#happy tree frineds
awes0me-p055um · 30 days
oh my god i’m losing it
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fellow mole in the city enjoyers and the rat enjoyers please inform me PLEASE i can’t take it anymore i need to find more mole in the city fan content that’s not from four years ago i’m going berserk I WANT ELDERLY SPY YAOI💔💔💔
if you have ever looked at the rat from htf or the episode “mole in the city” of the short lived happy tree friends spinoff “ka-pow” and thought wow tjese guys look silly!!! BE MY FRINED
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Do you think Armin ever told Mikasa what Eren told him on the beach ? I feel like Eren wanted it to be a secret because he asked her to forget about him and didn’t want to prevent her from living her life with someone else.
But I also think Mikasa would appreciate to know every details about his feelings and his last moments. I think Armin probably told her many years after she had her children and family. At a moment when she needs reassurance about Eren’s feelings. She would feel pain but also comfort from hearing he said « I want to be with Mikasa » and also him saying « another man » meaning he saw himself as her man when he died.
Wow this is a really great question lol!! I honestly don't know, I feel like Armin wouldn't say anything just bc he doesn't want to bring up the pain again or prevent her from finding future happiness bc that's just the kind of frined he is. But I also agree with you that maybe one day when they're older, Mikasa is sad, probably sitting at her tree, she spends a lot of time there in her older age, life is peaceful for her so she's content, but missing Eren is like a constant stabbing pain that every so often takes her out and some days are worse than others. I think maybe Armin would see that, and one day he might come home to find her at their tree, and she's just so unbearably sad looking he can't help it.
He tells her how Eren would have loved her, how he did love her so much, he was willing to destroy the world for her, but on a more happy note, exactly how their life would have played out. How many kids they would have had, how Eren would have been surprisingly jealous, and it's there where he slips in that memory of how he wanted to be on the front of her mind for at least 10 years, wanted to be the only man for her. And they'd probably laugh and a sob would break in Mikasa's chest but she'd feel lighter too in a way knowing, having it confirmed by someone else. She doesn't feel like it's all in her head, gives her imagination new material and she can sleep that night safe in the knowledge that Eren loved her and that she would have had everything she's ever wanted with him, that maybe they still can in her next life. UGH HELP I CRY !
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susti-nere · 6 years
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batslime · 7 years
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I DEMAND more pirate aesthetic!!!!
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boyy-wonder-grayson · 4 years
Summary: Jason has a crush on the reader who happens to be Dick’s girlfriend.
Requested: yes
Parings: Dick Grayson x Reader. Jason Todd x Reader (kind of)
Warnings: angst, smut a little
A/N: just a lil imagine that my lovely frined @riseofnightwing requested. (not beta read cause im tired so sorry for mistakes)
The rain tapped against the windows of the tower, a quiet sort of night. The air around the tower was so tense that you could almost cut it with a knife. It's been almost three days since the last time Dr light attacked,and the team was frustrated without new leads to follow. Dick, Hank, Donna and Kory were trying to find something out in the streets,but it's been two hours since they've gone out and so far nothing.
Y/n sighed in frustration, she cracked her neck trying to release the tension from the last few days and went to the kitchen to get some coffee. She's been sitting at the computer for most of the day trying to find something, and waiting for something from the others but to no avail. 
"Hey Y/n" Jason greeted her from his spot on the kitchen. He was already drinking coffee and offered to make some to Y/n which she accepted gratefully. 
"Got anything on Dr douchebag?" He asked making her chuckle. 
"Nothing so far" she yawned covering her mouth with her hand. "And the other have nothing either. I hate this dude, can he like surrender or something in getting really tired of San Francisco's jail system." She complained 
"It's like they let the villains out whenever the city starts gains some peace" she finished drowning the remaining of her coffee. She really needed caffeine today.
Jason laughed at her outburst and placed a hand on her shoulder rubbing comforting circles near the skin of her neck. 
"We're gonna get him, that's what we do" he said looking at her with softness on his gaze.
Y/n smiled down at him, she was a few inches taller than him, and placed her hand on top of his "thanks jay I kinda needed that". Jason felt his heart hammered in his ribcage at their close proximity. It was now or never, he leaned in trying to kiss her, much to her oblivion, but the moment was cut short when her phone rang.
"Hey Dick what's up?" She answered the phone, throwing Jason an apologetic look, leaving the boy alone in his frustrated state. She left the room and went back to the computer and sat down.
