#has e v e r had over for dinner in your whole life-
slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
I haven't even SEEN this movie yet and I have fic ideas for Smiley.
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h4ndwr1tten · 9 months
HI omg this has been eating away at me,, could i request an angsty (but with a happy ending) fic where the reader has been in love with kento ever since they were classmates at juju high and she always flirts with him but he rejects her every time up until the present day at shibuya where she saves his life by using a technique that gives him her life force and allows him to regenerate ig or take the blow of the hit and that leaves her on the brink kf death and kento realizes how much he's actually been in love with her the whole time and somehow she survives and he literally g r o v e l s and confesses and UGH this is too long i'm sorry but feel free to change some details to your convenience, TYSMM 🫶🫶🫶
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characters — nanami kento x reader
note — i'm genuinely sorry i dont post requests on time :( anyways i didn't know how to end it so if i have time to i might rewrite it? i'm just trying to get this out bc i feel bad for leaving anon hanging.. (CORNY AHH TITLE)
cw — anxiousness, unrequited love (or so it seems) in the first half, violence kinda?, reader gets hurt and ends up in the hospital, kissing on the hand, confession ish, shitty ending might rewrite, not proofread. lmk if i missed any.
synopsis — you've gone through years and years confessing your feelings to kento, but this mission might be the scariest thing you've gone through. even for kento.
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goosebumps covered your skin as worry churns in your stomach. on every other mission, you had felt worry and fear regarding the mission, but it was a normal thing that almost every other sorcerer experienced. those feelings, however, weren't the nagging, unrelenting ones you were feeling right now.
no, this was a gut feeling. of what, you couldn't decide. you knew it was a gut feeling because of the way it couldn't be diminished through encouragement and reassurance, and the way it came crawling back to you every time you were able to get your mind off of it. despite knowing you weren't going to be alone in this mission, you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable and fearful for not just yourself, but everyone involved as well.
especially kento.
kento was going on this mission, alongside a few other sorcerers, and the thought of going into this with you provided some solace for your troubles. you felt safe with him, you always have.
ever since your high school days as a student at jujutsu high, you've always been drawn to kento. he was one first friends there, and despite not being exactly best friends, you always cherished his company.
that is until a year later, you began seeing him in a different light, one that was more romantic than platonic. you started noticing the little details that made kento, kento. how he liked to keep his blond hair swept to his right. how he would subconsciously hum to himself when he was focused on something. how he always made room for something sweet after dinner. you began to crave his presence more than you usually did. you started seeking him out in classes and in crowds. you tried your best to impress him, whether it be working hard in class, giving your all during practice, or fighting hard on a mission. you even began flirting with him, starting off subtle before becoming more obvious. you did everything you could think of just so he could see you the way you saw him.
you remember the first time he rejected you. you remember how at first, you were in denial because you really thought you had a chance. you cried to shoko about it, and somehow satoru and suguru as well (they were eavesdropping and jumped into the conversation). then you cried more by yourself, eventually falling into a deep slumber after exhausting yourself.
"hi ken!" you greeted your friend, a little more eager than usual.
you were up last night, convincing yourself that it was time to confess your feelings and that he would feel the same, or at least give you a chance. you had been keeping your feelings to yourself for a little over a month now, and you felt like you couldn't wait any longer.
now here you were, standing in front of the teen you had a massive crush on, who was sitting on a bench under a tree, with a book in his hand and his favorite sandwich lying on the space next to him.
kento sent you a small smile in acknowledgement, before slightly scooting to the side as if to make room for you.
you blushed at the gesture then took a seat on the bench, watching kento as he flipped a page in his book.
"what're you reading?" you ask. to be honest, you weren't really interested in his book. you just wanted to start a conversation before confessing your feelings for him.
"a biography," he answered briefly.
"about who?"
"some warrior."
then, setting the book down, kento turned to you with a curious look on his face. "did you need something, y/n?"
his amber eyes found yours and a sudden wave of nerves came over you. where had your determination and confidence gone? your heart probably grabbed them both and chucked it out of your body and across the nation. then its beating increased, as if taunting you for being so confident.
"um," you started slowly, breaking the eye contact and looking down at your lap. "i... you..."
"take your time," kento hummed. was it obvious how anxious you became, or was he just that good at reading people?
you began fidgeting with the hem of your skirt while trying to find the right words. a simple 'i like you' wouldn't suffice, because what you felt seemed stronger than just a 'like'. this was so much easier in your head. with a deep breath to prepare you and shifting your gaze back to him, you finally spoke.
"i have... feelings for you," you spoke more slowly this time.
his brow quirked up, and as he opened his mouth to respond, you cut him off.
"i like you."
so much for not saying 'i like you'.
oh? what oh? was that a good oh or a bad oh? you thought to yourself. kento grew silent and looked down at the grass, and his silence worsened your nerves. you were squeezing the end bit of your skirt now, while your mind was playing every other scenario you could have been in right now.
"kento?" his name leaving your mouth in a barely there whisper.
he turned back to you with pink cheeks and ears. you would've thought he was flattered if it wasn't for what he said next.
"i'm sorry, y/n. if you mean romantic feelings, and you like me in that sense, i don't feel the same way."
the whole world stopped. the distant chatter and bird calls faded into silence. the rise and fall of your chest paused as you felt yourself stop breathing. your cramped fingers finally stilled a against your skirt. your head kept replaying those words again and again, and your shattered heart dropped to your stomach, bringing a sick feeling with it.
"oh," you whispered. "i see."
you couldn't bare to be in this area anymore, or anywhere near kento. you were so sure that he'd at least want to see where things go with you. had you become so delusional and forgotten to think that being rejected was the other half of all possible outcomes?
a gentle hand then laid on your shoulder, while a face came into your peripherals. you couldn't bring yourself to look at him, knowing it would only bring you more shame.
"but we can still remain friends. it won't be awkward, to me at least," kento suggested politely and, what he might've thought, comfortingly.
but it only worsened your humiliation. he just had to use that term, that wretched word. as if his rejection wasn't enough, he really thought it was a good idea to say the damned f-word after confessing he didn't feel the same.
you knew kento only had good intentions in mind when he said it, and you understood that he never meant to hurt you with his words. but that simple sentence made it clear to you that that was all he saw you as.
a friend.
you could feel your throat closing up, your nose burning, and your eyes beginning to prick. kento already felt bad, it was clear, and you didn't want to make him feel worse. so you decided that it was time to leave, and maybe never leave your bed again.
"okay, well," you sniffed, wiping a stray tear and standing up, "thank you for being honest and telling me how you feel."
upon seeing your crestfallen face, kento frowned. "y/n, i'm sorry—"
"no, don't apologize. i understand," you smiled sadly.
after mumbling a broken and half-hearted 'have a wonderful evening', you left the bench under the tree and cried the rest of the day.
despite being rejected and so, so hurt, you quickly came to realize that your feelings weren't fading any time soon. they continued to linger, like someone who couldn't take a hint and conversing with another who just wanted to get through the day. you yourself got the hint, the message—kento didn't reciprocate your feelings. but your heart didn't quite get the memo, as it refused to let go of the man.
over time, your feelings grew stronger and so did the urge to confess once again. so you confessed, and once again, you were rejected. this time, however, you cried a little less. moved on a little quicker. and you tried again.
this grew into a cycle, an unhealthy one, for the rest of your high school years. it was predictable and pathetic, but with feelings for kento as strong as yours? you were determined to get him to see you as more than just his good friend, hell, to even go out on at least one date.
and now, present times, nothing had changed. you were still in love with nanami kento and he... well, he was still not in love. you were still confessing and he was still rejecting. you might've seemed desperate, but your feelings never went away and kento never ended his friendship with you, so it had to mean something. right?
right now, however, your feelings were the least of your worries. your brows were furrowed, your bottom lip was tucked in between your teeth, and you were wringing your wrists over and over. despite going on this mission with the man you trusted above all, you felt that things wouldn't turn out the way they should.
"are you alright, y/n?" kento quietly asked you, having noticed your silence and body language.
"hm? oh, yeah. i'm just," you paused, then whispered, "scared."
you felt kento's hand gently lay on your shoulder, feeling his eyes on your own as he spoke, "it's going to be okay. i'll be there with you the entire time, and i will do my best to keep you safe and unharmed."
smiling up at him, you nodded and thanked him. he nodded once back, then led you two out the door and onto the mission.
you could barely function at this point. your vision was clouded with dark fuzzy spots, you could barely move your sore and numb limbs, your ears were ringing as though an alarm were blaring in them. your head was throbbing as blood trickled down your face from the gash above your brow, and your heart was racing faster than it ever had before.
the mission had gone horribly wrong; the curse was far more dangerous and powerful than expected. it could birth weaker clones that were still enough to cause damage, and the only way to stop the multiplication was to eliminate the main curse.
which had set its dark, blood lusted eyes on you for the past half hour. and in that time, you felt your life flashing before your eyes. you didn't know where kento had gone—the last you saw of him was taking on an army of the multiples.
your delayed movements weren't helping much. all your energy had been depleted whilst trying to fight survive the curse, making it almost impossible to use your cursed technique. if you thought fighting was exhausting, then trying to stay conscious felt much worse.
as you tried (and failed) to focus on executing technique, the curse came out of nowhere and violently hurled you into a nearby destroyed building. you broke through the remains of a wall, the only thing breaking your fall being a mound of ash and dust. chunks of the wall surrounded you, while a larger portion lay on the rest of your body below your shoulders. .
despite the ringing and your heart thrumming in your ears, you could hear his distant yell for you. he must have finally gotten rid of the multiples when the main was focused on you, or held them off long enough to find you. whatever he did, though, you couldn't focus on right now. all you could really think of was the excruciating pain and fear you were experiencing.
the impact from you hitting the wall had knocked the wind out of you and the wall fragment on your chest made things even worse. your lungs felt tight on the inside, while they were being crushed on the outside. you could barely get in any air, the most you could take in being a mere gasp. you were beginning to panic now. were you going to die? is this how you were going out, because you were unable to defeat a curse? where was kento?
you didn't realize it but tears had begun to fall from your eyes. a reaction caused by the emotions and physical pain you were overwhelmed with. you were scared, so fucking terrified to meet your inevitable end.
what you also didn't know was that kento was fighting his ass off trying to murder the curse. it felt a bit easier because of all the anger he was feeling towards the creature for absolutely wrecking you. all rationality left his body the moment he saw you be carelessly thrown like a rag doll, and now he found himself brutally attacking the curse with no remorse. even satoru was shocked at his behavior, as he thought this curse would need more than one person to defeat it.
it took a few minutes longer, but kento had defeated the curse. he had sliced up the lower body and saved the stupid, ugly head for last, cutting it in half through the eyes and another half through the side. and in exactly 5 seconds, the curse had let out a final whine before it's dismembered body and quartered head disintegrated into pools of foul-smelling acid, but kento could care less about it.
he sprinted to where you were laying, not caring that satoru was calling after him, not caring that civilians were hurt or scared. you were the only thing on his mind and his body burned with the sickening fear that you were—
no, he couldn't bare to think of it. you were strong, persistent, determined. you didn't give up that easily, he would know. kento knew you would put up a fight, and a good one at that, before you'd let death win over and welcome you. but the question was, how long did until that fight was over?
luckily enough, kento could see your dust-covered body underneath the rubble. your skin was losing its color quickly and he could see you trembling, hear you crying fearfully and painfully calling for help. he rushed to your side, immediately but gently lifting the broken debris off your frail body.
"k-kento," you wheezed, tears pouring out of your eyes and leaving trails through the dust. "i can't—i can't b-breathe, it.. hurts."
kento's hands were shaking violently, panic settling in and his mind wondering darker thoughts. with one hand, he gently cupped your face and looked into your glossy eyes.
"it's okay, y/n. everything will be okay, i'm going to get you out of here, and we'll get you help, i promise. just stay calm for me, okay?"
his reassurance was enough to quell the some of the anxiety gnawing at your insides. despite trembling badly, kento hastily continued to uncover your body from the wall. the larger piece took more effort, and though his hands were burning an angry red, kento continued to lift and push, then threw it somewhere away from you.
kento felt sick at the sight of your battered frame. your natural skin color was barely visible as bruises covered almost the entirety of your body. cuts and gashes so deep they would scar marked your torso, and blood was seeping out through them. he was a strong man who'd seen enough gore to make even the coldest people faint, but seeing you in this condition made his eyes sting and burn.
"kento," you sobbed, the pain becoming too much to bear.
not wasting anymore time, kento gently scooped you into his arms, but despite his best efforts, the winces and cries you let out let him know that even the slightest touch hurt like hell. he began to speed walk to satoru, yelling out for the man while trying not to bounce you too much.
his heart was racing faster than it ever had before. a kind of fear he had never felt was consuming him, tightening around his entire body and squeezing his lungs. he could barely breathe, barely think properly.
meanwhile, you could slowly feel yourself begin to drift out of consciousness. was this death opening its gates to you? welcoming you in the worst way possible, having the life leave your body in the arms of the man you were in love with? everything began to feel numb. you weren't crying anymore. you were feeling a little sleepy.
"y/n, don't you dare close your eyes!"
kento's loud and firm voice abruptly knocked some consciousness into you, keeping you awake for a little longer. he gave you a gentle squeeze on your arm, a whine escaping you at the ache.
