#happy birthday seth!! you wonderful man
1-seth-a-day · 9 months
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡{Number 17}♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
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Sugar sickness
{♡} requested
- Short story of Boo, wanting to match Alphonse's freak, got sick after eating too much candy. Now Alphonse is helping them recover from it.
Bubble gum couple
{♡} requested
- Story where Boo dyes their hair the same as Alphonse as a surprise
Their a little confused, but they got spirit
{♡} requested
- HC's of Alphonse with a listener that's 'dumb as a brick
Art idea
{♡} personal
- draw this mf as a pastel clown
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Oh ima bout to make a name for ma self
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I'll be your stress outlet, Sugar.
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- Seth get's bend over the desk and fucked w a dildo, NSFW
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- Outfits I picked for him
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- Blurb of Casper coming back home form being abroad for their job!!
Look at this cool thing I made.
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- HC's for Charlie with a potter reader!
Teenage dirt bags!
{♡} requested
- Short story where teenage Casper protects Charlie from bullies.
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- the cheese tax the cheese tax
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- Pussy drunk truther fr
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About to fall off
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Finn outfit
{♡} personal
- pretty dresses!!
{♡} personal
- Oh Mary contrary how does your garden grow
Incorrect Quotes:
What the fuck.
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Draw me like one of your french girls!
{♡} requested
- HC's/short story of Faust with a artist Star who asks him to pose for drawings.
{♡} personal
- lol discord couple
Incorrect Quotes
Valley girl stereotype!
Ironic innit?
lock in chat.
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I know this pretty rave girl-
{♡} requested
- Blurb of Auron finding out Rook was a scene kid
If you hurt my fucking child, so HELP me.
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- Story of Auron meeting Rook's father. But he knows the 'side job' Auron has, also he was in a gang so uh Auron gets threatened :D
Got caught red handed!
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- Short story of Camp Counselor AU Rook pranking Auron with a hand print on his butt.
A bit of brat taming.
{♡} requested
- NSFW short story where Auron deals with a bratty Rook.
Kitty kitty
{♡} ask
- Cute idea for Rook to turn into a cat
Staring contest
{♡} ask
- Damn him being sexy
Am I a bad person?
{♡} personal
- I wonder if my younger self would like me.
Incorrect Quotes:
What'cha gonna do about champ?
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Just Dance!
{♡} ask
- ina minute ima need a sentimental man or woman to pump me up!!
{♡} personal
- He'd so loved it
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Jack with a selective mutism Reader
{♡} requested
- HC's! Ngl loved doing this one bc Jack is so supportive
Wow your so COOL!!
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- HC's for Jack with a sporty Reader!
My first kiss went a lil like this!
{♡} requested
- Short story where Jack and Buddy share their first kiss!
{♡} personal
- short ocean themed nails for him bc why not
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Bittersweet College Au
{♡} requested
- HC's if they were in college (ngl might do pt2)
I got that dog in me! (It's a wolf)
{♡} requested
- Bittersweet boys with a werewolf sugarboo (lowkey so silly)
Were just a call away.
{♡} requested
- Short story of Sugarboo moving and calling the boys the first night after moving away, crying.
A quiet voice chooses not be be heard
{♡} requested
- HC's of Seth and Faust with a listener that has selective mutism. (I think that would count as it?)
A child of divorce (not really)
{♡} requested
- silly blurb of Al and Boo fighting over custody of Seth.
And here we are burning out.
{♡} requested
- HC's of Finn, Auron and Faust's listener dealing with burnout.
Happy birthday, love!
{♡} requested
- HC's with Alphonse, Auron, Faust and Finn celebrating your birthday with you! (Also this is a bday gift to my mootie)
Damn, that's a expensive fur suit
{♡} requested
- HC's of Charlie, Auron, Seth and Alphonse who's listener has/wears a fursuit
A pair of good boys.
{♡} requested
- HC's with bittersweet boys reaction to listener calling them good boys
Crazy shit, new day
{♡} requested
- HC's with Faust, Jack and Finn with a listener who's like Felix Argyle (Re:Zero)
Tis the season, for the sickness
{♡} requested
- Bittersweet trio headcanons with a sick Sugarboo
DIY salon in the bathroom.
{♡} requested
- Short story of Seth and Alphonse helping Sugarboo redye their hair :D
Middle Ground as Camp Counselor's
{♡} requested
- HC's with middle ground for my mootie :D
This was is the greatest show!
{♡} requested
- Wasn't really a request but wanted to write it as such!! Alphonse, Seth, Finn and Jack with a ex trapeze/acrobat reader!
Don't touch me.
{♡} requested
- HC's with Jack and Charlie with a listener who hates being touched.
Baddie's love anime
{♡} requested
- HC's for Faust, Auron, Jack and Finn with a baddie reader who watches anime
He who shouldn't be named
{♡} requested
- Short story of Al and Seth accidentally running into Boo's ex
YV boy's but as Sans
{♡} ask
- From moot who is really good at thinking about things
Gravity Falls Au
{♡} ask
- Honestly need to write more of these.
YV x lgts Au from moot
{♡} ask
- Au my moot was telling me about! (Check their blog out for more cool au's!!)
Monster prom
{♡} ask
- Was askled who I think the boys would romance and play as!!
Southern Stars: A not so great start.
{♡} personal
- The beginning of Southern Stars (might write more idk)
The urge to learn how to animate
{♡} personal
- Plz this trend would work so well for the boys </3
Cute pose
{♡} personal
- Art idea bc this would fit them
Hatsune Miku
{♡} personal
- The boy's Miku sona's :D
Pixie hallow fairy types
{♡} personal
- Silly idea bc of a quote I wanted to do w Faust
Tarot Cards
{♡} personal
- Just idea that came up all of a sudden
What dog's would they have?
{♡} personal
- Tell me what y'all
Charms I made :D
{♡} personal
- Love crafting things
My bracelet box!!
{♡} personal
- Decorating a box I had all my bracelet things in!!
Yuurivoice Twitter PT46 PT47 PT48 PT49 PT50 PT51 PT52 PT53
Incorrect Quotes:
Cheap kazoo
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laurenairay · 1 year
Happy early birthday!!!! Could I request #10 with your choice of Mikko, JT, or Andrei?
- @comphy-and-cozy
As discussed C, we changed this one to prompt 6 – I hope you like it!! It did run away with me a little but here we go anyway.
“Would it be weird if I kissed you?”
Words: 1.2k
There were some things that were just undeniable. The sky was blue. Grass was green. Geese were terrifying. Andrei Svechnikov was the most beautiful man you’d ever met.
Since moving to Raleigh for your first job after college, you’d somehow fallen in with a crowd of girls who knew a lot of the younger Hurricanes players, and somehow you’d developed a wonderful friendship with Andrei. Sure, it mostly consisted of sending each other cute dogs photos, easy recipes, late night commentary on shitty reality tv, and stupid memes on low days, but it was a friendship you treasured. And you knew it meant just as much to him, to have that lifeline outside of the team to ground him.
It just made life that little bit harder knowing exactly how attracted you were to him, knowing that all you were to him was a friend. But, you knew first and foremost that you would never want to do anything to damage your growing friendship, so if that meant pushing your feelings down and locking them away, so be it.
Damn him for being so beautiful though, inside and out.
The evening was like any other evening – you had joined your friends at Seth’s house for a ‘casual’ gathering, which ended up with around 30 people drinking and dancing, music pounding in a way that you could only hope wouldn’t get him any noise complaints from neighbours.
Not that you were too concerned with anything outside of the way Andrei was essentially cornering you outside on the deck though, having guided you outside after getting the two of you fresh drinks.
“Much better. Too much noise inside,” Andrei said happily, leaning against the railing with a smile.
“The fresh air is very welcome, thanks,” you mused, taking a sip of your drink.
“Easier to talk to you without people trying to take your attention too,” he grinned.
His cheeky smile almost distracted you from the fact that it was definitely the other way round, people always wanting to talk to him. Almost.
“Pretty sure you’re the popular one here, Svech,” you laughed, shaking your head.
“All eyes were on you,” he said simply, “I don’t care if I’m selfish for not wanting you to notice.”
Okay what the hell?
What was going on with him?
“Is everything okay?” you asked, frowning.
“Yes? Better now that we’re alone, yes?” Andrei nodded, looking just as confused as you felt.
“Well, yeah, you know I like hanging out with you but…”
You trailed off at the hurt look on Andrei’s face, even more confused than before.
“Just hanging out?” he said, brows furrowed.
Okay seriously, what the hell?
Because with what he was implying…no, there’s no way.
“I think you need to tell me what you’re talking about because I don’t want to get our wires crossed here,” you said firmly.
“Wires crossed?”
“Confuse things. Not be on the same page. Not understand the situation the same,” you clarified.
You bit your lip briefly as Andrei nodded at your explanation.
But still he didn’t speak.
“Please, Svech, I can’t read your mind,” you prompted.
And you really didn’t want to get your hopes up even though his words were full of nothing but hope, feeding into your stupid daydreams in a way that you’d never imagined would be happening in real life.
“Andrei,” he said quietly.
“Please call me Andrei. Not Svech. Everyone calls me Svech…but you’re special,” he said.
You made a soft pleading sound, needing him to keep talking, needing him to tell you one way or another before your traitorous heart ran away with itself. Andrei took a deep breath, seeming to steel himself, before he moved to look at you properly, blocking your view of anyone else, keeping all your attention on him.
“You’re special to me. And I don’t think you know how much? The boys were saying…”
Oh fuck.
His teammates talked about you? About the two of you?
“…that I haven’t been clear enough, and I didn’t realise. These parties, these gatherings, all the nights out – they wouldn’t be the same for me if you weren’t there.”
“Why? Why wouldn’t they?” you managed to say.
Your head felt like it was spinning, definitely not from the two drinks you’d had but purely because of this man in front of you stealing your breath away with every word.
And Andrei just smiled. “Because you are the only person who makes my heart go crazy. All I want to do is make you smile and hear your laugh and I hate the thought of you flirting with anyone else. So this is me, trying to flirt with you, trying to tell you how I feel.”
Holy shit. Of all the things you thought would happen tonight, this was the last of it. He…liked you? Really liked you? As much as you liked him?
“Tell me. Tell me exactly how you feel,” you said firmly.
Andrei laughed softly, sounding a little relieved if anything, but he nodded.
“I like you, so much. And I’m hoping you like me too? Because otherwise I might have to leave and not come back out of embarrassment,” he said, voice full of hope.
As if you could feel any other way for him.
Hearing those honest and genuine words from him filled you with so much happiness, making you almost giddy with relief that this thing between you wasn’t one-sided after all, and you found yourself smiling widely without being able to stop yourself. Time for you to be brave too.
“I do like you, Svech. Andrei. I just didn’t think you liked me, so I never said anything,” you said softly.
“We wasted so much time,” he said sadly, almost with a whine, making you laugh.
“Well we can make up for that time, no?” you mused.
He nodded, eyes flashing with something that made your heart beat a little faster, before he took a final sip of his drink. Andrei put the bottle down on a nearby table, before stepping towards you. You bit your bottom lip as he took your drink and put it down too, watching in a silent joy as he rested one of his hands on your waist, the touch warm even through your dress.
“Would it be weird if I kissed you?” Andrei murmured.
“It would be weirder if you didn’t after all of that,” you replied, just as softly.
Andrei’s mouth crooked in a smile, dimple in full display, before he raised a hand to cup your face gently. You didn’t mention that you noticed it was trembling slightly, knowing yours weren’t much better, the build up of everything hitting you like a train. How was this real life? How was this not a dream? You certainly weren’t going to complain, especially not as he leant his head down to yours. As he pressed his lips to your lips in a soft kiss, you found yourself clinging to his shirt, oblivious to his teammates watching from inside, even more oblivious to money exchanging hands. The world outside of Andrei and his sweet embrace melted away, and for just a moment you lost yourself in him, just as you’d always imagined.
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (April 03, 2023)
23:55 Blank & Jones - Darlings (Feat. Laid Back) 23:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:50 India Arie - Always In My Head 23:44 The New Mastersounds Feat. Corinne Bailey Rae - Your Love Is Mine 23:39 Paul Hardcastle - Slippin Away (Feat. Maxine Hardcastle) 23:35 Dreamhunter - Good Morning 23:35 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:30 Velvet Lounge Project - Why Should I Say No! (Flashbaxx Remix) 23:25 Marcus Koch - Leaving 23:19 Nightmares On Wax - Les Nuits 23:14 Rue Du Soleil - Angel Eyes 23:13 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:09 Ganga, Nikolaj Grandjean - Carry You Home 23:04 Caibedo Island - Catching The Thoughts (Original Mix) 22:59 Weber & Weber - Melody Of Love 22:54 Chicane - Locking Down (Drax & Goodings Room With A View Remix) 22:53 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:48 Husky Rescue - New Light Of Tomorrow (Bonobo Remix) 22:45 Lemongrass - Come With Me 22:40 Roberto Sol & Florito - Love Finds You (Feat Martine - Original Mix) 22:35 Soul Avenue - Yearn To Love (Original Mix) 22:30 Yppah - Pieces 22:26 Natasha Sas - So Far (Original Mix) 22:21 Lounge Vargos - Follow My Dreams (Sunshine Mix) 22:15 Tetris - Two Hours 22:12 Hot City Walk (Original Mix) - Lasteden 22:09 Anthony Island - Promets 22:04 Marc Hartman - I Can't Stop 21:58 Koala - Floating Pillow 21:53 Andreya Triana - Lost Where I Belong 21:50 Juzhin - Wonderful 21:46 Kyau & Albert - Meteorite 21:41 El Rubello - It's Not Unusual 21:37 Mr Vaud - Life In The Night 21:31 Citrus Jam Feat. Judith Erb - When The Sun Goes Down (Sea Session Mix) 21:27 Clinton Affair - Amber 21:23 Omnimotion Feat. Aleah - Days Of Silence 21:22 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:18 Vargo - Lovecore 21:09 Jasmon - Delight 21:04 Sven Van Hees - Barracuda Staredown 21:00 Lana Torres - Elite People 20:56 Johannes Huppertz - Freeee 20:49 Bobby Deep - Angel (Christos Fourkis Lounge Mix) 20:44 Naoki Kenji - Let It Flow (Jazz Jazz) 20:41 Garden City Movement - Slightly All The Time 20:36 From P60 - You Take Me 20:32 Gary B - The Moon 20:27 Triangle Sun - Beautiful 20:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:23 Light Of Aiden - Loveing You 20:19 Stephane Pompougnac Feat. Juliette Oz - Fast & Loud 20:16 Blank & Jones W. Coralie Clément - J'en Reste Là 20:10 Roger Sanchez - Another Chance (Afterlife Remix) 20:06 Grooveprofessor - Sunset In Red (Dubai Mix) 20:01 Five Seasons - It's All Good, Man 19:55 4 Wings - Penelope 19:49 Castlebed - Level Frequency 19:44 Aquarius - Clue To A Mystery 19:40 Breakfast Trim - Dubai Sun 19:36 351 Lake Shore Drive - Neopolitan Nights 19:32 Breakfast Trim - Dubai Sun (Original Mix) 19:32 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:27 Venus In Motion - This Love 19:23 The Frost - Volna (Original Mix) 19:19 Cafe Americaine - Beachcruiser (Del Mar Mix) 19:15 Collective Sound Members - Do It Like That 19:15 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:10 J Axel & Astrid Suryanto - Start Receiving 19:05 Gaba Milani - Open Your Eyes (Original Mix) 19:00 Jane Maximova Feat. Dmitry Raschepkin - Morning Bird 18:54 Jeff Bennet's Lounge Experience Feat. Alexandra - Sympathy 18:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:50 Cafe' Ibiza - Take It To (Original Mix) 18:46 Mirage Of Deep - More Than I Can Bear 18:40 Miro - Holding On 18:36 N.juravel - Four Minutes 18:32 Micatone - A Part Of Me 18:29 Ambience D'orama - Liniya Priboya 18:23 Genf - Aachen-brussel 18:20 Bimbotronic - Wherever You Go 18:19 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:16 Lenny Mac Dowell - Ain't No Sunshine 18:11 Riccardo Eberspacher - Mi Amor Feat. Maria Teresa Pintus 18:07 Dreamhunter - Oude Centrum (Original Mix) 18:02 Weathertunes - Happy Birthday (Feat. Wawa) (Original Mix) 18:02 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:56 Deeper Sublime - Femme Fatale 17:51 Jean Mare - Here We Go Again (Buddha Chillout Mix) 17:47 Creflex - You You You 17:39 Jozef Kugler - Shaggy (Original Mix) 17:36 Sofa Surfers - Can I Get A Witness (Thievery Corporation Mix) 17:31 Left - Under The Water (Feat. Sethe) 17:26 Ealot - Melting Sun 17:22 Peter Pearson - Drifting Off (Original Mix) 17:16 Deeper Sublime - La Musica Sei Tu 17:11 Gary B - A Better Life 17:07 Have A Good Time - Photo In Lounge 17:03 Lemongrass - Forest Spirit 16:59 Living Room - Underwater Lovin (Instrumental) 16:54 Kaxamalka - Backdrops 16:50 Jane Maximova, Dmitry Raschepkin - Late In The Night 16:45 Artenovum & Frank Doberitz - Colours Of My Mind (Deep East Cut) 16:45 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:40 Max Melvin - Earth Inside (Sunset Mix) 16:34 Boerd - Blind 16:30 Marc Hartman - Never Let You Go 16:24 Silky Wave - Under My Skin 16:24 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:18 Sue Ballingall & Mickael Couturier - Somewhere Between The Roses 16:13 Miro - The Cure 16:10 Skyshape - Paper Dwarf 16:06 Tomazz - Lucid Dream 16:02 Velvet Lounge Project - You Broke My Heart 15:57 Seven24 - Frozen 15:53 Triangle Sun - Summer Of Our Love 15:49 Steen Thottrup - Sunset People 15:48 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:43 Giyo - Interplanetary 15:36 Dj Maretimo - Cafe