#hand/eye coordination
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INLAND EMPIRE - Hmm... it's as if there is an automatic *self-defence* structure in your hand, keeping you from mind-fucking yourself with letters from past lovers.
HAND/EYE COORDINATION - It's me. I'm keeping his hand from moving. We're not doing that anymore. We're not reading those words. People have died. He needs to work, not ache his heart for something that will never return.
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some skills shenanigans from my fic
#the headmates are fightinnnngg#elchem is so fun to draw#disco elysium#skills disco elysium#rhetoric#authority#hand/eye coordination#reaction speed#volition#electrochemistry#logic#interfacing#toadart#fanart#art
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icon id: 50 icons in 25 pairs. in each pair, both icons have the listed flags in order in the background and the left icon has an image of the listed character with a white outline and a black shadow. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
All of the skills from Disco Elysium are autistic canonically bisexual diskillic distigender disembodic deceptective duboisic beings with retrograde amnesia!
Logic is an ACryAB ACreAB aldercryptid cryptiperspesque logskillic logigender detectigender detectivegender detectivic noirsolve gendernoir autidective noirfilmic detectivelexic solvo goldetectiveaesic darkmystic gendermystique mysterygender solisolvic cryptidgender anthrologic xenomind cryptidmasc CRYPTIN cryptivenatura cyptidacademic gendercryptid mysterybeing who uses any non-feminine pronouns, including neopronouns!
Encyclopedia is an encycloskillic lorean acadilexic darkacademic sociologic lingologic phoslibrial librarycomfic velliciel phosclassroomial lightacademic histomajoric darkademivir professorpresentic mogaiteacher newbookstimmic classicacademic antireductionistgender eldriteacher booktix libraryaesic obscuracademic etymologic langologic histologic sciologic sciredeic teacherish gortureteacher ghostteacher neuroditeacher autiteacher gayteacher biteacher transteacher genqueerteacher who uses any letters of the alphabet as pronouns!
Rhetoric is a chessvesil rhetoskillic phospolicial philosogender comradelexic realityqueer ideogender chessgender pawnsymbic phoschessial pawnkidaic incorfunchaic promotaic underpromaic rookpromaic knightpromaic bishopromaic pigrookaic pigsevenaic chessaic chessphet harbinchess chessfascic chessteacher pawnic humanthing who uses any pronouns!
Drama is a draskillic superstarlexic theatreartis loverboyactor genderactor moonactor sunactor dramatigender stagelicht girlact loveactor theatristar actheamusicae theatreplacial stageic operadeathgender theatregender improvgender actorgender actressgender thespiangender theatremoptic actorish actressish actrixish performaten spotlighthen phostagic phospotial dramatistauric actrix who uses mirror pronouns!
Conceptualization is a conceskillic poetancient divipoetic poetpresentic poetknightic poemilexic storilexic bibliomic artdeic cyapaintic colorgender rainbowgender bluegender greengender cyangender tealgender periwinklegender coolgender tealglittergender blueglittergender indigoglittergender colorsecondaric shinygender paintgender multigender abstractgender brightgender colorspectral gendergrey gradientgender genderimpasto alscumblique allaprimic huegender indigogender iridesgender nyctogender palecoric palettegender transmasculine girlbeing who uses she/her, he/him, and any art-related pronouns!
Visual Calculus is a viscaskillic phosprojectial timesacrific chronocontrolic timegender historygender historyspinic antiquegender vhsgender immortatimelic analoghorrorgender histomajoric historicagender kenogenloss tapecorric analogender horrorloggender obscuriloss bootstradox limianxcietatic gendercam phospictorial genderlog timetravelthing who uses morn/morns, noon/noons, or eve/eves pronouns depending on the time of day!
Volition is an innocentperspesque vesnurse assistasaint medidocsaint volitskillic crowngender kindgender nursegender eldritchnursegender nurselady amedilector lovursic nursething nurseish phosnursial doctorish therapish doctorgender medimysteria angeldoc doctormasc doctorian doctorlexic genderdoctor DOCTIN NURSIN azurgirl who uses he/him pronouns!
Inland Empire is a soporvesil inlampskillic dreamthing sleepydream dorlunaesic sleepygender sleeplix sleepbodiment drowsygender stargender moonlightthing soporine dreaminuniversic sleepyghostic soporistudent sillyspin soporipresentic socozserenic soporthing somovium somnucomfic sleepytuneic dizzyic midnightaesic lungsgender moonentity who uses no pronouns!
Empathy is a highempathyvesi highempathyvior empathskillic lovegender lovelettic unhumanlovic cutegender demigirl heartgender esmogender lovehoarder lovergender lovesmenotic panlovegender genderlovesick loveflux distsensic transfeminine lovebodiment lovedesired lovebeing oldloveaean lovexenic lovefeminine consumlovic pronounfluid trans woman who uses she/her, they/them, affection/affections, beloved/beloveds, gush/gushes, heart/hearts, hug/hugs, yearn/yearns, lovesick/lovesicks, soul/souls, sweetheart/sweethearts, swoon/swoons, and ❤️/❤️s pronouns!
