#hands you so many oranges and li xi
artilite · 2 months
ohhhh my gogfh. oh my good gracious ohh man. oh stars oh gems etc etc etc sorry for the spam on your lion dance post i didn’t realize until after going INSANE over it that it’s from like five months ago but again i. i saw it and went insane. genuinely one of my favourite things any isat creator has done to date thank you SO MUCH for the joy and whimsy im running up the WAAAALLS
NOOO NEVER APOLOGIZE I WAS SO SO HAPPY SEEING YOUR TAGS-- it's always a delight seeing other lion dance enthusiasts bc they feel so few and far between :') THANK YOU SO MUCHH AJDHAK !!! also OOF, PASSAGE OF TIME? i promised myself i'd properly revisit lion dance isat one day.. perhaps soon.....
i hope you don't mind me piggybacking off this ask to share my reasoning for their roles :^) i realize i never shared it anywhere JSDHSF (long post under cut) (there's art i promise)
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the lion: siffrin and isa!! of course!! The base of a lion usually needs to be strong and steady, traits that fit isabeau very well :) i think he'd also appreciate being reliable/having to be relied on so much, and supporting sif in putting themselves out there in performance. Siffrin also probably weighs like, nothing to him, so that's a plus LOL.
Siffrin would be the head, not only bc they're quick and agile, but also bc I think they'd give the lion a fun personality! I think having the costume to hide behind would help him come out of his shell more :] (and my personal hc is that the island is SE asian in some way, so a fun way to connect to his culture as well, even if he doesn't remember it </3)
i drew them with a fut san lion (just 'cause its easier for me LOL) but i think they'd perform hok san!
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the buddha: loop... i think they'd appreciate the ability to look out for sif and isa and keep them safe, while also messing around and being part of the performance themself !! they'd love any opportunity to annoy siffrin anyway HSDJHSDF also something something... universe's cosmic joke being the comedic relief role......
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drum: originally i gave the role of drummer to bonnie, but now i'd probably hand the role to either mirabelle, to carry over her leader position in the group, or odile, since she's the most senior member! definitely leaning towards mirabelle though. i like the idea of her being the heart of the party :)
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other instruments: odile is on gong, based purely off of vibes. tell me odile wouldn't pop off with the gong. also, she's probably familiar with it already! bonnie gets symbols because that's JUST like banging pots and pans together, which i'm sure they have plenty of. honestly, they could just bang actual pots and pans together LOL. they'd have fun with it :)
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ladyofasoiaf · 4 years
Sweet blue flower on the wall = Death
There are many theories about how this vision foreshadows Daenerys’ doom/death.
A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness… mother of dragons, bride of fire…  
[ACOK; Daenerys IV]
I want to show that how some symbols in this vision are bad omens for Daenerys.
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The merchant prince sat up sharply. “Pyat Pree has blue lips, and it is truly said that blue lips speak only lies. Heed the wisdom of one who loves you. Warlocks are bitter creatures who eat dust and drink of shadows. They will give you naught. They have naught to give.”  
[ACOK; Daenerys III]  
“Blue lips speak only lies, isn’t that what Xaro told you? Why do you care what the warlocks whispered? All they wanted was to suck the life from you, you know that now.”  
[ACOK; Daenerys V] 
 “Not all your enemies are in the Yellow City. Beware men with cold hearts and blue lips. You had not been gone from Qarth a fortnight when Pyat Pree set out with three of his fellow warlocks, to seek for you in Pentos.”  
[ADWD; Daenerys III] 
The next morning she woke stiff and sore and aching, with ants crawling on her arms and legs and face. When she realized what they were, she kicked aside the stalks of dry brown grass that had served as her bed and blanket and struggled to her feet. She had bites all over her, little red bumps, itchy and inflamed. Where did all the ants come from? Dany brushed them from her arms and legs and belly. She ran a hand across her stubbly scalp where her hair had burned away, and felt more ants on her head, and one crawling down the back of her neck. She knocked them off and crushed them under her bare feet. There were so many…
It turned out that their anthill was on the other side of her wall. She wondered how the ants had managed to climb over it and find her. To them these tumbledown stones must loom as huge as the Wall of Westeros. The biggest wall in all the world, her brother Viserys used to say, as proud as if he’d built it himself.  
[ADWD; Daenerys X]
“Sweet smells are sometimes used to cover foul ones.”  
[ACOK; Daenerys II]
A foul, sweet smell rose from the wound, so thick it almost choked her.  
[AGOT; Daenerys VIII]
While I was looking at the last example with sweet smell, I realized that this is the chapter that Drogo falls ill. And I started to read it for further clues…
And I’ve found this:
When they were alone, Ser Jorah drew his dagger. Deftly, with a delicacy surprising in such a big man, he began to scrape away the black leaves and dried blue mud from Drogo’s chest. The plaster had caked hard as the mud walls of the Lamb Men, and like those walls it cracked easily. Ser Jorah broke the dry mud with his knife, pried thechunks from the flesh, peeled off the leaves one by one. A foul, sweet smell rose from the wound, so thick it almost choked her. The leaves were crusted with blood and pus, Drogo’s breast black and glistening with corruption.
“No," Dany whispered as tears ran down her cheeks. "No, please, gods hear me, no.”
[AGOT; Daenerys VIII]
Blue wall of mud
It cracks and leaves chunks on Drogo’s body
A sweet smell rose from his wound which chokes Daenerys.
In this list of Jon x Sansa book hints , I try to tell (with the help of other metas in the fandom) that this vision is about Jon and Sansa being Daenerys’ doom.
(You can check: B4 & B5 for this theory)
The flower in the Dany’s vision is blue so fans believe that this flower is a blue winter rose.
Therefore this vision might be about Lyanna’s boy Jon who is at the Wall.
But winter roses and (roses especially) are linked with Sansa too.
[*Roses and Sansa is examined here in this Lyanna//Sansa meta]
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Ygritte tells about the song of:
Bael the Bard and the Winterfell’s Blue Rose in ACOK; Jon VI
In the story the blue roses of Winterfell just bloom
and they represent a love between
King Beyond the Wall and Winterfell’s maiden heir
Next chapter is Sansa (ACOK; Sansa IV)
and she flowers for the first time,
next chapter is Jon again. (Jon-Sansa-Jon)
Also both Jon and Sansa have these other symbols as well in their stories; such as Wall and sweet smells:
He had always had a yen to see the Titan of Braavos. Perhaps that would please Sansa. Gently, he spoke of Braavos, and met a wall of sullen courtesy as icy and unyielding as the Wall he had walked once in the north.  
[ASOS; Tyrion VIII]
Sansa should take it off only for her husband
“Courtesy is a lady’s armor,” Sansa said. Her septa had always told her that.
“I am your husband. You can take off your armor now.”
[ASOS; Sansa III]
But the Wall belongs to Jon
The Wall is mine, Jon reminded himself whenever he felt his strength flagging.  
The Wall is mine, he reminded himself.  
[ASOS; Jon IX]
The Wall was his, the night was dark, and he had a king to face.  
Never. “I cannot speak to what my father might have done. I took an oath, Your Grace. The Wall is mine.”  
[ADWD; Jon I]
The Wall is mine, and the Watch as well. The Night’s Watch takes no part.
[ADWD; Jon II]
I should be walking the ice. The Wall is mine.  
The Wall is mine, Jon reminded himself as the winchmen were swinging in the cage, for two more days, at least.  
[ADWD; Jon XI]
“I must do as I think best. With respect, Your Grace, the Wall is mine,and so is this decision.”  
Sansa Stark, he mused. Soft-spoken sweet-smelling Sansa, who loved silks, songs, chivalry and tall gallant knights with handsome faces.  
[ASOS; Tyrion III]
She brought a dozen of the queen’s favorite scents as well. Sansa chose a sharp sweet fragrance with a hint of lemon in it under the smell of flowers. The maid dabbed some on her finger and touched Sansa behind each ear, and under her chin, and then lightly on her nipples.  
[ASOS; Sansa III]
Sansa is the SWEET-SMELLING BLUE ROSE and she is armored with icy WALL of courtesy and that Wall belongs to Jon. (Jon is Sansa’s armor)
The symbols in Dany’s visions are bad omen for her.
These symbols are: Blue, Wall, Sweetness
We see these words when Dany tells us Drogo’s falling ill and later he dies…
What about the FLOWER? Where is the flower in that Drogo chapter?
We said that the flower in the vision is most likely a ROSE. 
(And I showed how blue roses are linked with Jon and Sansa.)
But @kellyvela​ @butterflies-dragons​ pointed out the greatest word play in that Drogo chapter:
A foul, sweet smell ROSE from the wound, so thick it almost choked her.
Grrm really said: PUN INTENDED!!
I think it is obvious that Drogo’s death and that vision is linked.
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But also look at this:
A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness… mother of dragons, bride of fire…  
When did she become mother of dragons and bride of fire?
During: Drogo’s funeral pyre!!
(Please read this meta: Daenerys: Mother of Dragons, Bride of Fire )
She had sensed the truth of it long ago, Dany thought as she took a step closer to the conflagration, but the brazier had not been hot enough. The flames writhed before her like the women who had danced at her wedding, whirling and singing and spinning their yellow and orange and crimson veils, fearsome to behold, yet lovely, so lovely, alive with heat. Dany opened her arms to them, her skin flushed and glowing. This is a wedding, too, she thought.
And now the flames reached her Drogo, and now they were all around him. His clothing took fire, and for an instant the khal was clad in wisps of floating orange silk and tendrils of curling smoke, grey and greasy. Dany’s lips parted and she found herself holding her breath. Part of herwanted to go to him as Ser Jorah had feared, to rush into the flames to beg for his forgiveness and take him inside her one last time, the fire melting the flesh from their bones until they were as one, forever.
Now, she thought, now, and for an instant she glimpsed Khal Drogobefore her, mounted on his smoky stallion, a flaming lash in his hand. He smiled, and the whip snaked down at the pyre, hissing.
