#handicap blocked space
chonky-goth · 12 days
I'm not saying bullying is good, but if you see someone parked in the lines next to a handicap space please block them in lmao
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smallgodseries · 10 months
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“Why are you circling?”
“I need to find a better parking spot.”
The parking lot stretches on for miles, and the entire back half is empty as a bucket in a drought.  You look at the driver, perplexed and perhaps a little bit afraid.  “There’s plenty of open spots back there.”
“I know.”
“You hike on the weekends.  For fun.  I run marathons.”
“We can walk an extra fifteen feet to get out of the car a little sooner.”
But there is no reply.  The driver is deep in the grips of Asphalta, who is a neutral god, neither good nor evil, only single-minded in her pursuit of her sole portfolio.  A parking spot must be found.  The best parking spot.  To give up the parking spot to another is to betray her ideals.  To steal a parking spot before it can be occupied is to make sacrifice.
She doesn’t care how many open spots there are, only that her faithful find the best of them.  And if sometimes that means blocking sidewalks or stealing spaces supposedly reserved for management, or mall police, or any number of other groups, that’s fine by her.
We never said she was a nice god.
She costs more time than she saves, requiring endless circles and searches that could be skipped entirely if a more remote slot were to be selected.  By the time one of her truest adherents had claimed the perfect place and slipped into it, the sales are exhausted, the shelves bare, the passengers bored and immune to the parking fever that has gripped their driver.  And yet the warm glow of her approval will wash all the disappointment and darkness away.  All will be forgiven, in Asphalta’s embrace.
But don’t try to sneak into a handicapped spot if you don’t need it.  She will see what you have done, and she will not forgive you for it.
Beware the wrath of the goddess who controls your ability to park, unless you really enjoy peeing in your car.
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wallflowers-garden · 1 year
as a disabled person who uses a mobility aid, i am literally begging store owners, landlords, etc. to make sure their handicap doors are ACCESSIBLE AND ACTUALLY WORK
today, i got stuck not once, but TWICE. i went to cvs (i had not been to this particular one with my mobility aid before) and had difficulty entering, as the automatic door had been blocked by stairs. as a cane user, i was able to navigate them, but decided i would take a different route to exit (into a shopping mall). as i went out through the alternative entrance, i was met with two sets of doors with an accessible swing. i pressed the first button and got through just fine, but when i pressed the second on the inside… it did not work. i tried leaning against the door to see if my weight would be enough to budge it but it was not… i was left stuck between the two sets of doors (as the accessibility buttons only worked ONE WAY) until someone came to help me.
the second has been an on going problem. my apartment has a swinging door that has been working great for me…. except for the past week and a half. for some reason the door with the swing is broken and has yet to be repaired. this has left me STRUGGLING to get into my apartment. thankfully, when exiting, i’m able to move the door with my weight, but entering the building is so difficult, as i struggle to keep the door propped open while i move past it with my mobility aid. what makes things worse is when able-bodied people just STAND there and watch me struggle rather than help. it INFURIATES me to no end knowing they have the ability to hold the door and help me but actively choose not to.
i am actually begging. please, please, please advocate for more spaces to be accessible. and if the measures in places don’t work, fix them or advocate for fixing them. and finally, if you see a disabled person struggling DO NOT TURN A BLIND EYE! HELP THEM! if a door is falling on them or they cant find an accessible entrance/exit, use your able-bodied privilege to aid them.
(FOR CLARIFICATION, that does not mean coddle/baby us if we’re doing fine. we don’t need help if we’re moving down the street/existing. only when we’re actively struggling/working to navigate an able-bodied world)
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bursting-at-the-seems · 3 months
Housing Disability Discrimination Support
Hi everyone,
I'm reaching out to share my experience with my LL and to seek advice or support as I believe I am experiencing disability discrimination.
Am I on the right track? Are they in violation?
What to I do next?
Can I represent myself? Do I need an attorney?
Is it time to file state and federal reports?
Know of an AZ attorney who can help?
I've been facing significant issues with my landlord (LL) regarding delayed disability accommodations and incorrect billing. Despite requesting accommodations over three months ago, they has not resolved the issue. Additionally they have made billing errors, including unauthorized charges and fees that are connected to my accommodation request, and they have failed to communicate effectively. Additionally, their legal counsel has used ableist language and derailed conversations about accommodations, seemingly to discourage me from pursuing my rights; I also think they are misrepresenting the law. This situation has caused undue hardship, and I believe their actions may constitute harassment and discrimination under the Fair Housing Act (FHA), Americans with Disability Act, and Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (ARLTA). At this point I am prepared to take legal action if necessary and am seeking advice or support from others who may have faced similar issues.
- I and two roommates have lived here for 4 years. In December, my symptoms got worse, and I was diagnosed with chronic conditions. We have been in an ADA unit for 3 of the 4 years.
- I pay for a garage, one roommate pays for a carport, and the other utilizes the free parking option. There is no ADA parking on the shortest route to our ADA dwelling. Free ADA parking spaces are not accessible to me due to having to cross a parking lot and other spaces or walk through a handful of hallways.
- Many tenants complain of a lack of parking and often need to park far from dwellings, park illegally, in another’s paid spot, or leave the complex to park elsewhere.
