#sarge tex
correctrvbquotes · 1 month
Cut to Sarge, Grif and Simmons holding guns on the O'Malleyed Donut
Simmons: Wuho easy Donut. You've been infected by a computer virus, and we just need to figure out what to do about it.
O'Malley: Wuhuhuhaa, huha! No! It's my body! It's my choice! And another thing: why do I do as much work as you guys, but I only make ninety-two percent-
Tex beats Donut in the back of the head and knocks him down.
Sarge: Hey, don't hit my soldiers without my permission.
O'Malley: I'm the one who gets to hit mah soldiers. Wahahaha, yeah! Eat lead, world. Drop and give me infinity.
Grif: Sarge... finally gone crazy.
Tex vanishes and reappears behind Sarge, knocking him down, and O'Malley shoots into Grif
O'Malley: Whoa, that's weird. I have a sudden urge to conquer the Universe. Which is odd for me because, well that would take actual work... I think I'll just fall asleep instead.
Grif actually falls asleep inside his armor
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iababa · 4 months
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cerayanay · 8 months
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theosphobia · 6 months
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the reds and blues cuddle pile is complete. at last , ft locus bc hes honorary despite the retcon fuck u burnie 🖕
thank u all for helping w this amen i hope they are acceptable to u 🙏
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fishfingersalad · 1 year
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text posts cause theyre fun to make :3
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radiantrookie · 1 month
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rigorplague · 1 month
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head over to the RIGORMORGUE shop on etsy to grab some super duper awesome and swag RVB merch today :3
CHARMS: Church, Tucker, Caboose, Washington, Texas, Simmons, Grif, Donut
CHARMS: Sarge, Doc, Lopez, Carolina, Locus, Felix
STICKERS: Red/Blue Spartan Helmet, Sheila
PIN: AI Fragment group with Epsilon, Theta, Delta, and Sigma
🖤 CHANGES !!!🖤
Grif acrylic charm has been updated in size to be a little more proportional to the other charms!
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purpleskelet0n · 1 month
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tried my best to make them look like how they're described but I throw in headcanon as well :3 really proud of all of them!
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eyeaart · 5 months
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WE FINALLY MADE IT THRU SEASON 7 AND 8, STARTED 9!!! My god the fighting animation sequences here are top notch, I was flabbergasted!!!
More doodles under the line
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slyvester101 · 2 months
Water park au where all the reds and blues work at gasp a water park.
Grif works at the lazy river (duh) with Simmons being his lifeguard partner who bickers with him over the radio.
Sarge is in charge of making all the fun water guns and bucket traps around the park as well as the floor fountains that spurt up in fun patterns. Be wary though, he has a super soaker that he will use to soak random lifeguards straight in the face if he sees you lacking (mainly Grif).
Caboose is often but at the tube slide stations because he can send people down the slides really fast. He’s a fan favorite.
Church works at the main pool where he gets to yell at little kids and their snobby parents without getting in trouble for it. What are they gonna do, yell at him? Yeah, have fun when your kid face plants on the floor and splits the chin open because they decided to run around the wet ground.
Tucker works right next to Church at the wave pool and they also bitch over the radio in their free time. If he’s not at the wave pool, he’s up with Caboose at the tube slides making sure he doesn’t break something.
Wash started out as a lifeguard that helped Tucker out at the wave pool, but people kept pretending to drown to get him to come save him that he’s been resigned to front desk duty, which might be the play since he’s much more polite than the others and his pretty face seems to draw in a crowd. (Tucker thinks it’s funny how bright red he gets whenever someone flirts with him. He’s tested it multiple times himself and it is adorable.)
Tex rotates around the different stations, being a silent presence that helps keep everything running smoothly and making sure everyone stays on task. She spends most of her time with Church or Caboose since they need the most help, especially when the foot traffic picks up.
They have a lighthearted rivalry with the amusement park crew (the freelancers) and will feign betrayal if one of them visits the other park, but it’s all fun and games.
