#happy birthday Trish :D
turtleslothart · 1 year
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OOP. LATE AS HELL. BUT—Lil Thing I Made for Trish’s Birthday! :DD
Trish is one of my favorite jojo chars and by that I mean that I really like the version of her I made in my head based off the potential I think the series forgot about. I love how she’s set up as a pragmatist in an awful situation and her parallels with Giorno wrt fatherhood, morality, being 15, etc but i really wish she could’ve gotten more focus. Also had a lot of drawing everyone’s hands around her and getting to personalize them. Under the cut, I’ll add what I thought they wouldda given her, some are obvious in the picture, but I’ll mention em anyways
Going clock-wise from bottom right
Mista - Gun. He will take her out shooting later. <3
Narancia - Flowers that he picked outside just this minute cuz he just remembered it was her birthday and girls like flowers, right?
Abbacchio - Amazon Gift Card. Prolly a reasonable amount
Bruno - Something Practical like cash, household items, another gun, etc
Fugo - Nothing. He’s still mad about her using his jacket as a handkerchief :<
Giorno - A gift genuinely taking Trish’s interests into account like really nice makeup or hair care products
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prototypelq · 1 year
How would you feel about Nero, Nico, and Patty being a trio in a potential DMC 6?
Hi, dear anon
what kind of question is that? Their trio would be absolutely awesome!
Actually, I think Patty could have easily fit into the 5 crew too - she did call Dante right before the Qlipoth attack so they were in contact at the time, and he did dissappear for a month after that. Perhaps Patty was pissed that he hanged up on her excited birthday rambling, but I don`t think she would hold on to that grudge for very long if she saw the news about Redgrave. It would be strikingly obvious demonic bullshit is involved and that Dante is in the middle of it. Plus, he did get stuck in Hell for some time after DMC2 so the situation could be very familiar to Patty.
All of this is to say, I think Patty can be easily inserted into the narrative of 5. She clearly cares about Dante (I headcanon their relationship and father-daughter one, or at the very least he is a mentor figure for her) and wouldnt idly sit by if something happened to him. Or she could help with the civillian evacuation - one of my favorite things from the anime is that they used the fire alarm to clear everyone out of the building, when it became apparent demons were about to attack. DMC is a series that doesn`t usually concern itself with civillian casulalties, and well, understandable, but particularly in 5 this aspect is brought up a couple of times. You see a lot of human husks lying around the Redgrave, and we know that V felt remorse for them, so devoting a side-character like Patty to help survivors in the background would only work to strenghen this theme.
As for her gameplay, I wish she had gotten Vs moveset but more refined. I like how extremely distinctive V is out of all the other characters gameplay, and think they were really onto something with the summons gimmick, but V is somewhat poorly balanced (who isnt overpowered in DMC though) and much more shallow compared to other characters. I think if it was more iterated upon, had more moves or variety of demons you can summon and better balanced - it would be my dream kit for Patty as a playable character. she also needs a non-sexualised outfit
As for team - I think Patty and Nero would get along like a house on fire (they are cousins), but I feel like she could have something like a rivalry friendship with Nico. Patty would get some custom weapons for herself for sure, but probably won`t like Nico's odeas for "improvements" on them.
And the final part of this very small reply - Nico, Patty and Nero being a potential trio for DMC6, my thoughts are... i have no idea
As my understanding of the series goes - DMC was always about Dante and Vergil, and their conflict. DMC5 finally lets them resolve their differences and shows us that underneath years of separation and trauma, they still want to be brothers, and are willing to work together to achieve that. This IS their happy ending and it is the best ending the series could have gotten. Both narratively and mechanically speaking, there is no higher place to take the twins story. And how do you do a next entry in the franchise that has, by all means, reached it`s happy ending? again, I have no idea.
I would love to see Dante, Vergil, Nero, Patty, Nico and others again, but I cannot imagine what form that may take. From my perspective either the next DMC (if there is one) could be a prequel about Sparda (and it would help to establish some actual demon lore), it could be sequel of the reboot DMC dmc (which has it`s fans, and a story to continue), or a very detached from the main games spin off about the existing characters (Lady, PATTY, Lucia, Trish).
Actually, I`d love to see an 'post-5-twins-return' epilogue-like graphic novel game. DMC could use some more dialogue and a chance for the characters to relax, and not be constantly fighting for their lives or showing off. The anime has already shown us something like that, maybe the upcoming anime will too, who knows. But I`ll take a graphic novel DMC game any day, just to see more character interactions.
Thank you for the ask! I hope somewhere in this wall of text were some thoughts on answers you were looking for. Have a good day
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diepjun · 7 years
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gift for @trashasaurusrex ^^
a sleeping isabelle 
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moody-bloosh · 3 years
'Scuse me, may i request bucci gang somehow forgetting s/o's birthday. Bucci gang told s/o to ask them for anything as s/o's gift, s/o just requested them to 'take a deep breath', when asked why, s/o said "for me, seeing you alive and well is already a gift :3"
Bruno is honestly really touched by your words. He manages a shy little laugh as he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.
"I see," Bruno says after a moment, a soft, gentle look in his eye as he considers you, "seeing you alive and well is the greatest gift for me too."
Abbacchio is a touch surprised. All he does to indicate his surprise is an ever so slight widening of his eyes. After he processes your words, he'll give you a little snort.
"Heh, that's good. I'll make sure to give you that for next year too. Least I'll get to save money."
Fugo is very flustered by what you tell him. You can practically hear the Windows shut down noise leave him. Still, even though he's very touched by your words. He'll insist on getting you something!
"E-even so! I-I can't just let your birthday pass by like this, c-come on. Let's go get something, y-you can pick out what you want." "Then I want you~" "YOU HAVE TO PICK SOMETHING PROPERLY!!"
Tears of happiness prick at Narancia's eyes as you tell him. He was a little relieved by what you said and genuinely touched by you telling him that he was already enough. Though he still feels a tiny bit bad about not getting you something for your birthday.
Narancia wails as he clings to you, "y-you promise?! I-I swear I'll make it up to you someday, _____!!!"
Giorno is really touched although it doesn't show a lot on his face. This has been the first time someone has ever showed how much they appreciate him so he's really stunned on what to do inwardly though he will still try to get you something.
"I'm glad you think so, _____. Truly, though I hope you still don't mind accepting these flowers. I'll be more diligent in preparing your gift for next year."
Mista's relieved that you aren't too mad about him forgetting to get you something for your birthday. He promises to make it up for you by treating you to his special homecooked meal instead. And knowing how well the Pistols eat, it's guaranteed to be a treat!
"Aw, you're just way too sweet to me, darlin'!" Mista chuckles tugging you into a little hug, "then, I'll make sure to stay happy and healthy all year round~!"
Trish is pretty flustered too and while she has a rather brash and rough initial response to you, her heart really did flutter when you said what you said. She's very touched and will do anything to make it up to you, even though you said it was okay. She has her pride too, after all!
"I-idiot! I - y-you shouldn't settle like this, come here. We're going shopping. My treat. D-don't look at me like that! It's your birthday so o-of course I can do something like this!"
