#happy tgs mondays guys
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Hyde looks like he's about to have a complete breakdown 😭
I mean he is about to have a breakdown
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Guys GUYS Glass Scientists❗❗ The Glass Scientists are really glass and the glass it broke the glass is BROKEN its GONE and the glass glass scientists are BROKEN and Hyde glass is BROKEN 💔 and Jekyll is DEAD🪦 and SYMBOLYSM and and I'm gonna have a stroke 😍😍💥

#symbolism guys the symbolism#happy update day guys#oh my gourd#i was hoping the glass would hit him in the eyes until i read the description#the glass scientists#tgs#tgs hyde#tgs spoilers#tgs monday
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Lmao happy TGS Monday. Wouldn't it be so silly of me if I just dropped all the screen shots I have of every instance of Mr Tanis appearing? Thatd be crazy.. Hah..
Guys he's literally my favourite lodger and so many people don't even know he has a name 🥺 silly necromancer man, I love him. Every TGS fan needs to have a favorite lodger, AND IT'S TIME FOR MR TANIS FANS TO RISE UP
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Look at this sad boy. So pathetic. So terribly terribly caged. I'm actually developing some form of sympathy due to the whole crashing the car against the methaporical wall hoping so desperately for someone to help. Damnit i diliked him! I wanted to keep disliking him! Ughh
Which brings me to the character i do like and oh so terribly miss— Hyde our beloved. I miss him. I miss him so much.
I hope you have an amazing week my sunshine o((*^▽^*))oo((*^▽^*))oo((*^▽^*))oo((*^▽^*))o
oh im so sorry I forgot to answer this, im in summer break rn and wasnt on my phone 💀
yeah I do feel really bad for him!!! my relationship with lanyon atm is like “ugh its this guy again. thank god hes here. I want to toss him in a blender. poor guy.” its… interesting. im glad youre starting to like him though!!! its always more fun to like characters than dislike them (+ hes a really interesting character)
yep heres the obligatory missing hyde section of this post. I am longing to see my boy again. what do you think hes up to rn???? wallowing? watching from a distance? plotting? the possibilities are endless.
unfortunately it seems like the flashback sequence will continue based off that last sentence, but its still nice to see them communicate a bit. hopefully something will come of this communication!!! I want to see them happy lolol
speaking of happy, I do not think jekyll is rn lolol- poor guy looks like he feels so bad, and I totally get how bad it feels to be misunderstood so dramatically. what he did to save himself ended up hurting lanyon, and that must be a really bad feeling for him. I hope they can fix a bit of the hurt theyve been feeling
I hope you have an amazing week too!!! ilysmmm I hope work isnt too busy!!! remember to take care of yourself, be nice to yourself, and stay hydrated!!!! 🫂 🫂 🫂
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I love staying up until 4:30am drawing a banner for my Art Fight page when I'm perfectly happy with my current one
You guys know the opening of Top Gun. I wanted that on my profile. I wanted that. I wanted an F-14 with a sunset or something in the background
So I initially tried drawing one taking off. That went horribly. Then I drew one in front view and it didn't go horribly. It really only took 30 minutes but I kept getting distracted
And now I hate how it looks!
I'm not gonna share it because I don't like it anymore
I previously had art of Prism and X-Ray as my banner and I decided that I wanted my profile to be Top Gun themed, and I know that the jws fit the theme really well but they aren't from Top Gun, and as much as I love them, I wanted only tg characters and stuff.
Idk what to do now because I don't really wanna use screenshots from the movie. I'd rather it all be my own art
ON TOP OF HATING MY ART I hate how I stayed up this late. I had a marching band competition today and didn't get home until like 11pm (my band got 4th place in our division if anyone cares) so I already was pretty tired. And I only get tomorrow (or today I guess) off before I have marching band rehearsal on Monday. Then horseback riding Tuesday. Marching band rehearsal again on Friday. And another comp next Saturday
I'm going to try to sleep after I post this I actually don't like staying up super late but when I get tired and I try to sleep, all tiredness instantly leaves my body so I can't sleep
#i have an atrocious sleep schedule and i hate it#it feels like i cant make fanart for two of my favorite fandoms (top gun and knight rider)#kitt is really hard to draw#f-14s are hard to draw#drawing michael and all the tg characters scares me because like theyre real people theyre not animated#ive drawn mav before but im too scared to draw him again#vent#wbat if i absolutely fail at drawing mav or ice or anyone else or michael#and the top gun and knight rider fandoms hate me because of it#i know it will never happen these fandoms are amazing (especially kr fandom i love you /p)#but its a constant fear i have with drawing the characters
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Happy birthday bestie!!
I got some questions for ya:
Do you have any WIP’s you’d like to share soon?
How do you think the Top Gun Characters celebrate their birthdays?
What is something that you BELIEVE is cannon in the TG universe?
Love ya!
Omg thank you so much bestie!!!
