#hashtag proud sister
FINALLY got my sister who’s a fan of glassjaw to give the 1975 a shot by showing her the matty hoodie video. It worked.
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androcola · 1 year
proud to say ive never bought anything from temu
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youcalledmebabe · 9 days
any headcanons for web's family...?
well yes! first I have to say that to me the definitive depiction of the Websters is in the excellent beat a slow dance. and so that was very formative for some of my general thoughts on Web’s family. also generally speaking in my mind web’s relationship with his family depends on the fic and the universe it takes place in. in babe’s anatomy he’s fairly close with them while in visions made of flesh and light he feels very distant from them. anyway more thoughts under the cut!
to me, the most interesting and mostly (to my knowledge) unexplored dynamic in Web’s family in fic is that he has an older brother!!! hashtag let frank be in fic. although I do find it very funny that Frank was first and Web got the nod of being named after his dad. very andy bernard. anyway web as the second son makes a lot of sense to me; the gestures toward rebellion (trying to run away on a fishing boat, joining the paratroops) and his insecurities. I imagine him growing up in Frank’s shadow and feeling a lot of simultaneous love and resentment for his brother. in my mind Frank is the Webster golden boy; the dutiful son who makes dad proud and who mom can brag about. he’s handsome and athletic and smart. he does what he’s supposed to; works for the family business and marries a nice girl. web envies him the steadiness of his life and the approval of their parents but frank envies web’s freedom and creativity. so despite the complexities of their relationship I imagine Frank is the sibling he’s the closest to.
John…honestly I don’t have a lot of thoughts about him. the third son is an odd place to be; you’re not the heir or the spare. he also doesn’t get to be the baby of the family because of Ann. he’s a couple years younger than the other two and so he’s left out of their close relationship more often than not. I think he probably compensates for feeling invisible by acting out. party boy john webster!
Ann is the baby and the only girl so I’d say she feels pretty secure in her position. she’s closest to John but all the boys and their parents dote on her. Ann is a little silly and spoiled but definitely sharp. she one hundred percent goes to one of the seven sisters colleges—maybe Radcliffe, to be like her brothers—and has dreams of being a career girl.
I’m addicted to imagining Joan and David Sr as Emily and Richard Gilmore. Joan is very involved in her children’s lives while David is mostly distant from them, with the exception of Frank, the heir apparent. Web craves his father’s approval because of David’s distance; he’s an untouchable pedestal figure, almost a god. Joan and David aren’t bad people, exactly, but I don’t imagine them to be very good parents. they both have favorites and it’s painfully obvious to the children. even with all the tension and resentment at the heart of their family dynamic I imagine them spending a lot of time together—long family vacations, drawn out phone calls, regular letters.
and I do think web’s family LIKES joe a lot. doesn’t necessarily approve of him. or love that that’s who Web picked (for different reasons in canon vs modern au). but they are all varying degrees of charmed by him.
so yes those are my basic thoughts about the websters! they’re going to play a major part in my hot pgymalion summer webgott fic (and have a big cameo in web’s anatomy) so I’m excited to try my hand at writing them. oh and just for fun I imagine Frank as Tom Welling and John as David Corenswet (for the Superman of it all) and Ann as Rory Gilmore. this is part of the reason web seems pretty unaware of his beauty; it’s nothing extraordinary in his family, they all just look good!
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hazywrites · 1 year
A Stark Christmas
Pairing: Robb Stark x Reader
Summary: It's your first time helping your boyfriend and his family pick out a Christmas tree, and he is very opinionated on the matter.
Warnings: Mentions of death of a family member
Words: 1,297
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47295508
AN: Hi my lovelies! I found this draft sitting on my computer untouched, and I really miss the holidays about now so I thought I'd share! This is my first time writing for Robb, but I hope you all like it. Please let me know what you think and if you'd like more holiday preferences for the GoT boys! As always, thank you for reading!
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You were currently squeezed in the middle row of the Starks’ van. Sansa was seated to your right and Arya to your left, with Nymeria between her spread legs. The arrangement left you with barely any room for your own legs, so you kicked them up onto the center console and watched as the hyperactive husky jumped onto her owner’s lap, licking Arya’s face frantically and then smushing her nose against the window until someone rolled it down for her. Sansa was busying herself trying to get the perfect angle to take a group selfie. She looked lovely in all of them, and you tried to help by striking a cute pose or two, but Arya’s side of the picture came out blurry each time due to her constant movement. Sansa settled for cropping her younger sister out of the picture, posting only the two of you to Instagram with a myriad of holiday-related hashtags. You heard Theon begrudgingly breaking up a fight between Rickon and Bran in the back row. Suddenly, you felt a ticklish sensation on the bottom of your foot and shrieked, kicking your legs so much that Nymeria got excited and jumped at you as your boyfriend, Robb, looked back at you with a devilish laugh.
“How are you liking your first Stark Christmas?” He asked from the passenger seat. You rolled your eyes.
“I love it! I liked the part where we finally arrived at our destination.” He laughed at your sarcasm.
“We are a proud family. We don’t go to Home Depot-“ he scrunched his nose as he said the words, “for our Christmas trees. If you’re going to marry me one day you gotta get with the traditions.” He said it so casually, but your stomach erupted with butterflies. You two had been dating for a year and had never talked about marriage before. You were still a bit young to be thinking about it, but just the thought that Robb saw you in his future filled you with warmth. His half-brother, Jon, also seemed to pick up on Robb’s slip-up, teasing him about it for the rest of the drive. Robb just puffed out his chest and proudly doubled down on his statement, but you spotted the faintest hint of pink on his cheeks.
When you finally arrived, Arya and the younger Stark boys had taken to chasing Nymeria through the tree lot, Jon trailing behind to make sure they didn’t get into too much trouble, while Theon tried to impress Sansa by identifying the types of pine. It was an unspoken arrangement that Robb would be choosing the Christmas tree this year. Ever since his father, Ned, had passed, the family looked to him as the man of the house. Catelyn hadn’t even had the energy to come tree shopping this year. It inspired you the way the Stark children were keeping their spirits up and keeping their traditions alive. You just worried about your boyfriend, having to be the ‘strong’ one all the time. You squeezed his hand reassuringly and he smiled, leaning over to give you a quick kiss as you two looked along the rows of trees.
“I don’t know the first thing about tree shopping,” you confessed. You’d mostly said it to distract him, but it seemed to have worked. The spacey look in his eyes was replaced by a playful, judgey one.
“Yeah, they don’t teach you that on Amazon, do they?” He unconsciously raised his left eyebrow as he spoke, a quirk you loved about him.
“It was one time,” you groaned.
“A white, plastic Christmas tree,” he recalled with disgust. “Wasn’t it one of the mini ones, too?”
“My dorm has mandates on that sort of thing,” you whined. “A real tree is a fire hazard.”
“A fake tree is a relationship hazard,” he quipped. “No girlfriend of mine gets—“
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,” you shoved your gloved hand over his mouth, earning your palm a bite that made you yelp and drop your hand in turn. “Show me how to choose a good tree.” The corners of his lips wobbled slightly, but you watched him try to keep his expression straight.
“I don’t know,” he confessed softly. “My dad used to go on and on about it but I never really paid attention. I didn’t think I’d have to do it on my own so soon.” The winter breeze carried his last words away, a whisper floating between rows of silent pines.
“You’re not alone,” you reminded him. “You’ve got your brothers and sisters, and Theon, and your mom… and me.” You focused on the button of his jacket as you said that last part. You didn’t know if it was presumptuous to count yourself in with his family, but you’d meant it. You wanted him to know he wasn’t alone. That you were there for him. Cold gloved fingers gripped your chin and raised your gaze to meet his ocean blue eyes.
“I know that, love,” he said. For a moment, you did nothing but look at each other. His eyes, his expression was so open. It was the most vulnerable moment you two had shared, yet not a word was spoken. You dared not breathe, afraid he would close himself off again. But he didn’t. He just looked at you, speaking with his eyes.
