#happy pride. theyre all bisexual
bisexualgoth · 1 year
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bi threesome would've saved them
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mike-milkyway · 4 months
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Happy pride month to specifically these queer people.
Pride to everyone else, obviously, but specially them.
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yki-dolls · 3 months
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Happy Pride!!
Everything is going really well they promise
(ft some hcs hehe)
if Leo pretends he can't see them fight, they're not fighting.
Commissions open
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victor-the-vampire · 4 months
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Forgot to share but I redrew that one pride cover with the polycule! Enjoy! Happy pride month guys<3 oh and trans Logan, as a treat.
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therealmairon · 4 months
happy pride month to EVERY tolkien character bc theyre ALL GAY AS FUCK but especially to:
sauron - raging homosexual. once he got seduced by melkor then seduced celebrimbor then seduced the king of numenor you start to recognize a pattern 🏳️‍🌈⁉️
glorfindel and erestor - tolkien basically confirmed they're a thing by having them ride to minas tirith together
the sons of feanor - extremely homosexual especially maedhros
fingon - bro he is so gay that even after his bf betrayed him and he had to cross the helcaraxe bc of it he STILL has to be even gayer and rescue him from thangorodrim
aredhel - idc she's a masc lesbian
galadriel and samwise gamgee - bisexual icons
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starabsol · 4 months
cs pride headcannons
happy pride month! this is to the gays, lesbians, queers, transgenders, nonbinaries, bisexuals, everyone!!!!! (except homophobes, get away) happy pride month and good job being so fruity! we love u ^_^
ok so basically i have headcanons for my fav pokemon characters, may drew harley n solidad but i never really did much with them but since its literally pride month right now i thought why not draw them? theyre more like chibi attempted weird ass doodles butttttttt
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first up, of course, our baby drew.
theres smth about him that just screams transgender.. hes ftm (female to male) since he didnt feel right in his body, but doesnt mind presenting himself in a feminine way. demisexual also because i dont feel like he randomly falls in love with people unless they know them well and have a good bond! and he obviously doesnt care about anyones gender whatsoever, doesnt have a preference either.
he goes by he/they pronouns and would rather not be regarded by feminine names, though he himself doesnt really care about how he appears to others
if someone comes out to drew:
someone: “drew, i have to tell you something.. im lesbian.”
drew: “thats nice”
drew is neutral about this stuff. he simply doesnt mind that much. though inside, secretly, he is pretty proud of whoever comes out to him; he does care.
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next up, may!
may is an ally, no doubt. she loves everyone as they are! i debated making her asexual for a hot second, but scrapped it later as i didnt really liked that for her :P
she goes by she/her! she respects everyones pronouns, and if unsure if what pronouns to use she always uses they/them to avoid mis pronouncing. always shows up at pride conventions!
if someone were to come out to may:
someone: “may.. i have to tell you something. im non-binary”
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next up, our cunty harley!
hes bisexual and non-binary. he loves both women and men, and simply doesnt give a fuck about (his) gender. he goes by she/he/they pronouns since he really doesnt care what people regard him as. “gender doesnt matter honey!”
he doesnt mind looking feminine or masculine at all, so sometimes u see him skipping around in skirts and the other moment you see him in a suit. and honestly? we love that for him. pop off harley
if someone were to come out to harley:
someone: “hey, harley? can i tell you something? im gay.”
harley: “OOOOOO! so proud of you honey! welcome to the gays!”
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and lastly, solidad!
shes a lesbian. i dont care what you have got to say, solidad is a lesbian. she loves women, she loves feminine people. shes also aromantic because i can make her aromantic. she naturally loves platonically, but she can love (and feel) romantically, just not that often.
she herself is also an ally, of course, everyone in these headcanons are, but she is an ally. she supports everyone the way they are, no matter their sexuality, gender, race, background, whatever. she loves everyone. n that goes for may drew and harley also! solidad would probably be the most calm if you were to come out to her, though.
if someone were to come out to solidad:
someone: “solidad? i wanted to tell you that im bisexual..”
solidad: “oh, that’s wonderful! congratulations. i am so proud of you for telling me.”
happy pride month! make sure to love everyone the way they are. love isnt a choice, neither the way you were born or how you feel in your own body! youre good as u are!
