#harrison x reader fluff
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melosliving · 2 months ago
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aaron pierre n kelvin harrison jr!masterlist
both of them (actress!reader) :
you hate heels !
reading thirst tweets
actors on actors
today you’re nervous
you’re having a panic attack
aaron pierre
suspect trend (actress!reader)
second day in Guadeloupe (caribbean!reader)
you can’t pay this month’s mortgage (wife!reader)
soon-to-be-father aaron
first time (sexy time)
meeting your parents (African!reader)
sexy makeout
forbidden love
i love you but I hate when you.. (wife!reader)
so… y’all married (tiktoker!reader)
you’re a little jealous (actress!reader)
he is a little jealous
kelvin harrison jr
soon-to-be-father kelvin
cute neighbor
first time (sexy time)
we listen and we don’t judge… don’t we ? (actress!reader)
getting his initials on your nails (wife!reader)
@ meloslivng 2025
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sunflowersinthedirt · 10 months ago
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fluff and angst, very needy reader! mentions of weed, cigarettes and alcohol. also mentions of beatles get back/let it be period.
1969!paul mcbeardy.
again, sorry for any typos. english is not my first language and gifs are not mine.
- X -
I was freezing when I decided to go to bed. I drank wine, but not as much as when I'm in Paul's company. It's night, and even with alcohol, Martha, and a fireplace, nothing seemed to warm me up. Maybe I missed Paul.
It had been a couple of days since he slept with me. Get Back and Twickenham were taking up a lot of his time. He seemed grumpy when he got home, but always took some time to cuddle with me as if the external problems that working with his band for the past 18 months were causing. Martha had become my biggest companion in this house, following me wherever I went.
When I got into that bathtub, I didn't think I was that sleepy. I dozed off lightly, and when I felt the water getting cold, I decided to get up, dry off, and go to bed. Martha had been sleeping in her bed for ages. There were some beds scattered around the house for her to rest, as she was a very calm dog. I put on one of Paul's shirts to feel like he was there with me... I had no idea what time he'd be back and he hadn't confirmed anything with me. I inhaled his scent embedded there and turned to the empty side of the bed.
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. I didn't know if it was the alcohol, the tiredness, the longing... I just know I fell asleep. But it wasn't light sleep, as I woke up every half hour to turn over. Until I felt a chaste kiss on my lips but no weight on the other side of the bed like I wanted. Paul had arrived but hadn't lain down. I could hear his footsteps on the stairs followed by the jingling of Martha's paws. I was alone in that room and it left me feeling colder and longing for their company.
Wrapped in a blanket, I went downstairs feeling small and fragile. I didn't care that the king-size blanket I was wrapped in was dragging on the cold floor.
I heard the sound of piano notes in the living room, something between C Major and a murmuring voice. Paul rarely came home from work and continued working. It wasn't difficult, but Paul didn't like to bring work home. I thought he might be stressed enough not to lie down or not be sleepy.
I approached the piano, saw his figure with downcast eyes, long lashes brushing his cheeks. Paul hummed quietly, noticed my presence, and stopped playing, focusing his attention on me.
"Did I wake you, love?" he asked in an affectionate tone. His tired eyes opened wider.
"No," I replied sleepily, coming closer to him.
"Sit here." He tapped his left leg and made room for me to sit on his lap.
I sat, wrapped in that blanket. Paul adjusted his arms to give him mobility to play the piano keys in front of him, and I hugged him around the waist, snuggling against his larger body.
"S' Much better this way..." he said, his accent strong and drawling, his voice low and husky. I could feel the vibration of his voice and hear his heartbeats. I rested my chin on his shoulder, and he stole a kiss from me. His now-full beard tickled my cupid's bow.
This was what was missing. I felt so relaxed in his company. Paul continued to play the piano.
"Couldn't sleep?" I asked, my eyes were almost closing again.
"No, love. I came home with a melody pounding in my head." He answered, still playing the piano. He smelled of tobacco and herbs. He had been smoking more than usual, and I knew he was stressed. "I'm sorry for bringing work home. I don't have the lyrics yet, but the melody got stuck in my head because I played it at Twickenham before coming here. I was the last to leave the studio today."
"I'd never be upset with you for that. Y’know." I rubbed my face against his beard. "Can you show me the melody?" I asked, sleepy. Martha was already snoring at our feet.
Paul kissed my forehead and continued playing the piano, murmuring some words. I struggled to keep my eyes open.
"Once there was a way..." he sang softly, playing the piano with his leg rocking me to sleep. He was making up these lyrics, or I didn't have such a sharp taste in lullabies like that. "To get back homeward." He repeated the sung sentence, my eyes closing slowly. I felt like a child again. Paul warming the chilly room, the blanket wrapping us like a cloak. "Sleep, pretty darling, do not cry... And I will sing a lullaby."
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep there in his lap, listening to him humming that song. I felt at home and knew I was home.
"Sleep well, princess," he whispered, and suddenly I couldn't hear the musical notes he had played earlier on that piano.
- X -
i’ll take requests soon!
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stardancerluv · 6 months ago
A Space Journey
Part One of ???
Summary: Introduction to Tyler and his girl.
Notes/Warnings: I saw Alien Romulus and fell very hard for Tyler. 😍 Wanted to give him a story. Might be a bit of an AU in bits giving him a backstory and fuller future..probably write leading up to the movie & such. 😬Hope I do him justice. 😬Also first time writing scifi..and writing in a future of any kind…so 😬 hope I did good.
18 & over. Consensual sex between and man and woman. Angst. (It wrote itself..a bit long!
❤️s, reblogs, comments, & feedback always welcome! Enjoy
The elevator whispered its way up from the depths of the mine to the top level. Some stared blindly ahead or in front of them, you chose some indiscernible place, not really seeing it. Your imagination conjured up happier moments from the past.
Behind you in one of the shadowy corners, the yellow bird in the cage chirped and fluttered its wings. Happy to be out of those large caverns. It was a good day. No leaving work prematurely. You would get your full credits for the day.
Stepping, out of the elevator you saw your boots were caked with the usual soot and mud. A cold, heavy rain dropped from the heavy clouds. It was not long before the rain seeped under the many layers of your clothes.
Tiredness, wore you down as you walked. Your body ached. You knew there were liberal smudges on your face, your hair was matted and oily under the hood you pulled more around your face.
You had not taken a decent shower in a few days since you knew you’d be pulling extra shifts back to back and since your boyfriend was off world till the end of the week. You just rolled in and out of bed and went and returned from work.
With all the soot flying around you squinted and paused when you saw the red neon sign, Bar. You pressed your lips together. You could go for a cold one, but you knew how rough the crowd could be at times. Without Tyler by your side you really didn’t want to venture in.
You decided to keep on going, pulling your hood tighter around you, wishing you could hide completely. A grumble gurgled from your stomach as it twisted in hunger. You would stop at the mess hall and grab some food before turning in at your sleep bunk.
Before, you realized what was happening you were tugged harshly into one of the nearby alleyways. Fear shot through you. You immediately started fighting. It was a regular occurrence people would get beat up, mugged or worse. People lost it out here on the mining planets, at least that was what your parents had always said.
“Shh, shhh. It’s easier when you don’t fight.” The voice whispered, as one hand had already slipped under the top layers of your clothes and now crept across your torso.
Only a thin, very worn scrap of fabric laid between you and the hand. Your hunger turned to nausea as you could feel the warmth from it. It was all you needed to fight even harder. You finally managed to stomp down on one of their feet.
“Oooooouch!” The voice called out and instantly let you go.
You turned around, your heart beating harder since you knew the voice.
“Tyler!” You scream and slapped his arm.
A large smile spread across his handsome face before he howled with laughter. Easily, he pulled you close and this time you wrapped your arms around him. Happily, you pressed yourself even closer against him.
“My strong, feisty girl.” He said breathless against the top of your head.
Easily, you forgot the wind or the rain pelting the two of you.
“You weren’t supposed be back for three days.” You managed to mumble out against his heavy clothes. Your body beginning to relax knowing you were now safe.
“We did good. Found more then expected and came back.”
You blinked up at him. “Really?”
“Yes.” He nodded, he was so soft and warm. “Let me take you home.”
He took your hand as you walked up the steep steps into the hauler he shared with the others. You couldn’t help but notice no one was there.
“Bjorn and Navarro, left in a blink to get their drink and dance on. And Kay barely told me she was going out, when I heard the door shut.”
Leaning against the wall, you were relieved to be out of the soot cloaked air. You pulled and tugged, till you were free of your heavy boots. Once in your heavy socks, you were relieved the boots had kept your socks dry.
“Can’t blame them these last three weeks had felt long despite coming home a week early. I’m sure.”
You said with a fleeting smile. After you pulled off your gloves, you began working on the buttons of your heavy coat. Seeing, two of the buttons had been undone by him you glanced at him.
He winked. “What? I missed the feel of my girl.” You didn’t know how he could look cocky and sheepish at once but he did.
His cheekiness always made your heart flutter. In the few books, you managed to get your hands you figured you shared that with the girls of the past long gone.
“To be fair, I scrubbed up as fast as I could and headed out to find you.” He scratched at the back of his head. “Was going to check at the mine and the sleeping bunks.”
His mouth twisted at the last bit. You went over and gently tugged on his shirt. “I only do it when you’re not around, I’m cautious.”
“That’s what worries me.” He looked down at you and smiled, softly.
You could swim and lose yourself in his dark eyes, as the two of you looked unwavering at each other. No words were needed as the emotions welled up at his return. You swallowed. There was always chance he’d crash during reentry. Heck could during take off too, but Navarro was a pretty good pilot so you didn’t worry too much about take off.
He rubbed your arms. “Why don’t you go and wash up and I’ll make us something to eat.”
“Alright. Just don’t burn it this time.”
“Don’t invite me into the shower cubicle and I won’t.”
“I did that didn’t I?”
He smirked. “You certainly did.”
“Alright. Maybe this time I will behave myself.” You giggled.
The water from the shower head fell on you with a good pressure. Since Tyler and the others were known as pretty scavengers the company allowed them some nicer things. Water pressure and rations were among them.
You stood there not worried that the warm water would run out too fast. You just let it melt the cold from the mine and outside that remained in you. The water around your feet obscured with the soot that had clung to you, your hair.
Stretching, you sighed as the crisp scent of his soap comforted you. Turning the knobs, you finally stepped from the shower onto the rough mat which had become a welcome feel under foot as opposed to the cold tile in mass shower rooms.
You smiled, seeing that Tyler had hung up a fresh shirt and the pair of cotton pants, you usually stole when you stayed there. They had shrank in one of the laundry services so they fit you better. Seeing the bundle of yours gone, you knew he must have taken them to put into cleaning cycle.
