#hashtag or optimus about g.h.o.s.t
just-someone-online · 2 years
If some of the other Transformers series had gotten almanacs like Animated, what do you think they would have been called? I feel like Earthspark's would have been the 'Emberstone Almanac' but I'm torn on what Prime's would be. The Apex Alamanc? Y'know, like the Apex Armor?
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
More thoughts so how about Predacon buddy going back to the earth spark universe and just more interaction's with the others specifically Megatron I sort of feel like old predacon buddy would most likely try burning ghost to the ground and mandroid because no one messes with the sparklings on old Predacon buddy's watch I can just see product on buddies just saying don't you dare mess with my grandkids while just beating mandroid up and possibly suplexing him
Had a lot of request for Old Predacon Buddy coming back to Earthspark so here it is!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon finding out about Mandriod's bots
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Another day, another random dimension drop off.
Buddy landed on top of a haystack next to some apple trees.
They groaned as they felt something lick the side of their face.
They opened their optics to find a familiar looking calf.
Floppy ears.
This was the dimension with the Terrans!
And their home was right there!
Buddy quickly got up and started walking over to the home with the calf mooing happily behind them.
Buddy peaks into the kitchen spotting Alex cooking something on the stove.
“Hello there Mr. Malto.”--Buddy
Alex shrieks a bit holding the spatula in his hand as a weapon.
He looks closer at the optics of the Predacon before recognizing them.
“Buddy? Buddy, it’s been so long! Hold on one moment.”--Alex
Alex turns off the stove and runs outside to meet Buddy.
Alex hugs their pede as Buddy gently rubs his back.
He lets go.
“What are you doing back? Not that it’s a problem, but—”--Alex
“No, I get it Alex. And to answer your question, it was another portal.”--Buddy
“Yeesh! How many times does that happen to you?”--Alex
“…Way more than you might realize. Anyways where’s Dot and the kids? How are they?”--Buddy
“They should just be getting back from work right now.”—Alex
Buddy tilts their helm.
“From G.H.O.S.T.”--Alex
“The creepy organization Megatron mentioned last time?”--Buddy
“That’s the one.”--Alex
“Something doesn’t settle with me about that organization…”--Buddy
“I feel you Buddy. How about I get Dot or one of the kids on the phone so you can talk to them?”--Alex
“That would be great Alex.”--Buddy
Buddy loafs on the ground as Alex begins to call Hashtag.
Buddy immediately gets up.
“They are Mandriod’s bots. Sweety where are you all right now? Where’s Mom?”--Alex
Buddy leans down to Alex’s height.
Their optics holding steely determination.
“Climb on.”—Buddy
Buddy gains altitude as fast, while being mindful of Alex sitting without any protection on their back.
Buddy right now didn’t care that they would get seen.
They were worried about the kids.
Whoever this Mandriod was going to be a pile of burning ash when they were done with him if any of the kids were hurt.
Soon enough they found some bots.
Optimus, Megatron and Elita were struggling against the pink spider webs.
Buddy descending from above.
“Buddy?”—Elita, Megatron, and Optimus
Buddy leans down to let Alex come down.
They look at the restrains on Elita’s frame and dig their dentas into the webs and with one swift pull yanked most of them free from her frame.
“Where are the kids?”--Buddy
They heard screams.
Buddy mad dashes through the vegetation to the sound.
They spot a dozen robotic spiders start to corral Nightshade, Thrash and Mo.
Buddy lunged from the trees taking out most of the spiders.
Some managed to attach themselves onto their back, but Buddy quickly got rid of them before any permanent damage could be done.
They spewed fire at the remaining, reducing them to melted metal.
The three ran to them and hugged their friend tightly.
Buddy wrapped their wings around them in relief before remembering the other.
“Where are the others?”--Buddy
They heard more yelling.
“Nightshade, Thrash, Mo follow my path and head back to Megatron and your father.”--Buddy
“What about you!”--Nightshade
Buddy had already started running before they heard the rest.