Yes I do! I have a new chapter for my Carole Goose fic I'm hoping to release Monday!! V excited! Also the Church Camp Jake fic we are writing (no one has stopped us from the future yet so we are doing a good thing XD)
Lol like this:
Mav: is a literal ✨️queen✨️ its his birthday and he does what he wants (to the horror of the Navy and Iceman)
Hangman: I feel like Jake is the one to make a big show of his birthday when secretly all he wanted was you and a birthday cake 🎂🤣😉😉
Rooster: is the kind of guy to bring in donuts on his birthday and when everyone's like what are these for he's like oh its my birthday today and they all can't believe they didn't know
Phoenix: she gets all the top gun men to do her bidding with "well it is my birthday..." (they are all afraid of her secretly)
Bob: doesn't tell anyone his birthday and they all find out a week later when he gets a card from his mom and they're all like "why didn't you tell us?" Poor baby didn't want the attention
Coyote: if you thought his regular parties were legendary you should witness a birthday bash, can anyone say: waking up in a Dennys parking lot?
Payback and Fanboy: idky but these two are connected to me, they might even have the same birthday at this point tbh. But if they didn't, one is carrying the others drunkkkk ass out of the Hard Deck. Also Fanboy is def a karaoke when he's drunk kind of person.
Hondo: will say nothing at work and they'll see him out on the town later 3 sheets to the wind and having the time of his life.
Cyclone: man just wants a home cooked meal and a birthday surprise from his wife (not coming to the dark side just dabbling)
I know we saw Mav throw Goose's dog tags into the ocean in the first movie but ITS NOT TRUE IT WAS AN ILLUSION!!! Bradley Bradshaw is the proud owner of his fathers dogtags once Mav passed them down to him when he was old enough. (I will die on this hill)
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Tag Game
I was tagged by @freakygirlsworld thanks love❤️
1. drink - hazelnut coffee 2. phone call - i think it was my grandma? 3. text message - lmao so it was to one of my middle school teachers and it said “wait what the hell? seriously?” angsty, I know lol 4. song you listened to - Found Tonight by Ben Platt and Lin-Manuel Miranda (seriously so good check it out if you haven’t) 5. time you cried - Monday I think
ever 6. dated someone twice? - Yeaaahhh and it was dumb 7. kissed someone and regretted it - Uh definitely 8. been cheated on - Yeah that sucked too 9. lost someone special - Yeah I for sure have. Several people. 10. been depressed - Yeah that tends to happen when you have clinical depression. Weird concept, I know. 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - You know. I’d like to say no. Normally I can handle my alcohol, however I learned that when you chug like 4 different kinds of alcohol within a short amount of time your body doesn’t like that. Yeah learned my lesson there. At least college taught me something amiright?
fave colours 12. Purple 13. Blue 14. Grey
in the last year have you… 15. made new friends - Yeah for sure 16. fallen out of love - Oh yeah. 17. laughed until you cried - Several times haha 18. found out someone was talking about you - Bruh I swear two faced bitches are everywhere. So this is a f a t yes. 19. met someone who changed you - Most of the people I have met this year have changed me and my outlook on life in some way. 20. found out who your friends are - This one has been unfortunately all too real. It’s sucked but in the end I’m glad I’m learning who’s really here for me and who’s not. 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - Lmao nooo
general 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - Basically all of them except maybe like a handful 23. do you have any pets - Yesss. My baby boi Teddy. He’s a 3 year old teddy bear puppy. So just a wonderful little ball of fluff. He’s my child and I love him with all my heart. 24. do you want to change your name - I used to want to. Because like I used to think the name Ciera was such trash because the only nickname/way to shorten it was C and no one wanted to do that so like. I was biter. But now I’m actually pretty okay with the name. So the only way my name is getting changed is if a miracle happens and I somehow get married. 25. what did you do for your last birthday- My family threw a small pizza party for me at a local bar in our town. Which was rigged because since I’m not at the legal age to consume alcohol they got a round of free drinks since it was my birthday and I sat there drinking a soda. They thought it was the funniest thing in the world. But it was cool having my aunts and uncles and cousins together at a time other than a holiday. So that was legit. 26. what time did you wake up today - Lmao ya’ll coming for me here... like 12pm... I have no defense, I just like sleep. 27. what were you doing at midnight last night - Pretending to study math while actually learning the lyrics to Hamilton (my current obsession along with tgs and Dear Evan Hansen). 