#haru bios
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haobae · 9 days ago
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starovis · 9 months ago
♥︎ᭂ‍   Darling be by the door , let your heart in and I'll kiss every pore ̴̟̇♡̴̟̇ ̴̟̇
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˚。𖦹 𓇼‧͙   ᭢ຶ⵿⁕ If I could always have you around there's a tune here But it has no sound. 。⋆ ꪆৎ ˚
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mxrizstar · 7 months ago
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ifsmingukkie · 2 years ago
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you're bts ? cause you are making me a boy w luv
(army rizz bbygirl
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soyiscookies · 7 days ago
Oioi faz locks do haru do xlov com esses posts que recentes dele por favor,obrigado🌷
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𖹭 haru ( xlov ) lσcƙscɾeeɳ
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ho0ps · 2 years ago
♡ . . . haru (nature) users !
ʚ hhru abehru hrunno
ʚ hrabe hruflwr dearhru
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- like or reblog if u use. with love, bea <3
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powerfought · 10 months ago
would LOVE some pre-game threads for amala at some point with muses who would hang around the lower city, particularly in taverns and inns and the like. i’d love to explore her in the throes of finding her freedom, exploring her young adulthood, and hustling for money to buy her ticket out of her circumstances.
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jonggol · 5 days ago
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TERJAMIN! WA 0812-9627-2689 Apakah Bio Septic Tank Harus Disedot
"WA 0812-9627-2689 | Bio Septic Tank Installation, Bio Septic Tank In Coimbatore, Bio Septic Tank In Tamil, Bio Septic Tank In Madurai, Bio Septic Tank In Salem
Gg. Masjid al-Qasim Jl. Dongkal RT 001/RW 024 No. 84 Kel. Sukatani Kec. Tapos Kota Depok (Belakang TPA Darul Aulad)
Bapak Nino
WA 0812-9627-2689 WA 0812-9627-2689 WA 0812-9627-2689
Atau Klik WA dibawah ini:
ApakahBioSepticTankHarusDisedot, #BioSepticTank1000LiterHarga, #BioSepticTankInstallation, #BioSepticTankInCoimbatore, #BioSepticTankInTamil"
Posting by Evi Rahma Putri SMK Negeri 1 Cariu TA PKL 2024
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robocops-a-christ-allegory · 3 months ago
"Sanko is Shin and Noi's kid!" is the "Ai is Kasukabe and Haru's kid!" of Dai Dark. Like I just do not think so but I really dont hate either theories because they'd be so fucking funny
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theoriedelesthetique · 4 months ago
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𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲;
Haru aurait dû connaître une vie normale - après tout, elle est dans un foyer somme toute classique. Deux parents qui l’aiment, qui sont là pour elle, qui adorent la voir grandir et s’épanouir. Ils ne se rendent pas compte, finalement, qu’ils créent un monstre de jalousie en la couvrant ainsi de cadeaux. Parce qu’Haru réalise que ses parents l’adorent - et elle a peur, maintenant, de perdre cette affection, ce qui explique le fait qu’elle soit autant accrochée aux jupons de sa mère.
Haru ne sait pas, surtout, l’histoire de sa famille. C’est sa grand-mère qui lui raconte cette sorte de légende familiale. Les femmes de la famille seraient dotées de pouvoirs, depuis des générations, mais quelque part dans l’histoire, les dons se seraient perdus. C’est une légende, qui amuse chaque femme de la famille, mais Haru a beau avoir huit ans elle, elle en devient obsédée. Parce qu’elle veut comprendre l’histoire de sa famille, et parce qu’elle veut se dire qu’elle peut être spéciale. Et évidemment que les gènes magiques sont là - ils sont présents chez sa mère aussi, qui s’est toujours arrangée à le cacher à son mari. Et si elle couvre sa fille de cadeaux, si elle la surprotège, c’est pour se prémunir d’une éventuelle apparition des pouvoirs de la petite. Elle fait de son mieux, pour brider les pouvoirs d’Haru, mais elle ne peut canaliser son intérêt pour l’occulte. Pas quand son propre mariage finit par foutre le camp. Préoccupée par l’arrivée de son divorce avec le père d’Haru, sa mère relâche son attention - et Haru, de son côté, fuit les disputes familiales dans des recherches sur les sciences occultes.
