#happy very happy fog
thenoiseclone · 4 months
Hiii, just something for you :P
Do you like pirates? :³
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can i set this as pfp pwease
THahtaNK YoUu <3 Ii lOEve It !!!
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mayasaura · 3 months
For some reason, the dnd:hat movie has been living rent-free in my head for over a week. Xenk is just rattling around in there right now, having a long talk with Kira about morality, mortality, personal sacrifice, and being a child who saw the Beckoning Death unleashed on their home.
I feel like Xenk would have a lot to say that Kira needs to hear, and be a good listener for the things Kira needs to talk about that she can't tell her dad or Holga. He'd probably benefit from talking to her, too. Kira almost experienced the same tragedy he did when he was her age. It would be cathartic for him to help her through that, knowing he helped save her from ever experiencing what he went through
#edgin and holga want kira to be safe and happy#and I'm sure they'll talk with Kira about what she went through too#but there are a lot of questions Kira might have that they're not equipped to answer#especially about THEM and the tablet of reawakening#and edgin is struggling too much with his own questions about morality and personal preservation vs personal gain vs doing good#xenk is respectable and also patient and understanding and supportive enough to be the perfect confidante for a confused eleven year old#and he's lived the Bad Ending of the traumatic experience she skirted past#she also looks a bit like Ishara#the girl he saw lost in the fog before he ran#and I'm sure the filmmakers did that intentionally so Ishara would remind us of Kira and what was at stake#but it's very easy to turn that around and have Kira remind Xenk of Ishara#dungeons and dragons: honor among thieves#d&d:hat#dnd hat#dnd:hat#xenk yendar#kira darvis#I can't imagine this post will be interesting to more than like. three people#but it's interesting to me!!!#Kira saw one of her parents die in front of her!!#she's eleven years old!!#Xenk has already worked through a mountain of survivor's guilt incurred at a similar age#he's the ideal mentor for her!!#it's all about being the person you needed 😭😭😭#it's all about forgiving yourself for not stopping what happened to you by stopping it from happening to someone else#if you need me I'll be lying in a puddle thinking about grief and processing trauma
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Wednesday Again. Sparkling on.
Other than my doily interruption, I've mainly been working on these two huge projects. Every time I pick them up I'm reminded of my dad's favourite dadism "How do you eat a cake? One bite at a time" I usually do more of a "eat the entire cake until you can't anymore (burnout) and then never touch it again" so I'm very proud of myself for just nibbling away at both these projects.
Blanket 10 is Nearly finished at this point, I have attached the second to last row of squares and just gotta finish out rows 10 and 11 and do the border. My crochet savvy friend has recommended a shell border which will be cute, and I've found a yt tutorial for one I like, I just gotta practice it a bit.
Shawl 14 (Pattern | Yarn) is also very slow going but mostly out of not picking it up. In the last two months I've knit something like 10 rows total, with probably 8 of those in the past three days. My self imposed deadline is April and I'm about 60% through the total stitch count, so I need to actually work on this. I foresee his stitching getting a bit faster once I'm out of the half twisted rib/window pane section, it's a very cute effect but stopping every repeat to slip 5 times for one decrease is very slow.
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mer-se · 9 months
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long day yesterday 💤
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hellboundhimbo · 11 months
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a commission i did for my dear friend kody!!
i don’t think ive ever talked about McQueen on here before, and that is a damn shame. time to fix that >:D ramble under the cut,,,
ok so yeah elephant in the room— i named her McQueen and no i am not sorry even a little bit it is Very funny to me. kachow.
i’ve always thought kuwabara could make a great drag queen (under the circumstance he suddenly stop being so up his own ass about manliness and all that machismo he’s got going on…) and so i’m very happy my friend gave me the push to finally design something for her!! plus i got like 20 bucks out of it so that’s always a plus.
