#happy 1st day of pride month for the man that knew whats it like to serve.
flwjdk · 4 months
The Nuances
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lahotelbellamuerte · 2 years
𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗘𝗡𝗦 𝗜𝗡 𝟭𝟵𝟲𝟯 - commercial break three
series masterlist ! current: commercial break three ! next: pride month special
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pairing; none warning; saying goodbye notes: not essential to the storyline, just kind of an extra scene at the end of a movie.
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Dear Mom,
It's Eleanor, well apparently that's one of my names. I go by the name Eight too. Now I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay. And I won't be returning home. I found out there is something that needs my presence. Like dad and Reggie would say, "there's something special about her," and they were right ma. I am special and I am needed elsewhere.
I know you'll worry if I don't eat, have a sweater when it's cold, somewhere to sleep for the night. Someone to come back for a hug. And it's true I don't know if I'll have all of those things to where I am going. But the best I can do is hope that I do. I know that doesn't make you feel any better...but I'll be okay, I'm a big girl.
I want to thank you so much for all you did with my time with you. Even though you found me literally on the street, you never left my side. You took me in because I was vulnerable. And there will never be anything I do to thank you for that. You were the mother I never had, I mean it. You cared for me the days I was in bed crying when I didn't know who I was. You were there to make me smile, and give me your biggest hugs. You loved me as much a mother would to her own. I love you so much, there are words that could never say what I mean. I love you, Mom.
Tell dad thank you for all the lessons and laughs he gave me along the way. He didn't have to take me in when he did, yet he did. He treated me like a princess. Took me out for ice cream after a boy broke my heart. And threatened to break their nose for me. And broke their nose for me. He was everything and more. I will miss the large bear hugs he'd give before and after work. Even though I wasn't biologically his, he never made it seem that way. He made me feel cared for just as you mom. Introduced me to many important people, bragging of my achievements as a father would. I will miss you, and him. Thank you, Dad, I love you too.
Forever your daughter,
Eleanor Fitzgerald
As a small man delivers the letter to the woman, she blindly closes the front door and reads the letter. Each sentence bringing tears to her eyes. Her little girl was gone, forever. But as long as she was okay, she felt safer thinking that. Lucy knew Eleanor was no damsel in distress. She knew that the blonde could escape anything no matter how tough. The woman cried tears of happiness as she read the letter. She wished luck to whoever met her wrath, Eleanor was the silent lightning in the thunderstorm. 
Yes, this is a formal letter. You have to read it by the fire and cry as if I wrote something touching. The days I spent with you all made me learn you are my brother. You annoyed as much would do, you punched me as one would do, but you also punched others for me too. And I'm glad we got to be as close as we did because there is no one else in this time that I trust more.
Now, listen up pea brain, this will all sound weird to you, but it is all true do you understand? You better fucking nod Chris. My name is Eight Hargreeves, but I also go by Eleanor. You might be thinking Hargreeves? As in Reginald, and yes it is. I am from the future. I was born on October 1st, 1989, along with my seven other siblings. We were all born in different parts of the world, but we were adopted by him because each one of us is special. We all have abilities that made us different. You may be thinking how is this possible. And to be honest, that I don't know. I just know that I have these abilities.
Want to know why I was able to use weapons and fight so easily? It's because I grew up in an Academy that taught me all of that. I was even a professional assassin for a part of my life. That is how I am so good at self-defense. Not because dad taught us, it's because it was muscle memory for me.
I am a fifty-eight-year-old and stuck in a eighteen-year-old body. I am married to a man called "Five" we worked together as assassins. He and I had a son when I was twenty. His name was James, but he died in my arms when he turned nine years old. He had inherited my powers that not even I knew how to control. And because he couldn't control them, it over-took his body and killed him. I miss him with all that I carry with me every single day. I have seven siblings that I would die for If something was endangering them. Now you too, but I won't be able to protect you.
I tell you all of this Chris. In hopes that you will not wonder if I am okay, as you think of me out in the world. I trust that you will not let this information fall into the wrong hands. I will be okay out there, and I hope you are too. Try not to get into too much trouble with Dylan, I won't be there to help you out this time.
I love you, Chris. You are the best brother I could ever have. I have five brothers now. How funny is that? Anyway, I love you big dumb, dumb. I hope you live long enough to the point where I could see you in the future. Married and old. (so quit your smoking, so you live longer) Take care of mom for me. Thank you for protecting me when I needed it, and for the late-night pool parties, you had with me. I know you love me too, and you know you're smart. Stay safe.
Your darling one and only sister,
Eleanor Hargreeves-Fitzgerald 
Chris didn't know what to feel when the letter appeared in his bedroom bed. As he opened a small puff of fireflies looking things sprouted. He sneezed as he breathed it in, but shook his head knowing Eleanor would do something like this. The boy read the letter and smiled at it. He knew there was something about her, the moment he ran his bike into her. Turns out he was right. She was a special being from the future. He chuckled knowing he was technically older than her. 
The dark-haired boy walked across his room to the plain white door across him. Opening it and stepping inside. It still smelled like her. Faint strawberries. Her bed was neatly made, her windows were ajar as the breeze moved the curtains. He walked forward and sat on the floor in front of her bed. Bringing his knees up he wrapped his arms around them. His mind far away as he stared at the blank wall before him. Tears brimmed his eyes as he sat in his sister's bedroom. He would never admit it to anyone but he would miss her. The golden girl that too smart for her own good. I love you too, Eight. He thought to himself, using the name he thought she would like. A smile faintly on his lips, as silent tears ran down his face. 
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seoulwhat · 3 years
Cheaper By The Dozen (#11)
Summary: You own a flower shop, and every week for the past year, a handsome guy has come in to order a dozen roses to be sent to his girlfriend. One day, another man comes in to send a dozen flowers...to the same woman. Now you are left with a dilemma: tell the first customer or let him find out on his own. Pair: Mingyu x reader Genre: slight angst, fluff Warnings: cheating Word Count: 2.8k
Every week, the same handsome and tanned skinned man walks in and asks for the same dozen roses to be sent out. You assumed they were for his girlfriend. He never had a wedding ring on, but you didn't ever really like to assume because not everyone wears wedding rings these days.
"Hi again," he smiled at you with his pearly white teeth. "Can I have the dozen pink and red roses sent to the newspaper company down the street? And make it to Lee Mina, please."
You rang him up on the register and told him his total. This has become a routine, and although the two of you had seen each other every week for the past year, neither of you felt comfortable enough to ask each other's names. It had to be obvious what your name was though. The shop is literally named after you. However, he on the other hand, remained unnamed and you didn't plan on asking what his name is anytime soon.
He left the shop, striding out the door with happiness in each step. You approached your refrigerated roses and brought them out. You took out the black wrapping paper as well as a light pink ribbon and wrapped both around the flowers. You set them up nicely so that when the receiver gets them, she can see every single flower. With that done, you gave them to your delivery man and off he went.
Your greatest pride in your flower shop is seeing the same customers come and put in orders. Just the fact that they love your flowers enough to order them more than once made you happy and made you feel successful. Your parents hated the idea of you becoming a florist because "how will you become wealthy?" The whole point in finding a career is to work happily. If you became the CEO heir of the stock company your dad owned, you would've been brought into a world that is nothing but greed and lying. It was not something you were interested in. They were also worried that you wouldn't find a great suitor, but that is also something you aren't interested in. Love should be unexpected, not forced by greed.
As expected, when a week passed by, the same handsome man walked in, ordered the same flowers to the same woman at the same company, and then left. As you made the last knot in the ribbon around the roses, the stores' door dinged, alarming you that someone just walked in. As you approached your register, an unfamiliar face looked up at you.
"Hello, how can I help you?" You asked the man who looked a little confused.
"Hey," he said unsure. "I wanted to get your dozen flowers deal. They're $20, right?" he asked with a smile.
You sent a smile back. "Yes. Our dozen flowers deal comes with a dozen of your choice of flower, along with black floral paper wrapped around it as well as a pink ribbon to top it off. We also hand deliver these for an extra $1 if it's local."
The man clasped his hands together. "That is perfect! I would like to place an order then for sunflowers."
With that, you rang the man up and asked for his information since he was a new customer.
"The name that I want them sent to is Lee Mina and she works at the newspaper company down the street."
You instantly froze and looked up at the man. "I didn't know we had more than one newspaper company locally," you nervously laughed.
The man furrowed his brows. "I don't think we do. Is there a problem?"
You shook your head. There's no way it's the same woman. Just focus on doing your job!
"Now, this is the newspaper company on 1st street, correct?" You had to check to see if it's the same one.
"Yeah, the one by the park," the man pointed in the direction.
Your eyes slightly widened, thinking about the man that had been coming to your shop for the past year sending flowers to the same woman.
"Okay then," you started. "She will love these flowers!" you said nervously.
The man smiled. "Thank you. If she likes them, I'll be coming back more often!"
With that, the man left. You quickly wrapped up the second batch of the dozen flowers for the same woman. It kept running through your mind that this woman is playing both men. They are obviously sweet men who are very thoughtful towards her. If only they both knew. What would happen if you told the first man? Should you tell the first man or just leave it? After all, it isn't any of your business.
You handed both flower bundles to your delivery man. "Hey, can you do me a favor? It is none of my business, but can you check to make sure that there is no other Lee Mina at the newspaper company when you deliver these? I want to make sure they get to the right person."
When your delivery man came back, he said that there was only one Lee Mina and those around her were excited for her as she got two deliveries of a dozen flowers.
Just wait it out and see what happens, you thought to yourself. There is no reason why you should tell either man anything.
Weeks had passed and the same two men continued to come into your shop ordering the same dozen flowers for the same woman at the same company. You were fascinated that they would come in on the same day, just 20 minutes apart. You had hoped with all your heart that they would come in and hear the other ordering flowers for the same woman, but of course, nothing is that coincidental.
"I'll take the usual," the man said. "But instead, do you think you can put my name on a card on put it in the flowers?"
You looked up at the man in confusion. "We are adding something different after a year of the same order?"
The man nervously laughed and scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, apparently she doesn't know who has been sending her flowers these days. Like, who else, other than me, would send her flowers? I've been sending her the same ones for a year." He shrugged his shoulders and sighed.
"Okay," you said feeling sympathetic. "Just tell me your name and I'll out it on the card."
The man nodded. "My name is Mingyu."
"M-I-N-G-Y-U. That's correct, right?"
"Yeah. Can you add something like I care for you so much or something like that?"
You nodded. "Sure thing. Is there anything else you would like to add?"
Mingyu, looked around the shop. "Do you happen to hold any chocolates here?"
You nodded. "Yes, we have heart shaped chocolates, as well as white chocolate and chocolate with nuts. We also have different chocolate packaging that range from the shape of a heart to square, circle, and infinity shaped."
"Which do you think is better?" Mingyu asked in desperation.
"Well, I think it depends on the situation. Since this will be like your normal delivery, I would say go with the round box."
"What if it wasn't a normal delivery? Like what if I feel like she's falling out of love with me?" Those words instantly made you look up at the man. He didn't have the normal shining smile on his face like he normally did. He was scruffy and he looked tired. It had only been a week since you last saw him, yet it seems like the past seven days have been a long time in hell.
"Well then I would say go with the heart if you believe it will help."
The man leaned on the counter with his head down. He sighed and didn't look up. "Sir, are you okay?"
He shook his head in reply. He looked up at you and tears formed at the bottom rim of his eyes. "I don't know what to do."
"Do you want my advice?" You offered. Although the most you knew about this man was his name, and that was something you just found out, you felt like it was your duty to help him out.
"As a woman myself, flowers and chocolates aren't going to solve anything. However, if she is falling out of love with you, it has absolutely nothing to do with you and more about her. If you had been doing the same lovely routine for the past year, which I commend you for, then I truly believe that she must change, not you." You patted him on the back, and he stood up straight. He sniffled and nodded in agreement with your words.
The door dinged and the both of you turned in the direction of the new customer. Your eyes widened, not wanting this right now. You had hoped dearly that this day would come, but now that it has come, you don't want it.
"Can I get the same order to Lee Mina?" The man asked with a smile from the door.
You bit your lip in shock as the man said the woman's name out loud. Mingyu slowly walked away from the counter and towards the man. "Did you just say Lee Mina?"
The man took a step back and his smile faded from his face. "Yes, why?"
"The one that works at the newspaper company?" Mingyu continued to question the man. In response, the man nodded and gulped.
"On 1st street," the man told Mingyu.
Mingyu turned around and faced you. "Did you know about this?"
You stood there, quiet. Not telling him could anger him but also telling him either a lie or the truth can still anger him. All you could do was shake your head in confusion and shrug your shoulders.
"You knew about this, didn't you?" Mingyu asked rhetorically. "And you? How long had you been sending flowers to Mina?"
The man looked at Mingyu. For about three months now."
Mingyu looked back at you, tears falling from his eyes. He let out a loud laugh that made you jump. "All this time, I could've known if you told me, but I have been coming in here looking like a fool to you. Clearly you don't care about your customers as much as you would like to lead on. All you care about is money."
With that, Mingyu left the store and the other man followed right after him.
Months had passed by, and you hadn't seen either man return. You don't blame them. Considering that Mingyu blamed you for him not knowing about his girl cheating on him, there's no way you would ever see either of them again. You were thankful the other man never returned. You knew deep down that he most likely blamed you for not telling him as well.
It slightly angered you though. Here you are, working at a place called Y/N Florals, yet they come in here thinking you're some type of best friend that should be telling them when you think someone is cheating on them. This has happened in the past, only the men that were cheated on didn't blame you for them not knowing. All you do is provide the flowers. The people it gets sent to is none of your business. This is a sign you would have to make to put up in the future in the store.
You were arranging your flowers by color when a customer walked in.
"Hello, welcome to Y/N Florals." You turned around to look at the customer.
"Hi," he said nervously with a small smile.
"Oh? Mingyu, I never thought I would see you again." You did not welcome him with a smile, although it was very unprofessional on your end.
"Yeah, I thought so as well. I came to order some flowers."
You nodded your head. As badly as you wanted to know what happened, it was none of your business. "What would you like to order?"
"I'm doing something different. What kind of flowers do you like? I'll take your advice."
"I like bright yellow sunflowers with red roses. I feel like their colors really compliment each other."
Mingyu smiled. "That's a good idea. I'll take a dozen mixed as well as a heart shaped box of chocolates."
You nodded your head as you wrote down his order. "What chocolates would you like?"
Mingyu looked up in thought. "Well, what kind do you like?"
"Is this for a new girl? Because we might not like the same things." You told him.
"I don't really know what she likes so I just need some type of foundation to build off of," Mingyu replied.
"Okay, well I like milk chocolates. Do you want those?" Mingyu nodded in response.
"Can you also add a card? I want it to say 'I am sorry. Can we start over?'"
You nodded. "Okay. So, you want a dozen flowers of sunflowers and roses mixed, a box of milk chocolates in a heart shaped box, and a card. Will this be delivered or are you take them yourself?"
"I'll be taking them myself," he said. You rang him up on the register and once he paid, you went to the back room to get his flowers ready. You came back out with is flower order, got the chocolates from the fridge, and wrote on the card. After ten minutes, his order was ready.
"Okay, everything is set," you told him. With a large smile, he approached the counter and grabbed the flowers and chocolates.
"Thank you for everything," he said smiling. He then walked right out of the shop. As you were cleaning up the counter, Mingyu walked back inside the shop.
"Did you want something else?" You asked. He didn't answer and instead approached the counter and put the flowers and chocolates in your direction. You looked down at the flowers and scanned them for any issues.
"What? You don't like them? I do full refunds if you aren't happy."
He didn't speak but continued to stare at you with a huge smile trying to hand you the flowers. In confusion, you stared at him.
Mingyu rolled his eyes and laughed. "Do you not know how to receive flowers?"
"Huh?" you said a little too loud. "You're giving these to me?"
Mingyu nodded and you slowly took the gifts from his hands, unsure if this was a joke or not. "Why are you giving these to me."
"Well, did you read the note on the card?" Mingyu asked you. You quickly thought about the words you wrote on the card for him.
I am sorry. Can we start over?
"What are you sorry for?" You asked him.
"I was such a jerk when I found out Mina was cheating on me and instead of taking my anger out on the right person, I exerted my anger onto you as well as the other guy. Which was wrong of me. I spent so much time contemplating on whether I should apologize to you or just to never come back but it has been bugging me ever since that day because you never did anything wrong. You were always so kind to me and always had the best customer service and I came to like you. I would really like to get to know you better if you allow me to." Mingyu looked down at his fingers and twiddled his thumbs together.
"Okay," you said simply.
He looked up at you wide eyed. "Okay? You're going to give me a chance?"
You shrugged your shoulders and smelled your flowers. "Sure, why not."
Mingyu laughed. "Is it really that easy?"
Your laughed followed his. "No, I'm just making it easy. Do you want me to make it hard?"
Mingyu quickly shook his head. "No thank you. So I'll pick you up later for a date?"
You smiled at him. "Okay. I get out at 6." Mingyu nodded his head and left with a smile across his face.
Along with him, you had a smile on your face that was now hurting your cheeks. As you continued to smell your roses, Mingyu walked back in.
"Wait, what restaurant do you like?"
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reidyoulikeabook · 4 years
Invisible String
Ship: Fem! Reader x Spencer Reid
Warnings: None, this is just fluff.
Word count: 3.2k
Summary: You and Spencer Reid don’t know it, but you’ve almost met quite a few times. What happens when you do?
A/N: This is potentially a bit on the wrong side of the cheesy line, but I was listening to invisible string by Taylor Swift and couldn’t get this idea out of my head. Pls bare in mind I’m from the UK and my only understanding of the US college system is from Google searches, so pls be forgiving of any misunderstandings about that.
November 6th, 2007
Dr. Spencer Reid. As you sat, thumbing through the article he’d written about the formation of ionic compounds in a chemical whose name you could not for the life of you spell or pronounce, you couldn’t help but resent the man.
Sure, the paper was very well-written and as cohesive as possible given the complex subject matter. But Dr. Spencer Reid, whoever he was, was the current source of your resentment at selecting chemistry to make up your science credit. Highlighting the name of a substance you’d have to look up later, you sighed. It was getting late but you had to hand in a critical summary of the paper on Friday.
It didn’t help that Dr. Reid was: a) a triple doctorate holder by the age of 22, or b) that your chemistry lecturer was none other than his old chemistry lecturer from Caltech and practically glowed with pride whenever he got to bring him up.
You chew on the end of your pen, having now distracted yourself from the notes. Not that you were particularly focused anyway.
In another life, maybe you’d have been a budding chemist who could describe an ionic lattice off rote. In this one, however, you’d just have to settle for slogging through the list of chemical processes and hoping you understood it well enough to please Dr. Reid’s biggest fan.
April 16th, 2008
Spencer hated flaking on commitments. It caused him a great deal of anxiety, the feeling of disappointing someone. He didn’t have much choice in this circumstance though.
Diana had taken ill over the last weekend. Nothing serious, some stomach bug or other. She’d become severely dehydated though, and had been hospitalised as a precautionary measure. Truth be told, he might not have gone if she hadn’t caught him on the phone. He was already feeling guilty for not having visited since Christmas. He wrote her letters everyday, yet still felt like he was neglecting his duties as a son. Rubbing his hands over his face, he lets out a deep sigh. Then takes out his laptop, to send another email.
Dear. Dr Abraham
I sincerely apologise again for my last minute cancellation. Excluding any unforeseen circumstances, myself and SSA Hotchner will be available to present the lecture on May 12th.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Spencer Reid.
May 12th, 2008
Considering this was your third year on campus, you sure were bad at finding your way around. In your defence, they were doing maintenance in one of the main buildings, meaning that lectures got shuffled around and relocated. You probably had a higher change of attending the right lecture by accident than on purpose.
It doesn’t help that you’re running a little late this morning. You rush into Room 203. A lot of the seats are taken, you have to meander your way past quite a few people until you end up sat almost directly in the middle. Only moments before the lecture starts.
“I’m SSA Hotchner, and this is SSA Reid. We’re members of the BAU which is based at FBI quarters in Quantico. Today, we’ll be talking to you about profiling.”
This is not your forensic linguistics lecture.
Panic hits you, hot in your gut. Scanning the room anxiously, you suddenly become conscious that you’re drawing attention to yourself when you feel the eyes of the man who is not SSA Hotchner on you. Fuck.
There’s no way for you to escape now, not without disturbing half the lecture hall.
So you sit back in your seat, resigning yourself to sit awkwardly in the lecture you’re not supposed to be in and hoping nobody notices.
But then, it’s really interesting, actually. The work that Dr. Reid does sounds similar to work you’ve done in forensic linguistics, analysing patterns of speech and minor phrase formations that can give things away about the perpetrator. By the end of the seminar, you’re sat leaning forward. Enraptured by almost every word coming out of their mouths.
It seems to be the general mood: everyone is enamoured. People are clammering to speak to them at the end. After a brief inner battle, myou decide that you should talk to them too.
What’s the harm?
You’ve decided that you’ll speak to Dr. Reid, since he seems to share more of a field focus. However, as you’re heading down, you spot him. Dr Adams, your chemistry lecturer from last year. Oh shit, it’s that Dr. Reid.
Speaking to SSA Hotchner will just have to do instead.
“I’ve been majoring in forensic linguistics and criminal psychology,” You tell him, “Do you think ... I mean, I know it’s a pretty exclusive team to get on to. But is that the kind of thing that could maybe get me there one day?”
Hotchner nods, “Forensic linguistics is something that comes in very useful in the investigative aspects of cases. The FBI is always looking for new angles and perspectives, those are both good subjects to study if you were thinking of signing up to the academy.”
"Thank you, Agent Hotchner,” You say, suddenly a little bashful as you notice the queue of people lingering behind you, “That was a really interesting lecture. It’s definitely something I’ll think about.”
“You should talk to Dr. Reid if you have a particular interest in the linguistic aspect of profiling. He’s more specialised in that area than I am. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to discuss any research you’re conducting at the moment and suggest materials that might be helpful in furthering your understanding of the area.”
“Thank you,” You smile, and he nods at you again.
Stepping away from Agent Hotchner, you look to your right. Dr. Reid is still engaged deeply in conversation with Dr. Adams. You glance at your watch. There was time before your next class, you supposed, so you could wait. It couldn’t hurt to find out more, could it? It wasn‘t like you were getting your hopes up or anything.
It’s then that you feel a pair of arms around your waist, a familiar scent of cologne.
“Hey!” You whip around to see your boyfriend, grinning widely.
“Hey,” You reply, “How’d you find me?”
“I was walking past when I saw you talking to that FBI agent. Seriously, FBI?” He asks, with a disapproving quirk of his eyebrow, “You want to grab a coffee before Psych?”
You want to say no. But he’s got his hand on the small of your back, leading  you out of the room before you even get a chance to reply. You glance back over your shoulder, making eye contact with Dr. Reid for all of two seconds before you’re swept away.
“Seriously though babe, FBI?”
Unsurpisingly, you don’t mention your potential change in career path to him.
March 8th, 2009
“Come in,” Hotch calls. He looks up from the paperwork on his desk to see Spencer entering the room, clutching a report in his hand.
“That last case we were on. I was doing some more research, just for future reference about linguistic patterns. Have you read this?” He asks, sliding a copy of your paper across the desk.
Hotch gives it a cursary look over, nodding, “Yes. It’s interesting. She’s signed up as an NAT. I believe I actually spoke to her at one of our lectures last year.”
"Her work is really impressive for somebody whose only studied this at a master level.”
Hotch almost smiles, “Yes. That’s exactly why I’ve recommended to the bureau that she signs up for profiling classes. Her work shows a lot of promise. They’re sending over a copy of her completed thesis, if you’d like to read it.”
“Yeah, I’d like that, thank you,” Spencer says, struggling to conceal the smile playing on the corner of his lips.
“I’ll email it to you as soon as I receive it.”
Spencer nods, smiling properly to himself as he leaves the room. It wasn’t unusual, exactly, for him to share new research that was relevant to cases. It was important that they all kept themselves fresh and acquainted with new theories about the field. Hotch, however, didn’t miss the excited way Spencer had presented it to him. Talking about how impressive you were, as if to subtly hint. He thinks it’s quite typical, actually, that Spencer could take such an interest in someone he only knew via an essay.
Although Spencer’s response does get Hotch to send a follow-up email, inquiring about whether you’d agreed to the classes. If Spencer was this impressed with your work, it must be good.
June 1st, 2009
The Metro that morning is packed. It doesn’t help that you’ve not been living here long, and don’t exactly know the route from your flat to the station off by heart yet.
You'd also had to make a detour to the post office. Your, firmly ex, boyfriend had mailed over the last of your things. Really, it was good riddance. His hounding you about your choice in job had only worsened. The relationship had been hanging on by a thread long before you’d moved away last month. You were more than a little grateful that it was finally over, that you could draw a line under it all and focus on your career.
Unfortunately, that hadn’t stopped you having a little cry to yourself on the way over.
Rushing, you make it onto the Metro just as the doors are about to close, falling against the railing on the left side. You grip onto it for dear life.
On the other side of the carriage, Spencer notices someone hurrying for the train. He had been buried deep in the paper he's reading, but the bustle had pulled his attention. Your back is to him, and there’s a scarf at your feet. He wants to say something, to try and get your attention, but he can’t from where he is.
“Miss, I think you’ve dropped something,” The woman you’re standing in front of says, gesturing to the scarf pooled at your feet.
You meet her eyes, sniffling slightly, “Thank you.”
Spencer watches as you pick it up, back still to him. Crisis averted, he turns his attention back to what he's reading: the published copy of your thesis Hotch had emailed him last week.
September 2nd, 2009
"This is SSA ____, the newest member of our team. She’s recently graduated from the academy and has an excellent knowledge of linguistics that the bureau feels will be a great advantage to this team. She’s had her induction and now will be joining the team on a probationary basis. She’ll be spending a little time with each of you in between cases to make sure she forms well-rounded knowledge of all aspects of what we do.”
It’s a little overwhelming, having everybody’s eyes on you.
“It’s so nice to meet you,” Emily is the first over, offering her hand for you to shake.
“You too, it’s really nice to meet all of you,” You say, shaking hands in turn with her, Morgan, Rossi, J.J, and Garcia.
“Hi,” Spencer calls from behind you.