A rising heat puffed at her face, soft and sudden as a lover’s breath…
I am Daenerys Stormborn, daughter of dragons, bride of dragons, mother of dragons, don’t you see? Don’t you SEE? With a belch of flame and smoke that reached thirty feet into the sky, the pyre collapsed and came down around her. Unafraid, Dany stepped forward into the firestorm, calling to her children.
The third crack was as loud and sharp as the breaking of the world.
[AGOT; Daenerys X]
The symbols in HOU vision are similar with the words that Daenerys uses while describing Drogo’s illness. Drogo dies and Dany starts a funeral pyre.
Blue, Wall, sweet, flower (rose) symbols are present in these both chapters (AGOT; Daenerys VIII & ACOK; Daenerys IV)
Even the words “mother of dragons and bride of fire” point out Drogo’s funeral pyre where she became MOD & BOF.
We can assume that this vision hints something really bad for Daenerys (death?)
These symbols also surround Jon and Sansa… and Dany is still waiting for the betrayal for love.
three treasons will you know… once for blood and once for gold and once for love…
Dany thinks about her promised betrayals in her last ADWD chapter and look what happens: (*For Jon vs Daenerys meta you can read this!)
Yet who else could it have been? Reznak, her perfumed seneschal? The Yunkai’i? The Sons of the Harpy? Off in the distance, a wolf howled. The sound made her feel sad and lonely, but no less hungry. As the moon rose above the grasslands, Dany slipped at last into a restless sleep.
[ADWD; Daenerys X]
Jon and Sansa are two wolves… and Dany slips into a sleep..
Let’s not forget that Drogo will return to Daenerys only in death. So it makes sense that hinting Daenerys’ death with Drogo’s… (she kills him in this chapter… kills him for love)
“When will he be as he was?” Dany demanded.
“When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east,” said Mirri Maz Duur. “When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child.Then he will return, and not before.”
And when the bleak dawn broke over an empty horizon, Dany knew that he was truly lost to her. “When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east,” she said sadly. “When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When my womb quickens again, and I bear a living child. Then you will return, my sun-and-stars, and not before.”
Never, the darkness cried, never never never.
If I look back I am lost. It hurt even to walk, and she wanted to sleep, to sleep and not to dream. She knelt, kissed Drogo on the lips, and pressed the cushion down across his face.
[AGOT; Daenerys IX]
In this post this vision is discussed also in show verse and it makes great points. I also want to point out that how Dany reunites with Drogo AFTER she passes the throne room with BLUE FLOWER (Sansa) and the WALL (Jon).
Because in my meta I examine how blue, rose, wall and sweetness are linked with Jon/Sansa AND Drogo’s death…
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And how it is probably hinting Dany’s own death because it means reuniting with Drogo and Rhaego …
And when the bleak dawn broke over an empty horizon, Dany knew that he was truly lost to her. “When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east,” she said sadly. “When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When my womb quickens again, and I bear a living child. Then you will return, my sun-and-stars, and not before.”
Never, the darkness cried, never never never.
[AGOT; Daenerys IX]
She passes the BLUE FLOWER (?) ON THE WALL:
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She passes through the WALL OF ICE:
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She reaches END OF THE WORLD:
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She REUNITES with Drogo and Rhaego:
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Then you will return, my sun-and-stars, and not before.”
Never, the darkness cried, never never never.
[AGOT; Daenerys IX]
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khiphop-stories · 4 years
Getting Off The Wrong Foot
[Christian Yu | Chapter XI]
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Previous Chapters:
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V | Chapter VI | Chapter VII | Chapter VIII | Chapter IX | Chapter X
“Are you falling for me too?“ He asked, his eyes locked with yours. Your widened eyes rested on him, not blinking. You spent a few seconds staring at him, your brain unable to formulate a thought. It was a question you didn’t expect at all, especially not coming for him.
“You’re worried? Wanna make a run for it?“ You then broke out into a deep rumbling laughter. Joking - that’s how you dealt with situations you weren’t comfortable with. He couldn’t have been serious anyway, could he? But unlike yours, his face showed no sign of amusement. Usually he would join you and laugh at your jokes, even if they weren’t funny to begin with. But this time, not a muscle on his face twitched. He looked at you deadpan. Was he afraid that you might cling onto him like other girls did? Was he afraid to lose his freedom?
“You’ve been a good friend to me, plus the sex is good. But that’s it. You’re safe. Nothing to be worried about. I’m not falling for you, Christian,” you assured him and you meant it. How could you fall in love with him, when your heart still belonged to someone else? He sighed shortly. Was it a sigh of relief or disappointment? You couldn’t read the expression on his face nor could you guess what was going through his mind right now. You had agreed early on that this would only be physical thing. Why was he suddenly worried about it turning into something more? Admittedly you were a hopeless romantic, but you weren’t over Kiseok yet and he knew, it was the reason you slept with him in the first place. If you had met him under different circumstances, maybe then things would have been different. But there was no room, to think about what ifs. 
“Good, ‘cause I’m really not looking for a relationship,” he then said with a confidence that didn’t sound very convincing, but you shook it off with a shrug. You didn’t want to start questioning him now.
“Good, me neither,” you agreed with him.
Keeping up the act was quite exhausting and you were slowly beginning to regret having agreed to it in the first place. It didn’t cross your mind that fooling his family wouldn’t be as easy as you had imagined. They knew him inside out while you barely had gotten to know him. You spent most of your time with physical activities and afterwards you were both so exhausted you would go straight to sleep. There was no room for pillow talks. So when his relatives told you stories about him, it felt as though they were describing a completely different person, a stranger. You learned a lot more about him in the span of a few hours than you did over the past few weeks. Ever since you stepped inside this house your entire body felt tensed, you were in constant fear that someone might see through it. Despite your worries, the afternoon went by without any mishaps on your part. You just had to endure a couple more hours, before you could go home, you thought to yourself. But before you could face his relatives again, you needed a moment to yourself. A moment where you could be yourself, not Christian’s fake girlfriend. When nobody was paying attention to you, you quickly escaped to the balcony that was attached to the living room. You took a slow controlled breath and attempted to loosen your body movements. You felt the fresh spring breeze fill your lungs. Winter hadn’t fully passed yet, it was still rather cold outside. Crossing your arms, you leaned them against the railing. Your eyes watched the sun slowly setting behind the buildings at the horizon. The sun casted it golden rays down upon the rooftops, painting the sky shades of orange and pink. Taking this beautiful sight in, your body could finally relax a little.
You heard the balcony door open and close behind you. You didn’t turn around, because you knew the sound of those footsteps. Christian stepped next to you and also leaned against the railing, his eyes following yours, taking in the picture-perfect sight in front of you.
“Are you cold?” He asked when he saw how lightly you were dressed. Without waiting for your answer, he slid the suit jacked down his shoulders, but you stopped him midway. You pulled it back over his shoulders, adjusting it neatly.
“Keep it on. You just recovered from your cold,” you reminded him. He had been lying sick in bed the past few days. Since his fever was quite high you dropped by almost every day after work to check on him. He didn’t really have anyone else to take care of him so you took it upon yourself. It was in your nature as the elder sister to worry too much. You were used to taking care of your sick brother, it wasn’t any different with Christian. It were the same symptoms and you knew exactly what he needed to heal quickly. 
“I’m sorry,” he apologized out of the blue.
You turned your head to the side, looking at him through narrowed eyes. You didn’t understand what he was apologzing for. “My family can be a pain in the arse.”
You shook your head at him with a little smile planted on your lips. “They’re lovely people.” “You think?”
“My family is not that big. I only have an uncle. He never had kids so I’ve never experienced something like this. It’s quite fun, except for the interrogation part,” you chuckled lightly. It was the first time you experienced a family reunion like this. Your own family wasn’t that close, you never met up for holidays or birthdays. Your uncle only ever called when he needed something. 
“You’re lucky my aunt hasn’t found the time to talk to you yet,” he told you playfully as he lightly nudged your elbow with his. “I don’t think she can be worse than your cousins.”
“Why? What did they do?” A wide grin played on his lips.
“They asked way too many questions! It felt like my brain was exploding coming up with lies to tell,” you whined. “What kind of questions did they ask?” “How we met, who confessed first, if you’re romantic, how our sex life is, if you treat me good,—“
“Our sex life?” Christian repeated with arched brows. You could see the smug smirk on his lips even though he was trying to hide it. Of course, out of everything you had said, it was that part that caught his attention. “What did you say?” “I said it was good,” you shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly, deciding to completely omitting the part where you fantasized about him.
“Just good? That’s an understatement, you make me look bad!” He grabbed his chest, pretending to feel offended. “You should have said that I am the best you ever had.”
“That would’ve been a lie though,” you immediately retorted without thinking.
“I’m not your best?” He asked you in a high-pitched voice, looking at you in disbelief. “Who is then?”
Christian was, but you didn’t want to admit it to someone whose ego was as big as his. No, you would never admit it to him, because then you wouldn’t hear the end of it. “Kiseok?” He took a guess as you didn’t answer his question. Even now you remained silent. “The way you described him I thought he was a rather selfish lover. Guess he was doing something right,” he then said trying to provoke a reaction from you. Suddenly Christian shifted in his position. He stood in front of you, his hands grabbing the railing, his arms either side of you trapping you in between. 
“Let me redeem myself, then.” He leaned his muscular body against yours, pressing your back against the cold railing. You felt a shiver run down your spine. “I’ll be the best you ever had.” One of his hand slid under your dress, pushing the soft fabric up your thighs. Then it worked its way to your butt, giving it a tight squeeze. His head moved closer and  he covered your mouth with his in a hungry kiss.
“Your family, Christian,” you reminded him sharply as you were struggling to push him away. Truth be told, you actually didn’t want him to stop there, but you weren’t going to embarrass yourself today. Not in front of so many strangers that he called his family. It was only a glass door that separated you from his entire family. Even though they couldn’t see you because of the thick curtain hanging over the door, it was too risky. Somebody could have come barging  in at any given moment. 
“I don’t think I can wait ‘till we get home,” he groaned at the loss of contact. He tried to kiss you again, but you quickly turned your head to the side. Then you felt something hard pressing against your lower abdomen. You lowered your gaze and your jar dropped open at the sight of the bulge in his pants. “You’re unbelievable, Christian,” you shook your head at him as you threw him a glare.
