Gojo's Bae~~
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She/Her | In love with fictional Characters😭 | Masterlist | Requests Open |
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gojos-fr-bae · 5 months ago
IDK what to title this yet-
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Pairing: Geto x gn!Reader
Warnings: Angst and mentions of blood
Word Count: 194 (im so sorry, I just had to get this out of my head) Note proofred
A/N: GASP! I'm ALIVE! im sorry i haven't been active, things have just been very hectic recently, Ipromise i'll be back soon. Also, first Geto fic, Yipeee! more of a drabble tho...word vomit if anything-
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He looked clean. The same as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary. As if he was just back from a regular day of work. Everything seemed normal. Except for one thing.
His hands were coated in a thick layer of blood. It slowly dripped down onto the hardwood flooring of your living room.
Your boyfriend Suguru stood before you with tears balanced on his lash line. 
You were at a loss for words. Your blood ran cold as your feet remained planted at their exact spot. At the same time, your heart ached as you saw the pain and hurt his own eyes reflected.
what happened?” you asked hesitantly.
“I couldn’t s-stop” He replied, voice shaky and hoarse.
“I killed them-” he interjected “I killed them all, I-I tried but i couldn’t stop.”
He now slowly dragged his feet as he moved toward you. He stopped right in front of you and his head dropped onto your shoulder. Sobs began to rock his body as he cried to you. 
You did the only thing you knew you could do - wrap your hands around him and help him as close to you as possible.
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NO ONE speak abt the new chapter, I can't even-
© gojos-fr-bae
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gojos-fr-bae · 7 months ago
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a/n: in the new q&a gege revealed gojo’s schedule and gojo sleeps 3 hours? gege you freak couldn’t you at least give him 6 hours MY POOKIE IS NOT TO BE MESSED WITH LIKE THAT. also this is not proofread.
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you freeze when gojo’s head falls on your shoulder.
director yaga gives you two a confused look before he continues talking, and you take a moment to glance down at gojo. arms crossed over his chest, his head barely hands on your shoulder, cheek smushed against it. you can’t imagine the pose being comfortable for his tall figure so you sit up a little straighter and hope that he won’t be cranky when he wakes up.
though, the embarrassment you feel from everyone’s questioning looks wears you down enough to nudge satoru with your elbow in an attempt to bring him back to the present. he doesn’t move, you notice, infinity still on.
accepting your fate, you focus on the meeting instead: it’s not that easy considering how much satoru’s closeness is distracting. he isn’t even doing anything yet all you want to do is stare at him. at least if he was awake you could use his charming features and immature behaviour as an excuse.
however, director yaga doesn’t seem to mind his sleeping form, aside from a few weird looks in his direction. when the discussion is done and meeting is over, everyone politely bows to the director — also something satoru obstructs you from doing so you decide on giving your sensei an apologetic smile and bow of your head. he dismisses you with a wave of his hand and leaves.
now that the room is empty and silence takes over, you focus on satoru. his face is buried in the junction of your neck and shoulders, quietly inhaling and exhaling the sweet perfume stuck on your uniform, and his form is more slumped than upright.
no wonder you’re so reluctant to wake him up even though your own ass is screaming for you to change your position; satoru looks so calm and relaxed, and despite the fact that it’s not the rarest of sights, you don’t believe he truly feels calm all the time.
after a few more minutes, you finally take pity on his back(yours too) and hesitantly shake his thigh, nudging his head with your nose.
“satoru~” you muse quietly. “wake up.”
he hums incoherently, nosing at your neck for a few more seconds before he pulls away. not too much though, just enough to look at you with his blindfolded eyes and give you a smile smile. he inhales deeply as he uncrosses his arms and wraps them around you instead, pushing you onto your back gently.
it occurs to you only a few minutes later that you’re laying on the dirty floor of the meeting room with satoru on top of you. he isn’t asleep; you can tell by the way he is careful to not fully relax against you as to not crush you like a bug, so you carefully tilt his head up and tug his blindfold over his hair to have a look at his eyes.
as suspected, they are bloodshot with dark shadows underneath. your brows crease together in concern while he gives you a soft smile, cheek rubbing against your chest.