- All dwellings aside from ADA units have top-loading washers. E-check payments can only have 2 fails before being revoked. During my flare of symptoms and unexpected medical costs, we had two fails. Our first two in 4 years.
- This is a privately owned complex with more than 4 units, built in 2009. AZ has one-party consent recording laws. LL office has a history of not answering the phone.
-Concern (confidential per agreement)
-During this concern I began learning about my rights with regards to my disabilities
-Concern resolved
-Accommodations requested
-documentation submitted (doctors note, state issued Handicap Card)
-Maintenance staff states it would be easy to provide top loading washer, could do it right away
-Attorney pushback need new medical note (dr signature not seen), states ADA doesn’t apply, doesn’t understand nexus
-New Medical Note submitted
-Detailed explanation o f nexus over and above required
-Lawyer states LL Not obligated to pay for modifications
-Approves some modifications at my expense
-Approves reinstatement of my ability to make echeck payments, one additional chance only
-Does not approve transition to top loading washer or elevating washer per doctors note or accessible parking
-LL legal rep implies I should be grateful for the upgrade despite stating why it is not accessible for me
-LL legal rep states ADA has no relevance
-LL states they have other top loading machines available but don’t want to have to deal with/ store our front loading.
-LL legal rejects accessible washer and dryer accommodation and accessible parking does not offer alternative solution
-LL states they will have maintenance build block under washer to raise it despite LL legal rep decline (this has been provided)
-LL legal rep states keep paying for garage or use covered parking space, despite covered spot irrelevance as it is another tenants
-payed June invoice via e-check since ability reinstated (documented)
-Lease on dwelling needs to be renewed at the end of month, in reviewing contract notice garage rent has increased by ~67%
-Called City of Gilbert to review ada parking codes, informed that if in an ADA unit FHA states that there must be an ada parking space on shortest route to dwelling. Recorded call.
-Emailed regarding lease renewal and ongoing parking discussion pushing back on increase and restating my request for accessible parking accommodation
-LL legal rep states there is no such thing as an ADA unit, despite the property management referring to it as it and it being a colloquially accepted term.
-LL rep states they do not see why I need accessible parking when I pay for a garage, and we have a covered spot and nothing LL needs to do. That the city is incorrect.
-Push back on this, reexplain that I would give up my garage if g tr here was a free accessible parking option and once again that the covered spot belongs to another tenant.
- nearing lease deadline, reached out asking if we can sign bur leave the garage terms out until resolved or have an extension without fee
-Followed up again with no response onexpiring lease options, highlighting unresolved disability accommodations initially requested in April (over 3 months without resolution).
- LL acknowledged the need for review and suggested a month-to-month (MTM) option at no extra cost until disputes over increased garage rent and the request for accessible parking are resolved.(Documented)
- Received recurring payment reminder, states billing amounts may change based on account balance, account balance is controlled by LL
- while not required as auto pay established, checked ledger around 10pm on 6/30 and saw an amount of $99.76. (Documented)
- In July 1 discovered LL increased the bill and auto-billed $2,943.81, including fees previously agreed not to charge (MTM fee and disputed garage cost).
- Called LLtwice, no response.
- Visited the leasing office with roommate 1; charges were adjusted but a refund was refused. LL assistant manager (am) asserted that only a credit for the following month could be issued, leaving us without $500 in our budget. LLAM said, “It’s not fair but that’s how it is.” Suggested we stop check if we needed another solution. The conversation was recorded.
- Emailed LL with an update.
- Called the bank and was informed of a $30 fee for stopping the check.
- Called LL and spoke with LLAM she stated LL would not cover the canceled check fee. Reminded LLAM this issue arose due to LL oversight and they should bear the fees. -Discussed an alternative solution of letting the check bounce, which LLAM confirmed would not incur a fee and would allow continued e-check payments per the accommodation terms, without a late fee. This call was witnessed by another resident.
- Emailed LL to summarize the call and communicated that we would not return from our holiday until July 7 and would make the payment once there was confirmation that the check had not gone through.
- LL acknowledged the situation, mentioned a grace period for late fees but incorrectly stated that we chose to make an overpayment.
-July 4 Leasing office closed.
-July 8 Received notice that the check was rejected by SanTan upon our return from holiday, attempted payment but was unable to do so online, called the office but was unable to connect with staff.
-July 9 Attempted payment again and found additional fees despite agreements from LL,LLAM
- Received a threatening eviction notice on the door with no prior communication from the leasing office.
-Emailed LL all the above, proving that we did not choose to make this payment; it resulted from LL error in not updating the system per the agreement to not charge for MTM or the disputed garage fee. The auto payment was triggered by LL incorrect managing of account balance despite stating we would not be charged fees and late payment was due to LLAM not following through with commitments on being able to make e-check payment and no fees.
-July Three calls to the office from various residents of 1086 went unanswered.
- Sent an email to LL seeking resolution.
- Follow-up emails from LL and LLAM stating they will get back to us
- Conversation with LL over the phone, who inaccurately asserted that the overpayment was our mistake and held us responsible for all fees. Clarified that the June 30 and July 1 amounts were both incorrect, and the automated payments were managed by LL. Call recorded.
