linuxguru · 2 months
How to Enable MFA Using TOTP in HashiCorp Vault
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otcing · 5 months
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teknolojihaber · 5 months
IBM, bulut hizmetlerini genişletmek için HashiCorp'u 6,4 milyar dolara satın alacak
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IBM Corporation, beklendiği gibi, bulut altyapısını yönetmek için bir dizi açık araç geliştiren HashiCorp'u satın almak için bir anlaşma yaptığını duyurdu . Şirket  6,4 milyar dolara satılıyor. Anlaşmanın koşulları uyarınca IBM, HashiCorp'u menkul kıymet başına 35 ABD doları karşılığında satın alıyor. HashiCorp ürünlerinin, müşterilerin BT altyapısının yaşam döngüsünü yönetmek için otomasyon araçlarını kullanmalarına olanak tanıdığı, ayrıca hibrit ve çoklu bulut ortamlarının oluşumuna da yardımcı olduğu belirtiliyor. Aynı zamanda şirketler ve kuruluşlar, çeşitli sağlayıcıların bulut kaynaklarını kullanarak iş ihtiyaçlarına en uygun platformu oluşturabilirler. IBM için bu anlaşma, hibrit bulut konseptini geliştirmeyi ve iddia ettiği iki "dönüştürücü teknoloji" olan yapay zeka araçlarının yaygın biçimde benimsenmesini amaçlayan daha büyük bir girişimin parçası. HashiCorp'un çözümleri, IBM ve Red Hat ürünleriyle bir araya gelerek müşterilere, şirket içi ortamların yanı sıra hiper ölçekli ve özel bulutlar da dahil olmak üzere çeşitli altyapılarda iş yüklerinin devreye alınmasını ve koordinasyonunu otomatikleştirecek bir platform sağlayacak. Her iki tarafın yönetim kurulları da bu işlem üzerinde anlaşmaya vardı. Artık HashiCorp hissedarlarından ve düzenleyicilerinden onay alması gerekiyor. İşlemin 2024 yılı sonuna kadar tamamlanması bekleniyor. Read the full article
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datamattsson · 1 year
Got Cloud?
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nerdjourney · 1 year
Have you ever tried to talk someone out of hiring you for a specific job? When someone who knew Chris Williams wanted him to work under her and take on the role of managing people, Chris initially tried to talk her out of hiring him. Chris had learned firsthand what both good and bad managers look like and sought to put the proper feedback mechanisms in place to ensure he could be successful.
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codeparttime · 1 year
Rolling Restarts: Minimizing Downtime in Modern Applications
Learn about rolling restarts, their advantages over traditional restarts, use cases, implementation strategies, and best practices for monitoring and handling errors.
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devsnews · 1 year
This article explores how using GitHub and HashiCorp together enables enterprises to develop and ship to their customers faster and more securely with consistent workflows and actions.
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whizlabs · 2 years
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#giveawayalert 💡Feb Month - Brain Teaser is 😍 back to you!  COMMENT the right answer in LinkedIn Post and get 🏆 A Chance to WIN 1️⃣ Course for FREE.
Day-2: QUESTION is out now !! 👇👇
How can you view the value of a particular output using the CLI? The output you want to query was declared like
output “ips” {   value = aws_instance.frontend.*.public_ip } A. terraform output show B. terraform output show ips C. terraform output D. terraform output ips
Here are the STEPS: 👇🏻
 1️⃣ Solve the Brain Teaser!  2️⃣ Comment the Right Answer 🙋🏻‍♂️  3️⃣ Become the Lucky Winner 🎉  4️⃣ Learn your DESIRED Course for FREE 📚
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now it’s easy to integrate diagramming into your terraform deployment code
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virtualizationhowto · 2 months
7 Hashicorp Vault Alternatives in 2024
7 Hashicorp Vault Alternatives in 2024 #devops #hashicorpvault #secretsmanagement #security #cybersecurity #plaintextpasswords #cicdpipelines #cloudsecrets #azurekeyvault #awssecretsmanager #akeyless #cyberarkconjur #mozillasops #doppler #kubernetes
Hashicorp Vault is a popular solution for ones looking at secrets management with DevOps and other workflows. However, there are alternatives out there that have similar features and may offer a better solution for your use case. We will consider 7 Hashicorp Vault alternatives in 2024 to see which one might suit your needs best. Table of contentsBrief overview of Hashicorp VaultWhy choose a…
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Can HashiCorp Consul be used to monitor messages and fine-grained control over network traffic management in message brokers' producer-consumer-based process in a microservice architecture?
