#happen that way it feels like a crushing personal attack. that's kinda a you problem and not the result of bad writing. the author is not
pinewae · 2 months
i think often in fandom people are so ready to die on their hills that they forget about things like the unreliable narrator and differing character perspectives being unobjective. sometimes the story isn't going to tell you exactly what to think and who is right and wrong and what everything means. you're usually supposed to, as an audience member, see the context of the whole story and make judgments based on that. not just believe everything out of the mouth of one character. you have the knowledge of their whole world and insight into their relationships that is invisible to the characters, why are you just trusting everything they say objectively as if they don't exist in surrounding context?? i don't get it. how do people enjoy stories that way
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Guess's on How Sasappis died.
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Sasappis is the last ghost for us to learn his death. Sass is very private (undead) person, and we have been given no real/clear hints to his death. His ghost power (To enter into the dreams of the livings) could easily correlate to him being a story teller, and not necisarly "He died in his sleep, after catching a sever fever, that also caused him to have very strange dreams. Note I do not believe that Sass died of a fever. They would have incorporated some sign of it into his character. He would be more tired, feel more cold, possibly have a "unexplainable sweating problem". He also does not have any vibsiable gaping wounds, like Pete, Flower, or Stephanie, so that rules out death by attacker. So the question is how did Sass die
Now he could have died of some kind of sickness, but I do not think it is very likely. For one thing he is implied to have had a sudden death, just days before an important tribal ceremony he was planning/supposed to take part in. Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't most sickness take a period of weeks, months, years to do him in. A second thing again he isn't really sickly in the the show. All the cholera ghosts are flushed and still hacking. Issac will sneeze and mention stomach pains. But Sass seems fine, so if he has any kind of sickness then he has been masking it for 500 years. That is really sad.
He also could have could died if he went walk in the woods one night and fell from a cliff or out of a tree... but if that happened well that is kinda anti-climactic for how long we had to wait. I would rate that on the same scale as Thorfinn dying because he went walking with his helmet, through a storm and was struck by lightening. It is just a case of him not being as careful as he should have been. Not nearly an impressive follow up to Alberta or Hetty's more recently revealed deaths.... But you could make it more sad. Sass and his crush Shiki are implied to have died in the same year. Sass says that when they were alive, he was ghosted by Shiki after gifting a freshly killed deer to her family, as a jester of love. What if that was because Shiki actually went missing (i.e. died) shortly after, and Sass went out to search for her?
Another death I have considered was a food related one. A detail of Sass's character is is the most in love with food smells (the closest they can come to eating) of all the ghosts. He hangs out in the kitchen whenever Jay is cooking, consistently begs Sam and Jay to cook more of his favorite smelling food: pepperoni pizza, and I am honestly half expecting him to move into the barn once Jay's restaurant opens... What if Sass's love of food is actually a hint at his death? Maybe he had an allergy and accidentally ate something he was not supposed to? Or, maybe he had diabetes or some other dietary need, a crop or the meat from a particular animal, and Sass died when it was wiped out or disappeared. With so many people in the U.S. having dietary issues, and the countries known love of food, I could see the show choosing to write an episode on dietary importance, and the need for people from all walks of life to have access to healthy food.
My finale theory is one I have actually gotten off Tumblr, from the people who are fans of both the CBS and BBC series. Some people are suggesting Sass got bit by a poison snake or something and died from the poison venom. The puncture marks are small enough for Sass to be able to conceal with his clothing. Apparently something of the similar nature happened to BBC's Kitty? And I actually know a really good way to blend that into Sass's personality and a possible reason for why he became a ghost. Sass as mentioned loves stories and is a gifted story teller. But also as mentioned he is very private person who gets nervous about speaking in front of crowds. A week before the tribes festival Sass's father gave him an eagle's feather, which was believed to help bring confidence and courage. But what if Sass was still nervous/afraid afterwards. What as the days got closer got more more nervous/afraid, until he decided to do something reckless and stupid, to prove to himself that he could be brave. Something like walking through a more dangerous (poison animal infested) part of valley, telling himself "If I can brave this I will have no reason to be afraid of anything anymore". While that would not be the most exciting death, it would be very tragic, and it could set up "Overcoming the fears he had as a living", all of them, as Sass's unfinished business. Essentially, he would need to become a more rounded and confident person. Note that seems to also be Pete's unfinished business. Sass and Pete are roommates, and we have had at least a few really nice episodes exploring their relationship. It would be really cool if that continued to him and Pete having to teach themselves the same thing, but in different ways.
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In the empty world, the skeleton finds someone else.
Here's the fun part, whoever they find is entirely up to you. It could be their brother, an enemy, or even someone completely estranged to them.
Here is the first (very angsty) part!
Undertale Sans - So. He might have thought Toriel was an hallucination and said outloud that he would have at least see nice boobs before dying. He is surprised when Toriel roars with laughter suddenly, startling him, and brutally realising she is really there and what he just said. Sans teleports (not to) far away to hide. He's sad it's not his brother, but he's relieved he's someone he knows and could live with without a problem. Finally he's not the only adult in charge of the end of the world.
Undertale Papyrus - He was kinda hopeless after posing his signs until one day he woke up with someone in his house, criticizing his cans of food and throwing them by the window one by one. Papyrus is happy, thinking that thrash person must be his brother. He for sure didn't expect Jerry of all people to be the only other person alive. Papyrus is having a mental breakdown right here and right now.
Underswap Sans - He was about to die in his car because of his own stupidity when he heard a familiar voice insulting him and threatening him to kill him herself if he was dying on her. Alphys. Blue never got so relieved in his life and will gladly let her save his life. He has no words to say how thankful he is.
Underswap Papyrus - He didn't even react when Asgore opened his closet as he heard people crying inside. Honey still thinks he's dreaming and lets the old King carry him like a ragdoll. When it clicks in his head it's real, Honey cries again, this time hugging Asgore like a koala. He's so glad he is not all alone anymore. He's traumatised.
Underfell Sans - He was watching a bank burn, eating pop corn, when Edge suddenly pops next to him, looking at the fire in disbelief. Red looks at him, shrugs and keeps watching. That's surely just his conscience telling him it's bad. It was damn time he loses it entirely! You know what! Fuck you conscience! He kicks his brother in the knee and instantly regret it when Edge makes him fly with a bone on several meters. Oof.
Underfell Papyrus - AH! He knew it was a survival game! He's facing Undyne like a cow boy, a hand holding a machette, and runs to attack her. Undyne flinches in surprise but quickly attacks back. They're rolling in the mud like wild animals now. That's their way to say they are happy to see each other again I think.
Horrortale Sans - His chicken are back. One day, he saw them running to him in panic from a random street. Oak is kinda happy to have them. Making sure they can survive is like his new goal in life and they make good cuddle buddies at night. He still feels lonely, but at least he has something to do until things go back to normal.
Horrortale Papyrus - He was having a panic attack when he felt something big hug him and purring like hell. Willow can't believe it. Oak is back, like nothing happened, and asks him what they're eating for dinner. Willow breaks down in tears and crushes him in a hug. Oak has no idea what's going on. Oh yeah, he found the chicken outside too. He's not sure why they were outside again, he kinda forgot everything that happened once he saw Willow. For the best, probably.
Swapfell Sans - The universe hates him. That's the only way. When he thought that he was finally free from Toriel... It turned out she is the only monster still alive and overprotective now. Nox is kinda chained to her and forced to follow her around as she's telling him horrible things, like that it was time he realised his brother was holding him back. In the end, Nox starts to believe it to not lose it entirely.
Swapfell Papyrus - He found a Mc Donald's employee. The both of them invaded one of the restaurant and stressed it all the nuggets in two hours. Now Rus is in depresssion cause he realised he will never eat nuggets again. The McDonald's employee says that they could start a McDonald's pilgrimage to go eat every McDonald's chicken McNuggets around the world. Rus says it's completely ridiculous. He loves the idea and wants to do it now. Here goes your weird romance fanfiction start.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Well, when he saw Alphys on the rails while he was driving his train, he didn't think and sped up the train... On one hand, he is still alone. On the other though, he fucking beat Alphys to death with his hell train, god he's so proud of himself! If only they had trains Underground!
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - One day, Undyne opened his closet and joined him to hide from the world. It's a thing now. None of them is talking, they're just kinda awkwardly hugging each other to comfort the other, and once in a while, one of them goes out to cook and bring back the food. He guess they're sort of friends now???
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servin-up-surveys · 4 months
survey #212
Have you ever seen a cougar in the wild? No, thank god. They don't even live here.
When was the last time you took a selfie? Like, months ago.
Do you have any nieces or nephews? Quite a few.
Who’s your favourite person? Girt.
Are you more of a cat or dog person? Cat.
What’s the weirdest compliment you’ve ever received? It's not appropriate so we're not talking about it lmao
Who is someone you really admire? Mark Fischbach.
Do you prefer piano or guitar music? Electric guitar.
Are you good at using Photoshop? I'm decent.
What were you last embarrassed about? My social awkwardness when I was trying to order a burger at this place in Charlotte. I was just getting over being overwhelmed and stuff, and the menu kinda confused me, so I made a fool of myself. Idk how in the world Girt managed to not just walk the fuck away from me lmao
Are there any clothing items you really want but can’t find? I've wanted a black, studded leather jacket since I was a teenager.
What’s a habit you find gross? Biting toenails. I was floored when I learned people even did it.
Are you a hat person? No.
Has anyone ever approached you in the street and asked to take your picture? No.
What color hair did your first crush have? Brown.
Have you ever had a professional make-over? No.
Have you ever had a professional photo shoot? Not for just myself. Family stuff, though.
What is your favorite Avril Lavigne song? "Nobody's Home"
Do you have any embarrassing health issues? I have IBS, yes. Hyperhidrosis is also very embarrassing because you look like you dove into a pool after being outside in mild heat for five minutes.
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yes, the second time I had to go for my asthma. I don't think I'd properly reached asthma attack territory, but it was mighty fuckin' close.
Have you ever gotten sick in the car? No.
How many teeth do you have? Idk, however many you're supposed to have without wisdom teeth.
Have you ever cussed someone out? I remember doing this to my sister's abusive boyfriend she had in high school. I feel like this has probably happened with another or two.
Does it take a lot to make you feel guilty? No.
Have you ever broken a really important promise? Well, I did promise to keep Sara's disgusting political compass a secret. So yes, I eventually broke that.
Have you ever told someone’s deep, dark secret? ^ yes. There was no way to ban her from the RP forum without explaining it to our mutual friends/RP partners, I'm sure.
Have you ever purposely hurt yourself? Yes, I had problems with this as a teenager, and it happened a few times in my early 20s.
Have you ever eaten any type of insect? No.
What’s a hobby you would like to try out? Herping.
Have you ever won a raffle? If so, what’ve you won? Yes, this is how I won two rare and limited pieces of Silent Hill: Revelation merch.
What’s the biggest insect you’ve ever seen? Probably some sort of beetle.
How about the biggest spider? A bird-eating tarantula when I was at the NARBC with Sara. The insane thing is I think the guy whose booth it was might have been the YouTuber who GOT me into tarantulas (The Tarantula Collective) lmfao, I just can't remember for sure. They definitely at least looked similar.
Is your room covered in posters, or pretty bare? As of only a few days ago, they're almost completely bare now. I'm redecorating in there. I'm leaving most posters behind.
Would you ever consider being a cannibal? Strong no.
Do you collect anything valuable? No.
What was the last thing you killed? Most likely an ant.
Who is your favorite female celebrity? Hm... I guess either Gab Smolders or tarantula kat. It's strange, all celebs I've been wildly invested in were/are men lmao
What’s your favorite Lady Gaga song? "Bloody Mary"
Would you date the same sex? Why or why not? Yes, and I have before, I'm pansexual.
If someone cheated on you, would you take them back if you really loved them? Nope, you've got one shot.
Obsessions? Meerkats have been my longest-lasting and most well-known, but online I'm also very open about my extreme Rammstein hyperfixation (I say "online" because irl I am very embarrassed by being someone who hyperfixates and I don't like sharing), the Silent Hill franchise, watching YouTube, tarantulas...
Addictions? Technology, specifically the Internet. I barely know how to exist without it, and it's sad. I'm aware I'm also addicted to soda, albeit this is an addiction I'm more capable of actually fighting, but I still have a few bottles (not two-liters, don't be mistaken) a week.
What are your #1 priorities in life? My happiness, health (mental and physical), maintaining healthy and fulfilling relationships, and trying to figure out my purpose and what I want to live for (this includes working towards a career of some sort).
Have you ever dated a redhead? No.
List three of your favorite types of YouTube videos to watch. Let's plays, reptile and tarantula collectors' care-type videos, herping.
What is the name of your YouTube channel, if you have one? 0zzkat (it’s a zero because with an "o" was somehow already taken boooooooo).
How old were you the first time you encountered God? God was forced on me from birth (I was baptized, so quite literally).
Any upcoming travel plans? I'm probably going BACK to Charlotte next weekend because Girt's picking up a really nice exercise bike Javier has for sale, so he has to pick that up because shipping would be like, $500. The bike is rather small so would fit into Girt's bedroom, and he plans on facing it towards his TV so he can just be on the bike while watching YouTube.
What are you reading currently? Nothing right now; I recently finished the Omen of the Stars arc in the Warriors series, so now I need to order the next arc.
What’s the first concert you attended? Alice Cooper.
Where do you most hope to visit? The KMP grounds in South Africa.
For what would you be famous? I feel that I'm most CAPABLE of being famous for my writing, but I WANT to be well-known for my photography, at least in the photography community; truly "famous" photographers are extremely few and far between.
When did you last cry? And why, if you feel like sharing. Last night. I had an anxiety attack.
What fictional character/s remind you of yourself? Clearsight from Wings of Fire is a strong one.
What would you like to tell your father? I wish you were better when I was growing up.
What would you like to tell your mother? Thank you for literally everything you do.
What is something you have no patience for? Jokes about rape or other extremely serious, harmful things.
How many cats do you have? One. I'd like one more, but.
How many dogs do you have? One.
How many other pets do you have? One: a champagne morph ball python.
How many of your grandparents are still alive? None.
Have you ever been flipped off by a random stranger? Yes, when I was driving one day. My mom was absolutely seething, she reached her arm out of the window and did it right back.
Does everyone in your family know your sexual orientation? I don't think everyone does.
Would you ever want to go back to school? So... as of extremely recently I am considering going back for some sort of writing degree. I don't want to be an author, I just feel like a degree in my strongest skill might come in handy for getting SOME sort of job in writing.
If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair? shrug
What is the wallpaper on your cell phone? Lock screen is this gorgeous artwork featuring a skull with flowers, butterflies, and bees, and my home screen is another piece of artwork that's a simplistic monarch butterfly texture.
What do you have handy at your bedside? Two lamps (only one is usually on, my little moon one, but the bigger one is for if I need more light), sometimes my phone, the remote for my moon lamp (it can change colors), and whatever book I'm reading.
When did you last sing to yourself? When I was otw home from Charlotte with Girt.
What is the greatest accomplishment of your life? Healing from my trauma with Jason, I think. I could say still being alive, because boy have I wanted to kill myself plenty of times, but in a way I feel like healing from Jason was even harder. A big reason I'm still alive is because I was just too afraid of the experience of killing myself, so like... surviving was the only option.
What is your opinion on brown eyes? Do not get me wrong, brown eyes can be beautiful, especially in the light. However, it is my least favorite human eye color.
Would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel? The child of both.
How do you feel about tattoos and piercings? Explain. I fucking love them and I'm so glad humans conceived the idea for both. Both can be a method of self-expression, and especially for me, making you enjoy your body more.
Talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way. Ozzy Osbourne. He was my bait into metal music, and his music has comforted me since I was a pre-teen, and continues to do so to this day. His music makes me feel warm, and it feels like home to me.
The world is listening. Pick one sentence you would tell them. For right this very minute? Free Palestine. If it wasn't currently under genocidal siege, I'd have to think harder on this, because there's a lot of contenders.
Do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organized/not organized? I have a desk for my laptop. It's got my laptop on it of course, plus the Mira plush Girt got me, the weighted meerkat plush Mom got me, my planner and Girt's work schedule, my therapy workbook, and a few art supplies.
What’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know? I would never share my sexual life with either of them. Specifically kinks, no fucking thanks.
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miss-bluerose · 10 months
TDI23 Season 2 ep 2-4 thoughts and theories. Spoilers ahead.
Ep 2: The slides were awesome and I kept laughing when most of the cast missed the hoop or bounced off. But I did feel like 21 was too low of a target score and it should have been a bit higher. Also the rejected 4 point slide should have been roped off or something jfc.
Ep 3: Getting sprayed with sticky sap and running across the island to the finish line in 30 minutes isn't the most unique challenge ever but it was still entertaining I guess. Olivia Von Trash Panda is absolutely precious and must be protected at all costs. If something bad happens to that raccoon, I'm actually going to cry tears of sadness which I don't think I've done while watching this show before.
Ep 4: Getting across a glass bridge by answering questions correctly was the least interesting of the 3 for me but it's the second challenge reference to Squid Game so that's cool. I hope they do the cookie challenge too just because I would like to see some of the tougher contestants struggle a bit. Some of those questions were really gross but Priya's reaction to if she'd want Chris as her father was hilarious.
He's such a troll, I can't believe he counted the bear towards Team Skunk Butt's total. Him roasting Ripper was funny. There's no way that he doesn't know MK/Team Skunk Butt is cheating, she's so obvious about it. He's probably just waiting for the right time to call them out or something. "Can we show a decapitation or is that going to be a problem?" killed me 100%.
He looked at MK pretty suspiciously during the meeting we saw so I think he knows what she's up to. Speaking of which, why in the world are the meetings held out in the open? Couldn't the other contestants just hide in the nearby trees and listen in? His exchange with Caleb about if he skipped leg day was funny.
I'm glad that the purple haired intern is back and I think it'd be hilarious if she ended up exposing MK's cheating somehow.
More characters are doing the "sparkly eyes" this season and that's pretty funny to me.
Eliminated contestants:
16th: Lauren/Scary Girl - I didn't see her lurking in the background anywhere sad to say but I still have my fingers crossed that she's there on the island somewhere. It was nice to see her in ep 4's challenge though.
15th: Chase - My god was he dumb and annoying throughout ep 2 but I did laugh when he fell off the cliff while recording himself and the last part of his last confessional was funny too. "Chase please, we need you! I'll be like 'ppfffftttt ok'."
14th: Millie - She tried her best during the slide challenge but wasn't the best at it and her tricking Damien into taking the 4 point slide was super wrong even if it gave them the win. Why didn't she try to convince him into taking the 2 point slide instead and why didn't any of her teammates hustle their way back up? Her apology to him the next episode was kinda sweet but I get why most of her team wanted her gone and at least she can learn from her mistakes again.
13th: Emma - I was impressed with how easily she got in Chase's head which led to his elimination in ep 2. She didn't do much in ep 3 except getting covered with feathers and attacked by a cat. I'm not really fond of her but even I felt bad for her in ep 4. She really thought that she was a people person but kept messing up the challenge. Then Priya had a kinda smart idea that worked for a while until Zee messed it up and she responded by pouting about it like a child. I did think that she should have ignored Priya about the last question and just trusted herself. At least she didn't get back with Chase, although her friendship with Bowie seems to be dead for good, they didn't even talk to each other once.
Team Rat Face
I'm not liking her crush on Caleb tbh. It's affecting her leadership skills and she's putting one teammate above the others. For example, when Zee and Caleb smacked into each other and fell in the water, she only showed concern and helped Caleb when Zee also needed help. Easily "falling in love" seems to be part of her social awkwardness/unawareness/naiveness. I do feel a little bad for her but I don't think she'll figure out his plan until he tells her. I really hope this plotline doesn't go on too much longer.
Yeah...I don't like him very much. There is no way he doesn't know that Priya is crushing on him unless he's denser than an element on the periodic table. And yet he's continuing to charm her instead of talking to her about becoming an alliance. He's also kinda rude like when he put Zee into the 1 point slide despite him not looking too good at that moment or when he said that he's glad Millie is gone. I did notice that when he was praising Priya for letting Team Skunk Butt go first in the slide challenge, most of the other Rat Faces were looking at him and none of them were smiling. I hope someone calls him out for being such a suck up soon.
Using a blindfold to face your fears is pretty dumb but I'm glad that he still participated in the slide challenge. And then Millie betrayed his trust which left him beat up and very angry. He had every right to be mad at her and I don't blame him at all. I didn't expect him to forgive her that quickly even after she apologized but it was kinda heartwarming. He needs to keep improving himself if he's going to stick around for a while.
I love how much of a team player she's become but she still has an edge to her which is great. She had a few nice moments with Ripper and seemed to feel bad about rejecting him initially. Likes poetry surprisingly. I'm not sure how I feel about the 2 of them dating yet but I'm interested to see more of them especially if she's not just playing him.
I didn't like seeing him get hurt in the slide challenge but I did like how even he was annoyed with Millie. He held Damien back from attacking her and said that she wasn't worth it. That's not the first time he's played peace keeper but I like that part of his personality. His moments with Olivia the raccoon are adorable, especially when he hummed to get her to calm down and I'm disappointed that Chef won't let him keep her. He didn't do much in ep 4 except mess up Priya's plan at the worst possible moment but then he wasn't called out at the elimination ceremony? If he goes home in the next batch of episodes like a lot of people are saying then I'm going to be really upset and probably put a lot less effort into the rest of my episode reviews fyi.
Her athletic abilities and usefulness in challenges is going to her head, just like I said it would. I did laugh at how she wasn't phased when she got dropped from the glass bridge and then kicked/stomped a wolverine. I could see her being the villain in the second half if Julia and MK get eliminated at the merge and if she wants to flex on everyone by winning immunity every challenge.
Team Skunk Butt
He's trying so hard to keep control of his team but the odds are a little stacked against him. It's nice to see that he's a little conflicted about cheating in challenges since Raj is against it and he doesn't want to upset him or break up with him. I can definitely see them going through some angst about this issue but I hope they work it out.
