teecupangel · 9 months
After Mirage I went straight to Valhalla for the first time cause I love Basim. I just got to the Oxenfordscire arc to when you free the thegns. And right now Im following Siguard and Basim walk halfway across the map becuase their horses are constantly running into them and this is harlarious.
Then I imagined it as another Desmond being reborn and him doing that to Siguard was too funny.
I’m going to assume this is another case of Desmond becoming a horse AU and roll with it XD
Eivor has no idea what was happening.
Desmond was one of the best horses in Ravensthorpe.
Hytham had been the one to capture him near their settlement a few weeks after they had landed.
According to Hytham, Desmond had approached him a day after he taught Eivor how to do a leap of faith and he managed to ‘capture’ him.
When Hytham recounted the story to Eivor, Desmond had let out a huffing sound that made Hytham hush him, as if the two were keeping a secret.
If Eivor was to make a guess, she believes Hytham didn’t capture Desmond and more like bribed him or maybe even pleaded with him.
That’s what Eivor learned about Desmond.
He does not do well with being pulled or hit. He’d even kick and jump away.
But talking to him and asking him to run or to go left?
He’d do it if one was to ask nicely.
Eivor’s try and tested method, give Desmond berries.
They were meant to be Eivor’s emergency provisions but berries were plenty around these parts so she didn’t mind sharing them to Desmond for a much smoother ride.
That was why she had not been surprised that Hytham has asked Desmond to be Basim’s horse.
Basim had been amused with his acolyte talking to a horse like he could understand him but he humored Hytham and spoke to Desmond the same way.
Sigurd had been confused but paid it no heed.
And Eivor whispered to Desmond to behave.
And now…
Eivor has no way of explaining to the two men that the horses are running away from them because Desmond ordered Sigurd’s horse to follow him.
She had seen Desmond do it multiple times before.
She was already starting to believe Desmond is not just any ordinary horse… that he might even be a shapeshifter…
Might even be Loki in disguise.
She was sure Desmond is doing this not to tease them but because he had gotten fed up as well.
Maybe Eivor is just projecting her own feelings.
What she will say is that…
There really was no need to get even her horse to follow him, making them run towards them until they’re near and just running away.
Soon, Sigurd was going to snap and tell them to just find new horses.
And only then will Desmond and the horses return and let them ride them.
Eivor was sure of it.
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prismuffin · 1 year
I just thought of the most harlarious ask.
What if John Constantine had a black cat begin to follow him.
Like how cats are know to choice humans and refuse to leave them alone. John is just finishing up a job, and decided to head down to the pub.
While he was there, a cat started playing with his trench coat, after a while jumping up on his lap. Just as content as can be. John trying to reasoning with the small beast that being around him isn't a good idea, but in good cat fashion it doesn't care. Happy to get attention.
PLEASEEEE THIS IS SO FUNNY- Sorry it took a minute I’ve been drawing slutty men all day 😭 anyways I think—
John would be so ????
First of all, why is there a random cat in the pub and second of all why won’t it leave him alone.
“Oi, get your fluffy paws off me fucking coat!”
He sounds a little crazy yelling to this cat in a pub but let’s face it, it’s not the weirdest thing he’s done/been caught doing. After a while of wrestling his coat out of the cats paws he’s a bit pissy that this cat still hasn’t left him alone. He’d take another sip of his whiskey, sighing a bit as he holds his coat away from the feline only to feel something hit lap. His eyes shoot down to see the cat now resting on his lap, kneading at it a bit before fully laying down. He just stares for a second before clicking his tongue.
Part of him wonders if it’s a familiar because why would a normal cat be around him for this long. Slowly throughout the night he’d just become more and more desensitized to the cat and after a while he’s just petting it lightly as he sips his drink. A little company isn’t so bad, especially since it’s company that can’t speak and try and talk him out of drinking.
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clearimpactstudio · 4 years
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What have her that idea ?? Lol #toofunny #harlarious (at BGC, The Fort) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC0YR9TBIBj/?igshid=1b38jse73fj09
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 4 years
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— ☆   PASSOVER   //     open to anyone   ♢
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FESTIVAL OF FREEDOM.   Harley admittedly wasn’t always keeping on track of things.   Her mental Jewish calendar was lacking and although Hanukkah was a celebration she often remembered she scrambled together to get ready for Passover ,   a festival of something Harley really should be advocating more for since freedom was something she was striving to achieve.
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The seder plate of greens, horseradish ,   nuts and orange amongst other items were laid out in front of her.   If she was honest it wasn’t exactly a meal she’d have gone out of her way to create for any other reason but it had been special so she was trying to make it so.   It was meant to be a thing for the home ,   to spend together so she’d spread the word out in Gotham ,   looking for someone to join her whether they believed or not.   At the very least she wanted some friendship ,   someone to share a nice meal with.   She had asked for people to bring something that liberated them ,   and Harley’s old jester hat had been placed on the table by her plate.