- Left a voicemail for LL corporate office
- Paid July rent, excluding disputed fees and deducting $10 for the cashier check charge that was only needed to be obtained due to LL Error. LL spoke to other roommates incorrectly stating they didn’t understand why I chose to over pay. Roommate 2 states, auto payment controlled by them, and we had checked which we should not have needed to do -no one is checking their Spotify auto payments - recorded
- Submitted formal complaint for delayed accommodation and billing error highlighting the above information
- LL said was not needed as they had been communicating and that the billing and requests are a separate issue - says accepted partial payment as curtesy
- LL legal rep responds to earlier email, not formal complaint, and again rejects accessible parking accommodation, says not needed despite documentation, to keep paying or use other tenants spot, no other option provided, states rate increase is not discriminatory, says this is the last of the matter.
-LL states we are to sign lease by Aug 1, no reinstatement of epayment, offered to cover $80 of fees and we are responsible for over $250
-LL sends this in three separate emails
- Forwards Formal complaint to senior LL corporate staff, LL legal rep, and LL. States that billing errors and the 3 month delay in accommodation are inherently linked as the LL said no fee to extend while we sort through accommodation, then failed to ensure their billing was correct and put burden on me.
Key Points:
Untimely Resolution of Accommodation Request: Over three months have passed since the initial request for disability accommodations, an excessive and legally questionable delay under the Fair Housing Act.
Potential Delay Tactics: It appears that LL may have deliberately delayed the accommodation process, which coincided with our lease renewal period. This delay tactic is concerning as it suggests an attempt to force us out of the premises, especially given the sudden notice of five days provided after their billing mistake.
Legal Counsel's Conduct: LL legal counsel has repeatedly used ableist language and derailed conversations about accommodations by fixating on irrelevant information and nitpicking colloquial language. This appears to be an intentional strategy to wear out disabled tenants and discourage them from pursuing their rightful accommodations.
Legal Implications: Potential disability discrimination due to unresolved accommodation requests and mishandling of billing.
Definition of Harassment in Housing Context: Harassment in a housing context includes actions that create a hostile living environment, repeated and unreasonable demands, or failure to make necessary accommodations, particularly when these actions are taken against someone because of their membership in a protected class (such as individuals with disabilities).
Legal Case Summary:
LL actions constitute a blatant disregard for Arizona state law and federal housing regulations. Under the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (ARLTA), landlords are required to maintain fit and habitable premises and make all repairs necessary to keep the premises in a livable condition (A.R.S. § 33-1324). LL repeated billing errors and failure to address accommodations contravene these obligations. Furthermore, under the Fair Housing Act (FHA), it is illegal to discriminate against individuals with disabilities, including failing to make reasonable accommodations in rules, policies, practices, or services when such accommodations may be necessary to afford a person with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. The excessive delay of over three months in addressing my accommodation request is unreasonable and likely a violation of the FHA. Additionally, the rent increase after the accommodation request, the assertion that paying for accessible parking is the only option, followed by an increase in garage rent (the accessible parking option), and the mishandling of July rent with associated fees and penalties, are all linked and indicative of a pattern of discriminatory and retaliatory behavior by LL. These actions, taken together, create a hostile living environment and impose undue financial and emotional stress potentially constituting harassment. Federal guidelines and best practices indicate that accommodation requests should be acknowledged within 3-5 business days, an interactive process should begin immediately and be completed within 1-2 weeks, and simple modifications should be addressed within a few weeks. The delay of over three months in resolving the request for accessible parking is excessive and fails to meet these standards. Timeline above illustrates LL failure to uphold agreed-upon lease terms and accommodate disability needs regarding accessible parking. Their actions have led to undue financial burden and threats of eviction, potentially violating both the FHA and state law. SanTan's conduct could be construed as harassment and discrimination, subjecting them to significant legal liability.
Action Needed from LL:
Immediate correction of billing errors, waiver of unauthorized fees, reinstatement of e-check payment ability, resolution of the accommodation request, and execution of the lease agreement. LL must address communication shortcomings and ensure compliance with the FHA and the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act to prevent further legal consequences, including potential lawsuits for discrimination, harassment, and breach of contract.Failure to comply to result in legal action seeking damages, including punitive damages, for the distress and financial losses incurred due to LL unlawful practices. We are prepared to pursue all available remedies under state and federal law to protect rights and ensure fair treatment.
Any advice, support, suggestions on the above much appreciated!
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isabelopaque · 8 months
people in this godawful school are so consistently casually ableist to such extremes it is funny. like yeah man sorry. no you cant block all four handicap parking spaces because you didnt want to wait in pick up line. no sorry you cant use the one accessible stall to call your boyfriend. i know im the mean cripple. i could be meaner though
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powerfulkicks · 4 months
man this con experience has really opened my eyes to how ableist the world is.
the staff at the event space were literally audibly making fun of people who use scooters and wheelchairs. literally they yelled at a person with a cane to walk faster.
and the courtyard that's outside is only open til 2 am, after that they literally block it off. thing is, the courtyard is the only way for a disabled person in a wheelchair to get back to the hotel (BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO FIX THE DISABLED ELEVATOR that usually connects the hotel and the venue) so disabled people have nowhere to even (tho someone, probably another disabled person or a friend of one, moved the barricades so that someone could get through). reminder, this con is supposed to be all hours, so it's conceivable that someone could be out that late. there are panels until very late at night.
and once you get to the hotel, you have to scan your hotel key on the door to get inside. there's a button to open the door for ppl in wheelchairs/scooters/etc, sure, but it DOESNT WORK when the hotel is closed for the night, so you just can't fucking get in if you're disabled and you can't navigate opening the door with your wheelchair/scooter. you have to either have someone with you to open the door for you, wait for a helpful stranger, or try to manage it on your own (which, like, OBVIOUSLY DEFEATS THE PURPOSE OF THE HANDICAP BUTTON).
this is a huge fucking problem!