Authority is an authoriskillic panroyal royalcapeic swordgender classipianic purplegender phosknightial swordfightsunnic phantaking knicessprince phantaknight regisgender kinggender queengender monarchgender anarchgender kingkinic royalkinic royalshadowic haunttine royalghostic royalroseic royalpoisonic royalislandic royalreaperic royaleldritchic royalpsyhorric royalartic royalbisexual royalautistic royalauti royalgai royalgay royalqueer royalmin royalmasc royalhypoempic royalflamboric royalman who uses he/him, pri/pris, heir/heirs, throne/thrones, liege/liege, steel/steels, blade/blades, guard/guards, power/powers, and rule/rules pronouns!
Esprit de Corps is an alderpridian escorpskillic phospolicial lawlexic cripunic justicedeic lawconceptic obscuris jurisgender crimescenec criminalexic crimelexic divinejustic pridecaretaker pridelexic pupridic transneutral enbian who uses they/them pronouns!
Suggestion is a suggeskillic axeboyic axegirlic bladegender bloodyknifegender bloodyweaponic cleaveweaponic hatchetthing knifegender knifehuntgender knifething rablaiac scapelgender scissorweaponic scythic weaponfleshic lesboy who uses she/her pronouns!
Endurance is an enduranceskillic overmasc mingender mascbeing masc-aligned magiboy bloodsoakiman bloodcoveriman bloodfillimasc bloodfilliman bloodcoverimasc bloodsoakimasc recluminjuric bloodgender genderblood genderpierce ichorbeingic visceraesic gorecoric chaosgender chaoscoric goremonsterboyic trans man who uses he/him pronouns!
Pain Threshold is a presholdskillic poisonpurge goregender paingender gendercut cosmichorric genderbleeder graphorric genderhealic bloodecorated phosgoreial plushcutorgic horrorgender bodyhorric horrorimagric terscreamsoundic medicreature psychoanatamic horrorhypic bloodaesic goreaesic postaphorric genderheart horrunearthly goreimagic finalthing who uses hor/rors pronouns!
Physical Instrument is a phsytrumentskillic ragebodiment hatredgender sportyaesic angergender angermagian strengthmagian bonemagian aggressivecaninegender axfevilic bigfluffic bloodcattic canfelisfluid catbandagic catdoggic catdogthing catnightic catthing dogcatgender dogtailwagic dogthing killercatic muzzlegender pupcatgender streetdogferalic thingmutt vampcatpup who uses he/him, they/them, it/its, and any feral-themed pronouns!
Electrochemistry is an aldercuddleparty alderglowwave vesicuddleparty vesiglowwave echemskillic fungender partygender panbirthdaygender partystimmic loudpartygender confettigender fungender hypergender confettium partycrashgender cuddlepartyic panparty genderjoy fuzzinbrainix partyanimalaesic transplayfuline adplayfuline PLFINgender neonlexic phosraveial glowwavic trigender birl who uses he/him, she/her, they/them, and disco/discos pronouns!
Shivers is an alderkenic alderliminal shiverskillic kenochoric burningcitykenic citynightaesic palexposic biohazenic exihiline existinaught thoughtcabinic citlifnightic auticity agender citygender liminix liminalgender LiMiN keno+ kenohoarder rainkein kenoire Kenoaesic LiMiNbodiment beautihapquoteic bedroomliminix denigrafacieic uncangender kenore who uses it/its, street/streets, city/citys, concrete/concretes, lamp/lamps, bench/benches, alley/alleys, and other city-based pronouns!
Half Light is an aldertox aldernukemutate geigeraldernic halflightskillic disphysic prophic radioactivegender radioactivean radioactivenic decaygender radioactilexic nucleargender radioacticreaturic mutatelexic mutationlexic radioactivething gendermutate irradigender radioactiaesic radiationlexic nuclearlexic mushcloudix radiationrooted toxihazarsaint biofearic neongreentubeic kenoradiation yellowcakegender biohazangelic radioactisymbic hazardgender BIOHAZiN radioactiveglassic toxigender raditian radioactihypic lovefear feargender scaryvisic beingthing thingbeing who uses ☢/☢s, ☢️/☢️s, ☣️/☣️s, and ⚠️/⚠️s pronouns, pronounced as 'radio/radiations'!
Hand/Eye Coordination is a coordskillic eyegender sightmagian eyesdivine ocularic eerywatchinfluic blursightic eyelesoulic opticgender eyebodiment eyedream starryfleshic eyeobjehead handscaric rockstimmic walkstimmic stimmyflappic stimgender tactistimic sensogender happeyflappeystimmic stimcreatic autistimjoyic neurogender joystimmic magiboy who uses hand/hands and eye/eyes pronouns!
