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delopsia · 10 months ago
Hey del,
I was just watching the new season of outer range. I'm on the third episode, and I just noticed so of Rhetts new tattoos. I was wondering if you had seen the one that is 2013. I noticed it and wondered if it's for the year that Amy was born in. I have a cousin who was born about the same year.
That could be possible! We know that Amy is 8, and in S2E1, Royal says she'll be 9 soon. The show is taking place in 2020, so it's entirely plausible that Amy was born in late 2012 or early 2013.
Buuut I have a different theory 👀 When Rhett's in bed, we see that there are actually two years tattooed there. 2013 and 1976.
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Given that most of his tattoos are related to bull riding, I think that these are the years he and his dad first started riding bulls.
In S2E2, Perry reads off the following. "1981. You (Royal) took first riding Red Rock."
Royal was 8 or 9 when he emerged from the hole in 1968. This means that, in 1976, he was around the age of 16 or 17. That's a plausible age for Royal to start riding bulls and to build up the skills he would need to take first in 1981.
In S1E1, Rhett asks, "What if I wasted the last ten years chasing this?"
We know that OR takes place in November 2020, making Rhett 24 years old (source). In 2013, he would be, guess what, 16 and 17 (he would turn 17 in June), around the same age that Royal would have been in 1976.
But Rhett said ten years and not seven. So either he was exaggerating and rounding up to ten out of habit, or there could be more context to these dates.
1976 and 2013 could mark when he and his dad started riding with the adults, as they most likely would have been limited to Jr. Bull Riding until age 16.
It's not a lot to go off of, but given how Rhett said that seeing Royal win a rodeo inspired him to ride bulls, too, it makes a lot of sense to me 🌼
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sebsxphia · 2 years ago
Hey Seb,
I have to tell someone so why not a stranger on the Internet🤣
So this just happened like an hour ago or so..
Here we go, my dad works on a farm, he was working today and had an accident.
Broke two ribs and had to get stitches in his leg, has road rash on his back and other leg opposite of the stitches.
Good lord I having a hard time with it, I mean he is my best friend, my rock everything.
I want to scream and cry so much, but I can't now I have to care of everything, he will be out of work for a little while.
Deep down I don't want him to go back, but we need the money.
I really don't know what to do so I telling someone this.
Thanks for letting me do this🩷
hi my love! firstly, i’m so incredibly sorry to hear about your dad’s accident. that sounds so horrible and really nasty 🥺 and secondly, i’m also so incredibly sorry to hear how you’re feeling. it must feel like such a shock to the system and i can understand why your emotions of upset are so strong. i know you need to take the time to care for him, but you must also take the time to care for yourself my love. that is just as important to give yourself time to process those heavy emotions 🥺
and i get what you mean about just telling someone. you’re always welcome to come into my inbox and talk about these things! i know it can really help with the feeling of getting it off your chest. i’m sending you so so much love and i hope your dad makes a speedy recovery too! you both deserve it 🥺🫶🏻💗
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bobfloydsbabe · 2 years ago
Lindsey, thank you for this rose. For you, I've found a little mob boss Bob snippet 💕
from penthouse smut™ (mbb x oc) 18+/mdni
Running his tongue along her neck, teeth scraping across the skin, her legs wrap around his hips drawing him closer. Her hands leave his hair, trail down his chest and abdomen, flames licking at his skin through the fabric of his t-shirt, and when her fingertips run along the waistband of his joggers, his hips twitch.  She leans back and meets his eyes. Her heavy breaths fan across his face, and she looks like an angel bathed in the glow of the setting San Diego sun. She tugs at the hem of his t-shirt in silent question. At his nod, she pulls the fabric up and he raises his arms to make it easier. It falls on the floor next to him, and Abby’s all but gawking at him.
