talia-surana · 4 years
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Tumblr gets the nicely edited version of this piece where Anders’ staff isnt floating LOL
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talia-surana · 4 years
Since you played those three’s routes, which one would you suggest if someone wanted the most the thematic ties, without romancing Solas? Blackwall’s feels the most obvious to me, but I’d love your thoughts. Also, how would you rank those romances personally?
They’re all so related it’s wild. All 4 are monster husband romances. 
Bear = Blackwall
Lion =  Cullen
Dragon = Iron Bull
Wolf = Solas
In different ways, moral monsters with regrets who are trying to change their life, or are failing to do so. All of them are about the identity of the character, and who they want to be or decide to become. Names, and names changing. Titles and roles in society. Deception and shame.
Hissrad/Iron Bull, becoming tal-vashoth
Blackwall/Rainier, the concept of a “good man”
Cullen as a Templar or a free man
Solas (obvious)
Failure to live up to their promises or their responsibilities to their roles, and generally stories about weakness or faltering
Iron Bull and his responsibility to the Qun but also his men
Blackwall and his responsibility to his men
Cullen and his responsibility to the Inquisition
Solas and his responsibility to the people
About finding faith or strength or trust in those outside themselves
Iron Bull’s shift from the Qun to the Chargers
Blackwall’s shift to the Grey Wardens or the Inquisition
Cullen’s shift from the Templars to the Inquisition
solas’ failure to do this :’(
All of them are about these men trying to transform and heal after experiencing incredible trauma that just breaks you
Blackwall’s deep moral injury, having to live with yourself afterward
Solas’ indescribably deep moral injury that even Cole can barely catch the edges of, it’s so big and horrible
Iron Bull’s deep moral injury, when he lost himself fighting the Fog Warriors, and the tension dividing himself from his people
Cullen’s deep trauma after the Circle collapsed in DAO and Kirkwall collapsed in DA2, and the moral injury of how he contributed to what happened to the mages in Kirkwall, recognizing that and wanting to do better than Meredith
And actually, Bull, Blackwall and Solas in the game fully talk to each other and judge each other and relate and help each other process their traumas because they have such closely related experiences. It makes me so sad that Solas deeply projects onto the others negatively but at the same time is particularly good at helping and comforting the others over these moral injuries. I put their (spoiler) banter under a cut at the end, for reference to show they really do talk to each other about their traumas, and compare themselves to each other. I kind of wish Cullen could have had banters with them too.
As for ranking them, I think they’re all very good. Solasmance is bestmance lol
Blackwall: You haven't said much to me since... well, you know.
Solas: There is little to say. I assumed we were alike. We'd seen war, knew its terrible costs, but understood that it was necessary. But there was nothing necessary in what you did. You did not survive death and destruction. You sowed them. To feed your own desires.
Blackwall: I know that. I see it every time I look in a mirror. I try to make up for it.
Solas: By wearing another skin. You ran away rather than face what you had done. You wasted your time.
Solas: I wish to apologize for what I said to you, Blackwall.
Blackwall: You were right, though. I deserved it.
Solas: My people had a saying long ago - "The healer has the bloodiest hands." You cannot treat a wound without knowing how deep it goes. You cannot heal pain by hiding it. You must accept. Accept the blood to make things better. You have taken the first step. That is the hardest part.
Solas: So, you and the Inquisitor are together.
Blackwall: Yes. Is that a problem?
Solas: Far from it. People should seize any chance for a moment's respite in times such as these. I am glad you've allowed yourself some happiness.
Blackwall: I expected you to think that I should keep punishing myself.
Solas: I would be concerned if you forgot your past, but that seems unlikely. Beyond that, guilt is a distraction. One we can ill afford.
Blackwall: What of you, then? Have you found someone to share a moment's respite?
Solas: I find my peace elsewhere.
Blackwall: You sacrificed your own men.
Iron Bull: I'm Qunari. We don't flinch from duty.
Blackwall: Your men trusted you. You betrayed that trust when you left them to die.
Iron Bull: No.
Blackwall: No?
Iron Bull: Two key differences between you and me, Rainier.
Iron Bull: First, I didn't kill a wagon full of kids.
Iron Bull: My men were holding a position to secure an objective. I mourn their loss and honor their sacrifice.
Iron Bull: And second, I'm proud of who I am. I hope that's not a problem for you.
Blackwall: Not unless you ask me to hold a hill, Qunari.
Blackwall: So, Bull, how does it feel to be Tal-Vashoth?
Iron Bull: Feels a bit like I've been living a lie, and now it's coming back to bite me in the ass. What's that like, Blackwall?
Blackwall: Calm down, I meant no offense.
Blackwall: As you say, I know something of being cut off from a past life, having to find a new way.
Iron Bull: Well, you could've just led with that.
Blackwall: In any event, you have the Chargers. You haven't lost everything.
Iron Bull: Yeah, I think I'm good.
Iron Bull: Now, isn't this better? Getting the burden of that lie off your chest?
Blackwall: And exchanging it for the burden of everyone hating me? Yes. So much better.
Iron Bull: Hey, I don’t hate you. You and me? We’re good.
Iron Bull: Now that you know who you are, you can stop doubting yourself and start hitting crap again.
Blackwall: Why don't we hit a few bottles first, huh?
Solas: You fought the Tal-Vashoth for a long time, Iron Bull, did you not?
Iron Bull: Every day.
Iron Bull: I'd kill some of them, they'd kill some of my guys, and then I'd kill them some more.
Solas: No man can kill so many people without breaking inside. To survive... those you fight must become monsters.