Internacional (Jumairah Skyscrapers Mix) 15:30 Daniele Nacci - Travelling Drops 15:25 Wen - Call Me 15:24 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:20 Jens Buchert - Lichtwesen 15:15 Trinah - Every Day 15:11 Miss B.t - Right Now (Sweet Lovin-' Edit) 15:07 Luminous - Make It Happen 15:07 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:02 Climatic - Homeland 14:58 Puch - Still 14:55 Anthony Hicks - I Don't Know 14:51 Dubphonic - Trick Of Time 14:47 Beach Hoppers - One Love 14:42 Rhod - Crazy 14:37 Aquarius - Candles In Love 14:32 Simon Le Grec - I Need U (Smooth Mix) 14:27 Chill Cole - Urban Stories 14:21 Blue Motion, Amplitude & Dina Eve - Kiss The Stars (Intro Edit) 14:17 Kraak & Smaak - Guilty Discomforts (Feat. Wolfgang Valbrun) 14:13 Krono - First Kiss (Feat. Lijie) 14:09 Blank & Jones - My Island 14:03 Charlie North - Saltwater (Ambient Mix) 13:58 Bobsky - Traffic City - Original Mix 13:54 Dido - I'm No Angel 13:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:51 Beanfield - Chosen 13:47 Malia Feat. Erik Truffaz - Yellow Daffodils 13:43 Moca - Flotter Tag 13:36 Azymuth - Morning 13:33 Cherokee Feat. Yeseo - Long Distance 13:27 Jen Meets Kieser Velten - Together 13:22 Index - Noon Hour Blues 13:16 Aqua Mundi - Beautiful Awaking (Original Mix) 13:12 3 Balearos - Summer Breezin 13:07 Dolphin Boy - Shake It Loose 13:01 A La Lounge - On A Lounge Flow (Sunset Dub) 12:56 Stonebridge Ft. Therese - Put 'Em High (Claes Rosen Lounge Mix) 12:55 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:50 Mind Da Beat - Free In The Music 12:46 Deeper Sublime & Coffee Machine - I've Got You (Original Mix) 12:42 Mr Vaud - Digital Inspiration 12:37 Mathieu & Florzinho, Amroota Natu - Maha-amba (Living Room Remix) 12:36 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:32 Living Room - Underwater Love (Original Mix) 12:27 Velvet Dreamer, Tim Gelo, Diana Moon - Sky Is Falling 12:22 Oscar Salguero - With You 12:17 Placid Larry - Dew Drops 12:13 Myth Syzer - Bonbon A La Menthe Feat. Bonnie Banane (Stwo Remix) 12:09 Urban Phunk Society - Into The Blue 12:06 Peter Silence - Boost 12:01 Lazy Hammock - Deep Sunday Bliss (Original Mix) 12:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:59 Luke B - Matucu (Original Mix) 11:55 Lemongrass - Loving You 11:49 Over Soul - Universal Unfolding (Original Mix) Feat. Gram'ma Funk 11:44 Dejamove - Warmin' 11:41 Juzhin - Wonderful 11:37 Amelie - Softwood 11:32 Citrus Jam - Hakan's Way (Jazzman Mix) 11:26 Big Al - Pray For The Living 11:23 Jack Izzard - Deep Relax (Chillin' Groove Mix) 11:20 Randy Crawford - Give Me The Night (Chill Night Mix) 11:15 Dj Maretimo - Sun Addicted (Pure Beach Cut) 11:10 Ambient Lounge All Stars - Club L'amour 11:10 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:06 Vargo - Talking One Language Anniversary Mix 11:01 Megablast - Love Is Always There 10:57 Above The Sky - India (Original Mix) 10:53 Consoul Trainin Feat Joan Kolova - Beautiful (Kosmopolitans Mix) 10:53 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:49 Triangle Sun - Back To Soul (Instrumental) 10:43 Diario - Indigo 10:40 Lenny Mac Dowell - Ain't No Sunshine (Original Mix) 10:34 Openzone Bar - Seven Seas 10:34 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:30 Thievery Corporation - Until The Morning 10:26 Dadamnphreaknoizphunk (Feat. Jen) - Waiting 10:22 Lenny Ibizarre - Pretty As You Feel (Original Mix) 10:19 Yan C - A Night In Paradise 10:15 Garden City Movement - My Only Love 10:10 Naomi - Anybody Here? 10:05 Marga Sol - Violet Colors 10:01 Chilleando - Sunshine (Californication Mix) 10:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:57 Marga Sol - Love Surprise 09:50 Dimilyan - For Her Only (Original Mix) 09:45 Everything But The Girl - Single 09:42 Lissa - Some Of Me (Feat. Philip Nolan) 09:36 Brainstorm - Maybe (The Equalizers Nuclear Bomb Remix) 09:33 Blank & Jones - High Fly 09:25 Vladi Strecker - Over The Sea (Island Sounds Deluxe Mix) 09:20 351 Lake Shore Drive - Ocean Blue 09:19 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:16 Papercut - Morning Blues 09:12 Mark Mars - Ship's Lounge (Downtown Slow Mix) 09:08 Planet Lounge - Bossapolari Bossapolari 09:02 Nux - Midnight Stroll 08:57 Paul Hardcastle - Stay In The Moment 08:55 Aurys - Dinner Delight 08:49 Dj Krush Feat. Zap Mama - Danger Of Love 08:44 Jessie Ware - You & I (Forever) (Sg Lewis Remix) 08:40 Soulchillaz - I Want You 08:36 Mellie 0 Neil - Rainy Days 08:30 Craig Armstrong - This Love 08:25 Amberland - Obelisk 08:25 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:20 Urban Phunk Society - Changing Spaces 08:14 Jane Maximova - Morning Bird (Feat. Dmirty Raschepkin) 08:07 Mo-' Horizons - Superworld 08:04 Thievery Corporation - Stargazer 08:00 Pat The Cat - Hotel California (Feat. Rachel Moreau) 07:55 Massive Attack - Teardrop 07:50 Zenyatta - Swimming Into Vibrations (Ibiza Downbeat Vocal Mix) 07:44 Merge Of Equals - Gravity 07:44 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:37 Sunyata Project - Pi Lo Chun (Extended Mix) 07:33 Linkin Park Feat. Kelli Ali - My December 07:28 Jane Maximova - Puppets 07:22 Gods Blue Chest - Close To The Sun 07:15 Lemongrass - What You Believe 07:09 Christian Hornbostel Feat. Sarah Chris - Looking Back On Tomorrow 07:03 Simon Le Grec - Touch Me 06:58 Jayson House - Time To Rest (Original Mix) 06:51 Project Blue Sun - Show Me What You Know 06:46 Magnus Wedberg - Red Stone 06:41 Hotel Riviera - Another Chance For Love 06:36 Deeper Sublime, Krapan - Je T'aime (Original Mix) 06:29 Ante Rem - Sacra Samba 06:23 Moodorama - Too Late 06:18 Cocogroove - Puerto Azul (Blue Waves Mix) 06:14 Paradise Airlines - Nassau Beach (Paradise Chillout Mix) 06:09 Jens Buchert - Helios 3 (Mind Flux Mix) 06:04 Lemongrass - Frozen Boy 05:59 From P60 - You Take Me 05:54 The Diventa Project - Still Raining (Rnb Remix) 05:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:48 Lounge Traveller - Many Places 05:42 Solanos - After The Rain (Original Mix) 05:37 Rebekka De Rosa - On A Different Page 05:32 Ku You - 40 Degrees 05:26 Aandra - Baak Waa 05:23 Youth & Troy Gunner - Under My Heart 05:18 Paul Hardcastle - In The Key Of Time 05:14 Mazelo Nostra - Angels Are Coming 05:14 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:08 New Beginning - Another Day 05:04 Green Rabbit - Primal Self 05:00 Stephen Emmer - Under Your Spell Ft. Chaka Khan (Moods Remix) 04:56 Jazzamor - Sometimes 04:50 Shakedown - At Night (Afterlife Remix) 04:46 Baxx - For Time To Love You 04:40 Blank & Jones - Unknown Treasure (With Claudia Brucken) 04:33 Blue Lotus - Eshu Igelu 04:29 Lunatic Soul - Time To Remember (Original) 04:24 Lemongrass - Femme Fatale 04:19 Leonard Sign - Sea Of Shinas (Beauty Atmosphere Mix) 04:14 Dzihan, Kamien - Ocean Air 04:07 Bruno Be & Alvaro Brites - Seasons 04:01 Guru Sax - People Can't Stop Chillin (Costes Buddha Hotel Mix) 03:57 Soundset City - Come With Me (Deep Lounge Cut) 03:53 Deeper Sublime - Japanese Garden (Original Mix) 03:53 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:47 Beach Hoppers - Bit By Bit 03:41 Atrium - Praise For The Beach 03:37 Emancipator - Jet Stream 03:31 Atb - Some Things Just Are The Way They Are 03:26 Castlebed - Heaven 03:20 Velvet Dreamer - 1000 Miles Away 03:15 Afterlife - Dub In Ya Mind (Beachclub Mix) 03:10 Hotplay - Turn Around - Guitar Del Mar Mix 03:05 Velvet Dreamer - Crystal Water (Five Seasons Remix) 02:59 4 Wings - Penelope (Original Mix From Cafe' Del Mar) 02:55 Urban Phunk Society - Self-made Paradise 02:50 Mads Arp Feat. Julie Harrington - Alive 02:45 Mirage Of Deep - Stone Words 02:41 Furns - Fortress 02:35 Boot Cut Rockers Feat. Mica Wanner - Sunflowers 02:28 Sonic Adventure Project - Haze 02:24 Groove Thievery - Killer (Bargrooves Mix) 02:19 Gary B - Never Been Free 02:15 Jakatta - It Will Be 02:10 Vargo - The Flow (Aural Float Mix) 02:10 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:06 Thunderball - Dub Science Feat. Zeebo 01:59 Starshine Bros - Coffe Relax 01:56 Alien Cafe - Chloe Says (Original Mix) 01:50 Cafe Americaine - Marina Beach (Guitar Flow Mix) 01:42 Vladi Strecker - Meditation In The City (Smooth Evening Cut) 01:38 Five Seasons - Dreams Come True 01:33 Atb Feat. Melissa Loretta - White Letters 01:28 Jens Buchert - Luminous 01:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:23 Frost - Amygdala 01:16 March & Starseeds - Strange Planet (Zouk Mix) 01:10 Dj Mnx - Emotions May Fly 01:06 Kidnap Kid - First Light 01:05 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:02 Malkou - Chateau De Vincennes 00:58 Mark One & Kevin Shawn - Between The Lines 00:55 Mara J Boston - Precious Diamond 00:50 Eriq Johnson - Femme Fatale 00:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:45 Sven Van Paapen - Love Me Slow (Smooth Vocal Flair Mix) 00:40 Faro - Subtle Land 00:34 Christos Fourkis - If You Love Me 00:29 Pier-O Feat. Marga Sol - Air Of Love (Original Mix) 00:24 Dream Pawn Shop - We Are Looking For Love (Vocal Chill Mix) (Ft. Shima Premal) 00:19 Merge Of Equals - Don't You Know 00:14 Riccardo Eberspacher - Malay 00:09 Club Salinero - Shade In The Sun 00:09 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:06 Peter Pearson - A Walk In The Park
0 notes
a-vild-bluemyrtle · 3 years
Gaea - The blooming Spirit
Seth Clearwater x Female OC | 10 years after Breaking Dawn | OC with Earth Powers
Also on: AO3 - FF.net
Request from @purpledragon04: Can you write a Seth Clearwater x reader where she has earth elements.
I'm sorry it took me all this time to write this down, but I fell into a rabbit hole and I just lost all my creativity. I still hope you like this :))
Requests are still open, Twilight Wolfpack only!
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It took me all my mental strength to finally go out from the house, from my garden in particular and get some fresh air. Lately, all I have been doing is lying in our glasshouse and taking care of my flowers. I didn’t adapt that much to the new town, to the cold and rainy days, to the lack of sunshine and especially the lack of flowers. Green was the predominant colour, together with grey. Green was all I could see since we moved to Forks. And grey was all I could feel, no matter how hard I tried.
Leaving my beloved Alsace was harder than I thought, especially because of my powers. They grew there, they got stronger there, I could move mountains, trees, I could grow roses, lilies, tulips wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I could make strawberries and cherries gems bloom in autumn If I wanted. While in Forks... it was like they just got weaker and I was getting weaker with them.
There was something in that town that just sucked the life out of me, I couldn't feel any connection with the grass, the trees, with the animals and no one could figure out why.
I was used to attracting animals, playing with them, to cuddle them in those endless French summers. There was this innate curiosity in them for me, because of my powers. Controlling the element of earth meant not only being able to let nature grow around me or on me – uncountable were the times I let flowers grow in my hair - but it also came with the ability to be connected to animals, understand them even without speaking the same language. I was used to birds flying to me and sit on my fingers or shoulders just with a tiny whistle or ladybugs quickly crawling on my bare feet.
In Forks I could whistle as much as I wanted, no one ever came. I could stay sit on the grass and no flower could grow.
“This forest considers you a treat, ma chérie. You’re a stranger here, a frightful one I would say. The trees and the animals do not know your powers, it is something never seen here.” My father used to say the first days but the more those days passed the more concerned he became. To not talk about my mother, she was almost hysterical and when she saw me dressed up to go somewhere different from the usual glasshouse, she almost cried.
“Isn’t it a little too much, Maman?” I asked furrowing my brows and questioning if mental sanity was still present in our house.
“You have not gone out since we moved, mon chou” – she started while I rolled my eyes.
“And I haven’t seen you wearing something different from sweatpants and t-shirts for 2 months. I’m just happy to see you in one of your colourful dresses”. She said, gifting me with one of her sweetest smiles.
My mother was the epithet of sweetness and kindness and it was from her that I inherited my powers. On my 16th birthday they flowed from her to me and, if I’ll have a daughter, one day it will happen to us too. My powers will be hers and she will pass to her daughter, and her daughter to her daughter and so on. All the women in our bloodline will always carry the Nature genes (another of my father’s names, who was really into X-Men).
“Anyway, I’m going exploring. Don’t wait for me. If we are lucky enough, I’ll find out why my powers do not work here”, I said while grabbing my pink purse and opening the front door.
“Don’t let the trees catch you, chérie”, my father said smirking. I was waiting for the day in which he’ll finally stop saying such horrible dad jokes. Especially the inside jokes only we could understand.
It was raining outside, like every day in that town, but bringing an umbrella with me was out of discussion. I have never felt so distant from Mother Nature since we moved here, so a little bit of rain pouring down on my bare skin would have been a blessing in disguise. The best sensation in the world: being outside while it was raining, especially during the summer. The only problem was that it was autumn in Forks, and I could have easily caught a cold… still I didn’t mind at all.
Hours? Months? Years? I don’t even remember how much time I spent that day in the forest strolling around without really thinking where I was going. At some point, while it was still raining, I also took off my shoes and started walking on the muddy and cold soil with bare feet – which may sound disgusting, but once you try how good it feels to just walk without shoes and feeling every inch of the forest under your feet, you’ll never stop doing it.
As I imagined, no traces of animals or plants moving or whatsoever. There was a strange and ominous silence throughout the forest. No birds were chirping, no snakes slithering, no deer jumping around.
When I got out of the house, I was full of hope, I truly believed that all that negative energy was all in my head, that I could fix whatever was happening at that time. But the more I walked the more I started losing that hope. I couldn’t feel anything.
Arrived at a river, I decided to sit down for a moment. The rain stopped a few moments back. I sat on the riverbank and let my feet fell into the cold – freezing – water as I wasn’t enough wet from head to toe. I sat there, sighing and biting my bottom lips in frustration. Why? Why my powers didn’t work? Was it my fault? Of course it was, it’s never Mother Nature’s fault, it’s always mine. Whatever I was, a collateral effect, a special genes carrier or simply a freak, that forest knew.
Another louder sigh came out of my mouth, almost in a desperate attempt to not start crying. I laid down, on the pebbles surrounding the riverbank and what my eyes saw at that moment freaked me out in ways I could have never imagined.
Two dark brown eyes were looking at me, were curiously observing me from the treeline and they did not belong to another human being. I froze in that position, lying on the pebbles with my nose up in the air and my eyes locked into his.
Only years later I understood what was happening at that moment, only after a couple of months later I found out who was hiding in the treeline, to whom those eyes belonged.
At that moment, though, my brain just shut down and there was nothing I could think of. I was scared but at the same time excited. After two months I finally felt something, and even if it were not positive emotions at least they were some kind of emotions.
I slowly got up on my feet, trying to be as subtle as possible so to not instigate the wolf t – or horse, better – to attack me. Our eyes were still onto each other's, my gaze never leaving his and there was something in him that tangled me.
The rain started pouring down again the moment I decided to take a step forward towards him. At the same moment, he seemed to be scared of me and took a step back, his head tilted to one side, his eyes digging into mine trying to figure everything out.
There was some sort of connection happening between me and that wolf, which fur reminded me of the colour of the sand, or more precisely of the colour of the light in the late afternoon in Alsace. And I would have never imagined what that moment meant for my future, not really far as I imagined it was.
We stayed like that, frozen in time and space, under the rain, looking at each other until we realized, or at least he realized – I would have realized a lot later, I had all the hints in front of my eyes and still didn’t have a clue. No words were spoken, not a single one, the only sounds were the thunders and the rain falling from the sky, and our heartbeats – his way faster than mine.
“Still daydreaming, darling?” His sweet voice wakes me up and I shake my head smiling when he puts his warm hand on my shoulder. I don’t think I will ever get used to his warmth, every time he touches me I sweetly shiver.
“Mh… yes”. I whisper, more to myself than to him, absolutely sure that he can still hear me clearly.
He hugs me from behind, trying to find the exact spot I’m still looking at outside our window.
“What is it? A deer? Again?” he whispers to my ear, leaving soft kisses on the side of my neck.
I intertwine his fingers with mine and tilt the head a little, so he has more space to kiss me.
“No, no deer at all, baby”, I reply, closing my eyes and enjoying the overwhelming sensation his kisses and hugs were making me feel. He holds me closer and I can’t help to smile more, thinking about everything that happened since the moment we met.
“It’s raining, exactly like that day”. I turn my head to look at him, at those same eyes that turned me upside down on that pouring day years ago.
Those same eyes that haunted me in my sleep until I found out to whom they belonged: to a sweet, gentle man, with arms and legs covered in tattoos, with hairs longer than mine who I fell in love with instantly and married one night on a beach without telling anyone else. A wonderful man I'm lucky enough to call my husband, the love of my life.
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Welcome Home (part two)
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(not my gif) 
Summary: After not speaking to her brothers for over a year, Peyton Rhodes’ life is turned upside down when her boyfriend of four years cheats on her. She uproots her life with WWE and returns home to Atlanta. She finds herself among great friends and she is finding herself again after being lost for so long.
