#harder to screw up lol
dingusships · 1 year
what's your favorite way to draw
Digital is what I do most + is most convenient BUT I'm a traditional pencil or charcoal gal at my core!! It's what I started with and am most comfortable with. Ideas seem to come to me easier on paper for some reason & the tactile-ness of smudging drawing etc feels way more at home to me than digital
My background is solidly in realism & it wasn't until about 7 years ago that I started dabbling into stylization / fun stuff so my "default" style vs what I typically post here is..... Uh off balance atm LMAO
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^ a still life I did for a class. As u can see my toon skills in comparison have A Ways to go LMAO
I love Prismacolors too when I wanna do something colored but those are kinda pricey & run out quickly. So I have to plan carefully what exactly I'm gonna use them for before I do it
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pharaohbean · 2 months
arguably the most difficult thing about having sideblogs is just not reposting/queuing stuff to the wrong blog. like wdym i accidentally rbed this One Thing to this sideblog about a Totally Different thing. that was supposed to go on my main. wdym tumblrs genuinely good system is only backfiring on me because my puny brain cannot—hilariously—comprehend it
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manasurge · 1 year
Tis' the season where I mentally and physically suffer. Complaining below (feel free to ignore, I'm just venting. I usually do this every year to get most of it out of my system lol):
mmm the fall/winter SAD is indeed in full swing. No warmth + no sun = a bad bad time. I always get so annoyed when ppl assume that I love winter bc I'm a "winter baby", as if that has any sort of divine intervention on instantaneously adapting you to perfectly fit the climate you were born in. NOPE. Silly human superstition. I start to freeze once it hits below 20C. I wish I lived in a warmer climate o|-< The depresso is probably going to make me very whiny and moody until next spring, so an early forewarning bc I'm EXTREMELY annoying about it this time of year bc it's the only way I know how to deal with it. But moreso in addition to the physical stuff is how badly it messes with my mind, making me so depressed to the point of just... sitting in non-moving silence where I become stiff as a board (very painful btw) and I isolate, making the bad depresso brain time even worse where I overthink everything bc of the silence and isolation. It's also always the time of year where everyone goes quiet too, which is understandable, but also makes things 10x worse (I am very alone in my life and where I am, and kind of rely on online friends bc they're all I have. I don't even have a pet. I'm literally just, loner mode. I don't really have much family to speak of, and only one family member I do speak to. I have little to no connections at all. But regardless, this is still the best living situation I've been in my whole life, so that's saying something).
#i hate the cold; I hate ice; cold air hurts my skin and burns my lungs#i hate snow (I'm sorry I just don't think it's pretty. It's gross; erases all colour/everything; blinding; kills everything; claustrophobic#I hate long nights; i hate all the darkness#I take Vitamin D drops every day during winter and they don't really help#I also use those special lights meant to help during the long darkness for the same reason; and they also do not help#nothing works!!!!!! eating and drinking hot things doesn't help me stay warm bc heat dissipates away quickly and doesn't help my extremitie#the cold makes me SO dry and dehydrated; makes my bones hurt; makes outside DANGEROUS AF. ICE IS BAD. BE CAREFUL.#I can't retain heat; my hypothyroidism makes me colder by default and I just don't metabolize good/fast enough to keep myself warm#(my body temp is lower than average; fun fact! same with my blood pressure! both of them are very low)#I think my average from all the times I've had it scanned during covid was 32-36C. No idea how that works; I just remember checking it a lo#my fingers and hands are going to freeze; making it harder to draw/type/etc.#I'm not going to wear gloves inside my home bc that's dumb and they don't help anyways. It will just screw up my ability to use my hands#I get to be in pain for months with increased potential of being sick :/#also I HATE bundling/layering myself with clothing or blankets; it's suffocating; restricting; sensory hell for me; sweaters are uncomfy :(#also whenever I try to do that all it does is insulate the cold for me; keeping me colder for even longer!!!!! it's so unfair!!!!#I've worn out 2 space heaters already and they don't work properly anymore (I used them both so much I wore out my preferred settings lol)#sobs; i'm a sad plant lizard
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alchemania · 3 months
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I did it.....all 8 Stellas....
Lemme tell you I had to restart the Vishap duo boss so many times on this clear... I'd be super close to clearing with the Stella and then one of them would revive and I just:
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Hu Tao was the big kicker, I was able to finally get the last Stella using her, Bennett, Fischl, and Kazuha against Coppelius, it was much easier (I think I am sadly not skilled enough yet to play Arlecchino. It doesn't help that I play on my phone, either, no doubt; and I tend to panic and when that happens, rotations suffer)
I do like this mode and it felt really good to clear it with all the challenges but my god. There were almost tears a few times I will not lie to you. :") Still, it was really nice having horizontally investing pay off, and I want to build my units better.
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rodrickheffley · 1 year
spending my day on campus in the hopes that i write my essay thats due tmr morning
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kenobihater · 1 year
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kaiowut99 · 1 year
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Error I just noticed in GX 99 fkjksdljkdsjf;ldf;l
This is as Judai draws for his second turn, after Ojin used his three Satellite Cannons to attack him, and he draws into the Fusion card he uses to bring out Flame Wingman; he should of course have the other cards seen earlier in his hand there (Contact, Change of Hero - Reflector Ray, Burstlady, and Featherman; he'd summoned Sparkman and set Hero Spirit by this point). His hand's visible for two movement frames (each sticking for three frames, so six total), so it's a bit quick but it's there, lol.
The dub also keeps this error despite going into the shot to add the dubbed Polymerization card to his right hand too lmao
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junkissed · 22 days
goodnight n go
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member — fwb!vernon x reader genre — smut, angst, non-idol au word count — 1.7k synopsis — you keep coming back for more, but every night ends the same. maybe this time things will be different. warnings — mentions of alcohol, drunk sex, car sex, guitarist!vernon, rock band!hhu, no physical descriptions of reader, vernon is afraid of commitment, sad ending for this part but there will be a part 2 with a happy ending !! notes — before you ask, yes this is based on the ariana song lol but also inspired by black eye because it's been stuck in my head the past few days. as always, thanks to @onlymingyus for reading over this for me <3 i'm still on hiatus and requests are closed but i randomly had inspiration to write something for vernon so i hope you enjoy! i am planning on writing more for this story, but i'm back at uni and my time is already quite limited, so i'll try to write more when i can! reblogs, comments, and asks are super appreciated, it means a lot and helps me keep writing so please lmk if you liked it :)
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“hey, you wanna get drinks tonight?”
as usual, that’s how it starts.
you probably should have said no. you’d played this game before. you knew exactly what hansol meant when he offered to hang out after band practice, because it was never just “hanging out”.
you don’t even know why you still go to practices anymore. for a long time you’d avoided them; it wasn’t really your style, and you were never interested in being a groupie for their local gigs. your roommate seungcheol always invited you to every practice, and every time you declined with the excuse of homework or other plans, but cheol finally convinced you to come just one time.
at first, it had been because he wanted you to hear a new song they were working on and he’d wanted to know how you liked it before they played it at an upcoming show. but then he’d introduced you to the rest of his bandmates, and after that there was no going back.
you couldn’t help the way your eyes always gravitated towards hansol, who insisted that you call him his real name instead of his stage name that everyone else called him. from the very first practice, you were captivated by him: the way his long fingers seem to dance along the neck of his guitar so effortlessly, the way his voice rasps when he sings, the way your breath catches in your throat when he grips the microphone stand and rolls his head back, lips parted in ecstasy.
he’s addictive, and it’s exactly the reason why you find yourself in the backseat of his car over and over again.
every time, it was easy to pretend that things would be different. you’d walk into the bar together and sit at the table in the back, order a few drinks, chat for a while about nothing. did you like the new stuff we played tonight? yeah, i know cheol is really excited to perform it saturday. you been doing any writing lately? mmm, a little. i’ve been feeling inspired. we could go back to my place and i could show you. except he never does.
hansol wasn’t a bad guy. he always paid for your drinks no matter how many times you offered to pick up the tab, he was polite, he listened to what you had to say. he just didn’t want more than that, and that’s where it all fell apart. you’d screw around for a while, then you’d part ways and wouldn’t speak to each other until next week. you never went to see them play shows, he never texted, you never called, never went on a real date besides meeting in the same bar down the street every thursday night after practice.
he seemed fine with that. you weren’t. and yet every time, you ended up back in his arms.
he groans into your mouth, pushing his hips into you and pinning you harder against the faded leather seats of his old honda. his lips are sloppy but eager, messily pressing his mouth into yours as his fingers tangle in the hair at the base of your neck. you can taste the beer and smoke on his breath, but for some reason it doesn’t bother you. maybe you’re used to it, or maybe it’s just because it’s him. you don’t want to know which reason is the truth.
he kisses you until you’re dizzy, and you can’t tell if it’s from the alcohol or from the thrill of kissing him once again. it’s a high you’re convinced you’ll never get tired of, although you’re not quite sure yet if it’s one that he will.