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adaru32 · 3 years
The Red Devil’s Chronicles’ Devil May Cry January 2022 News Updates: Crypto Trouble, Anniversaries, Merch, etc.
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Hey, how's it going? Hope everyone's 2022 year has started off all right. Here are all of January 2022's Devil May Cry related news updates I've found:
1. There's going to be another Devil May Cry V pachislot game.
2. CAPCOM is looking for content creators from USA.
3. January marks Johnny Bosch (Nero)'s and Morikawa Toshiyuki (Dante)'s birth dates.
4. The Deluxe version of Asmus Toys' DMCV Vergil figure comes with spiral swords. b) Speaking of figures, I came across this really nice-looking Trish one on Ebay from H3ll.
5. January marks the anniversaries of Devil May Cry 2, Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition, and Devil May Cry 4.
6. Prime1Studio celebrates Devil May Cry's 20th anniversary by selling certain merch that can only be found in the Shinjuku Marui Annex, in the Prime 1 Studio Gallery of Japan. b)  Another thing you can find there.
7. Speaking of merch, the CAPCOM Cafe's holding another Devil May Cry V event this month with these cute little things available. b)  And Dante's feature on the CAPCOM store's new art promo.  c)  And the CAPCOM store has these Devil May Cry V themed manicure sets. d)  And more.
8. Crypto/NFT groups are stealing Casey Edwards' Devil May Cry V sound tracks. 9.  The Visions of V manga got more updates.
My Thoughts On These Updates:
1. It's too bad that these pachislot/pachinko titles are exclusive to Japan, but we can thank Youtube for some of the wacky footage produced (these are from the previous pachislot title).
2. If I lived in USA and knew what to share from my own content I've created over the years, I would've loved to participate in the Capcom Creators program.
3. A happy (belated) birthday to Johnny and Toshiyuki. Great voice actors for sure.
4. I need more money....to have whatever figures Asmus toys creates. They definitely have improved on their figure building. I'm not much into female character usually, but that Trish figure looks really nice.
5. Happy anniversary to the 3 Devil May Cry games that came out January many years ago. I remember after playing the 1st Devil May Cry how excited I was to play DMC2. Even though I've played games since my preschool/kindergarten years, I still didn't understand gaming at first, I thought DMC2 was better than DMC1 due to the visuals, and stuff. But as the years went by, I understood more and can definitely see the reasons for the backlash with this game. But without it, there wouldn't have been a DMC3 to make up for the mistakes. And it had some pretty great concepts with it, too. Speaking of DMC3...Ahh, Special Edition. After playing the original 3rd, I got hyped when I found out that you can play as Vergil (my 2nd favourite character), fight Jester as a mini boss, and unlock more bonus content. Despite the lack of extra levels, I still enjoyed it. DMC4 on the other hand, I was so hyped about this game until I saw how repetitive and unfinished it was. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the cinematics, characters, and gameplay mechanics, but this game definitely needed more stuff happening.
6 and 7. That's awesome what CAPCOM features on their promo art for their store, and those acrylic stands in the next cafe event look so adorable. Japan really has better things when it comes to video game stuff. I got curious and looked up Devil May Cry stuff on Ebay, and I found out that you can get quite a bit of the CAPCOM store items on there, especially the Prime1Studio statues. Thing is, I'm not sure if Japan ships to Canada. Even if they did, it's very costly (according to the prices displayed). It's interesting that they have a manicure set 'cause I happen to be an aesthetician (someone who does nails and skincare stuff), so these would be interesting to have for my own enjoyment when taking care of my nails, especially the fact that they come with oils that are supposed to smell like the character fragrances.
8. If there's one thing I can't freaking stand, it's art thieves. Always get permission from artists if you want to share or sell something from them, even if they're credited properly. I've had to deal with a few Devil May Cry Facebook groups (and I got kicked out of 3 of them for this reason) for sharing fan art without the artists' permissions. Yes, giving proper credit like profile links and such is great, but please...please...PLEASE ask permission from them before sharing their stuff? If anything, you're just a clout chaser that’s stealing their clout and motivation of wanting to continue making any more content more than helping them out. I admit that I made these mistakes on my Facebook pages in the past, but I've removed all of them since 2020 and don't plan on reposting fan content anymore (except mod links) , unless I get permission which I will show proof of. I really hope that Casey gets his songs back. 9.  I've been seeing some image previews and fan reactions on Twitter often of the Visions of V manga's continuation, but I still need to catch up. Glad it's still ongoing compared to the DMC1 comics and DMC3 mangas.
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c-c-cherry · 4 years
OOH I GOT A GOOD REQUEST,,,, How about Jonathan’s reaction to each of the jojos, and their jobros?
*Jonathan looking down at his absolutely fucked family tree, a single tear running down his cheek*
Listen...I always say that *insert literally any character* is the best parental figure but it's Jonathan hours which legally means I can call Jonathan best dad in this post regardless of anything I’ve said in the past about any other best dads.
Lemme just implement my soft Jonathan headcanons first: 
-Soft man. The king of manly tears. Tears down toxic masculinity like a fucking bulldozer
-Knits AND crochets. He never had a mother growing up so when Erina came in with all these lovely, traditionally feminine skills, he wanted to learn ALL OF IT
-Arguably gives the best hugs out of every Jojo (Josuke is a pretty close second, though)
-Since this post is just an impossible dimensional pocket where anything can happen, him and Erina live in one of those old grandma cottage-houses with a comfy, old couch and tacky curtains and a really cute little garden
-Again, if this is a pocket dimension he’s definitely hosting the Joestar family reunion there
-Just one of those houses where everyone feels comfortable
-Is impossible to piss off (except if you do anything to the people he loves)
-Always speaks in a very soft, understanding voice even when he’s mad/disappointed
-The father figure all the Jojos wish they had
Part 2:
-You know that face you make when you watch someone you love do something insanely stupid but you’re still trying to keep positive because you know from experience that trying to stop them is futile?
-Just this constant, wincing smile?
