#happy birthday kaito!! :D
meimi-haneoka · 7 months
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March 6th - Happy birthday, Yuna D. Kaito!!
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kidconsky · 3 months
June 21st is Kaito's birthday and to celebrate how about we talk about his "fight" with Makoto in the movie 23? :D
I see a lot of people commenting on how Kaito didn't stand a chance against Makoto among other things, but why doesn't anyone talk about how tough this guy is???? Let's go back to the scene.
Kid had already run quite a distance until he reached the safe, doing some acrobatics along the way. A few minutes later he is hit by a taser that makes him pass out, and then he almost drowns, escaping at the last second. Soon after, he has to run again through a huge mansion and finally comes face to face with Makoto jealous. A really stupid jealousy but Sonoko doesn't help either.
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Kaito knows well that he has no chance against Makoto who is basically a god in this anime (seriously why are some characters so exaggeratedly strong?? they think they are in dragon ball) Anyway! Even though he knows this, he goes to Makoto precisely because moments before he said he liked it more when the robberies were more difficult, he liked the adrenaline.
He enters in such an insane moment that sparks literally come out of his eyes... BRO??? IS THIS SO @?!$@? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... Er anyway.......
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Regardless of whether he is becoming exhausted (he is human after all), Kaito manages to easily dodge Makoto's initial blows. And he even tries to give some blows too, he really isn't very afraid of death... Let's be honest, it's kind of admirable that he's survived this far.
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He took a punch that, even though it didn't hit him so hard, was still strong enough to push him back a lot (Makoto, you were really trying to kill him...).
Anyone else would have at least fainted after a punch like that, but Kaito remained standing feeling a little pain. Wtf??? It's not like he had training to be this resilient?? Magicians don't need to be almost immortal haha... Seriously how is he still standing after all this?? And then he flies away as if nothing had happened???
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I really admire Kaito's resistance, both physical (which was the focus of this post) and mental resistance, which I intend to talk about in a future post. So... Happy birthday little baby! 🕊️
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leonawriter · 3 months
Kaitou Kid
(I'm gonna just go with Kuroba Kaito rather than Kid as a composite character or whatever)
First impression
You know, I'm not sure? It's so long ago now. But I probably got caught up in the cool factor of "class clown plus Phantom Thief."
Impression now
Still one of the coolest and most amazing characters Gosho ever created. Needs more friends. Needs a hug. I think I'm less taken in by the "silly guy" impression that he wants people to have of him, but that just means I'm leaning harder on the "oh, oh no, he needs help, several more assistants, real friends, and a sense of safety."
Favorite moment
The first that came to mind was actually the "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN" and grin from the Midair Walk.
Also high on the list are: the moment he shoots out the windows of a building in, I think it's Private Eye's Requiem? As well as two less bombastic moments, with the Dove Scene at the end of that one movie (Lost Ship in the Sky, I think) and... spelling out Happy Birthday Aoko at the end of Blue Birthday.
Idea for a story
For all that I've got a lot of dramatic ideas up in my head, and I have the "Hakuba saves him from a collapsing burning building" one that I posted about a while back still in my head, I'm gonna go with...
A story that covers Kaito's own birthday. Maybe he's been having a bad few days, and someone has sent out a challenge for Kid (maybe Jiroikichi, maybe not) that coincidentally happens on the same day that he can't get out of, and he expects to just have the worst birthday since years back, but... instead, the heist is weirdly quiet and when he gets home there's a small party that's been waiting patiently for him to get back from "whatever" he's been doing - Aoko's made a cake, Akako seems strangely tired, Keiko's there with some of their classmates, and... Hakuba's finishing up a call with Nakamori to say he can deal with whatever's left another time.
Kaito realising these weirdos are his friends.
Unpopular opinion
Huh, I don't know? Being a cousins truther feels like low hanging fruit.
Perhaps that Kaito doesn't actually have anything against wearing black himself, as long as it's a) civilian clothes, or b) part of a trick to misdirect. I've seen the headcanon around that he won't wear it, but I think that expecting the bad guys to wear black more of a Conan thing?
Favorite relationship
His dynamic with Hakuba is the number one in my head right now, with Aoko is currently slightly under that.
