#harlequin harpy
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stevienix · 1 year ago
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siconetribal · 10 months ago
Put it on My Tab Part 12
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Tag: @vbecker10 @wordsfromshona @harlequin-hangout @harpy-space @tild3ath @gone-batty-fics @princessbl0ss0m @dakotali @antiquecultist
Warning: Mild swearing, Jason is in trouble, Siblings will be siblings
Everyone deserves time off, and the vigilantes of Gotham are no exception to the rule. The boys decide to take a weekend to let loose. Who knew a few drinks would lead to a stranger in bed?
Author Note:
I'll probably be out of commission for a couple weeks due to a surgery that's coming up soon. I'll try to have part 13 out before then though. Thanks for always reading!
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Timothy “Tim” Jackson Drake was gifted with high intellect since birth. Coupled with the training he has received from Batman and Nightwing, he was a force to be reckoned with and proved worthy of the Robin title time and time again. Now as the Red Robin, he continued his work with his Batfamily. 
Tonight was supposed to be nothing more than routine work. Acquire the target (most likely by force), extract the necessary information (most likely through force), and use the data to get to their true goal. As expected, things were going down the track of ‘by force’. The target ordered his henchman to try to stop them and ran when it was evident they were unable to stop them. The chase was on, and the man went flying through a window. The location mattered little since it was vacant, or so Tim thought. He noticed the barista only after he turned to speak to the first Robin. From there, everything diverted.
He silently observed the young woman who wisely chose to turn a blind eye to their work, but he also kept an eye on his partner. Nightwing showed great interest in this young woman, more so than he would any other civilian that happened to be in the vicinity of their work. The amount of time he said her name and how he said it were also telling.
He’s not warning her, so why is he constantly saying her name? When she turned her back to them to make the drinks, he turned to his eldest brother to ask him what he was thinking but stopped himself at what he saw.
 So this is the famous young lady who’s got our Grumpy in such a fix. She’s certainly cute and pretty sharp, too. Is that why he’s not given her the money yet? Nightwing gently rubbed his chin as he contemplated on what to do. This was purely a stroke of luck on his end, since Red Robin had done the tracking and surveil on tonight’s target. We can’t just leave her with a broken window. She’s even managed to stay calm enough to take our order instead of becoming a mess. What ever shall I do? The right corner of his lip slowly tipped upwards into a smirk as an excellent idea came to mind. He pulled out something and a $100 bill. He folded the bill around the other piece just before she turned around with their drinks.
“Perfect,” he smiled in approval. “Thanks again, Y/N, and here, something for your troubles.” He winked, slipping it into the tip jar before grabbing the tied up man. “Until next time,” he flashed her a grin as Red Robin held the door open and the two walked out as if they had not just come crashing through one of the windows. Red Robin watched Y/N as she slowly looked around at her surroundings. He could not help but wonder why she was so interesting.
That fateful night, Tim had made it his goal to find out what he could about her. He knew asking the elder vigilante would not produce much information, but he asked anyway. The non-answer of ‘no reason’ and ‘it’s nothing’ were provided. Red flags that meant there was indeed something. With the spelling of her name and place of employ, he began to dig. He was a detective after all, a good mystery was always enticing, and there was nothing better to do while they waited for the next move of the organization they were monitoring.
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Y/N stared at her phone for what felt like an eternity. Citlalli had been watching her for the last forty or so minutes since her loud and angry proclamation of ‘I’m going to text this ghosting hotshot pretty boy and demand he pay me the due money and leave me alone’. It was a sudden outburst in the middle of their takeout dinner that had been abnormally silent until then. It was then the young Latina had learned two things. One, he had not texted. Two, Y/N was going insane waiting for him to text, which was rare and quite entertaining.
Daaaaaamn, no text yet? It's been what, three weeks now? And she’s made no effort to reach out? There’s no way in hell she’d forget, she’s slavin’ away tryna get it cleared. But I thought he’d  have reached out by now. Poor mija, she’s really out of luck. She watched as Y/N picked up the device, angrily tapped away at the screen, read whatever she typed, paused, deleted the text, placed it back down, and slump. This is what, her sixth time? It was funny at first, but now it's just crazy. “Just text his ass already!” 
“Text him what exactly? He’s the one that texted ‘Hi’ from my phone to himself! Technically, he should be texting me!” Y/N threw her arms in the air before crossing them tightly, glaring at her phone. “Augh, forget it! I'll just text him whatever!” Grabbing it once more. 
<So, Wonder Boy, when you said you'll ‘send me the details’, was it code for ‘never gonna happen’ or are you saving some DID as the capeless crusader?> She proudly hit the send button, shoving any and all nausea and regret from anxiety down into the depths as best she could.
“That proud of your message, huh? What did you send?” Citlalli curiously asked, reaching for the phone in Y/N’s hands when it suddenly buzzed. Y/N jumped, sending it flying into the air. She juggled the little rectangle a bit as it buzzed a few more times, narrowly saving it from crashing onto the floor. “What the hell was that for?!”
“I didn’t expect it to vibrate all of a sudden,” Y/N scowled, waking the screen to see it was a text from the one and only ‘Your Hero’. She froze on the spot and Citlalli pushed her cheek into Y/N’s to see the screen and gasped.
“Holy shit, he texted back?! Are you sure he said he was going to text you first? Cause it looks like he was waiting on you.”
“I know what he said! I have no idea why he’s texting now. And some space, ya crazy!” She lightly nudged her friend to move and unlocked the thread.
<I did NOT mean to ghost you like this.>
<I swear I got busy with work. Also, what’s a DID? And didn’t I say to stop calling me that?> Y/N rolled her eyes at his texts, pulling up the keyboard.
<Didn’t you also say you’d text me details? And just so you know, it stands for Damsel In Distress.>
<Touche, lol. And noted, I’ll be sure to update the name of my file.>
<You should. It’s the official title. So says the famous kids cartoon movie. You’re still in trouble though.>
<Damn and here I thought I managed to get out of it. Should’ve known you wouldn’t let me go that easy. How about I make it up to you?>
<I’m reading.>
“What’s he saying?” Citlalli eagerly leaned in closer once more. “Don’t just sit there texting, that’s rude! I'm here, too! Don't make me get my chancla!”
“Ok, ok, relax! Sheesh, you don't always need to choose violence. He said he got tied up with work and has offered to make it up to me.”
“Oh, how so? By paying for the hotel and buying us a new apartment? What, don't give me that look! He could buy a neighborhood and still be fine!” Citlalli scoffed. “A girl can dream of a proper kitchen.” She grumbled, leaning back into the sofa. 
“I'm sure he could but I haven't gotten the chance to tell him about the bill because the last time we met, I was a little preoccupied trying to kick out trouble.” Citlalli colorfully cursed out her cousin in rapid Spanish for not only trying to trouble her best friend, but for trampling on Y/N’s chances with a Wayne.
“Cici, it’s fine! Really, I got his number at least. I'll figure out a way to bring it up in person. Deep breaths, ok?” She gently coaxed her fired up friend back into a more zen state before looking at her phone again. 
<How does lunch, you, and me sound? I’ll even recommend a few good books.>
<Consider me intrigued. Where and when?>
<TBD. I’m wrapping a few things on my end. I'll be able to give you all of my attention after that, sweetheart.>
So he did call me that last time. Is that just a thing he does, like how older waitresses and nurses tend to call people ‘sweetie’ or ‘honey’? She eyed Citlalli from the corner of her eye and shifted over, feigning getting comfortable, to avoid any misunderstanding. <I look forward to seeing how different all your attention is to now.>
<Ouch, lol! But fair, I fucked up on this one. I deserve that. You can hold me to it, just give me some time.>
<Also, you can just text me if you’re bored or wanna talk.> His next text popped up onto the screen.
<What about work?> She rolled her eyes at his new promise, though a small smile began to tug at the corners of her lips. Citlalli watched her dear friend curl up just like she did when reading a good book.
<I’ll make time for you.> 
<Even when I’m not in trouble?>
<Even then.>
<Also, text me when you’re in trouble.>
<So demanding for someone who never texted like he promised. Do you always order around the people you save?>
<Just the sassy ones. 😏>
<Keep this up and I might start think I'm special..>
<Yeah, you are. Never met a gal who charged for questions and refused to ask for my mame.>
<What can I say, I’m one of a kind. 😉>
<That you are and sadly, I need to start focusing on my job or I'll get my ass kicked.>
<Don't let me distract you and potentially endanger your fine derriere. Night, Little Lordling.> Slipping her phone into her pocket, she sat there with a smug look of victory to which Citlalli laughed.
“What happened?”
“He said he's going to let me know the details as soon as he's got work wrapped up and I'm allowed to keep him to his word.”
“Oh? Well that's promising. Seems like the two of you are getting along quite well.”
“Oh no, don't even go there, Cici. I know that look! I don't need you trying to match make me like your grandmother does. This is purely business, Platonic if more, and it's going to end once he pays the bill.
“Mmmhmmmm, sure, whatever you say, mija. On that note, we need to head to bed. We have the morning shift.”