Thankfully, the others weren’t too far either.
Twitch, Hashtag, Jawbreaker, Dot, and Robbie were all being suspended by one of the webs as the spiders closed in.
Buddy leaped on top of them shaking the earth bellow as they swiped the other spiders with their tail.
Buddy stood in front of them wings spread in full display and roared before spewing the robots with fire.
Once they were done, they turned back worried at the children.
“Are you all okay?”--Buddy
Buddy nipped the webs and caught them as they fell.
They ran to give Buddy a hug as Buddy finally sighed in relief.
The danger was over.
The others soon appeared from the rather large opening in the forest their frame caused.
Everyone looked relief to see everyone safe and sound.
The group decided to return home.
As soon as they convinced Buddy to stop looking for Mandriod himself.
Optimus and Megatron trying to stop Buddy from going any further in the forest.
“You two need to let me go right now. That monster needs to be found and—”--Buddy
“So what? So, you can light him on fire?”--Elita
“The offer is on the table.”--Buddy
Dot gets in front of Buddy.
“Buddy… lets just go home. It’s been a rough day for all of us. Anyways there is no way of tracking down Mandriod. Not even G.H.O.S.T. can find him.”--Dot
Buddy huffs in frustration.
Mo comes over to Buddy’s pede and gently grabs it.
Buddy sighs in defeat and soften their optics at the child.
“All right. Let’s not make my visit all about revenge. I want to hear everything that I missed.”--Buddy
Buddy gently opens their wings and herds the group out of the forest.
Elita looks at Optimus and Megatron.
“…They aren’t going to let this go.”--Elita
“Nope.”—Optimus and Megatron
A few more days passed with Buddy staying at the Maltos home filled with activities and more reunions before the portal came back.
There were more tearful goodbyes and promises to return whenever the portal came back for them.
Buddy exiting the portal, slightly stumbling on the ground.
Ratchet spots Buddy shaking their helm.
“Ratchet. How’s the work coming along?”--Buddy
“Good, but are you okay?”--Ratchet
Buddy huffs a bit.
“I’m fine Ratchet.”--Buddy
“… I have a little bit of a dent on my side. Would you…”--Buddy
Ratchet pats the med slab next to him.
“You know the drill.”--Ratchet
Buddy smiles a bit.
“Whatever you say Doctor.”--Buddy
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cosmics-beings · 4 months
I *need* to read that ES!StarOp, there is potential in that lovely premise. I love and can see how protective Starscream would be. I'm curious how everyone would react to them being together~
You’ve opened a can of worms now because I must tell you about my AU. But first, yes…I am all for protective Starscream. Especially with post war OP. In my Prime and IDW Aus, Optimus is just not happy with his life and kind of wants to go off and live on his own but people won’t let him. For Optimus, he is a character that everyone, and I mean everyone who knows/has a relationship with him feels entitled too. Starscream is one of the few people who is an outside perspective, so he is able to understand Optimus’ pain and the need to keep up a façade.
In my earthspark Aus, things are different. Optimus actually frees Starscream after talking to him for a few years while he’s imprisoned, and he gets a different side of Starscream. Starscream is still, well, Starscream so he is still evil. But Starscream falls in love with the bot he can speak to across the bars, and he learns things about Optimus that he has told no one. Optimus understands that with Starscream, he doesn’t have to keep up his walls or attempt to be this leader everyone wants him to be, he can rest. He can be vulnerable around Starscream. And in general, no one cares about Optimus. He is always protecting and watching over others, so coming to the lower levels of Ghost and talking to Starscream…he starts to open up.
Eventually, the two fall deeply in love and Optimus does free Starscream – and Starscream convinces Optimus to free his sisters as well (Nova and Skywarp). Surprisingly, the three aren’t terrible and for the most part just live by themselves in an abandoned Decepticon base, attempting to build a bridge back to Cybertron. In secret, Optimus visits Starscream and the two grow a stronger relationship. I toggle with this part of the AU, but they do have two sparklings together, that are raised by Starscream, Skywarp, Nova and Optimus. Per Starscream’s request, Optimus doesn’t tell anyone about their children. However, Optimus loves them both. They are a boy and a girl.