“how many hours have you slept this week?”
“but today. . . is friday.”
he shrugs, gaze moving elsewhere, and struggle to keep your worry to yourself as you cup his cheeks with a stern look.
“i hate it when you do this.” he perks up, confusion brewing in the depths of his eyes as he lifts himself up on his palms to gaze down at you. “you’re so adamant on taking care of everyone and everything except yourself.”
his eyes roam over your features as he stays uncharacteristically silent for a few minutes before a teasing grin appears on his lips, hand coming up to tug at your cheek playfully.
“worrying about big ol’ me?”
you swat his hand away and try to stop the corners of your lips from quirking up, which he notices for sure, knowing that you’re barely able to resist his charm. of course he’s not going to to take any of your words seriously, not when it comes to his health because he is definitely sure that he is unbreakable. well, he kind of is, but no one mentioned anything about his mind being unbreakable.
grunting from stiffness, satoru sits upright, tugging you along with himself in the process. you grip his shoulders as you steady yourself on his sturdy thighs.
“if you won’t take care of yourself then at least let me do it?”
and he doesn’t understand what you are asking for. he is still confused, as if it’s so hard to comprehend the truth of not being alone all the time and not feeling alone all the time. to accept that sometimes it’s good to let someone else take care of you.
“satoru, please?”
at that, his remaining questions melt away and he lets his unshakable facade slip away, the circles under his eyes appearing darker as a frown settles on his face. his holds on you only tightens though, telling you that he definitely needs that.
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gojos-fr-bae · 7 months ago
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Pairing: Gojo x gn!reader (ofc pleas lmk if I messed it up)
Warnings: Fluffy But Angsty, not proof-red so pls bare w me
Word Count: 680
A/N: Bro, this just popped into my head and I just HAD to. This is the result of Gege's interview abt boo. not EXACTLY but if u squint you'll see it.
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Relaxing music radiated through the kitchen. You hummed along while cleaning up the set up you had spent hours on. Today is yours and Satoru’s sixth year anniversary and you had prepared a dinner for you two to share.
Likely the first meal you two would be sharing for months.
However, it had already been three hours since you expected him to and yet you were still alone. 
You were placing the leftovers you had saved for him in the fridge when you heard the door frantically slam open. You knew it was your boyfriend so you shut the fridge to go greet him at the door when suddenly you felt his hands wrap around you. He held you as close to his being as physically possible.
“I’m so, so, sorry my love, I p-promise I didn’t mean to come late. I was just randomly sent on a mission and I tried to refuse but they wouldn’t listen because it was a special grade and they couldn’t-” he was rambling frantically, clearly panicked and out of breath from rushing to you.
“Hey, hey, hey, sweetie, calm down, it’s okay, It really is,” you interrupted him, turning around to hold his face.
You reached up and pulled his blindfold down so that you could see his beautiful blue eyes. Your chest felt tight once you saw how red they were, without a doubt due to his lack of sleep. Your poor baby.
“But it’s not- I promised that I would c-come home early and I’ve-I’ve ruined our anniversary and I’m so sorry sugar cube.” His voice was starting to shake and you saw eyes begin to cloud up.
He felt so unbearably guilty. You had gone through the process of preparing this dinner for him, decorating the dinner table and kitchen with rose petals, candles and everything. All he had to do was show up and he let you down. Again. He wanted you to shout and scream and get angry like you deserved and yet here you were, looking up at him with a soft smile, eyes filled with nothing but love.
“Toru, really, it’s okay, I understand that you were busy, honestly, I kind of expected it. But nevertheless, I’m not angry,” you said with a soft voice.
“Why?” he questioned.
“Well when you are dating the strongest, buffest, most handsome man on earth, you learn to live with it.”
That upset him.
You didn’t deserve this. You didn't deserve to get accustomed to the disappointment. You deserve better.
“We can still do something. We c-c-can heat the food and still enjoy the night.It’s only ten-”
“Baby, you're exhausted. You’re barely standing and your eyes look like you soaked them in blood. Let’s just go to sleep sweetie- it’s okay, really.”
