#happy paul bunyan day!
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eregyrn-falls-art · 2 years ago
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Not sure what the Pines were looking for on their hike, but running across a couple of legends is a nice bonus!
Aside from the iconic statue in the town of Gravity Falls, and the OTHER iconic statue at Mystery Mountain, I was always intrigued by the little side about Stan invoking Paul Bunyan in his hour of need. (And really, given how they defeat Darlene, ol' Paul came through in the end. In a manner of speaking!)
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panlight · 11 months ago
I love to think that there are great, exaggerated family legends about Uncle Emmett in the McCarty family. That they're like oh yeah he went out hunting one day and never came back, but his brothers went looking for him and found some ripped clothing next to the carcass of the biggest bear they'd ever seen. A monster. He fought that thing to the death! The bear might have gotten him, but the bear died too. It was a draw, so it means he never lost a fight. He was badass. And 7ft tall. Built of solid muscle. All the girls loved him. He was your great-grandma's favorite. etc, etc.
One year Rosalie and Emmett show up at a McCarty family reunion. There are so many cousins and aunts and uncles no one really questions it, and they're listening to these stories and Emmett's just loving every second of it; they remember him and he's become this family legend, a tall tale, their very own Paul Bunyan or whatever
Meanwhile Rosalie is muttering in the back, "I'm happy for Emmett and all, but I killed that bear."
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darkseed-two · 4 days ago
👉👈 I hope my Extensive Ask Resume isn't getting annoying btw. Suffering the curse of being the only other person Here.
I'm chipping at my story and bc it is on the mind. How to you See the relationship Mike and Jack have. Like in general but also ideally in your soul…??? If that makes sense.
do not apologize for your questions my liege i look forward to them whenever i log into this evil villains lair of a website. also upcoming spoilers for the film vanilla sky...if you havent seen it. i recommend. but only if your tear ducts can handle the floodgates andalso if your eyes and ears do not tire of looking at and hearing tom cruise for an extended period of time. also i havent actually watched that film since i was like 8 so my perceptions of it may have skewed but its stuck to me HEAVY after all these years
also I feel at this point in time we need to establish some sort of shorthand for when discussing something in the context of either of the two main theories (ancients are real vs its all in mikes head) so im just gonna start saying Ancient Truther Canon (ATC) and Ancient Denier Canon (ADC) as of now on
I know exactly what you're sayin!!! Honestly, with either canon, I feel Jack at LEAST holds an itsy bitsy affinity for Mike considering hes his normal world counterpart / alter, & like, is the easiest target ever on planet earth to manipulate/bully. so Mike's tissue paper brain is endearing to Jack in the way that its like "Awww. Look at this organic! hes so soft, malleable, and would die instantly in a fight against me. I'll guess let him think im his friend while I fuck over his stupid baka life behind his back. as a treat❤️" but then as time goes on he grows slightly more attached to him. only slightly though.
ADC wise I absolutely do wholeheartedly believe that the ds2 devs/writers intended for jack to be some sort of offbrand arthur fonzarelli fictive as mike most likely experienced his childhood in the seatbelt-less 70s. (Also, completely off topic, this is partially why I feel like if ADC was fully canon then mike HAS to be like some sort of brain in a jar like in the film Vanilla Sky. Because im my Mind I wholeheartedly believe that Slim would also be one of Mike's alters as he feels like an offbrand fictive of Slim Goodbody (popular childrens 70s programme) to me. They even kinda speak the same. However other normal world people know of Slim's existence so it makes me think that EVERYTHING everything is in his mind. It would make sense as to why everyone is so fucking weird and nonsensical, especially the more time goes on. this scene from vanilla sky visualizes this idea) Fonzie feels like a suave slightly egotistical role model/mythological paul-bunyan-type authority figure to me so of course im projecting that onto mike in this scenario. fonzie in happy days is notorious for being able to ride his motorcycle literally fucking anywhere at all + can physically/emotionally manipulate people & also the laws of physics at the snap of his fingers. so it would only make sense that Jack would be like, this supportive cool suave hip guy motorcycle friend who ultimately turns out to be the shapeshifter. Theres also a vague joke of him doing something bad to the jukebox at hanks diner which HAS to be a reference to happy days. I could also argue that Hank is a nod to Al Delvecchio but Hank feels like just a generic old mom&pop burger joint guy to me. anyways getting back on topic. if my mentally ill senses are correct then I guarantee you that mike pretended that the happy days gang were his friends back in HS. Aint no way that boy played pool with the cool kids. hes a damn liar. aint nobody friends with the weird little nerd who fences and stares at people. stuart little ass extracurricular activity. also saying this now: sorry for getting offtopic again but i personally diagnose mike with inappropriately staring at people unintentionally due to 1) the waiting mechanic in ds1 B) everything that went down in ds2. and 3) i also had this problem as a mentally deranged child where i would just like stare the fuck off into space while thinking about something else when walking from class to class & people would wrongly assume that i was staring at them sexually when its like Bitch. Im thinking about crocs right now while staring downward so i dont trip over something. im not fucking looking at your punani. what the fuck do you want me to do?? close my eyes while walking?? and this caused many a friendless day. so now this is mikes problem Sorry. also this is probably why hes in advertising man needs to be in a cubicle away from people unless theyre corporate weirdos who are just as mentally unstable as he is
anyways back on topic i feel these are main sources of why he had little to no friends as a child + the death of his father shattering like any semblance of confidence he mightve had (although i cant remember atm at what point in mikes life that he died, if its even mentioned at all) so of course later in life mike would develop a fully fledged fonzie fictive (say that 5 times fast) when in his most vulnerable moments & is in dire need of a supportive role model who would beat the shit out of somebody if they tried to hurt him. in this case, jack would take over the front of mike's headspace and act as a guardian in stressful situations like with the jimmy gardner encounter. of course this set up enables mike to exert all his pent up bottled rage (of unresolved childhood trauma & recent traumas of being brutally raped) through jack which ultimately results in many deaths. so tl;dr their relationship ADC wise to me is that jack is the cool guardian/role model/friend that he always longed for, and since mike's self esteem is at an all time low in ds2 I imagine that jack's betrayal stems from that; nobody treats him with geniune respect and gentle care, not his mom, not rita, not hank, nobody. so in his mind at this late in the game, it would probably be like, "why would a cool guy like jack love a pathetic whelp like me? theres no way thats geniune, this has to be a pity friendship." although it still does catch him off guard when jack betrays him because deep down inside mike there was still a (dark)seed of hope that at the very LEAST he was worth SOMETHING to jack, especially after defeating the ancients again. im pretty sure with ADC the whole being stabbed in the back thing is purely symbolism and in "reality" he probably killed himself immediately when sims gave him an incredibly upsetting "reality check" (which. yet again. reminds me of vanilla sky)
for ATC (completely ignoring the fact ds1 and ds2 kinda fucked up consistency wise) I do like that one idea i mentioned before of jack being like, underdeveloped physically/mentally back in ds1 (whether his DW counterpart is supposed to be the mirror gloopy or the vagina-shaped drekketh guard is up in the air to me and honestly both could apply here anyway as mirror gloopy very easily could be a budding shapeshifter and the drekketh guard could cocoon/hatch into something else) and growing more mature/competent as mikes mind decays is so epic and awesome to me. in this way he is not unlike a homunculus. not seeing mike as a father here but seeing jack as a fucked up spiritually attached twin-like parasite that sucks all the life energy out of him slowly and surely the more mike spirals downward.