You turn around to face him. You remember what Hotch had mentioned to you about him being a bit of a germaphobe, so you keep your hand by your side.
“Hi,” You say, “Dr. Reid, right?”
“You can call me Spencer,” He says, a little bashful, “I read your thesis, the study about you did about the construction of passive clauses as an indicator of guilt in adolescent offenders. It was fascinating.”
You feel yourself getting a little warm under his gaze, “Thank you. I'm surprised you’re even aware it existed.”
Hotch interrupts then, “Reid, do you want to sit with ____ while she goes over the case file? It’d be useful if you could go over how you’d go about constructing a linguistic profile.”
That’s how you end up spending much of your first day: with Spencer, huddled up over case files as he explains his profile-building process to you. Spencer’s an incredible teacher, you think. He explains his thought process without ever being condescending, leaving little gaps for you to answer.
You’re incredible, Spencer thinks. You seem to grasp exactly what he’s saying, filling in the gaps based on the clues that are actually in front of you, not letting yourself be guided too much by bias.
October 29th, 2009
Spencer loves everyone at the BAU. They’re all the family he never had, and he has relatively good friendships with all of them. Just, they aren’t quite the same as they are with you.
He struggles to put his finger on it, exactly. It’s a unique relationship. He shares very familial bonds with a lot of them: he and Morgan are brotherly, Rossi is fatherly, Garcia’s somewhat like an overexcited little sister.
The friendship he has with you is special. You always listen to him, even as he rambles on about inane things that anybody else would tell him to shut up about. In fact, sometimes about the exact things that they do tell him to shut up about. Just last week, he was rambling on about Star Trek when Morgan told him, not altogether unkindly, to “give it a rest, kid.”
“What was that you were saying?” You’d asked, sidling up to him, “I’ve never watched Star Trek but I thought the quote was beam me up Scotty.”
He’d looked at you, considering you for a moment, “You don’t have to-”
“I know. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want to know Spence. You think I’d ask for a 15 minute lecture on Star Trek if I wasn’t interested in it?”
A warm feeling flooded his chest. The look on your face was so genuine, and you’d perched on the edge of his desk as he gesticulated, getting deep into the lore and how the misconception had come about. He still didn’t pinpoint exactly what it was, until he got to the end of his spiel. And then you asked him a question. You asked him a question to make sure you understood what he was talking about. You were listening the whole time, and you genuinely cared about the point he was making.
It's then that he realises, it was hard to pinpoint because it wasn’t friendship. He likes you. Shit.
November 2nd, 2009
You like everybody at the BAU. They’re all quite patient with you, really, happy to walk you through how they do things. Morgan’s taught you quite a bit about the tactical side of things already, and Rossi has been working with you on your interrogation techniques. Emily’s generally just a great mentor, always happy to listen and support however she can. She’s more experienced, but still relatively new to the team too, so you feel like there’s a certain understanding between you.
However, you’d definitely be lying if you said the person you hadn’t learnt the most from, or spent the most time with, was Spencer.
It hadn’t gone unnoticed by the rest of the team, either. You seemed to gravitate towards one another, forever sitting side-by-side on the plane. Sharing a line of thinking that usually led to devolved rambling, and scribbling, until you came up with something coherent.
It isn’t until November 2nd that you realise you have feelings for him.
You’re sitting at your desk, filling out a case report that Emily had promised to go over with you before she left for lunch.
“Hey,” Spencer’s familiar soothing voice comes, as he sidles up to you, “I got you something.”
Looking up, you notice the coffee cup in his right hand, “You are my caffeine lifesaver.”
He hands it to you, smiling a little nervously, “It’s actually not that.”
His other hand is tucked behind his back, and he pulls it foward towards you, brandishing a red sweatshirt.
“I know you uh, left your red sweater behind at the hotel on the last case. And I know it was your favourite one, and I was shopping yesterday and I saw this and...” He trails off, embarassed, “It’s not the exact same, but it’s the same kind. I just thought you might like it.”
You swallow, hard, “Spencer that’s so sweet. C-Can I hug you?”
He nods. Standing up from your desk, you wrap your arms around his frame.
“That was so thoughtful.”
He squeezes you a little, really leaning into the hug, his face pressing against your shoulder. His tousled hair tickles your nose a little and you smile, clinging onto him, relishing in the feeling of safety and warmth.
It hits you then. When you realise you don’t want to let go. When you realise he makes you feel fuzzy. Loved. Cared for in a way you haven’t felt in a long time. Eventually, you have to let him go, and it’s in a daze that you return to your desk. You’re so concentrated on your overwhelming realisation, you don’t realise how reluctant he is to let you leave his embrace.
December 22nd, 2009
Driving Spencer home from the office was really just an excuse to get some time alone with him. You’d said something about the Metro being busy, one of the services being cancelled. He hadn’t factchecked you on that.
The BAU had tentative plans for boxing day, with the caveat being that no emergent cases arrived in the meantime. It was only really four days you wouldn’t see him, but that was longer than you’d ever gone without seeing him in all the time you’d known him. You worked together everyday, and it was unusual for you to go a full weekend without seeing each other. Recently, you’d got into the habit of going out for Sunday brunch together.
Pulling up outside his house, you hear him sigh.
“I know it’s only four days, but I’ll miss you.”
Smiling, you turn to him, “I’ll miss you too.” 
Something in you changes then. He’s looking at you. You may be relatively new to profiling but you can see something behind his eyes, feel the charge of unsaid words electrifying the air.
“Can I hug you?” He asks.
“You can always hug me,” You reply, undoing your seatbelt and opening your arms for him.
He embraces you the way he always has: tightly. Like he doesn’t want to let go, couldn’t imagine ever letting you go. His face nuzzles to the crook of your neck, and then you feel his thumb brush your chin. Tilting your head down.
You exchange a look. His eyes flicker from your eyes, to your lips, and back. You nod your head, just slightly.
He kisses you then. Tender. You melt into one another, lips moving quickly as you drink one another in. Kissing each other breathless, your fingers intertwine in his hair and his hand comes up to cup your cheek. Nothing has ever felt so right.
June 10th, 2011
Neither of you have ever really believed in fate. It’s hard to - especially in your line of work - to want to interpret the workings of the universe as deliberate. Maybe you’d think a little differently though, if you knew about all the near-misses. All the times you could have met. But fate knew better. She waited until you were ready.
And as you exchange vows, promising each other your forever, you both know you couldn’t possibly deny that this was meant to be.
Taglists: @takeyourleap-of-faith @sassiest-politician
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spade-riddles · 4 years
Submission: Kaylor timeline 2019-2020
This is a atempt of maping the happenings surrounding kaylor in the last 3 years. Please keep in mind that i might forget some things, mostly from 2019 since my memory is actually horrible. I’ll try to include the most important things mainly so let me know if i missed something big. Also, feel free to add some kaylor nods, easter eggs on the girls’ social media, general stuff and correct me i fim wrong on dates or places. Oh quick disclaimer: most of this is Taylor focused because the last time i went on karlies instagram to look for the nashville selfie i actually wanted to puke or bury my face into a hole for the rest of eternety (ok, both) after seeing the jerk photos so if you have any important stuff please add it. Thank u!!!
Lover Era
- ME! MV release on lesbian visibility day (april 26th)
- City of Lover (funny enough, karlie was there in march 😉)
- taylor’s pride post “lets show our pride...” (taylors ig june 1st)
- Promo for the MV with karlie’s hand on taylors ig 16 june post   
- sc**ter *audible puke sound* buys taylors masters (june 30th)
- You Need To Calm Down MV (july 17th) 
- Lover Title Track released 13 days after karlie’s bday (august 16th)
- Lover mv release which Taylor captioned on her ig post with YAIL lyrics.
- Lover Album Release (august 23rd)
- Miss Americana release (jan 31 2020) “gay pride... everything that makes me me” etc
- The Man MV release (feb 27th)
Here’s some posts with lover era easter eggs:
Link 1
Link 2
some inch resting posts:
eye theory ?! 
gold rush 😉
paris captions: 
Link 1
Link 2
(probably not that much of a proof much more of a koincidence since au revoir is a pretty common frase but whatever)
This masterpiece here during NYFW in 2019:
Tumblr media
note: I think its pretty safe to assume that up until this point its obvious kaylor is still together. Theres exactly no reason why Taylor and Karlie would be referencing kaylor stuff and each other at this point if they weren’t together.
folklore & evermore Era (oh the start of a daydream and a nightmare)
- Not a lot going on at the moment post  April 27, 2020
- Karlies very interesting posts:  
Dancing in a Cardigan July 10th, 2020
Happy Place July 23rd, 2020
- Tamagochi June 25, 2020 and buns May 14, 2020
- folklore announcement (july 23rd)
Note: up until this point its also pretty much a concensus that they’re still together. Since Karlie hinted the folklore aesthetic and cardigan on her ig post, and Taylor changed the cardigan lyrics to “knew you’d come back to me” and wrote “the lakes” and obviously there is “peace”. From this point on, especially after the WB stuff and pregnancy rumors in September (?) things start to get kinda blurry and gaylors and kaylors start building different point of views. So heres what happens:
- Taylor releases the long pond sessions where she says that joe is WB. I feel like we kinda all believe he isn’t, the thing that gives it for me is mostly Taylor’s body language and the way she stutters when she says it. Also, its kinda weird that out of nowhere joe got this songwriting skills magically. Like, they’ve been “together” for four years and only now Taylor discoveres this man has better songwriting and composing skills than his actual job, idk sounds fishy to me but, you make the call.
- Pregnancy rumors starts flowing on both sides. Taylor quickly starts drinking a shit ton of wine to get her beloved swiffers to come to the realization that she is in fact not pregnant. Karlie’s rumors also starts flowing, and then the people! (?) article comes out confirming it and Karlie later posts a video on her instagram. Here’s where it gets messy. Ill try to explain shortly to you the narrative on the Kaylor side and why i don’t believe in the gaylor narrative. Obviously its your choice wheter you believe it or not.
- Kaylor: The baby is Taylor’s and Karlie’s (not gonna get into hows and stuff bc if it is actually real then it is invading their privacy too much, also speculating about this might trigger some people). 
Things that back this theory up: obviously peace “give you a child”, karlie not tagging j*sh*a on her vids, that one 2,1/2 photo from the folklore photoshoot, buns and tamagochi, Taylor and Paul talking about parenthood in the Rolling Stone issue, and all the fertility imagery in evermore and folklore.
Karlie was in Cali in may until august, Taylor was also there. Jerk was on Ny or Miami cant exactly remeber. And it seems that this is what she wrote that one line “knew youd come back to me” in cardigan about. (IMO they [t and k] had some fight after the masters sale on the end of 2019 and took a break or something, so she would in fact come back to her, but just my opinion). So, karlie was there from may to august, karlie’s is on the end of her pregnancy, and if you do the math, she got pregnant sometime between june and july. Which makes it kinda impossible for the baby to be jerk’s (consequently ending the gaylor narrative) since he was in another place and karlie was on cali for like 4 months, if the baby was his, the baby would’ve been born already.
The gaylor narrative is mostly based on Taylor’s songs specially champagne problems, coney island, hoax, closure and exile.
Coney Island isn’t even necessarily a breakup song, it’s just simply a sad song, it is like death by a thousand cuts pt2, it gives the vibe that Taylor is sorry about a lot of things like not being able to thank Karlie “but when i walked up to the podium i think that i forgot to say your name”.
Like coney island, hoax is about the lows of their relationship but it’s clear in the song that taylor still loves karlie and would trade her for anything “don’t want no other shade of blue but you”
Closure and champagne: it just reminds me of Dianna for some reason i don’t even know how to explain it. Champagne Problems remind some of Dianna bc of i know places where she says “take my hand and don’t ever drop it”, to the gp that song is about harry(<3) and most songs that “are about him” are actually about Dianna. i do think it’s is kinda inspired by Karlie though.
Exile: honestly could be used to form a toe breakup narrative.
TBH we’ll probably never understand fully the story behind it. But Taylor also said that a lot of the albums are full of fantasy even thought they’re also inspired by real life situations.
Thank u for reading!! this is obviously my opinion on the matter and my take on the whole situation. feel free to believe whatever you want, and add stuff i forgot sending u lots of love <3
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
A new kind of competition RA on the Masked singer pt. 1
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well like I said on my last post, this is the 1st part of my Masked Singer chapter. And let me just tell you after literally MONTHS of trying to figure out a playlist for this chapter I FINALLY came to a good playlist that I could see the Rock Angel doing if she were to compete in the Masked Singer. So follow along and listen to the songs I’ve listed if you really wanna get into the mood of it and I hope you all enjoy this fun little chapter and until next time :)
*February 2021*
This was a whole new game changer for me, but I’m happy I signed up for it.  While visiting my son Georgie (through a very brief period when the pandemic was at a standstill, before the States closed down again), I had been asked by the Producers of NBC’s “The Masked Singer” if I’d be willing to participate in the show.
Having seen the show through Youtube videos and even seeing the UK’s version of it back home during our lockdown, I immediately hopped on board and said I would do it.  But of course being as secretive as this show was, they forbad me from telling anyone or announcing it on Social media, if I even breathed a word of my appearance on the show to anyone, they’d revoke it and kick me out of the show.
The character that they had chosen for me was the Lioness and boy was she a gorgeous creature.  Much like how they had the Lion all the way back in Season one, she was pure gold however she wasn’t covered with armor like the Lion was. I had asked for some flexibility to the outfit cause I wanted to give the audience a side of me that they’ve never seen before.  I wanted to be able to move much like Bow-Wow did on the last season of the Masked Singer as the Frog.
They took some of my ideas into consideration on allowing the outfit to have that flexibility for me to dance my heart out. I wore platform high-heeled boots much like I always did back when I first started off as the Rock Angel.
I also wanted to honor Freddie in a way with my outfit.  I had asked for the gloves if it could be possible if we could add some diamond claws. I showed them (whatever pictures I could find of the 1974 Rainbow concert. Thank you all for the lovely gifs) just so they could get the idea and when the costume dept. saw it, they fell in love with the idea.  They even agreed to shape the diamonds as real lioness claws.
Once the costume was fully complete and I got to put it on for the first time, it felt like I had actually become The Lioness. Of course it came with a price too, I wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone, even when I just had to go around with the mask, I was given the famed DON’T TALK TO ME black hoodie so that no one was able to hear my real voice.
I was also forbidden from talking to the other contestants as well as hear them rehearse until we would begin filming the episodes.  I was placed into GROUP B along with creatures such as the Piglet, Black Swan, the Chameleon, and Grandpa Monster.  I was also told that there would be some major game changers this season but no one, not even the judges knew just what those changes were, only the Host.
Weeks and weeks of rehearsals and performing each of my songs that I had picked out and wanted to do, never did I think I’d get as far as I did.  But I could care less about the trophy, I just enjoy singing and this was a whole new game changer cause now my fans get to see a whole new side of me that they never do get to see on stage with me.
Sure I’ve had courage to go up on stage constantly, overcome every obstacle known to man, hell even stay a sane person after having a rough childhood, but the Lioness has given me courage to do things that I’ve never done before on stage, whether performing with my boys, by myself, or with other singers that I’ve performed/toured with.  Back then or present day.
And I hope you all can guess correct just who is beneath the Lioness mask. Enjoy my dears.
“Alright! Alright! Alright!” the current host of MS5 Niecy Nash said after the last contestant Black Swan performed her opening song.  “Now this next contestant is gonna prove that she belongs on this stage. Give it up….for the Queen herself! The Lioness!”
The crowd cheered and I walked out with the Men in Black strutting down with pride in each step.  I greeted the audience with the royal wave before standing next to Niecy.  Even though I could vaguely see out of this mask, I still had some sense of the stage.
“Oooo girl you are stunning to look at look at this ya’ll ain’t see a Queen or what?!”
“She looks amazing!” I heard Jenny exclaim.
“Yeah I’m jealous look at those claws of hers. I wish I had those.” Nicole stated.  I gave them a sexy clawing motion with my hands as they all hooted and hollered.
“I agree with you Nicole. Now let’s find out some clues on just who this Queen Lioness is.” Through the TV, I knew my first clue package would be playing.  Here’s out it went down.
You would see a 3 layered rock platform, on smaller rock, one slightly taller in the middle and finally a large boulder that stood tall like a throne with me sitting on top of it.
“Welcome to my Pride. Being the top lioness isn’t always easy but it’s all worth it in the end. Something that I believe the world could benefit from.” The screen would change to me walking along a virtual plain with various animals.  “Growing up, we weren’t allowed to really show our true colors as much as we can now. If you were even slightly different from the rest of the world, you were condemned.” A zebra with the LGBTQ patterns for its stripes came up.
“An LGBTQ flag. Could be a member of it.” Pointed out Robin Thicke.
“But it still hurts me to see that even as society begins to change, there are those that still cling to the old ways of life.”
“Maybe a politician. This is a lot of politics going on here.” Nicole stated.  The screen changed to me holding the world in the palm of my hands.  I crushed the world down.
“I just hope that one day the world will come to understand that we are all One people, one world.” I opened my hands up and soon a rainbow appeared before ending my 1st clue package.
The stage was dark except for one spotlight shining down on me.  Well more like half of me, half of my body remained in the shadows while the other half was sparkling under the spotlight as I spoke with my American accent, the voice modulator turning off for my performance.
“We are a nation with multi-graphic boundaries. Bound together through our beliefs. We are like-minded individuals, sharing a common vision. Pushing toward a world rid of color loins.” Already I could see that people were trying to figure out who I was by hearing my real voice, but due to me American accent and natural British accent being two completely different voices, it was throwing people for a loop.
I then did Janet’s famed countdown with my right hand before the song came on full force and I and my backup dancers began to dance the Rhythm Nation dance.  ALL in perfect unison.
The crowd went insane and I could even see the judges standing up in shock as well as cheering.  I strutted towards the mic stand at the corner of the stage and began to sing.  My natural alto range came forth and I could see the audience singing along and even do some of the dance moves to the song, especially once the chorus hit.
I strutted across the stage before I would rejoin and lead the pride that was my dancers in the famed dance, before strutting forward on the stage, coaxing the audience to cry the chorus out loudly.
With music by our side To break the color lines Let's work together To improve our way of life Join voices in protest To social injustice A generation full of courage Come forth with me
People of the world today Are we looking for a better way of life We are a part of the rhythm nation People of the world unite Strength in numbers we can get it right One time (Sing it up!) We are a part of the rhythm nation
My backup dancers and I then did probably the most difficult dance break that Janet had set for all dancers to perform in perfect unison.
“She’s has got this dance DOWN!!” exclaimed Nicole.
“This has to be a natural singer!” Jenny told Robin who agreed.
“No question!”
Rhythm Nation baby!
Sing it for the children Sing it for the people
Rhythm Nation baby
Sing it for the man!
We are a part of a Rhythm Nation!
My dancers and I saluted and the crowd went absolutely berserk from my first number.
“Yaas Queen!” I heard Niecy exclaim as she came up to me.  “Lioness all up here slaying it!” I gave a graceful bow (as low as I could go without the mask falling off) and she said. “Judges what did you all think of our lovely Lioness’s performance.”
“Niecy you don’t need to say anything else cause you summed it up! I think we are in the presence of a true performer here.” Nicole first started off.
“Agreed. Never did we see someone actually have the guts to pull off—probably one of the hardest choreography dances ever!” Jenny agreed.
“Alright judges now you know the drill. It’s time to put your first impression guesses into the tour bus.” I could see some of them complaining as they wrote down their guesses on who I was as the little tour bus came through to collect their First Impression guesses.  “Now then, do any of you have any clues on just who this Queen of the Beasts could be, let’s start with you Mr. Robin.”
“Wha Me? Oh man….” The rest of the panel laughed at his misery while I mimed a laugh by putting my hand to my opened mouth mask. “I mean—this could literally be anyone but based off the clue package she spoke a lot about the world and people around it. So this definitely isn’t someone who is recently famous. She’s been around for a while.”
“Whatcha trying to say Robin that she’s old?” Niecy defended me as I got into a fighting position.
“Oh Robin you’re about to get mauled by the Lioness!” Ken teased him.
“No, no, no, no! Not insinuating anything!”
“Cause you know you never insult a woman’s age there Robin Thicke!” Niecy exclaimed.
“Tell him mommy!” Ken cheered.
“Sit down Kenneth!”
“Yes ma’am.” He said as he sat down on his chair.
“Where I was going with this is that maybe she came from an era where it wasn’t okay to bring about your sexuality or gender.”
“True, true.” Nicole agreed with him.
“And seeing the LGBTQ pattern on the zebra, I’m thinking this might be Shea Diamond.”
“Okay, okay not a bad guess.”
“I’m afraid I’m gonna have to disagree with you there Robin. I’ve listened to Shea Diamond sing and that’s not her.” Ken said.
“Then who do you think it is Ken?” asked Nicole.
“Okay I know exactly who this is.” Oh god here we go. “Okay from the clue package alone there was obviously the LGBTQ brand with the Zebra. Maybe she’s an advocate for the LGBTQ community. I’m going with Lady Gaga!”
Okay not a bad guess but it’s not her.  I could see some of the audience pondering Ken Jong’s rare, good guesses.
“Well Lioness whoever you are, you are a star.” Jenny stated as she pointed at me.  I blew her a kiss and Niecy said.
“Now Lioness before we go, I have to ask you. How long did it take you to do that dance?” I put the mic up to the thinnest part of my mask and answered with my voice modulator now on, making me sound like a warm, motherly Chipette.
“It took months actually, but I’m a fast learner when it comes to dancing.” I hinted that little clue and only my super fans would realize that I love to dance, especially when it was with my Brother Mine back in the day.
“Okay. Well give it up one more time for the Lioness!” the crowd applauded and I waved goodbye before walking off the stage.
After all the performances of Group B went, we all lined up and found out just who among us was going home for the first round in our group.  It was suspenseful but the votes were in and Grandpa Monster was the one to be eliminated from the first round.
I was safe for now.  I just hope I can keep going on and maybe go all the way.
It was now Round 2 and I was going to perform after the Chameleon.  I heard him do the song “21 Questions” by 50 Cent ft. Nate Dogg.  I’ll admit he was an impressive performance, especially with how he can rap so my best guess is that he could be a rapper.  Unfortunately, I’m not quite educated in my rappers (plus one rapper in particular still gives me a bad vibe after what he did) so I wouldn’t know who to begin guessing if I were an audience member.
After going to a commercial break it was now time for me to perform my second song choice that both me and the Producers thought would be a good fit for me.
“This Queen last time she crushed it with Janet’s Rhythm Nations, and now she’s back to hopefully crush it once more. Let’s dig up some more clues on the Lioness.”
The next clue package stood as followed:
“I’ll admit, 1st round I was terrified. Never have I done something like this before. But once I got up on stage, I overcame that fear and just sang. In fact, it was music that helped me overcome my shyness.” I told the camera.
I opened up a closet and inside it was my Red Special guitar, a pair of drum sticks and a Fender Bass guitar (the one that Deacy always played with).
“Growing up I had very low self-esteem. I was shy, insecure, and thought I’d never amount to anything.”
“Aww that’s so sad.” Nicole awed.  “Don’t worry I’ve been there too honey.”
“But when I found music, it changed my life. I would become a whole different person everytime I played an instrument. Or just sang to myself.” I picked up the Bass guitar and strummed it. “I especially loved the Rock and Roll artists growing up. Just seeing them perform live, gave me the confidence I needed to one day reach a dream of becoming a Rockstar myself. And low and behold it came true.”
I was now performing on stage with the Men in Black surrounding me pretending to be crazy fans holding up signs with hearts and I love you Lioness.
“So I’m here to say that if you feel like you’re alone out there in the world, or feel like it’s against you. Just listen and jam out to some of your fav tunes. Because in them, Life creates a new path for you.” I did a wind-mill and my mask gave a gleam at the right eye, symbolizing a wink.
The lights were dark and I took a deep breath in before exhaling out.  Soon the guitar strum of “Eye of the Tiger” came on before I threw my fist in the air with each punch the guitar gave, while fire spurted from the stage.
The crowd cheered as Survivor’s most popular song came through the speakers and I went up to the mic stand and sung my heart out. I changed a word or two just to make it fit more towards me but it didn’t take away the effect my song had on the audience.
The backup band was jamming out to the song with one lioness on the guitar and a male lion at the drums and another male one on the bass.  I belted out the last note
Rising up, back on the street Did my time, took my chances Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet Just a girl and her will to survive
So many times it happens too fast You trade your passion for glory Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past You must fight just to keep them alive
It's the eye of the tiger It's the thrill of the fight Rising up to the challenge of our rival And the last known survivor Stalks her prey in the night And she's watching us all with the eye
Of the Tiger
The eye of the tiger The eye of the tiger The eye of the Lioness
At the very last explosion of fireworks and fire, I punched my hand in the air and the crowd cheered.
“YASSS LIONESS!!!” I could hear Nicole cheering from the panel booth as she pointed at me.  Ken Jong, Jenny and Robin all bowed before my performance as Niecy came back up and she said.
“And the Queen slays us AGAIN!!” I bowed before her and took her hand and pressed it to my open mouth giving her a ‘kiss’. “Oh and I’m getting a royal kiss from the Queen herself!”
“Lucky mommy!” Ken proclaimed.
“Sit your butt down son! Panel, what did you think of that song?”
“Lioness, you took us to a real rock concert. I mean the fire, the electric guitar. And I think I even saw you doing a little air guitar in there somewhere!” Jenny said.  I shrugged guiltily.  Yeah I did do a little air guitar, come on I know you all do it too! “But that was a killer performance!” I bowed my head in gratitude.
“What made you choose that song in particular?” Niecy asked me.
“It’s always a good rock anthem. You can just let yourself loose and not have a care in the world. And it really got me through my 1st year of being who I am today.” That got the panelists attention.
“Alright so we went through your personal journal and found out just who exactly your childhood crush was. Men in Black! Bring out the 1st crush clue!” Niecy announced as two of the men in Black came out with a large flat platform with a sheet over it.  “I’m excited to see just who it is you had a crush on. Now let’s see who it is…..”
Niecy took off the sheet and it revealed the late great Prince.
“It’s Prince!” exclaimed Nicole.
“Okay! Okay I see you Lioness! Little chocolate love there.” I laughed and said into my microphone.
