#handy app
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barebevil · 1 year ago
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stayed up way past my bedtime last night to make this
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makeshiftloops · 7 months ago
Ceaseless watcher, turn your gaze upon this pathetic wet cat of a man
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seabeck · 2 months ago
What kind of photo editing software do you use?
Lightroom mostly, I sometimes use photoshop for things like masking layers and IG carousel posts.
For my mushroom photos most are focus stacks and while photoshop can process them it sucks ass at it and it’s much more difficult to clean up the images afterwards without an easy to navigate way to find which focus slice is from which image. For this reason I use Helicon focus
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short-gremlin · 23 days ago
guys. guys. you want tiktok? use a vpn!!
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official-lauchzwiebel · 3 months ago
BundID hates my gay ass
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thehaemanthus · 6 months ago
I thought of another @acotar-omegaverse-week fic and i'm going to put waayyyy to much effort into it
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nostarsleftinthesky · 4 months ago
I broke my fucking phone and now I need a new one and I'm fucking broke. fml
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010101010101000 · 1 year ago
omg i’ve been using the lose it! app for the past week and i really liked it but i went to check my fasting timer and calories and stuff and my fast is gone. i had a 1 week trial of premium but i didn’t know fasting was a premium feature :,) FUCK
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techniktagebuch · 2 years ago
2. Juni 2023
Corona ist vorbei
Tja. Schön wär’s. Die Pandemie-Situation ist vielleicht eingedämmt, aber “Corona”, bildungsbürgerlich “Covid 19″, geht nicht wieder weg. Demnächst werde ich bei der Hausärztin fragen, wie es mit den Impfungen aussieht. Ich hoffe auf eine Kombi-Impfung zusammen mit der jährlichen Grippeschutzimpfung.
 Aber auf meinen Handy ist “Corona” vorbei. Die Corona-Warn-App hat den Dienst quittiert, was sogar in den Radio-Nachrichten durchgesagt wurde, und bedankt sich artig für die Mitarbeit.
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Von meinem Handy lösche ich aber nicht nur die Corona-Warn-App, sondern gleich den ganzen Corona-Ordner mit vier Apps. 
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Die CovPass-App, in der der Impfstatus hinterlegt werden konnte. Da es keine Beschränkungen mehr gibt, braucht man den Impfstatus nicht mehr nachzuweisen. 
Mit der CovPass Check App konnte man den Impfstatus anderer Personen (eigentlich anderer Handys) anhand des in der CovPass-App anzeigbaren QR-Codes checken
Die “Darf ich das”-App hatte ich mal installiert, um ein wenig Licht ins Dunkel der Beschränkungen zu bringen, weil “damals” ja jedes Bundesland sein eigenes Süppchen gekocht hat, die auch noch dauernd neu abgeschmeckt wurde. Ich weiß nicht, wann ich die App das letzte Mal verwendet habe. Ich erinnere mich nur, dass sie so mittelhilfreich war. 
Andere Apps, mit denen man sich in Restaurants, Kneipen etc. “einloggen” konnte, wie die umstrittene Luca-App (es gab noch andere) habe ich schon früher wieder gelöscht. Das ging ja irgendwann alles mit der Corona-Warn-App. glaube ich. (Wenn man nicht alles sofort aufschreibt ...)
(Markus Winninghoff)
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achingly-shy · 1 year ago
your top 15 favorite tv shows can say a lot about your personality!
i was tagged by @dindjarism to list mine <3 thank you so much, aixa!!
agents of shield
star wars: rebels
good omens
the umbrella academy
star wars: the clone wars
stranger things
brooklyn nine-nine
our flag means death
anne with an e
never have i ever
young royals
the mandalorian
bridgerton (but only s2)
no pressure tags: @dam-bluecookies @demarcoes @lacebird @heroeddiemunson @daisyjohnsn
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thethingything · 2 years ago
I went to check how our Forest for this month is coming along but I clicked on the one for this week instead, which is like, 2 days worth of trees so far but look how cute this is
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also I've started just getting it to display them in order of when they were planted and I kind of like how it ends up looking
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years ago
So I was looking for a fic to read that I knew I'd last read & bookmarked on ffnet.
It's... not in my bookmark list on ffnet. I was able to find it again but this is, like, the third fic this has happened with so this time I started going through my ffnet bookmarks and... a lot are missing just looking at the Angel & BtVS sections. It's been a while, but there are fics missing and I have no idea which ones still exist or not.
Because, apparently, ffnet is just... dropping bookmarks. Great.
Anyway, gonna see if I can find anymore of the missing ones and then finally learn how to add external bookmarks to Ao3. So any that haven't migrated there, well... at least I'll be able to find them and not have to be afraid that ffnet is gonna lose my bookmark for The Muppet Contracts next or whatever.
Anywho, if you have bookmarks on ffnet, maybe go see if there are any missing? Just in case.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years ago
Greetings! Disjointed thoughts again: 1) There's going to be keeper graphic novel? That's so cool! 2) Your "nonsie" nicknames are really cute, and remind me of the "anonymous animal" thing on google docs ;) 3) I haven't listened to many of those musicals, so I'll give them a listen (hopefully)! I like a bunch of musicals but my comfort musical is Be More Chill. Also, I'd love to hear about your movie thoughts! I hope you're enjoying your day! - Amethyst
OKAY! Skipping over all that to get right to the movie thing because I simply must speak of it. The movies I was referring to were RRR and Baahubali 1 and 2 (3 isn't out yet). Each one is like 3 hours long ish but they're SO good. Such delightful cinema. They're incredibly dramatic (at least by my standards, which are unfortunately american), and some parts are incredibly unrealistic but takes itself so seriously and it's so entertaining. Not in like, this is a shitty movie that embraces that like velocipastor, but like it's a really well funded and produced movie that knows sometimes realism is a detriment to enjoyment so it throws it out.