‘I love you,’ you thought as hard as you could. ‘I’m in love with you.’
Then slowly, he leaned in, his hands slipping into your hair. Your eyelids fluttered shut instinctively; your heartbeat quickened as your icy lips met his soft, warm ones. How did he always feel so warm? You felt the blood rushing to your cheeks as Robb kissed you slowly, so slowly. His soft lips brushing your own made you feel dizzy and lit a fire inside you at the same time. Even a year in, he still made you so nervous.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close. You couldn’t think of anything else. Just the feeling of him gently sucking on your lower lip and releasing it. His breath fanning your face as he sighed out. Your heart was so full of him you could burst. His hands on your waist, his eyes shut, his forehead leaning against yours for just a second before he slowly opened his eyes.
“I love you, Y/N,” he breathed softly.
“I love you,” you whispered back.
One look at your face and he was kissing you again, his lips fervently locking with your own. You reached up to caress his face but he caught your hand, cradling it against his chest.
“Hey, GET A ROOM!” Theon’s voice called out from behind you. Jon’s deep laugh followed.
“There’s children here you know! Did they even pick out a tree?!” He asked, earning more laughter from Theon. Robb groaned and your eyes fluttered open in time to watch him flip them off.
“Yeah, that one,” he gestured with his head to the tree closest to you. His eyes never left your face as you turned to look at it. It was crooked, and short, with uneven branches that drooped low. You were no tree expert, but even you could tell it was quite ugly.
“That one?” You asked, eyes widening. “Are you sure, because I know Christmas trees are super important to you, and—“
“Shut up, Y/N,” he murmured, pulling you in for another kiss that left you weak at the knees. Catelyn had raised an eyebrow when you all arrived home and presented her with Robb’s tree choice, but you had all been so busy laughing and decorating and watching films and baking that Christmas that somehow, that ugly little tree became the most perfect thing you could imagine.
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the transformers megatron family album the terrans part : 3
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MEGATRON : twitch and thrash whenever food organic or not especially organic is left unguarded or supervised and someone is not cautious with them or the food they've become addicted to the organic ever since the kids fed them some and fed for a few weeks and now no one can have food energon or organic without being stared down or watched and often they're food goes missing and often the little trouble makers are caught in the act of stealing the food or eating it twitch and one photo stole the malto mom's cheesy hot dog and growled over it for five minutes before gobbling it down no remorse😂 she's really like me🤣 the other photo thrash stole and a cheesy hot dog from one of the ghost agents and over it for five minutes to and ate it before snatching another and eating it they've stolen food from Optimus prime😂 and attempted to steal from me it failed I gave them the stare and they never tried it with me again😏
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MEGATRON : being bilingual has it's perks but can be troubling 😒 frankly I don't think the maltos or any other human should learn our language until we get better Cybertron technology and for security purposes 😮‍💨 but it is fun to watch the reactions from those they attempt to talk like the kids in this accidentally calling shockwave a fragger😂😂 his face when Robby said that and starscream when his sister called him the B word accidentally and scrapper his f was unbelievable and funny😂🤣 they did it with me first both siblings good thing I knew they were practicing or I would've had a talk with the parents about they're kids language at least they're trying☺️😏.
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MEGATRON : 🙄😒 another incident with rumble luckily thrash defended himself like I told him to and won I'm so proud 😁 sure he knocked out some rumble's teeth and got stared down by soundwave 🥲 but I'm proud😃 and he defended his sister twitch who rumble was making fun of and bullying 😁 he was bitten badly rumble who ended being forcefully held down while he was administered shots for diseases and tested for diseases especially after the little bugger bit me hard😡🤬 but thrash okay.
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MEGATRON : starscream needs to be monitored when on the Internet with hashtag😒😮‍💨 he's been banned multiple times from the Internet for cussing and bad behavior all in front of hashtag who picked up some of the bad words unfortunately😒 perhaps he should be monitored on the Internet even without hashtag and the kids.
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MEGATRON : 😃 the kids are so fun both the humans and terrans starscream needed a bath and the kids pushed the stubborn seeker into the bathwater to help and play with him he was not pleased especially since hashtag tricked and pushed him in I taught the kids well😂 starscream was not pleased😂😂🤣🤣.
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creaturecomfxrts · 1 year
↟ ⚘ 𖥧 South Park college headcanons 𖥧 ⚘ ↟
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excuse my janky ass formatting and disorganized notes 😭
✦ pansexual
✦ body count is insane he just thinks its funny though
✦ actually really really sweet and considerate
✦ never fixed his gap tooth 🫶
✦ always remembers birthdays
✦ scars everyyywhere like Everywhere
✦ haphazard wolfcut that he trims himself bc hashtag no money
✦ full ride scholarship, works his ASS off on schoolwork and two jobs and yet still has time to party
✦ literally nobody knows how he does it
✦ still loves wearing big jackets, doesnt get a lot of new clothes often so almost all of his shit is hand patched up
✦ supremely unlucky (trips and shatters phone screen ass shit)
✦ angel wing tats on shoulderblades
✦ LOVES weed. does not drink at all
✦ probably has done LSD and shrooms
✦ parents are extremely proud of him, he doesn’t go home very often but keeps in touch
✦ got them a phone so that they can text him!!! he saved up for a whole year to get it bc he missed his sister
✦ pierced his own ears also gave himself snake bites
✦ pierced stans ears (stan cried)
✦ small smattering of freckles! only come out in the summer
✦ doesn’t hang out with stan as often on his own bc he doesnt like how bad his drinking has gotten :(
✦ loves decimating cartman in call of duty
✦ listens to BROCKHAMPTON and doja cat (and ABBA but only with butters)
✦ raging alcoholic
✦ existential + clingy drunk
✦ grows stubble really fast, shaves when he feels like it
✦ eyebags for dayysss
✦ beauty marks! has a lot on his face and shoulders
✦ smokes weed w/ kyle and kenny (cartman isn’t invited anymore bc he hogs the blunt)
✦ only gets his schoolwork done wasted because he cant get himself to do it sober
✦ PTSD + severe depression
✦ bisexual as fuck my god
✦ emo LMFAOOOO wears a lot of muted tones, ripped jeans, sweaters, hoodies. so many beanies
✦ also smokes nic 😔
✦ probly a business major
✦ tried hookups, doesnt really care for them
✦ plays bass!!