"I was thinking maybe we could have some...alone time when I come back to the tower?" Dick asked her. She knew exactly what he meant by that and to be honest she was thrilled that Dick needed her as much as she needed him. She released a breathy laughed and told him that she couldn't wait for him to come back. 
It's been three months since they started dating and almost two years of mutual pining for each other. When she had enough of Dick's bullshit she decided to take the first step and kissed him after one successful mission. A victory kiss if you will, and Dick was happy that at least someone had the balls to make a move. 
Ever since then things went pretty great. What they didn't know was that Dick was not the only one with a massive crush on the female hero. 
Jason Todd was in love. Or so Rachel said. She was the only one who knew about her gigantic crush on Y/n and it was an honest mistake that she found that out. Sometimes her powers get out of control and casually that day, Jason was around. He made her swear  not to tell anything to anyone and Rachel assured him she wouldn't say a word.
Jason wasn't the type to pine after someone like Y/n. Not because he was some sort of asshat that believed that he was better than anyone,or that she wasn't enough. It was because y/n was the total opposite of him. While she has a happy-go-lucky attitude towards life, Jason was more of  when-life-doesn't-give-you-lemons-you-kick-down-the-tree. That was one of the main reasons; another one was how much everyone enjoyed having her around, he sure as hell did. She was so optimistic and full of life that at the beginning, that it surprised Jason so much that he thought she was faking it. In this type of life no one was that happy. But with time he realised that she was genuinely just a happy person; which made Jason feel things he didn't want to. He wasn't expecting to fall for someone like her, specially when she's a bit older than him. And specially when he saw his brother act the same way as him towards her more than once. 
It drove Jason insane to see him all over her, but he didn't want to give away his feelings for her.
He was supposed to go on patrol later that night, since the other were already out he would take their place, alongside Gar, Rachel, Conner and Dawn.  He didn't want to leave now that he could spend some time with her, but the job needed to be done. He suited up and just as he was going out Y/n walked past him, she smiled at him.
"Looking good Robin" she told him playfully. He winked at her and made a reverence which made her rolled her eyes at the boy.
"Be safe out there, okay?" She told him with softness. Jason's heart did a flip and he felt his face turn red. He only nodded and before he left she hugged him. He melt into her embrace that didn't last too long much to his chagrin.
He left for patrol not without promising that he would confess his feelings for her when he got back.
Y/n sighed when she felt Dick's lips on the inside of her tights. She grabbed a fistful of his hair to bring her closer to where she really needed him. The brown haired boy chuckled but obey without a fuss. Truth is she loved when he went down on her, and Dick was damn good at it. She bit the inside of her hand trying to tune down her moans but she failed miserably. She pulled Dick's hair harder than before making him grunt in response. She was so out of herself that at this point she didn't give a shit if someone heard them or not. When he was done she plopped down on her side laughing at her state. She was breathing heavily and sweat run through her forehead. Y/n looked at him and saw a smug smile graced her boyfriend's face.
"I guess you enjoyed that" he asked cuddling her.
"Mm what makes you said that?" She asked playfully.
Dick kissed her shoulder and pulled her closer to his chest.
"Oh I don't know, maybe the way were moaning my name when I put my-" he was cut short when she elbowed him in the stomach making the boy laughed. 
"Shut up and go to sleep" she said closing her eyes. She was exhausted and so was he. Whenever they had sex Dick usually leaves in the morning before everyone could catch them,but since they were so exhausted Dick just sleep right through his alarm until a certain black haired boy bursted into the room the next morning. 
The two heroes were soundly asleep when Jason entered her room. He was shocked when he saw them sleeping together and naked. Dick's hands were all around her and she was grabbing the former arm. Jason felt sick. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His brother and his crush sleeping together. Naked. He got out of there fast and bumped into Hank in the hallway.
"Hey man watch it" the blonde said.
"Fuck off" he yelled not even bothering how much attention he drew to himself. He felt his eyes watered. It shouldn't be this bad, it shouldn't affect him this much. But it did, he felt his breath quicken. 
"What the fuck is your problem dude?" Hank questioned.
"You! And everyone in this fucking tower!" Jason yelled.
Y/n and Dick woke up when at the commotion and quickly got dressed. When they reached the living room they saw Jason and Hank fighting.