"i'm so sorry, i don't want to hurt you. we're going to get you help, alright? satoru!"
you couldn't process what happened after that, as the ringing in your ears returned. your vision became fuzzy, but the last thing you remember was a mess of snowy hair, teary hazel eyes, and the world around you spinning.
you fell asleep.
the sound of steady beeps sounded throughout the area you were in. consciousness slowly making its way back into your body.
you were tired, so exhausted. you just wanted to sleep for a month, but as memories began to flood your mind, the desire to sleep seemed harder to achieve.
the last thing you recall happening was kento pulling you out of the remains of a building, carrying you bridal style away from where you had laid, and satoru placing a hand on both you and kento. anything after that, you had no recollection of.
the incessant beep coming from your left prompted you to open your eyes. you squinted right away, your pupils slowly adjusting to the change of brightness. above you were fluorescent lights and around you were clean, white walls. the room had little to no decoration or color and it felt sterile. physical feeling had come back to you, and you felt your body wrapped in thin sheets, laid on a firm mattress. tubes ran up and down your arms and you could feel them underneath the gown you found yourself in.
you hadn't taken too long to figure out that you were in a hospital room. what you didn't realize right away was the blond man sitting next to your bed, his head buried in one arm and the other holding your hand. he wasn't in his usual blue dress shirt and slacks. instead, he was in a plain black tee and sweats. you figured he must have changed during the time you were unconscious, which you still had yet to find out.
your mind was running slower than ever today, because it had just clicked that nanami kento was holding your hand. he was the last person you saw when you passed out and the first person you see when you awoke. had kento been here by your side the entire time?
wanting to see more of him, you shifted your weight onto your elbows, trying to prop yourself up and painfully failing. sharp stabbing-like sensation ran through your right shoulder, a burning one across your left arm, and your back felt stiff and extremely sore.
a loud wince involuntarily escaped your lips, tears rushing to your eyes at the overwhelming aches. immediately, kento woke and snapped his head, looking confused for a second, then realizing what was happening next.
"heyheyhey, y/n, don't move too much. you're still recovering, so just lie down, alright?"
he had stood from his seat and helped slowly lower your body back into the bed. he held you so firmly yet so gently as if not to hurt you or you'd break. he then pulled the thin sheets over your lap to keep you warm, then adjusted the bed so that you were slightly sitting up with support.
then, carefully cupping your face, he wiped a stray tear with his thumb, then lightly stroked across your cheek. his eyes were so full of concern as he scanned your entire face, as if making sure you were really here. the emotion radiating off of him and the way he held you with such delicacy made you feel so safe and cared for.
"how are you feeling?" kento whispered, brows slightly furrowed.
"it hurts," you whispered in response. a frown crossed kento's face and he genuinely looked so broken to know you were in great pain.
"i'm so, so sorry, y/n," kento apologized, breaking eye contact and bowing his head, almost shamefully. "i should have been there, by your side. i should've just let gojo take care of the clones, hell, the actual curse itself. i should have been there—"
"kento," you cut him off. you couldn't handle hearing him blame himself for your near-death experience. he couldn't have saved you while defending himself, and if there was a choice to be made, you would've rather he lived.
"please... don't think this was your fault," you requested, voice raspy from not talking and the incident. "it was not your fault the curse decided to come after me. it was not your fault i wasn't strong enough to fight it alone—"
"but that's the thing, y/n," kento argued. "you couldn't have taken that thing on alone. i should have been there to aid you and help take it down."
in an attempt to lighten the mood, you exhaled a laugh through your nose and joked, "what, you don't think i'm strong enough to fight a special-grade?"
kento gave you a pointed look, unamused at your quip. you smiled apologetically back before looking away from him, any trace of humor leaving your face.
"it's not that i don't think you're strong enough," he sighed. "i feel like i let you down."
"i should have stayed by your side. i shouldn't have let us get separated, i should have followed you, but i didn't. and now, look where we are."
he gestures to your frail figure, gently holding your arm and avoiding your eyes out of shame. boldly, you reached for his hand held it in both of yours, the action bringing his eyes to your own.
"kento, this wasn't your fault. i mean it. don't say anything of it again, or i'll purposely get your orders wrong when i'm bringing lunch. you were trying to save yourself, as was i. maybe i could have used some help, but that only means i need to improve my technique and combat. which also means, you could help me with that. maybe i could have died, but i'm here now, aren't i?" you rambled, not bothering to stop when kento opened his mouth to rebut. "let's not dwell on what's already happened and move forward, please?"
he fell silent, pressing his lips together in a thin line. it seemed as though there was more he wanted to say, and you knew there was, but this conversation would never end—he wouldn't be relieved of his guilt.
a sigh passed through kento's lips, more pigmented after pressing them together tightly. he nodded and as he rubbed gentle circles onto the top of your hand, he whispered an agreement.
you smiled at him, squeezing his hand to reassure him. kento kept wordless for another minute, head hung low and eyes shut. it was visible to anyone that his guilt was swallowing him whole, but he was fighting it for you. he covered your hand with his other, both hands now encasing your own. taking you by surprise, kento brought your hand up to his lips and placed the gentlest lingering kiss atop the skin. his lips, so soft and so warm, left a light buzz on the spot they laid on, and one throughout your body.
"when everything gets cleared up—your health, the reports—i'm taking you out."
"seeing you hurt and in this state made me come to my senses. it confirmed something i had held back for so long, and made me realize that i can't wait."
"kento... what are you saying?" you mumbled slowly, confusion evident in every word.
he sighs, treading carefully. it's clear he's figuring out the right words to say, how to express how he's feeling.
"i'm saying that... in our line of work, developing close bonds with people can be dangerous. we can never be too sure, we can never be too close to someone because in the blink of an eye, it might be gone. what we do is dangerous. but, i think that not taking a chance is even more dangerous."
he sighs shakily, "and i am guilty of not realizing this sooner. but fate seems to be on my side, because even if i don't take them, chances keep coming back to me. and i think now, i'm ready to take it."
kento kisses your hand and brings his eyes to yours, finally declaring,
"i'm ready to take this chance with you."
and you smile, nodding as fireworks go off throughout your being.
after all these years, he finally likes you back.
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note — sorry for the corny ending, i just needed to get the request done 😭 and sincerest apologized to the anon who requested, i really have no excuse other than writers block and busy schedules :(
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merrycrisis-if · 1 year
oh my g o d tho just. as a viet american the experiences of the player are so fucking relatable. (also the christmas dinner drama??? hello?? i am L I V I N G, the accuracy had me rolling on the floor istg.)
and SHAY? HELLO? HOT LEAD SINGER WHO CAN CARE FOR PLANTS WITH TATTOOS AND OWNS A MOTORBIKE? my legs are OPEN. (but fr tho. shay is just. so lovely to read. and going through his route felt like riding through the city at night, letting the lights pass by you in an electrifying blur as the cold air whips at your skin and you feel /free/.)
and QIU. QIU. OH MY GOD. not me reading a fair bit of my younger self in qiu and H O N E Y. the ANGST???? HELLOO??? MY ANGST-LOVING HEART IS D E V O U R I N G THEIR ROUTE. (mind, i do admit i rushed through the if to get the smut scenes/romance/angst scenes, but i WILL go back over them soon!!) just. watching their younger self try to conform to what society has set for them and seeing them tear themself apart because of it BROKE ME. how DARE (i love you)
also??? the singaporean elements?? the eggs??? the taxi driver??? the heat??? the way you describe singapore and it's culture , ,, i can feel so much love and fondness for it when I read your writing. Truly, your work is gorgeous and layered and reading it makes me long for a home i've never even been to, but have lived in for years. just. thank you so much, and i hope you experience so, so much joy and fulfillment in the coming years <333
Haha first off, this ask gave me LIFE.
Love that you were entertained by the Christmas dinner—I wasn't entirely sure what form the drama would take when I was first fleshing out the chapter, but I knew it had to live up to the whole premise of "MC coming home to survive the ordeal that is Christma with extended family".)
HAHAHHA!! Same. I feel like all nerdy kids (with parents who constantly extol the virtues of being a doctor/lawyer/dentist) have had a fantasy at some point in our lives that take the form of Shay.
[Qiu] watching their younger self try to conform to what society has set for them and seeing them tear themself apart because of it BROKE ME
AAH!! Absolutely. For every Shay who finds happiness/fulfilment through absolutely breaking the traditional definition of success, there's a Qiu who does so well within that definition but who has to deal with the eventual realization that they're not any happier for it.
Pt. 2 of your ask coming soon ;)
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moonofthenight · 2 years
Next one I choose to trust, I hope I use some common sense
Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates! This is the outcome of a discord fic exchange and I am actually quite excited to post it here :) It’s been a hot minute since I wrote in @lumosinlove ‘s universe and the characters but I missed it. 
Cw: Regulus’ past, anxiety about the future
It was a cold Saturday morning in Gryffindor and Regulus found himself sitting on his bed in his brother's house, a white paper in his slightly shaking hands. He had expected it but actually holding it between his fingers made it so much more real, too real, if he was being honest with himself. 
Regulus Black’s life has been flipped upside down more than once in his few years on earth. When he was little, he went from playing ice hockey with his friends for fun to being in the NHL under the watch of his parents; then, his brother made national news and he suffered the consequences too and now his life is being flipped upside down once again. Only this time, it was his own choice that got him there. He simply wasn't used to being on his own, wasn't used to having his own free choice. Overwhelmed would be the word he would use if someone asked him how he felt at this moment. 
                      N e w  Y o r k  U n i v e r s i t y 
The letters stared at him and he stared right back. He should feel thrilled, right? This was what he wanted, or so he thought he did. He did want to go to university and NYU was his top choice so why- why was he feeling weird about it? Why was he not happy? He took a deep breath in.
Regulus was never one to cry, maybe it was because of his upbringing but he did however knew how it felt being so close to crying it would only take opening your mouth for the tears to spill over, so close that the lump in your throat almost hurts. What if he's not made for university? What if nobody will like him? What if people recognize him? What if he will be all on his own again?
And that was what the elephant in the room seemed to be, wasn’t it? He was not ready to be all by himself again. The more he thought about it, the more clear it became how little he actually knew about life outside of hockey. Friends, for example, are one of the most important things in life and he wasn’t sure how to make them. He didn’t think there really was a guideline, if he was honest, but the only close friend he made along the way, who didn’t count as a direct family, was Leo. And even he was connected to hockey. Hockey was always involved in some shape or form. And while he loved hockey, it was always and will always be connected to his parents and until a while ago, it was all he had, really. He never had something just for himself. 
He remembers the conversation they had a while ago quite vividly, about Reg’s future. Sirius loved his family, he really did but asking them for advice wasn’t the best thing at that time. They met at the Dumais’ house for dinner and they weren’t even half way through when Logan and Finn were talking over themselves, praising Harvard. Dumo tried to see the more reasonable side, while Remus was just quietly laughing to himself in the corner, being no help whatsoever and the others didn’t even have the chance to give input with Finn and Logan entertaining the whole house with their bickering. He had pulled Regulus aside after they finished eating, asking him what he wanted to do. His brother answered in a very small voice, as if he was ashamed to speak his wants out loud. New York University was something that was the talk of the night after the other’s heard of it too.
Sirius finds him like that a little later. He usually checks on Regulus a few times a day, respecting his privacy and choice of wanting to be alone but he missed his brother and nothing could stop him from checking in once in a while. At that moment, it seemed like it was a good thing he did. Regulus was still sitting on his bed, the letter open between his hands. Worry made its way into Sirius’ mind. It looked a lot like a rejection letter from a university to him. At least that’s what the last few letters addressed to Regulus were about. He knocked gently on the frame, to not startle his little brother. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked quietly.  Regulus blinked, his head turning slowly towards Sirius’ voice. “Mh?” “Did you-.” Sirius stopped himself, not knowing if it was the right thing to ask. Instead he said, “Which college is it?” 
“NYU,” came a quiet answer. Sirius sucked in a breath. Shit. 
Sirius breathed in, “Did you get rejected?”. To his complete surprise, Regulus shook his head, “No, I got accepted.” Sirius’ mouth dropped open, hands clapping excitedly, “That’s amazing, Reg!” It took him another moment to realise the lack of response from his brother’s side. “It is amazing, right?” 
A beat of silence. Another one. 
Regulus’ body shuddered. He wasn’t used to all those complicated emotions going through him right now, unsure how to handle the situation. 
“I want this. This is like, the first thing I chose for myself in a long time. Something I want. I should be excited. Why am I not excited,” Regulus choked out, voice thick with emotion. Sirius rushed over, sitting down in front of him on his bed with a respectful distance. 
“Talk to me Reg, it’s just me. You are safe with me.” That was what it came down to again, wasn’t it? He looked up again, finding his brother’s eyes looking at him. Safety. He can let go. He felt tears in his eyes building up, not quite spilling over yet. “I am scared,” he says in a small voice.
“Can I hug you?”
Before he could think of it, Regulus felt himself nod and not a second later, Sirius was scooping him up in his arms, holding his head close to his chest. Just like he did when we were kids. He returned the hug, snuggling a little closer. 
“I cannot say I know exactly how you feel but I want you to know that it's valid. It’s okay to be scared,” Sirius said. “I don't know how to make friends, how to not be on my own again,” he mumbles into his brother's chest. He felt Sirius’ calm breathing under his cheek, trying to follow it. “It’s going to be a big adjustment but Reg, it will be so freeing. I don’t know how to describe it differently. Just… let yourself be, enjoy yourself, find yourself and it's going to be okay. Be exactly who you are and the right people will find their way into your life. You just gotta let them in. Its scary as fuck but look where it got me, I couldn’t be happier.” His brother paused, stroking his head, before he continued, “I am so proud of you, Reg and I'll just be a call away, so will Leo or Remus or the rest of the family. You will never be on your own. I need you to understand that.”
“You sound like Dumo,” Regulus said, a little laugh escaping his throat. He felt Sirius’ laugh under his face, still squished against his chest. It makes Regulus chuckle again too. If Sirius heard it sounding a little wet, he didn’t mention it.
“The old man is rubbing off on me.”
“I’ll tell him you said he’s old.” Sirius laughed again at that and Regulus felt a kiss on his hair. 
“Okay,” Regulus said, pulling away from the hug, “Enough physical contact for today.” He shuffled away, leaning against the coussions and while Sirius was standing back up again and walking towards the door, they heard the bell ring.
“Are we expecting any visitors?” Regulus asked, wiping his nose. Sirius smiled a little sheepishly, stopping and leaning against the doorway. 
“I might have texted Leo before I came upstairs. I figured you needed a distraction. I saw the letter on the table this morning and when you didn't leave your room all day, I assumed the worst.” Regulus barely had the time to shoot him a grateful smile before said blonde boy came bolting up the stairs. 