“First thing I always notice about a man are his eyes. And growing up, Prince stole my heart with those eyes.”
“You sure it wasn’t also his dance moves?” Niecy asked me with a ‘for real’ look.
“Mm that too.” Everyone laughed before Niecy asked the judges.
“Okay so any guesses panel on just who this could be? Let’s start with you Jenny.”
“Oh my god why!?” we all laughed. “Okay going off by the tonality of your voice. You are truly a Rock star under there, there’s no way you could be a Pop artists or rapper under there. And my guess in Pink.”
A very good guess. In fact when Pink came on the music scene, everyone thought she was trying to copy my voice but she’s a total talented artist on her own. That’s all her voice, and I’m proud to have not only mentored her, but become her very dearest friend and confidant.
“Yeah it does kinda sound like Pink. But the clues didn’t really point out to her.” Nicole said.
“What you thinking Scherzinger?” Niecy asked.
“Okay so we saw LGBTQ last time but I also took notice of the instruments that were in this week’s clue package.  The red guitar specifically.” Oh shit she’s got it. “And I remember seeing this performer on my 12th birthday. I’m going with the Rock Angel (Y/n) Kline.”
“Ooo okay. Not a bad guess Nicole.”
“Yeah it could be the Rock Angel but it’s not!” Ken bluntly said.
“Oh god here we go again.” Jenny said as she flopped against her chair.
“In the clue package we did see the guitars and the drumsticks. And Sticks rhymes with what? Nicks. Stevie Nicks welcome to the Masked Singer!” Oh god Ken.
No way could I ever be compare to Stevie Nicks! She’s way above me and no way could I ever be better than her or do her vocal ranges like she can do.
“Ken I swear I’m about to hit you in the head with this pen.” Nicole said.
“Alright, alright, alright calm down up there. Look no matter who is under here, let’s agree that the Lioness gave yet another rockin performance. Give it up for the Lioness everybody!” I walked backstage.
“The panel has given some good guesses. But there’s gonna be surprised to see just who I am. And—”
On your screens it would’ve staticed up and there on screen is the infamous Rooster with clues, Cluedle-Doo.  The rooster that’s been helping the viewers at home guess just who is under each mask, while also trying to get people to guess who he is.
“So sorry Lioness but I’m here to give the audience a little bit more than you’re letting on. Don’t let her voice fool you for she’s a Lioness that lives……across the pond.” His deep voice spoke to the camera as he walked over to his map with a pushpin pointed right at England.
“Hold on what was that? Something fishy is going on around here, and I’m gonna find out what.” I told the camera as I waved my fist.
A couple more performances later as well as the reveal of our group’s Wildcard, The Crab and it was time to reveal who was going to be unmasked.  I almost feared that I was gonna be the one to go home since Nicole had said my name and the fans would demand that I be unmasked.
But when Niecy read out that the Crab was gonna have to be unmasked I sighed with relief but I was also sad for the crab. He actually performed well tonight and I wanted to see just how far he was gonna go.  As me and the rest of the group that was safe headed back to our rooms, I kept thinking to myself just how was I gonna make it through without making my voice sound too obvious.
 Okay. This round is sure to throw them off my scent this time.  This is a song I’d never thought I’d do but it’s the only way to keep me going to the next round and not risk getting unmasked.
“Her last two performances have been killer! Now it’s time to see what else she’s got up her paws. Release, the Lioness!” Niecy announced.
I was staring into my reflection at a watering hole.
“This has been a wild ride for me. Most fun I’ve ever had in years.” The letters MSG flashed on the screen written within the mud.
“MSG? Madison Square Garden?” asked Ken.
“But I’m here to show that I truly belong here and deserve a shot to go the Distance.”
“Go the Distance. Isn’t that a song from a Disney film?” asked Robin.
“Yeah Hercules. Could she be in an adaptation of Hercules?” Jenny said.
“So for this next performance, I’m gonna do a song I’ve never done before, and hopefully that will keep me in with the pride and out of the spotlight for just a little while longer.”
I stood there with the spotlight on me, the mic stand right in front of me as Miley Cyrus’s song “Wrecking Ball” came on.  The last time this song had been used on this show was way back during Season 1 with Mrs. Gladys Knight.  And she did a phenomenal job with her rendition of the song.  However I had a little something extra up my sleeve.
I started off with a smooth, ballad like tone for the opening using my hands and arms to give forth a more deeper emotion as I sang the song.  Before I finally unleashed the fire within me.
Like Freddie always did back in the day when Queen first started off, I tore the mic stand off the rest of it and fell into the passion of the chorus using the mic-stand like a sledgehammer when I could. I could see everyone lip-syncing the chorus and even the judges were singing along to the song.
I went back to my ballad like tone as I was kneeling on the ground looking up towards the heavens before standing back up and slowly walked towards the back of the stage as the lights dimmed down to only a spotlight on me.
When the 2nd chorus came back on, I pulled out my big surprise.  When the lights came fully on, a makeshift Wrecking ball stood in the middle of the stage. In order for me to fully be on it with this costume, the Wrecking ball was built around a swing-set and was hidden within the walls of the Wrecking ball, but I could stick my feet through a curtain that would give the illusion of me actually being on a Wrecking Ball (much like Miley was).
Everyone in the audience was losing their minds, I even saw Nicole getting really into the song as she would raise and circle her arms in the air.  I kept swinging back and forth as I continued to sing until my final note.
We clawed, we chained, our hearts in vain We jumped, never asking why We kissed, I fell under your spell A love no one could deny
Don't you ever say I just walked away I will always want you
I came in like a wrecking ball I never hit so hard in love All I wanted was to break your walls All you ever did was wreck me Yeah, you, you wreck me
I never meant to start a war I just wanted you to let me in And instead of using force I guess I should've let you win I never meant to start a war I just wanted you to let me in I guess I should've let you win
Don't you ever say I just walked away I will always want you
I came in like a wrecking ball I never hit so hard in love All I wanted was to break your walls All you ever did was wreck me
I  came in like a wrecking ball Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung Left me crashing in a blazing fall All you ever did was wreck me Yeah, you, you wreck me
Yeah, you, you wreck me
This was probably my best performance of this entire competition.  No way was the audience gonna unmask me yet.  I got off of my makeshift Wrecking Ball and Niecy came up bowing before me.
“OH MY GOD!!!” Nicole and Jenny both exclaimed.
“The Queen remains on top!” at that point the crowd began cheering my character in a rhythm clap.
“LI-ON-ESS! LI-ON-ESS! LI-ON-ESS!!!” I coaxed them to keep chanting with my hands, going in time with their claps.
“Pardon my language but that performance definitely had balls.” Niecy said which made all of us laugh.  
“This is definitely the first time in Masked Singer history that someone was even able to do that with costumes like these.” Robin said.
“Lioness tell us how do you feel after that performance?” asked Niecy.
“Tired.” That got a good laugh out of the audience and the panel. “But it’s all worth it cause it’s either go big or go home. And I definitely do not wanna go home just yet.”
“Well we definitely don’t want you to go Superstar.” Jenny told me.  I gave her a heart shape ‘I Love you’ with my hand and pointed at her and she accepted it and sent one back to me.
“So any clues that you guys might’ve picked up on?”
“I’ll start off.” Ken said.
“Oh boy, here we go.” Robin said as Nicole laughed and I placed my hands on my hips.  This outta be good Dr. Ken.
“Okay so in this clue package we saw the acronym MSG. What’s that stand for? Madison. Square. Garden. This actress was born in Manhattan, NY. She can sing because she played a Porcupine in a film this my friends is none other than Black Widow herself, SCARLETT JOHANSSON!!”
“No! No way that’s Scarlett!” exclaimed Jenny.
“Have you seen the movie Sing? That’s totally her voice!”
“No it’s not!” Jenny argued back.
“Maybe not but Lioness might be connected to Scarlett in a way.”
“What you got cooking in that brain of yours Mr. Robin Thicke?” Niecy asked him.
“Well going through the clue package we saw the LGBTQ obviously, she is known for speaking up for the community especially since a few friends of hers are a part of that community. I’m gonna go with Nicole and say this is the Rock Angel.”
“Okay. Okay not a bad guess.”
“Just hearing the voice alone it just makes me think of her.”
“Yeah but the Rock Angel wouldn’t be able to do what Lioness did.” Jenny tried to argue.
Oh she don’t know me very well, does she? I’ve got some moves in these old bones Jenny.
“Well whoever is under that mask. This was definitely your best performance not only for you but for the show itself. I don’t think we’ll ever have a number quite like that again.” Nicole said.
“I agree girlfriend. Alright Lioness, you head on backstage and rest up. You’ve earned it honey.” I waved to the audience and left to go backstage.
“That was probably the—toughest performance of my life. With or without the costume.” I laughed.  “But I gave it my all and win or lose, I’m glad I did this show.”
After the elimination of the newest Wildcard the Bulldog.  Which wasn’t according to the votes, but by Niecy’s own will, Bulldog was revealed to be none other than Nick Cannon.  Who had returned to host the show after recovering from his COVID scare.
It was a huge surprise to see him back and actually competing in the show.  Although he wished he could’ve gone onward with the show but he was just happy to be back with the judges and to see us progress onward into the final few rounds.
After that filming, I was in my trailer resting after that performance, having the fan on full blast to try and take away my sweat, I phone rang and I saw Brian’s handsome, wrinkly face pop up on the screen.
“Hey Bri what’s up?”
‘Oh nothing much really. Just been……fiddling around with Red Special, keeping Anita company, and above all trying not to lose our minds over the lockdown.’
“I hear yah. America’s really been trying to tighten the leash on restrictions. But of course stubborn Americans, especially Trump supporters are still denying this pandemic and refusing to wear their face masks.”
‘Right up arseholes I tell yah. This isn’t some conspiracy thing. It’s real life.’
“I know Brian. But let’s change the subject before you go off on an angry rant and have another heart attack.”
‘You’re right, you’re right sorry. The reason I called was because I want you to clarify something for me.’
“Clarify what?”
‘Well. I don’t know if you’ve seen my Instagram lately. But our followers are telling me that I should ask you if you’re a part of a show called the Masked Singer?’
“The Masked Singer? Which version? Cause you know we’ve recently got one too now.”
‘They’re saying that you could be the Lioness on the American version. Is it true?’
“Bri. Come on. I’m in lockdown with my son during a pandemic, I run on the high risk factor due to my recent high blood pressure. Why would I do a show like that?”
‘They’re pretty adamant about it. So come on (n/n). Tell me the truth.’
“No Brian Harold May. I am not the Lioness. Besides even if I were, it’d be too obvious. Everyone knows I’m Roger’s lion cub. If I were to choose a creature, I’d be a griffin or White-wolf.”
‘Okay. If you say so. Stay safe out there love.’
“You too Bri. Hopefully, America can get their shit together so that I can fly back home soon. I miss you and Rog and Jack. How are they by the way?”
‘Well that husband of yours is still working hard to preserve the peace in London. Hardly any serious criminal activity, just rotter’s not wanting to wear their face masks inside local buildings. Rog is good, he’s been posting up a lot more on his Instagram lately. Been asking about you and worried sick over you.’
“Some things never change. Alright Bri well I know it’s pretty late over there, so get some sleep. You’ve probably never slept in this late in so long your body must be aching for it.”
‘Yeah I suppose your right. Have a good night love. Love you.’
“I love you too Bri. Bye.” He said goodbye and I hung up on him.  “Bloody hell that was close. Thank god he didn’t hit facetime, otherwise he would’ve been suspicious.”
Now it was time to change things up with this weeks performance.  I’ve been giving out killer hard-rock/pop songs but now it was time to allow the audience to just solely focus on my vocals alone.  Plus this performance was in dedication to a very special someone.
“Now here to wow us once again and seeing if we can dig up more clues on her identity. Here’s the Lioness.” Nick Cannon announced.
“Being on this show has really meant a lot to me.” The screen showed my last performance as well as my 1st performance. “But now I’m gonna take things back and really allow you guys to get to know me.”
I was in my ‘house’ writing at my desk a letter. And on the laptop it said a number code. 149121.
“Oh wow a number code. 149121.” Jenny said.
“Throughout my career I’ve met a lot of great people. But unfortunately I’ve had to say goodbye to some of them, some gone far too soon. Others for other personal reasons.”
“So she’s lost someone. Maybe a partner.”
“This one person in particular even though he’s still around physically, I had no choice but to let him go. We practically did everything together. But I understood why he did what he did, and I never pressured him to come back to the spotlight.” I touched a shadow figure of a male lion. “So this performance is for my brother. And I hope he’s living out a happy life doing whatever it is he wants to. I will always love you forever, my Brother Mine.”
It was just me up there with the spotlight down on me.  I took a deep breath in before softly exhaling.  This one’s for you Deacy.  I opened my mouth and sung my next song, “I will always love you” by Whitney Houston.
The audience was in tranced by voice alone, some of them pressing their hands to their hearts and I could swear I saw some of the judges already starting to cry.  When the bridge came up, I thought back to all the memories Deacy and I had together.
Playing the bass, me sitting the Deaklings when they were little babies, us always dancing together at the after parties (after some liquid courage).  To the big moments whenever the two of us were on stage together and we’d interact with each other.
Him doing his “Disco moves” on stage during our sets, or how during the medley’s during the “Kind of Magic tour” we’d be the ones to stand together as he played his bass and I would have my acoustic guitar or tambourine on me.  Remembering his happy smile, the way his eyes wrinkled whenever he’d smile that adorable, gapped tooth smile of his.
If I should stay, I would only be in your way
So I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you every step of the way
And I will always love you
I will always love you
I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of
And I wish to you joy and happiness
But above all this, I wish you love
Finally I unleashed the power that my voice had gained throughout the years.  As the lights danced about with the beat of the song as well as my voice, the audience cheered as I belted out that famed last bit of the chorus.  Some were in tears while others were just in awe.  Ken and Nicole were dabbing their eyes trying to rid of their tears while Jenny and Robin were just shaking their heads in pure awe.
I don’t know if you’ll ever see this Brother Mine, but if you do, know that this performance is for you.  I hope you’re happy, safe, and healthy.  Both physically and mentally.
And I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always
Love you
I will always love you
I, I will always
Love you
You, darling, I love you
Ooh, I'll always,
I'll always love you
I held out the last note as I slowly extended my arms before finally ending the song.  The audience cheered and applauded for another killer performance.
“Unbelievable! The lioness really pulling the heartstrings now!” Nick said as he came up and stood beside me.  “You even had me going there for a second there Lioness.” I gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder.
“Oh my god Lioness, let me just say. Your last few performances you were slaying and killing it with hardcore dancing, rock and roll and semi-aerial stuff. But this week……we truly got to see your voice. And that—rawness it just……you have me in tears.” Nicole said as she continued to wipe away her tears.
“I agree with Nicole.” Robin said.  I gave them a bow of my head.  “It’s—it’s really rare when we see female artists do such songs on this stage. Especially one as difficult as that song in particular. But you were the perfect voice to sing that song.”
“Thank you Robin.”
“Now it’s time to find out just what is inside the Mind of our Lioness. If you would just quickly step on over to our mind-reader. We would like to see just what’s within your Lioness brain.” I walked over to the machine that was gonna give an extra clue as to who I was.  “Scanning, scanning, scanning and it is…..a Police badge.”
I stepped out from the machine and walked back towards Nick.
“Do we have another Jackson family member on our hands?” asked Ken.  I remember thinking back to La Toya Jackson who was “the Alien”.
“Unlike Ms. Jackson I’m not a police officer. But I am directly involved with them.” The audience ooed.
“That give you any guesses panel?” Nick asked.
“Not a single one.” Jenny shook her head which made us laugh.
“Indirectly involved with the police. I mean does that mean she’s an informant? Reality star maybe?” Ken suggested.
“Maybe she played one on TV. Maybe it’s Priyanka Chopra.” Robin added.
“Yeah cause of her role in Quantico.” Nicole agreed.
“No guys I don’t think it’s Priyanka. It really doesn’t sound like her. Lioness has a more richer tone than she does.”
“Well we’re stumped!” Ken said as he sat down on his chair throwing his hands up in surrender.
“Oh now don’t give up son!”
“I can’t do it daddy! Just take off the mask and show us who you are Lioness!” Ken demanded but I shook my head and placed my index finger over my masked lips in shush.
“She knows the drill. Well you wowed us with your vocals, go on and head backstage. Give it up one more time for her royal highness the Lioness everybody.”
“That performance……really took a lot out of me. I was even crying at one point under the mask. But I hope I secured a spot for the Super 8.”  As I take my leave, the infamous Cluedle-Doo shows up and he tells the camera.
“Another infamous secret you might want to know about the Lioness here is that she also has ties in with space. Look at these stars, does it give you any hints? Because 2 people she cares about study it.”
“Oh it’s you! Come back you yah cocky Rooster! I’m really gonna turn you into fried chicken now!” I exclaimed as I chased after the Rooster whose been trying to give away more secrets about me.  He gobbled out in laughter as he ran away.
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erensnubs · 3 years
𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕
Oikawa x F! Reader
Chapter 1
Word count: 1.9k
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You let yourself be held by Matsukawa with Hanamaki's legs thrown over yours. 
"Mrs. Darcy ....Mrs. Darcy…. Mrs. Darcy ....Mrs. Darcy," Mr. Darcy says to Lizzie on the T.V screen. 
Hanamaki sniffles, "Yo I thought this was gonna be cringey but I'm crying right now." 
Matsukawa nods, silent tears rolling down his face. You smile a little and both pat them affectionately.
"Pride and Prejudice, will always be timeless. The book and the movie. I honestly think it's great either way. And Mr. Darcy is just UGH perfect," you say sniffling yourself and resting your head on the pillows. 
It's been 1 month since you arrived at Aoba Johsai, and you settled in with Hanamaki and Matsukawa as your "in school friends". You've been hanging out together now, and even more so because of volleyball practice and you being manager. 
You got close enough to each other that now you were bundled up with blankets, with Hanamaki laying on you and being held by Matsukawa. Popcorn, chips and candy are laying on the ground everywhere with CD's stacked up on the ground. 
"Bro this is actually a good show," Hanamaki says looking up at Matsukawa.
"Yo can you be quiet because I'm trying to process this shit," Matsukawa says and you start laughing. 
"Okay okay, the next movie is called…." You say searching through the pile.
"....10 Things I Hate About You!" You say pulling out the CD and sliding off the couch. 
"What's this one about?" Hanamaki asks, "Is it like a history one like the one we just watched?" 
You scoff, "No, this is totally different. It's a highschool one. I'm not going to explain it because it's confusing so just watch it." 
You put the CD in and the TV starts up to play the movie. You walk back to the couch as Matsukawa scoots to make some room. 
"Yo, [Name], tell me when the movie's actually starting because Iwa and Oikawa are texting me right now and say they wanna talk," Matsukawa says sliding off the couch. 
"You too Makki." 
Hanamaki looks at Matsukawa weirdly, "Wait why? I wanna watch the movie." 
Matsukawa shrugs his shoulders,"Just come over for a bit, it'll probably be short. You cool with that [Name]?" 
You nod. You weren't surprised that Oikawa and Iwaizumi wanted to talk to them. They were friends for a while and what you gathered from their perspective, you sort of ruined their whole dynamic. 
Especially Oikawa. The volleyball captain, despite your best efforts to try and communicate with him as manager, he'd make up some random excuse or fakely answers your question with that annoying sarcasm and perfectionism that everyone seemed to buy. 
Other than that the man literally glared at you, staring spears into your eyes when you caught him looking. You wish you could talk to him about it but it was made very clearly, he didn't like you "stealing" his friends. 
"Wait so you're from?" Matsukawa says at the lunch table. 
"I'm from [Country], but my parents moved here in Japan for my 1st year of highschool for business and because they move around a lot I've been staying at my Aunt's. I went to Karasuno for a while, then my parents decided I should enroll here," you say, picking at your lunch. 
Matsukawa smiles, "Hey that's pretty cool, our volleyball team is actually having practice with them! Soon I think.... I'm not sure. I can ask Oikawa… wait! He's here!" 
Matsukawa and you turn to the tall man, with the brown locks. 
"Oikawa! Come sit with me, [Name], and Hanamaki today! You too Iwa!" 
The two men came over and now you were sitting between Matsukawa and Hanamaki while facing Oikawa and Iwaizumi. 
Oikawa gives an indifferent stare at you for a split second before resuming a happy disposition. 
"Who might you be?" He asks. 
Your body physically retreats back because he made it seem like he does know you, but wanted to take a stab at you. 
What the fuck is his problem, you think. 
"It's [Name]. And you're Iwaizumi and Oikawa?" 
Iwaizumi nods, before Oikawa cuts him off icily, "Yeah yeah. I guess what I'm asking is what are you doing here at the volleyball table?" 
Ok so he DEFINITELY doesn't like you and Iwaizumi seems to sense this because he shoves Oikawa's shoulder. 
He pulls Oikawa by his arm and abruptly stands up, "God, I apologize about that. Me and Oikawa are going to sit somewhere else." 
And with that you were left with a confused Hanamaki and an equally confused Matsukawa, struggling to comprehend what happened. 
You've been meaning to talk to Hanamaki about this, but you decided against it. You shouldn't be meddling in their affairs anyway. They were friends longer and Oikawa was probably just having a bad day. You assured yourself with baseless rumors about how Oikawa was a happy-go-lucky boy who was talented, smart and kind to others. Surely he couldn't be bad? 
The stares, condescending smirks, and judgemental stares said otherwise. It was as if he gave everyone special treatment, except you. And you really didn't know why. 
Until today, you're gonna eavesdrop on their conversation. 
You tug on Hanamaki and motion for him to lean into you. He complied and you whisper in his ear. 
"Hey just for fun can I listen to the call? I promise I won't make any sound," you say and beam up at him. 
Hanamaki pulls back from your face and laughs, "Sure you're too freaking cute to say no to anyways. Mattsun! Can [Name] listen in? Just for fun?" 
You turn to Matsukawa and say, "I promise I won't say anything or make any sounds." 
Matsukawa smirks, "I don't really care. It's probably about homework anyways." 
You and Hanamaki share a devil-like smile. Something unspoken was between the two of you, and you both concluded that this conversation was most definitely not about homework. 
Suddenly a voice picks up on Matsukawa's phone and he puts it on speaker.
"Hey? What do you guys need?" he says, calmly. 
Iwaizumi's voice cut through, "Nothing just, Oikawa's a little upset." 
Hanamaki jumps in, "Wait why?" 
Iwaizumi sighs, "He's not telling me, but I think he's upset that you guys are with [Name] and not hanging out with us. Which is weird because we literally hang out a lot together and this is sort of like a once in a while thing right?" 
You slap your hand to your face and Hanamaki buries his face into your shoulder, trying to stifle your laughs. 
Matsukawa clears his throat, "Uh yeah? So what do you want us to do? Want us to invite you guys over? My parents aren't home so I don't think they'll mind having you come over." 
Oikawa's voice, clear as day rings through the phone. 
"Oh so a GIRL is alright at your house?" 
Your eyes widen as you share a look with Matsukawa. You were tempted to grab the phone and give the guy a piece of his mind but Hanamaki grabbed your wrist. 
"Man, chill. This is one of the only times she can come over. And I didn't think you would care so much about her, when you literally have girlfriends left and right," Matsukawa says, earning an approving look from you. 
Iwaizumi talks, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure Oikawa hates her guts because of some of the attention she's getting- 
"Am not!" 
"-because she's the new manager, new student and she quickly became friends with you two and the team…" 
Then Iwaizumi suddenly whispers, "Or Oikawa thinks she's interesting and you know.." 
Hanamaki looks at you and you jerk your head to the phone. 
"Uh… what do you mean?" 
You hear Iwaizumi slap himself in the forehead, "He thinks she's interesting romantically dipshits." 
Matsukawa snaps his fingers, "Oh he wants to fuck her?" He looks at you and wiggles his eyebrows. 
You furrow your eyebrows and flip him off. 
"What no? I mean I guess? I don't know…" 
Hanamaki looks at Matsukawa questioningly. And this time, you didn't know what it meant. 
Hanamaki barely mouths, "But doesn't he-" 
Matsukawa glares at him with a "let's continue this conversation later" look. 
"Uh alright Iwaizumi, I'm gonna let you go now… byeeee", He says. 
"Wait Mattsun no-". 
You stare nonchalantly at the screen, "Well you know that was…" 
Hanamaki finishes,"Interesting? No more scandalous." 
You punch him in the arm, "Wow did watching a Jane Austen movie expand your vocabulary? Maybe we should ask our English teacher to watch period pieces for our class.” 
Matsukawa laughs, “And hear this man’s ANNOYING crying! In class? Hell no.” 
Hanamaki scoffs, “First of all shut the fuck up Mattsun, and second, I see what you did there. Turning the attention to me.”
He looks back at you and you give a disinterested look. 
“Sure, but it's not really anything new. I’ve had plenty of people who hated me at first actually wanted to get to know me. I can’t blame that. People tend to do that when they encounter something new," you tell them. 
"I don't blame Oikawa for being, I don't know, a bitch to me. I did kind of steal some time away from all of you to hang out together." You shrug the volleyball jacket Hanamaki gave you back on and look at the boys. 
Matsukawa sighs, "Don't think about it too much [Name]. He's probably stressed and stuff about volleyball and all his school things. And honestly don't hook up with him, he's sorta a player." 
You nod and turn your attention to the T.V, but you can't ignore the weird look Matsukawa and Hanamaki give each other before finally settling in and watching the movie. 
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He sees Hanamaki not so subtly come back to the couch, but [Name] doesn't mind the intrusion. 
Truth be told, Matsukawa did care for [Name], but not as much as Hanamaki did. To him, [Name] was just another friend he could vibe with. For Hanamaki, it was much more. 
He didn't exactly know Hanamaki's motives with [Name]. He knew they were somewhat platonic, but he couldn't tell for sure. 
As for Oikawa… yeah that was clueless for him. He didn't want to agree right away with Makki, his pride wouldn't allow that, but he was right. Oikawa did find [Name] interesting, romantically. 
He saw it in the way his eyes would immediately trail over to her when she walked to class. How Oikawa would cover his face "casually", when she would randomly waltz around the room with him. When Oikawa would purposely wait a while and then join the lunch line so he could go near [Name]. Sometimes, Matsukawa could literally see Oikawa undressing her with his eyes when she was at volleyball practice and she was running back and forth getting water bottles and towels, sweat covering her like sheet. 