My theory that he helps Emma and Bowie become friends again was totally wrong, he didn't even talk to her or bring her up at all. I laughed when he clogged the toilet with Wayne. He's against cheating and is disappointed that Bowie isn't/likes it. When he finds out about him breaking his promise in ep 4, it'll probably be heartbreaking.
I loved it when he laughed at Julia missing the hoop. He's also against cheating and might try to say something to someone not on his team about it. Which could lead to him getting voted off with Bowie's help that would absolutely crush Raj. I do think that he's going home before him and I'm not ready for those emotions.
Seeing her get hurt in the slide challenge was great. Some of the things that she says to/about MK makes it sound like she's falling for her which is a little odd because I thought a staff member from the show said long ago that there would only be 2 LGBTQ+ contestants in this gen? Idk if that person was lying but we'll just have to wait and see. I still think that she's going to get backstabbed though.
Her going right through the backboard at the end of the slide challenge was really funny. Her intern disguise is so bad, she's still wearing her beanie and didn't put her hair up. The cheating does bother me but I can't wait until she gets found out, it's going to be fantastic to see her try to defend herself and fail at it spectacularly. It also seems like she's falling for Julia a little bit but she'll still probably backstab her.
He's developed a crush on Axel and is trying to impress her anyway he can which leads to the funniest moment in the slide episode. Seeing him butter himself up, then scream going down the trash slide, get his speedo caught on a nail but still stretch out far enough that he could grab the hoop before it snapped back and launched him out of the slide and into the forest naked, makes me laugh every time I see it. Him and Axel accidentally getting stuck butt to butt in ep 3 was funny and of course they got unstuck because of a fart. His poem to her in ep 4 was cute and I'm intrigued to see what he does next in the name of love. I don't think he'll throw challenges for her but I can see him having a problem with his team's cheating and he could tell her about it before he gets eliminated.
All in all, not a bad batch of episodes, I enjoyed most of the humour and I'm excited for the next few. Thanks for reading!
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madraleen · 1 year
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Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku - Yuji Kaku Volumes 8-13: A running commentary. This was fun!
-eyyy hybrid gabimaru
-what in the sibling telepathy... still cool panel, toma and chobe simultaneous attack vs the tensen
-i hope fuchi survives
-am i to assume chobe said chotto matte mid-battle to redo his braid
-"my enthusiasm for the manga feels suffocating" :O mine doesn't, but this feeling put into such words! so true!
-yeah, my favorites are chobe, toma and fuchi i think.
-shion and tenza's relationship is lovely
-damn nurugai made me tear up
-gosh i hope shion can keep his word and be with nurugai on the mainland. the sensei usually perish along the way
-the iwagakure shinobi took one look at the convicts and their asaemon allies and went "WHEEEEEEE MURDER!"
-i kinda think poor gabimaru got a little short-changed; sagiri, too, for the exact same reasons, but i'll focus on gabimaru as he's the face of hell's paradise. i think he got his epiphany and change of heart too soon and he's been emotionally static since then, whereas most of the side-characters have been on a personal journey from the beginning, slowly learning and evolving, and it makes them so much more compelling to observe.
-er. yuzuriha? what kind of takesies-backsies death was that. i mean, yeah, she didn't get a certificate of death or anything, but still. eh, whatever.
-i really like shugen, he's the hero of his own story and an antagonist in the main story, and he could easily be the righteous protag of his own manga, but he happens to be in this manga where he's a hindrance
-i'd missed grumbling gabimaru
-aaand fuchi is dead. but that's a better death than dropping down dead
-i think banko-tao-affected chobe and gabimaru look visually great
-you cannot convince me sagiri doesn't have a crush on gabimaru. she blushes too much.
-i understand the situation is dire, but little chibi gabimaru with that damn flower on his head...
-nooo not chobeeee
-whose is that hand on baby ghost chobe, is he coming back, don't give me hope.
-i hope the anime gives shugen this pinch of ridiculousness that he has, aside all else
-shugen the tao avatar
-sooo... rien was grand master's... wife?
-two men and one woman? like 90% of the cast will die? nahhhh
-dude, shut up, gabimaru and sagiri are so in sync, why are u doing this, text? and with mei they're literally family-coded
-oooh gantetsusai must decide what to do with shugen, nice
-okay but a skeleton is hugging shugen in his flashbacks with fuchi. who put it in that position?
-eeeey last volume, letssssgooo
-wait, where are the brothers? chobe dead maybe, where's toma, i forgot toma lol what
-gabimaru my man, yes, we all know you have a wife, but it's literally either rien or your entire country here - INCLUDING MRS WIFE, what are we discussing
-yeah see, i think this is more of a me-problem, but i never connected to the gabimaru-yui bond. i'm on the 'sure if you say so' side of things
-rien the super healer
-okay but now i want his yui to be an actual villain, that would be really interesting
-i don't understand, is that shadow chobe, with toma?
-okay i didn't except the sagiri-yui meeting to be this cute but it's so cute
-aaaand gabimaru turned into a house cat. i'm sure as part-plant he'll enjoy his sunbeams doubly
-nice glimpse of the tensen in the far future
-OKAY this was sweet, the ending was sweet
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welivetodream · 2 years
Thoughts on Harry Potter Ships (Disclosure: DO NOT attack me if I give some unpopular opinions or hate your favourite ship, it doesn't matter because this is only just an opinion and shipping is subjective.) (PS: my thoughts on this might change later) (Also this is not in any particular order)
Ron×Hermione: looveee it!!! This is one of those relationships that you see coming and are waiting till it happens. These two complement each other wonderfully. Their banter is realistic. Their fights are realistic. And they just care about each other even when they are fighting or not talking.
Harry×Ginny: did I see it coming? No. I didn't really notice Ginny till the 4th book. And I love Ginny as a character. She is also very much Harry's type being pretty and good at quidditch (ex: Cho, Draco, Cedric...etc). They are kinda okay. I don't dig much in their relationship, they don't have the sparks of Romione but they are still a good healthy couple.
Harry×Cho: um....they were not ready to date. They were not compatible. Could have worked out if Cho was in a more emotionally stable mindset and if Harry wasn't a huge oblivious dork.
Lavender×Ron: One word. Cringe.
Draco×Hermione: .....NO. JUST NO. I don't think Hermione would ever date someone like Draco. And knowing Draco, he will never date someone like Hermione. They might become friends later, but no, their pairing is too toxic.
Draco×Harry: ....now as I hate Dramione it might seem like I would hate Drarry. But....Drarry low-key rocks. They do have chemistry. More than Harry has with anyone literally. It's just a ship I really like despite all the toxicity it will have if it happened. It's better than Dramione since Harry and Draco are more of equals in terms of badmouthing eachother (both of them have insulted eachother's mothers for example)
Harry×Hermione: one word. Gross. It's like shipping siblings. Harry says in DH “She’s like my sister, I love her like a sister and I reckon she feels the same way about me. It’s always been like that. I thought you knew.” I hate she-who-must-not be named later said she wished they ended up together. No.
Ron×Luna: an unusual ship that a lot of people like including me. I did see some moments where they are lowkey crushing on eachother, especially Luna, but it's not huge.
Neville×Luna: another good ship, but the problem is the Neville in the books never showed any romantic interest towards Luna and did she (as much as I remmember) It's something the movies added.
Ginny×Luna: super cute but no canon info about that. It's still something better than a lot of other popular ships.
Snape×Lily: I can't go with this one....my thoughts on Snape are more on the bad side than good. I just don't think Lily should have liked him after he called her mudblood and became a death eater. (It's like a Nazi loving a Jew. Does not work out). I have no feelings towards James. He doesn't get much personality other than being a bully and later a hero. Snape had 6 books about how big of a douche he is...so No to Snily.
Remus×Sirius: AKA WOLFSTAR!!! Ofc I love it. Who doesn't? It's like the SHIP after Romione. They just feel like a married couple whenever they are together. Just *chef's kiss*
SiriusxSnape: are you Sirius?
Hermione×Snape: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I am calling the police.
Harry×Snape: Double NOOOOOOOOOOOO. WHY? JUST WHY? Who hurt you?
Tonks×Lupin: yep. Good one. They are cute. They spolier (died) too young.
(I didn't talk about all the ships just the one I remembered at the moment I could write a part 2 later)
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blockgamepirate · 2 years
Actually, Techno isn’t here to defend his character, so.... fuck it.
I reblogged that one c!Bedrock Bros post earlier because the post itself is very good and true. But of course people are talking shit about c!Techno in the notes, as usual. I wasn’t gonna say anything because I’m just tired of Dream SMP discourse and Bedrock Bros discourse in particular, and thinking about Techno still feels really painful, but turns out I don’t feel good about leaving it alone either.
From now on talking about the characters, not the real people:
So number one: “Techno didn’t choose Tommy“ (paraphrased) excuse me, Techno did very much choose Tommy. He chose Tommy so hard that he was ready to fight the entire server to defend him. It’s Tommy who chose Tubbo, AKA the guy who ordered Techno executed.
And I get it from Tommy’s POV, I do. Despite all the painful history between them, that’s his best friend. Of course he wants to go back to Tubbo. And he didn’t actually see Techno getting crushed into a pancake by an anvil so it’s easy for him to ignore that part and give Tubbo the benefit of the doubt. And it’s easy for him not to consider how Techno would feel about that, because he kinda just thinks Techno is invulnerable anyway.
But I’m just saying, not choosing Tommy was not Techno’s issue. You’re just straight up making that one up.
Techno’s problem was that he was fixating on getting revenge and wasn’t paying attention to Tommy’s feelings about Tubbo and L’Manburg. Which is also fair enough because he had also just gone through a traumatic experience and it makes perfect sense that he would not feel like trying to be diplomatic or rational about the people who murdered him and imprisoned his friend. And from his POV it seemed like Tommy should have felt the same way since those same guys exiled Tommy himself.
The tragedy of the Bedrock Bros was that they didn’t understand each other. That’s it. If they had understood each others’s needs and wishes, maybe they could have figured something out. But instead they spent like three weeks talking past each other and ignoring everything they didn’t want to hear from each other. And they both did that. It wasn’t just one or the other, it was both of them. Stop trying to blame it all on one person when it was both.
In an ideal situation, Techno would have understood how important Tubbo and L’Manburg were to Tommy, and conversely Tommy would have understood how much of a threat they were to Techno. Also ideally both of them would have understood what Dream was doing. But none of that happened, and all for understandable in-character reasons.
Point number two: It was NOT about Techno’s politics or ideals! It was about the Butcher Army! I don’t get how people don’t seem to get this, that was a really popular stream! And SAD-ist made it into an even more popular animation!
Purely in terms of ideology, there would have been no conflict between L’Manburg continuing to exist and anarchism; you can have anarchist communities. L’Manburg didn’t need to have a government to continue existing, which as far as I can tell was what Tommy mostly cared about, since he wasn’t exactly super big on respecting the government himself. (And in fact Techno had been planning to leave L’Manburg alone, government and all, and start his own anarchist commune instead anyway.) But that’s entirely beside the point because that’s not what any of this was about. What it was about was that L’Manburg wanted Techno dead.
Could he have figured out a way to resolve the situation that didn’t require destroying L’Manburg entirely? Maybe. But he wasn’t in a mindset to care about that because he and his loved ones had been attacked.
And frankly, I’m sick and tired of people who think that certain characters are allowed to have emotional reactions and others aren’t.
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thenovelartist · 3 years
And there was only One Bed - Tears of Themis Headcanons
Premise: There’s only one room left in the hotel, meaning the guys have to be roomies with MC for a night.
Err… his cheeks are red now.
He’s having to check with MC if she’s okay with it. Not that they had much of a choice.
They take the room, only to discover one bed.
And forget his crush on her; that’s the least of his problems.
He knows she shifts in her sleep.
“You take half and I take half?” MC offers. “Like when we were kids?”
He sighs, lamenting his fate. “I’m so gonna end up on the floor.”
When it comes to who showers first: rock, paper, scissors.
He’s the least phased of all the guys by the whole “share one bathroom” situation. They grew up together. They sometimes used to have quick conversations through the bathroom door, normally just a question or two about what they wanted for dinner or if their phone went off and it was their parents.
Which happened this time. “There was a vending machine down stairs. You want anything? And if you mention that diet, I’m getting you two of your favorite candy bars.”
“Just one and only one.”
“You got it.”
(@gavin-plz-call-me once called them the “King and Queen of No Boundaries” and I will never forget it.)
Eventually, Luke makes sure MC’s settled in for bed while he’s planning to stay up a little and figure out tomorrow’s game plan.
Until she literally drags him to bed.
He can’t protest against her.
Contrary to what he thought, he did not end up on the floor.
But it was kinda hard to sleep when the girl of his dreams decided his chest was her new snuggle pillow halfway through the night.
He’ll cave and roll with it. Be selfish just for tonight and hold her there.
Come morning, she apologizes for disrupting him, he dismisses it. And both their cheeks are red.
But it doesn’t phase them. Give it half an hour, they’re back to normal.
(Bonus: “So, kid. Let me get this straight,” Aaron Yishmir started. “You spent the night with her, and you’re still not gonna tell her anything?”
“It wasn’t like that!”
“You’re hopeless.)
Well… this is a predicament.
However, they come to some awkward agreement that if it’s the only place to sleep for the night, they’ll take it and figure it out as they go.
However, things only go from bad to worse when they learn there’s only one bed.
There were very few times since becoming an adult that Vyn ever found himself at a loss. And this was one of those times.
“Um… are you comfortable splitting?”
His glasses almost fell off his face at MCs suggestion.
Before he can even think about suggesting to take the chair, MC is putting up a blanket wall. “Like this?”
Er… aha…
Oh geez, this woman…
He caves to that deep, ugly part of him that’s begging “yes” and agrees.
Then comes the new revelation there’s only one bathroom, which rose the question of who was going to shower when.
He just lets her take the first shower while his mind is still storming.
During that time, he realizes this may be the only time he has the privacy to actually record his voice diary.
It’s a total disaster. He’s in mental turmoil and can barely think straight.
But MC is acting normal, meaning he’s got to try to act normal.
Normally, he takes his showers in the morning, but he takes it at night this time just so he can have another moment of privacy to get his thoughts in order.
This is just a practical arrangement. This is just a practical arrangement. This is just a practical arrangement…
Bedtime rolls around, and poor, unsuspecting Vyn believes they are each going to stay on their respective sides of the bed.
However, Author has a headcanon these two both sleep like dead logs.
Morning rolls around, and they’re still both asleep, only they’re totally entangled.
MC wakes up first, laying on top of Vyn.
And when she freaks, flailing and falling off the bed in the process, that’s when Vyn wakes, too.
It was… an interesting morning to say the least.
They come to the agreement to never speak on it again.
(Until a few years down the line after they’re together and can look back on that day with amusement.)
When the person at the front desk said there was only one room left, Artem about had a heart attack.
He cannot possibly share a room with MC. That’s super improper.
Will call around to any other hotel in the area, but no avail.
MC will literally have to drag this poor man up to the room.
“It will be fine, Artem.”
Except, it wasn’t. There was one bed.
Cue almost heart attack number 2.
He almost left to go sleep in the car. MC had to restrain him.
“We can share right? Like, if we—”
“No. Absolutely not.”
“Not even if we put a blanket—”
“No. I’ll sleep in the chair.”
There was no convincing him to sleep anywhere else.
And MC tried.
Eventually, she had to surrender. “Fine. Then do you want the first shower?”
Oh… there was only one bathroom… that they’d be sharing…
Cue almost heart attack number 3.
Will legitimately leave the room while she’s showering. He just feels too awkward and like he’s invading her privacy.
Then bed time rolls around and he’s unable to sleep, so he works on his laptop for the time being.
Ends up pulling an all-nighter, which MC anticipated.
She set an alarm for early in the morning so she could then force him to bed for a few hours.
While he insisted he was fine, he was too tired to protest as she pushed him down into bed. “Sleep, will you. I know you didn’t sleep all night.”
Thought he’d have trouble, but he was so wound up all night over everything that had happened that he’s passed out in fifteen minutes.
And stayed out cold for a few hours.
When they left, MC made sure to thank him for being such a gentleman. She thought it was the least she could do for his troubles.
That, and she quite liked the way his ears and neck turned red.
(Bonus: He hopes Celestine never finds out what happened on that business trip.
But when she finds out curtesy of MC, she will never let him live it down.)
The moment he finds out there’s only one room, he actually gets super flustered.
And as he does, instantly goes in to deflective Playboy Flirt mode.
“Get your head out of the gutter, you little—”
MC shut that down, real quick.
Most he could do then is just say “It can’t be that bad, right? What’s the worst that could happen?”
Well, apparently only be one bed.
Flustered Marius = Playboy Persona
“That’s it,” MC says. “You take the bed.”
“What? Don’t you wanna share?”
But really, he wants to find some way to get her to take the bed because he really will feel awful otherwise.
Then comes the single bathroom realization.
“You wanna shower together?”
“Marius, I swear I will kick you out of this room and take the keycard from you.”
“Oh, my feisty Miss Attorney.”
“Miss Attorney will sue you for sexual harassment.”
He gets to shower first, and then ends up giving her some excuse for leaving the room entirely.
He loves teasing her, but this might be the most he’s ever pushed his luck. And he actually doesn’t want her to hate him, so he’ll give her this space at least.
As for the bed situation…
MC tries to sleep on the couch, but he can’t stand it, so he decides to push his luck and simply carry her to bed.
“I won’t pull anything, I swear.”
“The only reason I’m agreeing is because I know I’ll sleep better here than the couch.”
“I’ll shut up.”
Regrets his decision halfway through the night when Mr. Light Sleeper realizes Ms. Dead Log moves in her sleep.
She was snuggled up against his back, and his heart was going doki doki too hard to even think about going back to sleep.
Eventually, he rolls over and snuggles her, not just because he wants to, but he hopes it will keep her still through the night.
Unfortunately, she was not happy in the morning.
“Can’t we talk about this?”
She kept her face turned away from him the rest of the day, but he knew it was red with blush. “Shut up.”
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lancermylove · 4 years
No One Cares (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: All x fem!Reader, platonic.
Warning: kinda angsty reader? Reader doesn’t care if she dies.
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Okay so we all know how dangerous the Devildom is and how often MC gets threatened by Demons and monsters alike. So I wonder how the Brothers and Dateables would react to an MC that’s just over everything. She just doesn’t care if something will kill her (especially since there’s nothing for her in the human world). Her face is always empty and unfazed by the Demons, Monsters, and whatever threats she gets. Lucifer:*threatening her* One of these days, I will kill you! *in Demon form* MC: Make it today then 😐When asked why she’s like this, she just calmly says “No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than be a burden for the exchange program.”
A/N: I can imagine MC having to deal with demon threats 24/7...and she would def become immune to it (even if she wasn’t over everything). >< Talk about having it tough. 
Lucifer was angry at you for going near the grimoire, unaware you were simply playing hide-and-seek with his brothers. 
He stood in front of you in his demon form and fangs bare. "What did I tell you before about entering this place?"
"Then punish me and kill me." 
Your response stunned Lucifer and doused his rage immediately. Whenever he unleashed his demon form, he only saw two reactions: fear or will to fight back; never once had he heard a response like yours. 
The Avatar of Pride returned to his usual form and questioned your response. 
"No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than to be a burden for the exchange program." 
"Is that what you think?" Lucifer asked, holding back his anger. "Do you realize what you mean to my brothers? Do you know how they would feel if something happened to you?"
The demon sighed. "My apologies for losing my temper. You are part of my family and will remain part of it. As the head of this family, I will see to it that nothing happens to you. I don't know what you have been through but don’t speak such words again."
Mammon saw a lesser demon threatening you, and in an instant, he jumped in front of you.
The Avatar of Greed asked if you were okay and checked your body for injuries. 
"Why did you save me? You should've just let the demon kill me." 
Mammon froze and could only stare at you in shock. He couldn't fathom why you would say such a thing. 
"What? No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than to be a burden for the exchange program. " 
"N-not...miss ya? Burden?" Mammon gripped your shoulders and shook you, "What's that supposed to mean?" 
The demon was in turmoil. Were you mad at him for something? Did one of his brothers say something to you? Had he not told you enough that he cares about you? Do you not care about his opinion?
"I...I would miss ya..." Mammon's voice cracked as he averted his eyes from your blank face. "You know I care about ya, right? So d-don't even think about dyin' on me, 'kay?" 
Asmo came to your rescue as soon as he saw a demon invading your personal space. "Sweetie, why didn't you call me? You knew I was nearby, didn't you?"
"Why bother? Let the demon kill me. It's not like anyone cares. No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than to be a burden for the exchange program." 
Asmo was horrified to hear those words, and he almost felt wrinkles forming on his skin. "Why would you say that? Sweetie, did something happen? You know you can always talk to me, right?"
Seeing that you weren't ready to say anything, Asmo held your hands firmly in his. "I care a lot about you, as do my brothers. I don't know what prompted you to think no one cares about you or call yourself a burden. If you ever feel that way, then talk to me right away. I will always make time for you." 
Asmo hugged you before saying you're his for the rest of the day. He hoped that you would open up to him and not be so harsh on yourself. 
Until then, the Avatar of Lust wanted to keep your mind distracted. 
"Normie, how dare you say that you know more about TSL than me?" Levi snapped at your joke and revealed his demon form. "Do you have a death wish?"
"Sure, go ahead and finish me. No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than be a burden for the exchange program." 
Your words were enough to deflate Levi's rage. All he could do was stare at you in shock as guilt took over. 
Levi backed away from you and averted his eyes. "I...that's such a normie thing to say." 
The Avatar of Envy remained silent for a while, letting various emotions take over his mind.
"Don't...say that, normie. Don't. I care about you...you are not a burden. I am s-sorry for g-getting mad."
Levi didn't ask you, but he started to wonder if you had gone through similar experiences as him. He felt a knot forming in his chest. 
“I am more of a burden than you,” he mumbled under his breath.
Beel heard a lesser demon threatening you, and in a flash, he was in his demon form, attacking the fiend. 