at some point, i’d like to write a fic for her. i’ve already got some ideas floating around, and overall i think a semi-lighthearted story following the development of kuwabara from where he is in canon to fully embracing his queer masculinity/identity through the art of drag could be very interesting and fun to explore! kurama drag mother anyone? been thinking of calling her “Ms. Thorne”, though maybe that’s too corny… i dunno, i’m not very good with naming things.
lord knows it’ll probably be kuwameshi, too. i just can’t get enough of those idiots, honestly. anyway, yeah. i’ve got a few other looks for her thought up, some of them drawn. really hoping to make something out of this concept just because i feel like one of the best parts about these characters is their potential to grow and evolve, especially when viewed through a queer lense. anyway yeah uhh slay the house boots down girl im deceased.
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egglygreg · 4 months
Ahleri meets her new "housemate"
Ahleri groaned, opening her eyes slightly only to squeeze them shut again at the wave of pain that swept through her. Her whole body ached like she'd been digging post holes all day, and then had gone and got the snot kicked out of her by a fat angry jumbuck. What on Lhoam had happened?
And then a voice spoke out of knowhere.
"Um, g'day? You right mate?"
She shot to her feet (ignoring for the moment the horrible pain that shot through her) and desperately tried to find who had spoken. It had sounded super close. She spun wildly and stumbled a bit in her haste to try and catch sight of the speaker.
"Who's there!?" She said loudly, shaking a little.
"Er, me I guess?" Said the voice, a bit unsurely. It sounded so close! Almost as if the person was standing directly next to her? But there was no-one there.
"Who are you? Wait, WHERE are you!?" Ahleri asked bewilderedly.
"Oh, I'm... Bertie? Pretty sure I'm Bertie. Nice to meet you?"
Ahleri continued to try and catch sight of "Bertie" but couldn't see anyone anywhere. She repeated her question.
"Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm in your head? I mean, I'm not really sure exactly what's happening but I think that's what's going on."
Ahleri stood for a moment slightly stunned, before putting her head in her hands and groaning.
"That's it, I've gone mad. Fully round the twist. Completely bloody bonkers. Dad always said I was a bit nuts and here's the proof."
"I think you need to sit down, your heart rate is through the roof."
Ahleri laughed, a little manically, but she took the advice and sat down heavily.
"OK voice..."
The voice sounded a bit more sure about it this time. Ahleri thought she sounded feminine, but wasn't certain.
"OK, Bertie, how exactly are you in my head?"
"Well, I'm pretty sure it was the things you put on. What are they called? I know that I know what they're called, what is it? B, b, bracers? Brrracelets? Mmmm wait no, Bonds! You put on the Hero's Bonds, and here I am!"
Bertie sounded rather proud to have remembered that fact. Ahleri, however, was less pleased.
"The... wait THE Hero’s Bonds!? The things that the legendary Hero of Strahna wears? You're pulling my leg."
"Nope, I remember now! I'm the guardian of the Hero's Bonds, and my name is Bertie. It's my job to help the Hero know what they're meant to do and stuff."
Ahleri huffed a disbelieving laugh.
"And stuff? You're really filling me with confidence there, Bert. You're telling me that I found the lost Hero's Bonds? The ones that disappeared like 90 years ago?"
"90 years!?" She sounded genuinely shocked, which was odd, considering her prior declaration. "Really? Huh, that's a long time. Wait, what happened to old Zyggie?"
Ahleri was puzzled for a moment, before she recalled the previous Hero's name.
"You mean Hero Zygos? The last Hero? No-one knows, they say he just disappeared... wait, why don't YOU know?" 
Ahleri's tone became a bit accusatory.
"You were literally attached to him, right? How do you not know how he died?"
Bertie was silent for a long moment. When she finally spoke, her voice was unsteady and halting.
"I... don't remember. Why don't I remember? I... I don't. I don't. Know. I don't know!!"
She sounded genuinely distressed, which made Ahleri feel very uneasy. She did take pity on her though, and changed the subject.