Le divorce de ses parents a profondément ébranlé Haru, réveillant à la fois ses dons pour de bon, mais également sa peur de l’abandon. Terrifiée d’être laissée après la départ de son père, Haru se renferme sur elle-même, refuse de parler, et cache ses émotions derrière ce qui semble être une crise d’adolescence difficile. A l’école, Haru n’a pas tellement d’amis, parce qu’elle ne parle pas, parce qu’elle ne veut pas être la petite fille à plaindre - à la place, elle se traîne la réputation de la gamine bizarre qui a des croyances étranges. La fascination d’Haru pour l’occulte ne semble pas cesser - et c’est dans un geste de désespoir que l’adolescente, qui n’a personne vers qui se tourner, se tourne pour la première fois vers la magie.
Au début, ça n’est rien de grave, des petits rituels, rien de dangereux. Jusqu’à ce qu’elle fasse la rencontre de Kali. Elle est plus vieille, cette sorcière, certes, mais elle semble vouloir l’écouter. Lui indiquer la bonne voie. Haru, qui n’a personne d’autre, la suit aveuglément. C’est Kali qui lui apprend qu’elle est capable de conjuration. C’est aussi Kali qui lui apprend qu’elle est capable de faire le mal. Ce qu’Haru ne sait pas, c’est que sa nouvelle amie est une invocation démoniaque - elle n’a pas la moindre envie d’apprécier l’adolescence, et c’est après sa puissance magique qu’elle en a. Mais Haru ferme les yeux sur tout, bien trop heureuse d'avoir quelqu’un à qui parler, quelqu’un qui la comprend.
Sauf que ça dérape. Ça dérape toujours. Haru a seize ans, a connaissance de sa capacité de sorcière depuis un an maintenant - et n’a toujours pas compris qu’utiliser ses pouvoirs à des fins personnels, quand on est destinée à être une bonne sorcière, a toujours des conséquences. C’est une dispute qui éclate avec sa mère, dans la cuisine - ce n’est pas inhabituel, finalement, parce que la crise d’adolescence ne semble pas être passée le moins du monde. Mais ça dégénère, quand la frustration d’Haru prend le dessus, et que ses pouvoirs lui échappent. Blesser sa mère, c’était évidemment la dernière chose qu’elle souhaitait. La dernière chose qu’elle fait, avant de partir de la maison, c’est d’appeler les secours - fuir paraît la meilleure option, parce que tout le monde va savoir qu’Haru, c’est la petite qui a mis sa mère dans le coma. Sac à dos sur l’épaule, elle fuit sa maison, elle fuit Suwon.
Elle ne part pas loin, la gamine, simplement vers Séoul, à trente kilomètres de là, mais elle doit apprendre à survivre par elle-même. Ça commence bêtement, vraiment - elle rentabilise sa connaissance de la magie, notamment de l’astrologie, et se fait payer, à droite à gauche, pour des conseils horoscopes qu’elle bidonne la plupart du temps. Elle va de foyer en foyer, ne reste jamais au même endroit assez longtemps, mais surtout, elle met de côté, pour pouvoir, à sa majorité, se payer un appartement qui fait peine à voir, mais qui lui sert de point d’ancrage. Du plus qu’elle le peut, elle n’utilise pas son don de conjuration - le traumatisme derrière est bien trop violent.
Et puis, Micah. Il se matérialise dans son salon, sorti de nulle part - et Haru hurle la première fois qu’elle le voit. C’est son être de lumière, lui précise-t-il. Il est là pour veiller sur elle. La protéger, et la garder sur la voie du bien. Et Haru réagit bien - si on oublie le fait qu’elle a le réflexe de lui en mettre une, en le prenant pour un pervers. Mais définitivement, avoir Micah à ses côtés change son expérience de la magie. Elle apprend à utiliser son don correctement - et probablement rien ne peut comparer la fierté qu’elle ressent, la première fois qu’elle parvient à sauver un innocent. Pour une fois, Haru a un ami à ses côtés - et pas un ami qui cherche à lui faire tuer des gens. Alors, tout se profile pour le mieux. Elle parvient même, la jeune femme, à avoir une vie stable, poursuivant des études de journalisme, et se retrouvant aujourd’hui parmi les petites mains du journal local - ça lui permet au moins de rester informée de tous les phénomènes étranges qui peuvent se produire. 