A knock at her apartment door should not have caught her off guard but she raced over to open up with a soft smile on her face.   ❝ Ya here t’ join me ??   Chag sameach !! ❞
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shittyavatarideas · 4 years
Avatar of the stranger but it’s my brothers friends all assuming I’m him and starting an entire five person conversation with me not knowing I’m not him wile I just stand there waiting for this to end as I realise my new lookalike powers are an unlikely curse
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for phantom chloe, please, PLEASE take option b, it sounds utterly harlarious, just imagine marinette with a conspirecy board, keeping garlic powder on her, busting in while Vlad is talking with jeluka and rose about something thinking she's saving them from being turned.
Vlad: "Same tho. Live your dream. Or unlive it. I can't do either, apparently."
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eatsleepmemerepeat · 3 years
Taco Hat Dad is Still Mad
(Stories about my very Larry Dad)
For context, check out my page and read my other stories about my dad (aka the taco hat guy from HSLOT San Diego 2021)
Okay, so my dad starts texting me tonight giving me the play by play of Harry’s concert. My dad is at home and he doesn’t know what Twitter is so I have no clue how he is getting updates about what song Harry is singing so I asked him if he was watching the concert. He is still upset about Harry not singing Medicine at the San Diego show my dad was at so this is how our text convo went:
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He likes to add the word “harrylouis” or hair-lou-wee-us or hilarious/harlarious to the end of words whenever he is talking about something Harry or Louis related (all of those words basically mean larry but he can never remember larry so he uses one of his made up ones)
I asked him how he was getting his updates about Harry’s current LA show and this is what he said:
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For a man that calls key strokes keystones and thinks that Youtube is two words, I am still confused how he even knows what song Harry is currently singing. Who is at the show feeding info to my dad?😂
Also apparently he is calling Harry “dirty-rotten-refuse-to-sing-Medicine-Harry” because he didn’t sing Medicine for “the good people of San Diego”. It’s been a week and he still isn’t over it. He calls me multiple times per day to talk about it. I understand he is disappointed but, I will not let anyone disrespect one of my larents, not even one of my own parents!! Harry treats everyone with Kindness. I will need to have a talk and play a TPWK again for my dad until he apologizes to Harry for calling him anything other than amazing.
The convo continues:
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Lord he is dramatic😂 I guess Medicine is the hill my dad is choosing to die on. Now, he is in his 60s and isn’t in great health so the gravestone might not be too far away. Do you think Harry would sing Medicine at my dad’s funeral if he carved Medicine into his headstone? I bet if he didn’t sing Medicine at his funeral my dad would haunt the shit out of him. He would have to change the name of Two Ghosts to Three Ghosts.
“We’re just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me, trying to keep this other ghost the f*ck away from me”
Then, in a fit of rage, he decides to give up and watch SpongeBob BUT NOT WITHOUT FIRST INSULTING MY LARENT!
*the last line should say, “Him [meaning SpongeBob] put on a better show than hitties” (he had a typo*
The fact that 1) he says that SpongeBob is better than Harry’s show is not only inaccurate, it’s disrespectful and 2) he called harry, “hitties” (which… I have no words for that)
Also, I can’t skip over the fact that my 64 year old dad is watching SpongeBob at 9:30pm on a Saturday night. He is an interesting dude. A lot of layers.
My dad had a blast at Harry’s show. He hasn’t stopped talking about it since that night. He calls me multiple times per day talking about it. He is mad about Medicine, but the AUDACITY of him to name call HAROLD. I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!
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He will not disrespect Harry or his hitties, not on my watch!
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I may need to consider breaking the relationship with my dad. I can’t have this kind of toxicity around. Like Harry said, “BYE BYE!”
He then tells me he needs to stop texting because my stepmom is asleep next to him. This is how he says good night to me:
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Good night
ilyd (I love you -Dad)
ihhs (I hate Harry Styles)
So, I guess he is still mad about not hearing Medicine live. So now he’s being a drama queen about it.
He’s gonna get over it eventually. I’m sure he will hear HS3 and he will forget the betrayal he felt when Harry didn’t sing Medicine. Even Louis himself said he hates Harry sometimes, but he keeps on coming back. Harry has my dad wrapped around his little finger. My arrogant S.O.B. Dad will eventually say sorry to Harry. So for now, I apologize on behalf of my dad.
“Whoa, you stress me out, you kill me
You drag me down, you fuck me up
We're on the ground, we're screaming
I don't know how to make it stop
I love it, I hate it, and I can't take it
But I keep on coming back to you (back to you)”
Will update tomorrow when he inevitably calls me asking for more Harry content.
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robinreddhood · 7 years
there's this show where two people go on and pick a tattoo for eachother and they don't get to see it. this one episode was a father and daughter and my first thought was "imagine dadsona and Amanda"
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ndiecity · 4 years
harlary quinnton
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b0neless-gh0st · 3 years
Bshrh, ebdjjdjd
My sister just attacked me with a bottle so thats fun.
