#hard to beat pefection
yakool-foolio · 8 months
Ya know the drill! @loremaster's Rain Code fusion themes (and names) part 3 electric boogie!
Desuhiko/Makoto (Jester) - Possessed Trainer Theme from Pokemon Scarlet/Violet DLC (They're just a silly guy, your honor. They did no wrong even if they did everything wrong.)
Desuhiko/Halara (Comet) - Kirby Rocket's Big Blastoff from Kirby And The Rainbow Curse ([insert the infamous 'Rocket Ship' song] no this isn't the only reason I chose this song whaddaya mean ._.")
Guillaume/Makoto (Serendipity) - Temptation Stairway (Waltz Version) by Metaroom (stepped outta the gamer zone for this one; I felt this song had the most fitting vibe for them that I couldn't really find anywhere else)
Fubuki/Vivia (Snowfall) - Snow Forest (A Single Flower Blooms) from Omori ((A snowy theme seemed most fitting since Fubuki's name means 'blizzard', and Vivia's... chill... personality compliments it well)
Nun/Aphex (Righteousness) - The Death Of God’s Will from Ultrakill (the music speaks for itself; honestly a bunch of tracks from Ultrakill would fit with any Nun fusions but I gotta limit myself heh)
Seth/Vivia (Quietus) - Fermata In Mistic Air from Silent Hill 2 (the Nail Man's got competition)
Fubuki/Yuma (Innocence) - Pearly Questioning from Phoenix Wright: Justice For All (the kid theme of all time for the kid of all time)
Hitman Zilch/Yakou’s Wife (Midnight) - A Bewitching Dance (Mizutsune) from Monster Hunter X (traditional Japanese instrumentation called to me and I answered. Ogerpon's Battle Theme was a close second but I realized that'd be more fitting if Yakou's wife fused with the real Zilch, so mission suspended we'll get 'em next time)
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pynkhues · 1 year
Ik this is kind of an impossible question lol but in your opinion top 5 succession episodes or top good girl episodes. Episodes that you would rate a 5 star ⭐ or eps that you'll never get tired of rewatching
Ooo, I've done Good Girls a few times, so let's go Succession. Honestly, I think I've rewatched every episode a zillion times at this point, and it's so hard for me to not go with real 'event' eps like What It Takes, DC and Argestes where the show's firing on all cylinders politically, but at the end of the day, I'm here for the family drama, so my Top 5 are going to be centred around that.
Also let's not include s4 since it's so recent, annnnd let's go with them in chronological order as opposed to fave orders, because that might literally be impossible for me, haha.
1.07 - Austerlitz
I've talked about it before, but the one-two punch of 1.06 and 1.07 is really what hooked me on the show. I'd been enjoying it, but these two episodes are such a perfect bait and switch and an incredible encapsulation of what it is that makes the show so good. While I love the absolute heart pounding anxiety/adrenaline rush of 1.06, nothing beats the family therapy episode for me. It's got everything - Connor's house in the desert, forced family bonding, subterfuge, relapses, collateral damage in the shape of famous family therapist's teeth, Shiv cheating on Tom, Shiv calling Logan out on leaking stories about Kendall, Roman picking Kendall up, Kendall defending Shiv, the reveal of Logan's own physical abuse. Literally a perfect episode of TV, I love it so so so much.
2.01 - The Summer Palace
I wasn't sure whether to put 1.10 here, which is absolutely showstopping, jawdropping TV, but if I only have five slots, I think The Summer Palace slightly ekes it out for me? I think I've rewatched it more at the very least, and in particular the scene with Logan and Shiv where he picks her is one of my favourite of the entire show. Sarah and Brian are both just on fire in that scene, and for a moment - just a moment - you can see them both really believe that she's it. The thing about the show, is that I really think one of the reasons it works is because Logan himself believes his bullshit at least some of the time, and I know there are people who disagree, but I do think he loved them, and this episode reveals both the highs and the lows of that love for all four kids.
2.04 - Safe Room
The show always balances humour and tragedy well, but I don't think it ever balances that in one episode as well as it does here. The fallout of a gunshot in the office is the sort of catalyst moment Succession's always done well, but seeing Greg and Tom scrambling (Greg's 'An attack child!" line is maybe the funniest he's ever been to me on this show), contrasted against the very human drama of Logan clearly worrying something's happened to Kendall, and Shiv not understanding the full implications, are just the best sorts of human family drama to me. Also Roman's management training is one of my favourite B-plots the show's ever done. Also-also, we've had a few great hugs on this show now, but Shiv and Kendall's in this episode is literally everything to me.
3.07 - Too Much Birthday
Look, I don't make it a secret that I'm a Kendall girl, haha (although I really do love all four of the Roy sibs), plus a group sibling scenes fan, plus a big fan of Lorene Scafaria's directing, so this ep was pretty much tailor-made for me. The art direction, the pacing, the energy, the - to quote Jesse Armstrong - straight line down of it all is pretty much pefect, with the golden trio all being their ugliest, messiest selves in the way they only truly are with each other, even or especially when they're on the outs. It just gets to me in all the best ways.
3.09 - All the Bell's Say
Literally an episode of all time for me, of any show. I don't think I've ever experienced the level of catharsis from tv that I did the first time I saw Kendall tell Shiv and Roman what he'd done at her wedding in the s1 finale, and I think I've watched that episode, and that scene, a million times at this point. It's etched into my brain, it's everything to me, and I know we're in for a bumpy ride this season, but as I keep reminding myself, we'll always have Tuscany.
Ask me for my Top Fives
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whumpasaurus101 · 4 years
Fresh Meat
New story? You ask. Yesssssirrrr. I just wanted to get the first bit posted before I backed out! A special thanks to @milk-carton-whump and @jordanstrophe (I hope you guys don't mind me tagging you!
I'm starting a new taglist so just tell me if you want to be added!
CW: Beating / Held at gunpoint /
Pheonix walked through the booming nightclub which thronged with intoxicated, high and the odd sober people. The sober people were most likely dragged there so they could drive their intoxicated friends home. Pheonix weaved in and out through the crowds, tray balancing against his sweaty palm. Once they got to the bar, their colleague, Miguel gave them a worried look. “What's the matter?” Miguel sighed, looked around him and leant in close to Pheonix, “It's Sammy, we can't find them. I tried looking for them but I couldn't see them anywhere. I figured that maybe since you're the closest to them, you might be able to find them.”
Pheonix’s heart dropped. Sammy was his best friend. Where the fuck could they be? “Yes, of course. You take my shift for a bit?” Miguel nodded and Pheonix dashed to the locker room. That's where Sammy always went if they had a panic attack or just needed space.
Pheonix always helped Sammy through their panic attacks. He was the only one who was able to do it -hence why they had their shifts at the same times-.
No, they weren't there. Fenix then went to the freezer rooms, no one. Then the storage room. He saw Sammy right away, through the small metal square window of the door. Another thing he saw, was a group of men, circled around them. Phoenix froze in the hallway, what the hell was happening.
A sudden feeling of something cold and heavy pressed against the back of his head brought Pheonix away from his thoughts. “Lookey here, Jacob. Looks like we got ourselves a peeping Tom!” The two men -well, Pheonix guessed that it was only two- chortled. The gun dug deeper into Fenix’s scalp and Fenix yelped. “Put your hands up pretty boy.” Pheonix gulped and slowly raised his hand, “Please, I-”
“Hey!” The other one - ‘Jacob’ - yelled. The first guy had a thick Spanish accent. And the other guy had more of a western American accent. Both of which were not anywhere near where they were now.
“Did we say you could speak?” Pheonix shut his mouth shut. The first guy chuckled, “That's what I thought. Now, you are going to come with us without throwing a hissy fit, and you are going to make a new friend! Walk.”
Pheonix was shoved forward towards the storage room door and Jacob knocked on the door. Everyone’s head snapped in Fenix’s direction. Fenix felt his heart brake when he saw Sammy tear-stained and bloodied face turn to him. Pheonix started to walk backwards, but the gun stopped him. “No escape now, blondie!” The first guy sneered as Noah opened the door.
Martín was the unnamed guy which Fenix didn't know. He was the man who had the gun. The one who had Pheonix’s life in his control. Just one pull of the trigger, gone.
“Mateo, we caught this one snooping,” Martín chuckled, shoving Pheonix into the room. Fenix fell to the ground, right in front of Mateo, and right beside Sammy. He didn't dare look up at Mateo, but he did take a chance and looked at Sammy. His best friend’s face was- it was only blood and- they didn't have a gash, not one single cut. What the-
A newly polished leather boot dug into Pheonix’s ribs. “AGH!” Mateo chuckled, leaning over him, “Fresh meat. You know him Sam?” Sam’s bloodshot eyes darted up at Mateo, “No, please, he has nothing to do with this! I-”
“-So that’s a yes. Hmm, I’m thinking of trying something out chicos. Yo necesito un nuevo amuleto de la suerte.” The men around him laughed and nodded. Pheonix gulped, “Plea-”
“Shut up!” Mateo’s boot drew back and Pheonix was kicked. He groaned and started coughing, spitting out some blood.
Mateo stalked over to Sammy, “Let’s make this you ‘repaying us’.” Sammy grabbed Mateo’s sleeve in desperation, “Mateo, I'm begging you, please! I'll go with you, okay? You don't need him.” Mateo slowly looked down at the hand clutching to his sleeve. It immediately left when Sammy knew they were in trouble.
Completely ignoring him, Mateo walked back over to Fenix, “So Sammy, What’s this beaut’s name?” Sammy stayed silent, they already dragged Fenix into this mess enough. “No?” Mateo hummed, “Hmm.” He held out his hand to one of his co-workers, who handed him a crowbar. Mateo hit Pheonix’s back hard with the crowbar. “OWW FUCK!!!!” Mateo chuckled, “This can all end Sammy.” Sam’s silent tears streamed down their face, “P-please.”
*whack* *whack*
“It's Pheonix! Please! Pheonix. It's Pheonix! Now let him go!” Mateo looked down at Pheonix, “Pheonix, Pheonix, hmm, not too bad. But I prefer mi alma. Or cariño.” Then he thought for a moment, “Pheonix…sounds like the bird! Ah! Mi pequeño pájaro. Pefect! The other men laughed as well. Fenix groaned on the ground. His ribs were definitely bruised. But they probably saved him from being paralysed.