“I can’t help it,” he whined. He bit down on his bottom lip as his eyes caressed your body. 
“You look so sexy today,” he whispered in your ear, before kissing your ear lobe. You felt his hot, uncontrolled breath brushing against your skin. “C’mon, Min.” “Nope,” you shook your head. “Your whole family is right on the other side of the door!”
“Don’t make me beg for it,” he whispered in a pleading tone. He almost had you there, the expression on his face, his deep voice and the way he was looking at you. It was too much for you to handle, you needed to get out of there, before you would give in to him. 
“Take care of it yourself,” you told him, trying to sound as cold and sharp as possible. You smoothly wriggled out of his arms and walked towards the door. “Fuck,” a deep groan left his mouth. “Can you at least stay with me until…my dick has calmed down.”
“Fine,” you turned back again and walked towards him as your eyes mustered him.
“Shit, Minhee, don’t look at me like that. It’s not helping,” he complained out of the blue. “That’s my face!” “Turn around,” he ordered. Not waiting for you to follow his instructions, he grabbed your shoulders and turned you the other way. He closed his eyes, trying to distract himself, trying not to think about the things he wanted to do with you. But the image of your naked body kept reappearing inside of his head and he was getting more and more turned on by the second. “I just took a huge dump today,” you said out of the blue. His eyes shot open. “What?” “It was really nasty and it smelt horribly.” You thought the more disgusting the story you invented was, the quicker his erection would disappear.
“That’s information I didn’t need to know.”
“Did it help though?” “Not at all,” he shook his head with a laugh.“I’m gonna go to the restroom.You need to cover for me though.” He walked behind you so nobody could see his little friend down there. When you reached the restroom, you parted with him. You went back to the living room where the party was at. As you were standing in the room like a lost puppy, his mother walked over to you and kept you company. Although she did ask you a couple questions, she didn’t make you feel like you were being interrogated. The way she was speaking to you, you were the one that wanted to tell her more about yourself. That’s the power she had. You ended up revealing a bit more about yourself than you had originally planned. 
“To be honest, I was a bit scared he wouldn’t be able to love again after Nayeon.”
It was the first time someone mentioned the name of his ex and judging by the how softly she spoke about her, she must have liked her quite a bit. His ex must have gotten along well with his mother. She probably fooled her just like she had Christian wrapped around her fingers. But how was what you were doing right now any different to how his ex played everybody? You weren’t being truthful either, so how could you condemn someone else for doing exactly what you were doing right now.
“He’s someone with a big heart. He just needs to find the right person to give it to. I’m really glad he’s found you. When he told me about you he was grinning from ear to ear. I missed that boyish, carefree look on him. He seems to be really fond of you.” “I don’t think so,” you blurted out without thinking. His mother had such high hopes for you, it didn’t feel right to be lying to her.
“Don’t say something like that, dear. Rome wouldn’t introduce a girl he wasn’t serious about to the family. And I can see why he likes you so much.” “No…he…I-I mean…” you stuttered when you couldn’t find the right words to explain the situation. “We’re not really dating. I’m sorry for lying to you,“ you blurted out without thinking.
“If you’re not his girlfriend, then…” His mother looked at you confused. “I’m just a friend. He asked me to come, because his aunts were pressuring him so much. I’m really sorry.” “It’s ok, dear. My sisters can be kind of…obtrusive sometimes,” she agreed with a laugh. She didn’t seem to be caught off guard by the new information. You expected her to be angry with you, but she seemed to be taking it rather relaxed.  
“But your son is a really great guy. I’m sure he’ll find the right person,” you meant what you said. Those were probably the first true words that you had said today. 
“Sometimes you miss the forest for the trees.”
“What do you mean?” “Never mind. There he is, I’ll leave you two alone,” she nodded to Christian who had just  appeared in the crowd. 
“What were you talking about with my mum?” “I kinda fucked up. I’m sorry,” you admitted straight away as you swallowed down. “What happened?”
“I couldn’t lie to your mom. She knows we’re just pretending.” You expected him to be angry. He had been a great emotional support to you without asking for anything in return. It was only one simple favor, yet you couldn’t even manage to get through the day without messing up. “Well, it’s my mum,” he sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “She probably knew anyway.”
“You’re not angry?”
“Why would I be?” He looked at you dumbfounded as he let out a laugh. “I got my aunts off my back. That’s what I wanted in the first place.”
“I’ll go get some drinks.” “No,” you hurriedly grabbed his hand, pulling him back. “Please don’t leave me alone with your family,” you said with panic in your eyes. You weren’t sure you would survive another interrogation by his cousins. 
“Okay,” he chuckled softly. “I won’t leave your side.” “You can let me go, you know?” He looked down and your eyes followed his. You didn’t realize you were still holding his hand until he pointed it out.
“Sorry,” you quickly pulled your hand back as if touching fire while an awkward chuckle left your lips.
[Time leap]
“Mum, we’re heading home first. Minhee has a meeting early in the morning.“
“Where is she?“ His mother looked left and right, searching for you.”She’s waiting in the car.“ Christian wanted to bid goodbye to his mother, but after the incident between you and his mother, it didn’t feel right to appear in front of her again. You felt too guilty for lying.
“Confess to her before it’s too late.“ “What?“ He looked at his mother with big eyes, completely startled by her words. “Mum, it’s not like that. I just asked her to pretend to be my girflfriend, so I won’t have to go on those stupid blind dates.“ “Rome, when do you ever learn that you cannot deceive your own mother? I know my son. And I know when he is in love.”
“I’m not in love with her. Really. She’s a just good friend,“ he denied again as he shook his head. He knew once his mother was set on something, there was no changing her mind whether she was actually right or wrong. But why was he so adamant in proving her wrong right now? Whom was he trying to convince?
“Don’t wait too long or you might miss your chance.“
“I don’t even like her that way. Neither does she,” he tried to explain to his mother. 
“I see the way you look at her. That’s not the look of someone who’s looking at his friend…” “Mum, it’s really not like that. She’s a good friend…and she’s in love with someone else anyway. She was just trying to help me out because I asked her.”
“If you wait too long to acknowledge your feelings, you might lose her.”
Ever since Christian returned to the car he had been rather quiet. He didn’t talk a lot throughout the ride and it made you wonder if you had said something to irritate him. You tried to backtrack your conversations with him. He didn’t seem angry when you had told him that his mother knew the truth. He was still goofing around with you afterwards. It was only after he went in again to say goodbye to his mother that his mood suddenly changed. It must have had something to do with his mother, you concluded. “Did your mom scold you? I’m sorry. It just didn’t feel right to lie to her.“ “Nah everything’s good,“ Christian quickly shook it off and gave you a reassuring smile. It was a half-hearted smile. You could tell his mind was somewhere else and he didn’t put in much effort to hide it. 
“Why are you so quiet then?“ You probed further. “I’m just a bit tired.“ He closed his eyelids and crossed his arms in front of his chest, sinking into the seat. You reached out one of your hands while the other held the wheel, your eyes still focused on the roads. You touched his forehead to check his temperature which made him flinch. “What are you doing?“ He pushed himself into an upright position, his full attention now on you. “Checking your temperature.“ “I’m good.“ “You sure?“ His forehead was warm, it wasn’t quite a fever yet, but it wasn’t the normal  body temperature either. “I’m fine, Minhee,“ he chuckled.
“Then what’s going through your mind?“
Christian looked away from you, then down at his shoes. Still not meeting your eyes, he touched the watch on his wrist and played with it for a moment. The car remained utterly silent. You heard the sound of his breaths, irregular and shaky. 
“What you said earlier…”
“What exactly?“ You had spent the entire day with him and his family, you had said a lot of things to him. It was impossible to remember everything or guess what he was referring to. “You said you’re not falling in love with me.“ “You’re still worried about that?“ You chuckled, your shoulders falling in relief. You thought it was something serious, but if it was only that bothering him, he had nothing to worry about. “How can you be so sure? I mean it’s possible that you do, isn’t it?“
You spent a moment thinking about it, but you couldn’t imagine dating him, or dating anyone in general right now. “I don’t think that’s gonna happen.“ “Why not?“ “You’re not my type,“ you answered shortly and simply. “What is your type?“ “Well, for starters someone who’s not afraid of commitment.“
“I’ve been in relationships,“ he pointed out matter-of-factly. 
“I know, but…you don’t want to be in one right now, do you?“
“Where did you get that idea?”
“You said that! And you’re not really making an effort in meeting someone or going on dates.”
He didn’t say anything, he couldn’t say anything. After all you were right and he couldn’t dispute that. He was way too busy to meet someone new and go on dates. Getting to know someone was a time-consuming activity and he didn’t have time left to spare. The time he had, he wanted to spend with you. 
“Ian, you don’t have to worry,” you assured him again. “I don’t even wanna be in a  romantic relationship right now, neither do you. I want some time for myself, you know. Just focusing on work and myself, I’ve been neglecting that for too long. It’s just sex, no feelings involved.” You words were supposed to give him assurance. You thought that was what he wanted to hear, but they had a different effect him. Christian remained silent again. He glanced out of the window, then at his feet. His gaze danced around, avoiding yours. 
”If you’re that worried that I might catch feelings, we could just stop-”
“I don’t wanna stop,” he replied almost immediately as though it was a reflex. “What is it that you want then?”
He didn’t answer that question, because he knew he couldn’t have what he wanted. He’d be asking for too much. “You’re right,” he let out a shaky breath. For a moment, there was no sound. 
“Let’s stop.”
You parked his car in the underground garage of his apartment. You turned off the engine and pulled out the keys, before returning them to their owner.
“I can’t drive you home, because I drank,” he said with an apologetic look on his face.
“I know, I’ll just take a cab.” “You can stay, you know,” he offered as he awkwardly scratched the back his head. “And do what?” Whenever one of you stayed for the night, there was only one purpose. But sex was out of question now that you both came to the mutual agreement to stop. Staying for the night and not sleeping with each other seemed weird to you. It felt wrong.  
