#harry potter / tag for blocking purposes
megaxard · 2 years
it took me a bit to realize that the meme going around that says what the ending of hoogwarts legacy is... meant for the people who would care about the ending of the game. i don't, and i forgot that anyone would
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onlythebravest · 11 months
A9, B4, C9, D10!
hi zjo, and thank you!! I hope you have a good day!
a9. Who was your first ship?
oh it has to be james potter/lily evans from hp. and simultaneously wolfstar, since they mostly come hand in hand. but I know I sought out fics with james/lily before I sought out remus/sirius, therefore I put them first, but my favorite was remus/sirius
b4. Who is your current favourite author? What is their best story?
oh, difficult. the first one that comes to mind is @wymgreenteam, and it’s an almost tie between the whole nine yards (jack and nico’s relationship in that is just) and to have and to hold, with the latter winning by the tiniest bit. and that’s bc jonas’ longing and wanting is so well written, the different relationships and the compromises and yes just all of it. all. of. it. now I want to go reread it again 😂
c9. What show did you really try to watch, but you just couldn’t?
skam, maybe? I really struggled with it being in norweigan, so I never got stuck
d10. What is one story idea you really want to read but no one has written yet?
constantly touched yet still touch starved hockey player! I’m kinda working on this, the fix is all but abandoned due to life atm, but I really want to write (and read) it, so hopefully one day!
ask a reader qs
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Here’s a tournament for characters whose secondary ability seems to be how quickly they adopt children. To qualify for this tournament, a character must have at least two kids who are not blood related. For the purposes of this poll, adoption does not have to be legal, it can be emotional, or even just a headcanon. We are all fans of found family here.
Submissions will stay open until October 23, 12 pm CST, or until I say otherwise!
(UPDATE, 10/9/2023: I have said otherwise: Submissions have now closed on 10/9/2023, 12 pm CST!)
Additional rules:
No Harry Potter, please! I’m not gonna be associated with that franchise
Please, no real people
Propaganda is encouraged! It will be reblogged judiciously, yet often.
For the sake of your mod’s mental health, please keep all propaganda PG-13!
Automatic submissions due to mod bias include Optimus Prime of the Transformers franchise, and Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla of Star Wars: Rebels. However, I will not be writing propaganda for them, so you may submit these characters to include that!
I ask that, if possible, you submit parents individually. However, as one of my own entries is a couple, I’m not gonna hold fast to that rule. Just tell me why you decided to submit them as a pair or group
Be nice! Though I will accept counter propaganda, I do reserve the right to block users who are not being civil, or disqualify a character whose fans are being toxic. (With that being said, I will be turning off anon messages.)
I reserve the right to make additional rules as I see fit.
Have fun!
Tagging for visibility:
@foundfamilyadoptionagency @foundfamilyappreciation @siblingtournament @princessandknightfight @drift-compatible-poll @fuckaroundandfindouttournament @let-them-say-fuck-tournament @big-brother-battle-bracket @youngersiblingstournament @mommy-daddy-issues-poll @friends-to-lovers-tournament
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Hey just saying, but if you disqualify aot and (in your words) media with too many problematic properties, you should also disqualify harry potter, hetalia and south park. I get that this is a poll for controversial characters, but imo there's very much a line between "this character is controversial because they are a bad person or badly written in an otherwise okay media which you can enjoy critically" and "this character is controversial because the writers project their own bigoted views onto them and are openly right-leaning shit heads whose media or current presentation reflects this too"
There is a discourse tag, you can read what I’ve already said about this. But I’ll summarize a few for you here anyways. There are specific reasons I removed the things I removed and allowed the things I allowed. Here they are, in roughly increasing order. Under a cut so people who don’t wanna see this/are uncomfortable with it don’t have to.
I tag everything appropriately, so if you don’t want to see something I allowed, block the tag or unfollow me. I promise I won’t be offended if you unfollow.
If a character is controversial for being bigoted or from a bigoted media, they’re obviously not gonna advance to further rounds because hate will sweep. So they will not advance and will be gone democratically, and they will certainly not win.
Even if they DID win, this poll would not be “promoting” these medias anyways because this is not a “best” character competition. It is for the most controversial. I am not presenting these medias in any positive light, let alone the characters from them. This is why these SAME medias (and others) ARE banned from my two other tournaments that try to find the “best” thing.
I CAN’T meaningfully promote these medias anyways when they are worth billions of dollars and I have like, under a thousand followers on tumblr.
