy, you should've asked Shoko to cover for you, sighing you look at Satoru.
"i'm just trying to lose some weight, that's all," you try smiling at him but his sour expression doesn’t leave him.
"Skipping meals isn't trying to lose weight y/n." he's now standing arms crossed. "what brought all this on?" You avoid the feeling of his eyes peering into your soul as he pulls his sunglasses down on his nose.
"n-nothing i just wanted to be a bit slimmer" He lets out a humorless laugh.
"y/n stop. lying." He's always been scary when he's serious.
"Fine i just, it's stupid," he looks at you to continue. "Look I know we're not dating, but I just got jealous!" He's a bit taken aback by your outburst. "Mei Mei and Utahime have been getting all your attention, and i just thought- I thought I needed to be more like them..." your voice trails off.
"y/n..." He's back over to you trapping your body between his arms. "I'm sorry, I haven't been doing my job," You look up at him confused. "I only want to make you feel special because I like you for you, why would I want you to change? I only flirt with you y/n" He lets go leading you to the table and pulling out a chair for you.
"okay now eat please before it gets cold," He pulls out the ungodly amount of food he purchased.
"Satoru- why did you get so much food?" You gawk at the sheer volume.
"wasn't sure what my darling would want," He flashes that dumb grin and you sigh, opening one of the boxes. Fixing yourself a plate you start eating happily. "See? Isn't that nicer than being hungry" He digs through the bag again finding some sweets that were meant for you, but he takes one.
"satoru if you eat my favorite flavor you'll be a past tense-" He nearly choked on his bite.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 2 years
I don’t know bout you but I’m introverted af. How would the jjk dudes treat an introverted and shy partner? 😊
AHH I love this request!! though, I will say I also have extreme social anxiety and I think that may have bled through so keep that in mind!
Now Presenting...
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Starring: Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and Ryomen Sukuna
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Satoru Gojo
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Gojo is going to be a hard one to deal with if you’re an introvert, I’m not gonna lie homies
He is extremely extroverted and loves to be around people.
He actually kinda has to be around people, least he lose his frickin mind
But, he does try to do better and pick up on your nonverbal cues
If you guys are out and he notices you getting overwhelmed, he tries to separate you from the situation
And while he loves hang outs, kick backs, nights out ect, he also loves just hanging out with you at home, quietly watching you play games or read together
I will say he does fall into the trap of finding your shyness cute.
Your flustered body language as you try to hide yourself away in social situations, He finds it cute!
And I honestly think he has a little bit of a hard time understanding your discomfort being around friends.
I mean, think about it. He’s a lonely guy with not a lot of friends. Gojo loves to attend social gatherings and hang outs, because they make him less lonely.
Why would anyone want to be lonely?
I also think he would have a pretty hard time giving you space ngl
Like, you just want to read alone but he wants to be right next to you. 
So, you have to be blunt with no room for misinterpretation when you need space. Just like real life!
I don’t think it would hurt his feelings, don’t worry. He’d be happy you can be so honest with him
He does try to adapt to you and your needs, but ya gotta give him some time
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Suguru Geto
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As an introvert who loves loves loves Suguru, don’t date him if you’re an introvert LMAO
He’s always got people in and around his house and all of them want to talk to him. It’s his “Family”
He may even be a little bit upset with you for wanting space from his family
They don’t mean you any harm, they love you! Why do you hate and avoid them?
I think he would “try” To “Help you adapt.”
By that I mean when you start to get overwhelmed, he pushes you past your boundaries to keep hanging out with them.
He would give you a drink to “help you nerves” 1000%
I just feel like being an introvert and dating him would leave you overstimulated all the time.
Not related (But it feels very related) he sees no problem in using the overhead lights and does so liberally. I mean that derogatorily.
Your best bet at getting some space is sneaking away while the others are deep in conversation
If you’re an introvert please stay far away from this man. I'm so serious. For your own safety stay clear
Now, that being said, I do think you can get some quiet time by agreeing to read with him.
But that’s it other than that you’re screwed.
Good luck soldier.
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Kento Nanami
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He completely understands because he is the exact same way
He's extremely sensitive to your needs and when you start to feel overwhelmed 
And as such, he's really good about getting you away from the situation and to a safe place where you can calm down
He understands space better than any of the other guys because he needs it sometimes too
You guys work because both of you hate everyone else
Ok, that's a bit of an exaggeration but there's truth to it!
One of his favorite fate nights is just sitting with you reading together 
Unlike Gojo, he doesn't see your signs of distress as cute. He sees them for what the are: signs if distress 
Thankfully, he's never opposed to leaving any social gathering early to get you home to recharge your battery
Honestly he probably needs a recharge too
And don't worry, he's not going to ask you to go anywhere else for at least a little while
Honestly, he's the objective best bet for any introvert
He's understanding and gentle about the situation 
All he asks is that you do the same for him
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Ryomen Sukuna
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Ok, here me out on this one. Sukuna loves that you're an introvert 
….because it means he has an easier time keeping you to himself 
What, you didn't think this would come without a catch, did ya?
I've touched on this before but I think Sukuna is really in touch with his SO’s needs, so he picks up on it the moment you start to get overwhelmed
And his version of helping you re-regulate is to just taking you home because he didn’t want to be round people anyway
Honestly, I feel like he may be an introvert too
But not in a “People can drain me” Sometimes way but in more of a “I fucking hate people” way
He’d make fun of you for it too just fyi
“What? Can’t handle a few humans? Pathetic.”
If someone comes looking for you to hang out he���s real quick to be like “Sorry, her battery is dead today.”
Even when it’s not
Does not understand personal time at all.
Ask him to leave you alone all you want, he’s going to be at least in the same room as you.
Probably pouting because you don’t want to be near him
Have I mentioned yet that Sukuna is a nightmare?
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gojos-fr-bae · 6 months
Liar pt. 7
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Pairing: Gojo x fem!eader
Warnings: Fluff to Angst, Drinking, Cussing, Club tings (lmk if I missed anything
Word Count: 1.3K
A/N: UGH, I hate this one too, idk what it is it just doesn't fulfill what I wanted, let me know anything you would like to see or have to say. Also, DO you guys want this story to have a happy or sad ending? I'm still deciding, I'm about to finish the series so...
(Requests open)
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Satoru was going batshit crazy running around his house like a headless chicken, trying to clean and baby-proof the house. Things had been going surprisingly smoothly with you and Kaito. He had been going absolutely amazing.