After slipping on the fresh clothes you reached up and grabbed his towel, it was still faintly wet from his using it earlier. The thought made you smile as you rubbed your hair with it.
You gently slumped against Tyler’s side. Reaching, you placed your fork with a clank on the plate in front of you, only some cornbread crumbs remained.
“You did it. You made a half way decent meal which you didn’t burn.” You said with a half smile on your face.
“Well, I got to do good by my girl.”
His sheets were softer, his pillows fuller and they smelled liked him. His bed, softer then the bunks easily gave under the weight of the two of you.
He was partially on you, your arms around him. His hair soft, as your fingers entwined in the inky strands. Your lips had met and not wanted to part. They were much softer now, then a few month intervals after discovering that softening ointment. It beat away the chapping the wind whipping at your faces did and made the kisses all the more enjoyable. They were far sweeter then any candy you could save up for with your credits.
Pausing, as you felt his hand slipping under the hem shirt you wore; you excitedly letting your fingers leave the softness of his hair pulled up on the shirt and more of yourself was revealed to him. You happily tossed it without worry. His room was always clean and fresh, once he had peaked into his cousin’s room and they couldn’t be anymore opposite.
It puzzled you that Navarro could even tolerate it. But then again the two of you were also very different.
You were soft compared to his toned torso. It excited you and made you feel safe. You had seen him handle himself more then one time at the Bar. Whether defending your honor, his sisters or some stupid fight by the tempers flairing.
Opening, yourself you did so with a warmth and love that you would never allow the company steal away from you.
His lips, grazed your cheeks as he drew close to ear to whisper soft words only spoke between the two of you. Never to be shared.
“Are you well, is now a good time?” You could practically feel his heart thudding in his chest.
You nodded.
The first time or at least the aftermath of it had been right on the cusp of your cycle. Your excitement of him reciprocating your feelings and sharing first touches, kisses had stolen your body’s cues to its soon arrival. When the two of you had awoken the next day, worry had clouded your mind, believing it had ruined any chance of continuing things. But he had been kind, warm not just the cheeky guy who had made your heart squeeze with a wink or a smirk.
“I could barely focus these last three weeks, all I could think about was this. I needed to fuck, my sweet girl, remind her who I am after being off world for so long.”
The contrast to his sweet nature and razor sharp lust, made you moan and make your desire sharpen for him.
“I’m all yours.”
A soft moan broke from your lips and his, as he entered you. You arched against him, you had craved him as well. It had been hard to not answer any of the wanton calls from your body in his absence. Together you found your rhythms and moved. Your breathless moans became louder, sharper the closer you drew to cumming hard under him. You always felt so wonderfully wilted liked the dried flowers people once would keep in those books you had read from that had spoken of love and dreams.
Clutching him hard, your fingers gently pulling on his soft strands you arched against him once again. Your body tightening with pleasure he was giving you. Before you could hold it; it all shattered into moon dust. You softened and wilted under him. He was and would only be the only one to ever make you feel like this.
You met his hungry kisses, whimpering at the well placed love bites, he loved leaving. You felt how his body tightened above you. His deep, pleasure filled moan that filled the small room, you knew he had felt what you had. You relished making him feel just as good. His breath hot as he panted, a soft peppering of kisses as he rested his forehead against yours.
“Hey! Where are you going?”
You had thought you could safely grab your discarded shirt from earlier and curl back up to his side before he even noticed. But that wasn’t the case.
One of his strong arms wrapped around you and held you tightly against him. You turned easily in it to face him. “Was just grabbing my shirt. I had taken a small chill.”
“You’ve got me.” And soon he pulled the blanket and himself closer around you. You were enveloped by him, almost completely.
You pretended to think about it. “This is so much better.”
“It had better be.” And he gave you a quick kiss.
The rain streaked down his window. The brightness of the fluorescent lights that lined the roads of the colony were muted from where he was.
“How long do I have you this time?” You whispered after a few beats of your heart.
“Long enough.”
You wanted to reply with the snappy answer that it never was but you learned this, right now was long enough. Every moment the two of you were together was.
A commotion, peels of laughter and a door slamming shut; drifted through his closed door.
“They’re home.”
You could practically hear him rolling his eyes.
“Hey, hey you’re here lady. Missed you! We need to catch up and have some girl talk in the morning!”
“If she’s awake.” Tyler called back.
“Hey! I wasn’t talking to you.”
You giggled against his chest. “Sure! Sounds like a plan.” You finally called back.
“Great.” She called, her voice further away and then you could hear the one creak in the floor that you knew meant she was now by her own room.
“Here we go.” Tyler whispered.
As the exaggerated laughter came closer flowed by a thud as either Bjorn or Navarro bumped his door, by tipsy accident or deliberate. When they had a few drinks one could never be sure.
“Tyler, now you better be treating that girl of yours in there right. No funny business.”
“Hey, hey now.”
There was a smack and a similar oww, must run in the family you mused.
“He used to be a brute my cousin. He had to learn to be nice and charming.”
“He was always charming and nice to me.” You spoke up.
“Good.” His cousin replied.
“See she confirms. He’s been good to her.”
“Do I give him a gold star then?”
“Come on, let them have some peace. I want to get out of these high boots.”
“Now, I like hearing that.”
And there was only muted muffled sounds, if at all.
“Now that the circus passed.”
You giggled and shook your head. “You love them.”
“I do. I do.” He stretched, but still kept an arm around you. He gave your hip a squeeze.
“So you used to be a brut huh?”
“Yes, but you changed things.” He winked.
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ilovegeorgie · 2 months ago
don’t bother me
george harrison x reader
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genre: confort
warnings: none !
summary: a lazy day with george
a/n: i personally need more geo content
the sky seemed heavy while she stirred in bed, her limbs aching from exhaustion quite unexplainable. it wasn’t just the physical one, it was the kind of tired that consumed your soul, making even getting out of bed feel impossible.
george layed beside her, propped up on one elbow, his soft brown eyes watching her closely. he’d noticed the way her shoulders had drooped the night before, how her laughter didn’t come as easily, how quiet she had been.
“you all right, love?” he asked gently, his voice still thick with sleep.
she turned herself to face him, her lips curving into a faint smile.
“i’m just tired,” she murmured. “not even sure why, i just don’t feel like doing anything today.. or maybe ever.”
george reached out, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
“then don’t,” he said simply, "just fot today" his hand lingering on her cheek, “we don’t have to go anywhere or do anything. we can just stay here.”
she sighed, a wave of relief washing over her at his words.
“you really mean it?” she asked. george’s lips twitched into a small smile, and he leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead.
“course i do. we’ll stay right here. just you and me.”
george brought tea and toast to bed, balancing the tray carefully. they both sat cross-legged on the bed, crumbs scattering across the blankets as they shared bites and talked about everything and nothing. she leaned back against the headboard and george nestled beside her, pulling the blanket up over both of them. she then rested her head on his shoulder, her eyes fluttering shut as his fingers traced lazy patterns on her arm.
“you know,” he said after a while, his voice soft, “you don’t always have to keep going and doing stuff all day, you know? it’s all right to take a day off, to stop and breathe.”
she tilted her head up to look at him, her eyes glassy with unshed tears.
“i know but i just… feel like i should be doing more, like maybe if i actually did something productive, i could take advantage of my life and do something with it,” she admitted. “it's like i’m wasting time if i stop.”
george frowned slightly, his fingers pausing their motion.
“darling,” he said softly, his voice steady and full of care. “you’re not wasting anything. everyone gets tired, and everyone needs a break sometimes. you’ve been doing so much lately. it’s all right to let yourself rest.”
she blinked up at him, her heart swelling at the sincerity in his gaze, a tear slipping down her cheek.
george caught it with his thumb, brushing it away gently before leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of her eye.
“i know you, and i know you need this. so, no more worrying about what you "should" be doing, yeah? today’s just about us.” he said with a small chuckle.
she nodded, her hand reaching up to rest over his.
“georgie, i don’t deserve you,” she said, her voice breaking slightly.
george shook his head, smiling softly.
“i’m the lucky one.”
as the day wore on, they stayed snuggled in the warmth of their bed while she rested her head on his chest.
“you feeling a bit better now, love?” he asked, his lips brushing against her hair.
she nodded, snuggling into him.
“much,” she said, her voice muffled against his chest. “i just needed you.”
george tightened his arms around her, resting his chin on the top of her head.
“well, lucky for you, i’m not planning on going anywhere,”
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rawflwrs · 2 months ago
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mood boards
i. kelvin harrison jr ୫ beautyvlogger!reader
ii. paige bueckers ୫ baker!reader
i. terry richmond ୫ black!reader
i. aaron pierre ୫ black!oc
i. sugardaddy!terryrichmond ୫ camgirl!reader
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ddejavvu · 10 months ago
Hiii I was just wondering if I could request some Han Solo x reader? Like maybe him with a super soft shy reader and Han just has the biggest soft spot for her, like maybe she gets injured in a fight or smth and Han is all sweet and doting towards her (or as sweet as he can be 😭) love youuu
happy may the 4th! send me star wars requests/headcanons and we'll have a party <3
his own brand of sweetness <3
"I told you not to rush in there," Han's voice is stern as his face wrinkles with the force of his frown. He's peering down at your arm, a gash stretching from shoulder to elbow from where a sharpened staff had caught you in the heat of battle. It's not as deep as it is wide, which is a small blessing, but it does sting, moreso when Han slathers it in antiseptic.
"I was trying to help you," You protest feebly, "They were shooting at you."
"Uh-huh," He glances incredulously up at you, "And I was shooting back. That's what a fight is, sweetheart. If I hadn't gotten to you in time, they'd have plucked you off of that spear and hung you on the wall."
"I think I helped, though." Your voice gives way to a slight cough, courtesy of the smoke inhalation you've suffered, "'Cause they got distracted when they saw me and that's how you got through."
"They got distracted 'cause they saw you as an easy target! You should let Chewie and me take care of the stupid stunts," He corrects you, stretching a strip of gauze around your bicep, "And I mean stupid; that was braindead, sister."
Humbled by your injury and Han's lecture combined, you grumble, "You are pretty good at stupid."
"Incredible." He marvels, sitting back and looking at your half-wrapped arm, "I'm sitting here, playing medic because you decided to run face-first into an entire Imperial fleet, and you're sitting here telling me I'm a moron."
"That's because you're yelling at me for trying to help you," You level him with as vicious of a glare as you can manage, "Face it, Han, you can't shoot your way out of everything."
"It's never failed me before," He insists, finishing up the dressing on your freshly cleaned wound, "But thank you, brave warrior, for charging headfirst into a fight you were hopelessly outgunned in, and making me circle back to drag your lifeless body back onto the Falcon."
