#happy monkey sharing
up-up-downtime · 2 years
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some compiled Kubos for his nice expressions since not alot of pictures of his face plates
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 9 months
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the end of 505: 2007 vs 2023
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mel-kusanagi · 3 months
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its zeff's birthday today here so here's some progress of this wip :]
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lesdrawsposts · 2 months
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doodle dump🤥
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arthrobug · 2 months
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Gimme a reblog if you also had no clue these two shared a birthday asdfghjkl
Happy birthday to Luffy and Gon!!
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fandomfluffandfuck · 3 hours
You ever think about the raw, unfiltered political unrest, near rage, that must come out in Steve's art sometimes, the shit that he's sure no one else will ever lay eyes on, deep in his sketchbook? Because I do.
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luffylovie · 7 months
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got a fb notification earlier telling me i saw artic monkeys in düsseldorf, germany 10 years ago on this day, so happy 10th anniversary to this amazing gig (they played piledriver waltz!) and to my truly impressively crappy pics 😂✨️💖
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pompomqt · 11 months
Journey To the West Chapter 3
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For this week I drew Sun Wukong with his fancy new duds, and his loyal staff!
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up-up-downtime · 1 year
i ate
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 6 months
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🌟 happy birthday alex turner 🌟
thank you for sharing the vivid, beautiful, strange and evocative creations of your mind with the world. you have the rare ability to evoke with words things that are more than words, and the dexterity to allow your music continually morph and evolve while retaining such a distinctive and unique integrity. your creativity is a continual solace and a joy and an inspiration to so many people. miles kane truly said it best: you are a little diamond 💎
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lying in bed wearing my the car merch and watching milex videos while my brain restores to its usual dopamine levels after yesterday
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ufolvr · 9 months
I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE SOMEBODY ELSE ENJOY PSIMON’S CHARACTER, LIKE HOLY CRAP YOUR HEADCANONS ARE GIVING ME LIFE (I have a little too many headcanons about this man and it makes me happy you do as well)
THANK GOD IM NOT ALONE. We find each other through echolocation apparently (yelling out into the darkness that we love him and seeing if we get any responses)
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manga-and-stuff · 2 years
do you actually read all the mangas you post or just skim through them for panels?
Only skimming through manga for "content" sounds like something a person who refers to themselves as "influencer" without feeling embarrassed, would do.
And if I wanted to be an influencer, I sure as hell wouldn't try becoming one by uploading pictures of manga most people never heard of on tumblr of all places...
Anyway, for me, it's the other way around. I read a manga and if I like it enough I will skim through it for caps when I later upload it here. Doing it this way means I sometimes realize that a manga I wanted to upload, just does not work with the whole manga cap formula... and I sometimes only realize that after I already said I will upload it here.
ACCA 13 is a great example, lovely manga, I highly recommend it. But I can't really upload it here because, without context, individual panels and pages from it, don't make much sense and aren't that interesting.
The manga has a thrilling and tense story, but it's mostly made up of scenes of office workers talking about bureaucracy and eating bread.
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hisdankmemes · 2 years
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darkmaterials: Does anyone else's daemon look like this today or...?
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nicoscheer · 6 months
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I am in love
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