#hannah is mitski
i’m forever stuck associating certain artists w certain ppl 😔
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sunriseinorbit · 10 months
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i think it's actually so important that yusuke *doesn't* get to show the real sayuri to the rest of the world. not because he doesn't want his mother to be recognized for her work (and it is a tragedy that she doesn't get that recognition even in death) but because her love for him is now his and his alone.
both yusuke and his mother spent years having their art stolen from them and put on display for the rest of the world to see without any input over how it was presented or perceived. the sayuri itself was meant to be a gift for yusuke, but when madarame stole it, he edited it precisely to strengthen its appeal to the public. it was no longer her painting, both in the sense that madarame passed it off as his own and that its meaning and emotional core were lost because of that. it became a subject of the world's attention when it was likely never meant to be, at least not in the way it was after madarame's bastardization.
and the real sayuri can't get the world's attention. yusuke can't display it in a museum or give it the widespread, mainstream attention it deserves, because the public is still fixated on madarame's copy.
but conversely, that also means that no one can take it—both the painting itself and what it represents—away from him. he doesn't have to share it with anyone, except for the people he loves, on his own terms. (when he leaves it with sojiro, he says that his mother would have done the same. he keeps her love alive by passing it on.) after so much of his artwork, which we know is incredibly personal and the primary way he expresses himself, was made public without his consent, it's both heartwarming and powerful that he gets to keep the physical representation of his mother's legacy and their relationship all to himself.
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sp1rit-realm · 2 years
༻¨*:· 𝐀 𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐋 ·:*¨༺
♪ It's just that I fell in love with a war ♪ ♪ Nobody told me it ended ♪
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ You break a bowl, Remus tries to comfort you. An argument ensues.
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 reader's previous relationship was abusive 𖦹 a bloody hand (but nothing graphic) 𖦹 gn!reader (they/them pronouns) 𖦹 a sprinkle of angst 𖦹 hurt/comfort 𖦹 remus lupin calling you his darling and his love 🜷⌣🜷 𖦹 remus lupin being the best partner ever 𖦹 he's so boyfriend 𖦹 inspired by the song 'A Pearl' by Mitski  𖦹 fluffy ending bc i'm a huge crybaby 𖦹 i did not proofread this bc i'm lazy ⎝(ˊᗜˋ)⎠
༻¨*:· word count ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 2.1k 
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"Sometimes, I wish I was a star," Your voice was quiet as you peered into the black sky, stars scattered across it. They looked like pearls. Precious.
He looked at you in admiration, "Why?"
"Because they're up there," You sighed, "And they take time to paint each star. To them, each one is just as important as the one before, and they ensure they are all beautiful."
"Who's up there?" There was genuine interest in his tone, and it warmed your heart.
"The person I used to be." You felt silly saying it, and you were scared he was going to judge you.
There was a beat of silence.
Instead of judgement, he reached for your hand and interlocked your pinkies, whispering: "You're precious. Like a pearl."
Your face grew warm.
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Remus anxiously waited for you—he was gnawing at his fingernails. He scolded himself; you hated when he chewed on his fingernails.
"They're only nine minutes late, Remus. It's okay. They're okay. We're okay," He muttered.
Remus had an underlying fear that you would leave him. It wasn't because of the whole werewolf thing—okay, maybe it was the werewolf thing, but only a little bit; and he was working on that.
It was because of something you were going through. Remus didn't understand what you were going through; he couldn't understand. That was one of the many intricate parts of your relationship.
You didn't want him to understand because he could only understand if he went through the same thing. You certainly did not want him to go through that.
That is what brought you here, on the floor, curled into yourself, sobbing.
"He doesn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve me," You wailed, looking at your hands
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Remus stood up, it had been half an hour, and he knew you weren't showing up.
He felt tired.
Not of you, never of you, but of this feeling. This emotion that appeared to be swallowing you whole and seemingly had its eyes set on your relationship as its next victim.
You heard the key in the door, and a wave of panic hit you. Then, as it washed over you—submerging you and taking your breath—the panic turned into guilt.
You were supposed to meet Remus at the park, and you were ... crying?
He toed his shoes off and walked to the kitchen, where he heard you weeping.
Upon seeing you, his heart felt like the shattered pieces of porcelain at your side. You were sobbing because you broke a bowl. Then, you started apologizing. It was frantic and compulsive, just a simple "I'm sorry" repeatedly falling from your chapped lips.