You guys had been going out as a family consistently for the past three months and you finally decided to let Kaito spend the night at Satoru’s. He had spent the whole day yesterday buying snacks, toys, and redecorating the nursery that he had been preparing for the day he would meet his boy.
He was running around making sure he had gotten rid of all his alcohol, although he couldn’t lie that he was buzzed at the moment although he had tried so hard to sober up, his body just wouldn’t let him.
Just before he could begin to spiral, he heard his doorbell ring.
He ran to the door as fast as his lanky legs would take him and quickly opened it. And there you stood.
Fuck you look beautiful.
You were just wearing the first thing you found at the top of your closet, but oh gosh you made it look so good.
In your arms was Kaito’s overnight bag and the precious angel in question. He looked up at his father with his iconic blue eyes, his little fingers having a grip stronger than gravity on your shirt.
“Hi, Satoru, thank you so much again, I don’t know what I’d do without you,” you said, you had been swarmed with work and a mission you had to do, not to mention complete registering him for kindergarten and everyone was too busy to baby sit Kaito, everyone except for Satoru, and considering how much you knew he wanted this, and how much you wanted this for Kaito, you thought, why not. I mean, what could go wrong, Satoru is his dad and your baby is two years old. What harm could he possibly do?
“Hey, y-yeah, it's no problem! I would love to spend some time with the little guy,” He said, smiling at the boy who stared back at him, boredom evident in his face.
“Mhm, well here’s his bag, it has all his clothes toothbrush, the usual, and on the outer pocket I put a list of stuff he likes, hates, shouldn’t eat, beadtime instructions, emergency contac-”
“Hey, hey, hey, hey, calm down, he’ll be fine, I promise,” he whispered, holding your shoulders before taking the bag out of your hands, but you didn’t miss how they shook ever so slightly.
You set Kaito down before squatting down to look at him.
“Okay baby, I have to go now, remember what we talked about, and please listen to daddy, “ you said softly. Kaito’s eyes began to tear up as he began to reach out for you, whining softly.
“Oh, Kai, come on, you promised you’d be good, and I’ll be back first thing in the morning, okay?”you said.
“Uh-huh,” he replied, although his grip on your shirt wasn’t loosening in the slightest.
“Okay, I love you the most, okay, so so so so sooooo much.” you said, littering kisses all over his face, causing him to smile the cutest smile ever.
“Love you too!” he replied cutely.
And then, the time finally came for you to part with your little one. It pained you greatly to have to leave him, and it felt ten times worse for the little boy, but all you could do was look up at Satoru and hope he would keep your son safe.
He stopped in front of Kaito’s room and opened the door to the boy’s room.
“And here’s your room” he stated as he closed off his tour.
Gojo helped Kaito unpack everything and get settled in his room before leading him to the kitchen whenever their dinner of burgers, pizza and fried chicken were waiting for them * Satoru could not cook to save his life*
The two sat and ate in awkward silence before he took Kaito into his playpen and the boy discovered a whole new world.
The thing was huge and filled with literally every toy under the sun. He giggled and ran towards it, ready to have the time of his life.
The night went by faster than he expected and it was finally time for Kaito to go to bed.
“Come on buddy, please just go to bed.” He said to the boy laying on the bed, claiming that he wasn’t tired. Satoru tried to leave but this kid and his iron grip reached for his arm, refusing to let go.
Sighing, Gojo just gave up and layed down on the bed, with his son on his chest, and just like magic, Kaito fell asleep within seconds, but Satoru was stuck. He didn’t want to move because he was scared of waking up the child, so he just accepted his fate and let sleep overcome him.
“Mama!!” Kaito screamed, running to you at breakneck speeds, you picked him up and hugged him tight. 
“Hi baby,” You said sweetly, smiling down at him. 
Satoru was leaning against a wall, his heart swelling at the scene before him. He could have had this. You could have been his family. It hurts to know that you are standing right before him, and yet, so out of reach.
“Thanks again Gojo, I owe you one.”
“Well…you could pay me back by going out with me?”
“Please Y/N, just this once,” He begged.
“Ok, ok, I'll think about it. Thank you so much again. Say bye to daddy Kai.”
“Bye-bye.” he said, waving at his dad, who waved back.” 
Once he closed the door, Satoru started jumping up and down, giggling giddily. YOU SAID YES, YOU’RE GOING TO ACTUALLY GO OUT WITH HIM.
If pure joy and elation were a person, it would be him.
You were trying to push through the crowd at the club you had gaslit yourself into thinking you should go to. You had been so stressed recently and since Kaito wanted to hang out with Megumi, you  thought why not. Oh how you would come to regret this decision.
The hoard of grinding sweaty bodies, deafeningly loud music and strobing LEDs were becoming too much, you began to make your way to the bar, hoping for a chance to catch your breath, only to be met with an absolutely heartbreaking sight.
There was Gojo, sitting on a barstool right in front of you.  But that wasn’t the problem. No, the problem was the girl dressed in such a skimpy fit that a napkin would give her more coverage, grinding on him. And he was just sitting there.  He just held his glass, sipping on his whiskey and looking away from her with his hands on her waist. It looked like he was mumbling something to her but you couldn’t make it out from where you stood.
You saw nothing but red. Who the fuck does he think he is talking about how he missed you, asked you out, and then proceeds, to pull this shit.
You walked up to him, tears in your eyes, and slapped him with all your might.The girl looked at you in disgust but Satoru looked absolutely mortified.
“You fucking asshole!” You screamed at him. Heads turned towards you but you couldn’t care less. You turned and ran out of there as fast as your legs could take you. You could hear Gojo frantically calling out to you but you didn’t care. It’s like you completely blacked out. You ran, you don’t know where, you don’t know for how long, but you ran.
Eventually, your legs gave out. You fell on the sidewalk and sobbed into your hands. You couldn’t handle it. You thought he loved you. That he hadn’t changed, but no. Of Course not. Afterall, He’s Gojo Satoru.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Again, let me know if u want a happy or sad ending. Thank you for reading this far :)
@porridgesblog , @giannitaa , @c0pkiller , @havens-not-here, @starlightanyaaa
© gojos-fr-bae
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cursedvibes · 6 months
The way people are focusing on "My fav Gojo is not racist, he's just ignorant" and "Gege really hates Gojo he made him racist" when it was not even the point of that interaction. The point was to educate and talk about some stereotypes about black people that are harmful to the community and, if you look into it I'm sure you'll find has it origins in slavery.