Things end terribly when GHOST finds out, and not only recaptures the Seekers but erases everyone’s mind. So Starscream forgets, so does Optimus. They forget about their children, their happiness, etc. As do Nova and Skywarp. 
In my AU, it isn’t until S2 of ES, do things start coming back to them. Their children are kinda just off. Their daughter was captured and almost used as a weapon by GHOST but she escaped and finds her younger brother.
Now I’ve gone off on a tangent XD. But how does everyone react? Well for the first years of the relationship, absolutely no one knows. And they don’t even know they were in a relationship until much later. TBH, especially with Starscream being evil, I don’t think a lot of people would be happy. And some might think he manipulated/seduced Optimus in the past so that he could get free, which he did not. But when they get their memories back, the love resumes. TBH, it was always there so when G.H.O.S.Ts mind tricks wore off and they remembered it was easy to come back to each other. Starscream is still evil, and he is still kinda possessive of his big strong, but also sad mech and he can fight soo….I think Hashtag knows. And hashtag is also friends with their children? Dot also knows, I hc that despite everything , Dot and Starscream are friends. 
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beemochi-art · 4 months
I love the terrans so much I'm glad you added them to your au poor grimlock lost a potential son
Anyways if they have Thrash and nightshade who are their Guardians/parents? And where's hashtag?
Hashtag has a complicated history but she is with her family. 😉 no spoilers tee hee
Well it’s kind of up in the air who thrash and nightshade’s guardians are. In my au Terrans by nature are more drawn to humans. Nightshade is a little more independent than the rest of the Terrans. So much so they started just feeling like apart of the autobot team. Then they’d be like oh yah, that’s a child that can’t go on dangerous missions.
In the beginning for Nightshade, they’d spent most of their time alone in the woods. Nightshade would like to hang out with the neighborhood kids who would tell their parents about them, but the parents wouldn’t believe them about the giant friendly robot.
One day Twitch was in the woods and Nightshade felt their connection. They followed their new sister back to base and has been there ever since. Nightshade was very shy at first, mostly just staying behind twitch. ( the autobot team are big ass robots of course they are scary.) Until the autobots human liaison came to the base with her son (Martha witwicky and jack witwicky.) did nightshade open up.
At the end of the day nightshade is gonna do what nightshade wants. So often the bots find that they went out somewhere. Nightshade’s path will often cross with decepticons too.
Thrash is a little more of a complex story. G.h.o.s.t found him first. At least that’s what the autobots thought. With the help of Martha they planned to do a fake decepticon attack on the base so they could rescue the Terran without damaging autobot and human relationships. Then of course it turned into a real decepticon attack, the autobots were struggling to fight decepticons, save humans and locate the Terran. They also screwed up by taking both nightshade and twitch with them. In the middle of the chaos Bumblebee saw a ranger vehicle pull up and call out to Thrash. The Terran jumped in the vehicle and it spend off, to bumblebee’s horror and surprise nightshade, twitch and the Terran the deceptions took (jawbreaker) followed the truck. Just as Optimus went to chase it he was tackled by multiple seekers.
Once the whole fight was over and the autobots and humans fled. It was a disaster. While trying to get one Terran the lost the rest of them. They had no idea why the decepticons showed up. If they had taken or killed the little bots. But regardless they were at a loss of what to do next. The my went back to base injured and broken spirits.
Bumblebee refuses to go back to base till they are found.
What a shit show.