-Yeah. That pretty much sums up Jonathan’s expression within any vicinity of Joseph Joestar
-He loves the man. He really does. But oh my god is he a dumbass
-Jonathan is the type of man to like,,,make bread and talk about his feelings but Joseph wants none of that shit and that’s ok,,,Jonathan can and will find another way to bond
-Regardless, he loves his Himbo grandson and the two of them end up talking about Erina and Speedwagon and a lil bit of Hamon too :3
-CAESAR on the other hand—Jonathan is so fucking happy to see a descendant of the Zeppeli’s continuing the whole Hamon thing and managing to be friends with Joseph
-Although Joseph never wants to talk about it outside of fighting, Jonathan and Caesar both share this tender love for the healing aspect of it :’)
-He teaches Caesar how to do stuff like grow/heal plants and flowers and Caesar ends up growing his own sunflowers in Jonathan’s backyard :)
-Smokey reminds him of Poco and he literally just wants to protect him with his whole heart hhhhhhhh
-Suzi Q also reminds him of Erina, but he still has no idea how she puts up with Joseph’s bullshit (and whenever she can’t decide what to wear, he always helps)
-He penalizes Lisa Lisa for being a fucking Hamon coach and also smoking cause like-
Part 3:
-Hgggghnn HEAR ME OUT but between him and Joseph, Jotaro arguably has more qualities of Jonathan including this wonderfully secret, sweet, sensitive side
-Jonathan grows flowers using Hamon and braids them into Star Plat’s hair (he has practice when doing it with Erina) :))))
-Joot claims to hate the bread that Jonathan bakes but if he DOES make it y’all know you’ll find him sitting there, eating it, and talking about his feelings like a good man should (but only if no one else is around)
-Arguably the only responsible father figure in his life and the only one who would scold him for literally going to jail
-Also apologizes profusely for not killing DIO the first time ;(
-Kakyoin is the kind of person you could just sit in silence with for hours doing shit like reading or painting or something and Father Jojo is loving the vibe
-YES JONATHAN WOULD HAVE A HOME GARDEN and every year he grows cherries for Kak >:)
-Pol is a bit extreme for him, but if he can handle Joseph then he can handle this man
-As rich, Victorian boys often did, he definitely studied french as a kid and can surprisingly hold a pretty good conversation
-Him and Avdol!!!! Feed his chickens together!! And engage in lovely, civil conversation :)))))
-Holy definitely inherited Jonathan and Erina’s sweet nature and she’s always down to compare knitting techniques with him :)
Part 4:
-Is it....is it safe to say that Jonathan just adopts all of Morioh?
-Ok but Josuke gets along with everybody (Rohan doesn’t count hgfjgh) so you already know he’d be up for some nice familial bonding (though he wouldn’t show it initially)
-I feel like he’d be hesitant at first because him and Joseph are already on weird terms and he doesn't wanna “intrude” on the Joestar family or anything like that
-But our man Jonathan is here to reassure him that he’s still a part of the family and his cute little grandma house door is always open for him when he needs it
-Jonathan would bake that bread and Josuke would be sittin’ on that couch pouring his heart out before that shit even comes out of the oven
-Josuke’s the biggest out of his friends so getting completely engulfed in a nice, warm, loving Jonathan hug is the best shit
-Like instant serotonin :)
-Crazy Diamond doesn’t have any hair so no stand braiding :( BuT Josuke will let his hair down sometimes and you already know master weaver Jonathan Joestar is braiding in some purple flowers and shit :)
-Okuyasu isn’t that smart academically, but our man has a big heart and that’s all Jonathan cares about
-Jonathan always makes soup for him whenever he’s down because Oku’s mama used to make him soup when he was sad too ;-;
-The two bond over losing a mother at a young age and never being close with their father and feeling unwanted growing up and its the sweetest shit
-Koichi would just,,,,stare in awe because between Jonathan, Joseph, and Jotaro he feels like a fucking ant (and is honestly kinda scared)
-The first time they meet, Jonathan tries to ruffle his hair and accidentally PUSHES THE BOY INTO THE CONCRETE and he feels so bad after, that he spends all night knitting him a new sweater
-He gives it to Koichi with apologetic tears in his eyes and Koichi fucking LOVES IT with all his heart
-Rohan is extremely intrigued by all of this shit and they two of them spend hours talking about Jonathan’s life
-Rohan ends up giving him a painting of Erina and now Jonathan sends him his favourite cookies on his birthday every year
-Also him and Tonio are real good buds and Tonio never yells at Jonathan for “eating impolitely” like George used to because he knows its just a sign that he loves his food :)
Part 5:
-What can I say? Both Jonathan and Giorno got a love for flowers and life, and that’s literally all they do together
-Like,,,their happiness is in one giant, contagious loop because when Jojo’s really happy, his Hamon will just make shit bloom everywhere and when Giogio is happy, his stand will go fucking bonkers and change shit into plants
-Ok but what if,,,they braided flowers into each other’s hair? :D
-Jonathan would bake the bread. Giorno would sit hesitantly on the couch. The moment this kid takes a bite with that GOOD jam he’s like “HAHA there goes my stoic front whoops-”
-Jonathan thought Giorno would get cold in the winter so he crocheted a heart the size of his tiddy window and gave it to him for Christmas
-As I said previously, him and Bruno would go fucking hard on tea parties and all that shit -Both are the obvious mom friend, it’s impossible for them not to get along
-Abba’s a little,,,iffy about him, but eventually grows on him the more Abbacchio actually starts warming up to Giorno (for whatever reason)
-Jonathan’s never really had to deal with teenagers that much (aside from when he was one himself,) so he really has no idea what the hell to do around Narancia and Mista because they’re so young and he feels like a fucking grandma around them
-But they’re always really sweet to him and ask if he wants to play COD but Jonathan has no idea why they could wanna play with a fish so he just smiles and laughs and hopes its a joke :’)
-When Trish wants her nails done, best jonadad is here to do it. She wants her hair done? Jonathan’s got that special brush that doesn’t hurt when you’re doing tangles. Hugs? Infinite hug supplier, babey. He’s really out here doing whatever it takes to keep best girl happy
-Fugo is,,,quiet,,,but he always comes over and eats the strawberries in his garden when they’re ready for harvest
-He even helps make them into jam :)
-He also teaches Fugo Hamon breathing techniques when he caught wind of his anger and it actually helps him a lot
-He considers everyone in that house his family too, and always invites them over for social events at his pocket dimension grandma house
Jonathan Joestar lives in my head rent free...
If you’ve got a head canon idea, my ask box is always open!! <3
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emcon-imagines · 4 years
Happy birthday, Emcon!! 🎂🎉 Hope you have an amazing day full of great things! 😘💖
Hi Trish and thank you!!!! Ahh you guys are making me so happy with all these messages I’m like :D I hope you are doing well!
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ultimatesunset · 2 years
Birthday / ‘Casual’ on Netflix
First off, I just wanted to say ‘thank you’ to all of those who wished me a happy birthday! It was a strange one; I had the day booked off to focus on practicing my music & for us to go out for lunch for the first time with our little baby in tow. Unfortunately Maureen caught Covid so we had a change of plans. She’s doing pretty well, baby D is smiling, and I’ve tested negative…so far. 
Among the birthday wishes, I had a few friends reach out and tell me that they started watching a show on Netflix (in Canada) called ‘Casual’, where they noticed the use of my song ‘Snow Bank’ (Season 3, Episode 9). Pretty cool! I know the show was previously on Hulu and Crave in Canada but it seems more folks have caught on with it being on Netflix now.
I’d like to share a bit about this, and what it means to me. I apologize if I begin to ramble on. 
First off, ‘Snow Bank’ was written when I was 18 years old. I was really into the band Stars and wanted to write a duet song, which I did. It’s semi autobiographical, an amalgamation of a few different events from my suburban 17 year old life. My high school band played it, and I brought it out of retirement years later when recording my first full-length album, “Walks With The Tender & Growing Night” (2011). Thanks to Jessica Jalbert for singing on the recording, Cam Boyce for the violins, and wizard Calvin McElroy for the amazingly snowy production. 