Besides, Gojo is privileged and comes from an old money family, and it looks like he isolatehimself from others. Of course, it's in character for him to say stupid things like that. Even if he strives for change.
Yeah, everyone is so pressed that their fave is being problematic (which honestly Gojo has always been, he's hardly a saint and he treats many people quite shitty like for example Utahime and Ijichi) that they miss the bigger picture of this. Given, I think there are better ways to get that point across, but the aim here was definitely not "look at what a uniquely bad person Gojo is, I want to make readers hate him" it's for readers to reflect upon themselves and their own biases, conscious or not. Gojo is often being a dick to people, Miguel included, but this wasn't it. He wasn't just being annoying as usual, he made a misinformed statement rooted in racism "black people are naturally stronger/tougher/more resistant" and he got told off for it, which actually led to him apologizing. He expresses bigoted views, that are quite common all around the world and can lead to real harm like for example medical discrimination, but people often don't question or even notice that they have these views. I think exactly because he's such a fan-favourite character, Miguel calling him out and Gojo admitting he said fucked up shit is important.
Gojo might make a trip to Kenya to meet Yuuta, but unsurprisingly doesn't have any real black acquaintances and the one black person he knows a little better doesn't like him because he treats him like shit, an expandable tool (given, Miguel did try to help someone do a genocide so it's not like him working to make up for that in principle is a problem, but Gojo is not just treating him badly because of that) and has dismissed him and his culture as a whole. Gojo's racism towards Miguel didn't come out of thin air with chapter 255.
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No wonder Miguel wants him dead.
You could say Gojo's racism and ignorance got punished before as this powerful cursed tool he so casually dismisses here together with its history could have gotten him out of the box much earlier. If he hadn't gone out of his way to destroy part of Kenyian sorcerer's culture because of his fear that it might be used to hurt him, he might still be alive. This chapter the payback was just more direct, Miguel was given the space to push back and not just get beat up (making in the previous moment Gojo seem like the righteous cool guy, seen by how the fandom reacted to their fight) and he also didn't sugar-coat it and straight up said "you're being racist".
The fact that Gojo apologized, something quite rare for him, and didn't defend his uninformed views or mocked Miguel for questioning him also shows that a lot of this comes from unaddressed biases, irrational fears and having lived a sheltered life in terms of being exposed to other cultures (and actually valuing them) that influence his judgement. He's not trying to be maliciously racist, but he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about and why it is harmful. I don't think he revelled in destroying other people's culture, he was just driven by a base fear, but that doesn't make the harm he caused any better. He's never had any reason to engage with black people on a personal level and that has unsurprisingly led to some ignorant opinions about them. Again, a very common sentiment which Gege uses Gojo to highlight. This is clearly reflecting arguments and talking points Gege has heard themselves and tried to address here. I'm sure there are all kinds of wild racist takes about Miguel on Japanese social media, I know the English side has them plenty.
I think the message Gege wanted to send was executed a bit clunkily by for example still tying Miguel's CT to rhythm (replacing the inhumanly strong black guy stereotype with another common one) and putting the burden all on Miguel to educate the people around him. Similarly, having only one (explicit) black person in the manga who has to then explain anti-black racism to the reader makes it feel very forced. I think you could've avoided a lot of that and included these topics more dynamically by giving us more background on Miguel's technique and how he came to it and comparing it to cursed technique's of other Kenyan or African sorcerer's. Another option would be making Hakari for example Black-Asian (or Todo or Yaga). He has a darker skin tone than the other characters and differently textured hair (which would already lead to him having to face a bunch of bigotry in his everyday life) and he is hated by the conservative higher-ups. So actually do something with that and address it.
Even Japanese people who are merely slightly tanned get harassed. Just being from Kyushu or Okinawa, somewhere where it's much warmer and sunnier and therefore not being as pale as the average person in e.g. Tokyo will get you plenty of derogatory comments, especially if you're a woman. That goes extra for indigenous people like the Ryukyuan or Ainu who not only face prejudice because of their appearance but also legal discrimination because of their origins and challenge the very popular notion that Japan only has one ethnic group and one language. Japan still struggles with a lot of racism internally against their own people, so you can imagine that it's even worse for anyone who newly immigrated or with parents who immigrated (in the best of times you will always be treated as a foreigner no matter how well you speak the language or integrate into the culture simply because you look "different"). It has gotten better in recent times, but it's still a problem, as Gege pointed out in this chapter.
Coming back to Hakari, we would also be able to see through him how jujutsu society treats black-identified Japanese sorcerers, which would be a different perspective from Miguel's who only visits Japan occasionally and mostly operated outside the system until Gojo came along. Black people aren't just something distant overseas, they are also Japanese citizens. You could show if and how jujutsu society differs from regular Japanese society. Most likely they are even more behind as they also discriminate against what kind of cursed technique you have (modern or one based on a long bloodline, which would automatically work against anyone not born in Japan and with a long family history there). You could also combine it with the transphobia Kirara faced and generally show how this system fails young sorcerers who don't conform to their norm.
But yeah, sorry Gojo is not perfect and will fall into the same stereotypical and bigoted thinking as many other people who rarely step outside their narrow homogenous social circle. Like you said, he's privileged with old money and family history who pride themselves on their bloodline. He's generally very narrow-minded about things that don't interest him or he sees as irrelevant like how he doesn't bother to understand Maki or has no problem ignoring a starving child on the road (who cares what happens to Hana, she's weak and Megumi is the strong one, he's who matters here and deserves to be lifted out of poverty) and international sorcerers fall under that as well. There are so little of them so it's okay to ignore them, why should he bother reaching out or informing himself about people abroad, he's never gonna interact with them anyway. If they get too dangerous for his taste, he's just gonna slap them around a bit and take away their sharp toys.
Honestly, I think what Gojo did previously is worse than what he said this chapter. He can learn to check his internalized racism and be more mindful of how he talks to Miguel or black people in general (he shows openness to criticism and improvement here), but he can't bring back Black Rope. It falls to Kenya's sorcerers to recreate it, which will take decades. They'll feel the impact of Gojo's actions long past his death, even when he can't say anything ignorant or racist anymore.
So I don't think this ruins his character, was done by Gege to make Gojo fans feel bad, or meant to keep anyone from liking him. He has character flaws and that is fine. He gets challenged on them and receives push back for them plenty in the story. I can understand that some fans feel bad reading the chapter, hearing Gojo regurgitate talking points they might've heard said against them as well, but it's not really Gege's fault for addressing this very common issue.