“Regi!” Regulus smiled, glancing at his brother.
“Get out of here.” Sirius smiled too, making his way back to the bed to press a kiss on Regulus’ head once more, almost running into Leo while leaving the room for good now.
“On a scale of 1-10, how much recharging do you need?” Was the first thing Leo said when he fully entered the room. 
“Solid 8.”
“Recharging?”, Sirius asked, confusion clear on his face. Leo and Regulus shared a knowing look, trying not to laugh.
“Go find your partner, Cap,” Leo said, nodding his head in the direction of the stairs with a fond glint in his eyes. Sirius rolled his eyes at that, the little smile on his lips betraying him as he closed the door. 
Yeah, Regulus thought, he will miss this a lot but he will be okay.
Leo turned his attention back on Regulus now. “I brought emotional support ice cream and blueberry muffins, I didn't know what to expect. Sirius’ text didn’t give much away,” Leo said, a little wary. 
“Blueberry muffins,” Regulus said, his smile growing bigger. Leo screamed in joy, tackling Regulus to his bed. 
“I am so proud of you, I cannot believe you'll leave me,” Leo said, rolling them around. 
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moonlit-reveriee · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet
ft. technoblade
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concept: a collection of my own personal nsfw headcanons for techno, one for each letter of the alphabet
@saturnsstufff ‘s discord saw it first ;)
A = Aftercare 
I like the idea that techno actually gets very clingy after sex. He’ll get up and grab a glass of water or a towel if either of you need it, but if he’s able to, he’ll stay glued to your side the whole time. Even if he won’t admit it, he needs to have that intimacy after sex. He loves the feeling of your body pressed against his as you both cool down. Usually, his hands will be absentmindedly drawing patterns over your skin
B = Body part 
Kind of an oddly specific one, but he loves your shoulders. He loves to casually rest his chin on them as he holds you from behind, and bury his face in the crook of your neck as he presses heated kisses on your pulse point. He also considers the way a person carries their shoulders to be an indication of their strength, and how could he see anything but strength in you.
He hadn’t put much thought into his own body before meeting you. He’s learned to love parts of himself because of you. Particularly his scars. They way you gently run your fingers across the rough surface of them, in both intimate and casual settings, made him crave the touch. Now when he looks at them, he thinks of your hands moving across his skin
C = Cum 
Fun fact: pigs have 30 minute orgasms
Early on in your sexual relationship, he was very embarrassed by just how much of it there always was. But once you started praising him for it, that became a very different story. He started to take pride in how well he could completely fill you up without even trying
D = Dirty Secret 
He would probably never admit it to you, but it’s become a habit of his to think about the last time he had sex with you during battles. He starts to make sure you two always have sex the night before a big fight, so his mind can wander back to it during the haze of battle. He’s not sure if it’s a coping mechanism or what but it certainly helps
E = Experience 
You are his first ever sexual partner, but somehow he just.... already knows what he’s doing?? He’s very nervous and considerate the first time, but he does everything perfectly. Once you tell him that, he’s very happy and secretly a bit proud of himself
F = Favourite Position 
He loooves to have you in his lap. Either facing him, back to chest, it doesn’t matter. He’ll do everything with you in his lap. Cockwarming, fingering, thigh riding, anything you and him are physically able to do in that position
G = Goofy 
He’s usually a bit more on the serious side. Sometimes the two of you will quip at each other during foreplay, but once he gets going, it’s all business. In the moment, he likes to treat is as something special (doesn’t mean he won’t tease you about things after the fact)
H = Hair 
He likes to keep himself clean-shaven most of the time. When he’s relaxed and doesn’t have to go to any public events for a long period of time, he’ll let a small amount of stubble grow on his chin. You can always tell when he slacks off on it, cause the stubble on his face brushes roughly against your skin as he kisses down your body...
he doesn’t really shave much below the neck, but he keeps it clean and trims occasionally
I = Intimacy 
He’s surprisingly romantic when he wants to be. It’s definitely a side of him only you’re allowed to see. Alone together in his bed, he’ll whisper sweet nothings to you as he slowly draws you to your climax. Even when he’s speaking the most lewd and naughty things to you, he somehow makes them sound affectionate and full of love
J = Jack Off 
He loves to watch you masturbate. The first time was a complete accident. He came home late one night to find you curled up with his blankets, breathing heavily as you massaged yourself over your underwear. It wasn’t long before you noticed him in the doorway and jumped, worthlessly attempting to hide what you were doing. He wasn’t sure if it was the blush on your face or the fact that the blanket you chose to cover yourself in was his cape but something urged him to sit on the edge of the bed, still in his armor, and ask you to continue. It was beautiful to simply sit there and watch
K = Kink 
He’s a little bit possessive. He loves to mark you in subtle ways so you always remember that you’re his. Especially if you’re going on a trip without him. He’ll drape you in gold jewelry and leave a hickey just out of sight on your neck for good measure. The part that he loves the most about it though, is that you know exactly what he’s doing and show off his signs of possession with pride
L = Location 
He prefers to keep most of your sexual acts to the area in and around his cottage. Other than in bed, he loves to press you up against a wall. Sometimes you two get distracted while tending to the farms and end up heatedly making out in the snow. One time, you decide you wanted to lay out some blankets on the floor and do it right in front of the fireplace. He adored the way the firelight danced across your skin. (He’s thought about taking you down to the syndicate room and laying you out across the table. But he came to the unfortunate conclusion that during meetings, he’d never be able to look anyone straight in the eyes ever again. So he’s shelved that idea for the time being. Maybe once the group has disbanded...)
M = Motivation
He loves to be praised by you. During regular day-to-day life, he doesn’t like to accept any compliments from you, usually just brushing them off or responding with a joke. But when you two are alone together and intimate, he drinks that shit up. How can he not believe it when you look up and him with lidded eyes and tell him just how good he makes you feel. Just moaning against his lips as he kisses you is enough to keep him going for a while
N = NO 
He will never do anything that involves seeing your own blood. It sets off the voices too much. One day, you randomly got a nosebleed while cooking dinner together. He could smell it before he even saw it. When the voices recognized the deep red color dripping down your face, they wouldn’t stop chanting. He tried to help you clean up, but it became too much to ignore. He had to go out back and slaughter at least a dozen zombies before they shut up. And even then, he was left with a pounding headache. You were extra gentle and sweet with him when you cuddled up in bed together that night
O = Oral 
If you’re on the receiving end, be prepared for him to be down there a looooong time. Once he gets his mouth on you, it’s hard for him to pull away. He loves your smell and taste too much. He tries not to get too carried away, but there was one time he made you come 5 times in a row with just his mouth. He was very thorough with his aftercare that night.
He isn’t the one receiving very often. He only really likes it when he’s tired. He loves to sit back in a chair and watch you gently suck him of on your knees in front of him, one hand gently weaving it’s way through your hair
P = Pace 
I always imagine him on the slower side. He likes to savor every moment, making sure that every thrust or movement of his hand is intentional and perfectly placed. He takes time to watch you carefully to make sure you’re getting exactly what you need. He’ll go harder before he goes faster
Q = Quickie 
As much as he loves to treasure your intimate time together, there are times where he just needs it. Every once and awhile, he’ll be desperate for it and quickly have you against the wall before heading out to run some errands. Sometimes he’ll pull you in, make you cum, and head out the door without saying a single word. He usually feels the need to make up for it when he returns, but you’ve assured him many times that you love sex with him at any pace
R = Risk 
Since he’s still fairly inexperienced despite his skills, he’s not super adventurous himself. More often than not, you’re the one bringing new ideas to the relationship. He’s willing to try the new things you suggest. You’ve had a discussion about your limits, and you both understand what goes too far for each other
S = Stamina 
He can go multiple times in a row if he wants to, and for a long time. He lowkey loves it when you tire out before him, and you let him keep going while you lie there sleepily in his arms
T = Toy 
He doesn’t own any sex toys, but he likes to make sex toys out of everyday objects (as long as they’re safe and properly cleaned of course). He likes the idea of never being able to look at that object the same way again, especially if it’s something either of you use around the house frequently. He would get his hands on some actual toys if you wanted him to. If toys are involved, he prefers them to be used on you, not on him
U = Unfair 
He likes to randomly tease you during moments that are absolutely not sexual. Maybe you’re brushing out his hair, complaining about the knots in it. He’ll suddenly respond with “that’s not what you told me in the bedroom last night” leaving you to sit there in shock while he laughs. Or he’ll quote things you said to him during sex completely deadpan and watch as the blush rises to your cheeks
V = Volume 
He’s not extremely loud. When he is loud though, he growls. You’ll be able to feels his chest vibrating when you lean into him. Sometimes you can even feel the vibrations through his lips as he pleasures you with his mouth, which is an absolutely crazy and wonderful feeling.
During very domestic moments, he likes to talk a lot during sex. If he comes home from working all day, and he’s missing you greatly, he loves to tell you all about his day while his cock gently rocks inside of you
W = Wild Card 
This part is definitely just gonna be me fulfilling one of my personal kinks, but I love the idea of techno going through a heat since he’s part piglin. Maybe it only happens like once a year, but when it’s that time, his senses are kicked into high gear and he’s desperate for you. The two of you have a routine for it by now. You prepare the bedroom by gathering every blanket in the house, and prepping a week’s worth of food & water that can be eaten quickly during the moments when techno’s haze of arousal drops. Once he feels it start to set in, he locks the bedroom door and allows his senses to become completely enveloped by you
X = X-Ray 
I like to believe that a lot of the hybrid races are PACKING. It’s one of the many things he’s nervous about on your first time, but seeing the way your able to take him so well every time is such a turn on
Y = Yearning 
Both you and him can be too tired to have sex at times, but if he’s able to have you, he’ll take everything he can get. He loves to take care of you if you’ve had a long day, and he knows you’ll do the same for him
Z = ZZZ 
If it’s nighttime sex, he can pass out as soon as aftercare is over. But if it’s morning or midday, he can have sex and go about the rest of his day no problem. Since his orgasms are so long, he likes to make you cum more often than he does, and watching you cum invigorates him
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i-write-boop-spoops · 3 years
N Harmonia Fluff Alphabet
One anon asked for an N fluff alphabet and another asked for just any N content, so I hope this sates you both!
Not proof read so rip me
A = Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time?)
Rather expectantly, N loves looking after Pokemon with you! Whether you’re playing with, feeding or tending to them, he really enjoys seeing you being so sweet and kind to cute little mons and giant scary monsters alike.
He also loves just snuggling up with you and playing with each other’s’ hair. He really cherishes that kind of gentle, intimate affection.
Other than that, he really enjoys doing mundane things with you, stuff like going grocery shopping, cleaning the house, gardening etc, even before you live together. There’s something very comforting about it.
Oh, and he loves dancing with you!
B = Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
He admires your kindness obviously, but also your determination and resilience! He thinks you’re so strong, and in turn, it emboldens him too!
As for physical beauty? He loves your smile, even just a little quirk of your lips makes him so happy. It’s just so precious!
C = Comfort (how do they help their s/o when they feel down? what makes them feel better?)
N isn’t the best at this kind of stuff, but he definitely tries his best to offer you support. Usually he just sits with you and lets you vent, or cry into his shoulder, often bringing a cute pokemon with him to cheer you up. He also likes bringing you on walks, hoping it might clear your head.
His words of affirmation, though few, are quite powerful, so you know he means them.
When he’s sad, he’d like to be treated in a similar fashion, just quiet support and cute Pokemon
D = Dreams (how do they picture their future with their s/o and in general?)
N doesn’t really know how he wants his life to go, the only thing he’s certain of is that he wants to continue improving the relationships between humans and Pokemon, and that he wants to be with you for the rest of time.
E = Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they rather passive?)
Due to his lack of experience, he’s definitely more on the passive side, preferring to let you take the lead when it comes to dates and stuff. Though he has no problem asserting himself (gently) if he wants to do something else instead.
F = Fight (how quick are they to forgive their s/o? what are they like in an argument? who says sorry first?)
N hates fighting with you, absolutely despises it, so he tends to avoid it when he can. Inevitably, like in all relationships, you end up in a few spats. He’s never mean to you, but he does try talk over you and has a habit of just walking out instead of working out the issue right away. Really he just goes for a walk to calm him down, and he’s usually back in an hour or two, but you probably don’t solve your disagreement until the next day.
He finds it quite easy to admit fault and apologise, so you don’t have to weasel a ‘sorry’ out of him. And due to his earnest nature, you know he means it.
G = Gifts (what kind of things do they gift to their s/o? are they spontaneous or do they stick to special events like anniversaries?)
When N gives a gift, most of the time, he doesn’t even realise it. He just sees something he thinks you’d like and just gives it to you without a second thought. Usually it’s pretty flora or candy, occasionally it’s a plush. Sometimes you get gifts very often, sometimes it’s weeks, maybe months, between each present.
H = Heart Eyes (what are they like in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their love? do they brag about their s/o to others?)
N can be described as blissfully confused when in love. So soft and blushy and not totally sure what he’s feeling, but he sure does love it, and you. His Pokemon friends pick up on it immediately and root for the two of you.
Unintentionally brags. He just thinks you’re swell and tends to bring that up often, but he’s not trying to gloat.
I = Impression (what first attracted them to their s/o? how accurate was their first impression to how their s/o actually is?)
You seemed to handle that little joltik so carefully as you returned it to its mother galvantula, without an ounce of fear or malice in your eyes, and truly only kindness in your heart. It made him feel so at ease, like he had found a kindred spirit.
Not only was he right, he also found his soulmate too,
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?)
N doesn’t quite understand jealousy. Like, you love each other, what does he have to worry about? He likes your friends a lot, and he finds anybody who tries to flirt with you more annoying than anything else
K = Kiss (are they a good kisser? what was their first kiss like? where do they kiss the most?)