Thank you for distracting them, is what he really means, but words like those could never come directly from his mouth. You know their translation though, and you grin proudly, "You're welcome, Han."
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bealtesharrisonmacca · 11 months ago
“Be quiet”
Paul McCartney x reader
Fem reader
Words: 2k
Warnings: smut!, not public but not exactly private sex…?
Summary: You and Paul have to share a bed and things get a little tight, the rest of the band is only two doors away.
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The boys manager has asked you to make their next trip as cheap as possible. Even though they are plenty rich, none of them want to spend money on where they sleep, considering they will be preforming or doing press conferences most of the time.
You just booked a little secluded house for them and yourself for their next tour.
But upon arrival you all realize it would have been better to spring for something a little more expensive. The place was very cozy and all, but it only had 2 bedrooms.
The band members run into the house to call dibs on a bed. You follow soon after.
Unfortunately there is only one king sized bed in one room and a little bed in the other.
“Alright lads” Paul said while yawning. “You lot take the king size bed, me and
Y/N will take the other room.”
The others teasingly let out kissy noises and giggles.
“Shut it, I’ll be sleepin on the floor or something” Paul exclaimed firmly.
“Well why don’t you sleep on the floor in here then?” John taunted.
“I don’t wanna listen to yer bloody snoring all night” he answered to no one in particular as he led you out of the room.
The other bedroom was only two doors down from where the others were going to be sleeping. Only room separating l you was a tiny bathroom.
You began unpacking your things while Paul was laying a blanket down on the floor for him to sleep on.
You felt sorry for him, although it was a bit funny to imagine him sleeping all uncomfortably the whole night. Wiggling around and looking up at you in a comfy bed.
“Paulie, are you really sleeping on the floor?” You asked.
“Well, there’s only one bed love”
“It can probably fit us both, we’ll just have to squeeze a bit. I just don’t want you sleeping on the floor, you have a big day tomorrow.” You felt yourself blush as you knew you were proposing a bit of an unethical situation. But it could also just be seen as an innocent suggestion from a worried assistant.
Paul walked over to you. His fingers putting your hair behind your ear. Making you blush even more at the sudden forwardness.
“If yer alright with it, then yes, I would rather sleep in the bed” he paused. “With you..”
The words went right to your head but all you did was smile as you picked up the blanket he had laid on the floor and placed it on the bed.
You started looking for your pajamas only to remember that you hadn’t packed any.
“Fuck” you cursed to yourself.
“What’s wrong love?”
“Well, since I thought we would all be sleeping in separate bedrooms, I didn’t really pack any pajamas.” You said worriedly.
Paul smiled that smug smile he sometimes did.
“So you really didn’t know there was only two bedrooms when you booked this place?” he said as he approached you.
The butterflies in your stomach grew quickly as he came closer. So close you were almost touching.
“No of course not Paulie” you assured him, but it didn’t come out as confidently as you had hoped.
“Okey okey, whatever you say love”
He smirked and walked back to his open bag and he gave you one of his t-shirts.
“You can sleep in this if you want.“
You thanked him, still blushing. You pulled off the t-shirt you were currently wearing and threw on the one he gave you.
Paul watched closely the whole time. His eyes admiring your half clothed body.
You pulled your pants down revealing your legs completely. Thankfully, his T-shirt was big enough to cover your underwear, although you really wouldn’t be complaining if it didn’t.
You laughed silently at the situation. Here you were. About to share a bed with Paul fucking McCartney while almost naked.
“Hope you don’t mind, but I never really sleep with anything except my brief’s.” Paul said as he was getting into the bed.
“No not at all!” You said, maybe a bit too excited at the news.
Paul chuckled while still eyeing you up and down. He didn’t want to admit it, but the look of you wearing nothing but his t-shirt made him really horny. Of course you were still in your underwear, but he couldn’t see those anyways so he imagined they weren’t there.
You got into bed next to him. The bed was smaller than you thought. Immediately you felt your thighs brushing against his. Giving you goosebumps.
You lay with your back towards him while he was still on his back.
“Paulie, I think there would be more room if you were also on your side” you said attempting to seem nonchalant.
Paul did what you said and so now he was spooning you. Paul’s hand was slightly touching your waist. You could sense he didn’t want to cross any boundaries, but he wanted so badly just to touch you. You were laying pretty close and you could feel his growing boner touching your ass.
In the heat of the moment you decide to subtly yet in an obvious way push your lower body into his boner. Just then feeling how big he was.
Paul let out a pleased moan. He was now sure he wasn’t the only one longing for more. His hand tightened around your waist as he began slightly grinding against you.
His motions were pleasing, but it wasn’t enough for either one of you. You needed something more.
You could feel Paul lowering his hand, getting closer and closer to your heat. His fingers lightly brushing against the fabric of your underwear. Making you squeal.
He retracted his fingers, not sure what your reaction meant.
“No, Paul. Don’t stop, I want you Paul” you whispered.
You felt Paul smile behind your neck as he lowered his hand again. This time tracing his fingertips along the top of your underwear before slipping his hand into them.
You gasped as the simple pleasure of just his hand against your heat. He began slowly circling your clit. Making you moan and yearn for more.
“Yer so wet for me already love?” Paul whispered into your ear.
Before you could ask him he slipped two fingers into you. He pulsed his fingers in a slow pace, letting you relax, before going a bit faster.
By now his erection was poking hard into you.
“You sound so pretty, yer makin me really fucking hard y’know”
His voice was low but firm. Sending vibrations down your neck. You turn around to face him. Sadly making him remove his hand from your underwear. The look you give him making his boner grow more than he thought possible.
Your hand went to his crotch to feel his erection. Paul gasped at the slight touch. You could feel how much he wanted to be inside you. And you wanted it as much as him.
Paul climbed on top of you and began kissing you passionately. His lips touched yours in a way no one ever had. Letting out soft moans between each kiss.
His hands traveled from your hair to the bottom of your t-shirt, well, his t-shirt really. He looked at you to make sure you were ok with what he was doing. You nodded and he pulled the t-shirt over your head.
His lips went back to your mouth to kiss you again. His hands nearing your breasts.
Paul trailed kisses along your jawline, down your neck and just barely gracing against one of your breasts. You let out a delighted moan. Urging him to continue.
But he didn’t continue. You looked up at him curiously. He was sitting on his knees over you. Hands by your head.
You could see what he wanted. You had kept him waiting long enough. Looking down at his briefs as you started pulling them off. You tossed them to the side when they were off.
He was huge. Just the thought of him stretching you out caused you to moan.
Paul smirked as he started pulling your underwear off as well. He went to kiss you again but this time his hand was back on your clit. Your hips bucking at every slight touch. You needed him inside you.
Paul lined himself up, his tip barely brushing against you. You try moving down to get closer to his cock but he then pulled further away. Making you groan frustratedly.
“Don’t move” Paul demanded.
He grabs your hands and hold them above your head. Keeping you still. He used his other hand to open your legs wider for him. You gladly oblige.
“Good girl, now don’t move and don’t make a sound. The boys are asleep just down the hall”
You squirm at the thought of one of them walking in on you like this. But before you can continue your train of thought Paul thrusts into you. A loud moan escaping your throat.
One of Paul’s hand fly to your mouth to cover the sounds you’re making. You can’t help it. You want to scream his name for all the world to hear. He thrusts at a slow pace to keep the volume down, but mostly to tease you. You try moving your hips to get more of him in you but he grabs your hips tightly. Holding them in place and keeping you from moving.
“I said don’t move, you gotta take what I give ye or nothing”
You nod reluctantly. Knowing the only way to get what you want is to listen. And if you were being honest, following Paul’s orders really turned you on. After all you were his assistant so it’s only right he’s in charge of what happens.
His hand is still covering your mouth as he suddenly pushes his cock deep inside you. Muffled sounds escaping your mouth. You arch your back at the pleasure.
You feel your climax building up and your moans and shaking legs makes Paul realize that as well. Right before you hit your climax, Paul slows his pace and pulls out of you. An angry grunt escapes you. You look at him, still longing for a release.
Paul looks at you in a way that tells you he really enjoys keeping you on edge. He quickly flips you over on your front, displaying your ass to him. He gives a few kisses to your back as his hands wanders to your hips, holding you tightly before slamming into you again. You immediately scream out his name, but this time his hand isn’t covering your mouth.
Paul stills inside you at the that sound leaves you lips, almost refusing to move.
“Do you want to get caught? Are you such a slut you want someone to hear you?” Paul says rather loudly before harshly thrusting into you.
“Well then that’s what we’ll do, let everyone hear how good you take my cock”
You shiver at his words. You couldn’t hold yourself anymore. You scream his name through moans. Not bothered by the fact you have probably awoken the boys by now.
He picks up his pace, not letting go of your hips. With every thrust reaching a special spot inside you. The pressure of your climax is strikingly close. Pauls breath tells you he is also nearing his climax
With one last thrust you feel yourself unveiling. You and Paul come together in a blissful mix of breathy moans and sweaty body’s. You immediately feel all your stress fading with your orgasm.
Paul kisses your forehead and you go back to your spooning position. Still out of breath. You cuddle for a while before falling asleep
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cherry-velvet-skies · 6 months ago
Please Don't Be Long
George Harrison × GN!Reader
Genre: Fluffyyy hehe
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol
Words: 2.7k
Summary: 1968-69 era; The universe has a unique way of continuously bringing Geo and Reader together, and it’s time they finally accept the invitation (featuring a brief appearance by Ringo The Wingman lmao)
A/N: The idea for this fic was requested by the wonderful @leia-saveourskins (thank you so much for the request! 🥰)
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The moderately loud music flowing through the stereo speakers was all that could be heard in your ears as you made your way around the room, trying your best to mingle with the other guests. You enjoyed your fair share of house parties, as they were a great way to get to know new people, as well as reconnecting and maintaining previously established friendships.
You and George had met before. Granted, it was only briefly, but you remembered enough to recognize his face in the crowd on the other side of the room. George was the reserved type, preferring to stick around the people he knew best and enjoy the good music and tasty snacks. Parties weren't exactly his scene, but he knew how to make the best of them.
You attended this particular event with a few of your other friends, who, at this moment, were nowhere to be found. You shrugged your shoulders, assuming they would come find you when they wanted, or rather needed, to call it a night and head home, as you elected to be the designated driver for the evening.
Worming your way through the room of dancing people to where George was, you felt a smile growing on your face the closer you got to him. He had this wonderful energy that could be felt from a mile away, not to mention he was certainly quite handsome.