“Must you remind me?” Y/N groans, forcing herself out of the comfortable position and stretching. “I’m just grateful Mr. D didn't take the window outta my paycheck. Thank you, security cameras for proof.”
“I still can’t believe it happened! The café was said to be in a safer part of town! The cops are due to come in some time today or tomorrow from what I know. You'll have to give them your account on what happened to get a proper report filed for compensation from the city.”
Fiddlesticks, I forgot that’s supposed to happen! What do I even say? Her shoulders sagged, and her head dropped backwards. I say one thing they don't like, and Nightwing will definitely make my life a living hell. He doesn't kill, but he does know how to torture, I’m sure of it! She wondered how they intended to get the information they wanted and what methods they would use on her. The thought made her shudder.
“Y/N, hey, are you ok?” Citlalli waved her hand in front of her face.
“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine. Just,” she paused for a moment. “Just tired, it’s crazy thinking that was just two nights ago. Never thought I’d serve one famous person, let alone two, and vigilantes at that. I should sleep, can't look like some dead zombie, or they might think we're pulling a fast one.” She forced a yawn and walked into her bedroom, wishing her friend a good night.
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The precinct office was a buzz with its usual hustle and bustle. There was rarely a dull moment thanks to the nightly work of the vigilantes that ruled the night. Many of the officers hated them, feeling as if they were failures and their pride bruised by the ‘handouts’ left at their doorstep. The commissioner was not of that mindset, though, and the newer recruits even idolized the lawbreaking individuals.
“Detective, are you ready to head out? We’ve got a bunch of shops claiming they got damaged by those masked weirdos. I rather we get this shit don't and over with as soon as possible. Those freaks in tights are more trouble than they are help!” The older detective gruffly grumbled his complaints, waiting for his partner. He was a younger detective, a greenhorn that was better than most veterans, which rubbed all the seasoned personnel the wrong way, but they had to admit it.
“Come now, they aren’t all that bad. I’d say a few of them are a bit dashing in their own rights.” The young man stood from his seat, making sure his things were in place. “Plus, I just got back from my medical leave, can’t you keep your grumbling down to a minimum? These people didn’t ask for all this damage control.”
“I did not miss your attitude.” He sneered. “C’mon, get your ass in gear. We gotta go.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” He scoffed, walking out of the precinct as they headed towards the first location. It was the first on the list only because it promised dome good fuel for the day.
“Hello detectives, thank you for coming on such short notice.” The man greeted them at the door, letting them into the busy establishment. “Please, follow me to my office.” He quickly led them to the back, catching the eye of one of the employees. Signaling them to follow, he let them get comfortable before the employee arrived. “This is Y/N, she was the employee who was present at the time of the incident.”
“I’ll handle it from here. Nolan, why don’t you go with the owner and get the surveillance footage?” The younger detective offered. With a grunt of approval, the two men left. “Y/N, was it? Please, have a seat. It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Detective Richard Grayson, but you can just call me Detective Dick or Grayson.” He flashed her a charming smile.
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Author Note:
A huge thank you and shout out to @harlequin-hangout for the amazing banners you made for me.
Please comment, like, share, and reblog! If you'd like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters or find chapter one here.
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tigressaofkanjis · 10 months ago
Transformers: Lost World - All 20 Mountain Transformers
67. Starscream (Infiltrator) - Can be found in Basic, Wide Single Striped, and Tribal Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Prime Sherbert (Red, Blue, and Yellow with Red Lights), Decadent Paradise (Burgundy, Slate Purple, and Silver with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Rhondochrosite (Magenta, Pink, and Pale Pink with Red Lights), Tropical Dusk (Burgundy, Amber, and Lavender with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Grey, Red, Black and Blue with Red Lights; Peregrine Falcon), Shattered Glass (White, Red, Silver, and Dark Grey with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Nightscream (Black, Red, and Yellow with Red Lights), Golden Seeker (Gold, Copper, and Red with Red Lights) 
68. Thundercracker (Infiltrator) - Can be found in Basic, Narrow Double Striped, and Cheetah Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Futuristic (Blue, Grey, and Red with Red Lights), Dark Stone (Deep Blue, Black, and Slate with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Faded Dusk (Light Gray, Deep Blue and Orange with Orange Lights), 3D (Blue, Crimson, and Black with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Dark Blue, White, Black, and Red with Red Lights; Cooper’s Hawk), Shattered Glass (Purple, Red, Green and Gold with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Clear Blue (Light Blue, Blue, White, and Grey with Blue Lights), War Drone (Dark Yellow, Maroon, Dark Slate, and Silver with Red Lights) 
69. Skywarp (Scout) - Can be found in Basic, Ocelot, and Chevron Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Charoite (Purple, Black, and Deep Grey with Red Lights), Amethyst (Indigo, Gray, and Silver with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Imperial (Silver, Gold, and Purple with Purple Lights), Lavender Field (Lavender, Grey, and Green with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Purple, White, Silver, and Lavender with Purple Lights; Harpy Eagle), Shattered Glass (Blue, Silver, Black, and Indigo with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Cowardly Clone (White, Purple, Black, and Pink with Red Lights), Battleworthy (Pink, Black, and Gold with Red Lights) 
70. Soundwave (Gatherer) - Can be found in Basic, Narrow Single Striped, and Triangular Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Showtime (Blue, Crimson, and Gold with Red Lights), Mosaic (Dark Blue, White, and Yellow with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Midnight (Dark Blue, Dark Purple, and Slate Purple with Purple Lights), Gothic Luxury (Black, Gold, and Crimson with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Gold, White, Blue, and Crimson; Long-Eared Bat), Shattered Glass (White, Cerulean, and Green with Green Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Electromagnetic (Silver, Purple, Blue, and Teal with Red Lights), Talon Hunter (Slate, Blue, Brown, and Yellow with Yellow Lights) 
71. Brawn (Wrecker) - Can be found in Basic, Tobiano, and Tiger Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Prairie (Yellow, Camo Green, and Silver with Blue Lights), Zultanite (Camo Green, Windsor Tan, and Grey with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Smoking Embers (Grey, Gold, and Orange with Orange Lights), Old Shed (Green, Dark Brown, and Black with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Brown, Tan, Green, and Grey with Green Lights; Musk Ox), Shattered Glass (Dark Green, Neon Green, Gold, and Silver with Orange Lights) 
Legendary Colors: X (Silver, Dark Green, Mint, and Red with Green Lights), Indestructible (Silver, Copper, Gold, and Green with Blue Lights) 
72. Yoketron (Healer) - Can be found in Basic, Tribal, and Saddled Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Hibiscus Trionum (White, Black, and Gold with Blue Lights), Monochrome (White, Black, and Grey with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Howlite (White and Grey with Blue Lights), Lavish (Slate Gray, Burgundy, and Gold with Yellow Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Gold, White, Black, Yellow; Therizinosaurus), Shattered Glass (Black, Pale Gold, and Purple with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Circuit-Su (White, Blue, Teal and Baby Blue with Blue Lights), Metallikato (Gold, Silver, and Orange with Yellow Lights) 
73. Warpath (Wrecker) - Can be found in Basic, Hexagonal, and Flames Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Harlequin (Red, Black, and White with White Lights), Ornament (Red, Silver, and Gold with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Black Citrine (Black, Yellow, and Orange with Red Lights), Smelting Rock (Amber, Black, and Grey with Orange Lights)  
Rare Colors: Beast (Crimson, Deep Green, Black, and Yellow; Alligator), Shattered Glass (Blue, Dark Blue, and Black with Purple Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Battle Tank (Camo Green, Dark Grey, and Red with Blue Lights), Bunker Buster (Brown, Red, Orange, and Green with Green Lights) 
74. Hook (Healer) - Can be found in Basic, Mackerel, and Wide Single Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Masquerade (Vivid Purple, Neon Green, and Dark Grey with Red Lights), Leather Coat (Windsor Tan, Neon Yellow, and Dark Grey with Yellow Lights) 
Regal Colors: Old Shed (Green, Dark Brown, and Black with Green Lights), Desert Bloom (Tan, Purple, and Yellow with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Black, Green, Grey, and Purple with Green Lights), Shattered Glass (Red, White, Grey, and Silver with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Dark Servant (Black, Dark Purple, and Orange with Orange Lights), Construction (Yellow, Indigo, Orange and Black with Red Lights) 
75. Nightbird (Infiltrator) - Can be found in Basic, Tiger, and Tribal Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Poison Haze (Grey, Black, and Indigo with Yellow Lights), Dark Butterfly (Black, Indigo, Gold, and Light Grey with Purple Lights) 
Regal Colors: Raven Flock (Grey, Black, and Slate with Blue Lights), Azurite (Deep Blue, Copper and Black with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Dark Grey, Silver, Purple, and Copper with Yellow Lights; Osprey), Shattered Glass (Red, Teal, and Copper with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Mercenary Motive (Purple, Lavender, Black, and Silver with White Lights), Metal Ninja (Copper, Gold, Black, and Purple with Red Lights) 