the ancients probably werent too happy about mike fucking up their shit so they went out of their way to snatch up and force his dw counterpart into being like the perfect little fonzie friend for him and since mike is special girl #1 jack of course would have special plot armor that allows him to travel into the normal world without instantly dying. i feel like jack having this power has to be directly attributed to the parasite thing because no other dark worlder can do this. I also reckon that it really did not take the ancients very long to come back because in the necronomicon in ds2 theres apparently a photo of mike and also a photo of his house from ds1 in it and its like. only jack wouldve been able to get a photo of the normal world so??? huh??? what??? huh??? how did this happen dinesh. also im pretty sure this book is made on behalf of regular dark worlders and not the ancients so that specific thing is confusing to me, maybe jack was normal for 0.2 seconds before being indoctrinated by the ancients? anyways was jack actively stalking mike on behalf of the ancients/or DW'ers the whole time he was popping in and out of mental wards?? was he secretly shapeshifting into orderlies just to get more information out of him in order to befriend him more easily later? maybe he even mentally tortured him in the wards for fun. who knows. also in relation to this I really love how its established that DW'ers have a whole cenobite thing going on and find pain to be pleasurable soooooo... just uh. leaving that little tid bit here. also i am deathly afraid that im just pulling this out of my ass but i swear there was something somewhere i read where DW counterparts know & are fully aware of their normal world counterparts, so maybe jack passively absorbs Mike Lore into his biomechanical brain over time without having to go out and gather it himself. although I do really like the idea of jack secretly stalking his every move. jack in this time would probably start to feel pitiful for mike knowing full well that hes going to absolutely destroy mikes life behind his back. and when jack finally settles down and actually befriends mike firsthand, hes not too emotionally attached to him at first and is just playing the part he was given. when mike defeats the ancients, jack probably isnt too happy about failing the one fucking thing he was assigned/groomed to do by his ancient evil alien dictator "parents" (save them from mike) but at the same time he has grown an affinity for mike the same way a mother grows an affinity for her incredibly ugly baby so he at least tries to comfort him by telling him none of it was real all along (like tryingto be like ohh no worries. all fake. you can die now. no more problems to take care of). which of course is very very far from being comforting but this is also a serial killer biomechanoid were talking about so hes trying his best . okay. ! he also kinda does give mike an out when he offers mike to try and stab him. mike didnt HAVE to attempt it. but I feel like jack mightve just killed him anyway out of spite.
also id like to clarify my use of the word "groomed" up there, in my mind with the ATC scenario i feel like if mike sling-shotted those fascist alien bitches back into the tar pit they came from permanently in ds1, jack would NOT have gone through and done all that bullshit. all of the DW'ers wouldve been free from the reign of the ancients so there would be no reason for jack to actively stalk and manipulate mike. maybe he would simply be a photographer for the necronomicon and nothing else if he still happened to have plot armor to travel into the normal world. with the ancients coming back in ds2 i feel like they picked out mikes DW counterpart on purpose to manipulate and train him into being not only a class traitor for other DW'ers, but also turning him into their groveling fetchquest bitch who does anything they say. they also are said to have rewarded him for his treacherous behaviors against his own kind and if thats not manipulative in this scenario then i dont know what is
With all of this out of the way, I feel like in my perfect little sunshine and rainbow unicorn world where no one dies and jack goes out of his way just to chill with mike for some reason, I would want jack and mikes relationship to be similar to whatever the fuck richie and fonzie had going on in happy days which i will attempt to but really cannot properly describe with words. so. heres this i guess first of all. secondly jack would be like this tough cool suave guy that is mikes bff & jack would be like all macho man and try to toughen mike's pansy ass up & theyd both be like haha no homo bro. but then they both go home and touch themselves at night while thinking about the other. until it inevitably culminates in one impulse driven night of ravenous but awkward sex between the two that makes the whole vibe weird from both mikes internalized homophobia and jacks suave laid-back persona being completely shattered. until eventually to break the tension jack says fuck it and starts referring to him as his bf and then it goes from there. also jack since hes a DW'er he'd absolutely would have intensely violent kinks/fetishes/fantasies which he would have to subdue the urges of purely for mike's safety but it would eventually wear down on him keeping that all in so. hmmmm 🤔☕️ incheresting. not too sure how he would go about letting that all out <- im lying im fully full of ideas so full yum
also sorry if some of this doesnt make sense im answering this at 3 am as per usual
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purplbear · 11 months ago
road trip slide show!
It’s not the destination, but the journey” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Road-trip to view the 2024 total Solar Eclipse in Missouri, USA was packed with experiences (only 3 minutes of which was viewing the total eclipse). See/read the slide show under the cut!
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Our journey started on Saturday and we expected to spend at least 5-6 hours in the car each day (it is 12 hours drive time to our eclipse viewing location in Missouri). Actual time spent on road each day was around 9 🤣 - so our greatest effort on the math figuring out how long our days would be. Ufda, getting to your Airbnb at 9pm each day is exhausting.
There are three humans and one animal on this trip, myself, husband, friend, and friend’s dog.
First event we experienced: the Mississippi River!
Now this needs some background - I live 3 minute drive away from the Mississippi in Minnesota. Could walk to it if I wanted. I’ve been to the headwaters in Itasca, MN and the delta in Louisiana. I cross this river almost daily for the grocery store or to see family … it’s like a big part of life where I live.
We arrived in Guttenberg, IA to Lock and Dam #10 and I’m like - ooh big river! Hey guys, which River is this?
Yeah, the big River here in this part of the United States is …. The Mississippi River. 🤦
Laughs all around - we enjoyed a short walk near the lock and dam, enjoyed all the fun street names, found a bathroom, and got back on the road.
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By the way - one of our road trip companions was very cute and a very good puppers for the entire trip. Just amazing!
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So day two - husbeast (husband) loudly stated a desire for a roadside attraction during today’s driving. The world’s biggest something, or weirdest whatever …. Something cool. Our friend did some kick butt research and found …. American Giants museum in Atlanta, Illinois. A mere 15 minutes off the hwy; and we were incredibly fortunate cause it was the first weekend they were open on Sundays too!
Upon entering the main downtown area we were greeted by: Paul Bunyon (hot dog man)
And our Minnesota hearts were so happy to see this large giant friend who is also a Paul Bunyan - but different name spelling cause of copyright issues 🤣🤣🤣 (or so the sign stated).
The dog was NOT a fan of hot dog Paul Bunyon man, but we were!
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And the museum - y’all it was top notch! A single room, but like, FABULOUS write ups for the history of the Big Friends fiberglass works. Just awesome. The volunteers - also top notch. So friendly and happy to chat.
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And if you’re anywhere near there, Memorial Day weekend they are getting one of the last remaining 6 Texaco giants!
Back on the road and onto our next stop which was ….St. Louis and the Gateway Arch.
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And guess what! We saw a BIG RIVER! Hey guys, which River is this ….. it’s the Mississippi, still. 🤣🤣
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Back on the road to Union, MO to rest up for ECLIPSE DAY!
Many many many friends and family informed us that the traffic TO the eclipse would be pretty good … but leaving the eclipse location would double or triple driving time. WORTH IT!
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Many people have written about viewing an eclipse, how it’s an amazing experience. The highlights for me?