hansol always lets you set the pace, but tonight he can’t seem to keep his hands to himself. both of your shirts met the floor of his car what seems like hours ago, leaving you in just your pants as he makes out with you as if it’s the first and last time he’ll get that chance. his fingers breeze over your waist the same way they breeze over his guitar strings when he plays: careful yet greedy, each touch intentional yet impulsive as he grips your waist.
he drags his fingers higher and it sends a shiver down your spine, arching your hips up against him and rolling your head back against the seat’s headrest. if there’s only one upside to this relationship, it’s that he’s good at this. really good. if he weren’t, then you wouldn’t have spent so many nights letting him fuck you in the parking lot of your shitty local bar. it does something for your confidence knowing that he must feel the same about you, or else he wouldn’t keep inviting you out. at the very least, this arrangement is mutual, even if you wish it wasn’t.
his hips rock against your crotch again, and even through both of your clothes you can feel how hard he is. your mind is clouded, everything’s a haze, and all you can think about is how badly you want him. the warmth of his skin, the gentle scratch of his nails on the back of your neck, his long eyelashes that flutter against your cheek as he kisses you.
you feel your hands slide haphazardly down his bare chest, fumbling over his hips as you tug on the waistband of his jeans. none of it feels graceful, not like the way he handles his music. it’s sloppy, desperate, clumsy, and it’s everything you need right now.
he manages to lean back from you enough to undo his pants and push them down to his knees, but his mouth is back on yours in an instant. somehow you end up on your back across the seats, gazing up at him with slack lips as his thin silver chain dangles over your face. you might not remember a lot of what happens on these nights when you’re with him, but you’ll always remember this moment. him hovering above you with heavily lidded eyes, biting his lip and cursing as he pushes into you, is etched into your mind in a way you simultaneously love and hate. love because it feels so good, hate because it never lasts.
the rest of those nights never stands out in your memory. you remember feeling good, you remember trembling in his arms and gasping and moaning and crying in pleasure, but the images are too fuzzy to make out. you don’t really need to reflect on them anyway; you know he’ll just bring you out next week and do it all over again.
hansol kisses you once more after you’re both finally spent, but the kisses afterwards are always different. more… hesitant, more uncertain. none of the passion and desperation that you’ve come to crave from him. not what you really want.
“i can drive you home,” he offers once he’s finished cleaning you up. for once you think he might genuinely mean it, but you can never be sure enough to take that chance. you want him to drive you home. god, you want him to so bad. to have him come over with you and stay the night, stay another night and another until your apartment isn’t just yours anymore, that’s what you’ve wanted all this time. and it’s what you’ll never have.
“i’ll call an uber,” you answer.
“i’ll wait with you, then.”
the silence that settles over his car is heavy as you climb back into the front passenger seat. you want to tell him to get in the uber with you, stay more than just a couple hours with you in the furthest back corner of the bar parking lot that’s too far to be illuminated by streetlights. you want to argue that he’s too drunk even to drive himself, that he needs to come home with you and sleep it off together in the comfort of your bed, but you know it’s not true and it won’t work. this is a conversation you’ve had many times before. every night you’ve spent with him blurs into the next, always the same. 
sometimes you want to laugh at how naive you are, for thinking he’d eventually come to his senses and realize there’s more to you than a good lay before a gig. sometimes you want to grab him and shake him by the shoulders and tell him to grow the fuck up, give him an ultimatum and make him tell you what he wants from you or else put an end to it all. sometimes you just want to cry, to mourn your wasted time when you’re fully aware it’s never going to lead to something more, no matter how badly you want it and how hard you try.
no matter how many times you get your hopes up, no matter how many times you pray and beg and plead with god and the universe and every other higher power to get him to realize this can’t keep going on the way it is forever, nothing ever changes. you’re never going to stop running to him when he calls, and he’s never going to stop calling.
finally another car pulls into the lot, and you manage to pull yourself out of his car. you hear your name behind you and you stumble, swaying on your feet as he rolls down his window.
maybe this time will be different.
he says his usual goodbyes and goodnights, flashing you a loose grin and a wave as his engine sputters to life, and he asks if you’re planning on coming to practice next week. 
and you find yourself nodding.
you’re left standing there, your head and your heart pounding, watching his headlights fade as he drives away, until you’ve stood there for so long that your ride starts honking and calling for you to get in the car so you can leave.
maybe next time will be different.
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i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, please consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
if you want to be notified when i post a new fic, you can join my taglist here!
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leqonsluv3r · 6 months
valentine’s day
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—leon finally starts to heal after he meets you in a grocery store, a blurb
masterlist taglist
an: i’ve had this idea in my head since i went to the LANY concert a month ago and heard this song live. i have not been the same person since, this drabble/blurb is dedicated to this song and leon. it’s a lot longer then i intended and i apologize lol
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leon wasn’t one to heal easy.
not from his past, not from the missions when he saw more gore and blood then he wanted to. not when he had gagged every time he saw blood from that point foreword.
he was still healing when he walked into a grocery store about four months after his last mission. he was still healing when he grabbed one of those stupid baskets to carry your groceries in through the store.
he grabbed a couple bottles of alcohol, some snacks and some soap. essentials, things he needs. because sleeping without alcohol now is…it’s a lot harder then it used to be. just nightmares and images of bloodshed — he just says fuck it. he gets what he needs, what he wants and he goes up to the front of the store to pay.
what he doesn’t understand, when he sees you for the first time, is why your working in a grocery store of all places. your too beautiful for that, you should be doing something better, something worthy of your time. he doesn’t know a single thing about you yet and he’s willing to draw that conclusion.
you smile kindly at people from behind your register, your voice is kind and sweet. it draws something within him like a magnet, his heart is pounding, he’s going to explode or something. he used to be so good at talking to women but it’s declined as the years have gone by. he’s gotten tired, he just didn’t care like he used to.
he awkwardly sits his basket down on the conveyor belt of the register, you catch his eye and smile a little and it fucking does something to him. he knows he’s screwed beyond relief at that point. he smiles back, or tries to. he’s out of practice on that to, can’t remember the last time he’s smiled.
“this all for you?” you say softly, your eyes scanning over the bottles of alcohol, the snacks and the bottle of soap. he nods and chuckles a little, low and deep, just like his voice. “yeah, that’s all…” he grabs his wallet out of his back pocket of his jeans.
he wish he could say something better, something more positive and just something to grab your attention. he searches his brain as you tell him the total and he hands you the card. but he doesn’t have to say anything, you speak first.
“leon? that’s…you have a nice name.” you say and it snaps him out of his brain, he blinks those devastating blue eyes. ones that were once full of life, he nods. “my mom gave it to me.” he jokes lamely, or at least he thinks it’s lame until he hears your small little giggle.
he feels his heart beat with more confidence and energy now, like his one effort at making you smile is good enough. making you laugh is worth enough. you hand him his card back and put the receipt in the shopping bag, telling him to have a great day. not a nice day like you did with the others, but a great day. like you could tell he needed to hear that.
he walks out of the grocery store with the biggest, stupidest smile on his face. one that he has been a stranger to for months. he has you to thank for that.
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the weeks that followed he came back to the grocery store, once maybe sometimes three times a week if he wasn’t sent off on a mission. he almost can’t help himself, he likes talking to you when your there.
you make him feel something he hadn’t felt in such a long time. it’s almost ridiculous, but he can’t help himself, it’s like an addiction. but it doesn’t involve him waking up with a hangover.
he keeps coming, week after week and buying things from the grocery store just to talk to you, just to see your sweet face. just to give him some kind of ray of sunshine that casts his whole body in a warm glow. making his heart beat faster.
but today was different, he was going to ask you out today. he was going to do it, he couldn’t be scared anymore. he couldn’t let you pass by anymore like something rare and just ignore you.
you were something to him. even if you didn’t even know that yet.
he walked up, carrying the same five things he always grabbed. his heart was pounding wildly, he was so out of practice but he just had to get out there and do it. just give himself something, he would hope you would say yes.
he put the items on the conveyor belt and waited until it was his turn, you finished checking out the customer in front of him and then turned to look at him. “hi stranger, haven’t seen you in awhile.” you say with a small frown, it’s adorable, it makes his heart melt.
he chuckles and shakes his head, “didn’t know you missed me.” he muses as he watches you start scanning his stuff. slowly and methodically almost as if you wanted this interaction to last longer too.
you sigh and shake your head, “of course i did, your my favorite customer.” you say with a small smile, and if he wasn’t looking so intently at you, he wouldn’t have noticed the subtle blush on your cheeks.
“i better be. goodness knows i give you guys enough business.” he chuckles playfully and flashes you a grin, almost as bright as the sun. he didn’t know where he was willing this confidence from, maybe it’s because he needed you. he needed you to at least attempt to be with him. you were the first light he has had in his life in a long time.
you scan his last item and he realizes it’s now or never, “26.73” you say as you lay out your hand for the card so he can pay. he reaches into his wallet and gives it to you, your fingers brush against each other. he wills himself to do it, to just do it now.