Pairings: Cody Rhodes x OFC (Sister), Brandi Rhodes x OFC (sister), Dustin Rhodes x OFC (Sister), past Seth Rollins x OFC, future Kenny Omega x OFC (maybe?), MJFx OFC( maybe?) 
WARNINGS: SO MUCH FLUFFING FLUFF, explicit language, mentioned cheating (ONE EXPLICIT DESCRIPTION),  
A/N: I tried to post this yesterday, but tumblr was not having it. Here is part two. Enjoy<3 
Seth mentioned that WWE was traveling through Atlanta and wanted to know if he could stop by my place. I had gotten an apartment close to Brandi and Cody’s place  not long after leaving. I said sure, but I was going to have someone here with me. I invited Kenny over and told him Seth wanted to talk and that I wanted, no needed, him to be there with me. 
A knock at my door pulled me from my thoughts. Gathering myself together, I answered the door.
“Hey Princess.” Kenny Omega greeted me. I didn’t reply, I only embraced him. “You gonna invite me in?” he chuckled, hugging me tightly. I nodded against his broad chest. We released each other and moved into the apartment.
“Hey Ken.” I finally greeted him as the door closed. He smiled lightly. He knew I was still hurting.
“How are you?” He asked, sitting down on my couch. I shrugged, taking place next to him.
“Honestly, I feel worthless. Ken, I can’t explain it. I don't understand how he can still have this affect on me.” I said, no real emotion in my voice. 
“Peyton Rhodes, you are not worthless.” Kenny rebutted, shocked at my words. “You are wrestling royalty. You are talented. And honest to God, you have Kenny Omega,” He paused to point to himself, “wrapped around your pretty little finger.” He explained, grabbing my hands. “Pey, you are my best friend. You are amazing and I hate to see you think otherwise. I could kick Seth’s ass all the way back to Iowa for making you feel this way.” I laughed, scooting closer to him. 
“Kenny, thank you for coming. I couldn't do this without you.” I said, laying my head on his shoulder. He placed a light kiss to my hair.
We sat in comfortable silence for a while. Suddenly, a knock at the door, broke the silence. “I��ll get it.” Kenny said, getting up and walking to the door. Kenny looked through the peak hole on the door. Seeing the person on the other side filled him with rage, but he composed himself. Kenny opened the door. “Good evening, Seth.” 
“What are you doing here, Omega? This has nothing to do with you.” Seth growled. I had started to make my way to the door, prepared to split up an all-out brawl. I placed a hand on Kenny’s shoulder.
“Ken,” I said, he shifted over, so that Seth came into my sight. “Seth, I told you I was going to have someone with me.” 
“Yeah, but I figured it would be Brandi, hell, maybe even Cody.” I laughed at the mention of my brother’s name and shook my head. 
“Cody wants to kick your ass.” Was all I said and Kenny interjected, “For the record, so do I.” 
Kenny and I moved over to let Seth into the room because the last thing I needed was for a nosey neighbor hearing what was about to go down. The three of us moved into my dining room and sat at the table. I sat as far away from Seth as possible and Kenny moved his seat so we were shoulder to shoulder. 
“So, Seth. Explain yourself.” I offered him the room to talk. 
“I know what I did was awful and I will never forgive myself. But Pey, please believe me when I say she means nothing to me and I am so, so sorry.” he apologized. 
“She doesn’t mean anything? Then why are you engaged, Seth? I saw the fucking pictures, with the giant rock on her hand.” I scoffed, wondering why I did this in the first place. 
“She found the ring I bought for you, put it on, and took those pictures. We are not engaged.” he tried to defend himself, but something didn't feel right. I knew Mandy.
“That doesn’t change the fact that I walked in on you balls fucking deep in her in OUR locker room. Actions speak a fuck ton louder than words. I got the message. I wasted four fucking years on you. FOUR. I got pushed out of the title scene for you. I was basically demoted to a fucking escort.” I snarled, slamming my hands on the table.
Seth jumped and looked at me with sad eyes. He knew I was right, I almost ruined my career for him. "And I know Mandy. She may sleep with other people's boyfriends, but she wouldn't put on some random ring and announce she's engaged." Tears streamed down my face, and Kenny noticed, wiping them away. Seth’s sad eyes changed to jealous. 
“So what, are you guys together, now?” He asked, his voice laced with envy. Kenny whipped his head to face him. 
“If we were, which we aren’t, it wouldn’t be any of your fucking business. It’s called being a good friend.” Kenny seethed, gripping the edges of his chair. "You have no idea how much you hurt her." 
I could tell this wasn’t going to end well. “Thank you for telling me your side of the story. But this doesn’t change anything. I think it’s time for you to go.” I sighed, and moved to get up from the table. Seth rushed to my side. 
“That’s it? After everything, I only get 10 minutes to say my piece?” Seth questioned, offended. He went to touch me and I shrugged away. 
I shook my head. I was done. I heard more than I needed. “I spent the last 4 months coming to terms with what happened. And I’m finally happy. I found myself again, after being lost for so long,” I paused, trying to compose myself. “I learned to love myself again. I fell in love with wrestling again, and I’m not letting anyone take that away from me.” I explained, moving away from him, giving Kenny the chance to move between us. 
He pointed to the door, “I’ll walk you out.”
Seth accepted defeat and walked with Kenny, muttering a simple, “Bye Pey,” as he followed Kenny. Kenny opened the door, gesturing for Seth to walk out of it, but he stopped in the doorway. He turned around to face the other man. 
“I can see you care for her, hell, you might even love her. Don’t fuck it up, Omega.”  Seth advised. Kenny crossed his arms and scoffed. 
“I don’t need advice from the guy who cheated on her. I know how fucking amazing she is. Goodbye, Rollins.” Kenny began shutting the door before he was even out of the way. He flipped the lock and walked back to me.  
“Don’t cry anymore over him.” Was all Kenny said, wiping stray tears away from my face, before pulling me into a hug. That was the last night I ever cried over Seth Rollins. 
We ended up ordering pizza and watching movies that night. Kenny had passed out half way through ‘The Greatest Showman’ mumbling about how he hates musicals. His head was in my lap, and I was running my fingers through those beautiful blonde curls. He had been my rock these last four months. I don’t know what I’d do without him.
At that moment, I realized that I was falling for him and that scared the shit out of me. Kenny made it so easy though. I did my best to push those thoughts down and finish the movie, but they were never far away. 
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The next morning, I woke up, surprisingly in my bed, when I remember passing out on the couch with Kenny. I got out of the bed and padded to the living room. “Ken?” I called out, not seeing him on the couch. 
“Kitchen.” He replied instantly. I walked to the kitchen, finding Kenny, brewing coffee. “Morning, Princess.” He said, handing me a cup. I took the cup happily, needing the caffeine. “How did you sleep?” He asked, sipping his own coffee. 
“I swore I fell asleep on the couch, with you passed out in my lap.” I teased him, moving back into the living room to sit. Kenny followed close behind. 
“Yeah, sorry about that. But I woke up and you looked uncomfortable, so I moved you.” He explained, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. 
I smiled, getting myself comfy on the couch. "So Omega, what are your plans for the day?" I asked before blowing on my hot beverage. 
Kenny looked at me with a huge grin on his face. Since AEW started, Kenny rarely had a day off to himself. "I'm glad you asked, princess. You have me for the whole day." 
I squealed, almost spilling my coffee. "Lazy day with take out and movies? Or do you want to get presentable and go out?" I asked him. 
"Let's get dressed. I want to spend a day out with my best girl." Kenny replied, setting his cup on the table, standing up and extending a hand for me to take. 
"What about Kayfabe? I'm a heel now, won’t that mess with that baby face image of yours?" Kenny shook his head. 
"Peyton. Fuck Kayfabe. Let's go out. Please." He smiled sweetly, batting those long eyelashes. And who could resist those grey-blue eyes. 
I sighed, “Fine, we can go out and face the world.” I turned and sauntered back to my room to get dressed. I picked a maroon cami, jeans, and converses. I threw my chocolate brown hair into a messy bun, brushed my teeth, and joined Kenny in the living room again. He had gotten dressed in a pair of jeans and a plain black tee. Fuck, he looked good. 
He lifted his head at the sound of my footsteps. He raised an eyebrow at my outfit. I shrugged it off. “Ready to go, Omega?” I asked, grabbing my leather jacket off the rack by my door. He hopped up, and out the door we went. 
Kenny insisted that he drive, even though he was not used to Atlanta traffic. “So I have a surprise.” Kenny started, I hummed in response. “I got tickets to the aquarium. It was going to be a birthday surprise, but since we are here now, they traded days.” 
“Ken! Are you serious? I haven’t been there in forever.” I bubbled, smiling so big, it hurt. “You are seriously the best friend I could ever ask for.” I had mentioned the aquarium a month ago, when we were talking about things we wanted to do but never really had the time for. I couldn’t believe he actually listened. 
“You are more than welcome, Pey. I knew it would make you happy. Plus, I don’t think I’ve ever been to one.” Kenny confessed, casting a glance my way before his eyes returned to the road. Kenny really was all work and no play. 
“Well, I am honored to pop that cherry for you, Omega.” I giggle, placing a hand over my heart. I could see Kenny roll his eyes before smiling. The rest of the drive to the aquarium was full of laughs and singing. 
“I’m sorry, but how do people listen to this?” Kenny groaned as Brantley Gilbert flowed through the speakers. 
I scoffed, feigning offense. “Brantley Gilbert is a Georgia native, show some respect. If you can’t deal with his music then we can’t be friends.” I shrugged, turning to face the window, before exploding in laughter. I couldn’t help but feel so free with him, and I hoped he felt the same way. 
Arriving at the Georgia Aquarium, we quickly parked and made our way inside. We started with the tropical diver exhibit. The fish were beautiful, but nothing compared to the adult man standing next to me, looking like a small child. 
He stepped closer to me, bending down to whisper in my ear. “It took less than 5 minutes to be noticed.” I cut my eyes to my right, where a few people were taking pictures. I smiled and shook my head. 
“Just keep smiling and let’s have fun.” I whispered back, reaching a head out to him to follow me through to the next tank. Kenny’s words were floating in the back of my head the whole time ‘Fuck kayfabe’. 
The rest of the day went by in a blur. I had never seen Kenny look so care-free. By the time we got back to my apartment that night, the wrestling world was buzzing. Kenny and I had gotten settled and were watching ‘The Mandalorian’ when Cody sent me a text with a link. 
Not sure what’s going on.
You should see this. *link*
If you need me, let me know.
I clicked the link and it opened to a headline. 
From one main eventer to another, Peyton Rhodes has her eyes set on the best in the business.   
Beneath the headline, it showed a picture of us with Kenny’s arm around my waist as we looked at the shark exhibit. I was pointing out sharks, and Kenny’s eyes were trained on me. I showed Kenny and he just laughed. “Let them talk, princess.” He casually threw his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him and focused back on the show. I placed my phone on the cushion beside me, curled up closer to him, and shut out the world. 
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A Sami and Kevin Fanfic
4070 Words No Pairings Present (Zowens if you squint)
As Kevin lays in a hospital bed after Money in the Bank, he finds himself confronted by one Sami Zayn. But has Sami come to gloat? To enjoy Kevin's suffering yet again?
Or is there something else motivating his visit?
No violence or smut, but there is some foul language so, Rated T?
The worst thing about ladder matches was the fucking ladders.
Well, maybe not the ladders themselves; ladders were a useful tool in everyday life and carried no ill will of their own. But when you put them in the hands of the type of angry, violent assholes who filled the locker room of the WWE, it never ended well.
To be fair, Kevin Owens was one of those angry, violent assholes and he was happy to use the ladders to commit such acts himself but as he lay in a hospital bed in Fort Worth Texas battered, beaten, and with an injured neck that didn’t want to work courtesy of Seth Rollins powerbombing him through one of said ladders, he couldn’t help but curse the existence of the damn things.
Still, he wasn’t in much pain. He wasn’t feeling much of anything, really. Kevin was never one for painkillers outside the hospital; he'd been in the industry long enough to know that they could lead you down a dark path of no return and that was the last thing he wanted for himself or his family. But, as long as he was in the hospital, they were fine. Plus, if you got yourself into enough trouble to wind up in a hospital bed, you were likely at a point where they were a necessity.
This was one of those times.
On top of the painkillers, he was tired, so tired. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been there, but it couldn’t have been long. Two days at the most. They’d taken the neck brace off at some point, although they’d warned him to try not to move his head much. He’d been sleeping on and off ever since arriving, but it never seemed to help. He wanted to sleep more, the utter exhaustion from the past few months having caught up with him.
His body was broken. Between his injured arm, his injured knee, and now his injured neck, he was ready for a vacation. He’d intended on taking one several weeks back but Sami, that infuriating bastard, couldn’t be left alone for more than a week. Kevin had been drawn back in again, this time for a Last Man Standing match, in an effort to end Sami’s reign of terror once and for all.
It hadn’t worked. He’d beaten Sami down until he couldn’t get up again, sure. But his original goal of fixing Sami went unfulfilled, and Kevin realized it always would. You couldn’t help someone who didn’t want to be helped and it was clear Sami didn’t want his help. He was too deranged and paranoid to see that Kevin gave a damn and, whatever, it was what it was. Kevin was shit at trying to help people anyway, he had no idea what made him think he could help Sami in the first place.
Best just to leave him to his insanity. He’d burn himself out eventually.
Still, a break was a break, nearly literally in this case, and as he lay in the hospital bed half asleep, he couldn’t help but think that the room would be better with company. And as he stared up at the ceiling of the hospital room, contemplating another nap, he got his wish... in the worst way possible.
Kevin heard him before he saw him.
“You're an asshole, Kevin Owens,” he heard the voice say as he entered the room.
Kevin’s eyes shifted over to look towards the door.
Yep, it was definitely Sami Zayn, as bitter as ever.
Kevin squeezed his eyes shut.
Great, he thought, completely disgusted, the last fucking person I wanted to see.
“Go away,” he grumbled. His voice was raspy and weak and it only served to piss him off more. Being weak was never something Kevin tolerated from himself and being weak in front of Sami? Unacceptable.
Still, Kevin knew he didn’t have the strength left for the appropriate amount of rage warranted, so he would just have to make do with what he could give. Staring up at the ceiling once more, Kevin responded.
“I’m not dealing with your shit today,” he told Sami. “I’m tired. Whatever the hell you want, it can wait till Friday.”
A chuckle escaped Sami’s throat as he replied, “Oh, and I care so much about what you want. Really, I do. Oh, hang on, no I don't.”
Kevin sighed. If he’d had the strength, he’d already be out of his bed, strangling the lunatic. It was true that Kevin cared about Sami, but as he’d stated before, Sami wasn't Sami anymore. At the very least, he wasn’t his Sami. His Sami was an angel, kind, loving, protective, and all the things that Kevin secretly wished the powers of the universe had given him the capacity to be. But this new Sami? He was one big ball of psycho and just being around the bastard made Kevin want to throttle him.
But the truth was, there was nothing he could do about Sami being there. Sure, he could call the nurse to have him removed, but Sami would just cause a scene like he always did, and Kevin didn’t need any more stress. The best option was to ignore him until he went away.
He closed his eyes once more and said nothing.
Fuck him, he thought.
He feeds off attention. Don’t give it to him.
Kevin heard Sami drag a chair across the floor to sit down beside him.
“Besides,” Sami said, “I’m loving the look. You stuck in a hospital bed? It’s such a wonderful birthday present. A bit late, but really, great job, Kevin. A for effort. You outdid yourself this year.”
There was something about the tone in Sami’s voice, something that Kevin couldn’t quite put his finger on. Kevin pushed it from his mind. Whatever new flavor of insanity Sami had brewing he didn’t care.
Still, Sami didn’t shut up.
“I mean, I’m sure that’s what it was. A birthday present. At the very least it’s a gift from the universe. Karma for everything you’ve done to me. And it is so sweet. Sweet, beautiful Karma.”
Kevin was rapidly losing his patience. He wasn’t going to shut up. Granted, he never did, but like an idiot, Kevin had hoped this was the exception.
Mustering up all the energy he could but still not looking at Sami, Kevin responded, “Is that why you came? To gloat?”
“Gloat? Gloat?” said Sami, the mania not leaving his voice, “Why wouldn’t I? It isn’t like you didn’t try to break my back two weeks ago.Again. I mean, I have to hand it to you, credit for staying true to form. It isn’t enough to betray me time and time again, the consistency for you trying to end my career is admirable.”
There was definitely something about Sami’s tone. Kevin was trying valiantly to try and ignore it but the more the redhead ranted, the harder it got. Through the weariness, Kevin tried to place it. Once upon a time, he’d have been able to read Sami like a book without the need for words or other lesser means of communication. But whatever hellscape Sami’s mind had become, there was no understanding him anymore, even with words. Still, Kevin needed to try.
Anger? Well, that was surface level and to be expected. Hate? Again, par for the course between them. Regret? Possibly, but they’d put each other through so much by that point that their entire history was coated with regret. It was nothing new for either of them and it wasn’t what he was hearing now.
“Although, I have to say, Kevin,” Sami continued, “trying to end your own career? Odd choice. Brave, and entirely on point for your level of bullshit but still – odd choice.”
As the statement left Sami’s lips, the tonal shift became more evident than ever and, suddenly, Kevin realized what was happening.
Concern. That’s what was burning at the edges of Sami’s voice. Concern.
Suddenly, Kevin couldn’t avoid looking at Sami any longer. Pushing through the grogginess and haze, he turned his head to look at his former best friend. As he did, Kevin realized that, as tired as he felt, Sami somehow looked even more tired. His face was haggard and his already wild curls looked messier than usual, and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked like he hadn’t slept in a couple of days and the sight caught Kevin off guard like a kick to the stomach.
Still, Kevin didn’t care. He knew he didn’t. Not even a little and if he could just convince himself of it long enough for Sami to leave...
“You look like shit,” Kevin said.
Sami’s eyes fell to the floor, the façade starting to break. “So do you.”
Kevin couldn’t deny it anymore. Sami was worried about him.
And somehow, that made everything so much worse.
Don’t say anything,Kevin’s mind was screaming. Just let him leave. Don’t engage, don’t say a word...
“Are you... worried about me?” Kevin asked, despite himself.
“NO!” Sami replied fervently, shaking his head as his eyes darted off in another direction. “No, of course – no, no! Why would I – no. No.”
It was far too many “no’s” to be a denial.