76. Jetfire (Gatherer) - Can be found in Basic, Flames, and Leopard Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Flag (White, Deep Blue, and Crimson with Blue Lights), Candlelight (Orange, Black, and Yellow with Yellow Lights) 
Regal Colors: Tiger’s Eye (Orange, Black, and Crimson with Red Lights), Shaded Canyon (Copper, Purple, and Black with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Light Orange, White, Brown, and Red with Red Lights; Atlas Moth), Shattered Glass (Black, Purple, Neon Green, and Silver with Green Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Sky Shadow (Tan, Black, Burgundy, and Yellow with Yellow Lights), Cross Faction (Black, Silver, Copper, and Gold with Red Lights) 
77. Jetstorm (Miner) - Can be found in Basic, Flames, and Mackerel Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Seaboard (White, Cool Black, and Navy Blue with Blue Lights), Dark Stone (Deep Blue, Black, and Slate with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Smoking Embers (Grey, Gold, and Orange with Orange Lights), Royal Blue (Blue, Gold, and Teal with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Dark Blue, Teal, and Orange with Orange Lights; Dragonfly), Shattered Glass (Black, Green, Silver and Red with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Baja Blaster (Black, Teal, and Orange with Blue Lights), Aquaspeeder (Teal, Red, Yellow, and Dark Blue with Pink Lights) 
78. Skyquake (Combatant) - Can be found in Basic, Narrow Double Striped, and Tiger Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Zultanite (Camo Green, Windsor Tan, and Grey with Red Lights), Komodo (Green, Orange, and Deep Grey with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Wire Jacket (White, Red, Green, and Black with Red Lights), Ammolite (Green, Yellow, and Red with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Green, Dark Green, Red and Gold with Red Lights; Quetzalcoatlus), Shattered Glass (Orange, Gold, Dark Brown, and Silver with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Megavisor (Dark Teal, Orange, and Pink with Yellow Lights), Undead (Dark Brown, Grey, Dark Grey, and Brown with Purple Lights) 
79. Dreadwing (Combatant) - Can be found in Basic, Wide Single Striped, and Tiger Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Spatial Wonder (Blue, Gold, and Silver with Red Lights), Cobalt Aura (Dark Blue, Gold, and Purple with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: 3D (Blue, Crimson, and Black with Red Lights), Purple Starling (Purple, Teal, and Silver with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Light Blue, Dark Blue, Gold, and White with Orange Lights; Quetzalcoatlus), Shattered Glass (Red, Purple, Black and Orange with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Mirage’s Bane (Silver, Dark Grey, Pink, and Blue with Red Lights), Stealth Assault (Indigo, Teal, Black, and Orange with Red Lights) 
80. Ratchet (Healer) - Can be found in Basic, Tobiano, and Triangular Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Medic (Red and White with Blue Lights), Cards (White, Red, and Black with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Crystal Spessartine (Orange, Burgundy, and White with Blue Lights), Vanadinite (White, Red, and Orange with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Orange, Black, White, and Red with White Lights; Red Panda), Shattered Glass (White, Purple, and Teal with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Emergency (Neon Yellow, White, and Red with Blue Lights), Night Ops (Black, Neon Yellow, White, and Green with Green Lights) 
81. Lockdown (Infiltrator) - Can be found in Basic, Chevron, and Ocelot Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Night Vision (Black, Deep Green, and Neon Green with Red Lights), Raven Flock (Grey, Black, and Slate with Green Lights) 
Regal Colors: Moonlit Ocean (Dark Blue, Black and White with White Lights), Poltergeist (Black, Purple, and Grey with Purple Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Black, Green, Grey, and Red with Red Lights; Hybrid Baryonyx), Shattered Glass (Cerulean, Crimson, Black, and White with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Blazing Wheels (Black, Gold, Yellow, and Red with Red Lights), Bandit (Black, Blue, Teal, and Red with Red Lights) 
82. Fixit (Healer) - Can be found in Basic, Saddled, and Hexagonal Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Oriole (Orange, Amber, and Black with Blue Lights), Medic (Red and White with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Bumblebee Jasper (Yellow, Black, and Blue with Blue Lights), Sunstone (Orange and White with Orange Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Tan, Orange, and Brown with Yellow Lights; Chinchilla), Shattered Glass (Light Blue, Grey, and Yellow with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Cool Caretaker (Teal, Black, and Silver with Blue Lights), Rescue Patrol (White, Red, Black, and Cerulean with Blue Lights) 
83. Wheelie (Miner) - Can be found in Basic, Narrow Sports Striped, and Tobiano Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Inferno (Tangerine, Light Orange, and Black with Red Lights), Dragon’s Breath (Dark Brown, Orange, and Grey with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Futuristic (Blue, Grey, and Red with Red Lights), Magical Betta (White, Blue, and Maroon with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Orange, Grey, Maroon, and Burgundy with Green Lights; Ferret), Shattered Glass (Lavender, Slate, and Black with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Wild Life (Yellow, Orange, and Teal, with Yellow Lights), Young Warrior (Red, Orange, Yellow, and Amber with Blue Lights) 
84. Thunderblast (Combatant) - Can be found in Basic, Tiger, and Cheetah Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Imperial (Silver, Gold, and Purple with Purple Lights), Decorum (Silver, Copper, and Indigo with Purple Lights) 
Regal Colors: Gabbro Merlinite (Indigo, Black, and Silver with Purple Lights), Morning Glory (Purple, Lavender, and Black with Purple Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Dark Purple, Indigo, and Grey with Red Lights; Whale Shark), Shattered Glass (White, Pink, and Lavender with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Another Life (Brown, Orange, and Silver with Red Lights), Cybertronian Leader (Gold, Black, Copper, and Lavender with Purple Lights) 
85. Optimus Prime (Leader) - Can be found in Basic, Flames, and Tribal Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Prime Sherbert (Red, Blue, and Yellow with Blue Lights), Crimson Rosella (Red, Blue, and Black with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Wildfire (Amber, Red, and Dark Grey with Yellow Lights), Ornament (Red, Silver, and Gold with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Deep Grey, Red, Blue, and Silver; Silverback Gorilla), Shattered Glass (Purple, Dark Blue, Green and Black with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Dark Guard (Black, Gold, Silver, and Blue with Blue Lights), Battle Core (White, Gold, and Silver with Blue Lights) 
86. Megatron (Leader) - Can be found in Basic, Tiger, and Chevron Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Warlord (Silver, Deep Grey, Black, and Crimson with Red Lights), Iris Diamond (Silver and Violet with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Treasure Ore (Silver, Gold, and Copper with Red Lights), Dragonborn (Red, Orange, and Yellow with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Purple, Camo Green, Copper, and Black with Red Lights; Tyrannosaurus), Shattered Glass (White, Black, Blue, and Red with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Shadow Blade (Black, Purple, and Lavender with Purple Lights), Sharkticon (Brown, Pink, Light Blue, and Purple with Green Lights) 
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silverstudios · 1 year ago
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The Harlequin Harpy: Lord of the eternal twilight, Venice... ... @lethalcontracts made a dark souls Clay and I flippen LOVE souls games so of course I had to made Venice a darksoul boss too. I have NO idea where the harpy bird energy came form but it did and it just worked so I ran with it.
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random-blog-for-randomness · 7 months ago
So this is my new side blog, it will be the home of characters who don’t need their own blog.
Please if you want to rp with any of these characters, just send an ask : )
Rotor Evens
Grellok Nongrin
Snuffles Butterscotch
Dyson Gearbreaker
Opp T. Mystic
01-IV-3 (Olive)
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johnconstantinejld · 1 year ago
Gotham Tales-Penguin
Tritsch-Tratsch Polka, Strauss. I felt tonight needed something comical. One of my personal favourites. Would you stay for the Radzetsky March? That insipid harlequin and her cloth-brained clown were out on the town but last week. His death from having his kidneys eaten out by the acid he fell in came tonight. He was found with a mouthful of blood. She slipped out of town to Doctor Isley’s garden. But, my dear flying rodent, remember that he trained her to be able to turn off her sane exterior when it suits her. She may be calm as a Cygnus olor mated for life, but she could be her successor. I would make sure you keep a seat at your little league for her.
Oh, don’t look at me like I didn’t know. I DO know. Allow me to remind you of the following. One of my favourite chefs was heard to laugh in my direction. The building his restaurant was in suddenly had a new owner who fired all the tenants. Then his girlfriend was deported. Then his best friend was arrested on charges of child pornography, despite claiming he was framed. Then a new tenant moved in next door to him and practiced electric guitar all hours of the day and night. His landlord refused to take his calls.
Then his church, of which he was an active member, suddenly developed an infestation of killer bees. Then, a park he relaxed in was rezoned and redeveloped. It was concrete last time I checked. And then the chef, who was a recovering alcoholic, saw a 24 hour liquor store had opened up across the street from his apartment. Within two months of losing his restaurant, he was found hanging in a public lavatory.
All. Because. He. Laughed.
Was it directed at me? Who can tell?
Consider that a very big deal, good sir. I don’t snitch on fellow rogues easily. But my territory is clearly defined. An emperor penguin will guard his egg, and even if he cannot find an egg, he will stand over a rock, just so he can fake to other penguins that he is doing work. Likewise, penguins are known to push other penguins into water to check if orcas or leopard seals are present.