He couldn’t even meet your eyes as he let his wander to the dinner table. His eyes landed on a small gift box layed on the table. 
He let go of you and moved to reach for it. He carefully took the lid off of the velvet box. His balancing tears finally began to trickle down your face as he looked down at the golden locket in his hands. Inside of it was a picture of the two of you from your first anniversary. Smiles brighter than any star in the sky.
He turned to face you once again, much more distraught than before.
“I didn’t even g-get you flowers” his voice cracked, barely above a whisper. 
He laid the gift back on the table and ran to engulf you tight in his hands. He doesn’t deserve you. But he would be so lost without you. You felt his shoulders shake slightly as you stood there in his arms. Once he was finally calmed down, you kissed his forehead and led him to your room.
You two got ready to sleep in silence. You got tucked in and he laid behind you holding onto you for dear life. 
He doesn’t know what he did to deserve you, but he knew that he would never let you go. 
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A tad bit short, mb
© gojos-fr-bae
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gojos-fr-bae · 7 months ago
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my darling sweetheart baby
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gojos-fr-bae · 7 months ago
My man My man My MAAN
gege confirming gojo was meant to be a rich househusband is so real to me. he just want to be taken care of. just imagining him cuddling with you after your 9 to 5 job. you insist on working just to ensure the well being of both of you even if he can pay for you for the rest of your life. gege also confirming that he goes to sleep at 4 am and wakes up at 7 am. The both of you definitely work on fixing his sleep schedule and he always sleeps easier with you in his arms. he still wakes up early to make you coffee and breakfast. all he ever asks for in return is to be coddled and kept close to your heart.
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gojos-fr-bae · 7 months ago
The Altar Alternate Ending
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Pairing: Gojo x fem!reader
Warnings: Itty Bitty Angsty but There's light at the end of the tunnel this time. Cussing and heavy emotions as well so proceed with caution
Word Count: 1.2K
A/N: Surprise Surprise. SURPRISE SURPRISEEEE. Ok so I wrote the original with a sad ending but honestly I can't bear it. I wanted write a part two were the had a happy ending (well not really happy, but hopeful that it will get better) but I just wrote this so you guys can have both options for those who prefer a happy ending aka međŸ˜€đŸ˜€ If you haven't read the first version, You realy don't need to, but feel free😉 Also, I'm so sorry for being gone for so long, I have been hella sick the past two months I couldn't write, better now tho so yay😌😌
(Requests Open)
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Today was the day. Your wedding day. The day you had been dreaming of since you found out what weddings were. As much as you knew that weddings technically weren’t a necessity, you wanted the whole world to know that you were marrying the love of your life. But the more you sat in your dressing room in your elegant white dress, looking up at the clock as seconds ticked by terror and dread began to sink in.
It was an hour since you were meant to be called out to walk down the aisle and you couldn’t take it anymore. You burst open the double door and ran halfway up the parted crowd of people before you noticed how everyone was looking up at you in pity.
Your breathing began to pick up and you began to feel dizzy, turning around and being met with his best man, Suguru, looking at you, face coated with pity and anger.
“I’m so, sorry Y/N” he whispered.
“Suguru what the hell is going on”
He just looked down at his feet, apologizing again In an almost inaudible tone, fists gripped around his phone so tightly they were shaking.
“SUGURU WHERE THE FUCK IS HE!” you shouted no longer caring about all your family and friends looking at you with worry.
“A mission came up in Tokyo and he said he’d be quick but-” You didn’t hear the rest of his sentence as your ears began ringing, and tears began to cloud your vision. Sobs wreaked through your body as you ran away. Ran away from Suguru, your parents, and the altar.
You ran from it all, and you never turned back.
You heard your now ex-fiancé shouting at the top of his lungs, stumbling his way around the apartment frantically looking for you. His heart stopped as he looked down at you, no longer wearing your stunning wedding dress nor your engagement ring which sat on the ground next to the suitcase you were frantically packing.
“Y/N STOP! SWEETHEART WHAT’S GOING ON!” he sobbed, running towards you and desperately trying to pull you away from the suitcase but you were too heartbroken and angry to be stopped.
“My love please! Don’t do this! I’m sorry!”
