#happy birthday lumen
tsukishiroism · 1 year
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thank you for illuminating my life, happy birthday.
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nyantodamax145 · 3 months
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It’s Jordi’s birthday in my current timezone!
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fictional-birthdays · 3 months
Happy Birthday, Deepcolor and Lumen! (Arknights)
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sybil-kitsune · 3 months
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅Happy Birthday Lumen⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
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stepswordsen · 1 year
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【AkaYona】 SuHak
pale blue solace
“The beautiful smile of a boy he once loved. And before midnight falls upon the palace, before the silver strain of clouds morph into the glint of a sword’s edge, dipped in the blood of betrayal — a passage between death and life — there is the distinct, somber shade of pale blue.”
- pale blue solace by foggydevil
I originally drew this SuHak last year as a birthday gift for my precious friend Lumen (@/Ann_archyy) on Twitter~ Manifesting SuHak!
Happy birthday Lumen! 
Thank you so much to both you and Project Vinland's hard work for your translations, including on series like AkaYona! You're really our strongest soldier. I also have gift arts in mind for you this year!
Sending you lots of love~ I'm happy to have met you and be your friend. I always have fun talking to you! You're so funny and your thought rambles and character analysis/meta posts really inspire me.
I always feel like seeing my friends' works reignites my love for this ship. And of course, seeing everyones' passion for it! It makes me remember what I love so much about the ship.
When I drew this last year, I wanted to make their expressions soft and tender. Suwon was very fun to draw :) I loved drawing Suwon and his hair, heehee. Thank you king!!! 👑 And Hak's colours were fun. I love warm lighting, and colouring gold, so this was a treat 😌✨
This was inspired by foggydevil's SuHak fic, pale blue solace
I had the mood and atmosphere of the fic in mind while I drew! Her SuHak fic is beautifully written. I love reading her writing, it's so atmospheric and poetic... I love the prose. Her writing style reminds me of poems... It was pale blue solace that inspired me to choose the colours and atmosphere in this. 
The rest of my rambles will be under the cut!
I was thinking about Suwon's association to gold and the warmth of the sun, so I chose more cool colours for Hak and the shadows of his clothes 🙏
I'm happy that my friends said they could feel the atmosphere of pale blue solace in this drawing due to the contrast between golden colours and pale colours. Sun/Moon symbolism...
The gold tones are a reference to Suwon who is the sun. I love the colours of the 2nd one. I chose those colours for warm and cool colours contrast, and I also chose the cooler toned one to match the atmosphere of pale blue solace!
No matter how bad AkaYona got and decayed in terms of writing quality, I'm still so glad I met many of my friends because of it <3 I’m glad for everyone’s team effort in creating SuHak content~ It makes up for how badly written Ch. 243 was. 
Our friend circle is why I got into Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, one of the most important and personal series to me ever. Thank you!
CSP lags every time I open the file cuz it's so big. Alas I'd love to redraw this someday.
Also love black hair x blonde hair pairings. Wahoo! 
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rainbowdaydream13 · 2 months
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Happy Birthday Iridessa Lumen💛☀🎤
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sk-lumen · 7 months
Guy I broke things off with just sent me a happy birthday txt he also sent me a merry Christmas txt (that I didn’t reply to) thoughts? (I think about him all the time and miss him)
Hi flower,
Clearly you both still care about each other, but there's not enough backstory here for me to understand the context.
Why did you break up? Was he toxic, did he cheat or betray you? Did you have differing values or future plans? If the answer is yes to either of these, it's best to cut your losses and move on. Memories are sweet, but as long as you're looking back you cannot be present in your life and enjoy the blessings of the future.
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leahxyz17 · 1 year
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Happy birthday to Lumen from Arknights! 6/12/23
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pseudomonacarriea · 1 year
@pseudomonarkaerenea​ asked:
Lumen looks awkward, finally managing to stop by after the hellish training that's been taking place to groom him into the role of Inquisitor--But he hadn't forgotten the Liberi who'd lent a hand back then. He's offering a bottle of wine he managed to get a hold of through the proper channels after paying a premium to Closure.
"Uh .... Here. For the help back then. Happy birthday, Operator Elysium."
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Happy (Belated) Birthday Elysium! 
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Hmm? What’s this? The Operator looks to the wine bottle with interest. He knew it was his birthday, having accepted a few gifts from the others like Amiya, Closure, and a few of the others. 