You might say that’s me. I’ll push you, I’ll rob you of your egg, but you can be assured that you’ll be treated by the best.
What else is on? This Scarface is thankfully dead. I understand the little ventriloquist is actually cured of his obsession and is working for Mr Wayne. How about that? Now, that Mr Wayne could afford Batman’s equipment, and he has a motive if I remember well, but from the idle, vapid and slightly bumbling manner of his public persona, I don’t believe he could be the rodent.
Two Face is still inside. I lent him some books. See he returns them. Don’t want him kidnapped from his cell, do we?
Ah yes, that fascinating feline Catwoman is out and about, ensnaring men and tangling with the female rodent, the Batgirl, myotis lucifugus. Wrapping her little whip around the body. Of course, I have a problem with her. Cat and bird, you know. She stole a little jade statuette of a harpy eagle from my office. Its history was nothing of not, and it had carried no trap, but as I said, ‘One doesn’t steal from another rogue. It’s simply not on’. She’s probably going to pawn it for far less than it’s worth and get pittance. Make sure you get it back.
Remember, I don’t kill. It’s below me. But I can ruin lives.
Oh, and kindly let Commissioner Gordon know that his daughter can visit the Iceberg Lounge as she pleases. Any client who refers to her as freeloader will soon be met by my security detail.
Bon soir, chauve-soiris
Until we meet again.
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necromancy-inc · 3 years ago
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he’s just a lil guy in need of hugs 🥺 ❣️
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forgwater · 2 years ago
Welcome All!
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Wanna be mutuals?
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-Fan Art-
Reverse Mermaid Style: Floyd Jade Azul Riddle Trey Cater(chibi/cartoonish style) Malleus Vil
Lucky Cat Grim
Chimera Grim
Possible Tattoos: Heartslabyul
Medusa Cater
Heartslabyul but they're birbs
Lilia, but he's only a bat's head(?)
5 of the Great 7 as the Muses from Hercules (+ Scar and Jafar)
Jade(in Snufkin partially inspired clothes + mushrooms)
Floyd + long tsum Floyd
punk Jade
biblically accurate LIlia tsum
:D Jobs Devil (Obey Me!)
Porcelain Harlequin/Clown Diasomnia
Jade (The Mushroom Lad)
Malleus (he's just a little creechur.....)
Mermay Octavinelle
Rook <3
Jade (as Norman Bates)
Fics I wrote for other people's AU's(@/jackplushie)
My Fics:
Of Humans and Fae (general)Lilia Vanrouge x Reader: part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
Lilia Vanrouge x Reader: Confession
Rook Hunt x Reader: C'est que du bonheur
Trying to stop Rook from terrorizing the NRC students, inspired by Steven the seagull (both romantic and platonic versions): part 1  part 2  part 3 part 4 part 5 Valentine's Day (but it's August) Valentine’s Day (and it is Valentine’s Day!)
Dire Crowley x Reader: The Flyer(1) Part 2 (harpy Dire)
Silver x Reader: A knight's duty
Welcome to Floyd's Nightmare: Revenge of the Shrimp (summary: mc is an actual shrimp and the only one that thinks it's weird is Floyd): the first post the fic itself
Cater Diamond x Reader: Bad Habit (club card inspired)
Cater Diamondx Reader: JK... unless? [request in which Cater teaches the reader how to play blackjack (...kinda)]
Vil Schoenheit x Reader: Soft Late Night Visit To The Kitchen
"Ah, yes. Me, my beloved Prefect and my lookalike tsum from another dimension." - headcanons - part 1 part 2 part 3
Possible AU
Off the Deep End and into the Abyss beginning
Bleeding Hearts Masterlist (yandere twst valentines special)
Cursed Emoji Pillow crackfic: part 1 part 2
The Victorian AU
The Night Raven Collective Homeowner Association
The Ramshackle Flat
The Heartslabyul Apartments
The Savanaclaw Villa
The Octavinelle Townhouses
The Scarabia Estate
The Pomefiore Manor
The Ignihyde Terrace Houses
The Diasomnia Castle
Lilia's name
Vil's tendency to call people potato
Rook's perfume
Floyd's nicknames: part 1 part 2 part 3
Jade and mushrooms
About fae aging and inviting them in
Is there an older and a younger twin?
This weird theory that I have
Explanation/Index Add On
The Ramshackle Prefect Heartslabyul Savanaclaw Octavinelle Scarabia Pomefiore Ignihyde Diasomnia
Old Masterlist
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divinitea-cafe · 3 months ago
scooping this up, bc I LOVE tag games & getting to know folks :D There is no escape (unless you don't want to do it, or already have!! no pressure, lol) @soupdweller @luckyyyduckyyy @sinister-sincerely @midnight-mourning @r0b0-wannabe
@chickenchirps27 @craykaycee @wyervan @lurking-loaf @juukai
& @ YOU! (aka anyone who wants to!!)
What is your favorite color? I am being held hostage to say green, but between you and me, I really love burgundy, cornflower blue, and sunflower yellow :)
Describe the aesthetic of your favorite kind of jester. If you cannot vividly imagine a jester dancing in your head, describe any silly little guy that so strikes your interest. My favorite aesthetic has always been the ones with the classic two-tailed cap and bells & harlequin color splits! Cicero from Skyrim, Jinx from (the og) Teen Titans, even the protag & villain from Nights: Journey of Dreams-- tho I couldn't beat that game to save my life!
Tell me an animal fun fact you think is particularly neat did you know hamsters blink one eye at a time? o _ o u _ o
What is/was your favorite toy, either from childhood or now? as a kid, I always played with Littlest Pet Shops! I loved collecting them and making up storylines with friends :3 endless joy. Now, they are all displayed on a shelf! (for the cats to keep knocking off... Yayyy...)
What is your favorite word? You are entirely allowed to list multiple if too many are just so good, let's hear all your best words. hitt'em with the "yippie"
What is a line, section, or snippet you've written that you're particularly pleased with/proud of? Ohh, that's a tough one! I'm proud of the description of "Eclipse" reawakening in chapter 7 of playing along. weird guy :) " A phoenix in the dark, lifeless gray bursts into neon bright. Awash with crimson, sharp edges and whirling panels. The solar rays glow with molten intensity that leaves afterimages in your vision, as if staring directly at the sun. "
Favorite non-real creature? (Includes cryptids, fantasy creatures, mythical beasts, yokai, original species, monster, any creature that isn't real but still makes you go "Oh, this one is neat") I love the design aesthetic of kitsunes (Okami beloved), but beyond that--I adore seafolk, fairies, feathery angels/harpies... the list goes on and on!
Making my own silly tag game
Normal tag games don't have the questions I think are really important, so here are exactly seven questions I actually care about.
What is your favorite color?
Describe the aesthetic of your favorite kind of jester. If you cannot vividly imagine a jester dancing in your head, describe any silly little guy that so strikes your interest.
Tell me an animal fun fact you think is particularly neat
What is/was your favorite toy, either from childhood or now?
What is your favorite word? You are entirely allowed to list multiple if too many are just so good, let's hear all your best words.
What is a line, section, or snippet you've written that you're particularly pleased with/proud of?
Favorite non-real creature? (Includes cryptids, fantasy creatures, mythical beasts, yokai, original species, monster, any creature that isn't real but still makes you go "Oh, this one is neat")
@ your pals to politely request they tell you these fun things about themselves via reblog. @ as many people as you want. @ no one. @ yourself. @ an image of a funny horse. There are no rules here.
I will tag some of my pals here :) @venomous-qwille @eyndr-stories @writing-forever @aviul @ohno-the-sun @pillowspace @kc-wilson-art
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xjumbled-up-brainx · 2 years ago
This is a project I’ve been crafting for a while through my re-run of everything english dubbed Octonauts. A brand new A-Z list of EVERY SINGLE CREATURE THE OCTONAUTS HAVE EVER MET:
What’s that Tunip, you and the Vegimals want to learn about even more creatures?
Well, let’s go again!
The Octocomputer will show you all the creatures the Octonauts, and Octo Agents, have met, on both land and sea!
Cheepa Cheepa!
Anaconda 1
Albatross 2
Anemones 3
Angler Fish 4
Arapaima 5
Adele Penguins 6
Alligator 7
Amano Shrimp 8
Anteater 9
Arabian Camels 10
Armadillo 11
Bowhead Whale 12
Barracudas 13
Beluga Whales 14
Black Caiman 15
Blobfish 16
Blue Whale 17
Blue-head Wrasse… 18
Bottle Nose Dolphins 19
Bat 20
Baboons 21
Barnacle Goose 22
Bear 23
Black Giant Squirrel 24
Black Winged Stilt Bird 25
Blind Shrimp 26
Burmese Python 27
Brittle Stars 27
Bombardier Beetle 28 and
Bomber Worms 29
Capybara 30
Carrier Crab 31
Catfish 32
Conocono Crab 33
Conocono Crab?