In 2017 Trish Halloran, a music supervisor, reached out requesting the use of ‘Snow Bank’ as one of Casual’s editors suggested. I do not know who this editor is, but thank you, whoever you are! It was a bit surprising to get the request because, as some of you know, around that time I started working semi-consistently as a background actor while we were living in Georgia; it felt as if there were strings being pulled to bring me towards visual media. Many of my friends and peers are musicians, several who are trying to land placements in movies, TV shows, ads, etc. It can not only be a decent paycheque in the economy of fractured pennies for streams, but it can also expose your song to a wider audience. When I was a teen, this would have been viewed as selling out. I wonder if teens these days would care about any of that. 
The amount that the opportunity paid was not particularly huge, but I will say this: it paid for a semester of school. I was enrolled in MacEwan University’s Hearing Aid Practitioner Program, partially remotely, and this placement came around when payment was due for a class. It felt like a direct transfer, as if my music ‘career’ was paving the way for me to take steps towards a more stable future in a new profession. It felt meaningful at the time, and it still does today.
— — —
I feel as though I could end this there, but it leads me to another memory a bit later, when we lived in Chicago. An online stock music company wanted to buy the non-exclusive rights to as much of my discography for their subscribers to use for whatever they wanted it for. Again, the pay might not sound life changing, but again it ended up being enough for a semester of school and some text books. I was a bit concerned, as I would be allowing the use of my songs for projects that I would have no connection with, but I eventually acquiesced when my Dad reminded me that most of my songs were several years old by now, and that they had ‘done what they could do’ financially. This offer may give them a new life. 
Well, in some ways it did! When visiting Edmonton I noticed some comments on a youtube page for my song “Haven’t Thought of You in So Long”. These comments all said similar things:
“The movie DFITW brought me here too. Good song...I hear they're making a part two to the film. I wanna' be in it!”
“lol yea the film brought me here. Not the kinda stuff i normally listen to. but i like it. Good song.”
“Heard this song on Dont fuck in the woods! :) Great song to bad I cant say the same for the film.....”
This last comment I asked what ‘Dont Fuck in the Woods’ was; they replied: 
“some horror movie that sucked ass! they used your song in there. Was it without permission?! Your song was the best part of the movie in my opinion! even if it only played for a few sec because now I found this song and discovered you! I think your great man. I'm going to share with my friends and family”
…weird, eh?
It turns out that this film used that licensing company. Do I regret licensing my music to them over this? Honestly no, I find it pretty funny. Not what I had imagined but humorous nevertheless. And to counter, I later received a message from a painter that makes stop-frame videos of her painting process and used some of my songs to compliment them. Things like that seem to balance the emotional spreadsheet. And again, it helped contribute to my current career as a Registered Hearing Aid Practitioner. But it’s a reminder that when you put yourself and your work out there, you’ll never know who will be paying attention.
— — —
Back to my birthday. I realized earlier this week that 1 year ago I had written a song called “Getting Older”, which ended up being the title track on my latest album (which came out in November, I wanted to drop it before baby D arrived). While I was making my breakfast I realized that I hadn’t written a ‘Doug Hoyer’ song since that one: I had been focused on finishing the record, preparing to move to PEI, working, and then having a baby. Learning how to be a father. Working in a new community. Omicron hitting the island. Throughout all of this, I hadn’t written a song for myself, other than some instrumental ideas and noodles. (Although I had written some commissioned projects). Frankly, I found this kinda depressing.
I’ve always believed that songwriting was a process that I routinely focused on, but that it would take the effort of starting. If someone sits down and wants to write a song, I generally believe that they can do it. It might not be good! It might not even be worth showing to anyone. But it might be a subconscious reflection of where the writer is, or something of the moment in our collective effervescence, possibly intangible. The air is all around us, but it is only useful if we take a breath; much like writing, inspiration surrounds us, but its gift does take some action on the writer's part. So how can I believe in that and find myself not having written a song in 1 year? Honestly, I don’t know. I suppose some of my creative juices have been spent trying to problem solve at my day job, helping people hear the world around them, counsel them when they have questions, troubleshooting and assisting. 
But that’s a bit of a cop out. 
I pledge to write more this next year. Frankly, not for you, not for the streaming service algorithms that give and take, but for myself. A reminder not to cut off this vestigial trait, this muscle that used to write (songs? prose? Comics? stories?), but to flex it and see what kind of surprises it can bring me. 
Doug Hoyer 
April 30, 2022
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emilysbader · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Ellie!!! Hope you have a great day! :D
Thank you so much trish!!!💗
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noona-clock · 7 years
Happy Birthday, Admin T!
From some very lovely mutuals...
@evalocity   *Tea* babe ! I wish you an AMAZING and happy birthday hun 💕💕I had a busy week but there's a surprise coming up for you in a few days so 👀be ready👀Ilysm ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@trashyforkpop Although we're not the closet of friends I'm extremely honored to say you're my mutual, I hope you're having a safe and happy birthday and that all your birthday wishes come true!! You have an amazing friend *cough* Becky *cough* and I'm so happy to be apart of your birthday projects!!!
@daelicious-jongbulge Happy birthday T ! I hope you have a lovely day, you deserve it :), after all, you always out so much hard work into everything, so today is about you ~ I'm glad to have met you and gotten to know you better, and also find out that we have a lot in common !! Thank you a lot for writing with your heart and being so genuine with everyone ! I love you ~💝
@sweg-imsorrywhatwasthat I have read, and I have heard, that, people who are writers, are people who write not for themselves but for the things they want in life. -Places they want to visit -Things they want to experience -Feelings they want to re-experience over and over. I've also read that people who write beautiful fluffy stories have a boring life, and people that write angsty and heart wrenching stories have a warm heart. Either way you look at it authors are complex beings, but you're such a beautiful writer, your words flow like a river. There's no part of any of your stories that I have read that make me question your gift. Whether your life is all together or not, we're all crazy, what's normal? I hope you had an amazing birthday and can spend some time in the hot shower washing off the stress of the day. Try not to look in the mirror and cry "Waaaeeeee??" It's another year, but it's one more year at a chance!