He slowly tried to get up, but the familiar boot slammed into his back. “Stay down niño bonito. I'm not finished yet. Oscar, Javier, Sammy, put my lucky charm in the trunk, we have a casino to go to!”
As Pheonix was dragged -just about knocked out- he heard Sammy’s screams. Once the back door to the club closed, Pheonix knew they were not going to like what was going to happen soon.
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commanderserwin · 4 years
magic pill!
↦ pairing(s): eren yaeger x reader
↦ word count: 2k
↦ anon request: 
Tumblr media
Summary for skittish Eren and Reader: Hange’s experiments went wrong on Eren after he took the pills given to him which caused him to turn 15cm tall, but retained his human form and ends up completely nude as a predicament. Next Eren felt nervous and scared with his current form and frantically tried to ask Hange, Mikasa, Armin, and Reader on when he’s going to change back, but no luck. Later at night Reader stayed with Eren to comfort him until the next morning where he turned back to normal.
↦ author’s note(s): is this skittish enough for you?? teehee here we go!! had so much fun with this! although i don’t know if you wanted literally 15 centimeter eren or 15 meter eren, assuming that the cm is just a typo? but i went ahead chose for myself, and voila! here you have a 15 meter tall eren! thanks for the request, i hope you like it!
magic pill - two
"Hange... how," Eren nervously asked, looking at the pill and at Hange holding it with a wide smile, "How sure are you that it's going to work?"
"Well," Hange chirped, holding the pill between her fingers, "That's what we don't know since we are experimenting. And you are our test subject." 
Eren looked around, his anxious eyes setting on Mikasa, Armin, Hange, and yours as he looked back again at the pill. He has mused at how much he is nervous of the experiments but anything to help the cause of humanity. He still have no idea what this pill was supposed to be for, but he heard the words between the lines of 'titan,' 'big,' 'small,' and 'unsure,' that he really is unsure of what's supposed to happen. 
Mikasa and Armin looked at Eren anxiously as well, setting a tense silence between you all. Mikasa looked nervous, as she fiddled with her scarf while Armin is almost close to puking, thinking of what the pill is. Hange looked fairly proud of her work, as she should as most of her experiments have greatly added to the titan and human histories. You... well, you were also nervous and proud since you were here to witness the use of the pill, so you gave soft pats on Eren's shoulder. 
"Hange worked hard on it," you boasted, looking at the section commander who is smiling in thanks for your comment, "I'm sure it's safe. Right, Section Commander?"
"Of course," Hange squealed, adjusting her glasses. She handed Eren the pill and he took it with trembling fingers as he twirled it around his hand. "Go on, we'll be here." 
Eren looked around once more as he walked a couple of steps away from all of you. He looked at the menacing pill, and swallowed it. You nodded and smiled softly, clutching your clipboard and pen for any drastic changes to him, as Hange assigned you to take notes. Hange pushed you all back, backing up with her arms at a safe length, and called on to Moblit to 'Hurry up, Moblit! Come here quick!' with Moblit's faded voice replying, 'No, wait!'
"What?!" Eren yelled, holding on to his throat, he looked nervously at Hange, "Did I take the correct pill?"
Moblit finally entered, panting and bent over as he handed Hange a similar pill. "This... take this, not that." 
Hange shrieked, and pinched Moblit on the arm, "What do you mean not that? Eren's already swallowed i!"
You smiled apologetically, and slowly looked up at Eren. He's... turning into a gigantic, Eren. Still human, very much so as he shouted loudly, covering his privates as his clothes broke from the seams. All of you looked up, silent, and in shock. There he was. Eren. Huge. Nude. Going crazy out of his damn mind. 
"Oh,oh," Hange repeated, nervously chuckling as Moblit sighed deeply, and they both said it, "Shit."
They all left the both of you and Eren alone. Running back to the laboratory for help of others and science. You scribbled notes on your clipboard, uneasily, being left alone with huge Eren, and he's stark naked. 
You sighed embarrassingly, looking up quick with a blush on your cheeks to examine Eren for not too long for him to be uneasy as well. Eren chuckled nervously, and cleared his throat in attempt to converse. "How long until you finish, uhm, writing?" 
"In a minute," you answered nonchalantly as you scribbled, but the truth is you are shaking in embarrassment, tips of your ears red.
"Like you haven't seen me naked." 
"No!" Eren hurriedly sputtered, holding out one arm as he clucthed his privates, "No! What I mean, is you know, my titan form is naked, so it's not like you haven't seen-"
You were properly blushing. Full-on. You fiddled with your pen and clipboard, trying to keep your eyes on your hands.
"-me naked? Right? Oh! Oh!" 
Eren chuckled, "I shouldn't really wave my hand around."
"Yeah," you agreed, chuckling as well, looking up for a second and back down again. 
"You think," he began, his voice shy, "Do you think you could turn around for me so that I could sit down without..."
"Of course!" You blurted, turning around quickly, and covering your eyes with the clipboard. "Just tell me if you're okay. Or if I should just face away, because, you know." 
"Can you move a few steps to the left?" 
"Just a little bit?" 
"Oh, yeah!" 
"Okay, that's fine," Eren sheepishly said. 
You felt the ground shake underneath your feet as Eren moved around, sitting down on the ground, his knee right at your face. Even when, he's sitting down, you still looked so small. He lifted his index finger, comparing the size of his finger and you behind your back. He smiled, joking with himself, "My index finger is still bigger than you."
He doesn't know why he said that when you stayed quiet. He wants to beat himself up for it. He rubbed his hands over his face, contemplating still. He cleared his throat, placing his hands on his private. "You can turn around now."
You did slowly, chuckling seeing how closer and yet so far away he still is. You stood infront his big toe, comparing the size of his toe to your clipboard. "Your toe is still bigger than my clipboard."
Both of you laughed, thankful that each of you are trying to make things a little bearable. He's grateful you joined him at his silly joke, and laughed even harder, sure that everybody from within the raidus could hear it, "Let me take a note of that, then." 
Eren nodded, chuckling as he watched you playfully do so. The sun was already starting to set, watching the orange skies grace the horizon. "When do you think they'll be back?"
"Soon, I hope," you yawned, taking off of your jacket in the summer heat, waiting when they'll be back. "How's the weather up there?" 
He laughed, yawning as well. It was pretty stressful day. Eren thought it was just going to be an another easy experiment day, the usual with his Section Commander, experimenting with his titan form and writing notes. But he didn't imagine in a thousand years that this is what will hapepen. He could still feel the horror of feeling his clothes shrink and break, and his limbs elongate as he felt himself grow taller, and taller, and taller, until he's at the level of the trees. He watched you scribble rapidly on your clipboard, while the rest shouted and repeated asked Hange what happened, as she also didn't know. 
Eren watched you yawn again, and you looked up at him hesistantly, avoiding looking at his crotch, "Do you want me to go and find them?"
"No!" He said, shaking his head, eyes wide. He's actually scared of this whole situation, and he didn't want to be all alone. "No, actually, can you stay with me? Until this is over?" 
You looked up, nodding, walking towards his lower leg to pat him gently. "I'll stay with you, don't worry." 
He smiled, thankful. "The night's settling in," he commented, tilting his head towards the low sunset, "Do you want to sleep in first? I'll keep watch." 
"That'd be nice," you nodded, putting away your clipboard and pen next to your jacket. "Although, you can sleep in too? We're fine right here so no need to keep watch. But if you... prefer?" 
"It's okay," he replied. You turned around quickly, stepping away again and feeling the ground quake under his large body. 
Eren manuevered around, hiding his junk while he tried to find a pefect way to lay down. He laid down on his side, his knees to his chest, trying to hide his privates, and his arm was sprawled on the ground , while his other arm was tucked beneath his cheek for added comfort. He watched you turn around a few seconds later to face him, and he watched with his large green eyes as how you gingerly lay down beside him. 
You picked a perfect spot, laying down below his sprawled arm and beside his neck. You looked up quickly, tucking your hair behind your ear, surprised that Eren was also looking at you. "Good night, I guess?" 
He needed, mouthing a little 'Good night,' watching you look away, and folding your knees upward, while you kept your hands under your cheek. He closed his eyes as he saw you settle in, trying to fade away the sounds of the ground, but everything was too loud, probably from his bigger ears as well. He opened his eyes slightly, keeping focused on the tree ahead, waiting for the others to come. He peaked down at you, smiling gently when he saw you scratch your legs, face, and swat awat your hair to keep it out of your face. It continued in intervals, and he chuckled soflty not to scare you. 
"Can't sleep?" 
You turned around, laying on your back with your hands clasped behind your head. "I could feel you inhale and exhale through your nose," you mused, scrunching up your nose as you smiled, "It feels like I'm somewhere in the air with all the wind." 
Eren laughed, his chest shaking as he laid down on his side, still looking at you. He blew softly, laughing again when he saw your hair just swoop past your face. He chuckled even deeper when you looked up, with an incredulous look on your face. 
"I might just get myself blown if you do that again," you joked, fixing your hair, as you looked up at the stars. You listened to his chest rumble in steady beats, feeling the flow of it as it lull you into a sleep you tried to fight. You feel your eyes closing, and you sighed deeply to mask the yawn that was supposed to be. 
"Just go to sleep," he whispered against your whole body, making you stare at his green eyes. 
You yawned loudly, covering your mouth. You nodded, turning again, but facing him. You looked at his bare neck, as you curled up again, slowly listening to his steady breaths, as it lulled you once more, your body welcoming the rest. 
In the morning, you woke up to someone breathing heavily down your cheek. You whipped your head in question, surprised that Eren has turned into his normal self, but still naked. His naked body covered yours, creating a shadow over you. You moved quietly, careful not to touch his arm above your head, as you stretched to get your jacket from behind it. Eren stirred in his sleep slightly, his face twitching, and once he steadied, you reached out and covered his privates with your jacket. You also grabbed your clipboard and scribbled quickly to not awaken him. 
Eren stirred again, and this time he yawned loudly, scratching his cheek as he surveyed his surroundings. He saw you scribbling and you looked up sheepishly, quickly fixing your hair and clothes. "Good morning." 