He was sitting on a sofa in the far corner of the room, holding a less than half-full glass of what appeared to be white wine. There were several other people sitting around him, one of which seemed to be telling a rather interesting story, with the other guests listening with rapt attention. You didn't recognize all of these people, only a few in passing, but one of which you knew quite well, immediately recognizing the array of dazzling rings scattered across his fingers.
Ringo had actually been the one to introduce you to George. You met him at a party similar to this one a few weeks prior, and after chatting for several minutes, he seemed to get the impression that you two would hit it off, promptly bringing you over to say hello. It was nice to see him again as well, seeing as the only people you knew here were off on their own adventures. You sighed in relief, your worry that you would be left awkwardly alone for the evening gradually fading away. 
The interesting campfire sofa story seemed to come to an end, and a gap opened up in the small crowd. You strode forward, seizing the opportunity, making your way to a cozy little spot next to him on the sofa. Before you could even sit down and reintroduce yourself, George looked up at you, smiling brightly, playfully pointing a finger in your direction.
“Ah, I remember you.” He said cheerily, and although he did not attempt to raise his voice to be heard over the music, somehow you could hear him just fine. “Always nice to see another familiar face.”
“Hi George.” You giggled, feeling your hands fidget slightly at your sides, but you tried your best to not let it show. Somewhere between your starting location and here, all the confidence of speaking to George had blown away, and all that was left was your increasingly shy tone and a small blush creeping up your cheeks.
Before continuing the conversation with you, George looked to the other side of him and tapped his friend on the shoulder. “What do you know, Rich? I guess you do have a gift. We meet again!” Ringo turned to face you, his bright blue eyes lighting up despite the slightly dim lighting in the room.
“And here you are!” He said happily, standing from the couch to pull you into a warm hug. A surprised laugh left your throat, but you hugged him back, feeling him pull away almost as quickly to let you sit down next to George. “I'll let you two lovebirds get to chatting.” He mused as he disappeared into the next room.
You returned your gaze to George and felt the blush on your face get stronger. He didn't seem to notice, or rather, he didn't point it out, instead twisting his torso to reach behind him for a bottle of wine. “Fancy a drink?” He asked, pausing to top off his own glass.
“I really shouldn't, but thank you anyway.” You replied politely. “I'd rather be more alert when I have to round up my friends and drive them home later tonight.” George nodded understandingly, a small chuckle leaving his lips. He cleared his throat before taking another sip.
“Responsibility is quite uncommon these days. Much like common sense.” He laughed at his own joke, and you laughed too, remembering that his sense of humor was something you immediately liked about him when you first met. He may have been on the quiet side, but he could crack a mean joke. Listen close, or you just might miss it.
George wasn't one for small talk. He found it boring and mundane, which you actually appreciated, as you found it awkward and uncomfortable. You loved that he dove right in when talking to people, asking the deeper, more interesting questions. Questions about life and the wonder of it all, and everything we could be learning about the world and ourselves if we just got out of our brains all the time and back into our bodies, feeling and seeing the world as it was meant to be experienced. You were absolutely enthralled, listening closely and chiming in where you could relate or feel your curiosity piqued. Just as you felt yourself wanting to rest your head on his shoulder, becoming captivated by a campfire sofa story of your own, you felt someone bump into the sofa cushion behind you, mumbling your name.
You turned around to see one of your friends, with the other two standing a bit further behind her. You could barely understand her slurry of unintelligible words, and judging by her smudged makeup, you weren't sure if she had been crying, or just plainly drunk and possibly high out of her mind. Either way, the three had clearly tracked you down because they wanted to go home.
You sighed, turning back to George, grimacing slightly, annoyed that you had to leave just when the conversation was starting to get good. George didn't seem bothered, still offering a warm smile. “They've come for their cab.” He said cheekily. “Go on ahead, I'll see ya ‘round.”
You couldn't help but laugh at his comment, an instant mood booster despite being upset at your untimely departure. Pausing to give George a modest peck on the cheek, you stood from your spot on the sofa, collected your now rather disoriented looking friends, and shuffled out the door.
About two weeks later, you received a phone call from Ringo, inviting you to another party, this time of his own creation. In any other case, you would have declined, not feeling very social as of late, but no sooner did you open your mouth to object, a thought entered your brain. If Ringo was hosting the party, there’s a pretty good chance George was going to be there as well. 
Ever since your last encounter with him at the previous party, he had been a lingering thought in all areas of your mind. The first time you met him, there was no room to have a meaningful chat as the awkward silence had taken up most if not all of the conversation. And last time appeared to be promising until your evening was cut short by your petulant plus-ones. But this time, there would be no distractions, and you were gonna make sure of it. This was the third time the great universe had given you another shot at making a connection with George, and there was no way you were going to pass it up. This time, you would be going solo. Having mentally finalized your decision, you graciously accepted Ringo’s invitation, and hung up the phone.
By the time the party rolled around, you were practically buzzing with excitement. All previous antisocial feelings had gone out the window, since now, you knew there was going to be something at this party that could spark your interest. When you arrived at the party, via cab of course, as now there was no need to play designated driver, you were immediately greeted by Ringo, who promptly offered you a drink and gently encouraged you to go mingle. 
This party was quite different from the last one. It was by no means a fancy gathering, but it felt much more sophisticated. There were less people than last time, greatly lowering the level of potential chaos. Despite the decreased number of guests, it was the most reserved form of the word ‘wild’ and it was still clear that everyone was having a great time. There was a record playing gentle dance music from one of the rooms. You weren’t sure if it was instrumental or you just couldn’t make out the lyrics, but you enjoyed it either way. You searched for the source of the music to hopefully catch the title of the record when you bumped into someone on the way out, nearly spilling your drink on their shirt. 
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” You shrieked, eyes still facing towards the floor in both confusion and embarrassment. You looked up to deliver another heartfelt apology and instead you froze, your eyes widening.
“Better watch where you’re headed, love.” George teased, punctuating his statement by brushing a stray strand of hair out of your face. You already felt yourself blushing, feeling the need to apologize even more fervently now that you knew your encounter had not been with a random stranger. 
“George!” You shrieked again, not sure why you said his name as you didn’t have anything to say after that, but followed it up with the best thing you could think of. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Following me, eh?” He mused, playfully poking you in the arm. You blushed harder, your free hand fidgeting with the bottom of your drink glass, the fingers on your other hand tapping the side awkwardly. 
“Perhaps it’s fate.” You blurted out, the thought sounding more confident in your head. But you felt yourself breathe a sigh of relief when George chuckled at your statement. 
“Divine timing.” he nodded knowingly.
“The universe wants us to keep meeting at these parties.” You giggled, trying to keep your composure while also ecstatic that George shared your theory. “It would be a shame to not accept the invitation. And besides, we never finished our conversation from last time.”
“I s’pose you make a point.” He grinned, flashing that ever-gorgeous fang-toothed smile. 
“So…shall we dance?” You offered, gesturing to the surrounding area between the two of you. George looked around, eyes following your hands at your silent gestures. 
“I don’t have the best moves, love, but I’ll try.” He laughed nervously. As if on cue, you heard the random instrumental record change, and a soft romantic melody began to play. You felt a large beaming smile spread across your face, silently thanking the universe yet again for its ‘divine timing’. “Ah,” George said softly, “now, slow dancing, I might be fair at.” He held his hand out for you to hold, which you happily accepted, assuming the slow dance positions.
George moved your hand that he was holding onto his shoulder, and you moved your other hand to his other shoulder. You felt like electricity was going to start buzzing out of you when George repositioned his hands to softly rest against your waist, but you tried your best to be calm. You let out an excited giggle that sounded more like a shriek, but George’s expression proved he found it rather endearing.
“Well…” he whispered, his voice vibrating as you rested your head on his chest, “you said you wanted to continue our other conversation?” You had gotten so comfortable with the current situation, your body filled with tranquility instead of nervousness, that you forgot you had even said that.
“Oh…” you trailed off, picking your head up from his chest to stare into his eyes, a warm deep brown you found yourself getting lost in, “right, I did say that. But for now I only have one question.” George continued to stare at you, gently nodding in wait for your question, the corners of his lips twitching upwards into a brief yet heartwarming grin. “Does divine timing work for romance as well?”
The second the sentence left your lips, the anxious part of you immediately wanted to take it back, but George didn’t mind. He smiled again, keeping his usual calm demeanor as he had done the whole time. “Well,” he began, same as how he usually started any of his philosophical observations, “if that is true, there would also have to be some sort of sign to confirm or deny it. Something to suggest if it is the right time, or something to interrupt it if the time isn’t right.” You listened intently, feeling yourself unconsciously smiling as he spoke, completely captivated by his perspective. You moved one of your hands higher on his shoulders to rest just above the collar of his shirt, brushing your fingers against the soft skin of his neck.
“Well how do we know if the time is right?” You asked, not even realizing you had already picked up his habit of putting that word at the beginning of sentences. But just as you posed the question, you felt time begin to slow down around you. Suddenly, all the other guests felt a million miles away, the music felt louder, and now, in that moment, it was just you and George, and nothing else mattered. It felt incredible, as your brain was able to block out all the other worldly noise, and just concentrate on the here and now, something you found yourself unable to do so effectively before.
George thought about it for a second, his tongue darting out to lick his lips, the edges of his mustache stretching out as a knowing smirk appeared on his face. “Well, let’s find out then, shall we?”
You thought he was going to do some sudden movement as if to attract the attention of the universe for any objections, or send a cheeky statement sailing out into the ether, but nothing could have prepared you for the moment he leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on your lips.
Your eyes widened in shock, feeling your fingers involuntarily grip at his shoulder, but that was soon replaced by an overwhelming joy spreading through your body. George placed his hand under your jaw, his fingers cupping your chin to deepen the kiss. You sighed happily, closing your eyes again and wrapping your arms around him, resting your wrists on the back of his neck. 
It was a purely heavenly sensation. You found yourself softly giggling against his lips, pulling away for a mere second to look in his eyes again. George smiled back at you, briefly looking around and boastfully shrugging his shoulders. “I guess the universe had no problem with that.” He quipped.
He opened his mouth to say something else but stopped, his eyes fixated on something in another room through one of the open doors as he let out an adorable little giggle. “In fact, I think we may have actually had a little help.” He turned back to you, pointing in the direction of whatever had caught his eye. You turned around to see Ringo standing over by the record player, proudly swirling his drink glass in one hand, his other hand holding the decorative album sleeve for the romantic record that was currently playing. He raised his glass to toast the happy couple from afar, sealing his stamp of accomplishment with a supportive, bright-blue-eyed wink. You and George laughed in stereo, your smile growing wider as you gave Ringo a grateful two thumbs up before turning back to George.