It's compelling. Detective and Thief? Of course I'm interested. Add to that, the fact that Hakuba comes to his own conclusions about Kaito that don't align with following the law? When he's a detective? I'd love to get inside Hakuba's head. I'd love to see what got him from "I'm going to handcuff him" to "I'll call him from France and tell him how to succeed in his very illegal heist."
It's Hakuba being logic-driven and the idea of "what would happen if something pushed him to make an irrational, illogical decision in the heat of the moment, because he has to choose between Kaitou Kid and the law in a way that can't be rationalised away?" and it's "the one case that drives me crazy" and. YEAH.
Favorite headcanon
Hm... a lot of my ideas about him come from either canon or things I've seen other people come up with that intrigued me or that I adopted. I don't know where it fits in, but-
The idea that if he's not in full control of himself (in pain, or just drunk off his ass, or so tired he seems drunk) he starts slipping between all sorts of voices. Aoko is used to this. She doesn't get why Hakuba is looking at him like he's grown a second head the first time he sees it happen.
Thank you for the ask! :D
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sunbloomdew · 1 year
my olba mc timeline!
introducing my darling buttercup, Haru Nakamura :D
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finally i can post this! i'm very happy to talk about a character i have been working on since may haha. does that mean they are fully cooked? let's talk about something else :) insert why do they call you babygirl meme
you don't wanna know how long was the process of making this one drawing,,,, 1/10, would do it again no question, but god did that take time. here's the sketch for comparison :]
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(hopefully) short and concise description of each step below + a couple of songs that i assign to each step, from their playlist because i can and i will
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now before i move to each step, i want to take a moment to talk about Haru's name. they are japanese american (their biological parents were both japanese people who moved to california) so i wanted them to have a japanese name.
first their birth name, Kaito. i picked this [快仁] way of writing it. 快 means "pleasant, comfortable, agreeable" and 仁 means "humanity, benevolence and kindness". i chose it as their birth name because of a few reasons:
first, some other ways of writing this name include a kanji that means "ocean, sea". it's an obvious connection to the setting of olba, as well as the character's deep connection with sunset bird, especially in their childhood.
the meanings assigned to the version i chose, describe haru at their core and during step 1 when they use this name. they are a comfortable presence whose greatest desire is to make meaningful, genuine connections with other people (fucking extravert). while they are pleasant they are a people-pleaser as well - part of their journey is to unlearn that.
it sounds very cute and they are the sweetest kid
now the name people actually know them for, the one they feel describes them the best - Haru. the kanji that i picked [春] means "spring, season of growth and renewal" and it's precisely what Haru's 'arc' is about. the meaning and value of their personal growth, understanding themselves and working with oneself instead of against.
a little tidbit about their name: there is a kanji with which it can be written that means "cherry blossom". those flowers are considered as a symbol of spring in japan, usually blooming between the end of march and beginning of may. another fun fact, haru's birthday is on the 2nd of april :]
Nakamura is a surname i chose instead of Last in the game. i thought it would be fun to headcanon that the family's surname is actually from Noelani's side (some Hawaiian last names are Japanese in origin, hence Nakamura). The kanji i picked to write it are [中村] - 中 meaning "in, inside, middle, center" and 村 meaning "village, hamlet". I think of it as a reference to sunset bird itself.
so once we put all of the ingredients together it already forms an image of a character. i've been reading a book by david day "the hobbits of tolkien" in which the author describes j.r.r. tolkien's process of creating the hobbits. it's very fascinating, the way in which he used his philologist knowleadge - digging up the word first and then tracing it's origins and the word family to slowly create the hobbits we know today. my process of creating haru was somewhat similar in methods, though definitely not the process (god no, i am nowhere near tolkien's level). i wanted to mention that because the words we use to describe the world, or in this case characters are important.
i like to think that haru's whole name means "spring in a village", with them being the embodiment of said season, connected to an undeniably summer town. a little bit like baxter, our resident autumn boy stumbled into a seaside tourist town. only in haru's case the lines are more blurry. i think of them as the manifestation of the spring/summer period, when the sun shines brightly and trees bloom but the wind is still chilly and strong.