He noticed and kept them to himself. Matsukawa Issei didn't owe anybody the information he had. So he kept it to himself. He really didn't have to tell anybody. 
So that's what he did. Like how he's probably going to keep this information and statements from Iwa and Makki to himself as well. He won't confront Oikawa about it, nor will he meddle with Oikawa's relationship.
But what he will do is subtly give you hints about what's going on. He thinks you're a smart enough girl, that once he gives you the directions you'll figure it out. 
As to why he wants to do it. He doesn't know. Perhaps, you've grown on him. 
Yes. Perhaps you did.
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[Name] is used to men's lewd behavior because they will do ANYTHING to sleep with ANYBODY she thinks 
Matsukawa and Hanamaki trust [Name], but not enough to give her The Look 
Matsukawa and Hanamaki know something that [Name] doesn't. 
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Taglist: @saladskittles @tanakasimpcorner
A note from Chef Tina: I used pics art for the random posts!
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Scripted: Part 6
Namjoon x Reader; Jimin x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, President!Namjoon, Head of Security!Jimin
Warnings: (Reluctant) open relationship, mentions of cheating
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“I haven’t seen him in days Momo,” you huffed as the two of you walked through the banquet hall that the benefit for the children’s hospital was going to be held in. 
“Like at all?” Momo wondered and you shook your head. 
“I go to bed alone and I wake up alone. I call down to his office and Taehyung makes up some bullshit excuse about how Namjoon’s too busy to talk.”
“Maybe he is actually busy though Y/N-ah,” Momo chuckled. “He is President, remember?”
“You know that Taehyung can’t lie to save his life though,” you pointed out. “So I can tell that Namjoon’s making him cover for him.”
“Oh yeah, you’re right,” she nodded. “But still, you can’t really be surprised. I mean, you did tell the man that you didn’t want to have his babies.”
“He goaded me!” You whined loudly, making Momo chuckle at you.
“He’s your husband.”
“Legally,” you added. Momo opened her mouth to respond but Jimin walked up to the two of you then, a large grin spread onto his face.
“This place is amazing,” Jimin beamed with approval. “I think it’s a great place to have the benefit.”
“I’m happy that you like it,” you smiled softly before looking at Momo. “Can you call the owners and book this place for June 1st?”
“You think a little more than two months is enough time for us to plan this whole thing?” Momo questioned as she pulled her planner out of her bag, opening it up and writing a few things down inside. 
“It should be more than enough since there’s three of us behind this thing,” you said as you motioned to yourself, Momo and Jimin. “Plus, with my other commitments as First Lady, I’ll need the extra time and I wanna make sure that we do this right.”
“The kids deserve it,” Jimin added and you nodded. 
“Alright but speaking of Jimin’s help,” Momo smirked as she looked up at Jimin and you knew exactly what she was going to ask him. “Can we ask you something, to get a male’s perspective?”
“Sure,” Jimin shrugged.
“If you were married to a woman and she told you that she didn’t want to have your children, would you be upset?” Momo asked.
“I’d be pissed,” Jimin replied with no hesitation.
“Why?” you inquired.
“Well, as a man, there’s a lot of pride involved with being able to have children,” Jimin explained. “Children are the ones who carry on our legacies when we’re gone and for a lot of men, that carries a lot of weight.”
“But what if the marriage isn’t the best situation to bring a child into?” You challenged.
“Well, then I guess I would wonder why someone is even still in that marriage in the first place,” Jimin replied and Momo whistled lightly. 
“There’s some honesty for your ass,” Momo muttered.
“I’m sorry, did I miss something?” Jimin questioned.
“We were talking about Y/N-ah and Namjoon,” Momo answered and Jimin’s eyes widened.
“Oh, I’m so sorry Y/N,” Jimin apologized but you just smiled and shrugged.
“It’s ok, you didn’t know.”
“Still, it wasn’t my intention to seem judgmental,” he said.
“You were being honest, not judgmental,” you chuckled. “So I don’t mind.”
“You sure?”
“Hey, I’m best friends with this one, aren’t I?” You laughed as you pointed at Momo. “I’ve definitely been told worse.”
“I resent that,” Momo deadpanned without looking up from her planner. 
“Don’t you have lunch plans with Jungkook today Mo?” You checked and Momo nodded without looking up.
“Not until 12:30,” she said.
“It’s 12:45.”
“Shit, he’s gonna kill me for not calling!” Momo gasped as she lifted her arm and checked the wristwatch on her hand. She hastily stuffed her planner back into her bag before she started to speed walk away from you and Jimin. “I’ll call you later!”
“Bye!” You laughed and you waved at her as you and Jimin watched her run out of the banquet hall. 
“Is she always that scatter brained?” Jimin wondered with a chuckle.
“Yeah, but she’s also a genius so I let it slide,” you giggled as you and Jimin began to slowly walk around the grand ballroom. “She has a degree in theoretical physics, you know.”
“Really?” Jimin murmured in awe. “No offense, but why does she work for you?”
“As a woman in the field, she found it difficult to break down barriers and be taken as seriously as her male colleagues were so she quit her job a few weeks before Namjoon won the election and I offered to let her come work for me,” you explained. 
“That was nice of you,” Jimin smiled but you just shrugged.
“I kind of owed her,” you laughed. “I never would’ve passed the Bar exam if it weren’t for her and Namjoon helping me study.”
“You practice law,” Jimin said and you smiled.
“Used to,” you corrected him. “I had my own practice but I gave it up once Namjoon decided that he was going to run for President.”
“As progressive as Namjoon is, he never would’ve won the election if he had a wife that worked as a lawyer,” you explained. “It would’ve been too much for the more conservative voters.”
“That doesn’t seem very fair to you,” Jimin frowned. 
“It’s not,” you agreed. “Especially given how hard I worked to get through college and then law school and then the Bar exam but I did it because I believed in Namjoon and I didn’t want to be the reason that he lost the election, you know?”
“No, I get it,” Jimin said. “It just...seems like kind of a steep price to pay.”
“When you pay a lot of steep prices for someone, you get used to it,” you sighed. Jimin wanted to ask you what you meant by that, but he decided that he had done enough prying into your life for one day.
“Do you wanna go grab some lunch?” He asked instead and you nodded, suddenly aware of how hungry you were.
“Absolutely. Do you have any suggestions?” You wondered as the two of you started to walk towards the exit of the banquet hall. 
“I think I have a place that we could go,” Jimin smiled.
“Jimin hyung!” Jihyun exclaimed as he walked around the large counter that sat in the ramen restaurant and over to where you and Jimin were standing, throwing his arms around Jimin.
“Hi Jihyunie,” Jimin chuckled, hugging him back. Jihyun then pulled away from the hug and looked over to his left, his eyes widening considerably when he saw you. 
“Y-you’re the F-First Lady,” Jihyun stammered and you chuckled lightly as you nodded your head.
“I never get used to this reaction,” you joked as you looked over at Jimin and he just laughed before shaking his head.
“Excuse him,” Jimin laughed. “Y/N, this is my younger brother Jihyun. Jihyun, this is,-”
“First Lady Kim,” Jihyun rushed out, bowing to you respectfully. “It’s an honor to meet you.”
“I appreciate it but you don’t have to do that,” you told him as you bowed to him as well.
“A-are you sure?” Jihyun checked and you nodded with a smile.
“Jimin here told me that you have the best ramen in Seoul and I wanted to come try it out for myself,” you said and Jihyun nodded enthusiastically.
“Of course! Just have a seat and I’ll be right with you,” Jihyun stated before rushing back behind the counter and disappearing into the kitchen.
“Is he gonna be alright?” You asked Jimin as he led you over to a booth that sat in one of the corners of the restaurant, each of you taking a seat across from each other. 
“He’s probably back there freaking out,” Jimin replied honestly. “He couldn’t believe me when I said that I was taking this job working for you and Mr. Kim.”
“Well, it’s a good thing that this place is mostly empty then,” you murmured as you looked around the restaurant. 
“I figured that it would be, which is part of the reason that I brought you here,” Jimin replied. Just then, you heard a shrill voice and fast footsteps running in your direction.
“Uncle Jimin!” You looked up and saw a small girl, who looked like she wasn’t any older than 4, running over to your booth. Jimin slid out of the booth and kneeled down on the ground, opening his arms just in time for the little girl to crash into his chest.
“Hi Hana Banana,” Jimin giggled as he wrapped his arms around her and swung her from side to side. 
“I missed you,” Hana pouted as she pulled back and set her little hands on Jimin’s cheeks.
“I know, I missed you too. I’m sorry that I missed your call the other day,” Jimin apologized. “I was working.”
“You’re always working,” Hana huffed and you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you from how adorable she looked. An older woman, who looked to be about the same age as Jihyun, suddenly ran out from behind the counter.
“I’m so sorry Jimin,” the woman apologized as she walked over to where Jimin and Hana were hugging. “She heard your name and lost it.”
“It’s fine,” Jimin assured her as he stood up straight, hoisting Hana up and setting her on his hip. “Eun Jung, this is First Lady Kim. First Lady Kim, this is my sister-in-law, Park Eun Jung.”
“It is such a pleasure to meet you,” Eun Jung smiled as she bowed and you quickly slid out of the booth in order to bow to her as well.
“Likewise,” you nodded as you looked over at Hana, who was whispering into Jimin’s ear. “You have a gorgeous daughter.”
“Thank you,” Eun Jung grinned as she reached over and fixed the end of Hana’s dress. “She’s amazing when she actually listens to me.”
“She’s just like Jihyun was a kid, adventurous and with a mind of her own,” Jimin teased as he reached down and tickled Hana’s stomach, making her squeal and plead for him to stop. Jihyun walked out from the kitchen then, two menus in his hands as he walked over to where all of you were talking. 
“Told the whole family that we were here, huh?” Jimin chuckled and Jihyun blushed lightly.
“I was panicking, ok?” He admitted with a huff as he set the menus down on the table. “Please, please, have a seat and take all the time you need.”
“Thank you,” you nodded at him before sitting back down in the booth and picking up one of the menus. 
“Hana, come with me so that your uncle and First Lady Kim can enjoy their lunch,” Eun Jung said, holding her hands out for Hana to fall into but Hana just shook her head and folded herself in towards Jimin.
“It’s alright Eun Jung, I’ll keep her with me,” Jimin told her before looking over at you. “You don’t mind, do you?”
“Absolutely not,” you smiled and Jimin did the same before sitting down.
“Alright,” Eun Jung shrugged. “Jimin, I already know what your order is but are you ready to order ma’am?”
“Yes, I actually I am,” you replied. “Can I please have the kitakata style ramen?”
“Absolutely,” Eun Jung nodded, pulling out a small notepad and a pen from the apron that she had on, writing it down. 
“What kind of ramen do you want, Hana Banana?” Jimin asked his niece.
“Shio please Mommy,” Hana requested happily and Eun Jung chuckled before nodding.
“I’ll have them out to you guys soon,” she promised before walking away to go back into the kitchen. You closed the menu and placed it back onto the table, and you happened to notice that Hana was staring at you.
“You look like you want to ask me something,” you said as you looked down at her and she nodded slowly. “Go ahead, you can.”
“Are you the lady who takes my uncle Jimin away?” Hana wondered and you giggled as Jimin began to stammer nervously.
“She does not take me away Hana,” he told her.
“But I wanted you to take me to the movies and you said you couldn’t because you had to work,” Hana shot back.
“She has a point Jimin,” you shrugged with a smile. “But yes, your uncle Jimin works for me and for my husband too.”
“You’re married to the President?” Hana questioned.
“Yes, I am.”
“He looks mean,” Hana frowned. “He’s always frowning on the TV.”
“That’s only because he has to try very hard to be serious when he’s on TV,” you told her.
“Uncle Jimin said that he has to be serious at his job too,” Hana nodded thoughtfully before looking up at her uncle. “Is it hard for you?”
“Sometimes,” Jimin answered. “But I love my job so it’s not too hard.”
“Uncle Jiminie loves it more than me?” Hana asked fearfully and you watched with a smile as Jimin firmly shook his head and hugged Hana to his chest.
“There’s no one that I love more than you, Hana Banana,” he promised, which made the smile come back onto Hana’s face. Just then, Eun Jung came back out towards your booth, carrying a tray that held three bowls of ramen on top.
“Ramen!” Hana cried out and Eun Jung chuckled at her daughter as she set each bowl of ramen onto the table.
“That was quick,” you smiled, the smell of your own ramen making your mouth water.
“I’ve never seen my husband move this fast,” Eun Jung huffed with a chuckle. “Maybe you should come visit more often so that he’d get more done around here.”
“Thanks Eun Jung,” Jimin said.
“No problem,” Eun Jung nodded. “Enjoy, you guys.”
“Wait, are you serious?” You gasped and Jimin nodded as he took a spoonful of the last of his ramen. “You really joined the Navy right after high school?”
“How do you think I was able to move through the ranks and become Chief of Naval Operations by the age of 25?” Jimin chuckled. 
“I just figured that you must’ve been good at your job,” you shrugged.
“Well, I’m flattered,” Jimin grinned and you lowered your head to hide the heat that had risen to your cheeks. “But yeah, I shipped off to basic training two weeks after I graduated.”
“Wow,” you breathed. “What made you decide to do that?”
“I wasn’t really thinking about college because there was nothing that I found interesting enough to want to major in,” Jimin explained. “And since I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, I figured that the Navy could be a good starting point. Admittedly, I didn’t think that I’d be so good at it but I was and I just decided to run with it.”
“You ran right to the top too,” you joked, making Jimin laugh. 
“Yeah, but it wasn’t without it’s sacrifices. I barely saw my family or friends, and I didn’t even get to meet this one,” he paused to gesture to Hana, who was sitting next to him coloring. “Until she was almost a year old. It’s one of the main reasons why I took this job being head of security for you and Mr. Kim, so that I’d have a little bit more flexibility with my schedule.”
“If you don’t mind my asking, is that why you and your fiancee ended things?” You wondered and Jimin nodded.
“It’s more like why she ended things,” Jimin chuckled bitterly. “We were together for four years and one day, she just suddenly decided that she couldn’t handle the whole lifestyle anymore. I don’t blame her though. I mean, who wants to be married to a man who’s always gone and never has time for them?”
“I’m sorry Jimin,” you said softly.
“No, it’s ok,” he assured you. “It’s like you said, people change.” You opened your mouth to reply but just then, both Jihyun and Eun Jung walked over to your booth.
“How was your meal, First Lady Kim?” Jihyun wondered and you looked up at him with a smile. 
“It was amazing,” you nodded. “Jimin was right when he said that you had the best ramen in Seoul.”
“Thank you so much,” Jihyun replied as he bowed towards you.
“Oh shoot, it’s almost 2:30,” Jimin huffed as he looked down at the watch on his wrist before looking across the table at you. “Are you ready to head back to the Blue House?”
“Yes, I’m ready,” you nodded. You and Jimin both slid out of the booth then, standing up while Hana clung onto her uncle’s leg.
“I have to go back to work Hana Banana,” Jimin laughed as he looked down at her and she shook her head forcefully with a pout on her lips.
“Want you to stay here with me,” Hana huffed and Jimin bent down and picked her up, setting her on his hip.
“I’ll see you soon, ok?” He promised her and Hana nodded her head reluctantly. Jimin pressed a few kisses to her cheek before passing her off to Eun Jung, who was holding her hands out.
“Thank you so much for having me,” you said as you bowed to Jihyun and Eun Jung.
“No, thank you,” Eun Jung smiled.
“It was nice meeting you Hana,” you smiled and she returned a tiny smile to you as well.
“Bye. Tell your husband that he should smile more,” Hana told you and you couldn’t help but to laugh.
“I’ll make sure I will,” you assured her. After a few more goodbyes, you and Jimin walked out of the ramen shop and out to the waiting limousine. After opening the door for you and watching as you slid inside, Jimin slid in behind you and the driver swiftly pulled off towards the Blue House. 
“Thank you for taking me for lunch today,” you said to Jimin as he escorted you up the front steps of the Blue House.
“No problem. You kind of gave me the perfect excuse to go see them,” Jimin admitted sheepishly.
“I don’t mind,” you shrugged, finally making it to the front door. “It was nice.”
“So, we’re still on to do some more planning for the benefit in a few days?” Jimin checked and you nodded.
“Yeah, but it’ll just be you and I. Momo has a family thing,” you told him.
“Ah. Well, I’ll see you then. Have a nice rest of your day Y/N.”
“You too, Jimin,” you replied and after he flashed one more smile at you, he turned around and jogged back down the steps. You then turned back towards the door and pushed it open, stepping inside and shutting the door behind you.
After taking off your heels, you paced down the hallway to your and Namjoon’s private quarters and walked into your shared bedroom. However, your heart almost jumped through your throat at the sight of Namjoon sitting at the desk in your bedroom.
“God, you scared me!” You gasped, placing your hand on your chest over your heart in order to help calm it down. “I thought you’d still be in your office right now.” All Namjoon did was look at you and shrug, so you walked further into the room and stood in front of his desk.
“How was your day?” You asked and Namjoon just shrugged once again. “Alright. Is there any special reason why you’re working here and not in your office?” You wondered and Namjoon just looked at you with a blank stare on his face and suddenly, you understood why he was acting like that.
“Are you serious?” You laughed in disbelief. “Are you giving me the silent treatment?”
“If I were giving you the silent treatment, don’t you think I’d be in my office where it would be more effective?” Namjoon questioned. 
“Well, why weren’t you saying anything?”
“Because what do we have to talk about Y/N-ah?” Namjoon asked. “You made it very clear how you felt about me the other day.”
“Namjoon, I know this isn’t about the baby conversation,” you huffed and when he didn’t say anything, that gave you the answer that you were looking for. “Wow, you’re unbelievable.”
“Look Y/N-ah, I don’t want to argue with you,” Namjoon said as he abruptly stood up, grabbing his suit jacket from the back of his chair and shrugging it onto his shoulders. “I’m going out and I don’t think I’ll be back until late.”
“Where are you headed, to go fuck someone else?” You spit and Namjoon paused from buttoning up his jacket to look at you. 
“So what if I am?” He shrugged after a few seconds of silence. “You made it very clear how you feel about our marriage so why should’t I take advantage of the stipulations of the arrangement?”
“So just because I won’t have your baby, that means that you no longer respect me or care about me?”
“I’ll always care about you Y/N-ah,” he told you as he stepped around the desk and stood in front of you. “But respect is a two-way street, and you stopped respecting me a long time ago.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” You questioned and you swore that you could see something flash across Namjoon’s eyes, although you couldn’t decipher what.
“I have to go, I’m late,” he mumbled suddenly, stepping away from you and walking over to the door. “Don’t wait up.” You watched dumbfounded as he opened the bedroom door and stepped out into the hallway, slamming the door shut behind him; leaving you to wonder, “What the hell just happened?”
Tag List:  @toddsgirl27 @leftieaquarius @joyfulkmusicfan @jennyjq @xcharlottemikaelsonx @pop228 @belatona @babebri144 @dragonqueen01 @paolaa9700 @yiarsan @sunshinein17 @daydreambrliever @lyralefayc @weirdestpersoninearth @peachesandcreamsthings @missseoulite @ramengrace @minyoongi-infiresme @0minabean0 @korkanswers @dchimminie @mysr3 @emily2404xx @leilaakk @vonvi-blog @btsxdoll @heartfeltscribblings
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pentyler · 4 years
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Penny Tyler Intro
★ BIRTH DATE / 1 December, 1955 (i think LMAO) ★ BLOOD STATUS / Half-blood ★ PRONOUNS & IDENTITY / she/her; cis female ★ FACECLAIM / Tristin Mays
★ PRIMARY SCHOOL / London School of Witchcraft, class of 1974 ★ ACADEMIC PURSUITS / Pre-Auror ★ HOUSE & YEAR / Gryffindor, class of 77
( alcohol abuse cw, abuse cw )
★ Penelope was happy being poor, alone, and without any ounce of weight to her name. She was alright with being “Penny Tyler” the girl with a muggle father who left when she was six, a borderline alcoholic witch for a mother who tried her best to give Penny everything she needed to be successful in life, and one or two friends at London School who were there when she needed them, but never suffocated her. She was okay being the girl that no one knew existed, or cared about if they did. In fact, she almost loved that fact. She didn’t have to talk in class, she didn’t need to act like a good friend or pretend that she cared about other people. Everything seemed, for once, to be going alright. Then, of course, her mom fell in love (or so she claimed).
★ Augustine Nott came from a long line of pureblood wizards, and with that came a lot of gold and a big reputation, one that her mother was more than happy to become a part of. Parties every weekend and fancy gifts delivered to their dilapidated doorstep; those were the things that Mrs. Tyler lived for, and suddenly they were all hers. The wedding was fast, unexpected, and huge -- married in June of 1974. The gossip that followed it was even bigger. Penny’s mother was nothing to the pureblood family that Augustine came from; she was trash, and by association so was Penny. Nevermind that she didn’t want to live in his lavish house with his House Elf and seven bedrooms and four and a half baths. She was her mother’s daughter, and she was going to be known for it. She had a name to uphold now, there were people (her peers) that she had to socialize with and parties she had to attend, and no matter how much she wished that going to Hogwarts for her 1st year would change that, she found out it only got worse.  
★ Silas Nott entered the world at only 6lbs 6oz a year after the wedding. Yet the tiniest of things, make the largest impacts. The maddening part about it all was, Penny never wanted any part of it, yet it was clear, when it came to her new baby brother, she was the person who cared the most. And being away at Hogwarts, away from him, and knowing the care that he was in (trust her, she’d grown up with Vera Tyler as a mother herself), only added to the stress. It led to outbursts in lessons, physical altercations with other students in the corridors, and a foul mouth on the quidditch pitch. Penny was kicked from the quidditch team -- one she even captained as a Seeker. But that was the only consequence she ever faced among all the incidents in her years at Hogwarts. She hated the privilege her name brought, but at least she didn’t have to kiss away her dreams of being an Auror. Penny’s currently in her last year of the Auror Academy. And while her dreams are soon to come true, she has more goals now. In her heart, she knows the influence Silas was under could forever change him. Her endgame was to have custody of him. No matter what it took.
★ It was undeniable that Penny took after her mother, the way she fell quick, hard, and deep for a wizard. Ten years her senior, Andrew Porter worked tirelessly as a well trained Hit Wizard. They’d met as soon as Penny entered the academy. It even being on her very first day had her thinking, perhaps fate did exist, and they weren’t all aimlessly wandering about. They were engaged only three months later, with a rushed wedding following everything else. But to Penny, this wasn’t rushing. This was love and why would she wait for love? But this romance was a whirlwind for a reason. The first year -- marital bliss. Nothing but surprise dates, apartment shopping, and they even got a dog together. The second year, things began to fizzle out. But, that’s what Penny had expected. That’s what she’d been taught her whole life, watching her mother go through men. The excitement wore off as you entered the “normal stage”. But what about arguing every week, sleeping in different beds, and deciding to work overtime was normal?
★ She’d learned he’d lied about a few things since meeting -- all to make himself seem... superior. Did this man have a God complex? Was this relationship only feeding his ego? At times, it’s all it felt like, when she wasn’t being made to feel crazy. There was nothing but a sense of false security and though Penny did not quit a thing in her life, she had to escape. This was not setting any better example for Silas, after all. And wasn’t her baby brother the priority in her life? Penny had wasted so much of herself admiring this man, for nothing in return. He hadn’t helped build up Penny’s self-love, not once, and it was as soon as she realized that, did she file for divorce finally. This was in November of 1979 and while the divorce isn’t yet finalized, Penny is out of their house and has avoided all contact with him since. Recently, she’s couch surfing with her dog as she searches for a new place to live and trying to find a sense of purpose again.
✓ athletic; independent; adventurous  ✗ bitter; aloof; quick-tempered
whale HELLO! this is the love of my life penny tyler, comin’ atcha with a fresh face and backstory!!! i wanted an old character to connect with all da older bbs ~ so everyone come at me, but definitely da “older” crew!!
her about page & pinterest
is a few months away from becoming an official auror! so we will soon be responding to all the fuckin war crimes that yall be committing in this universe DLKFALKJLSKDF;J hit us up if you ever need anything auror related! 
penny is definitely ACAB but you gotta fight the system from the inside!!! she also has this antiquated dream that she is going to “save the world one day”
grew up rather poor and doesnt take shit for granted much because of it
she can be a bit Intense or Abrasive so i APOLOGIZE in advance! i do not support physical violence but ms penny says what u gonna do about it punk !! maybe it’s cuz she’s a sag idk dont perceive us basically
she also has attended a lot of pureblood events and parties since her mum got married in ‘74. so!!! connections there too >: )
has currently been couch surfing since her divorce! so if you’re one of those couches, hmu :)
is craaaaazzzzyyyyyy about music!!! has a vinyl collection thats p much her pride and joy and what most of her money has gone into over the years
picked the “ugliest” dog at the shelter and made it hers!!! her name is blair lol
okay i think i got what i needed to out but yeah!! IM HYPE YEET
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Okay lovelies...
Me and the sweet sweet sweet @ironmansuucks have been working on a really special something.
Dewey Finn x Reader, going to pride together!!!!!
(Heads up. Dewey being bisexual here... just throwing it out. If thats not your cup of tea... scroll along 🤫🙃)
Hope you guys enjoy! Happy pride!💓💖💗💙💚💓🧡🖤💝💜💞
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Proud to be at Pride with you.
June 1st. You thought to yourself as you lay in bed, waiting on Dewey to rise from his slumber. He was cuddled into you, his head on your chest, legs intertwined with your own, and your fingers were slowly and softly running though his messy hair. You wondered if he would wake up in a better mood. Last night he had been grumbling about some stupid co worker making comments about him, which made him feel insecure. You felt like you could go down and punch the guy. You made sure to give Dewey loads of cuddles and kisses.
He began to wake up, and you could feel him nuzzle himself into your chest further. “morning baby” you cooed to him, to which he replied with a grumble. You smirked at him. “what’s the plan today then my love?” you questioned, to see how he would react. Again, he grumbled. “to sleep all day”. You knitted your eyebrows playfully and lifted his head so you could look at his sleepy face. His eyes slowly peeked open and looked at you.
