#harringroveson if u want it to be
harringroveera · 10 months
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The mystery of the stain on Eddie’s bed is solved
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
WIP Folder Names Tag Game!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, & then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPS.
I got tagged by @covenscribe, thank you so much!
Here we go!!!
WIPs in my Docs
Brothers- Detroit become human (hankconvin, Gavin&Elijah)
Tantrum- Hankvin
stranger geeks- Stranger Things/Freaks and Geeks AU
Relapse- bbc Sherlock Holmes
Memory Palace- bbc sherlock
Hawkins is so two years ago- Post Stancy, pre harringrove
DBH spongebob prompts
nick miller as spiderman
the cursed ship, J. Jonah Jameson/Spiderman
the landlord- Nick/Remy/Jess new girl
WIPs on my ao3
The Eden Club- Hankconvin, sex worker poly AU,
Eastside- steddiegrove, harringroveson
Silence isn't golden, Drarry, noncon Snaco
Empathetic asshole- harringrove
Deja Vu- parksborn, Peter 2/3
You know what they say about assuming, steddiegrove, buckingham
Mirror images- petercest, spideydevil
Ride with U- Harringrove powers au
The New Kid- parksborn 2000s, emo au
if love was easy they'd name it after you- gay and wondrous life of caleb gallo
for your entertainment- Starker, parksborn stripper AU
time of dying- bbc sherlock
an unexpected set of circumstances- bbc sherlock
Supernatural activity at shermer high- spn/the breakfast club xover
love bites but so do I- Twilight polycule
get a few scotches in him... Supernatual wincest
Now I tag: @tentoriumcerebelli @sweeteatercat @sweetasblack @squooshybrainmeats @tradedsymmetry @moviemuncherao3 @thediktatortot @writerwhowritesao3 @eevylynn @disdaidal @youweremovingyourfeet @irishbeings @a-book-of-lost-things anyone else who wants to play!
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thediktatortot · 2 years
Steddilly / Harringroveson Deep Dive About Accessories & Interpersonal Relationships.
with @asininepigeon & me :)
Billy is selective about his accessories. He probably has a small bowl of carefully curated pieces.
Some from his mom's things she hadn't had time to take with her, something he's snatched while in the rich stores of Hawkins while hanging out with Tommy and Carol, a piece he was given by a really cool queer dude in San Diego and maybe something Max made him when they were really little.
It never gets worn but it has a safe home in the bowl in his bedroom.
Eddie definitely has a bunch of rings and necklaces that he's like stolen, thrift-ed, and were gifted by like Wayne, Hellfire, and the small group of rockers in Hawkins.
They all kind of lay in a jumble and he takes like 20 minutes figuring out which ones he wants to wear. And while I feel like Billy's a bit more minimalist with his jewelry, Eddie loves statement pieces.
Things that scream hey, I'm that dude u call a freak and I fucked your dude for payment of weed 😜
Billy sometimes find's it chaotic, Steve finds it amusing. Steve will occasionally steal some of Eddie's jewelry if their going out somewhere that fits more of Eddie & Billy's vibes. He doesn't touch Billy's jewelry though b/c the two of them know how particular Billy is with what he wears on his body & the last thing they want is to loose something of his lol
Billy does not wear Eddie's jewelry. It's 'clunky & gaudy'
I think Steve doesn't do accessories b/c of the kind of home he grew up in. Accessories for Men™️ are Cuff-Links, Ties, Leather dress shoes, Pocket watches & briefcases.
Steve hates all of that. With a passion.
He got his first pair of sunglasses from his dad at like 13-14 and he felt like they made him feel so cool and mysterious. He doesn't need people to see him and see his flashy things. He just wants them to see that cool, outer layer he's put over himself.
Steve hating dressing up for formal events, b/c he despises wearing suits.
He prefers his soft sweaters, jeans, and sneakers.
Eddie also hating it but for the reason of it represents The Man and fuck The Man. Like he can dress up nice, but he'd never wear a full suit.
I think Billy would dislike certain kind of suits b/c of (ew) Neil but he loves attention and showing off and looking handsome (pretty) so he'd put so much time and effort into wearing formal clothes.
Agreed. Billy would probably like the energy a suit commands if it's the right one and fits him nicely. But it'd have to be perfect.
Exactly, for billy a suit would have to be the right shade of a certain color and the right texture
Like when Steve shops for clothes, it's quality but it's soft things, it's informal wear.
Billy takes like 3 hrs shopping b/c every outfit has to mean something. There's care and precision in what he chooses to wear for a certain day. And then Eddie occasionally saves up and buy things that he really wants, like his jacket, that are really good quality, but everything else is thrifted.
Steve only wearing informal wear is part rebellion, part 'safety' because he's found happiness in the less formal, in the comfortable.
He's used to cold and formal and fake everything and he hates it.
Eddie picks his most prized pieces because he wants what he wears to say something about himself. Everything he wears tells people "THIS IS ME" and so he works hard to express himself through his clothes. And Billy wants the same thing, but in such a different way that it feels more like drawing eyes quietly where Eddie wants to draw eyes loudly.