“uhm, i actually…i have a question for you.” he says with a small tremble of his hands, keeping his eyes on you to gauge your reaction behind the register. you look back up at him, swiping his card. “yeah?” you say and he could swear there’s almost hopefulness in your voice.
he swallows all the nerves down and attempts to keep himself calm enough to get this out, he can’t screw this up. he cannot screw you up, he would never forgive himself if he did.
“do you want to go out with me? like on a date?” he says and it’s so weird, the words feel foreign as they slipped from his mouth. usually women used to flock to him, but they didn’t anymore. his confidence with women had slipped right along with him trying to be sober all the time.
you blinked at him, holding onto his card in your small but intricate fingers. you seem to be thinking it over, weighing your options. he feels like the rejection is going to slip out of your lips at any given moment and he’s preparing himself for it.
then eventually, you respond, “i’d love to.”
now, it’s his turn to gawk and blink at you, almost perplexed that you are actually saying yes, accepting him and accepting this date. he can’t help the smile on his face, it’s almost stupid. you hand him the card and his brain goes on autopilot. you hand him the bag of his stuff, he grabs it and goes to walk away.
until, “wait! you forgot your receipt!” you yell behind him, holding up a slip of paper and waving it. he turns around and walks back to the register, his brows furrowed. you never gave him a receipt, he grabs the slip of paper from your fingers. he reads it over with confusion until he sees your number at the bottom, your hand writing and scribbles drawn with a little heart next to it.
he smiles, another genuine one that only you could conjure onto his face. “text me, we can set up a date.” you say to him, nodding towards the receipt. you look just as giddy as he feels inside. he nods, “absolutely. will do.”
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he texts you the minute he gets home. and you respond. the texts keep going between you two until you both eventually settle on a date to go out. your both feeling like love-struck teenagers, so entranced with each other it’s almost borderline disgusting.
the week after you set the date passes and neither of you can hardly wait. you both have your reasons for being nervous, you both have that joy when you see each other but it shines in a different way. especially when he picks you up for your guy’s date.
you look stunning. stunning doesn’t even begin to cover it for him. you look like if heaven was a person, like an angel. that’s good enough reason for him to not let his blue eyes break from you all night.
and they don’t, they don’t ever break. not one second, he keeps his gaze on you at dinner, when your both talking and flirting aimlessly with each other. to leon, it feels good to have that someone; even if they don’t know it yet. that lights up their world and just makes it so much better.
he doesn’t break his gaze when you two walk by the lake, showing him all the birds and where they nest when winter comes closer. he admires the way you talk about small things, things that other people wouldn’t normally talk about or care about for that matter. but you took time, every week, to come feed the ducks and birds at this lake.
and he doesn’t break his gaze when he walks you back to your place, low intimate whispers that turn into slow kisses and touches. it doesn’t turn frantic, it just stays slow and gentle. it’s loving and it almost wants to make leon cry, because you care so much, this kiss just proves it.
because for the first time in a long time, you make him feel cared for. you make him feel wanted and it’s so much to him that he doesn’t know what to do with himself.
he wants you forever, he wants you as long as you let him have you. and he’s always going to take care of you, just like you’ve unknowingly taken care of him. taken the sadness away from him by just being in his life.
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three months later, you and leon were dating.
you guys were the happiest people, it seemed you brought leon back from the edge. he opened up and you learned all you could about him. he got to learn more about you. and you both loved the idea of having that one confidant in each other.
the one you would have when you were sad, scared, angry, frustrated, etc. everything made sense with the two of you together. and you guys found that one piece that was missing within each of you. you guys were happy, leon was smiling a lot more then he usually did.
he didn’t drink his days away anymore, he didn’t come back from missions to an empty apartment and he didn’t have nightmares. it was still there but you dulled the ache, you filled that dark hole inside of him that had been gone for so long.
you made him happier, you made him recognize the man in the mirror again with your love. your love and everything about you made him better. he was better for you.
you had each other to soothe the gaps and ridges of your guys souls that were jagged. you had that thing that he was searching for, that he’d been missing for so long.
he loved you.
and nothing was ever going to change that.
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an: i love you guys sm :,) thank you guys for reading my stuff and engaging. i was so worried when i started writing on tumblr that it wasn’t going to take. that no one would like my writing and i was wrong. you guys have given me so much support in liking my fics. it makes me so happy to have that support. it keeps me going. i love you all, i’ll be posting a one shot soon, keep up on my requests. pls reblog if you enjoyed, you guys know the drill. kisses, xx.
taglist: @elihii @heartsforvin @argreion @sqiim (to join the taglist DM me or interact with my link at the beginning)
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vbecker10 · 2 months
Language (Part 6 - Final)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: Captain Rogers thinks you curse far too much at work so he came up with a way for each word to cost you fifty cents no matter where you are in the Tower. You are desperate for it to stop and go to Loki to see if he has a spell or trick that can help you outsmart J.A.R.V.I.S.
Warnings: swearing lol... obviously?
A/N: Thank you everyone who read this series! I'm sorry this last part took me so long to get to but I hope you all love it!! 💚💚 I'll be working on finishing the Night Nurse now then going back through my requests! 🙂
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You watch anxiously when Thor pulls away from his younger brother. "Remove the spell from Y/N," the God of Thunder demands.
"To do that I will need the vial," Loki counters and takes another step forward, closing the distance between them. Loki reaches for it but Thor pulls his hand away, holding it just out of reach.
If you weren't so concerned about the safety of the vial, you might be able to appreciate how much they simply look like bickering brothers and not two Gods arguing over your voice.
Tony steps in, "Thor, give it back to the sea witch."
Loki glares at Tony, "I do not have the patience for you today tin man."
He looks back at Thor and without a word, he flicks his wrist, sending his seidr towards his brother. The green cloud surrounds his hand in an attempt to pull the vial free but Thor clenches his hand and pulls violently against Loki's magic.
"Stop!" Natasha yells.
Your eyes go wide and you cover your mouth with both hands as the vial slips free from Thor's grasp. Loki's seidr doesn't react fast enough and the small glass vial falls to the floor at the older Asgardian's feet, shattering into pieces.
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You lower your hands slowly, watching the cloud of gray smoke quickly evaporate into nothing before you can even think to move. Your hand runs slowly up and down your throat, vaguely listening to the reactions of the team around you.
"Y/N... I did not think... I am so sorry-" Thor tries to apologize but you don't look at him.
"No... this was not supposed to happen," Loki runs his fingers through his hair, his expression full of guilt and concern but in an instant he becomes angry. "Thor! I told you not to touch the vial, why do you never listen to me? Look what you have done!"
"What I have done?" Thor asks, taking a step towards his younger brother. "None of this would have happened if you hadn't been so reckless with your magic."
Your attention finally shifts from the broken glass to the two Gods. Walking between the brothers, you interrupt their argument. You point angrily at Thor and ask, "Why the fuck couldn't you just listen to Loki, for once!? All you had to do was not touch the damn thing and you fucking broke it!" Your mouth moves quickly and you breathe harder but you don't make a sound. You turn to look at Loki and slowly mouth, "I never should have trusted you. I knew you were fucking useless."
Loki lowers his head, putting his hands behind his back to fidget with them while Thor rubs his beard, trying to think of something to say to you.
"Y/N, don't worry," Natasha says, keeping her voice calm and level as she pulls you into a supportive hug. Over your shoulder she glares at the trickster, "Loki is going to fix this."
"Damn right he is," Tony agrees angrily. "How the hell could you have screwed up this badly?"
"I do not see why all of the blame is being put on me," Loki takes a small step away from the team. "Thor is the careless oaf that dropped the vial after I specifically instructed him not to touch it."
"I was just trying to help Y/N," Thor defends his actions.
"As was I," Loki argues back.
"By stealing her voice?" Clint asks.
"I will remind you one final time, I did not steal anything," Loki clarifies. "How was I to know someone," he glares at Thor, "Would be foolish enough to disregard my very direct warning and break the vial?"
"What was the plan then?" Bruce asks as everyone gathers closer.
"It was supposed to be a simple trick. We thought once you saw the lengths Y/N went through to avoid swearing, Captain Rogers would turn off that ridiculous computer program to appease her," Loki explains and you nod along as he speaks, confirming that was the plan. "As soon as it was off, I was going to return her voice."
Loki turns to face you, "I am truly sorry Y/N. I never meant for this to happen-"
Steve interrupts Loki's apology, "I can't believe you trusted him to do this Y/N, you know how unreliable he is. Who's to say he would have given you your voice back even if this didn't all go to sideways?"
"Whatever other sea witches do when they steal voices," Bruce mumbles.
"Of course I would have honored our agreement. What would I do with Y/N's voice?" Loki asks.