in any case, let's move further! fairies know i could talk just about their name forever
Step 1: welcome to childhood folks! in step 1 Haru uses their birth name, Kaito, and he/him pronouns. Kaito is a lonely child who wants only one thing - to have a friend. he is too fat, too shy, too different from other kids his age, which leads to him being isolated from them. this plants the first seeds of his insecurities that will follow him into the future. being ignored and laughed at really impacts Kaito, who only wants to make friends with anybody. it makes this thought slowly grow at the back of his mind: "there is something fundamentally wrong with me." thankfully, he has the support of lizzie and their moms and the soothing sound of the waves and the warm sand at the beach, which make his social isolation feel less hurtful.
when it comes to his personality, Kaito is an open-hearted, open-minded kid who is quite shy. he is naive, terribly impatient and impulsive which can be a fatal combination. curiosity is another defining trait of his - not really with any things of an academic nature, but definitely about other people, so much he can be very nosy. despire that he is pretty good at reading social cues and figuring out people's feelings. if only he had enough foresight to actually confirm his thoughts with others - he is prone to assume things solely based off his judgement. he is empathetic and a good listener. his tendencies in people-pleasing are only starting to grow, but it will be a huge problem down the line.
a sidenote about his design: colours chosen for each step hold a meaning. the colour palette for step 1 is a triadic colour scheme with purple, teal and yellow. i chose those colours because they remind me of summer, and in step 1 kaito is at the beginning of his growth as a person. at this point in their life, they are connected with summer as a season the most, because they have yet to begin the process of figuring themselves out and understanding themselves.
Cove moving in is a turning point for Kaito. he changes his life by befriending him. it doesn NOT alleviate the insecurities and doubt still nestled in Kaito's heart. rather he views Cove as someone special for befriending him. the setting for their relationship is Nervous Fond. Kaito likes Cove immediately (as they do with most people, they are very open) but is very nervous about this whole making friends process.
Alright this all probably sounds very angsty but this internal turmoil of Kaito's is (for now) very much in the background. think of it like a box covered with sheets, dusted over and hidden in the attic. step 1 is mostly cute kid shenanigans (and some crying).
hawaiian roller coaster ride - mark keali'i ho'omalu, kamehameha schools children's chorus; lilo and stitch original soundtrack
the right amount of dumb - kan gao; finding paradise (original game soundtrack)
i have a hole in my tooth (and my dentist is shut) - dodie
take me anywhere - kan gao; to the moon (original game soundtrack)
second child, restless child - the oh hellos
(the right amount of dumb is like their theme in step 1 because they are a bit of a dumbass <33 silly little kid)
Step 2: ahhh early teenage years. i think 12yo and older is the time when you start to realize how profoundly fucked up reality is and react appropriately! which is exactly what Haru is going through, on top of being obsessed with becoming popular. sigh.
step 2 is very rough for Haru. for one, their insecurities from childhood only grow. they see their inabilty to create a large circle of friends as a reflection of their worth. their self-esteem is at all time low, which is why they do everything they can to cover it up. kids are cruel so they cannot show any weaknesses. in order to cover up their low self-confidence they become very arrogant,they arrive at this conclusion: if they are so unlikable (false) then they only need to pretend to be someone else entirely to make people like them (bruh. teenage brain is a mystery).
and so begins their fabrication of themselves, altering parts of their appearance, personality even giving up and picking up hobbies just to appeal to the 'popular kids'. deep inside they know that this is futile. you cannot make people like you, you cannot make them respect you if they don't no matter how hard you try. but they are so starved for social interactions, that it doesn't matter at the moment. if they get to hang out with the cool kids, if people wave to them in the corridors then what does it matter that the person they are greeting is fake?
those purposeful but forced changes consume them. they are constatly playing a role around people they know but don't trust - they can only relax with their family, Cove and Derek. but even then, they aren't fun to hang out with that much. seeing as they can reveal their true thoughts only then, it makes them constantly angry (at everything, but at themselves the most probably) which affects their relationships with their friends and family.
to them it feels like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. they can't bear their soul to the cool kids group, because that would mean admitting that they are not a person they pretended to be - this loud, out-going, larger than life, perfect person. and in their head they think they can't reveal anything to their loved ones either - it would mean admitting defeat in making friends.