“I guess the universe did have a plan for us.” You joked, not sure if you felt yourself release a dreamy sigh or it was all in your mind. 
George nodded agreeingly, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear as he stared into your eyes. “I guess it did.” He laughed before pulling you closer for another loving kiss.
AAAAA I'm so happy with how this one turned out! I did go a little rogue off the request by adding Ringo in the mix lol but I think it still works well and I hope y'all think so too 🥰 Taglist: @little-bit-of-mystery @nosegoes @cocteautwiny @queen-of-stars @thatgoesinthere-misshapes @harrisongslimited @hyasynth1
If you would like to be added to this list, comment on this post or send me an ask!
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companionjones · 1 year ago
Every Night
Pairing: Han Solo x Reader
Fandom: Star Wars (Original Trilogy)
Summary: Han talks to you every night to help you get to sleep. Tonight, you stay up a little later, and find out what Han talks about after he thinks you're asleep.
Warnings: None!
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Laying down with Han at the end of the day was always what you were looking forward to most when you got up in the morning. After all the smuggling, fighting, and running you would do with Chewie, it was nice to lay back and relax with the love of your life.
Maybe that was why you felt yourself falling towards sleep much faster with Han than you would've been without him.
"Back in those days, they didn't have marcinium detectors like they do now. It was much easier for Chewie and I to run trips between Nolana and Quermec." Han was quietly talking, like he always was after lights out. It helped you to get to sleep faster.
What it probably was was the adrenaline of the day that kept you awake just a little bit longer than normal. The three of you had been caught smuggling ten barrels of an illegal substance across a star system. Being arrested would have been inconvenient, to say the least. But I digress, the point was by the time your breath had evened out and you were completely comfortable, you were still just enough awake to hear Han talk. And talk he did.
After a slight pause, which you later realized was Han assessing whether or not you were asleep, he started talking about something other than his and Chewie's exploits before you came along.
"...I wish you could have seen yourself through my eyes today. You were...a force to be reckoned with. I thought we were done for once that guard got suspicious, but you saved us--like you always do. You were so calm, collected, and confident that honestly, I thought about blowing the whole operation and kissing you senseless right there.
"I could kiss you anytime, really. Any day of the week. Even when you just wake up, and you have those little crusty things by your eyes, I just want you all to myself. You know what? Especially then. I just love you so much. It grows more and more everyday and--"
"Do you talk like this about me every night?" you interrupted him to ask.
Han was silent for a few moments. He was probably embarrassed that you had caught him gushing about you. Eventually, he spoke, "How long have you been listening?"
"I never fell asleep, honey," you looked at him with a smirk.
Almost like it was second nature, Han kissed your forehead, but he looked a little distressed.
"Baby?" Your smirk still had not left your face.
"You know I love you just as much, right? Even when you have the crusty things in your eyes in the morning."
And just like that, Han was back to normal, with a smirk of his own on his lips. “You love me just as much, huh? I find that hard to believe since my love for you spans the whole of the galaxy."
"Who says my love doesn't?"
Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it! I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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lick-me-lennon22 · 9 months ago
Poly!Beatles X Heartbroken!Reader - With A Little Help From My Friends
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(hello lovebugs! 🐞 please enjoy this request fill for anon, who asked for a poly!beatles fic where the boys comfort the reader who is still reeling from a recent breakup)
The air felt heavy as you sat on the worn-out couch, your fingers tracing absent-minded patterns on the surface of a book you hadn't bothered to open. The memories of your recent breakup lingered like a stubborn stain, refusing to fade with time. It had been weeks since then, yet the ache in your chest persisted, a constant reminder of what once was.
You heard the door creak open, and through the blur of your thoughts, you recognized the familiar voices of the Beatles. "Honey, we're home!" John called out in a singsong voice as he, Paul, George, and Ringo entered your flat, placing armfuls of groceries down on the countertop.
Noticing your lack of response, they exchanged worried glances, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation.
"Hey, love," Paul greeted softly, his eyes filled with concern as he took in your distant expression.
"Everything alright?" George asked, his voice laced with genuine worry.
You forced a smile, nodding faintly. "Yeah, just... thinking."
John sat down beside you, his presence a comforting weight against your side. "Care to elaborate?"
You chuckled, shaking your head. "Not really."
John's expression softened and he sighed, deciding he would be the one to break the ice. "We can see that it's still hurting you, you know."
Ringo chimed in, his voice gentle. "We hate seeing you like this, love. It's not right."
You swallowed the lump in your throat, the warmth of their concern seeping through the cracks in your facade. "I... I'm trying to move on, but it's not easy."
Paul wrapped his arm around you in a gentle embrace, his touch grounding you. "You don't have to do it alone, you know. We're here for you, remember? Through thick and thin."
The other three lads quickly joined in the hug as their words washed over you like a tidal wave of peace, the soothing balm of their voices easing the ache in your heart just a fraction. For so long, you had shouldered your pain alone, convinced that no one could understand the depth of your despair. But in that moment, you realized you were not alone - that you never had been. Here they were, your knights in shining armor, surrounding you with the warm glow of their love. In their presence, you felt safe, cherished, and understood- feelings you had thought were lost forever in the wake of your breakup.
"Thanks, guys," you murmured, the weight of your burdens lifting with each passing moment. "I really appreciate it."
"Anytime, love," Paul reassured, stroking your hair affectionately. "We've got more than enough love to go around, you know."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you leaned into their embrace, allowing yourself to be enveloped by their love and warmth. In that moment, the weight of your past began to lift, replaced by the promise of a brighter future - one where you were surrounded by the unwavering support of the four men who had come to mean everything to you.
As the evening faded into night, you clung to them tightly, grateful for the four men who had become your rock, your refuge, and your home. No matter what the future held, you knew that you would always have them by your side, guiding you through the storm and into the light.
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marveldcfandom · 17 days ago
Y/N & Hulk are being confronted by the Red Hulk.
Y/N: Another Hulk but now Red.
Hulk: Hulk don’t like Red Hulk. Hulk smash Red Hulk.
Y/N: Go ahead, big guy.
Hulk & Red Hulk roar at each other.
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GIFs from @solidsmax & @pedro-reed
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melosliving · 2 months ago
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kelvin harrison jr x pregnant!reader
warning : overly cuuute husband kelvin (I need him)
husband!kelvin who knew he wanted you to be the mother of his kids after y’all kissed for the first time.
husband!kelvin who couldn’t help but smile every time he would see you running towards every kid you would see at a family function.
husband!kelvin who chokes with either his drink or his spit when asked about a baby with you.
"Damn you be in my business ?"
"Don’t do that." he would laugh.
husband!kelvin who overtime develops the cute habit of caressing your belly when cuddling with you before sleeping.
husband!kelvin who annoyingly starts to sing random lullabies, which leads to you being pissed off because the songs are now stuck in your head.
husband!kelvin who quietly snaps pictures of you each time you find yourself with a baby in your arms, gushing about how beautiful you look.
bestie!aaron who tells kelvin he has a baby fever, which makes him wonder if you actually wanted to have kids with him.
"bro, look how cute she looks !" he said, showing aaron a picture of you holding your cousin’s son.
"you would make cute babies, that’s for sure."
"huh ?" he asked, dumbfounded. "you think she wants to have kids with me ?" he seriously asked aaron.
"brother, I don’t think she would’ve accepted to get married to you if she didn’t want your babies." aaron simply answers.
"You right ! hum.. baby ?" kelvin said, now searching for you.
husband!kelvin who when he finally finds you in the kitchen, feeding one of your brother’s kid, definitely knows he wants to have kids with you. Now.
"you would make the best mother, you know that baby ?" he says, coming behind you while circling his arms around you.
pregnant!reader who is a mess after actually finding out she was indeed pregnant and immediately calls Kelvin’s mom.
husband!kelvin who laughed in your sister’s face when she congratulated him, not knowing he didn’t know you were pregnant.
husband!kelvin who cries in your arms when you told him you were pregnant. He never let you go after that.
husband!kelvin who decided to buy a camera and record every little thing you would do. From the first sonogram, to the first clothes you bought for the baby, etc.. at every end of the day he would film himself saying good night to the baby.
"okay, so today we’re finding out if you’re a boy or a girl ! What are you thinking mama ?" He says, turning the camera so you would be seen on the screen.
Sitting pretty in the passenger seat, you put your sunglasses on, smiling. "I think it is a girl," you say, caressing your 4 month belly. "I do too actually !" Kelvin nodded.
husband!kelvin who can help but feel bad for you every time you would throw up and crave weird things such as ice with pickles (wtfff) but would nonetheless give you anything you desire.
husband!kelvin who can’t help but worship the ground you walk on everyday. His eyes would glisten each time he would see you wear whatever that made your pretty bump visible.
"smile for the camera mama !" he would say.
soon-to-be-father!kelvin who would jump out of the bed when you told him that your water broke, freaking out already.
soon-to-be-father!kelvin who holds your hand through it all, looking at you with concern as he watched your face contorting in pain. he would do anything to ease your pain : ice chips ? He got you. Hand ? Take it. Need him close ? he would do anything to be in your skin.
Soon-to-be-father!kelvin who is so proud of you for going through all of this and handling it like the champ you are !
"You’re doing so good baby, I’m so proud of you." He would whispered in your ear, still holding your hand. He would then kiss your forehead as you pushed. "c’mon you got it, the baby is almost here mama."
Soon-to-be-father!kelvin who would be nosy as hell, trying to see the baby coming out of you in live, almost pushing the doctor and nurses just so he could see.
girl dad!kelvin who waited a whole 9 months to be able to sing to you "your pum pum bring life ! your tight pum pum bring life !" While holding y’all daughter.
"You’ve got so much hair my love ! Yeah, you’re so pretty.."
@ melosliving 2025
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adriellej · 11 months ago
The way
Warnings: None really. 
Pairings: Team Flash, Harry x Reader.
Word count: 1.6K+
A/N: I made something cute again! I’m apparently all in for the cute stuff lately. I was looking on Pinterest to get some ideas and I fell over this. I just knew it had to be Cisco’s line, didn’t imagine it to turn into a whole Harry situation, but it kinda did!
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GIF and Prompt isn't mine. Found on google and found on Pinterest.
You had always been an active outdoorsy person. You always played every sport you could find. You’d take long walks with your family, and when you got old enough you went hiking on your own. You had traveled quite a lot, all over the world really. 
Lately, it had been some slow days for team Flash, metas were on the down-low, no big current villain to haunt down. So you had convinced the team to come hiking with you. You knew an amazing place just outside of Central City. It was beautiful at sunset, but it was also a bit of a hike to get on top of the small mountain. 