When the sun is totally eclipsed you are able to see SUNSET colors at the horizon EVERYWHERE - which is just like …. I love clouds and sunsets and that was AWESOME
Again, totally eclipsed you can see STARS (maybe it’s a planet?) - like the brightest starts are visible!
as the sun returns, the sky opposite the sun looks like twilight, while the light illuminating your front is like day. It’s wild.
total drive time on eclipse day:
1.5 hours from Airbnb to eclipse viewing spot
4 hours to travel same distance away from eclipse
Oh, and side note, traveling to our overnight after the eclipse, we crossed the Mississippi again. “Hey guys, what big river is this?” 🤣
The eclipse was a real highlight of the trip. But not the only highlight.
On the final day of travel, our picnic lunch location took us to a small town in Iowa. As we turn off the highway we see “Welcome to Riverside, IA” and immediately husbeast is exclaiming …
“We’re going to the future birthplace of CAPTAIN KIRK!” We’re huge Star Trek fans in this house - and we met the friend traveling with us thru a Star Trek podcast group many years ago. She’s been to Trekfest in Riverside before, and highly recommends attending. It’s a sweet gathering of wonderful Star treky people … and the few locals we spoke to in Riverside were very friendly!
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Fabulous trip. on final count, we crossed the Mississippi 4 times, and I asked which River it was only 3 times. Go me.
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It wasn’t just about the destination, but the journey along the way.
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westadventure24 · 6 months ago
Day 12 - Tall Tales
Monday found us leaving the comfort of the Minneapolis hotel and piling back into Ruby to embark on what would be a long day of driving ending with our last overnight camp out.
We made our way across Minnesota and into Wisconsin. First and only major stop of the day was in the Wisconsin Dells. We stopped for a delicious all-you-can-eat family style breakfast for lunch (because that was the only option) at The Paul Bunyan Cook Shanty. Beautiful place that had been serving the Dells for over 60 years. The shanty was made of old, solid, pine stained logs and decorated as you would expect with tables made to fit families larger than ours. Our lunch breakfast started with an appetizer of warm homemade donuts, exactly like the ones we used to make in the donut wagon, except these were full size not minis. Yummy!!! The waiter then brought out our main course of fresh buttermilk pancakes, fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy fried potatoes, warm gravy with homemade biscuits, and a plate of ham and sausage links. I knew that I was not a fan of sausage, but evidently neither is anyone in my family! Tons of food, but together we did manage to eat most all of it and head out the door as this establishment of folk tale legend closed the door behind us for the day.
After filling our bellies, we drove into the downtown area in hopes to see some of the beautiful river valley. We took a very short stroll along the very well kept River Walk to get a small glimpse of the beautiful natural rock walls on both sides of the river. However, to fully appreciate it, I am guessing a boat tour, would be the best option, but not on our agenda for the day.
We were shocked to find this area of the Dells to be very commercialized with boat tours, water parks, souvenir shops, candy shops, restaurants and bars. Not what we were expecting, but we got some fudge as I promised Lew I would. I am hopeful that it will satisfy Arlene’s sweet tooth. 😊
None of us had ever been to Wisconsin and I think it was different than expected. The landscape reminded us much of home. At the current time, very dry and dusty!
We loaded Lily and the folks back into the RV and headed for Utica, Illinois where we stayed at Starving Rock State Park for our last night away. We had a nice relaxing evening by the fire, while Todd set up his phone for he and Dad to watch some Monday Night football and enjoy his grilled cheese sandwich. Dad spent his last night as a happy camper! Now, that might just be a TALL Tale….I will let you decide. 😳
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writer-and-artist27 · 2 years ago
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[Image Description: Four screenshots from Fate/Grand Order showing in order, (1) the Bond Level Up screen for Assassin Mata Hari, where her Bond Level has gone up from 9 to 10; (2) the “Craft Essence Extracted” screen that shows Mata Hari’s Max Bond Craft Essence of “Worthless Jewel”; (3) a screenshot of Mata Hari’s Servant card, with emphasis on all 10 of her bond diamonds in the level screen being filled and about to be enhanced to Bond 11; and (4) a “Bond Level Limit Released” screen that shows Mata Hari’s Bond Level limit being broken to reach Level 11. End Description.]
It's been a while since my last bond achievement (and this one happened on July 18, darn work fatigue), and to make a milestone like this with one of my first Servants after the tutorial (I checked, I summoned Mata Hari a week after starting the game), it feels more meaningful.
So, with yet another song in mind, here's a story for one of my first Assassins. Thankie, Margaretha.
Mata Hari already knew she didn't have much compared to the other Servants in her class. Even for an Assassin, the distinct lack of Presence Concealment as a skill was one of many things that made her not even close to a good fighter, so why wouldn't she give up on her wish for the Holy Grail?
She never was able to achieve a happy family life when she was alive. Trying again as a Servant felt like a faraway pipe dream at best.
But when looking into the teary, star-filled eyes of the girl named Vy Duong, she started to reconsider.
Maybe it was the first few days Vy had come to Mata Hari in the middle of the night, scared from the occasional nightmare and wanting to talk about makeup and jewelry experience to fall back asleep. Maybe it was those moments in the early morning soon after, when Mata Hari would find the girl sleepy with unbrushed hair; how the simple act of easing tangles out of those brown strands started to become a comfort to her too. Or perhaps it was when Chaldea had tried to save Paul Bunyan, and even when facing that other Mata Hari, Vy had hugged her so much harder since. Or even in Salem, when Vy asked her oddly-timed questions and even cried over her faked death because Mata Hari meant something to her.
It felt like a glimmer of hope in the first time in forever.
It's why Mata Hari couldn't find herself doing anything but smiling shakily once a rainbow flame is being offered her way in the Enhancement Center of Novum Chaldea, the mana warm and soft just like the girl who summoned her. She should've known it was coming, but seeing it was different from imagining it.
"...You... you really are serious about this, hun?"
Even when a little taller, a little tougher, Vy's smile didn't change from their first meeting — appearing bright and happy as she held the Bond Chalice up to Mata Hari's eye level. "Aye. You've been with me for almost forever, Margaretha," was the warm response back, the words seemingly making the rainbow flame glow even brighter between them. "And I'd like you to stay with me. You're one of my honorary big sisters and I love you, Margaretha. Even if," a self-deprecating giggle left her lips, "I'm kinda out of Holy Grails right now to give to you at the moment, you're still on the top of the gifting list once we restock. Because it's you and I wanna thank you."
The jewels in Mata Hari's arms felt like nothing once the words registered in the back of her mind, and looking into those star-filled brown eyes had her own start to itch. "Honey..."
"Aye." Even when her own arms started to shake, Vy carefully put the Bond Chalice on one of the nearby tables to reach over and take Mata Hari's hands in hers to squeeze. "I hope it's not too much...? Because you really have helped me a lot, Margaretha. I feel like I couldn't have gotten through everything without you, so I couldn't help but love you. And I love you very very much."
It takes Mata Hari a moment to realize the worthless jewels in her arms are falling to the ground with loud clink clink noises akin to rain, her vision blurring as she tugged on her Master's hands. Because why would she need them now? Vy merely giggles once she's tucked into a hug, her nose resting against Mata Hari's neck in a clear sign of trust as the first sob leaves Magaretha's lips.
This is what I always wanted.
"I... I love you too, Vy. Honey. I love you too. Very very much."