“Thank you, Lumen. Ah,“
Accepting the wine, he doesn’t let Lumen leave just yet.
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“Wine is best shared with another. It’s been a while since we last talked, so why don’t we catch up?“
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nyantodamax145 · 1 year
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voxxisms · 4 months
Happy Birthday!
thank you lumen!! i appreciate you!!
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ruth-posts-pokemon · 6 months
Well, guess I should introduce myself but like, a little more in-depth than I did in my bio. Sooo, pinned post time!
My name’s Ruth! I use she/her and they/them pronouns, and I’m an ace demigirl. I’m from southern Unova, and have only been a trainer for a few years, but I’d like to think I’m at least a halfway decent one. I’ve kiiiinda tried the gym challenge but it’s not a huge priority of mine, I mostly just wander around wherever and then stuff and things happen to me. Isn’t that just how life is? Anyways I’ve got ADHD and also am not the best at doing the whole being a normal person thing, but I’m still happy to chat and answer questions and stuff when my executives are not being dysfunctional. I’ve only been lurking for, what, 3 years…
I have more than six Pokémon, but I’ll go ahead and introduce the usual party I have with me.
Red Tide: Dhelmise that showed up while I was minding my own business tossing pokébeans into a saltwater canal and then followed me even after I ran out. Technically my starter since they were the first Pokémon I ever caught but as you can imagine the situation was far from the usual planned or scheduled or otherwise not spur of the moment sorta deal. Something something insert comparison to Ponyta girl movie trope minus saving a farm. They’re pretty docile and don’t seem to have much interest in battle, but apparently they’re really old and really strong?? Certainly saved my behind a few times, I can say that much… Oh I should also probably mention they’re the red Dhelmise in my profile picture. No, I still don’t really know how they were holding that toy. Red Tide does what Red Tide wants.
Lumen: Chandelure, but I caught her as a Litwick. Basically I was hoping to get a birthday gift for my mom and found her terrorizing a Bed Bath & Beyond by trying to burn all of the actual candles. Decided I’d try to do the employees a favor and ended up having to spend most of my cash on candles to convince the little arsonist to follow me, and then she didn’t stop following me even after the bait candles were destroyed, and the rest is history. Nowadays Lumen is only mostly a little shit(affectionate) who I can somewhat trust not to do arson if left to her own devices. On one hand it’s nice that her mischief isn’t destructive, on the other you have no idea how many times I’ve been woken up because SOMEONE decided to use the smoke alarm to get attention. At least she quickly figured out trying to pick on Red Tide was a great way to get a liquidation to her whole self.
Soul: Aegislash, I found him as a Honedge at a Renaissance Faire looking really confused and lost. Er, well I mean he kinda found me and I just didn’t notice for a while... Might’ve started hanging around when I visited the booth selling replica swords, he would’ve blended in perfectly there. Almost had the world’s worst high-five when noticing Red Tide’s little shadow, but things worked out and I guess the two liked each other enough for him to want to join the team. Or maybe they were doing the Dewpiderman pointing meme at each other over being red. Anyways, he’s always been shy, even after evolving, but he’s definitely not nearly as timid as he started out. Still tends to hide behind anyone or anything he can in unfamiliar situations, though. And also definitely didn’t get his name from a final boss in a game series I really like on account of them both having similar colors and one eye. Lumen doesn’t terrorize him anymore but I don’t think they have much of a bond either, just tolerance.
Kazoo: I and everyone around me always expected I’d be a bug trainer, but it took all the way until finding Kazoo to have my first bug type. He’s a Galvantula now, just kinda showed up in the house one day and kept unplugging my 3DS to feast at the outlet, and like. What was I supposed to do, kick out a little Joltik in the middle of a hailstorm? Just a little creacher whos only crime was being hungy and not knowing what an electric bill is? Send him out to get conked in the head by ice chunks almost a fifth of his own size? I simply could not do it, and that’s how I ended up with funny little guy who probably has one or two thoughts throughout any given week. He didn’t even care about being held like burger! What a guy. I don’t think any of my Pokémon don’t get along with him— Soul actually warmed up to him really fast, even— though Red Tide does sometimes get tired of having their wheel used as an inconvenient perch that spins around. He used to help me save on dryer sheets by simply eating the laundry static, but now I have to deal with a spider who really wants his mandated warm laundry basket bed time and long story short be careful what you teach your Galvantulas as Joltiks. Small price to pay for Kazoo.