"I am not a sea witch," Loki reminds them all angrily. "I am a god you pathetic mortal," he looks directly at Bruce who takes a step behind Clint.
"So if you weren't going for the shittiest impression of Ursula possible, why the hell would you take her voice if you knew it could be lost so fucking easily?" Tony swears at Loki.
Before Loki can answer, J.A.R.V.I.S activates three times in close secession. Each time it says, "Tony, fifty cents has been deducted from your upcoming paycheck as you are in violation of SHIELD's Inappropriate Language Policy, per Captain Rogers' orders."
"Oh, shit," Clint says and J.A.R.V.I.S charges him a second time. "Steve your little project is going rogue."
"What the hell was that?" Clint asks, looking at the holographic display.
"Clint, fifty cents has been deducted from your upcoming paycheck as you are in violation of SHIELD's Inappropriate Language Policy, per Captain Rogers' orders," J.A.R.V.I.S. announces.
Steve ignores the computer and Clint, grabbing Loki by the collar with one hand, "You will help Y/N and you will do it now. Is that understood?" You look quickly between Steve and Loki, biting your lip nervously.
"I may have a spell that can restore her voice," Loki pulls himself free from Steve and straightens his clothing. "But I cannot think with all of you swearing at me and threatening me."
"I haven't started threatening you," Tony says.
"Maybe you'll think faster if the hulk was around," Bruce adds, finding his confidence once more.
"That is not necessary," Loki says, his expression switching from annoyance to nervousness at the mention of the hulk.
"Then you better start fucking thinking," Tony says.
J.A.R.V.I.S activates, charging Tony again.
"If you wish for me to think here, I must insist you silence that useless program," Loki waves his hand at the holographic display.
"Steve, seriously shut that damn thing off," Tony says to the captain as J.A.R.V.I.S repeats the announcement.
Steve groans, "Fine. J.A.R.V.I.S, disregard SHIELD's Inappropriate Language Policy."
J.A.R.V.I.S confirms the order from Steve.
"Are you happy now?" Steve asks Loki, his arms folded across his chest.
Loki asks, "It has been turned off for everyone?"
"Yes," Steve nods.
"Even Y/N?" Loki looks over at you.
"Yes, not that it matters unless you can figure out how to get her to talk again," Steve answers.
A smirk creeps across Loki's lips and you take a step towards him. "I can't believe that worked," you tell him.
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"I told you it would work," Loki responds proudly.
(This morning)
"Ah brother, what a pleasant surprise," Loki smiles when he opens the door to a very confused looking Thor.
"Um... it is?" Thor asks, immediately feeling concerned by the God of Mischief's greeting.
"Of course," he opens the door wider and gestures inside the apartment. "Won't you join Y/N and me for a moment?"
"Okay..." Thor shrugs as he enters Loki's apartment. "Wait, Y/N is still here?"
"Morning Thor," you wave at him from the couch. He looks from you back to his brother and you don't miss the smirk of approval he gives Loki. You push aside the awkward feeling that Thor assumes you've slept with his brother and ask him to sit.
"I would prefer to stand, if you don't mind," Thor refuses your suggestion politely. "I sense my brother is playing some game with me and I am not willing to relax quite yet."
Loki smirks, "You are finally becoming more perceptive, but you are not the intended victim this time."
"I'm not?" Thor asks, his shock obvious in both his voice and his expression.
You try not to laugh, knowing he probably walked in here expecting the worst. "We need your help to pull off our plan actually," you tell him.
"I would love to help you, Y/N," he replies then he looks at Loki, "But I am not sure I want to help him."
"That hurts brother," Loki's smirk doesn't fade. "Would it change your mind if we offered a trade for your assistance?"
"I'm listening," Thor answers cautiously.
"I know where your wallet is," you tell Thor.
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"I believe you have something of mine," Thor holds his hand out towards his younger brother. Loki nods and with a flick of his wrist, the missing wallet appears in a flash of green in Thor's open palm. The older Asgardian frowns, "Where is my money?"
"The deal was for me to return your wallet," Loki grins. "Which I have. You did not specify that you wished to have your money returned as well."
"I assumed that would have been obvious," Thor groans and tucks his empty wallet safely away.
"Wait... so the three of you planned this whole thing just to get Y/N out of being charged for swearing?" Steve asks, placing his hands on his hips in annoyance.
"Midgardians have a saying about making assumptions, I believe," Loki says and you roll your eyes at him. He chuckles and adds, "Consider it a charitable contribution to Y/N's swearing fund."
"Oh, you have to be fucking kidding me," Tony says, throwing his hands in the air.
"I only wanted my property returned to me," Thor insists, holding his hands up and taking a step away from you and Loki to avoid any blame.
"And what's your excuse, Laufeyson?" Steve turns his attention to the God of Mischief.
"Do I need one?" Loki doesn't seem phased by Steve and Tony's disapproving looks.
"You know you are not permitted to use your magic on any member of SHIELD or Stark Industries," the captain reminds him of the rules. "This was reckless and-"
"He was just trying to help me out," you cut off Steve and offer a defense for Loki which only brings everyone's focus back to you.
"By using his magic to trick us into overriding a SHIELD policy?" Steve asks you.
"Yeah..." you fidget with your fingers nervously. Loki might have been prepared to face the wrath of the team as calmly as ever but you hadn't thought this part of the plan all the way through. You had been focused on having the swearing policy reversed and not much else.
"Y/N," Tony says your name and you can hear the disappointment in his tone. He folds his arms across his chest. You recognize his expression, it means he is getting ready to deliver a long speech about how he expects better from you.
"I... well..." you stumble over your words then makes eye contact with Loki for a brief moment. He looks towards the door and back at you, signaling that it is time to go. "Well, this was a lot of fun but I've got shit to do... somewhere else."
You barely register that J.A.R.V.I.S is still quiet as the two of you quickly move towards the exit. Loki pushes open the door, ignoring Steve and Tony telling you they are not done with either of you yet. He laughs when the sound of their voices is cut off by the door closing and walks with you towards the elevators.
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"You played your part excellently," he complements you, pushing the call button. "You are a natural trickster."
"Thanks," you feel yourself blush and look down, hoping he doesn't notice your red cheeks. "You and Thor were pretty good too."
"My brother has his uses," he says. "But do not tell him I said so," he adds quickly, looking at you.
"Oooh, I'm definitely gonna tell him," you laugh.
"Turning you into a frog is still on the table," he says with a wicked grin.
"I think you would hate that more than I would," you smile back and he furrows his brows in confusion. "I'd just hop along after you all day and sit on your pillow, ribbiting in your ear while you tried to sleep. You would turn me into a human again in no time," you snap your fingers.
He laughs at your response and shakes his head, "It seems I need to find a new way to threaten you, hmm?"
"Yeah... or you could just be nicer to me," you shrug.
"I'll think about it," he smirks.
"Don't try to act like I'm not your best friend after last night," you say sarcastically.
The doors to the elevator finally open. You step inside first and select the floor your office is on. Loki doesn't move to select the floor his office, apartment or training room are on and you realize he is following you.
"That reminds me... your question from earlier this morning," he says when the doors close. You turn to face him, remembering when you asked if you were friends now or something you hadn't defined yet. "I do not wish to be your friend," he informs you and you look at your shoes before you have a chance to read his expression.
"Oh... Okay, yeah, that's fine," you feel your heart sink in your chest. You knew you shouldn't have gotten your hopes up that Loki would still want to be around you. He had done what he promised and aggravated the whole team in the process, that was good enough for him.
"I would very much like to take you on a date though," he says and you look up, seeing him smile at you.
"Wait, really?" you ask, sounding more surprised than excited.
He clears his throat, looking unsure of himself and asks, "Would that be something you are interested in?"
You smile and nod, his smile returning quickly, "Yeah, absolutely." You laugh when he relaxes and add, "But we need to work on how you phrase stuff cause it sounded like you were tired of being around me, not that you were going to ask me on a fucking-"
"Y/N, seventy five cents has been deducted from your upcoming paycheck as you are in violation of SHIELD's Inappropriate Language Policy, per Captain Rogers' orders," J.A.R.V.I.S. announces from a speaker in the elevator.
You look at the holographic screen that appears in stunned silence, the rest of your sentence lost. Loki chuckles and says, "It seems they not only reinstated your punishment but raised the rate per word."
"I can't believe this..." you shake your head in disbelief. "Ugh! This is fucking-" you feel a rant of swear words getting ready to be unleashed.
Loki's arm wraps around your waist and he pulls your chest flush to his, the swift action shocking you into silence. He smiles at you, cupping your cheek gently, still holding you close with his other hand on your waist. "I have thought of one more trick to help you," he says, his lips coming closer to yours.
You giggle nervously, "If you say anything about frogs..."