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paulsmarj · 3 months ago
Thanksgiving Preparations and Things to Do Near Bangor, Maine Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to gather with loved ones, reflect on our blessings, and enjoy the magic of Maine's crisp autumn season. Whether you're hosting Thanksgiving in Bangor or visiting the area, preparation and planning can make the holiday more enjoyable and stress-free. Here's a guide to help you get ready and explore Bangor's unique offerings this Thanksgiving season. Thanksgiving Preparations 1. Plan Your Menu Early Maine offers some incredible local ingredients, such as fresh cranberries, locally-sourced turkey, and plenty of farm-to-table produce. Start by drafting a menu a couple of weeks ahead. Consider classic dishes like pumpkin pie and stuffing but try to incorporate Maine flavors like maple syrup glazes or wild blueberry desserts. 2. Shop Smart Bangor’s farmer’s markets, like the European Farmers' Market or local co-ops, are great spots to find fresh and seasonal produce. Be sure to shop early for popular items like turkey or specialty baking goods to avoid last-minute rushes. 3. Prep Ahead of Time Thanksgiving morning can be hectic. To ease the stress: Chop vegetables, make pie crusts, or prepare casseroles a day or two ahead. Consider roasting your turkey spatchcocked or brined for faster and flavorful cooking. 4. Set the Scene Decorating your home can be simple and affordable. Create a rustic Maine-themed table setting with pinecones, autumn leaves, and plaid runners. Use candles to add warmth and ambiance. 5. Consider Dietary Needs Ask guests about dietary restrictions in advance and include vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free options in your menu. Bangor's natural food stores like Natural Living Center have plenty of specialty items to cater to various needs. Things to Do Near Bangor Over Thanksgiving Weekend After feasting, head out to enjoy the festive spirit and natural beauty around Bangor. 1. Take a Walk in Acadia National Park Just over an hour's drive from Bangor, Acadia National Park offers stunning coastal views and peaceful hiking trails. Late November showcases bare landscapes with incredible, crisp air—perfect for a post-Thanksgiving hike. 2. Visit the Bangor Waterfront The Bangor Waterfront is ideal for a leisurely stroll, with its scenic views of the Penobscot River. Bundle up and enjoy the peace and quiet of this charming riverside area. 3. Explore the Paul Bunyan Statue Don’t miss the iconic Paul Bunyan statue, Bangor’s quirky claim to fame. It’s a fun stop for a family photo and a touch of local charm. 4. Check Out Holiday Light Displays Thanksgiving often marks the beginning of holiday festivities. Visit the Festival of Lights Parade in downtown Bangor, which typically features floats, music, and lots of holiday cheer. 5. Support Local Businesses on Small Business Saturday After Thanksgiving, head downtown to support local shops and boutiques. Bangor’s vibrant community of small businesses offers everything from handcrafted goods to Maine-themed souvenirs. 6. Tour the Stephen King Landmarks For fans of the famed author, Bangor is a treasure trove of Stephen King landmarks, from the wrought-iron gates of his former home to locations featured in his books. Make the Most of Thanksgiving in Bangor Thanksgiving is about slowing down, savoring good food, and spending quality time with loved ones. By planning ahead and incorporating some local Bangor flavor into your holiday, you can make this Thanksgiving unforgettable. And don’t forget to step out and explore the unique sights and activities this charming Maine city has to offer. Happy Thanksgiving!
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brookston · 8 months ago
Holidays 6.28
Arbor Day (Nicaragua)
Army Day (Guatemala)
Blue Cornflower Day
Caroilina Day
Christopher Street Day
Clara Maass Day
Climate-Smart Skin Awareness Day
Day of Soviet Occupation and Commemoration of the Victims of the Communist Totalitarian Regime (Moldova)
Dog Show Day
Eugenia Asteroid Day
Experiment 628 Day
Family Day (Vietnam)
Festival of Terrible Poetry
Freedom of the Press Day
Go Barefoot Around the House Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Go See Some Live Theater Tonight
Happy Heart Hugs Day
Insurance Awareness Day
International Body Piercing Day
International Lightning Safety Day
International Neonatal Screening Day
International Parrothead Day
International PKU Day
International TCK Day
LGBT+ Pride Day (Dia do Orgulho LGBTI; Brazil)
Long Letter Day
Mel Brooks Day
Mother’s Day (Kenya)
National Alaska Day
National Climate-Smart Skin Awareness Day
National Grant Day
National Insurance Awareness Day
National Lauren Day
National Logistics Day
National Rottweiler Day
National Unity Day (Tajikistan)
Operation Red Wings Observance Day
Paul Bunyan Day
Pennsylvania Dutch Day (a.k.a. Pennsylvania German Day)
Perfect Number Day
Potemkin Mutiny Anniversary Day
Poznań Remembrance Day (Poland)
Right to Food Day (UK)
Second Amendment Day (Oklahoma)
Sickle Day (French Republic)
Soviet Occupation Day (Moldova)
Stonewall Uprising Anniversary Day
St. Vitus Day (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Tau Day
Vidovdan (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia)
World Day of the Tree
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cassava Day
National Ceviche Day (Peru)
National Tapioca Day
Independence & Related Days
Central Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Constitution Day (Ukraine)
New Year’s Days
Matariki (Maori New Year; New Zealand)
4th & Last Friday in June
Bank Holiday (Guatemala) [Last Friday]
Drive Your Corvette to Work Day [Friday closest to 6.30]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
Heidi Festival (New Glarus, Wisconsin) [Last Friday Weekend]
International Rosé Day (France) [4th Friday]
Kaposia Days begin (St. Paul, Minnesota) [Last Friday through Sunday]
National Cream Tea Day [Last Friday]
National Employability Day (UK) [Last Friday]
National EO Day (UK) [Last Friday]
National Food Truck Day (a.k.a. Eat at a Food Truck Day) [Last Friday]
National Parma Violets Day [4th Friday]
National SAFER Workplace Day [Last Friday]
Red Nose Day (Australia) [Last Friday]
Vincy Mas begins (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [Last Friday, for 12 Days]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 28 (4th Full Week)
ARRL Field Days (American Radio Relay League) [thru Last Saturday]
Vincy Mas (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [Begins Last Friday, for 12 Days]
Water Ski Days (thru 6.30) [Last Full Weekend]
Festivals Beginning June 28, 2024
Buffalo River Elk Festival (Jasper, Arkansas) [thru 6.29]
California Wine Festival Carlsbad (Carlsbad, San Diego County, California) [thru 6.29]
Caseville Country Ribstock (Caseville, Michigan) [thru 6.30]
Festival dei Due Mondi [Festival of the Two Worlds] (Spoleto, Italy) [thru 7.14]
Filmfest München (Munich, Germany) [thru 7.7]
Halal Ribfest (Flushing, New York) [thru 6.30]
Hard Rock Laager (Vana-Vigala, Estonia) [thru 6.29]
Henderson Sauerkraut Days (Henderson, Minnesota) [thru 6.30]
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic) [thru 7.6]
Old Songs Folk Festival (Altamont, New York) [thru 6.30]
Pride Beer Dabbler (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Rock, Ribs & Ridges (Augusta, New Jersey) [thru 6.30]