He wondered how anyone could see you like this and get mad at you.
"Darling?" He knew his voice had to be quiet. You were fragile right now—he assumed your breaking of the bowl triggered you. At this point in the relationship, identifying the trigger was somewhat easy. Identifying the feelings the trigger brought up was the challenging part. It didn't help that sometimes you couldn't articulate your feelings.
One of those times seemed to be now. Remus loathed that all you could say was, "I'm sorry."
Then, he noticed the dry blood on your hand and wanted to joke about how 
'You've only broken a bowl. You didn't kill someone, even though you've got literal blood on your hands.'
He didn't. Maybe he'll tell you later.
He knelt beside you.
Remus didn't think anything of it. He just wanted to wipe your cheek and relieve it from the layer of tears.
To him, it was harmless. To you, it was frightening.
You shrunk into yourself as he brought his hand up, and you scrunched your face, bracing for a slap, or a hit, or something physically violent.
Remus brought his hand down, and his lips pressed together.
"I'm not gonna hurt you," He whispered, "I'll never hurt you. You're safe her, Darling. You're safe."
Your next inhale was sharp, and your face relaxed with the shaky exhale that followed. You opened your eyes to look at Remus, who spoke gently, "Why don't I clean up your hand, okay?"
At your nod, he spoke again. "Can I touch you?"
You shake your head, "It's not because of you. It's— It's—"
At your wavering voice, he stepped in, "I know, Darling. I know"
He didn't understand why you felt you had to explain why you said no, just that you were wired to do so. It hurt him—deeply.
You stood slowly, knowing you would get dizzy if you stood too fast. And if you got dizzy, there was a possibility that you would fall, and if you did, Remus would either try to catch you, or you would injure yourself. If Remus caught you, he would be touching you, making you even more miserable. If you got hurt he—being the angel he is—would take the blame and never forgive himself. Both would make him feel worse. You already missed lunch together because you dropped this stupid bowl and—
"My Lovely?" Remus repeated for the fourth time; this time, it snapped you out of your frantic thoughts.
You looked at him, "Hm?"
"To clean your hand, I'm going to have to touch it. Is that okay?" His talking was slow and calm, and it oddly made you mad.
"I said I didn't want you to touch me!" You felt your heart beat faster, and adrenaline rushed over you.
Remus was so incredibly tired, and he didn't feel like fighting. He hated fighting with you—it was gut-wrenching.
"I know, but I don't want your hand to get infected because it's not clean."
"Stop speaking to me like I'm a child, Remus."
You knew what you were doing, and it was wrong, but it felt so right to pick a fight. You hated yourself for it.
Remus sighed.
You swore you could feel the blood pumping through your veins and drew your brows together, "Don't sigh at me."
Remus knew better than to indulge in your argument, but he couldn't help himself.
"All I am trying to do is help you."
Your brain was foggy, "Well, you're not helping. If anything, you're making it WORSE!"
You have said a lot of things in past arguments. Never anything like this.
"Wait, no—" You quickly went to correct yourself.
"I'm making it worse?" He repeated your bitter words. "Really? Because if I'm making it worse, I can leave. I can leave you here and never try to help you again if I make everything so much worse."
"That's not what I said!" You argued back, "I never said you make everything worse. Stop twisting my words!"
"I'm not twisting your words, Y/n. This—" He waved his arms around the broken porcelain, then around you, "this is everything."
Too far.
"I am a person, Remus. I am not just my trauma." Your voice was quiet.
"Aren't you!?"
You looked at your bloody hand, "I'm sorry, Remus. I—" Your voice cracked, and you went silent.
Hit turn to feel guilty.
"Can I clean your cut?" He muttered.
You gave him your hand.
"Can I touch you?"
You somberly nodded your head.
His touch was soft, and you started to sweat. You hated this feeling. You hated fearing that his fingers would turn harsh after they softly cleaned your hand.
And you felt bad for being scared, because you knew Remus would never hurt you. Still, something in you was constantly on edge, a primal instinct to protect yourself before you got hurt.
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He once said you reminded him of a pearl. He would give you pearl necklaces and earrings and bracelets. A precious pearl, that's what he would call you.
The jewelry stayed in your jewelry box, untouched since you left him. You weren't sure why you kept them—maybe to remind yourself that it was real. It could be because the pearls symbolized what you thought his love was.
It wasn't love, though, it was manipulation, and it was toxic.
And, as much as you didn't want to believe it, it was abuse.