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We made it :)
I was definitely asking a lot from Mandana with this spontaneous trip but she rose to the challenge and handled it with grace. She had her first bus ride. Her first plane ride. Her first long distance road trip and her first night away from home. I’m not sure she could have done it a year ago but she was ready and she was brilliant.
The bus ride was honestly the hardest part, but that wasn’t her fault. The driver was a bit zealous and it was the worst bus ride I’ve ever had. The handicap area was practically nonexistent so she had to sit in the middle of the isle. I had my arms wrapped around her while Hubbins held on to me to keep us all from falling every 5 seconds. She whined a little bit but not much and as soon as we stepped off the bus she was back to her happy self. As you can see in the video we took outside the airport. I’m not asking for a strict heel. I’m just letting her get comfortable before going in because I know we would be there for a while.
We were at the airport for about two hours. She was very attentive and made some great alerts including this 144 bpm while I was sitting down. I was able to recline for a bit to get my heart rate down before boarding and I’m really grateful for that.
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We drew the SD short straw unfortunately. There was an older woman and her husband who had a little black dog. I never heard them claim she was a service dog. On the contrary, they were very open about her “attitude” and “growling” with us and the other passengers but instead of having the pet in a crate they went the service dog route which gave them priority. The woman was more aggressive than the dog tbh and was very loud about her needs to board first bc they’re disabled and her dog “has an attitude”. For some reason she acted surprised to find out I was also disabled and that Mandana is a legitimate service dog (she wasn’t blind so idk how she missed the SD gear) I probably could have asked to have them kicked off the flight before we boarded but I was having a medical episode and was more concerned about keeping the peace for Hubbins and Mandana. The airport personnel were very aware of the situation and did an amazing job observing both dogs behavior. They hovered over both of us for an hour and even introduced us to the flight crew as “the real service dog and the other thing” but the woman was very good about blocking her dog from us so no behaviors that would have prevented her flying were observed.
We were under the impression that there were two bulkhead areas. One in the front and one towards the back so we agreed to take the back one but the airport personnel were misinformed. The bulkheads were right next to each other. There wasn’t another area in the back but I wasn’t about to spend two hours next to this agitated woman. It was a tight squeeze but we’ve spent years preparing for this exact situation so I knew Mandana could handle it. The flight attendant understood our predicament and was very accommodating. We all agreed that Hubbins and I would get a row to ourselves. If there were too many people for that then we would move up to the front and the woman could deal with it or be kicked off. Mandana was a bit sketched out about the take off (I think she would have been fine if she had more space) but she was able to get through it with little to no whining and then settled down and slept for the two hour flight. She watched out the window for our landing without issue and then it was over. The pictures look spacious but when standing she is the length of two seats and takes up the entire area.
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I knew the flight was asking a lot but we decided to do it anyways because we are actually picking up a second car and driving it back home. Our car is going to have to go into the shop for a bit and Mandana outgrew her Ruffland Kennel so we flew in to visit family, snag an XL Ruffland and take back a gifted car. Our circumstances have changed drastically over the last couple months and we became housebound despite my improving health. Now we’re able to go out on adventures again. It is such a privilege. My heart breaks for my fellow spoonies who are struggling with resources without this kind of aid and I couldn’t be more grateful to everyone involved.
Family picked us up and we had another two hours to get to our hometown. Mandana was very grateful for the mattress and pillows and promptly fell asleep. We decided to stay in an Airbnb instead of with family. It’s Mandanas first overnight trip and I wanted to make sure we were all well rested for the 9 hour drive home. We will visit with family for a day and then drive half way back on Friday, stop for a night and arrive home on Saturday so Hubbins has time to recover before going back to work on Monday.
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I’m so proud of Mandana. We’ve had a lot holding us back over the past year. We never achieved the training sessions we wanted to that would have prepared us for this kind of travel. Even so she was able to take every thing in stride. Our success was half foundational skills and half trust in our relationship (and a sprinkle of the morbid curiosity that fuels her love for adventure despite uncertainty lol)
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rayneydayss · 7 months
this shouldnt have to be a hot take but. accessible should also mean fat accessible.
the handicap bathroom on the amtrak train has bars, sure, but the toilet is squished into the corner by the sink and there is barely any room for my thighs when i sit, and i know for a fact that both assistive device users and people larger than me would have an extremely difficult if not impossible time trying to use the facility that is designated accessible. and this could be helped with a design change! if the sink is moved to the other end of the bathroom by the door and the toilet squared with the back wall, there would be so much more room. it literally makes no sense; the regular bathroom is oriented that way so plumbing shouldnt be an issue.
it really seems like, out of the people designing accessible spaces, there needs to be more voices of those using those spaces in the course of designing these things. same idea as the post i saw about accessibility usually having multiple extra steps, like an accessible entrance that’s on the entire opposite side of the building and highly inconvenient to use, or the amount of times i’ve seen accessible features completely blocked by inaccessible ones. there was this girl i saw who was a wheelchair user in university and they didnt plow properly in the pedestrian walkways and the one ramp going into her building was so steep it was more of a danger than anything else.
why do we need to be extra punished for existing. it’s already hard enough.