St. John Festival (Cruz Bay, American Virgin Islands) [thru 7.4]
The Taste Northwest (Tacoma, Washington) [thru 6.30]
Vincy Mas (Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [thru 7.9]
Feast Days
Basilides and Potamiana (Christian; Martyrs)
Benignus (Christian; Saint)
Carlos Casteneda Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Cuchulainn (Celtic Book of Days)
Eric Ambler (Writerism)
Festival of Hemera (Goddess of Day; Ancient Greece; Everyday Wicca)
George Booth (Artology)
Guru Rinpoche Day (Bhutan; Buddhism)
Heimerad (Christian; Saint)
Irenaeus of Lyons (Western Christianity)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Writerism)
Jeffrey (Muppetism)
Jens Birkemose (Artology)
Joan of Arc (Positivist; Saint)
John Shelley (Artology)
Marcella (Christian; Saint)
Maria Pia Mastena (Christian; Blessed)
Matariki (Māori New Year) [Varies; When the Pleiades Are Again Visible]
St. Paul’s Feast
St. Peter & Paul’s Day (Chile, Venezuela)
St. Peter’s Eve
Paulus I, pope (Christian; Saint)
Peeter Allik (Artology)
Peter Paul Rubens (Artology)
Plutarch, Potamiaena, Serenus, Hero, and their Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Ptah’s Day (Pagan)
St. Vitus Day (Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Sergius and Germanus (Christian; Saints)
Thangka Unveiling at Tashihungpo (Buddhist Exhibition Festival; Tibet)
Thanksgiving for Useful Fairies (Shamanism)
Tickle Day (Pastafarian)
Vincenza Gerosa (Christian; Saint)
Vidovdan (Serbia)
Zamling Chisang (Universal Prayer Day; Tibet)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Historically Bad Day (Archduke Ferdinand assassinated, ground troops sent to Vietnam & 8 other tragedies) [4 of 11]
Prime Number Day: 179 [41 of 72]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 30 of 60)
Amos ’n’ Andy (TV Series; 1951)
Baby Driver (Film; 2017)
Belle de Jour (Film; 1995)
Blues (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
Bone Trouble (Disney Cartoon; 1940)
Burn Notice (TV Series; 2007)
The Candid Microphone (Radio Series; 1947)
Canine Commandos (Andy Panda Cartoon; 1943)
Convoy (Film; 1978)
Coy Decoy (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1963)
Donald’s Double Trouble (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
Fame, by David Bowie with John Lennon (Song; 1975)
For Better or Worser (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1935)
Giselle, by Adolphe Adams (Ballet; 1841)
Good Night, recorded by The Beatles (Song; 1969)
The Harrow & The Harvest, by Gillian Welch and David Rawlings (Album; 2011)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (UK Film; 2007) [#5]
The Heat (Film; 2013)
Heaven Can Wait (Film; 1978)
Johnny Tremain, by Esther Forbes (Novel; 1943)
The Johnstown Flood (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1946)
The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby, by Tom Wolfe (Essays; 1965)
The Lavender Hill Mob (Film; 1951)
Life’s Rich Pageant, by R.E.M. (Album; 1986)
Moans and Groans, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Mr. Deeds (Film; 2002)
The Naked Gun 2-1/2: The Smell of Fear (Film; 1991)
Pale Rider (Film; 1985)
Parrotville Post-Office (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1935)
The Plowboy (Disney Cartoon; 1928)
Pumpkin (Film; 2002)
Rover’s Rescue (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
A Saucerful of Secrets, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1968)
St. Elmo’s Fire (Film; 1985)
Science Friction (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1970)
Shamrock and Roll (WB MM Cartoon; 1969)
Sheep Shape (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1946)
A Sound of Thunder, bby Ray Bradbury (Short Story’ 1953)
Spark Plug Pink (Pink Panther Theatrical Cartoon; 1979)
Striptease (Film; 1996)
Superman Returns (Film; 2006)
To Itch His Own (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
The Turn-Tale Wolf (WB MM Cartoon; 1952)
Up On the Roof, recorded by The Drifters (Song; 1962)
West End Blues, recorded by Louis Armstrong (Song; 1928)
White House Down (Film; 2013)
Yesterday (Film; 2019)
Today’s Name Days
Ekkehard, Harald, Irenäus (Austria)
Irenej, Mirko, Ratko, Smiljan, Vincenta, Vinka (Croatia)
Lubomír (Czech Republic)
Eleonora (Denmark)
Leo, Leopold (Estonia)
Leo (Finland)
Irénée (France)
Ekkehard, Harald, Irenäus, Senta (Germany)
Anagyros, Germanos (Greece)
Irén, Levente (Hungary)
Attilio, Ireneo (Italy)
Kitija, Vidars, Viestarts, Viesturs (Latvia)
Gaudrė, Irenėjus, Tulgedas (Lithuania)
Lea, Leo, Leon (Norway)
Amos, Ireneusz, Józef, Leon, Paweł, Raissa, Zbrosław (Poland)
Chir, Ioan (România)
Beáta (Slovakia)
Ireneo (Spain)
Leo (Sweden)
Dara, Darla, Darleen, Darlene, Darrell, Darren, Darrin, Darryl, Daryl, Jarell, Jerrell (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 180 of 2024; 186 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 26 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 23 (Gui-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 22 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 21 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 30 Blue; Lastday [30 of 30]
Julian: 15 June 2024
Moon: 50%: 3rd Quarter
Positivist: 11 Charlemagne (7th Month) [Joan of Arc]
Runic Half Month: Feoh (Wealth) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 9 of 94)
Week: 4th Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 8 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 8 months ago
Holidays 6.28
Arbor Day (Nicaragua)
Army Day (Guatemala)
Blue Cornflower Day
Caroilina Day
Christopher Street Day
Clara Maass Day
Climate-Smart Skin Awareness Day
Day of Soviet Occupation and Commemoration of the Victims of the Communist Totalitarian Regime (Moldova)
Dog Show Day
Eugenia Asteroid Day
Experiment 628 Day
Family Day (Vietnam)
Festival of Terrible Poetry
Freedom of the Press Day
Go Barefoot Around the House Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Go See Some Live Theater Tonight
Happy Heart Hugs Day
Insurance Awareness Day
International Body Piercing Day
International Lightning Safety Day
International Neonatal Screening Day
International Parrothead Day
International PKU Day
International TCK Day
LGBT+ Pride Day (Dia do Orgulho LGBTI; Brazil)
Long Letter Day
Mel Brooks Day
Mother’s Day (Kenya)
National Alaska Day
National Climate-Smart Skin Awareness Day
National Grant Day
National Insurance Awareness Day
National Lauren Day
National Logistics Day
National Rottweiler Day
National Unity Day (Tajikistan)
Operation Red Wings Observance Day
Paul Bunyan Day
Pennsylvania Dutch Day (a.k.a. Pennsylvania German Day)
Perfect Number Day
Potemkin Mutiny Anniversary Day
Poznań Remembrance Day (Poland)
Right to Food Day (UK)
Second Amendment Day (Oklahoma)
Sickle Day (French Republic)
Soviet Occupation Day (Moldova)
Stonewall Uprising Anniversary Day
St. Vitus Day (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Tau Day
Vidovdan (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia)
World Day of the Tree
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cassava Day
National Ceviche Day (Peru)
National Tapioca Day
Independence & Related Days
Central Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Constitution Day (Ukraine)
New Year’s Days
Matariki (Maori New Year; New Zealand)
4th & Last Friday in June
Bank Holiday (Guatemala) [Last Friday]
Drive Your Corvette to Work Day [Friday closest to 6.30]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
Heidi Festival (New Glarus, Wisconsin) [Last Friday Weekend]