"OK, let's chuck that aside for a bit. What exactly am I meant to do now, Bertie? Do I need to get the Bonds to the Piyem in Bamerrac, so they can appoint a new Hero? I don't really know how this works."
"Weeeeell," said Bertie, a bit sheepishly, "you're... actually the Hero? Once the Bonds are on they don't really come off, not 'till you kark it. Sorry about that?"
"You... they WHAT!??"
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(Ahleri, and Bertie in her "anxious" projection form, which is a gold glowing fat tailed dunnart)
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nexus-nebulae · 8 months
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the aftermath of having 2 terabytes of storage
#i have never had a computer this nice lmao#i'm constantly so used to automatically assuming i Can't Do Most Things bc most of the time i'm barred from Everything#either by physical skill or money or age or location#so when i got a Nice Computer my brain was like STUFF I CAN DO?????????? STUFF I CAN DO!!!!!!!!!!!!#and just. downloaded all the games i haven't been able to play bc my laptop sucks ass#the dopamine rush. lmao#i can actually play skyrim again for the first time since i was 17 😭#genuinely getting this computer has given me the exact same feeling as finally getting my wheelchair#just the fucking sheer joy of *oh my fucking god i have freedom now. i can actually DO STUFF*#seriously being able to use the wheelchair has made me so fucking happy i don't feel awful when going to the store i can actually THINK#bc i dont have brain fog from having to focus all of my energy on staying upright#and the computer is giving me the same feeling of freedom like. i can actually DO STUFF with my computer and not worry about it crashing#i can record video now!!!! I COULD START STREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i can actually learn to code because the coding programs will run!!!!!! i can start making datapacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!#can PLAY THE GAMES I'VE BOUGHT OVER THE YEARS FINALLY#FUCKING THANK YOU STEAM FOR LETTING ME KEEP THESE GAMES UNTIL I CAN ACTUALLY PLAY THEM#INSTEAD OF BEING A SHITASS STREAMING SERVICE THAT TAKES AWAY YOUR PRODUCT *AND* MONEY WHENEVER THEY FEEL LIKE IT#like i bought assassins creed odyssey the year it came out and i've never even been able to OPEN it on any of my old computers#i bought Jusant recently because it looks very pretty but the game wouldn't let me download it on my laptop bc the graphics card was shit#i have a bunch of games that I've just hoarded on my steam account for years and now i can finally play them#i can get back to subnautica too!!!! and finally finish out we happy few!!!#anyway im gonna go continue to be insane about this machine i love computers theyre so fun
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forcedhesitation · 11 months
oh the teaser. it has to be chucky, right?
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reitziluz · 1 year
re: weightlifting
the stronk is inevitable
(moved to the Big Lifts Room and doing a third of my workout with barbells after the long arduous journey of taking things slow with tiny weights)
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dragscore · 11 months
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so this is it? i sold my soul for this? washed my hands of that for this? / i miss my mom and dad for this? no, when i see stars, that's all they are. when i hear songs, they sound like a swan.
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theheadlessgroom · 1 year
At this, Dorian and Beau couldn't help but exchange little glances, both touched and amused by the girlish glee that came over Emily at this question, her delight at recounting such an important moment in her and Randall's courtship, the moment where she made her feelings known, and the two officially became a (private) item.
(Just as well that Emily was so forward in that moment. Something told Beau that Randall-sweet, shy, humble Randall Pace, who in some ways seemed unable to believe his best friend was so unfathomably wealthy and sometimes worried about stepping out of line when spending time with him-would not be so bold, no matter how much he loved her, and Dorian was inclined to agree.)
"Well, I offer you both my deepest congratulations on your engagement," Beau nodded with an earnest smile, before turning a touch melancholy as he looked at the pair, asking, "And, on a more dour note...please, tell him I send my deepest condolences, in regards to the passing of his mother. She was...a lovely woman; hard-working, kind, a good friend...she was an admirable woman, who raised an admirable son."