✦ internalized homophobia but its okay hes growing
✦ had/has a phase where he’ll bleach and dye his hair and the rest of the gang look forward to it bc its always something new (always keeps the black roots)
✦ really bitter about just. everything
✦ STILL hates medical shit and hospitals got alcohol poisoning and REFUUSSEDDD to go kyle was frantic
✦ so many random ass tattoos including a paw + date memorial tattoo for sparky :((
✦ gets really anxious when not drunk
✦ listens to tally hall, will wood and mother mother
✦ keeps his hair at a tameable length bc he tried growing it out a little in highschool and it just went up and outward. never again
✦ got fed up one day in senior year and completely buzzed it. it was that week stan realized he was bi 💀
✦ not reeaaallly jewish anymore respects tradition but rlly could care less
✦ pale asf burns if he sees sunlight
✦ flushes TOMATO red when he gets even a little flustered or nervous and its so funny
✦ occasionally will accidently speak like his mom (whatwhatWHAAAT) and proceed to death glare anyone who looks like theyre going to comment on it
✦ hides his face in his hands when he gets embarrassed to replace his hat which he used to use the side flaps to bury his face in (it makes him feel hidden)
✦ weekly facetime calls with ike to see how he is because he misses him so much
✦ undeclared for like half the college experience
✦ uncomfy at parties, ends up usually tailing stan and kenny to them but only if stan comes
✦ childhood crush on stan he still hasnt gotten over 😔
✦ really likes working w/ kids but you would NEVER guess by looking at him
✦ massive fucking growth spurt hes an absolute 6’5 twig
✦ ADHD as fuck gets overwhelmed by schoolwork a lot, stan helps but hes really bad at directions when hes drunk so it doesnt really go anywhere
✦ anger issues, still HATES cartman, only tolerates him around bc hes funny sometimes to laugh at also hes rich and all of them could benefit from that lmao
✦ gets into fights still, got into a lot in highschool and less so in college but still seen as a hothead
✦ not buff but can absolutely hold his own
✦ still likes painting :) does it in his own time bc he feels like a sissy (his own words) stan loves them and has like 3 of his paintings either at home or in his dorm
✦ college dropout LMFAOOOO
✦ his family is just. rich
✦ his mom remarried this fucking crazy rich dude so he still lives w/ his mom
✦ forced to go to community college
✦ actually has lost weight! not too much but he got fed up with it and is at a healthier size, his mom keeps trying to push mlm diets on him though 💀
✦ twitch streamer, keeps getting banned for slurs, not necessarily a lolcow, closest example i csn think of would be like uhhh jake paul mixed with schlatt? he has a pretty genuine following but. SO many haters
✦ kenny occasionally joins him in streams over the summer when he doesnt have schoolwork (chat LOVES him)
✦ has every console
✦ has also probably broken every console
✦ a LITTLE more compassionate, gives the rest of the gang fat checks for their bdays (probably to make himself feel like he has a moral compass after how much hes bullied kenny for being poor)
✦ still listens to kanye west 💀 and to drake or any other popular rapper
✦ obsessed w space + NASA
✦ majoring in that field, always busy with like. hardddd work (finds it interesting though he speeds thru it. autism is one helluva drug)
✦ plays so much minecraft. probably has built an accurate scale solar system on there
✦ autistic as fuck
✦ voice is less nasally but he has a flat affect
✦ ceiling stars in his college dorm. he put them up the first day
✦ one of the only kids to still wear his hat, or at least a new hat thats so similar to his old one
✦ beanies will suffice if chullo is dirty
✦ unlike stan, he actually has soft and not gross hat hair
✦ space tattoos + a woodstock tattoo (they remind him of tweek so much he had to (tweeks matching))
✦ still dating tweek, right out of college they move in together
✦ smuggled a cat into his dorm junior year
✦ def listens to tv girl
✦ that one hot quiet dude in every class and when girls find out hes dating tweek (its so obvious he has them as his lockscreen and his picture in his wallet) they are absolutely gobsmacked
✦ completely unphased by this, kenny had to tell him that girls were into him for him to notice
✦ follows space discovery news like a boomer with politics, if a new planet is discovered he will not shut UP abt it
✦ knows a suspicious amount about astrology despite saying he doesnt care abt it
✦ to match w craig tweek has a TINY snoopy tattoo he almost cried while getting bc he was so nervous
✦ severe OCD, CPTSD, and anxiety from his entire living situation
✦ found out abt the meth situation in middle school, massively traumatizing
✦ lived w/ craig for a while while court proceedings happened
✦ had to go to rehab after the arrest bc he went thru withdrawal
✦ substance free for the last 5 years!
✦ took him a long time to seperate coffee and meth as sononymous, drinks decaf and sweet coffees now bc he does like the taste
✦ incredibly easily scared and really jumpy, calms down completely only around craig and is at ease with all of his friends, with strangers he gets overwhelmed so quick
✦ hes pretty bad paranoia over poisoning in his food and drink, craig usually will take the first bite or sip to help him feel better
✦ got into cooking so he can make his own meals from scratch, loves meal prep! (hes rlly rlly good. so tastey)
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fazfacts · 8 months
it's actually criminal that nobody has done this before. feel free to change as needed!
❝ If you don't like it, you can kiss my buns. ❞
❝ Oh, he looks all pissed off 'cause his hat's still gone. ❞
❝ Good, I'm glad he's pissed. ❞
❝ I hope he crashes into that wall. ❞
❝ Oh shit, he crashed! ❞
❝ Wow! They look like a happy couple. ❞
❝ She's not happy with his driving, I'll tell you that. ❞
❝ Oh, he's on fire, he looks like he's hurting. ❞
❝ What a horrible occurrence that just happened! ❞
❝ What the fuck? ❞
❝ He's gonna come back like Michael Myers. ❞
❝ I can't really tell what it is, but it went by real quick. ❞
❝ Why did you run from me? ❞
❝ I...I didn't know how to tell you, but...we have a son now. ❞
❝ Wait -- I'm so confused... ❞
❝ Hello, [name]. I'm your father, [name]. ❞
❝ Why did you try to shoot me and leave me for dead? ❞
❝ That wasn't me. ❞
❝ It's me, [name], your evil twin sister. ❞
❝ I won't have you two together. You know I love [name]. ❞
❝ Now it's time to die. Mount your crab. ❞
❝ [Name], step aside! ❞
❝ Do you remember where we were? ❞
❝ Who are you? ❞
❝ Nice to meet you. I love you. ❞
❝ Promise you'll never shoot me, [name]. ❞
❝ Let's cover ourselves in mustard and get craaazy! ❞
❝ I hope you never get eaten on the Fourth of July like my parents. ❞
❝ Your words are making me happy, so I am smiling. ❞
❝ Always love each other, no matter where your paths take you. ❞
❝ We are siblings, but also best friends. ❞
❝ Why would we ever fight? ❞
❝ I have seen it in my special dreams. ❞
❝ Let's go eat the rest of Amelia Earheart for dinner. ❞
❝ My funding...my precious funding... ❞
❝ It's all over now. I suppose I'll let myself rot. ❞
❝ I'm in urgent need of your services. ❞
❝ What a shame...I was so close. ❞
❝ That's a good hashtag. ❞
❝ Like my dear old dad used to say, there's no free condiments in life. ❞
❝ Most condiments are free, actually. ❞
❝ How dare you! ❞
❝ Please, respect my father. May he rest in peace. ❞
❝ This talk of your father seems very shoehorned into this conversation. ❞
❝ I'm your son! From the future! ❞
❝ Hoooly shiiit. ❞
❝ Why did you do it, [name]? Why'd you do any of this? ❞
❝ Because, [name], I'm straight-up evil. ❞
❝ That's bad for the fabric of reality and space-time, I think. ❞
❝ Okay, it's technically not murder or anything. ❞
❝ This is what you get. This is the law of the wild. ❞
❝ I can't bear to watch this inevitable carnage. ❞
❝ I just want a picture of this moment. ❞
❝ I need your help to avenge my death. ❞
❝ We're a family again! A real family! ❞
❝ That's a terrible name. ❞
❝ I'm pretty sure this is a trap... ❞
❝ A crow ate one of my eyes at the bank last Labor Day, by the way. That's why I have an eyepatch now. ❞
❝ Did it ever occur to you, [name], that I loved you and your mustache? Well, I don't anymore, and I see you've shaved your mustache, you idiot. ❞
❝ The day we broke up was the best day of my life. ❞
❝ I saw him do a magic trick once where he sat on his own lap. ❞
❝ I'm suddenly afraid my wife will leave me for him, but he's a nice guy, so that's okay. ❞
❝ Wait a minute, you weren't invited! ❞
