#harry has siblings
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willofhounds · 2 years ago
Tom hummed but didn't say anything else. Instead he looped his arm through Harrison's and pulled him closer to the bookstore. They were able to enter without any issues. The scents of the bookstore hit Harrison like a brick. They were dusty smelling in a way that only books could be. It was relaxing for the young man.
The two boys split from there each heading to seek out their own books. Harrison was hoping to find a book on Runes. The books on Runes were in the back part of the shop in a forgotten corner. Only a handful of shelves held anything on them that weren't school related.
That was disappointing. He had hoped that the shop would have at least more books than was used by sixth years in other countries. With a shake of his head Harrison turned away from the disappointing books. He headed for the Defense books hoping to find something interesting there.
Only to run almost directly into Regulus Black, Sirius's much younger brother. They were just inches from each other. So close Harrison could smell the other's cologne. What the hell did this boy want? They were close no matter how close they were in age, Regulus being two years older. Or the fact that Sirius was his godfather.
"What do you want, Black?" Growled Harrison, "I am trying to shop. So if you don't mind?"
Harrison tried to step around him. Only for Black to grab his arm. The arm with the orange and black band on it. He froze his gaze going frosty and the air heating with his anger.
"Let go," hissed Harrison in a low voice.
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realitybitesyouknowit · 3 days ago
Chapters: 20/20 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage Sex Relationships: Harry Potter & Severus Snape, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Luna Lovegood/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/ Orignial Male Character, Lavender Brown/Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom/Pansy Parkinson, Luna Lovegood & Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Original Potter Family Characters (Harry Potter), Theodore Nott Additional Tags: Wrong Boy-Who-Lived (Harry Potter), Parental Severus Snape, Good Malfoy Family (Harry Potter), Sane Voldemort (Harry Potter), Tom Riddle is his own warning., James and Lily are bad parents, I'm Sorry, Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, Ron Weasley Bashing, Hermione Granger Bashing, Dark Harry Potter, Magically Powerful Harry Potter, BAMF Harry Potter, Seer Luna Lovegood, Occlumency (Harry Potter), Harry Potter Has a Twin, Red-Haired Harry Potter Series: Part 1 of Harry Potter and the Sounds of Hogwarts Summary:
Freaks don't deserve to speak. And being a freak is all Harry Potter knows.
Surprised by the reunion with family he had been told never wanted him and startled by the acceptance of magic in the wizarding world, Harry finds himself curious and in love with his new life. Everything is wonderful - well, as long as he ignores the ugly sneer on his twin's face, the disgust in his father's eyes, and the bearded man who has fucking twinkling eyes.
Instead, he focuses on the airy blonde-haired girl that makes him smile, the steel-eyed boy who defends him, and the clumsy plant lover who is probably the bravest person Harry has ever met. He also can't help but focus on the shadowy figure that seems to float behind his Defense professor and the stone of life singing to him from its hiding place in the castle.
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ididmywaiting12years · 11 months ago
So excited!!! Bring on the happy fluff of Blackinnon raising Harry, Maia, and Aurora
I have sent the final chapter of Filipendulous off to be edited!! Guess that means I can work on the Jily dies and Blackinnon adopts Harry story now. 😈😈😈
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the-colourful-witch · 2 months ago
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👑Ron Weasley👑
Just like my illustration of Harry, Ron was one of the first I drew in this series.. as I am improving I wanted to redo his design, because I knew I could do him better justice😌✨
I love Ron. He’s such a good friend and even though he has flaws (one of them being not quite in toch with his own or other’s emotions…) he knows what’s right and wrong, and he takes care of his friends. He deserves a little more recognition!⭐️
What is your favourite Ron moment? Mine is when he and Harry save Draco’s life in DH and then punches him in the face because they had to do it twice😂
And the old version:
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lilithofpenandbook · 8 months ago
The best Severus and Harry dynamic is when everything is exactly the same and they absolutely loathe each other
But also Severus is the one Harry goes to when he has a nightmare, the half-asleep Severus asking if he needs to 'kiss it better' (mocking, snarky) or 'actually kiss it better' (serious, protective) and he just needs to see how Harry reacts to know whether he needs to comfort Harry or if he's good to make fun of Harry until Harry's so annoyed he stops being upset. Severus is the one who kisses Harry's forehead when Harry absolutely wrecks himself playing Quidditch. Harry's the one who drags Severus to bed when Severus is trying to power through a headache. Harry's the one who cheers Severus up when he's upset by just being a sassy lil shit and cracking Severus up.
