#harry tbt.
metalsiren-a · 1 year
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❛  are  you  happy  now  that  i'm  bleeding?  ❜   
[ 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 . . . @shadowbrn // harry ]  ► red fur — veil of maya
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hammywampster · 9 months
floyd, my beloved. my gay icon. truly no man can do it like you.
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jacks-weird-world · 2 months
[TBF: Throwback Friday]
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tiderider · 2 months
he knows that he's bleeding but he can't feel it, the holes in his sternum and his back and his chest are numb and oozing red rivets that soak into his clothes and bathe him sticky and hot and he can't feel it. his heart is racing, a battle drum in his head pounding and pounding and he thinks it's on beat with the sound his fists make against soft tissue but he can't feel it. can't feel the bone shattering under his knuckles, or the gush of viscera spilling out of what used to be a skull, or hear the gurgled sounds of a man dying under him.
harry had heard people say that they only saw red when they snapped like this but he saw everything but the red. he saw his fathers dark hair spilling out around him, he saw his pale face and wide blue eyes the same shade as his own, he saw the smile and the snarl of pearly white teeth bared up at him. he saw the glint of his hook, the shine of a spectacle, the splintered wood of his finstock on the green carpet of their studio apartment and the bright violet neon light outside their window. forget red, he was seeing the entire world in technicolour and it was horrifying and glorious and he wanted to laugh and he wanted to cry. instead the only sound that came out of his mouth was something like a grunt, a growl, and cry of fury and rage and pain.
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dead. the man is dead. he's been dead for a while and harry, his arms ache from punching, his knees ache from kneeling and he's there, crouched over the remains of his father. his father. his mad, violent, hateful father, was dead. a shadow fell across the violet light and harry flinched, forget-me-not blue gaze sharp and wild as he stared up at the bat.
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❝ beat you to it . . . ❞ harry said, a deranged lint to his voice as he wheezed a breathless laugh. too late, the bat was too fucking late. harry glanced back at the puddle of blood and bone and hair that was once his fathers head and grasped a hold of the hook lying at his side. ❝ no one else could do it. not you, not the cops, not two-face or penguin or any hero. it was me. it was all me. i stopped him. ❞
harry laughed, a hiccupping sound in the back of his throat two parts derangement and one part horror. he pushed himself upright, shaking and haggard as if he'd run a marathon and stared the bat in the eye. // @bruz3r get's a starter :)))
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lightcreators · 2 months
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It’s  a  miracle  you’ve  alive.
If  that  sentence  would  have  came  from  a  familiar  voice,  from  a  tone  in  which  he  would  understood  immediately  the  implication:  meaning  could  have  been  his  freedom.  His  struggles  would  have  been  over.  Oppressing  fire  that  consumes  him  alive  would  have  disappeared.  Permanent  turmoil  embracing  his  soul  could  have  been  reassured.  One  second,  it  everything  it  had  took  him  ---  one  second  to  believing  once  more  within  a  dull  illusion…  He  didn’t  recognized  the  voice,  and  reached  immediate  comfort  by  anchoring  himself  maybe  the  Men  in  Black  decided  to  interfering  on  the  spot  …  It  was  something  that  could  be  expected.  Pressuring  him  over  letters  who  were  burned  immediately  after  reading,  in  which  he  couldn’t  let  any  physical  evidence  he  was  in  relationship  with  an  certain  horrible  Mr.Butler  expecting  no  disappointment  coming  from  the  great  Malfoy  (his  arrogance  was  no  weapon  in  front  of  that  man,  and  he  was  honestly  happy  he  remained  untouchable  if  he  showed  his  special  joker)  was  just  one  mean  of  the  MIB  for  be  certain  his  desired  miracle  will  eventually  happens  …   Hence,  even  listen  that  word  expressed  to  his  current  condition,  when  he  was  searching  to  pretending  past  circumstances  had  been  a  real  imaginary  nightmare  and  none  of  that  happened  at  all,  could  only  reaching  his  attention.  Maybe  the  Witch  of  Miracle  decided  to  pay  him  an  visit  for  mocking  his  lack  of  determination  and  amused  herself  of  circumstances,  before  be  embraced  he  was  close  of  the  result  and  mustn’t  give  up  ---  though,  Philip  Butler  personally  transmitted  such  message,  and  awareness  of  golden  magic  removed  physical  presence  of  one  Golden  Witch  who  still  supporting  him  in  the  obscurity  ( as  he  was  doing  the  same  ). 
It’s  a  miracle  you’ve  alive.
It  was  just  borrowed  time.  It  was  just  another  piece  of  the  tragedy.