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He laughs and shakes his head then clears his throat. "J.A.R.V.I.S, disregard SHIELD's Inappropriate Language Policy," Loki repeats Steve's order in the captain's voice and J.A.R.V.I.S confirms the command. In his own voice he says, "I am not sure how long it will take them to notice so you might want to get in all the swear words you can now."
"I knew you liked me," you smile up at him, his arm still holding you close to his chest.
"I tried very hard not to," he says, his fingers running gently down your cheek to your chin. He tilts your head slightly up and brings his lips to yours, kissing you deeply. You grip the fabric on the back of his shirt when he takes a step forward, pressing your back to the wall of the elevator.
The elevator stops much too soon and Loki smiles down at you when he breaks the kiss. As the doors open, you sigh and rest your head on Loki's chest, "I can't wait until Steve and Tony find me."
"Tell them to come speak to me," Loki runs his fingers through your hair.
You laugh, looking up at him, "Why, so you can turn them into frogs?"
"Would it make you feel better?" he asks as you walk out of the elevator together.
"A little," you tell him with a shrug and he grins mischievously.
I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
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m00nsbaby · 1 year
AITA for texting my fiancé that "this isn't working"?
Steven Grant x reader.
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Tags & warnings. None. Yes, this literally is just a silly little thing that I read on reddit and I thought it was so funny lol. Reader is gender neutral!
Word count. 823.
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Moving in with Steven was one of the best decisions you could make in your life, right after saying 'yes' when he proposed.
The only inconvenience came at a precise time between morning and afternoon, sometimes even at night, all depending on the mood of his boss. Waiting for Steven to return from work was such a headache, boring hours and dead time as you tried to find your own job.
The upside was that you now had complete freedom to organize his apartment to your liking, and if anything needed a complete makeover, it was Steven Grant's dark and disorganized home.
You had just made a completely necessary expense, a gigantic mirror that was clearly bigger than your capabilities. Worse yet, considering that if there was something you despised with all your heart, it was the mere idea of reading an instruction manual.
When the mirror arrived, the Amazon delivery guy mocked you to your face for your difficulty in handling the box and getting it into the house.
You: Baby, the new mirror just came in!
You hit send after the message.
You: I’m going to try to put it together but I may need your help later.
And just as you said, you got to work with the phone by your side, waiting for a response from Steven.
You assumed Donna was in a terrible mood because at least two hours went by without a reply, although you were really too busy to worry about that.
For a moment, you insisted on the idea of finishing assembling the darn mirror before Steven arrived home, but that clearly didn't happen because for the two and a half hours of effort you put in, you didn't feel like you were really getting anywhere.
Plus, you had extra screws that shouldn't have been left over.
You: This isn’t working and at this point, I think I need to just give up.
You put the phone aside and lazily lay down on the carpet. Why was assembling furniture so hard? Although not as difficult as having to accept that you couldn't finish it on your own.
You stayed there not knowing how long, but you estimated it was a few hours because you heard the front door indicating that Steven was home. The smile lasted only a short while because as you straightened up to greet him, he walked past you without even looking at you, heading straight to the bedroom.
"Steven?" you questioned, slightly furrowing your brow. You stood up slowly, giving him time to exit the room.
When you finally confronted him, your heart almost jumped out of your chest. His eyes were red, completely filled with tears.
"What happened, baby?"
"Why?" he asked, his voice breaking. It shattered your heart into pieces.
"Why what, Steven?" He sniffled, and you searched his gaze when he started avoiding you.
"Why are you giving up on me?"
You nearly killed him right then and there.
"What are you talking about?"
He didn't take long to pull his phone out of his pocket and shake it a bit in front of your face; he was on the verge of sobbing.
"Y-Your messages, you were breaking up with me."
The moment Steven mentioned your text messages, you had to press your lips together to keep from laughing in his face.
Your expression almost made him cry harder. Were you making fun of him?
"Steven." Your voice came out in a playful tone as you almost burst into laughter. "I was talking about the mirror."
"Huh? What mirror?"
"The new mirror, it arrived." Your eyes were almost watering from holding back laughter. "I'm guessing that the previous messages didn't send; I was talking about not being able to assemble it on my own."
You stepped aside to let him see the mess you had made on the floor, with the mirror halfway assembled.
Steven exchanged glances between the things and you.
He looked at the things.
He looked at you.
He looked at the things.
He looked at you.
Realization hit in seconds, and you couldn't say anything more when you felt Steven's arms squeezing you against his chest. You couldn't stop laughing even though your laughter sounded odd, muffled by the fabric of his shirt.
"Bloody fucking hell, love!" Steven cursing was definitely a special event. It only made you laugh harder. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"
He lifted you off the ground, and tears were already streaming down your face. It took much longer than expected to calm down from the laughter.
Still breathless, you let him kiss your face, as well as embrace you with his strong arms that refused to let you go.
"Still, I need you to check the mirror." You took a deep breath, your cheeks already reddened, one of your hands held onto him, and the other wiped the corners of your eyes. "I think I damaged it."
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peetaslefttoe · 1 year
Can you write a smut fic about like... a megahorny Peeta "using" the reader (consensually ofc) thanks sorry im very embarassed to be sending this in lol
warnings: Peeta “using” fem! reader, rough smut, angry smut, bdsm, consensual violence TW‼️‼️‼️
summary: request above 🫶
author’s note: omg don’t be embarrassed this is such a good idea 😫 this lowkey descended into bdsm so… warning you now 😘
Masterlist Pinned xx
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You and Peeta stormed into the bedroom bickering loudly.
“Are you kidding me? How is this my fault?” you gasped.
“You weren’t even trying back there!” Peeta spit back.
“God damn you, I was trying as hard as I could Peeta, fuck-,” you groaned.
“And what if we’re not good enough Y/N? Then what? You’re gonna “try” your best to fucking survive in the arena!?” he yells, running his hands through his sweaty hair.
“Fuck you! You think I don’t want to survive this Peeta!? It’s not my fault that the other contestants are better than us in training,” you growl, glaring at him.
“Fuck! We’re so screwed,” he sighed loudly, rubbing his hands across his face in anguish. You felt you angry begin to clear, like a rain cloud hit by rays of sunlight. You stepped slowly closer to him, feeling embarrassed at the suddenly wetness between your legs. He was so hot when he screamed at you. Was that a normal thing to be feeling? You didn’t think so.
“Just, just leave me alone okay?” Peeta said lowly, his arms crossed.
“Let me help you Peeta, we can’t go back out there tomorrow this angry,” you said calmly, placing a tentative hand on his flexed bicep. He glared down at you, his brow furrowed in thought.
“Yeah, you’re right, we can’t win if we’re screaming at each other,” a hint of a smile danced across his lips before disappearing with a glint in his dark eyes.
“Use me Peeta,” you whispered, finding his scanning eyes harder to ignore than usual. He was taken aback by your remark, looking at you in shock.
“What?” he breathed out finally.
“Use me. You’re angry, pent up, use me Peeta, make yourself feel better,” you egged him on, running your hands up his shoulders.
“This is your last chance to leave this and go to bed,” he warned, his eyes darkening threateningly.
“Take me Peeta,” you whispered, gripping his hair tightly. Suddenly he swung you around, shoving you face first onto the bed.
“You’re so pathetic, failing me in training and now you’re begging for me to bend you over like a slut?” he spat angrily. You felt the pool between you legs grow and your stomach fluttered at his cruelness. He held you down and yanked your spandex shorts and panties down, tossing them to the side. He smacked your ass, before kissing the red spot, soothing the sting he left behind. He spread your cheeks, revealing your glistening heat to him.
“God, you’re such a whore, you love it when I yell at you don’t you? You weak bitch,” he grabbed your hair, tugging you back and looking into your eyes. “Answer me honey,” he smirked at your limp body.
“Yes- I love it when you scream at me Peeta, please use my pussy,” you whined, surprised at your own pathetic response. He turned you into your back, pulling your tank top over your head. The cold air hit your nipples, you felt them harden as he watched you with a cold stare. You nearly screamed in shock when he smacked you across the face before taking your lips in his. You parted your lips as his tongue danced in your mouth, your hot mouths gasping for air. You knew it was almost laughable how much you needed Peeta, but you couldn’t help it as your legs clenched together.
“Come on baby, spread your legs for me,” he said almost kindly as he ran his hands along your bare skin. You saw the switch in his eyes as you opened your thighs, he looked at you intensely as you shuddered under his gaze. He pulled his painfully hard cock from his shorts and ran his dripping crown along your slit. You bucked your into his shaft as he grinder against you. His hands pushed your hips into the mattress, holding you still.
“Last chance, are you gonna take my cock like the slut you are?” he whispered menacingly, kissing your cheek. You nodded.
“Tell me how bad you want me to fuck you senseless Y/N,” the way he said your name had you soaking the duvet.
“Please fuck me, use me to get yourself off,” you rambled. “If i’d known how big you were I would’ve started this a long time ago, gonna stretch me so fucking wide Peeta,” you moaned, grinding against nothing in an attempt for some pleasure.