It's been a while since i watched Baahubali so I couldn't really tell you the plot (I know I had a lot of fun with it though), but I can tell you RRR is about Indian revolution against british colonies. That. is such an understatement. It's also about these two men who are best friends but also enemies (but don't know they're enemies) overcoming that difference to unite and fuck over england. I don't want to spoil anything but it's SO good and has so much more going on than I can cover. Absolutely worth the 3 hours. There's also a full dance scene in there. And it's also nominated for an oscar for the dance scene song :)
If you don't have 6 hours to watch the baahubali's (skimmed the plot to refresh my memory, I think it's about a sibling rivalry for a kingdom but one of the two didn't know they were an heir, but is also insanely powerful and Good and Things), please find 3 hours to watch RRR you will not regret it it's so so good. I have been to the cinema once in the past three years and it was for this movie and I'd do it again.
Alright back to the rest of this ask. 1) yeah!! very exciting! this doesn't really do anything for me personally because I. am not really into graphic novels or visual media (I can't really picture things in my head), but it does give me something else keeper to add to my collection! 2) thank you! it's kinda become second nature at this point as just a thing that I do, but every so often I remember "huh, I deliberately chose to come up and use that". I didn't want to use the typical "nonnie/nonny" i'd seen, so I switched it up a little and now it's just part of my blog. And also part of some other people's blogs I think, sometimes I see other people say it.
3) Oh i've listened to Be More Chill! I haven't in a while, I must admit, but I listened to the typical new age musicals--Be More Chill, Dear Evan Hanson, Hamilton, Heathers. Oh! Speaking of Heathers, my favorite song from that musical is "I Say No", which isn't even on the main track; it's an addition to the world tour or something along those lines. But when I learned that I was so excited, like woah! There's this bomb song that just isn't on the main track??? WHY isn't it everywhere it's so good!
and thank you, I'm having a pretty good day! played some games (only today learned about the charms in omori), embroidered (ish) a little bunny on my shorts, didn't have to do any homework, stimmed to some songs, etc. Might bake something (apple muffins), unknown yet. I hope you're doing well and having a good whatever time it is where you are!
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kingscrown666 · 6 months ago
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For those wondering, €87 = $93.85 USD
My brother's girlfriend had HPV, so he went to get himself the HPV vaccine. There is a fee to pay (nothing much, something like €87) but it's completely free if you're in one of the "at risk" groups.
"What does that mean," he asks. "It's free if you're gay," he's told. "Ah. Would I have to like, prove it, or...?" "Just put in a check mark here."
My brother is in no way, shape or form attracted to men, but also he's stingy as it gets. So now he's officially gay. Congrats bro.
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allbetterapps · 8 days ago
Smarter Inventory Management for Contractors Do you want to manage inventory like a pro? Achieve it with a service management app? Inventory control is essential to the contracting industry’s ability to finish projects on schedule and within budget. Tools, materials, and supplies are the backbone of any project. Disorganization can lead to time wastage, unexpected costs, and delays that frustrate contractors and clients.
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 3 months ago
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Arbeitnehmerrechte verteidigen!
Dauerüberwachung bei der Arbeit
Italienische Behörden untersuchen die Praktiken des Lieferdienstes Glovo. Zu der vielfach bei Fahrradkurierdiensten miesen Bezahlung und Ausbeutung der Beschäftigten kommt in diesem Fall der Verdacht massiver Datenschutzverstöße dazu.
Alles geht übers Handy
Fahrradkuriere bekommen ihre Aufträge übers Handy, ihre Wege werden darüber verfolgt und die Abrechnung ihrer Leistungen erfolgt ebenfalls minutengenau über diese Geräte. Theoretisch könnte man alle diese Überwachungen durch gemeinsame Vorgaben von Arbeitnehmervertretung und Unternehmen ausschließen oder auf ein Minimum beschränken.
In der Praxis ist es mit einer Arbeitnehmervertretung bei den meisten Fahrradkurierdiensten nicht weit her. Nun hat die italienische Datenschutzbehörde gegen den Lieferdienst Glovo wegen der illegalen Überwachung seiner 35.000 Mitarbeitenden eine Strafe von fünf Millionen Euro vehängt. Darüber hinaus verbot die Behörde Glovo weiter deren biometrische Daten zu verarbeiten.
Erschwerend kam hinzu, dass Glovo die illegal gesammelten Daten an andere Unternehmen weiter verkauft hatte. Das Sammeln der Daten lief sogar, wenn die unternehmenseigene App auf deren Handys überhaupt nicht lief.
Wie man schon an der hohen Zahl der Beschäftigen sieht, ist Glovo ein international aktiver Lieferdienst, der bereits in Spanien wegen über 10.000 Fällen von Scheinselbstständigkeit mit einer Strafe von 79 Millionen Euro belegt wurde. 
Mehr dazu bei https://netzpolitik.org/2024/datenschutz-bei-der-arbeit-lieferdienst-glovo-muss-in-italien-blechen/
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3E4 Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8978-20241126-arbeitnehmerrechte-verteidigen.html
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