Empty  eyes,  accepting  inner  realization  nothing  was  actually  finished,  dared  to  watch  over  face  who  spoke  to  him  couple  of  seconds  prior.  He  attempted  to  pretending  brightness  once  more,  nevertheless,  he  had  dwelled  inside  such  intensive  denial  ---  for  avoid  killing  on  the  spot  Potter  simply  by  impulse  …  if  the  boy  was  accustomed  to  be  pinned  to  the  wall  because  he  was  exasperated  of  his  incompetence,  next  time  he  came  across  him,  he  will  punch  him  …  ---  he  was  unable  to  even  having  impression  to  feeling  alive  within  the  fragmentation  of  his  mind  he  had  suffered.  For  his  own  redemption,  Potter  better  regretting  his  gesture,  and  trembling  once  he  will  be  physically,  emotionally,  mentally  able  to  leave  the  nursery.  No  Dark  Lord  permission  had  been  needed  or  even  NECESSARY  to  begin  with  when  it  concerning  HIM  beating  the  shit  of  fucking  Phantomhive.  Especially  in  a  fucking  accident,  when  experiencing  in  two  different  lifetimes,  oops  almost  killed,  wasn’t  good  mentally.  Yes,  best  pretending  none  of  that  happened.  He  simply  had  a  big  crisis  of  anxiety,  and  oh  how  his  shirt  had  blood  was  coming  from  some  fucked  up  attempt  of  his  part  ---  no  one  had  tried  to  kill  him. Where  was  that  caring  coming  from ?  Why  a  fucking  stranger  would  suddenly  feeling  reassurance  for  someone  like  him ? 
He  was  insignificant  as  possible. 
By  his  risky  gaze,  as  there  was  awareness  he  couldn’t  control  his  current  weakness,  and  had  no  idea  right  now  how  he  would  have  to  trick  the  entire  affair  for  another  illusion,  vaguely,  she  was  told  him  something  …  An  mocking  smile  born  in  front  of  sudden  realization.  Alright,  for  some  reason,  someone  in  the  Ministry  decided  to  freak  out  and  decided  he  was  the  right  person  to  talk  with ?  Ah  too  bad  they  weren’t  in  the  beginning  in  the  year  when  he  would  have  sold  out  the  villains  in  one  second  if  he  could  escape  hell  for  rest  of  his  existence  …  if  he  was  confessing  one  wrong  word,  and  he  knew  Snape  listened  his  moves,  he  was  dead.  Expressing  even  distressed  signals  within  his  gaze,  when  opportunity  was  close  to  lower  down  remnant  of  an  emotional  resistance  inside  his  being,  was  an  uncontrollable  risky  move.  Such  blessing  inside  his  deep  misery  at  worst  timing  possible  ---  he  preferred  mocking  it  really.  He  didn’t  know  by  which  magic  he  will  manage  to  not  murder  Potter  !
There  was  no  hope  left.
It's  a  miracle  you've  alive,  another  time,  that  sentence  echoed.
❝  Do  you  care  ?  ❞  Came  eventually  the  question,  when  tone  searched  dimension  of  an  mockery  completely  faded  over  time,  with  a  broken  disc  trying  to  get  back  on  track.  What  someone  close  to  the  Minister  of  Magic  would  suddently  give  a  shit  over  him  ?  ❝  I  don't  think  I've  done  anything  to  draw  the  attention  of  the  Ministry  as  far  as  I  know.  ❞  There  was  an  suffering  underneath  to  be  careful  with  every  one  of  his  words  within  circumstances.  He  wished  his  eyes  weren't  betraying  too  much  an  aid  in  which  he  couldn't  ask  suddently.  Temptation  of  tears  was  layering  around  within  his  expression,  as  simply  to  have  someone,  anyone,  told  him  that  tiny  sentence  was  enough  for  feeling  enough  in  confidence  for  taking  the  bigger  risk  of  his  entire  existence  ---  He  couldn't  regardless.  Distress  wrapping  within  his  expression  exposed  already  an  betrayal  of  emotions  he  was  unable  to  hide.  Sensation  to  had  breathed  an  brutal  hope  meant  to  be  short-lived  increased  the  gap  of  despair  felt  …  Silence  soon  returned  within  his  lips,  almost  sealed  within  latent  anxiety  around  him.  ❝  You're  just  lucky  I'm  not  dead  yet.  ❞  He  expressed  then,  before  put  his  head  back  into  the  pillow,  needing  this  brief  comfort.  ❝  You  picked  your  timing.  ❞
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Vintage Actors
Paul Newman
Steve McQueen
Harry Belafonte
Marlon Brando
James Dean
Yul Brynner
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telltalesonline · 3 months
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Some of the first photos of the Harry Potter cast meeting each other in 2001🤩
Where is the Harry Potter cast now? See pics!
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sassysophiabush · 1 year
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Turning 10: How 2013 Became the Year of Comedic Chaos
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totouchthcstars · 11 months
@galaxydrcaming || Harry & Donna cont. from x
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.。.:*☆ "Oh come on - you do not suggest we are starting to sing now, are you?" Harry had to shake his head with a laugh. Real life was no musical show, after all. So, well, so he thought, at least. Still, it could be fun. Well, that, or one of the most embarrassing moments of his life.