send a 🌹 and i'll share a sentence from a WIP
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attapullman · 2 months ago
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Lindsey! I'm actually re-writing a lot of this fic, but I love it so much and I can't wait to share the shamefully public sex that happens at the end of it one day 😬
You’re sure she can hear your shatteringly loud gulp across the room. Bob. Of course Bob is coming with you. Every minute since you met your roommate’s backseater has been a disaster. Why did he have to be so sweet? So innocent, yet that bite of snark? So meek with his squadron, yet an absolute mass of lean muscle and skilled fingers in bed? It wasn’t your fault you had fallen into his bed. Really, you tried your best. But how were you, a mere mortal, supposed to resist the charms of Robert Floyd? It only took everyone else leaving the bar to go check out Jake’s new truck - you’ve met that man, big truck and little brain? You don’t need to look at that overpriced ego booster - and Bob asking if you’d like a refill for you to fall into his arms. Well, technically you threw yourself into his arms when he got up to wash his hands, but it wasn’t like he had any complaints after you’ve kept his dick wet for the better part of the last year. A shameful, dirty secret. Kept from the woman you trust more than anything, the bestest of best friends. But you would torch half of San Diego for just one more minute with him between your legs.
-- from Backseater
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pinkdaisies9285 · 1 year ago
100 Followers Sleepover Night!
Sorry for the late notice but I will be doing a sleepover night tomorrow! So starting at 6pm MST I'll will be online hoping to interact with you guys. Some options are:
Asks games (i'll post some tomorrow)
Get to know me
Asks about my stories
Share thoughts/thots
Or anything you want to talk about with me!
I'm super excited to do this and I hope to see you there!
Lovely mutual tag to show love: @nerdgirljen @just-in-case-iloveyou @mamaskillerqueen @mamachasesmayhem @happyrebelruins @roosterforme @rooster-84 @bobfloydssunnies @seresinsbrat @stresseddepressedahotmess @starsrfun @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @floydsglasses @atrejloi2222111 @comicgollum20 @jessicab1991 @shamelessghostwagonwobbler @tgmreader @madabouthockey @sorchathered @floydsmuse @sailor-aviator
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hangmanshoney · 2 years ago
h0llandshalstead >>> hangmanshoney
fyi, I still love tom holland & jay halstead will forever be my first one chicago love, but decided a lil change was needed to reflect top gun: maverick energy my blog has been radiating for a while now. It’s slowly taken over my brain, my personality and my account, so thought it was about time the name matched!
tagging some of my faves & those who I see in my mentions a lot:
@callsign-fangirl @fromiftowhen @mayhemmanaged @autumntouched @girl-in-the-chairs-void @theharddeck @disturbedbeautywrites @fanboygarcia @bradshawsbaby @roostette @happyrebelruins @glen-powells @top-hhun @top-hhun-main @tomsf18 @bradshawseresinbabe @teen--marvel @daggerspare-standingby @finelytaylored @mrstabbymcwolfy @craftytragedysalad @rainbowelshrhian @hangmanbrainrot @peaceofficerdiaz @rooster-84 @bloosomjoon @babygirllinds @onlyangelhales @imjustsayinglinstead
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roosterforme · 11 months ago
@happyrebelruins LINDSEY lol. I literally saw this earlier and said to myself, "Sounds like a Batting Practice AU."
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delopsia · 4 months ago
For the little ask thing
Number 19
Number 42
Number 48
19. My favorite book. Probably The Virals series. I've admittedly grown out of the target demographic, but I still love getting to rea
42. My favorite Halloween costume. I don't think I have dressed up for Halloween since I was probably...8? But I remember that I used to loooove dressing up in a costume that looked just like this because it looked like my favorite stuffed animal 🥰
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48. Something I want to do before I die. To see Monsta X live in concert. I've been saying I'll do it for close to a decade, but it's only recently become possible for me to do. They're such a special thing to me; I feel like it would be a disservice to my younger self not to go at least once.
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sebsxphia · 2 years ago
Ok so,
So just went to my first ever rodeo tonight, OMG I can't believe it. Everything about it was amazing.
I can see what Rhett ment about the energy, it was electric, the high of the ride was everything.
All I could think about was being his girlfriend and watching him ride, the crowd loving him and being so proud.