so yeah, the struggle is there y'all. despite all the harm that comes from their behaviour and their environment, they learn a couple of things too. they realize they aren't a mind reader and perhaps asking people about their problems is better than assuming you know what is wrong, even if you are like 99% sure you know. doesn't mean they won't ask in the most blunt, tactless way possible tho. their shyness as if evaporates completely - you're not gonna make it far in middle school being shy. funnily enough, they are a massive people-pleaser. you'd think that this bold, boisterous teen star would be far from it, but every action Haru performs in their school circle is for the approval of others. if there are any mild upsides to their state is that they can fulfill their innate need of connecting with other people. it's not deep or meaningful in most cases but what can you do.
as you probably noticed, the main colour of this step is green. but why? green is such a nice colour, with so many positive meanings... sike! i mean yeah it is, but you know what else green symbolises? greed and envy. i used green for this step to highlight haru's desire of becoming popular not as a genuine dream, not even as a way to connect with others but because of the immense jealousy they felt. of other people who got to have friends that liked them for who they are. of elizabeth especially, who never seemed to struggle with making people like her. in this stage of their life, green is definitely a negative colour for them.
the comfort level in step 2 is Direct Fond for both Cove and Derek. no matter which route i'm deciding on romantically, haru does not have a crush on anyone in step 2, or at least doesn't allow themselves to have.
freaks - surf curse
kawaki wo ameku [カワキヲアメク] - minami [美波]
carnivore - starset
stand out fit in - one ok rock
remember my name - mitski
(i especially like carnivore for this step because haru starts avoiding eating meat, cause they don't like the taste that much. the choice of this song is a bit of an inside joke for me, also the lyrics fit very well)
Step 3: we enter era of healing! i'd say in step 3 haru is at a solid 3/4 way to doing better internally. step 2 was their lowest, but now they are beginning to bloom. but growing older doesn't only bring knowleadge and growth, it also brings a new lot of issues to deal with.
Haru has been confronted about their behaviour. the impact it had on others and on themselves (there was a lot of crying and broken confessions, not a good time). as they reached their limit, they finally decided to speak their feelings and accept help from their loved ones.
now, it's hard to simply get rid of one's insecurities, especially those that seemed to be reinforced by the outside world for a long time. they use a strategy as old as time to deal with (not cover up anymore) their low self-esteem - fake it till you make it. some of their arrogance stays with them, as a blanket of security in a way, but they are determined to be confident in themselves.
their growth starts with a somewhat superficial thing but one that they always cared about: their clothes. they were always interested in clothing and fashion but only in step 3 they move a bit further with that interest and begin to make clothes on their own. it's an important passion to them, not only being very therapeutic but also allowing them to express their true self, both in terms of their personality as well as gender.
a major shift in their perception of their relationships with others was caused by realizing, that gaining popularity was not going to make them feel fulfilled. they had always desired deep, meaningful relationships, and while being recognized at school was nice, it wasn't really what they were looking for. this in turn make them rethink their whole "pretending to be someone you're not" business and with their loved ones assistance they figured out that... it simply wasn't worth it.
and because haru is the most impulsive person on this side of the globe, they did not ease themselves into this realization but again forced themselves to abandon their old ways in favor of being painfully true to themselves. and then everybody smacked their foreheads.
haru is a lot kinder to themselves now, courtesy of cove and others, but they still tend to ignore themselves in favor of somebody else. their shyness returned, and they no longer try to force themselves into acting more out there than they are. since the let down their walls, they speak their mind without thinking and are prone into agreeing to things immediately, often finding themselves in uncomfortable or annoying situations.
right now their most pressing struggle is dealing with becoming an adult. they feel as if they had just got peace and stability in their life and yet their friends are leaving or staying, getting jobs, time is slipping through their fingers like sand and everything is different. haru themselves feels very lost and overwhelmed by the future, so for now they latch onto people, their friends, sister and moms and try to spend as much time with them as possible, drowning the sound of their own fear in their laughter. on top of that there is a new guy in sunset bird, who seems to have a bit similar internal struggles to them, and haru feels like they could make a connection for life. i wonder how that will go :]
step 3 colours! they wear a lot of different colours because their style is mostly inspired by the 80s, plus they like to go crazy with the clothes they make. but colours that appear the most are definitely pink and yellow, plus a little bit of green. green appears in smaller amounts and in shades closer to yellow to express it's different nature than the green in step 2. this time it represents growth, freshness and hope.