“Sorry!? FUCKING SORRY?! THAT’S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF AFTER FUCKING ABONDONING ME ON OUR WEDDING DAY YOU JACKASS?!” You screamed, slapping him clean across the face, but he seemed completely unfazed as he picked up your engagement ring before trying to pull you into his arms as you zipped up your suitcase. 
“Y/N please, stop! Let's talk about th-”
“No! I’m done fucking talking Satoru!,You always do this!, missing a date or anniversary I can forgive! BUT OUR FUCKING WEDDING DAY!?!? I CAN’T FUCKING DO THIS ANYMORE! YOU ALWAYS DO THIS, ALWAYS BREAK MY HEART AND I FORGIVE YOU OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND I'M TIRED! I’m so fucking tired Satoru. I can’t- I just, can’t. I’m sorry.”
You ran to the front door and tried to reach for the door but Satoru squeezed himself between you and said door. His back was pressed to it with one of his hands back to clutch the handle, preventing you from leaving.(Imagine that one scene from the kdrama My name where the dad is trying to stop the killer)
“Satoru please move” you begged, voice cracking as you pleaded with him. You no longer had the energy to shout and fight anymore. You were mentally, emotionally, and physically fatigued. All you wanted to do was to collapse onto your knees and sob till you had no tears left to cry. But you knew you couldn’t stay. No longer could you force yourself to be in a relationship where you were no more than an afterthought.
“Baby p-please, please don’t-don’t leave. I promise I can fix this, please. You can punch me, kick me, stab me a thousand times. Rip me apart if you need to j-j-just don’t leave.” He begged, Tears streaming endlessly down his face. His entire body was shaking as he tried to convince you not to leave.
The weight on your shoulders finally became too much to bear as you fell to the ground and began to cry painfully. Satoru knelt down before you and wrapped his hands around you. Together, you spent the better of 6 hours in shambles, finally letting all the emotions out at all once.
You two were still sitting on the floor, breaths finally steady. Satoru still had his arms around you, rubbing soothing circles on your back. Neither of you had the energy to even stand up, as you both basked in the silence.
“They were gonna kill you,” he murmured, voice barely above a whisper. If the room hadn’t been so quiet, you likely wouldn’t have heard him.
You pulled away from him, despite his attempts to prevent it. You tried to meet his eyes but he had his eyes trained on the ground.
“What?” you questioned, thinking you just heard your own things.
“They wanted to kill you
the higher ups
they were going to kill you.” he repeated, tone pained and somber.
“Satoru, what on  Earth are you talking about?” you pressed trying to understand what on earth he was on about.
He finally raised his eyes to meet yours. Your chest tightened as you saw all the pain he held behind them.
“The higher ups didn’t want me to marry you. They had even planned for me to marry some zen’in girl. They told me that if I married you, they would kill you. At first I thought they were bluffing. They couldn’t possibly try to kill you under my watch, buta few weeks ago, while I was on a mission, they sent a curse-user after you. By the time I got back, It was almost too late. If I had gotten there even a second later I-I-” he choked up, stopping to take a deep breath before he continued.
“I knew that they wouldn’t give up until you were gone, so I went to try talk them out of it-”
“And that’s why you ditched me at the altar?”
“I s-swear I didn’t mean to! I went yesterday and they sealed me in some prison realm thing. I barely even managed to escape! By the time I did get out, got dressed and reached the venue-”
“I was already gone?” you whispered, looking up at him., suddenly feeling slightly shitty.
He nodded slowly before speaking up again “P-Please don’t blame yourself" he quickly said, before pulling you back into his arms,”Everything you said was true. I have been a horrible partner and I don’t deserve to have you as my fiancĂ©, let alone my wife, but please don’t leave. I’m so so so sorry for ruining our special day but I mean It when I say I would rather cease living then have to spend the rest of my life without you by my side. Please, my love. Please”
You were at a loss for words at what had just transpired. Of Course you didn’t wanna leave him, you LOVE him. But at what cost?
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Finally, can restt. Also, for anyone that previously asked to be on the taglist, I got mixed between you and the tags for Liar so if you still want to be on the taglist pls lmk.