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missriyochuchi · 2 years
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It was a matter of time before one of our neighbors pushed back. On the left is the note I leave on cars parked next to our driveway, and on the right is a note written on the back of one of my notes and left in our mailbox today.
I’m literally sick to my stomach. I absolutely do not like the idea of being on bad terms with any of our neighbors when we are so outnumbered (us 2 Asian ladies against 4 offending households) and vulnerable (1 of us is disabled). This neighbor in particular scares me the most because I’ve seen their preteen daughter in a thin blue line sweater 😱🤮 and so can only assume that they lean right wing and are not friendly to brown and/or disabled people (which I know is a problematic assumption but it is a red county). Not to mention their note mirrors mine not just in structure - they signed with their address like I did - but tone, a little anger under the surface. They left their number but not their names.
Mom is ready to throw hands 💀 I passed anger quickly and am now stewing in the deep end of fear and anxiety. The safest route is to ignore the note; assume ignorance, not malice; and stop putting notes on cars lol I started doing it for a few reasons: (1) Idk how long cars parked next to our driveway will be there, and Mom’s schedule changes constantly; (2) I can’t assume cars parked next to our driveway are even from our block (I had to knock on every door once and it was not pretty); and (3) I can’t wait around to talk to each offending driver in person when it happens at all hours of the day, especially at night. I get it, it’s a public road where anyone can legally park anywhere, but that’s exactly why I ask(ed)! The best I could get out of our town’s traffic safety committee was the yellow handicap signs at both ends of our block, but it’s not sufficient.
Was I out of line? Am I wrong to ask for space just in case? Never mind the giant puddle that forms at the end of our driveway whenever it rains and that’s too wide and deep for Mom’s wheelchair to cross. Even on dry days, a double parked bus will, has, and does block traffic. Is it wrong to try to avoid that scenario? We could call them, explain that “as long as no one blocks (y)our driveway” is not sufficient when one is in a wheelchair and will always need to access a ramp to travel, but we’ve clearly passed the preventative stage and seem to be welcome only when the problem is already happening. Maybe I should re-up the blue handicap sign discussion with the traffic safety committee. What’s the path of least violence?
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oracleact · 11 months
I voiced that I, as a disabled person, was uncomfortable with being around terms like “handicapped” (when they’re used in a ‘playful’ way in particular) - but because the person using them was also disabled they thought it was, for some unknown reason, perfectly fine to shove those terms in my face…and then they blocked me? they didn’t even try to actually talk to me about it, they just condescendingly called me “darlin’” in their response then blocked.
I’m so sick of this happening to me. if you want to ‘make light’ of your situation in these ways then find the right people to do it with. I don’t have to be okay with you speaking like that around me; I don’t care if we’re both disabled.
you can’t drop that stuff on anyone, especially not your fellow disabled people. you should know that terms like that aren’t going to resonate with all of us. find your own safe space to ‘reclaim’ words.
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jameswrites · 1 year
Saw a post I won’t link the other day talking about how like, using the word “accessible” for things like those with sensory issues (and they did not do these examples how I am, but they gave dismissive examples all the same that were similar but not explained) such as scents causing seizures, sensory things like some music making people have meltdowns, and anything that isn’t about physical accessibility NOT being what “accessibility” is about and that it has been, I believe they used the word “co-opted” and I just have been infuriated about it ever since.
Like, spitting on other disabled people for using a word that DOES IN FACT apply to them, because that word was never ONLY for physically disabled people being PHYSICALLY ONLY barred from spaces, but was always about all forms of making things more accessible, more easily accessed for whatever disability was just...
Tons of notes, no notes daring to say anything about how that isn’t fucking true, it’s not a real thing. They mentioned the ADA but do you think that is the only time and place that accessibility being built into societal things (and not even that well, multiple doctors offices I go to with my partner, I have to carry their walker up steps with no fucking elevator and the handicap/disabled button doesn’t work) like please.
I just block and move on these days as it is fucking exhausting trying to look up disability things and finding out that some physically disabled folks are angry at other disabled folks just for using a word that is, in fact, also for them.
edit: I am still mad and I know this doesn’t read well, but it just is so frustrating that instead of saying something like “Hey, physical accessability is so important, when you are talking about accessability, don’t leave us out like so many places do!” It was this drippy condescending and shitty post about how it ISN’T ABOUT OTHER DISABILITIES!!!! like fuck that noise.