Everybody reeks of chlorine no matter how much they shower or wash. It’s permanently embedded into their very soul.
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itsyouch · 4 months
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Dounut and Doc is the best thing that could've ever happened to me
IM SO HAPPY I didn't realize how good of a dynamic Donut and Doc are
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correctrvbquotes · 1 month
Tucker: (from a distance) Hey Church, I think Tex is over here!
Church: Thanks for the update!
Sarge: Tex I know now might not be the best time, but I'd really like you to consider coming over to the Red team. Technically you know black is just a really dark shade of red. We'll talk later.
Caboose: (over radio) Church, are we still talking on the radio?
O'Malley returns through the air to Caboose via radio
O'Malley: Muhahahahaha! 'Cause I'd love to talk on the radio. What? What am I doing in this idiot?
Tex runs toward Caboose, dumps her body, and Spirit Tex enters Caboose
O'Malley: Hegagergerk!
Church: Heuh, crap. Sarge, I need you to do me a favor. If I'm not outta there in ten minutes, I'm gonna need you to disable that ship. 'Cause if Tex gets out of here with O'Malley and that kid, there's no one that's gonna be able to stop her.
Church leaves, heading toward Caboose. Tucker walks up next to Sarge.
Sarge: What the hell is he talkin' about?
Tucker: Oh. Tex and Omega have some kind of stupid plan to enslave the whole alien race. But Church thinks if she does, she's gonna become the Queen of the Universe or some shit.
Donut: (gasp) Queen of the Universe? No one even told me we were having a competition!
Cut to Church popping in to the derelict metal that is apparently the inside of Caboose's head
Church: Oh crap.
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iababa · 1 year
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shy-cryptic · 4 months
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they're only four ponies between them all smh
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nightmare-foundation · 5 months
Couple of gripes I have about Restorations writing:
-There was hardly any reaction from the others about Tucker being the Meta. Not even Wash blinked at it, and I highly doubt he knew Tucker was the Meta. The others... didn't seem to have Any form of emotional reaction? Just ":0 he's the meta??" And that was it
-literally no one tried telling Carolina or Tex that they were fighting Tucker (they seemed to just,, know?? Somehow??). I expected someone to yell "THAT'S TUCKER! ITS TUCKER, DON'T KILL HIM!" And there was just. No moral dilemma when it came to fighting him??
-Building off the last one, they were all so... split up? It was like all the development kinda just disappeared. They didn't seem to really care about each other like they had previously.
-Tucker himself seemed. Entirely unaffected? Despite getting psychologically tortured IHNMAIMS style. Like,, huh?
-The tone was so off at times I couldn't take sarge's death seriously.
All of these are things I 100% would've changed. Really the biggest thing I liked was Wash being system-coded.
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On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the disciples came to Junior and asked, “Where do you want us to make preparations for you to eat the Passover?”
He replied, “Go into the city to a certain man and tell him, ‘The Teacher says: My appointed time is near. I am going to celebrate the Passover with my disciples at your house.’” So the disciples did as Junior had directed them and prepared the Passover.
When evening came, Junor was reclining at the table with the Twelve. 21 And while they were eating, he said, “Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me.”
They were very sad and began to say to him one after the other, “Surely you don’t mean me, Lord?”
Junior replied, “The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will betray me. The Son of The Swordsman will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of The Swordsman! It would be better for him if he had not been born.”
Then Church, the one who would betray him, said, “Surely you don’t mean me, Rabbi?”
Juno answered, “You have said so.”
While they were eating, Junior took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”
Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”
When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the desert.
Then Junior told them, “This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written:
“‘I will strike the shepherd,
and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’
But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into the State of Vadam.”
Caboose replied, “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.”
“Truly I tell you,” Junior answered, “this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.”
But Caboose declared, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” And all the other disciples said the same.
(Did I copy and paste Mathew 26 17-35, then replace some names with stuff from rvb and halo? Yes. Have I seen any episodes of rvb? No. Will I watch? Eventually.)
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