“Right…” he let out an awkward chuckle. “Text me, when you’re home.”
[Time leap]
You were brushing you hair when you heard the sound of the door bell. You hurriedly walked to the intercom while your hands were busy tying your hair into a bun which was rather difficult without a mirror. At times like these, you wondered why you let your hair grow that long in the first place. It would be a lot easier if you just chopped everything off. You turned on the speaker function and told Christian that you would be down in a minute. 
“I’ll come upstairs.”
“Why?” You wondered, but still pressed the button to open the door. I felt a bit weird, he hadn’t taken a step inside your apartment since you both agreed to stop the physical activities. All you ever did at home was related to sex, that’s why you never bothered to invite him in again.You left your apartment door ajar so he could enter himself and stepped in front of the mirror to fix your bun. You heard the door closing, before Christian appeared in front of you. He was carrying a small wooden box in his hands.
“What’s that?” Your eyes followed him. 
“Peaches,” he answered shortly before he led himself into your kitchen with you following behind. He placed it down on the kitchen counter. Clapping his hands together, to wipe off the dust. You stepped next to him and took a peak inside. 
“My aunt grows them in her garden. She sent me two boxes of it and told me to share them with my girlfriend,“ he said with emphasis on the last word. “The perks of being Rome’s fake girlfriend,” you said playfully as you took a quick look at the peaches. They looked delicious. Smiling to yourself, you felt a warm and fuzzy feeling, a feeling you weren’t unfamiliar with. Kiseok’s parents had a little farm where they grew their own crops and they would always sent you some. They made you feel welcomed and loved, just like Christian’s family did. The only difference was that their friendliness was based on a lie. You weren’t really deserving of it.
“Let’s go.” Christian saw the subtle change in your facial expression, so he tried to divert your attention to something else. You quickly grabbed a jacket and followed him to the elevator which really took its time. 
“You sure you wanna watch that movie?” He asked you out of the blue. “Why? What’s wrong with it? I heard it was good.” “I read some reviews…” His face turned dark.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared?“ You broke out into rumbling laughter. You didn’t think he would be scared of horror movies. He always gave a reliable and gutsy impression, someone who wasn’t scared of anything. 
“A little bit?“ He chuckled shyly. “I mean…you should have read the reviews!“ “You said you liked horror movies!” “I don’t.” Since none of your friends wanted to watch that movie with you, you had bothered Christian for over a week until he finally gave in.
“Why did you agree then?” “‘Cause I missed you.”
Your body froze for a brief moment as you blinked at him, a sudden warmth shooting through your body. 
“Now you’re just sweet-talking me,“ you chuckled lightly as you rolled your eyes.
“Did it work though?“ He grinned at you playfully. 
“A little bit,“ you winked at him with a smile.
“So we’re not watching that stupid horror movie?“
“Well, I don’t want you to wet your pants at night,“ you took this perfect opportunity to tease, a smirk spreading across your face.
In this moment a high-pitched tone indicated that the elevator had just arrived. The door slid open, revealing a silhouette standing on the other side. You didn’t pay much attention as you were immersed in the conversation with Christian. Without looking, you walked straight into the elevator. Christian quickly pulled you back, stopping you from bumping into the person in front of you. Confused you looked up, your entire body froze and a string of nerves tightened in your ribs upon seeing that familiar face.
“Kiseok…,” you whispered to yourself, still not believing your eyes. 
“Can we talk?” He asked you with caution, his voice sounded soft. 
“I-I…actually have plans right now.” You wanted the words to be firm, strong, but instead your voice was shaking. You glanced at Christian, with your eyes you pleaded him to help you to get out of this sticky situation, but he didn’t seem to get it, or maybe he did, but he just chose to ignore it.
“I’ll give you two some privacy. I’ll wait in the car,” he told you as he walked into the elevator, leaving your side. No, no, no, Christian, don’t leave me, you shook your head slightly, giving him all the signs you could think of to make him stay. But he didn’t. He waited for Kiseok to leave the elevator, before he pushed the button that brought him to the ground floor.
Fuck, you cursed inside of your head. You didn’t know what to feel right now, overwhelmed with contradictory emotions. You were angry with Christian, as he left you alone with Kiseok without a second thought. You didn’t want to talk to Kiseok. Christian out of everyone should have known how much you dreaded seeing him again. Yet he left. You felt betrayed by someone you thought would have your back when you needed him. At the same time you felt hurt and scared of the conversation that was about to come. 
“What do you want, Kiseok? Did Jay send you?“ You quickly regained your composure, not wanting him to see you in a vulnerable state. “No, I decided to come myself.“
“Why? You have more insults you want to rid yourself of?“ You asked him in a mocking tone. “I’m sorry for how I behaved at the party. It was inappropriate,” he said out of the sudden. An apology coming from him was the thing you least expected. “I got jealous when I saw you with him.“ It had been a while since you heard honest words coming out of his mouth. “And you thought picking a fight with me in public would it make it better?“ You snarled back at him with sarcasm. 
“No…I-I didn’t think at all to be honest. I had one too many and I leashed out at you.“ You knew it was a sincere apology, yet you weren’t satisfied. You weren’t sure what you wanted to hear from him, but nothing he said could subdue the anger you felt towards him. It wasn’t only anger either, more than anything you felt hurt and betrayed. “You’re excuses are getting worse.“ “Look, Minhee, it’s not easy for me. We’ve been together for so long.“ “And you think it’s easy for me?“ You looked at him in disbelief as you let out a scoff.
“Well, you’ve found yourself someone else pretty quickly.“ “It was just sex.“ You didn’t even know why you felt the need to set it straight. It was none of his business anyway. It was your life which he wasn’t a part of anymore due to his own doing. “I saw the way you looked at him.“ “And how am I looking at him?“ “The same way you used to look at me.“ You shook your head at him and let out a chuckle in disbelief. “God, you’re so paranoid. I’m not in love with him. I think I’d be the first one to know if I like someone or not.”
“What is he doing here then? I know you, Min. You don’t invite just anyone to your home.” You had no idea how the apology turned into an interrogation and you didn’t feel comfortable with the direction the conversation took.
“I don’t owe you an explanation, Kiseok.” “It’s just unfair that you get to move on with your life while I’m still miserable.“ “You have no right to say that. You walked out on us the moment you fucked her and lied to me.“ “I only lied to you because I didn’t want to hurt you and I didn’t want to lose you.“
“Well, you hurt me and you lost me, so that plan of yours didn’t work out very well, did it?“
“I’ve made a mistake, Minhee. I know that and I know it’s not something I can’t fix with a simple apology. But I’m trying. I’m really trying to fix it, because I can’t throw away the past four years just like that. You mean too much to me. I can’t just let you go like that. I can’t give up like this.”
In the silence that followed, you broke your gaze preferring instead to rest your eyes on the elevator behind him. “Is there nothing I can do to win back your trust?“ “I don’t know,” you answered truthfully. Would you ever be able to trust him again after all the lies he had told? Would you ever be able to believe his words without having any doubts? Was his word even worth anything anymore?
“Will you ever be able to forgive me?“ “I don’t know, Kiseok.“ “Do you still have feelings for me?“
Wow, this was a pretty long chapter! The longest yet I think? Hope it wasn’t too boring to read haha. What do you guys think? Is his mother right? Why did Christian leave so suddenly? What will Minhee's answer be? Are you Team Kiseok or Team Christian? Looking forward to reading your comments! :) And I hope you all are staying healthy! 
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frejaedb · 5 years
Tumblr media
hshqtask013: lucien & freja (w/ @luciental​)
i. that don’t impress me much - haim // ii. hard feelings - lorde // iii. mrs. - leon bridges // iv. shades of cool - lana del rey // v. feel - post malone ft. kehlani // vi. seaside - the kooks // vii. fine line - harry styles // viii. waiting room - rex orange county // ix. robbers - the 1975 // x. when the party’s over- billie eilish // xi. soaked - benee // xii. in your eyes - the weeknd // xiii. this is me trying - taylor swift // xiv. love me like i'm not made of stone - lykke li // xv. forward - beyonce
01. that don’t impress me much - haim (originally sung by shanina twain but i’m a haim stan)
Oh, oh, so you think you're something special Oh, oh, you think you're something else
Okay, so you're Brad Pitt That don't impress me much So you got the looks but have you got the touch Don't get me wrong, yeah I think you're alright But that won't keep me warm in the middle of the night That don't impress me much
02. hard feelings - lorde
'Cause I remember the rush, when forever was us Before all of the winds of regret and mistrust Now we sit in your car and our love is a ghost Well, I guess I should go Yeah, I guess I should go
Hard feelings These are what they call hard feelings of love When the sweet words and fevers all leave us right here in the cold, oh oh Alone with the hard feelings of love God, I wish I believed you when you told me this was my home
03. mrs. - leon bridges
Fussin' and fightin', an eye for an eye Your shoulders get colder and colder all the time Sometimes I wonder why I went knockin' on your door Then you come knock, knock, knockin' on mine and I remember
I remember how it felt the first few times Skin-to-skin before you knew how to get under mine If we get it, get it right we'll be together for life 'Cause it only feels good after a good, good fight
04. shades of cool - lana del rey (change this to being about freja oop)
But I can't fix him, can't make him better And I can't do nothing about his strange weather
But you are unfixable I can't break through your world 'Cause you live in shades of cool Your heart is unbreakable
My baby lives in shades of cool Blue heart and hands and aptitude He lives for love, for women, too I'm one of many, one is blue
*05. feel - post malone ft. kehlani
I cross my t's and dot my i's yeah I'm for real (Yeah, I'm for real) He hold me down (She hold me down) That's my shield (That's my shit) He buy whatever, he know the drill (Know the drill) Don't need no pill (Don't need no pill, no) He whispered in my ear and told me feel
He love that I say what I feel He feel what I say 'cause it's real You couldn't forget, I never changed up on my set And I only make calls to collect, that's why we connect We can go half on a jet, baby, we on to the next
*06. seaside - the kooks
Do you want to go to the seaside? I'm not trying to say that everybody wants to go I fell in love at the seaside She handled her charm with time and slight of hand, and oh But I'm just trying to love you In any kind of way But I find it hard to love you girl When you're far away Away
*07. fine line - harry styles
Put a price on emotion I'm looking for something to buy You've got my devotion But man, I can hate you sometimes I don't want to fight you And I don't want to sleep in the dirt We'll get the drinks in So I'll get to thinking of her
Test of my patience There's things that we'll never know You sunshine, you temptress My hand's at risk, I fold Crisp trepidation I'll try to shake this soon Spreading you open Is the only way of knowing you
We'll be a fine line
08. waiting room - rex orange county
And my lover, my best friend When I heard that you don't know why you're here I fell face down And became one with the ground And my lover's best friend No, he doesn't know what to suggest He does everything for love But when his "everything" just isn't enough He'd like to know that you smile when you're alone, (mh mh) And when you need time to yourself, (mh mh) Remember me, I won't be anyone else I'm just the boy you love The boy, you love, uhh
And if it looks like you don't love me then That's alright and I would let you be content I'm still your friend No revenge and no regrets No regrets, no regrets
*09. robbers - the 1975
She had a face straight out a magazine God only knows but you'll never leave her Her balaclava is starting to chafe And when she gets his gun, he's begging, "Babe stay, stay, stay"
"I'll give you one more time We'll give you one more fight Said one more line Will I know you?"