"Good morning," he repeated, adjusting the jacket covering him, blush appearing on his cheeks, "Reporting again?"
"Yes," you gently said, as you finished up. He watched you finish your work, and you yawned again. You looked over at the horizon, the sun rising. 
"Glad to see I'm back now," he sighed, relief flooding his face. He turned to you as you sat on your knees, "I'm sorry for all the naked-."
"No!" You blushed, waving your hands, "It's okay." 
Eren perked up, blushing as well, wanting to comment some more but then he heard and saw the hurried bodies of people running towards the both of you. He propped himself up on his elbows, his back on the grass, as he tilted his head to get a better view. You inclined your head over, watching the people gather quickly. Both of you watched them ran, screaming 'We've got it! Don't you worry!'
Both of you laughed, waiting for them to come closer to just see Eren back to normal. 
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Bodyguard III: Brendon’s P.O.V - Chapter 7/Chapter 9/Chapter 10
Now in the infirmary, (Y/N) stood to the side with her arms folded, watching me place Ross down on the cot. I started fastening the restraints around the doctor's limbs, noticing how she winced as I pulled the straps tighter, causing the hard leather to cut into Ross' skin.
I'd be lying if I said that it hadn't brought me a tiny bit of joy, but it was really just to make sure that he couldn't escape.
In the distance, the Hulk roared, and as the sound carried through the air towards the two of us, we looked at each other with frowns.
"Go," I instructed immediately, knowing full well that they'd need all hands on deck to deal with that situation, "They'll need you."
She nodded and took steps to the door, but hesitated slightly as she glanced at Ross, still unresponsive. I rolled my eyes. She still didn't trust me not to hurt him. Like, honestly – if I was gonna murder him, I would've fucking done it already.
"I'm not gonna kill him. Just go."
With one last look at me and him, she vanished down the hallway.
Exhaling loudly, I placed my hands on my hips and turned to look at Ross. His eyes were still closed, but his muscles were beginning to twitch, meaning he was close to waking up.
I took up a position against the far right wall, watching and waiting. About three minutes later, his eyes started opening, and his head moved side to side as he attempted to shake off whatever after-effects he had.
I called out to him, trying to bring him back down to earth. I knew that his mind was a mess, and judging by the way he writhed at the sound of my voice, it had only driven him further into a distressed state.
Pulling up a chair, I sat across from him with my hands on my knees, hunched over slightly.
He strained against the bonds, breathing hard and shaking his head.
"Aaron," I tried again, voice calm and steady, "you're gonna be alright."
"You know that?" he snapped in an uncharacteristically harsh tone, "Is that what you know?"
Keeping my cool, I persisted. His response was good. Meant he was pushing through. "You gotta level out, it's gonna take time."
"You don't understand," he wheezed, desperately shaking his head, "Have you ever had someone take your brain and play? Pull you out and stuff something else in? You know what it's like to be unmade?"
Of course I do.
"You've done well so far. Just keep pushing," I encouraged, ignoring his previous bout of questions.
It took several more agonizing minutes, but he managed to do just that, and what little control Loki had left over him began to steadily dissipate.
He was back.
Surveying his surroundings, he posed yet another query. "Why am I back?" he looked to me. "How did you get him out?"
"Cognitive recalibration," I answered simply, straightening up. "I choked you out."
Didn't do it for you.
Standing up from his seat, I made my way over to the bed and removed the strap restraints.
"Loki," he said quietly, "He got away?"
I answered with a small nod, then locked gazes with him. "I don't suppose you know where?"
"Didn't need to know. Didn't ask," he shook his head. "He's going to make his play soon though. Today."
Giving a small nod, I walked over to the sink and got him a glass of water. When I turned back to give it to him, something caught my eye through the small window on the door. Drawing in a deep breath, I handed him the glass, then walked to the door and opened it.
"Hey," she breathed, looking up at me.
Peering around my frame, her eyes searched for Ross. She didn't even notice me staring at her. She couldn't even supress her smile once she saw him. I felt... defeated.
"Is he..."
"Back to normal," I confirmed. Then, under my breath, "Unfortunately."
She clicked her tongue and glared at me scoldingly, as she stuffed her hands in the pockets of her jacket. I gave her that jacket fourteen months ago.
A glimmer of hope.
"Can I have a moment alone with him?" she requested, "Please."
And a mountain of despondency.
I said nothing as I looked at her. I mean, what could I say? What could I do? If this was what she wanted – if he was what she wanted – how could I fucking beat that?
The answer was simple, really...
I couldn't.
"Yeah," I whispered. Moving to the side, I allowed her to enter the room before I stepped out, shutting the door behind me.
The following ten minutes were the longest of my life. It was truly fucking terrifying how graphic and torturous your mind could be when it wanted to. Especially when you didn't want it to. Endless scenarios ran through my head over and over, until she reentered my line of sight and my brain registered that she was no longer alone with him.
Stepping out of the room, she pulled the door shut behind her. I looked to her as soon as she set foot over the threshold.
Looking back at me, she drew in a deep breath and shut her eyes.
"Thank you. For saving him," she muttered, opening her eyes and giving a small smile.
I'd do anything for you. You know that.
Furrowing my brows, I pushed himself off of the wall and took a couple steps closer to her. This was it. I had to ask her. This has been ruining me for months now, and I needed a fucking answer.
"What's..." I stopped, second-guessing myself. There was a huge possibility this was gonna backfire, and I was fucking terrified. Raising her brows, she silently urged me on and I regained my confidence, "what's going on between you two?"
The ambiguity of my question was quite clear, however she chose to go with an annoyingly genic response.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean," I huffed agitatedly, combing my fingers through my hair, "Are you sleeping with him?"
Her face said it all. I screwed up. Why the fuck did I have to phrase it like that? Goddamn it, Urie.
She scowled. "That's none of your fucking business," she deadpanned, and started to walk off.
I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back.
I can't handle her walking away from me.
"Hey, no, wait, please."
I held her closer than she was before, swallowing harshly as I gazed down at her.
"I didn't mean-" closing my eyes, I took a moment to steel myself, "I just... I need to know."
She stared at me, silent and unblinking.
"Are you with him?" I clarified, finally managing to phrase my question in an inoffensive, polite manner, "Do you... you love him?"
Parting her lips, she lifted her hand and tenderly cupped my cheek, meeting my gaze. I leaned into her touch; I fucking missed it so much. Fuck.
"No," she said, "I'm not with him."
I expelled a breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding.
Good. Great. Excellent. Fantastic. Pefect. Hallelujah.
But the worrisome creases on my forehead remained, because-
"That wasn't my only question."
Before she could attempt to respond, Rogers came striding down the corridor, closing the window of oppurtunity for our conversation to progress.
"Sorry for the interruption, but I need you two," he said, "We know what our next move is."
Fuck you, Capatain Cock-block. Go back to swimming with the fishes.
Thank you for reading x
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producermokyo · 5 years
Drabble request: Hakuno Meets King Arthur for the first time (Camelot!AU)
“What if he doesn’t like me?” Hakuno asks Agravain.
“Didn’t mother teach you how to seduce a man? It is not that hard.”
“Somewhat. She just told me to be myself.”
“The goal is to get him to marry you, instead of that woman, Guinevere.”
“I-I’m nervous.”
“Gawain, Mordred, myself, and Yvain are here in Camelot with you. I have already put in a good word for you, Hakuno.”
“That makes me feel a bit better.” Hakuno admits, following Agravain through Camelots corridors. “This place is so big, I never thought Camelot would look like this!”
As the pair approaches the door to King Arthur’s chambers, Agravain reminds Hakuno of the plan.
“Remember, you are my little sister. You are not to mention who your mother is under any circumstances.”
“I know, I know. Jeez Aggy.”
“I’m serious.”
“I know! I’ll do my best!”
Opening the door, Hakuno catches a peak at the king.
Blond hair. Like gold.
“Come inside.” Agravain orders Hakuno.
Taking a deep breath, Hakuno heads inside of the dimly lit room.
“This is my sister I was telling you about, my king.” Agravain begins, “Her name is Hakuno.”
Those emerald eyes, meet her own causing her heart to beat like a drum.
“Hakuno? I don’t believe I’ve ever heard that name before.”
“Our father thought it would make her unique.”  Agravain admits.
Taking Hakuno by the hand, he smiles. “She is very cute Agravain. I find it hard to believe she is your sister.” He teases.
“I-It’s nice to meet you my king.”
“No, no, please, just “Arthur” is fine.”
This man is too pefect.
“Please, take your time and get to know her my king.” Agravain slightly bows, leaving the room, leaving the pair alone.
“Come Hakuno, allow me to show you around Camelot.” Arthur offers smiling.
“Of course!” Hakuno follows after the perfect king.
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everpantherr · 5 years
Loved and lost. Pt 1.
Now before you cry guys everyone assume that Everett did survive the snap but my honest I hope he turned into dust like not a bad thing I want him to be kept good looking for T'challa so they can be together..and be in more marvel movies but this story he stayed behind :'(
Warnings: none
Mentions mpreg,
Official post to wattpad.
Artist: BIM
The story will go on to the characters pov and parts of narrator.
He remembered it was like yesterday when Shuri and okoye told him the breaking news and that the half of the population were gone..
It was two years since the snap happened and it was really hard for Everett because T'challa didn't survived and Everett fell into deep depression even though he had 3 children that are counting him was hard for him he couldn't decide if stay in wakanda to help Shuri the queen and help wakanda expand or go back to the USA and go back to help people who did survive.
He made a decision.
He decided to leave his baby's in wakanda with Shuri and Ramonda it was safe and the best for them while he does help in the America,he wasn't sure when he able to see them again
But it was for the best
He was getting to leave on his plane but he stop and give kisses to his kids
"Dada" his youngest son martin said as he give kiss on his forehead he teared up
"Martin.. I love you so much" he sniffed as T'chara and T'chaka came hubble over and hugged his arms
He kissed them both and rubbed T'chara cheeks
"Just like your father.. T'chara please take of your brothers while I'm gone ok?" T'chara just giggled as Everett smiled
He pick them both up ( he had lessons )
And brought them to there play rooms as he requested a Dora to watch them over
"Tell Shuri to look after them..."