Pour une fois dans la vie d’Haru, enfin, tout va bien. Jusqu’à ce que Micah soit assigné à d’autres sorciers. 
Et ça, vraiment, ça ne plaît pas à Haru, peu importe à quel point Seraphina peut être jolie.
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𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐚;
⁕ Haru préfère largement les potions aux incantations, car elle a tendance à les trouver plus précises et moins imprévisibles. Comme beaucoup de sorcières, Haru a son propre grimoire - mais elle est trop désorganisée pour le tenir à jour, ce qui fait souvent râler Micah.
⁕ Haru a beau répéter à longueur de journée qu’elle voudrait un autre être de lumière, un bien plus loyal, elle est particulièrement anxieuse à l’idée de perdre Micah, qu’elle considère plus comme son meilleur ami que son ange gardien.
⁕ Haru ne parle que très peu de l’incident avec sa mère, dont elle a des nouvelles uniquement via Micah. La vérité, néanmoins, c’est qu’elle est terrifiée de revoir Kali revenir dans sa vie, car elle ne sait pas si elle serait capable de lui résister.
⁕ Le pouvoir principal d’Haru est la conjuration : elle est en capacité de matérialiser des objets à volonté. Son pouvoir n’a cependant pas encore assez évolué pour qu’elle soit en capacité de matérialiser des êtres vivants. Avec le temps, Haru devient capable de projection astrale : cela veut dire qu’elle est capable de sortir son esprit de son corps. Elle n’emploie pas souvent ce don, cependant, parce qu’elle le trouve particulièrement épuisant, et la laisse toujours dans un état étrange après coup. 
Physiquement, Haru est certes relativement petite, mais elle a une sacrée force, compte tenu de son amour de la pratique sportive. Depuis des années, elle a les cheveux gris, pour cacher certains de ses cheveux blancs, causés par l’excès de magie utilisé et l’inquiétude qu’elle s’est créée. Elle a pour habitude de porter des pantalons, pour cacher des cicatrices obtenues lors de ses premiers rituels wiccans. Elle est connue pour avoir un style assez masculin de manière générale, et elle est excessivement tatouée, ce qui ne la fait pas forcément bien voir dans son environnement professionnel. 
Haru est connue pour être assez froide, et renfermée sur elle-même. Elle peut même être particulièrement hargneuse quand elle se sent attaquée, maîtrisant suffisamment ses mots pour savoir heurter quelqu’un avec. Pour autant, Haru n’est pas une mauvaise personne, même si elle a des difficultés à laisser les autres entrer dans sa vie. Bien que particulièrement jalouse et possessive, quand on est proche d’elle, Haru est plutôt taquine, et possède un sacré sens de l’humour. Assez secrète sur son passé, elle est cependant une assez bonne oreille pour les autres.
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chaiwrote · 6 months ago
* bio for kazumi haru ---
name. kazumi haru
age. 36, current timeline
species. human, non-devil fruit user
parent(s). father and mother (alive)
sibling(s). five other siblings, he is the eldest.
children. none
affiliation. wano samurai, worked under denjiro/kyoshiro and later, joined the battle against the beast pirates and kurozumi orochi.
skill(s). swordsmanship, taming animals, tbd.
special abilities. armament haki, ryou, two sword style, tbd.
faceclaim / image reference. suguru geto (jjk)
eye color. maroon
hair color + style. jet black, falls to mid-back.
dominant hand. ambidextrious.
height. 6'8
tattoo(s). one that covers his entire back and shoulders, ankle and up left leg from ankle to just short of his groin, designs tbd.
notable body traits. a patch of thick scarring around his left eye, that eye is a glass one and its iris is designed as a spiral, another scar that starts at the right of his upper lip and down past his bottom lip, just short of his jaw, various scars that litter his torso and upper arms post-wano.
food trivia.
brief bio. haru had left the land of wano as a teenager, in search of his twin brother who had disappeared from the country at a young age.
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dioles-writes · 6 months ago
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Name: Haru Gansukh
Gender/Pronouns: Cisgender He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual Polyamorous
Age: 31
Ethnicity: Mongolian + Japanese
Appearance: Long black hair that’s usually tied into a messy bun. Black eyes and a tall, muscular build. His skin is tan and he has a light stubble. Has a scar that runs from the top of his collar-bone to his stomach.