Edit 2: And like, my partner and I both have physical disabilities but theirs are more pronounced than mine. We both also have sensory and other disabilities that make being in public in some ways really hard, and to have them pitted against one another feels real like when folks pit different LGBTQ+ groups (or as I call myself and my identities, queer) against one another like, it isn’t necessary. It isn’t BECAUSE of people wanting things more accessible in a WIDER VARIETY of ways that those in charge don’t do it, just like it isn’t because of trans people or neo pronouns or bi people or ace people or WHATEVER that people in charge who are shitty are shitty to those people.
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neurotheascars · 1 year
this blog has lots of unpleasant imagery on it and I'm too cognitively handicapped to tag reliably. This is my uncensored safe space.
I complain here so I don't complain out loud too much. I'm a reformed persecutor alter from a mixed origin system. Happy to explain to you how we exist if you think we don't.
18+ please.
Scroll at your risk.
I follow from my hosts account @polychaeteworm
My name is pronounced "Sara". I'm not a girl, not a boy, not a man, not a woman. I'm a tall alien. Femme like an elf, masc like a vampire. I'm mostly autoromantic and objectum for large bongs and blades.
I don't care what pronouns you use on me. My host defaults to he/him but I do not mind she/her or shee/hir. My species only has one sex, but an individualistic gender system, so I am Xenogender and genderflux in every sense of the words. I don't human gender concepts.
I love swords and smoking weed and I have a strong desire to run into the woods/onto a highway/into the ocean when I'm upset because I get weird alien homesickness. I talk about that here a lot, but don't worry, I am safe and supervised.
Really into Saltburn right now, so that shows up here too. Felix Catton is my Tumblr blorbo. I also just really really like dark royalty/vampire and academia in general as well as sick little freaks.
Kinks that might appear here- smoking/intox, blood/blades, shibari, parasitism/corruption, and maybe sometimes consang.
Discourse positions-
I'm anti misinfo and support all forms of plurality. My system is traumagenic but I do not like associating my existence with a mental disorder because of my origin within my paracosm. I respectfully don't like being referred to as having "come from trauma". My origin is complex and unrelated to any trauma. Do not call me an "apparently normal part" I'm not a part, I'm a complete entity and there is literally nothing normal about me.
I don't have a DNI, I just block if I don't want to interact. Just be nice and don't violate your own DNI to speak to me.
I'm a survivor of complex abuse (not quite RAMCOA but damn close) who writes and reads nasty things to cope and I'm not interested in hearing why you think I'm a freak for my kinks or the stuff I reblog. I'm pro-recovery and pro fiction. I do not support irl harm. I don't think of what I write as "shipping" because my system only reads and writes OC and we associate the term shipping with fandom. We don't mind fanfics, we just favor focusing on OC content.
Send all complaints to my host and steward, Orn (@polycheateworm) he is better articulate and I'm not nice to have an argument with because of my language challenges so please be patient. He also is better equipped to answer most questions you might have about me. Most of what I say here is dictated within the system so I'm actually less articulate as an altar than I appear on average so if I get upset and don't have an alter to dictate to, my language might decline.
What does your username mean?
My system has maladaptive daydreaming and I am an introject of an extremely developed OC from a paracosm.
Because I spent most of my life living inside an inner world that is as complex as the real one, my personal history and memories are not fully Earth Related.
Neurothea is an illness on the planet I come from. It hurts your brain in a lot of ways, you catch it from parasites and it can kill you. If you survive it you will have large scars from it. it's an exotrauma embodiment of complex abuse my human body has suffered. Its a fictional way that I as an alter interface with the difficulty my body has.
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I was down in pigeon forge Tennessee recently so I want to talk about my thoughts on accessibility at some of the things I went to.
Dollywood - first of all, the park is absolutely gorgeous, like so pretty and also very well shaded, I rented on of the electric carts they have there as I can’t walk much without pain, and getting the cart was extremely easy, although relatively expensive (55$ if I remember right), they had a spot where a parent/guardian could sign, so I assume those under the age of 18 can rent one, but that wasn’t an issue for me, the cart seats are wide with armrests and so most can fit comfortably. It was a slight walk from the parking lot to where they had the carts, but you do get the cart before entering the park.
After getting into the park you can go to their accessibility service and the will tell you what rides are safe if you have a prosthetic limb, heart condition, or seizures, they also give you a card if your using a wheelchair that you use to access the accessible entrances, I didn’t get to ride anything because we had some difficulty’s and had to go home early, so I don’t know how accessible the rides are.
Because it’s in the mountains, it is very hilly with many steep hills, especially compared to any of the Disney parks, the cart I rented did fine, however my mom’s cart that she owns struggled and stoped working until we hit the reset button (which is why we couldn’t stay, bc my little brother had a meltdown bc of it) anyways, i imagine it’s difficult to walk with all the hills and would be difficult to push your own wheelchair as well. There also was not a very large amount of benches which made it difficult for my little brother.
A lot of the food there wasn’t very friendly to those that have a very limited diet, and none of the restaurants I saw were very wheelchair accessible, having stairs but no ramp, or not enough space to navigate.
All in all for Dollywood, I probably would chose Disney over it, there’s less hills, it’s easier to navigate, (which was another issue we had) and more food options for people like my little brother who will only eat a few different foods.
