#happy birthday shinkai
leelatz · 22 days
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Late Kanata bday art forgive me
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sakumaluvs · 1 year
hi everyone today i am going to be trying the ‘grimace’ shake~ happy ‘birthday’ to grimace~
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hey chiaki how’s it goi
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OH MY GOD!!! 911???
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hello i’m the police officer what seems to be the AHHHH!!!
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this.. this is the work of grimace.
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hey it’s me grimace from mcdonalds :3
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to be continued…
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aureiki · 1 year
one hour before midori day ends in japan . happy birthday to my dearest boy ever he deserves to have many friends
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acetictears · 11 months
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hooneypies · 4 months
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all x madara
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airu27-rkgk · 1 year
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Kaishin One Prompt Challenge 2023 by @dcmkkaishinevents 💙
Guide [Edogawa Conan] and Sentinel [Kaitou KID].
Kuroba Kaito, a self-proclaimed Neutral, moonlights as Kaitou KID to look for Pandora, a jewel that grants immortality. (His backstory follows canon, more or less.) Kaito is actually a Sentinel.
Kudou Shinichi is a Guide whose guidance is too complex for most Sentinels to follow through. He uses facts and logics to build mental sanctuaries — where Guide communicates with their Sentinel, calms them when they’re on the verge of Zoning, etc.
Their first meeting is during a heist. Shinichi’s first impression of KID is that the thief is a show off who wastes police resources for his own entertainment. A clever, tricky entertainment, filled with his favourites — riddles and mind games, puzzles, pranks, traps, oh how witty, he just escapes, which gives him a great rush of satisfaction for being able to decipher them — and are harmless enough, a refreshing break from murder cases he encounters daily, but still, show off.
Kaito’s first impression of Shinichi is that the detective is a nerd. Who even counts — himself not included — the number of cards that were used and draws conclusions based on that to pinpoint his disguise… The cards are from a dozen pack…??? Plus the guy uses a voice changer — in the form of a red bow tie — to redirect the officers Kaito had fooled with his own voice-changing abilities… This guy is not to be messed with. Definitely a nerd, though. He looks good with those glasses.
Anyway, on their nth showdown, Black Organization shows up and they were forced to work together. Their Sentinel-Guide soulmates connection forms an unbreakable bond, accidentally.
Thus, Shinichi recognizes Kaito when Ran and Aoko bring them for a meetup.
Gradually, Shinichi comes to know why KID steals. With Shinichi holding the Spades and Kaito the Clovers, the pair traverse the world to search for Pandora. Their connection of Hearts are tested, again and again, all for the sake of one Diamond, which shall end this game of cards once and for all.
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harushinkai-daily · 3 months
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Happy Birthday, Haru Shinkai!!!
Birthday art for 2024, which is also a celebration of this blog’s HUGE milestone of finishing the anime (it only took four years!). In all ways possible, congrats to the boy, our protagonist, our favorite Digimon gogglehead Haru Shinkai, for all the joy he has brought us over the years.
Many thanks to @takatofan, @vidramon, and @nocturnalsleuth for suggesting present ideas (there's a Gatchmon plush, button, and keychain, a Kashinoki Books gift certificate, a homemade bookmark, and a couple of wrapped-up books on the table!). His cake is hamburger-shaped in honor of his favorite food, and Rei’s fancy French dessert this year is croquembouche :D The heads in the foreground are meant to be vague on purpose, feel free to interpret them however you like. Whether it’s more of his friends and family, or those of us who have been following his adventures through the Internet, this picture is for everyone who has ever supported this blog. THANK YOU for sticking with us for so long!
Some closeups and the whole piece without a seam beneath the cut.
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Drawing Offmon holding the plush was my favorite part, ngl (but Gatchmon does NOT want to share!)
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Presents detail! Realizing I have no concept of money AND I forgot the aviator flaps on the Gatch-keychain orz (It's OK!!! someone will sew them on later)
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A couple of crops that I liked!
And finally, here’s the full, stitched-together version!
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zestycaramel · 22 days
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I really like making these edits it's weirdly calming LOLOLOL I'd didn't know which one to pick
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idodka · 1 year
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the night a star of hope shined down
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shinobus-left-eye · 24 days
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crashkeyes · 1 year
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kanata birthday office lines 🎈
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ch1d1xx · 1 year
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reipeeeas · 1 year
I'm at the beach right now to stargaze and this is the latest kanata art i have on hand.
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marxih · 1 year
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Late birthday kanata sketch
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July 15: Happy Birthday Shinkai Hayato (Yowamushi Pedal)!!!!
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daydream-x-reality · 2 years
Sweets Groovy - Shinkai Kanata FS 4*
Season: Autumn
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Kanata: hum hum hu~m♪
mix everything together well, then draw circles like blue-ringed octopus spots~ draw~ round and round and round♪
–hmm? who is it. it’s noisy out there~ i’m having fun “cooking”, i wish they’d keep it down
Niki: W, what in the world is going on here!? The smell—it STINKS!?
Kanata: ah. so the footsteps were you, niki. hello~☆
Niki: –Gya!? What’s with this brutal accident scene!?