"But consort-"
"I gotta go help back in the America it's safe for them to be here then the city I should be back in a few months..and also I'm no longer royal, my baby's are but now you have queen Shuri so respect that" Everett said as he grab his bag and headed off to America.
Not even a day that he was already crying and missing his kids but he had to stay strong and help the people.
After 3 months he came to wakanda he was hurting because he thought that his children won't recognize him he was done putting the gone list and the survival papers and send them around the world for the people and help the foods and etc it wasn't easy but he did, got it done
"Daddy!" They both scream and pulling him to the ground
"I missed you guys" Everett tears up as he hugs them both and kissing them
"Yeah know colonizer I should beat you up for leaving me to be the mother of YOUR children" she smiles
"But welcome back"
"Your highness thank you I'm sure I'm staying put this time..." There were sadness in that and Shuri knows it
"We are hurting Everett he was my brother"
"It was hard being out there and it's hard being here too.."
"How about take your boys to the field and get some air" she really didn't want to have more emotion as she has hands full already
"Yeah.. alright"
I grab my blanket and took my kids to a open field to watch them wonder and play
I play with martin as he was only a year old and barley can wonder around
It was peacefully and hearing my kids giggle away playing with there toys
But until I heard a deep voice startled me
"Ahh kitten you are alive"
Everett turns and sees M'baku alive and well
"Heh I could say the same thing to you.. how's your tribe are your people safe?"
"I lost so many especially children and familys"
"I'm sorry.."
"I'm sorry about T'challa... you know he did his best out there he loved you very much Everett just know that."
"Thanks M'baku.. I can't just think about the future how I'm going to tell them what's happened to this world and there papa"
"Don't think about that now kitten there still young you have long ways to tell them that"
"Sorry.. your right I'm just stressed.."
"I complete understand I heard you went back to help in America"
" I did.. it was like being in the air force again, God I'm so lost M'baku" Everett croaked and tears were falling down
"Kitten.. listen you are a strong man who you serves your country you help save wakanda and beinging strong to your boys, your just stressed out and need some rest.. if you want you are more welcome to Jabari and rest there since queen Shuri is busy with wakanda and since your... ahem but aside from that Everett I'm more welcome to open doors for you I know if you head to USA Your kids aren't safe."
"I... i-"
"Don't worry about the cold my tribe has made coats for every children and toddlers for the cold, and I have a hut I barely don't use since I'm busy with my tribe but you are more welcome to use.. just think about it it will take things mind off from the world. I'm not forcing or anything it's somthing to think about"
Everett stay silent has M'baku hold little martin
Everett was thinking about this and M'baku was right he wasn't much needed in wakanda anymore he wasn't sure if he should live here with all the stress that Shuri might put him through and back in the America will be worse so Jabari might just what he needed besides the cold though but it could help him and his kids, drop off the world and start a new life
"You know what.. you're right it might start help with a new life and my kids and besides they might love the snow but how I'm i going to get there with 3 kids? Oh I guess my plane could help.. I still have a job."
M'baku smirks
"Pefect saves me less traveling I'll give you a day to pack if that's fine see you then kitten"
M'baku walks off
"Why does he keep calling me kitten?" Everett mumbles as he packs up his kids and head back to the castle and pack up for the night and put his kids to sleep.
During the night Everett put his kids sleep expect martin he was crying and struggling to sleep
"Ssh... ssh..." rocking him back and forth
The door open and it was M'baku again
"Sorry I walked by and headed your little one crying do you need some help?"
"No.. no.. he's just being stubborn that's *yawn* all.."
"You are tired Everett let me i can help him sleep I promise I won't hurt your baby"
Everett was exhausted and he does trust M'baku since he did offered his home to him
"Ok thanks M'baku" he hands over martin
"Don't mention it just have a seat on the couch I have the rest from here"
Everett sat down on the couch and he eventually fell asleep
By the morning
He was woke up to a blanket around him and seeing martin in his crib sleeping Everett checked the time on his wrist watch and it was still early and have lots of time to pack so that's what he did during all morning
It was around the after noon that Everett packed up in the plane and M'baku came up
"Hey M'baku I can't thank you enough for last night "
"Again don't mention it you almost done?"
"Yes just waiting for my kids to wake up"
After heading to Jabari M'baku showed Everett and his kids to the hut where he was staying and it was cozy warm and roomie
He quickly made a little crib to put martin down and unpack while his toddlers are in playing in the snow already with M'baku he went his room and started un pack when he stumble across his wedding photo of him and T'challa he looked at it one more time until he shoved it down in a drawer to not look at it again as he was starting a new life.
"I'll start the fire for you but then I gotta go back to the tower"
I nodded as he starts the fireplace
"Alright the fire has started there's a market few down a hill for dinner but anyways you should be good to go" M'baku said as he was heading out
"M'baku... thank you"
He just nodded and left
"Well kids its time to a new start life" i smile at them
And Everett did what he did he dropped everything from the world expect his work because he not near to close to retirement even though he's living in Jabari for free but he still serves the America
M'baku helps around me and my kids for months now which i appreciate
But lately I started to feel feelings for him I mean He does bring me wine or beer after our tough days together
But that one night I drank because my son's called M'baku Daddy which I choked my food that dinner night and it through M'baku completely off the table too but laugh so hard
We sit on the he couch as the fire was going and the boys are asleep
M'baku had his arms behind me and I wrapped up in blankets
And I know that the fact he does lik- Love me
Am I started to feel the same thing??
"Are we going to talk about what happened?"
"Everett you are the one letting this happened I mean you let me into your house and let me help around what did you expect"
"N- uh... ahem I guess..." i had no words to that
"Do you want them to call you dad?"
"Do you want them to?"
"I don't know.."
"Look.. M'baku I appreciate what you do for me and my boys but.. after all of this and you being around i.. I started to feel about this-" Everett was interrupted by M'baku putting his hand on his mouth
"I can fix that.." he mumbled and he lean in towards Everett and Everett leaned in and they both connected lips
Everett closed his eyes as this happened he haven't felt a kiss for like Ever to be honest he doesn't even remember when was his last kiss from T'challa but he doesn't want to think about that now
Everett and M'baku stopped And pulled back
"Wow.. heh uhem" Everett was nervous and was turning red
"Haha my god Everett your reacting if it was looking your first time kissing!" He laughs quietly
Everett punches him on the arm
"Shut up its been 2 years M'baku!"
And since that night Everett and M'baku started a relationship but it was slow progress for Everett because he wanted to take things slow since he's new life with his sons were going good
But he still had emotions to T'challa but he had to move on
And eventually there love was strong
And after a few months
On the night of traditional winter blue moon festival
M'baku purpose on the blue night in M'baku palace on the deck were it was beautiful
And Everett said yes 
They got married and Everett once again was a royal member
By next year Everett had some shocking news..
He was pregnant with M'baku child.
He had a hard time believing this was this a prank?
But it was true and it wasn't a prank
He can't believe it he was so happy did wanted a big family and he was shocked again by his age but he didn't care and when he told his husband he was filled with joy and happiness and he so happy that his child was going to heir to his Thorne
By M'baku's Jabari health care he told that Everett was going to have twins one boy and one girl
They couldn't be happier
By the time he give birth to his new born son M'baku and Everett named him M'Buka after M'baku great grandfather
After his long rest M'baku had to go wakanda for a meeting and Everett was actually nervous to go back because he moved on from T'challa and married M'baku
But M'baku said that it was going to be fine
But oh boy he was wrong
Queen Romada and shuri, okoye were pissed at Everett and M'baku and growling yelling at Everett for leaving T'challa 'so soon' apparently but Nakia was supportive and understand for Everett
By the year went and Everett was at his office when one the deputy agents came barging in unannounced
"Sir! We have some news! People are reappearing again from the snap!"
"Wait what!?" Everett rushed to the scene and he couldn't believe his eyes
"Get everyone and I mean everyone to work and get around fast! And get the avengers!"
"I gotta get back home!"
Everett landed back in Jabari and rushed to M'baku and his boys
"M'baku!? Honey? Kids???"
"Your highness your husband is helping in the tribe as people are coming back. And your kids are safe in the another room"
"Thank you" He said and ran off to find M'baku.
After the whole incident and things settled down
Everett was getting ready to the market for dinner and he put on his wakadian blanket on and had his vase for water when his son martin and T'chara and T'chaka came running up to him
"Daddy!! Daddy!!"
"What's wrong??"
"Some guy wearing a black suit came up to us claiming that we are his kids and we were scared and trys to claim that he knows you but we ran!" T'chaka cried
I froze as I think who it was..
Can't be..
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hjazysol · 6 years
The Ultimate Battle Pt 9
The journey to the castle was silent no one expected someone to die especially since this was supposed to be a vacation.
Ryu: Well. Here we are.
Toon Link: The Castle.
Pirahna Plant: Bowser I'm coming for you my spitefullness! I'LL save yoooooooooo-
Mega Man: Hey wait up!
Mega Man ran into a barrier which seemed to ignore Pirahna Plant.
Mega Man: Hey what gives?
Barrier: Only Mario characters allowed.
Mega Man: Dang it.
Mario: Okay. Imma gonna bring DK and Geno. You 2 will-a look for-a Peach and I'll go to Bowser. We can do it as long-a as we remember who and what-a we are-a fighting for.
Galeem: Only 4 fighters left. No matter. Release the Princess I want to see her suffer when the plumber dies.
Bowser: How boring nothing has happened. Being a guard is hard. What's that noise?
Pirahna Plant: -oooooooooouuuuuu!
Trips over.
Pirahna Plant: Ow.
Bowser: Oh it's one of my underlings. Get lost I'm not bothered.
Pirahna Plant: I've come to save you.
Bowser: Save me? Save me. Oh I get it you are no longer under the influence of My fair Lady, Galeem. Which means what your doing is mutiny. That means. I GOTTA KILL YOU! BURN!
Pirahna Plant: Yikes
Bowser began swiping his claws towards Pirahna Plant. Trying to deter him from existence. Pirahna Plant ran past Mario.
Mario: Pirahna Plant what are you-
Bowser barged into Mario knocking him into Pirahna Plant making him lose balance.