Perhaps you kept the pearls because they were part of that toxicity.
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Remus finished cleaning your hand somewhat ten minutes ago; you hadn't realized, too deep in thought.
Too busy thinking about the pearls again.
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He stained part of you, a part of yourself that you now call The Pearl.
It started small, and you were able to control it at first.
Now, it seemed unmanageable.
The Pearl taunted you. It told you to be explosive because it knew Remus wouldn't be. Explosions cause chaos, and chaos is safe. That's what it told you.
But then, when the chaos was over and done with, it told you that you were toxic and abusive—it said you were a monster and that you were just like him.
You would indulge in The Pearl—you did everything it told you to do. You believed everything it told you to believe.
Maybe you were toxic.
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"Y/n?" Remus repeated. His voice was quaint and delicate. You could tell he didn't want to startle you.
"Do you want to go sit on the couch? Maybe we can talk over there?"
You nodded, trudged your way to the couch, and plopped down. A heavy sigh escaped your lips.
You, too, were tired of this feeling.
Once he sat down, you quickly spoke, "I'm sorry, Remus."
"I'm not going to tell you it's okay 'cos it wasn't, but I'm also sorry. I said some very hurtful things, and I know better than to let it get out of hand—"
You wanted to scream, not at Remus, at yourself. You interrupted him, "Remus, t's not your fault. I let it get to me."
"My Darling, I'm still having trouble understand what 'it' is. I know you've tried before, but can you try and explain again? Because I can't keep doing this. My Lovely, I can't keep arguing with you. It hurts too much."
Perhaps it wasn't the best wording, but you knew what he meant.
"I'm sor—"
He cut you off, "Don't apologize."
You nodded.
"It's like there's this—" You took a deep breath. You had to tell him, no matter how scary it was.
"He used to call me his precious pearl," You started, looking down into your laps where your hands rested, "And I was his. He trapped me for years, and I became his."
Remus didn't like hearing that, but he put his anger aside.
"He changed me, Remus." You looked into his soft, lovely amber eyes. He wasn't judging you.
"Do you know how pearls form?"
He looked at you with confusion and shook his head.
"When an oyster comes in contact with a foreign substance, it traps and covers it with the same stuff that makes its shell. As time goes on, this material—the one that makes the shell—builds and creates a pearl."
Remus slowly nods, "Okay."
"Well, when this process occurs naturally, it doesn't hurt the oyster." You look back down into your lap, "But there are pearl farms where harvesters will cut the oyster and insert irritants." You looked back at him, "Pearls are formed to defend the oyster. When this process happens artificially, it usually hurts the oyster because the harvesters do it with little care."
Remus nodded again, "You know I'm very interested in the things you enjoy talking about, but I'm not sure if this is the right time to be talking about pearls."
"Just wait. It has to do with this, okay?"
When he nodded, you kept speaking. "So, I'm like an oyster, and he was like a pearl farmer. There's this part of me that I call 'The Pearl,' it helps protect me, but not in the right way. Before he could take the pearl, I left, and now I'm trying to remove it, but it's hard and it hurts. It hurts so much." You hoped you were making sense. "Now, I'm with you, and I love it. I love this relationship so much, Remus. I do. And I love you, you're so gentile and you don't even want to make a pearl from me, but I've got one, and it hurts, and I don't know how long it'll take to remove it—I don't know if I can remove it."
Remus was starting to understand. "So, The Pearl, it makes you—" He was very careful with his words, "It created chaos?"
"As a ... defense mechanism?"
You nodded, "It's because I'm not used to being in such a calm relationship. It feels unnerving, so The Pearl is telling me to create the explosions 'cos that's how it's "s'posed" to be, and then you'll leave, and—" Your inhale was shaky, "And then I turn into a harvester and The Pearl is happy with that because I don't get hurt."
He was quick to respond, "You will never become a harvester, and I won't leave." He shook his head to himself, "I won't ever leave you."
You looked at him with adoration, "Even though I've got a pearl?"
"Even though you've a pearl," He confirmed. "We can work on extracting it together, okay? How's that sound?"
Your heart felt so warm and so full, "That sounds nice."
He curtly nodded and stood up, "You want a cwtch?"
"The bowl," You whispered.
He smiled softly, "I cleaned it up—while you were thinking earlier."
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Remus told you his stupid joke as he held you. You felt safe as you laughed, saying: "I do have lots of skeletons in my closet, though. That okay?"
He smiled, "I love spooky shit."