“you’re going to sleep all day? Today?”
“yeah. Its Saturday.. that’s what I always do on Saturdays..” he also knitted his eyebrows. his low grumbly voice really getting you, making your stomach flutter.
“even on this Saturday?” you began to smirk. You could see the cogs turning in his sleepy brain. His eyes squinting, eyebrows furrowed and mouth pouting.
“this Saturday…?” and then the realisation hit. “is it June?!?!?!” he asked excitedly. His eyes lighting up, sparkling with the same energy that you were first ever attracted to.
you smirked and nodded slowly “June 1st baby”. you couldn’t help but giggle at how giddy and happy he was. His face the happiest you had seen it in weeks.
Dewey pulled you into his embrace, the tightest, most joyous hug you had ever received and he started to pepper loving little kisses all of your face excitedly. “June.. is my… favourite… month… and you.. are my… favourite… human” he managed out between sporadic kisses. You giggled underneath him, at how is scruff was tickling your face and how his fingers sent goose bumps up your spine as they rubbed circles into your skin.
But suddenly you are released from his grip and he is clambering out of the sheets in a rush. “dewey what are you doing?” you laugh at him.
“wait wait wait I have a surprise!” he heads to the chest of drawers and starts to rake through them. “can’t it wait until after coffee and cuddles?” you giggle. “nope”. He shook his head and continued to look.
“ah ha! Here they are!” suddenly he pulled something out of the drawer, you couldn’t make out what it was yet but you could see when he began to scramble back over to the bed. What ever it was, it was rainbow patterned. You grinned.
He jumped down on the bed, grin spreading from ear to ear, crossing his legs sitting in front of you. His messy bed head making him look as cute as ever, like a literal child on Christmas. The morning glow lighting him up and creating a soft atmosphere.
He has his hands behind his back, hiding whatever it was he fetched out the drawer. “okay.. you ready babe?” he almost squealed with excitement. You sat up on your elbow and grinned at him, nodding.
“okay.. here you go”. Dewey handed you a little rainbow bundle. It was a pair of rainbow, pride patterned socks, and around the socks was the pick bracelet that Dewey had gotten you 5 years ago, the first time you both celebrated pride together. It was a little rainbow guitar pick, it was sheer, and attached to a metal bracelet, so you could wear it all month. And to match, he had gotten himself a matching guitar pick, one that he could carry around in his pocket, and use it when he was playing, all through the month of June, and of course he had bought himself some pride socks too.
“I almost forgot about the picks!” you exclaimed as you quickly snapped it around your wrist and looked up lovingly at Dewey. “yeah and I also got us socks! And- and we can wear them all month like we can just wash them every night, and-and I can wear my pride tie to work, the kids will love it so much, and we can bake rainbow cupcakes and..” he was so excited. You decided to calm him down by pulling him into a loving kiss by grabbing his t shirt and pulling him into you.
“and guess what else..” you pulled away from him and smirked, loving the playfulness in his eyes. “what?” he asked excitedly.
“well, I finally found us a pride festival to go to this year!” you just about shrieked with happiness.
You honestly thought Dewey could cry. “no- no way..” he trailed off as his features got bigger and wider than before. “when?” he bubbled with joy.
“it’s in two weeks baby” you moved your hands to his face and rubbed his cheeks lovingly.
Dewey just about launched himself at you. He was speechless, so he used his lips to tell you how he felt instead, pushing you back down on to the bed, as his hands began to roam your body. His lips moving with yours rhythmically.
The thing was, up until a few years ago, Dewey was battling with his sexuality. And it wasn’t until you guys became friends, and he really started to experiment and learn and find himself a little more, that he realised that he was bi. Then eventually you guys became closer and one thing led to another, and here you were.
Dewey had always supported the LGBTQ+ community, but he had never been able to find a festival close to him that he could go to. And you knew he would love it. You could pretty much see him bouncing about, the happiest he had ever been, and you couldn’t wait until he could finally experience it so soon. But it was still two weeks away.
So the two weeks leading up were filled with pride activities.
You guys baked rainbow coloured cupcakes, and Dewey was super bummed when the colours weren’t vibrant and looked kinda dull. But you saved the day by running to the store and buying some pre made ones. And of course he wore his rainbow tie and socks every day. Dewey bought so many different things to take with you guys to the festival; flags, sun-glasses, more socks and all of it rainbow themed.
But what Dewey didn’t know, was that you had something super special for him lined up at night time.
Your heart sang with the amount of Joy you noticed Dewey was experiencing already... and you guys had only been driving to Pride. It was early in the morning and the sun was coming up, replacing the moon, taking over her task as she went down slowly and took the stars with her.
Blasting Bohemian Rhapsody through the speakers as you two you sang along on the top of your lungs. Dew of course on key. You definetly off key. "Darlin'... Sweety... Angel... I love you so much, but you really can't sing..." Dewey whined dramatically as he threw his head back and flopped his hands for emphasis.
You reached out to pinch his scruffy sheek, and grabbed his hand to stop the floppy drama he had going on. You chuckled and kissed his wrist: "Hey... Dewdrop... This is us jamming okay? No Idols. Iknow i cant sing... but luckely I got killer looks, so I make up for it... right?"
Dewey got a mischievous smile on his lips and snorted lightly, pulling your intertwined hands back to him, and toyed with your Rainbow-pick-bracelet. He brought your hands to his lips and kissed the little trinket, humming contently as he did so. After that Dewey kissed his way up from the bracelet to your upper arm, scruff tickling your arm slightly as he did so.
You chuckled and yelped a bit at the tickling sensation, you hissed: "Dew! No teasing when im driving bud'! Its dangerous... Also REALLY wanna see your happy face when we're finally at pride Dew..." You threw Dewey a side-glance and quickly got your eyes on the road again. That glint of his absolute happyness and anticipation on his face was enough to make you smile yourself.
His lips still on your upper arm Dewey mumbled against your arm: "...you're forgiven, gorgeous.... please tell me we are almost theeeeere...?"
"Dew... I will disown you... if you ask me one more time... We said 10... this is #9..." you joked and felt Deweys breath as he huffed on your arm. And with a childish pout he pulled back. Slumping in his seat. His frown only lasted two seconds, then he perked up in his seat and yelled along with: YMCA. All bouncy joy again.
Probably the mix of anticipation and nerves making him even more bouncy then usual. Your mind drifted: 'had it been the 4 cups of coffee Dew have had?' You glanced sideways again and noticed a VERY happy, joyfull, bouncy Dewey Finn. Sending butterflies down your belly as he shamelessly danced along with the radio. So much dedication and enthausiasm in his every move. Flipping his hair as he rocked on the beat. The brown curls seemed to radiate his joy in life as well, the sun reflected a golden glow on them. He bopped his head and screamed along with the lyrics. Gosh... how you adored every inch of that man, your mister Finn...
After 40 minutes and a few more whiny asks from Dewey you told your boy: "We're here Dewdrop..." and stopped the van, but before you came to a completed stop Dewey opened his door already. The boy practically buzzed with excitement when he launched himself out of the van.
He skipped (Yes. Skipped...) towards your side of the car and opened the door for you with a flourish. A wide grin lay on his face and his eyes sparkled with excitement. His brown curls stood upright in literally every direction. You reached out to fix his 'rockstar' hair and messed with it untill you were content. Dewey huffed but let you ruffle it untill you were happy again, he leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss on your nose. His scruff tickled a bit and you giggled when you slapped his hands away. He huffed dramatically: "Awwww... baby... i just wanted to fix your hair too..."
You frowned a bit and replied: "Why? Is it odd Dewdrop?"
He snickered and brushed your cheek with his calloused fingers: "No sweety... its just... you look WAY too gorgeous to be legal..."
You playfully hit his chest and gave him a quick peck. Dewey pulled you out of the car enthausiasticly and pulled you in a tight hug as you literally stumbled into his arms.
Well... you tried to hug him... but... his bouncing made that nearly impossible.
You nuzzled into his neck: "Lets go rockstar!"
He whooped again, snatched the pride flags out of your hands and took a hold of your shoulders. Swiftly and smoothly turning you around with a chuckle and you obligied. Happy that your bouncy boy was this happy.
Dewey stopped bouncing for a second and tied the flag around your shoulders. Humming happily into your hair: "If capes ever come back into fashion... you'd rock them sweetheart."
You chucked and replied with a snort: "...Says the man with the mismatching vests and ties... Dewdrop... you wear happy socks... even in the summer!! I love every inch of you... but your fashion sence is dramatic!"
Dewey chuckled in response and patted your shoulders, turning so you could turn his flag into a cape as well. You couldnt hold back a smirk as your sweet boy replied:
"Baby... we all know... Everything's wrong with me... except my fashion sence..."
Gosh what a dork. But it was your dork.
Dewey turned around and pulled you flush against him. His hands slid towards your waist. His lips ghosted over yours and he breathed: "... Youknow you love my 'messy teacher' vibe babe... Yesterday we did some GREAT stuff with that ugly tie of mine... Remember?"
You swallowed thickly at the momory and smiled at how easy this man had you swooning. It was a talent indeed.
Your cheeks turned bright red and you had to admit: "Yeah Dew... you rock everything you wear. I have to give you that. Okay?"
Dewey pulled you into a sweet kiss and you whispered: "Okay champ... the ties can stay. And... Yesterdaywasreallyfunandyouactuallyturnmeonwearingthose..."
Dewey smirked: "What did ya say dear? Dont mumble... use your words." Dewey winked suggestively and continued: "We also discussed that yesterday remember, love...?"
You rolled your eyes and pecked him once more. Dewey was literally pouting when you pulled back that quickly. "Okay champ... enough ego boosting for today..." you chirped and you ruffled his hair. Deweys eyes widened manically and a grin appeared on his face. He bounced up and down, had JUST enough patience to fistbump you and ran off to the ticket booth after. One ball of excitement and pure joy.
You shook your head, in amazement of his engery, and your heart full of love.
You saw Dewey turn around... flapping his 'rainbow-cape' dramatically when he started to make flying sound effects and humm the tune to batman.
"COME ON BABE!!! I'm so exciteddd!! Lets go lets go lets goooo!!"
You've been wandering around for hours and were still amazed by the fact that Dewey still bounced. The exact same energy as 6 hours ago, still radiated of his happy-being. Dewey talked to everyone and anyone. Literally everyone. You knew he was enthusiastic. But... this was another level of excitement.
Randomly wandering around, eating snacks, slurping slushies, and randomly chat and high-five with people who glanced your way. His good vibe was just contagious.
You secretly lead Dewey towards the stage in the middle of the event.
You had been making up a plan with Ned, and the kids from school. Dewey loved jamming on his guitar and peforming. But...
You just knew your Dewey would be over the moon, if he found out he could actually play at pride.
So you made sure all of his stuff and equipment was on spot. The kids helped and Ned helped them with transporting all the gear.
Dewey was still oblivious, untill this moment. His happy eyes sparkled as he took in all the different pride flags and various people that were gathered around the stage. "Hey babe... thanx for taking me..." he suddenly spoke after he enthausiastically kissed your cheek. "...it's great to see everyone is so chill... with... everyone. Everyone can be who they are here. Thats... its..." you felt Deweys arms sneak around your waist and you pulled him into a tight hug. Supporting him. You knew what he wanted to say. He didnt need to finish, you felt it too.
It made you feel accepted. Valid. And loved. It made you feel less alone.
You squeezed him against you and breathed in his scent. In your embrace you mumbled in his ear: "Iknow Dew... iknow... I love you..."
Dewey pulled back, gazed into your eyes and you noticed his glassy eyes when he replied: "... you are weird... I like you..."
You snorted at his reply and cheekily awnsered: "Honeydew... We've been dating for almost 2 years... I know you like me..."
Deweys eyes shot from your eyes to your lips and back when he mumbled: "...You are the Nutella to my spoon, baby..."
His tone was playfull but his eyes shimmered with sincerity and love after his confession. You looked into his eyes and Dewey mumbled the softest: "...I love you too."
You chuckled emotionally and pulled him into the softest kiss you two had ever shared. The man may suck with admitting his feelings... but the look in his brown eyes told you all you needed to know. Nothing but pure admiration was seen in his eyes and the two of you revelled in the moment untill a sound on stage got your attention.
Your eyes met Deweys shocked ones and in his eyes were a mix of utter joy and panic, when he heared his name being called upon the stage.
"You're welcome rockstar. Rock their socks off my dear..."
You pulled him in your arms again and kissed his stunned face. Dewey smiled and you felt his tight body relax when his lips met yours.
You pulled back and Dewey had a determained look in his eyes. All excitement and dedication now...
The panic came crushing back onto his calm features.
Dewey quickly searched his pockets, front ones, back ones, the pockets in his jacket... hell... he even checked yours. He ruffled a hand through his hair and bit the inside of his cheek. A thing he only did when he was in utter panic and distress. "Wha-.... Whatsupp... Dew? What's wrong?" You muttered at his anxious form.
Dewey looked at you with a lost, puppy like look in his eyes. Not a happy puppy. A puppy who just had been scolded and beat to top it all off. Your heart sank at his lost expression and your heart hurted for your poor boy.
He mumbled with a shaking voice: "My erhm... I lost my pick..."
You grabbed his chin and pressed a sweet kiss on his sad lips. "HoneyDew... What's mine..."
You took of your bracelet and gave Dewey the rainbow pick that was inside the bracelet...
"What's mine... is also yours... Now... Go blow their friggin minds Dew!"
Dewey whooped loudly, took the pick out of your hands, pressed a happy kiss on the top of your forehead and jumped on stage. He bounced up towards Ned who was holding up his guitar to him, and blew a kiss your way before he strummed his first chord on the stage of Pride.
Dewey was all sweaty after a few hours of jamming on stage. You think you never saw the sweet boy happier to play anywhere else. This felt like home to the both of you. The vibe. The people. The fact that the two of you shared this experience had made your connection even deeper.
You watched a tired but beaming Dewey strut your way. His guitar dangled around his shoulder, and he held your pick in his hand when the other let you guide him off the stage. Once he was down he took you in his arms and dipped you down dramatically before he kissed you.
After you were done chuckling you gazed lovingly in his eyes and he carefully placed the pick back around your waist, pressing a kiss on it once he was finished securing it.
"Dew... I never get tired of watching you. In general. Watching you play is magically always. You just awesomed all over the place."
Dewey looked at you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in a tight hug while he muttered into your hair: "Life wouldnt be half as awesome if I couldnt share it with you, my love... We awesome together... Awesoming with you is just... awesome..."
You grinned at the awfull pun, gosh... How you adored that man. You smiled against his lips: "Hey Dew... Im really proud to be at Pride with you..." Dewey kissed you again and whispered over your lips between kisses: "Me too darling. Me too."
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@ironmansuucks @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @little-miss-shy-goth @thats-specific @vicunaburger @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings @gegehaddock @bugdrinkss
My sweet lovely souls. You are all valid. You are appreciated, accepted and loved. 💝💞💜🧡🖤💓💚💙💗💖🏳️‍🌈🌈
@ironmansuucks .... it was (and always will be) a true honour to write this one with you. Thanx for the support. (In more ways then one)...
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Loves Force [Chapter 1]
Wanted to try something new of doing a short series rather than just one shots and pure smut.
Pairing: Victor x OC [Bella Holland] (Read about her here)
Description: University lovers broken apart, the two adventure of life’s journey with separate paths only to encounter each other years later.
Warnings: SFW, None for this chapter, expect visits from our favourite Bidders from KBTBB, flickers from 3rd person to 1st.
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Victor stood proud in his oxford uniform, blazer crisp and tie sharp, freshly polished rounded flats laced up tightly. His arm tightly around the blonde girls waist, curving in on the tailored blazer and holding her close to him. The white ruffled skirt came just above her knees just skimming above the knee length socks that ran down her legs. The rolled parchment of their degrees, both of business, both wrapped in a red ribbon and held proud in front of them. A perfect photo of the head boy and girl, a perfect relationship, smiles to be captured forever in a moment in time. Teachers and students alike cooed over them, how they admired to be like them, to be them. If only they knew the pain that was hidden behind their smiles, the excruciating torment of the freshly broken up couple trying to hold back the tears in order to not ruin the day. 
A firm handshake was all he left her with, two years of romance and love now ending with a meer friendly gesture. “Goodbye Victor,” was all she could manage, unable to bring her eyes to meet the purple ones she fell in love with, knowing if she looked her heart would shatter like it had done so the night before. They parted ways, she left, him right. She never turned back, missing the longing gaze from Victor as he let the love of his life walk away from him.
That day meant to be filled with happiness shared between two lovers, a reality of nothing but pain was now a distant memory to her. Or so she thought.
Clutching the letter a little tighter with her left hand, her right index finger massaging her temple as she let out a heavy sigh. 
“Dear Miss. Holland,
Your grant for a loan from LFG has been approved, a meeting with Bernard Burnett has been scheduled for August 21st 2020 at 10 am.
Please bring all the relevant documents as stated below. 
Please arrive at LFG approximately 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment.
Thank you for choosing Loveland’s most approved funding. - LFG”.
Every bank she had turned to had refused her business loan, even with a high stake reputation and successful business none of them was ready to take a gamble on her. In the end her last hope was to try with LFG and luck would have it that they would be interested. Whilst she didn’t want to go to her ex-boyfriends company she had little choice and there was no way that Victor could possibly know “Holland Designs'' was her company. Thousands of people applied for loans and funding there everyday, regardless if it was Victor's company or not, he wouldn’t know that it was his ex-girlfriends own business he would soon be investing into.
It had been six years since she’d last seen Victor, she never doubted for a second the sheer power and domination that man had once he set his mind to something which is why it came as no surprise to see him conquering the business world before the age of 26. They’d both gone separate ways and it was clear enough to see that Victor had made his dreams come true.
Whilst heavily pleased and relieved at the loan acceptance, she never thought she would have to actually step foot into the LFG building. It felt almost daunting, potentially being in the same building as Victor though the chances of actually seeing him would be slim to none.
“Boss is everything okay?” Luna, her assistant, poking her head through the open door after hearing a sigh of frustration.
“Huh? Oh yes, yes sorry, got lost in thought, no everything’s fine thank you,” Bella smiled, waving the hand up that had held the letter, “LFG replied, we're getting the funding,”.
“Oh that’s excellent news! I told you they wouldn’t turn us down,” The young girl relied, full on enthusiasm as always.
“Yes, I have a meeting in two days with them, will you clear my schedule for me for then please,”.
“Yes of course, shall I send out an email to inform the others?” The sound of tapping flooding through the open space.
“No that’s fine, I’ll let Terri and the others know later,” Bella replied, now turning her attention to the computer screen before her, “Luna, will you shut the door please,”.
“Of course!” The sound of the oak door shutting, leaving Bella alone in her office. She took a deep breath before sinking lower into her leather arm chair. Why was she so worked up and anxious over this? She knew what she was doing the minute she looked at the LFG application form, that this was Victor's Li’s company. Victor had probably forgotten about her, their relationship had ended six years ago and it wasn’t as if her applying for a loan would change anything. She’d probably never even see Victor in person again, only online in the rare interviews he did. The latest being on a show called “Miracle Finder”, a show that lately had a range of celebrity guests and professionals appearing on it. 
In all honesty she’d slightly forgotten about Victor, he was in the past, but that was difficult when Loveland’s most upcoming desirable bachelor appeared everywhere. Like a ghostly presence, whether it was a fake news article in some trashy magazine, a stock profit margin LFG on the news, a flashed photo of his face as he left from a restaurant. He was everywhere even though he was no longer in her life. It was only until the day she applied for the LFG funding did he truly cross her mind. If she ever did run into Victor she doubted he’d even recognise her, whilst she hasn’t changed since the last time they met, she’d slowly blossomed from a fresh university student of age of 22 into an independent woman with her own company. Nothing much physical had changed about her, she was still the petite blonde with a curvaceous figure, truly blessed and rewarded as she took great pride in maintaining her looks. Beautiful and brainy is what she was often referred to by her employees, a statement that still made her blush regardless of how many times they said it.
“To Holland Designs!” The clink of the shot glasses meeting with a round of roaring laughter, silence followed closely by the sound of hissing from individuals as the tequila burned their throats.
“To LFG approving the loan!” A similar movement followed after the bar-tender refilled their glasses. 
“To you, boss,” Terri guesting her glass in the motion of you, the others following with the same enthusiasm, a heavy blush creeping over your cheeks with a giggled laughter. The third tequila made your eyes water, the sour taste making your jaw clench as you shook your head, turning the shot glass upside down on the wooden bar.
“To-“ But your hand signalled them to stop, three shots was well enough, anymore and you’d be on the floor, telling the world your life story.
Taking a seat at the bar, guesting to the barman for some water, slightly disappointed you were unable to hold your liquor like you used to. Envy taking over to watch some of your younger employees throwing shot and shot back, something you could have done just as easily at their age, but now at the ripe age of 28 alcohol proved to hit you a little harder. 
“So, pretty great news right about the funding right?” Terri sliding to the seat next to you, clutching her latest designer bag to her. Seriously she had a new one every other month, you dread to think how much money she spent on them.
“It’s brilliant, we can finally look at expanding the workforce and hiring new talents, we’ll be able to branch out to bigger clients,” You smiled, taking a sip of the water the barman placed in front of you. 
“And how are you feeling about a certain Mr.Li?” The words make you choke slightly, spitting water out over the bar. 
“What are you on about? The funding has nothing to do with Victor!” You hissed, grabbing a napkin and wiping up the spilt mess.
“Oh Bells, you're my best friend don’t play coy, you can see something’s bothering you just from the expression on your face,” You rolled your eyes at her comments, “You also pinching your wrist, you only do that when you feel anxious,”. 
“I just- it’s not weird is it? Applying to his company for a loan, letting him be our investor is it?” You questioned, turning your gaze to focus on the lipstick stain on your glass, a snorting chuckle coming from your best friend.
“It’s business hun, and who cares? You're not dealing directly with him are you?” You shake your head, “Well then, I doubt Mr.Li takes time to read over every company investment, he has people who do that for him, beside you and him are old news how long ago even was the breakup again”.
“Six years this year… But true, I just expected to be accepted with our form and that be that, I have to go on Thursday to meet with Mr.Burnett, take all our profits and margins, expectations and such with me,”.
“Well that’s easy enough, just show them the fab work we’ve been doing,” Terri patting her bag as if to say ‘look at all the profit we’ve been making’, “Oh and that Ichinomiya man! Don’t forget to mention him!”.
Oh yes Eisuke Ichinomiya, one of the wealthiest men across the pond who was a billionaire tycoon, the owner of a luxurious hotel called “The Tres Spades”. He was also a dear friend, a former pupil in your year who you’d grown close with alongside Soryu Oh and Luke Foster. The four of you and Victor were the best of friends during your university days often referring yourself as: the brains, the beauty, the playboy, the vitamin addict and the silencer. An odd bunch to say the least but somehow it just clicked. 
Eisuke had shamelessly flirted with you for the first year of university, it wasn’t until he learned you and Victor were dating that he backed off. Instead the flirts blossomed into friendship and before you knew it you were swept up in the ways of luxury with the four boys.
Luke and Soryu were the two you were least closest with, Soryu just didn’t like women but for you he made an exception and Luke was far too busy investing in his time into the bone structure of your cheekbones to actually have a conversation with you. Mornings spent together were some of your fondest memories of university, Victor sitting with his black coffee, Eisuke throwing in half a pitcher of milk and five sugars into his coffee, Luke chewing on some vitamin gummies and Soryu devouring an omelette.
You were relieved in a way that Victor and you split up the day before graduation, meaning neither of you would have to sacrifice your friendships with the others. After graduating you and Eisuke kept in touch, when you traveled the world he gracefully extended an offer for you to stay at “The Tres Spades” in his penthouse whilst you were in Japan. You’d have been a fool to say no. Getting to spend an almost month in sheer luxury, witnessing how the other half lived as you resided there, a pleasant surprise to find Soryu was also there. He was still as awkward as ever, only maturing into a more handsome man, with looks that could kill. Although it turned out he literally could kill, the silent man now being the second head of a mafia gang. Luke also made an appearance, a fully fledged doctor but still with the obsession of bones, constantly trying to get a touch of your cheekbones, jawline and collarbones. 
“Don’t be creeped out pretty lady, he’s been obsessed with Eisukes collarbones ever since he saw him shirtless,” A overly friendly man named Mitsunari, ‘please call me Baba’, told you one night. 
It was nice to be back in the company of your old companions, the only thing missing to complete it was Victor but since graduating the tight knitted friendship between him and the others fell apart. You didn’t pry into it, Victor was no longer a part of your life or clearly there’s and the four of them had their own reasoning for falling out.
So when you finally returned home and kick started your own business, Eisuke was more than willing to lend you a hand, being one of your first clients. “Holland Designs'' was all in one company, it did brand recognition, website building, graphic design and soon to be event organisation. Eisuke was expanding overseas to Dubai with his chain of hotels, he wants your company to be the ones who created its new brand ‘luxury for the wealthiest’ which you and your small team worked tirelessly on. Needless to say it was a huge success and thanks to Eisuke it skyrocketed your company, within eight months of starting you was now a growing company with some big clientele’s. You were the director of it all managing with clients over their needs and demands creating bespoke contracts, Terri was the website creator with a team of two to manage the content, Ron was the logo and graphic designer who had an assistant and then there was Luna who was your assistant/receptionist. Small but mighty with the sheer determination and drive to succeed. 
“Yes I’ll be sure to showcase our work for Eisuke, without him I fear we wouldn’t have had such a successful launch,” You made a mental note to do a bigger portfolio for your meeting on the work you produced for him.
“And don’t get worried and worked up about Victor, the reality is you won’t ever see him,” Terri taking your hand and giving it a squeeze.
You’d met Terri whilst travelling, ‘a budding coder on a journey to find herself’ as she put it. The likeness in personality and views on life quickly grew into a strong friendship, she was the brownie to your blondie, the Thelma to your Louise. Even though she’d only been in your life for two years, she was the best friend anyone would wish for and she knew you inside out. The experience of heartbreak brought you closer together, sobbing over too many cocktails as you both spoke about your first loves, telling her everything about your university love with Victor. 