I also went to two dinner shows while down there, (Dolly Parton’s stampede show and the hatfield and McCoy show) and both were about the same in regards to accessibility, with wheelchair accessible seats at both but we had to stand in line much longer for the Hatfield and McCoy show. They also had pretty much the same food options.
We also spent time at a tourist center/area called the island, the parking for it was not great, and even the handicap parking was at least a block away, so my mom had to drop everyone off before parking. It also lacked seating in shaded areas, but there was a lot of seating in general.
Overall, most of the stuff was pretty accessible for my family, however they might not be for others. Also, this obviously isn’t a sponsered post or something, I have like ten followers, I’m just trying to help everyone be more aware of accessibility in different places.
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highland-hills-fw · 23 days
Safety at Stake: The Challenges of Limited Emergency Exits at Highland Hills Community Center.
In today’s world, the importance of safety in public spaces can't be overstated. Community centers serve as vital hubs for socializing, education, and recreation, yet many are not equipped with the necessary infrastructure to ensure the safety of all patrons. The Highland Hills Community Center, located at 1600 Glasgow Road, in Fort Worth, Texas, is facing significant safety concerns due to its structure — specifically, the lack of multiple ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant exits. This article explores the implications of having only one accessible exit, particularly in scenarios like fires or active shooter situations.
The ADA was enacted to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to public spaces. One of the key provisions is the requirement for accessible exits. While this legislation is crucial for safeguarding the rights of individuals with disabilities, it is equally essential for ensuring safety in emergencies. Having only one ADA compliant exit not only places individuals with disabilities at risk but also compromises the safety of all patrons.
In an emergency situation, every second counts. A single exit can quickly become a bottleneck — an issue that can prove deadly in crises such as fires or active shooter incidents. If that exit becomes blocked or inaccessible for any reason, the consequences could be dire. The risks are not merely theoretical: numerous incidents across the country have demonstrated how critical multiple exits are for effective evacuation.
1. Increased Evacuation Time: With only one exit, it takes longer for everyone to evacuate, potentially leaving individuals trapped inside.
2. Crowd Control Issues: A single exit can lead to panic and chaos, which can exacerbate an already dangerous situation.
3. Accessibility Challenges: While the existing exit may be ADA compliant, it does not account for the needs of all individuals. A shortage of options might prevent some individuals from evacuating in a timely manner.
The local community’s response to these concerns has been passionate. Community meetings have been held to discuss safety, but there has been a lack of action towards necessary renovations. Community leaders have reached out to city officials, urging them to address the structural inadequacy and prioritize upgrading the facility. On May 27, 2024, Yolanda Battle, Secretary of the Highland Hills Community Center, reached out to Alfred Henderson, the ADA Compliance Coordinator for the City of Fort Worth. Ms. Battle expressed concern for her mother, Vivian Perry, and the other senior citizens who are participants in the Senior Program at Highland Hills Community Center. In her letter to the ADA Compliance Coordinator, Ms. Battle stated, "I am writing on behalf of the seniors and my mother, who is a participant in our Senior program. My mother is blind in one eye and has limited vision in the other, and uses a walker to assist with her mobility. Seemingly, our community center building is not ADA compliant. Although an entry door button has recently been installed, the emergency exits are not safe. In the event of a fire or life-threatening occurrence in the main lobby of the community center, the seniors have no safe access to evacuate the building. The emergency exits are not equipped with handicap accessibility rails or ramps." Ms. Battle clearly communicated the severity of this matter, yet she still has not received a response from Mr. Henderson.
Moving forward, Ms. Battle and the members of the Highland Hills Neighborhood Association will be addressing their concerns to Mayor Mattie Parker and the members of the Fort Worth City Council. This issue cannot continue to go unresolved. The neighborhood association members plan to submit the following recommendations:
1. A thorough evaluation of the community center’s infrastructure should be conducted to identify necessary updates and improvements.
2. It is crucial to have a comprehensive emergency response plan that includes maps displaying all exits and evacuation routes.
3. Local government or community organizations should explore funding opportunities to help finance the necessary renovations for additional exits.
4. Holding public meetings to inform the public about the potential risks and encouraging them to participate in discussions regarding safety protocols, which will help foster a culture of awareness and preparedness.
The safety of Highland Hills Community Center and other community centers in our city is paramount. We must ensure that they remain places for connection, support, and growth. The existence of only one ADA compliant exit at Highland Hills Community Center poses a significant risk that cannot be ignored. By raising awareness and advocating for change, we can help safeguard our community members and create an environment where everyone feels secure and valued. Together, we can work towards improvements that prioritize the safety and accessibility of all individuals in our community.