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kentosbabes · 1 year
Thoughts on Nanami slowly becoming aware of his raging crush for fellow sorcerer? The reader isn't oblivious tho, they are well aware of different ways he speaks and acts around them as opposed to everyone else at work, but it doesn't click for Nanami until he catches on to readers flirtations and the way they treat him differently from rest of other sorcerers they work with. Thats when he sits and looks at his and her actions side by side and realizes that it isn't a friendly care for a co-worker, man is in love and luckily for him reader thinks he is cute as a button.
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You think he’s avoiding you. You’ve been close to him for years now, not one proper argument between the two of you, but this? Much worse than just a silly little argument. You realised you liked him a year or two ago, it was after a curse almost killed him and you realised how much you truly liked him and the bone deep fear of losing him.
“-irl, girl? Hello, anyone home?” Gojo nudged you to get your attention, you apologised and started to pay attention to his rambling about what’s for lunch. “What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be be here, it’s supposed to be your day off.” You tried not to feel a little hurt at his tone and infliction but it was hard.
“I came into do some paperwork that I had left last minute, why?” This is the most he's spoken to you in forever, and you hate how much you actually like it. You just want his attention, it doesn’t matter how much or how, just the fact that he’s given it to you.
He’s acting weird to you, normally when he comes in he puts a cup of joe on your desk with a note telling you to have a good day. But today? He walked right past you without your usual chat and mutual distain for leaving late. You send a small smile to him that drops when you realise he’s not looking at you. Did he finally find out? Did he put two and two together and figure out that you like him? Maybe that’s why, you reasoned. Maybe he just doesn’t like you back and was just being really friendly to you.
“I’m heading to the field with Gojo, there’s a level two curse and then I’ll head home,” you tell no one in particular, and take your bag. Walking out, Gojo stops and tells you he’s feeling under the weather, you nod and tell him that it’s fine you can handle it. “No you can’t, I feel bad enough as it is, Nanami go with her and drop her home.”
He rolls his eyes and you start to head out with him. Keeping a distance from him than usual, walking at a snails pace till you reach a short cut in an alleyway. He finally has enough and turns around to you, “What’s your problem? You’re acting different” You look at him upset, “I’m acting different? What about you? You’ve been ignoring me all week and now you want to talk it out?”
He suddenly darts his eyes to your eyes then lips and then back up to your eyes.
You look up at him through your eyelashes and huff, “Well, of course I like you, I’ve liked you since last year. I’ve been waiting for you to get my flirtations? Do you see me buying coffee for anyone else? Being as nice as I am to anyone else? You’re so silly, I’ve like you for as long as I started being assigned to tasks with you.”
Your phone starts to ring, it’s Gojo so you put it on speaker, “Hey girlieee, the curse has moved locations and Megumi sorted it out so you can go home straight. Is everything ok with loverboy? You know I-“
You quickly interrupt him and tell him he’s on speaker and that you need to go- hanging up on him. “So…”
“Loverboy?” “Oh shut up”
“Gladly,” leaning in to kiss you, your lips meeting in a tender, hesitant kiss- a delicate collision of emotions. With a gentle smile against your plush lips, he reached out, his hand hovering just inches away from your cheek. Your fingers combed through his blonde hair, twisting and tugging at it, deepening the kiss. Nanami nipped at your lower lip and drank in the soft moan you made in response. Kissing you harder and with more urgency, but pulling away to put his forehead on yours, “I like you. I like you back. I just think you should hear it properly if you’ve been wait on me for that long”
You roll your eyes, “It’s ok if you’re a little clueless, you’re my clueless boy now. “
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maarrgarr · 1 year
The Unknown Heir.
part seven
masterlist of the Unknown Heir.
Gojo Satoru x fem! reader.
Synopsis: The reader returns after being gone for two years and leaving her boyfriend, Satoru, without giving him a reason. But now she doesn't come back alone.
Warnings: English is not my first language, possible grammatical and spelling mistakes, some plot changes.
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You felt too nervous. On the other side of the door were all the people you had left behind when you ran away.
"I've called you here to introduce you to the new teacher of Tokyo Metropolitan Magic Technical College, Mochizuki Y/n". When you heard Yaga calling you, you went inside. There were: Ieiri, who gave you a supportive smile, Mei Mei, who looked at you a little surprised, both had been friends, maybe not so close but they got along well, Ijichi, who didn't bother to hide his clear surprise to see you there; there was also a blonde dyed girl you didn't know but she gave you a little smile. And finally there was him, Satoru, who didn't even turn around to see you.
"She will work with Gojo first, as an assistant teacher and depending on how she does she will become an official teacher". You and Satoru glared at your former teacher upon receiving the news, but he ignored you. You knew perfectly well what he was doing, it was practically forcing you to spend time with Satoru and tell him about Ryusei. "That was all I wanted to tell you, you can go back to your jobs, except for Gojo and Y/n". Everyone present left, as Ieiri passed by you she whispered a "good luck" and you gave her a small grimace that was meant to look like a smile.
"I know your relationship is a little-" Yaga had started to speak as everyone walked out, but Satoru interrupted, "We have no relationship". You lowered your head without saying or showing anything, but inwardly it had hurt. Masamichi cleared his throat and spoke again, "Well, I don't care. I just wanted to tell you that this doesn't have to affect the education that you give to the students, you are here to teach future wizards, not to fight about your personal problems, do you understand me?" you both just nodded, "well, I leave you to talk and come to an agreement on how you are going to work" before leaving Yaga looked at you, you knew it was what he wanted, but you still weren't going to do it.
But, there was something Yaga forgot to mention and that was that you were allowed to leave in the middle of a class if for some reason Ryusei needed you. While Ieiri would take care of him, as she said she could do it without a problem, Ryu was too attached to you and you to him, you couldn't go even two hours without seeing your son. And that was something that, being Satoru's assistant, you had to tell him.
"Satoru..." you mentally beat yourself up for calling him by his name. "Don't call me by my name" he blurted out seriously and coldly, still not addressing you. "Sorry" you said, feeling, for some reason, inferior to him and you hated it. He wouldn't look at you and that made you feel that you didn't have the right to receive his gaze, he treated you badly, making you feel that you didn't deserve his good treatment.
You took a breath and spoke: "Yaga didn't say it, but I have permission to leave even if I'm in some class", he finally turned his head towards you and asked "And why is that?". Your mind went blank, what could you answer him, that you could leave some class to see your son, who is also his? You thought of multiple excuses to tell him, but none of them were coherent.