now yellow is a very important colour that i consider haru's main colour. they are simply inseparable in my head. it was completely gone from their colour palette in step 2, and in step 1 it had more of a golden shade, one reminiscent of summer, but in step 3 it brings forth thoughts of spring more. it is purposeful, as Haru is finally growing into the person they want to be. yellow's positive meanings are among others optimism, happiness, creativity and enthusiasm. but it can also be associated with fear and cowardice and that is definitely something that fits haru in this step as well.
pink is prevalent in this specific outfit, but like i said, the clothes they wear in this step are pretty colourful. still, it holds meaning, seeing as it's also visible in their step 4 clothes. pink is invincibly linked with romance and romantic feelings - something haru allows themselves to open up to in step 3. like most things about them, if they have a crush on somebody their infatuation comes fast and strong, seemingly out of nowhere. but other than romance, pink is a colour of youth and playfulness.
after dealing with all that teen angst, they are very playful. combined with the dread of the future and genuine excitement they finally feel, they are a sweet, sociable person. the comfort level is Relaxed Fond, unless they have a crush on either Cove or Baxter, then it's Nervous Crush.
permanence - bears in trees
wishing well - the oh hellos
infinite - lyn lapid
summer depression - girl in red
what if it doesn't end well - chloe moriondo
(i didn't put this song here despite it being the first one on haru's playlist, but teenage dream by katy perry is such a step 3 haru song)
Step 4: sweet woes of adulthood! Haru has grown and grown up but of course, life is a continuous string of things happening and us having to deal with them. some things stayed the same, for example their big ego. from aiming to cover up their low confidence, to actually gaining a healthy amount of it, like in most things they do, they went overboard. and while some of it is still a little bit of a defense mechanism, they are also completely insufferable and a beast of self-esteem. you win some you lose some.
they grew into the person they were always meant to be: free spirited, open, empathetic and creative. even so, they still retain their oh so recognizable traits. their curious, almost nosy demeanor, impatient nature and people-pleasing ways. they are still reckless though not quite as impatient, they learned to be a bit more chill.
haru learned to manage their intense nature. especially when it comes to meeting new people, they realize and respect the fact that not everybody will be eager to form a deeper bond, as much as it confuses them sometimes. they have always been ride or die type of person, but growing up has mellowed them out a bit.
the most growth happened with their way of managing their relationships as well as their perception of themselves. they are a lot more mature and as such manage to maintain their relationships. even if they still sometimes assume other people's thoughts or take up too much upon themselves, they see what they have accomplished and are very proud of themselves.
their struggles now involve the usual perils of adulthood, but mostly keeping up with their friends and making sure everything is alright. other than that though, they eagerly travel and go out of their way to meet even more new people - they do need someone to anchor them, or they will get carried away and eventually step on somebody's toes (or fail to return from another state on a scheduled date).
speaking of their adult relations, baxter leaving was a huge blow to them. like traumatic event rank S type of thing. when they meet again it's a storm lol
when it comes to Haru's other dreams and goals, i picture them with a business that makes custom clothes, like handmade ones. their side job would be helping out cove with surfing lessons and his business. they like to work with other people and are a fairly good leader, but they dislike doing the simple tasks because they are so boring.
last design notes! so there is yellow and pink, a bit of blue and white, at least in this outfit. yellow, pink and white are their characteristic colours, but green finds it's place here too sometimes (to drive home the spring theme more).
like i mentioned, haru's colour is yellow. it's the colour of sunshine, buttercups, the sand and some birds and fish, and most importantly it's the colour i associate with spring (along with green). haru is a character that represents the late spring, teeming with life and joy, intense in growth and weather, downpours or clear skies alike.
i don't think there is much more to say about the colours in this step, as in my opinion yellow is most significant. pink also connects with haru's acceptance of femininity and figuring out exactly how much they associate with it. and blue is the colour of the sky :)
in step 3 they are at Direct Fond or Crush. I like their energy in relationships with other people :]
hey blondie - dominic fike; barbie the album
everybody loves me - onerepublic
never gonna not dance again - p!nk
sick of losing soulmates - dodie
rebel rebel - david bowie
dancing with myself - billy idol
(hey blondie is such a bop holy shit you guys- also very much a haru song <3)
wow i can't believe i actually wrote this. i am very particular about my characters so now that i have this sort of "introduction" for haru posted, i can post other things about them! don't ask me how that works, it has to be chronological
if you've read this thank you very, very much <3 and if you didn't, fair i feel you lol. feel free to ask about them if your heart desires :]
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
(pls post on the 17th mpc)
happy birthday kaito! i don’t really know if i have a vocaloid kintype but even then i wish you the best birthday ever today!