Bowser: A pesky plumber and a house plant pefect kills.
Pirahna Plant was being dragged away by the leaves. Mario woke up, came behind Bowser. Bowser turned around and grabbed Mario throwing him threw the air. Mario had landed expertly and threw a plethora of fireballs at Bowser as a smoke screen. With Bowser now confused Mario took the opportunity to grab Bowser by the tail. He began to spin him around in a circle. Then he threw him up to the second floor of the castle. Where Peach was nearly rescued by Geno and DK.
Peach: Almost done picking the lock?
Geno: Nearly.
DK: Come on dude.
Bowser and Mario burst through the ceiling to the next floor.
Peach: Mario!
Mario: Peach!
Bowser: Bowser!
Peach: Watch Out!
Bowser unleashed a flurry of punches and claw attacks which Mario dodged expertly. He was jumping off walls, floors even Bowser's head. He then went to jump on him again but Bowser went into his shell sending Mario upwards. Bowser grabbed Mario by the foot and slammed him into the ground. Raising him foot to step on him. Mario rolled out of the way. Bowser began to breathe fire at his moustached foe burning Mario's behind in the process.
DK: We're almost done and voila.
Geno: Your free now.
Peach: Thank you.
DK: Hop on.
Bowser: The princess.
Whilst he wasn't focused Mario went in and punched Bowser to the roof. The atmosphere was rainy.
Bowser: That! Is! It!
Bowser raised his hands up and slammed them down agressivley. A dark aura began emitting from him he started to grow larger. His posture grew crooked. His teeth were much more jagged. Horns were curved and pointier. His spikes stretched out becoming much sharper then they were. He was now Giga Bowser.
Bowser: Showtime!
Bowser was knocking Mario all about the place. He was dragging Mario across the roof tiles like a sponge. He pinned him to the ground and was ready to punch him in the face.
Bowser: Lights out Mario!
He missed Mario had slipped away because his body was sliperry. Mario jumped to reach Bowser, but he just caught him right out of the air. It was then when Bowser began to crush the poor plumbers bones. He eventually resisted the strong grasp Bowser had on him. Running up his arm and then to his face. He kicked Bowser in the face a couple times but they did not phase him. Bowser threw Mario down to the ground, and then started to thrash him about all over the place with no end to Mario's pain. Yet again trying to beat Mario he raised his foot and brought it down vigourously and crushed Mario with his foot seemingly finishing him off.
Bowser: Yes. I finally won.
Peach: Mario!
Mario: Not so fast Bowser. Might wanna put that tally on my side.
Bowser: How are you alive?!
Mario: Please. I've-a taken a blast similar to-a that of a nuclear warhead in a tennis court. That you caused may I add. This is just a tickle compared to that.
Mario grabbed a Super Star from his pocket and powered up a strong punch.
Bowser: No I won't allow this. No. Mario jumped up into the air cracking the ground beneath him and let it rip. The full force of the Super Star was about to be unleashed.
Mario: So long-ay Bowser!
Mario punched Bowser directly off of the building. Sending him down towards the others. He began to revert back to normal.
*stop the music*
Peach: Is Bowser okay?
Lucas: He's over there. He seems super scared. But we don't know what.
Mario went over to talk.
Bowser: Jr. Jr. Jr where are you?!
After shouting for his son for ages now Bowser lost hope thinking the worst had happened to his son.
Mario: Bowser. Don't worry we'll find him.
Bowser: We don't even know where he is you say you've looked everywhere where could he possibly be.
Mario looking outwards: I think I got good guess. That thing must have him. Galeem.
Everyone: What!?
It was time Galeem had come down to fight the smashers herself.
Mario: Everyone this is it it's time to end this.
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'You're the best Man of Letters'
Characters: Henry Winchester x (male)Reader ; Sam Winchester ; Dean Winchester ; Abaddon ; mentions of Josie, Child John W. And Millie.
Warnings: Spoilers of S8 and S9.
~ SPNmasterlist ❤~
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'Henry will be a man of letter soon, so he'll need some help to be around the bunker without getting lost or something wrongs, if you dont have a problem with that we was espected you could help him. Mister (Y/L/N)'
(Y/N) smiles a bit, you're a man of letters and you always want to help the new members when they enter in the secret society. 'Yes sir, I'll be glad to help him' Your boss smile and shake your hand with you, you stay in the room waiting to your boss get the new member.
'So, Henry this is (Y/N) (Y/L/N). He'll be your coworker, whatever you need you only have to ask him.'
'Yes sir.' Henry smile to you 'Good morning, my name is Henry Winchester. Nice to meet you'
You looked him, feeling yourself get blushed, he was a gorgeous man. 'The plasure is mine.' You said, shakin your hands with his. You can't help with that but you start to feel like Henry and you in sometime will be more than coworkers, maybe he'll become a good friend after all. You look at his hand and see the little ring in his finger, maybe he is married. 'Oh, congratulations '
'Thanks you' He said before move his hands behind him. 
'May I... Can I ask how long ago you got married?' You asked to him before leaved the room with Henry behind you. 'My apologies if that was a personal question, I didn't mean that to make you feel unconfortable'
Henry laughed a bit and you felt your heart beats faster for two seconds, you get blushed. You didn't know that, but you're going to fall for a married man. You shake your head before still walking with Henry. 'So, I gonna show you the bunker and you can ask me anything in the proced. It's okey?'
' Perfect, thank you very much sir. And my apologis if you get involved to do all of this for my fault.'
'No, its okey.' You said, smiling at him. 'I always be glad to help you, so please callme (Y/N).' Henry smile a bit, starting to follow you when you leaved the room. 
Time pass faster and you were so glad to meet him more, Henry was a very interesting person and, for you, He'll be the most pefect Man of Letters. He told you about his wife Millie and his little son's John, the way he spoak about them with you proved the truly love he feels for his family. You didn't talk a lot about you, there is nothing you can tell him, you were just an orphan, your father was a hunter and he was killed by a demon when you was five years old. Your mother, well, she leaved you when you was a baby.
'You really love your family, that's wonderful.' You said to him, he smiled to you. Both of you were in the library, searching for a spellbook for certain information you need to get to help a hunter.
'Thanks you, but what about you?' You looked down to the floor and take a breath before talk
'I'm alone, my mother left me when I was a baby and my father died in a demon hunt.' You left the book on the table, seaching the spell list. 'Nor a girlfriend, I never had dates. So, I'm always be very lonely.'
'(Y/N)... My apologies, I- I should not have asked that ' He give you a little smile, you didn't look at him and that make him feel bad with himself. ' I'm sorry ' He puts his hand on your cheeks, making you looks at his eyes. 'Don't be sad for my mistake, just forget it and smile. its okey? You have a wonderfull smile.' You will never tell him the strange feeling growned inside you in that moment, but you only want to get lost in his eyes. You never liked another mans before him, but Henry it was diferent to any person on the world, you like it, you like the way he's unique.
You love him, but he is married and never will looked you the way you start to look at him
' (Y/N)? ' Henry asked you, with worry in his eyes. You were looking him in silence with tears in your eyes. Did I hurt you so bad with my question? ' Please don't cry.'
' I'm sorry.' You said, cleaning you tears from your cheeks, Henry still in from you but this time he has his hands on your sholders. 'It's okey, we - we need to finish our work.' You'll go to read the book but Henry didn't let you go from his hands. ' Henry, I'm fine.'
'No, you not.' He said before hugs you.
You can't tell him, you're starting to love him, a marriage man with a little child, and it was scaring you. 'I'm sorry Henry.'
'For what?'
That time you didn't anwser him, you just cried in silence in his arms. For the next three days you didn't pass a lot time with him, you feel strange when Henry talks with Josie or another person on the Bunker. Henry tried to talk with you about your emotions and your sad look on your face, but you excuse yourself saying it's nothing and everything will be okay. but isn't, because you fall in love with him and you know that will be a problem, you know probably Henry only see you like a little brother.
'(Y/N)! We- We need to talk' Henry said, trying to stop you. Both of you, an also Josie, are going to be sent to a religious convent on Milton, Illinois, before you two left you will need a little reseach for the case. You look at him, you were to tired and hurt to ignoring him anymore. 'Can we talk (Y/N)?'
' why not?' You smiled, trying to get away from him. Henry stop you against the wall.
'Why are you like this?'
'What are you talking about?' You asked, looking at his eyes, " He looks worry, but why? I'm just a collegue for him, he have a wife and a son. "
'You- you were so... I dont know what I did or what I said, I dont know what I did to hurt you like that... You are not yourself and I'm worry about you.' Henry sigh, he was nervious. In the last days, he noticed how important you're for him. 'I need to know... Because I really care about you (Y/N)' You find yourself brushing hard and looking at the floor. 
'I...' You said, but another person broke the little moment saiding something to you two. Your boss was seaching you, because its time to go to your mission. Henry looks disapointlet with the interrumtion, but he is more relaxed because he knows you will talk to him about this later. 'Lets go Henry, we have a long travel to do' You smiled at him, and Henry retorn it to you and grabbed your hand. 
'What ?'
He was trying to tell you, to tell you how special you are for him, how many things he was feeling for you. But he didn't, He couldn't tell you anything. And that was killing him, because on Milton you got possesed by Abaddon and she slaughter the Mans of Letters the day of his inisiation.
He never spected to travel to the future, he never spected had to kill you to save the life of his grandsons. Unlucky, before get the shot from Dean's weapon Abaddon left your body, making the three Winchester see you die slowly for the bullet on your abdomen.
'(Y/N)!' Henry scream and caught your body in his arms, Sam and Dean hurry up and try to call  Castiel to saved your life but it was to late, the angel it was bussy and you was losing many blood. 'Everything will be okey, just stay with us (Y/N)' Henry voice sound so weak, like if He was going to cry.  
'Henry... I'm sorry, she was trying to - to possesed your body and I- I was scared, because I didn't want to lose you..' You whisper to Henry, he was alive because of you saved his life in 1958, and that makes you happy. 'You was... Under my supervision...' Henry looked how you skin lose his natural colour and become  pale. 'I'm proud of you... You are the best... Man of Letters ' He smile a bit sadness in his eyes, '(Y/N) you are the best Man of Letters.' You smiled at him 
'I... love you Henry'  
Henry lose his smile and tears were slowly down in his cheeks.