There are certain medias I think are bigoted and I don’t like them. Harry Potter and South Park are two of them (I don’t know anything about Hetalia). The difference between these and Attack On Titan are, from what I’ve been told, Attack On Titan is bigoted on purpose to push a specific agenda. This is not true for the others. OBVIOUSLY I’m not gonna allow racist propaganda, for the same reason I wouldn’t allow, like, idk anything else that actively seeks to radicalize its audience towards a bigoted end goal
The purpose of removing things is to prevent harm, not to make the controversial character tournament uncontroversial. Because if you remember, I actually DID remove a Harry Potter! Because she is a racist caricature and it would harm people to see racist imagery, language, or propaganda all over my blog. It does not harm anyone to read the words “Ron Weasley” or whatever. It’s not like I’m including a list of every slur the author has ever said underneath each character post. If I’m wrong about some character and their image IS bigoted, let me know! I’m more than happy to make this blog into a safer space for people in that way. But I’m not removing it for being controversial in a way where the actual post content is non-harmful and tag-blockable.
If you still disagree, you can send this ask again off anon and then we can talk and I’ll listen. But I’m not taking orders from some anon saying what I should and should not do.
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mew-tilated-mogai · 1 year
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✦ ─ yo, im Kei / Guzma, you can also call me Mew since thats my blog name, Im a genderfluid bi-gay dude, crit inclus
Pronouns : he/him ; neb/nebby ; spike/muth ; Di/Devi ; oct/octo +
✦ ─ Requests :: Closed ✦ Ask box is always open
✦ ─ Do not repost any of my terms on any wikis, archives or other sites/blogs, thank you.
✦ Tagging
DNI, BYF + info below the cut
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i block very freely btw ;] also dni is subject to change
Basic DNI criteria (racist, homophobic, ableist, etc.)
Anti-MOGAI / LIOM, Anti-Xenogender, Anti-Neo/Xenopronouns, Anti-Otherkin/Fictionkin, Anti-Furry
Proship/Comship/Profic, anti-anti, "Dead dove", "Block and move on" blogs
Real-Person-Fiction writers/readers
Anti-Mspec lesbians/gays, Anti he/him lesbians / she/her gays / Anti-contradictory labels
Pan exclus / Ace/Aro exclus (also counts for cis/het aspec) / Anti- polyamory
Supports/is TransID, "transage", "transrace"/trace/diaracial, "transabled", "transopinion", "transill" or "non harmful transids"
Radqueer, Radpara, Medpunk, Warqueer, Feralqueer, Weedqueer, Kandiqueer, Para blogs, anti recovery, thinks paras are queer etc. etc., anything along those lines
"Safequeer" / anti critinclus
Thinks that all transpecies/chronosian stuff is radqueer/transid related (its not)
Supports/is (NO)MAP/AAM/Pedo/Zoo/Necrophile/"Kodophiles" etc. etc.
Refer to yourself as a "loli", "shota", "kodo", "yandere"
Blogs with any kind of syscourse on them (Applies regardless if pro-endo or anti-endo) / Discourse / drama blogs in general
TERF/Swerf, radfem, transmed, truscum, gendercritical, TIRF
Denier of transandrophobia
Gets pissy about people using "queer" or "fag" or tags posts that dont they didn't make as "q slur"
"minors DNI" blogs, NSFW / kink blogs, Vent / s/h blogs, Gore, Thinspo, Yancore blogs
Supports dd lg or other variations/NSFW agere / NSFW in agere spaces
Dream stans, Taylor Swift stans, tolerates JKR
Supports/Has anything on your blog relating to DSMP, Southpark, Harry Potter (introjects are always ok)
Have URLs/PFPs/Posts/Mentions about G-meGr-mps or donnie darko
Pro-life / Anti-abortion
Cop or military boot lickers
i have all the right to laugh and clown on you if you break my dni, its not hard lol.
I am Crit Inclus, Im Pro-choice, I am completely Anti-Radqueer and if i see you interact with me while breaking my dni i will post about it.
As I said I am completely anti-radqueer and anti-transx (+ all the other names for it), however thats not including BIID, transpecies and Chronosian.
I will not give my stances on things to do with discourse, especially syscourse, and would like if you kept it miles away from me.
I swear alot and use words like "god" and "jesus" freely, so if you dont like that or if thats a problem then my blog is probably not for you, sorry.
Im shit with tone, so tone indicators are ok to use with me, im also shit with spelling and getting my own point/tone across so if im talking and that happens ignore it /hj
If your blog has typing quirks or you type differently (eg. LiKE THiS) i will have trouble reading it and will more less likely not interact with you.
I also get agitated and anxious fast, so if i come off as if im angry or disinterested in talking its least likely on purpose.
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✦ Requesting
Please send an ask clearly describing your request, try not to be vague and use broad terms as little as possible.
(eg. "can you do neopronouns based off sylveon?" or "can you do a creepy/horror neopronouns list?", "Can you coin a gender related to X Y Z?")
I also ask that you research on if something has already been coined or not, it just takes some of the hassle out of it for me <3
✦ request etiquette
Stamp/blinkie requests
Requests must have links to flags in the ask.
Flags have to be simple (ie. just lines/waves, simple designs. no frills, crazy designs or detailed symbols), as i dont shrink them down, i remake them at that size.