Oh also I can growl and my sister is annoyed at that fact because I do it when she's on video calls mostly and her friends think its harlarious
1. ouch
2. Lmao
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darlingtaylorswift · 5 years
it is absolutely harlarious to me that a pennsylvania girl moved to nashville and was a full out country girl for 7 years and then left the genre and never looked back ekndkwndkdj homegirl escaped with her LIFE
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agoddamnednerd · 6 years
Incorrect BMC quote
Jeremy: I was right!!
Jeremy: now that I'm not crying this IS harlarious
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wristic · 6 years
YOOOOO does anyone here watch The Flash? I started recently and am only halfway in the second season but IT, IS, HARLARIOUS. Sometimes intentionally, most of the time not, but either way it’s been a blast. Just wondering if any of my followers are interested or if I should just keep this new love to my AO3 account.
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I was going to put a ridiculous amount of tags but I think I’m just going to rant about all the dumb things I love about this show and the people in it I want to marry.
I would not advertise it as a good show, but it is a fun show! and I love everybody, I must protect them they are so sweet and trying so hard.
Snart, omg this guy, this fuckin guy. I expected him to be a very certain way. He is nothing like I thought he’d be! He is a treasure! And Barry is always “Join me guy whose for real name is SNART.” and he’s like, “Not a chance Carebar, I’m too COOL for you to handle.” as he wheezes in laughter and slaps his knee. He embraces his terrible alias with such a passion, like it’s all he ever wanted in the world of villainy. It’s why he is a villain, to get that (not so)sleek af alias. 
And Cisco who dishes these alias’ and then says “Awesome name right?!” with such genuine happiness just, come here you funky little nerd, I’m gonna marry you. HE-omg-He owns a custom red shirt with little lightening bolts all over! How cute is that!!
Right now there’s a nightmarish guy whose name is Zoom. ZOOM. and before that was Reverse-Flash. Lazy ass villain didn’t even come up with his own name he just copied Barry, yet he had the most wild backstory. Also Zoom’s lightning bolts curl so you know he’s evil. They really gave no fucks in the golden years of comics did they. And now we got a show that has no choice but to keep saying Zoom in complete dead seriousness. I imagine the actors go into giggle fits all the time cause I am constantly while watching this.
And the drama is both formulaic to the point I was able to hypothesis all the deaths at the end of season 1 (jokingly but then they actually happened lol) but also just-wow. Just, so much, all at once. I want to give examples but I wanna avoid as many spoilers as I can. But there are 23 episodes a season and each episode is an hour long! Ya gotta count that as impressive to keep a show entertaining throughout!
Barry, oh man where do I even start with this disaster? His “speed force” runs on the power of believing in himself and that is just *cackles* every episode (EVERY SINGLE EPISODE) someones gotta tell him he’s doin great and that they love him dearly and like, I feel you Barry. I too break down after a mild inconvenience and constantly need validation to get anything done.
And I am all over Harrison! (mostly cause I have a fondness for older men and raspy voices) I love how in the first season they have him collected and smooth talking, while in Earth-2 he’s actually himself and an absolute BRAT. Beautiful, I dig this shows direction, even when the direction starts feeling like a repeat. 
Especially with making Iris more in the group. Me and my husband were so impatient with the first season bouncing around her. Shes smart, she’s dedicated to her passion; a passion that would legit be really helpful in tracking down meta-humans. I get all these beautiful boys want to keep her safe but she’s also a beautiful woman and can protect herself, my dudes.  
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ukulelekatie · 7 years
Hilary Clinton but dressed as Harley Quinn
Harlary Quinton
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 4 years
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@crimefightr​ grabbed your attention:       “ i don’t care what happens to me.      as long as you’re safe. ”
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AN UNEXPECTED MESSAGE.   The blonde wasn’t sure what to say.   She’d been through a lot ,   they all had.   But that was no reason for him to be so bold.   She had been reckless ,   damn right stupid which was ironic for a woman with a PhD but she had been blinded by rage ,   by hatred and had almost forced Batman into doing the unthinkable.   His words of reassurance despite everything ,   weren’t something the blonde was able to fully comprehend.   ❝ It never mattered what happened to me ,   nearly blowing yourself up really puts things in perspective !! ❞   She was just another pawn on the chessboard that was Gotham and it had taken its toll on her mentally and physically.   Sure the physical scars had healed in time but the mental scars were always going to be there.   She knew it was going to take some time to recover from everything but also ,   part of her believed there was no turning back now.   When you end with a bang   —   almost   —   there was no denying on who she sided with.   It was just a case of making everyone else believed her.
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❝ But the whole not letting me do that was nice.   But just in case it wasn’t totally obvious there are people in this world that want you around too !!   Now I need to figure out a way to pay these medical bills so if you don’t mind me Bats ,   I have things to be doing. ❞   She swung her legs around the side of her bed as she was being released from the hospital.   It was nice of him to save, but now she had other problems to deal with and unfortunately ,   Harley only knew of one way to deal with financial issues.
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xranker · 5 years
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Check out this harlarious exclusive commercial! Only the best! http://tinyurl.com/y2zbx8yh
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