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tomboyvampire23 · 5 months
Happy Birthday to the Luminary of the Stars and my second best V3 character, Kaito Momota again!! 🌟
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Two Jolteon sprite remakes and two additional sprites, yeah. ;D
Like/RB if you want to use
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moonlxt · 10 months
Hello! Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to you!! 🥳🎂
Wish you positive emotions and vibes, and let your dreams come true! ✨
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Thank you so much for your good wishes ^^ it really means a lot :D <3
Also, I'm adding that gif to my kaito collection lol <3
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falsiliar · 1 year
He was wracking his brain just a little too much (Eurgh, gosh knows how HE wouldn't let him live it down, had he known, heh)-- when it came to the little gremlin's birthday this year. While he had once more made sure to get all of their friends together (With Itsuki once more going all out when it came to the decoration, snacks and ofc-- cake) to party it up on this day-- Kaito had been focused and fretting especially on his little gift for this year.
And by the end of the day, when it was just the two of them again. Kokichi was met with a slightly flustered astronaut in training, as he rubbed the back of his head and peered off towards the starry night sky above... Almost as if he was asking it then for some support, for what he was about to do next.
"... here." Pulling a little handwrapped (In the most sparkly damn wrapping paper he could find) box from out of his coat pocket, Kaito would pause for a moment-- uncertain about whether he should press a kiss (Like he would normally do by this point) to the top of the other's head, or... give him his present first. Eventually deciding to go for the latter, he places the box into his hands.
Inside, was actually one of two couple bracelets he'd spent the past months working on. The woven wrap done in white and black, with two charms strung in. One a tiny little dice, and the other a simple star. His own wasn't that much different, safe for the colors he had picked for his own wrist wrap. But he wasn't wearing it then, not yet at least, "Y-You don't... you don't have to wear it, I just... well..." it's been while since Kaito would find himself stammering like his around the other. "I just... thought-- 'd be nice. Y'know...?" He was smiling just a little then, as he thought about how fun it had been to make these. "I mean-- Since you gave me my own checkered scarf and all... kinda felt like a pair of these for us might be the next step, hehe..."
Well, that couldn't have come out any worst. Ho boy, he knew the other was just going to tease the crap out of him now... So, best prepare himself--
"Anyways, Happy Birthday, Kokichi..." He quickly presses a kiss then to his lips, as he smiles a goofy smile down at him. His gaze lidded with soft content, as he simply looked at his boyfriend then, who was now holding onto that bracelet.
(A few days late but HELLO HELLO he's back to celebrate the bf's birthday!!! TAT <333)
@idyllicserendipity || Kokichi's (belated) birthday! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Kaito was always a big bumbling doof about things like this. —said the Supreme Leader of Evil who expertly dodged all acts of sentiment that weren't on his schedule and previously approved.
He'd spent most of the day seemingly fine: delighting in the energy of the best party ever for a criminal mastermind who very much deserved the reverence—but now that it was just the two of them in an almost eerie quiet (yeesh, it was too calm out here, wasn't it? Kokichi had half a mind to start making some sort of noise again), Kaito almost impressively devolved into a stammering mess. Kokichi had every opportunity to interrupt, to just snatch that glittery little gift out of his hands and make him shut up, but he managed to wait. Mercy wasn't a thing he practiced often.
And no, it had nothing to do with some... dumb desire to hear the idiot out or anything—! Yech! Kokichi just liked watching this tall dumbass attempt to string words together coherently, that's all!
When he eventually got his point across, a woven band now entangled in Kokichi's fingers that he appraised with contemplative eyes, a delayed snicker split through lips now stretching into a fresh smirk. He flicked his wrist, the bracelet enclosed now in a fist, and his attention skirted back to the stupidly flustered idiot watching him closely for a reaction. "Awh, Kaito~!♡ You shouldn't have!" Temporarily, he left a shred of distance between them—
Because, damn it all—! An increasingly dumb swell of warmth had exploded in his chest, and it was encroaching way too close for comfort to his pale face.