He was worried the demon had already attacked you, so he started bombarding you with questions. 
"Why did you save me? Should've just let me die." 
As soon as those words left your mouth, Beel started to get flashbacks of Lilith. He stood in a mute stupor, staring at you with wide eyes. 
The Avatar of Gluttony held his head in his hand and ferociously shook his head, trying to push the images out. 
"N-no...I...I won't let you die!" Beel pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. "I failed to save her, but I will not let anything happen to you. I can't lose you too..." 
When Belphie heard another demon threatening you, he wanted to finish him right then and there. But, he chose to glare the creature down before pulling you away. 
"Why were you taking his threats like that? You should've walked away." 
"Why bother? No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than be to a burden for the exchange program." 
Belphie stopped in his tracks and blankly stared at you. He didn't understand how you could say something like that so calmly. 
"I didn't like you at the beginning and didn't understand why my brothers liked you either. But now...you're part of our family. All of us would miss you...whether you want to believe me or not is up to you. Know that we will protect you at all costs. We've lost Lilith, but we won't lose you." 
Satan was calm when he told the lesser demon to back away from you. He kept his cool when he watched the demon scurrying away. He remained levelheaded as he asked you if you were okay. But, he lost his cool hearing your reply. 
"Why did you waste your precious time saving me?"
Satan held back his anger as he questioned your reply. 
"No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than to be a burden for the exchange program."
Satan didn't change into his demon form but was ready to break the objects around him. "Who are you to decide you're a burden to me? Who are you to decide whether or not I would miss you?" 
He stepped closer to you and sighed, "Don't ever call yourself a burden or speak on my behalf. If you have no one in your world, then stay in Devildom permanently. Also, if I didn't care about you, then I wouldn't have stopped the demon from hurting you."
Satan started keep an eye on you and even tried to spend more time with you as a way of showing he cares.  
Diavolo had heard from others about demons threatening you in RAD, but this was the first time he saw it in person. The demon king standing behind you was more than enough to scare the life out of the lesser fiend. 
"Are you alright? Where are the brothers? They're supposed to keep an eye on you." 
"It's better they don't." 
Diavolo looked at you, taken aback. "Why...do you say that?" 
He knew he wasn't going to like the answer, but Diavolo never expected to hear you say no one cared about you, you were nothing more than a burden and had no purpose.
"I will not ask you about your past, but I can assure you your friends in Devildom are nothing like the people of your world." Diavolo gave a small smile, "We care for you and your wellbeing, myself included. Kindly refrain from referring to yourself as a burden." 
The class bell disturbed your conversation, much to the Diav's dismay. "Seem like you have to head to class. Would you visit my castle after school? I would like to continue this conversation and remind you just how much of a worthwhile woman you are." 
When Barbatos saw a lesser demon attempting to intimidate you, he thought you would try to defend yourself; instead, he heard you telling the demon to finish you.
Without wasting time, Barbatos changed into his alternate form and finished the lesser creature in a flash. 
"That was quite a selfish statement to make." Barbatos faced you with no expression on his face. 
“No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than to be a burden for the exchange program." 
Those words did not settle well with Barbatos, but his expression did not change. "I can assure you there are people who care, including my lord. Please refrain from making such callous statements. Your friends in Devildom are willing to go to any extent to protect you. Remember that." 
The butler excused himself but stopped and turned around, "If you wish to share your feelings, then I will gladly lend an ear. Please, do take care of yourself." 
Simeon was shocked to see you unfazed by a demon threatening you. He was speechless when he heard you say, "If you have a problem with me, then kill me."
The angel couldn't understand how you could say such a thing, and that too with a straight face. After all, life is precious.
Simeon stepped in and threatened the demon using Diavolo's name. 
"Are you alright? Um...my apologies for being nosy, but why does it seem like you don't value your life?" 
Hearing you say “no one will miss me” hurt him a lot, but hearing you calling yourself a burden pained him to no end. He hadn't known you for a long time, but Simeon cared for you.
"Please, don't say such words. You are not a burden but a lovely and strong woman. Also, I pray that nothing happens to you. God knows I would miss you dearly...” 
Simeon took your hands in his and gave a gentle smile, "Know I am here for you and always will be. If you ever feel as though no one cares, then think of me." 
Luke heard a lesser demon threatening you and considered getting Simeon, but the young angel froze when he heard you say no one cares about you and you are a burden. 
He ran to you and asked, "Are the demons hurting you? Are the brothers not protecting you?"
Luke shook his head and balled his fists. "How can you say that? I care about you! Simeon cares about you, so does Solomon. Don't insult yourself either!" 
He paused to study your face and pouted, "I think of you as my sister...and I don't want anything to happen to you. Simeon thinks of you as a dear friend, and he doesn't want anything to happen to you either." 
Luke threw his arms around you and whispered, "I will not let anyone hurt you, especially not a demon." 
Solomon wasn't sure what to feel when he heard you tell a lesser demon to kill you that instant. He intervened and sent the fiend flying before the fiend could hurt you.  
"Would you kindly answer why you asked the demon to kill you?"
Your reply didn't settle well with the magician, but he was amused that you managed to speak those words so calmly. 
"Everyone has a purpose in life, and it's up to the individual to find it. Why refer to yourself as a burden? I surely wouldn't consider you to be a burden, and I'm certain the brothers, the angels, Barbatos, and even Diavolo feel the same way." 
Solomon was curious about your past but decided to save that subject for a more appropriate time. 
"If it's worth anything, then I can honestly say that I care about you. But, if you want to test out your 'no one cares' theory, then try telling a demon to kill you in front of the brothers and watch their reactions." 
➣Obey Me Masterlist ➣ Buy me a Ko-fi or Commission?
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ichinoue · 2 years
I saw your last post abt SS arc, one thing interesting to me how there were romantic hints. I honestly think for all couples. Ishihime gets a lot of scenes that tracked me into thinking they are going to be a thing. But still squeezed that Orihime has no intentions (by her shipping Rukia with Ishida and not minding that lol)
I don't like the idea of Renji x Rukia bec it's started with Renji attacking her (for first time view, he totally didn't care for him) and this start ruined the ship for me, whichs Kubo's mistake to be honest not planning ahead and changing things half way.
So there's hints for all popular ships RR,IR,IH+ Ishihime
But Kubo didn't keep the spirit and kinda backed on Ishihime, almost enterily & a bit later IR
I think it could be reasonably argued that Ishida may have had romantic feelings for Orihime in the AotS/SS arcs, but the problem is, the entire time it was undermined by Orihime's canon feelings for Ichigo, and Ishida's awareness of those feelings. For example, when Orihime is asleep and Ishida tries to wake her up but she's dreaming about Ichigo and says his name in her sleep and so Ishida is like "yeah, sorry, I'm not Kurosaki." Or when Orihime tries to change her clothes in front of him and he freaks out and she's like "oh! I forgot! I thought you were Tatsuki xD" like...lmao. It just felt very much like, "this ship is already dead in the water." And then at the end of the arc you have Ishida's internal monologue about Orihime's feelings for Ichigo during the Byakuya battle. So I've always felt that Kubo used Ishida, not so much as a potential love interest, but more as a silent observer of the IchiHime dynamic, as I talked more about here (x).
Kubo had Ishida address Orihime's feelings for Ichigo in his monologue, rather than ever addressing any feelings for her of his own. And so his feelings for her, if they did exist, were never made canon. Orihime->Ichigo always took precedence over Ishida->Orihime.
I suppose it could have been possible for Kubo to take things in a different direction after the SS arc? Like, if he had done away with Orihime's feelings for Ichigo and started having her fall for Ishida instead, so that Ishida was no longer just the guy who had a crush but didn't stand a chance? But clearly, that's not what happened. The IchiHime subplot was ramped up more than ever in the arrancar arc, with Orihime's love for Ichigo being solidified in canon with her confession. She said she wanted to love the same person, Ichigo, for every lifetime she lived, so it was pretty clear that she wouldn't be moving on to anyone else at that point.
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I Don’t Like A Gold Rush || Jungkook
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Summary: Jungkook is the golden boy, an excellent student, the star of you college's football team. Rumor has it, there's simply nothing he can't do. The same cannot be said about you, but you've never had an issue with that. You're happy with your small group of friends and your lack of talent in sports. And then, Jin befriends Jungkook, and you find yourself spending a lot of time with him. Before you know it, you've taken an interest in him — and you're sure you shouldn't. There's no way this can end well for you... right?
Also available on Ao3.
Word count: 17.3k
Genre: College AU, strangers to lovers, slice of life, mostly fluff
Warnings & Tags: discussed insecurities, alcohol consumption, reader almost has a panic attack at some point, shy jungkook, jungkook is bad at Feelings, Reader is bad at feelings too, mutual pining kinda, Jungkook has long hair, sfw, New Year’s Day themed.
A/N: I don’t know how I would name my stories without Taylor Swift. Anyway, this is more or less centered around the New Year (it was supposed to be more and then... it didn’t happen), and I hope you’ll enjoy it! Happy New Year everyone!
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The first time you hear Jungkook’s name, it’s in the sentence “Man, is there anything Jungkook can’t do?”. You look up at your friend Jin from the book you’re studying. You have no idea who Jungkook is, but that doesn’t mean anything. Jin is always complaining about how you don’t know anyone on the campus, which you think is quite unfair.
…but then you really don’t know that many people on the campus.
“What’s going on?” you ask him, because he sounds extremely annoyed, and he shows you his phone. On it, there is a score for a basketball game. You think.
Your college is famous for its basketball team… Right?
“Uh-uh,” you still say with a nod, trying to make it look like you have any idea what you’re talking about.
“This kid is crushing it at school, the girls love him, and now this!” Jin complains, a little too loud, and shushing noises come from a spot behind you. You turn around to give the group an apologetic look. “I really shouldn’t have bet against him.”
Ah, there you know what to say.
“You really need to stop making bets. You never win them.”
Jin glares at you.
“And you are a terrible friend. You’re supposed to comfort me!”
“I’ll comfort you when you stop making the worst choices imaginable,” you mutter, going back to your work. Jungkook’s name, his supposed excellence, and that basketball match — if it even is basketball — leave your mind as fast as they entered it, without leaving a trace behind.
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“So the school’s won another basketball game, huh?”
You look up at Namjoon who’s just arriving to the table, holding his tray in his hands. You know he can’t possibly be talking to you about that, so you’re not surprised when Jin appears behind him. That doesn’t stop you from throwing Namjoon a disgusted look.
“Really, Joon? Sports?”
Namjoon shoots you an amused glance from behind his glasses. It’s notorious in your friends’ group that you despise conversations around that subject. You hate anything that involves objects flying around and anything that’s played in a team, and, apparently, those are the only sports that people care about. They could discuss athletics, or swimming, which you wouldn’t enjoy but you wouldn’t hate, but that never happens.
“You were right, Jin. That Jungkook guy really is impressive.”
You tune them out. You don’t care about basketball.
“You’re talking about yesterday’s game?” Yoongi asks, coming out of thin air, and you sigh. You had been hoping you would have at least one person to talk to during lunch.
“Jungkook’s friends with Hoseok,” Jin says, leaning forward conspiratorially, which does get your attention. If that’s true, then that Jungkook guy can’t be a completely terrible person. Hoseok is probably the nicest person you’ve ever met.
That being said, he might have very low standards for his friends. You know him enough to appreciate him, not to judge his tastes.
“So I’m going to become friends with him,” Jin announces triumphantly, only to be rewarded by a chorus of groans and protests.
“But why, Jin?” you ask. “Please don’t talk about popularity. This isn’t high school anymore.”
“And that stuff was already stupid back then,” Namjoon adds, and you nod. You can always count on Namjoon to support you.
“And I hate people,” Yoongi says.
“And Yoongi hates people!” Namjoon immediately picks up. “Do you really want to make him go through that?”
You grin at the question. Yoongi’s misanthropy always comes in handy. Jin, however, is not amused, but he just shakes his head disapprovingly. He’s used to the three of you teaming up against him by now. Usually, it’s on academical subjects, but he isn’t phased by it anymore regardless of that. Not that there’s much that can phase Jin anyway.
“First of all, I said I was going to be his friend, not you lowly peasants, and second, he seems like a nice guy! Do I need another reason to want to make friends?”
You tilt your head.
“He’s protesting too much,” you say.
“I agree,” Namjoon nods. “That’s suspicious.”
“Very suspicious.”
“Come on,” Jin rolls his eyes, “do you really think that little of me?”
“And now he’s trying to guilt-trip us. Joon, can’t you analyze that conversation and figure out what it all means?”
“You know that’s not how literary analysis works, right?” Jin asks you, but you ignore him.
“Actually, it is,” Namjoon says, pushing his glasses back on his nose. “I’d say you were right with your comment,” he adds, looking at you. “I’d say… this is about parties.”
“You’re not going to actually believe—”
“Thanks, Joon,” you say, and the two of you high-five without looking at each other. Yoongi lets out an appreciate whistle.
Even if Namjoon and you aren’t being serious about this, parties actually make sense. Jin… isn’t quite a social butterfly but, unlike the three of you, he does enjoy people’s company to some degree. You know first hand that he’s been to a few this year — you had accompanied him for moral support — but they were pretty tame, and you’re aware that he at least wants to try some more intense stuff. The problem was that those were harder to be invited to. Hoseok could probably do something about it, but he tends to avoid parties on campus.
“Okay, then you should go for it,” you nod.
Yoongi and Namjoon, sitting on either side of you, approve. Jin looks a little surprised at your reaction.
“That changed your mind?”
“You said you wanted ‘the full college experience’,” Namjoon explains with a shrug. “If you think that’s part of it, we wouldn’t want to hold you back.”
“We will judge you for it, though,” Yoongi warns without batting an eyelid, pokerface perfect, and you laugh. You won’t be mean about it, of course. You just might tease him a little.
“Thank you,” Jin says. “I’ll do it, then.”
Good. If you’re lucky, it will be out of his system next time you all have lunch together.
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Lady luck had never been on your side, for as long as you could remember. It wasn’t like you got the worst of things either, but usually, things that could go wrong, did go wrong. Because of that, you tried your best to remove those things from your path. Sometimes, though, you just didn’t manage to identify them.
And that’s why, when you hear Jin’s voice and look up from your food, being the first at the table as always, you see he’s accompanied by two people.
One of them has fluffy, dark brown hair, falling on either side of his face and in his eyes. He’s talking and laughing, and there’s something that you can’t help but identify as mischievous in his smile. The other is slightly taller, with jet black hair held up in a bun. He’s quiet, mouth opening for silent laughs when his friend jokes. Between them, there’s Jin, and you think that they look good together. All handsome, all holding themselves with confidence.
You had realized before that Jin felt out of place in your group, from an outside point of view at least, but it’s never been as striking as it is now, as he’s walking with people he clearly belongs with.
It makes you really thankful that he’s your friend.
“Hey,” Jin says, smiling widely, “these are—”
“You’re untying your hair before eating?” you say, looking at the guy with the bun who just sat opposite from you and took off his hair tie with a sigh. He looks up at you with wide round eyes, like you just caught him red-handed — doing what, you’re not quite sure.
That is the first thing you ever say to Jeon Jungkook.
“Um. Yes?”
“Aren’t you afraid you’ll get hair in your food?”
You know people find you too blunt sometimes, think you come off as aggressive, but you almost never intend for that to happen. In that case, you just think the logic here is a bit surprising.
“That’s… a good point, actually.”
“(Y/N),” Jin sighs, “let me introduce you to Jungkook” (he points to the man who’s now tying his hair back up) “and Taehyung.” (he points to the other guy, who’s flashing you a smile.)
“Oh,” you say, looking back at Jungkook. “You play basketball.”
He lets out an awkward laugh and avoids your eyes. Instead, he grabs his fork and focuses on it, twirling it in his hand.
“Yeah, I do— I do that.”
Huh. It takes you a second to piece things together, and you think Namjoon will be of great help once he’ll be there, but for now, one conclusion comes to you.
Jungkook is shy.
“I play basketball too,” Taehyung says, leaning over the table, grinning at you, and you can tell that it’s his way of swooping in to save Jungkook. You can appreciate that.
“She hates basketball,” Jin warns.
“That’s a strong word,” you say, but only half-heartedly, because, well, you definitely don’t like it.
“I think it works.”
“You think what works?”
Jin’s face falls while you grin. If Taehyung is Jungkook’s savior, Namjoon is yours. Your friend sends you a questioning look as he sits next to you, facing Taehyung. He gives polite nods to the two basketball players, like they sit with you at lunch every week, but you notice that he doesn’t quite meet their eyes. Namjoon is not particularly shy, nor a misanthrope like Yoongi, he just isn’t too comfortable around people he’s just met.
You and Jin, well, you’re perhaps a little too comfortable. Not everyone likes it.
“He says I hate basketball.”
“But that would imply you care about basketball.”
“And you don’t.”
“I know.”
“Which means you don’t hate basketball. As always, you’re wrong, Jin.”
Jin looks extremely, extremely done with you, but when you and Namjoon high-five, Jungkook laughs quietly and Taehyung nods in appreciation — for the gesture, not the debate.
That is the moment when Yoongi drops his tray on the table and sends a weird glance towards Taehyung and Jungkook.
“What did I miss?” he asks. His tone is a bit dry, and you see Jin’s shoulders straightening. He knows Yoongi is going to be the most difficult one to win over. Not that you’ve been won over yet, but you’re not that difficult. Usually, people don’t like you, not the other way around. You don’t blame them. You’re not sure you’d like yourself very much if you were in their place.
“Oh,” Jungkook says spontaneously, “we had a class together last year! You’re majoring in engineering, right?”
Yoongi looks at him. His eyes are shining with suspicion, and you can practically see the gears turning in his head. Knowing him, he’s definitely wondering why Jungkook would even remember him.
“Right,” he finally confirms, slowly.
There’s a moment of silence, which Namjoon breaks.
“I’m a literature major, by the way.”
“That’s really cool,” Jungkook comments honestly, with the same spontaneity he displayed earlier.
“And I’m in mathematics,” you say.
“Wow. I thought you people existed only in legends,” Taehyung says while Jungkook avoids your eyes. You decide that, yeah, you like Kim Taehyung.
“Don’t say that, I like maths,” Jungkook protests, voice soft, much to your surprise — and, judging by his reaction, Taehyung’s.
You were right, you decide. Jungkook is not a completely terrible person.
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You didn’t expect it to become a routine, for Jungkook and Taehyung to eat with you guys, but it does, and as time goes on, other people join your little table. You’re not sure you like that. It’s clear that those people are orbiting around Jungkook, which, good for them, but you don’t see why you need to be there for that.
You do see that Jungkook is not completely comfortable with all of it. He’s good at handling people, good at making jokes and at laughing at the right times, you notice, but there is a stiffness in his shoulders more often than not, and it looks like he’s well-trained at it rather than enjoying it. It kind of reminds you of Jin, except Jin is not as quiet the rest of the time. Taehyung obviously does his best not to let his friend deal with things alone, which is sweet, but he can’t do everything for him.
You barely exchange a word with Jungkook during that time period. You’re usually trying to be forgotten when the table is buzzing with noise, finding refuge in Namjoon and Yoongi’s company. You thought Yoongi would be an ally in reclaiming what’s always been your spot, but it quickly becomes obvious that he has a crush on Taehyung’s friend Jimin, so he never complains about the recent invasion of the table by strangers.
You hear a lot of basketball vocabulary. More than you care for, to be honest. That’s one of the few moments when Jungkook’s face lights up and he gets truly excited, with an almost childish happiness. His demeanor changes, from shy to confident, and the transformation never ceases to amaze you. As soon as the conversation ends, his shoulders fall, he smiles awkwardly, and focuses back on his food or his phone.
You’ve met his eyes a few times in those moments, because he often looks around him like he’s afraid someone’s noticed. He averts his very quickly, though, so you’ve never said anything about it.
So, really, there’s not much that changes. You still only speak to your three friends — you think Taehyung is a good person, and you don’t think he hates you, but you don’t have anything to say to each other —, and sure, you have a little less space when you eat and more noise around you, but aside from that, it’s pretty much the same. You think that’s a relief. You’re not too fond of change.
Usually, you’re pretty decent at spotting it coming. You did miss it when Jin said he was going to become Jungkook’s friend, but other than that you’re able to do your best to avoid it. You don’t see anything coming the day Taehyung calls out your name, though. You look up at him from the book Namjoon is showing you, surprised. He has an arm slung over Jungkook’s shoulders, and Jungkook isn’t looking at you, of course.
“Do you think you could explain a maths-thing to Jungkook?”
You blink at him.
“What’s the ‘maths-thing’?”
“Does it matter?”
You raise an eyebrow, and Jungkook groans. You get the feeling that he didn’t really want Taehyung to ask you about it. He sends an annoyed glance to his friend, who is still smiling brightly at you, while pushing a lock of hair out of his face. His hair is tied, but this one traitorous lock always escapes.
“I’m struggling a little with probabilities,” he admits, glancing at you for half a second. “But I’m sure I’ll be fine once I can get my head back into it, I’ve just been training a lot recently and—”
“I can help you, if you want,” you say. “I’m not the most fond of probabilities, but it should be okay.”
“Great!” Taehyung says, patting his friend’s shoulder before Jungkook can answer. “You should do that then.”
“You’re sure you don’t mind?” Jungkook asks, actually looking at you this time. You meet his eyes, notice that he looks worried about it. You can’t figure out why.
“I really don’t,” you shrug.
He smiles at you, a small, hesitant smile, but a smile nonetheless. Probably the first one he directs at you. It’s a nice sight, you decide, and you smile back.
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Jin’s sentence “is there anything Jungkook can’t do” takes all its sense on the day you meet Jungkook at the library to study. You don’t know what you expected. You never thought Jungkook was dumb or anything, but since Taehyung asked you to help, you thought he would have some difficulties, at least. However, as it turns out, he either understands immediately when you explain something to him, or he’s already understood it. He asks for some clarifications here and there, but all in all, you feel kind of useless.