"I-I can't tell you", you muttered, but he heard you anyway. Tense silence reigned again, until he spoke, "Then no" you frowned, "What do you mean no?" he stood up from the floor, walked past you and approached the door ready to leave, "Without a logical reason, you're not allowed to just walk out of a class. You're here to teach, aren't you?", "But Yaga did give me-" he interrupted you and approached you, "Yaga also said that you are my assistant, so if I don't give you permission to leave, you don't leave", he said and before you could object to anything, he ended the conversation by saying:
"And if you don't like it, you know what you can do, you're an expert at that".
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TAG LIST: @nyfwyeonjun , @lenasvoid , @yyxy27 , @staygoldsquatchling02.
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zweetpea · 5 months
TBRAHE chapter 7 The Husband
CW: Past child abu$e, swearing, gojo being a spoiled brat, gojo being a self centered prick
‘Why did he have to accompany her? I’m the strongest. Why didn’t she ask ME?’
“Your Majesty!” Someone knocked on the door.
“Name and Business.”
“Um… It’s- It’s Addison! The queen’s maid!”
“Oh, uh, come in I guess?” ‘Why is she here?’
“Sorry to disturb you your majesty but (Y/- uh, ahem! The queen… hasn’t put anything down yet for any of the meals.”
“Oh… um The queen will be out until tea time. For tea we’ll have Matcha and Kaiseki with our tea. Donburi for dinner, with a side of Amanatto for dessert. I’d also like to try the queen’s favorite meal for lunch.”
“As you wish Your Majesty.” Addison turned to leave.
“Why does she love you so much?”
“P-Pardon?” She asked.
“Why does the Queen love you so much? Every time the conversation shifts over to you her smile becomes so genuine! I hate it! No offense but I kinda hate you.” Gojo said brazenly. 
“Your Majesty… may I be blunt with you for a moment?”
“Sure…” He said absentmindedly, leaning back without a care in the world. Like this conversation was already boring him.
“I think the reason the queen doesn’t want anything to do with you is because you’re a spoiled brat, who humiliated her.”
“Humiliated her?”
“At your anniversary, sir.”
“But- but everyone knows that we didn’t marry for love! Why would anyone care who I brought to myparty?”
“That’s just it sir. It wasn’t just your party. It was the queens party too.”
“So she gets to practically grope you all day everyday, parade you around like a goddess, but if I wanted to have someone special to me by my side on a miserable day I’m shit out of luck? How is that fair?”
“Your Majesty, I don’t know what kind of relationship you think my lady and I have but I can assure you it’s not like that.”
“Your Majesty please, I’ve know the queen since I was a toddler, if anyone understands her pain it’s me. If I may be so bold as to ask why it is that you feel entitled to her love and affection?”
“I’m the king! And her husband! She’s never tried to get close to me before but now she’s in every aspect of my life! Pestering my best friend, her little boy toy in and out of Shoko’s office, and now this interrogation.”
“But sir! It’s not! I really don’t want to fight but I feel that it would be in both of your best interests if you took a step back and tried to understand how SHE felt about it.” She ran out terrified of what he could do to her for talking back to him.
Gojo Satoru is a spoiled brat. He gets whatever he wants whenever he wants. And if he can’t obtain something, then it’s unobtainable. That’s what he thought until you walked into his life.
“I’m Satoru.” He smirked at you. Before he knew it he was back in the memory of your first encounter.
“(Y/n) you stated not looking up from your book.”
“Come on sweetheart. Look at your king when he’s speaking to you.” He cupped your chin and turned you to look at him.
“You’re still just the prince. And don’t touch me!” You swatted his hand away.
“What’s your problem?!”
“I’m going to be married to an arrogant brat who thinks he owns everyone and everything. Well you can’t own me!” You glared at him.
‘Her eyes are like dangerous pools of fire.’ “Fine.” He stood up and left to go find his mom.
“Mom! Please! I don’t want to marry her! She’s mean!” He begged and whined.
“Hiroshi please be reasonable." Satoru's mother sat on an ottoman. 
"Chiaki you spoil him far too much." His father paced the room never totally looking at Satoru, though Satoru wasn't totally sure his father ever looked in his eyes. 
"My baby boy doesn't deserve to be treated like trash! My baby boy-"
"He's not a baby anymore! You coddle him far too much, I swear. Satoru, you will marry her, you two will bear a son to continue the Gojo name and you will grin and bare it. I will not have my son defy me."
"I don't want to! Mommy please."
"I'll figure something out."
"Like hell you will. You will marry that girl. I don't care if she's a girl kissing butch. We are Gojos and we will not loose our birth right."
"I'm not gonna marry that- that minx! I won't! I won't! I-" A smack sounded through the room.
"Hiroshi!" Chiaki called out as she rushed to her song who'd fallen back onto the floor. Tears stung Satoru's eyes.
"Guard escort my wife out, I want to talk to my son alone." He ordered. ah yes, when Satoru was being difficult Chiaki's son. When it came to the prince's image, or his usefulness he was Hiroshi's son. Hiroshi finally looked into Satoru's eyes and Satoru's blood turned to ice. "If you ever disobey me again, if you ever question me again, I will cut out your tongue and sow your mouth shut. Do you understand?"
"Do you understand boy?"
"Y-Yes... sir."
'This is all her fault! She's ruining my life!' Satoru thought.
"Come on lady." He took your hand forcefully in his right before you entered your engagement party.
"You are infuriating, the moment I get home I'm scrubbing my skin until it turns red to wash all of you off of me."
'This little- no... just focus on getting through the night. Look at her, so smug. Too bad you don't have a book to hid behind now. You and your sharp, deep eyes. And her lips that look soft and- They're so cracked even under that lipstick! And her hair it... soft and smooth- NO! She's ruining your life, you will not be seduced by this vixen Satoru! You're a Gojo, act like it.'
"Are you two ready?" His mother asked. 
"Yes mother."
"I'm... glad that I'll have a nice mother in law."
"She's the best mother in the world."
"I'm glad to have a father in law who respects his daughter. I'm sure he'll be very supportive of his grandchildren."
You felt your cheeks warm. "Pervert." 'She even looks cute flustered. No! No.'
The doors open to the grand ballroom as the announcer stands at the top of the stairs. “Introducing, the Prince of our great Kingdom, Satoru Gojo.”
The two start their waltz. 'She looks just like her father. Bored and snotty.'
It was four months after the wedding, and you two had only known each other for half a year. The got back toy you both one rainy afternoon, winter was particularly late that year, and the atmosphere outside matched well with the mood inside.