“Aw poor baby, not gonna be able to take my cock?” he said innocently. He threw your legs over his strong shoulders and tugged your hips to his. He lined his veiny shaft up with your soaked hole and plunged into you. Your eyes rolled back as he sunk deeper into you, your pussy swallowing each inch he gave.
“I’m gonna ruin you, gonna fuck you so hard you’ll be limping into training tomorrow you stupid girl,” Peeta gave you less than a second to adjust before he began ramming you onto his cock. You lay unable to move in his grasp, shuddering with each brush against your walls.
“Fuck- taking me so well, making me feel better already,” he groaned, his heavy sack hitting your ass with each thrust. You moaned his name loudly, cling to his back as he bounced your cunt on his dick.
“Shut up, you fucking wanted this, take it,” he nearly shouted, his jaw tense with built up frustration. You felt the knot in your stomach grow at his harsh behaviour as he fucked you mercilessly.
“Peeta,” you whined, you sore hole clenching around him.
“Such a good fuck toy, your tight cunt is suffocating me, gonna use you ever time I want to, aren’t I? You’d let me wouldn’t you? Such a whore for me,” he growled, sinking his nails into the flesh of your ass.
“Yes! Use me Peeta, I’m just a worthless hole for you,” you whimpered, your walls beginning to flutter. He raised a hand from your hips and struck your face again, stinging and throwing you into your orgasm. You felt your pussy throb, gushing onto his thick cock. He bit down on your bare shoulder as he came, continuing to ram your overused hole full of his seed. His thrusts slowed and he looked down at you with blown out pupils.
“You squirted all over me you filthy girl,” he groaned, his eyes rolling back in pleasure as he shuddered with the last few ropes of cum painting your insides. He pulled out slowly, pressing a sloppy kiss to your abused pussy. He disappeared from your view, as you lay helplessly on the bed.
“Peeta?” you whimpered, starting to feel the weight of the moment.
“Shh, I’m right here baby,” he stroked your hair from your eyes, and brought a warm washcloth to your thighs. Wiping your combined juices from your legs and heat. He leaned down lapping at your burning hole leaking his cum. You whined, your body oversensitive as he sucked his seed from you.
“That’s a good girl,” he said softly, kissing you gently. You tasted his salty cum on his tongue, moaning softly. He helped you under the covers, laying to face you. He pecked you on the nose sweetly before cupping your face in his hands.
“You okay? I wasn’t too rough was I?” he asked, worry flashing in his angelic face.
“No, I love seeing you like that,” you smiled sheepishly. He pulled you into him letting you feel the rise and fall of his chest and the soft beat of his heart. You buried your cheek into his side, smiling to yourself as he gently stroked your back.
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dollfacefantasy · 4 months
hi! 🙂 i was wondering if i could request something with kento nanami spanking reader? i don’t have any specific plot in mind, it could just be straight up porn lol! with daddy kink included? thank you! 💗
mhm mhm cause nanami is just so brat tamer daddy like 😵‍💫😵‍💫
kento nanami x fem!reader
cw: nsfw (18+), spanking, daddy kink
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Another smack echoes between the walls of your bedroom when your fiancé's hand collides with your ass again. A whine follows it and you squirm a little over his thighs. You'd only gotten a few lashes so far, but Kento knew what he was doing. He knew where to hit and how hard.
"Count," he states flatly, paying your whimpers no mind.
"T-three," you stutter out.
Again, his response comes out simple and curt. Technically it was a word of praise, but it didn't feel like one. When Kento really praised you, there was no doubt of his intention. It came out as a coo with an affectionate touch to accompany it. Right now, the only touch you got was another spank.
"Ow," you whine. Your bottom lip puffs out in a signal of your displeasure.
His own mouth remains in a thin, flat line. His palm comes down on you again, leaving your skin stinging.
"No pouting, little brat," he chides, "You were being so bad earlier it must be what you wanted."
"I wasn't being bad," you huff.
That earns you an even harder slap.
"Well you are right now because I know you know better than to talk back," he says.
In truth, you had been trying to rile your boyfriend up earlier. The two of you had been out with some of his friends. You were bored since most of the conversation didn't involve you, so you tried playing with Kento a bit. Brushing your hand over his lap beneath the table, dragging your foot up his calf, giving him your best fuck-me eyes.
"Keep it up and you won't be sitting comfortably for the next few days," he'd said to you under his breath. But you didn't heed the warning.
It reached the boiling point when his friend Satoru noticed how tense he was and cracked a little joke about it. Less than ten minutes later, he excused the two of you and practically dragged you by your arm back to the apartment.
"I'm sorry, daddy," you whimper.
"I'm sure you are now that you're being punished," he says. His hand rains down on your backside in rapid succession, striking the center hard and fast.
Your eyes screw shut, and you kick your feet at the pain. More squeaks of discomfort fall from your lips. Your thighs shift against each other too as arousal blooms in your belly. He gives your hips a rough yank to secure you in the position he wants.
"If you keep thrashing like that, I'll have to move onto something more severe. Maybe you're wanting the belt," he says, letting the threat hang in the air.
Your head hangs forward, and you make a noise that's a mix between whining and sighing.
"I'm actually really sorry, daddy. I'm sorry for back talking and being bad around your friends. I don't know what else you want me to say," you plead.
"All I want is for you to learn your lesson," he says, "How many times have I had to put you over my knee for the same reasons? You can say your sorry all you want, but you're staying like this until I feel I've gotten it through your head."
"That could be like forever," you complain.
Kento smirks a little at the remark, but he doesn't let you know it amused him. He continues to smack your ass, relishing the way you fight to keep still.
"I've learned," you mewl as your resistance comes out in little twitches. You were getting antsy now not only from your aching cheeks but also from the increasingly intense throbbing between your legs.
"That's what you said last time," he says.
"But I actually have this time," you defend, "I know I'm not supposed to be like that around your friends. I just wanted my daddy's attention."
"That's always what you want, baby, but what has daddy taught you? What's the rule?" he asks.
"I have to be patient," you whimper, "I have to wait till daddy gives me permission to touch."
"That's right," he says. He takes a break from spanking you to soothingly rub your burning skin. "I know you can be a good girl. You choose not to be. That is what I have to train out of you."
"I'm gonna be good after this. I promise," you assure.
"Are you sure? Because you know you won't get to cum for a month if you break a promise," he taunts while gently kneading your battered cheeks.
You bite your lip before revising your statement. "Ok maybe not promise, but I'll still try super hard."
"Alright, I'll accept that," he says, "Since you're so committed to being good now, only fifteen more, and I'll let you up."
"Fifteen?" you whine incredulously.
"Yes, fifteen. And I don't want to hear anything about it. I'm already being lenient with your half-promise. Don't make me change my mind," he says.
Your head hangs again and you huff, but you don't say anything. His hand spanks you first on your right cheek and then on your left. You then get a few towards the center for good measure. You count out each one like the good girl you're trying to convince him you are.
His eyes flit between your head and your backside. He can tell the pain is starting to build up for you by the way you're shifting. Your noises are getting higher pitched too. He can almost hear the tears starting to brim your waterline.
After another round of spanking, you finally whimper out the last number just as a few tears slip down your cheeks. His hand goes back to rubbing your skin a few times before he flips you over and cradles you to his chest.
"That's my girl. You took that so well," he murmurs and kisses your forehead.
"Thank you, daddy," you sniffle and look up at him with your tearful eyes.
He nods and brings his fingers up to swipe away your tears. His thumb glides down your jaw and then slips between your lips. He watches you gently suck on it for a moment before he slides it out and leans in to kiss you. When he pulls back, he looks down at you.
"I'm proud of you, sweetheart. Let's just see if you can remember your lesson this time, hm?" he says softly as he boosts you to your feet and squeezes your hips, "We'll get you cleaned up and then maybe, I'll try to use my hands to help you feel better. Only if you can keep being good."
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jayflrt · 6 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝟕𝟖𝟔 20. and there was one bed
content warnings: drinking, jay fucks himself LOL and he lowkey has a sir kink
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He hardly recollected anything from last night, but he wasn't quite sure how he ended up with his limbs entangled with yours. Not only were you impossibly close and left hardly any room for Jay to think rationally, but your thigh was dangerously close to where his hard-on was tight against his jeans.
He swallowed thickly. Your face was tucked into the crook of his neck, his arms were wrapped tightly around you, and if he moved even a little, your soft lips were against his skin. One of his hands was holding the small of your back, pressing your body against his, and oh, this was dangerous territory.
This was all his fault, of course. Jay was confident this wouldn't have happened if he had been in full control of his actions; he shouldn't have let himself drink so much. It was just that he was having too much fun, getting ahead of himself, and now he had royally fucked up.
You were his assignment.
You were the one he was supposed to investigate.
Carefully, he pried your limbs off of him, making sure your breath steadied and that you were still asleep before he slipped off. He made a beeline for the bathroom, immediately gripping the sides of the sink and letting his head hang.