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"My very own friendship bracelet? For our incredible, couldn't-possibly-be-anything-more camaraderie? That's waaaay neat! You really know how to send a message!" he beamed with the convincing innocence of someone who had totally misinterpreted the meaning. (But, thing is...? He hadn't. Kokichi knew exactly what this was.) As Kaito leaned in to steal a kiss—again with the lame softness!—Kokichi didn't quite let him get away as quickly as he wanted.
His teeth playfully grazed over the doofus's lip in his retreat, and only when their faces were at a distance to look at each other did his grin stretch fuller and mischievous. "Don't insult me, Kaito," Kokichi uttered, voice lower and quieter. "I'm gonna wear this every day, and if I don't see you wearing yours, there will be consequences!"
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takupishan · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to Kaito Kid (Kaito Kuroba)!! :D
Oh and of course Kaishin- 🤭 (maybe?)
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Just pretend this is my present for Kaito 😈😈😈😈😈
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vampirecatsw · 2 years
Intro and My Links
(for mobile + other users)
Hi, My name is Cyn, it's nice to meet you! Call me Cyn or Sol. My pronouns are he/him ^-^
I'm a blatant kaishin shipper and proshipper, so scram if you're offended. Block me and go back to your lives. You don't even need to see my face, and I don't want to see you.
You might have seen me around Ao3 as secret_werewolves, leaving little comments on everyone's works~
I live in Australia and my birthday is the 18th of April. Don't worry, you don't need to send anything for it!
I like to lurk around discord servers, fandoms, devour fanfictions, and reblog things. My main fandom is Detective Conan / Magic Kaito, although I do explore some other ones.
I sometimes draw too, but since life has gotten very hectic recently, I'm taking things slower
My Art (Tumblr tag): https://vampirecatsw.tumblr.com/tagged/cyn%20draws
New!!: My new art blog yay! https://cyndraws.tumblr.com
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/secret_werewolves  Fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/10181337/ Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/secret-werewolves
My tags:
#cyn draws -> my art. I might also use #my art
#cyn talks / cyn speaks -> not much of a distinction since I often tag both. But cyn talks is for chatting, and cyn speaks is for original posts.
#cyn answers -> answering asks
Usually first name, last name for characters
#fic recs -> fic recs! Feel free to also browse my ao3 bookmarks or links on my fanfiction.net profile
#transmigrator kaito au -> my own au! I post under this tag (on both accounts, so click 'see all of tumblr'). Feel free to check out the link below and to follow the tag <3
This seems pretty popular so I'll put this here too. If I find another fic, I'll update it in this post. Happy reading~
Kaito pov/Kaito centric fanfic recommendations list:
Planned future projects:
Start writing fanfics hahaha. First I gotta get over my self esteem and start writing planssss. I do admire everyone who writes, but I really don't want to run out of steam halfway through projects. And if I'm gonna write, I wanna get into the habit of planning! It also allows for tiny details to be hinted in later, super satisfying >v<
Rn I'm super busy with uni so aaaa they might take a while
WIP Ideas in my brain, may or may not be actually posted. But definitely feel free to ask me questions about them!
Please send asks, I'm actually begging like please
- Kirby oc + anime au! (i have a series of monstrous documents with meticulous detail, it's getting ridiculous at this point adfghj. But I do need to watch the anime first). I have somehow ended up making an entire au around an oc haha. I'm taking some inspiration from other fandoms and fanworks.
- Dcmk oc/self inserts/transmigration aus (Shinichi/Conan, Kaito, detective boys, maybe some others. We need more of these in this fandom)
- Kaito transmigration au (Kaishin, platonic or romantic not decided yet)
Inspired by 'Entirely Out of Spite' by Bgtea, a Genshin fanfic. Would highly recommend! https://archiveofourown.org/works/30349320/chapters/74816049 And also "Scum Villain Self-Saving System" too, since EOoS is inspired by it in turn. I'm crying since writing is just Not Happening XDDD The funniest thing about this au is Kaito being extra giddy to meet Shin/Cone and being a fanboy in general
Kaitou / phantom thief oc Look he just slaps, idk how to explain XD
Ok, bye! Hope everyone is doing well! I'm going back to work now because uni is using me like its ragdoll in those flash games lol
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ahogedetective · 16 days
"P-please be careful...! We don't have to bring them all at once, we can make multiple trips!"