Going up to him after a good ride and kissing him and him being your cowboy, he loves to make you so proud.
(second part of this story?! I think)
Or going to the rodeo with lew. Him in boots and a hat🫠.
Watching him cheer and be so happy and proud makes me so happy, him explaining all the things he knows. It makes me want to scream and cry it's so cute.
( sorry it long wanted to tell someone 🥲)
aaah my love! please never apologize, i love hearing about these things and i’m so pleased to hear you had such an amazing time! 🥹💗
honestly, it’s what i dream about most when i think about our cowboy. watching rhett ride would be unlike anything else. him catching your gaze in the stands? running up to him after and feeling so proud that he’s your cowboy. oh and how he would love to make you so proud too! it just runs through my mind 24/7 🥹
and omg going to one with lew would be so much fun too! i know my boy knows everything there is to know <3
aah thank you so much for this my love! 💌
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bobfloydsbabe · 2 years ago
I heard you were sad and wanted dogs.
It's the thing I'm best at...
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Here all my babies🩷
Hopefully you fill better😙
Sending love and good vibes 💐
I can't handle the dog biscuit on their head. It's adorable! They're all cute and please give them a million cuddles on my behalf 🥹
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roosterforme · 1 year ago
@happyrebelruins I'm sure it could be arranged.
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pinkdaisies9285 · 1 year ago
100 Followers Celebration!!!!
So, I just reached 100 followers!!! I can't thank you guys enough for this. For years, I have been a ghost on this hellsite and I decided only just a few months ago to be better about using this place for its intended use. I want to thank @hereforthefanficsandromance and @rainbowpumpkin for encouraging me to start writing. Thank you lovelies!!!! Also, shoutout to the TGM fandom for being so nice to me! I'm planning on doing a sleepover night soon and I'll let you guys know what day it's going to be.
Lovely mutual tag to show love: @nerdgirljen @just-in-case-iloveyou @mamaskillerqueen @mamachasesmayhem @happyrebelruins @roosterforme @rooster-84 @bobfloydssunnies @seresinsbrat @stresseddepressedahotmess @starsrfun @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @floydsglasses @atrejloi2222111 @comicgollum20 @jessicab1991 @shamelessghostwagonwobbler @tgmreader @madabouthockey @sorchathered @floydsmuse @sailor-aviator
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hangmanshoney · 2 years ago
TYSM for the tag @whatislovevavy!!
sorry this took me a couple days, I couldn’t choose songs😂
RULES: Pick a song for each letter in your URL and tag that many people.
H - here by tom grennan
A - as it was by harry styles
N - not alone (from devotion) by joe jonas & khalid
G - glimpse of us by joji
M - montana sky by jonas brothers
A - another world by the vamps
N - nothing but you by conor maynard
S - smells like me by charlie puth
H - how does it feel by tom grennan
O - overthinking by mabel & 24kgoldn
N - need someone by zara larsson
E - eastside by halsey & khalid
Y - youth by shawn mendes & khalid
no pressure, but tagging:
1) @callsign-fangirl
2) @fromiftowhen
3) @happyrebelruins
4) @bradshawsweetheart
5) @fanboygarcia
6) @autumntouched
7) @daggerspare-standingby
8) @babygirllinds
9) @girl-in-the-chairs-void
10) @roostette
11) @disturbedbeautywrites
12) @onlyangelhales
13) @roosterscock
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sebsxphia · 2 years ago
This reminds me of preacher!Rhett
So much
I GASPED OUT LOUD YESSSSSSS!!! this is literally my whole pinterest board for him i love it <3 thank you so much for sending me this my love! mwah! 💌
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roosterforme · 4 months ago
@happyrebelruins Lindsey, I've melted into a puddle, barely able to type
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bobfloydsbabe · 2 years ago
Can't wait to see what I get😄
Lindsey, thank you for these cute cows. This moodboard is gives some pretty cozy late summer vibes with Bobby Floyd, and I hope you like it ☺️
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send me a 🐮 and i will refresh my pinterest and give u my first four pics as a random moodboard
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