Barque: Lapras, and the only core team member I actually battled to capture— that situation was what actually got Kazoo to evolve. Red Tide needed an ocean buddy, fully evolved Lumen needed to be kept under control, and I needed a Pokémon that could use Surf and actually move faster than a walking pace. She’s probably the most interested in battle out of the gang, even more than Lumen, and uh… They don’t really get along, but that’s mostly because local chandelier likes causing problems on purpose and local boat animal likes stopping her from causing problems on purpose. For better or worse. It’s not on sight anymore thankfully. She gets along great with everyone else, and seems to do a good job of keeping the peace when everyone’s out of their balls. Out of curiosity a while back I had some testing done, and apparently she’s all the way from the coast of Galar! Quite the trip to have made.
Cheerio: They are a Meltan and I found them in the trash. Legit had no idea what they were at first because my ‘dex didn’t recognize them, but folks online were able to give me the important info. If Kazoo is baby, then Cheerio is like, mega baby. Creacher with a baby license. Fittingly, they’re best pals with Kazoo, and it’s really cute to watch them hanging out. Soul seems suspicious of them, and Red Tide used to be(and I think is still a bit intimidating to the lil fella on account of being hugelarge), but they were quick to figure out what metal is off limits so I don’t see any problems arising there. Barque is actually a bit protective of them and Lumen wasn’t even given the chance to try and pick on them like she did Soul, but I get the feeling even she wouldn’t have really had it in her to bully what is more or less a metallic blob baby. When not in their ball Cheerio likes hanging out under my hat or on Barque’s head. They’re heavier than you’d expect, but then again they are made of metal, so… Anyways if anything happened to them I’d KO everyone in the room and then myself.
Aaand that’s the gang. One of these days I’ll get around to sharing pictures of everyone, and maybe talk about some of my other ’mons, too. Spoiler alert: Barque is the only one who doesn’t fit with the theme of just showed up in my life one day and made themself at home/catching them was somewhat of an impulse decision that worked out/I didn’t know how else to check if I was about to make a new friend or get murderized to death by a wild animal. You know how it is in Unova.
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sageofjustice · 1 year
Jonathan provides an angel food cake birthday cake for him. "Happy Birthday!"
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"Oh Jonathan, you didn't have to come all this way~ " he spoke still accepting the cake "Thank you, come let's have some cake, surely I cant eat this by myself." What a wonderful present, unbeknownst to most the lumen loved pastries.
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stepswowdsen · 1 year
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I quickly doodled this Sinbad in traditional Vietnamese áo dài before as a gift for Lumen's birthday on 6/7 
It's my first time drawing him!!! 💖 Ehehe, it’s not bad for a first attempt
I drew Sinbad for Lumen since he’s their fave Magi chara and in their top 3 fave charas :)
I'm happy to hear Lumen liked it and thought he looked handsome in my style 🥺💜 He's so pretty waa waa waa
Drawing full bodies are more ambitious for me whdshdsdhs so it'll probably take longer but!!! I love drawing charas in traditional clothes 💜
I chose the Vietnamese áo dài... The predecessor to the áo dài ("Long dress") is the áo tấc ("10 cm dress") which is also called áo tế (“Ritual/Ceremonial dress”) which has larger sleeves. Conflicted which one I want to draw him in tbh, I love both 😔 ✊
I personally have a preference for Vietnam's ancient traditional clothing, like the áo tấc ("10 cm dress"), áo nhật bình ("Square collared garb), áo giao lĩnh ("Cross-collared dress") and etc. But the áo dài is also gorgeous too. I love how traditional áo dài look, but modernized ones are very pretty too
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thepolaroidswift · 2 years
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Happy birthday to the album that changed my life and made the worst year so much better!!! #taylorswift #lover #reputation #1989 #redtaylorsversion #speaknow #fearlesstaylorsversion #debutalbum #folklore #evermore #taylor #swift #album #swifties #meredithgrey #oliviabenson #taylurk #taylurking #longlivethememories #swiftie #thepoweroftaylorswift #taylorsversion #meetmeatmidnight #TSmidnighTS (at Lumen Field) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckyu1JnvtiA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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luxielle · 2 years
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Unknown x Lumen being cute & in love ~
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