It wasn’t everyone who was as excited for it as you were, and a few, or one specific, had been quite reluctant to go. It’s no point, makes no sense to waste our time doing this. Our time is better spent developing our tech than this, you recalled in your memory. Others had been excited and joyful. Oh yes! This would be awesome, it’s going to be so much fun! You had laughed at how excited Barry was to go. 
You looked around at your friends, they were like family to you and you were so excited to be spending this time with them. Barry was running in the front with Ralph right on his heels. They had made it into a competition; who could reach the top first? Caitlin and Iris were walking beside you and right behind you were Harry and Cisco, who were of course bickering about something.
“You know, this wasn’t a bad idea Y/N,” Caitlin mused beside you, all you could do was smile and say thank you. You dwelled in the moment, making mental pictures of it, because you knew you would have to go back to the real world at some point. Suddenly you heard a yelp.
“This is my life now. I have climbed this hill and now I will die upon it.” Cisco dramatically exclaimed. “Shut up. We’ve only been hiking for twenty minutes.” You and Harry said in unison causing the two girls beside you to laugh. “You two have a fun way of being quite alike,” Iris ushered. “Have you made up your mind?” Caitlin continued Iris’ thinking. You smiled and shook your head. “Come on, you must know if you want to or not!” Iris said a little louder than you wanted her to. 
“Iris, shhh!” You half panicked when Harry glanced at you with an amused look. “I don’t need him to know anything,” you spoke lowly. “At least not until I tell him on my own,” you continued as you looked at your girlfriends. A big smile spread on both of their lips. “Oh yes! You’re going to be so cute,” Iris shrieked. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself Iris. It would have to include that he likes me too, ya know.” You tried to not get your own hopes up. 
You had had a crush on the Earth 2 Harrison Wells for quite some time by now. Iris had asked you one day what it was about him that made your heart flutter. At that moment you had said everything, but it had started a thought process over what it was about him. 
You could conclude on your own that it was the way his dimples came out when he smiled at you. It was the way he looked at you, that made your knees go soft. It was the way it didn’t matter to you if you understood what he said or not, you just loved to listen to him talk about something he was passionate about. It was the way that he tried to explain it to you, with no annoyance or anything. It was the way it felt when your fingers grazed each other when handing stuff to one another. It was the small hugs at the end of the really long days, that no one saw. It was something only you two had and moments only you shared. 
It was how he always put a smile on your lips when you thought of him. The way he made fun with you, told jokes, and laughed with you. He’s the first thing you think of in the morning and the last thing you think of at night. 
You glimpsed back at him. His baseball cap tugged down on top of his glasses, his black t-shirt showing his very nice muscled arms, and his sweater wrapped around his waist because it became too hot to wear. Oh yeah, and then he’s just flipping hot and sexy, you thought to yourself. 
“Iris come on, you need to see the view from up here!” Barry yelled down to his wife. A big smile spread across her face. “Race you to the top?” Cisco chimed in right beside you. They all shared a look and ran off, leaving you behind with Harry. 
“Hey,” He said as he joined you and adjusted his speed to fit yours. 
“Hey yourself,” you said as you nudged his shoulder with yours and a smile you couldn’t hide. “Is it as bad as you thought it would be?” You slowly started to converse with him. He breathed in and held it for a second before letting it go in a small laugh. 
“Well no, not with you by my side at least,” He smiled as he glanced down at you. His icy blue orbs were filled with enjoyment and warmth. Maybe Iris and Caitlin weren’t wrong when they said he had a thing for you too. 
You reached the top with the others just in time for the sunset creating the most beautiful purple, pink, and orange lights across the sky. 
“Wow, this is absolutely stunning,” Caitlin pointed out to the rest of the group. “How long have you kept this gem to yourself?” She continued looking back at you. 
“Well, not for as long as you would think. I found it a few months ago, just haven’t had a chance to show you guys yet,” you stated. 
Everyone fell silent for a while. Barry and Iris were sitting with their legs hanging off the little cliff, and Ralph, Cisco, and Caitlin were joking about something further away. Yourself, you were leaning on a big stone that was stood by a tree. Enjoying the moment. Savoring it as much as you possibly could. Harry came up to lean against the tree beside you. 
“Ya know, I was afraid something would happen and ruin this moment. I was expecting a meta alarm to finally go off and take this moment away from us, but it didn’t.” You looked into the horizon, with a dreaming look on your face. 
“I think we needed this more than we thought,” Harry caught your attention and you turned to look at him, his hand resting on your shoulder. His features were soft as he spoke. “With Savitar, with the metas, with the Earth X’ers. Having this moment with our family is worth more than anything,” Harry was a quite soft and warm person behind the hard glares, the grumpiness, and the insults. 
“Harry, with a risk of ruining this moment, can I ask you two questions?” You turned completely towards him with a soft smile on your lips. 
“Sure, though I would bet to say it would equal in three questions, taking the one you just did ask,” He joked and huffed a small laugh. “See, already ahead of you, that was one of the two questions!” You exclaimed poking out your tongue at him. “I know you too well,” You continued and he laughed. His laugh was like music to your ears, you would give anything to listen to it all day. 
“Go on,” he pushed. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again, looking straight into his captivating ones. 
“How do you feel about me?” You spoke lowly scared to say it out too loud. 
“How do I feel about you?” He looked puzzled at you. You looked down on the ground before you spoke again. 
“I like you, Harry. I like you a lot, and I have for a while now. I just haven’t had the guts to ask, because I’m afraid I might ruin what we have. We have an amazing friendship, and you are by far one of my best friends, and I would hate for it-” you ranted on before you were cut short by Harry.
“Y/N, stop blabbering and look at me,” His hand went to take yours and you looked more at your hands than at him. He crouched down into your view forcing you to look at him, and you followed as he stood up straight again. “I have a hard time going through my day if I don’t see you. It’s like my day isn’t good before I’ve seen your smile. You're the one who brings some light into my life while Jesse isn’t here. I wouldn’t want our friendship to be jeopardized in the slightest bit.” He continued to talk, and you could feel your face fall a little bit at the last part he was saying. “Stop overthinking it, Y/N. I’m trying to say that I like you a lot too, it’s just not coming across the way I want it to,” He laughed nervously as his hand went to scratch the back of his neck.
You looked up at him, removing the last part of space between you as you stepped up to kiss him. His hands found their way to cup your face and yours snaked around his neck. 
“FINALLY!” Cisco and Ralph yelled out. You laughed against his lips before he started pecking your lips several times in a row. His hands snaked around your waist instead and deepened the kiss. “Okay you two, we get it, you’re in love, now get a room!” Cisco yelled out again. 
“Shut up Cisco!” You yelled out in unison again.
Tag list:
@hiddenwritingsintheworld, @brianllamawrites
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stardancerluv · 6 months ago
A Space Journey
Part Two
Summary: New developments for Tyler. Reader and Tyler
Notes/Warnings: Mentions of fights in Tyler’s past. Esteem issues with Reader. Company induced angst with Tyler. Drinking. (Be safe and responsibly)
Runs long. It’s been writing itself. Ooh, he so deserved better.
❤️s, feedback, comments & reblogs are welcome!
Tyler, stood outside of the office. Opening and closing his hands, unease prickled him. The rain was particularly heavy today and he was more then happy to be out of it. He couldn’t imagine what they would want. He just had a very good salvage. They should be happy.
“Harrison, get in here.”
Turning sharply on his heal he went into the office. He bit the inside of his cheek when he saw a high ranking military officer and someone from the science office.
“You wanted to see me sir.” He kept his eye level straight. Just past the balding, company man that sat behind the desk and directed to to his salvages.
“Yes, Harrison. We’ve noticed you.”
The seat creaked as he sat back.
He felt his heart pick up speed.
“Me sir?”
The man nodded. “One of our bigger cargo ships has gone missing. It’s beacon recently came back online but no one is answering any of the coms we sent.”
The man gave an indifferent shrug.
“Perhaps, space pirates took it, raided it and killed the crew; we can’t be sure. But we want you to go and look into it.”
“When sir?”
“Fifteen days, Harrison.”
“If I may, depending on where it is why not send me now and perhaps I’ll come back faster then planned like with the Omega 17 salvage I just came back from.”
For a moment, a smug expression fell over his face. The pay day and his efficiency was superb. But he caught himself, and went back to a blank expression.
The man behind the desk chuckled.
“Told you guys, my boy is motivated.” The glanced at the two other men. “And he’s good. My best.” He gave him a smile. It made his stomach churn.
The military man stepped forward. “We believe, this time you will encounter hostiles.”
He pressed his lips together.
“Alright. I’ve never dealt with hostiles or anyone for that matter.”
“What about the few fights that led to a late night, dawn in one of the 4 by 10 rooms?” The man’s razor thin mouth cracked into a smirk that spread across his face.
This was beginning to sound like something he may not walk away from. He felt ill.
“Easy. You will get some training. You don’t get it, it doesn’t sink in before we need to ship out; we replace you.
“Hey, you said it would be my man we’re using.” The man behind the desk genuinely rankled.
Tyler never would have guessed that he cared one way or another.
The military officer shrugged. “My men will give you a rundown on how to handle yourself.”
“What about my crew?”
“Honestly? We are well aware of how important your family is to you, they can stay on the Corbelan IV, your cousin doesn’t need any help from us. Or we can give you a different crew.”
The man’s tone was as flat and as unforgiving as he looked.
“We don’t care as long as you accomplish what we want you for.”
“How’s the payout?”
The man behind the desk let out a chuckle. The military officer glanced down at him and back to him.
“If it all works out you will be able refit uthe Corbelan IV with the repairs its been needing and more.”
“Alright done.”
“Go to quadrant twenty seven at eight hundred hours tomorrow.”
Tyler, moved through throngs of people. Another miserable day in Jackson. His mind was a jumble. Did be really say yes?
“Baby want a good time?” Hand reached out, he grimaced and shook his head barely stopping.
He had to get out here. You all did. Damn, you had never even see anything else.
He was grateful, when he got to the Corbelan no one was there. He needed some time to think.
He plopped down in one of the chairs. It barely gave under his weight. But it would have to do. Looking out of the shuttered smudged window, he saw more dark clouds had rolled in bringing more rain.
He raked his fingers through his hair. He could do this. If he felt strong enough he’d bring the others along. How would he even explain using another crew.
He smirked to himself, at the idea of making some solid credit. They had wanted him. His eyes moved over the small sitting space. Grungy, cramped. Far too small. He rested a boot on the table.
Two small hands that had rough softness covered his eyes. A broad smile curled his lips.
“Guess who?”
He chuckled, tilting his head to one side. “My annoying sister.”
A peel of laughter came from above him.