“You don’t need me at all,” you say after a little while, and Jungkook looks up from the book with the worried wide-eyed look you’ve gotten used to.
“No, no, you’re doing a great job,” he protests. “You’re really helping me out here.”
“No I’m not. It’s obvious that you could do that all on your own.”
He deflates a little at that, looks away from you.
“You help,” he mumbles. “I have a hard time focusing when I’m alone.”
That makes a lot of sense to you, actually. You’re good at focusing all of your energy on one thing, perhaps even too good, to the point where you easily get obsessed and become unable to take care of anything else, but even you need the right conditions for that.
“Okay,” you say with a nod.
Jungkook gives you an anxious look.
“So you don’t mind helping me out?” he asks, and there’s something in his voice that catches you, but you can’t tell what it is exactly. Maybe it’s the hope, or maybe it’s the fear. You don’t understand what he’d be afraid of. Worst case scenario, you would say no. That wouldn’t be the end of the world.
“We can work together,” you offer. “You can ask me if you need help for anything and I’ll just work on some other stuff.”
He seems relieved, and again, you just don’t understand it. It’s not like you’re his only option. There are plenty of people out there who could help him. Plenty of people who would jump at the opportunity of helping him. You know that, because he’s always surrounded by those people, and everybody in school seems to know him. Even when you walked into the library with him earlier, before you got to the table you’re sitting at now, a few students greeted him. You don’t see why he would attach any importance to you, specifically, helping him. You barely know each other.
“Thanks,” he says, and he gives you a small smile. For some reason, that makes you drop the subject. Instead of asking about it — which, knowing yourself, you probably would have — you shrug it off and reply with a nod.
The silence that follows feels comfortable, to you at least. You’ve never minded silence. Jin hates it, though. You get to work, watching absent-mindedly as Jungkook goes through the lesson he was working on. He does ask you a couple of questions, but it’s probably to make you feel like you’re doing something rather than because he actually needs it. You still answer them, and watch him grin, satisfied with himself, when he turns out to be right every single time.
“Are you coming to Taehyung’s party this week-end?” he asks out of the blue after about an hour.
You look up, surprised. The two of you haven’t exchanged much, and certainly have not talked about anything other than— well, other than maths. His eyes are on his notebook, as usual, and you don’t get any insight as to why he asked the question.
“I don’t know. Is Jin coming?”
“Uh, I guess? Taehyung’s probably talked to him about it.”
“Then I’m probably going.”
Jungkook mulls over your answer for a few seconds, twirling his pencil between his fingers, and you feel like you have to clarify, which is not an urge you have often. Usually, you let people decipher for themselves what you meant. That works very well with Namjoon, sometimes with Yoongi, not so great with the rest of the world. Including Jin, though Jin compensates with his impressive ability to interpret everything you say in his favor.
“We always go to parties with Jin. For moral support.”
For all that you tease him, you genuinely care for him. You know he wants you to go with him, so you do. It’s as simple as that.
Jungkook doesn’t look at you, but he still smiles at what you say, and it’s— it’s interesting. There’s something about his behavior that makes you curious, like you are when you’re trying to solve a complicated equation.
“That’s nice,” he comments.
“So… you’ll be there?” you ask. It’s taken you a long time to come up with that simple question. It often takes you a long time to find things to say to keep a conversation going. You’re pretty bad at it.
“It’s at my fraternity,” Jungkook informs you, glancing at you briefly, and you smile. This is exactly the type of party Jin wanted to go to. He’s probably happy about it. “The entire basketball team should be there.”
Great. People.
“That’s nice,” you say, because you have no idea what to add at this point. Jungkook simply nods, and the conversation dies an awkward death.
It’s another half an hour until Jungkook looks at his watch and starts putting his stuff back in his bag.
“I have to go to practice,” he tells you, clearly in a hurry. “Can we— Would you mind if—”
“We can do this again. If that’s what you meant.”
He gives you a bright smile, and that actually surprises you. He looks relieved that you finished his sentence for him.
“Thank you,” he says sincerely.
And just like that, he’s gone, practically running out of the library. For someone who talks as little as he does, he sure leaves a void when he goes away, you think, looking at the empty chair.
But you quickly shrug it off. You’re used to being alone. You like being alone.
Jungkook isn’t going to change that.
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You realize very quickly that, while accompanying Jin to parties was never something you particularly enjoyed, going to this one was downright a mistake.
You have this unspoken rule, with your friends, that you shouldn’t stick together the entire time. You’re supposed to wander off, find something to do for yourself, maybe talk to some people. Get that college experience. You’ve never had a problem to do that, even if you ended up quietly sipping soda in a corner more often than not.
Here, though, you simply cannot shake off the fact that you don’t belong here, that this is not your scene. The people here are loud, energetic, garish. They make you feel like a black and white picture, like a silent movie. You want to run away, but you can’t. You don’t want to leave Jin, Namjoon or Yoongi behind, even if you doubt they’re having the same kind of problems you do. You’re pretty sure you saw Yoongi talking with Jimin, and last time you saw Namjoon, you think a cheerleader was holding him by the hand and leading him out of the room. You don’t know what Jin’s doing, but you’re trusting that he’s okay.
You walk around aimlessly, find Jungkook and Taehyung playing beer-pong with some people. Maybe you should be happy to see people you know, but you’re not. If anything, it only drives the point home even more to see them so comfortable: you don’t belong here. Your chest tightens, and you turn around. You need a little peace and quiet. You need to get away.
You jump at the sound of your name. No one’s said it since you’ve entered the house. No one knows you here.
Except Jungkook, who’s right behind you.
He’s more confident than usual, and you guess, based on his slightly hazy eyes, that it has a lot to do with alcohol.
“Are you having fun? How long have you been here? It’s nice to see you!”
He’s speaking fast, excitedly, and as he does, he runs his fingers through his hair, which he’s let down. It looks good on him, you decide, even as you reply to him with a tense smile.
“Hey, you should join us, we’re—”
“Do you have a closet somewhere?”
Jungkook blinks.
“A closet?”
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There are probably very few things that are less weird than asking a guy if he has a closet you can get into because you’re on the verge of having a panic attack and you can’t stay outside surrounded by people a second longer.
Jungkook doesn’t say anything about it, though. He just leads you through the house and opens the door to a closet for you. You get inside without giving it much more thought, and he looks at you, puzzled. He’s actually looking at you, which you decide confirms that he is drunk.
“Do you— Are you waiting for someone?”
“No,” you say. “I just need a little break.”
He thinks about your answer for a while, probably longer than needed, and nods.
And then, he gets into the closet with you and closes the door.
Inside, it’s dark, with only a ray of light coming in. You can’t see his face, which doesn’t help you understand why he just did that. The space is cramped, and you can smell alcohol coming from his breath, can feel the heat radiating from his body, but it doesn’t bother you that much. It’s still better in here than outside.
“Why did you do that?”
“I thought I would keep you company. Like you’re here to keep company to Jin, you know?”
He’s drunk, definitely, and yet you feel genuinely touched by his words. You shouldn’t, because you doubt they hold that much meaning, but you can’t help it. You don’t need company, but that’s besides the point. His intentions are what matters.
“Thank you,” you say.
“It’s not a problem. You’re helping me with my maths.”
Your first reaction is to laugh at that, because it feels completely unprompted, but then the logic of the reasoning kind of appears to you.
“I mean it!” Jungkook protests. “You haven’t talked about how I’m good at everything or how I’m the one who should help you.”
You frown.
“You shouldn’t help me. You’re good at maths, but I’m better than you.”
It’s Jungkook’s turn to laugh, and just like his earlier smile, it takes you completely by surprise. It’s not one of those quiet laughs that he usually has. It’s light and pleasant, and you briefly wonder what his face looks like when he laughs like that. You kind of want to see it.
“You’re a scary person,” he tells you when he’s stopped laughing. “You always say those things directly. It’s like you don’t even care.”
You’ve heard that before. Well, you haven’t been called scary until now, but people have said that you were intimidating. You, personally, believe you’re the least threatening person to have ever walked this Earth. You couldn’t hurt a fly if you wanted to.
Jungkook makes some sense here, though. Your filter is very limited, and there are a lot of things you say that feel acceptable to you, and that other people… don’t think are acceptable. You don’t mean to do it. It just happens.
“I think you’re good at a lot of things, though,” you say slowly.
Jungkook lets out a long sigh and then you hear him sliding down to the ground. You hesitate for about half a second before joining him down there. You fold your legs, holding your knees against your chest while you wait for him to say something.
“People are always saying that,” he finally mumbles. “But what if I’m not that good? What if I fail one day?”
It’s strange. You understand what he’s saying, understand the feeling of pressure, but you don’t understand the emotions that should come with it. In your case, you know that no one holds you to a higher standard than you do. It can be unhealthy, the way you can torture yourself if you don’t meet the standards you’ve set for yourself, but at least you’re the only one you have to answer to. Obviously, it’s not Jungkook’s case.
“Then you’ll try again,” you say, because that’s what you do when you fail. “Or, if you think it’s not that important, you won’t.”
“But what will they say?” he insists. “What if we lose the next game? Or the one after that? What if I fail a class? I can’t get anything done these days.”
“You’ll be fine,” you say soothingly, half-wondering how you ended up here, comforting the college’s golden boy in a closet after fighting off a panic attack. “It’s not like you’re the only one in your team. People will understand.”
You think they will. You hope they will. They should.
“You would understand.”
It’s true, but then, you really do not care for basketball, and it’s not like you have that sort of expectations for Jungkook. You wouldn’t think much of it, if he failed at something tomorrow. If it was the maths test you’ve helped him with, you would be surprised, but that’s because you saw him studying and it was obvious he had understood everything, not because you think he can inherently succeed at everything he does.
Which you guess might be the heart of the problem here.
You reach out to put your hand on his shoulder. It’s not that easy in the dark, and you wonder for a second if you’ve grabbed something else, until you feel hair tickling your skin. Yup, you were right.
“You have the right not to be good at something every once in a while,” you say softly. “No one can be on top of their game all of the time.”
You hear what sounds like a choked sob.
“I like that they’re counting on me, you know? I like that I’m helping them out by playing. I just— I don’t know what’s going to happen when I stop being as good.”
He said when, not if, and that breaks your heart.
Without thinking about it, you slide your hand down his arm and grab his hand. You squeeze it in yours, gently, and then you inch closer to put your head on his shoulder. You remember reading that physical touch was good for people who were in emotional pain. You hope it helps him.
“You locked yourself in here with me because you thought I needed company,” you whisper. “There’s so much more to you than just being good at sports or having good grades. And if people don’t see that, it’s their loss. Because you’re a great person.”
He hums, but the sound is quiet, and it’s then that you realize how tense he is.
Shit. You must have crossed a boundary. You start to remove your hand, but he closes his fingers around yours, keeping you in place. He’s still tense, you can feel it everywhere his body touches yours. But he doesn’t let go.
“You mean that,” he says. There are so many emotions in his voice that you can’t identify them all. Relief, happiness, amusement… You don’t know where to start.
“I usually mean what I say.”
“I’ve noticed,” he says, and you can hear the smile that’s dancing on his lips.
He’s still not letting go of your hand, but you don’t mind. Staying here, with Jungkook, in this small closet is as good a way of spending your evening as anything else you could do out there.
So you stay.
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“Where did you all vanish Saturday?” Jin asks, and Namjoon, Yoongi and yourself immediately find your food a lot more interesting. You exchange panicked glances that mean ‘did none of you stay around? This was poorly coordinated’ before finally daring to look up.
“I talked to Jimin,” Yoongi says, face as inexpressive as always.
“I played some beer-pong with Taehyung,” Namjoon says.
That leaves only you.
“I talked to Jungkook,” you tell Jin. That is technically true. It omits the part where the two of you were together in a closet, but if you said that, there would be a lot of questions you don’t really want to answer to. Somehow, you think you would be more embarrassed to tell them that there was nothing going on there than if you told them you hooked up with him. You’re not sure why.
“Jungkook disappeared for a long time,” Jin says, narrowing his eyes at you.
You do your best to keep a straight face while you poke at your salad. You don’t want anyone here to have the wrong idea, and you finally manage to put your finger on what you’re afraid of. Humiliation. You’d feel humiliated at having to tell them that nothing happened and that there is nothing Jungkook could possibly see in you. They would be nice to you, of course they would, but you don’t want to see the look in their eyes.
“Did he? Maybe that was after I left. I didn’t stay that long.”
That’s a lie.
“Really?” Jin asks, clearly skeptical. “I think I saw you there pretty late.”
Maybe when you went down to get some snacks and drinks to bring back to the closet. Damn Jungkook and his stomach.
“Well, that depends what you mean by ‘late’ and ‘long’,” you say.
That’s you calling Namjoon for help, and he recognizes your SOS for what it is. From the way Jin’s face falls, so does he.
“She’s right,” Namjoon comments, so nonchalant you would almost believe he’s doing it naturally. “What is ‘late’, really? Isn’t it always—”
“Please stop,” Jin groans, burying his face in his hands. “Just because you’re a literature major doesn’t mean you’re the only one who understands words.”
“Actually it does,” you say with a nod. “That’s exactly what it means.”
You start lifting your hand for a high-five, relieved Jin’s attention is off you, but he sends the two of you a dark glare.
“You two are unbearable. Don’t do that.”
“We have to,” you protest. You would hate to miss a chance to high-five Namjoon.
“No you don’t, you—”
“Actually they do,” Yoongi says, and your jaw drops. Yoongi never intervenes, and you had always thought that if he did, it wouldn’t be in your favor. “That’s exactly how gravity works.”
Jin looks like his soul has left his body. He only comes back to himself after you, Yoongi and Namjoon have all exchanged high-fives.
“I hate you,” he says, sounding terribly tired. “I hate every single one of you.”
“Sorry Jin,” you smile warmly.
“No you’re not. You’re the worst.”
Except he sounds fond, affectionate, and you laugh before going back to your salad. You miss the quick glances your three friends exchange after that. They’ve all noticed you eluding and changing the subject. They don’t want to rush you, know you would hate it and that it’s better to drop it.
But they’ve noticed.
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Working with Jungkook on Wednesday afternoons easily becomes a habit, so easily you don’t even notice it until it’s something you look forward to during the week. It adds to the time you already spend eating with him and Taehyung. Jungkook is, slowly, starting to become a part of your life. It’s a thought you refuse to dwell on, because it sounds so strange.
The Wednesdays afternoons are something special, though. You and Jungkook don’t really talk at lunch, even if he’s clearly more relaxed around you now, which you suspect is the reason why you’re ‘Taehyung-approved’. On Wednesdays, you— Well, you don’t talk much, either, but it’s different. It’s a time that only belongs to the two of you. You like that.
You slowly find out things about him, his family, his life. It’s never the main subject of conversation, but it makes you feel like you’re solving a puzzle.
“My father wanted me to focus on my classes and forget about basketball,” he comments once. “But I could do both.”
It makes you laugh, because he says it with obvious satisfaction, but it also makes you wonder if there’s more to it. Jungkook doesn’t add anything, though, and you don’t want to probe into his life, so you don’t ask. After that, small pieces of the puzzle keep falling into place.
“My high school coach told me I could train more if I didn’t work so hard for school.” But he could do both.
“My friends said I never hung out with them anymore and that I shouldn’t work so hard.” So he did both.
It’s always the same story. People telling him things, giving him opinions on what the should and shouldn’t do, and him stretching himself thinner and thinner. It’s almost a miracle he’s still doing as well as he is, honestly.
But his tone changes when he talks about his former relationships. He’s usually light and genuine, sharing with you just because. It’s clear that, as much as the stories make you frown, he doesn’t have an issue with them, and you guess that’s all that matters. The first time he says something about an ex-girlfriend of his, though, he’s guarded, almost careful. He sounds like he doesn’t want to tell you.
“My ex said I worked too much.”
He doesn’t add anything. Whatever it was she wanted, he couldn’t do it and work. Didn’t manage to do both. After that, he doesn’t look at you for the rest of the day, like he did when you first met.
You never get a name for the girlfriend. He talks about relationships again, but you don’t even know if he’s always talking about the same one. You doubt it, though, and it only makes things worse.
“My ex wanted me to attend fewer practices.”
“My ex said I didn’t care enough to make time for her.”
“My ex dumped me after I lost a game.”
That last one hurts you, because you remember him crying in the closet because of that exact fear. You want to take his hand again, but you can’t dare to.
“She’s stupid for that,” you say instead.
Jungkook looks surprised first, because you never comment on what he’s telling you, then a smile slowly forms on his lips.
“If the only reason she was with you was because you won a lot of games, you’re better off without her,” you add.
“That’s what Taehyung said.”
“Taehyung’s right.”
Jungkook goes quiet for a little while after that, to the point that you look up, worried that you might have offended him. When you do, he’s looking at you, something you can’t identify shining in his eyes.
“Everything okay?”
He blinks like he’d just woken up for a dream, then nods. He doesn’t tell you that he hadn’t believed what Taehyung said — until you said it and he looked at you and thought that yeah, maybe he was better off without her indeed.
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You’re surprised to run into Jungkook late one night, as you’re walking back to your dorm. It shouldn’t shock you — you do go to the same college — but you’re so used to only ever seeing him in the library or the cafeteria that meeting him outside is almost confusing. At least he seems taken aback as well, if the way his already round eyes widen is anything to go by.
Then, his surprised face morphs into a smile, and a wave of warmth hits you without a warning. You don’t get any time to think about it before he waves at you. His shyness is not completely gone, and you see him waver, hesitate, even as he’s walking up to you. You’re quick to close the gap between you, meeting him in the middle. Just in case.
“Hey,” he says, voice a little raspy. He has what you identify as a sports bag, slung over his shoulder, and you wonder what he was doing out so late. You were working at the library until it closed, which is far from being rare for you, but that obviously wasn’t his case.
“Hey,” you reply, smiling back. “Were you— training?”
Amusement flashes in his eyes at the careful way you chose your words, afraid to get it wrong. As he grew more comfortable around you, he also started making fun of you for not knowing the first thing about basketball. Strangely, you don’t mind that much.
“I was at the gym,” he says. “Practice was earlier today.”
“Oh,” is all you can muster. You don’t know what you’re supposed to do. Should you ask what he was doing at the gym? The answer would only leave you with more questions, you’re sure.
You’re still debating it when Jungkook clears his throat. He reaches for his ponytail and undoes it, shaking his head so the hair fall back into place. The sight is— interesting. Pretty. You’re not sure why you’re so fascinated by it.
“Do you want me to walk you back to your dorm?” he asks, slight concern in his voice. “It’s late.”
“Is it on your way back?” you question, frowning. You would hate to be a bother.
“No, but—”
“I’m fine, then. I do that several times a week, I’ve never had a problem.”
That was, apparently, not the thing to say. Jungkook only looks more worried now.
“Several times a week? That’s really not careful.”
“I don’t see a problem, there’s no one around.”
“That’s exactly my p—” He stops and shakes his head, but gives a look you’ve seen before. A lot. It’s a look that says ‘I can’t believe someone as smart as you can also be so stupid’, in those exact terms. “Expected value,” he then says, and your eyes widen a little. Maths! Great. You can do maths. “Let’s say there’s a 99% chance nothing happens. Your gain is still minimal.”
Well, you get to study late and enjoy a walk home alone at night, but you’re willing to humor him.
“But in the one per-cent where something bad happens…”
He doesn’t have to finish his sentence. You know exactly where this is going, and you let out a sigh. He’s not wrong. On that aspect, at least.
He grins widely.
“I just beat you at maths.”
“You didn’t beat me, I—”
“I just beat you at maths!”
You roll your eyes, choose to let him have that. It’s not going to change anything to your behavior after tonight, because the day has not come where you’ll let probabilities rule your life, but, after all, you don’t mind sharing your night walk with him.
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Jungkook starts showing up to walk you home whenever he can. It’s not every time, which you’re kind of thankful for — you like his company, but you like being alone just as much, and you need a healthy dose of that every week —, but it does happen regularly. You find him sitting in front of the library, freezing cold, and you take pity on him, buying him a coffee from the vending machine inside, seconds before they lock the building.
That’s how you find out he likes his coffee tasting as little like coffee as possible.
Sometimes, he joins you later, and you hear him jogging to catch up with you. You don’t have the heart to tell him that that defeats the purpose of everything he’s doing, because it’s absolutely terrifying.
As the days turn into weeks, the air becomes colder, and you start seeing Christmas decorations appearing over the campus. You don’t know who is in charge of doing that, but they must be excited about it, because tinsel and few strings of fairy lights start appearing around the campus at the end of November. Jungkook is delighted by it, and you enjoy watching his reactions. You’re not big on Christmas, personally. You enjoy the tradition, the gift-giving, spending time with your family — you’re visiting them briefly this year — but you mostly see Christmas as an excuse for all of that. Jungkook loves it, though, and you decide that his excitement makes you like the season a little more.
“Hey, we should make a stop,” he tells you one night.
You look at him like he’s crazy. It’s the middle of December and it’s already half past nine. You’re cold, it’s dark outside, and you want to go home.
“A stop?” you repeat.
“Oh, c’mon,” he says, and he has that wide, childish grin that you’ve seen only a handful of times. You haven’t learned how to resist it yet. “C’mon!”
You sigh. But you follow.
As it turns out, he takes you just a little way off your usual trajectory. Behind a building you’ve never really paid attention to, Jungkook leads you to a small basketball court. You eye the place suspiciously. It’s empty, well lit, but you never know. A ball might come out of nowhere to hit you in the face, as they had a tendency to do when you were in high school and playing for a team that had picked you last.
By the time you turn around to tell Jungkook that, okay, you’ve seen it, let’s go home now, he’s taken off his coat and pulled a basketball out of his bag. You don’t even want to ask. His grin is even wider than earlier.
“C’mon,” he says.
“Absolutely not.”
“Let me show you, okay?”
You want to say no but— It can’t hurt, right? And Jungkook loves basketball, and you’re his— friend or something, so you should try to take some interest in it.