@cramelot HAPPY BIRTHDAY T! From followers to mutuals, I’m so happy I’ve been able to get to know you and your writing! You have such a kind heart full of creativity (and Jongdae of course) and I wish you many more happy days filled with music and laughter and sunshine (and fluff scenarios because no one should be without them). Make sure to take time to enjoy yourself today! 😘💕
@taexual Dear Trish, You are a truly inspiring person. Your ideas, your words, your conversations with the people who read your work and admire you as much as I do, - all of that inspires me (and a lot of other peopl!) to be better, to work harder, and to care more. I am very grateful to have the possibility of meeting both you and Admin B, because, I'll say this again, your friendship just honestly brings tears to my eyes. Don't lose each other. You're both too wonderful. And on your happy day today, as well as on any other day in your life, I hope you remember that you are loved and appreciated. I wish you happiness, laughter, sunshines, and as few cloudy days as possible! You are an incredibly interesting person and all of us are very lucky to know at least a little bit of you. Jongdae, of course, is the luckiest (what kind of person would I be, if I didn't mention Jongdae at least once), so I feel the need to say that I hope (naively or not) that one day, he'll be congratulating you on your birthday, using very similar words, because there's no way he wouldn't think you're great. Have a great birthday, sweetheart, I'm sending you all the love! Hugs, Ara
@smittenbyschmidt Happy birthday Admin T!! You’re an absolute angel, and you deserve to have an amazing and special day!! I hope today treats you well!! Thanks for being a total sweetheart!! <3 - Alyssa
@icarano Dear, Trish! Hello beautiful birthday girl! :D I hope you're having a greater than great day so far and continue to do so🎁 I'd like to wish you a happy birthday, health, luck and everything you could possibly wish for. And additionally T - a lots of treasures! R - random fun things here and there to lighten up your days! I - Ice Cream! You can never have enough of that! S - sleep, because sleep is important and a great thing in my opinion! H - Happiness! Please have in mind that at all times you are truly amazing and a role model for everyone that visits your blog :) Please continue to be as awesome as you are and keep up the good work! If you ever need someone to talk to, my messages are always open! 💕
@bangyongguktigger Happy Birthday Trish! Unfortunately we rarely talk, but when we do, you are really nice and loving. On top of that, you are also an amazing writer! Stay happy and healthy and enjoy your birthday :)
And here’s a special message from @themjamstho !
From me, Admin B: I’m terrible at expressing my emotions, but I think (hope) you know how much you mean to me. You truly are one of my oldest, dearest friends, and my life would be much more boring without you in it. I am so grateful every day for your love, support, and friendship, and I can only hope I’m half as good a friend to you as you are to me. I appreciate everything you are, and my whole year will be made if we get to meet up in May! I love you so much, and I think it’s plain to see I’m definitely not the only one who does. Thank you for sharing your writings with us and being the best admin Noona-Clock has ever seen! 💘
If any more of our followers want to spread the birthday love, feel free to reblog this with your message for Admin T! Show her how amazing she is! (Even though she definitely knows because you just know the truth.)
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toomanysurveys9 · 6 years
What’s the last reason you held someone’s hand? i was helping wyatt up the steps to the back door to go in so i could feed him. Are you lonely? Be honest. kind of. wyatt helps a lot though. Listening to anything? erin and her friend kayla are watching musically things. i don’t know. Last thing said out loud? "hey, erin. now you know how me and my friends felt” because she just yelled at lilli for not leaving her and kayla alone.
Last thing bought? groceries. Last text received? my mom said “ur going” because i felt bad ashley doesn’t get to go tonight since someone has to stay with my grandparents and youngest sisters. What has made you happy today? wyatt. What has made you sad today? just felt kind of alone today i guess. What room are you in? the living room. Last thing eaten? a star crunch. :/ Last thing you drank? i had a root beer with lunch. i need to drink some water. Rate your day on a scale of 1-10: uhm. like 5 i guess.
What websites do you have bookmarked? i don’t think i have any bookmarked. Last reason you kissed someone? i just felt like kissing wyatt’s cheek when he woke up from his nap. Do you have an iPhone? i do not. Do you bite your nails? If so, do you wish you didn’t? i do not. i used to when i was a lot younger but then my uncle’s girlfriend at the time (trish) put finger nail polish remover on all of my fingers and i hated the taste so i stopped. Are you confident? not even a little. Last pair of shoes you wore? just cheap flip flops from walmart. Last movie you watched? mr. deeds i think. Name something you’re grateful for. my kids. Are you wearing anything that’s not yours? nope. everything is mine today. Where did your last kiss take place? my bedroom. Do you shop at Urban Outfitters? i do not. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? i have not. Has anyone ever tried stealing your boyfriend/girlfriend away? yeah. when we first started dating. obviously it didn’t work. If you were in the hospital, do you think any of your exes would come see you? they wouldn’t even know i was in there. and if they did find out and tried, i would turn them away. Do you think you could have a relationship with the last person you texted? that was my mom, and we have a relationship, but definitely not romantic. Are you doing anything important tomorrow? nope. Do you like your phone? i do like my phone. Would you move out your house if you could right now? NOOOOOO. i love this house.
Can you whistle? i cannot. When is the last time you slept in someone else’s bed? i don’t remember.. Do you like being called baby? sometimes i guess. Would you rather drink orange juice or milk? milk lately. Do you wish you could kiss someone right now? i’m okay. If you slipped into a coma, do you think the last person you texted would come and visit you? we’re married, so i would hope he would... if he’d care... i’m not sure... If you were kicked out of your house, would the last person you texted take you in? he’d be the one kicking me out since this is his house, so no. Do you own a polka dot shirt? my maternity bathing suit is polka dotted... i kind of look like a big watermelon. lol. What do you think you will be doing at this time tomorrow? probably nothing. Are you worried about your weight? not a whole lot right now. Do you look tired today? probably not anymore since i got a nap when wyatt did and i was allowed to take a quick shower. At what age do you think your hair will start turning gray? i’m not sure. don’t really have any guesses either. Do you have trouble falling asleep? usually, yes. What is your sign? virgo, although i don’t believe in all that stuff. Who was the last person to text you? If you were gone tomorrow, how much do you think that person would miss you? my mom was the last one to text me. i think she’d miss me a whole hell of a lot. When was the last time you ate chocolate? i had a star crunch, which is chocolate covered rice thingys with caramel. Who was the last person outside of family that told you they loved you? i don’t know. since jacob is my family now.. no one outside ever really says they love me. Do you think classical orchestra music is annoying or beautiful? i usually enjoy it. Do you like peanut butter? on occasion, and not huge quantities. Do you like oldies music? eh. it’s not my favorite. First person to text today? jacob. What are you listening to? the girls are still watching those things. If you could have one thing right now what would it be? food. food would be good. Has anyone ever told you they wanted to marry you? i’m married so obviously. How many months until your birthday? less than two. When was the last time you cried? last week? Is there a person of the opposite gender that means a lot to you? there are several. like my grandpas, my dad, my brother, my husband, and my son. Do you find it hard to trust others? very much so. Do you have someone of the opposite gender you can tell everything to? not everything. jacob gets mad and obviously i won’t burden wy with stuff like that. When was the last time you spent a night stargazing? a very long time. Do you take any prescription meds? nope. Are you ever afraid to write/say/think how you feel? oh yes. definitely. Do you like tea? i don’t. it hurts my stomach. How are you feeling now? pretty good. just a little hungry. Are you craving anything at the moment? not really. If someone told you that you were a whore, what would you say back? i’d just say whatever and probably to think what they want. How old will you be in 5 years? almost thirty. D: Have you ever sang karaoke in a public place? i have. i’m evidently decent. Has anyone ever told you they were in love with you? more or less. How old will you be on your next birthday? twenty-five. Is something bothering you? not especially. Has the last person you texted ever been mad at you before? yeah. he’s mad at me more often than not. Are you the type to make situations awkward? yeah. cos i never know what to say and whatnot. Would you ever like to run/work in a joke shop? nope. Do you prefer fast food or “proper”, restaurant style food? restaurant style. i hate fast food. Are any of your friends gay? Is it “obvious” in the stereotypical sense? my only friend really is kayla, and she’s straight. Would you ever go out with someone shorter than you? height isn’t a deal breaker to me. Is your mum the type to pressure you to have grandchildren? she was definitely one to pressure. she wants each of us kids to have five. i told her no way in hell was she getting five from me. Do you have any traits that you obviously inherited from your parents? well, yeah. Are you still in touch with people you went to primary school with? not really. Do you like sushi? i’ve never tried it but doesn’t really sound appealing to me. Are you the type to get easily embarrassed in public? i am. even when i’m not in public. Do you have to reply to texts straight away, or are you happy to just leave them for a while? it depends who it is, my mood, and what i’m doing. also what it is about. Have any of your friends gotten engaged recently? brittany and john did fairly recently. they’re getting married on my birthday now since her mom is pressuring her to get married before she has her baby in january.. they’re more kayla’s friend than mine, but they sometimes like me when brittany isn’t jealous about kayla and me being friends.. Would you ever drop everything and go traveling for several months? if i could afford it, in a heartbeat. Has anyone ever seriously suggested that you need therapy? yeah. Have you ever had a negative encounter with the police? What happened? not really, no. Do you enjoy going out and socializing, or do you prefer to stay in? depends on my mood, but i don’t usually mind staying in with wy. however, it would be nice if people wanted to see me though. What’s your favourite thing to cook/bake? Do you eat it often? cookies, and no. Are you every parent’s wet dream? ew? i don’t know. i’m not a trouble maker... most people like me.. so sure?