At the beginning, N’s kisses are sweet but awkward, he’s so new to it, so he’s a bit afraid he might make a mistake. As your relationships progresses though, he becomes more comfortable and confident with it, and kisses reflect that, so soft and caring and full of meaning
I did a whole thing about N and kissing here
L = Little Things (what are the little things they love about their s/o? are they attentive?)
Really what doesn’t he love? It’s not that he puts you on a pedestal, he just genuinely finds you amazing and he loves you so much
M = Marriage (do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the wedding be like?)
N doesn’t feel the need to marry you, as long as you’re in love, that’s what matters to him, a piece of paper doesn’t make it any more valid than it is in his eyes.
That being said, if you want to get married, he’s down for it, but don’t expect anything sappy or traditional. No proposal, no huge event, just the two of you exchanging heartfelt vows at the courthouse, with matching rings.
N = Nicknames (what do they call their s/o? what do they get called?)
He doesn’t really use nicknames, just the occasionally “Love” or “Dear”
On the flipside, he loves your nicknames for him. Some of his favourites are “Cutie”, “Sweetie”, “Greenie” and “Nat”
O = Open (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? is it easy for them to share?)
While I wouldn’t say N is an open book, he doesn’t really hide things from you. He tells you how he feels without much fanfare, and you’re made aware of his past quite early on, even before you started dating.
P = Pancakes (are they a good cook? how often do they cook for their s/o? breakfast in bed or fancy dinner dates?)
N’s actually pretty good at cooking, and tends to cook pretty often, especially when you’re on the road together. His meals are simple and comforting, sometimes spicy, lots of soups and curries and rice.
Since he’s vegetarian, he prefers to cook for the two of you instead of going out, since most restaurants don’t have great options for him. That being said, if you find a place with a good menu, he’s totally down to take you there.
Q = Quirk (a random quality/ability that is beneficial to their relationship.)
N does not understand the concept of BS, so you don’t have to worry about playing weird mind games to find out what he really wants. As a result, your relationship is quite chill
R = Romance (how romantic are they? are they cliché or creative?)
Again, he’s not traditionally romantic, but he does care about you quite a lot and loves making you smile. And while it doesn’t say “I love you” very often, he means it, and that is a lot more valuable than any serenade or flower bouquet
S = Sleep (who falls asleep first? do they need their s/o close to them? do they have any bad habits?)
If you play with his hair, he’s out like a light. While he’s cuddles are lax and loose when he’s awake, he hugs you like a teddy when he’s fast asleep.
His sleep routine is shit though.
T = Thrill (do they need to spice up their relationship with new things or do they stick to a routine? how often do they do new things?)
N loves the cosiness of domestic mundanity, so it’s safe to say he likes to play it, well, safe. It gives him a sense of comfort and stability that he really appreciates.
U = Unity (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? what traits do they share?)
Through being with you, N learns to be more attentive and emotional (in a healthy way), and to appreciate humans even more. He also feels more human too.
While you already loved Pokemon, he makes you see how truly amazing and special they are, and treat them even better than you did before.
V = Value (how important is their relationship to them? what is it worth compared to other things in their life?)
Your relationship is very important to him, but deep down, you know his love for Pokemon trumps his love for you. Though it never causes an issue with you
W = Wild Card (a random fluff headcanon.)
Likes to make matching flower crowns for the two of you and whatever Pokemon you’’re with at the time!
X = XOXO (do they like to kiss and cuddle? are they upfront about their relationship or rather shy when in public?)
N loves fluttery kisses and really tender hugs and cuddles, ones when you’re loosely tanged together and gently stroking each other’s skin.
He is not a PDA person at all, besides holding your hand and the occasional kiss. Some of it is shyness, but it’s mostly because he doesn’t feel the need to prove your relationship to anyone. He doesn’t use affection lightly.
Y = Yearning (how do they cope when they spend time away from their s/o? do they miss their s/o?)
He’s pretty okay on his own, since he’s quite used to it, but he does still miss you a lot. He finds comfort in things that remind you of him, a certain scent, a flower, a sound, even a Pokemon, it makes him feel like you’re with him
Z = Zoo (do they have pets? do they want some in the future?)
N doesn’t have any pets, mainly because he thinks Pokemon are friends. How many Poke-friends does he have? Too many for even him to count. My man radiates serious Disney Princess energy with the way Pokemon seem to flock to him.
That being said, he’s not against good people having Pokemon as pets, so if you have pokemon, you know he’ll be the best dad to them ever.
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
☘️peter pettigrew
Hii! Like my other nsfw alphabets, this is a bit choppy and horribly edited. I hope you enjoy, mwah.
Peter Pettigrew Nsfw Alphabet
Reader: tried to make it nb as much as possible
Warning: pure smut and no editing.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Super sweet and gentle, definitely encourages you to take a nap and he'll bring you a snack or get you some water. He’ll rub your back and kiss your hot skin to cool you off. He definitely loves giving you praises and he’s spoil you rotten with his words.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your hands, for some odd reason he just finds them so cute whenever you grip his hand for support as you climax or hold his cock.
His favourite body part on himself delphiers between days, but he’s usually very fond of his eyes. He’s very fortunate that he can look at you in such a lewd manner.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He usually always cums in a condom, but he loves cream pies. He, not so surprisingly, likes giving you oral for the exact reason he can taste you, he actually thinks he’s addicted to it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s ashamed to admit, but once he was talking to James about a certain time when he fucked you in the library and James got a hard on. He swore he wouldn’t tell and it’ll be their secret, but he always felt guilty for sexualizing you like that.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s okay, he knew some of the terminology due to the other Marauders but with actual hands on experience; he had no idea. He felt a bit nervous during your first time but he didn’t need much help, he’d just pay attention to your reactions and get a clear view of what you’d like and focus on that.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes when you ride him, he likes to hold your hips and just let you use him for your heart's desire. If he had to choose another, doggy would be his favourite.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Peter doesn’t know he’s being funny until you have to stop and laugh, he’ll be confused on what he’d say and get a goofy smile on his lips while watching you laugh. Sometimes just the first awkward start of sex and the small giggles feel better than the serious times, but Peter can be really gentle and intimate if he wanted to be.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s somewhat groomed, he doesn’t necessarily care for your hair down there or his own. It’s a bit darker than his head hair, but he trims it sometimes just to keep it neat.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Lots of neck kisses, he needs to constant “I love you’s” during sex even if it’s rough. He’s actually pretty gentle during some moments and cares about your pleasure over his.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He actually never liked it, he likes your mouth a lot more even if it was just for cock warming. He’d enjoy your hands better than his, but he also has a somewhat size kink and seeing your much smaller hands take his cock please him a lot more.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
There isn’t necessarily a set number of kinks, he’d love to try anything that isn’t too “weird” as he would call it. He never really likes to stick to one kink, more like spreading them out depending on his mood. One day he’d want to tie you up and the other he’d let you do whatever you wanted. He adores pillow prince(ss) though.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere, he’d fuck you in honey dukes, the three break sticks, closets, near the black lake, behind trees and bushes, his bed, your bed, his friends bed, shower, desks, professors desks, anywhere anytime.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Feminine clothing, something about it makes his head spin and he just loves fucking you in dresses. He also has a clothes kink, he’d love to fuck you in his clothes. Don’t even get him started on if you ever decide to wear sexual clothing, it’ll drive him crazy.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Major dom and sub roles (like day to day life style) feels him out, he can’t distribute or give out rules, he doesn’t like that type of control over someone or giving someone that control of him. He likes some parts of d/s and he’d definitely be comfortable with some aspects, but not full on life changing.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers receiving oral sometimes, but he doesn’t expect it everytime. He loves giving, since he feels like it’s the only thing he’s good at. He’ll run his tongue and suck your sensitive flesh until he’s satisfied, giving you oral is more of a pleasure for himself.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Peter’s sex is soft yet rough, sometimes he just takes his time with dragging his cock deep inside of you and pulling it out. Others he just likes to bend you over and fuck you till your dumb. Sometimes he lacks compassion for how you’d take his cock, yet after he’s careful to check you over and soothe out any aches.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Only thing he looks forward to on school days. He’s already emotionally tired but getting a good fuck in a empty classroom or a bathroom stall always helps him get through the day, especially if you tell him you’d wait for him in his dorm later that night.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
It depends what the risk is, Peter likes to fuck you all over the place if he can. He definitely been given warnings by prefects way to many times.James and Sirius always say his animagi should be a bunny with all the fucking they catch you guys doing. Greatest risk he ever took was fucking you during a quidditch game behind the bleachers.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go for a couple of rounds, depending if it’s just oral or penetration. He can spend hours just focusing on you, exploring your body and roping out orgasm after orgasm.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He definitely likes using a vibrator, dildos aren’t really his thing. He does have a few anal plugs, but he doesn’t use them as much as he would like too. He usually uses them for your pleasure, but he wouldn’t be opposed to having a cock ring on.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s actually a huge tease, he likes to place his hand on your thigh during class and just mindlessly rub his thumb right near your goods. He gives a dumb look like he doesn’t know what he’s doing, but his smirk whenever he catches your heavy breaths are apparent he knows exactly what he’s doing.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
The whimpers are the best part, he rarely moans, just mumble’s of “oh fuck” and heavy breaths. Especially the early morning sex, because his sensitivity is heightened and he’s just making gurgled whined and deep groans.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Honestly, he’d probably want to fuck you infront of his friends. Especially the days when they flirt or tease you, he’d just get this immediate thought to show them that he isn’t sharing you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I’d estimate a good 7-9 inches, the exact number isn’t known but all I can say is the girth is the best part.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s in and out, most months it’s normal for a teenage boy but other months he can go days without it, sometimes even weeks. But on the months he’s active, sex is a pretty regular thing everyday to day.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Peter is nocturnal, so it rarely depends on what time of day you guys had sex. If it’s on the weekends during midday, he probably will take a nap until dinner. If it’s in the morning… I don’t even think he could stay awake long enough to finish. But late at night it’s a whole new thing, he would probably cuddle you for a few moments until he knew you were asleep and work on his assignments and homework.
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dootdootwriting · 3 years
The whole alphabet for Thoma. (Gn reader)
PLEASE dont overwork yourself though. You dont have to do it all if youre tired or something. Thank you and congrats!
600+ writing event
ty for ur request anon!! also you're funny. overwork myself? how could i possibly do that when i'm already avoiding all of my schoolwork? entire alphabet for thoma coming right up! (under the cut for length)
fluff alphabet with thoma; gn reader; no warnings apply
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A-Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
- thoma enjoys pretty much any type of shared activities with you, but ultimately his favorite kind is any that involves food. he'll go on tours of inazuma city with you to find the best places to get ice cream, or he'll buy a whole bunch of food and see what kind of dishes you can make together! nine times out of ten it ends up being really weird and a little gross, but it's fun and he loves spending time with you.
B-Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
- he admires your ambition, your humor, and your own personal flair. he loves the person you are, and almost everything that goes into that, but he specifically loves the unique little traits that make you you.
C-Comfort (how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?)
- his first instinct is to give you a big hug or rub your back, but only if he knows you're okay with it and that it would actually help. his first goal is to make sure you're okay, and then his second goal is to cheer you up: with bad jokes and kisses, usually
D-Dreams (how do they picture the future with their s/o?)
- thoma isn't super picky with how you two end up in the future, as long as you're together and happy. he wants to grow old with you, ideally, though however you do that will decide itself.
E-Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or rather passive?)
- thoma is used to taking the lead in your relationship, but he's not necessarily more dominant or anything - he's just excited to be with you and wants to make sure you're just as happy as he is. your relationship is pretty balanced!
F-Fun (what do they do for fun with their s/o? what's their idea of a fun day out?)
- he loves loves loves going out on walks, especially in the city, and just finding random things that seem fun to do. there are a bunch of people playing cornhole over there, how about you guys join in for a game? they're selling a new kind of hotpot at that restaurant, better give it a try!
G-Gratitude (how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?)
- he's definitely aware of everything you do for him, and he's also very grateful that you're with him. he makes sure to let you know that every day.
H-Honesty (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
- i think the only time thoma would ever keep something from you on purpose is if it would be somehow dangerous for you to know. other than that, he likes to make sure you're aware of everything you need to be. he likes his privacy like anyone else, but he also values communication.
I-Inspiration (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?)
- being with you hasn't necessarily changed him (aside from the fact that you two are almost always seen together now) but it's definitely improved his mood a lot, not that it was ever really bad. he also likes to show off more now that you're around...
J-Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
- thoma gets jealous relatively easily but is also not one to step in unless it's a situation in which you seem uncomfortable. he trusts you wholeheartedly, which sometimes means he has to keep himself from getting overly worried.
K-Kisses (are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?).
- he's a very good kisser. thoma's kisses are playful and sweet, or alternatively full of reassurance and love. your first kiss was a little rushed and he was a little nervous (not that he'd ever admit that) but he knew it was the right time.
L-Love confession (how would they confess to their s/o?)
- confesses accidentally while watching you do something that's actually pretty normal. you tap him on the shoulder and ask where he wants to go for lunch and he just kinda stares at you and then says "man i love you" and you're like. what. but he plays it off like he TOTALLY MEANT to say that and definitely didn't slip up.
M-Mornings (what's it like waking up with them? do they sleep late or wake up before the sun rises?)
- lazy lazy lazy. thoma knows he has to go to work but why would he do that when you're next to him all curled up into him? he can't just abandon you like that! fortunately the kamisatos are very forgiving, so when he shows up late they don't give him an earful.
N-Nicknames (what do they call their s/o?)
- babe/baby, sunshine, and occasionally sweetheart but usually just to tease you
O-On cloud nine (what are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
- when thoma first realizes he's in love with you it hits him like a truck and he has to sit down for a second to process it. after that he hangs around you a lot more often, and it's pretty obvious to anyone watching that he's in love.
P-PDA (how are they with PDA? is it fun to them or are they more reserved with their affection?)
- thoma's comfortable with pda and likes to tease you with it sometimes, unless you're someone who absolutely hates it, in which case he'll settle with handholding. otherwise, he'll give you random light kisses on the cheek or will grab you and pull you into him at random points throughout the day.