International Rosé Day (France) [4th Friday]
Kaposia Days begin (St. Paul, Minnesota) [Last Friday through Sunday]
National Cream Tea Day [Last Friday]
National Employability Day (UK) [Last Friday]
National EO Day (UK) [Last Friday]
National Food Truck Day (a.k.a. Eat at a Food Truck Day) [Last Friday]
National Parma Violets Day [4th Friday]
National SAFER Workplace Day [Last Friday]
Red Nose Day (Australia) [Last Friday]
Vincy Mas begins (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [Last Friday, for 12 Days]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 28 (4th Full Week)
ARRL Field Days (American Radio Relay League) [thru Last Saturday]
Vincy Mas (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [Begins Last Friday, for 12 Days]
Water Ski Days (thru 6.30) [Last Full Weekend]
Festivals Beginning June 28, 2024
Buffalo River Elk Festival (Jasper, Arkansas) [thru 6.29]
California Wine Festival Carlsbad (Carlsbad, San Diego County, California) [thru 6.29]
Caseville Country Ribstock (Caseville, Michigan) [thru 6.30]
Festival dei Due Mondi [Festival of the Two Worlds] (Spoleto, Italy) [thru 7.14]
Filmfest München (Munich, Germany) [thru 7.7]
Halal Ribfest (Flushing, New York) [thru 6.30]
Hard Rock Laager (Vana-Vigala, Estonia) [thru 6.29]
Henderson Sauerkraut Days (Henderson, Minnesota) [thru 6.30]
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic) [thru 7.6]
Old Songs Folk Festival (Altamont, New York) [thru 6.30]
Pride Beer Dabbler (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Rock, Ribs & Ridges (Augusta, New Jersey) [thru 6.30]
St. John Festival (Cruz Bay, American Virgin Islands) [thru 7.4]
The Taste Northwest (Tacoma, Washington) [thru 6.30]
Vincy Mas (Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) [thru 7.9]
Feast Days
Basilides and Potamiana (Christian; Martyrs)
Benignus (Christian; Saint)
Carlos Casteneda Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Cuchulainn (Celtic Book of Days)
Eric Ambler (Writerism)
Festival of Hemera (Goddess of Day; Ancient Greece; Everyday Wicca)
George Booth (Artology)
Guru Rinpoche Day (Bhutan; Buddhism)
Heimerad (Christian; Saint)
Irenaeus of Lyons (Western Christianity)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Writerism)
Jeffrey (Muppetism)
Jens Birkemose (Artology)
Joan of Arc (Positivist; Saint)
John Shelley (Artology)
Marcella (Christian; Saint)
Maria Pia Mastena (Christian; Blessed)
Matariki (Māori New Year) [Varies; When the Pleiades Are Again Visible]
St. Paul’s Feast
St. Peter & Paul’s Day (Chile, Venezuela)
St. Peter’s Eve
Paulus I, pope (Christian; Saint)
Peeter Allik (Artology)
Peter Paul Rubens (Artology)
Plutarch, Potamiaena, Serenus, Hero, and their Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Ptah’s Day (Pagan)
St. Vitus Day (Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Sergius and Germanus (Christian; Saints)
Thangka Unveiling at Tashihungpo (Buddhist Exhibition Festival; Tibet)
Thanksgiving for Useful Fairies (Shamanism)
Tickle Day (Pastafarian)
Vincenza Gerosa (Christian; Saint)
Vidovdan (Serbia)
Zamling Chisang (Universal Prayer Day; Tibet)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Historically Bad Day (Archduke Ferdinand assassinated, ground troops sent to Vietnam & 8 other tragedies) [4 of 11]
Prime Number Day: 179 [41 of 72]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 30 of 60)
Amos ’n’ Andy (TV Series; 1951)
Baby Driver (Film; 2017)
Belle de Jour (Film; 1995)
Blues (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
Bone Trouble (Disney Cartoon; 1940)
Burn Notice (TV Series; 2007)
The Candid Microphone (Radio Series; 1947)
Canine Commandos (Andy Panda Cartoon; 1943)
Convoy (Film; 1978)
Coy Decoy (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1963)
Donald’s Double Trouble (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
Fame, by David Bowie with John Lennon (Song; 1975)
For Better or Worser (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1935)
Giselle, by Adolphe Adams (Ballet; 1841)
Good Night, recorded by The Beatles (Song; 1969)
The Harrow & The Harvest, by Gillian Welch and David Rawlings (Album; 2011)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (UK Film; 2007) [#5]
The Heat (Film; 2013)
Heaven Can Wait (Film; 1978)
Johnny Tremain, by Esther Forbes (Novel; 1943)
The Johnstown Flood (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1946)
The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby, by Tom Wolfe (Essays; 1965)
The Lavender Hill Mob (Film; 1951)
Life’s Rich Pageant, by R.E.M. (Album; 1986)
Moans and Groans, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Mr. Deeds (Film; 2002)
The Naked Gun 2-1/2: The Smell of Fear (Film; 1991)
Pale Rider (Film; 1985)
Parrotville Post-Office (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1935)
The Plowboy (Disney Cartoon; 1928)
Pumpkin (Film; 2002)
Rover’s Rescue (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
A Saucerful of Secrets, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1968)
St. Elmo’s Fire (Film; 1985)
Science Friction (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1970)
Shamrock and Roll (WB MM Cartoon; 1969)
Sheep Shape (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1946)
A Sound of Thunder, bby Ray Bradbury (Short Story’ 1953)
Spark Plug Pink (Pink Panther Theatrical Cartoon; 1979)
Striptease (Film; 1996)
Superman Returns (Film; 2006)
To Itch His Own (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
The Turn-Tale Wolf (WB MM Cartoon; 1952)
Up On the Roof, recorded by The Drifters (Song; 1962)
West End Blues, recorded by Louis Armstrong (Song; 1928)
White House Down (Film; 2013)
Yesterday (Film; 2019)
Today’s Name Days
Ekkehard, Harald, Irenäus (Austria)
Irenej, Mirko, Ratko, Smiljan, Vincenta, Vinka (Croatia)
Lubomír (Czech Republic)
Eleonora (Denmark)
Leo, Leopold (Estonia)
Leo (Finland)
Irénée (France)
Ekkehard, Harald, Irenäus, Senta (Germany)
Anagyros, Germanos (Greece)
Irén, Levente (Hungary)
Attilio, Ireneo (Italy)
Kitija, Vidars, Viestarts, Viesturs (Latvia)
Gaudrė, Irenėjus, Tulgedas (Lithuania)
Lea, Leo, Leon (Norway)
Amos, Ireneusz, Józef, Leon, Paweł, Raissa, Zbrosław (Poland)
Chir, Ioan (România)
Beáta (Slovakia)
Ireneo (Spain)
Leo (Sweden)
Dara, Darla, Darleen, Darlene, Darrell, Darren, Darrin, Darryl, Daryl, Jarell, Jerrell (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 180 of 2024; 186 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 26 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 23 (Gui-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 22 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 21 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 30 Blue; Lastday [30 of 30]
Julian: 15 June 2024
Moon: 50%: 3rd Quarter
Positivist: 11 Charlemagne (7th Month) [Joan of Arc]
Runic Half Month: Feoh (Wealth) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 9 of 94)
Week: 4th Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 8 of 31)
0 notes
eregyrn-falls-art · 1 year ago
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Here's my 2023 Art Year in Review!
Oof. Yeah, not a great year for output. As you can tell by my having to put in some photos I took for May and October, since I didn't have any drawn art for those months. What I used for January and Sept. is definitely fudging things (in a "hmm close enough" way.)
So, here's the damage: 15 pieces total (all but one full background and color); 54 individuals.