It made you laugh harder.
Maybe you could finally wave your white flag of surrender.
No more war, no more pearls.
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Thank you for reading, my lovelies
ଘ(੭ ˊᵕˋ)੭*༺ ♡‧₊˚
@forourmoons @sw34terw34ther @cremexcoffee @nelabelievesindragons @evergreenlover
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the-one-who-lambs · 3 months
"I heard this song and it made me think of your fic!"
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chariotdun0rd · 1 year
there IS a right answer to this btw
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hellacoolperson180 · 11 months
Wdym I can’t just lay in bed listening to Fiona Apple, Mitski, and Maya Hawke? Wdym I can’t just spend all day thinking about toxic yuri? Wdym I can’t spend all night crying over some animal that went extinct in the 1930s?
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sharktistic · 1 year
rest in peace, Beth Washington. You would’ve loved “ The Land is Inhospitable and so Are We “ by Mitski
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peach-pot · 11 months
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do u get it. gracedgar is star and gracannah is heaven.
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beesspacedotorg · 10 months
today I will wear my white button down 🗣️🗣️ I'm tired of wanting more 🗣️🗣️ I think I'm finally worn 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ for you have a way of promising things 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ and I've been a forest fire 🗣️🗣️🗣️ and I am the fire and I am the forest and I am the witness watching it 🗣️🗣️🗣️ I stand in a valley watching it 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ and you are not there at all 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ so today I will wear my white button down 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ walk out and be seen as clean 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ and ill go to work and I'll go to sleep and I'll love the littler things 🗣️ I'll love some littler things 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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wil0 · 10 months
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alphafightmusic · 11 months
So Many Good Albums in the Recent Weeks
Have any of you guys listened to any of these recently!? Banger after BANGER-
Something to Give Each Other- Troye Sivan
The Land is Inhospitable and So Are We- Mitski
Javelin- Sufjan Stevens
Perfect Picture- Hannah Diamond
I Miss You Already + I Haven't Left Yet- Del Water Gap
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sp1rit-realm · 1 year
listen to me very carefully.
your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me. but i do. i finally do.
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l-just-want-to-see · 8 months
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Jason (from the Greek Iásōn, “healer”) Peter Todd (from the German Tod, “death”) - I hope you find your way out of that grave.
dc comics + The Oresteia, Aeschylus / Lady Windermere’s Fan, Oscar Wilde / Grief Lessons: Four Plays [tr. Anne Carson], Euripides + Batman v1 #385 / Batman: The Cult #3 / For Example, Mary Oliver / Batman: Legends of The Dark Knight #100 / Batman: Under the Red Hood / Eight, Sleeping at Last / Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth / Batman: Urban Legends #10 + ? / On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, Ocean Vuong / Red Hood and The Outlaws #25 / Slay the Princess / pinterest + Batman #422 / Batman #424 + Rilke's Book of Hours: Love Poems to God, Rainer Maria Rilke + Batman #428 | A Death in the Family / @/metamorphesque, tumblr / American Teenager, Ethel Cain / Anecdote of the Pig, Tory Adkisson / interpretations of A Death in the Family + The Oresteia, Aeschylus / Nightwing: Secret Files and Origins #1 + the Haunting of Bly Manor + Red Hood and the Outlaws #23 / @/petrichara, tumblr / I Didn't Apologize to the Well, Mahmoud Darwish / Infinite Crisis: Secret Files + pinterest / Ruin and Rising, Leigh Bardugo / Red Hood and the Outlaws #26 / The Cruel Prince, Holly Black / pinterest / Red Hood: The Lost Days / Sue Zhao / Red Hood: The Lost Days part II + Red Hood: The Lost Days #4 / I See Boats Moving, Fernando Pessoa / Oedipus the King, TV Tropes / @/devilsmoon, tumblr / Red Hood: The Lost Days + Speeches for Dr Frankenstein, Margaret Atwood / Saving June, Hannah Arrington + embroidered patch / Slay the Princess / unaligned, @/hamletmaschine + Batman: Under the Red Hood / Batman: Under the Red Hood + Batman and Robin #11 + South and West: From a Notebook, Joan Didion / The Good Fight, Ada Limón / Batman: Under the Red