"Hey, what's going on here?" Dick asked walking towards Jason to calm him down. He tried to put a hand on his little brother's shoulder but Jason shook it off rather violently.
" don't fucking touch you. You fucking traitor" Jason said through gritted teeth. Dick was taken aback by his brothers rage.
"What are you talking about?" 
"You knew i liked her!" He pointed at Y/n who was quiet throughout this whole exchange. "And yet you still went and fucked her behind my back" he spewed the words.
Dick face felt. He cursed under his breath and tried to talk to Jason but the boy just shook his head and walked away. 
Y/n walked out of the living room feeling like shit. How could she not notice this? She asked herself. Jason's been spending so much time with her but she never really thought about this, she thought they were just friends. Just really good friends.
Dick found her crying in her bed. She truly felt like a shitty person.
"Hey stop that" Dick said wiping the tears from her face. 
"I'm sorry, I'm just" she took a shaky breath before she continued "how come we didn't realize this? He's your brother for fucks sake! And now he hate us for this" 
"Do you regret this? Us?" Dick asked with concern across his face.
"What?" She sniffed "no! Of course not. But I just can't help but feel like shit because I love Jason,like a brother and now I don't think there's coming back from this" she sighed.
"Look, I know Jason. He's hurt right now but he'll turn around and come back. He's a good kid he just needs time" dick reassured her.
Y/n nodded and looked at his boyfriend. She took his head on her hands and gave him a deep long kiss. Hopefully things will get better soon.
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antisocial-mochi · 6 years
Hobi x Jimin x Airplane Theories
   So, many speculate as to what airplanes represent in the BTS Universe. One theory I haven’t seen is, the planes being a representation of a (youthful) dream or success. Specifically the Hoseok’s dreams/aspirations & how JM ties into Hobi’s ‘destiny.’
In the lyrics of Airplane, Hobi talks about when his dream to fly in an airplane first sparked. He also mentions about how he remembers the group’s first flight to Japan, often reminiscing about it.
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Some have said the airplane represents going international or becoming successful. (in this case, BTS becoming successful international entertainers.)
Going on that theory, let’s look at Daydream. The song talks about how, while Hoseok has fulfilled his dreams, it’s come at a price. Things like privacy and usage of vulgar language becomes next to nothing. Being like everyone else, enjoying the simple things, becomes harder.  
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IDOL is an anthem saying, ‘Yeah, I’m an artist. Call whatever you want, I know who I am & what I want, no one’s gonna change that. I’m me and I’m proud of that, I. am. Enough.’ It’s sort of the aftermath of figuring everything out & just being done with the BS. (Again, be see an airplane in the MV.)
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So, how does JM fit into all of this? Well, as we know Hobi and JM are a pairing within the universe. We often see them together in the MVs throughout the eras. There’s so many theories about how they came together, why they may have grown apart etc.
Another big theorized thing is why JM is always looking up. Some tie into Hobi, while others connect JM to the other boys. What if the reason JM is always looking up at the sky is because, he’s daydreaming about where Hobi may go in life.
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What if Hoseok’s told him about his aspirations, say when they were in the hospital together. Maybe they shared common dreams, helping them build a friendship. (Which is why they would often hang out, have pillow fight etc.)
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In the Notes, we know that Hobi’s always been there for JM, always saving him. Maybe Hobi finds he needs to take care of himself, follow his dreams, without dragging JM along. (Hence why we see he leaving JM in Euphoria.)
In the highlight reels, we see JM record Hobi while he dances. Later we see him practicing that same dance, eventually clashing with the girl and getting hurt. Maybe the reason JM works to the point of hurting himself is because, he’s afraid Hoseok will leave him behind. (JM sees Hoseok’s potential, which could be that daydreaming about Hobi’s possible future I mentioned earlier. He wants to fight to keep up, but never quite being where he’d like.)
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In the Notes, we know JM’s parents aren’t really there & he’s alone most of the time. (Later, he gets lost & hides in the arboretum, subsequently having a seizure there. I’m not sure if Hobi was the one who found JM, though I do remember Hoseok at some point gets JM to the hospital following a seizure. This could also explain the painting of the trees that both boys are connected to, since arboretums are mainly made up of woody plants. )
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JM’s always been abandoned, but Hobi was his saving grace, a constant in his life. Then to be faced with the possibility of one of his only friends being taken from him, it lights a fire under JM to work harder; to match Hobi’s skills, so as not to be forgotten.  