And it's even funnier when Remus Lupin is the only person who doesn't understand what the hell is this hot-and-cold dynamic? How the hell can Sev both hug Harry after a nightmare and yet also try strangle him when he says one thing wrong? And why is everyone so normal about this?! Why isn't anyone concerned?!
To everyone else, it's pretty obvious to everyone that Remus is an only child.
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winn-wynn · 3 months ago
Had a dream when perciver became canon and everyone was disappointed that Percy was off the market
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buckingham-ashtray · 6 months ago
harry watson never appeared on screen because she is the metaphorical counterpart of john in representation of his repressed homosexuality
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scoriarose · 2 months ago
#snake#snakes#pets#hognoses#hognose#sakura#sakura kurīmu#this was shortly after she joined our family and was still in her baby bin#she wanted a friend so bad she befriended the camera#this poor poor lonely noodle#it was not long after she and scoria were allowed to meet and then refused to be separated#they go in their own little sleeping hides at night#but they both get very upset if the other is away for long#they'll watch me holding the other#and sakura has a conniption if I take her sister out of the room to play in another area#they absolutely need each other#The way she initially attempted to bond with the camera reminded me of Harry Harlow's monkey experiment with surrogate monkeys#it is INCREDIBLY sad that these animals desperately wanted love and affection SO BADLY they turned to the closest they could find#which were inanimate objects that couldn't really love them back but it was better than nothing#that can't have been good for their psychological development for so so many reasons#but now that Sakura has the love and support of her sibling Scoria I don't ever intend to separate them so long as adult hormonal changes#don't suddenly make them go to sweet with each other to aggressive#again I think the agression or at least eating of smaller males comes from psychological issues not the species seeking out and eating them#like king snakes intentionally do#at least with girls I do not have experience with boys#but maybe someone with a strong understanding of snakes and their psychology and body language might pick up where I cannot examine such#once again my tags are longer than the post itself lol
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lunar-skylar · 2 months ago
Do you like harmony?
Oh boy. To put it quite plainly, yes, I do actually like Harmony (or, as I prefer to call it, Harmione).
I know there’s some controversy regarding that pairing because many people see them as siblings and claim that those who ship it just never read the books, but I’ve never really felt that sibling spark that they so often love to bring up. I’ve read the books (albeit not in quite some time) and watched the movies, yet I never once considered them to be brother and sister. Nothing about them screamed, “these two are definitely siblings”—at least in my opinion. They came off as simply two friends. For the longest time, I felt like I was completely missing something or was just crazy because I could not, for the life of me, see what all these other people were seeing when they said Harry and Hermione were very "sibling-coded,” but I honestly think it has to do with our differing views on sibling relationships and what they look like. The way I view siblings is so different from how those people see it. Where they saw siblings, I just saw two completely platonic best friends.
Some will say, “Yeah, but Harry said he sees her like a sister,” and sure, but personally, I never took that statement at face value. Not only does Harry refer to Hermione as a sister only once, but it was at a time when Ron was indifferent about their relationship and very jealous. I took it as him just trying to reassure Ron that he seriously didn’t want or see Hermione romantically at all, and that she was all his to pursue.