© gojos-fr-bae
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gojos-fr-bae · 7 months ago
Hey bae your like amazing and I love your writing 😭 I’m like not sure if your taking requests but I’m in love with like homey fluffy angst you’re love with a lot of characters but there something about Bakugo being like that that just makes my heart melt and I feel like your the only one who can do it justice
AHHHHHH STOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!! I'VE WAITED MY WHOLE LIFE FOR THIS MOMENT😭😭😭 I'm so honoured that you like my writing, I'm rly a perfectionist so I never really like my writings so it warms my heart to know it's good. Honestly I didn't expect ppl to like the Bakugou work as much. My requests are open so plsplspls feel free to drop ur request and I'll try my best to do it justice. I'm so sorry for the late response and my absenteeism in general, I've been so sick and in and out of the hospital this whole time, doing better tho! Much loveđŸ©·đŸ©·đŸ©·đŸ©·
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gojos-fr-bae · 9 months ago
You remember that Gojo fic I was writing...
Well we had a backout and I hadn't saved it so I lost all of it and it was the longest thing i've ever written and honestly I've even lost my will to write it again bc iwfjgijfv 😣😭😣😰😹đŸ„șđŸ˜€đŸ˜€
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gojos-fr-bae · 9 months ago
no one talks about this, but soft sukuna.
like yes. he’s rough around the edges, but he loves you. and he shows it with every second he breathes. whether you’re with him or not, he’s constantly thinking about you. referring to you as his “wife” and “queen”. nonetheless. now now, this may be hard to accept, but he actually tones down his aggressiveness for you. instead of killing the nearest person in the jewelry store after he’s greeted with attitude, he’ll simply repeat himself. holding your hand firm and gesturing to the ring he hopes to grant you, his future wife. but of course, he’ll cover your eyes if he’s needed to demonstrate his need for that beautiful jewel.
yea he also doesn’t believe rings are needed to signify that you are married. you two already love each other deeply, your bodies and souls intertwined. but you with your modern ways.. if it makes you happy, he’ll grant you with whatever ring you want, give you all the freedom to design your wedding and honey moon. whatever makes you smile and glow. he’s.. happy ; appreciative of your positive energy that radiates around him, it brings an odd warmth that swirls inside.
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gojos-fr-bae · 9 months ago
asdjfg. I waaaant
Homemade Gifts
divider by benkeibear
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Kento Nanami
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Satoru Gojo
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Suguru Geto
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gojos-fr-bae · 9 months ago
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Shiro wanna go home... (っ- ‾ - ς)
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gojos-fr-bae · 9 months ago
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father was fathering so hard that day
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gojos-fr-bae · 9 months ago
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Shamelessly posting this again
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gojos-fr-bae · 9 months ago
OMDD, I miss watching mha, but I just can't bring myself to do so
Couldn't get the idea of taking care of Hawks' wings off my mind. Not proofread <3
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Keigo is really protective and sensitive when it comes to his wings. They're his quirk, the reason why he can move at such high speeds and keep civilians safe. The reason why he's at number two. This also means he takes delicate care of his feathers. He has a special shampoo made just for people with quirks like his. While the shampoo is gentle on his feathers, the spa attendants he gets his wings washed from aren't as gentle. They forget that too much pressure can hurt his bones, even if they're strong. Sometimes, the excessive and harsh scrubbing makes his feathers look like he got into a fight with pigeons. 
But he doesn't have to worry about all that now. Not when he has you with your soft and caring touch. 
Wash days were once stressful for Keigo, but now they're a sweet and intimate moment he gets to share with you as he sits on the edge of the bathtub in his bathroom, big enough for him to spread his wings without knocking a few things over. You stand behind him, showering water onto his wings before lathering the shampoo onto the length of his wings, slowly moving down to the feathers. 
Things easily got heated between you two, especially since he sat there buck naked with your voice whispering sweet nothings in his ear as you helped him with his wings. But most of the time, it was just a quiet and serene moment where you got to take care of him. He deserved to be pampered after all the hard work he did. 