You take off your coat and let him lead you onto the court. There, you watch him as he dribbles in what you guess is an effective way (you can’t know for sure, you’re barely able to catch the ball after it’s bounced once so your standards are incredibly low), and then demonstrates his ability to score a handful of times. It’s not that you’re not impressed — again, you can’t do anything with this unpredictable, devilish round thing — but you also can’t say this is a quality you think much of.
You liked it a lot better when he convinced you to let him walk you home by talking about the expected value.
“You want to try?” he offers, holding the ball out for you.
You would rather die.
But you take the ball from his hand and eye the basket like it’s personally offended you. That makes Jungkook laugh.
“You can get closer than that,” he says.
You hold back a groan, aim and, of course, fail. It’s almost a relief. You can cross that off your list, again, just like you did as a kid first, then as a teenager. You’re bad at sports, always have been and, considering the effort you’re putting into it those days, always will be. That’s something you can count on.
Before you can say anything, Jungkook’s caught the ball and is running back towards you.
“Okay, let me show you.”
Is he going to— No, he’s just demonstrating it. You’re kind of disappointed not to get your typical ‘guy teaching girl anything sports related’ moment, disappointed that he doesn’t come to stand behind you to show you like they do in movies, but you can’t unpack that right now. You do watch with some degree of interest as he shows you how to position yourself.
“So you really aim for the line above the basket, not the basket, okay?”
“If you think that just because I aim for something I hit it…”
He chuckles, then gives the ball back to you, and you sigh. This. This is why you hate sports. It’s not the one-off failure, that would be fine on its own. It’s the constant humiliation whenever you even try it. You’re going to fail this attempt, and the next one, and the one after that. You’re a lost cause. You’re fine with it, too, but you don’t particularly want to go through that again.
You do your best, though. Not because you think it will change something, but because you kind of want to prove that this isn’t all you. That, even if you’re trying your hardest, there’s just something that refuses to let you score or do it right.
“Wait!” Jungkook walks over to you, puts his hand on your back, and you freeze. “You need to straighten yourself a little,” he says, placing his hand between your shoulder blades, and you nod. His hand is warm and large, you can feel it even over your sweatshirt. “There.”
He removes the hand, and you’re left a little off balance without him by your side. You shake your head quickly, shoot, and, without any surprise, miss.
Jungkook is on the ball just as fast as before, but you’re as quick as him to grab your coat and put it back on. You’re already feeling warm all over, though.
“You don’t want to try again?” he asks, sounding genuinely disappointed.
Of course, you take pity on him.
“Maybe next time,” you say.
He gives you a bright smile, so genuinely happy, and you know that you won’t be able to deny him next time either.
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Jin is the reason you’re here, and that is the version you will stick with. No, you didn’t want to go see a basketball game, even if Jungkook is playing. No, you didn’t feel the slightest bit curious about it. No, you would not be there if Jin hadn’t asked. It’s Jin’s fault if you’re here on a Friday night instead of being, well, at your place, likely doing something equally as unproductive.
You don’t even understand what is going on in the field. There’s a lot of running and throwing the ball, that’s for sure, but then, you’ve just learned that scoring from different places in the field and at different moments will not earn the players the same amount of points.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen your friends look at you with such consternation as when they had to explain it to you.
In that situation, you can’t say that you get much from looking at the field. You definitely follow Jungkook with your eyes, cheer and clap when he scores, and let out cries of disappointment with the rest of the crowd when he doesn’t, but truly, the only way you have any idea what’s going on is by looking at the score board. And the truth is, that score is a little too close for comfort.
You hate that it has that much of an impact on you, but it stresses you out. Your leg bounces on the floor, an habit of yours Jin hates, but he’s too focused to notice, which is only more stressful. Jin always notices, and if it doesn’t, it must mean that the situation is dire.
The remaining seconds are slowly ticking down. Jungkook’s team is ahead by only one point, which means that if the other team scores, they will win. You think. You’re not entirely sure, but for your defense, you’ve just heard about it. Jungkook seems to be everywhere on the field. Taehyung is his shadow, perhaps not as noticeable or as spectacular in his actions, but certainly effective.
Again, you have no knowledge of basketball whatsoever.
Jin grabs your thigh, and only then do you realize that something’s happened. The action was so quick, so smooth, that you missed it entirely — but maybe you were also kind of thinking of something else.
Someone from the other team — you don’t even know your school’s team’s players, you’re not going to learn the other ones — just made a break for it. Based on what you can tell, Taehyung blocked his path, pushing him straight into Jungkook’s arms. In a movement you cannot begin to comprehend, Jungkook takes the ball from him, without ever stopping his run.
After that, he’s unstoppable.
He crosses the field, looking almost like he’s dancing in the way he avoids his opponents, and, of course, scores.
The time falls to zero. The crowd stands up like one man, screaming and shouting, and you yourself find yourself jumping up to hug Jin. He hugs you back, but the two of you quickly separate, patting each other’s backs awkwardly.
Jin starts talking with Namjoon and Yoongi, but you tune them out — it’s not like you understand what they’re saying anyway — to look at the field. The players have lifted Jungkook on their shoulders and he’s laughing, holding on to them so he doesn’t fall, and you grin.
“Come on,” Jin says, “let’s go congratulate him!”
That sounds like a terrible idea, you think. You won’t be the only ones, as the crowd has already invaded the field, and you doubt you’ll be able to get very close.
You still follow him. You alternate between clinging to his arm and to his shoulders so you don’t lose him, and trust him to elbow his way through the crowd. You hear him apologizing profusely in front of you, but he does not stop. Slowly, you make it down. Once you’re off the stairs, people are not as compactly gathered, and you can just walk between them. Jin grins at you, and you give him a thumbs up. Yeah, he did good here. You can give him that.
“Hey, Jungkook!” he calls out.
Jungkook was talking with some girls, but he looks up at the sound of his name, excuses himself, and jogs towards the two of you.
And it is then, in the few seconds it takes him to get to you, that it hits you. Like a ton of bricks.
You had known that Jungkook was objectively attractive, of course. There was no ignoring that. But Jin was objectively attractive, too, and that had never changed anything between the two of you. With Jungkook, right now, it does. His skin is glistening with sweat, and he wipes his chin with his shirt, and oh no, you can see his well-defined biceps and the line of his abs, and some hair is escaping from his ponytail, and he’s grinning with a happy, proud smile, and his eyes are shining and—
Jungkook is hot. That’s your realization. You had been aware of it, technically, but it’s like it only clicks for you at that exact moment.
“You came,” he tells you with a bright smile, and you can feel your entire face heating up. You pray that it’s not visible.
“Yeah,” you squeak out. “Great, um, great game?”
It sounds like an interrogation because you have no idea if it was one. It looked difficult, but maybe that was because they played terribly today. You don’t know that.
Jungkook’s smile widens a little, and you know that he has you all figured out. He knows you don’t understand the first thing about this whole thing.
“Thanks,” he still says.
His chest is still heaving quickly, and it draws your attention to his— his everything. The way he’s leaning towards you as he’s trying to catch his breath doesn’t help either. You wait for Jin to say something, to save you, but when you look around, you realize the traitor has abandoned you completely.
Okay, he hasn’t technically abandoned you, he’s just gone to congratulate Taehyung, but it’s the same difference.
You hear someone else calling Jungkook’s name before you’ve figured out what to say. He looks around, then gives you an apologetic look.
“Sorry, I—”
“No problem, you should— I have to go anyway.”
This is not like you. You’re an awkward person, and you struggle in social situations, but you don’t usually trip over your words like that. You kind of hate it.
“Okay, so, um, I’ll see you…?”
“Wednesday, yeah. Or— before. At lunch. If you’re there.”
This is terrible.
“Okay.” Jungkook gives you one last smile, and then he’s off, and you’re standing alone in the middle of a crowd. Your chest is heavy and it feels painful.
You hate this.
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It’s only after that that you start realizing how big of a part Jungkook now plays in your life. He walks you home at night sometimes. You eat with him once or twice a week. You study together for an entire afternoon on Wednesdays. He’s just— everywhere. And it’s not that it’s a bad thing, because the feeling you get when you see him is a pleasant one, but it is disconcerting. It’s something that you have no control over whatsoever and that’s not— that’s not good for you.
You realize how much attention you were already paying to him, too, which is even more annoying. The signs were there. You should have understood this sooner. If you had, maybe you could have prevented it.
Because that’s the thing. You know the situation is ridiculous. You believe Jungkook sees you as a friend, and you’re happy with that, but there is no way he thinks of you as anything else. That is not an idea you should even begin to entertain. You can handle rejection, you’re used to it in so many aspects, though it’s rarely romantic, but you cannot take getting your hopes up only for them to be crushed.
The thing is, you can’t help it at this point, can’t force your feelings back in. There is so much to like about him. The way he plays with his hair, the quiet laughs when he’s in public, the loud ones when he’s walking you home, the sparkle in his eyes when he asks you a question in maths and it turns out he already had it right, the look on his face when he talks about basketball,… There’s so much.
You briefly consider avoiding him, but that’s not really an option. You like being his friend. You see your feelings as annoying, pesky little things that have no business being there in the first place. You don’t even hate the rush that goes through you when you see him, the way just looking at him brings a smile to your lips that you simply can’t hold back.
But you really, really hate the wishful thinking. The hope.
The feelings are fine, as long as you don’t think too hard about it. As long as he doesn’t have a girlfriend. Because that would break your heart.
And it’s only a matter of time before that happens.
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You really considered declining when Jin asked you to come to this New Year’s party. Your last experience had effectively convinced you that those new parties he was getting invited to were not for you. That was fine, to each their own, but that did mean you didn’t really want to go. He clearly didn’t need you there anyway. You didn’t even know why he asked.
But he did, and he insisted, and he gave you his best puppy eyes, and that’s the thing about Jin: he’s very, very good at giving puppy eyes.
So that’s why you’re there, wearing a red dress that’s way too flashy for you, leaning against a wall and staring into the void. You feel empty and, though you’re not alone, lonely. You’re surrounded by strangers, and there are people everywhere in the house, but you don’t know them, and you can’t just start a conversation with them. It’s not something you do, it’s not even something you want.
You haven’t felt the urge to lock yourself inside a closet yet, though, so you guess that’s an improvement compared to last time.
Looking around, you can see Jimin, perched on the counter, listening to Yoongi talk with a smile on his face. Jin is somewhere else in the room and, though you can’t see him, you sometimes hear him, so you know he has his flirting voice on. Namjoon is nowhere to be seen, but that’s probably a good sign. He always get lucky at those parties. You don’t know how he does it. It’s impressive, honestly. Hoseok showed up earlier, and everyone greeted him like he was a star — which is kind of accurate, actually, at the campus’ scale.
You know, of course, that Jungkook and Taehyung, as inseparable as ever, are by the pool table. You also hate that you know it, because now your mind is constantly wondering if it’s weird that you haven’t been there yet, or if it would be weird to show up. Neither, probably, because exactly no one cares except for you, but you’re the master of torturing yourself with useless considerations.
God, you hate having a crush. It’s just so— unpractical. You also hate that you didn’t see that one coming, and that you didn’t do anything about it until it was too late. Usually, you’re pretty good at nipping those kinds of feelings in the bud. Now, you can only wait it out.
With a sigh, you push yourself away from the wall to wander aimlessly around the house. You promised Jin you’d stay until midnight, and you intend to keep that promise. It’s not like there’s anything for you to do, but still, that way you can look like you’re doing something and look a little less weird. Or maybe you don’t. It doesn’t really matter anyway.
Passing in front of the room with the pool table, you realize that Jungkook is gone. Taehyung is still there, playing with Hoseok, both looking pretty wasted, but Jungkook has vanished. That’s not good. You don’t want him to spring up on you out of nowhere like he did last time. You won’t know how to react if that happens, probably fumble for words, and it will be very unpleasant and very embarrassing for everyone.
You consider finding another closet, then decides against it. There’s just fifteen minutes left until midnight, anyway. That’s not too long. You can just wait it out.
You slowly make your way through the house. No sign of Jungkook anywhere. Maybe he left. Maybe he’s already back to the pool table and you missed him completely. Maybe he’s locked himself in a room with a girl and—
Oh you hate this. You hate feeling jealous. You hate that you have no control over it, you hate that it makes you sad, you hate that you have no right to feel like that. Jungkook isn’t yours. He’s probably even considered you for anything. You should consider yourself lucky you’re even friends with him in the first place.
You do your best to push everything out of your mind. Alcohol has never looked more tempting, but you don’t want the hangover with the morning, so you ignore the inviting bottles of beer and walk out.
It’s freezing — of course it’s freezing, it’s December you idiot, is there anything you can do right tonight — and you shiver, but you stay there. The cold is both numbing and soothing, and while you’re mentally complaining about it, you’re not thinking about anything else, so that’s good.
The door opens and closes behind you, and you guess someone is coming out to smoke. You move over to give them some space, but just as you do that, a jacket falls over your shoulders. You jump at first, and then the warmth makes you sigh in relief.
“You shouldn’t go out without a coat,” Jungkook says, because of course it’s him.
“I feel that you’ve been scolding me a lot recently,” you chuckle, glancing up at him.
He pouts, buries his hands in his pockets. He’s obviously cold as well, but at least his shirt covers his arms.
It also hugs his muscles real nice, but that’s besides the point.
“That’s because you make very poor decisions,” he mutters, looking at his feet. “You have to realize that.”
“You’re right. I could have taken my coat outside.”
“You know that walking back all alone in the middle of the night is way worse,” he protests, and then you laugh, because that’s exactly what you wanted, and he goes quiet for a second. “Don’t make fun of me,” he mumbles, looking away from you again.
“I’m not,” you say, and you take a step in his direction so you can bump your shoulder against his. “You shouldn’t worry that much, but I think it’s nice that you do. I was just trying to get a rise out of you.”
“That worked really well,” he says, and he sounds surprised about it. You wonder if it’s because he usually doesn’t get angry for stuff, but you can’t tell for sure. “Hey, you—”
People start shouting numbers inside, and you turn around to look at them.
“It’s midnight,” you say.
You look up at Jungkook. He’s significantly taller than you. Not as much as Namjoon, but still.
Jungkook looks back at you, smiles, and it takes your breath away. His hair looks very good like that, you think absent-mindedly, with the way it falls on either side of his face.
It’s too late to go back inside now. It would definitely be a weird thing to do. Which means you’re here, alone, with Jungkook.
Your eyes flicker to his lips. You wonder what it would be like to kiss them. You haven’t let yourself even consider it before, but right now your brain isn’t functioning all that well. Probably because of how loud your heart is beating in your chest.
You look back up and his eyes are wide and focused on you. There’s that same tension in his shoulders as when you first met him, except, back then, he couldn’t look at you, and now it seems that he can’t look away.
“Happy new year!”
You decide you shouldn’t think about your next move. You get on your tiptoes to plant a kiss at the corner of his lips, right at the border between friends and something else, but he leans forward right at that moment, and his hands cup your face, and then he’s kissing you.
It’s like an explosion. You don’t know what you should focus on. How warm he is, how soft and large his hands are, how his lips move against yours, how he tastes, or simply the fact that he’s kissing you, Jungkook is kissing you!
The door slams open, and the two of you move away in a jump.
“Happy new year Jungkook!” Taehyung shouts, obviously drunk, soon joined by several other members of the basketball team. If he’s seen what happened, he doesn’t say anything, and you doubt Taehyung would have that kind of control over himself.
Soon, Jungkook is surrounded and they start to drag him back inside. He gives you a brief, apologetic look, then follows them, laughing. You remain there, frozen, unsure of what to do. You take a hesitant step towards the door, only to see a girl planting kisses on his cheeks while he blushes. What gets to you, though, is the arm he’s wrapped around her, the way he’s tracing circles on the naked skin of her shoulder. It makes the gesture look… intimate. Personal.
You let out a brief, bitter laugh, that there is fortunately no one to hear. You feel confused, but mostly, you feel stupid.
Fuck that.
It doesn’t take long for you to drop the jacket onto a chair and find your coat. You wish a happy new year to Namjoon, when you pass by him on your way out, and he looks a little surprised, like he hasn’t heard the shouting. You don’t want to know what he could have been up to.
You’ve kept your end of the bargain, you think as you leave. Jin won’t be able to complain to you. You feel some petty sort of satisfaction when you step outside and find yourself alone alone, finally. You like this. You like being alone. You’ve never asked for anything else.
You give one last look to the party, then vanish into the night. You’re better off on your own anyway.
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“I don’t think I’ll be coming,” you say, nonchalantly, as everyone around the table is talking animatedly about a party for the next week-end.
You had hoped it would go unnoticed in the middle of the conversation, but, unfortunately, that doesn’t go as planned. Taehyung turns horrified eyes towards you, Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi all look surprised, and Jungkook… You don’t know how to read him. There’s that surprise, as well, but then he looks down before you can tell anything else. Not that that changes much. He’s barely looked at you today.
You haven’t talked to him since New Year’s Eve. You had other things on your mind, and then he didn’t show up at the library last Wednesday.
“What do you mean, you won’t be coming?” Jin asks. “You always come to parties.”
You shrug. You don’t miss the alarmed looks your friends are exchanging, and you’re sure Namjoon can see through you. Because it’s not like you to do something like that, whatever reason you may give.
“I don’t like them. They’re too loud, and I can’t say that I really enjoy standing alone for half the night.”
“You could stay with us,” Namjoon offers.
“And watch you pick up a girl every time? No thank you,” you reply with a disgusted shiver.
“You could stay with me,” Yoongi says.
You give him a look, and he grimaces, backing down immediately. Okay. He can see why you wouldn’t want that either. Plus he’s pretty sure that Jimin and him are about to get it on after weeks of flirting, so it’s probably not a great idea.
“What about me?” Jin asks. He doesn’t sound as energetic as usual, his voice almost quiet, and you realize that he probably feels bad because of what you said. He knows you come to those parties because of him, so knowing you don’t have fun at all when you’re attending — you understand that he might feel responsible.
“I think I would bore you very quickly,” you chuckle. “You’re not going to get the fun you want with me. But it’s fine, really. I tried it, and now I know it’s not for me. I can just—”
“No,” Taehyung says.
You blink.
“I’m taking this personally,” he tells you, looking you dead in the eye. “You’re coming to this party and I’m going to make you enjoy yourself.”
You’ve never seen him so serious, and you can’t help it. You burst out laughing.
“Taehyung,” you say softly when you’re done. “I appreciate that, I do, but I don’t want to do that anymore.”
Taehyung opens his mouth, then winces and closes it. You’re not sure what happened there, but he gives Jungkook an offended look.
“I’m sorry,” you add. “I’m sure your parties can be great, but—”
“I get it,” he sighs. “But you owe me.”
You’re not sure why, but fine.
“And you can’t say anything bad about those parties, to anyone. Ever.” In that moment, he looks almost threatening, and you blink, confused. He can’t possibly take it that seriously, can he?
Then he yelps and rubs his leg. He gives Jungkook another annoyed look, but Jungkook doesn’t even look up from his food.
“Leave her alone,” he just mumbles.
Taehyung rolls his eyes, but doesn’t add anything. He does give you a long, pointed glance, though, before muttering under his breath something that sounds a lot like “I won’t let that slander stand,” and you think that’s hilarious too.
When you risk a glance at Jungkook, his arms are folded over his chest, and he looks deep in thought. He’s chewing on his bottom lip, eyes focused on his meal, though he’s not touching it. It’s stupid, but the image of a child that has just been scolded flashes in your mind.
“Jungkook? Is everything alright?”
He jumps at your question, looks at you like a deer caught in headlights. Your eyes meet, but it’s extremely brief, and your chest tightens. This sucks. You thought the two of you had gotten past that now, and you hate that you lost what you had. It’s not like it’s your fault. He kissed you, and then he bailed on you first chance he got. Why would he do that, why would he risk it, if he was going to react like that afterwards?
“I’m fine,” he says with a tense smile, and you doubt it’s true, but you don’t know what you should ask him to confront him about it. You don’t want to talk about the kiss ever again. You certainly don’t want to do it in front of your friends.
So you jump on the first chance you get to leave the table. You don’t ask yourself if it’s a weird thing to do. It probably is, but fuck it, you’re weird, and everyone else can deal with it. You refuse to subject yourself to something unpleasant longer than absolutely necessary.
Except the looks you get are mostly concerned ones, from Namjoon and Jin. Jungkook does look up as you walk away, eyes following you almost longingly, and then he lets out a long sigh that catches Taehyung’s attention. He doesn’t say anything, but he narrows his eyes at him.
God. He really has to get everything done here, doesn’t he?
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At first, you think that this is it. Your— your whatever it was that you had with Jungkook is over. You’ll see him around every now and then, and maybe he’ll give you a polite nod, though it doesn’t look like he would even do that right now, but there won’t be anything else. You’ll go back to being basically strangers, and it will be fine, because really, nothing happened there, right? You had a crush on him, he kissed you once, and then nothing. It’s fine. You’ll be fine.
Sure, it makes you a little sad. Sure, you catch yourself looking at him while he’s surrounded by girls who are all so much better for him than you ever were, and it hurts a little. Sure, walking back home alone at night is a little more unpleasant than it used to be, but that’s the thing. It’s only a little. You would almost pat yourself on the back for it. Congrats, (Y/N). You made it out before you got too attached. You probably avoided a world of hurt.
Because you know. You know that if you had gotten in too deep, it would have hurt like hell to not have Jeon Jungkook. And sure, it hurts right now.
But only a little.
You’re good. You’re safe. You know that Namjoon and Yoongi would nod if you told them about it. They understand, in a way a lot of other people don’t. You don’t think that Jin would, for example. He would tell you to take the risk, not understanding that people like Jungkook used to pick you last for their teams when you were in high school, not understanding that as far as you’re concerned, you’ve handled more than enough rejection throughout your life. But Namjoon and Yoongi… They’re definitely more successful than you in matters of the heart, but they would still understand. Not that you’re going to tell them about it, because it’s a stupid story, because there never was anything there, and because you’d feel really dumb talking about how you thought, how you hoped that— You’re not going to tell them anything. At least everything’s okay now.