After a moment, Sami settled down again, his eyes once more on the floor. There was a knot tying itself up in Kevin’s gut, a familiar ache that Kevin loathed with every fiber of his being. He hated that knot, but he could never seem to escape it. As much as he told himself, swore to himself that he didn’t care, it always came back. With every stunner, every beatdown, every apron powerbomb atrocity he committed against Sami, he felt it. He’d fought against the feeling for over a decade by that point but it was relentless, carving up his insides and leaving him empty.
It felt a hell of a lot like guilt.
Kevin watched as Sami rubbed his face with his hands.
“Sami...” he said warily, but he was immediately cut off.
“I mean, I hate you!” Sami exclaimed, his voice turning wild once more. “I hate you with every fiber of my being! Every part of me, every single strand, every single sinew stands in defiance against you and what you have spent your life doing to me. You represent everything that is wrong with the WWE, and you are everything that is wrong with my life! You’ve been holding me down for so long, why the hell do I care?!”
For a moment, Sami’s crazed eyes locked with Kevin's, and Kevin realized two things immediately. First, Sami had accidentally replaced the word “would” with “do” in his rant and, second, Sami knew that he had and suddenly needed a way out of it. As quickly as they met, Sami’s eyes were gone again, slammed shut, and turned away from Kevin.
“I don’t care,” he muttered. “I really, really don’t. I just -”
Sami tensed up for a moment as if trying to restrain himself from something before letting out a long sigh, leaning back in his chair, and relaxing slightly. He was still pointedly avoiding Kevin’s gaze and as Sami rubbed his nose with his hand a nagging thought crept into Kevin’s mind.
It was the kind of thought that, were things different between them, might have meant something. The kind of thought that, was Kevin’s heart not already hardened against his former friend, might have given him hope. It was the kind of thought that chewed at your soul, stabbed you in the chest, and left you feeling raw and gutted inside.
He knew he should ignore it and any other lies like it. They couldn’t be true, the universe was too indifferent to muster up that level of cruelty. Were Kevin a wiser man, he’d have thrown the idea into the metaphorical dumpster, tossed in a burning match, and slammed the lid shut. But when it came to Sami Zayn, Kevin had never been a wise man, and the thought kept building and building until it was roaring like a freight train in his brain.
Somehow, the thought told him, likely against his will and buried deep in the shattered and broken mind of his ex-best friend, Sami still loved him.
It was a horrible thought, and as it tore through Kevin like a chainsaw he realized that a far worse fact lay buried beneath that.
Despite everything he had convinced himself of, all of the violence and aggression, rage and bitterness, he felt the same way.
Kevin stared at Sami, the silence between them almost tactile. It was no good. Kevin knew as much. Whatever they might have had long ago, it was gone now. Whose fault it was didn’t matter, although he knew in his heart it was mostly his. His friend, his Sami, the man he loved so much and who Kevin once would have gladly laid down his life for knowing that he would do the same, was gone. Immolated and turned to ash amidst a thousand paranoias, conspiracies, and obsessions. But as Sami sat beside his bed, his shoulders slumped and what Kevin swore looked like tears in his eyes, he couldn’t help but wonder if there was a chance, some excruciatingly small chance that they could be mended; Made whole once more.
Put back together.
They sat in silence for several long, agonizing minutes and Kevin watched as Sami fought the moisture in his eyes, steeling himself before finally shaking his head, scrubbing his face and eyes with his hands roughly, and hunching over in defeat.
Kevin couldn’t hold it in any longer. He had to say something, anything to break the tension.
What came out of his mouth was a question.
“Are you alright?”
Such a stupid question.
Sami didn’t respond at first, and Kevin watched as he bit his lip angrily before, strangely, he let out a small chuckle. Then another, followed by a laugh, and before Kevin could react, Sami was laughing. Rising, escalating laughter that reeked of the insanity Sami had been suffering from for so long. Crazed, maniacal laughter that shook Sami's whole body, and, as he cackled, he started shouting.
“Am I ok?” he hollered, “Am I ok? The man in the hospital bed asks me if I am ok!”
Anger filtered into Kevin's heart. What the hell was the asshole laughing at him for, all he asked was...
Sami bolted to his feet kicking the chair out from under him.
“YOU DIDN’T MOVE!” Sami cried out, and suddenly, he wasn’t laughing anymore.
Kevin’s eyes went wide as Sami’s laughter choked and sputtered turning into something that was entirely different and burned itself into Kevin’s brain.
“You didn’t move!” repeated Sami, waving his hands as the tears in his eyes threatened to spill over, “You landed on your head, bent in half and you didn’t move! I mean, it was just for a second, but I thought...”
Kevin wanted to say something, anything to calm Sami down, but his tongue felt thick in his mouth and the words got caught in his throat.
Sami’s words were soaked with pain as he continued. “... I don’t know why the fuck it matters, anyway, we aren’t friends. You didn’t... I don’t think we ever were, you just used me, used us for years until you were done with me and - and then... but we...”
Sami trailed off and Kevin watched as he fought to regain control. It struck Kevin as odd that he was fighting, that he was even trying to calm down. Sami had been ranting and raving for so long that Kevin had assumed he’d just stopped giving a damn about civility. But standing at Kevin’s bedside, Sami’s hands were now clenched into tight fists at his sides, with his body stiff, his eyes closed, and a face straining under the pressure to keep it together.
And, somehow, the impossible occurred.
Sami succeed.
Kevin watched the visible signs of Sami’s battle against his own mind start to subside and an uneasy calm fell over the redhead. Sami relaxed a bit, taking several long breaths before continuing.
When he did, he sounded nothing like the Sami that Kevin had grown accustomed to. He wasn’t Kevin’s Sami either but, somehow, it was as if a middle ground had been reached.
“I know it was Seth,” Sami told him. “Seth powerbombed you, that – you didn’t choose that, and I can’t hold it against you. It happens. But even on Smackdown, with the ladder there, and all the other crazy shit you’ve been doing? You’re going to injure yourself. End your career. Or worse…”
Sami trailed off once more, wiping his wet eyes.
Kevin knew Sami had a point, some of his antics from the past few years had reached new and creative levels of stupidity, outpacing the risks he so willingly took in his younger years. And yes, time and time again, he’d managed to injure himself in the process.
Still, it wasn’t all on his shoulders and Kevin’s jaw was tight as he replied.
“You know, I remember someone shoving me through a pair of tables a couple weeks ago,” he said.
Sami’s eyes were once more on his shoes as he responded.
“I remember some asshole powerbombing me through a pair as well. You wouldn’t happen to know who that was, would you?”
There was so much hurt in Sami’s voice that it broke Kevins’ heart. The anger was feeling dissipated and KO could feel his soul shattering into hundreds of mirrored fragments, shards of a past, present, and future devoured by fury and hatred, each reflecting back a stark reminder of who caused this, who was to blame.
He’d done this. He was the one who turned Sami into who he was now. Sure, the mental breakdown had a hand in it but Sami’s fall from grace was entirely on Kevin. He was the one who dragged Sami into his world all those years ago, determined to “fix him” and “bring him to the light”. All he had done was pull his best friend into a darkness that Sami had yet to come back from.
And still, as far as Sami had fallen, as much as he had crashed and burned, somehow Kevin was still managing to hurt him more.
Kevin’s voice was low when he finally responded.
“I never meant to -” Kevin paused for a moment, modifying the sentence in his brain, “ - worry you. Sorry.”
Sami scowled, shaking his head. “Sorry doesn’t begin to cover it, Kev. Not anymore. We have gone so far past sorry. So damn far.”
Kevin tried valiantly to shut down the part of his brain that was screaming at him. They’d gone too far, it was true. Anything they might have once had was irreparably broken. His gut was twisting as he realized it but there was a voice in his brain screaming at him to try anyway. Do whatever it took. Apologize more. Get on his knees to ask forgiveness. Plead. Beg. Hell, just kiss the guy if that’s what it took. Whatever was necessary to bring Sami back into his life. Sure, his Sami might be gone forever, but watching Sami struggle not to care, fighting back tears as Kevin lay in a hospital bed?
Part of Kevin believed that there might be enough of his Sami left to pretend they were ok.
And, at the moment, that part was winning.
Looking over at his former friend, Kevin’s brown eyes were full of love as he spoke his name once more.
“Sami...” he said.
The way the name came out, passing over his lips like a tragic reminder of what once was and what he wished could be again. It was a promise that Kevin would never give up on Sami, regardless of what new hells they might put each other through. A sacred oath that no matter what fate or any other force might do to them, Kevin would keep fighting to save them both.
Worst of all, Kevin knew it was a prayer. A prayer that, against all odds, there was something still worth fighting for.
That’s what you do with angels, isn’t it, he thought, the regret in his heart twisting like a serrated blade.
You pray to them.
Sami’s eyes returned to Kevin’s once more and KO realized that he was right. There was so much hurt, rage, and yes, insanity there in those hazel orbs. But Kevin had spent so long staring into them over the last two decades that he knew, in his heart, that his guardian angel wasn’t dead.
Not yet.
Fallen, yes.
But not dead.
And at that moment, Sami’s fight against the tears in his eyes was lost and they brimmed over, rolling down his cheeks.
“Don’t,” Sami said, his voice equally as sad as Kevin’s, “Just... don’t.”
“What?” Kevin asked.
Sami’s voice was cracking as he replied. “Don’t talk like we’re friends.”
Despite himself, a smile began to break through Kevin’s soul-torn expression
“I just said your name,” he said.
“I know.”
For the briefest of moments, Kevin thought he saw Sami smile in return when, just as before, the moment was wrenched from him as Sami broke away, turning his head aggressively to send a clear message that he was having no part of Kevin’s attempt at kindness.
“No,” said Sami firmly, “No, this isn’t happening. You don’t get off that easily, you shithead. We’re done here.”
Without looking back, Sami turned and started walking towards the door.
“Stay,” Kevin blurted out before he could stop himself.
God, you’re hopeless.
Sami stopped in his tracks, still facing the door.
“Why,” he asked. “Give me one good reason.”
Sleep was beginning to wash over Kevin. He fought it, he had to. He wasn’t ready to let go of... whatever the hell was happening between them. He had to stay awake, even if it was only until Sami was gone.
He didn’t want it to end.
“I’m waiting,” Sami said. “Give me a good reason why I shouldn’t just walk away.”
There was no anger or attitude in his voice and Kevin couldn’t help but think Sami sounded as tired as he felt.
“Because I... I want you to stay,” Kevin admitted. It was all he had.
With a bitter chuckle, Sami turned his head sideways to say over his shoulder, “I said a good reason.”
His voice weary with pain and exhaustion, Kevin said, “I don’t have one. Stay anyway.”
Kevin watched as Sami tensed up for a moment as if ready to throw attitude once more before he slumped and let out one final shaky breath. Wordlessly, he turned around and, retrieving the chair from where he’d kicked it, set it upright and sat down.
Nothing more was said. It was better that way.
Looking one final time at Sami in the chair, Kevin couldn’t fight the need for sleep any longer. He wanted to memorize the sight, Sami beside him for the first time in years peacefully and without them hurling insults, powerbombs, or helluva kicks at each other.
It wouldn’t last; Kevin knew that and Sami had to as well. By Friday, none of it would matter, they would be back to hating each other. Or, even worse, not caring at all.
At least when Sami was wailing on him, Kevin was close to him. Fight forever, that’s what they always said. When he was fighting Sami, they communicated on a level few could hope to comprehend. At Wrestlemania, there was an energy in the air, as if they’d found a canvas to paint a masterpiece on that would rival the greatest works of Rembrandt or Van Gogh. When he fought Sami, it still felt like home.
Sami loving him was the greatest gift of all. Sami fighting him was a close second. But indifference?
That was the worst fate imaginable.
And as sleep started to consume him, Kevin gave a silent prayer to any angel that was listening, Sami or otherwise, that that wasn’t the future that awaited him when he woke up.
The heavy silence between them faded away to foggy nothingness, and Kevin felt himself drift away.
The final thing he registered before unconsciousness took him was the feeling of a hand wrapping around his own.
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fleshblueberry · 3 years
Babe wake up im going to rant about my ocs lore because im bored
Tw/cw depression, suicide, kidnapping, addiction, unreality
I write angsty stuff for my ocs oops-
When i first started making my characters they were very different in alot of ways and they were very different from what they are now. But i some how managed to glue all the chaos of my ocs together into a semi-coherent story. I went through an insane amount of world building with myself and i honestly dont think ive ever writen or typed any of it out before! its all just up in my head (and you know my memory is trash so ive probably forgotten of alot of things i made before lol). Anyways- i have two main story lines for my characters. Ethan's story, and Vevlet's story. Although i must admit Ethan's story is less complex than velvets simply beacsue it acts as a story of prequeal to Velvets story line. (Alternate realities that happen to have effect on each other basically- we love space time junk)
Ethan's world is very similar to ours, the most similar out of any of my fantasy worlds lol. Ethan's story revolves around self-discovery. I mean for it to be a wholesome/lighthearted thing that quickly leads up to dark undertones (spoilers lol). Ethan's story begins with Eef pre-transition (AFAB to NB). We get to see Ethan learn about themself and have fun exploring emotions and what it means to be alive. Ethan comes from a run-down family (mom khs, dad mia). So he lives with his adoptive parents (who i have yet to design and think about- theyre lesbians 100% though). A major moment for Eef is meeting his partner Seth. As you already know Ethan and Seth are cute ass boyfriends and stuff but guess what! im jammed their story full of angst and edgy shit bc i "wrote" most of this when i was hella depressed! Anyways Seth's family is like moderally welathy, wealthier than most i would say. Seth catches feelings for the emo chick ofc (forgot to metion Eef was definately a hot goth girl before he transitions).... uh yea anyways seth ends up flirting and crushing on eef and eef is like yea sure im bored and sad why not. and they end up dating after a while. Theres an important moment in their relationship when Ethan take Seth to this dead tree. THis dead tree is very important also bc it is where his mother hanged herself, and Ethan doesnt quite remember that bc he was very young when it happened, but he knows it as a place of comfort and he goes there alot when he feels sad or alone. this tree could be taken as symbolizim but heheh ill never tell. anyways Ethan is like yo my fevorite tree and Seth is like wtf okay bro ily and all but why a dead tree with an unstable tire swing?? ANd ethans like idk but i like it here reminds me of my childhood (op my guy) and they spend the night there. Also when ethan comes out to seth as nonbinary seth is just like ok,,, because hes bisexual lol. anyways time skip and Seth has some addiction problems once he graduates, long story short- Ethan doesnt like it bc his dad was a druggie so he trys to help Seth and Seth raises his voice and ethan is tiny compared to his bf so hes naturally like terrified of being hit and he suddenly feels his world of happy and peace he build back up bieng destroyed once again so he heads to his mothers dead tree and decides life isnt worth it anymore, and he hangs himself in the exact spot his mother did.... once seth comes off one of his highs or whatever hes like- oh fuck i yelled and acted agro to my traumatized partner. and he immedatly goes to the tree bc its Ethans favortie spot but its to late. regret is the only emootion anymore... its over for them.
now youre probably wondering how the absolute hell does that tie into velvets lore?? well do i have a tale for you. Velvets sotry begins on her 21st birthday, she is out for drinks with her douchebag bf and her bestfriend. several drinks later she yells over blaring club music shes going to the restroom, and as shes walking back she sees her bf and her bestie making out and she doesnt even say anyhting and walks out alone. She is making her way back to her apartment very tipsy. She then hears a vechile driving beside her, she cant make out anyhting theyre saying and the people in the car get out and before she even relises whats going on shes thrown into the vechile and is being beaten and yelled at. She passes out as theyre driivng to somewhere. When she next awakes she is in a barn-looking place. Concreate walls painted red and straw all over the floor. she cant stand, her legs stung and so did her entire body. for several days- she doesnt know how long she stayed in this place unable to move or do anything. Weak and starving, she gathered up her last bit of strength and hung herself on a low board (havent really worked out the details on that scence bc i keep changing my mind but she does hang herself). Cut to a space of nothingness- legit nothing- exactly its impossible to imagine nothing. In the nothing sits velvet all skin and bone, and then an entity, a hooded figure with long hair, sits next to her. No words are spoke, but the entity looks at velvet longingly. Then it tears out its eye- just full on plunges its hand into its socket and rips it out. bloody mess honestly. the entity hands its eye to velvet, and she takes it. there is no thoughts here, no sound, only actions. Cut once more to a coriners room place? ya know the place with dead bodies and tables and shit- anyways a bright light emerges from dead!vevlets chest and surrounds her entire body. *cue stunned doctor mans* Velvet arises from her death with her scars healed over and... wings. Yup shes an angel now. I mean her world already had monsters and things of suppernatural belonging but- angels are rare. She makes 1 of 2 angels in their relam as of current. Angels are "made" from regrets. Regret overflowing from two sources- one long dead and the other recent. This is where ethan comes in. Ethan's regret from how he died was powerful and sad, powerful enough for his spirt- an entity- to reach Velvets. Velvet too, had much regret in her death. So young and so many things that could have been avoided. In the days following up to her death in the barn/cellar she only felt regret. Regret for all she did and all she didnt do. So much pain summoned the entity. Their powerful forces of regret pulled them together and allowed Velvet to return- but at a price for the both of them. the entity lost its eye- symbolizing a loss of humanity and conscientiousness. While Velvet lost herself, she no longer can view her world in the same way. She has severe ptsd- like episodes and halucinations. She cant go back, she has to live through he own grief. Velvets appearnace also changes quite a bit. Her hair got longer, she has two sleek gray wings on her back, and- one of her eyes are purple now. why does it hrut her to see that eye? why is it all so familiar yet far away. Her human brain can hardly understand all the changes. But she was gifted this- she knows she must try. And luckily for her society sees angels as higher beings. They are given the umost respect but they are also greatly feared because of how misterious their origins are. The only other known angel meets with velvet quite alot through her story, he will act as a sort of guide/plot device to make things a bit easier for myself (havent worked out his lore tho or even a design for him hjbfkjsdb). Anyways im tired and its 1:35 am so thats all the lore you get for now, plus its the stuff ive thought about the most so- i dont really want to think any furtherb ahead yet lol. to many little things to work out...... i love creating but oml typing hurts after an hour or so-
Jam out!
... I don't even know what to say to this
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ipuckwithhockey · 4 years
Always In Your Corner- Part 4
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a/n: Originally this chapter was going to be a little longer, but I’m not satisfied with the second half so I decided to go ahead and post. Sorry about the long wait! Please ignore my grammar mistakes. I hope y’all enjoy! Let me know what you think!