'I'm sorry (Y/N)... I love you too...' He kissed you on your lips and you smiled a bit before closed your eyes.
'Dude, wow. ' Dean said, Sam was impacted to. 'I saw many weird things but I never spected to see my young grandfather kissing an another man after shot him' Sam punch him in his shoulder, 'Dude, C'mon! We need to find where Abaddon is.'
'I'm going to stop her.' Henry said, with a dark tone on his voice. 'And you two, are going to help to find the way to kill that monster. '
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puroresu-musings · 6 years
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NJPW G1 CLIMAX 28 Day 17, Day 18 and FINAL Review (Aug 10th, 11th & 12th, Tokyo, Nippon Budokan)
Day 17 (A Block)
Togi Makabe vs. michael Elgin  ***3/4
YOSHI-HASHI vs. Hangman Page  ***1/2
Minoru Suzuki vs, Bad Luck Fale  **
EVIL vs. Jay White  ***1/4
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Kazuchika Okada  *****
Day 18 (B Block)
Toru Yano vs. Tama Tonga  *
Juice Robinson vs. Hirooki Goto  ***3/4
Tomohiro Ishii vs. SANADA  ****1/2
Tetsuya Naito vs. Zack Sabre Jr.  ****1/2
Kenny Omega vs. Kota Ibushi  *****
Hiroshi Tanahashi (A Block Winner) vs. Kota Ibushi (B Block Winner)  *****
NJPW made a triumphant return to Nippon Budokan this weekend. The show on the 10th saw A Block action come to a close. This was a good show that culminated in a classic main event. Togi Makabe pinned Big Mike Elgin in a really hard hitting bout to start Block action off. This was near excellent stuff with Makabe winning with a Kong Knee in 8:46. YOSHI-HASHI used Karma to defeat Hangman Page in a very good 10:22 outing, which turned out much better than it looked on paper. Minoru Suzuki got a DQ victory over Bad Luck Fale after, yep, you guessed it, Tama Tonga ran in at 8:51 as Suzuki was going for the Gotch Piledriver, and hit Gun Stun on him. The match up to that point was pretty good, but I’m just totally done with this Firing Squad nonsense now. So too, seemingly, are the fans, one of whom threw a bottle into the ring in protest as the Tongans beat Suzuki-gun down in the post match. EVIL played spoiler to Jay White next, as after fending off chair assisted interference, he pinned Switchblade with the STO at 11:36. This was very good stuff, enhanced by the drama of if White won, he’d still be alive as a potential winner.
Then Tanahashi and Okada, the greatest wrestling rivalry of this generation, completely blew the doors off Budokan with another classic ***** battle. This was by no means their best match together, nor was it as good as their match on May 4th, but it was completely different and still a masterpiece. Also, it’s hardly a knock seeing as they’ve had some of the greatest wrestling contests ever. The thing with these guys matches together, is that they’re almost completely ‘safe’ matches. They rely on bucket loads of drama, compelling stories and just great ringwork, whilst never doing anything too overly dangerous (see: the main event of Day 18). This went the broadway, as all three of their G1 matches have, and was unbelievably dramatic, with the final 5 minutes or so being especially so. Budokan was going crazy for this, and they had them for the whole 30 minutes, with both men really hammering home the importance of what was at stake in the match, with both fighting with an added desperation. There were a load of call backs to previous classics, and it featured all of the amazing, inventive counters to their signatures spots we’ve all come to know and love from these guys’ matches. After blocking almost every big move the other have, Okada finally hit the new spinning Rainmaker, then went for another, but Tana landed a hard slap which dropped him. With the crowd solidly behind him, Tanahashi hit a HFF to the back with 10 seconds remaining, but Okada kicked at two, then went up for another as the time limit expired. The draw meant Tana took the block with a grand total of 15 points, with 8 wins, 1 loss and 1 draw, which is incredible really.
The August 11th show was one hell of a wrestling event. Things started at the bottom of the barrell as Toru Yano scored a DQ win over Tama Tonga, after the Tongan gave the referee the Gun Stun. Maij and Sugabayashi then escorted the Firing Squad out of the building. This was trash and I hope the booking with this faction changes soon. Juice Robinson pinned Hirooki Goto with Pulp Friction in 10:36 of a great little sprint. Goto came in selling the arm from the ZSJ match, playing in to their impending NEVER Title match. Juice also took the cast of before the bell rang, and the left hand was the prelude to the win. Block action commenced with three absolutley excellent matches. Firstly, Tomohiro Ishii defeated SANADA with his Vertical Drop Brainbuster in a tremendous 17 minute outing. Ishii has been the MVP of this G1 without any doubt, having consistently incredible matches, and SANADA himself had his best G1 yet. Of course Ishii is the next challenger to Omega, so he had to win here, and that he did. This was excellent, hard-hitting stuff which the sold out Budokan were white hot for. The next match was another hard-hitting white hot affair. Zack Sabre Jr. very surprisingly, though not unwelcomely defeated odds on favourite Tetsuya Naito in an exceptional wrestling contest. The story here was Naito winding ZSJ up with his laid back demeanour, Zack had a submission counter to everything Naito did, then out of a mutual frustration, both guys started stiffing each other. After some incredible counters and escapes, Zack turned a Destino into the Michinoku Driver for the shock clean pin at 18:17. I loved this match.
But not as much as the battle of the Golden Lovers main event of Day 18. Now lets get this out of the way; I thought their match together in DDT in 2012 was excellent, but by no means the GOAT. So this is a rematch of that particular classic, and is a match many thought they’d never see again. This certainly didn’t disappoint, but it was probably a very different match to what most were expecting. It didn’t have the madman moves of their 2012 outing, but what it lacked there, it made up for in them stiffing the hell out of each other, sometimes in a very uncomfortable fashion. This had the drama and emotion of the previous nights main event - with Naito eliminated, it came down to the winner of this taking the Block - but it was a much more physically intese outing. They hit about a million big moves; Kenny teased an OWA off the apron, but Ibushi tried to counter into that deadlift German into the ring, but Omega turned it into a package Tombstone on the apron. He then turned back the clocks, getting a near fall with Croyt’s Wrath. Kenny hit the Terminator Con Hilo and Kota hit the Golden Triangle, then looked like he almost killed Omega with a standing Moonsault which he landed in a double knees, which looked absolutely no fun at all to take. Kenny went for that top rope Dragon Suplex insanity, but Ibushi landed on his feet. He hit the Last Ride and Kamigoye for great near falls. Omega blocked a reverse rana with an insane reverse Ganso Bomb, hit a bunch of V-Triggers, then went for a second rope One Winged Angel, but Kota battled free and, with Omega sat on the top rope, hit a horrifying looking double stomp to the back of Kenny’s head. Ibushi then hit an ubelievable top rope Tiger Driver for an incredible nearfall, then landed another Kamigoye for the win in 23:13 of fantastic action. They embraced after the match, but its worth noting that Omega remains winless against Ibushi.
Which brought us to the finals between Tanahashi and Ibushi. The undercard of this was a profound disappointment. It wasn’t bad, everything was good, but there was nothing must-see or especially newsworthy. Until the finals. This was a blow-away match, and the best these two have ever had against each other. The drama was off the page before the bell even rang; Omega accompanied Ibushi to the ring, but seconding Tanahashi, was long time rival, Katsuyori Shibata, which gave this match an added sense of importance. They had hard strike exchanges throughout this one. There was a great spot early as Tana tried a dropkick from the floor onto the apron, but Ibushi countered with a big double stomp. Tana skinned the cat right into a package Tombstone for a near fall. The Ace started destroying Ibushi’s knees with Dragon Screws, then after sending Ibushi to the outside, Tanahashi hit an HFF to the floor. Kota would battle back though, hitting an absoulutely pefect top rope springboard Asai Moonsault. They traded Germa suplex variants, before Ibushi hit Tana with a Boma Ye. He tried a Last Ride, but Tanahashi hit that devastating Left Hand, which lead to a super intense strike battle, which culminated in Ibushi hitting his massive Lariat at Budokan went crazy.
Tanahashi got a near fall with a straight jacket German, then went for the HFF, but Ibushi got his knees up, then hit another Boma Ye to the back., and that hideous looking double knee standing Moonsault. Kota then hit that terrifying Lawn Dart into the corner pad, and the deadlift German into the ring, both of which were scary to watch, knowing how banged up Tana is. Tanahashi turned a Kamigoye into two Twist and Shouts, then hit a Dragon Suplex for a great near fall. Tana went up and hit the High Fly Flow to Ibushi's back. Tana went back up, but Ibushi fought to his feet, and Tana hit a standing HFF. He went back to the top a third time and nailed hit another High Fly Flow to win his third G1 at the 35 minute mark. This was an outstanding match, and probably my second favourite of the tourney, behind Omega/Ishii, which told a compelling, timeless story of the old gun slinger looking for one last shot at glory. After Ibushi had left the ring in tears, unable to exceed God, and Shibata paraded him around the ring on his shoulders, and Mr. August himself, Masahiro Chono, handed him the G1 trophy and flag, Tana air guitared like the Ace of old to send everyone home happy.
I don’t know if this has been the greatest G1 of all time (it has very strong competion from last years superb tourney), but this was blow away stuff. I can’t say enough good things about Tana in this thing, the guy is a rare breed, The One Man Of Talent, who despite being in a considerable amount of pain, pulls out classics like the two he had this weekend when he needs to, and I was beyond hapy to see him win the tournament. His babyface fire in that final with Ibushi was at Kobashi levels and he has to be the smartest worker in the business when it comes to mapping out these matches. Well we’re back on the road to Wrestle Kingdom, and with Tanahashi vs. Omega being the potential main event, we’re in for a hell of a ride. Go Ace!
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audreyhq-blog · 7 years
LOCATION: Audrey’s studio apartment. 
TIME & DATE: March 3rd, 2018, 2pm.
SUMMARY: Audrey films her audition with her ex-husband, Adam Pearson.