“Guess again?“
“Oh! Oh! I know Navarro.”
“No!!!” You slipped to the side of him, hand on your hip.
“I knew it was you.”
He chuckled but as he looked you up and down, a smirk curled his lips. Damn. Even in your faded, torn company shirt and cargo pants you looked good.
“Looking good baby.”
You shrugged. “May I?“ Your eyes fell to his lap and back up to his eyes.
“Please.” He smirked pushing against the chair, it was unforgiving. So he could happily make room for you in his lap.
You easily made yourself comfortable. It relaxed him after what he had just gone through, good or bad. It had filled him with unease filled confidence if that was even possibly.
You wiggled more and then giggled.
“Tyler? Are you off world?”
Another giggle came from you.
His attention coming back to he rose an eyebrow as he saw you giving him a playfully serious look from under the shield of his cap. You were far too cute sometimes.
“Just the meeting I had.”
He made a face, mentally shrugging the feel off. He looked at you, cocking an eyebrow.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice.”
“What? Oh this?” You playfully placed your hands on his cap.
He motioned for it. “Give it back.”
“Nah, its comfy. I like it.”
He made a swipe for it. You avoided his hand and squealed.
Wrapping his arms around you he held you close. Easily snatched it off your head, pulled it onto his.
You were beginning to protest, when he dipped close and pressed his lips against. He felt a soft push before he felt you melt against him.
Eyeing your reflection in the scrapped, mirror. You frowned. Even though the rain had let up and you all could walk to the bar with just ash and soot hanging in the air, your hair fell flat.
You had never been one to use taming spray. But it just looked so boring and dull. You had wanted to look good for Tyler.
Kay came bouncing up behind and gave you a tight embrace. You could smell the soft scent of the drinks she had been enjoying. She endearingly, pressed her head against yours.
“What’s the matter? Is my brother being insufferable?” Her eyes met yours in the mirror.
“No.” Your shoulders slumped. You patted her arms. “He’s great. I just don’t think I’m enough.”
She pulled back and turned you to face her. “What is this?” Her eyes were sharp with concern. “He adores you. I’ve never seen him so happy.” She chuckled. “So full of himself. He’s like I got the best so I am the best.” She smiled.
“Yeah. I’ve never seen him so confident.” She looked playful. “If I didn’t like you so much, I would have pushed him out of the Corbelan long time ago.”
You smiled then. “If you say so.”
“I do.” She offered an arm. “Now, let’s get back out there! We have to get a few more dances in and have a few more drinks.” She gigglee.
“One more.” He gave you a wink, taking the glass. “You gotta finish yours too.” His gestured to yours.
“Oh! I almost forgot.” You hopped onto the stool beside him, grabbing your own glass.
You glanced over at the small very jammed dance floor Kay was shimmying with some random blonde guy you once or twice saw in your sector of the mine. You had lost track of where Bjorn and Navarro were.
You looked back at Tyler in time to see him bringing the glass to his lips. In the hazy, warmth the drinks you had distantly made you jealous of the glass. Looking him over, you noticed how sweat prickled his dark strands, his cheeks were flushed and how he tilted his head back as easily drank the entirety of the glass.
A loud sigh came from him, slamming the glass down he wiped his mouth the back of his hand. “Ready?”
You nodded, happily taking his hand.
His hands were firm, as he held you to him. You fingers grazed through the shorter strands of where he shorn some of his hair. It was a wonderful contrast to the longer, soft strands.
You giggled softly as he leaned in close, his lips grazing your throat. He nipped at you. It made you wiggle against him.
“Man, I want you.” His voice rasped in your ear.
Moving just so. Loving how his scent enveloped the two of you. It pushed away the others or even the place.
“I will always be yours.” You whispered in his ear.
He pulled you even closer to him.
He rubbed his temples under the water beating down at him. He really shouldn’t have drank that much last night.
But then again, it was the night before the company owned more of him. He was doing this for you and the others. He had to keep telling himself this.
He swished the water and the paste in his mouth after scrubbing at his teeth. Might as well not look and smell like he had danced and drank the night away.
Going into the kitchen, he opened one of the containers and snatched up two blocks of the corn bread. Sighing, he munched on one. By the time he came back to his room. He placed the one he grabbed for you by the environment gauge and time giver.
Carefully, he pulled on his long sleeved, thermal shirt leaving the buttons undone, always felt strangled otherwise and then he pulled on a pair of his heavier socks. He looked back at you. He had wanted to tell you, more then he even wanted to tell Kay or Bjorn but right now, he couldn’t he had to get the feel of things.
A soft sound came from you, still asleep as you moved and settled onto your back. You had snagged one of his shirts. Seeing you in it, made him smile.
Looking away, he reached out and pulled over his boots. Another soft sound came from you. Maybe he should leave a note, but you and the others knew how sometimes he would leave early if he had a good lead on a new salvage. But this was different. He chewed the inside of his cheek.
“Tyler?” Your voice was soft, still heavy with sleep and he felt your hand on his back.
He put on a brave face, a winning smile
“Hi sleepy.”
“You are already leaving?”
He nodded. “Got to.”
“Ok.” He felt your hand leave his back. He shuffled a bit to face you more.
You looked back at him.
“Look you trust me right?”
You nodded.
“Good.” He chuckled softly. “Look I got some good things ahead. I promise.”
You pressed your lips together. “Good. Just be safe.”
“Me? Always.” He pointed at his table. “Look, I even nabbed your favorite. The corner of the corn bread.”
You smiled then. “Thank you.”
“Nothing but the best, I can give.”
You moved fast and hugged him tight. You tucked in under his chin.
“Baby?“ He without hesitation hugged you back.
“Had a nightmare.”
He squeezed you. “Nothing will get me.”
He felt as you nodded.
“Now you are one that’s gotta to be safe in the mine today.” He rubbed your back. “Take a tablet before you head out, to clear your head. I’ll get us some good rations for tonight.”
A few hours in, sweat was running down his face. He rubbed his forehead with his arm. They prodded him, pricked him to draw his blood. Now, he was hooked up to something and he was running on some kind of device; it beeped in time with the beat of his heart. He could not wait to get back to you and the others.
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ilovegeorgie · 3 months ago
you know i believe and how
george harrison x reader
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genre: fluff
warnings: none ! just fluffy geo <3
summary: george confesses his love with a song abt you !!
a/n: ik this isn't how "something" was written, but i thought it would be a pretty cute way to imagine georgie :)
the living room was quiet while george sat on the floor obvliviously plucking at the strings. she sat opposite to him on the couch, her legs tucked under while sipping from a cup of tea. the glow coming from the fireplace lit her face, and george thought she’d never looked more pretty.
“you’re awfully quiet tonight, george” she said curious. “what’s going on that mind of yours?”
he glanced up at her, his pretty lips curving into a small smile.
“nothing much, really” he replied, though the truth lingered just behind his words.
she tilted her head, her eyes narrowing slightly in that way she always did when she didn’t quite believe him.
“oh come on, georgie” she teased gently. “i know theres something going on, so tell me what is it” she said while leaving the cup on the table.
he hesitated, his fingers brushing the strings of his guitar in a nervously.
“well, lately i’ve been working on something,” he said at last. “a song, you know..”
her expression softened at his words, and she leaned forward a little.
“did you already showed it to the band..?”
he shook his head, his gaze dropping to the guitar.
“uhm, not really, it's not for them.”
“not for them?” she repeated softly. “then who’s it for?”
he swallowed hard, lifting his gace to see the features that he dreamed of almost every night. the firelight reflected in her eyes, and for a moment, he forgot all the lyrics he’d written, all the melodies he’d ever rehearsed.
“for you,” he murmured, the words quiet but confident.
her breath got caught for just a second, her cheeks flushing faintly.
“for me?” she repeated.
he nodded, gripping the guitar a little tighter.
“i’ve been meaning to tell you something,” he said, his voice steadier now. “but i couldn't put it into words, so i.. well, i wrote a song about it.”
her smile softened, and she sank back into the couch, her eyes never leaving his.
“could you play it for me maybe?” she whispered.
george took a deep breath, adjusted his guitar, and let his fingers dance on the guitars frets. the melody was slow, almost hesitant at first, but as he played, the music seemed to wrap around the room.
something in the way she moves...
his voice was low, intimate, and as he sang, his gaze flickered up to meet hers.
attracts me like no other lover…
she never looked away from him, her eyes shining, her lips parted slightly as though she might speak but didn’t dare interrupt.
something in the way she woos me,
i don’t want to leave her now…
when the song ended, silence filled the room. george set the guitar aside, his fingers lingering on the strings for just a moment before he looked back at her.
“so?” he asked, his voice soft. “what do you think?.. do you like it?”
she leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees as her gaze locked with his.
“oh georgie,” she began, her voice barely above a whisper, “that was so beautiful.”
he smiled shyly, “you really mean that?”
“of course i do,” she said, moving from the couch to sit beside him on the floor. her hand reached out, hesitating for just a moment before resting on his. “you put your heart into that song, didn’t you?”
he nodded, his thumb brushing lightly against hers.
“i did,” he admitted, his voice quiet. “mainly because it’s about you. you’re… you’re something.. i’ve never felt this way before, and i don’t want to mess it up by saying the wrong thing, so I thought…”
her other hand came up to rest against his cheek, stopping him mid-sentence.
“you didn’t mess anything up,” she said gently. “you could never,”
his breath hitched as her thumb brushed his cheekbone, she leaned closer.
“and just for the record, i love you george, if it was not clear”
the words washed over him, filling every corner of his heart. without thinking, george tilted his head just slightly, closing the space between them until their lips met.
the kiss was slow, sweet, and full of everything they hadn’t yet said. when they pulled apart, she rested her forehead against his, her smile wide and radiant.
“i'm just curious," she said softly "do you like me?"
george chuckled softly, his breath still shaky from the kiss, pulling her closer, resting his forehead against hers, savoring the warmth of the moment.
“do I like you?” he repeated, his voice a little hoarse. “i think you know the answer to that.”
she laughed lightly, her fingers tracing his features.
“yeah, i guess i do,” she replied, “i just wanted to hear you say it.”
he smiled, his heart swelling in his chest. george looked into her eyes, the firelight flickering in her pupils, and everything else faded into the background.
“i like you more than i can put into words,” he said, his thumb brushing over her knuckles. “more than i ever expected to and more than i thought was possible.”
her eyes softened, and she leaned in, kissing him again, this time with a gentle pressure that made his heart race. when they pulled apart, she smiled, her cheeks flushed.
they sat there in the dim light, the warmth of the fire wrapping around them like a blanket. george didn’t need to say more; the music, the kiss, and the way they held eachother was all they needed.