Summary: You were happily engaged to your perfect boyfriend when everything came tumbling down on you. The person you turned to just so happened to be your long time friend, Boone Jenner. The ever loyal Boone is there to help you get back on your feet. Little did you know, Boone had been pining after you for all these years, he’s just not sure if you’ll ever feel the same way about him.
Warnings: mentions of cheating, swearing, drinking
Almost a year later…
The season wasn’t quite under way yet, but everyone was back in Columbus for camp and preseason. The summer without Boone was a long one, but it was good for you to be independent after relying on him for so long. You still talked everyday and he came back to Ohio a couple of times to visit. Since he got back you’ve been spending more and more time together. Boone would be lying if he said that one of his trips back to Columbus was just for a voluntary charity event. He would have used any excuse to be back in the city with you.
You had grown a lot since you walked out on Craig. Living on your own was a hard transition but you got the hang of it. You were starting to find the head strong and excited girl you used to know. You also felt like you had finally started becoming your own person, independent from a man. For the first time you did what you wanted, when you wanted, and you loved that part. There were always days that were harder than others, but you had come along way, and you were proud of yourself.
The first time you ran into Craig was definitely one of the hard days.
It was nearly six months after you had walked out, and shortly after Columbus had been knocked out of the playoffs. You were walking out of a coffee shop one morning when you saw Craig, hand in hand with Chelsea. They looked happy and if you hadn’t known them you would have thought they made a cute couple, but you did know them. You knew that she was the girl who your fiancé had slept with. You also knew, that the blame couldn’t just be put on her. Craig made the choice just as consciously as she had.
You thought that if you looked down and didn’t say anything they may not even notice you, but just as you passed them you heard Craig’s voice, “Y/N? Is that you?”
“Oh hey! I didn’t even see you guys!” You probably seemed too eager, but they were both being overtly nice too.
“Wow, I didn’t even recognize you at first.” Craig was probably referencing the hard work you had been putting in at the gym over the last few months, in an attempt to help yourself get back on track.
“Your hair is a lot longer, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it styled like that.” Chelsea was now referencing your grown out hair that you recently added some highlights to. You knew she was trying hard to make polite conversation. You hadn’t been dying to do go full on break up bangs, but you figured some fresh color couldn’t hurt.
“It looks really good,” Craig was looking at you, and you knew he was looking at you in a way a taken man shouldn’t be looking at a single girl. You knew that look, proving that you still knew parts of him like the back of your hand. But the thing was, he was never a huge fan of your hair when it was long. Once he even said that he thought you should keep you hair short like some celebrity he had seen on tv. You always thought it was kind of sweet that he cared about little things like how your hair was, but now you saw how controlling he was.
You wanted to be the bigger person, you wanted to just let it go, but you couldn’t, “That’s funny, you never liked my hair when it was long,” You let out a laugh as a weak attempt at keeping it light. You could tell Chelsea was uncomfortable and Craig was searching for the right thing to say. “Well, it was good seeing you guys, but I’ve really got to run!” You gave a fake smile and made your way back down the street to where you had parked your car.  
Finally, you got to the car and you slammed your door shut behind you. In the silence of your car, your strong facade was stripped away, and you felt tears pierce the corners of your eyes. Feelings of sadness, embarrassment, and anger filled you to the brim. For months you had been working on recovering from your downfall, and in this moment you couldn’t help but feel like it was all for nothing.
It’s like Boone knows when you need him, and you felt your phone vibrate in the pocket of your jacket. When you looked down and saw that it was him you automatically answered it, “Hey B, what’s up? Miss me already?” You tried to hide your uneven breathing caused by your sobs from a few seconds ago, but it did little to deter from the fact that you had been crying.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen? I’ll get on the next flight to Columb-“
“Boone, I’m fine. Really. I just ran into Craig and Chelsea, and I know it’s stupid, but it just sucked seeing them together and now I’m just crying in my car, and I’m pretty sure I freaked out some little kid when he walked by because I look scary when I ugly cry.” You stumbled your way through the rest of the story and Boone did his best to understand you through your crying and hiccups. When you first went to stay with Boone, you had been reluctant to share things with him, not wanting to overshare or burden him with too much. Now, you were more comfortable talking with him, even if he did have to pry a little at first. 
“I’m not sure if I got all of that, but fuck him. He’s a loser and so is that Chelsea bitch. I wouldn’t care what you did with your hair. Your hair is great, don’t get me wrong, but it isn’t the only reason you’re beautiful. You’re a good person, and you’re probably the smartest person I know. You’re funny, even though I hate to admit it.n Plus, you’ve got killer friends, like me. I meant it when I said I would come back. If you need me, I’m there. You know that.”
You of course hadn’t asked him to come back, but take note that his protective manner towards you has definitely grown over the last few months. After reassuring him that you were going to be fine, you decided that you weren’t going to wallow in this. It was in the past, and you knew then more than ever, that you had made the correct decision in leaving Craig.  
Tonight, Alexander’s girlfriend Felicia, was throwing a party for his birthday. As always you were invited, and Janelle had insisted that you come. This was their last big hurrah before the season started, and most the mom’s in the group had made sure to get babysitters for the special occasion.
The “small party” you were invited to didn’t seem that small when you arrived. The house party was full of people you didn’t recognize and it wasn’t until you made it to the kitchen that you found some familiar faces.
“HEYY! Y/N! YOU CAME!!” Pierre and some of the other guys cheered and pulled you into hugs as you entered the kitchen.
“I don’t think Janelle really gave me a choice.” You’re laughing but everyone standing around knows that it’s true. She can be very persuasive.
Pierre starts making you a drink when you feel an arm come around your side. You don’t even have to look beside you to know that it’s Boone. You take in his scent and the safety of his arms settle you in this crazy party setting.
“Hey, there you are.” He greets you.
“Hey,” The way Boone looks down at you makes your heart rate rise. Lately, you’ve been feeling differently around Boone, and it’s taking everything in you to suppress those feelings, especially with Boone’s arm hanging around your body. You wonder if he’s noticed that your hugs have been a little longer and that you keep to his side more often.  You try to tell yourself that it’s because you have become closer friends, and not because you might have feelings for him. 
“So, who’s going to claim me for their beer pong team?” You ask the room, and all the guys jump at the offer. You were known as a pretty big competitor on the Jacket’s beer pong circuit. Usually Josh would rope you into being his partner, but tonight Boone seemed eager to draft you for his team.
An hour later, you and Boone have basically defeated all of your worthy opponents, and you part ways to get a new drink. Josh and Seth wave down Boone to come join their conversation.
“So what’s going on man?” Seth asks.
“What do you mean? I just kicked your ass in beer pong!” Boone chirps back at Seth knowing that’s not what he’s talking about. The guys, and even some of the girls have asked him about the status of your relationship. The thing is, nothing has actually changed.
When Boone got back to Columbus a couple weeks ago you started to hang out almost everyday. Whenever either of you had time free, you were together. The ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ hugs seemed to linger longer, as did the accidental touches, and cuddling on the couch.
“Dude, what’s going on with you and Y/N? You guys both look at each other with heart eyes. It’s disgusting, but it would be better if you just made a fucking move. At least just fuck already! I think everybody in here can feel the awkward sexual tension!” Josh is chiming in now, and the alcohol he has consumed is making him a little more liberal with his words.
“Fuck off man. We’ve barely even seen each other in the past four months. I’m not sure if she’s ready to date at all, let alone wants to date me.” Boone chooses to ignore the “fucking” suggestion.
“Booner, I say this with the utmost respect, but you’re a fucking idiot.” Seth just pats him on the back and leaves the two other guys to talk.
While Boone goes to hang with the boys, some of the WAGs pull you into their conversations. Eventually Felicia pops the same question, “So, what’s going on with you and Boone?” Everyone is quick to turn to you with big eyes, waiting for a big reveal that isn’t going to come. “Nothing, we’re just friends.” You shrug and hope that they will leave it alone. You had been feeling differently about Boone lately, but you couldn’t let yourself think about it that way. He was your friend, and he helped you get back on your feet when the world’s biggest asshole cheated on you. You probably just thought you liked him because he was so nice to you. He would do anything for you because he’s your friend, not because he has feelings for you.
“Ok, you can keep living in denial, but all of us will be over here waiting for you guys to get your shit together and just confess your love to one another!” Janelle has been on you about this since they got back to Columbus, saying that you needed to get back out there, and that Boone was perfect for you. She insisted that he had feelings for you too, but you knew she was just determined to get you back into the dating scene.
Boone watches you from across the party and wonders what you are talking about. He thinks about how well you fit into his life here in Columbus. Natalie Atkinson must have said something funny, causing you to laugh. He loved watching you throw your head back when you laughed. For a long time after Craig he wasn’t sure when the next time he would see that would be.
He didn’t want to seem too clingy, especially with the guys already on his back about the two of you, so he tried to keep a safe distance for most of the night. He made sure to keep an eye on you for two reasons: one being he wanted to make sure you were safe and the second being the fact that he quite literally couldn’t help himself from watching you.
Throughout most of the night you talk with the other girls, but somehow Pierre and Tex pulled you into doing shots. It was nice to let your hair down a bit, but your alcohol tolerance wasn’t anywhere close to that of the hockey players you were trying to keep up with. It’s not until almost 2am that Boone finds his way back to your side. Somehow Boone had been pulled into a deep debate over whether or not a hotdog was a sandwich, and had missed you getting pulled into doing shots. When he glanced around the room to find you he didn’t see you, so he went to see if you were in the kitchen. That’s where he found you, multiple shots in, with Pierre and Tex.
“Hey, where have you been?” Your words are definitely slurring, and you can’t stop yourself from wrapping your arms around his neck. He looks so good tonight and your inhibitions have been clouded with alcohol.
“I’ve been here the whole time, but it looks like these guys have gotten you into some trouble.” Pierre and Tex are trying to play coy and leave the two of you in the kitchen before they get scolded anymore. You’re just trying to focus on Boone and not on the fact that his hands are balancing you on your hips.
“Well I missed you,” not able to control your tongue, some honest thoughts escape your mouth. 
“I missed you too, but we should probably get you home.” He laughs. 
Boone, ever the responsible adult, stopped drinking a while ago and was planning on driving home. The two of you say your goodbyes as you continue to hang onto his sturdy arm.
“Do you need help getting in the car?”
“No. I can do it!” The false sense of confidence that was induced from alcohol gave way when you tried to lift your leg to the car step. You about fell on your ass. Boone was of course there to catch you, and help you into the car. He makes sure you’re all buckled in before he hops in the driver’s seat, and pulls out of the drive.
“Hey Boone?” You move your head to face him and you admire the way his beard is perfectly trimmed to emphasize the outline of his strong jaw.  He’s just so goddamn handsome under the lights that line the streets of downtown Columbus.
“Can we go back to your place? Cus, it’s just that, your bed is so much comfier than mine, like it’s just so warm and cozy. And it smells so good.”
He can’t help but laugh at how cute and small you sound, “Sure, but you know you have the same mattress at your house, right?” He glances over to see you staring up at him.
“Yeah, I know. But it’s not the same….”
“…Hey B, you’re pretty handsome, you know that? Like you’re kind of a total man rocket.” He can’t help but laugh, but your confession lingers in his mind. Maybe you did feel something for him… 
You can’t really stop yourself now, words are falling out of your mouth without warning. “You’re like way hotter than Craig ever was. AAND you’re so nice. Like what’s with guys being selfish assholes all the time? But you’re not like that. You’re one of the good ones. Some girl is gonna be really really lucky one day.”
Once your rant is over neither of you say much else until you pull into Boone’s apartment. You’ve dozed off, and Boone is careful not to wake you as he picks you up out of the passenger seat. When he makes it into the apartment he brings you to his room and sets you gently on the bed. He works to take your shoes off and moves around quietly, getting ready for bed.
“Hey B?”
Your whisper startles Boone at first, but he moves over to check on you, sitting on the edge of the bed, “Yeah? What’s up?”
“You’re not gonna leave are you?” The look in your glazed over eyes could have broken his heart. He wasn’t ever going to leave you.
“Not if you don’t want me too.” You give him a soft smile back as he moves to turn the light off. When he gets into bed, you roll over to snuggle into his side, and his natural reaction is to wrap his arms around you. The way your bodies fold into each other feels so right, and even though you’re halfway passed out, you can’t help but feel a sense of serenity wash over you.  
Just as you’re about to fall back to sleep you ask again, “Hey B?”
“I love you.”
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End My Dear Friend
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Warning: n/a
A/n: Here’s the end of it. I had fun writing this. It was in my brain for the longest, but I just didn’t want to make more than 5 chapters for my stories. Anyway, let me know what you think!
Sam (19), Paul (16), and Quil (15) gave up their ability to shift when they would have respectively been around 25-27 since Emily, Rachel, and Clair would age. They have kids—Emily: 3, Rachel: 2, and Clair: pregnant (Not really mentioned, but just clarification/to give an idea).
Comment if you’d like to be tagged
Tag:  @pillowjj​ @summeerrr​
A year later
“Well, well, well. Look who we have here.” I turn around and smile.
“Vanity!” I run up to her and hug her. I was worried that she wouldn’t come. Having her here makes everything complete. We hear a knock on the door, and it’s Felix just to congratulate me. I give my thanks, and Vanity helps me finish up the final touches and helps me put my dress on.
It’s an Augusta Jones dress named Terri. It was something I saw and wanted ever since I was in 10th grade. The second I saw it, my heart skipped a beat, and I wanted to cry (I didn’t, I just wanted to). Vanity fluffed out the bottom of my dress and made sure it flattered me for the pictures they were about to take.
“You look so beautiful Y/n/n. If I was human, I would cry, love.” She tells me, wiping an invisible tear from her eyes. I laugh, and Alice comes in to make sure I am ready. If it wasn’t obvious, Alice volunteered/decided to be the wedding coordinator for our wedding. She rushes us to go downstairs. Because of my situation, I decided against having bridesmaids/brides-man. Instead, Jared volunteered to walk me down the aisle as a surprise.
I walk up to him and link my arm with his. My nerves start getting to me as the music changes to a soft violin musical playing.
“You ready, Blue?” I smile up at my brother of over 10 years and nod.
“More than you know, Magenta.” He squeezed my arm and proceeded to walk me down. Up ahead, I see Embry, standing there in all his glory. I made him wear a white suit to match my dress. I remember Alice threatened him if he got a single drop of even sweat on it, she will have him by the throat and shake him like a chicken.
Walking up to the man I love, I could see a tear lightly stream down his face as he tried to keep his composure. I told him before, if he doesn’t cry, I’m going to re-walk down this damn isle. He knew I was serious too. Emmett, who became our ordained minister due to a loss bet he and Embry had, patted his shoulder in support. I was scared at first, but the nerves vanished as soon as Emmett opened his mouth.
“You may be seated.” He started, “Hello. And welcome, to this beautiful wedding. A Call wedding—bringing two different beings to one. Two different species, if you will, to one. Before we dive into these shenanigans, I would like to remind everyone what happens when two worlds collide,” I can see Charlie putting his head in his hand and shaking it. Emmett proceeded for 5 minutes, making sexual innuendos but also giving blessings. Two things that should not be in the same sentence.
The reception was beautiful. The pack demolished every last bit of food there was. Emmett brought out poker cards and had Charlie, him, Jared, Embry, Paul, and Billy playing poker at my wedding. If I didn’t think that Embry and I could have more weddings in our lifetime together, and if he didn’t look like the most handsome when he was laughing, I would be pissed right now.
But Alice was.
Twenty years later
It had been twenty years since I had seen the Cullen’s. For every birthday Renesmee had, Embry, Charlie, and I would take a trip to visit them. Ren desperately wanted to have him in her life, and so, Bella and Edward introduced them to each other, so long as there was a gag order on Charlie. Not to ask any questions and just enjoy the moment.
I will say that it was a stressful time when Ren was born. Bella did survive, and as soon as she was clear, hell broke loose. The Volturi tried to kill us, but luckily Alice and Jasper had their own trick up their sleeves. If I’m honest, it was hard seeing Vanity on the other side. But when it was decided that the Cullen’s broke no law, they left. Before leaving, like the spontaneous and child-like we are, we ran to each other and hugged before leaving. I knew we’d see each other again, but it just might be a while before we do.
A few days ago, Carlisle informed me that they will be heading back for a visit. Ren wanted to have her official seventeenth birthday where she was born. Something about wanting to feel the nostalgia of it all. Here we are, Jake, Embry, Emmett, Jared, and Paul moving furniture around. Emily, Leah, Clair, Kim, Rachel, and I are fixing a buffet in the kitchen. Sam, Seth, and Orion (Leah’s imprint—who’s also a shifter) went out to get some supplies for her party. Alice and Esme are drawing up plans to renovate the house afterward. Rosalie and Jasper decided they wanted to be friendly and cordial…so she worked on her car in the garage away from everyone, and Jasper went hunting. At least they’re trying.
“OK! Bella said they should be arriving soon! And they’re bringing Ren’s friend Nadya…who’s fully human and doesn’t know shit about our world. So, let's try to be normal…Emmett.” Alice says, looking at the big guy in the middle of the room with a cheeky smile.
“What!? I am completely professional.” We all looked at him and rolled our eyes. Rosalie came back from the garage and stood next to Emmett.
“Well, look who graced us with her presence,” Paul says, sarcastically. Rachel waddles out of the kitchen and scolds him. “What!?” There was crying coming from upstairs, and Emily runs up to her desperate child. Sam, Seth, and Orion pull up with the supplies that Alice specifically wanted and allowed the pixie to do as she pleased while everyone just watched. By the time she was done, Bella, Ren, Edward, and Nadya—with Sue, Billy, and Charlie behind them—pulled up. We all hid and waited until they enter the living room.
“SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY REN!!!” to say to her, and Nadya was shocked was an understatement. They screamed and held onto each other as if they were in a horror film…I mean, aren’t they, though? As Ren introduced and hugged/welcomed everyone here, two shapeshifters caught Nadya and Ren’s eyes.
“Oh, hell no,” Edward says, looking straight at Jake. Leah and Embry's bust out laughing at what just happened to not only Jake but also Seth.
“Edward, you know we can't control it,” Jake says. Jared in the background making bets with Quil and Embry on who’s going to win.