Hood / Grief Lessons: Four Plays, Euripides [tr. Anne Carson] / Batman: Under the Red Hood / Slay the Princess / Under the Red Hood / Slay the Princess / @/sainticide, twitter / The Truth About Grief, Fortesa Latifi + Batman: Under the Red Hood / Batman: Under the Red Hood / Ten Legs, Eight Broken, mandana on tiktok / War of the Foxes, Richard Siken + Under the Red Hood + Batman #428 | A Death in the Family / The Unabridged Journals Of Sylvia Plath, Sylvia Plath / Under the Red Hood + Batman #428 | A Death in the Family / @baitmeat, tumblr + Batman: Under the Red Hood (Deluxe Edition) / Origin Story, Desireé Dallagiacomo / Vive, Vive, Traci Brimhall / The Dogs I Have Kissed, Trista Mateer + Batman: Under the Red Hood + Three Jokers / Red Hood and the Outlaws Rebirth #9 / @/sainticide, twitter + Red Hood and the Outlaws #10 / Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve, Taylor Swift / ? + Robin 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular / Ep. 4: Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth -- 'Sacrifice and Bliss', Joseph Campbell / White Knight #7 + Heaven, Mieko Kawakami / Forest Fire, Mitski / Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 2 #9 + Batman Annual #25 + Free Will Astrology, Rob Brezsny / Letter XV, @/lucidloving / Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol 1: REDemption / briscoepark + The Civil War, Anne Sexton [compiled by @/lovejoyparadox here] / @/soapstore, tumblr + I Await the Devil’s Coming, Mary MacLane + Claire C. Holland / @/havingrevelations, tumblr / Meditations in an Emergency, Cameron Awkward-Rich + Deathstroke #34 / Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides [tr. Anne Carson] + Red Hood and the Outlaws
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mrsarnold · 3 months
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❛❛ my kind of women ❜❜
est. june 22nd, 2024
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LEILA / irl mac demarco
✶ 9teen , she / her , lesbian. kk arnold's wife ( real and confirmed ). 09/12 ( virgo ) , i loveeee mac demarco , tyler the creater , emmy , kami , my dog , kk arnold, sarah strong, gabby williams, flau'jae, roblox, thrifting, sleeping (sleeping beauty ) , minute maid , hello kitty.
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⌗ music taste : tyler the creator, sade, frank ocean, beabadoobee, solya, grimes, lana del rey, sza, charli xcx, billie eilish, kanye west, laufey, mitski, clairo, eminem, etc
⌗ writing for : womens basketball ( wnba , wcbb )
im only doing wlw / reader x player so men and minor dni !! because i do write smut. i WILL NOT write for any male player, sedona prince, qadence samuels, hannah stuelke, sophie cunningham, jada gyamfi, hannah hildago, sue bird.
⌗ dni if !! : men, minor, or any -ists !! well if your minor i recommend you to read my fluff / angst but im not your mother 😭
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★ masterlist — where all my work lives
⌗ requests — currently open !
★ asks — always open unless i closed it.
⌗ emmy , kami
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kaela ౨ৎ hopeless romantic & your favourite mirrorball ౨ৎ free palestine
listening: helpless by suki waterhouse
watching: one tree hill s6, gilmore girls s2 (rewatch)
reading: the naturals series
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lipgloss + mascara girlie, sofia coppola film enthusiast, pinterest whore, iced coffee addict, felicity + gossip girl + gilmore girls r my shows, f1 girlie (oscar piastri <33), lover of fashion and gel nails, romcoms (ten things i hate about you my beloved!!!), ribbons and bows always, playlist maker, #1 better, gave you i, suburban legends, and don’t you fan, in love with jess mariano and blair waldorf, constantly romanticizing life, i love my mutuals, a slut for men’s hands, actually elijah hewson’s gf (real), steph bohrer girlie, aspiring journalist and writer
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lexi jayde, gracie abrams, sabrina carpenter, beabadoobee, maisie peters, suki waterhouse, role model, del water gap, olivia rodrigo, nessa barrett, kenzie cait, alessi rose, dominic fike, inhaler dublin, jeff buckley, lana del rey, megan moroney, kristiane, kate peytavin, lizzy mcalpine, avery anna, lorde, mitski, reneé rapp, griff, holly humberstone, devon gabriella, cigarettes after sex, henry morris, mazzy star, fiona apple, ethel cain, madison beer, nieve ella, hannah grae
+ more
my spotify ౨ৎ
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other blogs : @maisiepeterssgf @beabadoobeegf @gracieasource @graciearares @juliansantosgf @vanilllagirlss
this blog has a running queue ! publishes 8 posts a day <3
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