And then, Jungkook appears at your usual table at the library on a Wednesday afternoon. He drops his bag on the floor and takes a seat next to you. You’re surprised to see him when you look up, too focused on your studies to notice him approaching. He has big, wide doe eyes, and he watches your reaction carefully.
“You’re— This seat isn’t taken?”
You shake your head. No. People rarely come here, and you don’t really study with people. Well, didn’t, you suppose.
“Do you mind if I sit here?“
“The seat’s free. You can take it if you want.”
You don’t know what to do. You don’t know how to react. This wasn’t supposed to happen. You never considered that Jungkook would— That he would—
“I, um, I like studying with you. It helps me focus,” he says, eyes flickering away from you. “So, if you don’t mind I’ll— Can I come back here on Wednesdays?”
You want to tell him that you can’t stop him, that he can do whatever the hell he want, but even though it’s on the tip of your tongue, you don’t.
“Of course you can,” you say instead.
Jungkook looks up long enough to flash you a smile, and you know. This isn’t over, and you’re not going to be fine. You’re probably going to feel crushed, sooner than later, and you could have stopped it all right now.
You think about Yoongi and how not like him it is to be doing what he is with Jimin. How he’s taking a risk. How it could oh so easily not have paid off.
It’s going to, of course. You just need to look at Jimin’s eyes when he’s talking to Yoongi to know that. But Jungkook doesn’t look at you like that. Jungkook doesn’t look at you at all.
And yet here you are. Taking that exact same risk.
God. You can be so stupid some times.
Jungkook glances at you quickly while you’re deep in thought, tapping your pencil against your cheek, and a small smile forms on his lips. He’s quick to glance away, because he would hate it if you caught him, of course, but the smile doesn’t fade.
He couldn’t have forced it to do so if he tried.
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“You have to come to the next game.”
“Taehyung, hey, nice to see you to, I’m doing fine, I—”
“I’m serious, (Y/N). I know you hate basketball and everything that breathes, but—”
“I don’t hate you.”
“—this is really important and— Wait, really? Thank you. I feel that means a lot coming from you.”
“Is that how you see me? I don’t hate everyone, Taehyung.”
“Can you give me a list of people you don’t hate?”
“Well, you, Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon…”
“…Sure. Jungkook. Why do you want me to come to the next game?”
“Because we might lose.”
“And I’m supposed to change that how?”
“You owe me, remember?”
“I— Because of the parties? Seriously? I need to sit through hours of you guys running after a ball because I don’t like parties?”
“I would really appreciate it if you could avoid describing basketball as ‘guys running after a ball’.”
“I would really appreciate not having to go watch the game.”
“Don’t you want to support your friends on the team?”
“Ugh. Fine. I’ll be there. Just— stop that thing you’re doing with your eyebrows. Why are you even doing that?”
“You’re so slow. How are you so slow? I thought you were supposed to be smart!”
“Just be there!”
“I will.”
“You better!”
“Or what, what will you— Taehyung! You can’t just run off like— Well. I guess he could.”
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You hadn’t thought sitting through a basketball game could become a more painful experience to you than it already was. As it turns out, you were wrong. It was so much worse when the people you wanted to win were losing. Despite yourself, you found yourself getting invested, standing up and shouting encouragements along with Jin and Namjoon, and protesting loudly when things didn’t go your way.
You were not cut out for this. Not because you still didn’t understand half the rules — you could have by now if you had made the effort of memorizing them — but because of the stress. God, how did your friends handle that regularly? How did the players handle it? You kept looking at Jungkook. You could tell how unhappy he was with the situation, could see the disappointment settling in. He also seemed to get more nervous as time went by, which didn’t help his performance, and his words kept echoing in your mind.
”I don’t know what’s going to happen when I stop being as good.”
You’re half way through the game and things are not looking good when Taehyung waves you over. You run to the railway, straining to hear him, and when you finally understand what he’s saying, you regret making any effort at all.
“You can’t possibly be serious!”
But he is.
“You owe me, (Y/N)!”
“I’m already— What’s it even going to do?”
“Trust me on that one, okay?”
You glare at him, but he’s looking at you with his beautiful brown eyes, and there’s nothing you can do against that. You sigh deeply. Your heart is beating wildly in your chest just thinking about what he’s asking you to do. Maybe it’s not such a big deal for him, that sort of stuff, but for you— For you it’s downright insane to even consider.
“Kim Taehyung,” you hiss through gritted teeth, “if this goes bad, I’ll kill you and plant your head on a stick outside of my door to warn my enemies not to underestimate me.”
He has the audacity to shrug at that.
“It won’t go bad.”
You look up. Take a deep breath. And call Jungkook’s name.
The gym is insanely loud, and it takes both you and Taehyung’s efforts, as well as a lot of waving, for Jungkook to notice you. When he does, though, he runs towards you, worry obvious on his face. He’s looking directly at you for once, and the intensity of his stare almost makes you shiver.
“Is everything alright?” he asks when he gets there, eyes scanning you quickly to make sure that you’re okay.
“It’s fine, I just—”
“What are you doing here? You hate basketball. Did something happen?”
You shake your head. You don’t know how you’re supposed to do this, especially when he’s looking so puzzled and when he’s questioning your sanity for showing up at one of his games. You glance over at Taehyung who gives you a decided nod.
Ah. Fuck it.
Leaning over about as far as you can go, you cup Jungkook’s face, and as his expression turns to one of surprise, you kiss him. If people around notice or have a reaction, you can’t tell, because Jungkook pushes himself against you and buries his hand in your hair as he holds you. There’s not much space left for thinking in your mind, instead entirely consumed by thoughts of him. He’s completely sober this time, and you don’t taste alcohol on his tongue. He’s also not going as slow, almost desperately kissing you back, one strong hand supporting you so you don’t fall over, and you just melt.
It takes everything in you to push yourself away. When you do, you’re breathless, and he’s staring at you with eyes even wider than usual. You’re pretty sure Taehyung would want you to give an encouraging speech right now, but you don’t want to do that right now.
“I really don’t care if you’re winning or losing games,” you say instead. “If you’re sad, I’ll be sad with you, but it’s never going to change anything in how I see you. But I’ll be here encouraging you.”
He grabs your hand, squeezing it tight.
“Promise?” he asks, almost childishly.
You’re not sure which part he’s referring to, but they’re all true, so you nod.
“I promise.”
He smiles, and then both him and Taehyung are running back across the field and getting yelled at by their coach, but even from where you’re standing, you can see their smiles.
You guess that means you’re not going to murder Taehyung.
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“This is actually insane. How is Jungkook even doing that?” Yoongi asks in disbelief after Jungkook scored extremely impressively yet again, and you fidget in your seat. You’re very happy to see that, though you don’t how you feel about the smug looks Taehyung is sending you, but you don’t want—
“It’s the power of love,” Jin says, nodding like he just gave an essential truth to the meaning of life.
—this. You, very specifically, don’t want this.
“Jin,” you sigh, “there’s no such thing as—”
“Actually,” Namjoon interrupts you, “I think he’s right. The power of love is a thing, and I think this is a perfect demonstration of it.”
You gape at him, in shock. He betrayed you?
“Did you just—”
“Namjoon’s right,” Yoongi nods. “This is how the power of love works. You take love, and you turn it into strength.”
And then, him, Jin and Namjoon high five, and you gasp. Traitors. All of them.
But after that, Jimin says off-handedly “Maybe you should come and kiss me before my next competition” and Yoongi’s brain visibly stops functioning, so you consider yourself avenged.
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After the match, you wait for Jungkook outside of the locker room. Jin insisted you should go celebrate on the field, but you had declined. It felt like the situation required something a little more private, so now you’re here, leaning against the wall, looking at your phone so you’ll seem busy, even if there’s nothing on there to occupy yourself.
You’re not the only one there, and that doesn’t help soothing your nerves. There are a lot of girls, all pretty and smiling. It makes you feel like a groupie, and you don’t like it. You’re relieved for a second when the door opens and the team comes out, but it doesn’t last long, because the girls are soon surrounding them. You remain where you were standing, watching the whole thing happen. It takes a few moments before you notice Jungkook’s bun standing out of the group, and it makes you smile.
You catch Taehyung’s eye first, and, after you’ve sent him a glare that you hope was threatening, he pushes Jungkook out of the group. At first, he seems confused, before he finally finds you. You wave at him hesitantly. He blinks a few times, his eyes wide, then walks towards you.
“Hey,” he says when he joins you. He’s towering over you. Usually, you don’t like that, and you’ve complained about having to look up at Namjoon more than once, but you don’t necessarily mind right now.
“Hey,” you reply.
Silence stretches between the two of you as you try to think of something to say. You should have prepared a speech, you know that, but you’re pretty sure you wouldn’t have been able to say it either.
“Taehyung told me he told you to kiss me,” Jungkook blurts out after a while, looking away from you, and you give him a surprised glance. “So, you don’t have to—”
“No, I wanted to kiss you,” you interrupt him, a puzzled frown forming on your face.
Jungkook’s head whips back towards you, and you just stare at him in confusion.
“Do you really think I would have kissed you just because Taehyung asked me to?”
“Well you— you came to the game because he asked you to, right?”
“That’s not the same—”
“Jungkook!” someone from the team calls. “We’re going to grab a bite to celebrate, do you wanna come?”
Jungkook sighs, then gives you a sharp look.
“You wanted to kiss me,” he repeats.
You nod.
You bite your lower lip, and you’re not oblivious to the way his eyes fall to your mouth when you do.
“And I’m the blunt one,” you mumble.
“Sorry, I–”
“No, no, it’s fine, it’s just— I wanted to kiss you because I like you. Obviously.”
Jungkook swallows, and you can see his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. He looks over his shoulder at his friends.
“You can go without me!”
There are some protests, but he ignores them to give you his entire attention. It’s… not an unpleasant feeling.
“You disappeared after I kissed you the last time,” he says.
“You left,” you protest immediately. “You kissed me, and then the second your friends arrived, you acted like nothing happened and you left.”
“I didn’t want to— I just— They’re really annoying about that stuff, you know? I thought it would probably be better if I talked to you after— ‘m sorry. I didn’t— didn’t realize it—”
You look at Jungkook, watch him fumbling for words, and it hits you like a ton of bricks, how much you do like him. Those words really don’t do it justice, and maybe you’re not quite ready to talk about love just yet, but you like him so much, so much it makes your heart swell, so much you don’t think what what he’s trying to tell you would change anything to it, and yet what he’s trying to say is exactly what prompts your realization. He didn’t want to hurt you. Wanted this to be private, for just the two of you, wanted to see how you felt about it. And maybe he went the wrong way about it, but it means everything that he was trying.
“Walk me home?” you ask.
Jungkook finally stops his rambling.
“Are you sure?”
Of course, he has to ask that now, after weeks of trying to convince him to let you walk on your own. Still, you smile and nod, and when you start walking side by side, you grab his hand. He freezes temporarily before grinning and squeezing your hand, pulling it into his pocket so you won’t be too cold, because the air of January is chilling.
“Congratulations for the game,” you say after a long, comfortable silence. You had almost forgotten about it.
“Thanks,” he chuckles. “I had some help.”
And then, he winks at you, and your heart misses a beat. That’s when you understand something you hadn’t even considered before: if Jungkook stops being shy around you, you’re done for. You’ll be the one constantly flustered.
“So,” you say, slowly, trying to keep yourself composed, “why did you kiss me?”
“Um. Same as you?” Jungkook’s confidence disappears, and he returns to his awkward self, and you see that, as much as you like it, you want him to be comfortable around you. But that doesn’t mean you can’t tease him a little.
“What do you mean by that?” you ask innocently.
He gives you a horrified look that soon turns to an offended one when he notices you grinning widely.
“You’re so mean,” he says, but he’s smiling too, “you’re the meanest person I know.”
You’re laughing at that point, as you stop in front of your dorm.
“That’s not an answer.”
“Fine,” he sighs dramatically. “I kissed you because I like you.”
It’s funny. You knew that was what he was going to say, knew it was coming, and yet it gets to you all the same.
“With you, I don’t feel like I have to be the school’s star, you know? I can just be— Jungkook. You don’t expect me to be anything else.”
He’s right. You like Jungkook. With his insecurities and his flaws. You don’t want him to perform for you, and you don’t care what he’s doing right and wrong. Just studying maths in the library with him makes you happy.
He eyes your dorm and takes a deep breath.
“I should go,” he says.
You hum.
“Yes, it would be a really bad idea if you came up tonight.”
But you’re not letting go of his hand, and he’s close to you now, close enough that you can feel his breath catching in his throat. It makes you smile.
“You’re so mean,” he repeats.
This time, instead of laughing, you kiss him, and it’s completely different from the two previous times. There is no uncertainty in this kiss, no surprise, no pressure, no fear. It’s perfect. Jungkook’s hand comes to cup your cheek, his lips soft against your own. His long fingers gently stroke your jaw as he keeps the kiss chaste and sweet. It only makes you yearn for more and when he moves away, you can see in his eyes that he wants more as well.
You just don’t think he wants it now.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, then?” you ask.
“I’ll meet you for lunch,” he says solemnly, and it rings like a promise, which makes you smile.
When you move away, though, he doesn’t let go of you, and a pouty expression appears on his face before he releases you.
“I— Yeah. You should go.”
“You can come up if you want to, you know?”
He hesitates, rolls his lips together.
“I want to savor this,” he admits to you in a near whisper.
“Then I’ll go.”
“Yes. Good night.”
“Good night.”
You feel light and giddy as you walk through the door. It’s a nice and strange feeling, like you could just start floating any second.
You already can’t wait for the next day.
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People are definitely weirded out by your relationship with Jungkook. Or, rather, by Jungkook’s relationship with you. You’re pretty sure most of the people who give you weird looks when you sit next to him and he wraps his arm around you, or when you walk hand in hand, wouldn’t pay attention to you if you went to class naked. But they all know who Jungkook is, and you guess it is weird to see you in conjunction with him.
They could ignore it and consider you mere part of the scenery when he ate with you, you suppose, but it is harder to do now. You’re not too fond of being the center of attention, to be honest. You don’t know how Jungkook does it.
What takes you by surprise the most is people being nice to you. That confuses you to no end, because you know for a fact they don’t care about you, not really, and you cannot fathom what they think they’re going to get out of this. You’re pretty sure there are a girl or two who are doing that to get closer to Jungkook, and some, you think, have decided to be nice to you because they think that if Jungkook likes you, you can’t be a total lost cause.
You don’t like that feeling. Not at all. You don’t like it when you’re going to class, you don’t like it during lunch, and you definitely, definitely do not like it when people rush towards you the second you get to a party.
Yeah, you’re giving Taehyung what he wanted, in the end. He said that both you and Jungkook owed him, because without him you wouldn’t be together, and you eventually gave in.
You thought it would be fine, now that you have someone to spend time with, but you understand with horror that your status has changed now. You’re not invisible anymore. You’re Jungkook’s girlfriendTM. Because of that, you spend much longer in the entrance making small talk than you would have wished to, and you’re stopped a couple of times while you’re desperately looking for your boyfriend to save you from this hell on earth.
You’re not surprised at all to find him playing beer pong with Taehyung and other guys from the team. He hasn’t gotten time to get drunk yet, so he’s quite impressive, but then again, they all are. That’s why they usually end up wasted.
The second he sees you, though, he abandons the game completely, and the smile on his face threatens to make your heart explode in your chest. Some of the guys turn around to look at you, give you a wave or a smile. Taehyung shouts a greeting.
“Hey,” Jungkook says, leaning in to press a quick kiss on your lips. He doesn’t like PDA all that much, but he never misses a chance to kiss you, and the thought makes you all giddy.
“Hey. Are you, um, having fun there?”
He shrugs.
“It’s not that bad. Wanna play?” He waits for your expression to turn to one of horror as you try to refuse politely before laughing. “Just kidding. Don’t worry about it.”
You let out a relieved breath. You know you and Jungkook are very different people, and you’re doing your best to take an interest in the things he likes. You’ve been learning the rules of basketball, for example, and though you still don’t believe you get the point, you like the way his eyes shine when you say something right about a game.
But you don’t take part in any of that stuff. Okay, you stop at that field that’s on your way home from the library every now and again, but that doesn’t count. It’s just you and him then, and you feel good and relaxed. You’ve even scored a couple of times now.
“Come on, I want to grab a drink,” Jungkook said, taking your hand in his, and you follow without protesting.
It’s probably your second mistake of the night: not realizing that getting a drink with and without Jungkook are two very different ordeals. On your way there, you get roped into several conversations. Those are fine. You can’t say you enjoy them, but they’re fine, and it’s not like those people are actually talking to you anyway.
What you genuinely dislike is that, when you’re by the table with the drinks, a girl starts openly flirting with your boyfriend. It’s not subtle, either, with the way she keeps touching his arm and how she laughs at his every word.
For a while, you just stare in disbelief. You know Jungkook is oblivious to that sort of things — probably one more reason why he likes how blunt you are — but you can’t believe her. You wouldn’t necessarily blame the girl for trying, either, if she didn’t know about you. Jungkook’s quite the catch after all, and you understand liking him better than anyone else.
No, it’s the fact that she’s doing it right in front of you, while Jungkook is holding your hand. It feels so— dismissive. So insulting. She’s not exactly saying to your face that she doesn’t take you seriously, but she might as well.
You watch incredulously when she puts her hand on his arm one more time. You don’t know how you’re supposed to handle that, so you just tug on Jungkook’s hand a little awkwardly. You’re pleased by how quickly his attention snaps to you, even while the girl is in the middle of her sentence. It’s a petty sentiment, for sure, but you can’t help it.
“Everything okay?” he asks. “Is it too loud in here?”
“Kind of, but—”
“Let’s find you a quieter place.”
He forgets about the drink he wanted to get, forgets about the girl, who he abandons there unceremoniously, gently pulling you through the room. Next thing you know, he’s carefully closing the doors of the closet he’s found for the two of you behind you.
“There,” he says, sounding satisfied with himself. “Better?”
You chuckle at that and, guessing for him in the half-light, you pull him towards you for a kiss. You press your body against his, pushing him against the back of the closet, and a groan forms in his throat. His hands tighten around you, sending shivers through your entire being, and you only lean into him more. You run your fingers over his chest, just to feel him tremble under your touch and he does, hissing with pleasure at the contact.
“Fuck,” he mumbles into your mouth. “Was that— was that what you had in mind?”
You shake your head, and he’s close enough to feel it.
“That girl was flirting with you,” you tell him.
“Oh. Are you sure?”
You are.
“So… are you jealous? Because that’s kind of hot.”
You laugh softly. Truth is, you really, really don’t want to be the jealous girlfriend, but Jungkook actually sounds happy about the idea.
“You really didn’t notice?”
There’s a moment of silence.
“I didn’t. Does that— Did it bother you, that she was doing that?”
“Kind of,” you shrug. “What about you? You’re— cool with that?”
“If it bothers you I don’t like it,” he replies simply, one of his hand leaving your waist to grab yours and squeeze it gently. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice.”
That makes you chuckle.
“How didn’t you? She would have made it barely more obvious if she had started undressing herself.”
Jungkook has an awkward laugh, and you can feel his breath on your face. He starts fidgeting, but then you press a kiss right at the corner of his lips, and he calms down, if just a little.
“It’s— You have to promise you won’t make fun of me.”
“I won’t.”
He hesitates a second longer, as though he’s trying to judge your sincerity by looking at you — except, of course, he can barely see a thing in here. You kiss him again, following his jaw, and he finally gives in when you start making your way down his neck.
“When I’m with you, it’s like my vision narrows on you,” he says, voice low. “I know everything and everyone else is still there, but I just think about you. Sorry, it’s really stupid.”
“It’s not,” you say, shaking your head, wondering if he can feel your heart beating stupidly fast in your chest, all because his words make you feel like nothing else ever has before. “But I’m— I’m kind of boring. That can’t be fun.”
“You’re not boring,” he protests. “You listen to people, even when you don’t look like it. You always look like you have a thousand things on your mind but you always make time for your friends, and when you’re studying here, you play with your hair.” He twirls a lock of your hair around one of his fingers before releasing it, as if to demonstrate. “You’re a very, very interesting person to look at.”
The only thing you can do is stay there, frozen in his arms, after he’s said that. You may be blunt, but Jungkook is honest. Devastatingly so. His vulnerability always shatters the walls that you’ve built around yourself, and you still don’t know how to react when that happens.
So you push yourself on your tiptoes to kiss him again, except this time it’s slow and gentle and you’re trying to put everything he means to you into it. The tip of your fingers are on his cheeks, your mouth barely moving against his, soft noises filling the closet. Jungkook remains still, letting you in complete control, like he’s afraid he could break you if he moved.
“Thank you,” you whisper when you pull away from him.
“For what?” he asks, breathless.
“For being here with me tonight, and for coming with me at that first party.”
“Of course. Any time.”
He lets himself fall to the floor, taking you down with him and keeping you into his lap once he’s done that. You rest your head against his chest. You hear the noises of the party still going on outside, but Jungkook is your island of peace in the middle of the chaos.
“I think I’m going to stop basketball,” Jungkook blurts out without a warning, and you look at him, surprised.
“Really?” you ask.
“Yeah. Really. I just— I don’t want to be doing that anymore.”
You think about it for a few seconds, then nod.
“You probably should stop, in that case.”
“People are… not going to be happy about it.”
“I’m sure Taehyung won’t be mad at you. Well, not for too long.”
He laughs softly, but his hold on you doesn’t relax, and you know that this was hard for him to even consider. You know it’s a terrifying decision to take, too.
“Thank you,” he says. “For being here with me tonight, too.”
“Any time.”
The truth is, you wouldn’t give that moment away for anything in the world, and something tells you Jungkook wouldn’t either. It’s not ideal, it’s not perfect, but you don’t believe there is such a thing, and you’re happy to satisfy yourself with the imperfect.
But any moment you can spend in Jungkook is as close to perfect as can be.