❝ It's me, [name], and I'd like to welcome you to Hell. Time to die! ❞
❝ I am displeased! But that does sound narratively rich. ❞
❝ Will you press pause on your shit for five minutes? ❞
❝ I now have to imagine a thing I don't want to imagine, under any circumstance? ❞
❝ Are you proud of yourself? ❞
❝ But I cannot attempt to process that at the moment, for the fear of the emotional toll it would take on me. ❞
❝ How'd we survive? ❞
❝ Ooh, what a plot! ❞
❝ We could go back in time to stop it all. ❞
❝ No need to explain that, we'll remember it always. ❞
❝ Thank you for your service. ❞
❝ Enough talky-time, more spacey-time, idiots. ❞
❝ We threw them into a volcano. They're gone. ❞
❝ I don't negotiate with assholes. ❞
❝ I can't believe it -- I'm alive! ❞
❝ Oh, no, no, hey, c'mon. Nothin' to worry about here. ❞
❝ That doesn't make any sense. ❞
❝ My parents were very juicy and I am, too. ❞
❝ You...don't seem trustworthy. ❞
❝ Oh, I'm plenty trustworthy. ❞
❝ So what's your deal again? ❞
❝ Hm. Makes sense if you actually track the story, probably. ❞
❝ I wonder if Earth's tasty. ❞
❝ I'm not one for decision-making. ❞
❝ I'm both the mayor and the sheriff. ❞
❝ Don't worry, you will soon go to jail. ❞
❝ I want to get perfectly sane, haha. ❞
❝ You're getting more and more sane by the day! ❞
❝ Everyone's dying and the world is basically over. ❞
❝ Sometimes your life don't go exactly as you planned. ❞
❝ The fact that I doubted myself for even a split second is some military-grade bullshit. ❞
❝ It's me, [name], and I'm pissed. ❞
❝ I can't die, I'm beloved! ❞
❝ Question: what the hell's going on? ❞
❝ If you do anything dumb, I will kill you with my hat. ❞
❝ You didn't need to do that, by the way. That's cruel. You understand that? ❞
❝ I didn't ask to exist. In fact, I was very content not being. ❞
❝ Look, I'm sorry about doing you dirty. ❞
❝ We've got some things to discuss, you and me. ❞
❝ Ohhh, okay. We're both dead, then. This is for sure a place where we're both dead. ❞
❝ My last memory was me putting a goldfish in my mouth to make my children laugh. Then I choked to death. ❞
❝ Play shitty games, win shitty prizes, [name]. ❞
❝ I was so consumed with hate and anger that I lost sight of who I was. ❞
❝ Are you just, like, checked out of this conversation now? ❞
❝ I'm just a guy in a void. ❞
❝ I got murked and it chilled me out. ❞
❝ That's my catchphrase, now that I'm fun. ❞
❝ Tell you what, I hate this planet. ❞
❝ There's a small part of my funky, no-good heart that's like, "hell yeah." ❞
❝ Hey, you want some money? It's got my face on it. ❞
❝ The one thing I've always said is, "you can definitely trust someone who repeatedly insists that you can trust them," you idiot. ❞
❝ I'm the queen of deception and straight-up dirty tricks. ❞
❝ Game recognize game, however inferior. ❞
❝ I've just had a tremendously confusing dream. ❞
❝ I'm not in the habit of taking drinks from strangers. ❞
❝ But I'm beloved... ❞
❝ I. Don't. Caaare. ❞
❝ It's almost Friday, the day for kissing! ❞
❝ If you value your life, you might consider staying out of mine. ❞
❝ Is there any way we can put this all behind us? ❞
❝ Are you fucking kidding me? You shouldn't have asked that question. ❞
❝ Oh, thank God. I was about to flip my shit. ❞
❝ Full disclosure, no offense: you seem nuts. ❞
❝ My mind is so clever, some describe me as a God. ❞
❝ My name is [name], and I'm here to say: you'll soon straight-up die today. ❞
❝ I'm perfectly sane, so now it's time to play my funny little game. ❞
❝ Where'd you go to college? Detective school? ❞
❝ I'm gonna save your life for my own benefit. ❞
❝ I have no beef with you. You're clearly dealing with some stuff. ❞
❝ Don't worry, I will murder you. ❞
❝ I feel like you're not being receptive to literally any of my shit. ❞
❝ I was hypnotized for many, many years and frankly, I'm not too happy about it. ❞
❝ Well, you can't blame me for that. I'm dead. ❞
❝ I think you could maybe choose not to be complicit in the destruction of the universe. ❞
❝ Jesus Christ, take a breath. ❞
❝ If you don't stop this instant, I'm gonna hug you. ❞
❝ I feel like a happy sunshine person who always wins. ❞
❝ I feel as critically-acclaimed as I always do! ❞
❝ You should know by now, nothing exciting ever happens around here. ❞
❝ Hey, you ever think about what happens after we die? ❞
❝ Sorry for my dad being a dick all the time...and for following his orders without question. ❞
❝ I hate you and I'm glad you look all fucked-up! ❞
❝ Namaste or whatever. ❞
❝ I just wanna chill 'til I'm dead. ❞
❝ Whoa, okay. I think I'm gonna die. ❞
❝ Those were the bad guys! Why were you, like, chilling with them? ❞
❝ Man, you really pooped the bed on this one. ❞
❝ Okay, your tone is appropriate and I apologize. ❞
❝ I will miss you, [name], the biggest baller of them all. ❞
❝ I'd actually be double-dead, which is the worst kind of dead. ❞
❝ What can one do in the face of such monumental loss but breathe a weary sigh, for the world is a little quieter now. ❞
❝ Sometimes your death don't go exactly how you planned. ❞
❝ I tried the best I can, but I ain't got the stuff. ❞
❝ Frankly, life's been pretty dope. ❞
❝ I know life's been crazy, but believe me, you'll be fine without me here. ❞
❝ There's really no need to cry. ❞
❝ I know things seem kind of shitty and that the odds aren't looking pretty, but what's the point of quitting now? ❞
❝ I won't be here to see it, but you bet your ass that I believe that you'll still save the day somehow. ❞
❝ If I had a fuckin' bucket, then I got a hunch I'd kick it. ❞
❝ Sorry for the cursing, but I'm feeling worse and worse. ❞
❝ I don't wanna die, but I'm probably gonna die. ❞
❝ I'm dying now, just so we're clear. ❞
❝ Holy shit, this is it, I'm gonna die. ❞
❝ I'll see you later, pals, I'm outta here. ❞
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diamondbreakingboi · 1 year
First Fanfic Posted!
Chapter: 1/1
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: Transformers: Earthspark
Relationship: Bumblebee/Breakdown
Characters: Bumblebee, Breakdown, The Maltos, The Terrans
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Earthspark Spoilers, Post-Canon Fix It, Character Introspection, Angst with Happy Ending
Like so many times before, Breakdown is leaving and Bumblebee doesn’t want him to.
Crazy to finally convince myself to do this! Hopefully y’all like it as much as I had fun writing it! 💚
Inspired by this post
Breakdown never stayed in one place for long.
Too busy, too stubborn, too lost, too something that made Bumblebee resent that wonderful part of him again and again. He was never enough for Breakdown. He had hoped this time, he’d find something to keep him there. To stay one more day. A new job, a new place, a new home. A family for him to live with, friends to love and care for. An entire forest they could race in, together. For old times sake.
Bumblebee knew he wouldn’t stick around this time either. He never did.
So, why was he hoping this time would be different?
Maybe he’d hoped Breakdown would change his mind, staying for the sake of it, to finally rest after millennia of running. An exciting change. He’d always loved those. Something new, it was one of his favorite things before the war, an escape from the dull life they had before all the darkness started to build around the developing war.
Bumblebee remembered showing him places they could explore together in the early days. A new bar. A new race track. A new cave hidden in Cybertron’s wilds. A new reason to keep him around.
But, it was never enough.
So, here’s Bumblebee, watching yet another inevitable farewell from Breakdown.
He first said goodbye to all the Terrans.
Nightshade gave him one of their favorite books to keep him company on his journeys, one about a detective dragon.
Hashtag had the group do several poses for the handmade family album and gave the original to Breakdown.
Jawbreaker gave him a copy of the movie they made together, action and drama packed about a car racing to save the world, one drag race at a time.
Twitch was reluctant at first in her approval of Breakdown, but he wore her down when he Fluffy Ears a flower crown. She gave one of her favorite pictures of Fluffy Ears, while giving her ‘big sister’ speech on dealing with the outside world.
Thrash convinced Breakdown of a parting spar fight. Extra practice in case he runs into any “evildoers.” He’d been reading too many online posts with Hashtag lately.
He was always good with them. The Malto’s graciously gave him his own space to heal and hide away and they've been very helpful in his time there. Nightshade even built him his own race track after Breakdown complimented Nightshade’s newest invention.