Height: 6’0
Aesthetic: Doesn’t really have one, just wears casual clothes
Personality: Quiet, hard-working, stubborn, very affectionate with people he cares about
Likes: Silly jokes, his boyfriend, his girlfriend, cold showers
Dislikes: Fighting, Paradise, this random group of people that just broke into his lovely gf’s home and is causing them trouble, kids
Role: Former Rank 2 of the Combat Unit
Dating Reese and Cora
No longer fights
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wednesday-chicken · 8 months ago
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Haru is a fire wizard! He loves fire and specializes in combustion. Nervous little guy. Gets excited easily about things that interest him. He's got that autistic swag. Something of a scientist. He's set to take over leading all the wizards, he so desperately wants to do this right for his master. And then I got carried away making things horrible for him.
#book haru
Haru was orphaned at age three when his family's house burned down, he survived due to his affinity for fire. He was taken in by the Health Wizards and they took care of him for the next two years, teaching him along side the other young wizards. He happily obligated, sitting quietly and listening, watching the other kids play, and never interacting them. They grew concerned that he was isolating himself. Haru also displayed a strong affinity towards fire, often catching things (his shirt, his hand, paper, other people's hands or shirts) on fire so he could watch the flames dance. Rumors spread that the child had started the fatal fire and the Health Wizards panicked and called the High Master for help. If anyone could fix this poor child, it would be him.
High Master Ketsler met Haru and decided to take him on under his care as his next apprentice. He took him home and also got him glasses. 
Haru grew up and mastered his affinity. Learning how to hold fire, cast light, surge power, trigger explosions and such. He grew into a full on nerd. Researching and taking notes on how magic works. Trying to work out if there was a way other wizards could master all the affinities like his Master Ketsler.
When Ketsler retired he entrusted Haru with the knowledge of how to wake him up, should they need him again. Haru swore he'd protect their people, and that everyone would be safe while he rested.
And then Tehvlar showed up again.
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pupukpertanian12 · 1 year ago
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distri-1 · 1 year ago
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TERBUKTI NYATA, WA 0819-9502-2999, PABRIK PUPUK ORGANIK UNTUK DURIAN MUSANG KING di jawa timur CALL KLIK https://wa.me/6281995022999, Pupuk Untuk Durian Montong di kabupaten Gresik,Pupuk Untuk Durian Cepat Berbuah di kabupaten Jember,Pupuk Untuk Buah Durian Agar Tidak Rontok di kabupaten Kediri,Pupuk Untuk Durian di kabupaten Lamongan Pupuk Untuk Durian Agar Cepat Berbuah di kabupaten Lumajang,Pupuk Untuk Durian Agar Berbuah Lebat di kabupaten Madiun,pabrik Pupuk Buah Durian Agar Berbuah Lebat di kabupaten Magetan,Pabrik Pupuk Buah Durian Terbaik di kabupaten malang,Pabrik Pupuk Buah Durian Agar Cepat Berbuah di kabupaten Gresik Kenapa harus memilih Bio Agro Farm?1. Bersertifikat KEMENTRIAN PERTANIAN No Izin Deptan RI : 02.02.2021.380. Pupuk Organik Cair Bio Agro Farm Aman Digunakan Untuk Sayuran, Pangan Dan Tanaman Buah.2. Expired date dijamin lebih dari 1 tahun sehingga aman dalam penyimpanan jangka panjang.3. Garansi Barang Sampai Dengan Aman Sehingga Buyer Tidak Perlu Khawatir Dengan Produk Cacat, Bocor Dll.Yuuk Segera Miliki Produk Yang BERKUALITAS, TERJAMIN dan TERBAIK di Indonesia. Optimalkan Hasil Panen Dengan BIO AGROFARM.Segera Hubungi Kami Disini Telp/WA : 0819-9502-2999Pupuk Pohon Durian Agar Cepat Besar, Pupuk Untuk Pohon Durian Tua, Perangsang Buah Durian Alami, Pupuk Buah Durian Agar Tidak Rontok, Pupuk Untuk Durian Baru Tanam, Dosis Pupuk Npk Untuk Durian, Manfaat Pupuk Kcl Untuk Durian, Cara Membuat Pupuk Organik Untuk Pohon Durian, Pupuk Perangsang Buah Durian Terbaik, Perangsang Buah Durian Alami, Pupuk Pohon Durian Agar Cepat Besar, Pupuk Untuk Pohon Durian Tua, Dosis Pupuk Npk Untuk Durian, Pupuk Untuk Durian Baru Tanam, Tabel Pemupukan Durian, Manfaat Pupuk Kcl Untuk Durian, Pupuk Pohon Durian Agar Cepat Besar, Cara Mempercepat Pertumbuhan Tanaman Durian#Pupukdurianmusangkingmelayanibanten #Pupukduriannasa #Pupukdurianorganik #Pupukdurianok #Pupukdurianochee #Pupukdurianpadat #Pupukdurianpascapanen #Pupukdurianpalingbagus #Pupukduriansebelumberbunga #Pupukduriansaatberbunga #Pupukduriansuper, #Pupukduriansupayaberbuahlebat #Pupukduriansetelahberbuah #Pupukdurianterbaik #Pupukduriantabulampot #Pupukduriantanpamusim #Pupukdurianthailand #Pupukdurianuntukpertumbuhan #Pupukdurianumur2bulan #Pupukdurianumur1tahun #Pupukdurianyangbagussambas #Pupukdurianyangbagusbogor