“I love you,” he whispers in your ear, and you think that he might feels the same way, which almost makes you burst with happiness.
“And I love you,” you whisper back.
Not perfect, perhaps. But close enough.
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saintlike78 · 3 years
Ok so... I have a little request : Bill is not with Fleur, but he meets Harry's cousin (Dudley's sister, who is the complete opposite of her family and loves Harry as her own brother) and she arouses his interest, and from here you can continue as you wish, if you could do a little smut if you are comfortable.🤗🤗🤗
I know Dudley doesn't have a sister, but I like the idea. And sorry for the mistakes, but I don't speak English so well.
Never seen anyone like you [B.W.]
A/N: Thank you so much for your request! I’m so sorry for the long wait, but I loved this idea so much, but I just didn’t know which direction to go with it, but I hope you like what I came up with. Reader is the same age as the twins and is also a muggle. This is also kinda paired with another request, where the person just wanted a Bill Weasley smut, which is also included.
Pairings: Bill Weasley x Fem! Muggle! Reader
Words: 3.6k
Warnings: NSFW 16+, vaginal sex, fingering, unprotected sex, age gap (7 years), mention of death, mention of nightmares, mention of injury.
The wind hit your back and made a chill run up your spine, making you shiver. Standing in the driveway of nr. 4 Privet Drive, you and Harry were watching your mother, father and brother leave because of the wizarding war threatening their safety. Your mother had tried but failed to get you to leave as well, but you couldn’t imagine leaving Harry behind and not being able to be there for him and to protect him, even if you had no magic yourself.
You had always loved Harry and saw him as a closer family than your actual family. You never understood what the problem was with him or why your family seemed to despise him so much, that was until he got his letter and he left for Hogwarts. You were so happy for him, but not being able to see him and only during the summer was tough because without Harry there to take all the slander from the Dursleys you, unfortunately, became the family's punching bag. When you turned 18 and finally moved out, you let Harry stay with you in your flat instead of going home to your family.
The house seemed eerie with only you and Harry and no future. You sat on the kitchen counter, Harry was pacing around the kitchen whilst you were waiting for the order to come and transport you both.
“Are you sure you want to do this? It’s not too late to leave and go into hiding yourself,” Harry said looking at you with worry.
“I’m sure, Harry, I want to be here with you and make sure you’re alright.”
A knock sounded on the door and you jumped down from the counter, following Harry to the door. Harry opened the door and inside stepped many familiar faces and some you hadn’t seen before. Having had Harry stay with you, you had met all the Weasleys (except for Charlie and Bill), when you had gone to visit The Burrow.
They all stepped inside one at a time and greeted you. The twins had made a huge show about picking you up and spinning you around telling you how much they had missed their ‘favorite muggle’, you slapped both their arms lightly and let them pass you. The last two people to enter was Arthur Weasley who you greeted, and one person you hadn’t met before. He had red hair, letting you know he was a Weasley as well, he was tall and had scars running down his face like Remus Lupin. You were almost at a loss for words when he stepped inside, your mind completely blank after looking at how handsome he was. You could already feel a little crush starting to form and you got butterflies when he made his way to you and stuck out his hand for you to shake.
“I’m Bill Weasley, a pleasure to meet you, at last, my family has told me much about you.” He said as you shook his hand. “Y/N Dursley, lovely to meet you too,” you said knowing you should be letting his hand go, but letting it linger a little longer.
You both just stared at each other, completely forgetting where you were and that you had things to do. That was until Fred and George came up on either side of you, each placing a hand on each of your shoulders, prompting you to let go of Bill’s hand.
“Well, now you’re just missing Charlie and then you’ve met the whole Weasley-clan,” Fred said with a laugh.
You just laughed and nodded your head.
“I’m going to go find Harry,” you quickly smiled at Bill and got out of the twin’s grasp, leaving them alone with Bill in the hallway.
“Blimey, why did none of you tell me!” Bill exclaimed in a low voice.
“Tell you what?” the twins said in synch.
“Tell me about Y/N,” he said as if his statement was obvious.
“We did, we said she was really nice and that she came round the shop and by the house a couple of times,” George said, still not really understanding what their brother meant.
“Yes, you said she was nice, but you didn’t tell me she looked like that.”
Both Fred and George let out a laugh, “Well mate, we didn’t think it was important to say that she doesn’t look like the other Dursleys.”
Bill hmphed like a child, “you could have told me. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
“Alright alright, calm down Bill,” Fred laughed.
“But if you must know… she’s the same age as us, so a bit young for you eh? But she’s also single, from what we’ve gathered,” George informed their brother.
Bill just nodded and was about to ask more about you, but Moody’s voice was heard from the lounge telling everyone to gather around.
Entering the lounge, Bill spotted you and came to stand beside you, but slightly behind you. You felt his presence and turned your head slightly to give him a smile, one that he returned.
Moody briefed you all on what was going to happen, not without an objection from Harry. When Moody told everyone that he wanted there to be seven Harrys’, you had volunteered, since you felt kind of useless, being a muggle and all. This also didn’t go over well with Harry, telling you that this was out of the question, but you being just as stubborn as he would not let him talk you out of it. You told him that you wanted to help and that this was the only way for you to help with this situation.
After much convincing from not only you but everyone, he finally agreed.
“Alright, all the Harrys’ have a companion to ride with except for you Y/N.. you can ride with Bill,” Moddy informed you.
You nodded and felt a hand fall on your shoulder and giving it a squeeze. You looked back at Bill, whose hand it was, and smiled again. He kept his hand on your shoulder as a form of comfort and encouragement, squeezing once in a while. You could feel the butterflies swarming around in your stomach and you felt all warm and tingly all over, just because of his small touch.
Not long after, you were clinging on to Bill as you made your way to The Burrow. You didn’t know what you were thinking volunteering, since you couldn’t really protect yourself against the swarm of death eaters that followed you through the sky. Bill was trying his best to steer and fight back against them all. Moody was trying to shield you from the other side, but then suddenly a green spark hit him, and he tumbled towards the ground.
You let out a scream and buried your head into Bill’s back.
“Don’t worry, the worst part is over, we’ll be there soon,” Bill shouted against the wind so you would be able to hear him.
Arriving at The Burrow you were met by Molly attacking both you and Bill with a gigantic hug.
“Are you alright?” she asked looking between Bill and yourself.
“We’re alright mum, but Alastor… he didn’t make it,” Bill said looking down.
You put a hand on his back, slowly rubbing up and down trying to soothe him. You knew everyone was close with Moody and that his death would hurt the Order.
“How is everyone?” You asked Molly, hoping she would bring you some sort of good news.
“We’re still missing Fred and Arthur, but it would be best for you to come with me inside… George was hurt, he’ll be fine, but I need to keep an eye on him,” Molly informed you both.
You were startled awake by the image of Alastor crashing towards the ground. You were trying to catch your breath, your hands shaky and sweat running down your back. You decided you needed a glass of water and perhaps some fresh air to calm down. You quietly got out of your makeshift bed on the floor and tried your best not to wake Ginny and Hermione, as you made your way out of the bedroom and down the creaky stairs towards the kitchen.
The cold water slid down your throat and you instantly felt better, but you still needed some air. You quietly opened the door to the garden and walked outside, the cool summer air instantly lowering your body temperature and relaxing you. Finding a nice spot, you sat upon the grass looking up at the stars, you hoped everything would turn out alright, but you weren’t so sure with how intense everything had been last night and that was just a tiny mission. Your head raced with millions of thoughts you didn’t notice the scar-faced ginger looking at you from the door and making his way over to you when he noticed the number of clothes (or rather lack thereof) you were wearing.
“Are you alright?” he asked quietly as to not startle you with his presence.
You looked up at him and nodded. You patted the spot beside you, indicating for him to sit.
You couldn’t help but admire how handsome he looked in the moonlight, even if he was just wearing some casual plaid pajama pants and a knitted jumper, which you could tell was a Molly original.
You sat in silence as you both stared at the moon, the cool air having finally cooled you down, your temperature was now a bit too low, and you could feel goosebumps rise on your bare arms and legs. Bill who had been watching you making sure you were comfortable quickly removed the knitted jumper and handed it to you.
“Here, you’ll get ill if you don’t warm-up,” he said and you didn’t argue, pulling the jumper over your head. It smelled good and was already warm from leftover body heat from Bill, which made your stomach do a flip and fill with butterflies.
“Thank you,” you said with a smile, “please tell me if you get cold and want your jumper back.”
“No problem, and it’s fine, I don’t really get cold,” Bill said.
Putting his hands behind his head, he laid down looking up at the stars. Your eyes were instantly drawn to the way his muscles flexed in the grey t-shirt he had worn underneath the jumper. Your mouth watered a little, but you quickly pulled yourself together and laid down as well.
You laid in silence and looked at the stars, it wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable, it was like you had known him your whole life, it felt so right.
A couple of minutes passed before Bill broke the silence.
“Why’d you decide to go with Harry instead of your family?”
You were a little taken aback by the bluntness of the question, but nevertheless answered quickly, not needing time to think about your answer.
“Harry is my family, and I couldn’t just leave him, especially now… I want to be there for him, even though I’m just a muggle, I..I’m going to be there until this war is over.”
Bill nodded turning his head towards yours, your head already turned towards him meeting his eyes. Your breath caught in your throat when you realized how close your face was to his, the way his eyes flicked between your eyes and your lips made your stomach do flips. Suddenly he started leaning in, “I know this is very sudden, but may I kiss you?” Bill said lowly, almost a whisper.
You nodded and leaned in the rest of the way connecting your lips with his. You knew it was so cliché, but you felt instant sparks of electricity shooting through your entire body.
The kiss was slow and gentle, but then you felt Bill’s tongue on your bottom lip asking for permission to enter your mouth, which you granted. He leaned upon one of his arms, so he was above you, his free arm cupping your cheek and keeping your face towards his.
This went on for a while, but begrudgingly you pulled apart for air.
You stared at each other, both taking deep breaths trying to regain a normal breathing pattern.
“wow,” Bill sighed out, “you are unbelievably beautiful.”
Your cheeks turned red with the heat of the blush settling on your face.
“Thank you,” you whispered and reached a hand up to caress his cheek.
You ended up talking until the sun rose on the horizon, the morning dew settling on the grass, making everything damp.
Your head was on Bill’s chest, hugging him to keep warm, but also just to be close to him.
“You don’t think I’m too old do you?” Bill asked, gently stroking your back.
Your headshot up from his chest to look into his eyes, “of course not,” you laughed and shook your head, laying it down again. Bill just chuckled and mumbled “alright.”
You ran across the lawn as the black smoke figures landed around you. You tried to find Harry or Bill.
One of the figures shot a spell towards you and you ducked and covered your face, even though you knew that wouldn’t help. You waited for an impact, but it never came, instead, you were yanked by your arm into a broad chest. You looked up and saw Bill already looking at you, a concerned look on his face.
“Okay get ready, love,” he said quickly.
You didn’t get a chance to ask for what before the air was knocked out of you and the world spun around you.
You landed with a ‘thump’, eyes closed, still holding on tightly to Bill, afraid you were going to be sick.
“It’s alright now, you can open your eyes now,” Bill said quietly.
You opened your eyes, and you were met with the bright sun shining down on you. The light breeze caught in your hair and the smell of the ocean met your nose.
You looked around, the ocean was in front of you, and behind you was old, but cozy-looking, cottage.
“Where are we?” you asked, still not letting go of Bill.
“Shell cottage, it’s my family’s place… I took us here because we’ll be safe here,” Bill explained.
You nodded, but the relief was quickly replaced by worry and fear.
“But what about Harry and the others? They’re not here!” you rushed out, also leaving Bill’s arms to pace in front of him.
He pulled you back and pushed a strand of hair out of your face.
“The rest of the family is fine. Harry, Ron, and Hermione all went somewhere, where I’m not sure, but Ron promised he would let us know that they’re safe.”
You sighed out, still very concerned, but relieved that you were safe and hoped that Harry would be as well.
“Let’s go inside, love,” Bill whispered, taking your hand and leading you inside.
He first showed you around the house and then showed you to your room and let you freshen up or take a nap, just letting you calm down in your own space.
You were startled awake by the images that played behind your closed eyes. You focused on the room, the moonlight bleeding in through the window, lighting up a part of the floor.
Your breathing was heavy, and your body was sweaty.
You tried to calm down for about 10 minutes, but you just couldn’t find a peaceful enough state to let yourself go back to sleep.
Your feet hit the cold floor and the wood creaked beneath your feet. You made your way out of your room and across the small hallway to where Bill had let you know his room was.
You opened the door slowly, peeking inside.
Inside you were met with a sleeping Bill, his shirtless figure on his back. You closed the door behind you and tip-toed your way over to his bed.
“Bill,” you whispered, already feeling guilty for disturbing him.
He stirred a little, not opening his eyes, but letting out a little “hmm?”, indicating that he was awake enough to hear you.
“I can’t sleep,” you mumbled shyly.
He didn’t say anything further, he only moved his blanket to the side and opened his arms for you to crawl into. You didn’t hesitate before crawling into the bed and curling up close to his body, already feeling calmed by his steady breathing.
“thank you,” you whispered, breathing in his calming scent.
He wrapped his arms around you and held you close, you could feel his breathing even out and you knew he had drifted off again.
You closed your eyes and listened to the steady beating of his heart, lulling you back to sleep.
You woke up, your entire body warm from being wrapped up in Bill’s arms. Your legs tangled with his, his arms still holding you tightly against him.
You looked at his calm sleeping face, you felt so at home with him, and you let out a content sigh.
“I can feel you staring, you know,” Bill said, startling you.
“I’m not staring,” you fired back too quickly to sound convincing, causing Bill to slightly smirk.
“Whatever you say, darling,” he said and hugged you closer.
He opened his eyes, looking over your face and smiling.
Bill leaned in and pecked your lips slightly, gauging your reaction. You just smiled and leaned in again kissing him longer.
Bill deepened the kiss, moving so he was above you. You spread your legs slightly allowing him to get between them on top of you. The kiss turned more passionate and heated as Bill slowly ground his hips into yours, causing you to softly moan into his mouth.
Bill broke the kiss and looked into your eyes, “Is this okay? Do you want this?”.
You whimpered slightly, “please Bill, I want it.”
Bill let out a groan at your words and reconnected your lips, hips grinding into your own.
The small whines and whimpers that left your lips egged him on and went straight to his cock.
Bill reached one hand between you feeling your wetness through your panties. “So wet for me and I haven’t properly touched you yet.”
You whined at his words, craving more of his touch.
“what is it you want, pretty girl?” he asked, teasing you.
“please touch me, Bill,” you whimpered out, eyes big and begging.
“Such a good girl,” he praised before moving your panties to the side and finding your clit drawing slow circles on the nub.
You moaned at the feeling and grabbed his arm that wasn’t working on you.
His fingers moved down, and he slowly pushed a finger into you causing you to let out a small gasp.
“I just need to get you ready for me,” Bill said softly, leaning down to kiss your forehead. He then added a second finger, creating a delicious feeling because of the slight stretch. Bill used his thumb to rub your clit bringing you closer to your release.
He curled and scissored his fingers making you clench around his fingers, Bill’s lips curled up into a slight grin.
“Cum for me, my beautiful girl.”
His words made the coil in your belly snap and you came on his fingers as you shook and closed your eyes in pleasure. You were panting as Bill worked you through your orgasm. He removed his fingers and brought them up to his lips sucking them clean and releasing them with a ‘pop’.
“absolutely divine.”
He made haste work of removing your panties and the shirt you had slept in, as well as his own boxers.
When you were both completely naked, he stroked his cock a couple of times before running it through your folds to gather your arousal as a lubricant. Bill slowly started pushing into you and you both released simultaneous gasps at the feeling. He pushed all the way in and bottomed out in you but didn’t move as he waited for you to adjust.
“I’m okay, you can move,” you said and moaned when he pulled back his hips and snapped them back into yours, and set a steady and pleasurable pace.
Leaning down so your chests were pressed together, he sloppily kissed you drinking up all the moans that spilled from your mouth to his.
He broke the kiss and leaned up slightly to snake a hand between your bodies to rub your swollen clit. You didn’t have time to process before you came for the second time that morning. Your whole body shook, and your legs tightened around Bill’s hips.
“Such a pretty sight… think you can take one more?” Bill panted out.
You whimpered and nodded.
“Ah, use your words angel.”
“Yes, Bill, I can take another,” you moaned out as he kept pounding into your sensitive cunt.
“Good girl,” Bill said as he pulled out of you and laying himself down, guiding you by your hips to straddle him.
He positioned you above his cock and guided it into you again.
“There you go, my pretty baby, go own ride me,” Bill encouraged, and you wasted no time in obeying him.
You rocked your hips, circled them, and bounced on him until you felt yourself nearing another release and you moaned loudly.
Bill’s hand found your clit again and rubbed it until your knees quivered as you came again.
When you had finished, Bill grabbed your hips and angled you so he could fuck up into you, chasing his own release.
Not long after, his thrusts faltered, and he stilled as he emptied himself in you.
You collapsed onto his chest trying to catch your breath. Bill rubbed your back slowly, before pulling out of you causing a whimper to fall from your lips.
“You did so well,” Bill praised, kissing your forehead.
“I’m never going to let you go, my pretty girl.”
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haikyuuishete · 3 years
Unrequited love|| Headcanons
Confessing to your crush is hard but getting rejected gets harder but moving on seems easier then expected
His rejections were always mean, made girls cry
When you confessed, he was trying to be nice to you because you were their manager
He would awkwardly walk away leaving you speechless, what did you expect really?
He would never utter a word to you, he wouldn’t avoid you but rather ignored your being
No matter how nice you were, he didn’t get your hopes up but he did take the water bottle you would give him after his solo practices
You knew it was for the best, he made it clear that didn’t want anything to do with you
“Suna stop sleeping at my desk!”
“Your desk is the closest to the door”
The semester was almost ending, exams were coming up soon so your study buddy was Suna who was lacking in some subjects and asked you for help
You were more like a babysitter because you had to make sure he doesn’t fall asleep
He once again fell alseep on his palms, you were about to wake him up again, but suddenly you stopped.
He looked so cute sleeping, you didn’t know a smile slipped out.
“Suna wake up?” You poke him with your pencil which made him smile and wake up
You two got closer by then, he was one of your go to call and viceversa
“Atsumu!” You were cleaning the club room to see a bleeding Atsumu on the floor
“Osamu” he mumbles, you roll your eyes
“I should’ve known” you sigh, you look at your watch
“Let me patch you up, you shouldn’t be sitting on floor bleeding like that” you scolded
You were going to be late for your study session, but knowing Atsumu, he won’t take care of himself
You took out the first aid and patched him up, Atsumu stared at your face for a moment
“She’s really pretty” He thought
Once you finished patching him up, you bid him goodbye and rushed out
You didn’t hear his little thank you
He didn’t know why but he didn’t feel angry anymore but rather stayed awake, thinking about you
He didn’t know why but he started to pay more attention to you, he watched you so closely to make sure you needed anything
He even buys you snacks and would say “I accidentally bought extra”
He would text you for homework answers even though he doesn’t need them, you would give it to him and not say anything to him which kinda made him sad
You were busy wrapping Suna’s fingers, you didn’t notice Atsumu who was coming in holding some chocolate, thinking what he would tell you
At midway he stopped once he heard your laugh, his smiled dropped when he saw how close you were to Suna; who was always smiling which he rarely did
Your smile was so bright as you were hopping a bit as you were talking Suna something that made you excited
Slowly Atsumu left the gym, he would notice the little notes Suna would write to you, which made you smile
He would notice the Suna would pay attention to class more because of you
One day Atsumu was in a foul mood, he was just angry with himself because of a serve, he lashed out at everyone
He even lashed out at you for trying to cheer him up which made stop and pause and think what he did
He stopped breathing a bit but then Suna came over to attack him
“What’s your problem? I don’t care if you lash out at me but her never! You’re a prick and a self centered bitch” Suna shouts at him
Everyone was trying to break it up and Atsumu of course fought back but in the end Suna got tired of his crap and walked away
“Suna!” Without hesitation you went to look for Suna leaving Atsumu speechless
Without even noticing what he was doing, he just held his chest tightly with teary eyes
You didn’t need to confess to him, he already made it clear he was not interested in you or in anyone
Yet you stayed by his side because you cared for him, didn’t matter if he payed you attention
You just wanted to be next to him even if it meant to be a few feet away from him
You made sure he had everything he needed
Made sure the place was clean and made sure he didn’t get stuck with many people
He seems like a complicated person but in reality he was so cute
He liked finishing things that he started
He was very respectful towards his elders and the way he plays and his passion for Volleyball made you love the sport as well
You enjoyed watching him play even in high school
At times he can be aggressive and very mean and would leave you crying but he would apologize to you in his way
You were there no matter what because you loved him
Yes love because you see a future with him
On one night after he won, you had him by himself when you confessed your love for him
He didn’t say anything but walked away
Tears were sliding down to the ground because you knew it would never happen
Even after that night you still stayed because you loved him till the end
He was playing for MSBY black jackals, you still stayed behind for him but unfortunately that love you had for was slowly disappearing
You no longer wanted to be apart of his life no more, but for Sakusa
He was ready to give you all, he was ready to put his life into your hands and he was ready to be the man you always wanted from the beginning
He made you wait for no reason when he felt the same as well, but he had dreams as well
Wanted to play volleyball as a career and wanted to give you so much so you didn’t have to worry about the future
It was selfish of him of course but it was the only way not to get distracted from his goal
But seeing you slip away from his hands made his life crash, to the point he was trying to pick up the broken pieces, trying to fix everything
Trying so hard to look at him the same way you did before
But he could see how you wanted to move on, wanted something more in life
He couldn’t stop you from doing what you wanted
One night you had to confess the truth, that you would always care for him but not in a romantic way
“Please be happy” Sakusa for the first time held your jacket, so tightly
He was pulling it slightly in reassurance that he’ll be alright
It didn’t take long for you to leave, to open a new chapter in your life
You made his life better in ways he could not describe, but he made your life so miserable
So he lets you go to find the happiness you always wanted
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tessieravenclaw · 2 years
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Ravenclaw Love (George Weasley x reader series) ©️ [Part 2]
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Age: It’s your second year and George’s fourth year in Hogwarts.