Up to 2 flags are allowed for stamps (ie. "can you do a pan lesbian and bigender stamp?")
PLEASE specify whether or not you want 2 flags on one stamp or just multiple stamps.
request multiple at once if you want i dont have a limit other than theres gonna probably be only 8 per post
I will do different border selections for stamps in the future, but you can pick between 2 lines of dots blinkies or clasic full all around dots blinkies (like. the blinking part.)
I will do basically any flag as long as it follows my no crazy detailed flags rule
Things i WILL do:
Gender coining, Flag coining, Help with naming
Genders based on two or more things (eg. the color blue, dragons and being sleepy)
Neopronoun + names lists
Neopronoun mega lists (as many variations and sets i can find/make with research, categorised)
Neo recommendations based on your sets
Stamps / Blinkies of (non complicated) flags
More if you can request it lol
Things i WON'T do:
Orientation coining
first and second person pronoun requests / titles
"Reclaiming"/Recoloring flags for terms I didnt coin.
ANYTHING to do with transids or paras.
Anything related to real life people/their personas, actors, youtubers
Any anime stuff
Anything from DSMP, Southpark, Genshin, Omori, The backrooms (or any youtube horror), Marvel, Disney, TOH, emH, she-ra, fnaf, ddlc
Anything to do with aesthetics/-cores like weirdcore, traumacore, dreamcore etc. (other ones are ok, just not those kinds)
Obsessive love, trauma, Yandere
Extreme gore/death/rot, medical things
Anything NSFW ( im a minor )
Anything related to disorders i dont have or cultures/religions im not a part of.
list is subject to change.
I will do just about anything else, however I will absolutely reject anything i dont want to do, sorry!!
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✦ About me <3
Hi, Im Kei / Guzma , You might already know me cus I used to be an owner of the (now defunct) coining blog Bugbane-xenos. Or you might even know me from reddit or discord.
I ID mainly as lableless / bi-gay and aroflux aswell as mainly as genderfluid or genderqueer man and many other lables, im also thinking of using cistrans. Im also polykin, alterhuman, a furry and a juggalo, if you want specifics send me an ask! if its not too personal id love to tell you. Im Irish too so if i talk funny you know why lol.
I would prefer if you used my neos over he/him, cus im genderfluid it just kinda helps.
Another thing, im autistic and got a tic disorder, amongst other things, so burnout is normal for me if i take long on requests sometimes please dont get mad. I wont answer questions about the " other things" for my own reasons unless we're close.
Please enjoy your stay on my little blog <3
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geraniumplant · 11 months
Welcome to my roleplay blog. Here is the general info: private/ selective /mutuals only / 20+. I am not affiliated with any fandom. I am not pro or anti ship. I ship what I want & that's the end of it. If you have a problem with that you do not need to follow. I like to keep my dash & blog tight-knit, but I'm not against meeting new people if we vibe.
About the mun: My name is Wolf. I am 25+ she/her/they/them. I have a learning disorder, dyscalculia & dyslexia. Please be patient with me. I tend to switch between past & present tense & write in a stream of consciousness. Spelling mistakes & grammar mistakes are likely on my end, as this isn't my strong point. (but I try) I love writing regardless & use it as a form of escapism, but also to meet cool people with similar interests. I'm always happy to chat or plot with mutuals. I'm very easygoing & I care about the comfort of my writing partners.
My writing tends to deal with themes of identity, gender, sexuality, trauma, mental illness & sometimes suicide. I will tag these themes to the best of my ability with the main tag #usfw (unsafe for work). That being said, it is possible themes such as homophobia might come up in my writing. This will never be glorified or encouraged as its purpose is to explore the negative effects it has on my muses. If you have any concerns you are more than welcome to message me privately.
Anyone younger than 20 who follows/interacts with me will be blocked. I am not comfortable roleplaying with anyone under the age of 20.
The main muse of this blog is Vash the Stampede from Trigun. If you do not specify a muse in asks & tagged content I will answer as Vash.
This blog is mobile based. 99% of the time I am on mobile. If I can’t read your rules, muse list, writing, etc. because of small or fancy font I most likely won’t follow.
If I follow you that means I am interested in roleplaying with you. Think of it as me giving you permission to write with me & send me things.
You do not need to ask to turn asks into threads. I encourage this. If I send you something it means I am eager to write with you.
I am fine with shipping but I will not force someone to roleplay a pairing they do not like. I ask that you do the same in  return.  
Smut in roleplays will be asked to be continued on Discord if possible. This applies only to smut. Kissing, making out, etc. will be present here.
I am selective with OCs due to bad experiences in the past. Please  do not pester me if I decline an offer to roleplay with your OC. It  isn’t anything personal. This is for my own comfort. If you're an OC blog & I follow you first or follow back then that means we're good to write.