I'm not going to be super hard on myself, because this year is when I organized a big fan project that I'd been wanting to see get done for years and years -- the "Trouble" multi-artist lyric comic. (Art here, video version here by the amazing @stariousfalls.) As I've said before, absolutely awesome seeing 72 people step up wanting to do a big GF fan project in 2024! I was truly blown away by what a spectacular job everyone did.
And while I'm noting some of the stuff I can feel good about, I was happy to finish the Stan Twins meet the Jersey Devil comic that I'd also been meaning to finish for years.
So, not a great year personally, but some things to feel satisfied about.
Saying it here: my new year's resolution is just to DRAW SOMETHING in every month. Even just one thing!
Links below the cut.
2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
(For this year's images, I am in the process of updating the original posts with image descriptions in the image ALT text. I should have all of them done by the end of tomorrow, January 4th.)
January: Fiddleford as Disney Mirrorverse Kermit
February: GF Finale 7th Anniversary
March: Not What He Seems 8th Anniversary
April: DTIYS: Mystery Farm AU Stan and Jackie
May: (a photo I took of a sunset that I didn't even post, lol)
June: The Pines family and Paul Bunyan Day
July: My Portal Ford page for the "Trouble" lyric comic
August: A pinch-hit Stan page for the "Trouble" lyric comic (collab with @stephreynaart)
September: My polaroid for the "Trouble" lyric comic
October: Sunset photo from LBI in October
November: Fiddleford Friday - father and son fishing
December: The Pines family around a Winter Solstice campfire
Template by @mossygator
76 notes · View notes
correctrvbquotes · 10 months ago
Fade in on the Boys and Tex outside O'malley's base near the warthog.
Tex: What took you guys so long to get here?
Simmons: There's six of us, and this is only a three-seater jeep. Half of us had to sit on someone else's lap.
Donut: It was a great road trip. My favourite part was when Grif tried to change gears, and he accidentally-
Grif: Hugh, please, let's not tell the story. Is there somewhere I can wash my hands?
Sarge: What'd you find, Tex?
Tex: Well, O'Malley's holed up in his fortress. He's been fortifying his defenses for a few days now, and he's got some help, one of those religious nuts you guys picked up.
Caboose: Oh, I like them. They were funny.
Tucker: Caboose, they tried to kill you because of a flag.
Caboose: I try not to remember the bad things about people.
Tucker: That's all they tried to do, there were no good things.
Caboose: That's okay. I have a really bad memory-wow look, a beach!
Sarge: Shut up Caboose. What's yer plan, Tex?
As Tex explains her plan, we see a majestic, panoramic view of O'Malley's base.
Tex: Well first we have to breach the outer wall.
Caboose: Oh. I love breaching!
Tex: Then, we have to get past another wall.
Grif: Two walls? Some people are so materialistic.
Tex: The second wall has a guard tower, and an enormous razor-sharp spinning blade.
Simmons: What that thing? It's spinning like two miles an hour.
Tex: I didn't say it'd be hard to get past. After that, we have to pass the gun turrets, and break into the building.
Sarge: And then we attack O'Malley.
Tex: No. That's when we plant, this.
Caboose: ...We're planting a volleyball.
Tex: It's not a ball, it's a bomb.
Caboose: We're planting a volleybomb?
Tex: I've scouted a location inside the base where we can set it off and take the whole place down. I marked the spot with a big X.
Tucker: You scouted it.
Tex: Yeah.
Tucker: If you got past the two walls, the huge spinning blade, the gun turrets, and made it all the way in to the fortress, why didn't you just plant the bomb then instead of putting a big X on the floor?
Tex: ...I can't carry it.
Grif: What?
Simmons: What was that?
Tex: It's too heavy, okay? You happy?
Grif: Yeah kinda.
Tex: I need one of you idiots to carry it. I don't have the upper body strength to move it on my own.
Grif: See, girls act like they're so tough, but the first time they need someone to move a couch, who do they call.
Tex: ...
Grif: Please don't kill me.
Sarge: (walking to the volleybomb) Ahh, go ahead and kill him. We could use the armor for spare parts. Here, this thing doesn't look so heavy, let me t-yooo that thing ain't movin'!
Caboose: I can carry it.
Tex: I guarantee you'll need two people.
Tucker: No it's true, he's got crazy strength. Church and I think it's God's way of compensating.
Caboose: (lifting the bomb) See...
Sarge: Great Paul's Bunyan, he's like an ox.
Caboose: But I have no horns... or lumberjack friends.
Grif: Come on, no way it can be that bad. Let me give it a-
Caboose hands over the bomb to Grif, who promptly drops it, making the screen shake
Grif: Wheaugh! Hugh. Okay, you can carry it.
Sarge: Alright, then we'll storm in there, blow up O'Malley, leave Grif for dead, and maybe find some clues about what happened to Church and Lopez.
Tex: You mean your robot? He's in there with him.
Sarge: Lopez is in the building?
0 notes
ajoytobeheld · 1 year ago
Super 8 adventure + nearly being eaten
May 23rd, 2009
On my “Super 8″ adventure around the West Coast I have seen many bizarre and wonderful sites, (including Eureka, it was like the  ”Back To The Future Part 2″ version of Hill Valley.) The first thing which really struck my eye was the Portland “Zombie” ball which seemed a lovely way to celebrate your coming of age. Although the photo is not great because I was being sneaky, this function room was over spilling with blood spattered gore monsters all having a marvelous time…
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I also stopped in Bend in Oregon where I had the nicest cocktail I have ever tasted which had something to do with Gin, Blackberry’s and a sprig of magic. I ventured into a Willy Wonka themed sweet shop which played songs from the film whilst showing it on a loop. I wait for the day where the headlines scream “Willy Wonka Shop Assistant Goes Insane and Punches Group of Tanned Small Women.” I also missed Alek so much that I stared longingly at her douple ganger mannequin in the window for about three hours.
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I went to Crater Lake but danced about in snow first. Minutes after this was taken I fell over. 
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The next day I danced about in the sea for a bit. Minutes after this was taken I was sucked in by the current and had a Bedknobs and Broomsticks style adventure.
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I came across this lovely fellow on the way to Napa Valley, I believe his name is Paul Bunyan, and I don’t know what he did, but he has a really big axe and he hung out by the “Trees of Mystery,” near the “Hill of Confusion.” It seems to make a tourist attraction worthy it must have some element of puzzlement to it.
I tried some wines in Napa and due to the fact the wine serving expert man was shutting up for the day I was given a guided tour, AND loads more free wine. I was trying to pay attention as he talked about barrels, and fermenting and oaking the flavour but all I could think was “It’s not even 6 yet, and I am wasted!”
The wine headache and the regret followed, but I felt like I had sophisticated my pallet and was prepared for a evening of….camping.
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Hours after this was taken I nearly got eaten by a Coyote.
I am not a massive camping fan, but my traveling companion promised me that this would be a lovely little outing, save money and really get me back to nature, coz apparently it has missed me?
Anyway the area was beautiful and the weather was calming, but I was unfortunately nursing a post tour cold so couldn’t really sleep…. about four in the morning I popped outside to have a wee, because I could not be bothered to walk to the toilets, and I heard a strange noise. I dismissed it, and got back into the tent to lie in a hot feverish daze, but then I heard a growl….