Now if you never shoot, you'll never know And if you never eat, you'll never grow You've got a pretty kind of dirty face And when she's leaving your home she's begging you to stay, stay, stay, stay, stay
10. when the party’s over- billie eilish
Don't you know I'm no good for you? I've learned to lose you, can't afford to Tore my shirt to stop you bleedin' But nothin' ever stops you leavin'
Quiet when I'm comin' home and I'm on my own I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that
Don't you know too much already? I'll only hurt you if you let me Call me friend but keep me closer (call me back) And I'll call you when the party's over
11. soaked - benee
My tongue is sealed within my mouth These certain words they can't come out These thoughts are walking on their own Dancing around with no control
I know what I did to you was wrong Hence why I've kept it for this long Secrets have been brewing up a storm Did not expect it to transform
*12. in your eyes - the weeknd 
When it's said, when it's done, yeah I don't ever wanna know I can tell what you done, yeah When I look at you In your eyes I see there's something burning inside you Oh, inside you In your eyes I know it hurts to smile but you try to Oh, you try to You always try to hide the pain You always know just what to say I always look the other way I'm blind, I'm blind In your eyes, you lie, but I don't let it define you Oh, define you
*13. this is me trying - taylor swift
I've been having a hard time adjusting I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting I didn't know if you'd care if I came back I have a lot of regrets about that Pulled the car off the road to the lookout Could've followed my fears all the way down And maybe I don't quite know what to say But I'm here in your doorway
*14. love me like i'm not made of stone - lykke li
Devil's hand cross my heart As we dance through the dark Go ahead, go ahead Love me deep until you can't Even though it hurts Even though it scars Love me when it storms Love me when I fall
15. forward - beyonce (hopefully we get here.... )
Forward Best foot first just in case When we made our way 'til now It's time to listen, it's time to fight Forward
also i tried to make this like in order like a timeline but it really only makes sense for the first and last song lol
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kariachi · 5 years
Hi, I’m Achi and I have to redo this whole damn post because my uncle blew the power fiddling with a fucking light switch with a pair of pliers deleting eight hours of work that I now have to redo so to say y’all fucking owe me is putting things really fucking mildly.
Osmos System, Osmosian skies, take two, go!
The Osmos System is a binary star system, P-type, with an average separation between the two suns of 0.18 AU (astronomical units)
Osmos/Shil and Panos/Lyis are both F type stars with a mass of 1.4 and a luminosity of 3.84, though their eccentricities are slightly different (being 0.45 and 0.4 respectively)
Nobody is even sure how Osmos I still exists, given it’s all of 0.001 AU from being crushed by the combined gravity of its stars. This place is solid lava and even the Osmosians aren’t touching it with a 10 ft pole
Technically the only planet within the system’s habitable zone is Osmos VI, sitting at a just-barely-acceptable 3.79 AU from system center.
Osmos V sits 2.58 AU, which is a little outside the habitable zone, but as a desert planet it’s lack of appreciable surface water lets it fudge the numbers a bit in either direction
The furthest existing planet and only gas giant in the system is Osmos IX, sitting pretty at 14.84 AU from center
An asteroid belt lies in the area 23-98 AU from center, consisting of the remains of Osmos X, XI, and XII. The latter two were destroyed during the Hunting, after mass mining by outsiders ruined their cores and masses enough that some solid asteroid strikes took them out. The former was destroyed in the Incursean Empire’s first assault on the Osmosian Empire, back when the latter was still young.
None of these planets held life or were in use by anyone, and all were far enough out that the effect on other planets in the system has been minimal. Not that this stops Osmosians from reminding tourists of the history on their way passed.
Again, eight hours of numbers. Fuck me to tears.
Anyway onto the point of this whole mess, which is I wanna figure out what colors Osmos V’s sky is
What’s really fun is that because of a combination of low amounts of terrestrial organic material, low amounts of water, and high winds, Osmos V gets a whole lot of dust made out of a lot of things
Because a lot of small rocks are getting slammed against bigger rocks to make small rocks to blow against bigger rocks and it just goes on like this
So depending on where you are Osmos V can have a lot of dust and a lot of similarly small pieces of rock flying around and because they’ve got so many surface metals and gems that shit can come in a lot of colors
And then, you get the suns, which grant their own color, which is the entire reason I went through all the above in the first place, which makes it really annoying that F stars like these are unlikely to cause any major difference in comparison with our own G star sun. The color would be richer, but otherwise there wouldn’t be much difference. Just shade.
Think less periwinkle blue and more a light slate blue
But! Back to the dust! Because that can make a lot of changes! Depending on the location, time of year, and weather, dust in the air can turn the skies of Osmos V
Whole new shades of blue
And varying shades of grey (from pale to steel)
For example, where Devin grew up on the south-eastern coast of the Red Sea, jasper and agate are extremely common (contributing to the name of the sea). Generally coastal regions will have nice blue skies, what with the water and humidity keeping dust levels down, but in bad summers things will dry out, and winds from the south will kick up dust, causing Red Summers on the Red Sea that can effect a wide swathe of the coast and sea.
On the other hand summer and winter in the region farmed by the central body of the Fane clan are heralded by the sky changing from the grey-tinged blue of the growing season to either a tealish shade as summer brings wind up from the lowlands or yellow-orange as winter brings it down from the mountains.
But! Again! The sun color would effect the plant color! F stars give off more purple than blue (we just can’t see it very well because human eyes) and as a result the plants on Osmos V would likely skew more towards the purple-blue end of things or the yellow-green end of things, much like plants on earth skew towards green-yellow or red-purple, given our sun leans more strongly into blue and towards green.
So there you have it guys! Osmos V comes from a binary star system that’s recently been reduced from 12 to 9 planets, it’s a desert world and is only habitable thanks to the fact, with rainbow skies that change color with the season, weather, and location, and majority purple plants with occasional green outliers!
You gotta love it.
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thejazzvoid · 5 years
Oh and for the ask meme, all of them
...Oh dear. Well, anyway, here they are, I suppose?
I (Where did you hide the body?): In plain sight.
II (Favorite rock?): Chalcedony, most likely, partially because hhh cool rock, partially because of Elizabeth Bear’s story “Tideline,” and partially because the name just sounds cool.
III (Worst dream you ever had?): The first one I could think of was one in which I was trying to hide from something or other and ended up trapped in my backyard; also spiders had begun emerging from my hands.
IV (Answer this with a lyric from the first song that comes to your mind.): I want a love that falls as fast as a body from a balcony; I want a kiss like my heart is hitting the ground (from “Townie” by Mitski).
V (Does blood make you uncomfortable?): It honestly depends on the context, but not just seeing it.
VI (Even numbers or odd numbers?): Odd numbers, I’d have to say.
VII (Something you hate that you love?): Homestuck.
VIII (The first initial of someone you hate?): B.
IX (Make up an acrostic for the word “exsanguinate.”): (Based on the TMA episode “Blood Bag” because it seemed fitting and I didn’t have any other ideas)
Entomology led me here, to my likely e-
Xit from this room within the
Stomachs of thousands of mosquitoes,
Nothing seems to
Go right; go right—it’s the fastest way out, and
Underneath ceiling panels,
I am bled dry, and
No one else is
They’re already out there, and
Entomology led me here.
X (Do you enjoy corndogs?): Not really?
XI (Favorite movie from the year 2005?): I suppose I’d have to choose “Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire.”
XII (Least favorite music genre?): Most modern country music.
XIII (Have any terrible restaurant experiences?) Yes, if by “terrible restaurant experiences,” you mean “the result of other unrelated turmoil unfolding within the confines of a restaurant.”
XIV (Three things that you would never want to come near you?):
i) The sun, or any other star, for that matter.
ii) The remaining smallpox viruses still in containment.
iii) The supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy.
XV (What is the worst way for you to die? [In your opinion]): Buckle up, kids, this is going to get detailed. So, let’s say that I’ve uncovered something significant that could right some wrongs and provide information that a lot of people need.
Before I can release my findings, though, or prepare for my likely neutralization, I’m abducted and recognize some of my captors as acquaintances or loved ones. After days of coercion, I make up information on the whereabouts of several important figures and/or my friends. My abductors know that none of this is true, and they tell me.
I am violated repeatedly, shot, then set alight. Somehow, my death is covered up or framed as suicide. None of my discoveries ever reach their intended audience.
XVI (Any unusual habits?): I tend to flap my hands when I’m excited or stressed?
XVII (One emoji that you probably have never used?): 📟; I’m not quite sure what it’s meant to be.
XVIII (Write a three-sentence horror story about a Gatorade bottle.): My mother told me never to leave food in my tent while camping. Tonight, however, I kept a bottle of Gatorade half-closed next to my sleeping bag. I woke to a decaying hand shredding the side of my tent and a long, hollow-eyed face softly groaning above my own.