"I know what I'm doing! I can see just fine!"
*soon enough the sounds of two pairs of footsteps can be heard accompanying the chatter before they enter the room, two separate people holding onto large stack of presents! yuma is holding about six, a sheepish smile on his face as he nods at the birthday boy before quickly making way for kaito who's holding about a dozen and a half! the only way to tell that it's him is by the very tip of the tallest spike of purple hair that's just barely jutting out from atop the stack of presents!*
"Navigator Yuma, I don't hear you moving! What's our location?"
"Y-you can put them down now, Kaito. We've arrived at our destination."
*with that, kaito's trembling hands can be seen lowering the large stack, yuma quickly putting his own stack down so he can help him! they land with the smallest thud, kaito paying no attention to his slightly trembling arms as he leaps up and his beaming smile can be seen clear as day!*
"And there he is, the sole resident of planet Shuichi! Who knew that we would stumble onto the one planet in the entire Ahogite Galaxy that's celebrating a birthday, haha~!!" *kaito then rushes over and pulls him into a huge hug, yuma following suit although he looks incredibly bashful*
"Happy birthday, Shuichi! I-I hope you don't mind if we celebrate at the same time. When Kaito and I realized that we had the same idea, we pulled our gifts together into one giant present! W-we hope you like them all, hehe~!" *it turns out that that the two of them have gotten the birthday nothing but hardback mystery books, yuma having double checked beforehand that each and every one of them was a book that shuichi didn't have!*
{ Shuichi Birthday!! 🎉}
"...?" Looking up from his book when hearing those approaching voices, his eyes widen when seeing Yuma and Kaito come in, carrying all those presents!! "K-Kaito? Yuma? Umm, d-do you guys need help setting those down...!?" He quickly puts his book away, and was about to rush over to help them, but sees that they were able to put the stacks of gifts down with no trouble, much to his relief.
Then he finally returns the greeting, giving a small wave to them before giving a small laugh at Kaito's words. "A-Ahaha... yep, that's right! Welcome to Planet Shuchi, travelers. Thank you very much for visiting! It'll be even more fun to celebrate today with you guys!" ("What's an 'ahogite' galaxy, though, I wonder...")
But never mind that, as he lets out a happy yell when Kaito brings him into that big hug, along with Yuma! Instantly Shuichi is wrapping his arms around the both of them to return the hug just as tight, laughing as he looks between the two of them with a beaming smile~! "Thank you, thank you! Why would I, of course I don't mind that! I see.... ahaha, that just goes to show how well you two know me, to want get the same kind of presents that you both knew I would like. I'm positive I will! B-Because wow, you guys certainly went all out, didn't you! I'm still impressed you guys could carry all that...!!!"
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Once they're all done hugging, Shuichi walks over to the tower of presents so he can get a closer look at them. The more he reads each title on the side of the books, the more shocked he is when realizing these are all books he doesn't already own! "Y-You guys... made sure each book here wasn't something I already owned? That's some amazing memories you guys have! Ahaha, I won't have to worry about buying books for a real long time! Yuma, Kaito: thank you guys, so much...!" And this time, he's the one pulling them into a big group hug~! "I can't wait to find nice places to put all these, and to start on some of them later! But for now, I'm ready to have fun celebrating today with you two, if you don't mind staying a while! Auntie is going to bake a cake soon, so let's enjoy some together...!"
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meimi-haneoka · 2 years
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Yuna D. Kaito felt doll I made to celebrate his birthday ✨
Happy birthday, Kaito!!! ❤️ 🎉🎉🎉
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meikomoduleoftheday · 3 years
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Today’s MEIKO Module Of The Day Is:
KAITO 15th Anniversary by MACCO !
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detectivesplotslies · 3 years
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Happy birthday @maizonoapologist ! Hope you have a good one, here's a secluded night training for you!
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
(post on 9/7 if you can, please!) happy birthday shuichi!!! 🎉🎉🎉 best sidekick a guy could ask for, I miss you tons! hope you're living it up wherever you are :D -- kaito momota 🌟🌌🪐
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frostspeak · 4 years
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gift for @cassiedoughgirl
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