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bellabooks · 7 years
National Coming Out Day: Happy coming out stories to warm your heart
Today is National Coming Out Day, where we celebrate the courage it takes to truly be oneself. Many of us have had difficult coming out experiences, but there is also a lot of joy to be had out there when you are embraced lovingly by friends and family. Here are some coming out stories that will give you hope, and put a smile on your face.   “My name is Ariel and I am fairly fresh out of the closet. My journey began about two and a half years ago when I saw Sara Lance kiss Nyssa al-Ghul on Arrow. Before that point, I had been exceptionally good at convincing myself that I was straight, because in my mind, that was the safest bet. I know now that that had everything to do with the heavy dose of compulsory heterosexuality that I had been given when was growing up. My gym teacher in elementary school was a lesbian and by the way that my classmates talked about her, I got it in my head that I didn’t want to be like her because I didn’t want to be made fun of like that. Seeing this saddened me because I had been taught by my mom at an early age that love is love and it shouldn’t matter who you fall in love with. In school, I had to argue against gay marriage and it took everything in my not to burst into tears during the debate because everything that came out of my mouth was a lie. I got uncomfortable when my softball teammates would talk about how they couldn’t believe that people were gay and how wrong they thought it was. As a result, I stayed firmly in the closet for a very long time. I couldn’t bring myself to open up to a world that believed that I was wrong and gross. Every time I would make a move to step towards coming out, I would see or hear something that would send me right back in. Lexa dying destroyed me and all but made me lock the door from the inside. It took some time but slowly, I immersed myself in positive media, mostly bi and lesbian Youtubers, and I worked my way up to coming out to my mom, who long ago told me that she would love me no matter who I ended up loving (she definitely saw it coming before I did). I then told the rest of my family and a few peers of mine. At this point, I am comfortable with who I am, but I only tell people when they ask because I still can’t get past the hate that I saw early on.” – @RoseWilliams157   “I mustered up the courage to tell my mother that I was a lesbian over the Holidays when I was in college. I sat her down and told her expecting the crying and hugging that you see on all of the coming out stories on TV. Instead she said, “Oh I gotta tell Trish! She’s been saying you were a lesbian for years!” Trish is my mom’s best friend and apparently has impeccable gaydar.” – @ellieb2792   “The first family members I came out to were my three brothers. I knew that if I had them in my corner, I’d have the strength I needed to come out to my parents. (Which went surprisingly well.) All three brothers had different, but great reactions. The youngest one said, ‘Figures. You own a lot of flannel and listen to Melissa Etheridge, so, that’s cool.’ Second oldest was surprised, just because he never thought about my love life. He told me, ‘Anyone you want to bring over is welcome in our home.’ The oldest had thought about my love life, apparently, and said, ‘Yeah, I already guessed that, and I’m totally good with it. Thanks for telling me.’ No fuss. They basically just shrugged, told me we’re good, which was exactly how my brothers are, and how I needed them to be.” – @jerzeyredhead   “I can’t really remember when I came out. On the one hand that makes sense, because coming out is something you do in stages, and you do it over and over again. I know I came out to my immediate family four separate times, but I only had to come out to my two best friends once. I believe I was twenty-three years old when I told them, which would have made the year 2009. Bestie M and I were walking around the local Borders Bookstore, one of our favorite ways to kill time. We liked to walk through the aisles and push the books back against the shelf so you could see the different size and shape of each spine. (Bestie M now works for the Library and she has since told me what an annoying thing that was for us to do to the employees, so I apologize.) She could sense that something was wrong. I wasn’t making eye contact, and anything she said to me was met with a monosyllabic response. When we got back to the car I told her that there was something I needed to say. What I remember most about that moment was the fear. I was so intensely afraid I would lose my best friend that even now, all these years later, my heart races just thinking about it. I told her I was gay and she said ‘Okay’. I know she told me she loved me, but I think I stopped forming memories the second I heard those four little words. She asked if she could hug me and I said ‘Okay.’ Bestie J and I were hanging out at the movie theater. We had a few people with us, killing time at the bar before or after the show. She and I were walking back from the bathroom. Despite my very positive experience with Bestie M, I was still terrified. I told her I was gay and she said something like “Gay? Not bisexual? Oh. Alright!”. But it was the fear in my eyes, not my admission that broke her stride. She grabbed my arm and looked me in the face. ‘Lara, you know this doesn’t change anything between us, right?” I didn’t know that, but I know it now. I knew it from that moment on.’ – Bella debut author, Lara Hayes   “So I think first and foremost it should be said that I am a Baptist minister’s daughter with a very religious family from SC. However, we were never taught to hate anyone no matter their skin color, religion or sexuality. But when I accepted that I was a lesbian at the ripe old age of 17, I started to think that it was okay for everyone else to be gay, but not me. Fast forward a year to Sept. 15, 2006. I’ve graduated from high school earlier in the year and I’m dating my first girlfriend. My girlfriend and I had a wonderful evening together and sleep over. The next morning when we woke up around 2, I had a ton of missed texts and calls from my father. I had told him I was staying at my friend Jessie’s house because I assumed he did not know where she lived. Apparently he did. I also thought, ‘If I tell them I’m staying at Heather’s, they’ll know I’m gay.’ So I called my dad and continued to lie about where I was saying that Jessie and I had gone to brunch. He said, ‘Stop lying to me. You’re at Heather’s aren’t you?’ I immediately said yes and he told me to come home so we could talk about it. Heather was amazing about the whole thing and said, ‘If you get kicked out, you can come to me and if I don’t hear from you for a while, I’ll understand and will be waiting.’ I drove home and thus began hours of conversation about my sexuality. Am I gay, am I bi, it is a phase? Yada yada. My mom ignored me for a good portion of the day. My dad turned to me and said, ‘I’m not mad that you’re gay. I’m mad that you lied to me (about where I was).’ After my mother took a nap, she said she was going to go for a drive and my dad followed her. They ended up talking for hours outside. Now you might wondering why I remember the date so well. Well, the day I came out was also my mom’s birthday. Happy Birthday! I’m a huge homo! So I went to my car to get my mother’s birthday present and even though I’m sure it didn’t happen exactly this way, I just remember coming back in and my mom had done a 180. She was happy and excited and everything was back to normal. It has taken my mom a long time to come to terms with it and be happy for me. For a long time she said, “I’m just praying to G-d for guidance.” And even though a lot of people would roll their eyes at her for saying that, I knew that was how my mom was wrapping her head around it and accepting me. 10 years later, my mom and dad have both accepted me and my mother is a HUGE ally for the LGBTQIA community and I no longer feel awkward or weird to tell my parents I’m going on a date. Now I just gotta tell my sister…” – @kaitlynkrieg   “Within six months of my falling in love with a woman for the first time, I had come out to my close friends and my sister. But it took me almost four years to come out to my parents. I initially decided I wouldn’t tell them until the topic became relevant, i.e. I was dating a woman and needed to explain. But my singleness lasted longer than my ability to keep that part of me secret. On New Years Eve of 2016, my parents and I were having dinner at an Italian restaurant. As I was staring at my plate, not registering how the food was tasting, I struggled to find the preamble I had rehearsed in my head. Finally, I brought up the woman I had fallen in love with years ago and that was my segue into blurting out that I date both men and women. I started bawling, not even caring that other customers or the wait staff may have been looking at me. My mom held my hand and told me she loved me. My dad kissed my cheek, rubbed my back, and told me everything was okay. They asked me if I had been wanting to tell them for a while and I said yes. They said that I didn’t have to tell them because they already knew. I corrected them by saying it was important for me to be able to finally tell them. I wiped my tear soaked face, we finished dinner, and then we welcomed 2017 with champagne.” – @nicclee “My first coming out occurred when I was 14. I was in a domestic science class when a classmate suddenly asked me about sexual orientations. I explained the differences and there was nothing more to it. Later that week when I was in church during a lunch break (the church was next door to the school and had “open doors” during our lunch breaks) another classmate, out of nowhere, asked me about my sexual orientation. I, who always felt welcomed in the church, answered and the youth leader, who overheard this, and embraced me with such warmth it made me feel so secure. So the church became my safe place and I have never ever met anything negative about me being not straight in church.” – @Lutter_Lappri   “Alright, so I had been showing signs for most of my life but you know, I’m like 8. I don’t know why I admire Miley Cyrus so much. My brother also had a friend who was a girl and she was so pretty, and so nice and amazing. Totally a crush on her (I literally called her everyday, it was ridiculous). But crushes all around and mostly on girls. So right around the age of 12, like when the gay starts getting stronger and more relevant, I go on Facebook. I am just browsing and I get a message and its from one of my close friends at the time. She states that she has to tell me something important, and then tells me that she’s bisexual. I was confused as hell on what that could mean and then she tells me. My kind is blown. Literally. I am being honest with you. I didn’t know it was possible to like both girls and guys AT THE SAME TIME WOW. Anyways, I was like “wow this explains so much to me” so I go on knowing I’m bisexual, and experiment like everyone else does. My brother knew I liked girls, when I told him and he just didn’t really care. My mom however had to warm up to the thought but now she makes closet jokes whenever possible. I don’t think my dad knows but that’s because we aren’t very close but I feel like he would be fine with it.” – @silkythunder “Growing up in a conservative, religious family in a very rural area meant my parents had rigorous views of the world. Coming out was one of my biggest fears. While I knew from the time I was 12 that I liked women the way I was “supposed” to like men, I worked to keep my secret from everyone. I dated my first girlfriend for four years—all while hiding carefully in the closet. Over the years, I gradually told a few select people. By the time I hit my late twenties, all of my friends knew, and I knew it was time to talk to my parents. We had always been close and I knew how they viewed homosexuality, so I felt like I had a lot to lose. I visited my parents one October, right before my 27th birthday. I waited for an opportunity, continually finding excuses to stay silent. I knew I couldn’t tell my entire family at once. I didn’t feel strong enough to watch several people I love turn their backs on me in unison. I was terrified, but also very much in love and determined. One evening during my visit, I was finally alone with my mother. I knew it was time. I opened my mouth to speak, but words failed me. She pried, asking what was wrong. I shut my mouth and shook my head. After another round of questions, I blurted out that I had to tell her something. She sat down facing me and told me she had a hunch about what I might want to say. Calmly, she explained that she knew I was a lesbian and knew I was dating my ‘best friend.’ She then told me that it didn’t change anything and she poured us both a margarita. I cried, and she hugged me. Life went forward as normal that night, with her telling me she would tell my father and things would be okay. The celebration was short-lived, as my gayness became reality—instead of an assumption they had held for years. My mother’s acceptance, I later found out, was more shock than truth. Over the course of the next several months, there were difficulties, a lot of intense discussions, more than a few times when my calls went unanswered, some hurtful words, and even a period of time when we did not speak. My mother had always been my best friend, so the distance stung. One day, she called out of the blue to tell me she missed me. We talked with the closeness we had before I came out. Over time, we talked about the “difficult time” we had endured in that emotional distance, and we never returned to the ugly place of silence and judgment that had marked the previous months. After she took some time to sort out her feelings, the entire family came around and eventually asked to meet the love of my life. They love me unconditionally, and they welcome her into their home (and our family) with open arms. While they still say they don’t understand, they have made leaps and bounds in their willingness to let go of their narrow ideas of the world. My family is still making progress, and I know they are working on it. It was rocky, but it definitely has turned out to be a happy ending. Coming out and knowing that my family loves me—with full knowledge of who I am—was the best decision I ever made (well, aside from asking my lovely fiancée to marry me).” – Bella author Riley Scott   “My coming out story starts with a note-to-self: don’t make jokes when you tell your mother you’re A: probably gay and B: definitely dating a woman. To sum it up: I made so many “let’s face it, it could have been way worse”-jokes when I came out to my mother at 28 that she was actually relieved when it turned out I was “just” dating a woman. She cried for about 3 mins and asked me not to tell my father. She lasted 12 hours before telling him herself. He called me and asked: “Is she hot?” I said yes. He answered “good” and then wondered if I had seen the last ep of his favourite English whodunnit. My father is a taciturn man. They’ve had a great journey. My now 75-year-old mother and father used to be openly and loudly homophobic. These days, they would happily walk in the “proud parents”-section at Pride. My father cried when my girlfriend dumped me. They’ve never been ashamed or hid that I was with a woman. Then again: we’re Swedish and Sweden isn’t a homophobic country anymore. Being a homophobe is considered very bad form. So the punchline probably is: people can change. Even nations can change. I think that’s a pretty happy coming out-story. – @ClillaryHinton1 “My story is actually kinda funny because when I was in 8th grade I started using Tumblr and my mom found out and asked to see my page which was very gay at the time but at the end of the night my mom, dad and I were all happy and they are still very supportive.” – @erin_tierney2   Photos via Pixabay http://dlvr.it/PtsLRf
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
hi Trish! Ilysm! So it’s my birthday, and Im kind of in love with Aerith, so i was wondering if you would mind giving us a Ficlet where Tseng assigns a Turk!Reader to guard Aerith, and she thinks you look too tense and focused all the time, so she makes it her goal to crack your professional persona with little gestures like her giving you flowers or pretending to trip just so she can be like “see? I knew you cared about me!” When you check on her? Thank you so much for all of your work!