Audrey startles when the door of her room closed with a click. She’s standing in front of the mirror and pefecting a tiny smear of lipstick in the corner of her mouth, while willing the waves that frame her face to stay where they’re supposed to. The nerves get the better of her before every shoot or stream, and she wonders if she’ll ever be able to beat them - or if she even wants to.
This isn’t her destination - it’s a stop on the way to something bigger and better, she just...hasn’t figured out what it is yet. Audrey has to be more than a disgraced beauty queen and a failed wife. Hopefully one day she’ll learn how to be.
But for now, this is an audition and Audrey needs to push herself into character and do exactly what she came here to.
And really, Adam is enthusiastic and he makes her sounds even better than she is when he’s on camera. It’s the same whines and the moans that used to turn Audrey on when they were married - or, you know, still in love - that now echo through the headphones of the men and women that watch them together. All the videos she’s ever made with a partner feature Adam - most of them orally, some with actual intercourse - and Audrey knows that from here on out, she’s going to have to do more. Variety is the spice of life, after all. Plus, there’s likely a whole host of issues about sleeping with an ex for pay, but that’s neither here nor there, really.
She can’t let the semantics of this bog her down or she’ll talk herself out of it. She needs the money that New Directions offers. He family needs the money.
“You ready, Maggie?” she hears, a hint of a smile in his voice. Something flashes across her face and Audrey immediately transforms into Maggie Flowers. It’s not the most original of names, but it gets the job done.
She adjusts her lace bralette and soothes her hair down one last time, then motions for Adam to lay back on the bed. She bought new sheets specifically for this shoot, and some pillows to frame Adam’s body as he lays back. It’s all about the small details, right?
Audrey disappears behind the camera to make sure their frame is lined up correctly and exhales before pressing record. Her body feels light as she walks into shot, hair gathered over one shoulder. Adam’s got a look in his eyes that could - and probably does - make their viewers wish they could be in her place. She wishes it still gave her butterflies, that she could let herself enjoy this with him, but the baggage between them now is unbearable.
But apparently not enough to force her to stop calling on him for favours like this.
She didn’t tell him it was an audition tape they were shooting today, that after this was edited and sent off that she’d be leaving Santa Barbara and - if all went well - joining her sister in Los Angeles at New Directions. He’ll find out when her bags are packed and apartment bare.
Audrey just needs someone she knows she has chemistry with to make this believable. To show them that she is worth investing in.
She crawls onto the bed, knees first and adjusts the waist of her lace panties, letting her hands lead the way over to Adam. Audrey licks her lips and locks eyes with him before leaning in to press quick kisses across the expanse of his chest and stomach. They will have to kiss on the mouth - something they hadn’t done in weeks, months even - and Audrey has been working herself up to that moment. She leans in without hesitation and kisses him, falling in just slightly when he welcomes her. This is exactly why they don’t kiss.
Audrey feels Adam’s hands on her waist and she smiles slightly into their kiss again. This is dangerous - for the both of them.
She pulls back then, pressing her lips against the side of his neck and settles herself beside him again. She takes the waist of his boxers - like she’s done thousands of times in the past - and pulls them down over Adam’s hips, and her hand immediately surroundes his length, stroking him to full hardness.
This was when Audrey felt the most powerful - she almost gets drunk on it.
Adam’s reaction when she leans in to take his tip into her mouth causes Audrey to pull back to giggle just lightly. “Not yet,” she goads, eyeing the camera. Audrey moves her body to straddle Adam’s thigh, her centre pressed against his bare leg. The lace of her panties provides friction as she rolls her hips in small circles while her tongue works on the underside of Adam’s cock. She can’t even estimate how many times she’s done this, and Adam still acts like it’s the first.
Audrey’s lips move further down and she laves at his balls with her mouth, supporting them with he hand as she works. Audrey felt herself go slightly cross-eyed, lost in the sensation of pleasing someone else. She blinks away the haze when she feels Adam’s hand reach down to cradle her jaw with a strangled “Mags.”
With one last pass from base to tip with her tongue, Audrey takes Adam’s length in her mouth fully, lips stretching around him as she uses her tongue, lips and hand in tandem to please him. The sound of her mouth is explicit, and Adam’s groans will certainly make for good video content. She continues to work him, moaning around Adam’s length as he pushes his hips toward her mouth. Audrey uses her free hand to press against his hip and keep him still, then looks up in warning. He knows not to do that unless she’s allowed him to, and there’s no reason why he should be able to dictate how his soon-to-be-ex wife decides to please him.
Audrey continues, varying her pace and the twists of her wrist, circling the tip of Adam’s cock with her tongue before taking it all into her mouth again. Her nose brushes against his abdomen and she swallows. Hard. She can feel the rippling of his body, a telltale sign that he’s nearly ready to fall apart.
Rearing back after a few more agonizing seconds on his cock, Audrey moves both hands to his cock and strokes, watching the way Adam’s face reacts to her ministrations. She has to admit that he is a beautiful man, and his orgasms are one of her favourite things to watch.
Adam warns her with another low groan, and Audrey readies herself, positioning her body at just the right angle. Adam falls apart seconds later, his cum decorating her thigh and stomach, and further dampening the lace of her panties as it settles.
Audrey leans up, hovering above Adam’s exhausted form to kiss him once again, then pulls back and runs her index finger over the corners of her mouth. She knows her lipstick is smudged, her hair askew, but that was exactly what her viewers always asked for - signs of a job well done.
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Love at First Bite
Summary:Families come in all forms. The most important thing is that they love each other. Jason and Vlad have been together for a VERY LONG time. You'd be hard pressed to find a couple that was more in love and two more kinder caring people. Except they're not people exactly. They're vampires. What happens when their friend Brenda needs them to babysit an abandoned human baby until she can find it a new home? These bloodsuckers have their hearts stolen and must now navigate parenthood.
"Come on babe we have to go meet Brenda before the sun comes up," Jason sighed as Vlad took his time getting ready.
"I just need to finish putting on my eyeliner and we can go."
Jason was in awe even 194 years of being married to the guy at how he managed to have such flawless makeup without being able to use a mirror.
"You're so high maitenance."
"And you've loved me for two hundred years nonetheless."
"Yeah. You might be a ding bat but you're my ding bat."
After about ten more minutes Vlad was finally ready to go. He looked good tonight, well Jason thought he looked good every night but that was besides the point. They got in thir car it was a beat up old black pick-up truck that blended in well at night. They pulled out of the driveway carefully as to not make any of their neighbors suspicous. Most of their neighbors were fine with them being gay but they doubted the whole vampire thing would go over so well.
"Let's turn on some tunes!" Vlad shouting reaching for the dial on the radio.
He flicked through the channels until he heard a Katy Perry song. Both of them sang along loudly and just a but off-key.  Jason stopped the car as they arrived at the hospital. They parked in the back where they always met Brenda and got out of the car.
Brenda was standing by the lightpost in her plain black scrubs holding one of those insulated lunchboxes and something else. As they got closer they could see it was a baby.
"Hey boys I've got the goods per usual. This batch was set to expire in a couple days so I'd drink as much of it as possible as soon as you get home."
"Thanks Brenda you're a literal lifesaver!" Vlad exclaimed being as dramtic as ever.
"Can one of you hold this," She asked extending the baby away from her "I really need a cigarette."
Jason had never held a baby before and was kind of nervous but hesitantly took the small creature into his arms anyways.
"Not like that. You gotta cradle the head," she said the cigarette dangling out of her mouth as she lit it.
Jason shifted the baby in his arms. He had to admit human babies were quite adorable. The baby woke up from the movement and started to cry loudly. Vlad could see the panic in his husband's eyes and moved to assist him. He moved his huband's arms so he was rocking the baby and sang it an old Romanian lullaby he'd heard growing up Transylvania. It didn't take long for the baby to get back to sleep.
"You two are pretty good with him," Brenda commented letting out a final puff of smoke and then putting the cigarette out with her shoe. "I need you to do me a favor."
"What is it? You do so much for us we'd  love to repay you."
"That little guy's mother died during the delivery and we don't know who the father is. Dr. Davis wanted to call CPS but I just can't do that to him. I grew up in the orphanage with no chance of a real home. I had to live there with no family until my 18th birthday and I don't want the same for him. Dr. Davis gave me three days to find him a home before he calls the authorities to take him away. I need you to look after him for the rest of the night for me. I can come get him when my shift is over at six."
Brenda noticed the weird look they were giving her and expecting rejection added,"Please it'll be for just a few hours."
"Sure why not? It's not like we've got any plans tonight anyways," Vlad says after a while.
"Really? Thanks guys. My break is almost over so let me get you his carseat."
Brenda took off leaving them with the baby.
"Are we really doing this?" Jason asked.
"Brenda has been stealing blood for us for 10 years. She constantly risks her job to help us out. The least we can do is babysit for a night," Vlad scolded.
"I guess you're right."
Brenda returned with the car seat and walked them to their car. Jason placed the baby in the car seat gently and was fumbling with the seat belt. He couldn't figure out which piece was supposed to fit in where. Brenda got impatient and shoved him out of the way clicking it together easily. With the baby fastened in they said their goodbyes.
"Do you think he has a name?" Vlad asked out of nowhere.
"Probably not that's the kind of paper work the mother fills out after the delivery."
"He looks like a Todd."
"I guess calling him Todd is a good alternative to 'the baby'."
They arrived home Vlad carrying Todd's carseat with Todd still sound asleep inside and Jason carrying the blood. Vlad set Todd's carseat down on the living room floor and followed his husband to the kitchen.
"Want to put it in some tomato saice and make Spaghetti?" Jason asked.
They didn't gain any nutrition from the human food but it tasted better than the blood alone and cooking was fun.
"Whatever you want babe."
The bloody pasta sauce mixed with the meat Jason was stirring smelled so good. Vlad's mouth watered a little as he stirred the boiling noodles and ocasionally stole kisses from his husband.
Vlad set the table while Jason poured the sauce over the noodles. They talked and laughed while they ate completely forgetting about Todd. They were doing the dishes when they heard crying from the other room.
Both if them went running to his carseat. Vlad picked him up feeling that he was wet. He was probably hungry too.
"We need to go to the store. He's going to need diapers and formula."