im pretty much questioning myself, i mean, im sure im aroace but beside that? no clue. for now id just say im heterosexual, but i havent really fallen for people romantically or sexually so i dont know at all lol
school still isnt over, still have about a month left 💔 i hate the netherlands vacation time so much only 6 weeks for summer break is crazy
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
I’m respectfully about to lose my mind at some of the fandom rn with the way buddie shippers are being treated… It’s like no one understands the whole point of shipping a couple is to want them to be together, so duh if something happens that could potentially lead to that pairing they’re going to get excited and theorize? Yes it’s absolutely important for Buck to explore his sexuality outside of buddie but the way people are trying to say that buddie shippers are homophobic for wanting endgame buddie….. when buddie is literally a queer ship? it doesn’t make any sense to me as a queer person myself because it’s like- y’all do realize that buck dating eddie would in fact mean that he is still bisexual, and that people have wanted thst for years, so A) why are we shocked and appalled at buddie shippers for being happy that they are one step closer to endgame buddie, B) why are we calling people homophobic or biphobic when they are quite literally shipping two men together, C) why are we all acting as if buddie endgame hasn’t been simmering just under the surface for YEARS and that if they were going to give us buddie, then thag means buck and eddie would both have to come oit as queer…
I’ve seen so many prominent blogs in the community who have made posts like “buck’s bisexuality has nothing to do with buddie and you are a horrible human for even insinuating that” and so many people are agreeing??? And not to mention the fact that now these same people are trying to villainize and trash on Eddie when in all honesty Buck’s behavior in 7x04 was NOT okay- physically harming someone because they’re not giving you attention is never okay (and i’m saying this as someone whi ADORES Buck, he still needs to be held accountable.)
It just reads very icky to me that so many people are screaming “bi pride” but then spewing all of this vitriol over a ship that would fit within Buck’s bisexuality…
It worries me that the writers are going to see this negativity from people and they’re going to just completely back-burner Eddie’s character in favor of Buck and it disappoints me because even outside of buddie, a major tv show portraying a repressed gay poc with religious and family trauma would be EQUALLY as powerful as Bi Buck is……
but i guess that’s just people only caring about the queer storylines when it’s about a white man since these are also the people acting like Hen and Karen or Michael and David haven’t been there the whole time
but that’s just me i guess….
I’m bullet pointing not to be curt by the way just because I prefer addressing part by part🫶
1. Agreed like this fandom was relatively peaceful then BAM it fully shifted overnight like in the words of Taylor swift THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS
2. Yesss exactly like I’m very much a dont yuck someone else’s yum type of person so like even ships I don’t like I’ll be like okay respect 🫡 enjoy your fandom space love that for you AS LONG AS THEYRE RESPECTFUL TOO and I’m not gonna lie to you I see the primary source of negativity and stuff in the fandom be people who legit never watched anything other than the bucktommy related content (which I kinda have a whole other rant about but I don’t wanna give you miles and miles to read in one ask)
3. Yes to that 100% - buddie is a queer ship the cognitive dissonance it takes to call someone homophobic for shipping them is honestly fascinating atp, Buck is bi canonically now and y’all do realise that who he’s with or if he’s single even doesn’t take away from that right??? Like the rep is THERE and will always be THERE
4. You worded it a bit weird but I got what you meant (I hope) so anyone who didn’t may require a little clarification, the sentiment of bucks bisexuality being separate from buddie I think is 1000% correct and I agree wholeheartedly that a persons sexuality and their journey shouldn’t be just about their love interests but about themselves as a person, the issue people are taking is that 1. The people saying this are saying it on every buddie post even when the same blogs posting it have 177283 posts talking about buck as an individual and as a bisexual man outside of buddie and bucktommy, so it’s sort of become a weaponised statement if that makes sense 2. The buddie shippers are the ones who have been advocating so hard for the show to give us canon bi buck like that’s just fact no one can deny so to the og fans who’ve been here for YEARS (I’ve only started like 2023 ish so I’m not counting myself there) this must be such a total slap in the face to be receiving so much hate now