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airbendertendou · 1 year ago
you are in love! ♥︎
synopsis : various best friend!characters realizing they like you a lil more when they should  [including bonten!sanzu, draken, senju, izana, aiura, saiki, satan, leon kennedy, and tamaki suoh.]
no pronouns used / gender neutral ; [name] used in place of y/n ; reader makes filipino food in izanas, im not from the philippines so pls don’t expect it to b accurate ; friends w benefits situation in satans ; reader dresses as sophie in tamakis but w pants and a shirt instead of a dress
song inspo ; you are in love by taylor swift 
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked. 
“big, scary bonten man,” you mumble to yourself. sanzu peaks at you over his shoulder as he cleans his gun, eyes narrowing at your tone. “never mean around me though, hm?”
he pauses, head tilting and pink hair following with it. you scoot further up the bed, laying against his pillows as he thinks. “i’m nice to mikey.”
“…that’s your boss.”
sanzu makes a show of rolling his eyes as he clicks his gun back together, satisfied with its new shine. “do you want me to be mean to you or somethin’?”
“why not?” you speak with a grin. the edge of the bed lifts as he stands, putting all his weapons away. sanzu pauses at your words, scrunching his nose in confusion. “definitely don’t look so mean ‘nd scary.”
huffing, he settles back on the bed, still sitting on the edge but a little closer this time. “i kill people, [name]. that’s pretty scary.”
you shrug, sitting up. your feet knock against his knees at the movement. “c’mon, haru,” you tilt your head back so that your neck is fully accessible, “do your worst.”
the room stills and you’re afraid you’ve pushed too far — afraid he might actually take you up on the offer. but something soft is pressed to the left side of your neck within the next second, lifting and latching onto different spots.
you gulp, feeling his responding grin against the middle of your throat.
the right side is given attention now, multiple kisses being scattered randomly. sanzu lifts his lips once more and places them on the base of your neck, his tongue and teeth making an appearance—
“ow, fucker!” you pull away from his touch with a scowl, your hand covering the new bite mark you’ve been gifted with. haru is grinning widely, teeth flashing in the light — you’re surprised you don’t see blood hanging on them. “didn’t have to bite me, haru.”
he shrugs, “wasn’t even my worst.”
you eye him, slowly dropping your hand from your sore and pulsating neck. “i feel sorry for your one night stands, then.”
sanzu hums, his right hand sliding closer to your hip and his body following until you’re face to face. it makes your cheeks heat ; makes you focus on the movement of his lips as he grins. “they won’t matter much anymore, anyways. have someone new i’m seeing.”
“oh yeah?”
“yeah,” his lips brush against your neck once more. sanzu tugs at your waist, bringing you closer to him as his voice softens into a whisper and settles against your ear. “if you’ll have me.”
a towel is handed to you, followed by a hoodie you know isn’t yours. draken’s cheeks flush, “in case you get cold.”
with an awkward wave, he leaves you alone. the shower you take is needed, warming you up and calming you down at the same time. no matter how long you’d known him, it was still the first time you’d be with draken all night.
the rainstorm appeared suddenly and disappeared as abruptly. it’d drenched you just as you and draken left the cafe you met at. his place was closer, he’d said, and he asked so quietly for you not to say anything. 
it was weird until you got to his place — a brothel.