"so.. do i get to hear that song again?”
george chuckled, picking up his guitar once more.
“as many times as you’d like,” he promised.
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yelenaslyubov · 5 months ago
Date Night Drizzles
main masterlist || requests || autumn fic list
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requested by @youreatotalposer <3
a/n: welcome to my first autumn fic! i’ve never written for isabela merced before (and there’s little to no fics out there) so i hope you enjoy!
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ pairing: isabela merced x reader
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ warnings: haunted house descriptions/descriptions of blood and violence, dominant but scared reader, nudity, bathing, ending with lots of cheesy fluff
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ description: you and your girlfriend plan a haunted house date together to her demise, even if it seems you’re the one who spooks in the end. at the end of the night, your date gets rained out, but that doesn’t discourage you from having a good time.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ word count: 2.1k
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“Baby, where are you? You said you would be here 15 minutes ago?”
While you had been busy getting put together and dressed, your girlfriend was on her way to pick you up. She lived about 30 minutes away, but just enough time that it felt like forever.
“I’m sorry, it takes a while to look this good,” she said. It was almost like you could see that sly smile on the other side of the phone.
“Just tell me, have you even left the house yet?” It was radio silence. “Izzy, come onnnn,” you dragged.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she laughed. “If it makes you feel better, I have so many clothes to hang back up when I come back. It’s like my own personal punishment for having a fashion crisis.”
“We’re not going to Paris Fashion Week, it’s just a haunted house.”
“It’s never just anything. Everything is important when I’m with you.”
You made an ‘ick’ noise. “How about you just focus on the road and I’ll talk to you when you get here.”
“Ha ha,” she said mockingly.
“Drive safe, my love.”
“I will, I promise. I love you, byeee.” She hung up and left you smiling.
Even though you saw each other every week, there never seemed to be enough time together. It made things worse that your parents were so strict, which made it seem like there was no end in sight.
You waited about 20 minutes before you heard a horn honk outside, signaling that Isabela was waiting outside for you. Your parents didn’t approve of her much, so she usually waited outside.
When you went down the stairs, your parents looked nicely dressed and were busy gathering their things.
“Oh good, there you are,” your mother said. “Me and your father are going to a charity event so we probably won’t be home until midnight.”
“That’s fine, me and Izzy are going to the haunted house so we shouldn’t be long.” The car honked for longer this time. “I should go.”
You left the house without another word because you knew better. All of your anxiety seemed to melt away as soon as you saw Isabela sitting in the car. She smiled and your heart swelled.
“Hi, baby!” She cleared her passengers seat by throwing things in the back seat. She was never known for her organization but it suited her perfectly.
You hopped in the car and greeted your girl with a kiss. A week was too long by your standard.
“Let’s get out of here before my parents see me,” you said while buckling your seatbelt. “There’s good news though!” You looked over at her with a smirk.
“Oh god, that could mean anything,” she groaned. “What is it now?”
“The parents are going to a ‘charity event’ and they’re going to be home late.”
“A charity event? It’s literally the middle of the afternoon and they’re not going to be back until midnight?” Isabela looked at you with a confused expression. “Your parents are weird y/n, I’m not going to lie to you.”
You laughed. “Tell me something I don’t know. Did you hear me though, they’re going to be home late,” you smirked.
“You’re so dirty,” she said.
“Oh come on, not everything has to be dirty. I was simply only thinking about spending more quality time with my girl of course.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she giggled.
As you drove through your neighborhood, and the ones that followed, you admired the thoughtfully placed halloween decorations in the lawn of every yard. Even though Southern California didn’t have the exact fall feel that you yearned for, people made sure to make up for it with decorations and events.
“I still can’t believe you’re making me do this,” Isabela said. “I’m only doing it for you, I hope you know that.”
“That’s precisely why we’re going. Plus, the haunted house isn’t supposed to be that scary,” you tried to calm her nerves. You knew, in fact, that it was scary. This was the only way you could convince her to go, which was probably low on your part but you couldn’t help it.
“Only if I can hide behind you when it gets scary,” she frowned.
“Why do you think we’re going in the first place?” you joked.
The closer you got to the farm, the more nervous Isabela visibly became. You started to feel a bit bad about making her come in the first place.
“Baby, if you want to turn around, we don’t have to go.”
“No, I want to go, for you,” she explained. “Maybe it can be some kind of exposure therapy for me.” She gave you a weak smile that you didn’t believe, but she kept driving.
When you arrived, there were floods of people waiting in line. There were plenty of costumes and masked people to go around, but the two of you decided to play it safe without costumes.
The weather was humid outside, which usually meant rain was on its way. You looked to the sky to find most of it a dark gray color.
“Of course the first time it rains this season would be tonight,” Isabela complained.
“Don't worry, I’m not going to let it ruin our night,” you reassured her.
The two of you waited in line until it was finally your turn. “Tickets please,” the person at the ticket booth said. You pulled your phone out so that they may scan your tickets to let you inside. “Have a scaryyy good time” they said unenthusiastically.
You chuckled to yourself as you both walked away. “See, that may very well be the scariest thing you see tonight,” you joked.
“I hope you’re right,” Isabela laughed.
A loud clap of thunder sounded through the sky, making Isabela nearly jump out of her skin. She quickly grabbed hold of your hand and didn’t let go. You looked down to see your knuckles white as a ghost, but you didn’t mind.
The grip on your hand only tightened as you both slowly walked inside the foreboding house in front of you. You could hear the screams of others being frightened all throughout the maze of horror.
There was no denying, you seemed to be scared yourself. It was too quiet for comfort and you found yourself anticipating the worst.
The room was black and narrow but you slowly walked through together. “Are you okay?” you whispered to Isabela.
“Yeah… you?”
“I’m, uh, okay.”
Suddenly, someone dressed as a bloody zombie jumped out from the wall and yelled in your face. You and Isabela both screamed and held on tighter to one another.
The scares didn’t seem to stop as you walked on. The scarers hid in every crevice possible to try and elicit screams and frights from every willing attendee. There were skeletons, mangled dolls, beheaded people, and any other nightmares that they could conjure up.
You felt yourself shaking. “Babe, are you okay? You’re freaking out more than me, I didn’t think that was possible,” she laughed a little to herself.
“Oh yeah, I’m good. I’ve got you,” you lied through your teeth.
You hit a dead part of the haunted house, but you knew it wasn’t over just yet. You traveled towards the light where you heard the noise of chainsaws and screaming.
Now, before you, was a dimly lit room that imitated an old fashioned doctors office. There were people covered in blood that were thrashing on the tables while a psychotic looking doctor waved a chainsaw around them.
Your body recoiled and you felt like you were going to vomit. The scene had the opposite reaction for Isabela, as she started to laugh.
“This shit looks so fake,” she said while covering her mouth to chuckle.
“Yeah, hah, it’s super fake,” you lied.
“This is really scaring you huh?” Isabela said, concerned for your behavior. “Come on, let’s try and find a way out of here.”
For the rest of the journey to find the exit, you spent it covering your ears and closing your eyes. All that was left to lead you was your girlfriend who guided you as accurately as she could through the dark hallways.
You dodged scarers and props that hung in your way, and you could tell you were almost out of the hell house by the way the rain sounded as you got closer. It sounded like bullets on a tin roof and suddenly you were already drenched.
“We made it out, baby, everything’s okay,” Isabela coaxed you.
“And even better, we’re soaking wet.”
She looked at you and smiled, and you did the same back. Suddenly, you both started laughing. Something about the moment seemed both right and wrong.
Once brought out of your laughing spell, you both ran hand in hand back to the car together. You quickly sat down and turned on the heat now that you were both frozen to the bone.
“I think it’s safe to say I conquered my fear,” Isabela said with a shiver.
“Wish I could say the same,” you half-chuckled.
“But you were so brave.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm.
“Don’t mock, it was gross! I didn’t know it was going to be that violent.”
“Come on, let’s just get you home, casanova.” You gave her a light punch on the shoulder. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it!”
You shook your head and laughed. You knew she meant well, but your pride definitely hurt and your dignity was left in the haunted house.
Isabela drove back to your house while you listened to music and the rainfall hammering down on the windshield. The weather wasn’t ideal, but you had to admit it made for a cozy night after all.
Once you got home, you ensured that your parents were indeed still gone and you brought Isabela inside. You tried your best to run upstairs so as to avoid water littering the floors.
“I’ve got an idea,” you said, once entering your room. “I’ll be right back.”
You escaped to the bathroom and turned on the hot water to start running in the bathtub. You added bath salts and bubbles to the water to make it just right. In addition, you rummaged through the cabinet to find candles and lit them as well.
Once everything was perfectly arranged, you shed your clothes and eased into the water. When you were settled, you yelled for Isabela to join you in the bathroom.
As she opened the door, she smirked at you. “I told you that you’re dirty.”
“Oh come on, not even ‘romantic?’”
“Okay fine, a little romantic.” She walked over to you and trailed kisses from your forehead down to your lips.
“Now get in, it’s not going to stay warm forever.”
Isabela shivered and she quickly took her wet clothes off and left them in a heap on the floor. You reached your hand out from the water to help her in, and she gently sat down between your legs with her back to your chest.
She laid her head back against your chest with a ‘hum.’ “I think this is just what we needed,” you said.
“To see me naked?”
“Well, always, even though I meant the bath.”
“I know what you meant,” Isabela said with a guilty smirk. She tilted her head back to look at you, her big brown eyes fluttering in the dim light.
“I know the night didn’t go exactly how I planned but-”
“Shhh,” Isabela said, “it was perfect just the way it happened. I wouldn’t change a thing.”
“Now I know that’s a lie,” you laughed. “I nearly had a heart attack when that doctor cut through that guy’s stomach.”
“It was funny, I’ll admit,” Isabela laughed with you. You could feel her giggles against your body, making it the sweetest feeling in the world. “Just a thought, don’t you think it would be kind of horrifying if your parents were to come home early and find us both in the bath, naked with each other?”
You thought for a moment in silence. “You’re probably right. Why don’t we move this party to the living room?”
She nodded, and just like before, you both were out of the bath just as you had come. You gave Isabela sweatpants and a sweatshirt to borrow while her clothes were drying and you both went downstairs with a pile of blankets in hand.
You spread them out on the floor, along with pillows to lay against. You both laid down on the blanket bed you had created and got comfortable together.
Isabela took the liberty of stealing the television remote. She was perusing the channels and movie options when she gasped.
“‘Practical Magic!’ We’re totally watching this.” She clicked the play button and got comfortable against your chest.
You couldn’t imagine a greater way to spend a rainy night together, even if the events preceding put a damper on your confidence. There was no greater place to be than here, with your girl.
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