Billy has to do it quietly too, b/c his clothes are already a rebellion and him expressing himself as much as he can against Neil.
Especially considering that one of Neil's things is presenting their family as typical middle class white suburbia, even if they aren't that. Eddie, while not in the best socio-economic status, still has the safety and freedom to be loudly himself.
Billy does his rebellion quietly, expresses himself quietly because everything else in his life is loud and aggressive & if he rebels too Loudly™️ Neil will put a stop too it.
Even when Neil is gone eventually, Billy still expresses himself quietly. I think at that point it would be him asking "Are you interested in me enough to see what I'm whispering about me" sort of thing.
He wants people to come to him, get his attention, not the other way around.If they want him enough, or want to be his friends enough, they'll read between his lines.
He's very much used to people not caring or ignoring what's blatantly there so I think he'd care so much for anyone looking below the surface. He's such a sensitive lad at the end of the day. And I think Steve and Eddie would probably notice at completely separate occasions.
They would. By different things.
Steve would notice it by watching him from afar, seeing the little expressions he makes when someone says something to him, or he's interacting with the kids or the other teens, by how he closes up around the adults for a long time.
He sees the longing stares of want when Will hugs Joyce, or Hopper reassures El that she's not in trouble or doing well. He sees the light in his eyes when someone brings up a topic he's passionate about or how he laughs quietly when he's actually amused.
I think Eddie would see it in the way Billy opens up more, how he talks more, or offers more physical touch. How he sticks around in a room for longer periods of times and can withstand people's presence more and more.
Billy craves Togetherness and he's slowly allowing himself to get it.
Eddie notices that and adjusts his own touch accordingly to how open Billy is as time goes on.
Eddie is more aware of himself and how he effects others, so he would be good at keeping psychical boundaries with Billy. I think it would be harder for Steve to do the same, as he always wants to fix things. Steve and Billy can but heads more often for it.
Yeah, I can see that. Eddie is a performer and extra as fuck and can also lead.
I think Eddie knows what to look for on someone to tell whether they're uncomfortable or not, b/c then he uses that to his advantage in making people he dislikes uncomfortable.
Like he knows how to play an audience and I think he'd be able to recognize the performance in a lot of the posturing that Billy does. Like in my mind, Billy when he's not being unhinged b/c he's like elated or enraged, is so fucking mellow.
Half-lidded eyes, soft laughs, small smiles, just generally a lot more quieter, but softer in how he treats everything and everyone.
Steve wants to fix everything b/c he can't seem to fix things at home b/c no one is ever there.
There's no communication and I think Steve probably tries to correct that himself, but stating how he feels and what he wants (unless it's something deeply deeply worrying and then he keeps it to himself. More to protect others than help himself). He also wants to help to feel useful and that can cloud his judgment, in him thinking he's making the right decision for someone when that's not necessarily the case.
And something like that would really get on Billy's nerves I feel
Steve has boundary issues because it was never an issue before with people outside of his home.
He had social boundaries, status boundaries, but he was someone who could do what he wanted in the world of his Peers because he was King Steve. Popular rich boy of the school.It's old remnants of his times before everything went down, the remnants of superiority he feels without realizing it.
It's not necessarily superiority now, but it's effected his ability to recognize when he's pushing a boundary at the detriment of everyone.
Like yes a lot has happened and yes, Steve has had a perspective shift, but he was still king Steve and his parents are still notoriously absent from his life.
He definitely does it without realizing it and I feel like Eddie but definitely Dustin and Robin (and Erica b/c she's not afraid to call someone out on their shit) would tell him whereas Billy would just bite back and tell him to fuck off, why does he even care.
Which is why I feel like Eddie and Billy would be close friends first before Steve and Billy got there.
Agreed. Steve has a little more working on himself to go through before he and Billy can truly connect. Their traumas make them a little bad for each other at first, but once they've both had time to work on their shortcomings and reactions to things, learning how they act affects others and how to better read people, they start to connect.
Like I think Eddie has his own stuff to work through, but he's much farther along I think than they are. (Not taking in crazy Upside Down shenanigans b/c that's a whole other story).
So he can recognize a lot of things b/c unlike them he has a good adult figure that's supportive and caring and works alongside with him. It takes them a little bit longer b/c they kind of have to start on their own which is sad.
It does help that Eddie had Wayne.
I feel like Wayne would be a good influence on Billy especially once Billy gets closer to Eddie. He'd get to have, in a round about way, a healthy male figure in his life. I'm sure it confuses him sometimes, gets worried about saying the wrong things to Wayne, but after a while of seeing how Wayne treats Eddie, he'd open up quickly to the older man.
God, Wayne looking at Billy and being like "thats my kid now." makes my heart ache.
Steve doesn't know how to open up to parental figures because his parent's never opened up to him to begin with. Billy had his mom before all this, Eddie has Wayne.
Steve's unsure around adults, doesn't understand the point in getting close to them because 'he can take care of himself'.
Oh, Steve. He makes me so sad sometimes.