“alright in there, cutie?” you’d just stepped out of the shower when the voice followed you through the walls. “ken asked me to check on you.”
they were sweet, the women that surrounded draken. they made sure you weren’t hungry ; didn’t need any refreshments or anything as they led you to draken’s room. “have a nice night!” they leave with a giggle.
draken eyes the smile you’re wearing as you tug his hoodie comfortably around your neck. “somethin’ happen?”
“they’re nice,” is all you say in response. his cheeks heat up once more as he turns away from you, body stiffening. “are you ready for bed?”
“oh—“ he clears his throat and shuffles where he stands. “you can take the bed. i’ll have the floor.”
you shake your head, pulling the blanket back and patting the bed. “i don’t mind sharing. right or left side?”
that’s how you end up face to face with draken, staring absently into the dark as your combined body heat warms the comforter. you can feel and hear him let out a sigh, “you okay? all comfy?”
“yeah,” your voice is embarrassingly breathy. he lets out another huff before an arm is wrapped around your waist, pulling you to his chest. “oh— that’’s better, actually.”
draken lets out a laugh, “m’glad. goodnight, [name].” 
“on the count of three!” senju jumps out of the dressing room adjacent to yours. she pauses, wobbling where she stands before straightening up. her head tilts, “it’s... something, alright!”
you pause, “you hate it.”
“...a little.” senju struts off, grabbing two of everything that catches her eye. she looks over the cloth she’s picked out, nodding in approval. “here,” she stuffs the fabric into your arms, “try this instead.”
you take a bit to figure out what she’d even brought to you — figuring which was the top and which the bottom — struggling to squeeze yourself in. once situated and comfortable, you gaze into the mirror.
it’s cute, watch senju told you to wear. the color is nice and balances your skin out, brightening it and making it glow. the bottoms fit your legs nicely, shaping and enlongating them. you hum in satisfaction, peeking out of the dressing room to see if senju’s done.
“[name]! let me see your outfit!” senju spots you right away. she gestures for you to join her enthusiastically. you open the door fully, scooting out until you’re face to face with her.
you hold out your arms nonchalantly, “ta-da.”
her eyes widen, mouth falling open ever so slightly. snapping it closed, she gulps, looking away before her cheeks turned color. you tilt your head, “senju?”
“yeah,” her voice cracks. the outfit she’s wearing is the same as yours — a matching moment, she went with. senju giggles nervously, “yeah. you look... pretty.”
prettier than she’d ever tell you.
the smell of lumpia and fried chicken coats the room around you. ran had just rinsed the rice, moving to mix together the rice noodles and shrimp for the palabok. kakucho is to his left, slicing boiled eggs so they could go on top.
you let out a sigh, nodding your head at the impressive menu you’d whiped together. filipino food was a little out of your comfort zone, an unkown taste to you. however, today was an important day — a special one. the oven dings, indicating the cake you’d made was finished. 
fresh out of the oven, the simplistic chocolate cake looks and smells delicious. you slap your hands together, “jus’ needs to cool down and we’re ready to go!”
the front door opens suddenly, rindou’s voice calling out a warning as he enters. shion is right behind him, pink-faced and sheepish as izana steps in, hands crossed over his chest. he raises and eyebrow, “what’s this?” 
“uh—“ kakucho adjusts the apron he’s wearing. it matches the one you’re wearing — ran refused one. he looks around, “surprise?”
“rindou! you were supposed to keep him busy!”
the blond shrugs, “he got bored.”
you sigh, closing your eyes as the food you’ve made is thoroughly examined. izana meets your gaze and raises his eyebrow in question once again. “it was supposed to be a birthday surprise.”
“...it’s filipino food.”