5. Oh yeah the Eddie bashers can personally come fight me
6. If I’m 100% honest I choose to interpret the basketball injury as being mostly accidental like I think he got too into it and forgot himself and his own force for a second rather than intentionally hurt Eddie, like it so happens in sports, I think it’s like just the after guilt that made him question himself and his motives, idk that may just be me denying canon because it just felt too out of character for me to believe
7. I think the fake bi pride stuff also irks me BAD like some of these people are looking for very surface level superficial representation and if you don’t push for more and more substantial and meaningful representation then you’re gonna get constant variations of the same exact thing and these are also the same people ignoring every other queer character in 911 which is just🙃
8. Idk how much the writers take fandom into account but I constantly say like if they were to listen to fandom they’d go the route they know people wanted for years
9. YES about Eddie’s character like I made a whole post about gay and comphet Eddie and how meaningful it would be because it’s just so so unique and unprecedented
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hacksawboy · 1 month
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day like 5 i think of daily doodles, non tired edition, im not rlly tired rn tbh
so idk if yall heard but they updated desk engie which i was stoked about up until like an hour ago when i found out they removed his pride flags. i am so unironically upset about this dude holy shit i know you literally cant see them in game AT ALL but their inclusion is a big reason i bought the item, like they made me so god damn happy and now theyre just . gone. i wore the desk jockey style like a discreet trans pride pin im not even kidding 😭
i dont know why they removed the flags but the only good reason i can think of (and by good i mean the only reason thatd actually count as a win for the bisexuals and transgenders) is that they added it just to make bigots mad and removed it when they succeeded. im not gonna get into the other reasons because keeping this post as lighthearted as possible
anyways yeah rip pride pins. moment of silence for these thangs
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(also since this post is a bit of a downer, have a funie pupro i doodled a few days back)
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groovy-rat-man · 1 year
Stardew characters and their sexualities, happy pride month
FYI, this shit is based on VIBES.
Alex: pretty fuckin heterosexual but would definitely Feel Things if a dude kissed him or held his hand or something
Elliott: literally a gay man but does overly dramatic pretend flirty things with his wlw partner in crime (spoiler alert: it's Leah)
Harvey: gay? bisexual maybe? either way he definitely has a preference for men (also grey asexual because I said so)
Sam: 100% bisexual... or pansexual...... or omnisexual, he can't really decide on a label for himself but it's definitely one of those
Sebastian: look, yall are gonna hate me for this but I gotta say it... hes straight. Yeah yeah I KNOW he likes frogs and dnd and stuff but every FUCKING time I look at his oily ass my straight-dar goes fuckin ham
Shane: bi but doesn't really bring it up
Abigail: thinks she's just a straight ally but definitely likes girls just a little bit
Emily: doesn't belive in labels, her heart is just full of love and she'll dish it out to anyone who wants it!! (Also... maybe asexual? Like she DEFINITELY prioritizes romantic stuff over sexual stuff.)
Haley: puts the bi in bimbo, yeah she likes dudes but she was also FULLY convinced that everyone liked girls cause theyre just SO HOT
Leah: very much a lesbian, probably only dated dudes cause she thought she had to, her being gay is part of her independent thing in life ya know... also she does all the butch shit that Elliott doesn't do because he doesn't wanna get too dirty
Maru: I... have no clue. Like she is DEFINITELY queer in SOME way but honestly she could be anything and everything and I love that for her
Penny: probably one of those aroace people who thought they were bi or pan because they're zero percent attracted to both men and women, sorta unrelated but I really like the idea of her finding a queer platonic partner and starting a big ole family and all that jazz... just makes me happy
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b0d1ly-st3w · 2 years
have my postal 1 dude headcanons because hes so meeeeee
tw for mentions of self harm
• hed just barely turned 20 by the time postal 1 happened
• a bit of a mallgoth, really loved nine inch nails and marilyn manson
• had a really bad self harm addiction back in highschool, he was 2 years clean by postal 1
• actually felt so bad for everything hed done, cant even hear fake gunshots without wanting to throw up