I will roleplay almost anything except for the following: Do not  ask me to have my character rape or violate yours. Relationships must be  consensual. No  underage ships or sexual relationships with minors. No dead baby jokes, severely harming, abusing or killing children & animals. I do not wish to read or write detailed scenes of birth, abortions, miscarriages, genital mutilation, or anything too graphic regarding medical procedures, injury, piss, vore, or extremely graphic body horror.  (light body horror is fine)
I will not tolerate: drama or call out posts, anon hate, racism, any kind of homo or transphobia, bashing people for their religion, politics, ethnicity, or beliefs. I tend to unfollow people who post too much ooc negativity, or politics of any kind. Roleplaying is my escapism & I’m not here for any real world drama.
The respect you give will be the respect you receive. ♥
( Please like if you have read & agree to the rules. This is not required but it does make me feel better. )
The following is a list of Fandoms/characters I have no interest in interacting with...
Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss // FNAF // My Hero Academia // One Peice // Naruto // Harry potter // video games such as Mario, Sonic, & Pokemon. // Comics such as Marvel & DC. (No hate towards these fandoms or anyone who likes them. I just have no interest in roleplaying them. I am unlikely to follow blogs related to these fandoms unless you're a multi-muse. )
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sfwsickficthoughts · 7 months
adult, they/it, sufferer of a few mental illnesses. call me whatever the fuck you want. I post hurt/comfort shit with a focus on sickness. not an emetophile, none of this is for kink, I just like the softness and vulnerability that comes with taking care of a sick person.
this account was pretty much just made for my own self-indulgent purposes. I take headcanon and writing prompt requests on a "when I feel like it" basis.
Req info and DNI below
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requests: open. 0 ask(s) in the inbox.
what I do: headcanons and writing prompts. the prompts can be fandom/character specific or they can just be general prompts based on a theme. whatever floats your boat (or rather mine since I'm gonna be the one doing the writing)
these are fandoms I'm already familiar with. If yours isn't on the whitelist, that doesn't necessarily mean I won't consider it, it just means I might have to do research.
Entropy: Zero
Left 4 Dead
Team Fortress 2
Madness Combat
Wreck-it Ralph
Cyberpunk 2077
Yakuza 0-6
for personal reasons I am not comfortable writing for these. list subject to updates as I see fit.
Cookie Run
Harry Potter
Boyfriend to Death
DNI or "Why Did You Block Me?"
Bigot of any flavor
Pedo/zoo/incest loving "people"
Pro-para/radqueer/rad-inclus/whatever you pedo/zoo/incest apologists are calling yourselves these days
DDLG/CGL/ageplay in general
Genocide supporters (read: think what Israel is doing rn is Correct)
Yandere blogs (personal discomfort)
NSFW/kink blogs (just don't want these posts in NSFW spaces, y'all are cool)
On thin fucking ice
interact if you want, but don't rb these posts to your kink accounts or use emetophile-specific tags on them. I don't have anything against y'all, I'm just not into that and I'm not comfortable with having my posts interacted with as kink material.
Age regressors
nonsexual agere is fine to interact, sexual age regressors read the above entry in the DNI about ageplayers and fuck off expeditiously.
Fans of blacklisted fandoms
you're welcome here, but behave.
"coquette"/"female hysteria" bloggers
I know like 90% of you guys are radfems/terfs. I see you acting up and you're going in the block bin.
"Fandom moms"
if you actually read all of this, congrats on your mental stamina. please take this congratulatory silly as a treat and have a day.
so many of you motherfuckers turn out to be predatory it is actually insane to me
People named Max
listen I'm sure you're fine but due to personal reasons I'm going to be wary about you forever
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wooly-nooly · 6 months
Intro post oh buddy
last update: 5/5/24
Call me Cedar or wooly (any nicknames are fine)
Pronouns are He/They
Multi fandom(sometimes lol), music, AO3, art, yearning, simping, random deep inmyfeelsness, and yapping, I just empty the void of my mind into here like a glorified trashcan tbh. Don't be hateful or ill just block you. asks are incredibly welcome(unlike irl me, online me is a lil bit of an attention whore so don't be shy)
Humble creator of the fitting name “Ivycakes” for iv(sleep token)
AUDHD, crazy super queer(aroace, trans guy, and gay(but like in a aro i love my friend way)(im really rackin em up(gettin hyper specific oh yeah baby)))
may draw requests although i am the least consistent person probably ever so if i ignore you i promise its not on purpose
fandoms: Sleep Token, Maneskin, JJK , Harry Potter, Zelda, Sally Face, Snapcube sonic fandub if that even counts, and tons of others tbh (I'm usually focused on what at a time because i go balls deep all or nothing in hyperfixations though) I also like moths but that's not really a fandom
Side Blogs:
Sleep token-
My tags:
cedars yapping again
cedars writing dabbles
cedars sketches
Cedar picrews
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adultkincalls · 2 years
you must be 20 or older to submit calls, im blocking anyone under 20 who interacts
put your full name and source
please only do one call per ask
no pedophilic/incestuous relationship calls
no harry potter, hazbin hotel, homestuck, dsmp, friday night funkin, attack on titan, or omori kin calls
asks that violate any rules will automatically get deleted
fictive asks will be tagged the same as kin asks for searching purposes, though will also include "#[character name] fictive" if made explicitly clear (the same will be the case if you use "introject" as well)
mod will not be engaging in syscourse, "endogenic" systems are welcome
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lothricknightgirl · 2 years
Greetings! Grüße! Здравствуйте! Hola! Hej!