He was quick to immerse himself into their family. Becoming an older brother (or a crazy uncle as Dorothy once said). Giving advice about life that could stop your spark and twist it until the hope rose through within you and into the world once again. Changing your very being into someone that would echo until time stopped. Becoming someone you were proud of again.
Next were the Malto’s.
Alex was reluctant to see him go, still curious about the Decepticon culture and his perspective in the war, seeking more and more information about the pre-war Cybertron stories.
Dorothy kept their goodbyes quickly, giving him a knowing mom look and good luck in his future endeavors.
Robby and Mo wanted another ride around the forest before he left. Breakdown was all too eager to show off his skills and speed but his time had ended, and he needed to move on. Or so he claimed. Bumblebee wanted to insist that no one was making him leave, he was free to stay, as he had always been.
Finally, Breakdown turned his golden gaze upon him.
He’d expected and accepted it countless times before.
Yet, this time was different, wasn’t it?
Stuck underground, abandoned, fully drained of energon, and left to rot in stasis lock until his emergency reserves ran out completely. He wouldn’t have survived. After being rescued, he hoped Breakdown would finally see how dangerous this world is and how much he needed a family…and how Bumblebee needed him.
Bumblebee would never admit it to any of his family, but he misses his friends. Everyone was either lost to time, still in hiding, or offline. He’d almost forgotten what it was like to have someone his age. Either everyone around him was too young or too old for him to relate to. He’d finally found someone to spend time with, someone who understood him.
And now they were leaving again.
Yes, he has a family now and he’ll never give them up. Only, he wished Breakdown could see them as that too.
He was brought out of his thoughts when a vocalizer reset.
“So long old friend,” Breakdown said. “Let’s keep in touch this time.”
“Breakdown, I…”
“See you around, little buddy.”
“You know,” Bumblebee stammered in his haste. Breakdown turned with a strange look in his optics. “We could always use another mech on our team. There’s a lot of work with G.H.O.S.T.”
One more reason.
“I overstayed my welcome months ago. Time for me to burn some asphalt.”
One more reason.
“Well-I, Nightshade added another section to the race track. I bet I’d win this time for sure!”
Breakdown smirked. “I doubt that,” he started to walk away. He tried to ignore how his spark ached in that all too familiar, hollow sharpness as his friend walked away once again. “See you later.”
There wouldn’t be a next time.
Another thing shifted in him. It knocked and bubbled up before he could hold it in like he had so many times before. He fumbled for another reason. Just one more!
Breakdown shining in the setting sun. Soft oranges and pinks across his frame, cascading a long shadow across Bumblebee, hiding him in that cool darkness.
It was never enough. He was never enough.
He’ll be alone. Again!
Stuck in that same emptiness, hidden away from the world, constantly chasing after a long forgotten ghost who doesn’t want to be found.
He promised himself he wouldn’t say anything, yet, he couldn’t stop that one word he had been desperate to say ever since the first goodbye. It burned through his cables, prickled along his back strut, numbed his processor, and poured out his derma before he could stop it.
Breakdown stared at him at his sudden outburst. “What?”
He regretted it immediately. It was selfish of him to ask, to wish for more.
Bumblebee's door wings wvered. “Nothing! I’ll see you later! Next time we race, I’ll win for sure! Book your next medibay visit, you’ll be coughing dust for weeks afterwards!”
Bumblebee tried to not look too long in his golden optics. He couldn’t stand to see the disappointment.
Breakdown came closer and held Bumblebee’s pauldron lightly, “Bee, say what you mean. I can take it, you know me.”
His optics alight with that comforting soft gleam and Bumblebee couldn’t help but yield.
“Stay,” he whispered. The silent sob called out, filling the silent field, and Bumblebee had never hated himself more, yet as he said it, he couldn’t deny how good it was to express what had been weighing on his mind for millennia. He wished he had it so many times before. He regretted not saying it more now. It was all too easy now that he’s begun. “I know it’s not my place to say this, but I need you to know. You’re needed here. I-we’ll miss you. And it scares me that this will be the last time I see you. That almost already happened countless times before! One day you’ll get into a dangerous accident, because you're a reckless fool, and we won’t be there to save you in time. I can’t,” he reset his vocalizer. “Please I can't go through with that again!"
“I know! You have your own life and I wouldn’t ever wish to hold you back. I have my family now, I'm not really ever alone again because of that, yet you're part of this family too! Please, let us be in your life! We care about you. We love you,” he hesitated for a moment, “I love you! Don’t you get it. I always have, ever since that early morning several years ago on that racetrack that is nothing but rubble now. So, please, you stubborn, reckless aft, for once in your life, stay!”
He opened his optics, having shuttered them at some point, when he heard a soft chuckle. Breakdown was smiling. A genuine one, not like his usual smirk, a real and soft one that made Bumblebee’s spark twist and twirl.
“You’ve always been a slowpoke, little bee,” Breakdown said.
“Hey! You could’ve stayed all on your own but you needed me to say something first? I-”
Soft servos held his face gently. Breakdown stared into Bumblebee’s optics, waiting for rejection as he slowly inched closer. Their derma met smoothly, tasting like those energon sweets he always claimed he hated. Bumblebee smiled and pressed back against him, catching them all too eagerly. His head was tilted slightly up by Breakdown, giving himself more access to Bumblebee’s glossa, a slight catch of dentae against his derma, startled a gasp out of his vents.
Breakdown gave him a small peck on the nose and leaned against his forehead. “Sorry, is that too fast for you?”
Bumblebee gently pushed him. “Not fast enough! Do you have any idea how long I wanted you to do that?”
“I have an idea.”
“Wait, I confessed first! I finally beat you at something!” He gloated.
“Few thousand more and we’ll be tied!”
“You’re on!” Bumblebee laughed. He hesitated a moment. “So, does this mean you’re staying?”
Breakdown glanced at the road, seemingly lost for words. When he looked back at Bumblebee, there was the same determination that made Bumblebee fall for him the first night they met all those years ago. “For now. I’m not the best at keeping still for too long. Always been my weakness…but I think I’ve realized recently that I have more to give to the world beyond my races. Another side of me that deserves to be cared for. Loved.”
“You are,” Bumblebee said.
Breakdown smiled widely. “Still, I won’t stop racing though. I won’t ever stop. After all, I was forged for it!” He paused and wrapped his arm around Bumblebee’s waist, settling close to playfully glare at him. “And I’m still holding you to those previous race taunts! You’re not getting out of those just because I��m staying!”
Bumblebee rolled his optics.
“Only,” Breakdown continued, lowering his voice to an almost unintelligible whisper, “I…I want to stay this time. I think I always did. I guess it was never about where or why I was staying but myself keeping me from being there. I never allowed myself to stay. Afraid of getting hurt or losing loved ones. Except here, everyone loves each other without the fear of getting hurt. So, rather than running away from everything, it’s time I ran towards something. And someone.” Breakdown winked. “Just needed someone to knock some sense into me.”
“I thought I did that before.” So many times before.
“Yeah, but I got thick plating,” he knocked the top of his helm slightly, “and I finally got through to myself. All thanks to you.” He turned and waved at the distantly gathered family, all faking in their looking around tactic in a feeble attempt at giving them privacy. Nightshade waved eagerly at them. “And with a little extra help from your family.”
“Our family,” Bumblebee adamantly said.
Breakdown smiled. “Our family.”
Bumblebee huffed and tried to play it off as another laugh. It quickly turned into soft sobs. Breakdown held him through it, letting him tuck his head into his neck cables. He could hardly believe he was staying. He’d found a reason.
Breakdown found his reason.
And like the many nights after, they would continue to stay together, racing one another into that star crystallized night.
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galacticspaceguy · 2 years
Earthspark x Reader Request: platonic human reader teaching Hashtag & Nightshade about pride flags (since we know Nightshade is NB and Hashtag likes femmes.)