(In JM’s Notes for LY Answer, he talks about running away from the hospital & never facing his parents. Hoseok tells JM to follow him, and took him back to his house. He feels safer with Hobi, than with his parents.  He was anxious about telling them he didn’t want to go back to the hospital, so much so that he even felt like he was going to have a seizure. Later, however, we learn that he’d dreamt the whole thing. JM often dreams of leaving the hospital & joining his frineds. He resents the whispers from others & hopes Hobi doesn’t see him like everyone else does. JM seems like he relies an awful lot on Hoseok for constant support; something he can’t afford to lose in his current situation. Hoseok in earlier Notes talks about always being the positively in the darkness, always being the happy one, even if it’s forced at times. It has to be exhausting, makes you wonder how much longer Hobi will put on this character for those around him.)
Perhaps JM knows he doesn’t have the amount of talent that Hoseok has, & he’s a bit jealous as well. In one of the behind the scenes, JM even comments on this fact.
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When the girl brought the cake to Hoseok towards the beginning, maybe it’s a personification of an opportunity Hobi had gotten to pursue his dreams. Or maybe the cake is simply a congratulatory thing FOR said opportunity.  It would explain why JM becomes infatuated with the girl & the dance. (He wants the same thing, so he works to be as good as Hobi. Later in the LY Answer Notes, Hoseok is trying to teach Jimin dance choreo & finds that JM isn’t necessarily making mistakes, but creating his own style of the dance, his own version.)
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Then, when he’s hurt, Hobi takes the girl, instead of JM. Maybe that’s Hobi seeing a possible jeopardizing factor to his opportunity & decides to run with it, completely leaving JM behind. It could explain why JM looks so sad & betrayed when he sees Hobi running with the girl in the rain.
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The, if we go back a little,in the Lie MV, we see several references to Hobi, even seeing Jimin reach out to a bed parallel to him. Almost as if he’s feeling isolated from Hoseok, trying to reach out and connect. Then we also see feathers floating in the air, harkening back to their pillow fights. We also see Hobi covered in feathers in his MV short, plus there’s a glass filled with pills in both. (Not to mention their outfits are complimentary.)
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Then in the Spring Day MV, towards the end when their about to get off the train, Hoseok wakes JM; that way he isn’t left behind. Yet, in Euphoria, he seems to be leaving him/unaware of his presence. (Although we later learn in the notes that JM is the one who catches Hobi just before he tripped down the stairs, chasing someone who he thought was his mom.)
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Their pairing is really interesting because, there’s any number of outcomes due to different connections & hints. It ultimately comes down to your perspective & what you make of certain situations. Their both troubled youth that have come together, forming an odd, yet seemingly unbreakable bond.
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 6 years
Request - Animal AU: The Orange Stray follows Virgil’s set back to Thomas’ and “the ultimate showdown” takes place on the block. Virgil and Emile stay inside but Patton and Logan gather an army from around the neighborhood, Remy assembles a small “gorilla war fair” group and even Deceit brings in some reptilian cavalry as Thomas watches in complete shock (with camera) to find his spoiled prince Roman leading the charge. Roman also has the chance to sing some Mulan in preparation.
Holy SHIT! XD(Read This and This first or else things might not make that much sense)
the green eyes stray walked up to the Orange cat who was lying on the lid of a trashcan licking his scratched paw after another tussle with the Prince.
  “So, what’s the plan?” the green eyes stray asked.
  “It’s time to bring the fight to the Prices’s corner. I want to payback for my eye.” the Orange cat growled and got to it’s legs. the two cats started to move, the pack of stray and feral cats following along as they began to move further into the prince’s territory.
a group of small birds chattered out i fright as they flew away.
  “The eyes in the sky has seen us, what’s the plan boss?” one of the strays asked.
  “Someone who befriends food is a fool.”
  “What shall we do about it?”
  “Nothing. Let them know we’re coming, it will make things all the more interesting~”
All of them were snoozing in the sun, Roman lying stretched out and Deceit had left his terrarium to coil around the two heat absorbing animals, Virgil has snoring in the sun uncaring about the snake Logan was more annoyed but he stayed put despite Deceit lying on top of him, Patton was helping Emile dig again, the bunny had filled up his nest again but was now digging on a new place,Thomas was inside editing a video. 