Hallo! :D
This is my introduction post. If ya feel like it, please read through.
NAMES LIST HAS BEEN FIXED FOR NOW, but be aware that it will most likely break again in the near future.
EDIT: So, about the names list. Every time I update it, the link breaks, and I have to go back and fix it. At this point, it's just annoying and tedious trying to backtrack it every time I change my username, so, I hereby declare it a graveyard for faces past. Make of it what you will.
I'm Bis, or Bucket, but you can call me by my account shorthand if it pleases you.
I go by She/Her or He/Him but I lean heavily towards She/her.
I am in many, many, MANY fandoms, and my interests tend to switch rapidly and without warning. I reblog a lot, and I will flood your dash with whatever and be totally unrepentant.
If you're going to follow me, please be aware that I don't, can't, and won't remember to tag everything for triggers. You're responsible for your experience here, but I absolutely will not, under any circumstances, go out of my way to worsen it or trigger you on purpose.
I block easily and with little consideration. I won't hound you down either if you block me, for any reason. Your reasons are your own, and I respect your decision. I expect you to extend me the same courtesy.
My age is Don't Ask, I live in the US and I'm not saying where, I am online whenever I feel like it and that is not all the time. I have hard boundaries and if they're crossed, instant block. No ifs, ands, buts or whys, straight block.
I only speak english, sorry to say, but I am making a tiny effort to learn at least a few words in others.
I have Many, Many, Many usernames and change them rapidly with little warning. If you need the list, it's >>>right here<;<<. If you see an unfamiliar name on dash, it's best to just assume it's me.
The names list also doubles as a fandom tag, so use that to see whatever I'm in.
I don't have dedicated fandom tags, but I do have infrequently used blorbo tags, but they aren't featured.
I will, under no circumstances, interact with the harry potter fandom or J.K Rowling or her works. Her work is beyond bigoted, she is beyond bigoted, her fanbase feeds into it and refuses to stop, and she uses her fame to actively ruin jewish and trans lives with a massive terf following. I block if I see it on dash on sight.
As this is a showerfam blog, I am wont to RP whenever I feel like it, but I have a tendency to forget about it, so please, be patient with me.
That's all I got for now.
Fair tides and warm winds out there mate, good hunting! :D
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endearmint-moved · 2 years
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aster. 28. he/they. white. bi. nonbinary. transmisogyny-exempt.
more info under cut ↴
this blog is not friendly to fans of harry potter, hetalia, homestuck, attack on titan, marvel, superwholock, neil gaiman, et cetera.
fascists, bigots, transmisogynists, & fandom freaks (read: "pro-ship" pedo/incest apologists) are blocked on sight.
minors, please do not follow or interact with my posts
hi, this is my personal blog! i've been on tumblr for over a decade, remade too many times to count. i enjoy a variety of anime and video games. i'm trying to get back into reading books. and i'm currently getting reacquainted with myself, so i apologize for the sparse bio
i tag common triggers for filtering purposes. please let me know if you need anything specific tagged! if i follow you, please tag for #gore.
if you've read this far, please like this post before you follow me. you'll be soft-blocked otherwise
sideblogs: @strobenights, @kaleidoscopelunch
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Just a heads up
I am currently watching the penguins of Madagascar during breakfast. But when I finish that movie there is a very high chance that I’ll be watching all eight Harry Potter movies now that they’re on Netflix. I haven’t watched any of them in close to a decade and it’s mostly going to be for nostalgia purposes and the ever present rage against Steve Kloves. Just thought I should give you lot a warning. Just in case you’d prefer to block that tag if you haven’t already. I just thought that I should mention it.
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greenunoreversecard · 2 years
Hi! I'd figure I'd do an introductory post.
INTJ-T, enneagram type 8w5.
Virgo sun, Libra rising, Sagittarius moon.
Sirius kinnie. Also a rise! Leo kinnie.
• I'll mainly go by greeny online on this platform ^^
• I am neurodivergent, so I might have trouble with tones and processing things, please be patient with me when i ask for clarification.