Q-Quirk (some random thing they do when they're with you for no reason in particular)
- his nose scrunches when he's trying not to laugh at you, which makes you laugh at him, which makes him laugh at you. congratulations! you have achieved pile of laughter.
R-Romance (how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?)
- thoma is very romantic and also values friendship with his partner as well. he's sort of a mix between cliché and creative - while he will definitely take you out for a fancy dinner and lend you his jacket, he will also take you out to the lake and push you in or make a date out of who can spot the most dogs on a day out.
S-Support (are they helping their s/o achieve their goals do they believe in them?)
- one hundred percent he believes in you and will do his best to help you achieve any goals you have. ok thats the end of this headcanon i have nothing else to say GHCCN
T-Thrill (do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship or do they prefer certain routine?)
- thoma loves trying new things! he doesn't need things to change constantly (and also that might be very tiring for him) but he does like to switch things up a little.
U-Understanding (how good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)
- forgot to change it from "good" to "well." WHOOPS. anyway
- thoma is very empathetic, so he's quick to understand how you're feeling, though it'll take him a little longer to understand why it is you're feeling like that. once you explain to him, he knows just what to do, whether it be celebrate with you on a big win or comfort you or give you some space.
V-Value (how important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
- it's SO important to him. having you in his life is one of the most important things to him. he's also been with the kamisatos for a really long time though, so thoma will need a little bit to sort out where his priorities are. rest assured that you're definitely up there.
W-Wild card (a random fluff headcanon?)
- thoma really likes the feeling of you running your fingers through his hair. bonus points if you wash it for him (he'll return the favor)
X-XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
- if you're ever available for affection, thoma will take advantage of it. he loves being close to you and generally just the feeling of loving and being loved in return, especially when that incorporates physical affection. listen he just really likes being kissed.
Y- Yearning (how will they cope when they are missing their partner?)
- when you're gone thoma will surround himself with things that remind him of you. he'll also occasionally call your name or say things to you absentmindedly before remembering you're not there at present. poor guy... he'll be very happy once you're home.
Z-Zeal (are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
- it depends on the lengths. the worst case scenario for thoma would be if he somehow had to choose between you and his work - that would terrify him, even though there's no way it would ever happen. other than that, since you're way up on his priority list, there's not much that he wouldn't do for you.
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Hii can I request V,F and R for Mammon? Thanks♥
Of course! Enjoy :)
Fluff Alphabet Masterlist  |  Brothers Masterlist  |  Dateables Masterlist
💛 Mammon
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Mammon will act like he can't be tied down, but if MC brings up marriage he will be on board with no hesitation.
Imagine him as a househusband. He doesn't do anything Lucifer asks him, but MC asked him to do the dishes? He could get some Cuddles out of it... HELL YEAH!
He would love to welcome MC home and talk about their days. Married life would make Mammon so happy.
He would also want an extravagant wedding complete with gold accents because of course.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
MC and Mammon had just started dating. Neither of them had really opened up or said they were comfortable to be close to each other yet.
This was one of the first times him and MC had the entire night alone because most of the brothers were out doing their own thing. They had the whole house to themselves.
They watched movies, cooked dinner together, and just generally talked. They eventually got onto the topic of how they feel.
"I am just scum so most people don't really like me, and I get it. I steal stuff and sell it. I just the worst of the worst so I can get money."
MC stares at Mammon deeply before grabbing his face and speaking
"Mammon. You are not scum. Don't let anyone convince you of anything different. You are amazing and a treasure to me. I won't let anyone treat you like that. You don't deserve it. You are so sweet and caring, more than you even know. I will do all I can to love you in place of those people and more."
Upon hearing their sweet words Mammon broke into tears and pulled them into his chest.
He knew from that moment that he loved them, and he vowed to never forget nor let them go.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He is a little concerned because he is a model, BUT I think he has different concerns.
He is concerned about how his brothers see him so he really tries to at least look nice so they can berate that about him.
But he is not the type of person to stop MC if they over headrubs, a makeover, or ask to style him.
He is whipped. He would do anything for MC, of course their might be some grumbling, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to do it.
"But why do you have to pick an all pink outfit? Hey! I never said I wouldn't wear it.... just wanted to know why....
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juyoens · 3 years
coffee, waffles, & the boy next door | eric sohn
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summary: you’re not really into this whole adulting thing yet, but now you have two things to look forward to: the new guy next door who keeps jokingly asking you to dinner every time you see each other, and the person who found out they’ve been unintentionally stealing your favorite waffles at the cafe and has started telling the baristas to leave notes on your coffee being all cocky about it. pairing: eric sohn x gn!reader ft. some tbz members making cameos pairing: slice of life, romance :p warnings: you & co. def say ‘fuck’ at some point, you and eric are kind of crazy, horrible attempt at comedy
It’s been over a year since you moved into your new apartment, which has you over the moon because 1. You live alone now and you can do whatever you want, and 2. It makes you totally feel like a legit adult….if such a term even exists.
And as for the third reason, well…..
“Y/N!” The cheerful, hearty voice that always greets you as you make your way back from work belongs to Eric Sohn, your next door neighbor.
“Hey! D’you have a good day?” you plastered a smile on your face once you turned to him. Ever since you moved in he has always greeted you, some days even helping you carry your groceries inside since he knows you live alone.
The routine of asking each other about how your days went had gotten you two standing outside your apartment doors for like 30 minutes while you just kind of….awkwardly held onto your key already inside the keyhole.
But you were always so immersed into your conversations with Eric, having the positive energy of someone so funny and cheerful constantly around you be such a contrast to your days at work where you’re still trying to get the hang of things. In summary, you’ve grown fond of your neighbor. Your really really really cute neighbor.
There’s always this one line that he says though that catches you off guard each time.
“What if....you went to dinner with me?" jokingly, of course.
You’re not sure how he even manages to casually slip that in each time and why he does so jokingly, but it always ends in the two of you bursting out into laughter before waving goodnight and getting inside your respective apartments.
“They’re clearly interested, who the fuck asks that everyday?” a co-worker of yours, Chanhee, says with simple directness as the two of you walk inside the nearby cafe before heading to work.
“There’s no…..way. Fuck!" your smile slips as soon as you reach the display of pastries, seeing your favorite waffles filled to the brim with cream, gone, once again. Just like every other day.
It shouldn’t piss you off this much, but the baristas know about your whole struggle and have told the person who keeps getting them ahead of you all about it, leading to them having the baristas leave messages for them whenever they hand out your coffee.
Chanhee simply lets out a chuckle as you let out a gloomy sigh. The usual barista working the morning shift and the reason behind this weird waffle war starting, Younghoon, gives you an awkward grin as you walk up to the counter.
“The usual, Younghoon. Thanks.” you order, and he doesn’t say anything and just gets to work with it. You watch with an annoyed look as you watch him place the post-it note on your coffee cup.
“Well, well, what’s it gonna be this time,” Chanhee mocks as Younghoon hands over the cup to you. “Thanks….Younghoon.” you force a smile at him, and he simply shrugs. “You were just late by 2 minutes, y’know.”
“We really shouldn’t have stopped in the middle of the sidewalk just to talk about my cute neighbor,” you turn to Chanhee with a disappointed look.
“There are other waffles in the city, you know that right?”
“It’s not like this one though.”
Chanhee rolls his eyes at you at how ridiculous and funny he found this whole situation, while you look down at your coffee cup and take the sticky note off.
I won again! You should get here earlier, they sell out fast, if you haven’t figured that out yet ;)
“I do know that!” you huff, and Chanhee nudges you to tell you that you just said that out loud and now the people behind you are just giving you weird looks, but you completely ignore that and just get out of there.
The day passes by with you forgetting the whole thing like you usually do, and you write a mental note to yourself that you’ll be there earlier tomorrow, which, you’ve wrote so many of that your brain is on overload with the same note being written every single day only for you to not succeed and get that damn waffle every morning.
There’s something good to look forward to, at least.
“Y/N!” The familiar voice is like music to your ears at this point. “We seem to always get off work at the same time, no?” he chuckles.
“How was your day? I don’t really have much to tell on my part, but there’s this really funny person who keeps trying to get the waffle at the cafe across the street from where I work, and I do feel bad but also those are my favorite so I’ve just found it fun to leave them-”
“What?” your eyes widen and your voice raises at him, cutting off his babbling. "That was you?!”
Eric drew his eyebrows for a second in confusion, before terror overtook his face as soon as he realised what you were implying.
“Y-You….Oh my god. That was you, Y/N?”
“I asked you that first! You mean to tell me I’ve been so friendly with the guy who's been stealing my waffles for the past months?!”
“I didn’t steal them!”
The two of you bicker, your voices echoing through the halls before some guy named Sunwoo peeks his head out his apartment door and tells you two to shut the fuck up or at least lower your voices.
Now with your little argument interrupted, the two of you mutter your apologies to the poor guy before turning back to one another in awkward silence, unsure how to return to it.
After a few seconds of silence, you tried to stifle a laugh, before bursting out into laughter. “What?”
“We just...argued about waffles.” you breathed out, making Eric burst into a fit of laughter with you.
Your neighbors probably think the two randos who were just loudly arguing about waffles and now laughing like maniacs in the hallway are batshit insane, but you two couldn’t even care less about that right now.
“Ok, well, I’m really sorry about the notes thing. I promise tomorrow I’ll let you have it. If only I had known that was you….” he says, making the effort to sound assuring.
“It’s fine. I don’t care now that I know who’s been doing that,” you assured, letting out a chuckle. But then, a bright idea. This was your chance to get that dinner that you wanted.
“Although,” you begin, Eric’s head suddenly jerking back in your direction. “Since you’ve been jokingly asking me to dinner all this time, you should get on that for compensation.”
Eric grins. “That wasn’t a joke at all. I just kept doing it since you…..kept laughing it off."
Great. Good to know you both are crazy and really fucking oblivious.
“Yeah, oh. As payment for that, I’ll be getting the waffle again tomorrow.”
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guns-in-the-desert · 3 years
Germany NSFW A-Z
I’m super excited to post this, I worked hella hard, so here it is.
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A= Aftercare
   He’s not the best at it, as being soft and comforting isn’t in his nature. It takes him a while to get good at it, and when he does, it’s super routine, almost robotic (let’s be honest, he made a checklist.). Step 1. Ask if  you're alright, Step 2. Wipe you down, and so on and so forth.
B= Body Part
  Not to be basic but, your boobs are hands down his favorite part of your body, he loves to squeeze them, even when y’all aren’t fucking, he’ll play with them without even realizing, bonus points if you have sensitive nipples. On him he really likes his arms, he likes how they look around your waist, and how easily he can pick you up.
C= Cum
  Ludwig is a Super neat person, so he likes a quick and easy clean up. He likes to nut inside you/a condom or in your mouth, not only does he think it’s hella hot, but also there's little to no mess, it’s 10/10 for him.
D= Dirty secret
  He would die before telling anyone this, but he steals your panties, not that you don't know, he’s quite bad at returning them, so you notice them missing. He really wants to stop, but he just thinks it’s so hot, and they remind him of the different times you've done it, for example: You wore that pink velvet thong the first time he tied you up. P.S they're not always clean when he takes them, at this point don’t even let him do laundry
E= Experience
  He’s not as experienced as you might think, he’s quite awkward actually. He’s done it a few times, but he still can’t can’t look at your bare body without blushing, watches HELLA porn though , but don’t expect him to admit it.
F= Favorite Position
  He absolutely LOVES fucking you against the wall, you would never know it, but he’s kind of a show off. This position shows off his strength (and his biceps), plus he gets to feel your tits against him, it’s a win win situation for him.
G= Goofy (is he more serious or goofy in bed)
 This man ain’t even goofy in day to day life, like, at all. Y’all know damn well he did not come to play any kind of games with you, I wish you would try and crack a joke while his dick is out.
H= Hair
  He's neat, he trims regularly, he's well maintained and well groomed, would never shave it completely off (he gets cold) because it makes him feel less manly
I= Intimacy
  He’s not goofy, also not very intimate, he’s quite aggressive, being gentle isn’t in his nature, not that he’s trying to be during sex, like italy said in the show “he’s like some sort of super sadist.”.
J= Jack off
  He jacks off, a lot, don't ask him though, he’d practically deny knowing what masturbating is, claims it’s “DISGUSTANG”, despite literally getting porn for christmas. You've caught him in compromising positions multiple times, still denies ever doing though.
K= Kink
  “He's like some sort of super sadist.” Italy said it best will literally rock your shit for the hell of it. Flogging, spit, bondage, the whole nine yards, know s, almost no limits, will he slap you across your face and call you a whore? Yes. Will he choke you until your face turns blue? Yes. Will he tie you with a vibrator and leave you for hours? Definitely. Will he make you walk on a leash and sleep in a dog bed? Absolutely. Can he look at your tits, without blushing? Of course not, what are you, fuckin crazy?
L= Location
  The bed, he does NOT want to even risk getting caught, he’d be WAY too embarrassed. He decided to get frisky in the living room once, and Gil walked in. He didn’t fuck you for a week and he didn’t talk to his brother for a month, partially because Gilbert’s and asshole and takes every oppurtunity he has to bully his younger brother, partially due to embarrassment. 
M= Motivation
  Almost everything, surprisingly, he’s actually a pretty horny dude, but if you really wanna get him going, beg, he loves to see you beg, you could also crawl around on the floor in low cut top, and skirt in front of him, but don’t be surprised if you get a collar the next day.
N= No
  Will not, and I mean NEVER ever even consider sharing you under any circumstances. He doesn't care how much you beg and plead. Why would you want somebody else with y’all is there something he’s doing wrong, ask him again, I dare you, you'll get your ass beat, I mean it, in the hottest way possible of course.
O= Oral
  Ludwig prefers receiving, and even though you’re doing the sucking, he’s doing the work. Really rough, so don't be surprised if cum is coming out of your nose by the end of it. When it comes to giving, my guy had a stiff ass tongue at first, like he licked your pussy mad hard, he figured it out eventually, thank god.