Lined up on the table are... things with fish impaled in them… This looks like a painting of hell! The fishy smell is awful too!
Hm…? Sniff sniff… Mixed in with the smell of death is… a hint of butter and chocolate and milk…?
Uh… This trapezoidal thing with a bunch of shishamo sticking out of it… what the heck is this?
Kanata: yep, that’s “anemone chocolate”
Niki: A, anemone chocolate!?
Kanata: yes. precisely speaking, it’s chocolate cupcakes decorated with shishamo. and i just made cookies~♪
Niki: Chocolate, cupcakes, cookies? N, no way… It can’t be…
You mean these things are food? You weren't torturing the fish!?
Kanata: how rude~ hmph. i would never do that to the fishies. i’m making some yummy sweets
Niki: I don’t believe you! If you were cooking, there's no way it would've turned out this horrific though?
Or rather. Shinkai-kun, during the Old-Fashioned Sports Festival, you were in the dormitory kitchen making bentos, right? If that’s the case, then how–
(Hm? Wait a minute… If I give it a real good think again…)
(At the time, Shinkai-kun and Tenshouin-kun were there, but they were more like assistants, and the actual food prep was done by Kazehaya-kun…)
(Could it be that Kazehaya-kun anticipated a disaster and protected the peace of the kitchen!? He really is an immovable guardian deity...!)
Kanata: mm, i did make bentos for everyone during the “old-fashioned sports festival”
i made "chocolates" at the chocolat fes last year, and that got me interested in cooking
today i decided to “challenge” myself and make "sweets" all by myself
the "mackerel chocolates" i made during chocolat fes weren’t very well liked. strange, isn’t it?
but it can’t be helped. we can’t change the results.
that’s why this time i’ll make sure my “sweets” are received "well". it's "revenge", so to speak
but. i don't have anyone to help me “taste test”, so i’m in a bit of a “pickle”. there's no point if i make and eat them myself
so you came at the right time. niki, would you be my “taste tester”~?
Niki: T, taste test!? You want me to eat that!? No no no no! I’ll pass on this one!
Kanata: eh~ why not? i did my “best” making all these “sweets”. they’re definitely delicious~
Niki: No, no! You're kidding, right!? No matter how I look at it, they definitely taste terrible! You can’t call this cooking. This is blasphemous to the ingredients–
(......Hm? Wait a minute.)
(If… if I don’t taste test these… then what’ll happen to the poor ingredients? They might just get thrown into the garbage…!?)
Aghhhhh! I’d rather commit seppuku than abandon the ingredients and let them go to waste!
Fine! I’ll be your taste tester!
Kanata: yay♪ thank you very much~ i “made” a lot, so “eat” up~ here, go ahead☆
Niki: Gh… This smells crazy. It feels like my saliva is retracting and my mouth has completely dried up!? It was made with foodstuffs so there's no way it's inedible, but I’m still hesitant…!
No no, Shiina Niki! This is the time to man up… there’s nothing in this world that isn’t edible☆ Let’s have a taste!
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Kanata: poke… poke. he~y, niki~?
h~m. his “face” turned “deathly pale”
he did eat everything though. looking at him, it seems like the sweets weren’t a “success”. that’s “too bad”
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but i won’t give up
even small droplets of water can hollow out a stone if they keep dripping in the same place☆
time to begin my “revenge” again. it's “challenge time”☆
Niki: Please, just surrender gracefully..!!! How can you be so optimistic even when you’re looking right at this tragedy?
Kanata: ah. you opened your “eyes”. i’m glad that you’re so full of spirit
Niki: I dreamed that I was about to cross a beautiful river to the other side, but an insanely strong sense of responsibility brought me back
At this rate, it’s only a matter of time before someone here falls victim to your cooking… As a chef, I can’t let that happen
The kitchen is supposed to be for making tasty dishes, not a murder site
That’s why I’m going to be your assistant and help you make those sweets, Shinkai-kun!
Kanata: h~m? for some reason it “feels” like you said a bunch of “rude” things?
well, it’s fine. it’s good to have more “friends”
i learned a phrase from “ohisama”-san that’s perfect for right now: this is “ii hiyori”♪
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clap clap clap☆ niki, you’re amazing~
tuna “cutlet sandwich”, sea bream “pie”, “senbei” made from ground fish powder. and, "cookies" made using sardine paste
all of them were really delicious~♪
Niki: Nahaha. If you’re satisfied, then it’s all good~♪
But you helped out too, Shinkai-kun. Having you to mix the ingredients and knead things together was a great help
Kanata: fufu. they were rather “small” tasks, but i’m “happy” that you said that
Niki: Hm? Shinkai-kun, why are you rolling up your sleeves…?
Kanata: i wasn’t able to demonstrate my “ability” just by mixing and kneading together the “ingredients”
Niki: Um……?
Kanata: besides, after watching you “cook”, i thought of a lot of great “ideas”~
as “thanks” for making so many delicious “sweets”, it’s my turn to show off what i can "do"
Niki: Even after all that, you’re still not satisfied!? Ah, wait... STOOOOOOP!!
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