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tokruta · 1 year ago
The death grip Hayden as Anakin has on me is catastrophic
I just saw an edit from the new Ahsoka episode and I was legit losing my mind
Hopping, swinging my legs, twirling my hair, smiling like mad, and singing along to the song with heart eyes basically
I just...
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aroacesappho · 3 years ago
My farmer is a girl called Nicole, i'll make a art of her later.
She flirt with every single girl on her own way:
She give some flowers or something she find remember one of them
is 2 weeks on first year and she hasan't said hi to any men aside Pierre, Clint and others.
You'll often see her on her horse running around, and she's the goddness of the fishing, she's buffed from all mining and chopping wood, carrying buckeds filled with fish and water.
this is how Sophie saw a doggo fish as asked for them, since Nicole had caugh 4 of them, so she give them because why not?
Leah just saw this woman appear from the deep of the forest, arms full of flowers and mushrooms and asked if she wanted some
she also saw the same woman jump on the lake trying to caugh a fish barehand
Alissa was inside Marnie reading when the door opened, she turnes back and saw Nicole with a basket full of cherries, she let it there and purchase two chicks that she carefully carried outside
Abigail was having a bad day, them Nicole was still on the bridge and glanced ar her, giving a ametist because it has the same hair color and Abigail just stood mouth open
Nicole was cursing lowly from the thorns of a cactus fruit on hand and she handed it to Claire when she helped take the thorn out, Claire was left speecheless.
Penny got scared when Nicole yeeted on the river near her and apologized from this
Yes, Nicole will have 5 girlfriend: Abigail, Alissa, Claire, Leah and Sophie
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tokruta · 1 year ago
I can’t explain why, but this is my favorite hilson edit ever and I can/will watch it on loop for an uncountable amount of times
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tokruta · 2 years ago
Do you ever just think about RIPeter and just
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He was so excited to not be alone, he was immediately ready to take Miles under his wings and mentor him.
I'm sure he had many thoughts running through his head before he died, and one of them was definitely sorrow about how Miles was going to be alone like he was. That Miles was going to have to figure it out on his own like he had to. I bet he also felt sorrow for himself, too, he had just found Miles and their future seemed so bright, only to have it snuffed out before it even had a chance.
I love Peter B and the other Spiders, but fuck do I mourn 1610 Peter so much, he seemed so kind.
And I'm crying again fuck
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tokruta · 2 years ago
sorry i was just thinking about ✨them✨
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tokruta · 1 year ago
someone who is good at psychology help me understand why i adore jegulus with all my heart but don't like drarry outside of very specific aus
please my family is dying (my ability to read jegulus lives aus is heavily compromised)
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tokruta · 1 year ago
Just watched Nerdy Prudes Must Die and apparently it’s part of a trilogy???? I need to watch the other two now ig
Hope Grace Chastity is in those too, love me a religious nut job, it’s the Catholic trauma in me :)
Also the Lords of Black (or whatever their name is) song slapped so hard, I think it’s my fave and am looking forward to seeing them again (guessing by the audience reaction to them)
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tokruta · 2 years ago
A follow-up to my Miguel as Miguel Rivera's great-grandson post:
Just thinking about one of the Spiders from either the later half of the 20th century or the early 21st century playing some Ernesto de la Cruz music and Miguel bolts his ass down the hall to rip the device apart and then he storms away with no explanation.
Everyone now knows he hates Ernesto de la Cruz, but no one knows why. So people come up with wild theories, anything from de la Cruz being a time-traveling musical villain in his dimension to Miguel having a failed music career and being jealous of "the greatest musician ever". Those whose dimensions are after de la Cruz got exposed stay quiet bc the theories are funnier than just assuming Miguel really hates this specific murderous fraud from well over a century ago.
Meanwhile, Miguel just stomps his way back to his hidey hole and plays his bisabuelo's music (especially his covers of Hector's songs) loudly to calm down. Then he calls him and they talk about their hatred of Ernesto de la Cruz 🥰, he loves talking shit with his 100-year-old bisabuelo lol
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tokruta · 2 years ago
Fuck I have a problem.
I've been obsessed with Miguel for almost 3 weeks now and it's showing no signs of disappearing any time soon.
I haven't been able to focus much on my writing in any meaningful way because my brain is just so consumed with Miguel and Spiderverse in general.
But mostly Miguel.
I just. love him so much.
I can't stop thinking about him and watching edits and scrolling through twitter for art and posts. He's just so. everything. everything ever all at once. what more can i ask for in a character?
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tokruta · 2 years ago
In the spirit of Hobie Brown, I will not buy any of his merch. I'll be making my own 🧶
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tokruta · 2 years ago
Maybe I'm overthinking this (or underthinking who knows) but I don't really get the complaints about Miguel saying "ay coño." Like, yeah it's not really used in Mexican Spanish from what I've seen online (I'm Mex-American, my parents both left rural Jalisco in the '80s so my Spanish isn't exactly the most modern at times), but I just chalk it up to him being from Nueva York decades in the future. New York is diverse as hell. Currently, there are more Non-Mexican latines than Mexican latines there (as opposed to my home turf of LA, which is mostly Mexican (but not only! Never assume a latine person is Mexican!)) and I feel like that could help account for his use of it.
Plus, language always changes and we as a species are more connected than ever, there will be linguistic influences all over the place. Do you know how many Americans I know who use "bloody", "mate", and "doggo"? Loads. All integrated into their daily vernacular because of how accessible non-American entertainment and memes are. So, maybe in the future, Mexicans use "coño" too. And if not, it's still possible that the people of Nueva York do.
Idk, it's nothing actually important and I understand the desire to have Miguel say a more Mexican expletive, but I actually really like it's use in the movie. Like when he says "shocking mess" earlier on, it is a small detail that points to Miguel not being from our time and I like that.
He really is not like the others, a futuristic lover with different DNA. Hell, he's from a different dimension! okay i'll stop before i get to the poison part of the song 😳
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tokruta · 1 year ago
Happy Halloween!
Got back into the Marauders fandom just in time for some fresh ✨pain✨ love that for me 🥲 absolutely love that
No I haven’t cried yet shut up you cried
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tokruta · 1 year ago
Life isn't over until you're dead
Life isn't over until you're dead
Life isn't over until you're dead
Life isn't over until you're dead
Life isn't over until you're dead
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tokruta · 1 year ago
love my nieces and nephew
my god do they reinforce my decision to remain childfree everyday
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tokruta · 1 year ago
Fellas I just realized something
I can crochet my own faves
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I can finally have the Obito with Tobi mask plush of my decade+ long dreams
I’ve loved that man since I was like 11, I need some merch to show my love lmao
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tokruta · 2 years ago
Not gonna lie, I have a bit of that Classic Californian “it’s not gonna be that bad” attitude going on but I just remembered
I live like 5 minutes away from the LA river. Walking.
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