P= Pace
  Surprise surprise, he’s mad rough, but does find a pace and a rhythm quite quickly, which is a really good trait not many people have (I assume) it’s easy to get into, which is always pleasant. It goes very smoothly.
Q= Quickies 
  Not the biggest fan of quickies but he’ll do them nonetheless, they just aren’t his favorite, he’d pick it over masturbation, not that he does that of course, your always a better option with his hand.
R= Risk
  He takes risks in the sense that he likes to experiment with new toys, kinks, roleplays, etc. not with location though, he sticks to the bedroom and the shower exclusively, and he's even iffy about that.
S= Stamina
  This man spent a decent chunk of the show running, so he can and will go for hours. It's kind of insane. 
T= Toys
  Yes, of course, ropes, vibrators, flogs, you name it, he's got it, it’s as simple as that.
U= Unfair
  While foreplay lasts for quite a while, he isn’t much of a tease. With the exception of the occasional orgasm denial, he’s pretty straight to the point. He doesn't see a reason to drag things out when it’s not necessary. Like if you're  getting flogged, you're getting flogged, there's no if, ands, or buts, he doesn't have time for talking or teasing.
V= Volume
  He sucks at dirty talk, so he lets his actions do all the talking. Doesn't really make noise during sex, there’s the occasional grunt, but even thats rare
W= Wild Card
  So I mentioned before that you caught him in compromising positions in the past, the first time this happened was an absolute disaster. You had walked in to ask him what he wanted for dinner, he looked like a deer in headlights. You asked him what he was doing and his response was “I lost my turtle.” I don't know what part of him thought he would believe because; 1) He doesn't own a turtle, 2) he somehow lost it in his dick? So for this to make sense, he would have had to go and buy a turtle, have it near his penis for whatever reason, proceed to forget about said turtle, and after all that it still would explain how a turtle would fit into anyway, like I know you have foreskin, but, damn. So you ask him if he was masterbating, which obviously ended like this “NEIN, THAT’S DISGUSTING!” 
X= X-Ray
  Big dick,  more girthy than it is long, but it still has quite a bit of length, has the slightest curve, and a vein along the underside, he’s uncut. Wait till you see this man in grey sweatpants.
Y= Yearningh  In the top 10 for characters with the highest sex drive, He’s number seven on the list. Which says more about the people above him than it says about him, himself.
Z= ZZZ (How quickly does he fall asleep after?)
  Either he’s out immediately, or  he gets up and does work, there is ZERO in between with this man, I really don’t know what to tell y’all.
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I really hope y’all enjoyed, I don’t have any WIPs as of right now. So, I write when I get ideas until I get more requests. See y’all in the next one. Bye for now
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trentaafcsblog · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet
Mason Mount
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A - aftercare You’d be lying if you said that this wasn’t sometimes your favourite part about having sex, something about how soft and caring Mason becomes once the two of you have reached your highs just making you feel like the only girl in the world, and don’t get me wrong, he looks after you in the best possible way when you’re doing the business, but he’s just so much more attentive afterwards and he’s happy to kiss, cuddle and play with your hair as long as you need him to
B - body part Your ass, god he’s got an obsession with it, always catching him licking his lips whenever you wear *those* gym leggings or a tiny pair of shorts, and it’s got to the point where it feels weird not to have his hand glued to it twenty-four-seven
C - cum At the start of your relationship you were super strict about Mason wearing a condom, so it’s only recently that you’ve started to be a bit more adventurous when it comes to your orgasms, letting him try out all kinds of different things to see which you both prefer, whether that’s cumming on your ass, your your tits, in your mouth or inside your pussy, you’re still trying to figure that your one out, but it’s honestly the hottest thing knowing that at least one part of your body is decorated with his seed
D - dirty secret You’ve recently discovered the world of sexting, and it’s quite possibly your favourite thing, loving how you can pass your thumbs tapping away on your screen as ‘oh I’m just messaging my boyfriend’, when actually you’re begging him to be balls deep inside of you tonight whilst he fucks your pussy raw
E - exposed Not to jinx it but you haven’t been caught yet, there was one time where his mum came home from work early and you were face down on the mattress whilst Mason fucked you from behind, but that’s as close as it’s got, and fingers crossed it stays that way
F - foreplay Again, it’s something that’s taken time for the two of you to get into the swing of doing, but now it’s become an essential part of your sex lives, sometimes not even bothering to do the actual deed and instead just letting Mason eat you out whilst you suck his dick, loving how the other person can bring you so much pleasure in the most incredible ways
G - goofy At the start of your relationship there were a couple of times when you ended up in a fit of giggles, mainly because you were both worried incase you got ‘too’ into it and the other person wasn’t ready, but now you’re so much more comfortable around one another that it’s rare that you have outbursts of random giggles anymore 
H - horny Mason finds it hard not to be when you’re his girlfriend, always wandering around with a boner because you look so good all the time, looking at you with a twinkle in his eye each time you come down wearing a tiny top or a little pair of shorts in the hope that you catch on to what he’s thinking
I - intimacy It’s such an important part of your relationship, taking you a little while to feel completely comfortable around one another but now you’re both so close, both emotionally and sexually, which obviously helps when it comes to the bedroom
J - jack off Normally he tries to keep himself under control, especially since he knows that his hand has nothing on yours, but there have obviously been times when he’s been caught out and he just has to relieve some of his tension, sometimes struggling to keep himself sane when you’re busy spamming him with messages explaining how you’ll be sucking him off later
 K - kinks Mason’s got the biggest praise kink, loving how he thrusts deeper into your pussy or groans in your ear each time you call him your good boy, finding it so hot that those kinds of compliments just roll of your tongue without you even thinking, his brain fogging over with pure pleasure each time and causing his cock to almost explode 
L - location You usually stick to the bedroom, obviously there have been occasions where you’ve had sex on the sofa halfway through a movie or let him bend you over the kitchen whilst you’re making dinner, but you much prefer to keep it under the covers
M - moaning That boy knows what he’s doing so it’s practically impossible for you to hold back your moans, always turning into a complete whimpering mess for him when he’s slamming into you, and Mason’s just the same, always grunting and groaning in your ear with each thrust because you make him feel so good 
N - nudes You’ve both sent and received a fair few, Mason always choosing to pass his over when you’re out for lunch with your friends or sat at work, a series of photos of his rock solid cock appearing on your screen and causing the most furious blush to sweep across your cheeks, Mason finding it hilarious how you’ll get so turned on in an environment where you can’t do anything about it, only giving you a reason to punish him when you’re home 
O - oral His favourite thing in the whole wide world is seeing you knelt before him with his cock in your mouth, fucking your face for hours on end just so that he can hear you gagging and spluttering around him, your eyes streaming with tears and rolling back into your head as his cock hits the back of your throat
P - position Mason’s got two favourites - doggy and missionary, his choice of position depends on the mood that he’s in, opting for doggy if he wants to be a bit rough and reach his orgasm quickly, but choosing missionary when he wants to be a bit more intimate with you, loving how he can be so much closer to you and how you can feel his thrusts so much deeper
Q - quickie You both prefer longer sex sessions but obviously when the seconds are counting down on the clock then you’re making the most of the time that you have together, letting Mase fuck you at the most ridiculous speed before he needs to go to training or before you’re about to head out for dinner with your mates, loving how you can go about your day afterwards as though you haven’t just had your brains blown out, nobody knowing what you’ve been up to other than you two
R - risk You’re not the biggest risk takers to be honest, preferring to keep your sex life exclusively between the two of you rather than sharing it with a whole car park or holiday complex, but saying that, you have let Mason fuck you on the balcony in the early hours of the morning and you’ve also sucked him off in one of the back rooms at Stamford Bridge, yet other than that it’s pretty much safe sex in the company of just you and Mase
S - spit/swallow Swallow, always, why would you want to waste the aftermath of all of your hard work? Mason finding it the hottest thing ever that you don’t even have to contemplate your next move when he cums in your mouth, giving him your best innocent eyes or a little wink before you’re swallowing it down without any hesitation
T - toys You’ve got a vibrator that occasionally makes an appearance when you feel like you’re missing something in the bedroom, but nine times out of ten, you just let Mason do the work, his cock hitting all of the places that no toy could and his fingers rubbing your clit in a way that feels so good that you can’t even compare it to a vibrator, both of you preferring to be the people that bring each other pleasure, rather than letting a toy do the work
U - unfair Never ever ever, Mason’s honestly the sweetest person when it comes to sex so he’ll never cum before you, and even if he’s desperate to reach his orgasm, then he’ll try and hold off until your pussy is spasming around his cock first, hating seeing you begging and whining for him to let you cum so he’s always making sure that your needs are met well before his own
V - volume You can be prettyyy loud, which isn’t really hard when Mason fucks you so well, loving how you can scream his name as loudly as you want when it’s just you and him, your moans bouncing off the walls and echoing in his ears for hours afterwards, honestly finding your whines and whimpers so fucking sexy, especially since he knows he’s the only one making you feel that way
W - wild card Mason’s recently invested in a Polaroid camera to try and capture some of your best memories together, and somehow it’s managed to make its way into the bedroom too, resting on his bedside table until the perfect photo opportunity arises, taking a few snaps and hiding them away ready to look at when you need a bit of inspiration
X - x-ray It’s a good size, a veryyy good size, well and truly filling you up and managing to hit all of the right places, so you definitely aren’t complaining, even if it does sometimes take you a while to adjust to his length, much to Mason’s satisfaction 
Y - yearning He’s always in the mood to fuck you, I mean, who wouldn’t be when they’ve got such a pretty girl as their partner? Always catching him staring at your ass or letting his mind run free when his gaze brushes over your tits, but you don’t mind, because secretly you’re doing exactly the same to him
Z - zzz It’s hard not to fall asleep after sex, particularly your longer sessions, and regardless of whether it’s emotion-based or rough, it’s still wearing you both out and you can’t help but collapse in each other’s arms and drift off into a deep sleep afterwards, staying in the same position until the sun starts rising and you’re woken up to the memories of last night 
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lavenderjacobs · 4 years
fluff alphabet - Sapnap
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➳ wc; 2,1K (she’s a long one lol)  ➳ pronouns; gender neutral<3 ➳ song reccomendation; heart eyes - coin
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A=Attractive (What do they find most attractive in a partner?)
nick’s an ass guy and you can’t convince me otherwise. he’s also just loves your thighs and your stomach. he loves how soft your skin is, and how good you smell. whenever he’s sad he just rests his head on your stomach while you tangle you fingers in his hair. 
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B=Best memory (Their favourite memory of you)
he cherishes your first kiss so much. he just has such a soft spot for that memory. the moment he finally found out you felt the same about him, the moment he finally found out what your lips against his felt like. it’s just something he had looked forward to for forever, and to him, it was perfect. 
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C=Cuddles  (What type of cuddles do they like?)
sapnap is a WHORE for cuddles. if it where up to him, you two would just lay in bed all day, tangled in each other’s arms. after a long day, he just wants to hold his favourite person and fall asleep with them, so he just wraps his arms around your waist while he uses your chest as a pillow. but if he’s in a chatty mood, he’ll just talk your ears off, ranting about something he finds interesting, while you’re all snuggled up in the crook between his neck and shoulder. 
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D=Dirty mind (Do they have a dirty mind?)
I mean, come on. it’s sapnap. we all know he does. he gets *excited* very easily, which can sometimes get in the way when you two are just trying to cuddle. he just has such a soft spot for your body and has to have his way with you once certain ideas have entered his mind. 
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E=Effort (How much effort do they put in the relationship?)
nick would definitely try his best. honestly you don't care if his plans actually turn out the way he intented them to, it's the thought that counts. and nick knows that. but theres just something about you that makes him want to spoil you and treat you like a princess. so prepare yourself for fancy dates, him making you your favorite food, all that type of stuff.
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F=First date (What was your first date together)
arcade date arcade date arcade date. sap is super competitive and I feel like he would thrive in an arcade. he would play it off like he was just trying to proof how good he was at the arcade games. but he'd just love to see how hard you would be trying to beat him. obviously he'd let you win a lot, and when he collected enough tickets, he would get you the biggest prize he could find.
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G=Gentle (How gentle are they with you?)
it....depends???? lmao. nick CAN be super gentle with you, he’s pretty protective of you and would never want you to get hurt, so he’s definitely very careful not to do anything to hurt you. but sometimes his instinct just kinda takes over and well, he can get pretty rough. 
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H=Hands (Do they have nice hands?)
hmmm nick has like,,very manly hands,, if you know what i mean. i dont know, they're just so rough but yet so pretty??? and they're like really big compared to yours so when he holds ur hand, yours looks so tiny in his. and omg he won't shut up about it. "LOOK AT YOUR HANDS THEY'RE SO SMALL🥺"
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I=Impression (What was their first impression?)
he just thought you were so ~cool~. like he immediately knew he wanted to be your friend. he was just so in awe of how funny, chill and charismatic you were. and it literally took two days for him to develop a crush on you. his friends would notice this right away and tease him about it so much omg.
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J=Jealousy (Do they get jealous often? If so what do they do?)
YUP. nick gets jealous so easy yup yup yup. jealousy, protectiveness, possessiveness, you name it. you two would often get in fights about this, but most of the time you would just think it’s cute how riled up he gets. he doesn’t get mad at you (because you’re his precious little baby and can do no wrong in his eyes :D) but god help the souls of whoever tries to flirt with you, because they’ve got a hell of a storm coming.
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K=Kisses (What type of kisses do they like/give?)
god nick’s such a passionate kisser. or at least he can be lol. he loves the way your face fits into his hands, and how soft your lips are. so he definitely is a fan of just some wholesome passionate kisses. but damn this man gets sloppy when he wants to. his lips constantly trails off to your jaw, neck and collar bones.
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L=Love  (Do they show their love?)
i feel like his love language would be like a mix between words of affection and physical touch??? he’s definitely very verbal with his love for you. he doesn’t shy away from saying i love you or letting you know how much he appreciates you in any other way.