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timetravelersdoctor · 9 months
Can Any Autobots And Decepticons Transformers (TFA And TFP) React To Terrans From (Transformers Earthspark) And Who Were New Spieces And Fraction For The Next Generation Of Transformers And They Were Newborn Protoform Sparklings And Offsprings And They're Created By Quintus Prime Artifact Called Emberstone With Robby And Mo (Aka Terrans Human Stepsiblings) Contract With Their DNA As The Terrans Were Techno-Organics Hybrids And This Is Their Own Insignia Of Terrans And They're Training To Become Warriors At Their Young Age
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This Is My Headcanon About The Terrans Age
Twitch Malto Aka The Leader Of The Terrans And Her Alt Mode Is Flying Drone - 9 To 12 Years Old
Thrash Malto Aka The Racer And Fighter Terran Who Races With Him With Speed And His Alt Mode Is Motorcycle And Sidecar- 9 To 12 Years Old
Hashtag Malto Aka The Hacker And Stronger Terran Who Got Hacking System To Hack Anything In Her Mind Of The Terrans And Her Alt Mode Is G.H.O.S.T Surveillance Van- 9 To 10 Years Old
Jawbreaker Malto Aka Big Heart Strong Terran And Had An Dinobot Alt Mode Of The Terrans And His Alt Mode Is Stygimloch As Beast Mode- 9 To 10 Years Old
Nightshade Malto Aka The Scientist And Engineer And Protector Terran Of The Terrans And Their Alt Mode Is Owl As Beast Mode - 9 To 10 Years Old
Hi thank you for the ask! sorry it took me a while to get to this one I haven't been able to watch the entirety of Earthspark and I was trying to figure out how to tackle this ask.
Tfp Optimus Prime: Optimus is surprised at the though of Terrans existing. He didn't know that earth was capable of creating techno beings with the aid of an artifact. he's glad to know that about the possibility of a new generation.
Tfp Ratchet: Ratchet is shocked to learn how the Terrans came to be. he want's to learn their anatomy in order to help them if they get hurt. he doesn't whole heartedly agree with training the Terrans to fight but understands the necessity of it.
Tfp Megatron: He doesn't like the fact that they were born on earth, in his mind even if they where brought to life by a cybertronian artifact the Terrans shouldn't be treated as the next gen of cybertronians. Megatron does however want to learn more about the artifact that brought them to life.
Tfp Soundwave: The Terrans remind him of the mini-cassettes. He would want to hurt them on purpose and has come up with a million different ways to trap the Terrans just in case they were to try to help fight against him.
Tfa Optimus Prime: He wants to know more about the Terrans and how they work. He's glad that the Terrans are being trained to defend themselves because it never hurts to be careful. Optimus would end up taking a big brother role if given the chance.
Tfa Prowl: Prowl is fascinated at the Terrans existence he would ask questions about their anatomy. He want's to learn everything there is about them.
Tfa Megatron: The Terrans remind him of sari due to their techno appearance and their understanding of things that comes with being born and raised on earth. he would attempt to capture them and teach them the Decepticon ways.
Tfa Blitzwing: They are smol in is optics and he would love to mess with them. but unfortunately unless he's supervised Blitzwing isn't allowed to interact with them. Blitzwing thinks it's weird that the Terrans were made on earth he doesn't understand how that's possible.
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rungneedstherapy · 2 years
⚠️earthspark spoilers⚠️
Ok I watched the second part of tfe, I have so many thoughts, so many emotions.
(not in order)
But especially: G.H.O.S.T has an effing pistol or whatever it is that erase people's memory and they used it on someone!?! Who's someone?? Is it you Optimus?? Is this why u seem so fricking clueless to G.H.O.S.T. actions?? Is this why it looks like you go around with a bandana on your eyes??
Nightshade meeting another non-binary person and learning about the term>>>. THE PINS
Jawbreaker episode, him being autistic coded, and the allegory. Him scared of being broken (Feel you Jawbreaker)
Hashtag wanting to be a director and then making a documentary, and then again her directing the play for Dot.
TARANTULAS. I didn't knew much about him, but I like this version a lot. Hope he's safe.
All the references to IDW comics
Decepticons having to wrestle to obtain Energon and just being an entertainment for humans (just like what happened on Cybertron before the war, minus the humans being other Cybertronians)
Shockwave saying "I know you'll betray them like you betrayed me"
The whole flashback scene
"Yess! I have it :D-Aaaaaugh"
"Decepticon bear witness to the fall of Megatron" it's the new "Megatron has fallen..."