“yeah,” you wring your hands nervously. “you haven’t had it in a while, so i thought i’d try making it.”
izana looks over the food again, stealing a bite here and there as he goes. his eyes close ; his chest expanding with the comfort the familiar dishes bring. when his eyes open, they’re brighter ; more tender than what you’re used to seeing. 
your left hand is raised, a kiss being placed on your knuckles as izana pulls you close. “thank you, [name]. this means a lot.”
you grin, “happy birthday, z.”
in the morning, right after she does her makeup and before her uniform is on, aiura looks to her crystal ball for guidance. just a way to know things will be okay ; the day won’t be weird.
through the crystalline sphere, she sees her hand clasped in someone else’s. giddy, aiura believes this means she’s found her chosen one. the one made for her ; the one who will love her endlessly.
“—has to be the one!” she’s ranting to an unlistening saiki, rambling about her peek into the future. kaidou slips from leaning against her desk at her words. aiura sighs happily, “i can’t wait to meet them.”
a faceless classmate interupts the moment. “some idiots are fighting outside.”
you go to look — aiura can’t even remember when you came into the room. you rub your eyes tiredly before they widen dramatically. “that’s our idiot! aren’s out there!”
people flood outside, pouring out to help their beaten and bruised classmate. aiura is frozen in her seat — how did she not see this? how did a fight just miraculously break out?
a touch breaks her out of her thoughts. you’re holding her hand — frowning and ranting as you lead her outside. aiura’s face heats — you’re her chosen one? her one and only happiness? 
she gulps as she looks up to your face. this changes things. 
the day starts normally. kaidou tells saiki he’d spent the night fighting agianst the dark reunion — he was studying all night. kuboyasu fought the urge to threaten an older boy in the school — just barely. nendou had already asked to eat ramen — they’d just gotten to school. 
saiki let out a sigh, eyes staring at the board in front of him. aiura had bought a new perfume that was clouding his nose, his thoughts — everything. she leans her head to the right so that she could meet his gaze. “what do you think, saiki?”
she’s met with silence. the chair behind him creaks as you sit down, a small laugh being let out as you do. aiura pouts your way, “[name], saiki’s ignoring me!”
you tap saiki’s shoulder lightly, just a brush of a touch, before turning to the blond. “don’t take it personal, aiura. you can just ask me what you want.”
“an angel,” she beams at you. aiura turns to face you fully, scrunching her nose at saiki as she goes. “i got some new perfume and nail polish recently,” she flashes her fingers at you. “cute, right?” 
you lean in closer, chin barely brushing against saiki’s shoulder as you go. you let out a small oooh! at the sigh of her glitzed up nails. “super cute, actually!”
she squints, leaning in a little closer as she does. “you’re wearing a new eyeshadow, aren’t you?”
“i am!” you close your eyes completely, relaxing your face so she can see the color. “like it?”
“looks... familiar for some reason.”
saiki peers at you sneakily from over his shoulder, only looking at you from the corner of his eye. he whips his head around before anyone can see. it is familiar — it’s his exact eye color. it takes everything in saiki to not light up in flames at the thought.
you had been an acquaintance of satan for months now. he’d come to you when he felt upset ; when the only feeling he could name was rage. when the world was burning and erupting inside of him, boiling and spilling out of his seams. he often took his anger out on you — with your consent, of course. he’s bruise you, scratch you and leave his mark lingering in any way he could.
today, though… today was the opposite. there was an emptiness inside of him ; a devoid and barren system that left him feeling nothing.
satan came to you, straggling and stone-faced as he locked his fingers into yours. you’d gotten close during your times together ; he knew every sigh you made and every face you held. you did the same to him ; made him feel comfort and freedom in ways he couldn’t around his brothers. that’s why he usually came to you when any feeling hit — you didn’t feel suffocating the way the house of lamentation always did.
“you okay?” you’re on his lap somehow, thighs sandwiching his own as his fingers dig into your hips. you brush his hair out of his eyes, “satan?”
he lets out a hum. you jostle slightly, hips meeting his torso — satan let’s out a small groan and let’s his forehead fall to your shoulder. “need me to help you relax?”
it starts off slow, your kissing. the usual upkeep is messy ; tangled and rushed as your clothes are ripped away and your bodies pressed tightly. this time, satan is careful to turn your head the way he wants it to, his hands on your cheekbones and guiding your head left and right.
you’ve just unbuttoned his shirt when you feel it. tears, dripping down your own cheeks. you pause, pulling away and letting your hands lift from his shoulders and settle on his cheeks. you tilt your head, “satan?”
his fingertips welted into your back, molding themselves onto either side of your spine like a pair of faded wings. satan breathes in, his chest stuttering with the feeling. he sniffs, nose and eyebrows curving in confusion as he pulls further away from you. “what’s going on?”