Coconut Octopus! 34
Colossal Squid 35
Comb Tooth Blenny 36
Cone Snail 37
Cookie Cutter Shark 38
Cuttlefish 39
Convict Fish 40
Caiman 41
Caterpillar 42
Cave Fish 43
Cave Shrimp 44
Chameleon 45
Clam 45
Chinstrap Penguins 46
Chinese Mitten Crab 47
Christmas Tree Worms 48
Coelacanth 49
Coral Polyp 50
Coral Snake 51
Crawfish 52
Crocodile 53
Crow 54
Crown of Thorns Starfish 55
Dormice 56
Deer 57
Damselfish 58
Dogfish 59
Decorator Crab 60
Duck-Bill Platypus 61
Dwarf Lantern Shark 62
Eel 63
Electric Eel 64
Elephant 65 and Elephant Seal66
Elk 67
Egyptian Vulture 68
Emperor Penguin 69
Fiddler Crab 70
Frogfish 71
Fire Ants 72
Flamingoes 73
Flying Fish 74
Flying Fox 75
Fruit Bats 76
Giant Clam 77
Giant Comb Jelly 78
Giant Isopod 79
Giant Spider Crab 80
Giant Squid 81
Giant Grass Carp 82
Giant Pacific Octopus 83
Giant Panda 84
Giant Weta 85
Golden Coral 86
Golden Mole 87
Giraffe 88
Garden Eel 88
Gray Whale 89
Grey Reef Shark 90
Grouper 91
Guard Crab 92
Gull 93
Great White Shark 94
Gulper Eel 95
Hammerhead Shark 96
And Harbor Seal 97
(Inhale hoo inhale hoo)
Harlequin Duck 98
Harpy Eagle 99
Hippos 100
Hoatzin 101
Honey Badger 102
Hornbill 103
Hourglass Dolphins 104
Howler Monkeys 105
Hyenas 106
Hermit Crab 107
Humpback Whale 108
Humphead Parrotfish 109
(Slower) Humu-humu-nuku-nuku-a-pua-a! Haha! 110
Ice worms 111
Iguanas 112
Indochinese Tiger 113
Immortal Jellyfish, 114
Jellyfish 115
Jaguar 116
Jawfish, 117
Kangaroos 118
Kea Parrots 119
Kelp, Fish 120
Leatherback Sea-Turtle 121
Loggerhead Sea-Turtle 122
Lemon Shark 123
Longfin Eels 124
Leopard 125
Lions 126
Lion Fish 127
Lions Mane Jellyfish 128
Long Arm Squid… 129
Leafy Sea Dragon 130
Mangrove crabs 131
Mantis Shrimp 132
Martens 133
Microbe 134
Monarch Butterfly 135
Mound coral 136
Mountain Goats 137
Mud Skipper 138
Moray Eel 139
Mimic Octo-Pus! 140
Marine Iguanas 141
Manta Ray 142
Mana (Mana?) Mana (Mana?) pause. Manatee…! (Clears throat)3
Narwhal 144
Needlefish 145
Nile crocodile 146
Nile monitor lizards 147
Nine banded armadillo 148
Nutria 149
Okapis 150
Omuras whale 151
Orca 152
Oarfish 153
Octopus 154
Prowfish 155
Pelicans 156
Polar Bear 157
Pilot Fish 158
Parrotfish 159
Piranhas 160
Porcupine Puffer 161
Porcupine 162
Puffin 163
Pangolin 164
Pikas 165
Pin-tailed whydahs 166
Poison dart frog 167
Pygmy 3 toed sloths 168
Quino checkerspot butterflies 169
Queens-land-Lung-fish 170
RedRock Crabs 171
Reef Lobsters 172
Remipedes 173
Remora Fish 174
Rainbow blanket octopus 175
Rats 176
Raven 177
Red deer 178
Red eye tree frogs 179
Red fox 180
River Dolphin 181
Rock climbing gobies 182
Ruffed grouse 183
Sand grouse 184
Sand viper 185
Screaming piha 186
Seals 187
Sehuencas water frogs 188
Squid 188
Skinks 189
Skua bird 190
Skull Spiders 191
Snail 192
Spinner dolphins 193
Suckermouth catfish 194
Sun bear 195
Sunflower Star 195
Sunfish 196
Surfing Snail 197
Sailfish 198
Sardines 199
Salt-water croc-o-dile 200
Sea gulls 201
Sea squirts 202
Sea tulips 203
Sea Otter 204
Sea Pig 205
Sea Skater 206
Sea Snail 207
Sea Snake 208
Sea Sponge 209
Sea Urchin 210
Sea Horses 211
Siphonophore 212
Slime Eel 213
Snapping Shrimp 214
Sperm Whale 215
Spook Fish 216
Sea Star 217
Surgeon Fish 218
Swordfish 219
Shovel Nosed-Guitar Fish 220
Swell (sigh) Shark (sigh) 221
Snot Sea (panicked) Cucumber! 222
Tiger shark 223
Tokay Geko 224
Toucan 225
Tree frogs 226
Tree lobsters 227
Tree snails 228
Trout 229
Turtles 230
Tulum cave remipede 231
Tube Worms 232
Triggerfish 233
Tor-pedo Ray…! 234
U: You? Me? Me? You? V!
Vampire Squid 235
Vent Shrimp 236
Vole 237
Watchman goby 238
Water dikkops 239
Weasel 240
Wisent 241
Wolves 242
Wood louse 243
Wolf Eel 244
Whale Shark 245
Walrus 246
Water Bears 247
Weddell Seal 248
Whale Louse 249
White-Tip-Shark 250
X: Xylophone solo!
Yellow bellied sea snakes 251
Yeti Crab 252
Zebra 253
Zebra fish! 259
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stevienix · 1 year ago
First time doing Timelapse:D
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siconetribal · 10 months ago
Put it on My Tab 11
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Tag: @vbecker10 @wordsfromshona @harlequin-hangout @harpy-space @tild3ath @gone-batty-fics @princessbl0ss0m @dakotali
Warning: Frustration, Celebration, and Coffee Inhalation
Everyone deserves time off, and the vigilantes of Gotham are no exception to the rule. The boys decide to take a weekend to let loose. Who knew a few drinks would lead to a stranger in bed?
Author Note:
A huge thank you and shout out to @harlequin-hangout for the amazing banners you made for me.
Please comment, like, share, and reblog! If you'd like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters or find chapter one here.
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The apartment was silent, broken only by the occasional shouting, shooting, and sirens. For anyone living in Gotham City, especially the rougher parts, this was all white noise. A day of actual  silence was a blessing that no one dared to question. Today was not one of those nights. In fact, it was noisier than most, which usually meant trouble was closer than usual. None of that mattered to Y/N as she sat cross armed and cross-legged on the worn out sofa, staring down at her phone that lay on the coffee table before her.
Seconds had turned to minutes which quickly became an hour which was now nearing two as she sat there stone still. Since coming home from her shift, she had perched herself on the couch as if to judge the cellular device that was placed on the stand. There was now a new number on her phone. Nine new digits under the contact name: Your Hero and a message thread that held one text saying ‘hi’ from her phone to this person. 
The same person with the mesmerising blue eyes that looked like they held the secrets of life itself, tinged with sadness and pain. Tall, muscular but not overly bulky but certainly much bigger than her, with black hair that had a high contrast streak of white in the front. The same interrogative gentleman who saved her from the drink and Matias. The very person who had her drowning in 4k worth of debt to the hotel for room damage. Thrice he appeared out of nowhere and twice were to save her from serious trouble. The one and only silver tongued Wonder Boy who was into books and video games.
“Who just shows up to save someone on time like that? Is he really some sort of self-proclaimed hero?” She muttered to herself, unfolding her arms to rest her chin in one of her palms.  “What do I do now? Do I text him? Should I ask about the room? How do I even bring that up without him claiming I’m some liar trying to squeeze money out of him? It’s not like I knew he was a Wayne! I didn’t sit there and memorise all their faces, and just hoped to the high heavens one had a decent enough personality to save me. I didn’t even want to go to the reunion! Do I just wait for him to text me? He did say he was going to text me, but do I just believe that? When is that going to happen? What did I even say yes to?!” She threw her arms up in frustration and ruffled her hair. “What the hell am I supposed to do?!” She let out a heavy sigh of frustration, staring up at the dated popcorn ceiling as she slumped back into her seat, laying her head on the top of the cushion. Today is going to be a long day. She blinked a few times, fatigue getting the best of her. Forcing herself to stand up, she grabbed her phone and made her way to her bedroom. Sleep was the only answer after such a hectic night shift.
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“Tonight, we celebrate, Magnus ol’ buddy!” Jason grinned, snapping the elastic band of the party hat under the stone chin. “Yours truly has managed to not only find her,” he walked away and paused for suspense, turning with ease to face his rock friend once more. “But also get her number and her name! Sure, I got it off her name tag, but I plan on getting it from her directly!” He grinned from ear to ear as he walked back, waving the lit up phone screen in its face as he leaned against Magnus. “Sorry I haven’t been around to update ya on things, I had to help with shit on the other side of the city for the last couple of weeks. At least it wasn’t boring. But that’s beside the point, I finally got something on her before she got on me! Man, you should’ve seen the look on her face! I left her speechless!” He puffed his chest with pride as he plopped down onto his usual seat by Magnus, opening up the rolled up paper bag.