Tarantulas and Nightshade friendship
"I didn't choose war, I choose to survive"
Browl dead body, it reminded me of tf prime's Breakdown
Breakdown rescuing Bee. Breakdown sacrificing for Bee.
The fact that Bee wouldn't have uncover himself (or how u say it, English is not my first language and all) to help Breakdown escape from G.H.O.S.T.
Xenophobia and racism being aknowledged and not ignored.
Mandroid needs energon to survive now? Interesting
G.H.O.S.T. using their prisoners as test subjects (they woke up one morning and thought it was a nice and completely no inhumane thing to do)
THE PARASITED BEAR, why the Malto family didn't question it?? Like, you find strange worms, then an effing bear with purple eyes and tentacles with their own eyes attacks you and you don't get suspicious?? And that thing fell into water?? Like am I the only scared about that thing contaminating something else?? Hello??
Ok I think it's all
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mgarmagedon · 4 months
Okay today I'm giving my honest opinion about Earth Spark season 2 part 1 :D and I still think it's shit :DDD
Before anything, there are gonna be spoilers, so please don't read it if you want to have opinion on your own or just have fun of watching :D
You may ask then, "why tf are you watching it then you stupid hoe", oh silly because I like make my opinion on something, and how could I shit about it if I didn't watch it???
And I will not repeat myself here about things I already complain about it, like graphics (but sometimes I had a feeling like I was watching cutscene from the fucking game on nintendo XDD), texture, this fucking stupid bitch hashtag, etc. but yk have it in mind
But to not being rude I will say something nice first! I like sometimes jokes, like I cringed while them much much more less than last season which is good thing, because few of them were somehow decent like this one with Breakdown and Aftermath which was really lovely to me XD (still hate those bitches as a characters but ykkkk)
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Or when Splitfire is calling Megatron, Optimus and Elita old farts, she is fine when she is just sassy
Also as always Jawbreaker was cute, but's just Jawbreaker uwu
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Okay it's time to go back on judging this shit >:D
So writing, I think it's kinda random sometimes, and I still don't feel like what are they actually say nobody irl would do. Like they are making so much corny text about how they love each other and always saying something about family, and I'm like bruh, I never EVER heard any siblings even the most loving one say such a things.
I also think Robby became the most useless character there rn, like he didn't nothing important, and don't even let me start talking about episode fucking 8 because it's cringefest, and I needed to stop it every few seconds to take deep breath and continue
And why this stupid hoe Hashtag is managing his dating up, as we know he has complected relation with Elita which means they divorced, but never told anyone besides the closest ppl to them, stop her from doing that PLEASE, he is barely using internet
And I think everyone got stupider, because nobody expected that he will kill Aftermath and Splitfire for crystals and like Twitch didn't expected that chaos terran will fucking be a problem, when they literally call CHAOS TERRANS
But the most got it Soundwave and Shockwave pretty much, because they should be intimidating, and they are just fucking stupid to me
Besides how they build and found resources for such a high advance base and HOW American government didn't make a war with cybertronians after destroying G.H.O.S.T. there is no fucking logic to it.
Besides i feel quite lack of characters, because Nightshade was just background character, Shlouder didn't even talk with was just XD, Megatron was almost not there neither Elita, neither Grimlock, like I'm happy that Wheeljack became bigger part of this fr, but yyyeeeee
And Cosmo, like he was just for a little moment, where everyone had their dedicated episodes :CC
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And the most is hard for me is lack of Twitch and Megatron relation, besides of this one moment
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Because I'm like watching this show and torturing myself, mostly for them and I hope until the season 2 end we will get it more, because after they cancelled it, we will not get any more ep.