XIX (Do you know what Old Bay is?): Do you?
XX (Can you dance?): I’m a fairly good dancer.
XXI (What first comes to mind when you see rope?): The figure-eight follow-through knot, for some reason.
XXII (Make an obscure reference.): What happened in Piedmont will hopefully stay in Piedmont or eventually mutate into a non-virulent form.
XXIII (What is your favorite color for a balloon?): Yellow or teal, most likely.
XXIV (If you were to ever go to court, would you more likely be guilty or innocent?): Depends on the crime, my guy.
XXV (Are you hungry?): No.
XXVI (Do you have an unlucky number?): 7.
XXVII (What does “JMD” stand for?): The Oxford Dictionary says it’s “Jamaican Dollars.”
XXVIII (Random inside joke?): This vanity’s real picturesque.
XXIX (What sends chills up your spine?): Whenever I stand in this one spot outside my house, I just kind of reflexively shudder for some reason.
XXX (How many questions are currently in your inbox?): 2.
XXXI (Someone real who scares you?): This might not technically be someone, but the fact that Disney has the influence that it has?
XXXII (Run or hide?): Hiding, most likely, because you can hide indefinitely, with any luck.
XXXIII (Who is the last person who mad you angry?): Jeff Bezos.
XXXIV (What’s going on in your head?): ...I don’t know; I just work here.
XXXV (One little thing that makes you smile?): Moss.
XXXVI (Are you a decisive person?): Not really, but I’m working on it.
XXXVII (Would people describe you as a paranoid person?): A year ago, definitely, but not so much now.
XXXVIII (What store would you be the least likely to be found in?): I have been many places, but I’ve never once seen a Sam’s Club, no matter how many signs I see for them, and I have no real interest in seeking one out.
XXXIX (Do you like hats? If so, what’s your favorite type?): Yes; I don’t know what my favorite type of hat would be, but my favorite hat is this massive orange sun-hat that makes me feel like some kind of reclusive artist/former socialite.
XL (Bowties or ties?): Ties.
XLI (Who?): The friends we made along the way.
XLII (What?): Oh, you know,,, ;)
XLIII (Where?): The Taco Bell parking lot.
XLIV (When?): The witching hour.
XLV (Why?): For love and for spite.
XLVI (How?): Duct tape and a fire within.
XLVII (Do you collect anything?): Tiny containers.
XLVIII (What time is it?): As I type this, 12:04 p.m.
XLIX (Favorite mode of transportation?): Bus, walking, or “Castle in The Sky”-type airship.
L (Would you ever kill someone to save someone else?): It depends.
LI (Make a joke.): Contrary to popular belief, magic actually does abide by mathematical principles—hexponents.
LII (.esrever ni gnihtemos etirW): Rats live on no evil star.
LIII (Would your dash be considered SFW?): Yes, for the most part.
LIV (Do you like to cuddle?): Heck yeah, my dude.
LV (What makes you angry?): Late-stage capitalism and the texture of Jell-O.
LVI (How many voices are in your head?): I don’t think in auditory words, exactly; it’s more a Strange Cloud Of Ideas and at least one song playing the background.
LVII (Do you consider yourself mentally stable?): Honestly, I’m not sure. I’ve been doing better than I have been in a while, but it’s still some kind of time.
LVIII (Are you easily offended?): If the comment or whatever it is is directed at me exclusively, no, but if it’s meant to target other people as well, then I suppose so.
LIX (What’s wrong with taking the backstreets?): You’ll never know if you don’t go.
LX (Any questions you want people to ask you?): Be needlessly ominous. Ask me to write short horror stories. Confess your feelings for me. That kind of stuff.
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plastiscguy-blog · 7 years
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BLACKOUT (Thiam)  Chapter XI: Secrets (Part II)
For Theo Raeken, his life had become an eternal search of truth, despite every step he took meant two steps back. He knew what he wanted, he knew there were too many secrets to unveil, but the problem was, not knowing where to start looking.
The situation was already complicated, thanks to Jessica, who since the incident with Liam hadn’t taken her eyes off her son. She believed that any carelessness would end up ruining her plans. Even if that affected their relationship, which it was getting more and more into a tailspin.
On the other hand, Theo wouldn’t let anyone pull a blindfold over his eyes so easily. He knew that his mother didn’t do anything but for her own good, so he knew that he couldn’t even trust her. And that just lengthened the list. Who could he really trust? He believed in nobody.
“I know you don’t trust me. But at some point, you’ll want to talk, and I want you to know that I’ll be here to listen”  It was what his psychologist had told him on a Wednesday. Theo, following orders from his doctors, had to attend the daily sessions with the specialist who would help to eliminate the blockage that didn’t allow him to remember. However, Theo didn’t trust him either. He knew what his parents were capable of doing with their money, so what would stop his mother to bribe his psychologist? Even the most respectable being in the world had its price.
“I don’t know why I even pay for your sessions,”  Jessica said, driving home. The woman would take her son to each session and then take him home, again. As mentioned earlier, she would never take her eyes off him, and even when she had to work, she knew she could trust that her loyal housekeeper would do the work for her.  “You don’t put effort. You just act like a spoiled child—”
Theo was staring at the window, seeing the blurry exterior.  “If you don’t want me to act like a child, then stop treating me like one.”  And with that, the little conversation was over.
Once at home, Theo continued his daily routine of locking himself in his room after each session, until dinner was ready. What else could he do? His mother had taken away his computer until he behaved more nicely with her, so he couldn’t even surf the Internet. He had already read all the books in their library, so he only could lie on the floor and play solitaire with a couple of old cards.
He still remembered with frustration what had happened just days before. He had been face to face with that boy, Liam. And that seemed to have completely turned his world. He knew they were friends, but nevertheless, he couldn’t help feeling that there was something else, something hidden. Why would Liam have called Jessica? Theo had heard them arguing the night before and the way they both looked at each other could tell that the grudge between them was huge.
Nor did he understand his father. While it was too strange for her mother to agree to him to talk to the man, it was frustrating that Jonathan either did not answer the calls or excused himself saying he didn’t have time to talk. Why had he changed his mind so quickly? Just days before it was Jonathan who, almost, had begged him to speak.
“We have new neighbours.”  A new morning had arrived, and while Jessica was getting ready to go to her company, Marion, the housekeeper, was spying from a corner. Analyzing each movement of Theo.  “I’ve met the guy last night. I think he moved with his cousin.”
Theo read the newspaper with disinterest while drinking his orange juice. Clearly paying no attention to his mother’s comments, he didn’t care what came out of that woman’s mouth, knowing that a lot of it would just be lies.  “Interesting.”  He had forced himself to mention, with irony.
“I’ve invited them to dinner, I think it will be good for us to meet new people.”  Jessica had smiled, looking at herself for the last time in the living room mirror. Theo rolled his eyes, nodding.  “I’ll come early to take you to your session, okay?”
“I won’t go.”  He simply commented, taking a sip of his juice. The toast with butter spread remained intact in the corner of his plate.  "But, anyway, if you come early… maybe we can some spend time together.“  And that, despite sounding suspicious, made Jessica smile.  "That, if you want, or can. It’s not that I really care.”  However, Jessica didn’t even bother to hide her smile.  "Just saying.“  If he spent more time with his mother, it meant Marion wouldn’t be there to disturb him just as only she could do.
"I’ll be here soon, darling.”  Then the woman said goodbye.
Minutes later, Theo was in total solitude, reclining on the lawn of his garden. Marion was in the kitchen, preparing lunch, still peering through the window that looked out onto the garden.
Theo didn’t want to admit himself, but he felt lonely. Even if he had always been a lonely child, he hated being lonely. He no longer only felt a void in his life, he himself accepted to be empty. He didn’t even think he had any purpose anymore. But he knew that he couldn’t give up either, it was just a difficult moment that would get better with time.
“Here you are.”  Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted, thankfully. When he raised his face, looking towards the door, the surprise ran over him, preventing any word from leaving his lips.  “I had to make sure she was really gone. Also, I guess she hasn’t warned Marion about me.”  Scott McCall smiled, approaching his cousin. Theo was speechless. While he remembered Scott as if he had seen him only months ago, the change was impressive. His roguish adolescent face had turned into that of a handsome, mature man. Even his features seemed to have changed. “We don’t have much time,”  he whispered, sitting next to him. Theo was still analyzing every physical detail of his cousin, completely stunned.
“What do you mean? What are you doing here?”  He asked finally. His eyes suddenly widened in size as he saw the big screen of what appeared to be his cousin’s phone. Not even his was so big.  “Holy shit!”  Suddenly, he almost screamed, seeing what looked like a Liam hologram on the screen.
“Quiet.”  Scott laughed, extending his iPad. Theo took it with distrust, watching the recording nervously. When Liam smiled, waving, Theo had to take the device with both hands so he wouldn’t drop it, completely scared.  “It’s a video call,”  Scott commented for his cousin’s information.  “I’ll go to the kitchen, see that Marion doesn’t spy out the window.”
  And getting up, Scott quickly walked away. Leaving Theo with Liam’s only ghostly company behind the screen. Theo didn’t even speak, still seeing Liam with some distrust, who seemed to be trying to find the right words.
They both remained silent, staring at each other’s eyes. Theo didn’t understand the feeling of tranquillity Liam transmitted to him. He was still upset, and despite not being able to hate him, even if he really wanted to, he didn’t understand how that mysterious young man aroused such confused feelings inside him.
“This was the only way I could talk to you,”  Liam said, sighing. Theo nodded, disguising confusion.  "I know how you feel, Theo—
“Really?”  Theo’s tone was completely ironic.  “Do you have amnesia too?”
“No, but I was also lost, once.”  He whispered, trying to hide the pain in his voice.  "I was lost for a long time until I met you. And you never stopped until you showed me the way, you didn’t give up until I finally found myself. You helped me—"  Theo didn’t need Liam to say it again or to swear what he had said. Even with that strange virtual communication, they were both having, Theo could notice the sincerity in Liam’s words. Like he could tell when Jessica was lying.