“you’re crying.” you wipe underneath his eyes gently, frown on your kissed, puffy lips. “why are you crying? what’s wrong?”
“i… i’m not sure,” his lower lip trembles. satan falls deeper into your hold, his arms looping around your waist and pulling you closer to him. “feeling too much.”
his fingers dip underneath your shirt, and pull it up until you’re bare and exposed. satan smiles tenderly and you grin back, your own hands crawling up his exposed chest. “sure you’re okay?”
“good with you,” it’s murmured against your neck. satan sniffs again before nipping at your throat, opened mouth kisses trailing down to your sternum. “always good with you.”
the bar you’ve found yourself at is starting to get boring. you leave after waving eagerly to your friends, shuffling on the sidewalk as you awkwardly pull your phone from its safe spot. a text from leon catches your eye — a mere thumbs up to the long paragraphs you’d sent his way. you scowl only to realize you’re closer to his apartment than you thought.
he wasn’t asleep — he never slept well — but he wasn’t fully awake either. hearing a tap on his door was strange, but leon let it be, assuming his neighbors had hit the wall on their way in.
until a long, drawn out whine of his name flew through the room.
swaying in his doorway was you ; eyes half-lided and your shirt falling down your shoulder. you grin his way, “hi, lee!”
“[name]. why’re you here?” he sounds gruff ; annoyed with the way you seem to always show up at his door. you know he isn’t, though, used to the tone his voice holds. leon holds his door open as you stagger inside, “been drinkin’ again?”
“mm,” you flop onto his couch, “birthday party. got bored. remembered you jus’ came home.”
leon quietly places your shoes by the door and grabs a blanket while you yawn. “missed me then?”
you let out another hum, pulling the blanket he’d given you further up your shoulders. slowly, your eyes peel open and you smile at him softly. “always miss you when you’re gone, lee. like when you’re home.”
home wasn’t something leon remembers. he moved around a lot now, going from city to city for his government affiliated job. home meant the presence of care ; of warmth. leon’s bare, empty apartment held nothing like that. crystal eyes fell to you when you let out a small hiccup, sagging to the right until your head fell on his shoulder.
“m’home for now, [name].”
haruhi adjusts the hat you’re wearing, making sure the blue blouse you’re wearing is tucked in properly. you shuffle in your spot nervously, fingers picking at your cuticles as she nods to herself. her eyes meet yours, “you’ll do fine, [name].”
“says you,” you frown. you stretch the neck of your blouse and clear your throat. “you guys are used to this stuff.”
haruhi swats your hands away, grabbing them in her own. “you will do fine. c’mon, it’s time to start.”
tamaki doesn’t have time to speak to you ; doesn’t have time to admire the outfit you’re wearing before they’re greeting guests. his eyes stray to you again and again, his attention on you and not the guests who surround him. you go to every table, dropping off sweet treats and teacups as you go.
“—lly cute.” a girl is saying to him. tamaki blinks back into reality as his shoulder is touched. “right, tamaki?”
“could you repeat that, princess?”
her cheeks flare a bright pink as she straightens up in her seat. “i said you and [name] match. howl and sophie, right? it’s really cute.”
tamaki’s eyes find you again as you drop slices of cake off at the twins’ table. they giggle with you, tugging on your hat playfully before you leave. “we do match, don’t we?”
orchid eyes stay focused on you for the rest of the day. even after the club’s activities are over, and you’re helping clean up — he still stares. you finally look back, placing your hat on a table as you go. “yes, tamaki? you’ve been staring.”
“we’re sophie and howl,” his voice is light, faraway as he speaks. “did you notice?”
“only after i saw you.” you smile gently, watching kyoya tally up any and every cost. “a nice surprise for us both, i suppose.”
tamaki stares at your reflection in the window in front of him, eyeing the way you portray your chosen characters. his cheeks barely heat, but he still feels like it’s obvious to everyone. haruhi meets his flustered gaze and grins.
——♥︎—— i know nothing abt cooking n even less abt filipino food so i hope izanas was okay </3 hope they were all okay tbh
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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