Logan looked up when a flock of small birds came flying crying in alarm.
  “ALARM!” they cried as he flew around in a heap before landing on the bush not that far from the porch.
  “What’s wrong?” Logan asked lifting his head, Roman’s ear twitches as he tuned in to the conversation.
  “The Darkness is coming!” they cried, Roman lifted his head
  “Why must you blue birds be so morbid?” he asked with a yawn making most of the birds grow silent from fear at the sight of his teeth.
  “What is the problem?” Logan asked again hoping one of the braver birds would elaborate. One of them hopped a branch closer.
  “The dark gang is coming, with the orange cat at the lead.” it tweeted 
  “Oh really?” Roman asked as he got up and stretched before he “And what do they think they’re doing in MY kingdom?”
  “Probably on his way to avenge his eye…” Virgil mumbled as he stretched before falling asleep again.
  “Avenge… his Eye?” Logan asked turning to Roman as the flock of small birds flew away.
  “It’s not like I meant to do that, but he and his gang had hurt Remy so i had to fight them to get them out of my kingdom.”
  “What did you do exactly?” Logan asked squinting at the cat.
  “Made him loose an eye.” Virgil yawned as he rolled over to his back, making Deceit jerk and give away a wheeze when HE suddenly had the kitten on top and not the other way around.
  “You’re not that light! get of me!” Deceit hissed as he struggled a bit, but Virgil as asleep once again, Deceit managed to get out from under the older kitten before he coiled around him to absorb the heat from the animal and the sun
Logan and Roman looked at each other, Logan looked done with everything and Roman had a sheepish look on his face.
  “I don’t even know if i wanna know. so what are we gonna do about it? from the look of things they are on a warpath and you are their target.”
  “We fight them back of course, but first we will need our allies, gather your feather friends i shall run and gather my pack and Patton might call his frineds and maybe Remy can get some of his friends as well.” Logan just groaned letting himself fall to the porch onto his stomach.
  “There is no avoiding this fight according to you i see.” he grumbled.
Thomas looked up from his computer when Virgil, Deceit and Emile hurried inside.
  “What? what’s going on?” he asked looking at the animals, Virgil and Deceit got up the cat tree while Emile hid in his box. 
A loud yowl from several cats made Thomas still and he got up from the cough to open the front door to find the whole drive way filled with cats and other animals, birds in all sizes were there as well. Thomas blinked as he walked outside, finding Patton sitting not far away the goldendoodle looked up with a happy smile tail thumping against the ground.
  “What is happening?” Patton just gave away a happy bark.
a loud yowl Thomas recognises made him look up and he cursed internally when he caught sight of Roman and a one eye orange cat sizing each other up, tails brushing against the ground, both the white rag-doll cat and the orange short haired stray had their fur on end and was making several warning noises, the other cats were watching them and the other pack of cats.
Simply put it was a stray cat show off. Thomas groaned and placed his face in his hands.
  “Roman for goodness sake…”
the two cats threw themselves at each other and it made the other cats and animals fight as well.
The fight carried on and Thomas sighed and picked up his phone to call the vet.
  “Ah Hi, ‘Zookeeper’ Thomas Sanders here. Yes i would like to book an appointment for my cat Roman- no no, it’s nothing serious, he just got in a cat fight, some nasty scratches and bites- oh okay, Tomorrow is perfect, thank you, bye.”
Tag list: @ruuworld, @tree4life25, @unicornllamabunny, @team-free-squiggle, @strangegaycandy, @virgil-the-virgin, @nightmaresides,  @fillyourteacup, @random-name-here, @thepoolofthedead​
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ameth18blog · 5 years
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#illustration #artists on tumblr #my drawing #draws #drawing #drawings #htf the mole #htf flippy #htf sniffles #htf petunia #htf flaky #htf #htf handy #htf nutty # #happy tree frineds #htf lifty and shifty #htf splendid #htf sneaky #htf mouse kaboom #htf disco bear #htf pop #htf cub #htf lumpy #cant tag anymore
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susti-nere · 7 years
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one of fav lesbian ships
now, Flaky look more like tomboy compared to Giggles *inner scream 
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batslime · 7 years
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‪Still plenty of work to do on this but I’m loving how it’s turning out…. ‬
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batslime · 8 years
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susti-nere · 6 years
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ready for a date?
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susti-nere · 6 years
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more realistic coloring 
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