• i believe that the demon was responsible for his breakdown, it convinced him that everyone was poisoned and that he was the only one that could save them
• schizophrenic, has hurt himself before because voices convinced him to do so
• shy and selectively mute
• other postal dudes treat him like a kid because of his age (postal 4 dude is his parental figure)
• asshole dad who was never around
• smokes like a chimney, anytime anyone sees him he always seems to have a cigarette in his hand
• great with kids, thats why he couldnt bring himself to hurt them
• the funeral ending was a hallucination (ik thats redux but they are practically the same leave me alone)
• the most traumatised postal dude
• would probs be a mitski stan
• autistic, bites the other postal dudes
• loves cats
• bisexual and in denial (has a fat crush on every single member of nin)
• just starts screaming randomly, but not in a funny way like a genuine terror way
• stares at people with his autism eyes
• wears his sunglasses everywhere
• lives off cheese and vodka (hes like an alcoholic mouse)
• absolutely loves horror movies, gets postal 4 dude to watch them with him
• scared of corkscrew, but corkscrew really likes him and feels the need to protect him
• suffered from anorexia at a young age, sometimes has days where he literally cant eat anything without crying
• people pleaser, changes his entire personality to make people happy
• loves wool sweaters, practically lives in them
• always cold
• drinks to forget
• gets randomly angry for no apparent reason, will start punching the shit out of people and screaming
• against the big light prefers lamps
• will just sit in the corner and listen while people talk
• loves pepperoni pizza
• still has braces
• probably loves hello kitty but will never admit it
• shoplifts literally anytime he goes into a store, steals things for other postal dudes
• would violently sob to real men by mitski
• bullys postal 4 dudes music but actually likes it (can you tell i love the idea of them being friends?)
i added more because ive got so many headcanons for this emo loser <3
• really picky with what he can eat, will spit anything out he doesnt like
• his family where heavily religious, thats why he wears a cross
• can fall asleep literally anywhere
• defos a stoner
• practically lived at korn concerts
• likes hugs but also despises being touched
• corkscrew carries him about everywhere, gives him piggybacks all the time
• either completely stone cold or really giggly and happy, there is no in between
• uses :⁠-⁠) :⁠-⁠P :⁠-⁠O :⁠-⁠( when texting
• probably likes cannibal corpse
• chop suey! by system of a down is his anthem
• spins around in circles to stim, postal 2 guy joins in because funni
• steals peoples jackets
• would be absolutely cracked at hatsune miku project diva
• has a hyperfixation on music and plays bass
• i think he would be really soft spoken most the time
• when hes drunk hes absolutely mayhem, runs around and throws cushions at people
• tried to give himself a stick and poke and got mad when it didnt look good
• if postal 1 was set in the early 2000s i think hed be an emo
• goes nonverbal often, hardly ever speaks
• claustrophobic, will start crying if he feels trapped
• hates parades (unless its a pride one #ally)
• (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠) stares at people like this
• tooth gap<3333
• hates wearing bandages around his arms because theyre itchy and uncomfortable
• probably had an entire bag of bandaids on standby
• ik he canonically has sorta short hair but i like to think its really long
• wanted a mohawk
• wears eyeliner but will deny it even though its so obvious
• he did have a girlfriend at one point but she left him because he was strange (autism making him bitchless💀)
• ik this makes no sense but i think it would be funny af if he was scottish, like all the other postal dudes expect him to sound like them but then he starts speaking in the heaviest scottish accent imaginable (and before you say im only saying that because hes ginger im scottish so im actually projecting get it right)
• gave himself so many piercings but half of them closed up
• likes flavoured tea, his fav is peppermint
• would probably have a crush on tyler durden
• not really a hc but imagine him falling asleep on the sofa and postal 4 dude covering him with a nice fluffy blanket and giving him a little kiss on the forehead like dads in movies 😭😭😭
• wanted to be a musician growing up
• would watch the entire saw franchise in one sitting
• postal 4 dude always checks his arms and makes sure hes eaten, but he doesnt get upset with him if he does relapse or doesnt eat because he knows hes trying
• everyone tells him all their drama because they know he wont tell anyone (he knows everything)
• no one is willing to argue with him because he will either start crying or attack them
• probably bipolar
• signed postal 2 guys petition
• probably rabid/j
• really good at art
• scared of seagulls