He pulled out a large order of fries, setting it sideways in Magnus’ mouth for easy access before grabbing the burger beneath it, his drink set between them and his helmet just within reach. Batburgers were the perfect on-the-go late night celebratory food. He was not scheduled to be on patrol today, but no one told him what to do. He just merely agreed with decisions for the most part, today was just one of difference of opinion. Let the Batman rant and rave, Jason would not let anyone take away his victory.
“So, what was the last thing we talked about? Ah, right! Some mobsters were causing shit thinking I wasn't around to crack skulls. Fucking dumbasses,” he rolled his eyes and took a hearty bite of his burger. “The look of shock on their faces, you’d think they saw a ghost! I know I’ve died a few times, depending on what stories you follow, but I’m still flesh and blood. Of course, they tried to fix that, thinking they had a chance. They never learn, and that's why they always fucking lose. When I ran shit, I was smart about it. Throwing muscle mindlessly is a waste. You can't educate the brainless though. I had to make sure to do a proper job, and couldn't leave just anyone to send the message. Things should be quiet over there for a bit which gives me the chance to actually reach out to Y/N.”
“Y/N, huh? That’s a pretty name.” A familiar voice held an annoying lilt to it. Jason’s eyebrow twitched as he took a sip of his soda.
“Whaddya want, Dickwing?” He grumbled.
“What, can’t an older brother come check in on his AWOL younger brother?” Nightwing placed a hand over his heart and hung his head. “You wound me, little brother.” He frowned, noticing the party hat on the gargoyle. “And to have a party without inviting me? I am doubly hurt! Maggie has a hat and fries!”
“Magnus is important. He doesn’t say stupid shit like you are now.” Jason scoffed, taking one of the crispy golden potato sticks.
“Margrave can’t say anything. I still think you should see someone about this unhealthy relationship you have with this heap of concrete.” Nightwing knocked two knuckles against it before taking a seat beside Jason. “So, who is Y/N, and why are you texting her? Where did you meet? Should I be worried, and for whom between the two of you?”
“Shut up,” the younger former Robin grumbled. “You better not fucking do anything or I’ll kill you.” He warned Nightwing quickly raising his hands up in surrender. “She's the girl I was trying to find about the whole hotel fiasco.”
“The one where you broke the simple coffee machine and ruined the room, leaving her with a huge bill to clear?” He smirked as Jason scowled.
“Yes, that one. Keep it up, see what happens.” He grumbled.
“Alright, alright! So, you finally found her, hm? That's good, you can give her the money and move on finally. You won't have some rando holding that over you anymore. Did you get the money sent to her already?”
Jason knew that was what he needed to do and that was the whole purpose of trying to find her. Give her the money and move on. There was no use or reason to delay. The sooner he paid, the sooner she was free to move on as well. Being involved any more than necessary was a danger to her and a burden on him. And yet, the thought alone left a bitter taste in the back of his mouth. 
Y/N was witty and funny, easy to approach and talk to even if it was just nonsense. He wanted to keep talking to her, and not just through a computer screen. He wanted to know more about her day, the crazy customers, and the shenanigans of her and Citlalli. He wanted to sit and drink coffee or tea or whatever she drank and discuss books, plan little gaming raids, or just talk about life. He knew nothing about her. 
I could just look it up now that I know her name and place of employment. I could find out everything about her and clear up the mystery that is her, feed the curiosity and be done with it…but I don't want to. Not only that, but I want to hear it from her, organically. Even if I did read all there is, I'd want to hear it from her. 
“Earth to Jason, are you there?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m here. I’m just thinking.”
“You, thinking? Oh man, that isn’t good. Should I be expecting a second duffle bag incident?”
“Duffle bag what? No, that was one time, you guys need to learn to let it go!” He rolled his eyes.
“It’s pretty hard to just let go of the fact that your younger brother was carrying eight heads stuffed in a gym bag.” Nightwing scoffed. “Excuse me for being a little concerned.”
“It was one time!” He let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m not some psycho serial killer or something. If you’re here to rain on my parade, you can fuck off! This is why I didn't invite you, Magnus knows how to read a balcony. It’s clearly a party.” He motioned to the shiny pointy hat on said gargoyle’s head. “Also, aren’t you on patrol? Quit slacking off and go.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll leave! I can tell when I’m not wanted!” Nightwing let out a heavy sigh as he stood up. “Unloved and thrown away like last week’s newspaper.” He sniffled loudly. “I see how it is!” He threw his head back with the back of his hand to his forehead.
“If you get it, then leave.” Jason grumbled, opening up the wrapper of his second burger. “Thanks, for the assist.” He mumbled before taking a bite. Nightwing had just barely heard the words, but smiled nonetheless.
“Anytime, Little Red,” he chuckled before vanishing into the night. 
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Over the course of the next two weeks, Y/N picked up every and all shifts that she could possibly find to help clear the money owed. Citlalli was great in helping her find work, while away and on her return. The return of the boisterous and flamboyant Citlalli was like sunshine after weeks of doom and gloom rain, refreshing and much needed. Y/N had been keeping herself too busy to even think, and Citlalli’s return was a great distraction, but also a great sounding board on what to do. She had told her dear friend all about her encounter with her troublesome cousin and the return of her expensive hero. Citlalli was not thrilled to hear about her cousin’s antics, and had quickly informed their boss of what transpired. She also insisted that Y/N should wait for him to text, since that is what he said he would do. The task was simple enough, validating the decision she had been leaning towards as is. 
However, that was then. Two weeks and some days had gone by, and nothing. Utter radio silence from him. No sudden appearances, even though Matias did come by some times to try to get her attention. And her online gaming partner was also MIA. Arkham_Knight said it would be about a week, but there was no movement or notice from him either. It was driving her crazy to just sit and wait for both of them.
The next time I see him, I’m going smack him! How do you tell someone you’re going to message them and just don’t?! Especially after you made sure to get my number to send details, what details?! She wanted to scream, but she was on the clock. It was another graveyard shift and the café was dead. Everything had been cleaned spotless and anything that needed to be restocked was done. She even went through the inventory to make a list of what needed to be reordered soon. With nothing left, she took a seat on the stool and pulled out her book since there was nothing else to do.
As soon as she cracked it open, there was the sound of glass shattering. She reflexively ducked for cover as the window shards went flying everywhere. She could hear the sounds of a struggle at the crunch and scratch of the pieces, a muffled frantic voice followed by a calmer, more exasperated one.
“I told you we could do this the easy way or the hard way, you chose the hard way.” The young male voice flippantly spoke. “Now, tell me what I need to know. I can keep this up all night if I have to, I’ve got nowhere else to be.” 
And I just cleaned the whole place! Y/N scowled at her turn of luck, carefully closing her book and placing it aside. What am I supposed to do in this situation?! I can’t exactly greet them and ask what they would like to order, who knows what they’ll do to me. Wasn’t his place supposed to be ‘crime free���? So much for that promise, thanks for nothing Gotham politicians! She grumbled to herself, slowly lifting her head to just above the counter to see who was responsible for destroying the cafe. She was surprised to see it was one of the famous caped crusaders of Gotham City. Red Robin, here? With who? She tried to get a look of the captured person but her attention was caught by the sound of crunching glass and she ducked quickly for brief moment.
“Did we get it?”
Nightwing? Well damn, I know I said I wanted something to happen, but this was not what I had in mind. She slowly stood up from her hiding spot after shifting over to right so that the machines would help hide her for a little longer.
“Not yet, but looks like he’s just about ready.” Red Robin answered, looking over his shoulder at Nightwing, catching sight of Y/N’s hat in the process. “Looks like we have an audience.”
What do I do? What do I do? Y/N’s eyes darted from side to side trying to find a place to run, but she was boxed in and there was no way she would outrun one of them. With no options of escape, she slowly walked towards the register so she was more visible with both her hands up. “I’m unarmed, I’m just an employee here.” She forced herself to speak calmly and clearly.
“An employee here, where are we?” Nightwing quickly surveyed the location and realized they had come crashing through an actual business and not one of the under construction buildings. “So he ran here hoping to be seen by someone.” He muttered.
“See what? I don’t see anything, except for two potential customers debating if they want to order.”
“Smart girl,” Red Robin answered, turning to face her after tying up the guy on the floor. The two vigilantes walked up to the counter and looked up past Y/N to see what was available. While Red Robin realized where they were, Nightwing realized something else. She noticed and looked down to see it was at her name tag.
“Y/N, that’s a pretty name.” He grinned. “I think we will order something, Y/N. What do you say?”
“Red Eye with two shots of espresso and some steamed milk, large.” The order came out quick, a slight eagerness in the tone. Y/N could not help but stare at the younger of the two masked males.
“I’m guessing you like coffee, and strong at that.”
“It helps when working the night.” He stood a little straighter.
“Riiiight, I’m not judging. I work in a café.” She shrugged, dropping her arms since she needed to make the order. “And you, Mr. Nightwing?”
“Mead Raf for me, medium is fine.”