Plot: The chamber of secrets has been opened.
Warnings: being petrified
Note: I do not own the harry potter books of course, so the plot isn’t mine; also, there's no fluff yet. But the series is really sweet.
General full forms:
Y/n- your name
L/n- your last name
Y/n/n- your nickname
Y/s - Your sister
Check out:
Part 1
Part 2 (this is part 2)
Part 3
You and George were having a great time, everyday, you'd meet at the library and just talk. George even promised he'll teach you quidditch after the whole chamber of secrets problem is solved.
Today, were heading to the common room. The Ravenclaw common room since Georgewas eager to see your dorm. You met a tall boy with a broom in his hand on the way. He looked like the great quidditch player, Oliver Wood. You might have had a little crush on him. He was just like George, funny, kind, respectful...you shook your head. 'George! Quidditch! You're late!' He said.
'What? Olie, you never told us!' Said George
'I tell you now! What a good day it is for quidditch! Come on!!!'
'Our next match isn't against slytherin that you're so concerned...'
'Don't call me olie. See you, in 120 seconds,'
George looked at you, confused.
'2 minutes.' You told him. 'You need math classes, kid.'
'Huh. Okay, see you after practice. love yo- er, - bye!
'Yes, umm, same to you, I mean, bye to you too! No, Uh... bye!' You gave a nervous laughter. Did he say love you?
'But listen, Don't roam alone, the monster can harm you..'
'Yes, I'm going to do my homework. Just going my dorm to get my books and then I'll go to the library. See you there'
You headed towards the common room when you found the prefect Penelope. 'Hi, Penelope' you said, though you weren't sure if she knew you.
'Hi. You must be y/n?' She said calmly
'Yup, how do you know me?' You asked, not very surprised. She was a ravenclaw and a prefect She totally knew you.
'Oh, my boyfriend told me about you'
'Your boyfriend? Told you about Me? I don't get it,'
'You don't need to. And y/n, I warn you to not enter the gryffindor room again.'
'Uh, I just went there once-'
'Rules are rules' She muttered.
You realized you were following her. She led you into the school library. You used the accio spell to bring your books and notebooks and sat on to do your homework. After some while Hermione Granger, Harry and Ron's best friend came running in. Ravenclaws usually said she should be in ravenclaw with such brains. But I never personally thought about it much. 'GO TO YOUR COMMON ROOMS!!' she warned. 'AN ATTACK IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.'
People went rushing to the library exit. 'What's the matter, Granger?' Asked Penelope. 'You mustn't spread false rumors.'
'THESE AREN'T FALSE!' she kept running around the library searching for some book
'You have no proof, Granger. How can you-'
'What are you looking for?' You asked. Penelope gave you an evil eye, but you wanted to help and prove yourself brave.
'A book - any book - about basilisks,'
Penelope wasted no time. She somehow knew where the book is and gave it to Hermione. 'I suspected...' and then the monster - the basilisk- came in.
'LOOK AT A MIRROR. A REFLECTION. DO NOT LOOK IN THE EYES' yelled Hermione. She teared a page from the book and kept it in her hand. From a pen nearby, she quickly underlined a word. Then she looked looked at you and the others in the library. 'Do the same as me,' she looked at the mirror, and froze. Her eyes turned glassy. Hermione Granger had been petrified. You remembered George I'll miss you, George. you muttered. looked into the same mirror as Hermione, since you didn't have any on you own. And then...you saw white.
I know it's kinda short but I didn't want to make it too long. Anywho- hope you enjoyed! Next post next week! Tysm for your love and support. Requests are always open, so please feel free to ask me any requests. And follow if you like my posts.
Btw, I do write fluff posts, so if you want one (any character from HP or HoO/ToA (heroes of olumpus/ trails of apollo)
There will soon be a page telling about the requests I take.
Tess 🧡
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yeahimaloser · 4 years
Stuck In An Elavator With You
Shy!Hawks x Reader
Hi, so this story is about a headcanon I have about Hawks secretly being shy around his crush! 
I don’t usually make x readers were the reader has a backstory/background, but I liked this backstory for the reader so I hope you enjoy!!
. . . 
Keigo tapped his foot anxiously on the ground, heart thumping and practically racing.
He had a good reason to be this riled up, he really did.
For whatever reason, Keigo Takami, also known as Pro Hero Hawks, had a particular repetition of being a flirtatious man, always seeking a new companion. He, nor his agency, knew where these rumors came from, but his press advisors told him that; “People will eat this up!” “This’ll be good for business!” And although he did nothing to refute those claims, they weren’t exactly true.
The truth was, his love life was practically nonexistent, he hadn’t really dated anyone before (not seriously anyway), so when he began to develop feelings for a certain someone, he was surprised, to say the least.
But, he didn’t get flustered around just anyone, he was a hero, a spy, he knew how to keep a clear head. The only person he would ever get flustered around was you.
You would think that pro hero Hawks would have some natural charm to him, but no, he becomes a mess around you. He felt pathetic if he was being honest.
You worked at the HPSC, which were his bosses, the people who helped to train him to be their personal hero, so of course, he got well acquitted with you. Whenever he entered the building he would usually be greeted by you, smiling at him, making conversation of any kind.
He liked how easy he found talking to you, he loved it really, the way you didn’t mind his bluntness, the way you would laugh at his crummy jokes, it made his day easier, it made going into the HPSC building feel more bearable.
He had known you for about a year, talking to you when you came to drop off documents, when he came in you always made sure to greet him with his favorite canned coffee in hand.
He didn’t remember when he got like this when he started to get flustered by you all the time, when he talked his words would come out all jumbled up when he talked to you, his face becoming red whenever you so much as touched his elbow. But, he still loved seeing each time he had to come in, it practically made his week each time.
Of course, luckily, he always had an excuse in hand. That he had stuttered out of exhaustion, that he blushed when you taped his shoulder because that’s where a villain had hit him.
Yet today, he didn’t see you. And he had been prepared too, washing down his nerves and trying to make himself the calm, confident, pro hero people loved, he knew he could swoon you if he acted as the charismatic hero he was. But you weren’t there, and he didn’t like it.
So, he patiently waited for the elevator to bring him up to the higher-ups, looking around the building's main corridor, expecting you to turn the corner any moment, and to smile at him, making his wings sputter and his mind race.
He bounced his leg up and down, seemingly unable to stand still at all when he felt a small tap on his arm.
He was prepared to turn around to offer an autograph, but the words stuck to his throat.
Whatever nerves he had thought he had taken care of re-surfaced, making his mind bubble and his tongue feel numb in his throat.
You were right there, only a few inches from him, smiling, your presence alone throwing him off guard.
“Jeez, you really can’t sit still can you,” you said in a teasing tone. “I suppose I should expect that from the man that always moves fast, huh.”
Keigo didn’t know if he would call you a friend, although he did have feelings for you, he knew they were most likely one-sided. So, he just called a work friend (although he desperately wished you two were more). 
Of course, that's when his mouth decided not to work, “O-oh, hi there Y/N, you look- how are- did you,” he mentally cursed himself, wanting desperately to have a disappearing quirk right about now. 
But luckily, before you could even say anything, the elevator dinged loudly, the people on board quickly got off, seemingly in a rush to get out.
He made his way in, letting you go first like a gentleman, yet, he managed to trip when he entered, looking like a fool. 
Yet, to his surprise, you just giggled, “I suppose even top-ranked heroes lose their balance.”
Keigo nodded, looking anywhere but you in order to get his red face under control.
“I’m guessing you're on your way to the top? To the higher-ups?”
This time, he had collected himself enough to look at you and smile, “Yup, that's the one.”
He gave himself a little pat on the back for not screwing that up. 
You pushed the button to the top floor, giving him a small smile in return.
The elevator was extremely pristine, the carpeting was soft, the walls of the elevator were lined with some sort of expensive metal. Paintings hug down, making the elevator have that rich sort of feel.
He anxiously looked around, desperately trying to find the courage to speak, but none came to him.
Luckily though, you spoke first, “I saw you on TV the other day, beating up that nomu must have been tough. You gotta work with Endeavor though! And I know he’s your favorite.”
His ears turned pink, did you really remember that from that throwaway conversation you two had about heroes?
It had been about a few weeks ago, maybe three he really couldn’t remember, but he did know he still got extremely flustered around you at that time. 
He was waiting in the lobby that most had to sit in to meet with the higher-ups, he had gotten a coffee, waiting patiently when you sat down next to him.
You made a bit of small talk, him listening closely, chiming in so you wouldn’t lose interest in him, yet not being able to find his voice all that well.
It had started when you commented on Gang Orca coming in for a visit, you told him how cool you thought he was, with his different kind of hero aesthetic, saying how, “You don’t really see a lot of scary-looking good guys, but I met him, he’s actually pretty polite.”
He knew it was stupid, but he couldn’t help but get jealous. He wished you would say how cool his quirk was, or how you thought he was ‘pretty polite,’ he just wished he could have the guts to say something, anything flirtatious to you to show you how interested he was in you.
It bugged him, who many heroes you probably knew. He wasn’t a special case, he knew that.
You weren’t at all in the high up of the HPSC, you barely knew anything about what was going on in the commission. You were just someone who ran the errands of the HPSC, giving paperwork to heroes and police, it was probably a very taxing job.
But Keigo liked to believe you two had a special bond, maybe....maybe you even felt the same way he felt about you.
“How about you, Bird Boy? Got a favorite hero,” you asked, a lightly teasing tone in your voice.
He wanted to refute you, saying something quippy like he normally would. But the way your eyes shone with genuine curiosity, the way your face was limited by the light of the lobby you both waited in. Even if you were just in your normal, everyday state, you still made him flush with nothing but a glance.
He managed to sputter out, “Endeavor, I’ve liked him since I was a kid.”
You grimace, “I don’t like him all that much, he's very rude and mean when he comes in or I drop something off for him. He's not like you, you're nice and easy to talk to, he always seems to have a problem with anyone he sees as unworthy.” 
You rolled your eyes at the memory of the flame hero, but you didn’t notice how his hands had griped around his coffee can. 
You thought he was nice and easy to talk to. He wanted to echo the sentiment, he wanted to say that he loved talking to you and maybe, if he had the strength, segway into asking you out for coffee at a real cafe.
Of course, that's when he was called into his meeting.
 He smiled fondly at the memory, and how it was so cute of you to remember. 
“Yeah, I can't believe you remembered,” not being able to keep the light edgy of nervousness out of his voice.
You nodded, “Well yeah,” you leaned carefully against the railing of the elevator, picking at your nails, “I like talking to you, Hawks, you're a good guy. You come in and actually treat me like a decent person, you wouldn’t believe how many heroes get such big heads, thinking that the person dropping off their paperwork is, well I don’t really know how to describe it really,” you paused for a moment, “they think that I’m not worth their time I guess, it's kinda gross if I’m being honest.”
Hawks frowned, “That's not fair, I’m sorry. That's really rude of them, they should treat you better than that.”
You looked up at him, and his breath caught in his throat, “See? You’re so nice to me, even if you don’t have to, I enjoy talking to you Hawks, thank you.”
You neared him, his body stiffened as you did so, “I was actually wondering if you would maybe wanna grab something to-”
A loud thud and an ear-piercing scratch cut you off, the elevator floor jiggled and slowed, the fast pace stopping and becoming slower and slower.
But the elevator gave a strong jolt, and before Hawks could even think, his hero instincts kicked in.
He grabbed you, pulling you against him, his wings (or what was left of them) wrapped protectively around you and him. 
He pulled you down to the floor with him, wings blocking out the lights flickering above you two, his body taught and waiting.
After the elevator had come to a complete stop, his brain had caught up to the realization of the piston he was in.
He quickly leaped away from you, moving off the floor.
“I-I’m so sorry! It-it’s just, the elevator made my hero instinct act up! A-are you ok,” he reached a hand out to you, watching you breathlessly panting.
“Y-yeah I’m ok. What happened? A villain attack,” before he could answer, he heard the intercom speak before he could.
The robotic voice spoke, “Please stay calm, we are experiencing technical difficulties, please stay inside the elevator as we are sending help. Thank you for your patients.”
His body stiffened. Trapped, in an elevator, with you. He didn’t know if this was his worst nightmare or a dream come true.
You sighed, “Damn, seriously? Stuck in an elevator was not how I wanted my day to go.”
He gave a nod, trying desperately to calm his nerves.
He could do this, he had the chance to flirt and ask you out, this was a blessing in disguise, he knew it. All he had to do was get his act together, calm himself and make a few flirtatious remarks, and not get flustered.
But he couldn’t, his heart was beating out of his chest. He wondered for a brief moment if you could hear it in the silence of the elevator, the music had stopped, casting a silence around the small space.
“So, I guess we’re gonna be here for a while,” you shivered, “why is it so cold in here?”
It was as if his body thought before his mind did. He shed his jacket, walking it over to you, placing it on your shoulders lightly, “U-uh, h-here, don’t wanna catch a cold.”
You looked at him, eyes wide, “Oh, I can’t take this, what about you? Aren't you cold? I can’t let you give this to me.”
He held out his hands, shaking his head, “No, just take it, I insist, really.”
You hesitated for a moment before nodding, looking around you said, “I guess we better get comfortable.”
You slid down the wall of the elevator, sitting against the wall as you lay your legs on the red carpeting of the elevator.
He mimicked your actions, flowing you down on the opposite wall.
His nerves picked up again, suddenly at a loss for words. He had had plenty of conversations with you, yes, but his feelings for you had gotten worse and worse over the months. At this point, he became tongue-tied just by looking at you, worrying he would say the wrong thing and making you hate him.
Luckily, you broke the silence, “I wonder why this happened, maybe a mantis issue? Hang on, maybe my phone works,” you reached for your pocket, pulling it out and giving it a few clicks as your brow furrowed and you sighed.
“I just got a text from my boss, he said help is on their way. He says he doesn't know how long we’ll be here, could be 10 minutes for could be a few hours.”
He hoped you thought the gulp that he had done was out of anxiety of getting stuck, but in reality, it was one of worry about you being in an elevator with him. 
He didn’t say anything, nerves pulsing through him. Although he desperately tried to come up with something to say, something that would make you blush instead of him, nothing came to mind.
He mentally cursed himself. This was the perfect opportunity to be the dashing hero that everyone adored, to show you that he could protect you and calm your nerves. He desperately tried to think of anything to say, but his mind was muddled with the thought of sounding ridiculous.
What if he sputtered over his words? What if he said something to make you uncomfortable? What if you hated him?
Those thoughts caused him to tense up, the air feeling heavy around him. 
“You know,” his head snapped up, looking back at you, “I think there wouldn’t be a better person to be stuck in an elevator in!”
He gulped, his nerves shot firing, his throat constricted to where he couldn’t even say anything in response.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” you said, flashing him a light smile, “I wanted to thank you, that nomu attack almost hit this place, I’m sure if you weren’t there, we would all be in big trouble. But what can I expect from the number 2 hero.”
Keigo continued to look down at the floor, refusing to open his mouth as he was sure he would say something to ruin this moment.
You just kept complimenting him and he really didn’t know what to say back, or if he could say anything at all.
He could feel his face heating up every second, his hands becoming more and more clammy against his pant leg. 
He didn’t know if he wanted you to stop or continue.
You soon noticed the silence, confused and worried etched onto your features.
Slowly, you made your way over to him.
“Hawks,” you said lightly, “are you feeling ok? Your face is really red.”
You reached out, almost stroking his cheek, and before he could even think, he snatched your hand away.
“I’m fine!”
You backed up, feeling pain shoot through your heart.
He cursed himself. Why would he do that! He was an idiot, he was just so worried you would see him flustered and well…
 The air around you two became thick with tension.
Keigo felt as if it was difficult getting air into his lungs, he felt like he could barely move.
Slowly, he could feel the air around you two become more and more uncomfortable, and all Keigo wanted to do was roll in on himself.
Of course, you felt it too. 
You knew something was off about him, he had been acting strangely around you the last few months. 
When you had first met Hawks, his charismatic and charming nature made you gush over him immediately. The confidence that oozed from him was so compelling, you were mesmerized by him.
But know? With the way, he had been acting recently? You worried if he was mad, or maybe even hateful towards you. You had grown anxious of that very thought, wondering if you had said or did something that he disliked.
When you two first met, he had easy, flowing conversations with you. But now, he was like a sputtering child. Shy and quiet, slinking away from you, even scared of you it seemed.
You sighed, feeling even colder although Hawks had given you his jacket.
Finally, as if your heart and body couldn’t take it anymore, you spoke, breaking the suffocating silence, “Is something wrong? You keep acting so weird around me.”
His head shot up, looking you over, his mouth sputtering words that didn’t fit together. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes had grown wide, his hands frantically moved, but you cut off his actions.
“We used to have such nice and casual conversations. But lately, it's as if you hate them as if you don’t wanna talk to me. Did I do something wrong? If I did, can you tell me? I promise I’ll stop doing whatever it is!”
This time, he was surprised to find his words coming easily to him, “No! You didn’t do anything at all, I promise! I love talking to you, I love walking into the building and seeing your face, watching you talk is....mesmerizing,” you watched him with wide eyes, and a part of him wished he could stop talking then and there.
But he continued.
“A-and you're so cute with the way your eyes sparkle in the sunlight, and you always make my week whenever you come in, I always make sure to be in the office when you're around because I know you’ll come and talk to me. I love seeing your smile when you see me, the way your face brightens up. I don’t hate you, I…”
The words stuck to his throat, but he was unable to get them out.
Your face was twisted into one of shock, still staring at him you said, “You really think all that stuff about me? You really get excited when I come into your office?”
He nodded, looking anywhere but your eyes scared he would confess more to you if he did.
You neared him, hesitant at first, scared he would lash out at you again. Nevertheless, you persisted.
“Hawks,” he could feel your warm breath near him, making him tense, “do you...do you like me?”
It was an embarrassingly childlike thing to say, almost as if you were to children admitting crushes to each other. 
Yet, you couldn’t find the best way to fraze it.
With the way Hawks’ body froze over, the redness of his face spreading to every part of his ears and down his neck, you were fairly sure you were correct.
Yet, you waited for a moment for him to confirm or deny.
“Y-yeah, I’m s-sorry.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, which made Hawks lookup with fearful eyes.
“Oh! I wish you would have told me sooner! Hawks,” you looked back to him, “I like you too stupid!”
If you thought his face couldn’t become redder, you were sorely mistaken. His whole body stiffened, eyes widening, he gaped at you.
“Yes,” you giggled, “for the longest time, too. I believe I’ve liked you since the first time we’ve met. I kept wanting to ask you out, but I guess I was just worried about how you would react, but this whole time you’ve liked me too. I guess we both suck at the romance thing huh.”
He nodded, unsure what else to do.
“And now here we are, admitting our feelings in an elevator, geez, this is beyond cheesy.”
A small chuckle escaped him, “Yeah I guess it is huh. All this time I’ve been nervous for nothing.”
You giggled, “Yup, for nothing. You acted like a scared schoolboy afraid of telling his crush his feelings.”
He smiled, “Well that would make sense, I’ve never been in a relationship before.”
You froze, brain stopping as your heart quickened its pace, “What? Never?”
His body went rigid with the realization of what he had admitted, “No. The commission didn’t want me to get distracted I guess. So I never made any effort to find one, so- um,” he looked away, “Yeah…”
You looked up at him in shock, and before you could stop, the words poured out of your mouth, “What? But you’re- you’re Hawks! People would die to go out with you, your young, nice, charming.”
He scoffed, “Come on, do you really think me acting the way I have been has been charming? And I’ve been so busy...my whole life I guess, so having a relationship has never really been in the cards for me I guess.”
You couldn’t help but slump at his words, “So, you still can’t have a relationship?”
He looked up at you, frantically, “No no! Now I can! I was um…” he was at a loss for words, looking down again.
“I was actually wondering…” his words stopped slowly.
“You were wondering if…” you said slowly.
“If maybe...you would...want to…” god he just couldn’t get the words out, “want to...go out with me?”
He held his breath, till he felt your hand run through his hair.
He looked back at you, seeing you smile before saying, “Well, how can I say no to the number two pro hero? And the guy that I’ve had a crush since… forever.”
He felt his heart leap, his nerves settling, his face coming laxer. He felt like pinching himself, thinking there was no way this was right, no way you had actually liked him back, yet here you were, telling him you wanted to go out.
He felt like he could do anything at that moment like nothing was holding him back.
You brought your hands to his cheek, making him come closer to you.
“Hawks, have you ever kissed anyone before?”
He was thrown off by the question, face, yet again, becoming a scarlet red like his feathers.
“I- well...um,” he nervously scrambled for the words that couldn’t be found.
You just smiled reassuringly at him, gently creasing his face, “It’s ok, Hawks, you can breathe now,” you giggled a bit.
He let out a shaky breath he didn’t know he was holding.
Slowly, he leaned forward, looking desperately into your eyes, as you looked desperately back into. 
Slowly, your lips met, soft and subtle. Gentle, and light, Keigo thought there was no better sensation. The way your lips shaped around his felt like pure heaven, he chided himself for not kissing you sooner.
You brought a hand up to his hair, running your hands through it, pulling him more into you. And boy, did he want to get closer.
If it was up to Keigo, he would have spent his whole life kissing you, but alas, you pulled away.
“Wow,” he didn’t mean to say it, it just sorts of slipped out.
You chuckled lightly, “Not so bad yourself, huh.”
As you two laughed, you both felt the elevator slowly rise. 
“Oh well,” you sighed, “looks like they figured it out.”
“Um so,” Keigo commanded himself to be steady, “I know a pretty good cafe. Would you...want to come, with me, together, as a-” you cut him off.
“It’s a date.”
. . .
Hawks tag list
@under-the-clouds @shylesbiannerd @roko-ppk @Mikazuki @1small-frogs
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