“I say Edward.” – Jared
“No shit, he’s a dad. Of course, he is.” – Quil
“My bets on Jake. He’ll attempt to reason with him.” – Embry
“Naw, Jake tried to take Bella. This might be anger he never knew he had.” Emmett joined in, betting $20. They had a pool of $60 at this point. Then I hear,
“Join…no fight…”
“I'm going to say no fight because Ren has power over both of them.” I join in, placing a $20 while smiling. Embry and Jared look at me, and before they can say anything, “NO TAKE BACKS!” Needless to say, I won the money, and the party continued. Edward chaperoned Jake and Ren the whole night. One wrong thought from Jake and his life was done. Treaty or no treaty. Seth, on the other hand, was flirting and having a ball with Nadya. I wonder how that’s going to end up.
After the party ended and everything was cleaned up, Nadya and Ren went to bed while Alice and Esme took over in renovating parts of the house that Nadya hasn’t seen, so she isn’t suspicious. Embry and I headed back to our house just on the outskirts of Forks and La Push. I didn’t get any special treatment just because I was Embry’s mate. But if I’m honest, I’m glad I wasn’t on the Reservation. At the time, my family was still there. The only time I was allowed was to visit my grandparent's grave.
Nana died of another heart attack, and Papa died soon afterward from the loss of Nana. That year I had gone missing. Aunt Lydia and dad had a falling out. Mom and dad split after two years, multiple counseling sessions, and marriage and therapy appointments. Nothing seemed to work between the two of them. I felt terrible. It felt as if that was my fault. Embry and Jared made sure that it wasn’t. It was hard to believe them, but eventually, I knew I had to move forward one way or another.
I tried to send anonymous letters to them; it helped some, but not enough. Although, a few years ago, dad and aunt Lydia finally rekindled their relationship, and Aunt Lydia reached out to mom. It was painful for all three of them, but they finally came to a neutral ground and grieved like they should’ve all those years ago. Aunt Lydia stayed in the area and got married to her second husband. Mom moved back to Texas and eventually started dating but not for a long while. And Dad moved to Seattle, where he met an old high school sweetheart of his.
I now lay in bed with my husband on Isle Esme, a gift from Carlisle and Esme for our 20th wedding anniversary. Do you know how hard it is to not explain to the natives on the island that all the food I got wasn’t for me, but for my husband? Do you also know how irritating, yet flattering, it was to see women attempt to flirt with Embry? He was awkward and continuously looked for my help. Other times, he would pass by them and blankly ignore them.
“You know, babe. Emmett gave us this gift that I think we should try out. Then go into town for a while.” I perk up at that and look at my husband.
“Oh yeah? What is it?” I said with excitement.
“A butterfly…” he shows and explains to me what it does. We test run it, and boy, does it make you want to grab the edge of a table and break it. Ironically, that’s precisely what I did. The bastard had it on high too, and I nearly lost my shit. Needless to say, we didn’t go into town until the next morning, and he still made me keep it on.
Later that night, while Embry was asleep, I glanced at him and just felt a rush of happiness submerge deep from within. This, this right here is the life I’ve been searching for. This is the life that I will be forever grateful for.
Part 1: Hello My Dear Friend
Part 2: Goodbye My Dear Friend
Part 3: Welcome My Dear Friend
Part 4: Why My Dear Friend
Part 5: End My Dear Friend
Request Open! (Go to the description bar on my page to put one in)
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 9 months
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡.{Number 6}.♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
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{♡} personal
- Silly love notes
{♡} personal
- You....your a normie? Omfg we need to teach him a/b/o
Hand holding
{♡} personal
- buddy I need this hand, it's my dominate one. Just hold the other- WHY ARE U MAD???
Incorrect Quotes
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Incorrect Quotes
For you
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Casper gets migraines
{♡} requested
- migraines fuckin SUCK luckily Charlie is there to help!
Autistic Casper HC's
{♡} requested
- Charlie with a autistic Casper!
Purse Charlie
{♡} personal
- I need him in my purse.
Casper's side quests
{♡} personal
- Casper is just doing side quests at this point
Au idea
{♡} personal
Incorrect Quotes
Limited options
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The not so but so happy day
{♡} requested
- Autistic Sunflower having a meltdown, in a grocery parking lot. Luckily Finn knows what to do.
Finn's listeners meeting
{♡} personal
- all the Sunflower variants are losing their minds
Hooked nose
{♡} personal
- he'd look beautiful w one
Incorrect Quotes
Actor au question: Yandere Finn?
Tummy ache
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{♡} personal
- nepotism fucks over Faust falling in love
Faust things
{♡} personal
- teehee Faust brainrot
Gacha luck
{♡} personal
- Are you a gambling man!??!
Hatsune Miku
{♡} personal
Role play partner
{♡} personal
Shit talking couple <3
{♡} personal
- shit talking w your babe is amazing really
{♡} personal
- 100% a Sims girly
Talking shit in Overwatch voice chats (lil rant on my side)
{♡} personal
- Faust shit talks
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Don't talk to me or my child
{♡} requested
- Rook WILL kill you.
Planning a birthday surprise hc
{♡} requested
- Auron plans something big!
Puffed up
{♡} requested
- Rook, annoyed puffed their cheeks angrily. Sadly that didn't work on Auron.
When world's collide-
{♡} ask
- So Rook and hunter swapped...how would the Auron's take it?
Theme song
{♡} reblog
Jessica and Roger Rabbit
{♡} personal
- literally their dynamic
Vampire Rook
{♡} personal
- Give Rook the vampire and see Auron lose it
Weird kid allegations
{♡} personal
- he will NEVER beat them.
Demolishing a keyboard
{♡} personal
Dark romance novels
{♡} personal
- ....wanna recreate the sex scenes-
Bite his arm and hands
{♡} personal
Social media thirst
{♡} personal
Clowning Auron's face
{♡} personal
- could Auron kill me? Yes. Will I keep clowning him? Also yes.
Rook hacks Auron's social media
{♡} personal
- fuckin w his social media bc why not
Nasty Lustful Tango
{♡} personal
-I wanna dance w hiimm
Incorrect Quotes
Look good
50 shades wannabe nerd
Actor au question: anything break?
Auron's fault...
And bricked!
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Personal Grill
{♡} personal
- What if he could be a grill almost?
Man handling
{♡} personal
Incorrect Quotes
Tucked in
Chimichanga stand
Ordained minister
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Boo scaring the boys
{♡} ask
- teehee boo scaring their boys
{♡} my art
- my art :D
{♡} personal
- more anime cross overs :D
Good Omens
{♡} personal
Seth in a dress...
{♡} personal
YV boys with kisses on them <33
{♡} personal
- I can't draw men </3
OC boo idea
{♡} personal
- ex biker?, tatted?, and strong? Damn mf got a type
Who I think YV boys would main on Overwatch
{♡} personal
- mains the boys would be
What dances would the YV boys do?
{♡} personal
- dance styles for the boys!
{♡} personal
- my prized post ngl
Twitter PT11 PT12
Incorrect Quotes (Multi character):
What could have happened
Actor Au
How bittersweet chp3 ep10 went basically
Wonderful experience
Caring is giving a pinecone. On a stick
24 notes · View notes
malcolmfm · 4 years
               *     𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨    𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥    𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞    ,   i   hope   u   are   all   doing   fabulous   .   my   name   is    𝐤𝐨𝐝𝐲    ,   &   i   can’t   even   begin   to   explain   how    excited    i   am   to   be   a   part   of   this   group   .   i   come   from   the    𝐩𝐬𝐭   𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐞    ,   my   pronouns   being    𝐬𝐡𝐞   /   𝐡𝐞𝐫    .   i   am   so   happy   &   so   fortunate   to   be   able   to   write   with   you   all   ,   as   all   your   characters   are   just    amazing    .   if   any   of   u   are   interested   in   plotting   &   becoming   the   best   of   friends   ,   please   give   this   post   a    🖤   to   consent   to   an    endless    love    spam   in   ur   ims   .
new   york’s   very   own    malcolm    ‘   mac   ’    dunn    was   spotted   on   broadway   street   in    converse    chuck    taylor’s    .   your   resemblance   to    joe    keery    is   unreal   .   according   to   tmz   ,   you   just   had   your    twenty   -   fourth    birthday   bash   .   while   living   in   nyc   ,   you’ve   been   labeled   as   being    contumacious    ,   but   also    jocular    .   i   guess   being   a    taurus    explains   that   .   three   things   that   would   paint   a   better   picture   of   you   would   be    comic   filled   bookshelves    ,    roughed   up   sneakers    ,    and    laughter   floating   through   a   room    .
tw    ﹕    depression    ,    suicide   attempt    .
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*          𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥          .
𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥   𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞   ﹕   malcolm   ronan   dunn   . 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞   ﹕   mac   ,   mac   daddy   (   no   one   calls   him   this   ,   he   calls   himself   this   🙃   )   ,   mac   attack   . 𝐚𝐠𝐞   ﹕   twenty   -   four   . 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞   𝐨𝐟   𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡   ﹕   may   thirteenth   . 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫   /   𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬   ﹕   cismale    /    he   ﹕   him   . 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥   𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧   ﹕   heterosexual   . ​𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜   𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧   ﹕   heteromantic   . 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲   ﹕   american   . 𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲   ﹕   irish   ,   english   ,   scottish   . 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐫   ﹕   malcolm   first   began   his   career   as   an    actor    during   his   teenage   years   with    michael   cera’s    filmography   .   he   has   starred   in   films   that   include    juno    ,    superbad    ,    nick   &   norah’s   infinite   playlist    ,    &    scott   pilgrim   vs  .   the   world    .   since   he   had   the   opportunity   to   help   write   &   produce   songs   for   the   spvtw   soundtrack   ,   this   eventually   led   to   his   transition   from   acting   to   becoming   a    musician    ,    claiming    twenty   one   pilots    as   his   sound   .   currently   he   has   only   released   the   album    blurryface    ,   &   has   recently   concluded   the   blurryface   tour   .   presently   ,   he   is   now   writing   &   producing   songs   for   his   upcoming   album   ,    trench    . 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫   𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨   ﹕   chandler   bing    friends    ,   ron   weasley    harry   potter    ,    star   -   lord    guardians   of   the   galaxy    ,    steven   hyde   &   michael   kelso   hybrid    that   70s   show    ,   scott   pilgrim    scott   pilgrim   vs  .   the   world    ,   jim   halpert    the   office    ,   cody   ko    youtube    ,   beast   boy    teen   titans    ,   steve   harrington    stranger   things    .
*          𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧          .
               malcolm   ronan   dunn    is   the   first   born   of   derrick   &   vivian   dunn   ,   that   alone   creating   a   set   sum   of    high    expectations   for   the   male   descendent   .   being   the   genesis   of   what   would   eventually   be   a   very   famed    family   ,   it   entails   great    pressure    of   being   the   eldest   .   being   the   offspring   of   a   prominent   actor   during   the   80s   turned   car   mogul   &   one   of   the   most   exceptional   astrophysicists   of   this   decade   ,   it   was   said   that   malcolm   was    destined    to   be   an   extension   of   their   talents   .   his   childhood   was   as   ordinary   as   any   other   ,   attending   school   &   having   juvenile   interests   . .   though   one   prominent   influence   in   his   life   was    music    .   ever   since   he   was   a   baby   ,   a   set   of   hazel   hues   twinkled   &   cheeks   were   perked   by   harmonies   that   would   liven   up   a   room   .   by   the   time   he   was   eight   years   old   ,   he   had   already   been   familiar   with   all   of   queen’s   discography   &   can   partake   in   a   discussion   of   how   music   truly    defines    our   society   .  
​               advancing    several    years   ahead   ,   malcolm   reaching   the   ripe   age   of   sixteen   ,   it   was   then   he   set   his   sights   on   becoming   an   actor   .   by   the   time   he   had   made   this   realization   ,   he   had   already   been   writing   music   of   his   own   &   had   become   what   many   would   consider   an   expert    drummist    .   however   ,   music   was   subsided   as   a   hobby   for   the   time   being   ,   as   his   parents   insisted   that   is   what   it   was   meant   to   be   ,   just   a   hobby   .   his   parents   ,   his   father   in   particular   ,   was   very    ecstatic   to   hear   that   his   son’s   interests   in   becoming   an   actor   .   with   the   vast   amount   of   connections   he   accumulated   during   his   cinematic   years   ,   it   had   only   took   a    single    phone   call   for   malcolm   to   star   in   his   very   first   film   .   a   quality   in   which   almost   anyone   who   had   known   mac   is   how   effortlessly    comical    the   boy   was   ,   &   could   light   up   just   about   any   crowd   with   vivacious   laughter   .   the   boy’s   innately   jocular   mannerisms   is   what   landed   him   in   his   first   role   as    evan    in   the   seth   rogan   production   of    superbad   .   this   film   would   end   up   being   one   of   malcolm’s   most   prominent   roles   in   his   acting   career   ,   alongside   scott   pilgrim   .   following   his   comedic   role   ,   he   starred   as    paulie   bleeker    in   the   romantic   drama    juno    ,   which   would   be   his   first   role   in   the   romantic   genre   .   the   project   that   quickly   followed   afterward   was    nick   &   norah’s   infinite   playlist    ,   leading   as    nick    in   a   romance   accompanied   with   comedy   .   after   receiving   roles   back   to   back   ,   his   name   began   to   rise   up   in   day  -  to  -  day   conversations   ,   especially   amongst   younger   audiences   .   he   accumulated   a   vast   &   very   dedicated   following   ,   all   expressing   their   adoration   for   the   boy   &   his   charmingly    dorkish    demeanor   .   once   he   hit   the   age   of   eighteen   ,   it   was   then   when   he   landed   on   what   would   be   his   final   role   in   a   film   ,   for   at   least   awhile   .   the   media   was   in   a   frenzy   once   it   was   revealed   that   malcolm   would   be   portraying    scott   pilgrim    in   the   upcoming   picture   ,    scott   pilgrim   vs   .   the   world    ,   based   on   the   graphic   novel   series   by   bryan   lee   o'malley   .   malcolm   would   consider   this   role   to   be   his   personal   favorite   ,   as   he   was   already   a   devout   fan   of   the   graphic   novels   to   begin   with   ,   so   being   able   to   portray   one   of   his   most   favorite   fictional   characters   .  .   a    dream    ,   he’d   say   .   not   only   was   the   spvtw   production   his   favorite   because   of   his   role   ,   but   because   of   the   heavy   influence   music   had   in   the   film   .   he   was   fortunate   enough   to   be   able   to   write   &   perform   on   the   soundtrack   ,   along   the   side   of   the   best   song   writers   in   the   industry   .   this   is   what   ultimately   led   to   his   decision   to   transition   from   acting   to   becoming   a    musician    ,   &   his   involvement   in   this   film   is   what   made   many   people   realize   that   malcolm   was   quite   the   virtuoso   .
tw   ﹕   depression    ,    suicide    attempt    .
               when   malcolm   had   settled   on   becoming   a    musician    ,   his   mental   state   began   to   gradually    decline    once   he   revealed   this   ambition   to   his   parents   .   to   say   the   least   ,   they   were   not   very   supportive   of   his   shift   in   careers   ,   especially   on   what   career   he   was   shifting   onto   .   considering   malcolm   did   not   have   much   going   for   him    academically    ,   this   alone   had   concerned   his   parents   .   being   an   actor   was   what   they   considered   to   be    stability    for   him   ,   so   to   be   presented   with   this   news   was   dismaying   on   their   behalf   .   the   pair   genuinely   had   exhibited   zero   faith   in   their   son   becoming   a   successful   musician   ,   &   had   forewarned   him   that   there   were    thousands    of   talented   musicians   ,   essentially   raising   the   question   ﹕    ❛    what   makes   you   think   you   will   be    good   enough    to   make   a   living   out   of   this   ?    ❜    .   malcolm   felt   dispirited   by   his   parents   lack   of   encouragement   ,   as   well   as   faith   in   himself   ,   to   pursue   the    one    thing   he   has   been   passionate   about   since   the   days   of   his   youth   .   eventually   ,   the   voices   in   his   head   began   to   deter   him   from   fulfilling   his   passion   ,   &   convincing   him   that   he   has   amounted   to   a    failure    .   among   other   contributing   factors   ,   malcolm   eventually   slipped   into   a   deep    depression    for   several   months   .  his   days   would   be   spent   lying   in   bed   ,   in   a   state   of   restlessness   ,   often   skipping   meals   for   the   fact   that   he   genuinely   did   not   feel   like   nourishing   his   body   .   the   mental   state   he   was   exhibiting   was   so    detrimental    ,   that   his   own   life   began   to   be   at    risk   .   there   would   be   days   where   he   would   wonder   what   would   come   from   ingesting   more   pills   than   what   he   was    prescribed    ,   or   having   his   head   remain   sunk   beneath   his   bath   water   for   more   than   a   few   minutes   .   on   one   evening   in   particular   ,   he   decided   to   test   his   theory   ,   as   he   had   been   sprawled   upon   the   tiles   of   his   bathroom   ,   a   capsule   of   his   medication   clutched   within   his   palm   ,   ebony   hues   ascended   onto   the   ceiling   in   what   he   believed   would   be   his    final    moments   .   he   was   in   too    deep    . .   convinced   that   there   was   no   light   at   the   end   of   this   tunnel   .   though   fortunately   enough   ,   his   younger   sister   ,   discovered   him   at   just   the   right   time   &   immediately   demanded   that   he   receives   help   .
end    trigger    warning    .
               after   several   months   of    therapy    ,   the  virtuoso   had   begun   feeling   tremendously   better   ,   his   mental   wounds   somewhat   healed   though   not   entirely   .   during   his   dark   times   ,   he   managed   to   get   some   writing   done   ,  the   various   pieces   which   would   eventually   be   released  as   his   first   official   album  ,   titled    blurryface    .   by   the   time   he   had   turned   twenty   two   ,   the   album   made   its   debut   &   became   one   of   the   most    streamed    albums   of   the   year   ,   &   won   a   grammy   for    top   rock   album   of   the   year    ,   along   with   many   other   achievements   .   his   most   popular   tracks   off   the   album   include    stressed   out    ,    ride  ,    tear   in   my   heart    ,   &    we   don’t   believe   what’s   on   tv    .   his   second   album   ,    trench    ,   is   currently   in   production   &   will   be   releasing   singles   when   the   time   calls   for   it   .   while   his   depression   hasn’t   been   entirely   rid   of   ,   he   a   majority   of   the   time   is    content   with   the   way   life   is   going   .
*          𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲          .
​               as   mentioned   before   ,   he   is   the   most    comical    guy   ,   &   often   uses   humor   as   a    coping    mechanism   .   you   are   likely   to   hear   him   crack   a   joke   at   inappropriate   times   ,   &   find   him   laughing   in   scenarios   that   make   him   uncomfortable   .   he   often   gets   himself   into   trouble   for   this   ,   naturally   .   malcolm   has   a   very    robin  williams  -  esque    to   him   ,   where   making   others   laugh   &   feel   happy   to   be   one   of   his   favorite   past   times   .   however   ,   you   would   never   suspect   that   someone   so    animated    would   be   suffering   from   depression   .   admittedly   ,   he   has   improved   since   the   evening   his   sister   discovered   him   ,   but   of   course   ,   it    still    continues   to    creep    its   way   back   into   his   mental   .   he   doesn’t   like   to   talk   about   what   had   happened   ,  &   it   was   hidden   from   the   press   entirely   so   he   wouldn’t   be   pitied   or   constantly   reminded   of   that   night   .   he   tends   to    avoid    the   topic   of   it   altogether   .                the   man   is   one   of   the   most    loyal    people   you   could   ever   meet   ,   &   would   do   absolutely    anything    for   those   he   loves   .   his   sister   ,   markelle   ,   being   a   prime   example   of   this   .   he   loves   his   family   more   than   he   loves   himself   ,   &   prioritizes   their   well   being   before   his   own   .   he   often   kept   his   depression    disclosed    from   them   ,   as   well   as   his   friends   ,   for   he   genuinely   did   not   want   anyone   to   be   concerned   ,   in   spite   of   having   a    reason    to   be   .   he   is   always   willing   to   be   the    hero    in   someone   else’s   story   ,   but   never   his   own   ,   which   is   probably   the   most   heartbreaking   yet    beautiful    aspect   about   him   .   he   would   sacrifice   his   own   life   if   it   meant   that   the   people   who   he   cared   about   would   be   safe   ,   &   exhibits    bravery    in   any   conflict   he   finds   himself   in   .   to   those   who   don’t   know   him   personally   ,   or   even   people   that   do   ,   they   would   simply   describe   him   as   a    happy   go   lucky   guy    who   is   constantly   seeking   an   adventure   .
               malcolm   is   the   kind   to    downplay    his   achievements   ,   exhibiting   a    humble    attribute   ,   &   is   truthfully   touched   by   anyone   who   enjoys   his   work   .   having   been   told   that   his   work   always   lifts   someone’s   spirits   when   they   are   down   ,   or   his   films   being   involved   in   the   most    memorable    moments   in   a   person’s   life   . .   that   shit   means   the   absolute    world    to   him   ,   &   gives   him   a   feeling   that   he   would   want   to   live   on   for   a   lifetime   .   the   man   loves   music   ,   &   incorporates   music   in   his   life   on   the   daily   ,   for   it   has   the    biggest    influence   on   him   .   his   stage   presence   is   truly   fucking    awesome   ,   for   you   are   truly   getting   your   money’s   worth   by   attending   a   concert   of   his   .   he   feels   alive   &   a   rush   when   he   is   standing   before    thousands    of   people   ,   &   his   faith   in   the   world   is   always    restored    when   he   hears   the   crowd   sing   in   unison   as   he   performs   .   there   is   nothing   he   loves   more   than   music   ,   &   music   is   an   element   of   what   makes   him   who   he   is   .   he   is   extremely   supportive   of   those   who   pursue   music   ,   or   anything   ,   really   .   he   has   an   understanding   &   admiration   for   those   who   are   super    passionate    about   their   craft   .                however   ,   he   certainly   has   his    unfavorable    qualities   as   well   ,   &   we   have   to   keep   it   100   in   this   house   .   the   guy   can   be   an   absolute    juvenile    when   he   wants   to   be   ,   &   you   almost   forget   that   you   are   dealing   with   a   twenty   four   year   old   in   conversation   at   times   .   his   inner   child   can   get   the   best   of   him   at   times   ,   so   he   may   handle   certain   situations    inappropriately    .   not   only   that   ,   he   can   be   incredibly    stubborn    .   varying   on   the   cause   ,   if   he   is   adamant   about   something   ,   he   will   disregard   the   opinions   of   what    anyone    has   to   say   about   it   ,   even   if   they   are   looking   for   his   best   interest   .   in   spite   of   all   his   achievements   ,   he   still   can   be   incredibly    insecure    with   himself   or   his   work   ,   &   is   his   own   worst   critic   .   considering   he   isn’t    academically    acclaimed   ,   he   can   be   a   bit    dense    . .   sometimes   it’s   frustrating   ,   for   you   genuinely   wonder   if   he   utilizes   any   brain   power   .     sarcasm    is   one   of   his   many   defense   mechanisms   ,   &   he   can   be   pretty    blunt     when   he   wants   to   be   ,   something   offensive   slipping   from   his   lips   &   likely   not   even   acknowledging   how   insulting   it   may   sound   .
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toloveawarlord · 5 years
Devils in Disguise (Ch. 2)
You can find my masterlist in my bio!
Tagging @plumpblueberry for her love of little Sasha!
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Her mother’s shrill scream filled the air. She trampled over to her precious devil children to save them from being burned by the fire. The two lived to see another day. Sasha climbed down from the couch, book clutched tightly. She would need to find some other way to banish them from her world. Her intention to sneak out to the porch swing, away from the shouting, was thwarted by her mother.
“Sasha! What were you doing? They could have died!” Violet screeched, fingers digging down into her shoulders, shaking the indifferent child, a crazed look in her eyes.
The girl couldn’t be bothered. How can her mother be so sure that they would die? Hell spawn should enjoy the licks of flames against their skin. Eyes downcast, she watched a line of ants marching around at the base of the door.
“Now, dear. Calm down.” Seth came to intervene, having successfully calmed the twins down.
“Do you even care?” Violet shouted.
Sasha finally met her mother’s furious gaze. “No.”
The room went quiet after a resounding smack. Her head turned to the side, cheek showing a red mark. Tension rose high, flooding the room with the three. Had she deserved that? Sasha thought not, as she only answered truthfully.
Seth caught Violet’s wrist before another blow could be dealt. Her rage filled gaze fell on him, shoulders heaving. “Do something, Seth! She's your daughter too and she would have sat there and watched the twins die! What is wrong with you-"
"Sasha, go up to your room. I'll be there in a moment," Seth said, waiting until the girl had slinked away to properly address the woman beside him.
Her response caught in her throat, the darkened expression of her husband rendering her speechless. This was a side of him that rarely showed.
Seth pulled her close, arm slipping around her waist to cage her to his chest. A gesture that should have calmed her down, something intimately reassuring. He leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Don't you ever lay a hand on Sasha again." The rumble of his voice laced in venom drew the anger out of Violet's body and settled the threat deep within her soul. "We may be playing happy family, but do not forget that I know who you truly are."
Without his support, Violet collapsed to the floor, all her energy seemingly drained from her body. She counted each heavy step he took to the staircase. With her arms hugged tight around herself, she glanced at him just enough to get a glimpse of his face. “And I know you, Seth. Neither of us asked for this. This assignment or these children. It’s our fault for not being careful, but I definitely did not sign up for a psychotic little girl.”
Many responses passed through his mind, but he held them to himself. Violet had never had a problem finding faults in Sasha. Even as a baby, the woman found every fault in her as possible. Yet, the twins, she couldn’t get enough of. Seth turned his gaze away, striding up the stairs without giving any words at all.
The door to her room stood open, giving the 10 of Spades a perfect opportunity to just observe. His daughter sat on the floor at the small table that held all her papers and drawing pencils. A dark image on the paper, drawn only in black and gray. Seth took a breath and silently came forward to crouch down beside her. “We have to talk about what happened downstairs.”
The girl never lifted her head or stopped her hand from moving against the pages. A family photo, her mother scribbled out to the point that paper had ripped. The twins were adorned with horns and a tail. Her silence hanging over them both.
“Sasha.” Seth put his hand over hers to still the constant scratching of the pencil. Only then, she raised her gaze from the paper to him. His heart ached for the matching eyes staring back at him, empty of any remorse or regret for the near death of her brothers.
“She hates me.” The words left Sasha’s mouth so easily, as if she were talking about the sun shining in the sky.
Seth squeezed her hand lightly. Telling her otherwise wouldn’t change the girl’s mind, and Violet’s words still swirled around in the air. The two were toxic for each other. If he did nothing, someone would end up truly hurt. “How about you come with me back to headquarters for a little while.”
“Just the two of us?” Her head tilted to the side, chocolate irises lighting up with what seemed to be close to excitement. Sasha had been a calm child, taking her time with everything that she did, even her own birthdays didn’t bring out a wild side of her.
“For now, yes. Won’t it be a delightful for you to be spoiled by your papa and the other officers? They’re going to adore you! It’s been so long since they’ve seen you,” Seth rattled off with a tinge of happiness. He couldn’t bring himself to punish her for the incident with her brothers. Sasha was the most special little girl and that required a different approach to parenting.
Sasha nodded her head in response, glad to be out of the devil’s lair. She could sleep without hearing the constant screeching of the little demons, and avoid being chastised by her mother for existing. “Can we go now?” Her eyes darted around the bedroom, searching for the things that she would like to take with her.
“Well,” Seth paused. He’d come to have dinner with them all, but after all that happened, maybe separating Sasha and Violet would be the best choice. Tension was still high. “I’ll call for carriage while you pack your things.”
The girl set to work the moment permission had been given. Her small room, half a room, really. She shared it with the dark twins. Sometimes she’d taken to sleeping on the couch downstairs on their bad nights. There wasn’t any need to pack a ton of clothing, as she went through them quickly, by either outgrowing them or collecting new clothes when her papa went on a spending spree.
“You’re just too adorable and that dress is perfection!”
Carefully closing the lid and buckling the suitcase together, Sasha turned to scan her room one last time. Her lashes fluttered, brows pulled together. The only thing missing was her new book, the one that nice man had given to her. It had to be in the room, she clearly remembered bringing it.
“Sasha? What are you doing?” Seth asked. The carriage had arrived and Violet had agreed a little too easily to his solution of taking Sasha away for a little while. He spotted the girl on her hands and knees, peering underneath her bed intensely. “Have you lost something?”
“My book, the one I got in town today.” The darkness under the bed seemed almost too dark for the soft evening glow flooding in through the open window. It must be under here. Sasha had never been afraid of the dark or places like the closet or beneath her own bed. But a soft groan of disappointment passed her lips, it was too dark under there.
It must be the twins. They’ve cursed her bed. No wonder she has difficulty sleeping. Their screams and wails at night calling to the void beneath her bed to torment her with nightmares.
“We can come look for it another day. It’s time to go.” Seth took the suitcase, feeling how heavily she’d packed it, almost as if she never intended to return.
Sasha reluctantly climbed to her feet, an unease falling over with the loss of that book. It had brought incredible power. That book could purge her home of all the demons, she was sure of it. The way it felt in her hands, filling her with the warmth of relief. Leaving it behind like this tugged at her heart.
“I’ll be back tomorrow with what you requested. Aren’t you going to at least tell Sasha goodbye?” Seth asked, shifting his gaze between the two who wouldn’t acknowledge each other. He couldn’t place the strange notion that something was incredibly wrong.
Violet turned on her heel, intent on striding away. “Goodbye, both of you. I’ll see you tomorrow, Seth.” Not even bothering to say her daughter’s name. She would only have one day of the week, that had been her deal. Sasha would come for a visit one day a week to see the twins and her mother. It was all she needed to fulfill her mission.
Soon the carriage had carried the father and daughter off, a short ride to headquarters. Sasha fiddled with her hands in her lap, thoughts floating back to the book that must have been under the bed. She silently promised to retrieve it as soon as she could. It held much too importance.
A book that would lead the demon slayers right to her home.
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Sasha is a good bean! Thanks for reading!
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darktammy · 5 years
Coffee Shop (Part 7 Final Chapter)
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if you wanna be tag in this story let me (Enjoy the last chapter)
Tag @sexymoxx @balorbarnes @instantbouquetdestinysblog @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @sausagefest1996 @xprincessofthefallenangels @myadm1234 @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @ambrosesnerd @ambrollinsbabe @queenofthekingslayer @queenofthearchitect @ambrosiac1993 @musicallyinclinedthings @softambrollins @sithlita @thatwrestlingfan91 @thelonelunatic @livlyf247 @wwesarahjaneroszko @thejulietfarciertlove @thepalaceofmelanie @queenbutterfly2018
You was laying the hospital bed with this little strap around your waist, the Doctor was keeping a close eye on your twins. All while Seth was sitting right next to you getting worried. “Hey babe I’m so scared.” Seth look at you with small smile, “I’m just as scared as you are baby, I just hope my kids are alright.” You both smile as you felt your labor pain kick in. You start to cry out in pain as Seth held your hand. The doctor walk right in as he look at the paper that was reading both of your twins heart beating. “I’m so sorry but we have to do this now, nurse get her into the next room.” Seth lookup as he start to panic, “Doc what’s wrong? Is everything alright?” The nurse came in as they move you into the next room. “Mr. Rollins we have to do emergency c-section on your fiance please stay calm as we take you into the next room.” The doctor spoke to Seth as they both exit the room.
You was in the operating room with Seth, both of you was starting to get worried about your twins. “Oh god Seth what’s gonna happened to them?” He look down at you, “Your gonna be fine everything is going to be fine.” You nodded your head as you laid there wandering what was happening on the other side since they put a blue tant up. “The doctor said one of babies heart was starting to slow down babe.” Seth told you, “But try not to worry too much ok babe?” You nodded your head as you try to keep calm from the shocking news. “I’m right here Y/n.” Seth told you as he held your hand.
A few minutes past as you and Seth waited for the doctor to give you the good news then you both start to cry out with joy as you both heard your first baby’s cry. Seth smiles as he gave you kiss on your forehead. “Your son Mr. and Mrs. Rollins.” The both of you look up to see him crying in the doctor's hands. Seth gave him a kiss then you did as the nurse took him to get clean up. Then you guys heard the second cry as you both knew it was your daughter. Seth couldn’t wait to hold them both in his arms.
After an hour past the doctor stitch your belly as you laid in bed with smile on your face. You had your son Colby in your arms while Seth was holding his daughter Rose. Why that name for his daughter you don’t know, but you didn’t care. “I can’t believe it there here.” You look up at Seth with a smile. Seth walk over to you with a smile on his face, “I know I can’t believe it they look just like me.” You look up at him as you smiled drop, “and I carried them for almost nine months sweetheart.” Seth laugh as he gave you a kiss.
You guys made it back home with your twins as Renee, Dean, Roman, Galina a few others were all very happy to see you both coming home. Seth place his daughter who was in the car sit down on the island along with her brother. You both had a smiles on your face as everyone walk up to your twins. “Look at them so cute look at my god babies.” Renee said as she pick up Rose, “Look at them so cute.” Galina pick up Colby, as she look at Roman. Holly smiled as she walk up to you, “Aww thank you for having my grand babies look at them, they look just like my son.” You smiled as you look up Seth, “Yeah they do even tho I carried them.” Seth laugh as he gave you a kiss on your forehead.
The night came fast as everyone start to head home while you and Seth laid together in bed holding each other. “Hey Seth I always want to know what happened that night when you left the locker room?” Seth look down at you with a smile then he kiss you again, “You’ll see soon babe ok?” You nodded as you smiled. “So Mr. Rollins I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a bit corny if you know what I’m talking about.” He laugh, “You mean horny?” You sigh as you look down. “Can you let me have it least one joke in?” “Nope that was bad babe.” He did his little evil cackle laugh at made you so mad. Seth kiss you as you both made love that night.
The next day you was in the Coffee shop while Holly was watch the twins at her home. You made sure everything was in order as you remember it your first day there. You heard about the WWE want to come over to the shop just for an interview with Seth about his dream come true. You laugh at it but agreed as long as the kids stay out of it. That day came as you watch them set up the cameras just so they can talk to Seth. “Well babe this is it, there going to be asking you a lot of questions about this place.” You said looking over to Seth, “Yeah well as long as I got you here I’m fine babe.” You smiled as both kisses each other.
The whole thing was a success as you see that there was more people coming to the shop which means that you had to work twice as hard as you made sure everyone got everyone's orders right. You couldn’t help it, but you was so happy that your life had change in a blink of an eye. “Hey Y/n Seth needs you back home like right now.” You look back to see Josh with worried look on his face. “Is he alright?” Josh shook his head. “Just go now!” You did just that as you ran out of the shop and into your car driving straight home.
You made it home as you turn off the engine to your car. You got out as you ran to the door unlocking it you open it up only for you to be surprise. “SURPRISE!!” You look around as you was in shock holding your chest. You saw all your friends in the living space as you walk right in. “What’s going on it’s not my birthday and I know it’s not Seth’s so what the hell?” You said walking in. Seth walk up to you as he pulled in for a hug. “I have bigger surprise for you in the backyard come on.” He said pulling you into the back. You look around the everything in white. You gasp as you look around to see a mini altar in the backyard. “Seth...is that…?” He smiled, “Yes baby.” You look at him, “You really mean it?” He shook his head. “I put a ring on it didn’t I?” You smiled as you kiss him.
Later on that night you had a white wedding dress on with some white pumps. You look over at Seth’s mother has she hands you the white flowers. “Look at you, you went from hating my son to now loving him. I knew something like that was going to happen believe me a mother knows best.” You laugh as you gave Holly a hug. Seth in the other room was with his father and his brothers. “Hey man you did it told you was going to get Y/n, even tho…” Dean said looking at Seth. “Hey man the most important thing is that his marrying Y/n.” Seth smiled as his stepfather fix his bow tie. “I’m very proud of you son.” Seth smile when his father said that. “I’m just happy that I got the women of my dreams dad, and if it wasn't for my coffee shop who knows what would have happened really.” You’ll be dating Becky and we would have been wondering if you would still be happy.” Roman said. Seth look over at him and nodded.
Seth was standing in the backyard with a priest in front of the altar standing there proud. On his side was his buddies Josh, Roman, and Dean. While on your side was Dixie, Renee and Galina. Everyone who was there got up as you started to walk down the aisle with a smile on your face. Your father who walk you down the aisle had a smile on his face. Once he made it up to Seth he let you go as he past you on to Seth. You nodded at you father as you look at Seth and for the first time in your life you now saw Seth for the first, seeing him as a true man and you knew it was all because of you.