• i am a minor, so please don't be to creepy. I'm fine with mentioning some light NSFW topics, and will tag a post accordingly if it has any. The reason I'm partially fine with NSFW is because I try and normalize stuff of sexual nature, seeing as it's normal. Just don't make any weird comments about me or other people, or my hyperfiaxtion.
• I'll probably do a lot of different writting things, headcanons and random thoughts I have.
• I use he/him pronouns, and am queer <3 and vv single lmfao
Link to my discord here
<Quick Fun Facts!!>
I love horror games.
Please talk to me about music it's my favorite ever.
on top of drawing, I also adore reading and writing.
I watch quiet a bit of game playthroughs on YouTube. (I watch a lot of eddievr, juicyfruitsnacks, slimecicle, ranboo)
《Things I'm not comfortable with:
●Pedos, rasicm, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, religious hate, and other stuff of this nature.
●Purposefully tracking me or others down and doxxing myself or others, and trying to make people uncomfortable on purpose.
●threatening mine or others safety, and any type of hate speech. I'm fine with general curiosity of why things are the way they are, just be respectful about it, and don't be a dick
●I'm fine with cursing, and venting, just be sure to add trigger warnings if you dm me a vent so I know what to look out for.
●no z00philia, b3ast!al!ty, r@p3 or sa comments, or inc3st.
●just generally don't be a shitty person and hate on other people because you got your tick tac dick in a twist, please. 》
~Fanfic guidelines~
I will write for
Tmnt specifically mutant mayhem and rise (strictly platonic)
Hazbin Hotel (romantic and platonic) NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Marauders Era (Harry potter subgenre)(platonic and romantic)
Possibly helluva boss in the future
Ninjago (platonic and romantic)
I reserve the right to deny requests.
And currently in time, I will only do light steam and no full on NSFW.
I will also only do gender identities that the characters are attracted to (ie, queerplatonic exclusively for alastor, male for angel, etc, etc)
I will ONLY write for gender neutral and male characters, as well as identities under the Trans umbrella as there is a severe lack of Trans and male character rep. That is also why some characters are strictly platonic.
If I am unaware of a characters identity, please let me know so I can be aware and change things if I need to.
Matchups are also a possibility, but I will not be doing them as of currently.
Same rules and guidelines go for my fanfics as for the boundaries I set for myself. (See above)
Also, absolutely no tcest or incest of any kind. I will block you immediately.
I am also a busy person, so I am limiting requests. I run with my inspiration which is mildly fleetig considering I'm always exhausted from everything.
Also, I will only take requests from the inbox, bc it's easier for me to manage that way
Rules are subject to change. Some may be added or taken off.
Current requests: 0/10
beta reader:
Anon list (ask to enter):
🐊 Anon
Characters I am willing to do per fandom:
Hazbin Hotel (no longer available for requests):
Alastor (platonic and queer platonic only)
Angel dust
cherri bomb
Sir pentious
Huskerdust poly
Charlie and vaggie (platonic)
Niffty (platonic)
Lucifer (platonic and familial)
hazbin hotel masterlist here!
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Sirius Black
Regulus Black
Barty Jr.
jegulus poly
Wolfstar poly
Moonwater poly
Poly! marauders
Marauders Masterlist Here!
TMNT (platonic only):
Mikey (mm and rise)
Donnie (mm and rise)
Raph (mm and rise)
Leo (mm and rise)
CaseyJr. (Rise)
Peepaw! Teetlz (romantic is allowed, but with limitations)
Ninjago masterlist here!
Types of fics I will do:
Oneshots and twoshots
Multi chapter fics
reader pov, character pov and 3rd/non biased pov.
Most tags. Literally just send it in and I'll let you know in the a/n if I can't do smth.
More boundaries will be added as time goes on and I figure myself more and what I'm comfortable with.
Anyways, hope yall have a good day/night/afternoon! Nice to meet ya! :)
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fictiveheavy-systim · 2 years
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DNI LIST ( ꈍᴗꈍ).。*♡
Here's our full DNI! We block those who fall under this criteria when we find them (either before they find us or whenever they disregard our boundaries). Some of these are big things, and some are personal things that we're uncomfortable seeing. Thank you in advance for reading through this and respecting our boundaries.