Hello, cutie! I don’t know if you meant your birthday was today (or when you sent this ask, depending on your timezone) but in any case, hi fellow Libra! Happy birthday! This idea is adorable and so Aerith, I really like it. Thanks for requesting, it’s added to my writing list :D
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Mixed Tag Team Match: Triple H & Trish Stratus Vs. The Rock & Lita WWF Raw Is War [July 31st, 2000]
There’s some definite significance in this seemingly random tag team match. Triple H and The Rock had been feuding off and on since 1998, when Triple H was heading D-Generation X and The Rock had taken over as the leader of The Nation Of Domination. Trish Stratus and Lita both debuted earlier in the year, with Lita siding with The Hardy Boyz to form Team Xtreme while Trish Stratus created the team of Test & Albert (known as T&A, because, The Attitude Era). Being forced to team, and despite the fact that Trish had landed Triple H in some hot water earlier in the night, the duo showed that they had good chemistry as a pair against the two crowd favorites. A tremendous tag team bout between four future Hall Of Famers!
Happy 48th birthday, Triple H!
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rtarara · 7 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @abcooper / @coop-writes !!!!! 
Here are some messages from your friends as we celebrate this wonderful holiday of you:
You have gotten me into so much gay trouble, it’s been wonderful. You’ve been instrumental in my lesbification and I cannot thank you enough. You are hilarious, wonderful, and so kind <3 You always take an interest in what’s happening with the people around you and you offer your support and advice freely.
You’re like the big sister I’ve never had, beautifully intelligent and 100% down to toss me to the wolves unless true harm would come to my person.
Thank you for everything, I hope your birthday is an absolute blast :D - Alexis aka @poppyssupergirl
Coop! You are finally the same age as me again! This is such a relief - you have no idea how hard it was for me to constantly hit on a younger woman *ignores that you are still technically younger than me even if the numbers match*.
Getting to know you has been such a wonderful experience. You are kind and smart and funny, and my life would be much less entertaining and full of math without you in it. Thank you for always being there to talk to, and for the stories that you write, and for overall just existing in general :)
Now on to the main point - happy birthday! I hope you have an amazing day, and that that carries through to the rest of the year. I won’t wish that it carries through to forever because I need to hold something back so you have to keep talking to me if you want to get the blessing renewed. That is entirely selfish on my part, but everything else about today is supposed to be about you, so I have no qualms about claiming this one liberty for myself… though to be fair there are some other liberties I would be happy to claim from you as well ;P
Anyway, I hope you enjoy your birthday and that you get all the drinks and food and love you deserve <3 - Trish aka @spaceshipsarecool
Coop!!!! Happy happy birthday!! It has been lovely to meet and chat with you and I hope that you have a great birthday filled with lots of chocolate and love:) - Emily aka @banrions
COOOOOOOP!!! Happy Birthday!!! <3
I haven’t known you for very long, but I’m so glad that I know you now! You’ve been so kind and welcoming, and I feel so lucky to have met you and become your friend!! I hope you have lots of fun on an amazing birthday!!
*big birthday hug* - Jess aka @the-queen-of-the-light
Hey Coop! I love your face. You’re one of my best friends ever and I’m just so happy that I got to the chance get to know you. There are so few people that I can fully let my guard down with, but you’re a safe person and I hope I can be that for you too. Thank you for making all the days so much better and filled with good things.
You’re smart and talented and such a great human. I’m in awe of all of the amazing things you do. Truly. I’m just so happy that I get to chat you on the daily. I don’t have words for how much you mean to me and I just love you a lot and wish you all the best things today and every day. Happy fucking birthday! *smishes you* - Bex aka @rtarara
Coop!! Happy, happy birthday!
It's been such a blast getting to know you. You're smart, caring, talented, and adorable. You love your job despite frustrations and discouragement. You always have time to encourage all of us. Even when you have other things going on, you push it aside to listen, and not just with us, but with your students as well. 
You're a fantastic writer and I love every word, whether it's a ship I'm into or not, your writing engages me (big deal).
You know things about math, and that's really impressive, too. - Tara aka @supercitycarnival
Happy Birthday Coop!
Love you! - Sus aka @bridgetteirish
dearest darlingest coppa troopa! thank you for being born, and for everything else that happened in your life that means i have the very great honour of knowing you now. you are a constant delight, you are one of the kindest, most genuine, hard working and dedicated people i know, you are an inspiration whenever i feel like being less than 100%, and your presence in my life is something i am very thankful for. i hope your birthday is banging, metaphorically or otherwise if you so desire, but i’m very glad you at least got to see some boobs on your final day of not being as old as you are now. ily 😘 xoxo ashcakes aka @ratherembarrassing
To my berry grape dearest Coop,
Happy fucking birthday!!!!! Congratulations on surviving one more year in this cold, dark world that ends up being pretty damn cool bc SUPER HOT LESBIANS AM I RITE!! (but like… without objectifying them of course and there being a huge spectrum of hot on the inside and the outside and well… you get it. It’s just a super great time to be a alive).
AND HOW LUCKY ARE WE ALL!! HOW LUCKY AM I to have a COOP in my life to make me laugh for days and days… to show me the ropes of Mirandy… to feed me the best porn my eyes have ever seen. Such a lovely friend who lets me vent over my daily woes and encourages ALL OF THE SALT. And then some more salt BECAUSE YOU HAVE A HEART OF GOLD while also being made of salt… like me… which makes us match pretty well.
I just love you and your face so much. For everything you do. Your dedication to the kiddos is beyond measure. They are so fortunate to have such an amazing Coop set with the task of nurturing their young minds. Your diligence and effort is both admirable and inspiring. These little shits are going to remember you for the rest of their lives, and they will look back on your time together with fondness… because that’s what happens when you have an awesome teacher. You never forget them.
So in summation, we get tacos and margaritas ASAP. We celebrate your bday and the success of a completed school year and grad school masters and all of the things!!!! LOOK AT ALL THIS SHIT YOU’VE DONE!!!! WHAT A YEAR WHAT A YEAR!!! HAPPY GODDAMN BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE AND HUGS- Noiebrains aka @missgrantscheerleader
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dingdonghun · 5 years
Happy birthday, love!
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