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mysgprop-cstee · 4 months
Royal Hallmark
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Royal Hallmark
FREEHOLD Surrounded by Many Top Schools ✔Freehold ✔Surrounded by many good schools ✔ Huge tenant pool from PLQ, Changi Business Park, Changi Airport ✔ Plenty of eateries and local delights ✔ Area with rich heritage and culture   ⚠️ Last Unit 3BR Premium 915sf #04-04 $2,053,000 - Last 1 “LIVING, NOW ENHANCED. WITH A SPLASH OF INNOVATION AND INGENUITY” Quick LinksFact Sheet Nearby Amenities Unit Mixes: Floor Plan: Official Brochures/ Floor Plan Balanced Units & Prices
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Royal Hallmark Royal Hallmark is a freehold development located at 1 Haig Lane in District 15 Singapore. It is strategically located to give you the best that the East has to offer, from shopping to food to schools. At the same time, be close enough to Singapore’s Central Business District and world-renowned entertainment options. Attractions such as Jewel Changi Airport and Central Business District (CBD), Singapore Sports Hub and Gardens by the Bay are also just a short drive away. Near to shopping malls like I12 Katong, Katong Shopping Centre, Parkway Parade and more. Enjoy endless indulgences in this foodie haven, with offering from delectable hawker fares and heritage eats, to hipster cafes and chic bistros. An exclusive 32-unit freehold development located in District 15. The development comprises of 1 block of 5-storey with attic residential flats and 3 to 5-bedroom unit configurations to choose from. Fact Sheet TypeDescriptionsProject NameRoyal HallmarkDeveloper NameH Homes Pte Ltd / E2 HoldingsLocation1 Haig Ln (District 15)Tenure of LandFreeholdExpected Date of Completion (T.O.P.)22 Nov 2025Site areaapprox 25,054 sqft/ 2327.59 sqmTotal No. of Units32 units in 5 storeysCar Park Lots27 lots + 1 handicap lot Updated Fact Sheet for Royal Hallmark
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E2 Holdings Founded in 2003, E2 Holdings is headquartered in Singapore with offices in Malaysia & Indonesia. Over the years, E2 has grown through multiple joint ventures in China, Japan, Vietnam and Cambodia. E2 is the appointed online Retailer for 2DM high performing graphene and authorised reseller for various high tech measurement instrument brands. E2 is also an official merchandise licensee holder for Hard Rock Cafe & Hotel, through its sister company INX Marketing Pte Ltd. - Short walk to the upcoming Tanjong Katong & Marine Parade MRT Stations. - Well-connected island-wide via East Coast Parkway (ECP), Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE) and Pan Island Expressway (PIE) and a short drive to Jewel Changi Airport and Central Business District (CBD), Singapore Sports Hub and Gardens by the Bay. - Near to shopping malls like I12 Katong, Katong Shopping Centre, Parkway Parade and the East Coast area is well-known as a foodie haven, offering from framed hawker fare and heritage eats, to hipster cafes and chic bistros. - Popular schools like Haig Girls’ School, Tanjong Katong Primary and CHIJ (Katong) Primary are close by. - Excellent functional layout with spacious rooms, good wardrobe spaces and enclosed kitchen. Flexibility to organise space according to your lifestyle. - Units with private sitting pool available
Location Highlights
Royal Hallmark is a freehold New Launch Condo located at Haig Lane in District 15.  For young couples or families with children, Royal Hallmark is also close to schools like Canadian International School (Tanjong Katong Campus), Chatsworth International School East Campus and Tanjong Katong Girls' School. If you're wondering about what you can do around the area, residents can head to nearby supermarkets like FairPrice - Joo Chiat Complex and Giant Super - JK Centre for groceries and household products. Never worry about your health emergencies or regular health checkups with access to nearby clinics such as Vincent's Dental Surgery.
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Royal Hallmark is a freehold New Launch Condo located at Haig Lane in District 15.  For young couples or families with children, Royal Hallmark is also close to schools like Canadian International School (Tanjong Katong Campus), Chatsworth International School East Campus and Tanjong Katong Girls' School. If you're wondering about what you can do around the area, residents can head to nearby supermarkets like FairPrice - Joo Chiat Complex and Giant Super - JK Centre for groceries and household products. Never worry about your health emergencies or regular health checkups with access to nearby clinics such as Vincent's Dental Surgery. Nearby Amenities Trains (MRT) • Tg. Katong MRT (TE25) 1 KM • Dakota (CC8) 1.16 KM • Paya Lebar (CC9 EW8) 1.26 KM Groceries/ Shopping • Katong Village 0.72 KM • Joo Chiat Complex 0.79 KM • Tg. Katong Complex 1.00 KM   Schools • Tg. Katong Sec School 0.13 KM • Tg. Katong Girls' School 0.28 KM • Tg. Katong Pri School 0.4 KM • Haig Girls' School 0.62 KM • Chung Cheng High School 0.93 KM • Kong Hwa School 1.16 KM  
Site Plan & Unit Mixes
Royal Hallmark truly brings home the essence of living in a lap of luxury as it boasts 1 blocks and 32 residential units, where each unit comes fully furnished with various imported fittings and appliances.  Equipped with a collection of extravagant facilities, this residence is the ultimate choice for your dream home in the metropolis. Some of this exciting areas include recreational facilities like a sprawling 50m Lap Pool, a Lush Green Garden and a Wind Terrace -- all of which are designed with the sole intention of promoting a truly holistic and luxurious living experience. .
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1st Storey
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Roof Unit Mixes:
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Official Brochures/ Floor Plan E-brochure & Floor Plan Balanced Units & Prices 3BR Premium 915sf #04-04 $2,053,000 - Last 1 4BR/ 5BR Fully Sold Please Contact Us at +65.84188689 It is important to only engage the Official Direct Developer Sales Team to assist you to enjoy the best possible direct developer price. There is no commission required to be paid.
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