You weren't hung up on Victor, god no, you’d been in a causal relationship or two since then. But it was always difficult forgetting your first, he was your first everything, first kiss, first boyfriend, first love, first sexual partner. He had been such a big part of your life especially being the “role model couple” in university, you head girl and him head boy, a staring couple destined to make it together forever as everyone said. So when the thought of him potentially inching a way back into your life, it triggered a lot of past feelings, feelings you thought you’d forgotten.
You spent the next day preparing for your meeting, stacks of documents lying on your desk as you printed out more to add to the pile. Even though your company was still fresh, just under a year old, your profits had exceeded almost five times the prediction with a long list of clients wanting to be your next project. You and the team had worked tirelessly to churn out projects, some wanted new logos, some wanted a brand re-boost and makeover, some wanted websites, some wanted the whole package for a new start up company. The workload was a consistent flow and the reputation was even better, the name “Holland Design” soon becoming a hot topic in the business world.
You left the office earlier than normal, a goodnight sleep was well deserved so that you would be fresh and ready in the morning. Even though the loan had been approved, tomorrow was vital to ensure and secure the funding. You had to prove and sell the company, yourself, to the leading investors of all of Loveland.
You dressed up slightly more than normal, hair slicked back straight. Makeup applied more of the natural side, a striking bold cat flick eyeliner settled behind your thick lashes, a pink tint of blush gracing your cheeks paired with a nude lip. A white shirt with long sleeved tucked into the leather pencil skirt, the top button undone just to give a slight peak of your “secret assets” and a pair of black heels. The rose gold watch encrusted with small fragments of diamond, a gift for your degree from your parents, sat snuggly on your wrist. A quick spritz of perfume, the same perfume you’d worn ever since you turned 20, leather folder in one hand, the designer Chanel bag Terri insisted you borrow in the other and you were ready.
The sound of your heels clicked along the marble floor as you took a seat on the leather sofas of the reception of LFG, the receptionist smiling sweetly and telling you “Mr. Burnman will be with you shortly”.
Undoing the bound of the folder, skimming over once more of the portfolio you brought to represent your work, nerves ablaze inside you as one of the most important meetings of your career was about to happen. It would deem unprofessional to sit and play candy crush on your phone whilst waiting, instead reviewing everything you had brought hoping time would pass quicker.
Crossing your legs, left over your right, the busyness of the lobby seemed to stop in silence. Peering up from the documents you watched as the employees came to a still, each of them bowing respectfully their heads turned towards the revolving doors. Curiosity peaked inside you, a sudden dropping feeling in your stomach as your eyes wander up to see him, Victor. He waltzed through the floor, oxfords hitting the pavement in striking steps, the black suit tailored perfectly to his body. He still looked like the same young man you had been in love with, now only more mature, shoulders broad with a jawline so sharp it could cut paper. The photos of him never did justice for the sheer handsomeness of him, unable to obtain the small gasp that fell from your lips. And that was when his purple eyes fell upon you, the look of slight confusion at you without faltering his pace, a young man with round glasses running after him to match his pace. There was no doubt he saw you, he looked directly at you but almost as if he didn’t recognise you, looking straight through you. With a blink of the eye he was gone and the lobby picked up from it’s stilled place in time.
Your heart stammered with speed, the pair of you shared a glance but Victor looked at you as if he had no recollection of who you were. The long scarf perfectly balanced atop his suit jacket, the way his hair was perfectly in place just like it was when you were in university, the deep pooling of purple in his eyes, dominance and power radiating with each step. The ability to capture a room without saying a word.
“Miss. Holland, Mr. Burnman will see you now,” The receptionist called out, bringing you back from the longing gaze of the spot where Victor had stepped out from. With slightly trembling legs you stood, taking a few deep breaths to try calm the nerves from the meeting about what happened and seeing your first love, you followed her down the corridor.
“Thank you miss,” You smiled at the receptionist , being ushered into a small office, a young man greeting you with an eager smile.
“Ah Miss. Holland, do please take a seat,” He gestured to the empty seat sitting across from his desk.
Victor knew the minute he saw “Holland Design'' on the proposal scheme that it was her. He knew from the name alone, the name she always declared would be the one for her business, “I want my company to have a strong reputation, and what's better fitting than a friendly name?” she would so often recall. He’d first come across it when he saw the press release of Ichinomiya’s new chain hotel in Dubai, where she was standing proud beside him, of course he’d been invited to the opening but it was a bleak affair he didn’t want to attend. He almost choked on air to see her beside him ‘Bella Holland, leading entrepreneur of Holland Designs’ captioned below. She still bore the same smile she always had, like the one in their graduation photo, a smile that would light up the room. Ever since then he’d kept tabs on the name, watching in eight months it start to dominate in the business world, more and more company’s reaching out to be part of their work. 
What he never expected was to see the name on the document before him, a loan application for the business to help them expand their work force and new ventures. What he equally never expected to see her sitting in the lobby of LFG when he entered that morning, he’d approved the loan personally there was no need for her to be here.
“Goldman, the blonde in reception,” He questioned the minute the doors of the elevator closed.
“You mean…” He hummed, flicking on the screen on his tablet and scrolling down, “Ah Miss. Holland, Bella Holland,”.
“Why is she here,”.
“Let me look,” A moment of silence filled the elevator as it travelled upwards, “She’s here for a loan consultant with Mr. Burnman from accounting, his personal request”. The doors opened and the two men took a few steps forward towards Victor's office doors, in one swift movement he removed his scarf and handed it over to Goldman.
“Clear my schedule, send Miss.Holland up to my office after she’s done,” He nodded, pushing open the doors and shutting them behind him as he walked in, no time for questions from Goldman. 
Whilst he kept his cool on the outside Victor nervously paced through his office, running a hand through his hair. The way their eyes had met across the lobby, the glossy pool of blue hadn’t changed a bit as they locked eyes for only a mere moment. He had felt his heart tremble slightly to see her, six years of nothing for her to be sat in the reception of his company. She was the one Eisuke so often referenced to her as “the one that got away” but she hadn’t got away, Victor had pushed her away. He threw himself into his work the moment after graduation, building up an empire, trying to forget about her and yet maybe it was some cruel trick of fate that she would be brought back to him?
“Mr.Li, Miss.Holland is on her way up,” Goldman’s voice coming through the speaker of his office phone pulling him from his pacing movements. Clearing his throat he took a seat behind the mahogany desk, dropping all emotions on his face to return to that unbreakable poker face. But the soft rasp on the door, the meek, “Mr.Li?” and watching as she slowly entered his office, the cracks of it began to slip.
[Chapter 2]
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Victor and Bella, university photo.
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blainebigbang · 5 years
Blaine Big Bang 2020: Posting Schedule
It’s finally here! 
Tomorrow kicks off the Blaine Big Bang 2020!
Every other day, throughout the month of February, Blaine fans will be greeted with a new 25K+ fic of Blainey goodness from our 16 amazing authors and artists! Congrats to our participants!
Please see below the cut for the complete schedule:
February 1st - take my picture now (shake it 'til you see it) Author: Civillove Artist:  Kanversrph Blaine likes to call this part of his life as being 'the flavor of the month'. While he enjoys being a successful model, he feels like the industry keeps taking little pieces of him. When he meets Sebastian, a nature photographer, he feels like he might get those pieces back.
February 3rd - Nothing Can Keep Us Apart Author: TeddysHoney Artist:  Riverance Blaine is a Prince whose father was killed by King Burt's army. Blaine lives with his mother near King Burt's castle. One day, Prince Kurt sees him drawing water, and Kurt sneaks into the village to meet Blaine. They see one another in secret for a while. A war begins, however, and Blaine must go and fight. Kurt looks for him every day, waiting for him to return. He has no idea that Blaine has been captured by the enemy or that he's waiting for his brother to help him escape certain death. Once the war is over, Burt decides it is time for Kurt to find a mate. No one is good enough in Kurt's eyes, however. After realizing that Blaine may not be coming home and a pleasant evening spent in the arms of another man, Kurt sneaks off into the woods to cry, convinced he'll have to marry someone else and that Blaine is dead. Blaine surprises him in the forest, and, having convinces an indebted priest to marry them, the two are wed. Instead of returning to the castle, however, they decide to fend for themselves in the lawless forests surrounding the kingdoms. February 5th - Ships That Pass In The Night Author: Delightful_Fear Artist:  JudeAraya    Blaine has a great life, with people packing into his piano bar six nights a week as they sail to some of the most beautiful places in the world.  He’s not lacking for beautiful men to share his bed either.  Why would meeting the aloof counter-tenor in a touring Broadway group change anything?  
February 7th - Life in Repair Author: Room108 Artist:  SeblaineAddict  In the wake of his most recent break-up with Kurt, Blaine returns home to Lima to lick his wounds and reclaim some measure of happiness. An unexpected opportunity to travel to Thailand with former friend (and sometimes nemesis) Sebastian Smythe, proves to be just the salve he needs. As their bond strengthens through the ups and downs of life on the road, Sebastian and Blaine revisit their lingering spark from high school and must decide whether it’s worth re-igniting or if it will be snuffed out for good.
February 9th - Bicycle Patrol Unit Author: Carmelcoffeeaddict Artist:   Lallagoglee   When NYPD bicycle cop, Blaine Anderson, begins to fall for Kurt Hummel - the gorgeous man that he first notices jogging through the park during Blaine's patrol - it causes a rift between him and his patrol partner, Sebastian Smythe.
February 11th - The Silver-Scaled Mark Author: Jayhawkwrites Artist:  Michaelscribbles   Blaine is a half-elf living in a town of full-blooded elves. He doesn’t fit in and is bullied almost daily for his heritage. One day Blaine finds solace in the library and later finds a book that talks about the magic in his world. He is drawn to it and wants to learn all he can. After Blaine has consumed all of the books in his town, he goes off to college to become a wizard so that he can help protect those that are not able to adequately defend themselves. Once he has graduated, he finds that he and several companions are part of a prophecy that will help unite the races in his world. February 13th - Out of the Blue Author: Lilyvandersteen Artist: Redheadgleek Kurt organises a fake wedding for Brittana to get presents from random billionaires. Cooper is one of those invited, and he shows up with his brother in tow. Sparks fly, but not of the good kind. Enemies to lovers, anyone? With a slight Pride and Prejudice vibe? 
February 15th - Let It Be Me Author: Darriness Artist:  Usurix It's been three years since Blaine fell in love with Kurt but between college, jobs, social lives, and parenting his twelve-year-old sister, can Blaine manage it all? 
February 17th - Wouldn't Change A Thing Author: Slaydiest Artist:  Datshitrandom  One the eve of his junior year at Dalton, Blaine’s dad kicks him out of the house, dumping him at the bus stop, cutting him off, and leaving him homeless. This is the story of how he survives, meets Kurt, and ultimately triumphs.  February 19th - Here You Come Again Author: Kaianieves Artist:  Kanversrph It's senior for Blaine, and just when things should be falling into place, he finds them falling apart. He's got a crush- hopefully nothing more than that- on his best friend, and a dance that he would rather do anything other than plan. Blaine's conflicted- should he sit out, be miserable and hope that this year passes by in a blur? Or should he embrace it, enjoy it and maybe even shoot his shot? February 21st - A Very Seblaine Christmas Author: MrsTotten Artist:  SeblaineAddict Blaine loves his family and friends, he really does. But after a bad break up they just won’t leave him alone it doesn’t matter that everything else is going great, everyone is fixated on whether he is finally dating again. None of this is helped by his ex fiancé proposing to his new boyfriend at top of the rock and now all anyone can focus on is blaine love life or lack thereof. And now he’s heading home for the holidays. A whole week of crazy family, new directioners and so he tells a tiny white lie, that his new boyfriend his joining him for Christmas. Whilst waiting on a delayed flight and trying to figure out how to break the truth to everyone he bumps into the last person he expected to see, the flirty, charming green eyed ex warbler who was always able to find a way under his skin. Over a whiskey and a catch up an idea forms and Sebastian agrees to be his fake date for the holidays. But as Sebastian finds himself engulfed in the warm, happy madness of Blaine’s family and friends and warbler reunions, Blaine starts to see a new side to his old friends and as ex boyfriends, meddling friends and well meaning family start to get involved. This fake relationship could end up being the most real thing these crazy boys have.
February 23rd - broken glass sparkling Author: Merengs Artist:  Purpleyin   A year abroad. A chance to get away, put on hold all the issues he still needs to resolve and maybe find the bits of himself he thinks he’s lost. So Blaine takes it. February 25th - It's Not Easy (Being Stuck With Me Tonight) Author: Xhorizen Artist:  Thegreatgothamrewatch   Blaine had the perfect life – He was married to the man of his dreams, they lived with their best friend in the greatest city in the world, and he had everything he had ever dreamed of. Never mind the crippling depression and anxiety he dealt with each day he failed to book a job, and the lack of happiness he had in his marriage. One night, everything gets turned upside down and everything Blaine thought he knew was gone. How will he manage to pick up the pieces and try to make sense of his life again?  February 27th - Is There a Twelve Step Just For You? Author: Thenameisbritney Artist:  Datshitrandom   "He was still the same short, nerdy Blaine Anderson he’d always been. An easy target for school bullies everywhere. Kurt was the popular co-captain of the Cheerio’s, looking down on his kingdom like a fair but firm ruler. No one was on his level, certainly not a peasant like Blaine." Or Blaine tries to tell Kurt that he has a crush on him but accidentally ends up asking for a makeover instead. Oh, dear. February 29th - The Dalton Military Academy Warblers Author: Julia3132 Artist:  CinnamonT   Blaine Anderson is 2nd son of richest man in the world Winston Anderson. A devastating injury brought him back to Ohio where he disappeared into the family's massive estate. Society doesn't see him again until 2 years later, when after the death of Winston, he shows up at Dalton Military Academy, a place he is totally unsuited for. Sebastian Smythe is Captain of Dalton’s elite 1st Squadron and everything Blaine wants to be…dashing, debonair, comfortable in his own skin. A real James Bond. What Blaine doesn’t know is Sebastian is actually a member of the secret organization and Blaine is his mission...Find out the truth behind Blaine's arrival at Dalton and determine whether or not it has anything to do with his father's unexpected death. March 2nd - Love, Blaine Author: Gleefuldarrencrissfan Artist:  Klainiac Blaine Anderson is a typical teenager.  Except he’s not because he’s hiding a huge secret.  He’s gay.  But after reading a confession on the informal Dalton blog, he discovers that he’s not the only closeted boy at Dalton.  After a moment of courage, he emails him and ultimately starts up a friendship that will change life as he knows it. Loosely based on the movie Love, Simon. 
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dragonhrte · 4 years
“Αγάπη” (Agapé) 1st Petal
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Summary: Pallas is a life coach and matchmaker who spends her days helping other people find their happiness in life, having forgotten to search for her own. Her business running smoothly and with little to no hiccups until one phone call upsets her whole world. Bakugou Katsuki, a handsome and famous confirmed bachelor, has found himself longing for something unusual, a relationship with substance. Swallowing his pride he calls Pallas initiating an interaction that will change their lives for the foreseeable future. Will the matchmaker make a match or get matched?
Chapter Length: 10k words
Beta-readers: @samanthaa-leanne​, @honeytama​, Thank you @pixxiesdust​ for beta reading before it was considered nsfw​, @natsuosfairy​
Tags: @bnhabookclub​
Warnings: Cussing/ Cursing/ Mature Language, Suggestive Content, Physical Assault
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Bakugou’s P.O.V.
I put in the combination to my lock, deftly maneuvering the dial in a series of fluid motions, easily popping it open after years of repetition. My body moves of its own accord, the process of getting suited up being muscle memory at this point.
Some other hero in the locker room clears his throat before saying, “Hey Bakugou, it’s been a hot minute since we last saw each other huh?”
I merely grunt in response, placing my civilian clothes on the shelf after folding them, and continue suiting up for my shift.
“As talkative as ever I see. Anyways, you seem a bit down. I know I’m not Kirishima, and we’re not as close, but I thought I’d give you a quick piece of advice. Getting out of a relationship sucks, but you can’t let it get you down for too long.”
He pauses and waits for a response from me. When there is none he continues, but not before I hear a small comment to himself, “It’s like talking to a wall.”
My left eye twitches at the remark. I don’t even spare him a glance as I finish up with the final pieces of my hero costume. I shut my locker door with more force than necessary then lock it, swiftly turning around and leaving the locker room to head out for my shift. I glance at the clock briefly, making a mental note of the time as I stamp my time card. ‘The reason why you felt like you were talking to a wall is because you couldn’t take the hint that I don’t want any interaction, despite that hint being practically written in bold red letters across my forehead.’
“I’m fucking Katsuki Bakugou, Pro Hero, top in the nation. I don’t need nor do I want your opinion. Tch.” I say to myself, the words ringing through my head as I push open the heavy door and step out of the building to start my patrol.
I lean back in my desk chair, and stretch. The reports for the day are all filled out and ready to be handed in. I take my phone off my desk and check the time. ‘2:58 am, I should put these papers on the admin. assistant’s desk, after I log off, then I’ll go punch out.’ I log off my computer before picking up the stack of reports and head over to the assistant’s desk, and placing it on the only free and available space. I pick up a sticky note from off her desk and write today’s date, then grab a rubber band from the jar on her desk and secure it around the stack of papers. ‘I swear I don’t know how she’s managed up until now, her desk is never organized. It’s a miracle we’re not backed up at the moment with the state her desk is in being in constant disarray.’ Turning away from her desk I walk towards the locker room to change and clock out. ‘Damn, I did not distract myself nearly as much as I would have liked to today. I think I know what...’ Pulling out my phone I tap on the messaging app and open up the chat between myself and my best friend since high school. ‘A sparring session with a long-time friend might just do the trick.’
Bakugou: Spar tomorrow morning?
Kirishima: Sure, np!
I finish taking the rest of my suit off and get lost in the motions of putting my civilian clothes back on, my mind returning to my recent break up. ‘I knew that woman was dating me partly based on me being a hero, but damn, to have her shove it in my face that it was the only reason she was dating me to begin with, packs a bigger punch than I thought possible.’ I stuff my hands into my jacket pockets while reflecting on the events of my most recent shift, and then heave out a sigh, “Could just go out for one or two beers,” I mumble to myself, taking a quick glimpse behind my shoulder.
*Phone ringing*
The sound coming from my phone sets off a piercing wave of pain through my brain. ‘God damn, who the fuck is calling me this early in the morning?’ I swipe my finger across the screen stalling for a moment to allow the phone to recognize my fingerprint, and then press my phone against my ear. I throw my arm across my face to block the stinging sliver of light from shining into my eyes through the slit in the curtains.
“What’s up?” my voice comes out, raspy and barely above a whisper, but it still sounds like it’s echoing through my head.
“Hey, Bakubro, why aren’t you here yet?” I let out a low growl at the cheery tone on the other end, and wince at the old nickname, a teasing endearment made years ago, that just kind of stuck.
“What do you mean?”
“Dude it’s 9:45 right now, you’re late.”
I jolt up, and throw my covers off of myself and recoil slightly from the blinding pain the light brings on, before haphazardly scooping up my open gym bag. I rush toward the door, staggering a bit as I stuff my feet into my shoes. Nearly toppling over as I miss the wall I intended to use for support.
I do a quick pat down of myself, “Phone, wallet...” I look around frantically, the knowledge that Kirishima will not let go of something like this for the next week, no at least a month or so, is like being doused with a bucket of ice cold water. I can hear his smug tone already, putting a hand against my head and reeling out the door. ‘The gym is roughly a five minute run away. I’m not running that feeling like this, I’ll just walk it instead.’ I head for the stairs and open the door, someone has just slammed the door closed on a different floor, which has me seeing stars from the echoing in the stairwell. ‘No way in hell, am I going to suffer through shaking my brain around as I speed run down the stairs. Fuck that.’ I turn on my heel and head for the elevator, letting out a sigh of relief at the quick service and the gentle music, the lights, however, feel like they’re piercing straight through my skull and out the other side. The small jostling motion from arriving at the base floor sends a wave of nausea through me, one I haven’t felt in years, not since I was younger and less experienced with my tolerance levels for alcohol.
“Shit,” the familiar swear coming easily to me as I all but throw myself out of the elevator, muttering, “For fucks sake, pull yourself together.” as I leave the apartment complex.
As I walk up to the gym, Kirishima spots me from his place leaning against the wall outside.
“Look who finally decided to show up!” Kirishima says joyfully, clapping as if congratulating me on my appearance. I respond by flipping him the bird.
As we enter the locker room, I open the side pocket of my gym bag and grab a bottle full of pain killers, pop two in my mouth and swallow them dry.
“Kirishima, could you keep it down I’ve got a splitting headache.”
“Oh, did someone have a bit of fun last night?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean if you’re into that kind of thing, I won’t judge. You know I’ll support you now matter what, right? It’s what friends are for!”
“What are you going on about?” I ask while leaning my head against the cool locker, the chill giving a small reprieve from the now constant pulsing throughout my skull.
I look at Kirishima, my aggravation settling into my features as I turn to address him directly. Kirishima points down at the floor directing my attention to a certain article of clothing, my eyes widen in shock. The garment in question is sitting on the floor betraying my activities from the night before.The bra itself is pretty bold, it’s bright red and lacy with highlighter orange accents.
“What the fuck?”
“It dropped out of YOUR gym bag.” Kirishima’s face lights up in delight.
I let out a small, “Tsk.” and snatch up the garment, shoving it into my gym bag. I take out the lock from my bag and toss the bag into the locker, closing and locking it afterwards. I glance over at Kirishima, whose face is bright red from attempting to suppress his laughter, finally he breaks down in a fit of giggles.
The absurd situation brings a reluctant smile to my face, and a small chuckle escapes my lips. I shake my head and nudge Kirishima with my elbow. He is currently buckled over, barely maintaining an upright position holds up his pointer finger, signalling for me to wait.
“Give...me... a minute.” Kirishima manages to breathe out in between fits of laughter.
I roll my eyes in annoyance at Kirishima’s discomposure, ‘It’s not like it was even that funny...’
“You know, I’m gonna pay you back for laughing at me right?”
Kirishima manages to nod his head yes as he takes in some deep breaths of air, to calm himself down. We head out of the locker room together and make a beeline for the open mat area.
“It’ll be worth the pain, because the look on your face was priceless bro.”
I pound my fists together in imitation of Kirishima’s signature move, signalling to him that I’m ready.
“Hey man, don’t you want to get warmed up or something before heading straight into it?”
I shake my head, “Nah. No need.”
Kirishima shrugs and settles into a starting position. We lock eyes and we both nod, we circle around each other for a few moments, an air of seriousness about us. Then, I lunge at Kirishima, my right arm outstretched, he quickly dodges my maneuver. He steps towards me and sweeps his foot under my leg, I drop to the floor immediately and he follows my descent. Quickly wrapping his arms around me, hooking his feet around my legs and letting his weight pin me to the floor.
He chuckles darkly in my ear, “Hehe, that was an unusually easy take down. Guess I’m getting stronger than you.”
I frown and put my hands down on the floor underneath me and push upwards. I pause after reaching full extension for just an instant, and then I suddenly drop down slamming our bodies down onto Kirishima’s hands and crushing them under our weight before Kirishima has the chance to activate his quirk.
Kirishima hisses out in pain, “Ow, you fucker...”
I push off the ground with one arm, shifting my weight and his by twisting my body quickly, so that I am facing him. I push my hands to the front of my chest and push upwards so that my hands are together and my elbows are pressing against his inner elbows. I then use my quirk setting off a small explosion, adding a boost to my arms pushing out straight. This breaks his strong lock-like hold and allows me to reach up and grab Kirishima by the ears. I pull myself up and pull his head down, bashing my head into his. Kirishima, however, activates his hardening quirk, so the action sends a new shock wave of pain through my brain stunning me and leaving me laying flat on the mat. The once dull pulsing has now been brought to the forefront of my attention. Kirishima hops up to his feet smirking down at me as I lay face up beneath him. I offer my hand and he takes it, pulling me to my feet. We go for a few more rounds, only using our quirks once in a while. The point of this sparring session is for me to get out as much energy and aggression with as little damage to the surrounding area as possible. I’m now drenched in sweat, the bleary-eyed mess from this morning is long gone. I bring my shirt up to my forehead to wipe away the sweat that’s accumulated there.
“Where’d you get those bruises from?”
“Right there, did you get cupping done. Y’know, muscle therapy?” Kirishima motions towards a particularly nasty looking mark on my side.
I walk up to the wall length mirror of the gym to examine it at a better angle. Upon closer inspection, I notice what are clearly tooth impressions?
“Are you fucking kidding me...” I grumble under my breath, “the bitch marked me!”
I pinch the bridge of my nose trying to stave off the inevitable headache leering its ugly head up, caused by yet another poor life decision. ‘My usual no marking policy when dealing with temporary guests either went completely ignored or I was so far gone last night that I completely forgot.’ I hastily drop my shirt back down hoping that no one saw the wince-inducing bruises scattered along my side. If the press gets a hold of a picture of me like that they’ll have a field day. The fling will turn into a week to month long ordeal to have to deal with. I shake my head attempting to clear my thoughts and turn back to Kirishima, who is staring at me with a look of concern.
“Hey I think I’m good for the day, what about you?” Kirishima just silently accepts that if I wanted to talk about it I would. Which is one of the main reasons why we’ve remained friends since high school. He is one of the few people who I can count on to leave me alone and give me my space while also calling me out on my bullshit when the situation calls for it. I simply nod my head in response, and we head back into the locker rooms to gather our things and leave.
I grab my keys out of my jacket pocket and turn the key in the lock, only to notice the absence of the sound of the pins catching on the key as I turn it. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, someone is inside my apartment. Raising up my hand, a few pops resound from my sweaty palms as I ready myself for whatever lay in wait beyond the door to my apartment. I turn the handle and kick the door open, both hands raised in defense of myself, the sound of a few explosions reverberating throughout the almost empty living space. I am greeted by the sight of some woman sitting on my couch in my living room. She doesn’t even look up from her bowl of cereal and the current show streaming on the television.
“What the actual fuck?” I exclaim.
The woman continues ignoring me as I take a few more steps into the apartment, her face bringing back blurry memories of the previous night. I am filled with disgust at the fact that I stooped so low as to pick up some floozy of a woman in my time of distress. ‘Why the fuck hasn’t she gone home yet?’ the question blinking back at me in neon lights. I approach the armrest of the couch that she’s currently sitting on and tap her on the shoulder.