• hes really lanky and tall
• (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) default facial expression
• red is his favourite colour
• hes an anti-shaggin moment/ref
• will just lay on top of people with absolutely no care whatsoever
• really bad at helping others, hed probably awkwardly giggle at someone crying
• he likes stuffed animals, has a whole collection of them because he was never allowed them when he was a kid
• if you asked him his pronouns hed probably bite you (he doesnt understand)
• if demon ever got a physical form all the dudes (excluding 1) would team up and beat its ass
• demon still appears sometimes and even tells 1 what to do, but he does his best not to listen
• one time postal 3 dude was just going downstairs to get some water and found 1 on the floor sobbing, hed had an episode and sliced his arm pretty bad, 3 did his best to help and swore he wouldnt tell 4 but he found out anyways
• hates chocolate cake with every fibre of his being
• paints his nails all the time, comes downstairs every day with a new colour
• one of the dudes got him a copy of pretty hate machine on cd for christmas and it was his most favourite thing for months
• loves little insects, willingly picks them up
• collects so much random shit its insane
i got more
• can never sit in pure silence because there always seems to be noise, but really its all in his head (this is based on some of the tracks from the redux soundtrack as obviously some of them are just unintelligible noise)
• picks at his skin alot
• used to skip school alot, but always did well in tests and exams
• cant swim
• actually really loved school
• salt and vinegar crisps man
• actually tried to quit smoking but failed horribly
• uses internet slang and postal 4 guy has absolutely no fucking clue what hes on about
thats all i got
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lottieratworld · 1 year
hey since pride month is starting, i want to make it very clear i do not condone people who discourse or start arguments over labels and identities they dont understand. its none of your business if someone calls themself, for example, a bi lesbian. the least you can do, beyond being supportive of your queer peers, is keep your hate to yourself, because theres more important shit to worry about. if you come up to me personally to tell me to block someone for supporting bi/pan lesbians, transmasc lesbians, neopronouns or genders, asexuals, bisexuals, etc, then idk what to tell you, im probably gonna block you instead. the last thing i need to see is people trying to divide the community over harmless shit just because theyre unwilling to accept or understand the lgbt community, ok? thanks.
and no im not interested in debating this. i hate the discourse, im not getting involved, i didnt join tumblr to fight, dont bother me about this. accept others or leave me alone. i hope you can all understand this even if you disagree with my stance.
have a happy pride, everyone
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im getting bisexual posts pushed onto my tt timeline bc theyre reviving 10+ year old online discourse again and this is all of “queer tiktok” right now not to say that anyone isn’t #valid but theres something extremely sinister to me about shit like this anyway so yasss so gigglee happy pride month!!
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beetroot-merchant · 1 year
Top 5 biology facts you think are cool
4. there are amino acids in METEORS in SPACE
3. 100% of bonobos (our closest relatives along with chimps) are bisexual, and 60% of bonobo sex is wlw! happy pride
2. the mitochondria was actually originally a whole seperate ass organism that an animal cell Consumed but didnt Digest one day a bajillion years ago and so they entered this symbiotic relationship where the animal cell protected the mitochondria and it pumped out ridiculous amounts of ATP (energy) in exchange. this is why mitochondria have their own seperate mitochondrial DNA (mDNA) within themselves completely divorced from the actual DNA in the nucleus in eukaryotes (including us!!) today, and why mitochondria reproduce within the cell completely independently from the cell itself. theyre the powerhouse they can do whatever the fuck they want, what are you gonna do, stop them? idiot
related bonus fact: everyone gets their mDNA from the female parent, and all human mDNA can be traced back to a common ancestor, so-called Mitochondrial Eve, who was alive between 100k-200k years ago
you are related to everything on earth that has lived, is living, or will ever lived. not an obscure fact by any means but so, SO humbling and insane to realize the rammifications of... i could and HAVE written paragraphs of rambles on how cool all of it is. you and every blade of grass and every blue whale and every stegosaurus and every single bacterium in your guts right now helping you digest stuff are all family! blood related! how awesome is that ?!?!?!?