"Unfortunately the King and Queen were attacked by curses on their way to a peace conference. They've both passed away." The messenger had said.
Satoru froze. You came over to his side and placed a hand on his shoulder. He flinched at the contact.
He didn't know it at the time but that interaction staved you off from trying to induce physical contact, and the dead look in his eyes for months on end when you both were together didn't help either. You wanted to give him space. Neither of you were ready to rule a country, but you'd do what you had to to support your husband and your people. Maybe Satoru took that for granted.
"But daddy I wanna ride the pony! I don't wanna study!" Another memory, this one about the time Satoru was only six. 
"Boy get inside before I drag you in here by your hair!"
"No! I- Ow! Okay stop! I'm sorry! Daddy I'm sorry! Stop I'm sorry!" Hiroshi had made good on his promise. he had torn a few stands of hair out of the poor boys head. 
"Stop being a brat. You will refer to your king as sir do you understand?"
"Daddy- AH!" He had struck Satoru. "Sorry! I'm sorry sir! I'm so sorry."
Another memory. "Wow all this for me!"
"You are turning 8, it's a big milestone!" Chiaki said.
"You say that every year dear." Hiroshi said as he sat reading the newspaper. The royal family sat in the recreational room as Satoru open the gifts his mother got him.
"Hey... I wanted the blue rabbit not the red one."
"What?" Chiaki asked confused. 
"You got me the wrong rabbit color! This one's ugly!"
"Shut it boy! I'm reading!"
"You're ruining my birthday!" Hiroshi stood up and Satoru crouched.
"It's okay Satoru. I'll have Matilda fetch you the proper rabbit you wanted. We'll have it to you by your party this afternoon. MATILDA!! Fetch my son the blue rabbit and throw out this garbage! Oh and order an investigation be made, whoever bought my son this trash will be fired." Chiaki threw the unwanted toy to the maid.
"Really?" Satoru looked at his mother with big hopeful blue eyes. 
"Of course. Anything my precious baby boy wants, he'll get." She scooped him up and cuddled him.
"Yay! Thank you Mommy! you're my favorite parent!"
"Tch. Darn brat."
“Mom. I miss you.”
Before Satoru new it he was back in the present.
“How she felt about the anniversary huh? I guess she probably felt like how I feel about that knight following her around and drooling all over her.”
“Alright Satoru. You need to get out of bed! You’re people need you! They need to see that you’re okay, physically at least. Besides laying around in a dirty room all day isn’t good for you mentally or physically.” And just like that he was pulled right back into his mind. Every conversation he had with you you were the one who took the lead, leaving him flustered and scrambling to catch up.
“Ruru! I’m so glad that you’re here! Cmon let’s go shopping!”
“I’m tired, Marissa.”
“But Ruru! You’ve been away for a month! We need to spend time together!”
Marissa was also headstrong, but now he knows she doesn’t actually care about him.
You cared about those closest to you. He thought Marissa cared about him.
You stood strong against him. She fell right into his arms.
You hated him. Did she hate him too? Probably, he figured.
He… wanted you. The more he compares your interactions, the more he sees he wanted you. But he wanted a you that wanted him.
“I’m an idiot.” He slapped his forehead. He ran his hand down his face. He stood up and walked out of his office needing a breath of fresh air.
He wandered down to the thrown room and froze in front of a painting hung up. It was of you and him on your wedding day.
“I will fix this. I promise.” He said as he swiped his hand over your face.
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noroi1000 · 6 months
❝𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮-𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐢❞ Chapter 20
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Satoru-Sensei | ←Previous chapter • Next Chapter→
Summary:"...What now?" He asked in a whisper.
"Now you will fall asleep." Gojo said, happy to feel the warmth of your body next to him."Fall asleep?"
"You will fall asleep and wake up as if it had never happened here. And she will stay here with me. You can't take her from me. You won't even remember that we talked like that. Everything will be fine again."
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All the days you lived were supposed to disappear.
Because they want to hurt you. They know you're here. They know that you are with Gojo.
That's why they will want to take you away. Because none of them want to believe that you are there with them because you want to be there with them. This is what you want, and you will always only want this. However, they don't know this.
They don't know that this is the only way you will be completely safe.
No negative emotions will reach you. You won't have to suffer because of your cursed energy.
As long as you are happy and calm, your cursed energy remains dormant and never causes trouble. When your life is peaceful and happy, you live just like a normal person.
You don't have to worry about whether you are strong or weak. Because Satoru will always be with you.
And if others can't respect your choice, that's their problem.
But because they can't do it, you have to suffer?
If he hadn't done something, you would be being held by a divine dog right now, and everyone around you would want to run away, just to get you off this island. Regardless of your feelings.
There are moments in life when moral principles may not be followed.
Gojo has already done this once. Kissing you suddenly. Then he took you away so that you could never be sad again in this world. May you forget all your sorrows and live with a smile. Together with your Satoru-Sensei.
Not with your teacher. Not with your former teacher. Only with your Satoru. With someone who is most important to you.
The white-haired man let go of your body gently and stood up, joining his hands to appear next to his students and touch their foreheads. Fingers gently dig into their skin to send unholy energy to them. To their brain and consciousness.
The air was spinning, and they didn't know for a moment where they were. What is this place? They wanted to go to sleep. It was as if they were sitting in a dream and suddenly started waking up. The sand was soft under their feet.
Kugisaki fell and sat on the sand, rubbing her eyes from tiredness. It was as if she was about to fall asleep. Itadori sat up slowly and placed his hand on his forehead, feeling slightly dizzy.
Gojo appeared in front of Fushiguro and placed two fingers on his forehead as well. By sending a dose of particles of his cursed energy that will work, but will do nothing to him.
"What are you-" he groaned and staggered.
"You could have listened to her instead of scaring her. She can't be nervous. Because her body is not adapted to her Jujutsu technique. Her body is not entirely that of a sorcerer. She feels better without it." he told him, placing his hands on his shoulders to help him balance. "I took her here so she wouldn't have to live the way she didn't want to. No stress or sadness. I do everything I can to make her smile. I wanted to see her smile always and forever. You're right about that. But I do it as much for myself as for her. I give her more than I take. She loves me."
He turned to you with a slight smile. You stood up and brushed the dirt off your pants as you slowly walked towards him.
You saw Fushiguro's eyes widen as he looked at you. You went under Satoru's arm, hugging him.
"(l/n)... You..."