And to stop my bickering, over all for me this one small part had more good things than whole first season, but has lack of things that I'm watching this show for and Hashatag. . . this stupid-
I gave first season 3/10, so I thing fair would be gave it too 3/10, because of what I have said
Besides about the show cancellation, I think Hasbro doesn't know what is doing like rn they CANCELLED also transformers reactivate, and I hope it's just weird as rebrand not deleting almost finished game 🤡🤡🤡
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Because it's looking like they are cancelling whole transformers franchise to me, and Ik they are rumors of making new cartoon and new things, but then what? They will cancel it again, again and again?
So In my opinion, if new transformers movie won't be a massive success, I'm not seeing bright future for transformers.
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phantom2696 · 1 year
Earthspark Nightbird ideas!
Ok here's what I got:
-Enter the Nightbird is basically still canon more or less. The important stuff at the very least, the broad strokes. Like her being a human-made robot who the Decepticons captured and gave sentience to, carrying out their orders until she was knocked out in combat and taken back by the Autobots to her creator(s). I'd also want to carry over from that episode Megatron's praising of her and Starscream's feelings of jealousy as well as anger at the idea of being replaced by her.
-Works for G.H.O.S.T
-Also has a proper voicebox now
-Has a negative view of Megatron and the Decepticons due to how they abandoned her after she was knocked out and (in her eyes) recaptured
-Megatron especially. Which makes things awkward since they work for the same organization.
-Megatron tries to be nice and courteous to her but she is often non-receptive and tends to ignore, respond passive-aggressively or even just plain aggressively. Even if its been years, decades even, she still feels angry, hurt and betrayed by him.
-Megatron in the present feels bad for how he used and abandoned her in the past. He has tried to apologize to her and wishes to make it up to her somehow.
-If she and Starscream end up in a fight I could see the words exchanged being pretty intense
Nightbird and the Terrans:
-Initially tried to hunt them down and capture them for G.H.O.S.T., assuming they were Decepticons. Once she realized the truth though she stops and like Optimus, Megatron, Elita and Arcee keeps G.H.O.S.T in the dark about them.
-Nightbird feels a kinship with the Terrans once she finds out she and them were both "born" on Earth. She has always felt a bit alone, felt like there's no one really like her. So it becomes comforting to know there are now bots on Earth she shares at least something in common with.
-After she stops trying to hunt and fight them, the Terrans are very accepting of her. They (along with Robby and Mo) actually find her really cool. They love the whole ninja thing and all the different weapons she has on her.
-Could see one or more of the Terrans trying to smooth over things between Megatron and Nightbird they hate seeing family members fight
-Hashtag finds ship art of Megatron and Nightbird on the internet, shows it to them and the ensuing feelings of awkward embarassment make them both feel like they want to die lmao (not trying to start ship discourse I just thought this one would be funny and honestly in-character for Hashtag to do if we're being real 💀)
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Okok, finally watched the last batch of episodes and wow. So many thoughts.
1) the first 3/4 episodes felt rushed, especially 21. I’m so happy they finally acknowledged Starscream trauma but I hope they would have let him talk about him. Most of the episode was actually them running away.
“You believe me??” And “Nowhere is safe if it’s with you” really hit home. Happy he chose to walk away and Megatron let him do so. Starscream is my favourite character and I’m glad they finally decided to not isolate him to the role of “sad irredeemable evil character that ends up going nuts”.
I’m curious about how the relationship with Megatron will develop. I should probably do a post about these two. The only thing I’ll say for now is that I like Megatron as character, he’s interesting and all, but I never thought it was fair for him to get an happy ending while Starscream still got hatred. If they don’t mess up in the second season this might be the time where both get to be better people and be happy.
3) I already said it in another post but...what about that purply thing that infected the bear? Will it come back in season 2? Has it infected the fishes in the river??
4) It's not that I don't like the Maltos, they're fantastic but as others have pointed out: the episodes about them are kind of repetitive. Like, it would perfectly fine if they'd make an episode without them in it and only the old characters. Hope they get more individual character development in S2.