You swiped threw your phone, searching the internet for a quality flag. June was approaching. This would be your first pride month in Witwicky.
You’ve seen videos of the town's pride parades, and how the town boomed with activities.
You had your own pride pins, but this year, you really wanted your own flag. But, the internet is an untrustworthy place, and it’s hard to find a good quality pride flag.
You let out a sigh, crossing your legs as you sat in the Maltoes grassy fields.
You’ve been friends with the Maltoes for some time, being one of the only humans to know about the Terrans.
You found a nice looking flag, clicking the screen and zooming in on it.
“What are you doing?” A voice from behind you asked.
Nightshade took a spot on the grass next to you, head resting on their two hands. You wonder why Nightshade was so much bigger than Twitch and Thrash.
“Oh, Nightshade! I’m trying to find a pride flag.” You glanced back at your phone.
They looked at you confused. “What’s a pride flag?”
Were you surprised? A little. But then again, Nightshade is a new cybertronian, they aren’t used to Human concepts yet.
“It’s a flag that shows off your sexuality, showing people you’re proud of who you are, and your identity.”
“What is a sexuality?” Nightshade asked, leaning closer towards your phone.
You moved in closer, making sure your phone was in view for the both of you. “Ok, so sexuality is like, who you like! Some girls like girls, some guys like guys! Some people like to know one at all, some people like all people.”
Nightshade’s eyes sparked in amazement at all the colorful flags you were showing him.
“This pink one is for girls who like girl, Lesbian. The blue one is for boys who like boys, Gay. The blue, purple, and pink on are for people who like both girls and guys. These two, the green and purple on is Aromantic, and Asexual!”
“What is that one?” They pointed their large fingers at a blue, pink, and white flag.
“That’s transgender! It’s for people who were born in the wrong body, so they switch genders. Like a guy is born into a female body, so he changes himself to show who he is on the inside, or a girl who is born into a male body, so she changes herself.”
Nightshade was silent for a moment. “What about…” They paused. “The people who don’t fit into either..?” They tapped their digit on their chest.
You typed into your phone, a yellow, white, purple, and black flag loading up.
“Non-binary, for people who don’t fit into any category.” You lifted the screen closer to their face.
Many images showed humans waving around the flag, smiling. Nightshadd had a name for what they felt, not just a simple feeling too hard to explain. They were non-binary.
“What are you guys doing?” Hashtag knelt down next to you.
“Looking at pride flags, wanna join?”
You patted the grass next to you. Hashtag moved in closer.
“Ooo, what’s that?”
“Let me show you.” You lean the phone in her direction, going over the same things you told Nightshade.
“Hey, that’s like me!” Hashtag gasped after you explained the Lesbian flag. She (sorta) gently shook you around, with one hand. “I like pretty girls too! I mean, have you seen those seeker femmes!?”
You laugh. After Hashtag finishes her little rant, you scroll through your phone more.
“You good, Nightshade? You look like you’re on the verge of tears?” Hashtag asked. Nightshade looked up from the phone.
“I have never been happier, sister.” They sniffed, smiling.
You scrolled down more in the pride shop, still you found something. You gasped. “Oh my god, I got the best ideas!” You nearly screamed.
“What?” The two bots said, simultaneously.
“I’m gonna get you guys bumper stickers!” “You jumped up. “You can stick pride flags onto your alt mode! I’m ordering some right now! Nightshade, non-binary sticker, Hashtag, lesbian sticker. Oh, this is gonna be so good!”
(Might do a part 2)
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morguemaw · 2 years
Gonna make a proper pinned intro post!! check under the 'keep reading' since i want it short for this upper category :)
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ❥ Carrd currently being reworked!
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
❥ Info ♡ Local hippie ♡ He / They / It ♡ 18 ♡ Freelance artist/animator ♡ Butcher ♡ I love pink and monster energy drinks ♡ I love to draw gore, spiders, and sharks ♡ I post mostly my OCs. Sorry, i rarely do fanart first :( ☆ My sister is the coolest >:) @glitchysquidd
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
❥ Creator of ♡ Lustale (Revamped Underlust) ♡ Terrortale ♡ Sunmechanophobia (FNaF Au, scrapped but proud of concept) ♡ Whatever else is tagged with my stuff (check out my archive!)
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ❥ blog for personal/non fandom stuff; @gutsngorey ❥ blog for Lustale stuff; @lustale
❥ I love Anon Asks! My OCs are 100% ask friendly, i enjoy doing 'ask rps' :) ❥ I do not do OC draw requests unless i am bored/ask for oc draw requests, if you want art of your OC by me Commission me! ❥ I love fanart!! I try to do it back if i get it :) ❥ I do edibles and tend to post while high, if you are upset with seeing/reading about highs or uncomfortable with it please block the #gutsy high hashtag
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hearthandheathenry · 6 months
Hi I just saw your post and was wondering if I can get a 1-card reading from you. My question is what kind of energy should I incorporate in the content with my sister on social media? We’re leaning more into being an influencer but it’s hard to create content that gets people engaged and interested in us.
Hey there! I totally get the frustration on content creation, I think all content creators feel it! Truth be told, I've heard that the algorithms are designed to make your first few posts successful, then it's a little harder to get views, so they keep you hooked and trying to make the next viral content, so that you keep pumping out content for their website! I don't know if it's true, but I've noticed that taking the stress off your shoulders and posting what feels authentic to you, and actually enjoying your content creation, tends to give the most insight and helps the process feel more successful! There's nothing better in content creation than seeing something you're proud of and love get the attention you want! Rather than things you hate making. Other tips I can think of is definitely utilize hashtags and SEO as those things help your content get seen in the first place. And definitely find your niche! There's no rush, so play around with what you like and see what takes off. For example, the witchy stuff on this blog gets the most engagement, but I still enjoy posting about cooking and such!
As for your card pull, the King of Pentacles popped out for you!
Literal meaning: "The King of Pentacles is an honest, generous leader who has worked hard and achieved great success. He upholds his duties and traditions, and respects his ancestral heritage. He is kind, but has high expectations of others and believes they should have the same work ethic as he does. He is humble and self-reliant."
Pentacles also represents earth, winter, and years. It represents money, work, talent, reputation, achievement, stability, and the material realm. The court cards tend to represent people, so the King is most likely a representation of you.
My interpretation of the card: The king is a representation of you or who you need to be to achieve your success that you're after. Keep in mind the qualities that it is describing, as these are most likely the type of energy you need to put forth to gain what you want. Hard work, honesty, generousness, self-reliance, humbleness, and respectfulness of traditions. Success takes work and the good type of success will take honest and kind work. No one gets famous overnight, and many influencers have done some shady things to get to the top. If you want genuine engagement and success, this is telling you to keep at your goals, to not rely on others but your own efforts and merits (as in not expecting others to do everything for you, but theres nothing wrong with help and collaborations), to be kind and generous to others as you climb to your goals, and it has an additional message of tradition, so maybe there is something in your ancestral lineage or heritage that can inspire you in your work. Perhaps its educating others on something from your history, or maybe its a lesson learned from the past. It says that he also expects others to have the same work ethic, so in regards to working with your sister, make sure she is on the same page of hard work and other qualities in order to reach your success together. Since the pentacles represents years, achieving your goals may take years instead of a shorter amount of time, so again, don't expect instant success. With it representing winter, perhaps something will happen in winter that will bring you good news on your success, or that may be the season you reach your goals. Stay diligent, learn the tricks of the trade, and find your niche and what you enjoy creating. You'll get there! The king is the highest card of the suit, so you will definitely reach your success in the end!
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pumpkzsafeplace · 1 year
Thank you for answering my ask about regressing in school! It makes me happy. And also I won't be buying any agere gear! If I do that, it'll only be stuff like stuffies, clothes, and toys. My mom knows I still like toys and stuffies since I sleep with some :) she won't mind and I only wear comfy stuff anyway so.. :) and I managed to ask my little sister, she'd still love me if I acted younger then I am. Idk about my big brothers or my dad but at least she does. Oh and also, my stomach feels better! I think I just needed some sleep :)
I love you pumpkin!