The priest said his words as you both keep your eyes on one another with a smile on your face. You both said your vows to one another on how it’s funny a dream of Seth’s is what brought you both together. Everyone laugh but you both was thinking the same it was faith either way. You told Seth how much you mean to him now more then ever and how you do want him in your life for now and forever. Seth who had a big smile on his face said what he did to you back in high school was something he will never forgive himself for. But now that he found you again and made you into something new made him the best man ever and that his happy that he will spend the rest of his life with you. You both put the rings on each others finger. “You may now kiss the bride.” Seth Lean in as his gave you a kiss, everyone start to cheer on. You both had finally found your happiness you both have beautiful twins and you both now are living happily ever after.
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argylemnwrites · 5 years
Just Us
Pairing: Seth Levine x MC (Jessica Parker)
Book: Red Carpet Diaries (~Book 3, Chapter 3)
Word Count: ~2600
Rating:  PG-13 (a bit of language, some innuendo)
Summary: Seth always felt that Jessica was way out of his league, but it turns out those insecurities might have caused him more trouble than he could imagine.
Author’s Note: Written for Day 20 of the Choices July Challenge (just a week late, oops; prompt - Commitment).
This is a follow up to my Day 7 piece (prompt - Reflection) titled Why? and linked in my masterlist.
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Seth awoke with a start, disoriented as sunlight hit him square in the eye. Where was he? As he blinked the sleep from his eyes, he quickly remember last night. Deciding to spend the night at Jessica’s after his plane landed, figuring he’d only have to wait up a couple of hours to see her, but feeling his eyes getting heavy within minutes on sinking onto his side of her bed. He remembered thinking he could take a little nap before she got back from her appearance at that nightclub and setting an alarm on his phone, but he must have turned it off in his sleep, because his only other memory was waking up briefly when Jessica was getting into bed. He couldn’t even be sure if they said anything to each other before he passed out again. Whatever the case, she was gone now, as he was alone in her bedroom.
He reached over and grabbed his phone, looking to check the time. 10:47. Well, damn. Good thing he didn’t have anything going on until this afternoon. He was surprised, not only that it was getting dangerously close to noon for him still to be in bed, but also that he was even able to sleep this late. When he’d first moved out to LA, he’d been able to sleep in until any hour of the day. Back then, when he was fighting for the 2 am slot at open mic nights, he would sleep until noon or 1 pm without issue, but as the years marched on, he found himself getting up earlier and earlier no matter what time he went to bed. And now that his 30th birthday was months, not years, away, well it just kept getting worse. It was no wonder his trip had worn him out, with all the traveling and the late night sets, and then the need to stay at the bar after every show to chat with the audience. He had been out past 2 am every night, and then he usually had to get to the airport early enough to catch a morning flight.
God, did he sound like an old man. Actually, he sounded like his dad, a thought that was scary in its own right, and one that would not be a good idea to keep dwelling on before he got some coffee. Since Jessica was clearly up already, he knew there would be some left in the kitchen. Fingers crossed she would be there as well. They hadn’t spent much time together since their vacation, which probably wasn’t the ideal way to spend the week after you got engaged, come to think of it. That’s what he got for proposing on a whim.
Rubbing a hand over his face, he shuffled into Jessica’s bathroom to brush his teeth before he wandered into the living space of her penthouse apartment. He was thrilled to see her curled up on her sofa, mug of coffee in one hand, a worn copy of The Secret of Ninradell in the other. He cleared his throat as he entered the room, not wanting to startle her. She glanced up, smiling brightly when she saw him. God, she was so beautiful.
“Hey, who’s the sleepyhead now?” she asked as he strolled into her kitchen.
“Yeah yeah, Iowa.” Seth replied, shaking his head as he grabbed a mug out of the cabinet and poured himself a cup of coffee. He supposed that was fair, seeing as he teased her no less than once a week about how many times she would swipe to snooze on her phone.
She let him prepare his coffee, adding a bit of milk from the carton in her fridge, before she spoke again. “So, how was the trip? You have to tell me everything.”
He shrugged, leaning against her kitchen counter. “Oh, you know.” He was never really sure how his sets went. Plus, it felt strange to talk about them if he thought they went well, like he was bragging or something. And these ones did seem to go pretty well… but then again, he could never be sure.
Jessica looked up from her copy of Ninradell. She always tried to get him to talk about his shows, but she seemed to understand he just wasn’t comfortable doing that, moving on quickly to other topics. But today, something was different. She kept at it, asking, “How was your San Francisco show?”
“Fine, I guess.”
“Did you meet anyone interesting there?”
“No, was I supposed to? Oh crap, did you tell me that I was supposed to find someone there and I forgot? You know I don’t network as well-”
“No, no. Nothing like that,” she interrupted, dropping her eyes to her lap, twisting her fingers around each other. What the hell had her so nervous? Did she have a jealous ex who lived in San Fran or something?
“What is it, Jessica?”
She took a deep breath, letting out a sigh before she continued, “Don’t be mad, okay? I’m not accusing you of anything. I know you would never cheat on me.”
“Jessica, what the hell are you-” but she had clearly rehearsed this little speech, talking over his interruption, trying to get the whole thing out.
“I just figured if you are tempted or something like that, well maybe we should talk about it. It seems healthier than just pretending that everything is perfect if you are having doubts. And if this whole engagement is too overwhelming, I understand. If you want to just slow things down, have a long engagement or even just go back to dating, I promise I won’t be upset. I just want us to get back to a good place where we both feel comfortable with our level of commitment.”
Somewhere in the middle of her speech, Seth felt his heart begin to race and his mouth get dry. He knew that she was out of his league. He had always known that. But she must have just figured it out. Maybe the engagement made it more real, and she saw that tying herself to a mid-tier comic and mediocre screenwriter was a terrible idea. But whatever the reason, she was asking him to slow things down.
“If… if that’s what you want,” he choked out, trying to not let his sheer terror show.
“No! I am so happy with you. But Seth, I just want to make sure that you are just as comfortable. I don’t want to hold you to something that happened right after an adrenaline rush.”
Seth frowned, setting his coffee down on the counter. “Jessica, I feel like I’m missing something pretty big here. Why would you think I would want slow things down between us?”
He stared at her, trying to put the pieces together, but no matter how he thought about things, he felt like he was completely out of the loop. After a few seconds of painful silence, Jessica finally spoke.
“I just figured there must be some reason you wanted us to have an open relationship.”
Her voice was so small, so quiet, Seth almost missed it. And when he did hear it, he thought he must be hallucinating. Did she really think that he wanted an open marriage?
“No!” he bolted around the island, racing over to Jessica on the sofa, sitting down next to her and grabbing her hands. “Jessica, believe me. I don’t have any real interest in an open relationship.”
“Then why would you even ask? Come on, Seth. There must be some reason why you brought that up after we’d been exclusive for well over a year.”
She was right. There was a reason. It just wasn’t at all what she thought it was.
“I didn’t want to lose you.”
“Why would you lose me?”
“Because you are so far out of my league, Jessica.” She opened her mouth to argue that point, but Seth just shook his head. “You not believing that fact doesn’t make it any less true.”
“Even if that were true, which it’s not, by the way, why did you think that I would want to have an open marriage? What did I do that made you think that I would want to sleep with someone else?”
Seth sighed, grabbing her tablet off the coffee table and opening up a fan site he’d stumbled upon while waiting to catch his flight to San Francisco. It was dedicated to Jessica and seemed to have a pretty active membership. He’d been so proud of her, seeing how passionate people were about her work, her talent. But then he’d stumbled into a thread that focused on her personal life, and it was rife with speculation. About her. About them. About Matt and Hunt and Teja and Victoria. About all of her friends and why the hell they all went on vacation together. 
“I think it’s just different in Hollywood, they all sleep around with each other and no one bats an eye at any of it,” read one comment.
“They’re all having sex with each other but are scared of the backlash if it ever came out. That’s why she’s openly with the most vanilla one in the whole group,” said another poster.
“She’s only with him publicly because it makes her seem more relatable. They clearly have an agreement,” claimed a different commenter.
Jessica scrolled through the thread, her eyes growing wide as she scanned across line after line of similar posts. After a few minutes of reading, she stopped, bringing her eyes up to meet his.
“This is all complete nonsense. You know that for a fact. Why would reading this make you think it held any truth at all?”
“I don’t know,” Seth rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed that he had so clearly let his insecurities affect their relationship.
“Seth, have I ever given you any sign that I wanted to sleep with someone else?”
He shook his head. He’d never seen her so much as flirt with anyone.
“Then why would you ever believe this shit? Seth, I don’t get it. You trust TendrSomethingz476 and HawkeyezFan2969 more than you trust us? More than you trust me?”
When she said it that way, it made him feel like an idiot. Of course he trusted her more than some random internet strangers. But it was easy to feel that way now, when she was sitting next to him. It was a lot harder when he was alone and there were tabloid photos of her out with Hunt or going over to Matt’s mansion. 
“Jessica, I trust you. I guess I just don’t trust that someone as amazing as you could be happy with just me. Not when you could have someone way better looking or more famous or-”
“Then you don’t trust me, because I have told you time and time again that I want you. I love you.”
“I love you, too. But you are this mega-famous, talented superstar, and I’m just this awkward, dorky writer and comic. On paper, it looks like you outgrew me. I’m the type of guy you date for a while before you land your first big role, get noticed by the paparazzi, and sign commercial deals for bottled water or perfumes or credit cards. Best case scenario, I’m starter marriage material.”
Jessica paused, tipping her head back slightly and staring off to the side as she tried to find her next words. After a few moments, she spoke again. 
“Sacha Baron Cohen and Ilsa Fisher.” 
“Look, I don’t like you talking about yourself like you don’t deserve me. We are equals here in every way. But since you are determined to see us as uneven, I figured I’d find an example of a couple that apparently works in spite of not seeming to match on paper. Hence, Sacha Baron Cohen and Ilsa Fisher.”
“Yeah, and the world doesn’t get why they’re together either.”
“Then the world doesn’t know what it’s missing, with them or with us. Because I get to be with someone who is funny and sweet and caring. You make me smile and laugh and be myself, not this polished version of myself I have to present to the rest of the world. I’m happy with you. Just you, Seth. And I don’t think sleeping with anyone else would make me any happier than I am now.”
Seth didn’t quite know how to respond to that, dropping his gaze down to his lap. He didn’t know how he found someone that saw him that way, far better than he saw himself. He was staring at his hands, processing her words and her utter faith in them, when two smaller hands came into view, grabbing both of his. His eyes automatically focused on the dark pearl sitting on her left hand. 
“Seth, look at me.” He turned to face her on the couch as she kept talking. “I know you aren’t the most confident guy out there, but next time you have insecurities, can you promise me you’ll come to me to talk about them instead of trying to solve a problem you just created in your mind?”
Seth nodded, moving his hands to twine their fingers together, “Yeah, I think I can manage that.”
“Good, because I’ve been pretty anxious about this whole open marriage suggestion for days now.”
Seth squinted before the implications of her words fully hit him. “Wait, you thought I was trying to sleep with someone else while I was at one of my shows?”
“How else could I have taken your suggestion? I couldn’t think of anything else that would motivate you asking me that.”
Seth knew it was the wrong thing to do, but he couldn’t help it - he burst out laughing. The whole thing sounded so ridiculous coming from her, that there was some universe where he was picking up people at comedy clubs instead of just missing his insanely hot girlfr- no, fiancée - while he was away.
“Iowa, you’re telling me that instead of thinking that suggestion came from Seth ‘my insecurities have insecurities’ Levine, you jumped to the oh so logical conclusion that I suddenly developed such great game that I was looking for some strange at a comedy club and not, you know, heading back to my hotel to sleep and watch B movies like the boring old man I am?”
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t quite hold back a smile. “You’re not the only one with insecurities, you know.”
She was right, of course. But it was easy to forget that she had been an awkward theater nerd with only one friend before she arrived in LA and took the world by storm. Seth knew he was guilty of thinking that she must be insanely confident because of how quickly she’d skyrocketed to superstar levels of fame. But that wasn’t how insecurity worked, not at all. “I’m sorry, Iowa. I would have never thrown that idea out there if I knew it would make you worry.”
She nodded before pulling her hands from his, swinging her leg over his lap and straddling him before he could even make a comment. “And how are you going to make it up to me?” she quipped, raising one eyebrow, but smiling playfully.
“Not sure, but you sitting like this is giving me a few ideas…”
She laughed before she leaned in to kiss him, winding her arms around his shoulders. As Seth felt himself falling further into the moment with her, he couldn’t help but think he would have to be a complete idiot to doubt what they had. Because this, right here, right now? Well sharing that with her would always be more than enough for him.
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Tags: @mfackenthal @kinda-iconic @choicesjulychallenge
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ultraguardians · 5 years
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Happy Birthday Luke!
Here’s a list of everyone on this drawing:
Top two behind, left to right: radicole + ctarhne
Middle, left to right: lotsofdreamboatz, cc, kaestiell, ultraguardians, lyssyloops, shutupsprinkles, cheapsushii
bottom two, left to right: sparkiemcfly + dragonessgem
BUT, before you go, make sure to read our messages :D!
“Happy birthday, bro! You’re a huge inspiration to me and frankly I cant thank you enough. I used to watch your content all the time when I was younger, rediscovering your content and joining your streams has been one of the best decisions ive ever decided to make. To make a long story short, my mental health has been in a rough spot for a long while but the first stream of yours’ I attended had me smiling all night for the first time in genuine years. Your music is just incredible, Ive used it to cheer myself up, get me inspired and to pump me up on many occasions, I seriously cant get enough of it and im not a good enough of a wordsmith to be able to describe how much your stuff has helped me and sadly I dont think there’s ever a way I could possibly repay you for all the rad stuff you’ve given to all of us. Keep being awesome, keep giving those good vibes! Happy birthday and all the best.“ -Lyssyloops
“uhh hey mr town, happy birthday dude!! im very much a lurker im trying to sort of get out of that hole but. ive been a fan for. a long ass time now and ive always really appreciated your music and the few streams ive caught and just you.. existing, man. thanks for being you, happy removal day :kicc: (click here to see what :kicc: is!) -CC”
—- “hey luke! i’m way too shy to talk on streams sometimes, but i just want to say that you’re a huge inspiration to me and your music really helped me through a bit of a rough patch in 2018. keep being awesome, and happy birthday!”                 - from cheapsushii
“YOOOO Put sprinkles on your birthday cake man!” -shutupsprinkles
“luke, i sincerely just want to say thank you. thank you for everything you have done. all the music you’ve made, and all the videos as well on your channel. through your channel, i have met the most WONDERFUL people I could have ever met. each and almost every twitch stream, i get to meet more and more new friends each time. i always thought I was the lonely one out of the bunch, but now, all I see are friends all around me. now I see you all are here for me, and that’s such a cozy feeling, getting to talk to those on the stream and anywhere else. luke, just know this. you have made this summer the best summer I could have ever asked for- and i really REALLY mean that. thank you. sincerely. i hope you know how much of an impact you’ve made on all of our lives. happy birthday, luke. from all of us. - kae/kaestiell
—- ”(read each word out loud) hey mr luke it’s herobrine. thank you for teaching me the overwatch sir… remember kids education is important like a victory royale. anyway i believe i must admit mr sizemore, your cover of fireflies by owl city and heart-felt confession of wanting cocaine, which means crack truly moved me. dig up diamonds and craft those diamonds and make some armor, get it, go and forge that like you so MLG pro, godspeed, mr sizemore. uwu i howope youwu have a gweat biwthday….. i remember the first day i hopped in this stream and i thought, “uwu, whats dis?” it was magical. the absolute glee and giddy i find bubbling in my chest whenever I see the notification of your presence on my twitch is unrivaled. you have brought me those epic positive vibes and i respect you immensely.  for that, i wish upon you epic kills and minecraft cake. hit it fergie, godspeed - dream/lotsofdreamboatz (click here for free food)”
—- “Hey Luke! Hope you are having a good day! I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you. I’ve only really been on your streams for about 3 months but those months have been an absolute blast. You are such an awesome creator and even if I only am able to stop by for a little bit I always leave your streams with a smile. You always have such positive, wholesome vibes and I really appreciate it. You are also incredibly talented and you inspire me to work hard to do the things I love. I hope that you achieve everything you could ever want to, you really deserve it. Honestly, just thank you for existing. You make the world a little brighter every day. Happy birthday! Never stop being awesome -Dragonessgem
hi mister luke yungtown sizemore; have a happy very good very nice amazing birthday,,, you are a legend thank you for blessing me, mister seth ctarhne (and everyone else) with beautiful amazing content. get that bread bro :D if you don’t have a good birthday I might just have to come out of my hidey hole and i will put a good curse??? spell?? magic,, thing,,, on you so you can have a good day because you deserve it >:) 
—- I'm a little late but Happy birthday Luke!! I can't express how much I friggen love you. You brought back my love for rapping and I even plan on doing the Triforce rap for my talent show! (If I can find an instrumental version) You're kind and sweet and love what you do I respect that. You deserve so much! You're better than any modern rapper out there, Eminem included. I love you so much I named a stuffed animal of my favorite animal (penquin) after you! Have the best birthday possible!! ~Yellow Daisy AKA TRGFan101
“Hello mr town it is I. A cryptid. Twitch is the worst and won’t let me verify my account but I wish you the best birthday wishes possible and also the world, considering I have Asagao to thank for many friends of mine. Keep doing your funky thing sir. Happy birthday.”-Hawky, the one who’s mentioned by people but never shows up
“Happy birthday, Luke. I’m glad I was able to find your twitch. Your content is down to earth and engaging, making it feel really personal and rewarding to interact with and watch your streams. You have continually been an incredibly respectful and genuine person, and that’s everything someone could want from a content creator, or just a friend in general. You’ve made yourself a friend to so many people, even making some friends around me genuinely light up when twitch notifications appear on their phone or laptop. I couldn’t thank you more for helping the people around me. I’ve only just started watching, but I’m here to stay. Have a phenominal year. - Crime/lordcrime”
and last but not least, me, the one who put this all together :D!
“hewwo luke. I hope you have a great birthday my dude!! I tried my best to draw the apricot nectar cake, since you seemed so happy when you talked about it. But besides that, I hope you’re the happiest that you can be on this day and that your smile outshines the sun. Just know we all love you, dude, you’re fun, chill, happy and bring everyone’s spirits up, and the chat is always fun to talk in. Having come across your twitch streams over 6 months ago was the best thing that has happened this year, because, man, you have made a great community and I’m so glad man. Here’s hoping for more years with you and the yungfam. Again, happy birthday you mad lad. -eon/ultraguardians.”
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