"Mean, we do not even know if they stare really at us, do we?" Harry therefore had to point out. "Therefore we could also just, well... act like we would not notice, and quickly get out of here. What do you think?"
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hcgshead · 2 years
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highly selective and private Aberforth Dumbledore // spellbound by Whiskey
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ofxscavengcrs · 1 year
@devilsmenu || Harry for Felicia
.。.:*☆ Harry had not been expecting it, so, hearing that a Spider-Man was around in DC did not sit well with him. Obviously the kid had been brought to this city for some reason, as well. Just like him.
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“Would be nice if people would be scared of him for once, maybe….” He frowned, shaking his head and rolling the newspaper in front of him up again, to throw it away. “Mean, a masked guy in a jumpsuit. Pretty hilarious if you think about, isn’t it?”
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yolobus98 · 2 years
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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@maximuses SAID: 3. “This laundry detergent smells like kindergarten.” -> From Harry to Rayn
⚔️ Foxes In Love Sentence Prompts // CLOSED ⚔️
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It's far from the strangest thing Harry's said. No, he's said far stranger over far more trivial things. But no matter how many times Rayn tells herself she should be used to his quirks and mannerisms, he always manages to catch her by surprise. Not that she minds. It's not an entirely unpleasant experience. Harry's passionate, rambling tangents, his silly little comments, his strange way of connecting things and verbalizing his thoughts - she finds it all so endearing. She finds him so endearing. A huffing a little laugh through her nostrils escapes her as she moves to lean against his side. Her chin rests on his shoulder, head briefly turning to press a soft kiss to his cheek just above his bushy mutton chop. A brow arches up as she looks at him.
"Oh? I wasn't aware kindergarten has a smell, dear."
"Well, yeah--" he starts, lowering the shirt and freeing one hand from its grasp to wave about absentmindedly while he talks. "You've never smelled something and it brought you back to your kindergarten days? Like- Like grease for example! You've never smelled a really distinct greasy smell and been reminded of long lunch lines, and those crappy styrofoam trays you'd drag along the metal surface while you picked up a slice of square pizza? Or you've never smelled rubbery asphalt on a hot day and been reminded up a playground with a metal slide that scorches you when you try to use it?"
He pouts as Rayn laughs, the sound so soft and airy and sweet, he can't possibly be mad about it. She shakes her head, smiling warmly at him. "I can't say that I have, baby." She laughs again at his guttural groan. Mock frustration from him amuses her. Even so, he leans into her touch as he stares up at the ceiling. When he looks back, it's to see her staring at him. That warm, smitten look in her eyes pulls the corners of his lips up into a lopsided grin.
"What?" He asks, tilting his head like a precious puppy dog.
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"Nothing, just..." she leans closer, her eyes lidding as she admires him in the morning's light. "You are such a wonder, Harry."
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jackbatchelor3 · 2 years
The SECRET Is OUT! 💋 EastEnders
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lightcreators · 10 months
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Immediate mischievous smile wrapped his entire expression inside an pleasant playfulness. All the time he was indirectly complimented by that specific sentence, mentally, he treated it as an invitation to showing himself inside his larger annoying abilities --- Concerning the reasons of the other party to feeling frustrated, it was matter of time until they exploding down his face, where returned reaction won't be what they expected … Minus maybe Potter. Magnificent head of Potter always managed to give him all the fun when that frustration showing up on him, where he wished he could releasing that volcano sleeping inside of him, and when, that tiny, silly temptation to actually punch him was an red line he was forced not to cross … because he was awaiting that moment eagerly. Magnificent expression of Potter staring at him always managed to acknowelding him a bit. Magnificent words of Potter's lips expressed finally about how he was inside the right path … For any other people, honestly, he actually stopped the count immensity of reasons. He wasn't even messing around as much as he desired, nevertheless, found interesting playgrounds. Was known for be an annoyance, was always ready to get an additional toy beyond Potter, was totally aware about how his classmates were suffering with his obsession … Hence, innocent playfulness turned out an casual reaction on his part on their remark. There was no associated offense. When someone wanted to punch him, it was meaning he had been Alois Trancy enough, was experiencing the slight scale of complete perspective of his meptahoric twin, meanwhile be honestly attracted about what kind of temptations he could corrupt them with. It had been part of his assholery lessons of an previous life, something a long time ago he had been far too kind for ever bring in application!
Implicit indifference resonated inside his gaze, simply wrapped with an silenced contentement. ❝ Oh, it's something I can recommand you for see all gentleness~ wrapping my body~ ❞ Potter knew to never answer his provocations, which was atrocibly boring in consequence. Instinctively, this boy knew he really shouldn't doing it, meanwhile he was that corruptive presence wanting him to lose his temper --- for had a good reason for be mean afterwards. For have an good reason somewhere to listening to all these destructive temptations forced to be self-controlled at every second … For avoid himself to create himself a disaster for fun. Having no shame and no fear that time around, playfully, he touched their cheeks with an amusing and happy smile, reducing personal space. ❝ I'm sure you want to discover it~ ❞
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