Sometimes, you press kisses on the nape of his neck and the gap between his wings. He sighs dreamily whenever he feels your warm and delicate touch on his feathers, his wings fluttering ever so slightly. After cleaning his feathers, you run water on his wings again. He flaps them a few times after you're done, sprinkling water over you and making you squeal. 
He knows washing his wings is no easy task, so after you're done, he shoos you out of the bathroom to wash his hair, but on days he's too tired, he lets you massage the shampoo into his hair. You help him dry off afterwards, blow dryer on the low setting when you move from his hair to his wings. A few flaps of his wings can do the task, but you do not want water all over your walls. 
After his feathers are dried, you apply the special oil he gets made just for his wings. It leaves his crimson feathers bright and lustrous. He hops in bed afterwards, holding you into him so he can feel your warmth engulf him. He nuzzles into your neck, his freshly cleaned, fluffy hair tickling your chin. He props up on an elbow and brushes his lips against yours, his voice a gentle whisper, "Thank you."
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gojos-fr-bae · 9 months ago
whenever you and satoru have an argument, he holds your hand and he won’t let go until he’s certain you’re not mad anymore. you’re telling him off because he forgot to unpack the dishwasher again, and he knows that’s his fault and you have a right to be mad but he hates when you’re mad and even worse when you’re mad at him, so he does the first thing that comes to mind and laces your hands together. now you can’t leave and be mad at him alone, you have to be mad at him while he’s connected to you and satoru has learned that that far reduces the amount of time you spend mad at him. getting upset because he led you two in the wrong direction? holding hands until you’ve cooled down. upset with him for being reckless mid-fight? he drops his infinity just to be close to you, holds your hand and tells you the curse can wait, he needs your forgiveness more. mad at him because he forgot something important on his way home? you’re holding hands until you forgive him—which could be all the way until you go to bed, or dragging you by your connected hands with him to the store to pick up what was forgotten. you get irritated with him in public? he’s quick to hold your hands and beg for kisses. sometimes the first years see you steaming and satoru following you like a lovesick puppy, his leash being your laced fingers and megumi just sighs and explain to yuuji and nobara that, “they’re fighting. this is their get along tactic, just leave them be.” 
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gojos-fr-bae · 9 months ago
dad!sukuna based on this tiktok that gave me insane baby fever
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the birds chirping outside in the dawn light makes your daughter giggle from where she stands in your bedroom doorway.
"baby," you whisper to her, beckoning her over to your side of the bed. "c'mere."
your 3-year-old wobbles around the bed, having gotten out of bed by herself. she stands before you with her hands out and grabs your arms.
"layla," you whisper, glancing over your shoulder at your husband, whose hair pokes out wildly from under the duvet. "tell daddy mommy wants a coffee."
your daughter's wide eyes round, and she tilts her head. "cowe?"
you suppress a giggle. "coffee."
"yeah, good enough," you mumble, nodding. and then you lift her onto the bed. layla clambers over your body and falls face-first into the space between you and sukuna, her pink hair splayed everywhere.
you slap your mouth with your palm to stop the laughs from escaping. your husband stirs, groaning deeply under the white blankets. she looks over at you with a smile on her face, and you give her a single thumbs up.
"dada," layla says, climbing on top of him. "wake up!"
"hi, babygirl," sukuna slurs, eyes half open.
"i want coppee."
"hm? what?"
"coffee...?" sukuna takes a moment to process the word and then looks at you over his shoulder, eyes puffy. "really, bro?"
you giggle, hiding your face in the blankets.
"you want coffee..." sukuna says, pointing at your daughter. "you go get it."
"no, mummy wants coppee! you get it!" she giggles, chubby finger aimed at him, too.
“noooo,” he whines, though it’s barely one. he shoves his face back into his pillow. “you.”
“daddy!” your daughter yells. “coppee!!”
sukuna scoffs a laugh and rubs his eye with his knuckle while your daughter dances around the room singing, "coppee, coppee!"
"you're lucky you're cute," sukuna grumbles, swinging his bare legs out of the bed, looking over at you as he does so. "you too."
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gojos-fr-bae · 9 months ago
Can we talk abt how stood up has 600 đŸ©·. like...wow
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