Though Mrs. June Pace didn't work at Gracey Manor as long as she would've liked (having found the pay worth it if it meant getting to tend to such a beautiful, sprawling garden day in and day out, as well as see her one and only son finally have a friend beyond his teddy bear), she and Beauregard Ghast got along very well in the time she was in the Gracey's employ, her expressing gratitude at Beau looking after her son, treating him no different than Dorian, while he openly admired her resolve, her sense of humor in the face of adversity, and her skill with all things that grew. She was a lovely woman, and Beau would've liked to have gotten to know her better.
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felikatze · 2 years
i finally beat ff7r after bahamut moira kicked my ass last time and i quit for like 2 months and i really admire the lategame's tendency to tell you fuck all. either you know what's going on already or you better read the flavor text bitch.
anyway. what the fuck was going on during the final boss
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mad-raptorzzz · 3 months
Update I spoke too soon. Roku is apparently involved
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arolesbianism · 6 months
hello gamers minor life update I have been doing Real bad lately so I will likely continue to be very inactive, but hey on the bright side I have been fleshing out some eternal gales lore I reworked a while back and I can happily say that Dodie no longer completely contradicts the very nature of reality in eternal gales and the fog tower™ officially has a real reason to exist again so hell yeah to that
#rat rambles#eternal gales#oc posting#this is a piece of lore I technically updated a while ago but I mostly just relocated dodie home to a different piece of worldbuilding#but now Im fleshing things out a bit more and Im so glad that I set myself up such an easy way to jump ship on the old stuff#it also makes my life easier because it means that I have an actual reason for mase to be the first person dodie encounters in person#also an actual reason to trap him at first sorry dude it adds to the suspense#longggggg story short dodie lives in the universe's core of sorts#its where all the other characters are transported to at the beginning of the story due to other stuff#I already had it as a thing that the core attempts to replicate the casts home and food and such to help maintain them#but the fog tower™ had its core echo in place since forever basically#mostly because the narrator wanted to get dodie a home set up in the core instead of having to find a way to house her in notmal society#now the tower wasnt exactly meant to be found but it still had to be real enough to actually get echoed so it was real enough to be found#hense why mase's family lives in the lower half of it#the top half is fully reserved for setting up stuff to be echoed to dodie's tower#this is mostly handled my cup aka dodie's long distance mom figure#but most of that stuff was done before dodie was properly created and as such cup had to fight for their life to figure out how to best get#this child growing up in fucked up situations as happy and stable as they could with limited budget and time#they were also dealing with doing a lot of this behind the backs of mase's parents as the two wanted them to provide just the bare basics#despite this cup managed to sneak in a shit ton more video tapes than they were supposed to and attempted to cover as much as possible#ofc dodie still ended up incredibly unstable and fucked up anways but she still loves her long distance video mom dearly#up til she was like 12 or so those tapes were the only way she could see and hear another person#but yeah in the echoed version the lower half of the tower is mostly consumed by plantlife and the such#hense why dodie avoids the area like the plague she has hashtag issues regarding plants#oh yeah Ive also been thinking abt fydd a lot lately#I have been slowly developing a bit of a side plot for him in my head that Im not 100% sure Im going to commit to but Im mivrowaving it#basically I was thinking abt each of the human casts sort of quote unquote domains are#by that I mean the whole reason they get drawn to the universe core is because theyre all sorta connected to universe functions#fydd is one of the weird ones because his place in the system is the basic software ig would be the best way to put it?#hes connected to the very base of the system that the rest of the functions are built into
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 7 months
man. honestly, i think it says something about the eternal question of whether my baseline thinking is supposed to be on the slower/stiller end, or if that being the case means something's Off, that my brain can in fact be going a mile a minute thinking hard about something and yet that still counts as elevator music to me the moment i turn part of my attention to something else
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devsquared · 9 months
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Never experience pea soup fog before. I like it. It's like half way between breathing and drinking rain. - Leça da Palmeira, Porto, Portugal
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