Yes, Consul can be used to monitor message failures or non-deliveries in message broker producer-consumer processes within microservices architectures, but with some limitations and considerations. Consul primarily functions as a service discovery and configuration management tool, providing features such as service registration, health checks, and key-value store. While Consul itself doesn’t…
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ericvanderburg · 16 days
Veza and HashiCorp join forces to help prevent credential exposure
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myconetted · 1 year
congrats to hashicorp for pissing off literally everyone by changing the terraform license to stop being open source
a fork project has already submitted the paperwork to become part of the linux foundation and CNCF and has their new repo up in a functioning state
bonus points: the fork project's manifesto/open letter already has 33k stars on github
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you have posted cringe. you are going to lose subscriber
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kennak · 6 months
私の意見では、これは Hashicorp が所有されて買収を求めているのと同じように、Redis Labs を潰すことになり、誰かが Redis Labs を盗むのを止めることはできないでしょう。これで本当に苦しんでいるのは、法的なでたらめなしで Redis キャッシュを使いたいだけの小規模なスタートアップだからです。一方、AWS が Redis をフォークすることは実行可能であり、それを逆転させてフォークに寛容なライセンスを適用することもでき、その結果、突然 Redis Labs がライセンスの点でより悪い選択肢になる可能性があります。 難しい選択ですが、コードをプロプライエタリに保つか、「Apache か MIT」に固執するかのどちらかだと思います。途中でライセンスを切り替えるというこのようなことはすべて本当に不十分で、逆効果になる運命にあるように思えます。 オープンソースとは、ソフトウェアのユーザー所有権に関するものです。 金儲けのために法的な策略を使ってそれを回避しようとしても、大規模な企業チームに損害を与えるのではなく、むしろユーザーに損害を与えることになります。 大手企業チームもユーザーであり、このような法的な混乱に対処したくないのです。 好むと好まざるにかかわらず、Redis は常に寛容なオープンソース プロジェクトであり、それが成功の理由です。 それを変えることは、今後の方程式を変えることであり、関係者全員にとって悪い結果を招くことになります。
Redis はデュアル ソースで利用可能なライセンスを採用 | ハッカーニュース
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nerdjourney · 1 year
When Chris Williams received value from a technical community effort called vBrownBag, he wanted to know how he could help. This started a transformation process in which Chris became a passionate steward of professional communities. In fact, he'll share the story of participating in multiple communities and acting as the group leader. The aggregation of his public facing work is what brought him an unexpected job opportunity at HashiCorp. Chris also shares some really interesting interview questions he likes to ask people based on the type of interview he is conducting.
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msinsights · 19 days
Cloud Management Platform (CMP) Market Size, Share, Growth Prospects, Top Vendors, End Users and Forecast by 2031
The Cloud Management Platform (CMP) Market, as scrutinized by Metastat Insight, has experienced a remarkable surge in recent times, propelled by the escalating embrace of cloud computing across a diverse array of industries. As organizations wholeheartedly welcome the agility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness that cloud solutions offer, the necessity for efficient cloud management platforms has become an indispensable priority. 
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.metastatinsight.com/request-sample/2747
Top Companies
Platform9, VMware, CoreStack, IBM (Red Hat) HashiCorp, Turbonomic, CloudBolt Software, CloudCheckr, Flexera (RightScale), Morpheus Data, Cisco.
Cloud management platforms have emerged as indispensable tools for organizations seeking to streamline their cloud operations, enabling them to expertly manage and monitor their cloud resources. These platforms provide a centralized dashboard, affording visibility into cloud infrastructure, applications, and services, thereby allowing for seamless management and optimization of cloud environments. 
The proliferation of multi-cloud and hybrid cloud strategies has further kindled the demand for cloud management platforms. As organizations leverage multiple cloud providers to meet their specific requirements, the need for a unified platform to manage and orchestrate these disparate environments has become an increasingly critical imperative. Cloud management platforms offer the capability to seamlessly integrate and manage various cloud platforms, ensuring consistency, governance, and compliance across the entire cloud ecosystem.
Browse Complete Report @ https://www.metastatinsight.com/report/cloud-management-platform-cmp-market
Moreover, the growing emphasis on cost optimization and resource utilization has significantly contributed to the adoption of cloud management platforms. These platforms furnish organizations with valuable insights into their cloud resource consumption, empowering them to identify underutilized or overprovisioned resources, and make informed decisions to optimize their cloud spending. 
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