“To go, or did you plan on staying to chat? We’re a 24-hour café, though I suppose I need to have you leave, since I need to clean up all the glass.” She motioned to the floor.
“Ah yes, sorry about that, Y/N. We’ll have it to go so you can get to cleaning.” Nightwing chuckled, amused by how she was handling the situation. The two watched her as she carefully made the drinks, making sure no glass managed to find its way behind the counter or into the coffee. 
“One large Red Eye with two shots of espresso and steamed milk and one medium Mead Raf. Is that all?” The vigilantes looked between one another and nodded their heads. “Alright, here you go. Consider it a small thanks for doing your best to keep us safe. You sure you don’t want anything to eat? Or are you not allowed to eat on the job?”
“There are no rules about that, we just gotta keep our hands free as much as possible. Thank you, Y/N.” He smiled at her name. He noticed the corners of her lips tug downwards. “Is something wrong?"
“Hm? No, nothing.” I’m overthinking it. He’s probably saying my name to make sure I know that he knows my name now and if I say anything, it’ll be easy to find me. “I’m a snacker, so I guess not having something on hand seems a bit cruel.”
“It’s annoying, but we need to be able to react quickly.” Red Robin agreed, taking his cup and taking a rather big drink from it. She tried to stop him, but could only watch. He was not the first to drink burning hot coffee in front of her, but it was always strange to see. Nightwing was not as crazy, he waited for a bit before sipping his drink.
“Perfect,” he smiled in approval. “Thanks again, Y/N, and here, something for your troubles.” He winked, slipping something into the tip jar before grabbing the tied up man. “Until next time,” he flashed her a grin as Red Robin held the door open and the two walked out as if they had not just come crashing through one of the windows.
She looked down at the tip jar to see what looked to be a $100 bill and something else. Do they get paid to do this job, or is this from a day job? Where the hell did he even keep this money? I don’t see any room for pockets in his suit, but then again, it’s all black. Red Robin did have a belt, maybe he holds the change? Her focus then shifted her attention to the glass littering the floor and sighed, there was no way she was going to be able to run the rest of the shift like this. Locking the doors, she grabbed the cleaning supplies and called her boss, letting him know of the situation at hand. “Well, at least it wasn’t dull.” She muttered as she got to cleaning until her boss got there to have the window temporarily patched up.
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thatonewannabedragon · 3 years ago
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OSMP!Tommy is a Harlequin Macaw looking raptor harpy just saying-
(I know its not perfect but I'm tired of working on it and I'm still getting used to coloring on digital again.)
Anyways my brain spawned this cause Tommy said he didn't have wings like Phil and liked membraine wings like flying squirrels, so this was my brains compromise. It also makes sense for him to be a raptor lookin thing cause thats where chickens came from (i think), and his new boosts to his origins.
Heres a bonus feral doodle I did while trying to work out the face:
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I'm gonna do my Phil next cause I have a stupid mini comic I wanna do with them.
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ambrial-blog · 3 years ago
The Corpse Undeath the Hanging Tree
Years ago Striker, a ruthless outlaw takes the seven rings of hell by storm. In a tragic twist of fate the gunslinger was struck down by a Goetic commander and nobleman. As the commander and chief stood over the dying cowboy, the imp spits up into his face: a look of defiance shines in his eyes.
A gruff voice rumbles: like a thunderstorm through the stagnant air. "you may have everyone fooled beast, but you will never fool me" hisses the Serpent Cowboy. As The Goeita Prince stomps on his chest causing the snake imp's body to bounce as he wheezes in pain.
Blood blooms spreading across the wrangler's chest, as Striker coughs up blood on his hands and knees.
His mouth stained red with blood he snarls up at his killer. Striker could feel his consciousness slowly slipping away.
The taste of hot copper curdles at the back of his throat. With shaking arms he levels his guns at the large Goeita.
A look of meaningless pity flashes in the prince's eyes. Hard ruby eyes pierce the cowboy with their chilling gaze. He couldn't have the resistance kindling again: sparks of a revolution. The cowboy needed to be made into an example.
The commander couldn't risk having word get out to the main house. Stolas sneers down at the pale skinned imp watching as light fades from the gunslinger's eyes before smirking coldly down upon him raising up his sword he buries it into the Outlaw's chest. The Owl Prince drags the imp down into the gully, and into the dead woods leaving a trail of blood in his wake. Gripping the cowboy's shoulder he snaps it back until he could hear a sickening pop. Stolas grips Striker by his jaw lifting him up in the air: as a long talon traces his eyes. Striker let's out a blood-curdling scream as the commander digs his long talons into his eyes, ripping them out he places them into a velvet bag. The Owl prince smiles licking the blood from the imps face before dropping the corpse into a shallow grave underneath a hangman's noose. He buries the legendary Cowboy face down in the dirt. Leaving the Cowboy's body to rot.
As the years passed, and the revolution was forgotten, a family of grifters were trotting along in an old gothic style coach. Imps were sold into slavery and Blitzo was set to marry Stolas against his will. Bequeathed to an Overlord of greed upon his mother's deathbed. The crimson imp was at the mercy of the king of greed and his zany son Fizzorolli.
Masters of mind bending illusions this crooked family had the audacity to hoodwink one of the most credible families within the lust Ring.
Strongly believing that they could bleed out the Goeita bloodline by weaseling in one of their own.
The wedding arrangements were going to be settled on, upon their arrival to the Goeita estate. Who better to marry the ditsy blueblood than their very own loveless Harlequin.
Blitzo stares gloomily out through the painted glass panes of the carriage. Watching as the rain poured down from the skies wearing a dour expression on his face: like he was going to a funeral rather than attending his own wedding.
The plan was a simple one, get the feathered bird brained to fall for his whimsical charms. Then upon the night of their honeymoon, while Stolas was distracted, he'd poison him with untraceable toxins, the plan was flawless.
Fizzorolli would help Blitzo rehearse for months on end: he'd crawl between Blitzo's legs acting drunk, sqeezing Blitzo's thigh. Fizz grips Blitzo's head. Sucking on his tongue. Fizz runs his hands down the harlequin's thighs. As Blitzo hums into the kiss.
"Let's take it from the top" Fizz says taking off his clothes.
Lady Estella Everclaw, was the pivotal Lady in waiting. She was Stolas's childhood sweetheart. She let her jealousy rule her turning her into a cantankerous, vexing harpy.
A blight on the dreary town of Evermore. Estella was smart as a whip and devious too. As her obsession with the young nobleman grew.
Her love for the grim prince would turn fatal.
Fortunately for both Fizzorolli and Blitzo, Lord Mammon had the Goeita King and his lascivious Queen wrapped around his little pinky. King Atlas and Queen Avery wanted to get their greedy claws onto Lord Mammon's vast fortunes. The King of Greed, the Jester of Lewdness: wasn't as poor as he acclaimed to be. He was a greedy man seizing opportunities where he saw fit.      
They soon arrived: and was greeted by the King and Queen: Blitzo stood stock still as the King and Queen silently passed judgement upon him. This was the day the Harlequin had dreaded the most, and subsequently it was also the day that Lord Mammon and his son were pushing for, and grooming Blitzo for years.
The scarlet imp groans dragging his feet through the threshold leading into a massive den: A burning hearth: sat ablaze nestled in the corner: the melodic sound of the grand piano filled the room.
The imp was stalling hoping that one, if not both would change their minds. Blitzo couldn't ignore the unsettling feeling: the unbridled dread washing over him: screaming at him to run.
But with one critical eye and a pointed look from his "Father" the young harlequin enters the family den. Coming to stand behind Stolas who had his back poised and turned to the little devil. The owl prince sat at a grand Piano his eyes shut immersed in the music his nimble fingers were flying over the keys. He was appalled at his parents for even considering going through with an arranged marriage.
There was no need, they weren't dirt poor this wasn't the stone-age. But then again try telling that to King Atlas and his Queen who were money hungry aristocrats.
Were they skirting the barrel again? was King Atlas double-dipping he knew his father had a gambling problem and his mother loved the lavished life: full of dictum and poise.
Prince Stolas: was a cold blooded killer, his hands were stain with the blood of a filthy imp and here he was expected to marry one-.
The tiny imp was small 6'5 with crimson flesh: with tiny scars marring his body, his eyes were made of kindling fires: he had a bombastic personatly that threatened to consume the cold hearted prince.
It didn't take long for Blitzo to wheedle his way into the prince's icy heart using his impish charms and wit. -
In his own opinion, it worked a little too well, if you were to ask Blitzo. Infatuation caved way into dark temptation: lust melted away into obsession. Unfortunately for the commanding prince it was all one-sided. Blitzo knew if he didn't partake in the absurdness of this situation than Lord Mammon and Fizzorolli would make his life a living hell. The Harlequin was creeped out but found that he had no choice in the matter between the late night booty calls, the inane baby-talk: he was made to suffer through and the obnoxious random phone calls late at night when everyone else got to sleep: was enough! he'd kill that squawking bird and make it look like an accident if he got one more booty call.