"... Fushiguro... Satoru's right..." you said calmly, running your hand lightly over his shirt.
"But... Why didn't you tell us you were alive? You don't know what our lives were like after you died... We thought you had died! Everyone thought it would be better if you lived and one of us died!
"Fushiguro. That's okay. You can hate me for what happened. Sorry. But I didn't know that I would live. Thanks to Satoru, I can live a normal life... I'm sorry that I was the reason for what happened now. Satoru gave me a chance at a new life. That's why I won't waste this opportunity this time. Thank you for worrying about me. But I'm okay. As long as I'm here, I'll always be okay."
They reached for his arm, and suddenly she hugged him lightly.
"Thank you for your efforts. Im alright. And after you go home, it'll be okay too. Everything as it was supposed to be. Everyone is in their place. As it was meant to be from the beginning."
Maybe you were always that shy girl who was too quiet. A shy girl who got along best with her teacher. And this teacher knew in her someone he wanted to protect and then love.
Your hands moved away from him, and you clung to Satoru again.
"...What now?" He asked in a whisper.
"Now you will fall asleep." Gojo said, happy to feel the warmth of your body next to him.
"Fall asleep?"
"You will fall asleep and wake up as if it had never happened here."
And they will also forget something else. Something will completely slip from their minds for the rest of their lives. Something they may be looking for but won't know what it is. Because it was only in their dreams for them. There is no need to say more.
"Wait...What about (y/n)?" He asked quickly.
"She will stay here with me. You can't take her from me. You won't even remember that we talked like that."
"That's not the point... What about her? You'll know about what happened here."
"It's okay. As long as I can, I will live peacefully. Even if it means knowing that no one knows I'm alive."
"Am I not enough for you?" White-haired whispered with a funny smile.
"Yes Yes. You're the only one I want to live like this with." You whispered with a tiny smile and blush.
Now Megumi knew what a big mistake he had made.
He wanted to hurt you. Even more. Make yourself cry instead of smiling.
It was better for you to be "dead" than to live the same life you lived before.
"You'll wake up, and I'm sure you won't remember it. Satoru has never let me down, so when he said that, I knew he would."
Gullible and innocent? It was you. However, you believed in Gojo unconditionally. Because you always knew he would keep his word.
By giving you happiness, he gave you this.
"And your parents? Friends? Surely everyone misses you. I understand that you want to live this life, and I won't stop you. But the lives of your loved ones are the most important." He looked into Gojo's eyes.
The lives of your loved ones are the most important. Gojo just saw it.
You shook your head slightly from side to side.
"As long as I know I'm happy here, I know they're happy there. If you want, you can forget about me completely. And don't worry. I'll say it straight now, in case I ever forget, to calm your heart completely. I am safe and happy here. Satoru gives me the best life I could ever have. The perfect life that anyone can dream of."
Gojo-sensei was with them. Therefore, everything was fine.
Were they fighting a curse?
What is most important...
Questions swirled in their heads. They were falling asleep.
And when they woke up, there were a few questions on their minds.
They will never get answers to questions they don't remember. They are smiling. They live as they were supposed to live.
Their lives, the same as always. But without the old sadness holding their hearts.
Their dead classmate was gone.
Because the question they asked themselves when they woke up was:
Who is (y/n) (l/n)?
Has there ever been a person like (y/n) (l/n)?
They do not know.
To them, (y/n) (l/n) was a dream that didn't really exist. A person who didn't exist in the real world.
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oohhh i know you did an ask on who every teachers favourite child is but who are the kid’s favourite? out of the teen parenting trio, who were tsumiki and megumi’s favourites? or atleast the one they were individually closest to?
This is a legitimately hard one and there is no exact answer to it. Here’s the best approximation.
When she was little, it was Shoko. This was not for the best reasons.
I don’t want to delve too deep into this because we’re gonna find out a lot more about how Tsumiki felt about the teen parenting trio as a kid in the fic itself, so I’m leaving a lot of context out. But she liked Shoko as a kid because Shoko was a drug addict, and so was her mom.
It’s not that she liked that Shoko was addicted to drugs. I think Tsumiki violently hates drugs for what it did to her mom and, later, Shoko. But there was a safety in familiarity for Tsumiki. She liked Shoko because she knew how to deal with her and what her problem was. She’d take the monster she knew over the one she didn’t any day of the week, and she just could not understand why Gojo and Nanami were hanging around or why they pretended to care. She was too afraid of anything new to feel comfortable around Nanami or Gojo for a long time. She kept waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Shoko was good to her as a kid. Better than her own mom ever was. And Tsumiki really, truly liked her for that. But she also liked her because she thought that if things went sour with Shoko, she would know how it would and how to handle it. She felt most comfortable around Shoko as a result.
When Tsumiki grew up, I don’t think she had an exact favorite. She was comfortable with and trusted all of them equally, which shouldn’t be confused with her trusting all of them entirely.
She loves her family. And she trusted them enough to bring megumi to them at the start of the fic. But we also know that Nanami found something to make him think she thought they would cut her off from her brother. She’s got a bit of a distance from all of them.
I think she’s spent the most time with Gojo. He was around the most as a kid. I think she likes how he always pushes megumi to be out of his shell. I think she trusts him to take care of them. All of them were really a team in raising them, but Gojo was the closest they got to having a dad. She called him “Dad” once by accident and then immediately tried to drown herself. Megumi had to follow her into the ocean to get her to come up for air. Gojo was insufferable for a month trying to get her to do it again and moped for ages when she wouldn’t.
But I also think that she still has a soft spot for Shoko in the present. They have a little bit of a girl's club. And Tsumiki's unspeakably proud of Shoko for getting clean, and a little bit emotional about it. Shoko got clean for them. Her mom didn’t get clean for her.
It means a lot to her.
When Megumi was little, it was Gojo.
He would never, ever admit it, but it was. He was the one that Megumi trusted to save him from the Zenin, and it fucking broke him when he didn’t. He thought Gojo was a pain in the ass, don’t get me wrong. But Gojo appeared first. Gojo took care of them first. Gojo went to their stupid school recitals and walked him home from school and ruffled his hair and gave them a stupid house even when they said he didn’t have to.
Megumi thought Gojo was just some asshole with ulterior motives when he met him, and it took a long time, but Gojo was the first person he ever thought would take care of him unconditionally. He was a pain in the ass. But he never hurt him. And he always took care of him. It was like gravity, and Megumi trusted it would still be there when he asked for help.
And it fucking hurt when Gojo didn’t.