They lived in a small town where the only Walmart was 20 miles away.  The only thing they could get to easily that was open at 4 in the morning was the 7/11. Jason had a hard time with the car seat's seatbelt again because even though he knew how the pieces fit togther now he was having a hard time clicking them shut with his long claw like fingernails. Vlad wasn't having much more luck until finly they go it. Todd was still crying through all of this. On the way to the store they tried singing to him again but it was futile. He cried the whole way there.
Jason stayed in the car with Todd not wanting to take a crying baby inside the store while Vlad went in to get the stuff. He returned to the car a few minutes later with small packages of diapers and wipes, a cylinder of formula and a baby bottle that seemed to be made of very cheap plastic but they had to deal with whatever they could find this late at night. Todd cried the whole way home too and it was excruciatingly loud due to vampires having more sensitive hearing than humans.
When they got home Jason heated the formula while Vlad changed him having to be careful with his nails that were just as long as his husband's. Vlad couldn't help but think about what a great team he and his husband made. He almost wished they could have a child of their own but vampires couldn't reproduce due to the whole being dead thing and children usually never survived being bitten so there were no vampire children for them to adopt. But what if-? It was crazy and Jason might not go for it but he had to try. He picked up Todd and carried him to the kitchen giving Jason a quick peck on the cheek once he got there. Jason was squeezing a little bit of milk out of the bottle onto his wrist to make sure it wasn't too hot. It was the pefect temperature. Todd finally stopped crying as soon as he had his bottle.
"You gotta admit he's pretty cute huh?" Jason said.
Vlad was surprised at the statement but decided to take the oppurtunity to tell Jason his  idea nonetheless.
"Yeah. We make a pretty good team taking care of him. Don't you just wish that we could have a child?"
"Well yeah. Nothing would make me happier than raising a baby with you. But vampires can't have kids."
"Brenda said she needed to find a home for Todd. What if- what if we keep him?"
"I don't know Vlad. I mean we're not human. He needs very different things than we do."
"Yeah but we used to be human. We can handle this."
"We haven't been human for 300 years. I wish we could keep him too but I'm just afriad we wouldn't make very good parents for him."
Vlad set the sleeping Todd back in his car seat taking Jason to the living room with him. He sat down on the couch next to him cupping his chin.
"Listen to me Dragul meu. I want to start a new chapter of my life with you if you want to as well. I would share the adventure of parenthood with no one else but you. I know that we can do this. I believe in you and I believe in us." Vlad finished his speech taking Jason's hands and placing a soft kiss on them.
Jason smiled a little teary eyed. Vlad always knew what to say to make him feel better. They could do this. They could raise a baby and human or not they'd love him with all their unbeating hearts. They heard a knock on the door as they sat in each others embrace. Vlad went to go get the door knowing it was Brenda. He couldn't wait to tell her the good news.
"There's something we need to talk to you about. He's still sleeping so we have to be kind of quiet." Jason said just above a whisper.
Brenda had only seen this serious of a look on the two men's faces twice since she'd known them. The first time was when they told her they were gay which she already knew because anyone with eyes could see the way those two looked at each other. The other time that had been a bit more shocking to her was when they revealed to her that they were vampires. It took her a minute to get over the initial shock but they were  her best friends and she cared about them no matter what.  Right now though she was worried about what they might have to say.
"What is it?"
Vlad took a deep breath. "I'm just gonna come right out and say it. We want to adopt Todd."
"Who's Todd?"
"The baby."
"You named him?"
"Yeah. He looks like a Todd doesn't he?"
"I guess so. You want to adopt him? That's great!"
"You mean we can keep him?"
"Of course. You two would make amazing parents."
Brenda was really tired after her shift so they let her stay the night. The next afternoon Vlad and Jason applied lots and lots of sunblock and they all went down to the courthouse to start the adoption process.  A few months later Todd was all theirs. They threw a big adoption party inviting some of their neighbors and of course Brenda. They were the happiest they'd ever been in their lives,apart from their wedding, as they held their son Todd.
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milliethesillie · 7 years
Time for a stupid review rant
Beat Superstar Saga HD..... I’m still stupidly mixed on it. Also spoilers pretty early on in the review because I’m fresh off of it and I’m going on how I feel about stuff
Visuals: at a first glance its gorgeous but theres alot of little things that suffer because of it. Lets take chucklehuck woods for example. The lighting is cool how it peeks through the trees but because of the lighting it makes bean spots harder to see. Then theres alot of attacks that are much harder to dodge because they’re models instead of sprites. 2 examples are the poison clouds fired by the blobs in Jokes end and Cackletta’s soul’s fire attack. They’re prettier but its alot harder to tell where the attack ends and starts. Cackletta’s soul fire is a major offender because its impossible to tell if its even on the ground yet or not so I’m jumping over fire that isn’t there yet. You know the final boss fight is a good summarization of how I feel about the visuals. Cackletta’ Soul is visually terrifying and amazing and i love it but she’s got so many attacks thats near impossible to tell where the are spacially, her fire, to a lesser extent her thunder, and her carousel of arms which used to be one of her starting attacks easier attacks became a Mario Killer because I could not tell when it was going to hit the guy. and apparently alpha dream knew this because its no longer a starting attack and she now only uses it late in the fight. Also I swear everything moves a fraction of a second slower then it did in Superstar Saga. I mean the game looks good i guess but the graphics effect gameplay negatively and the original sprites of everyone just popped out more so.... I was going to say next but I forgot to mention a small number of the unique designed enemies were replaced with typical vanilla Mario enemies and this does fit in visuals so there.... Thats the complaint. and the toads from little fungi town are boring now.
Music: Lets get the easy crap out of the way. All overworld themes sounds just like they did in the GBA cept with more modern instraments and they are good.... However Those aren’t the tracks that I care about. So lets go over the ones I do care about. First the Main battle theme: So apparently all trumpets were brutally murdered right before the development of this game because the trumpety tracks from Superstar Saga features little to no trumpets. Main battle theme being one of them. Technically speaking theres already an HD version of this theme with trumpets from Paper Jam but they messed up some of the notes and for someone who’s played Superstar saga so much its just impossible to listen to that and not notice. Superstar Saga HD’s battle theme got the notes right.... and whatever the instrament they use is ok.... But I still prefer the 8-bit trumpets.... or modern trumpets where they don’t mess up the notes but apparently thats not possible. Ok So next is the Main boss theme: while the original lacked trumpets to be murdered for the remake I’m still iffy on how to feel about the new one. Mainly because I have no idea what the main instrument is. Like I want to say the new one is better but that weird main instrument almost sounds... muffled for lack of a better term. Moving on because thats honestly just taste. Popples Theme: They murdered the trumpets but I still really like this one. First battle theme that I can say is on par with the original no question. Those were the main ones that I was worried about going into the game so the other ones just get a pass in my book. So yeah overall.... Some of them work.... Others not so much but..... eh?
Gameplay Changes: Ugh where to begin on this one. Lets start with out of battle stuff because this will take less time. Mario and Luigi can no longer swap places manually. Now instead you press L or R to swap through a long line of moves and Mario and Luigi will swap places when that move is selected. This means no more annoying the front bro by hitting or handing them before learning the required move which stinks and unless you’re using the touch screen going through your moves is alot more tedious. Invisible Bean spots are now visible so you don’t need to walk around with small mario and look for an exclamation point. THey added blocks that carry cassette tapes that contain the games music both old and new so I can dig that. The Mush badge got nerfed so you can’t cheese the game with it anymore and believe me I tried (99 regular, supers and 80 ultras plus whever 1-ups and goldens I had and I didn’t feel that cheesey).  They probably needed to do that to make sure the game wasn’t impossibly easy.
Difficulty: So lets talk about how the game is easier. So Mario and Luigi’s stats are naturally higher then they were in the original, and they forgot to balance that with the stats of the first two areas, so you’re going to kill the first boss in 2 turns and the mini boss of the next area as well as the dragon atop hoohoo mountain.... Ok fine maybe 4. Queen Bean and Popple and Rookie 1 seemed less fragile but the overworld enemies were still babies, this made me constantly paranoid about if the game was ever going to get hard or make me try because I was missing alot of counters and still wining. It almost balances out... and I know I was never overleveled because of one thing that paper jam started doing that I hated. You see every enemies level.... Why? The game is stupidly easy for the first few areas so you never should feel like you have to grind. Plus enemies always go for you. Mario and Luigi games are designed that if you just kill every enemy that starts a fight with you or whatever gets in your way you will level up enough to fight whatever boss is next. You should never feel underleveled unless you’re speedrunning the game. Oh yeah I forgot to mention some other things. THe basic jump hits twice when done correctly which makes it just plain better then your hammer and hands 87% of the time. Countering hammers can’t be dropped but I mean they were doing that one since Parters in Time... although I didn’t find out till late in Bowsers inside story, but I was hoping they’d keep the old droppy hammers. And then theres your bros attacks. Even on the normal difficulty for the attacks the screen still turns dark and gives you a prompt so practicing isn’t really nessecary especially with the the colored spiky background box prompt being replaced with a circle slowly shrinking to show you when exactly to hit it. The only bros attack I can’t consistently excellent is cyclone bros because apparently I’m not as good at button mashing as I thought. But yeah I could rant forever about how the game is alot easier.... But I was gladly surprised when Cackletta’s soul threw me a curve ball. I might have complained earlier but I still liked this fight alot. It was beating me up and I almost died alot. It was a really fun and sometimes frustrating fight and the first victory I felt like I actually earned. 
Things they added: Welp theres Minion Quest.... which is a non game with a somewhat enjoyable story... Theres amiibo support.... which gives you 3 of each bean and a random piece of equipment that you can already get in game.... Thats it. I was really disappointed when I found out theres no X Bosses in this game. How hard can they be to add? Just buff some stats and boom you’re done! I know exactly where to put it too! The arcade machine in little fungi town with a towel over it! It would be perfect there! But yeah aside from a few minor things theres else nothing major added.
Final Verdict: Idk. I’m willing to admit I’m overly harsh on this game but I don’t see this as better then the original. If you don’t have the original super star Saga  get in on VC or emulator. If you have played it I’d still recommend this. I don’t think its as good but its still a good game. I’d Recommend this over Paper Jam! Heck play Super star saga twice and paper jam 0 times! Its pefect. Whatever I’m tired leave me alone
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