Yes, ladies and gentleman, a growl… not like a dog growl but like a beast from hell deep thundering growl. I awoke my companion to check I was not going insane, and we lay there trembling as the “thing” continued to growl four times more JUST OUTSIDE THE TENT. We had no idea about wildlife native to that area but lying in a pitch black little tent after days of “bear talk” with something you can’t see growling outside your brain immediately leaps to grizzly, wolf or Cerberus. My travelling companion used the car key alarm to make a beepy noise to startle it and I lay there wondering if I was about to get eaten. In all honesty I have never been so scared in my life, and my fight or flight thing kicked in, and all I wanted to do was run… but I was informed that was not sensible so I lay and shook for an hour before I made us ran to the car and sleep there the rest of the night. 
In the morning the Park Ranger said it was probably a Coyote.
I had obviously disturbed it when I got out the tent, so I shudder to think if I had looked around and seen this staring back at me. 
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I am never camping again is the morale of that story. So I am happy to be in San Francisco, where there is Ameoba, The Stinking Rose, and no chance my imagination will run away and convince me there is a zombie Gryphon outside the tent waiting to much on my brains.
0 notes
bestmessage · 2 years ago
Paul Bunyan Day Messages and Greetings
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Celebrate this special day with Paul Bunyan Day messages and greetings by sharing them with your family and friends to make this day a memorable one. We bring to you the latest collection of Happy Paul Bunyan Day Wishes, Messages, Greetings Images, Quotes for WhatsApp, Facebook that make a worthy share on this special occasion.
0 notes
schlock-luster-video · 4 years ago
"Home 'a Paul Bunyan, Babe the Blue Ox ..."
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Happy Paul Bunyan Day film fans! Marking the occasion with some Fargo fan art!
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jerryosom · 2 years ago
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Another distraction from other things I must do. Never enough time for me. Now I’ve got to salvage the storm door after the wind took two of three hinges out for me with barely the proper resources to make proper repairs where money is never the option. Maybe eventually I will actually win enough money to put away the leftover tools from those whom took my very things. Always in my past I made realistic proper purchases for my special tools. Always tuned to my specific needs. Books describe the methods and tools are shown that are needed to do specific works only for the reading. Paper Books could still be valuable in a pinch when you find yourself struggling depending upon search engines in the times the power is lost. Be kind to the trash you run across too when finding and old book too. Return to me the ones found in other hands with a Bumpass signature within it too please. Those are treasures that were never meant to reach others of my own personal property. Pretty much the last things that were touched by my family’s past. Holy Bible meant to be read in churches with specific dates and passages for morning and afternoon. The publication of John Paul Bunyan titled The Pilgrim’s Progress. Inside that are drawings showing the pitfalls and how one escaped and carried on in life. Happy Belated Valentine’s Day lovers! I’m alone right now about to do repairs and remove last week’s trash. Then I hope to WinLoot in any and all free sweepstakes that I choose daily. Have a nice week. Jerry (at Bertram, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CorDH33Of9w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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catboymccartney · 2 years ago
ok uhhh the dio + jotaro playlists r "done" [have enough songs for me to be satisfied to post them LOL. more songs to be add ofc] i'm gonna list the polnareff playlist i have too since i never did that <3 all my playlists are songs that define them but i also try to go for what they'd listen to as well :-]!!
DIO - 25 songs
Confetti - Cold Cave
The Man Who Sailed Around His Soul - XTC
How Soon Is Now? - The Smiths
Seconds - The Human League
Cities In Dust - Siouxsie and the Banshees
Dreams Never End - New Order
Love Like Blood - Killing Joke
Seattle - Public Imagine Ltd.
Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode
All We Ever Wanted Was Everything - Bauhaus
Happy - Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
My Possession - Ministry
Tasting Static - Panther Modern
Smells Blood - Kensuke Ushio
Exces de Vitesse - Marie Davidson
Bela Lugosi's Dead - Bauhaus
Wax And Wane - Cocteau Twins
Lucretia My Reflection - Sisters Of Mercy
It's A Sin - Petshop Boys
Master And Servant - Depeche Mode
Seedy Films - Soft Cell
Liebe Auf Den Ersten Blick - DAF
This Night Has Opened My Eyes - The Smiths
The Passion of Lovers - Bauhaus
Transmission - Joy Division
JOTARO - 32 songs
We All Stand - New Order
Don't Fall - The Chameleons
Eighties - Killing Joke
Imagination - Sad Lovers & Giants
Sub-culture - New Order
Mad World - Tears For Fears
Dazzle - Siouxsie and the Banshees
Second Skin - The Chameleons
Black Celebration - Depeche Mode
Decades - Joy Division
Leave Me Alone - New Order
Dead Souls - Joy Division
A Means to an End - Joy Division
Shadowplay - Joy Division
Lazy Calm - Cocteau Twins
One Way Or Another - Blondie
Creep - Radiohead
Geography I - Front 242
Life Goes On - The Damned
Run Away [The Escape Song] - Oingo Boingo
But Not Tonight - Depeche Mode
Blanket Song - Kikagaku Moyo
Dear Prudence - Siouxsie and the Banshees
The Damned - Plasmatics
Dead Man's Party - Oingo Boingo
Just Another Day - Oingo Boingo
Disorder - Joy Division
Assimilate - Skinny Puppy
Our Lady - Executive Slacks
Anywhere Out of the World - Dead Can Dance
POLNAREFF - 56 songs
Little Lamb Dragonfly - Wings
She Wolf - Shakira [joke]
Hips Don't Lie - Shakira [joke]
Part Of Me - Katy Perry [joke]
Iris's Song [Version Two] - Vashti Bunyan
She Wants Me [To Be Loved] - The Happy Fits
Michelle - The Beatles
Walk Like an Egyptian - The Bangles
Dancing Queen - ABBA
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! [A Man After Midnight] - ABBA
You Gave Me The Answer - Wings
Hold Me Tight - The Beatles
When I'm Sixty Four - The Beatles
Coming Up - Paul McCartney
We're Off You Know - Klaatu
Take A Chance On Me - ABBA
Honey, Honey - ABBA
Walking on Sunshine - Katrina & The Waves
Aujourd'hui c'est les vacances - Petit Fantome
Pour que tu m'aimes encore - Les soeurs Bouley
With A Little Help From My Friends - The Beatles
Funky Town - Lipps Inc.
Don't Go Breaking My Heart - Elton John & Kiki Dee
Come On Eileen - Dexys Midnight Runners
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da - The Beatles
Crocodile Rock - Elton John
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
Good Day Sunshine - The Beatles
La vie en rose - Louis Armstrong
Fernando - ABBA
9 to 5 - Dolly Parton
You Spin Me Round [Like A Record] - Dead Or Alive
I'm Coming Out - Diana Ross
Junk - Paul McCartney
Careless Whisper - George Michael
[Just Like] Starting Over - John Lennon
Listen To What The Man Said - Wings
In The Summertime - Mungo Jerry
It Only Takes A Moment - Michael Crawford
Somebody Made For Me - Emitt Rhodes
My Way - Frank Sinatra
Promises I've Made - Emitt Rhodes
Someplace Else - George Harrison
Heaven Is A Place On Earth - Belinda Carlisle
Love Me, Please Love Me - Michel Polnareff
Sous quelle etoile suis-je ne? - Michel Polnareff
Last Christmas - Wham!
Beautiful Night - Paul McCartney
The Winner Takes It All - ABBA
I've Just Seen A Face - The Beatles
Believe - Cher
I'll Be Back Up on My Feet - The Monkees
I Get Around - The Beach Boys
Felicita, ta ta - Raffaella Carra
Who Feelin' It - Tom Tom Club
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