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System List ;
Non-traumagenic systems and those who support/interact with them (including demo systems and western tulpas), those who use the terms 'sysmed' or 'traumascum', those who don't believe in system accountability, those who believe persecutors are bad people, those who use the term 'malicitor' (not including those who reclaim it for themselves), anti-fictives, believe in system hopping, believe that systems must have the end goal of final fusion, believe introjects can pick their source, blame introjects for their sources
-philes ;
Pedophiles, DDLG and variants, ageplay, sexual age regression, zoophiles, pro-contact, neutral-contact, trans-age, trans-species, paraphiles (not including those who are in therapy), pro-shippers, anti-antis, MAPs, NOMAPs, radqueer, or anyone neutral or in support of these things, or interact with people who are
Ableist ;
Thinspo/pro-ED/pro-ana, support Autism Speaks or NEXTAUTISM, support eugenics, trans-abled (excluding those with BIID), trans-autism, trans-adhd, believe in narcissistic abuse, romanticize mental illness, romanticize self-harm, demonize mental illnesses, infantilize mental illnesses, fakeclaimer, reality-checker, support subreddits such as r/fakedisordercringe or r/didcringe, believe roleplaying disorders you do not have is acceptable, believe autism has a cure
Anti-queer ;
Anti-queer, terf, radfem, trumeds/truscum/transmeds, nonbinary exclus, intersex exclus, pan exclus, bi exclus, against gender nonconformity, against pronoun nonconformity, "super-[label]"s, those who are against the split attraction model, "drop the T", aspec exclus, anti-mogai, anti-xenogenders, anti-neopronouns (including anti-nounself and anti-emojiself), anti-microlabels, anti-neurogenders, call queer relationships "sin" (including in fandom spaces), support the Don't Say Gay bill in Florida, "gender critical", "a is for ally"s, purposefully misgender people without their consent
Racist/Xenophobic/Antisemitic ;
Anti-BLM, ALM, white lives matter, blue lives matter, pro-cop, anti-acab, believe in reverse racism, believe in white oppression, trans race (not including adoptees), islamophobic, believe in black-washing, anti-stop asian hate, believe poc cannot cosplay white characters, Nazi/Neo-Nazi/Nazi sympathizer, holocaust denier, believe alters in white systems can be a poc
Miscellaneous ;
Support NFTs, cryptbro, SWERF, classist, anti-selfdx, anti-furries, anti-scalies, believe in cringe culture, anti-harm reduction, send or endorse anon hate, believe in Christian oppression, blogs with the sole purpose of bullying/harassing others, those who bring religion into unwanted spaces, support missionaries, believe in art style theft, anti-property is theft, know us IRL
DNI for comfort reasons ;
NSFW/18+/Minors DNI blogs, singlets under the age of 13, blogs with Harry Potter, TBATF, Your Boyfriend, Yandere Sim, or Aphmau content (not including blogs that have had those things in the past due to requests), anyone who tags NSFW fandom content under the main tags for that fandom, roleplay blogs, Christianity-centered blogs, blank blogs (default avatar, default name, default desc, default header- anything that makes you look like a bot. Bots obviously won't read this, this is more an announcement to people with those blogs that I block em). Endo neutral systems listen up: all I ask is that if you interact with endos do not reblog our posts. Otherwise, feel free to interact.
Thank you for reading!!
I especially appreciate it with how long this one is (๑•﹏•)
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arenee1999 · 2 years
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I posted 2,618 times in 2022
That's 2,618 more posts than 2021!
19 posts created (1%)
2,599 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,263 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#taika waititi - 616 posts
#edward teach - 316 posts
#ofmd fanart - 223 posts
#our flag means death - 183 posts
#stede bonnet - 177 posts
#our flag means death - 169 posts
#rhys darby - 129 posts
#blackbonnet - 110 posts
#doctor who - 104 posts
#ofmd - 87 posts
Longest Tag: 111 characters
#i don't really care about the harry potter source material anymore but the fandom has been my home for a decade
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I got tagged by @sherlockig to combine this picrew and this uquiz!
I tag
@persephonesveil @coccinelf @rragnaroks @fandomsmeantheworldtome @vonlipwig
And anyone else that wants to do it
7 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
This fandom is 7 months old and it is one of the most toxic fandoms in existence.
For a show about found family, acceptance and love, the only thing the fandom is interested in is hate. Hating the characters, hating the ships, hating the cast and the crew and hating each other. It is disgusting.
There is not a single justification for the way this fandom treats each other. The way they (it, you, we) treat the crew, the cast and their significant others.
David Jenkins proved on Twitter that at least a few of the cast and/or crew are inside this fandom with us on anonymous accounts. They are absolutely seeing all of this vitriolic dreck that spews forth from this fandom. The fact that he chose to answer a question that so easily could have been a simple y/n but instead used it to say yes he's heard of the most popular SMAU in this fandom and intends to read it, just hours after the author was completely torn apart to the point of leaving Twitter for simply writing it. That's not a coincidence.
This show has been so overanalyzed that what began as simply disliking characters has turned into full on livid, vitriolic hate. And it's all based on interpretations of characters that might not even be accurate to canon. What are all of you going to do if we get a completely different backstory and motivation for characters and it doesn't in anyway line up with what you've indoctrinated yourself into believing? Are your death threats going to shift from other fans and the cast to David Jenkins and the rest of the writers?
Do you have any concept of how ridiculously stupid it is that death threats have been issued to fans and cast members of a fucking television show that is about love and acceptance? Do you people see yourselves? Do you hear what you're saying?