He took a huge amount of distance from everyone, after, but Gojo especially. He’s most comfortable with Nanami. Nanami has judgment he trusts and has a quieter energy that Megumi is most comfortable with.
He believes that Nanami means it when he says that he won’t let anyone hurt him again. He doesn’t believe Nanami can do it. It’s nothing against Nanami. He just knows how badly he can be hurt, and how hard it is to stop people from doing it. It took a Herculean amount of trust for megumi to trust that anyone even meant it when they said it, so Nanami does mean a huge deal to him.
He believes Gojo would protect him. He doesn’t necessarily believe he will.
It took a long, long time for him to trust Gojo again, but he does. He wouldn’t say it out loud, but he does. He believes Gojo would absolutely intervene on his behalf if he knew Megumi was being hurt. He just doesn’t have the same confidence of him finding out in time.
I can’t find the post again, but I touched on this a little in a different ask about Megumi’s delirium, when he kept insisting that he thought Gojo was busy—he wasn’t saying that because he thought Gojo wouldn’t come and save him, he was saying that because he was certain Gojo would save him if he found out in time. He just didn’t think Gojo would find out before the Zenin killed him.
If Gojo knew, then he’d come save Megumi. The Zenin could only get away with this because he was too busy to realize Megumi was missing.
Gojo was busy. Gojo was busy. It’s not that he didn’t care; it’s that he didn’t know. He’d save him if he just weren’t so busy.
I think Megumi would really struggle with this question if you asked him this in the present day. Not outwardly—he would say Nanami because that’s the safe, obvious answer, and he’d leave it at that.
But he’d struggle, because I think he knows that Gojo was actually his answer once. And I think he is afraid of looking too closely at whether that’s changed.
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miekasa · 2 years
earth bender todo is a no brainer he’s built like a rock lol. curious about your views on the other elements for the rest of the cast?
Airbenders: Satoru, Yuuta
Gojo is everybody’s problem. Just hovers (literally) around people’s conversations, makes wind to mess up your hair, “Why would I walk over there when I could float over there?,” already tall enough to hold something over someone else’s head and the added advantage of air bending would not help. Absolutely the fucking worst. Besides, can’t you see him having an Appa… pray for the greater good of the world.
Poor, poor Yuuta quite literally only has Satoru as his mentor because where are the other airbenders? Who knows, but not here. He’s a little clumsy for an airbender at first, but eventually finds his footing. He’s also too timid at first, not wanting to use bending to attack because what if he accidentally takes the air out or someone’s lungs? What if he uses air bending and pushes someone too far and they get seriously hurt? What if he makes someone choke or suffocate? He would hate himself :(
It takes sometime, but he gets comfortable. Definitely no wise air nomad, but pretty strong with Satoru’s help. He still trips and falls, but at least now he knows how to make one of those little air balls to cushion his fall. Never learns to use a glider for everyone’s safety.
Waterbenders: Inumaki, Megumi, Nanami?
Toge just makes sense here. Give him a backstory similar to Amon in tlok, minus the whole villain arc; his family basically forced him to train and use his water bending/blood bending to their advantage. Makes him hesitant to use to later to seriously harm someone, even if it would save him. He’s not above using his bending for pranks like splashing Maki’s tea in her face, tho.
Don’t know if Megumi ever quite gets the bloodbending thing down, but he does learn to heal pretty proficiently. Still holds a grudge against Satoru for sending him half way across the world to hone his healing abilities, but he admits it made him better in the end. Despite the fact that waterbenders hail from the polar ends of the Earth, Megumi does not like the cold and he will let it be known.
Nanami is a toss up bc I feel like he fits both the water bending and fire bending roles :// he’s just that good :// the waterbender version of him is definitely a healer like Megumi, but the firebending version of him 100% has Azula’s blue flames. Doesn’t consider himself a true “master” regardless, even though anyone who has ever met him would beg to differ.
Earthbenders: Todo, Yuuji?
Todo is a no brainer. Doesn’t have the refined taste for metal bending, but lavabending? Yeah. Complains about getting called to do all the manual labor, but loves knowing that he’s literally strong enough to move the Earth underneath him and that even a volcano doesn’t stand a chance against him. Fantastic, 10/10
The Bolin to Yuuji pipeline is real and it will be studied. Yuuji would accidentally discover he can metalbend and then can never bring himself to do it when he needs to 😭😭 he’s trying his best. Nobara frequently says he’s dumb as a rock and laughs because she thinks it’s clever.
Firebenders: Nobara, Nanami?, Shoko, hear me out when I say Yuuji too but at this point I think avatar Yuuji is the supreme concept
Only other path for Nobara is an earth bender akin to Toph, but something about her being Azula’s less evil reincarnate sits so right with me, but also with Ty Lee’s… whatever that acrobatic shit she had going on was. She’s just that good, she’s just that girl. Refuses to make Yuuji’s drink hot again just because he forgot about it and it got cold—unless he promises to make her a bracelet out of a good gemstone she finds.
Once again, torn for Nanami. You already know the Iroh comparison is there, too. He’s not as flashy of a bender as someone like Nobara, but that doesn’t mean he’s not talented. He knows that he has to be precise in his firebending lest he destroy something or burn someone he cares about. Uses other bending forms to enhance his use and understanding of firebending.
It seems easy to make Shoko a waterbender and healer, but something about her smoking leads me down the firebender with combustion path. Maybe not… from her forehead like the ones we’ve seen in atla and tlok, but somehow it’s still there. Plus this way she doesn’t need to rely on anyone to light her cigarette to begin with, winwin, girlboss on the move.
Back again with Yuuji, but like I said, I think we just need to accept that avatar Yuuji is the only route that will truly suffice. Maybe we just start by saying he was born a firebender, and Nanami starts out at his first and primary tutor. He’s the one who introduces Yuuji to Satoru—and even though Kento threatens Satoru when he finds out he’s had Yuuji working on an air ball instead of any technical air bending for the past month—it all works out in the end. Yuuji’s a playful airbender, but hones in on the spiritual importance in the end, too. Megumi protests for months against being his waterbending master, until he finally breaks down. Todo through a rock at Yuuji the first time they were introduced, but Yuuji managed to throw it back without any knowledge of earthbending at that point and it was smooth sailing from there.
Non-benders: Maki, Mai
If Nobara is our un-evil Azula, then Maki and Mai are her Mai and Ty Lee, respectively. Maki never misses her targets and Mai has too much fun reducing benders to non-bending puddles with just a few punches.
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