On one cold and blustery night as the frost was creeping in, getting ready to settle for the long season. The fireplace crackled and popped; the floorboards creaked and moaned. Blitzo had spent months cooped up in the Goeita estate under the scrutiny of the King and queen and other unnamed nobles. Between their hushed voices that burns through his ears and the looming wedding that was a catastrophe waiting to happen. Blitzo was getting cold feet. He paced the den, listening to Stolas. As the aristocrat played the piano, ignoring his distraught fiancé.
The scarlet imp couldn't stand it. His thoughts were running rampant. Stolas paused in his playing to give the imp a scathing look. The Harlequin was thinking about running away, abandoning his family. "If you're leaving, I expect you home by five tonight. Don't be late Blitzy," Blitzo pauses, looking at the prince. It was as if Stolas could read his mind. "They all run eventually. Why should you be any different, and once were married little imp, your wings will be the first thing I clip,"
With that, Blitzo darted out of the room: he fled into the Dead Woods But, a pair of insidious eyes leers out from the shadows, watching the imp flee into the woods. Blitzo heard manic footfalls. He peers back in time to see Fizzorolli barreling into him.
Fizz slams into him hard with enough force to knock the wind from his lungs, Slamming Blitzo into the rough bark of a dying tree. He snarls in his face. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Screams Fizzorolli before throwing him onto the ground, littered with fallen leaves. Fizz crawls on top of him, punching Blitzo across the face. Blood splatters across the dead leaves as he captures Blitzo's hands, holding them above his head. He leers menacingly down as Blitzo tries to block against his brother's destructive tirade. His eyes widen: fearful of what his brother was about to do. "Where the fuck do you think you're going? He growls into Blitzo's face. "Were so close, BlitzO stick to the plan," Fizz snarls, nipping his nose, before leaning down to capture Blitzo's mouth in a sinful kiss. "A few more weeks, my little Harlequin, and will leave with a handsome dowry," Blitzo hums into the kiss. His tongue slides into fizz's mouth as the clown coaches him along. Blitzo breaks away, turning his head.
"I can't Fizz," he says. "Don't make me marry him. He's vile, crude and the way he talks to me" Blitzo shudders beneath his brother. Fizzorolli takes Blitzo's thumb into his mouth and suckles. "Enough BlitzO!" Fizz growls, pressing his mouth to Blitzo's, ensnaring Blitzo's tongue with his teeth. "Remember dear brother, he is just a quick cash grab: whatever hideous habits he has you'll have to put up with and don't go falling in love with anyone but me" "Your mine, bequeathed to my father upon your mother's deathbed," Fizz growls. His hot breath coasting along Blitzo's neck. The Harlequin's body shudders as he squirms beneath the jester.
Fizzorolli wedges his knee between Blitzo's legs, resting his kneecap on the Harlequin's abdomen. Trapping the loveless clown beneath him. "Think of the money BlitzO, we'd be set for life, you, me and Mammon and if I wanted to, I could send you away upstate to that college you've been drooling over," Fizz purrs into his ears trying to sweeten the deal.
Fizz licks the shell of his ear before ripping open his jacket. Blitzo watches as his brass buttons fly in every direction. "Mammon would never allow you to do such a thing," Blitzo counters, his eyes hardening on Fizz as he tries to sit up. The dubious clown pushes him back down on a bed of leaves. Tearing open his shirt, watching as Blitzo's nipples hardened from the cold. His hot breath washed over Blitzo's chest, causing the imp to shudder and writhe beneath him.
Fizz captures Blitzo's neck: nipping and gnawing, teasing and taunting. Knowing exact ally what do to cause a reaction. He kisses his neck, leaving little love bites that would turn into welts by the morning. His hand scrapes down the slope of Blitzo's chest. He could feel the imp purring. "You leave daddy dearest to me and don't forget your place. You belong to me, my little Harlequin. It would be a shame if you ended up like your sister. The jester sneers into his ear. Blitzo grits his teeth. "Barbie-Wire," he whispers, his heart plummeting. He had found her splayed out and naked: her thighs were coated in seamen, her chest was littered with Knicks and bite marks. Her womb was evisorated, her face mangled.
Fizzorolli grips Blitzo's by the jaw, bringing him up, so that he was staring into his eyes which flickered with animosity. "Never lose sight of your goals, little brother," Fizz warns, licks the tears from his face. "Get your ass back there before those overgrown vultures start to congress around. "You blow our cover, little brother. A late night booty call will be the least of your worries, Fizz orders, running his fingers down Blitzo's chest. "Now I have to go fuck a Goeita's brains out. She's snooping around and getting a little too close for my comfort." "
"Don't blow this for me little one, or you'll end up in the hospital again" Fizz warns, his steeling green eyes raking over Blitzo's lithe form. He unbuckles his belt reaching out he grips Blitzo by the shirt and drags him along the hollow ground: deeper and deeper he takes the Harlequin, who is kicking and screaming into the forest. Shredding his brother's clothing and strewing it through the forest. As Blitzo scrambles, He lays him underneath the Hangman's noose, spreading his legs. Blitzo peers up at the swinging noose as Fizz's arm wraps around him. He could feel the tip of Fizz's member penetrate him. The imp cries out in pain, twisting in his brother's mechanical arms. Faster and faster, Fizz drives into him, unrelenting. His stomach curdles as Blitzo tries to get away. Fizzorolli pulls out only to thrust back in: Blitzo screams, his cries muffled by dead leaves. It felt like hours beneath the hangman's tree where his brother continuous violented him. There was greed and poeession in every thrust. Splitting pain erupts, causing the Harlequin to curl up into himself.
Fizz bit savagely into the crevice of his neck, feeling the warm blood pool in his mouth as he rode out his omasum. Leaving Blitzo cold and wet, his hands tied with a chord of rope behind his back. Hanging from the noose of the Hangman's tree. Poised on his toes, he was left to think by the malicious clown.
Blitzo works his hands feverishly, while trying to maintain his balance. His could feel his hands growing numb as blood trickles down his neck. His heart was pulsating in his chest. He stood previously on a rotting log, the same log he was fucked over. Blitzo closes his eyes, feeling an icy chill go through his naked body. "Come back when you're ready to apologize to the prince," Fizzorolli's voice echoes in his head.
Working his wrists, Blitzo wipes the blood dribbling out from his mouth on his arm. "Oh God, that was close," he thought as the rope fell to the ground, pulling his head from the noose before the rotting log collapsed into itself, sending them flailing into the dead leaves. Blitzo's eyes darken as he went about retrieving his clothes. The imp winces in pain, pulling on his pants. Bending down, he picks up a little black box: Tilla's wedding rings, gleams brightly in the grim forest. Blitzo took a shuddering breath. He didn't want to face anyone right now. Not is his current condition, he doubted Stolas would care; he knew Mammon would just narrow his eyes at him and make him run a gauntlet of aerials when they got back to Loo-Loo-land.
Blitzo hisses as he looks around for a ravine to wash himself in. Since he was left to his own devices, he made the best of it by rehearsing his vows. Hollow, meaningless vows.
He pictures Stolas, standing in the window peering out into the dead woods: a haughty expression on his face. "nothing warm and fuzzy there" Blitzo mutters to himself. As he fumbles across his lines.
The thought of his sister left a sour taste in his mouth. She didn't deserve that. But Mammon just brushed her away. He didn't care about the siblings. Just what they could provide for him. And, when he realized which twin had talent: it was all downhill for Blitzo. Luckily, Mammon saw Barbie-Wire as a lady of the night.
He was quick to pair his son up with the remaining twin. "now if he wanted to go to college to get away from the psycho circus of a family, he'd have to play by their rules. He envisioned the university lead by Charlie Morningstar. His freedom was days away, so with determination he tosses the ring up and catches it. Moonlight shone above him, and he could see the King and Queen reflected in the stumps, ahead of him: a gnarled root sticking up out of the dirt, near the old  gully.
"With this hand, I shall lift your sorrows." "Your cup will never empty, for I shall be your wine." "With this candle I shall light your way in darkness," "And, with this ring, I ask you to be mine.
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cursed-saphire-hart · 5 years ago
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Here's the Ew Hazbins!!
FINALLY DONE WITH THE W.I.P good lord. Tom and Susan were the hardest to do XD, BUT I LUV HAVING AN AU WHERE ANYA IS BIGGER THAN TORD.
Just like the other vid, I'll be explaining the creative process and I'll squeeze in how the characters are in this au, all of them are from different eras n I took this chance to push the proportions past what I usually do, not a huge difference tho OwQ
Edd - Manticore (FORGOT HIS WINGS)
Roxxi - Sphinx
Matt - Bat Demon (SHUT UP)
Amanda - Fallen Angel(?)
Tom - Moth demon
Susan - Harpy (song bird XD)
Tord - Imp/Deal Maker
Anya - Ram Demon (Harlequin Ram?)
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Two general Full size sketch pages for a client of their characters.  Main characters features in the two sketch pages are Belial, an exiled Harpy Prince, with his support character Nedali, who is his knight.  And then Luciano, a soldier in a kingdom of wolf hunting bunnies, and his support character, Cyven, who takes care of him at home.
Feel free to ask me about character/creature/other concept commissions.
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