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getlesbod · 1 year
looking at mammon and thinking mammons everything but bisexual is insane... happy pride to the silly pixelated demons and angels and reapers in my phone theyre all silly bisexual and nonbinary. so real of them
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isabelguerra · 2 years
sexuality hcs for the main cast? :D
NO idea what brought this on but yeah sure! unless stated otherwise my work usually writes everyone bi by default, even if they haven’t realized it yet, but it can be really fun to play with different interpretations too. honestly its not something i think about often or keep too rigid, sometimes it depends on what kind of story im writing and what messages i want to convey. but sometimes we stay silly
- isabel max johnny violet are bi
- isaac dimitri stephen are gay
- ollie tends to flip between ‘future bear’ and ‘token straight friend’ it usually depends which is funnier in context
- lisa and suzy being lesbians has always been a constant in my brain
- if im feeling REALLY indulgent ill spice max up with some lesbianism. hit him with the dyke beam
- ed usually isnt cis to me so whatever goes on there tends to switch up a lot. i dont try to name it i just focus on feeling it. when ed IS cis i think him being the token straight friend is pretty funny. like hes the really enthusiastic type but means well.
- RJ is similar to ed. sometimes i like them as a lesbian. sometimes i like them not interested in anyone. sometimes i like shipping them w ed. sometimes other ppl. theyre a really fun character to write actually
- jeff is gay but he doesn’t realize for a long long time. where everyone else is a bit more comfortable with themselves hes still got a lot of low self esteem and internalized stuff going on, not in a constantly sad way but like he’ll be the type to think ‘man i wish *I* could marry my best friend! too bad im straight haha’ or like when theyre teens he kisses cody and has a crisis over liking it before thinking ‘wait! what am i worrying about! codys gay, yeah, so maybe it meant something to him, but im not gay so that means i dont have anything to worry about. i should focus on supporting my good friend. its totally cool if he kisses me because im straight so its like a pass!’ he is wrong and he is gay
- whenever i write izjo its always bi. if anything their bisexuality makes a bigger spectacle out of how they like an opposing gender rather than liking their own which i always get a huge kick out of bc its as if i got so accustomed to being around gay people irl and online that sga became the norm and i had to remind myself that mf couples exist and its an option and its okay. there are a couple works ive never posted where this is actually like THE central theme
- i joke bc i like making fun of izjo but from testimonies/talks/essays ive heard/watched/read this is actually a very common experience among bi ppl
- like when ur young and just learning how to exist and be confident as an lgbt person and taking such wild pride and comfort in your sga that u forget your oga. maybe even feel a little weird about it. confusion and nervousness. dare i say shame.
- im flipping the script…… of COURSE youre gay what are you TALKING about… what youre going to feel confused repressed nervous and weirdly guilty over is liking a BOY. or like yes son we know you like boys we live in mayview. but youve never liked a girl before and you dont know how to and it terrifies you. and then sometimes it has absolutely no significance at all and it’s just normal. again it depends on the themes and what i want to get out of my brain. that post thats like ‘no gay pairing written by a straight person will ever be as unhinged as a straight pairing written by a gay person’ etc. is it bc i want to write a casual+ comfortable gay existence bc ive seen so many bad u happy ones? is it bc i enjoy exploring societal dynamics by reframing them in the perceived norm? is it yuri? is it yuri.
- i just reread the phrase ‘youve never liked a girl before and you dont know how to and it terrifies you’ and im thinking i made it yuri. is johnny my puppet. have i been using johnny as a puppet this whole time to work out my feelings towards liking women. izjo is bi because i write johnny like a gay girl who just happens to just be a boy.
- i got distracted anyway spender is meterosexual
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lavendergalactic · 3 months
pride week submissions (i got lazy to do all the prompts)
um day one might be eyestrainy to you 😭
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day 1 : a character you headcanon to have the same sexuality as you
honestly idk how to explain why but yk march 7th seems bisexual or sapphic in some sort of way
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day 2: an implied/canon trans character
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day 4: favorite queer ship
I thought about you and locket while making this graphic lol
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day 6: a character that is just so insanely queer
i asked my friend for this one like I couldn't think of anyone (this graphic is so odd but oh well... im never going to use this graphic)
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day 7: a popular queer ship you like
idk why but I think theyre cute together if its platonic or not
p.s. first event I managed to not give up on 💪
hope I'm not too late tumblr wasn't cooperating yesterday
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posting these so i dont loose them!!! i love these sm i might make a thing with the cherry crush graphic bc theyre literally me and locket guys
so happy u thought of us while making that one 🔥
thank you for participating in my event!
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