“So?”  He asked, trying to dismiss it. However, a small flame of curiosity ignited inside him.  “I don’t know you, why should I trust you?”
“I’m not asking you to trust me.”  After a long silence, Liam went on.  “I only ask you to trust yourself. Do not ignore that feeling inside you, that voice in your mind… follow it. Trust yourself more, because only you can solve this, Theo…”
Both, then, kept silent. Theo was still trying to analyze what was happening, stunned. Liam was only resigned to look with affection and melancholy the face of his husband. There were millions of things he needed to scream, but he knew he couldn’t.
Minutes later, Liam said goodbye. He didn’t know what else to say without being inopportune. Theo was surprised to want, in fact, that Liam didn’t leave. Even if none said a word, he didn’t want him to leave.  “Goodbye,”  he whispered, then. Saying goodbye equally. Liam sighed, finishing the call, to lean back on his couch, letting the tears come out, finally.
Theo admired the electronic device for seconds, not knowing what else to do. If he had thought about even the possibility of giving up, after that call, the little ray of hope illuminated more and more. He wouldn’t just not give up, he would definitely start solving those mysterious secrets.
  Scott knew how risky it was to show up at the Raekens house after what had happened years ago, but he loved Liam so much to do nothing, knowing he could help, at least a little. So, when he had received that call for help from Kira, he hadn’t even waited days to catch the first flight as soon as possible.
“Do you think it will work?”  Liam asked, letting the hot chocolate cup warm his body. Definitely, nobody prepared the hot chocolate as good as his husband did. Scott had returned to the loft.
“This has been a big step. Believe me, only you are capable of awakening something in him.”  Scott smiled, thinking how special the relationship that his cousin had with Liam was perhaps the strongest and most special he had seen in years.  "Don’t worry, all this will end soon.“
"I really hope so,”  Liam whispered, laying his face on Scott’s shoulder.  “Thanks for coming, Scottie. Really, I don’t know what I would do without you and Kira.”
“You know I would do anything for you, baby”  Scott clarified, caressing the young man’s face fondly.
    Meanwhile, after Scott left, Theo hadn’t waited to run to his room. Seeing the strange phone charger Scott gave him. Now he only had to find his phone, which he knew was in his mother’s room, but how would he get in and take it? He knew his mother kept her room under keys, and it wasn’t as if he could ask Marion for help. In the course of the day, thousands of plans began to be devised.
“I brought you something, baby,”  her mother had said before the doorbell rang. When opening the gift bag, Theo smiled to see some new clothing. He knew his mother would expect him to dress it for the much-acclaimed dinner with the new neighbours.  "Come on, go change fast. They’re already here.“  And Theo nodded, heading for the stairs, watching his mother walk towards the door.
Theo understood, in a way, that his mother was trying her best. Even if her way of trying it wasn’t the best, he knew she loved him, as much he loved her. So, he only prayed that everything would finish soon because the very idea of not getting along with the most important person in his life was simply devastating. No son should be at war with his mother.
Suddenly, on his way to his room, his gaze quickly turned to the door of his mother’s room, which remained semi opened. His heart began to beat rapidly, unable to believe that the opportunity for which he had prayed so much was only centimetres from his face.
His feet slid slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, praying that neither his mother nor Marion would go up.
"Easy.”  He told himself, as he stretched out his hand, to open the door slowly. Begging it wouldn’t squeak, even knowing it wouldn’t.  "Damn…"  he mumbled to himself, seeing how changed his mother’s room was. It was like being in a brand new place, it seemed even bigger than he remembered, so starting his search could be more difficult than he had imagined.
Where to start? He didn’t have much time either. Quickly, he went to the closet in the corner, rummaging to find the small compartment, where his father used to keep his gun. With a smile, he slid his hand through the hole, to take between his fingers the phone he recognized as his own. However, there was something else there. His smile was suddenly erased, giving rise to an expression of total seriousness and concentration, trying to pull out what seemed to be a plastic object smaller than his phone. His face contracted as he extracted what he recognized as a USB drive. The words written on a paper on the back of the pen drive made his heart beat faster. “Tara?” He whispered, feeling a strange sensation of grief in his chest.
“Theo?”  He heard suddenly, at the door. His hands slid quickly into his pockets, hiding both devices, and then he stood up again. His heart was beating too hard it hurt.  “Theo.” The woman called again, smiling with strange joy.
Theo, despite having been caught, smiled. Feeling confusion at the woman that although he didn’t remember, her name left his lips as if it were an uncontrollable vomit.  “Malia.”
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paulbenedictblog · 5 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Bbc news Li Wenliang: la muerte del médico de Wuhan provoca un torrente de ira
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Portray copyright Dr Li Wenliang
Portray caption Dr Li had posted an image of himself on social media from his health facility mattress
The dying of a Chinese language physician who tried to warn in regards to the coronavirus outbreak has sparked current public anger and peril in China.
Li Wenliang died after contracting the virus while treating patients in Wuhan.
Closing December he despatched a message to fellow medics warning of a virus he plan regarded worship Sars - one other lethal coronavirus.
Nonetheless he turned into suggested by police to "end making untrue feedback" and turned into investigated for "spreading rumours".
"I fabricate now not have he turned into rumour-mongering. Hasn't this grew to change into into truth now?" his father, Li Shuying, suggested the BBC. "My son turned into very just correct."
Based mostly totally on Chinese language web utter Pear Video, Dr Li's wife is ensuing from give birth in June.
The virus causes extreme acute respiratory an infection and symptoms in overall originate up with a fever, adopted by a dry cough.
Most of these killed had been over the age of 60 or get suffered from other medical cases, China's health authorities shriek. Dr Li's medical history is now not known.
Portray copyright Reuters
Portray caption A vigil for Li Wenliang, who died on Friday morning, turned into held in Hong Kong
The nation's anti-corruption physique said it would originate an investigation into "concerns nice looking Dr Li".
China's management had already faced accusations of downplaying the severity of the virus - and first and necessary seeking to get it secret.
The authorities has admitted "shortcomings and deficiencies" in its response to the virus, which has now killed 636 of us and contaminated 31,198 in mainland China.
Bbc news What has the general public response been?
Analysts shriek it's some distance annoying to put off an match in contemporary years that has led to as indispensable on-line peril, rage and mistrust against the Chinese language authorities.
Files of Dr Li's dying grew to change into the head trending topic on Chinese language social media, garnering an estimated 1.5bn views.
His dying has also introduced calls for for action, with "Wuhan authorities owes Dr Li Wenliang an apology" and "We need freedom of speech" among the many hashtags trending.
Both hashtags had been instant censored. When the BBC searched Weibo early on Friday, hundreds of hundreds of feedback had been wiped. Totally a handful remain.
"Right here's now not the dying of a whistleblower. Right here's the dying of a hero," be taught one observation.
A photo circulating on Twitter reportedly sourced from messaging platform WeChat showed a message in Chinese language saying "Farewell Li Wenliang" written in the snow on a riverbank.
Many get taken to posting below the hashtag "Are you able to arrange, form ?" - a reference to the letter Dr Li turned into suggested to price when he turned into accused of traumatic "social allege".
BBC China correspondent Stephen McDonell says Beijing's efforts to arrange the coronavirus outbreak get laid bare the worst aspects of China's report and alter machine of governance below President Xi Jinping.
The Chinese language of us will lift some convincing that the authorities is aware of the technique to arrange such an emergency, he provides.
Bbc news The starting build of the end?
The assortment of novel cases of the coronavirus has fallen for the previous two days.
Official Chinese language figures launched on Wednesday reported practically 3,900 newly confirmed cases. The most contemporary figures present correct over 3,100.
Nonetheless it's some distance abominable to be taught too indispensable into two days' charge of files.
It is never capability to command if cases are in actuality levelling off, or if right here is a demonstration of health authorities being unable to meet up with testing - or if cases will shoot up again in the subsequent few days.
Realistically, it will lift one other week or so ahead of we get a clear characterize of whether the outbreak is peaking.
And there might be aloof an enormous mismatch between the figures launched by China and what outbreak analysts have is in actuality occurring.
It is broadly permitted that the laboratory-confirmed cases are correct the tip of the iceberg.
Some mathematic objects of the outbreak counsel the correct dimension of the epidemic might possibly very successfully be 10 cases increased than the legit figures.
Bbc news What did Li Wenliang form?
Dr Li, an ophthalmologist, posted his story on Weibo from a health facility mattress a month after sending out his preliminary warning.
He had noticed seven cases of a virus that he plan regarded worship Sars - the virus that led to a global epidemic in 2003.
On 30 December he despatched a message to fellow medical doctors in a chat group warning them to build on protecting dresses to get some distance from an infection.
Four days later he turned into summoned to the Public Safety Bureau where he turned into suggested to price a letter.
Within the letter he turned into accused of "making untrue feedback" that had "severely worried the social allege". Local authorities later apologised to Dr Li.
In his Weibo put up he describes how on 10 January he began coughing, the subsequent day he had a fever and two days later he turned into in health facility. He turned into diagnosed with the coronavirus on 30 January.
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Media captionThe BBC's on-line health editor on what all of us know in regards to the virus
Bbc news What is the most contemporary on the coronavirus?
Some 61 of us onboard a cruise ship off the soar of Japan get examined particular for coronavirus. There are 3,700 of us on board the vessel, which began testing of us after an 80-year-long-established who had beforehand been on the ship examined particular for the virus
Uganda's health ministry has placed extra than 100 of us in quarantine as a preventative measure against the imaginable spread of coronavirus
A third person in the UK has examined particular for the virus, and is believed to get caught it in Singapore
Singapore has raised its Illness Outbreak Response Machine Situation (Dorscon) level from yellow to orange. This means that the disease is deemed extreme and spreads without complications from person to person nonetheless has now not spread broadly and is being contained
Equatorial Guinea's president has said the oil-rich nation will donate $2m (£1.5m)to reduction its "sister nation" China. Right here's even though China boasts the sphere's second-very most attention-grabbing economy
The top of the World Health Group (WHO) said officers had been facing a "power scarcity of non-public protecting tools" equivalent to masks and robes. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said he would work to rating to the underside of "bottlenecks" in the provision chain
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Media captionPassenger David Abel: "To boot to the face masks, we've now been given gloves"
Chinese language President Xi Jinping has suggested his US counterpart Donald Trump that China is "completely confident and able to defeating the epidemic". The nation has launched extra restrictive measures to set up out to management the outbreak:
The capital Beijing has banned group dining for occasions equivalent to birthdays. Cities including Hangzhou and Nanchang are limiting how many family contributors can leave dwelling on a current foundation
Hubei province has switched off lifts in excessive-rise structures to discourage residents from going originate air.