If you are too young or not emotionally mature enough to handle the themes of the show or you are traumatically triggered by something in the show, stop watching it and do not engage with the fandom. Just admit it's not for you and move on. If you get to a point where you can handle it, the show will be there for you to watch.
If the fandom is too much for you, the themes of fanfic or fanart triggering or you're just not able to handle it for whatever reason, either avoid the fandom or start blocking tags and don't follow accounts that don't use tags. It really is that simple.
You DO NOT, under any circumstances, have the right to dictate what other people create or engage with in fandom. You DO NOT have the right to attack creators because you don't like what they create. You DO NOT have the right to attack the cast or crew because you don't like a character, ship or plot point. You DO NOT have the right to attack cast members because of the way they engage with ADULT fans. You DO NOT have the right to attack the friends, family or loved ones of the cast or crew.
Fandom is here for the sole purpose of sharing what you LOVE with other people that love it too.
We have been handed a fucking GIFT with this show. It is literally one of the first of it's kind. A show full of lgbtqia+ characters with a multitude of backgrounds and ethnicities. There's no coming out storyline, no need to justify why the characters are who and what they are. They just are. They exist wholly and completely as they are and they are simply going about their lives. This is the story that we have been asking for, begging for, for literal YEARS. And now that we have it you're destroying it. And for what? Seriously. Why?
7 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
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⪼Con O’Neill⪻
↳A birthday present for @sherlockig
9 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
So did anyone else notice there was an actual theme to Taika & Rita's costume choices? It was very much a Fashion through the Decades/Eras of MTV. Beginning with that very 80's looking suit of Taika's.
14 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Thor: Love and Thunder
I'm a bit baffled as to why so many people hate the movie. Seriously. When it was announced Taika Waititi was staying on as director (after directing Ragnarok) and was going to be writing the script and we were told what the title was going to be, I've had a vision in my mind of what this movie was going to be. What we got is exactly what I was expecting. And I managed to accurately predict the tone and style of the movie without having seen a single thing of Taika's except Ragnarok. Having now learned more about Taika and having seen much more of his work, it's even more obvious what Love and Thunder was going to be.
Love and Thunder is not meant to be a clone of Ragnarok. Thor Ragnarok is easily one of the best movies of the MCU. It has a heavy storyline with humor injected around the edges. Love and Thunder on the other hand is meant to be fun. It has two heavy storylines inside it. A man on a killing spree because his daughter died and Jane Foster dying and hastening the process by using Mjölnir. So to keep the movie fun Taika pulled absolutely insane story elements from the comics and Norse Mythology then set it all to a soundtrack of Guns 'n' Roses (and I fracking love him for it).
Ragnarok is meant to be astonishing. The fight on the Rainbow Bridge overlaid with Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song is designed to give you feelings.
Love and Thunder is meant to make you smile. That's it, it's designed to make you happy and keep you smiling and laughing all the way through. Even with all the death and kidnapping of children. Stop taking it so damn seriously and just enjoy it. And maybe go watch the making of documentary, it might help you lighten up a bit.
51 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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first-trial · 1 day
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You can read about Frank Stone here.
NSFW material will be present (gore, trauma, suggestive themes) and I use the simple nsfw tag, so block that if you want to keep a clean dash.
If you aren’t 18+ I won’t write with you, sorry
Multi-Fandom friendly
Multi-Ship (however unlikely it is)
OC friendly (heck yeah)
Please try and trim your posts
There won’t be any ‘duplicate’ threads, like a muse interacting w/ themselves
Go ahead and remind me about replies, I am slow from time to time
Paragraph and one-liner replies are fine, so long as you do not reply to a multi-paragraph response with one line
I try to match length as much as possible and will adapt to other mun’s writing in that if you do not use small script, I won’t either. Same goes for read mores.
If you don’t tag your explicit content I will not follow/unfollow you, a normal #nsfw will work
If I follow you then that means I am interested in roleplaying with you! even if it may take a while for me to actually initiate such. c:
Please message me about any AU/Crossovers that interest you I love them to death!!
Memes are always the best way to interact with me, no matter the purpose or content of said meme. Also, always feel free to continue a meme response if you feel it can be taken somewhere!
I won’t interact with muses from these following fandoms: harry potter, hazbin hotel, attack on titan, helluva boss.
I won’t write in the first person, or interact with those who write in first person.
I have a multi with muses from all over the place, also
#(MUN BS) OOC (ooc posts) #(THE CHAMPION) MUSINGS (images/musings of frank stone) #(THE SACRIFICE) SURVIVORS (images of survivors) #(THE SLAUGHTER) KILLERS (images of killers) #(TRIALS) IC / MAIN (main verse tag for the trials) #(TRIALS) IC / AU (au verse tag for post-entity frank) #(OFFERINGS) IC / MAIN (main verse tag for pre-entity frank) #(OFFERINGS) IC / AU (au verse tag for pre-entity frank)
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