5) The seekers entrance in the final battle was COOL. Stascream as effing customized rockets sjsjaoaoa. Also Swindle, Soundwave and Hardtop where having the time of their lives (Especially Swindle, Soundwave was more like 🧍‍♂️). I hoped to see the fight between Starscream and Megatron (He was so goddamn happy to have the chance to punch him in the face without repercussions)
6) The final battle felt rushed. AND LIKE WHY THE TERRANS DEACTIVATED?? Don't they run solely on magic cave water?? Also the end. I expected them to ruinite with the others before the end of the episode, but they remained there watching the horizon? It's probably because I wanted more decepticons/autobot content.
7) THAT WAS A PLOT TWIST. Actually didn't expect Agent Croft to die Thanos style.
8) This show made me like Grimlock.
9) Hashtag is one of my favourite Terrans
10) Swindle saying to Bumblebee "Oh, like you ruined our lives" made me almost stop the episode to laugh. Love the Decepticons.
11) Speaking about Decepticons, where they the only prisoners?? It seems unlikely, but where are the others? Mandroid has experimented on them?
12) Also in episode 22 Megatron and Optimus are asking information about Starscream. Are they doing so because they noticed they don't have access to all G.H.O.S.T. data or is how they noticed G.H.O.S.T. was hiding something? If it's the second option, why they wanted information about Starscream? Do G.H.O.S.T. actually experimented/interrogated their prisoners regularly?
All these questions stem from that theory about Stascream having absorbed the Allspark during the explosion. (Ok it's probably just me craving for more SS content)
Ok, I think this is all.
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yonker-tonker · 1 year
Just sending you my Earthspark Nightbird ideas. If you have any thoughts on them feel free to share.
-Enter the Nightbird is basically still canon
-She works for G.H.O.S.T now
-She can also talk now
-Has a negative view of Megatron and the Decepticons due to how they abandoned her after she was recaptured
-Megatron especially. Which makes things awkward since they work for the same organization.
-Megatron tries to be nice and courteous to her but she is often non-receptive and tends to respond passive-aggressively or even just plain aggressively. Even if its been years, decades even, she still feels angry, hurt and betrayed by him.
-Megatron in the present feels bad for how he used and abandoned her in the past. He has tried to apologize to her and wishes to make it up to her somehow.
-If she and Starscream end up in a fight I could see the words exchanged being pretty intense
Nightbird and the Terrans:
-Initially tried to hunt them down and capture them for G.H.O.S.T., assuming they were Decepticons. Once she realized the truth though she stops and like Optimus, Megatron, Elita and Arcee keeps G.H.O.S.T in the dark about them.
-Nightbird feels a kinship with the Terrans once she finds out she and them were both "born" on Earth. She has always felt a bit alone, felt like there's no one really like her. So it becomes comforting to know there are now bots on Earth she shares at least something in common with.
-After she stops trying to hunt and fight them, the Terrans are very accepting of her. They (along with Robby and Mo) actually find her really cool. They love the whole ninja thing and all the different weapons she has on her.
-Could see one or more of the Terrans trying to smooth over things between Megatron and Nightbird. They hate seeing family members fight 🥺
-Hashtag finds ship art of Megatron and Nightbird on the internet, shows it to them and the ensuing feelings of awkward embarassment make them both feel like they want to die (not trying to start ship discourse I just thought this one would be funny lmao)
its really amusing how ETNB can fit into ES p well. I'm more of a mute nb kinda guy, though. the maltos have a lot of work cut out for them if they want to fix nb and meg's relationship lol
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Time to ramble about robots again!
So a little while back, I briefly talked about two crossovers between Transformers Earthspark and Transformers Prime: One where the Terrans end up in Nevada and another where Team Prime (Or at least a couple of them) end up in Witwicky. I want to go more in depth on the former, just to get some of it out of my system.
Our story starts the way many crossover AUs do: with a malfunctioning spacebridge.