The virus has now spread to extra than 25 worldwide locations, nonetheless most attention-grabbing two of the deaths had been originate air mainland China.
What questions form you might possibly possibly get in regards to the coronavirus?
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essayofthoughts · 7 years
New prompt: Pietro makes a deal with some kind of villain/higher power to come back to life - but not without a price. For every day/ week/ month of life he is given, he must kill. Can either start with him trying to keep it from Wanda to protect her, or he could let her in on it right away, but in either case, she is way too ready to help. Dark!twins, angst and violence ensues.
June 22nd 2017, 1:34:00 am · 3 hours ago
Send me fic prompts!
AO3 Mirror.
i.Pietro cheats. The deal he made was loosely worded, was agreed simply - death for life. He cannot kill people, will not, could never shame and disappoint Wanda so. He kills rats and mice, pigeons and gulls, spiders and flies and wasps and gnats, small things that no one will miss. 
He has to kill each day, kill many times, if it is insects, but with his speed it is easy, easy to keep to the deal he made with Hel, to feed her hordes in exchange for his continuing life. He runs, catches flies and birds with his hands, crushes the life from them and whispers a prayer in her name.
It has been years since he prayed, years upon years. The words feel strange on his lips.
ii.Pietro came back covered in dirt, clawed his way from his grave back to Wanda’s side. She woke, and felt his mind swirling at the foot of her bed, woke and saw her brother, pale and wan and covered in dirt, as though someone had taken his corpse and placed him at the foot of her bed.
And then Pietro had opened his eyes and croaked, “Wanda.”
iii.Wanda has not questioned his return. Doctor Cho, when asked for an assessment, said she did not know, but that her best guess would be his improved homeostasis, his altered metabolism. Vision concurred, and Doctor Banner and Thor were not there to voice an opinion.
Pietro makes his small sacrifices in Hel’s name, and keeps his secret.
iv.There are insect carapaces in the folds of Pietro’s clothes. There is blood beneath his nails. Wanda spots these small things, and knows no one else will see them, takes his hands in hers and scrubs under his nails with scarlet, stretches scarlet around him and pulls carapaces from his clothes.
There is none so close to Pietro as she and she will do all she can to protect him.
v.“Pietro,” she asks one evening. Her voice is soft, her hands dancing soft scarlet out to light the room. “Pietro, how did you come back?”
It spills out of him in a wave, words tripping over him as he tries to explain everything.
A deal, an offer-
Hel, goddess of the dead-
She said I could return if I fed her hordes-
I sacrifice. I sacrifice each day.
Wanda watches him, cups his face in her hands, runs her thumbs in hard lines across his cheeks.
“How?” she asks him.
vi.Wanda helps him. She catches flies in her scarlet, catches worms and ants, catches birds and mice and rats, when they fight she fights fiercely, when people attack she fights them off, snaps necks as though by accident and shows no fear or shame.
“You are my family,” she says. “My only family, all I have left. I have lost you once. I will not lose you again.”
Wanda kills in Hel’s name for his sake. Single whispered prayers each time, “Death for life, Death to Hela for Life for Pietro.”
She does not stint, she exceeds Pietro’s efforts. With more than bugs dying, with Wanda’s wilful sacrifice of cats and dogs that wander into the way of battle he is stronger and faster, less tired, more able. With a human life he thrives, with two he is almost as he was. Wanda smiles to see him so, takes his hands in hers, cups his cheeks and presses a kiss to his brow.
vii.No one notices the extra deaths. Or: they do, and they excuse it as growing power, ask her simply to try to keep at least one attacker alive for information. Steve is the worst, when he asks it of her, earnest and honest, pleading to a sense of morals she has sacrificed along with every life she gives to Hel.
She sacrifices still, finds ways to make them as often as she can. Three bugs a day can sustain Pietro. Two birds can last him a day and a half. A cat or dog, something well loved, that causes a small death of happiness in those who knew it, can last him almost a week.
A person, a person can last him a month, if they are cared for enough by those around them, if they are vital enough in energy.
When Wanda kills all but the leader of a squad, Pietro seems to shine.
viii.There is strife on Asgard, trouble in Wakanda. The world is warping around them when a ship comes sailing through the void of space and crashes into orbit around earth.
“Thanos,” says the one human of the crew. “Thanos, destroyer of worlds.”
“The Infinity Stones,” says the women of green and blue. “You must hide them. Our father will stop at nothing.”
The stones are these: the Tesseract, taken, and the Aether. The purple stone of power is claimed, the green of life, the orange of time, the yellow of mind yet remain.
“I hold the mind stone,” Vision says. “I will not let it fall into his hands.”
Time and life, however, those may yet.
ix.The twins recoil from Stephen Strange, recoil from the magic he wields as though burned.
“Wanda,” says Pietro, “It looks almost like your powers.”
It is not, but he speaks true.
“Pietro,” says Wanda. “If he knows magic, he may know that of sacrifice.”
x.The twins avoid Strange, help guard his stone as they do Vision, as they do the green-glowing vortex of power they discover with the life stone, but they do not speak to him if they can help it, turning into each other, away from all else, as Wanda finds more and more deaths to keep Pietro powerful and strong as Thanos draws nearer.
“He has the space stone,” Bruce asks Thor when the two arrive on Earth, charred and smoking with the remnants of a battle. “Why does he not just warp space to get here?”
“The effect,” Thor says. “He wants to make us afraid.”
“He wants a battle,” says Gamora. “He likes watching people fight for their lives before him.”
xi.The battle is…
It is glorious. Thanos has brought Chitauri to bear upon them, and every Chitauri on its own feeds into a yet vaster network, each one cut off is like voiding the eyes of some great behemoth, making it blinder and blinder until it falls to pieces. Wanda kills and kills and kills, breathes prayer after prayer, watches the death fill Pietro with life and strength far beyond the usual scope.
Pietro is killing too, tearing armour plates off the Leviathans, vaporising the other soldiery Thanos has brought to this place with nothing but his growing and growing and growing speed.
Thanos, it seems, was not expecting a blur that moved almost faster than thought to be his opponent.
xii. “Where did you come from!?” Thanos yells, trying and failing to target Pietro, warping space with his gauntlet only to find Pietro has evaded it once more. “You were dead!”
Hela, thinks Wanda. Hel brought him back against your vision.
Pietro is a blur, is almost invisible, if Wanda could not feel his mind, see him with invisible eyes, she would not know where to find him in the slew of death and danger of the battle. Pietro runs, Pietro leaps, life and life and life once more filling his veins until his blue shines as bright as the Tesseract.
Pietro tears the head from Thanos and, for a moment there is peace.
Then the shadows rise.
xiii.“Hel,” says Thor. “I killed you.”
“Me?” Hel asks. “You, kill me? I am the goddess of death Uncle. Death cannot hurt me any more than lightning could hurt you, or lies hurt my father. All they do is help us.”
Thor stands at the base of Thanos’ dais, Hel atop it, her helm of spreading horns spreading and spreading until they shadow Thanos’ corpse, until they seem to fade into the void of space itself.
“So much death,” she breathes. “I feel alive again.”
xiv.This is a different battle and the twins are torn in it. Hel can erase a life with a snap of her fingers, can throw a knife out of nothingness, turn shadow into a blade of steel and death. For all they have added to her power, given her soul upon soul to turn into Draugr to march at her side, they know she will not hesitate to kill them both if it comes to it.
She is goddess of death, after all, and she no longer needs them as pawns to make her stronger.
She stands above Thanos’ body, above his half-filled Gauntlet, basking in the power of all those dying beneath her. Her power sings storms onto earth, sings quakes into space, destroys ship after ship of Thanos’ people, until they stand in a mausoleum in space, just them, and the dead around them.
“You have a choice,” she says to the Avengers. “Fight me, and die, or let me rule you all.”
xv.It is not even a question what the Avengers will do.
xvi.No words are said. No words are needed. Thor lifts his hammer and even in the void of space, lightning burns, thunder sings out.
“Oh, Uncle,” sighs Hela. “You already failed once.”
The twins look to each other, Pietro shimmering with blue around the edges, still shining with the life bought from their sacrifice of Thanos - Thanos so ancient, Thanos so powerful - shining with the energy of all those they killed before that.
We kill her- Pietro thinks.
Can we? asks Wanda.
Sacrifice her to herself, Pietro thinks. An always loop.
Sacrifice her to what she is goddess of, thinks Wanda, feed her power, and yet end her.
Pietro vanishes from her side.
xvii.“We sacrifice you,” says Wanda, and Pietro is already gone from her side, the other Avengers left staring and confused. “We sacrifice you, Hel, goddess of death, goddess of the cairn, the wolf’s sister, and we sacrifice you to death itself.” 
Pietro’s hands blur into being around Hel’s head, grasp around the horns to cradle her skull, a hold at once delicate and like iron. 
“We sacrifice you to yourself,” says Wanda, adamant and certain, scarlet dancing out to hold Hel in place. “A sacrifice of always and for always, of death and into death, until forever are you ended.”
Pietro tears Hel’s head loose from her neck with a single, violent jerk.
xviii.Wanda runs up the dais, taking it three steps at a time, leaping over Thanos’ limp arm, the dangling gauntlet to embrace her bloodied brother.
“Wanda,” he whispers into her neck. “Wanda.”
The blood covers him, an unrestrained spurt from the stump of Hel’s neck drenching his body like that of blessing blood, a sacrament. Hel’s head still dangles from his hands.
Pietro buries his face in his sister’s shoulder.
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