Finally, he could breathe normally.
When he looked in the mirror again, his cheeks were burning with shame. An ugly part of him just wanted to get rid of the agonizing stiffness, and he was quickly caving to that desire.
Thank you, Sir.
You said it plenty of times these past few days—as a joke, obviously—but Jay couldn't help but feel so bothered over it. It was stuck in his head all the time, the words ghosting across his skin like a feather and making his nerve endings feel as if they were on fire.
He screwed his eyes shut. You can't, he thought (and his inner voice sounded rather desperate). She's your assignment. She's the person you've been targeting for months. You can't do this.
But this one time would just have to do because Jay wasn't sure how he'd be able to walk out and face you if he didn't relieve himself now.
"I always forget you're so easy to talk to," you said during the hike yesterday, hands on your hips as you tried to catch your breath in the middle of the trail.
He unbuttoned his jeans in a fumbling motion, pushing them down his thighs so that the head of his cock was showing past the waistband of his boxers. Jay's breath hitched as he reached down and grabbed ahold of his shaft.
"There's so many people around me that feel like... they only care about me because of my family—I don't know." He remembered the uncertainty in your voice back then, and the way you nearly smiled before catching yourself.
There was a hot rush under his skin. Jay felt his knees nearly buckle as soon as he gave his shaft a few experimental strokes.
"I feel like you just see me for me."
Biting down hard on his lower lip, Jay jerked himself off with your face in mind, and it made him feel sick. He didn't want you to go home. He didn't want you to leave. In the seconds he was chasing pleasure, he could admit to himself that he just wanted to go back to his bed and wrap his arms around you again.
"Oh, my shoe's untied," you said, absentmindedly. Jay knelt down before you back then, and as he recalled the memory, his eyes went foggy with lust and he pumped his cock even faster. His breathing got harder. His senses clouded. The building pressure was almost unbearable. "Thank you, Sir."
He came into a tissue that he managed to grab just before he fell apart. Even then, his cum had gotten all over his hands, and he could only stare at it blankly afterward. He was sick. He was filthy. How could he even do something this dirty to the thought of you? Then, he cleaned up the mess and rinsed his hands under hot water, his staggering intakes of breath keeping him from collapsing backward.
Never again. Jay knew in his heart that he could never be with you, and he was a fool for even giving in to his carnal desires like this.
The gentle knock at his bathroom door nearly made his skin crawl. "Jay?" you called out, sleep dragging out your words. "Are you in there?"
"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute," he got out quickly.
I feel like you just see me for me.
Maybe in some alternate reality out there, you and Jay had the world at your disposal—free to be together however you'd like. In this reality, however, he couldn't see any possible way to pursue you that didn't end in heartbreak. It was easier this way; to break his heart on his own before he even let you hold it.
i hit the image limit and can't add a proper divider
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SUMMARY ▸ private investigator jay park just wants to complete his mission quietly and move on with his life. you, his new assignment who keeps consuming his thoughts, don't make that very easy for him.
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stargirlrchive · 1 year
after hours ✩ miguel o’hara - reupload
cw: miguel o’hara x afab!reader, smut, no plot lol p in v, spanking, clit pinching, creampie, biting/marking, eluded to reader understanding Spanish - wc: 915
notes: reupload bc tumblr was being an ass to me yesterday - MINORS DNI
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You should’ve been embarrassed, the side of your face was flat against Miguel’s desk, flushed as breathless little whimpers fell from your mouth.
His cock bullying its way inside of you as one of his hands gripped onto your hair to keep you in place. But the overwhelming pleasure coiling deep in your stomach threw any type of shame out the window. He felt too good, “Ahora si, ya no tienes nada que decir.”
He followed that statement with a swift swat to your ass, your eyes screwing up tightly as hot tears began to fall down your face. He was so overwhelmingly good, so big and rough, unforgiving as he took what he needed.
Miguel was no better, his face hot and muscles strained as he tried his hardest to restrain himself. It was so hard, you were wet and warm and so inviting despite the aggravating way you got under his skin.
Quiet grunts left his mouth as you tightened around him, “Fuck-Miguel, right there!”
A pathetic little squeal left your mouth as his hips pistoned in and out of you, “Don’t think you deserve to come with that stupid little stunt you pulled earlier.”
His hand loosened around your hair, running down the expanse of your back as he gripped tightly onto the soft skin of your hips, his claws protruding slightly as he felt his balls tighten.
“No, Miguel-please, wanna come so bad.”
A broken sob ripped from your chest as the ache began to intensify, you wouldn’t put it past Miguel to actually punish you by not letting you reach your release.
A deep laugh rumbled out of his chest, he enjoyed this game of cat and mouse that the two of you had going. It always ended like this, with you a blubbering whiny mess under him. And he’d never admit it to you, but he loved when you were being a brat.
“Not my fault you’re a traviesa.”
He gave you a few rough thrust, enjoying the squelching sound that came from your heat, your slick coating both of your thighs. He pulled your hips higher, on your tiptoes as he slammed down harder, producing heat on the back of your thighs as his heavy balls slapped roughly onto the bottom of your ass.
“Please, Miguel-I’ll be good, won’t be a brat no more!”  
His fangs poked out as he smiled down at your fucked out form, your please blending in incoherently with your babbles and wanton moans. You were so fucking close and he felt it.
You pulsed around him, giving in to him as you let him take it out on you. Your body jolted in surprise and a sharp hiss left your mouth as his hand slipped between your legs. His thumb roughly rolled around your clit while he leaned forwards and bit down on your shoulder.
His attack on your cunt did not relent, “Think you learned your lesson?.”
You nodded stupidly, desperate as he pressed down into you to the hilt, grinding the head of his cock into the spongy part inside of you that only he had reached.
“Yes-learned my lesson!”
Another loud squeal left your swollen lips as he pinched your clit, you tightened up around him to the point where he couldn’t move. “Relájate.”
His breathing was labored, his balls heavy and tight as he tried so hard to not paint your insides white already. His hands reached out to soothe your back, your face burning at the gesture because somehow this felt more intimate than what the two of you did after hours.
Your body eased up on him, relaxing into his touch as goosebumps erupted on your skin at his touch.
His hips began to move once again, pulling you back onto him roughly. With a final roll of his hips into yours you came with a loud cry of his name.  
A low hiss left Miguel, the soft pulsing of your cunt pulling his own release out of him, marking your insides white.
He gave a few more lazy thrust, a white ring forming around his softening cock before he pulled out of you.
He watched you flutter around nothing, already missing the feeling of him inside of you and Miguel couldn’t stop the smirk etching onto his face. Both of your releases slowly drip out of you.
It took so much restraint to not use his finger and fuck his cum back into you. But with your puffy folds and the soft defeated whimpers leaving your mouth he knew it would be too much.
He leant down before pressing a soft kiss onto where he bit you, he had never done that before. “Can’t believe you bit me, asshole.”
He let some of his weight fall onto your back, a muffled ‘mmph!’ fell from your lips as he knocked the air out of you. Your bare chest pressed against the cool desk as Miguel licked over the pricks he left, soothing the wound. His face nuzzled into the side of your neck, nibbling on your earlobe as he whispered quietly, “Todos tienen que saber que eres mía.”
A laugh ripped from your chest, “You wish, O’hara.”
His words did cause a flutter of excitement to bubble in your chest, but he didn’t need to know that. He finally pulled himself off of you, swatting your ass softly one last time before he picked up your suit that had pooled by your feet. “Same time tomorrow?”
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ahora si, ya no tienes nada que decir - now you got nothing to say
traviesa - brat 
relájate - relax
todos tienen que saber que eres mía - everyone needs to know you’re mine
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My Sister’s Keeper
Dean went to hell and Sam left his little sister (16/17 yo) to fend for herself. Dean gets back and he is pissed with Sam and they have to find her. Fluff
Warnings- swearing, angst, fluff lol
A/N- I kind of changed the way Dean was brought back. Instead of going right to Bobby he found Sam first. Let me know if you think I should do a part 2?