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M=Memory: (Their favourite memory in general?)
there are certain moments where nick just sits back, watches, and realizes how amazing his life is. and how grateful he is to have you. for example, you were playing minecraft on his pc, and your house kept getting blown up by creepers, he found it adorable how mad you got every time. he just watched you play, while sitting on his bed. after a while, you looked over at him, and caught him staring. “what?” you asked after letting out a soft chuckle. he felt like he was gonna explode from how much he loved you. 
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N=Nickname  (What nicknames do they call you?)  
i’m getting very strong “baby” and “doll” vibes from nick. he loves baby-ing you and smothering you with other loving nicknames. just any petnames that show how much he loves you he’s all for. he would also love calling you “pretty” or “beautiful” for obvious reasons. 
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O=Over  (What happened the one time you ‘broke up’?)
nick HATES fighting with you, but once you two get into an argument he can get pretty carried away. he’s definitely the type to let his emotions get the upper hand on him. raising his voice a lot, stuff like that. but the second you leave to get some space he just breaks down. sliding down the wall and resting his face in his hands, just letting all the emotions out. he never meant to hurt you. when you came back to him, ready to be enclosed in his arms again, he had a hard time letting you back in. he just felt like he didn’t deserve you after he treated you like this. it took some convincing, but once you broke down his walls again, it was like he gave you all the love in his body. just smothering you with “i’m sorry”s and kisses. 
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P=Parents (What would they be like as a parent?)
dilfnap dilfnap dilfnap  omg he’d be such a good dad. like just very caring and loving, but also strict and stern when he needs to be. he’d constantly be telling stories to the kids about the absurd adventures him and his friends would get into, and omg the dad jokes he’d make. idk maybe it’s my daddy issues but dad sapnap lives in my mind rent free. 
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Q=Quirk (Something special about them)
he loves holding your hand. especially in public. if you’re in a crowded space, he just holds onto you very tightly as not to lose you. or if you two are just going on a walk together, his hands would just feel so warm and soft around yours. and omg he loves it when his hands are in his pockets, and you put your hands in there with him, and intertwine your fingers with his. hmmm he gets so soft when you do that.
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R=Romantic (How romantic are they?)
i- uh- I MEAN HE WOULD TRY he really would, and again, that’s all that matters. I feel like he would be the type to try to prepare a whole surprise dinner, he would cook all the food himself, he would set the table all cute, with candles and shit, but just completely ruin the surprise by accidentally giving it all away by saying something or just behaving very obviously suspicious. 
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S=Sad (What are they like when they’re sad?)
he just gets really quiet. he would never want to bother you or be a pain in the ass by complaining to you. but obviously you notice when something is wrong with ur bby boy. a sentence like “are you okay?” or “what’s wrong?” would immediately send him over the edge, burying his face in your chest, trying his best to supress his sobs. but he eventually calms down, and once he does, he’s able to just rant to you about whatever is bothering him.
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T=Together (What are they like when you’re together?)
i feel like it would really depend on his mood, like he could be either SUPER chill, just wanting to savour the time you two had together. or he could be really hyper, constantly talking, wanting to do all kinds of activities with you. he’d be the literal definition of :D
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U=Understanding (How understanding and empathetic are they?)
very. i just get such empathetic vibes from him. he’s such a good listener and he’ll just listen to you talk whenever you have something to be upset about. he never invalidates your feelings and omg he’d give the best advice. 
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V=Value (What do they value most about the relationship?)
he loves that he can 100% be his self around you. there’s no part of his personality that he feels like he has to hide, or tone down, whenever he’s with you. you also aspire him to be his best self, he just wants to be the best boyfriend in the world. all his friends have noticed this too, you bring out the best in him.
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W=Wedding (Would they want marriage? If so what would they like?)
eh. if you’re a person who really values marriage, he’d 100% do it for you. but it’s not like he HAS to. he gets a bit scared by the idea of this whole big event, where everything is about you two, he would way rather celebrate the love you two have in the comfort of your own home, just the two of you. the one thing he would love about a wedding, would be seeing you all dolled up, walking down the aisle, omg he’d be the proudest man ever to be able to call you his.
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X=X-Ray (How well can they read you?)
the SECOND you start to feel sad or depressed in any way, nick notices immediately. he knows you better than anybody else, and he knows exactly what to do to cheer you up. it’s like his superpower. if you’re feeling anxious he’ll just wrap his arms around you really tightly, holding on to you until you calm down. and when you’re sad, and in need for something to cheer you up, he’ll take you outside for a walk in the park, or he’ll just sit in bed with you, watching your favourite show. 
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Y=Yuck (What they would never want in a partner)
he hates when you flirt with his friend, even when you’re very obviously joking. his jealous ass can’t deal with that lmao. he also gets super pissed when his friends make flirtatious jokes towards you, they know how much it gets on his nerves and that’s really the only reason they do it. but omg he gets so pissed when it happens. 
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Zzz (How do they sleep around you?)
nick would be the cutest sleeper ever omg. he doesn’t like to admit it, but he loves being little spoon. he loves resting his head on your chest, while you play with his hair, patiently waiting for him to fall asleep. 
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actuallysaiyan · 3 years
okay omg i’m so excited because Suigetsu never gets enough love. could you possibly do an nsfw alphabet please?
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Suigetsu is pretty sweet after sex. He likes to get you both something to drink and to just relax together while you both catch your breath. He’s also super into taking a bath together just so you can rehydrate and relax. The man needs water and cuddles after sex.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
While it’s not really a body part, Suigetsu loves his ability to turn into liquid. He thinks it’s super awesome he’s able to use such a power at his disposal and that it serves him very well.
On you, he loves your smile. It makes him feel so damn warm and happy inside. Whenever you look over to him and give him that loving smile, he is weak for it. It reminds him that there are some happy things in the world.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s got a huge cum fetish. He wants you painted up with his seed, your face covered with it and he’s going to want to pump so much of it deep inside of you. He loves it messy and he wants to see you enjoy it as much as he does.
Suigetsu is such a damn tease, so you can expect to be edged like crazy. He wants you to feel like you are going to cum so hard only for him to completely pull away. He loves the way you whine and plead for him to make you cum.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He loves the idea of you being fucked by someone else while he watches. He wouldn’t really mind if Sasuke wanted to completely dominate you while he got to watch and command you to fuck his friend. It turns him on to think about how big of a whore you’d be willing to be for him.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s got no experience. He was Orochimaru’s experiment for a long time, so he didn’t really know what he was doing for a long time, but he slowly learned how to please you and what to do to make you feel good. You helped him with it as well, letting him know what was good and what felt amazing.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Suigetsu is crazy for you riding him. He loves how your tits jiggle up and down as you ride his cock and touch yourself at the same time. It’s just such a gorgeous sight for him to see you in that position. He’s also into any kind of position that’s going to be fun for the both of you. He loves it when you are contorted in all kinds of sexy positions for him to fuck you as well.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
You know he’s going to be so goofy and funny during sex. He loves to have fun and enjoy himself and if you guys end up laughing while fucking, then it’s a win. He loves the sound of your laugh while he fucks you hard, and when he fucks you in that way that makes your laughs turn into loud moans, he’s such a sucker for it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
So, he’s fairly hairless. It’s all pretty smooth. The little hair he does have is nice and fluffy, and it’s white in color just like the hair on his head. He doesn’t have to do much maintenance to keep it clean, which he enjoys.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Some nights, Suigetsu wants to feel close and loving to you. He’ll get needy and he’ll hold you close as he fucks you sensually. Most of the time, sex is high energy and lots of fun. You’ll be laughing and smiling and just enjoying yourself, unless you're pleading for him to let you cum because he’s edging you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He likes to masturbate whenever he’s got the chance and you aren’t around. He has a few toys he likes to use and he loves to masturbate in the shower so that it’s an easy clean up and that he stays hydrated as much as possible. It’s a good time for him to be able to fantasize about how he’s going to fuck you next.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Well, the most obvious kink that Suigetsu has is aquaphilia, but he’s open to other kinks as well. Begging and domination are huge for him, he’s also into bondage as well and of course a little choking is nice as well. All in all, if it’s something fun and turns him on, he’s going to want to try it out with you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He loves fucking in the shower. It’s so damn wet and hot and makes everything so slippery. He also loves being able to fuck in the bathtub as well. It’s all steamy and your slippery skin feels good against his as he pumps into you. Suigetsu loves fucking in the water, but he’s also into fucking you on your bed.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Hmmm...he loves it when you’re being cheeky. If you show up wearing something revealing and just flirt with him, he’s putty in your hands. He wants you to flirt and just have fun with him. If you flash him your smile, he loves that too. Put your hands on his thighs and just wink at him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’s not going to do anything that’s going to harm you seriously. He loves a few painful kinks, but he will always make sure you enjoy them too before he even considers doing them with you. He hates the idea of you being hurt for real.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Suigetsu is a bit of a pillow prince. He fucking loves it when he just lies there and you suck on his long cock. The look of you with his cock in your mouth and you’re moaning around his length and you are touching your wet pussy while you blow him...fuck he’s used that as thoughts to get him off while masturbating more than once.
But he’s not greedy. He loves eating your pussy and making you scream his name. He’s very good at oral actually, but his sharp teeth scared you at first. He had to make sure he was very gentle to get your trust for that.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Suigetsu always fucks somewhere in the middle. He loves making sex fun and exciting. He loves seeing you bounce on his cock and setting the pace as well. He wants to see you take control a lot of the time, because he could literally pound you into the abyss. It all depends on how you are feeling.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He absolutely loves them. They are fun and make the two of you feel so good. It makes him want to risk it whenever you’re both somewhere kind of public. It’s one of his favorite things in the whole world. Life doesn’t wait for anyone, so you need to make the best of a situation and fuck whenever you can.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He loves taking risks. He’ll try all kinds of new things with you and make you cum hard. If you aren’t expecting him to do something, he’ll definitely want to do it then and there. Like if you were at dinner with other people and you’re wearing a skirt, Suigetsu wants to finger you under the table.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He’s got great stamina, but sometimes he gets worked up a lot and he’ll cum fast. He always tries his best to make up for it. He can go a good number of rounds and his refractory period is a little shorter than the average.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Suigetsu loves toys! He’ll use all kinds of things on you to determine what your favorite toy is going to be. Vibrators that are waterproof are of course his favorites. He loves handcuffs for when he’s going to tease you. He doesn’t mind having toys used on him either.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’ll tease you a lot. He loves to tease you about the cute sounds you make when he fucks your tight pussy, but he also loves to edge you until there are tears in your eyes and you are literally begging him to let you cum.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s so loud. He loves to talk and laugh a lot during sex and just make sexy remarks or talk dirty to you. He’ll grunt and groan a lot, and if you blow him, he’s going to moan so loudly. Right before cumming he always moans, “Fuck I’m gonna cum!”
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Suigetsu will often want to fuck on the beach. He brings lots of towels and blankets, and then he’ll take you out to the water and he’ll just thrust up into you. You both have a wonderful time fucking in the seawater and trying to keep it a secret from all the others who might be at the beach that day.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s got a good body and he’s very well built. His cock is very long, it’s about 10 inches and it’s average girth. Its got lots of nice veins that rub up against your walls making you feel so damn good.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Suigetsu has a very high sex drive. He always wants to fuck you any chance he gets. It’s one of his favorite things. Just having your pussy around his cock is just pure heaven to Suigetsu.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It doesn’t take him long to fall asleep. Once you’re cuddling with him, he’s going to feel so relaxed. He’ll fall asleep faster if you play with his hair and just whisper sweet things to him.
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drakenology · 4 years
A B C’s with Todoroki Shoto.
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hiii! so I got this little idea while leisurely scrolling through bnha smut. idk if this creator is the originator of the trend but I wanna give credit anyways so shout out to @nillabeam​ for inspiring me to drabble on and on about my shoto doin the dirty. 
warnings: smut (obvi so 18+ please), slight daddy kink, all characters are aged up, and some swearing cause I feel like it. 
enjoy my little heathens!
A- Aftercare
Oh don’t be fooled by Todo’s calm and stoic demeanor. He is fucking insatiable in bed. 
But after a long night of ravishing you until you’re drunk on his cock, he’ll run you both a bath to soak your muscles in and relax.
Would help you in and out of the bath as he washed you up, rinsing your back for you. 
He’d leave kisses where he left harsh hickies. 
Would tell you how much he loved you, and gush about how delicate and pretty you were. EEK!!
B- Body Part 
He loved your breasts. 
You would often catch him staring at them as you talked to him, earning a stern look on your face to remind him to pay attention to you.
Would fuck you on your back just to watch them bounce and jiggle around 
He felt like your boobs were always so happy to see him, perking up when he would grab them. 
Would kiss them during sex and loves playing and sucking on them. 
Most of your hickies were all over them 
As for his own body, He really likes how toned and strong his arms got. 
He wants to protect you, so he got stronger so he can beat people up for you if he needed to. aww how sweet. 
C- Cum
He cums all over his favorite part of your body (see B). 
He also likes to cum inside you, cause he’s got a small teeny weeny breeding kink. 
You always cum first.. like it’s mandatory. He simply can’t bring himself to do it knowing you haven’t had your fill. 
When you go down on him thoooooo..
He loved to cum all over your pretty face. He always thought you looked gorgeous painted in his cum. 
He’d kiss your lips after you gave him head if a little bit of his hot cum was still on your mouth. 
D- Dirty Secret
As I said, Todoroki was a stoic and cool person out in public. 
He didn’t appear to be as sexually savant as he is 
but BABY
I’m tellin you, in the bedroom Todo is a beast. 
He really liked being called daddy.
It was something about watching your cute little face twist in pleasure whine and beg for him to fuck you. 
“Address me right, princess.” ASDGFJKF
HUGE daddy kink, da fuqq.
E- Experience 
eh.. some.
He had another girlfriend before you; some girl Endeavor set him up with. She cheated on him. 
but yeah.. my baby knows what he’s doing.
He loved showing you his moves. Watching your amazed and fucked out face was his favorite part of fucking you. 