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing her?” I ask, I can feel my emotions bubbling to the surface on the verge of boiling over.
She takes a quick look in my direction and says, “Hey, good thing you’re here, I thought you should know you’re out of milk.”
A few moments of absolute silence pass by as I am completely dumbfounded by her nonchalant attitude. Narrowing my eyes I stare at the side of her head hoping for at least some respect, given the very prominent issue at hand. My brows knit tightly together, ‘Is she dumb? Is she for real?’ instead of speaking my thoughts aloud I say, “Thanks for the heads up, now leave.”
She puts the bowl she has down on the coffee table and stands up huffing as she does so, “But I didn’t even finish my show or my cereal.”
I sneer, “That’s MY cereal you’re eating.”
She crosses her arms and stamps her feet at me like an insolent child throwing a tempter tantrum, “No. I am going to finish eating, and then YOU owe ME a ride home.”
Pulling out my phone I swipe through my contacts until I get to the J section, calling up a friend of mine from the force. While the phone is dialing out the woman sits back down and picks up “her” bowl of cereal and continues eating.
“Hey Bakugou, what can I do for you?”
“Hey Joe, I’ve got a situation. I had someone over last night and she’s now refusing to leave.”
“Okay, I’ll send my people right over.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it.”
“No problem man.”
There’s a knocking at the door, and I walk over and open it, two officers are standing in the doorway awaiting entry, I sidestep out of the way and motion for them to come in.
“Hello officers-”
“Are you fucking kidding me!”
The woman who had been peacefully sitting on the couch watching whatever garbage was now on the television shoots to her feet.
“This is fucking ridiculous, I’m sitting here calmly minding my own business and you call the cops on me!?”
She storms off in the direction of my bedroom stomping her feet along the way. The officers move forward to prevent her from going further into the apartment, but I hold my hand up for them to remain where they are. Her voice carries through the apartment, mouthing off about the unfairness of the whole situation and the audacity I have for kicking her out, her complaints strewn with curses. Completely ignoring the fact that she is currently in MY apartment. Her voice stopping only to take a quick breath of air in and then continuing her ranting. ‘Of all the people...’ I sigh to myself as she comes hauling herself and her belongings through the hallway towards us. Reaching into my bag I procure the garment that had mislaid itself, holding it out to her with my fingers. The strap of the bra balancing precariously as she huffs by. She flounces a bit as she approaches the door, turning her head to address me to land one last remark, when she notices her bra.
I walk towards her and say, “I believe this is yours.”
Her face erupts into a brilliant shade of red, she squeals in outrage snatching the garment up and slamming the door behind her.
“You sure know how to pick ‘em Bakugou.”
I glare in their direction and walk up to the door and open it, “Thank you officers, I appreciate you coming down here. Have a great day.”
They look at each other and then file out the door, after they leave I close the door behind them thankful to the quiet that follows.
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Pallas’ P.O.V.
I walk into the coffee shop, the familiar tinkling of bells on the door and the smell of freshly-ground coffee beans bring a feeling of warm comfort. ‘I don’t think I’ll ever get over the initial nervousness I get when I do an intake for a client.’ I mull this over while listening to the soft, mellow music playing from the various speakers strewn about the shop. While waiting in line, I pass the time by scrolling through my social media feed. The fake smiles and duck-faced selfies never-ending. It’s not long before it’s my turn to order, when I look up and approach the counter I’m greeted by an unfamiliar face ‘Oh, he must be new.’ the thought whisks through my mind as I take in the man standing in front of me. He’s got a soft attractiveness about him, and is obviously nervous give his frantic glancing around. His ocean blue eyes finally settling on me and he’s practically sweating bullets. I pick up on the tremor of his lip when he forces a smile waiting patiently for my order. ‘Given the fact that it’s about mid-day and I’ll be meeting with a new client I think I’m going to opt for my go-to comfort beverage.’
“Good morn- Er. Afternoon, what can I get for you today?” The barista asks, his face flushing in embarrassment at his small slip-up.
‘I’m sure he’s had plenty of those minor mistakes today, the first day jitters are definitely getting the better of him. I can imagine it’s probably been non-stop for him, one order after the next in quick succession. Forcing him into this wreck of nerves at the fast-paced environment.’
Standing there for a moment more, I try to show a bit of compassion, my eyes flick down to the name pin fastened to his black apron then back up to his face and say, “Hello Reggie, I think I’ll have a medium hot chocolate, with some extra whipped cream please!”
I flash him what I hope comes across as an encouraging smile, and opt to keep words of encouragement to myself, ‘He’s high-strung as is, there’s no need to make him feel worse by having a random stranger notice how much he’s floundering around and comment on it.’ Instead I reach into my wallet and grab some extra cash in addition to the money I owe for the hot chocolate. I hand the money for the drink to Reggie and drop the extra cash into the tip jar on the counter.
“Thank you, and here’s your change. Your order will be right up.”
I cup my hand so the barista can simply drop the small coins into my outstretched hand instead of having an awkward exchange of trying to pry them out of his palm.
“Have a great day.” We happen to say at the same time to each other.
Stepping to the side I look over and survey the seating area. There are booths and tables with single chairs available, which I would usually have no problem taking, however, I am meeting with a client so I need something more. My eyes land on my usual spot for when I meet clients and I am pleasantly surprised to find it empty. It’s the perfect placement, not too close to the door, where people coming in might interrupt and not tucked away in the corner where nobody will notice me. ‘The client should be able to notice me immediately after receiving her order.’ After setting my bag down I bring out my tablet and unlock it, and start going through the various documentation required if the client does decide to book more sessions. I’m interrupted from my review by the sound of my order being called out, I look up and see one of the baristas I am familiar with holding my hot chocolate, we lock eyes for the briefest of moments before they place it down on the counter. I stand up and walk over to the counter and gingerly pick up my order, and head straight for the little island in the middle of the shop with the extra creamer and sugar packets on it. After picking up one of the paper coffee sleeves and carefully sliding it onto my drink, twisting it around to get the proper snug fit. I walk back to the booth, slide onto the seat, and resume reviewing the prepared documents on my tablet.
I let myself relax, the lull of conversation around me creating a calm atmosphere. There’s some chatter behind me, some girls are discussing a recent rumor going around about the Pro-Hero, Ground Zero. I dismiss their chatter immediately, ‘It’s just gossip, so who cares.’ Despite the lack of basis for the rumor to stand on, the women behind me continue speculating. I finish reviewing my documents then pull out my phone to check the time. ‘My client should be here any minute now.’ Scrolling through my social media feed once more I notice the rumor the women behind me were discussing has spread like wildfire. I try to ignore it to the best of my ability, ‘It’s not my business to judge other people’s life choices.’ I pause for a moment, ‘Well, it is my business as long as they are a client that is...’ I’m broken out of my train of thought by a commotion coming from the pick-up counter. Some woman is yelling at poor Reggie, something about how he got the order wrong, insisting that she talk to the manager. I turn my head and see the back of hers, Reggie is visibly shaken by the confrontation.
The woman turns around and my eyes widen momentarily in shock, ‘That’s my new client.’ I groan internally then put on my brightest smile, and stand up.
I hold my right hand out in greeting, “Hello Sandra is it, I’m Pallas we spoke on the phone a couple days ago.”
It’s like a switch flipped within the other woman’s face. Her lips that were just pursed in a thin disgruntled line, spread into a wide smile.
“Hi, hello. Sorry about the delay, the employee got my order wrong.”
“Oh, sorry to hear that, why don’t we get right into things? Is there anything in particular you are looking to get out of my services?”
“Well, everything in my life seems to be a hot mess, I just want to get back on track.”
“That seems reasonable enough. How about we take a seat and go over your intake paperwork?”
We then spent the next hour talking about the various terms and conditions that come along with the contract. Sandra keeps complaining about every other word claiming that the contract is “too opaque and vague.”
“Why can’t you just fix my problems now, why do we even need a contract?” Sandra asks, her tone changing from calm to aggravated rapidly.
“The contract is here to protect both of our interests. Without it, I will be severely restricted in the extent to which I can help you.” I try my best to explain this to her as calmly as possible.
Sandra pushes several more times to do away with the contract, at this point I am considering excusing myself for the bathroom to scream out in frustration at least three times. Each time the urge comes over me, I simply look down at the small watch on my wrist instead, remembering the seemingly everlasting patience of my late grandmother. When we finish reviewing the documents I stand up, pick up my tablet and grab my bag in preparation to leave.
I say, “After speaking with you, I’m sorry to inform you that I don’t think that I will be able to provide you with the services you are looking for.”
“What?!” Sandra exclaims, shooting up from her seated position, her sweet demeanor gone in an instant and is replaced by a look of outrage, “You had me fill out all that ridiculous paperwork, forced me to pay you for this meeting, and you’re not even competent enough to take me on as a client!”
By now the entire coffee shop has gone silent at her outburst, in this moment I can’t manage to think of anything to de-escalate the situation, all I can think about is maintaining my composure and professionalism in the face of Sandra’s harsh comments.
I muster up enough restraint and force a smile, “I’m sorry for any inconvenience I have caused you.” I bow my head in apology.
“Oh, I’ll show you inconvenience!” Sandra shouts and then knocks my tablet out of my hands. I’m frozen in shock at her actions, my face stricken with horror as the tablet appear to drop in slow motion. It clangs against the corner of the table before hitting the ground. A crunch resounds through the deathly quiet coffee shop, my stomach clenches in reaction.
A softly whispered, “Oh shit” comes from the booth with the gossiping women. I look up to see the manager approaching us, sympathy for me written all over her face, but a quiet anger-filled aura surrounds her.
She clasps her hands together and addresses Sandra, “Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. You’ve disrupted my place of business not once, but twice now. You have also managed to assault one of my customers as well. I suggest you leave now, I have already called the authorities.”
“I can’t believe you called the cops on me! I’d like to speak to your manager. This is horrible customer service!”
“Ma’am I am the manager. Now would you please come with me.” The manager wraps her arm around Sandra’s shoulder and escorts her out, the jingle of the bells signalling that they have exited the building.
I take a deep breath in and bend down, picking up my tablet to assess the damage. Pressing the power button does absolutely nothing the first time, the lock screen doesn’t come into view or anything, so I hold the power button down and the start up sound comes from the tablet but the visual that accompanies it is absent. I try turning it off and on again one more time, after a drop like that even with the case on, there’s no way I’d expect it to still be functioning.
Unfortunately, my expectations are fulfilled, my tablet is officially out of commission. I drop it into my bag and lean against the table, waiting for the cops to show up. After a few minutes I think to myself, ‘I hope people just leave me alone right now, I am so not in the mood for some stranger to have pity on me at the moment.’ I clench and unclench my jaw a few times to try and relieve some of the tension in my body, and the I feel a gentle, hesitant tap on my shoulder. Turning my head slightly to see the new barista, Reggie looking at me apprehensively, he opens his mouth and closes it several times before I see his lips move, but I can’t find it in me to focus on what he’s saying. All I can hear is a rushing sound filling my ears... Reggie moves forward and grabs my shoulders, shaking me lightly, “-you okay?”
I nod my head and croak out, “Yes.”
“Are you sure? You’ve got quite the grip on that table there.”
Looking down I notice exactly what he’s talking about. My knuckles appear to be bleached white, my hands are holding the table in a death grip. I manage to pull my hands away then open and close them to work the blood flow back into them. I turn around and lean against the table and let out a nervous laugh.
My heart is hammering against my chest, the roaring sound in my ears has died down enough to the point where I can hear myself say, “I’m a bit taken aback is all. I mean I was expecting some reaction from her, but not that one...” I trail off and glance behind me briefly and catch a glimpse of Sandra talking to an officer, it’s then that I hear the bells chime and the other officer walks in. He strides over to where Reggie and I are standing after scanning the room of patrons for a moment.
“Hello ma’am my name is Officer Schmoe. I need to ask you some questions. May I see your ID so I can get your name down correctly?”
“No problem, here you go.” I say after reaching into my bag and retrieving my ID out of my wallet, and handing it to him.
“Here you go.” he says after jotting down my name then handing it back to me. I quickly put it back in its designated slot in my wallet and then turn back to the officer.
Officer Schmoe takes out a notepad from his shoulder pocket then asks, “What happened?”
“Well, Ms. Sandra Bonde and I were having a meeting here and after reviewing some documents and speaking with Ms. Bonde I informed her that I would not be able to provide my services to her.”
“What is it that you were not going to do for Ms. Bonde?”
“I am a life coach, and after speaking with her I determined that the problem was beyond my ability to assist her.”
“Okay, then what happened?”
“Well, I was standing up getting ready to leave when I told Ms. Bonde this, she stood up and said something of how it was unfair that I forced her to pay for an initial intake when I now plan on not taking her on as a client. I responded by saying I was sorry for any inconvenience I had caused her. She then said something along the lines of I’ll show you inconvenience, and smacked the tablet that I have for business out of my hand and it dropped to the floor after hitting the corner of the table. The manager came over and asked her to leave, I tried turning the tablet on afterwards and it is no longer functional. I will either have to get it fixed or replace it.”
“Can I see the tablet in question?”
“Sure.” I grab the tablet and hand it over to him.
He looks at it and turns it over in his hands, examining it from different angles, “Would you like to file charges against Ms. Bonde?”
I freeze at the question, ‘I mean I could, and I would most likely win, and that would all be fine and dandy. However, I would probably be forced to interact with that woman a dozen or so more times before the case was over. I do not feel like putting myself through that kind of torture.’
“No, I would not.”
He tries the power button the same as I did and gets the same results, absolutely nothing, “Okay, ma’am, here you go.” He hands the busted tablet back to me and I take it from him, then place it behind me on the table.
“Could I have your contact information in case we need to ask some follow up questions later on?”
“Will a business card be okay?”
“Yes ma’am.”
I root around in my bag for a moment until I find my cards, they’re still in the envelope they came in when I first ordered them. “Here.”
Officer Schmoe takes the card and places it in his shoulder pocket along with his notepad, “Thank you for your time ma’am and have a good rest of your day.”
I nod at the officer and smile as he turns on his heel and leaves the store, I pull out my phone and check the time, this whole encounter has put me at least two hours behind schedule, ‘I’ll just have to work a bit later in the office ton-’
There’s a resounding CRACK from outside, it’s sudden and pulls my attention immediately to look out the window. My eyes meet Officer Schmoe’s as his head is whipped sideways, I look past him to see his partner putting cuffs on a struggling Sandra. His partner looks pissed, ‘I would be pissed too if I had her screeching at me for the past half hour or so, and to top it all off, her smacking your partner in the face.Oof.’ I turn back around and put my belongings back into my bag. The bells jingle and the manager walks over to me with the sweetest smile, her demeanor putting me at ease. “I’m sorry you had to got through all that. Pick something to drink, my treat.”
“I’d like a hot chocolate please.”
The manager turns to Reggie and says, “Think you can manage a hot chocolate on your own?”
He nods and scurries around behind the counter to make the drink.
Fidgeting with my keys, trying to get the key to my office open with my mostly empty drink in one hand and my bag in the other is probably entertaining to any onlookers, amused by my struggle and lack of forethought. I finally manage to find the right key and slide it home into the lock, I turn it and push to let myself in. Flicking the lights on as I enter, closing the door behind me before walking over to the thermostat, unfortunately I ended up staying out longer than expected so it will have a small effect on my bills. Yet another thing to add onto the growing list of unfortunate events for today. The chill of December has settled in my bones and I need to change that, fast. The free hot chocolate definitely helped me stave off the cold while I was on the bus, but the walk to the office didn’t help me feel any warmer that’s for sure.
I walk through the office space all but dragging my feet before I plop down into the chair at my desk and turn on my laptop. ‘I’m going to waste so much paper. There’s a reason why I switched things over to digital...’ The login screen comes up and I type in my password, the work that I had open from before is still open, ‘Good, that makes things a little easier.’ I pull up my email and write up a quick memo to the clients I’m supposed to see over the next week informing them of the slight adjustment given an unfortunate occurrence. Clicking off my email I review the file for the client I am meeting with tomorrow, and make sure I have everything I need compiled and print off some notes that I made on potential goals they need to set. I get a few emails back, responding quickly with their understanding. Some other people are slow to respond. I even have one person say that they aren’t going to pay me more just because I broke something. I immediately saved that to respond to at a different time, being in no state of mind to do so now and think to myself, ‘I know I said I was going to work late tonight to make up for lost time, but it just isn’t happening. I am officially done for the day.’
I put alligator clips on the notes separating each client. After putting all the notes in my bag next to the tablet, I grab a pen from off my desk as well as a sticky-note. Writing out a reminder to call up tech support and find out a quote, I take the sticky-note off of the stack and place it on the brim of the laptop and shut everything down. Returning to the office entrance I slide the deadbolt into place, and give the doorknob a quick tug making sure my office is secure. I turn around and grab my phone and keys from out of my bag and head to the stairs leading up to my apartment. Rustling the keys around until I find the right one, and then unlocking the door, “Hey, sorry I’m late, I’ll throw something together real quick!”
I turn around and lock the door behind me then place my keys on the hook beside the door. Walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge I think about what I can make for dinner. After staring blankly at the contents with nothing coming to mind I come to a decision. “You know what, how’s frozen pizza sound to you?”
I crane my neck to the side listening in for a response and I hear an affirmative noise over the sound of the television playing in the living room. I close the fridge, open up the freezer and take out the frozen pizza, wiggling the box a bit to try and slide it out from under the other frozen goods without taking everything out. ‘Success!’ I think to myself once I’ve pried it out of its spot without the entire freezer falling out onto my feet. Quickly setting the oven to the right temperature and then I rip the box open and put the pizza on a pan to cook on. While I wait for the oven to heat up I start talking to Neville in the other room, “So remember how I was saying just yesterday that work has been pretty slow lately. Well, remind me to watch what I ask for next time because I had quite the interesting client today.”
I hear an inquisitive noise from the other room, “Yes, I am aware you can’t hear me very well, I’ll be there in just a minute, give me a moment to put in the pizza.”
The oven beeps signalling that it has finished the heating process. I slide the pan into the oven, set the timer on the stove and walk into the living room joining Neville on the couch. He slides over and rests his head on my lap, he looks up at me expectantly and I chuckle a bit. I reach down and massage his head, his hair soft and velvety to the touch, the repetitive motion eliciting a content sigh from him and I continue telling him the events of my day. From the initial conversation between me and Sandra to her outburst, and finally the image of seeing Officer Schmoe reeling back from Sandra’s assault, her being put in handcuffs and hauled away. Throughout my retelling, Neville sat patiently listening to everything I had to say, making small noises here and there indicating how he felt exactly in regards to what was being said. It’s moments like these that I appreciate him the most. He’s not very vocal, but he is an extremely good listener and just that alone helps ease my stress on a hectic day like today. The timer on the stove beeps and Neville moves, letting me get up and go back into the kitchen. I put on an oven mitt from inside the drawer beside the oven and I hear Neville pad into the kitchen. After taking the pizza out of the oven, and placing it on the stove top I look over at Neville  who is licking his lips in anticipation.
“No, absolutely not. You know what dairy does to you. I am not dealing with your flatulence and explosive diarrhea for the next three days.”
He huffs at me and saunters over to his food bowl full of dry food, and eats a few bites before deciding he’s over it and leaving the kitchen. A definitive meow can be heard from the other room, and I sigh after grabbing myself a plate and putting a slice onto the plate.
“Oh, don’t be like that. It’s not like I wouldn’t mind giving you some it’s just your lactose intolerance is no joke my dude.” I say as I walk into the living room and switch through the channels idly.
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Bakugou’s P.O.V.
“In local news this evening, a woman was arrested just this afternoon at a local coffee shop for assaulting an officer. The alleged assailant, a 31-year-old female, supposedly assaulted an officer after being informed that she would be taken down to the station for disturbing the peace among various other charges. We spoke with the manager of the coffee shop where the incident occurred and she claimed that the woman not only assaulted an officer but also assaulted a frequent patron of hers prior to the police becoming involved. We have not received any further information regarding the other party, and the manager has chosen to remain silent as to their identity.”
I watch the clip of the woman slapping the officer in question and recognize Joe clicking my tongue and turn off the television shaking my head. ‘Poor Joe, and I had just spoken to him earlier this morning. I guess I’m not the only one who’s had a shitty day then huh?’ I quickly grab a plain, black, hooded sweatshirt from the drawer in my room and pull it over my head. Looking around the room I am a bit surprised that the incident from earlier this morning did not leave my room in disarray. ‘Calling him was definitely for the best. If  her reaction was anything to go off of, without the cops she would’ve definitely trashed the place.’ I close and lock the door to my apartment. The stairs no longer a problem because the hangover from earlier is a distant memory. The familiar stairway down to the parking garage calmed me, the echoing and clanging of my feet against the stairs blocking out my thoughts. I push open the door and take in a sharp breath of air, the sharp chill invading my lungs. Even though I was expecting the chill given the time of year, it still caught me a bit off guard with exactly how cold it has gotten as the sun goes down.
Walking over to my assigned space and unlocking my car takes a matter of moments. The leather seats make my butt clench as it makes contact with the chilly surface. I turn the keys in the ignition and it starts up with a roar. Pulling out of the parking space is a quick maneuver of the steering wheel and then I’m on my way. Weaving in and out of traffic on my way to work, my head nodding to the music, I come to a stop at a red light and tap my thumbs against the wheel in time to the beat. It’s only a matter of minutes before I pull into the parking garage of the hero agency, stopping briefly to scan my ID card in front of the sensor. The machine beeps at me and then the automated gate bar lifts up and grants me access to the garage. I turn my head and wave at the guard sitting in the booth before driving to the second level and pulling into my space. I turn the car off and grab my ID and close the door, locking the car as I head into the stairwell.
When I step out onto my floor, the admin. assistant rushes over to me, she seems a bit frazzled, but not more so than usual and she says, “Bakugou, the boss would like to see you now. Before you get changed or anything.”
She scuttles off, probably to carry out some other task assigned to her by the boss. ‘What could he want, it’s not like I’ve gotten into any real trouble recently...’ The speculations are endless as I approach his office, the door slightly ajar. I knock on the side of the door frame anyway to announce my presence.
A booming voice urges me in, “Come in Bakugou, have a seat.”
I open the door and close it gently behind me, and then take a seat in one of the red cushioned arm chairs in front of his large desk. The boss’ presence is a bit intimidating as he looks up from a folder on his desk. He nods to acknowledge my presence, and then peruses the paperwork in front of him for another moment before closing the cover and meeting my eyes.
He stares at me for a moment before speaking, “I got a call this afternoon, there was an issue of sorts at your apartment this morning and the police had to get involved. When Kirishima came in for his shift earlier today I called him into the office and he was a bit concerned. I asked him what was going on with you and he mentioned that you haven’t been acting like your usual self. Now, you may not like it, but it is my job to pry. If you are not in the right mental state to do this job I need to bench you, even if it’s just temporarily.”
He stops speaking but continues to look into my eyes gauging my reaction, I don’t say anything in response to his words. I try and maintain a neutral expression, but the boss seems to see through it and says, “See that expression tells me that benching you might be the right call.”
The sides of my mouth turn downward into a frown, the thought of being assigned to desk work for an undefined amount of time does not appeal to me in the slightest.
“I am mandating you see the department therapist.”
I shoot up out of the chair, clenching my fists at my sides. A familiar scowl on my face as I exclaim, “I’m not crazy, why do I need to see a shrink?!”
The boss furrows his brows and says, “I know you’re not crazy, there are other reasons for needing to see a therapist through. If you want to stay an active Pro Hero you WILL see a shrink as you called it.”
“This is bullshit! Sorry. This is bullshit sir!”
The boss chuckles at that, then says, “I understand you’re upset but this is non-negotiable.”
“I go out for one night on the town-”
“It’s no about that. It’s not about the woman you brought home. It’s not about the police getting called. It’s a combination of all these things and I can tell from the way you’re responding right now it’s the right call.”
“This conversation is over.”
I simply bow my head and say, “Yes sir.” and head back to my desk. I sit there for a few moments and contemplate a week or more of tedium chained to a desk and unable to do my actual job just stuck doing paperwork and watching the walls. ‘The boss never said that I wasn’t allowed to go on patrol today explicitly.’ I hop out of my chair and head over to the locker room, I get no more than two steps in that direction when I hear the admin. assistant day to me, “You know if you do that, the boss will know before you even finish getting changed.”
I huff in exasperation and annoyance then sit back down at my desk. I put my head in my hands with my elbows propped up on my desk, ‘I said it before and I’ll say it again. This is utter bullshit.’
The bright fluorescent lights of the office have burned a circle in my retina, ‘I’ve been spinning around in this chair for about thirty minutes, if I don’t do something I’m going to lose my damn mind.’ I look over at the admin. assistant. She’s busy at work at least that’s what I think is happening, all I can see is the top tuft of hair peeking over the monitor to her computer, as she is otherwise surrounded by paperwork. Bringing forth the silent question as to how in the hell she saw me despite being barricaded behind stacks of papers. I stand up and walk over to her, tapping on the desk to catch her attention.
“Hey, I’m not going on patrol, but I am going to head over to the police department to see if they need anything.”
The clacking of her nails against the keys doesn’t stop even after I say something to her, but her tuft of hair bobs so I just leave, taking my badge from off my desk and my phone heading out the door of the main entrance. The cold filling my lungs with crisp air, it’s refreshing after being in the stuffy office for a few hours. The walk to the police station is short but the entire time there is a constant stream of thoughts going through my mind. ‘The past few weeks haven’t seemed especially different from any other. It’s been nothing but routine for me in terms of getting through work and getting over my ex. I didn’t think that my behavior had been too out of the ordinary.’ The sidewalks are still pretty busy at this time of night and I have plenty of company on my stroll to the police station. ‘Even so, I still don’t want to go to a therapist.’ The thought crosses my mind as I walk up the steps into the police station. The air in the police station is just as stuffy if not stuffier than that of the agency. Looking around I see the usual crowd, some new faces here and there but most of the personnel are the same. Then the person I least expected to still be at work comes sidling up beside me patting my shoulder, “Hey there Bakugou, it’s not your first day here so why’re you gawking around like you don’t know what to do with yourself?”
“Hey Joe, why’re you still here? Your shift was over hours ago right?”