“She’s a fucking kid Sam,” Dean let out an angry yell. He couldn’t believe that Sam had ditched their baby sister when she needed him the most. His heart ached as he thought about the times he reassured her that when he was in Hell she would always have Sam and that he would take care of her. He knew that she still wasn’t convinced and it made leaving so much harder, but he had no choice. After all, Dean had raised her and Sam had left them both multiple times. His heart panged when he thought about where she could be all alone. The look of horror on his face when he came to realization, “A young girl at that!” Dean grimaced. God forbid someone touched a hair on her head, they would be dead and Dean would make sure of it. He couldn’t imagine his baby sister alone and scared fending for herself. Sure she was tough, but she was just a kid and he knew her better than she knew herself. He knows that when she claims she’s okay after a hunt, its clear she isn’t as her body betrays her words and she trembles until he or Sam rub her back and let her know that she’s safe. It doesn’t take an idiot to notice the flash of panic on her face after a door slams or a loud noise is heard. Or when they have to calm her down during a panic attack or comfort her in the middle of the night during a nightmare. Or the way she clings to Sam or Dean’s shirt every night when she falls asleep. She was tougher than hell, but at the end of the day she’s just a kid who was forced to live this life. Dean looked at Sam and saw the look of regret that filled his face. “You better fucking find her Sam or I swear to God,” Dean trailed off grabbing his phone to call Bobby, putting it on speaker phone. The phone rang a few times until Bobby picked up, “Hello?” “Hey Bobby it’s Dean, have you heard from Y/N,” Dean asked as he shot a look at Sam. Bobby replied, “I talked to her last week and she said her and Sam were getting close finding you a way out,” Sam’s heart panged as he realized that she told Bobby he was with her so no one would worry about her. She never wanted to be a bother to anyone and he felt even worse knowing she was trying everything in her power to get Dean back while he ran off with a demon. Something that none the less probably cost her her soul. He should have been with her and he will never forgive himself for leaving. But he thought he was doing the right thing in the moment. Now looking back at it he wasn’t sure how he thought that because right now he was terrified at the thought of her being alone or worse, hurt. Sam’s emotions were interrupted by Bobby speaking again, “And I can see that it worked. Welcome back boy.” “Thanks Bobby, do you have an address of where she might be?” Dean replied. Bobby hummed “No, but I have a town.” Dean let out a sign of relief. He grabbed the keys and turned to Sam, “You better hope she’s safe Sam. Let’s go.”
They got into the car and Dean took off. They were about 3 hours out from the town that Bobby sent over. Luckily it was a pretty small town and there was one motel that they could pretty much pinpoint where she could be staying. The car ride was agonizingly quiet and Sam was forced to be stuck in his thoughts on how awful of a brother he’s been. He was too worried about killing Lilith while she was too busy trying to find a way to bring Dean back. He was fucking selfish and he should have been focused on his only living sibling left that was trying to bring back their other non living sibling. He decided to break the silence, “Dean I’m so fucking sorry, I screwed up man and I screwed up bad. I’ll never fucking forgive myself.” Dean scoffed, “Yeah you shouldn’t be able to forgive yourself Sam. She’s just a kid, I don’t understand how you could EVER leave her like that. She needed you the most and you left her. We don’t even know if she’s alive,” Dean gripped the steering wheel and pressed the gas harder thinking the worst possible scenario. He continued, “She found a way to bring me back and we know how that story ends Sam.” Sam filled to the brim with guilt, “I’ll fix everything, I promise Dean, I won’t let anything else happen to her.” The car went back to silence as both brothers continued to hope their baby sister was alright.
It was around 1am when they finally arrived at the motel. The engine roared as Dean turned the car off. They got out and hurried to the front desk. “Hi. how can I help you?” The man behind the desk asked. They both pulled out their FBI badges and stated who they were looking for. The guy pointed them to a room and they rushed to what they were hoping was Y/N’s room. She’s always been a light sleeper so when Dean started to pick the lock to her door, she immediately heard it. Her heart dropped and she grabbed her knife to give her a fighting chance against her intruders. She quickly glided across the motel room and put her back against the wall. It was pitch black, but she could make out two figures. One was much taller than the other, but they were both pretty big which made her gulp. There was no one way she could take on the both of them and she knew that. They picked the lock with ease and started to make their way into her room. They took a few steps in and that’s when Y/N charged at them. The taller one of the two immediately turned around and just before she could make contact with him, he grabbed her. She immediately dropped her knife as he pinned her wrist back and slammed her against the wall. She let out a yelp and braced her head for impact, but instead of feeling the hard wall against her head it was the palm of a hand. She was confused, but she still whimpered terrified. “Please,” she cried, “please don’t hurt me.” As she pleaded, the light to the motel room flicked on and she was finally able to make out the person in front of her. “Hey hey it’s alright,” it was Sam. “Sammy,” she whimpered. Still clearly dazed, confused, and frightened. Sam loosened his grip on his sister and wrapped his large arms around her small frame, “Yeah, hey shhhh bug I got you. I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry.” She cried, flinging her arms around him and holding him tight like he could disappear at any moment. To be fair, he could disappear at any moment and he did. They stayed like that for a few moments before rage took over her. She pulled away, crying and started hitting him. “How could you Sam,” she cried. Slapping his chest and hitting him over and over again, “How could you fucking leave me. I-I needed you Sam. I needed you and you left me,” she sobbed. She was weak with exhaustion, but Sam let her hit him because he deserved every single blow even if it barely hurt him.
Dean stood back watching his little sister. He was taken aback by how fragile she looked. She definitely lost weight as she was much skinnier. He noticed dark heavy bags under her eyes like she had been crying every single day for months straight. He couldn’t take it anymore, his sister was clearly suffering and he wasn’t around to help her. In fact, no one was around to help her. He couldn’t watch her crumble any longer so he came up behind her and embraced her. He pinned her frailing arms down with his and held her in a tight hug from behind. She fought against him, crying when Dean calmly spoke, “Hey hey hey Y/N/N I’m going to need you to relax for me alright?” She stood frozen, “De?” “Yeah, I got you sweetheart, I got you. I’m so sorry,” He released his hold as she turned around and launched herself onto him. Dean wrapped his arms around her and she gripped onto Deans shirt for dear life. She whimpered, “De I was so scared.” Dean felt his heart drop even further, “I know kid, I know. Shhhh it’s okay, I’m here. I got you.” Dean tightened his grip on her and rested his clenched jaw on her head shooting Sam a look. Sam watched them both, feeling sick to his stomach. How could he have done this to his baby sister? This is no life for a kid. He knew that too and that’s why the pit in his stomach only grew bigger. A sob interrupted Sam’s thoughts as Y/N’s emotions began to escalate. He watched as she collapsed, falling into their older brothers arms. Dean quickly sunk to the floor with her as her breathing hitched. He could feel her heart hammering against her rib cage and knew he needed to get her out of her panicked state before she passed out. “Hey hey hey hey Y/N/N breathe for me sweetheart, breathe.” She felt her chest start to tighten which frightened her even more. Her breathing was erratic at this point and she dug her finger tips into deans arms. “Hey kid, you’re having a panic attack okay? It’s alright. I’ve got you. You’re safe okay?” She nodded still trembling, still gasping. He repositioned her so she was sitting in between his legs with her back pressed against him to feel the rise and fall of his chest. “I need you to breathe with me. Can you do that sweetheart?” Dean felt her nod and continued “Yeah? Okay. We’re going to breathe out for 10. Come on bug 10…9…8…7…” She matched Dean’s breath which ended up hitching on 7. Dean reached down to rub her arms, “Keep going kid. You got it. 3…2…1…” He walked her through breathing in and out a few more times until he felt satisfied enough to where he knew she wouldn’t pass out. He sighed in relief, wrapping his arms around her and resting his chin on her head, “That’s it sweetheart, I got you.” He could still feel her heart pounding though so he pulled her onto his lap like he did when she was a child and ran his fingers through her hair. “It’s alright, I’m here now and I’m not leaving. You’re safe with me kiddo. I’ve got you.”
She sat on the floor with Dean for what felt like hours while he comforted her. Eventually Sam made his way over unable to see his baby sister hurt any longer. He sat down and brushed her hair away from her face, “I’m so sorry bug. You have every right to be upset with me. I let you down and I caused you so much pain. I just thought I was doing the right thing for all of us. If I could go back in time, I would change it. I’m so incredibly sorry for everything, but I’m here now and I’m not leaving you ever.” Sam let a few tears escape his eyes. Y/N reached to grab his hand, “I forgive you Sammy. I’m sorry for hitting you.” Sam chuckled. His baby sister was too nice for her own sake. “I deserved it,” he said. She shot her head back up and looked between her two brothers. “How did you get out?” She asked, not knowing if she really wanted to know the answer. She was scared that a crossroads demon finally took Sam up on his offer for his soul. Her heart rate picked up again while she waited for her brothers to give her an answer. “I don’t know how I got out. I thought it was either you or Sam who figured it out, but Sam didn’t,” he trailed off looking at her with worried eyes. She blinked, “No it wasn’t me. I tried Dean, I tried so hard to save you. I- I tried. I’m so sorry. I-I couldn’t figure it out.” Dean’s face softened, “Hey sweetheart it’s okay. Thank you, but I wish it wasn’t put on you in the first place. I would have never wanted this for you. I’m so sorry.” He could tell she was filled with so much guilt when she shouldn’t be. It crushed him and he rubbed her arm, “I’m here now.” Y/N had so many questions, but all she knew was that she was back with her brothers and that’s all that mattered to her. She was exhausted and eventually let the darkness flow over her. “Get some rest kid, we’ll be here when you wake up,” she heard Dean say. She could finally sleep peacefully knowing she had both of her brother back.
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