I initially thought of Nightshade building it as a way for the Maltos to escape any close encounters with G.H.O.S.T. but then I remembered that Earthspark uses the G1 spacebridge design. i.e. a massive ring laying flat on the ground. So instead, the gang stumbles upon some rogue Decepticons building a spacebridge in the woods so they can finally get off Earth. But since whatever scientist (Simacore maybe? It doesn't matter) they have probably isn't as good as Shockwave and they're rushing to build this before G.H.O.S.T. catches on, things go to shit pretty quickly.
Don't ask how the cons are able to build a spacebridge capable of tearing a hole through reality when they can barely feed themselves
The cons manage to escape the out of control spacebridge, but the Maltos aren't as lucky. I'm not completely sure who all gets sucked into the bridge since I don't want the entire family going through, so for now I'm gonna say Dottie, Robbie, Twitch, Hashtag, and Nightshade get pulled through. This lineup could be subject to change.
From there, things become a little vague for me. I was gonna have them to end up in Prime at some point after Shadowzone, sine Team Prime would be more open to the idea of alternate dimensions after that episode. But I also want Hashtag to be there for Out of His Head (And maybe Nightshade for Predatory? Just to give them a spider who isn't chill). Hell, I'm half tempted to have them land in the pilot and be split up so that ES!Bumblebee can save Cliffjumper.
In any case, Team Prime picks up on a massive energy surge and investigates. They meet with the Maltos and despite varying levels of skepticism, they bring them back to base. I like to think there's a bit of early tension because Fowler and/or some of the bots give the the whole "robots in disguise" spiel and try to get Twitch and Nightshade (Or Jawbreaker. Again, haven't decided yet) to take on more covert alt modes, only for Optimus to step in and say they have a right to keep their forms though it means they can't go out as much as Hashtag
Robbie and the Terrans aren't super active in the war - cos y'know, they're kids - so they're usually either getting into shenanigans or helping around the base. Hashtag is scrubbing evidence of the Transformers off the internet, Twitch is sparring with Wheeljack or Arcee, and Nightshade is trying to help Ratchet perfect the synth en formula, find the Maltos a way home, and rebuild the holoform projector so they and their siblings can leave the base.
Meanwhile, Optimus is quietly having a crisis in the corner. There's a world where Megatron ended the war? Cybertron's core wasn't poisoned (Yeah, it might still be dead, but the key word is might)? He now has kids to look after. Not 'kid' like Smokescreen, but actual children who should not be here. Yeah, the Decepticons getting their hands on the human kids would be bad, but Optimus doesn't even want to think about what they'll do if they find out about the Terrans.
Uh, I'm running out of steam so I'm gonna try and speed through some more notes.
Wheeljack becomes Dad 2.5
The Terrans meet the Rescue Bots at some point due to Hashtag unintentionally looking through government files
I'm tempted to have Jawbreaker scan his canon alt mode since I know what it is, but I think I'll wait until I see how he actually gets it in season 1C before I decide for sure.
I want one of the Terrans to connect with either Dreadwing or Breakdown, though I'm not sure who does it or how.
Maybe the aligned!Emberstone is on Earth? They had a billion other relics stashed here so it wouldn't be too surprising.
If Cliffjumper lives, the Terrans are the ones who reveal themselves to Jack and Raf. Miko's intro to the bots stays the same.
Actually, if Cliffjumper lives, Bumblebee gets captured by the cons. He'll live but it won't be fun.
The Terrans get two drug PSAs! One from Megatron and the other from Ratchet.
Miko isn't allowed to be alone with Hashtag or the twins. That is an accident waiting to happen.
I feel like Dottie and June would be a fun dynamic? Lemme get back to you on that.
Nightshade sneaks out at night and becomes a local cryptid before Hashtag can scrub the images.
The displaced Maltos aren't showing it, but they are freaking out. They have no way of knowing if the rest of the family got away from the spacebridge, got sent to some other universe, or just flat out died when the spacebridge went critical.
Dottie and Robbie (Or Alex and Mo, or Dottie and Mo, or-) get set up with false records so that they aren't stuck in the silo for weeks on end.
Hashtag tries to hack the warship at least once. How it goes remains to be seen.
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