I mean, there’s even a time when it’s implied that Harry sees Ginny not only as his best friend’s little sister but also as his sister. That was when he confused his feelings for her as just “brotherly feelings.” My boy wouldn’t know what a sibling relationship looked like even if it slapped him in the face, lol. So, yeah, his “she’s like a sister to me” comment about Hermione simply came off as reassurance (while with Ginny, it was obviously just confusion).
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347-emeraldbitch · 9 months ago
Bill & Charlie: Percy is our little brother. We’ve know him since he was born. He, Charlie, and I fit together perfectly.
Fred, George, Ron, & Ginny: EXCUSE YOU!!! THATS MY BROTHER!!!!
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shrimpalbuspotter · 9 months ago
Albus is the shameful crush of so many Hogwarts girls (and boys!). Like they all gag whenever the idea of dating the Slytherin Squib is brought up but when they notice him sitting in the courtyard and the sun flashes on his face in such a way that makes his olive skin glow and his usually dark eyes shine bright green, they swoon so hard.
Also yes. Albus has olive undertones, compared to his siblings neutral/cool ones . He wears winter or spring colours best.
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realitybitesyouknowit · 1 year ago
Chapters: 62/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Golden Girls (briefly) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Remus Lupin/Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Minerva McGonagall/Poppy Pomfrey, Neville Longbottom/Draco Malfoy, Remus Lupin/Lily Evans Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Dobby (Harry Potter), Severus Snape, Portrait Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Minerva McGonagall, Poppy Pomfrey, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Xenophilius Lovegood, Filius Flitwick, Sofia Petrillo (Golden Girls), Dorothy Zbornak (Golden Girls), Blanche Devereaux (Golden Girls), Rose Nylund (Golden Girls), Several OOC's Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Spells & Enchantments, Sexual Violence, Triggers, Original Character Death(s), Deception, Alternate Identity, Werewolves, Native American lore, post—hogwarts, Pacific Northwest, Alternate Universe, gender swap, Kidnapping, Post-War, Spell Damage, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, f/f - Freeform, f/m - Freeform, F/M/M, m/m - Freeform, Work In Progress, Fem!Harry Summary:
A spell cast by the Dark Lord, the moment before Harry kills him, has some very unexpected results, and sets the rest of Harry's life on a totally new path.
Disclaimer: J.K.Rowling is the creator and true owner of the characters of Hogwarts and the wizarding world, and no infringement of copyright is intended. I'm just playing with them for my own amusement; no money is being made.
Author's Note: Accio_Kilt was previously know under the pen name of: morganlefay1958.
Beta: Calanor, who keeps me on track.
Incomplete You’ve been warned. Cameo’s from the Golden Girl’s make the world go round.
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wishchthumblr · 1 year ago
so i like to imagine its kind of like an unspoken tradition at hogwarts to carve or write your name/initials in your bed before you graduate so later students can get a little mystery trying to figure out who slept in their dorm before them
so what if in aus where Harry is sorted into slytherin, instead of JP being scratched into the post of his gryffindor dorm bed, in a slightly hidden part of the frame in his slytherin dorm bed it says R.A.B in nearly carved letters
and what if (especially if this is an au where slytherin harry is an evil little shit (as a treat)) he eventually finds another older carving on his bed that says T.M.R
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callmesel · 3 months ago
did you ever write the golden trio as toddlers and percy, oliver, and penny taking care of them fic? bc that sounds so fun lmao
I forgot about that
I never tried because I was like "shit, how do toddlers work?"
But i did some ugly scketches of it
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I had a list of their possible shenanigans but I can't find it now but when I do I will reblog and tag you
Percy and Oliver are so done with them
Now I want to try and write them
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rewritingcanon · 1 year ago
this is ron and rose coded
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lilithofpenandbook · 8 months ago
McGonagall: What pet rat??
Snape: HERE! (throws object)
McGonagall: Severus, this is a mirror.
Snape: Yep (proceeds to salute and moonwalk out)
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