“Well, yeah, but they forced me to get checked out by the doc just in case before I headed home.” he says pointing at the lurid bruise covering most of his left cheek, continuing “I was just picking up my stuff, on my way out the door.”
“From that woman earlier right? I saw that on the news right before I came in today.”
“Yep, and boy was she a piece of work, that one. Anyway, what brings you here?”
“Boss told me I was on desk duty, I figured I’d pop by and see if you guys needed anything. I am glad I ran into you though.”
“Is that so?” He looks at me with a questioning look on his face.
“Yes, maybe you can answer a question I have. Other than a therapist, who would someone go to for help, asking for a friend you understand.”
“Well, if it isn’t an actual mental health issue but more needing assistance with getting their life on track they could try a life coach.”
“Uh, huh.” I nod my head slowly at his statement.
“Not to say that a life coach and therapist are on the same level of course. However, the thing that they do have in common is that they help people who may be a bit lost in the weeds and not able to see a way forward.” Someone approaches the doorway and we move off to the side to avoid being in anyone’s way.
“I actually have a business card right here.”
Joe pulls the card out of his shoulder pocket and hands it to me, I take it and put it in my jacket for later. We talk for a few more minutes, Joe complaining mainly about how much paperwork he’s going to have to deal with now that the woman who I have learned is Ms. Sandra Bonde is in custody. We laugh a bit at the comment, knowing full well the only reason we do any paperwork is because of our jobs. Paperwork takes up so much of my time, I’d rather be out on patrol than sitting down at my desk doing mindless busy work, filling out forms and whatnot. The idle thought causes my eye to twitch in annoyance, reminding myself of my mandatory desk duty, I don’t know how I’ll survive.
We part ways as he heads to the direction of the subway and I stay put. After conversing with the officer at the front desk I wait a few minutes for some files on small time villains they were going to send over later, and with those in hand I walk back. Even though the whole point of me going to the police station was just a ploy to get out of the office I feel glad that I could accomplish something even if it is as mundane as carrying files back and forth. I pause for a moment, I did accomplish something else as well, I have the business card of the life coach that Joe gave me.
I am greeted by the stale hot air of the office and the sound of keys tapping away at the keyboard, coming from the admin. assistant’s desk who is as always surrounded by mountains of paperwork. I almost feel bad as I walk up to her and say, “Here’s what they had for us at the station.”
She simply looks up at me and says, “Just add it to a stack and I’ll get to it.”
After placing the papers onto one of the smaller stacks I head back to my desk. Dropping down into my chair and looking at the bare desk in front of my. I lean back in my chair and look up at the tiled ceiling pockmarked with holes. The standard soundboard material is a soulless institutional white-grey and lacking anything better to do, I start counting the holes, ‘This’ll be better than staring at the lights. At least I won’t blind myself out of boredom.’
“4,262... 4,263-”
“Hey Bakugou, I’m heading out,” says the admin. assistant, “Thank you for picking up the paperwork this evening. It did make things a bit easier. Oh, and the therapist should be calling you sometime tomorrow to schedule an appointment.”
She gives me a small wave and then walks away, a minute later I hear the door close and am alone in the empty office, all the other heroes for this shift are out on patrol. ‘Lucky bastards.’ I lean back in my chair once more and try to find the spot where I had left off but I had lost track. I click my tongue, although the task was pointless, at least it gave me something to do. I stand up and head over to the vending machines, a quick snack doesn’t sound too bad.
The selection is limited and most of the bags are probably filled with stale chips anyways. After a few moments I reach into my back pocket to grab my wallet after deciding on a bag of pretzels. My wallet is not there, I furrow my brows in confusion, maybe I left it at my desk? No, when I get back there it’s empty. I pat myself down, and the only things on me are my phone, hero ID, and keys. Wait, maybe I left it in the car? A sinking feeling in my stomach tells me otherwise, but I figure it’s worth a quick peek anyways.
Ten minutes later it is clear that it’s not here. I’ve checked under the seats, in between the console and the seats, and in the glove box. I even checked in between the seats and the side panel of the car by where the seat adjuster are, nothing. I huff out in annoyance at my fruitless search and resist the urge to slam the door to my car, closing it behind me and lock it before heading back inside ‘Great if it isn’t at the house I will have to call around and cancel all my cards, just what I need.’
I have managed to accomplish nothing in the four hours after getting back from the police department other than count the divots in the ceiling and down eight cups of coffee, I have never had that much coffee in one shift before. I spent hours literally staring at the ceiling, hopefully this desk duty nonsense will be over soon. I can’t sit at a desk all day, my brain will atrophy. Maybe I won’t even need to talk to the shrink more than once, I’ll contact the life coach, set up an appointment and then I’ll be out on patrol in no time. The boss is just giving me a nudge, he’s not holding my hand on the issue.
I drive back to my apartment a bit slower than usual, lost in thought. Considering what I should say to the therapist and life coach that will finish up this whole scenario as quickly as possible. My train of thought lasts until I get to the parking garage of my apartment complex. The dim lights of the garage a bilious yellow hue against the stark night.
I unlock the door to my apartment, take off my shoes and walk inside, “Okay, now where the hell is my wallet?” I say to myself as I lock the door behind me.
I spend the next few minutes walking around the house wandering about, and have made a full circle in my search for my wallet. I sigh and take off my jacket, walking over to the coat hanger shelf by the door, I notice my wallet placed on the shelf. I take in a deep steadying breath, ‘It’s been here the whole time. At least I don’t have to cancel all my cards now.’  I rest my keys on the shelf next to it and take out the business card from Joe out of my jacket.
Padding into my room, the floor is chilly despite the socks on my feet. My thumb runs over the surface of the card. It’s smooth and warm to the touch after being in my jacket pocket for so long. I set it down on my bedside table and quickly undress, putting on my pajamas, readying myself for bed. After pulling my shirt over my head I pick up the card and walk over to my desk, sitting down in the chair and opening the laptop. While waiting for the login screen I look down at the card in my hands. It has a matte finish, and is heather gray in color, the black lettering standing out from the soft tone of the card stock. I flip the card over in my hand and see that it’s one sided. The small chime of the laptop lets me know that the startup screen is on display and I can log in. My fingers tap lightly at the keys, pausing every so often to glance at the card for reference. After typing the website into the url bar at the top of the browser the page loads up instantly. The platform is simple and easy to navigate, I find the application for the intake immediately. Looking over the requested information I scroll to the bottom of the page and come to a decision. ‘There’s no way I’m filling all of this out. I’ll just call them when I wake up.’
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monaedroid · 5 years
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Janelle Monáe: Trans Folks to the Front    
Story by Peyton Dix
Sometimes it's hard to be proud during Pride. Janelle Monáe attended her first ever Pride parade this June in New Orleans. That same day a(nother) trans woman of color by the name of Layleen Polanco was found dead in her cell at Rikers. The 27-year-old House of Xtravaganza member is one of 12 trans women killed this year on record, and underlines an increasing issue of violence against Queer and Trans People of Color (QTPOC). Although these exist separately, Pride is oftentimes a month that makes it much easier to focus on the former (parades, rainbows and glitter that gets stuck in your hair for years) instead of the latter (the fact that many queer people are still largely at risk of violence and oppression).
Over the phone, Monáe unpacks parts of her past and dives into the 2018 Grammy-nominated Dirty Computer, but her passion pops out elsewhere. She mostly leans into battling bullies ("We have to be taught how to deal with bullies and bullies need to be taught the repercussions of bullying somebody"), creating active change ("Sexual identity needs to be taught in school. There should be courses on mental health, how to coexist, how we can all learn from each other"), and the importance of empowering and standing up for QTPOC ("In the same way we want white folks to support us and be better allies and use their privilege to make change in those power dynamics, it's up to us to protect those who may not be as privileged").
Throughout the conversation, Monáe is steady in the way she speaks, but her tone shifts and her pace increases when reaching these topics. The performer's anger and sadness are palpable and warranted. "I look to Indya Moore, Mj Rodriquez, Janet Mock (my Pose family)... Laverne Cox, those women are putting themselves and their lives on the frontline everyday. When their trans sisters and brothers get murdered, they feel it. We have to support them... It's just a responsibility I feel. I could do better. I'll do better."
This isn't the first time Monáe, someone at the epicenter of pop culture, has recentered the narrative to focus more on one of the most othered groups in the LGBTQ community instead of herself. Although Monáe can only attest to her own experiences, she has actively made sure to advocate, and make space, for her entire LGBTQIA community. Her performance of Dirty Computer's "Americans" on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert opens on Pose star Mj Rodriquez, who's trans, before the camera slowly pulls out to reveal a group of POC femmes holding each other. She sings a song that says:
Until women can get equal pay for equal work This is not my America Until same gender loving people can be who they are This is not my America Until black people can come home from a police stop Without being shot in the head This is not my America
Monáe publicly dedicated her two Grammy nominations to her "trans brothers and sisters," who she says "are shunned from these sorts of events." Institutional award shows, including the Grammys, are inherently and historically spaces of white, cis, male privilege. While they have recently gotten Blacker, our understanding of diversity must always continue to grow more intersectional. This is part of what Monáe is working toward herself, and advocating for from her audience.
Dirty Computer itself was an honoring of the 'other,' full of anthems for the ostracized. The genesis of the project was birthed from her understanding of Monáe's own self. Her "walking in truth" got her two Grammy nods, a GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Music Artist, and was named one of the Albums of the Year by The New York Times, Complex, TIME, and Rolling Stone, among others.
But it isn't these accolades that make Monáe proud. In fact, it was her choice to do something scary, to take a risk and tell the truth, and thankfully that resonated. "I'm just happy that my personal story has also been personal stories for so many other people. There's so many young people who grew up in the South or Baptist families, who were told that they won't be accepted by Christ. They can listen to this album and feel hugged. They can feel loved. They can feel seen. They can feel heard. That's the most beautiful thing." Monáe's fans were not just able to find parallels with her journey, but able to find validation in being "dirty." With this album she extended an open hand.
"Folks who are not comfortable speaking out about your sexuality publicly, we see you and you are valid and you matter."
Right before dropping Dirty Computer Monáe came out as pansexual in Rolling Stone, calling herself a "free ass motherf*cker." She reinforced that notion with songs like "Make Me Feel," "Crazy, Classic, Life," and "Django Jane." She solidified it every time she championed free gender expression with her clothing, and drove home the point when her boob winked at us this past Met Gala. Monáe is so exceptionally herself, so sacred in her skin, which shines not only through her music but in her powerful roles in 2016 films Moonlight and Hidden Figures Her character in Moonlight, Teresa, a pseudo-guardian to the young, Black, gay protagonist Chiron, sees many parallels with Monáe herself. She is strong, proud, protective, nurturing and poised. But that wasn't always the case.
Monáe grew up in Kansas City in a Baptist church, with a Christian family and in shoes very different from the ones she walks in now. She remembers being quite young when she realized she was queer, and although the vocabulary wasn't there, the feelings were. "I was like eight," she remembers. "I don't think I actually knew how I identified. I knew that I was attracted to women, girls, men, boys. I knew that." Like many LGBTQIA+ people raised in more rural and religious areas, Monáe found it difficult to ask those questions without feeling ostracized.
"I've seen people get beat up because they were considered to be 'too feminine' or 'too masculine' for how they identified," she says. Some of those people were family friends, including a gay male friend of her aunt's, whom she watched be shunned from his community. "It was because of Black men who thought he was trying to come onto them, but he wasn't," Monáe says, "It was their own ignorance and insecurity and fear that led them to lash out. When I saw that..." her voice trails off. "To be a gay Black man, and Black men are like the 'heads of the households' and I'm a Black woman, this young kid. I thought, then it's really over for me."
Imagining that side of Monáe's experience is difficult now that she's cultivated such a strong and specific voice around queer politics and gender identity. It's hard to imagine that side of her experience having seen her on her Dirty Computer tour last year, and having been part of the sea of voices in Madison Square Garden shouting "I'm dirty, I'm proud" back at her. Pride has become such a staple in her narrative and her art.
But this month it's all too easy to feel forced into living your most out and proud life, when for many that's actually much easier said than done. "We have to make sure that we don't pressure people to come out," Monáe says. "Everybody doesn't have the same set of circumstances. There are people, young people in particular, that will be cut off from their family, hanged or jailed if they walked in their truth. Folks who are not comfortable speaking out about your sexuality publicly, we see you and you are valid and you matter. We have to protect our babies, especially in the LGBTQIA+ community. We have to do better. "
Photographer: Kelia Anne 1st Assistant: Carlos Quinteros Jr. Gaffer: Brandon Waddell Hair: Nikki Nelms Makeup: Jessica Smalls Stylist: Alexandra Mandelkorn Nails: Kim Truong & Diem Truong (using KISS Nails at Star Touch Agency) Location: Smashbox Studios
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word-scribbless · 5 years
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x female reader
Ever since she met Steve mcgarret her life had changed. Almost a year ago she transferred from her job as a detective in California to the HPD. She had helped 5-0 on several cases before Steve asked her to jump ship at HPD to be on his team. While the prospect of immunity and means and a swanky office were incredibly inticing it was the handsome man standing in front of her with a smirk that could end a world war that made it pretty impossible to say no. While she prided herself on not getting swept away by a nice smile and intense eyes. There was a first for everything.
When she started with 5-0 she quickly noticed that the team was like a family, and she was happy to be a part of it. She also noticed that the handsome commander was going through something, she managed to deduce (or ask Danny) that he had his heart broken by a woman named Catherine.
Over the next 6 months Y/N and Steve began to gravitate towards each other. Steve would partner her up with him when Danny was away, they would stand closer and closer to each other while watching jerry run down a case on the screen, when it was time for paper work Y/N would end up working on the couch in Steve’s office or vis virsa. Danny noticed of course and kept quiet as long as he could. To Y/N at least, he had been encouraging Steve to make a move for months now but knew he just had to wait the both of them out.
One morning while working on a case Steve had pulled a chair up to Y/N’s desk to work through an idea he had with her. They had a classic hallmark movie moment when he went to hand her a paper and their hands touched. Their eyes locked and she was waiting for him to make a stupid excuse to move away from her. Instead he cleared his throat and said “y/n I know this might be a leap but I really like hanging out with you, will you go out with me tonight? Or we could stay in and watch a movie? I’ll cook for you!” Y/n was taken aback for a second but lucky for her she was quick on her feet. “Handsome, strong, and you cook but still nervous to ask a girl out huh?” She replied, earning a throaty chuckle from Steve. “I’d love to have a stay in date with you tonight. What are you gonna cook for me?” “It’s a surprise” Steve said with a smirk wiggling his eye brows causing y/n to laugh.
After solving the case and finishing up paper work the team called it a day early .Steve stopped off at y/n’s office to “pick her up” for their date when they saw an awkward Danny standing in the doorway. “Uhhh Steve... Catherine is here she uh she’s asking for you” Steve’s face paled at her name. “Uh alright let’s go see what’s up shall we?” He asked motioning for her and Danny to come with him. Y/n and Danny exchanged worried looks as Steve turned to walk out the door. “Catherine, Catherine? Like broke Steve’s heart and stomped on it Catherine?” She whispered to Danny as she walked by “That’d be the one.” He replied
They walked out to the main room. Her stomach dropped at the sight of the beautiful woman, she assumed was Catherine standing in front of her! “Steve!” She whispered as she ran to hug him. Steve hesitated for a moment before hugging her back. Y/n knew then that the course of the evening had just changed from “1st date” to “catching up with ex girlfriend who broke your heart” and she had no idea where that left her.
Catherine had explained that a man she had been after for months with the CIA had just fled to the island and she needed the help of 5-0. Y/n didn’t miss the glances Catherine was stealing as Steve gave out the orders. She couldn’t blame her... she’d been in a meaningful relationship that had ended when she had been promoted to detective in her precinct in California and knew there would always be feelings there. However she also knew that Catherine was looking longingly at the man she had been falling for for the past year and that man had finally asked her on a date before she waltzed back into his life and she wasn’t taking it too kindly!
The team had all been given their orders and where about to split up. Kathrine was paired with Steve, y/n with Danny. Y/n knew as the person with the most intel and the leader of the team that it was logical for Catherine and Steve to be paired up but that didn’t sway the anger she felt welling up inside her.
Y/n finished putting on her vest and went to walk towards the door when Steve grabbed her arm gently. He gave her a long sweet kiss on the cheek and said with a smile. “This doesn’t change our plans okay sweetheart? It just alters the timing a little, I’m really sorry about this.” Y/n couldn’t help giant smile or the feeling in her chest, not only at what Steve said or the kiss but also the nickname he used for her. While this eased her worry she still couldn’t shake the feeling in her stomach as she watched how easily Catherine and Steve slipped right back into working side by side.
This feeling lasted through out the whole mission. Especially after Catherine’s reaction to Steve getting punched by the suspect as he put him In the HPD cruiser. Catherine had his face in her hands assessing the bruise and y/n watched as she leaned in whispering to him . She quickly turned on her heal to take her seat in Danny’s car as she told him to drive. Danny of course noticed how quiet the usually quippy y/n was on the ride home, and assumed he knew the reason, but waited for her to bring it up on her own.
After watching her mope as she finished her paper work, Danny had finally had enough. He walked into y/n’s office and said. “Alright y/n/n we talking about this or what?” “I was pleasantly surprised at how long you left me with out the interrogation” She answered as Danny laughed sitting down on the chair across from her. “Y/n I saw the exchange with Steve today before we left. I know my boy and he has it bad. I have spent months berating him to finally make his move with you and in classic Steve nature he has the worst timing.” Danny says “ I don’t know Danny I know we have feelings for each other but now that she’s back maybe I should just take a step back” “y/n there is no way in hell i’m letting you do that with out a fight, I’ve put a lot into this relationship.” “I know man ... but I I can’t go through this again.” She catches herself off guard as she gets chocked up. “ I know I haven’t shared much about that part of my life but let’s just say I’ve been pushed to the back burner a lot in the past and Danny I can’t accept being second best with him. I just can’t.”“y/n listen to me...” Danny says before you cut him off”.
“I’ll never be able to compete with Catherine !” She says while blinking back tears. “There is no competition y/n” she turns to the deep voice she hears behind her and is faced by a serious Steve. Danny squeezes her arm in support as he leaves. She wipes her stray tears as she turns to face Steve.
“Come on you’re Steve mcgarret everything’s a competition in your world!” She says trying to ease the tension she feels. “Not when it comes to you!” Steve says looking her straight in the eye. “Steve we don’t have to talk about this. We can just go back to the way we were yesterday no harm no foul.” she says trying but failing to be convincing. “Y/n I don’t want that. I told you none of this changes our plans. I have been trying to ask you out for months” He chuckles but still has a serious look on his face. “I know Steve but Catherine is back now and she said herself she might stay and I know how it is with exes I just I... I can’t compete.” She says and calmly as she can, which isn’t very calm at this point. “Y/n I told you...theres no competition”
“I know you only just asked me on a first date but we work together Steve, and you’re my best friend on this island, so I wouldn’t have said yes to tonight if I didn’t see a future relationship with you and I know you’ve probably been debating this in your head for months before asking me out.” She says “You talked to Danny didn’t you” Steve said. Y/n chuckles but looks down at her feet in thought again as Steve says “But you’re right I’ve thought this through and I see a future with you y/n. And believe me when I say there is NO competition here” He says pushing a stray hair behind her ear.
“Steve” She says in almost a whisper “You almost married her! You’re always going to love her and I get that I do... but there is no way I measure up to her...” y/n looks down at her shoes “and I just, I’ve always been second best and I don’t think I can take being that to you.” Steve took her hands in his and swooped his head down to meet her eyes with his.
“Y/n... yes I loved Catherine , yes I was going to propose and when she left it crushed me. But sweetheart, I survived!...” “You survive everything” y/n huffs under her breath with a half chuckle. “But that’s the thing though darlin’...” Steve says in a serious voice “after Catherine , I never thought I’d feel that way again... and then you came into my life and I felt something totally different, that I have never felt before and I know we haven’t even been on a real date yet but honestly if I lost you... I don’t think I would survive.” Steve says and while his words were confident she hears the crack in his voice and notices the way his eyes are now on their feet rather than meeting hers.
She doesn’t know what to say... did the great Steve Mcgarrett just admit he wasn’t invincible? Did he just say losing her would be what brought him down? The usually sceptical y/n found her self confident in the man standing in front of her. She smiled as she took a hand out of his to tilt his chin up to look her in the eye. “I’m sorry did you just admit there is something in this world you can’t use your ninja stills to beat?” Y/n says with a chuckle Steve smiles moving his free hand to cup her cheek. “Y/n there are a lot of things I never thought I’d admit but there’s this sneaky thing about you that makes me wanna tell you everything” Steve says as he strokes her cheek.
“Yeah you have that about you too... but your secret is definitely that cute little smirk, it’s like my kryptonite! And don’t even get me started on those nicknames! Y/n laughs. “You noticed that huh?l” Steve asks smirking “Noticed it? It took all I had not to kiss you every time you said it” “hmm I’ll have to remember that” Steve smirks.
Steve looks at her a bit more seriously “but y/n I don’t want you to go into this with doubts” “Steve I trust you, I do and I believe you when you say I’m not your second choice. And I know that if the roles were reversed and my ex came waltzing in here we’d be having a very similar conversation and I’d hope you’d believe that I choose you too.”
Steve laughs as he says “If your ex walked through that door there’d be a lot more punching.” He says pointing to the door “I have much less self control than you.” Y/n laughs as she leans into Steve’s hand still stroking her cheek “you feel that strongly about me huh babe?”
Steve smiles “I sure do” Steve chuckles “babe huh? I like it” “Oh yeah?” Y/n asks. “Yeah sweetheart, I do” Steve smirks. “I told you what that nickname makes me want to do” she laughs. “Oh I remember” Steve says leaning closer. Y/n leans in closing the gap between them. Steve’s other hand moves to y/n’s neck pulling her in Slightly. Y/n’s hands travel to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. The kiss is sweet but not lacking heat after waiting so long.
They pull apart both smiling. Steve takes y/n’s hand in his “Ready for that date I promised you sweetheart?” y/n smiles. “More than ready Babe”
They walk out of y/n’s office hand in hand past a cheering Danny on the way to their first of many dates.
Not my gifs!!!
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lorei-writes · 5 years
Ikesen Masamune Analysis #3
1st part: the trauma & the grief 2nd part:  discovering the new meaning to love & getting in touch with himself
For the 3rd part, I want to focus on what makes Masamune's dramatic route really tragic.
Major route spoilers ahead.
To start with, getting familiar with the second part of my analysis may be necessary for an in-depth understanding of the events. To just summarise it briefly: Masamune loved MC at least as long as she loved him, but it took him way longer to actually understand his feeling and to realise it was love. I'd say it's only after battle with Kenshin that he finally knew what to call this strange happiness he had never felt before to that extent. Let's remember, that's pretty late in the route itself.
Now, finding this new, deeper meaning of love (love being both physical and emotional; I suppose he considered lust to be love before meeting MC) allowed Masamune to make another discovery - he wanted his future. He wasn't content with just the present anymore. Masa reclaimed part of himself, the one he had sacrificed long ago for the sake of the Date clan.
Let's look at how much (or rather, little) time passed between this revelation and MC getting swallowed by the wormhole right back into the future.
Personally, I think that about half of the pain comes from the emotional distress. Masa, after finally being able to actually desire something for himself, something authentic, something long-lasting, had it all taken away from him. He tasted the unconditional love, just to have to look helplessly as it was taken away. He was powerless, yet in the way also powerful - he did follow his code of the good lord and silenced his pain, just to ask her to keep smiling.
On the physical plane, his body hurt as well. As we can suspect, the shot wound wasn't quite healed yet and the rubble from the collapsing temple did fall on Masamune's shoulder. The fire spread fast and burned him. Also, keep in mind that in the future, MC was in the hospital for a couple of days due to the smoke poisoning - and Masamune was in the building for so much longer than her.
I think we can more or less guess how that year passed for Masamune.
Firstly, he had to recover physically - considering what we know of his scars, it would take at least a month for the burns to heal (he got scarred, but he still had feeling in the skin, so it's reasonable to think he got 2nd degree burns, maybe less severe 3rd degree burns). Meanwhile, Masamune would also have to deal with a rather heavy blow to his pride - he wouldn't had survived if Yukimura wasn't there. The possibility of them clashing one day in battle wasn't slim.
Then, he had to explain what happened to MC and arrange a rather unexpected move to Kyoto. And how exactly do you convince others that your beloved just traveled in time and that changing your base of operation was totally rational, just like that? Even if the Azuchi warlords believed him instantly, not all people would - I wouldn't be surprised if rumors arose, if people just assumed the princess died in the fire. Though that's frankly the least important thing, as I suppose it wouldn't bother Masamune much.
After all, she promised to come back and in turn, he promised to wait for her, even if it meant waiting forevermore. Oh, and he was ready for that eternity, even if it was to be full of uncertainty and painful hope - because maybe he had to wait just another day, maybe just another hour, maybe she'd come back tomorrow.
I suspect Masamune wouldn't be able to ever fall in love again like that. MC was the only woman ever to see him as just a man and that came from her upbringing in the future. She didn't perceive him through the lenses of what may be beneficial to her - she wanted him as a whole, the ugly, the weak, the scarred and the traumatised included. Even if Masa found a woman as bold, brave and stubborn as MC, it would be almost impossible to recreate that sort of tender, kind, warm and unconditional love. After all, MC lived in the time where political marriages weren't a thing anymore, where people could provide for themselves and didn't have to marry into prosperity. Not to mention the fact that he'd have to bare his heart to another again, after breaking a promise. Which just isn't like him.
Now, imagine a day of pain, intensified by it being the anniversary of her disappearing, and combine all of the above into one wave of feelings. The moment MC came back and crashed into Masamune, he got engulfed by it all - the longing, the pain, the happiness. After all this time, it felt surreal to him - and once this dream came true (or much rather, his nightmare had ended), it was so overwhelming he couldn't keep his veneer anymore. The very Masamune who rode into battle while heavily injured, the man who'd hide his injuries, who'd smile when sad and who'd laugh when about to cry - that very man would tremble, while holding his beloved, he missed so painfully for the past year. Being torn away from her was just too much.
That, I believe, is where the pathos of the dramatic route lies.
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