28. what is something you cant wait for - This school year to be over because ya girl is stressed af. But also waiting for my DVD copy of tgs. 30. what are you listening to right now- Right Hand Man from Hamilton 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - I know two people named Tom actually! The first Tom I know is a really good friend of my aunt and uncle and he’s just a happy drunk man. I enjoy him. He’s cool. The other Tom I know was a family friend of a family that I went camping this year. We both had been drinking and this Tom guy and I had a really intense conversation about depression and anxiety around a fire and it was rad. Tom was talking about how it was bullshit that society doesn’t talk about it much and how he just got diagnosed with anxiety and shit. 32. something that’s getting on your nerves - Everything lmao. Nah I’m kidding. Um it gets on my nerves when people make fun of someone for loving something. Like don’t give me shit for finding something that makes me happy you piece of shit. i don’t care if you don’t like it or think it’s dumb, i love it so go away. Sorry that got too angsty lmao 33. most visited website - Either Tumblr or YouTube. 34. hair colour - Dark brown (almost black but not quite there) 35. long or short hair - Short hair. Pixie cuts for days bois 36. do you have a crush on someone - Yeah see I don’t really know. maybe? not really? I don’t know. feelings are confusing guys. 37. what do you like about yourself - My eyes. They’re pretty rad. 38. want any piercings? - I used to want to get my lip pierced but I’m less emo now so like probably not. 39. blood type - Lmao I feel like actual trash for not knowing this?? But yeah no clue sorry lol 40. nicknames - I’m lame and my name is stupid so the only thing I got is C. 41. relationship status - Single af. In the odd shot that any of you lovely people wanna change that my inbox is open lmfao I’m so sad ignore that 42. zodiac - Scorpio ;) 43. pronouns - She/her 44. fave tv shows - House MD, NCIS, Supernatural, Once Upon a Time, yeah I’m sure there are a bunch more but I can’t think right now 45. tattoos - I have one but want more. I have one on my collarbone area that says “Inhale the future exhale the past” with some birds 46. right or left handed - Right 47. ever had surgery - No and I’m thankful because the concept of it scares the hell out of me lol 48. piercings - I’ve had my ears pierced like twice but I let the holes close both times. just not my scene 49. sport - My favorite sport to watch is probably football or hockey but my favorite sport to play is softball. 50. vacation - My favorite vacation I’ve ever been on was a cruise to the Bahamas. My dream vacation would be Australia and New Zealand. 51. trainers - Wot? I’m confused lol
more general 52. eating - I don’t eat consistently. Like I’m terrible. I usually only eat once a day? 53. drinking - I drink a lot. like I’m always thirsty af 54. i’m about to watch - Probably The Greatest Showman tbh 55. waiting for - My friends to come online because I’m bored 56. want - To see a Broadway production 57. get married - Eventually I’m hoping to 58. career - Yeah I really don’t know what I want to do with my life right now but I’m leaning towards teaching for a number of reasons.
which is better 59. hugs or kisses - Hugs are you kidding me. They’re the best. 60. lips or eyes - Eyes all the way. 61. shorter or taller - Taller 62. older or younger - Lmao is that even a question? Older. 63. nice arms or stomach - Nice arms for sure. 64. hookup or relationship - Relationship. Don’t come at me with a hookup dude I’m too emotional for that shit. 65. troublemaker or hesitant - Depends on the situation but in all honesty more hesitant
have you ever 66. kissed a stranger - Nope 67. drank hard liquor - Lmao.. umm... yeah 68. lost glasses - Yeah and it was terrible because do you know how hard it is to look for something when you’re like blind?? 69. turned someone down - Yeah like once or twice. 70. sex on first date - Nah bro. 71. broken someones heart - Yeah unfortunately 72. had your heart broken - Oh yeah for sure.. 73. been arrested - Nope 74. cried when someone died - Uh yeah of course. 75. fallen for a friend - Lmao dude it’s like my specialty.
do you believe in... 76. yourself - Not really. Not as much as I should. 77. miracles - Maybe. Depends on the situation I guess. 78. love at first sight - Again.. Maybe. 79. santa claus - Lol no. that magic was taken away from me. 80. kiss on a first date- Hey if it feels right who am I to stop it 81. angels - I believe that people who die watch over you but I don’t believe in the things with the wings and harps and stuff. 82. best friend’s name - Talia <3 83. eye colour - Hazel 84. fave movie - I can’t pick one don’t do this.. The Greatest Showman, Logan, The Breakfast Club, The Prestige, and Dead Poet’s Society 85. fave actor - Is this even a question? HUGH JACKMAN. HANDS DOWN. ALL THE WAY. HUGH. MF. JACKMAN.
Lmao sorry this is so long. Oops.
I’m tagging: @three-wishes-not-granted @rewritting-the-stars @no-more-living-in-the-shadows @thegreatestjxckman @teasockschocolate
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This week on: homo science comic makes me unwell
Glad we get to see Jekyll again... he's definitely not okay. I saw this really insightful catch from someone in the comments that the Zosis are leading Hyde towards Jekyll, and the fact they're church grims...
I wish i had an original theory to share, you're all so smart 😭
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I am actually SO relieved that door was not locked because if it was I was certain we were gonna have a novella case where utterson (lanyon) is trying to get in and hyde kills himself out of panic.
Anywho! Hyde and Lanyon bonding time over Jekyll's death be upon us!
#wait guys that sketch cover#THATS THE NEXT ONE EUEGGRHHE#so happy i got through my first full chapter in the fandom#i love yall yall are great#the glass scientists#tgs#tgs spoilers#tgs monday#tgs hyde#tgs lanyon
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