- 🪻
hihi lil bug’ 🌼
ahhh!! what good news! <3 i'm so so proud of you sweetie! i know how hard that must have been <3.
and i'm so happy to hear that your tummy feels better too! <3. tight spaces can cause some strain so i'm happy that it's all better now <3.
oh! and don't worry about it honey! i'm suprised at how well the unboxing went down, so i might do some more in the future! or whenever daddy has the money to treat me again, teheh <3.
i don't mind the emoji switches, it'll just be a bit difficult for you to find your old posts as i'll have to switch your hashtag, but if you're alright witht that- then i don't mind <3.
& i'm sorry to hear that people are following you and making you feel uncomfortable :< i'm glad your taking steps to make you feel safer! i'm very prooud of you for that <3.
and no honey- if anything i feel flattered that you see me as an older sibling figure <3. it is a very sweet gesture, so thank you hehe <3.
i hope you have a lovely day! big big big hugs! <3.
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weirdgirl92 · 1 year
So, not only does the Proud Family reboot do a terrible job at explaining what colorism and autism are, it also apparently retcons Suga Mama’s entire backstory by eliminating her shady older sister from the narrative, and replacing her with two sexist older brothers and one sexist father for the sake of a tired, cliched “Hashtag Girlboss!” storyline…because God forbid we show kids that toxic female family members also exist!
You wanna know what I really love about that Aunt Spice episode from the original? It shows us the real difference between tough love and toxic family relationships. Suga Mama didn’t hate Aunt Spice because she was jealous, it was because Spice was an awful person who scammed and tricked people to get what she wanted (as she tried to do with Oscar by pretending to comfort and care about him). Suga Mama may insult and beat up Oscar loads of times, but that’s only when he disrespects her first, or when he disrespects Trudy.
What made that Aunt Spice episode even better, in my opinion, was that it DIDN’T have Suga Mama forgive Spice in the end since, as I said before, Spice was a genuinely awful person who had no love for Oscar (or her sister, for that matter). So she never owed Spice an apology anyway. Plus, Suga Mama resented her parents in that episode because they were neglectful as hell and only payed attention to Spice. In the reboot, Suga Mama resented her dad because he was sexist, which gets resolved by the end of the episode anyway, as he changes his mind and apologizes to her….after years of emotional abuse and mental scarring.
With that said, if they do decide to bring back Aunt Spice for the next season of the reboot (assuming there’s even gonna be a next season), I hope they don’t redeem her.
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septembersghost · 2 years
i'm super curious, I don't listen to Taylor Swift, but how do you guys know all this stuff about her personal life without actually knowing her personally?
i truly don't know how to explain this succinctly, but for those of us who've followed her career and held her music, and her, close for a long time (it's me, hi! since late 2008 in my case)...she's a diaristic storyteller. her songs are pulled directly from her life, and one of her gifts is specificity and detail that makes you feel like you can see the picture she's weaving in her lyrics - take, for example, the opening line of All Too Well, "I walked through the door with you, the air was cold, but something 'bout it felt like home somehow, and I left my scarf there, at your sister's house, and you've still got it, in your drawer, even now," it sets the whole scene, the time of year, the chill in the air, the feeling of longing, the hurt of missing something. whether she's relying on narrative prose or leaning more into the metaphorically poetic (writing about her longtime love like, "Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind, head on the pillow, I could feel you sneaking in, as if you were a mythical thing, like you were a trophy or a champion ring, and there was one prize I'd cheat to win," which is only one example because we have songs about him scattered and twinkling across five entire albums now, which is half of her discography!), we are clued into what she's discussing.
an unfortunate and often damaging and unfair thing for taylor is that she has been hounded, dissected, diaparaged, slut shamed, and unavoidably covered by the press. so the major relationships of her life (romances and friendships) have been documented with scrutinizing detail since she was still a teenager (which she was already hurt over a decade ago, and the agony in her voice is even more potent in the re-recording of The Lucky One, "and your secrets end up splashed on the news frontpage"), and her only real way of reclaiming her life and her experiences has always been to put them into song. when she created her first five albums (self-titled debut, Fearless, Speak Now, Red, 1989), she also encoded little messages for us to decipher in her lyric booklets, to clue us in to what a given song might be about, which was fun for us, but another form of her trying to hold onto her agency and express her stories how she wanted, i think. the media knew who she'd dated and where she'd been, but with us she shares the emotional journey, the effect these things have had on her.
some of it is inference - there's something i knew to be happening circa 2014-2015 (a couple of things, actually) that was so upsetting for me, i had to get distance for a while because it was too triggering and too recognizable, and that was painful for me and i still feel sad looking back on it, but she herself has confirmed everything i was worried about at the time (first in her documentary, Miss Americana, which also gives more insight into her as a person), and mentions it directly on this record, and i ache for her but am also so proud of how far she's come.
when she was eviscerated by everyone in 2016 over a leaked phone call and blatant lie (which has now been concretely proven as such), and the internet was cheering for her downfall and posting the hashtag "#taylorswiftisoverparty," and bombarding her with snake emojis, and painting murals celebrating her "death," and vilifying her...i can't begin to describe what that felt like to witness from the perspective of the fans who care about her. she is still working through trauma from this (among other things). she disappeared for a while, she didn't know if we'd care if she came back. the fact that she did at all is remarkably resilient. when she lost her masters in 2019, she told us immediately and we inherently understood why it was devastating for her, why her music not being her own was terrible, because these albums are her life's work, they are her blood, sweat, and tears (as she sings in You're On Your Own, Kid). she's re-recording those first six albums to reclaim her work and her ownership, but she's also doing some of that for us - so she's done things like including the vault songs, or, in the case of the long fabled ten minute version of All Too Well, creating a short film to accompany it. it's just...she's trusted and let us in to many, many things. when she talks about a given song or subject, or references a specific detail, she knows we'll get it. we know who the primary subject of Red is, so when she wears the Red ring and announces a song that's ultimately about the love being every shade of red (Maroon), we know what she means. when she interpolates a song from 1989 (Out Of the Woods, which has a specific story, which we know is connected to other tracks on the record, including Style, and then it's like, well, look at the name!) into a new song (Question...?) asking questions from the past, we know who she's asking. when she mentions her girlhood and the devastation of something very dark happening and leaving her wounded at nineteen in Would've Could've Should've, still regretting it now, we already have the frame of "don't you think nineteen's too young to be played by your dark, twisted games, when I loved you so?" in Dear John. when she writes about her partner, whether it's cheeky and fun ("karma is my boyfriend") or deeply vulnerable ("you looked up at me with honor and truth, broken and blue, so I called off the troops, that was the night I nearly I lost you" or "you know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back, just like that" or "outside, they're push and shoving, you're in the kitchen humming, all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing" or "I've never seen someone lit from within, blurring out my periphery"), she's already given us mosaic pieces of their story, so we understand where the new ones fit when we hear them. she recalls imagery and circumstances on purpose. (ie: "he's passing by, rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky" -> "one night a few moons ago, I saw flecks of what could've been lights, but it might just have been you, passing by unbeknownst to me," "I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans" -> "I laid the groundwork, and then just like clockwork, the dominoes cascaded in a line," i could go on about these things forever, i could write a novel just about lyrical parallels and motifs throughout her songs).
i can't properly encapsulate sixteen years' worth of her songs and stories and the myriad ways she's let fans in to know and understand, it's very layered and long-standing and does kind of become a if you know, you know situation. she trusts us with that, as much as any artist can trust millions of strangers who've listened to her grow up and treasured her music and woven it into our own lives and our own stories too. she can't know us directly, nor are we part of her personal life, but she does open her heart to us in a way that's unique to her.
in the past couple of years, we've gotten to see her thrive artistically, with the love of her life by her side, with a support system and wonderful friends and collaborators around her, in a new, richer way, and it's really beautiful and extraordinary to witness. the staggering success she's experiencing with Midnights, which the industry said couldn't be done!, is, like i said in the other post, because she has been so earnest and authentic, and she's enough as her true self, she always has been, but this is finally a time where i think she can fully rejoice in it, and i hope she is. she's not only an incomparable artist and master songwriter, which absolutely will go down as legendary in the annals of music, she's a really special, luminous person, and i admire and love her dearly, which is a sentiment longtime fans share, and i can also say without hesitation (and i know i'm not alone in this) that i wouldn't still be here (or even quite be who i am) without her.