F- Favorite Position
He loved them all tbh. 
He liked to experiment with a lot of different positions, getting bored pretty quickly.
But his tried and true is missionary.
He got to watch your face react to his every maneuver, kiss your neck to mark you up as his territory as he whispers in your ear sweet praises 
“Good girl, kitten.” “So good for me.” “You feel so good, baby”
Also your luscious breasts were front and center for him to stare at as he pounds you ooooooooo. 
G- Goofy
Yeah soo.. Shoto is a little serious. A little too serious in fact. 
Once when you two were making out he lifted you up, trying to carry you into your room as he bumped your head on the door frame. 
God it was like you were on life support or something
He apologized a million times, blaming himself as if he severely hurt you. 
You just giggle and kiss him in hopes it’ll shut him up and calm his worrying. You knew it was just an accident. 
H- Hair
He kept himself pretty trim, not really liking having a lot of hair on his body, for the exception of his arms and legs. He couldn’t help that he was a hairy guy (I imagine Endeavor being a lil hairy under his hero costume soo genetics?)
I- Intimacy
 he’s such a hopeless romantic it’s adorable.
he dotes on you the whole time, ensuring he’s not hurting you too much 
would kiss you over and over again
wants to you be comfortable at all times. 
in moments like these you’re the only thing that matters. 
J- Jack off
If for whatever reason he’s away, he always calls you. 
“I need you baby, what are you wearing right now?” He’ll ask, no matter if he’s in an important meeting or away on business, if he’s horny he’s horny.
Needs your voice to help him through his orgasm. 
Loves to facetime when he’s away so he can see your face and your body. 
“Yes, god Y/N you’re so perfect. Bend over for me.. yes..” He groaned, sloppily palming away at his length as he comes to his climax.
K- Kink
he’s got a lot sksksns
definitely a fucking dom
loves telling you what to do, always calling the shots in bed most of the time
Loves pet names, “baby girl” “kitten” “princess” 
overstimulates you sometimes just to see you squirm under him, the sick bastard. 
high key a sadist.. he’ll never openly admit to that tho
L- Location 
anywhere, surprisingly. 
If you two were out with friends and he felt an urge to taste you, he’d simply say you two are going to the car to get something, only to start having sex with you in the back seat. 
Fucks you in his office
Fucked you in his childhood bedroom once as a fuck you to his father. haha.
down for whateva.
M- Motivation
one thing that always got him going was you acting coy. Like you don’t know that what you’re doing is turning him on. 
You lean a little more, your blouse unbuttoned so he can see your ample cleavage. 
“What do you mean, Sho?” You bat your eyelashes, smirking at him as you watch his face turn red. 
“Fuck Y/N, don’t be cute. You’ll be sorry when we get home.” He would hiss at you, secretly not wanting you to stop teasing him.
He loved your sexy ass.
he hated excessive hitting or pain play.
he was always too scared to hurt you, knowing he could by mistake at any given point. 
he just won’t hit you.. so don’t ask.
O- Oral
he loved sloppy, degrading head from you. 
fucks your throat sometimes, loves hearing you gag. 
when he gives you head though, he’s relentless.
he wont stop until your sobbing, begging him to fill you as he ate you out, shallowly fingering you with one finger to make you.
“Aw.. look at you. So desperate. You want me inside you, kitten?” UGHHH
P- Pace
depends on the situation or what mood he’s in. 
when he’s making love to you, his pace is slow and methodical, wanting to savor the moment
however when you’ve been bad... FUCK
he’s gonna pound you into the mattress until you’re a fucked out mess underneath him, begging him to slow down so you can catch you breath
“Don’t cry now, princess. You had so much mouth earlier.” He would mock you, smirking at your weakened state. Yall I-
Q- Quickies
as much as he loved taking his time with you, quickies were something that were quite vital for you two.
Shoto was always busy with something as he always kept himself occupied to provide for you two. 
Whenever the opportunity arises, you two strike while the iron’s hot
R- Risk 
Shoto likes to explore every aspect of sex, so that leaves for lots of room for exploration.
Finding new spots to touch and lick and suck on. 
He loved taking risks if it meant he got to listen to your sweet moans. 
S- Stamina
uhm.. yes. 
he had a fuck ton, you often cumming multiple times before he did. 
“I hope you’re not tapping out on me. I’m not through with you yet.” He would coo to you, urging you to yet another orgasm. 
he almost felt bad for you, as you twitch and shake overstimulated from his stamina being filled to the goddamn brim. 
T- Toys
he used them on you a lot.
loved little bullet vibrators, they were so handy in helping him send you into a frenzy. 
one night he had made you squirt when he used one on you as he fucked you senseless. 
“Ooh I know you’ve got some more in there for me, kitten. Be a good girl and do that again.” 
he also liked to watch you fuck yourself with a dildo. 
he found it pretty easy to degrade you as he watched you try mimic his thrusts with it. 
“You wish that was me don’t you, kitten? Too bad.” 
U- Unfair 
he totally LOVES teasing you
in public especially, loving to see you flustered and speechless as you try and talk to others. 
“What’s wrong, princess? You seem a little hot.” He’d say, caressing your inner thigh under the table at dinner. 
V- Volume
todo isn’t very loud in bed.
he’ll grunt and groan against your skin has he fucked you 
definitely cussing a lot under his breath and whispering praises or obscenities in your ear as he took you. 
“Ugh..baby. You feel so good.” “You’re mine..all mine.” “Shit, you’re so wet.”
W- Wild Card!!!
todoroki’s favorite memory of one of your ventures was when he had you bent over the kitchen sink. he didn’t think you could cum that hard around him, the feelings almost sending him into his own release.
he loved when you wore dresses to give him easy access to your pussy. 
loved fucking you in them, something about pulling it up to reveal you cheeky little panties made him feral. 
X- X-Ray
todoroki is PACKIN okay? 
i don’t imagine him being extra long, but he had really nice girth
still to this day you’re left speechless when he pulls that glizzy out his boxers. 
shoto loves you.. like a lot.
everything you do kinda sends him into a frenzy, wanting you right then and there. 
he wants sex pretty much all the time, I think the only time he’s not horny is when he’s working. 
Z- Zzz
you always fell asleep first, being that shoto wears you the fuck out
he liked to watch you sleep, leaving soft kisses all over your face. 
“I love you, Y/N.” He’d whisper, holding you close as he drifted off to sleep with you. AWWWW 
whew this shit took longer than I thought. hope yall liked this. i’m finally starting to write about more characters other than my baby daddy katsuki. bye! 
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
Billy Russo Fluff Alphabet
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A/N: a Billy x reader fluff Alphabet anyone? 🙃
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Billy admires everything about you. From your looks to your personality. He often just watches you with a dopey smile on his face as he wonders how he managed to get someone like you. 
He's gone his life feeling like people only wanted him around because they wanted something from him. His money, his skill or his looks. But you just want him for him. It scares the shit out of him sometimes but it touches his heart to have found someone who isn't using him and actually cares.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
I answered this in the NSFW alphabet but, his favourite body parts are your neck and eyes. 
Your eyes give everything away and he can pick up even minute changes in your mood from them. He adores them.
With your neck, it gets him going ridiculously. 
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
With you, Billy is a huge cuddler. He loves it when you lay your head on his chest. He hitches your thigh up so he can grasp it, his other arm wound tightly around you. He also loves being the big spoon. 
He just enjoys the closeness, he feels like he can never get close enough to you. 
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
As much as he can do fancy dinners, he much prefers at home dates. He loves the dates where he cooks for you at home and then you cuddle on the sofa afterwards. It feels much more intimate to him. 
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Billy is very emotionally stunted. At first, he struggles to deal with having feelings and expressing himself. But once that hurdle is over, he has no issues with constantly telling you he loves you. He's also very affectionate because sometimes it's easier to show you rather than to tell you. Sweet kisses, soft touches or his hands gripping your hips.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Billy never wanted a family before. He didn't think he was built that way after his upbringing. The looming threat of failing as a parent would haunt him. 
But with you he started to crave that. Started to want what Frank and Maria have.
He started to be able to see himself as a dad, the father to your kids.  
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Billy loves showering you with gifts and he's surprisingly good at getting sentimental ones. He has a fantastic memory and he never forgets what you say. If you say something in passing conversation about something you like or want, you'll end up with it not long after. 
Billy will pull all the strings he needs to in order to make sure you get what you want. He loves to spoil you.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Billy likes holding hands, feeling his fingers laced with yours. But he much prefers wrapping an arm around your waist or shoulders. Holding hands creates some distance and he doesn't like that. He likes you as close as possible at all times. Pressed against his side with his arm around you brings him a sense of peace.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Over the top. 
Stubbed your toe? It's the end of the world. 
Accidentally cut your finger when chopping vegetables? You're dying and he needs to call 911.
“Billy, you don’t need to call 911,”
“What, you wanna bleed out?”
“It’s-It’s a tiny slice...”
“Right, and the next thing you know, you got sepsis and they’re choppin’ off your arm. I’m callin’ 911,”
“Yeah, hi. My girl’s bleedin’ out, we need an ambulance...”
If you get injured because of someone else, even if it's an accident, he wants blood. Anyone that hurts you is on his shit list. 
If anyone purposely hurts you… their days are numbered. Billy won't rest until he's got retribution for that. No one messes with his family. 
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Billy loves to joke with you. He's constantly teasing you and making you laugh with dad jokes and bad puns. 
He also loves to see your face when you slurp your coffee that has salt and not sugar in it. 
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Billy loves kisses. He loves giving you little affectionate kisses on your head, cheek, temple, shoulder, neck. It reassures him you're still there and he can't help it, the need to be close to you. 
When he kisses your lips though, it's hard to hold back. Whether it's the slow and sensual kisses that have you melting or the bruising kisses that are all tongues and teeth, he can't hold back. Even sweet pecks on your lips turn into dirty kisses as he loses himself in you. 
He's the kind of guy that kisses with his whole body. His hands wandering and gripping you, his body moving against yours. Kissing Billy is a very involved experience.
Kissing you is his favorite thing to do. 
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
He sometimes struggles with his words and Billy is very much a man of action. Things like making you breakfast in bed when he's off work, cooking you dinner. Sometimes he leaves little notes for you since he wakes up early for work and he doesn't want to wake you when you look so peaceful. 
He's always checking in with you, wanting to make sure you're healthy and happy. There isn't anything he wouldn't do for you. 
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
His favourite memory is the day you told him you loved him. It would be ingrained in his memory forever. It was the day he realised that just maybe he could have a happy ever after. 
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Losing you. Billy's seen a lot of shit in his life and lost people close to him. His biggest fear is losing you in any way. Whether that's you willingly walking away, something that plagues him daily. Or you being taken from him somehow. He'd die if anything happened to you. 
Losing you is not an option for Billy and he will do everything humanly possible to make sure that doesn't happen.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
He's a neat freak. He loves things being neat and orderly, he can't help it. His bookcase is arranged alphabetically, his suits coordinated by color. 
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Sweetheart is his go to. He constantly calls you sweetheart and doesn't even realise it. When he's feeling especially soft, it's baby. 
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
He loves any time he gets with you no matter where it is. As long as you're by his side, he's fine. 
He really loves the domestic home life with you. His arms wrapped around you while you cook, snuggled on the sofa together etc. 
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Closer by Nine Inch Nails 👀😂
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
It takes him a while to open up since he has trust issues. But once he realised you genuinely love him, he started to open up bit by bit. Every time he revealed something about himself he was convinced you'd leave. But when you didn't, he got more confident to share his life with you. 
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
It took a little bit. It started off casual but he knew he wanted more. You were like an addiction to him. He rarely went back to someone for sex, only if he was getting something out of it. But he liked having you around. Enjoyed being with you even when you weren't having sex. Eventually he realised he wanted more with you.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Billy hates it when you're upset. He wants to be able to fix it, to make you happy. And when it's something beyond his control he loathes it. If he can fix it, he will. Instantly. No questions asked. No matter what he has to do.
If someone is the cause of your tears, he's feral. He'll make them pay for every tear you shed because of them.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Billy is as proud as a peacock. His biggest achievement is Anvil and he's proud of that.
His life hasn't been easy and Anvil to him is more than a company. It's a tangible representation of how far he's come in life. In how he started at the bottom and clawed his way up to the top. 
He's also proud of being a former marine. He knows he did some bad things and there's part of his time there he regrets. But he's still proud to have served his country and being part of that. 
Billy loves to show you off. Any galas or events and he's got you at his side, introducing you as his girl proudly. If you can't be there then he can't help talking about you. 
He has a picture of you both that takes pride of place on his desk. 
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Billy's taught you how to fight and use weapons. Of course he wants to be the one to protect you, but he's a practical man. He knows that he can't always be there. He's ensured you know how to protect yourself. 
If you had to fight, he wouldn't be happy about it. He'd hate that you'd been in that situation. But he'd be super proud of you and fuss over you to make sure you're okay. 
Billy would most definitely fight for you. Sometimes it isn't even necessary when he tries to go for people. You have to calm him down when someone bumps into you in the street and almost knocks you over. He'd murder someone in broad daylight. 
Billy would literally go to war for you.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Billy is scary with how well he can read you. You can't hide anything from him. He's super perceptive and picks up the slightest thing. Whether that's a slight change in body language, something in your eyes or voice. He always knows if somethings wrong and he knows right away if you're lying to him. Nothing gets past him. 
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
Billy would want to go all out and be super romantic. He'd tailor it to things you like, making sure it's all about you. He wouldn't do it out in public with an audience. Not only because of his deep rooted fear of rejection, but mostly because he wouldn't want to pressure you. It would be intimate and sweet and he'd give a long ass speech on how you changed his life and he can't live without you. 
He'd also cry. 
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
You. You are his safe space, his home. Any time things are intense with him, you can bring him back and soothe him. Being close to you instantly makes him feel better. Holding you in his arms calms him right down. 
If you're not around then exercise. Working out helps him relieve stress.
Combining them both with sex with you… well that's just his favorite way to calm down. 
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