Iron Bull: The ones that kill innocent people, yeah. The rest... I don't know.
Solas: The mind does marvelous things to protect itself.
Iron Bull: Nice job in that last fight, Solas. You really kicked the crap outta that guy.
Solas: I suppose.
Iron Bull: What, you don't think so? You ripped him a new one. It was great!
Solas: Unless the fight is personal, violence is a means to an end. It isn't appropriate to celebrate.
Iron Bull: I don't know. Gotta wonder about anyone who fights as much as we do and doesn't have some fun with it.
Solas: We have fought living men, with loves and families, and all that they might have been is gone.
Iron Bull: Yeah, but they were assholes!
Iron Bull: So, you going to let me have it, Solas? Or do I get to wait and wonder.
Solas: What do you mean?
Iron Bull: We've got the alliance with my people. Given how much you love the Qun, I figured...
Solas: I might scold you? Berate you for your decisions?
Iron Bull: Hey. The Chargers died as heroes for the good of the mission.
Solas: I never said otherwise.
Solas: The truth is, Iron Bull, you are Qunari. I cannot be disappointed in your decisions.
Solas: As a mindless, soulless drone, you could never make any.
Solas: You are not Tal-Vashoth, Iron Bull, not really.
Iron Bull: Well that's a fuckin' relief.
Solas: You are no beast, snapping under the stress of the Qun's harsh discipline.
Solas: You are a man who made a choice... possibly the first of your life.
Iron Bull: I've always liked fighting. What if I turn savage, like the other Tal-Vashoth?
Solas: You have the Inquisition, you have the Inquisitor... and you have me.
Iron Bull: Thanks, Solas.
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talia-surana · 4 years
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talia-surana · 4 years
dragon age as vines
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talia-surana · 4 years
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I volunteered to help, Inquisitor. Rattle the bars if you like, but I chose to enter this cage.
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talia-surana · 4 years
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Somehow, a heated discord debate between a friend spawned this abomination
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talia-surana · 4 years
In -3 Ancient, Orlais was founded.  This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
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talia-surana · 4 years
I love how much the dragon age fandom celebrated Dorian/Iron Bull but considering that Iron Bull is canonically bisexual I wish we would have all spent a little more time appreciating how badly Iron Bull wanted to sub for Vivienne
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talia-surana · 4 years
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I am the host of this hostility
I’m the master magician that makes you believe
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talia-surana · 4 years
the fact that we know the least about the origins of humans in Dragon Age never fails to crack me up. 
the elves were essentially spirits that created a physical form and stayed like that over time. the dwarves originated from and had some relationship with the Titans. the qunari (arguable the race that should be the most mysterious) weren’t supposed to exist; like they were an experiment gone wrong, and that they had some other form before
but humans? who tf knows. the most we know about humans is that they came from the north and that there is no mention of thedas without the veil in their history
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talia-surana · 4 years
solas: misprounounce “Fen’Harel” one more time bitch
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talia-surana · 4 years
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“In Hushed Whispers” (aka the quest who broke my heart twice - once with Sera and Bull and then with Cass and Varric)
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talia-surana · 4 years
Fictional Kiss Prompts
So I borrowed a bunch of these fictional kisses from this post and made it up into a prompt list. Feel free to reblog of course!
breaking the kiss to say something, staying so close that you’re murmuring into each other’s mouths
moving around while kissing, stumbling over things, pushing each other back against the wall/onto the bed
kissing so desperately that their whole body curves into the other person’s 
throwing their arms around the other person, holding them close while they kiss
hands on the other person’s back, fingertips pressing under their top, drawing gentle circles against that small strip of bare skin that make them break the kiss with a gasp
lazy morning kisses before they’ve even opened their eyes, still mumbling half-incoherently, not wanting to wake up
routine kisses where the other person presents their cheek/forehead for the hello/goodbye kiss without even looking up from what they’re doing
being unable to open their eyes for a few moments afterward
one small kiss, pulling away for an instant, then devouring each other
staring at the other’s lips, trying not to kiss them, before giving in
when one stops the kiss to whisper “I’m sorry, are you sure you-” and they answer by kissing them more
a hoarse whisper “kiss me”
following the kiss with a series of kisses down the neck
starting with a kiss meant to be gentle, ending up in passion
a gentle “i love you” whispered after a soft kiss, followed immediately by a stronger kiss
when one person’s face is scrunched up, and the other one kisses their lips/nose/forehead
height difference kisses where one person has to bend do wn and the other is on their tippy toes
kisses where one person is sitting in the other’s lap
kisses meant to distract the other person from whatever they were intently doing
top of head kisses
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talia-surana · 4 years
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This works to varying degrees with some of the other origins, but playing Tabris, I always wonder when Jory starts having the first inklings of regret. 
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talia-surana · 4 years
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Not super accurate--IRL all my dresses have sleeves, and my hair hasn't been that tidy since March. 😅 But it definitely captures my essence: exhausted, fidgety, done with this shit.
@dep-yo-tee (and I’m pretty sure someone else too but I can’t find it sorry ;A;) tagged me to make myself in this picrew! Thanks Jonny <33
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Tagging: @moon-sugar @goblin-deity @jaffa-keksi @bitterotter @dragonifyoudare @bioticbard (of course ignore this if you don’t want to do this, no pressure <3)
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talia-surana · 4 years
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The hardest choice in any Dragon Age game
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talia-surana · 4 years
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Some things just get lost in translation from Qunlat to Tevene.
Image descriptions under the cut:
Keep reading
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