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REMEMBER tag @sometimes-icanstillhear-sitboy or use hashtags #novinuprompt22 or #inu-pockylypse to get a reblog.
After his mother’s demise, a small Inuyasha tries to figure out where to go from here.
Kagome wants to go home. Inuyasha leads the group in the entirely wrong direction on purpose and fools no one.
Sango gently tries to teach Kagome about North, East, South and West after an embarrassing blunder.
Miroku realizes he’s found his “true North” in Sango but still goes astray. Mainly because he doesn’t want to have Sango lose another person she loves. Shes suffered enough. And, I mean, that ass though.
Kikyo struggles with her new existence and gets lost in the process.
An old man asks a traveling Inuyasha for directions in the most annoying way possible. Trying to make Kagome proud, even though he likely would never see her again, Inuyasha tries. God, he tries but the old man is senile.
During the three year separation, Inuyasha happens upon an opportunity to perform a true act of kindness but it’s not without sacrifice. Perhaps he must give something he has left of Kagome. Maybe he misses that third day. Maybe he gets brutally tortured.
During the three year separation, the well opens for Inuyasha but he’s sent to the wrong point in time. Rather than stay, he returns to his era rather than complicate her life. Maybe Kagome has no idea who he is. Maybe she’s moved on. Maybe it’s a fever dream.
Miroku gives up his food for his wife/kids during a harsh famine but pretends he’s already eaten his fill.
Sota reflects on the loss of his sister after a particularly difficult moment in his life. He misses her so much it hurts and there are times he’s so angry. 500 years in the past Kagome is drawn to the well. A terrible feeling and a fleeting moment of regret as she worries about the family she left behind to be with the man she loves.
The Japanese children’s game of “Kagome Kagome”.
The greatest lesson a parent ever taught their now orphaned child was…
After his wife dies in childbirth, a grieving father parentifies his young daughter and leaves the care of Kohaku primarily to her.
It was slow work but little Inuyasha manages to take his mother’s corpse to a pretty place and bury her with all the respect she deserves.
Tiny Miroku gets confused and bored at the brothels Mushin keeps dragging him to. Mushin tries to condition Miroku into being a pervert so the boy feels more comfortable fulfilling his obligation to create an heir who might defeat Naraku. Because obviously, Miroku is a lost cause and he grows up being told as much.
Miroku tries to balance living life with the bloodthirsty jaws of a seemingly inescapable death.
Sango’s suicidal behavior.
Inuyasha and all the *gestures at everything*
Literally the wear on everyone’s mental well being from constant battles, horrifying backstories and juggling romance. Let them have a moment of peace and take a mental health day.
Mushin & his alcoholism. Although addiction is not technically classified as a mental illness, it is a mental disorder that often occurs in tandem with mental illness. Think about it. Canonically, Mushin was brought to the temple by Miroku’s father to care for his son. Logically, this would mean that Miroku’s father trusted Mushin. They were likely friends. Very, very good friends. Why else would Mushin agree to a lifetime commitment and de facto adoption of a child? Mushin probably watched his best friend die but never had the opportunity to grieve due to child rearing. Mushin had to have assumed he would watch the boy he raised/love would also die. Had Mushin lost all hope? Afraid to teach a young child that he was likely to survive? Join us next time for Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairytale had some messed up yet largely unspoken implications.
The jewel never grants your true wish. Inuyasha worries after Kagome admits she wished on the well to see him again. After all, the jewel literally wanted to trap her soul inside it forever and logically, the jewel’s magic probably got infused inside the well after it disappeared. #neveragain
Kagome buys some new exercise clothes on the cheap (haha get it? Because Wish?). This goes about how you’d expect.
A young Sango learns about Midoriko and asks the remnants of the legendary miko to grant a wish after her Mother dies.
Watch the 10th Kingdom intro.
The group randomly stumbles onto a lucky coin and find a lot of their secret wishes come true whenever they’re in possession of it.
Miroku isn’t seeking out the jewel to defeat Naraku . He’s hoping wishing on the jewel will mean he’ll live.
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katsushika-division · 2 years
“The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.”
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Age 0:
Is born to Shuichi and Miyuki Himura 
Age 5:
Unable to handle the pressure Miyuki abandons her son and husband 
Shuichi starts drinking and sleeping around to cope 
Shuichi begins to abuse Rintaro 
Age 10: 
His younger half-sister, Akari is born 
Rintaro begins to raise her primarily by himself 
Begins arguing with Shuichi, their fights often physical
Age 14:
Shuichi in a drunken stupor sets the house on fire in the middle of the night
Shuichi quickly burns to death  
Rintaro awakens to the house on fire and tries to escape with Akari but is not able to 
Rintaro and Akari are barely saved from burning to death with Rintaro taking the brunt of the flames
Due to the amount of damage, he suffered Rintaro goes into a coma
Akari is put in the foster care system separating the siblings
Age 15: 
Awakens from his coma
Tries looking for Akari and is unable to find her 
Starts High School 
His obsession with fire awakens 
Begins to set abandoned buildings on fire 
Age 16: 
Graduates High School early
Starts attending university majoring in chemistry 
Age 21:
Graduates from university with a master's degree in chemistry 
Starts to find setting abandoned buildings on fire boring 
Starts making bombs
Begins his reign of terror by setting off powerful bombs in multiple buildings often completely destroying them 
Becomes known as the "High-Rise Bomber"
Age 23:
Explodes a Chuohku government building 
Is caught while escaping  
Is arrested  
Is found guilty of his crimes and sentenced to death 
Is sent to the Katsushika Maximum Correctional Facility 
Meets Akihisa Mashiro 
Age 24:
Meets Touya Kisaragi 
Age 25:
Is given a deal by Chuohku to form a team and enter the Division Rap Battles and he can get off death row 
Accepts the deal 
Chuohku implants a micro-bomb in his neck in order to insure obedience
Is given temporary freedom by Chuohku
Reunites with Akari 
Joins the Katsushika Division rap battle team, Death Row Block, alongside Akihisa Mashiro and Touya Kisaragi 
12:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m.: Asleep
7:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m.: Awakens and gets ready for the day
7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.: Eats breakfast with everyone 
8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.: Drops off Akari at school
8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.: Returns Home 
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.: Appointment with psychiatrist alongside Akihisa and Touya
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: Visits parole officer alongside Akihisa and Touya 
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.: Lunch 
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.: Works in garage 
3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: Picks up Akari from school
3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.: Returns home
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.: Rides his motorcycle around 
5:00 p.m.  - 5:30 p.m.: Returns home
5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.: Makes a fire in the backyard 
6:00 p.m.  - 7:00 p.m.: Dinner with everyone 
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.: Spends time with everyone 
9:00 p.m - 10:00 p.m: Smokes 
10:00 p.m - 11:00 p.m: Showers and gets ready for bed
11:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.: Asleep
Character Hashtags
Regular Hashtags
#Proud Older Brother 
Trauma Hashtags
#The Scent of Burning Flesh 
#Abusive Drunk For A Dad
#Where's My Sister?
Other Info
Hobby: Working on vehicles 
Weakness: Pyromania 
Trauma: "My father nearly burned my sister and me to death." 
Twitter: @BombAssRintaro
Drinks: No
Smokes: Yes
Special Skill: "I'm a pretty good mechanic." 
Intro Quote: "Wanna learn how to make a bomb?"
Trauma Quote:  "It's okay Akari I've got you. At least we'll burn together." 
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