Steve being hyper independent, but especially after the whole breakup thing with Nancy, makes me hurt for him. And yeah, he doesn't have any adults and I don't know what the fuck the teachers and guidance people in Hawkins High are doing, but like clearly not caring a bout their students b/c wtf.
So Steve would definitely pull into the fold much later, his need for Independence slows him down. He doesn't want to be alone, but he feels he needs to prove to everyone he can take care of himself.
He doesn't want to hide away things until he's in his shower, still trying to do better but he's only fixing the things that effect other people and not fixing the things that effect him.
He would have one last final 'big bad emotion' out of all of them. breaking down over something small because he feels like he's punishing himself for something and he knows it's stupid and he knows he should reach out and he just can't so he has this big meltdown before the acceptance comes.
I think a reoccurring argument between Steve and the other two would be them telling Steve to 'say what he means' and not try to dance around what he wants.
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martyreasemymind · 2 years
Tag game: Answer these questions, then tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Got tagged by @imsodishy thnk u <3
3 ships: harringroveson, harringroway, harringrove/mungrove
First ship: Naruto/Sasuke
Last movie: Bad Boys (1983)
Last song: John Parr - St. Elmo's Fire
Currently watching: nothing
Currently reading: Trauma and Recovery - Judith Lewis Herman
Currently consuming: chocolate truffles
Currently craving: cheese sticks
no pressure tags: @every-dayiwakeup @flashwaves @cherry-sorry @mrsblackruby @lazybakerart @ickypuppi3 @atomrose @wixterirox
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sunwarmed-ash · 2 years
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥 Masterlist 2022-2024
Heyoooo! We are hitting a milestone here folks! It's been a 2 YEARS since I started doing this thing. I hope you've been enjoying the weekly updates, I sure as hell have!!!
If you're new or just want to know where all the Sinful Sunday updates are, I've made a masterlist here. I'm planning on continuing Sinful Sunday for as long as I can! Check back every week for new works/chapters!
Thank you all again for the continued love and support, I really couldn't have done it without y'all! 😈🔥😍
🌟=Newest update
Stranger Things Fics
HOT TO GO! (harringroveson) Vain for my blood (vampire!billy harringrove) Eastside (harringrove->harringroveson) Jawbreaker (Harringrove: MGK AU) Empathetic Asshole (Harringrove: Body Swap AU) my ex's best friend (Harringrove: L.A. Modern Actor AU) Ride with U (Harringrove: Superpowers AU) You Know What They Say About Assuming (Steddiegrove) Death Changes Everything (Mungrove) Watch me come apart (steddiegrove) Figure You Out (steddiegrove, Rydon, Eddie/Brendon) Here (In Your Arms) (Mungrove, PWP, finger sucking) Love me or hate me, I just don't care (Billy centered, fighting, angst w/happy ending, harringroveson smut) 🌟Neverender (Billy centered, angst, eventual harringroveson)
Spiderman Multiverse Series
Deja Vu (Parksborn, Peter 2/Peter 3) Separation Anxiety (SpideyVenomBrock, parksborn, spideypool) The New Kid (Parksborn: No Powers 2000's AU) Cat got your tongue? (SpiderCat: Insomniac Games) Mirror Images Part 1 (Petercest 1/2/3) Mirror Images Part 2 (Peter 2/Peter 3) Mirror Images Part 3 (SpideyDevil: Peter 1/2/3/Matt Murdock) He can't do it on command (Petercest 1/2/3)
Detroit Become Human
Brothers (Hankconvin/Connor/OC's) The Eden Club Sequel! Hurt me baby, I can take it (Hankvin, PWP) The Eden Club (Hankcon/Hankvin/Convin: Undercover Sex Work AU) Fire up the night (hankconvin900) Tantrum (hankvin) Happy Birthday Gavin (Hankconvin900) Call me when you want, call me when you need (Hankconvin) My love language is misery (angsty eventual hankconvin) Gavin Reed Fanart-SFW, NSFW DPD Christmas Party (PWP GavinxNinesxHankxConnor) Deviant Droid Convention (FANART-Nines, Connor, Johnny 5, Bee)
Harry Potter
Certainly Professor (Drarry: HBP Canon Divergence) Silence Isn't Golden (Drarry: Sequel fic)
Emo The Musical
Best/Worst Day Ever (Bradley/Ethan)
The Gay And Wonderous Life Of Caleb Gallo
If love was easy, they'd name it after you (Billy/Caleb/Karen)
True Detective
Haunted Houses (Rust/Marty)
Ted Lasso
Locker Room Stress Relief (Roy/Jamie) 4 AM (Roy/Jamie) Fever (Roy/Trent) Triangles are the strongest shape (Keeley/Jamie/Roy)
New Girl
Naked (Nick/Schmidt)
The Office-US
How's your summer? (Jim Halpert/Ryan Howard)
House M.D.
Plenty to go around (House/Chase, Chase/Everyone)
Love bites, but so do I (Jacob x Bella x Edward)
White Collar
Secret Gay-gent Man (Peter/Neal, P/E/N)
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