Perception is a perceskillic collectmagian electromagian bloodmagian windmagian sleepmagian cursemagian soundmagian musicmagian rainmagian smokemagian cloudmagian brightmagian fluidmagian lifemagian artmagian shadowmagian acidmagian weathermagian whimsymagian tastemagian smellmagian horrormagian earthmagian hearmagian being who uses pronouns related to feels current senses!
Reaction Speed is a planetarian mortastellernic galaxyaesalius reacskillic galaxyqueer phoscosmoial uniamouria cosmopunkic galactipunkic astropunkic infinitygender galajaric galajaraesic galaxything galaxiiori phantaxia galaxyaesic noxmusaesic galaxiasfluid spacexplosion supernovaesic lesspace blackholian celestarrlina moonjumper who uses it/its, star/stars, moon/moons, sun/suns, sol/sols, sky/skies, and neb/nebs pronouns!
Savoir Faire is a savairskillic parkouaic parkouaioa parkoutia parkourgender dirtbagteengirl finalrotgirl freakfem gendergirlfriend girlcreature girlfailgender girlfriendloser girllabrat loserweirdo lovefeminine lovefreak lovergirlneedy nicegirl patheticgirl patheticgirlfreak vaguegirl bandbruisenboy coolduden dirtbagteenboy dirtbagteenic losergender pathetiboy prettyboyloser protagboy recluminjuric rockmasc rotboy stinkboy unhingedloserfreak weirdbeing weirdboy who uses he/him, she/her, grime/grimes, dude/dudes, scab/scabs, rot/rots, scrape/scrapes, scrap/scraps, loser/losers, cool/cools, bruise/bruises, and dirt/dirts pronouns!
Interfacing is an interskillic nightwebic virtulonogia virtualthing virtualgirlprince virtualcute virtualboyprincess vietechxic techthing techlexic techfluid techbodiment robotcreation robohaywiric robogender robodiment popupgender pinwebtigender phostechial oldtechhypic novtechic nightwebic multiaboom motogender interfaceiac intechline genderzip gendervirtual/genderdigital gendersoftware digiminalwebic digigender demibot cybertransmasc cursedwebic computergender circuitgender bytegender androidic paraboy who uses any technology-based pronouns!
Composure is a composkillic amnetian amnesiaconfusic uncannic 444gender angeadornix angeazale angelbodiment angelboy angelicatlovecorian angelcreature angeldecorated angeldelovic angeldolltraitic angelflower angelgender angelgirl angelhacker angelhealic angelibunlovecorian angeliclightic angelidleanima angelidolic angelidolthing angelipuplovecorian angelknight angellover angelprogram angelsaint angelstimgif angelthing angeluvpinkica angelwingic angelx angelyummy angerobe angicalic anglibunic anglicatic anglifleuric anglipupic anlomeltic anxopicnic bleuange brokenangelboy bunnyangic bwangelwing celeseagender corangelic crescengelic divinebirdic enamogelic essedennic etherenursic heavekissangelic holycattic husbangic lambangel lumerive marbstangelic neonwinged plushgelic purangeepic sanctunes seralien serarose spirangelic veriange puriangel who uses he/him, she/her, they/them, it/its, angel/angels, heaven/heavens, and divine/divines pronouns!
The Horrific Necktie is a horriskillic xenic omnigender pangender tie who uses any pronouns!
dni link
#long post#mogai headcanon#disco elysium#logic#encyclopedia#rhetoric#drama#conceptualization#visual calculus#volition#inland empire#empathy#authority#esprit de corps#suggestion#endurance#pain threshold#physical instrument#electrochemistry#shivers#half light#hand/eye coordination#perception#reaction speed#savoir faire#interfacing#composure#the horrific necktie#autism#bisexual
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Talented baby
Oh wow. I love that so much. His hand/eye coordination is insane.
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[Image ID, copied from Alt Text: A screenshot of some dialogue from Disco Elysium reading:
JOYCE MESSIER - "Of course," she sizes you up. "Not easy to be moderate about head shooting in your line of work."
HAND/EYE COORDINATION - Rooty-tooty pointy shooty!
- "Rooty tooty pointy shooty!"
/End ID]
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Day 19? Day 19. Hand eye coordination
Tried something a little different to keep myself from getting burned out this week and I’m feelin it tbh
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Oh no...
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HAND/EYE COORDINATION - Here's the plan: Shine the light straight in her eye
HAND/EYE COORDINATION - Alright, this is how we do it: You fling the prybar at her-
HAND/EYE COORDINATION - Here's the plan: Drop the multitool and immediately dart right- the noise will startle her,
HAND/EYE COORDINATION - Alright, here's the plan: You fling the chaincutters in her face -
HAND/EYE COORDINATION - Porta-reel is the key. Up the volume to the "MAX* and hit 'Play'. The sound will startle her, allowing you to close the distance.
HAND/EYE COORDINATION - The gun, throw it in her face -- she won't see it coming.
HAND/EYE COORDINATION - Alright, here's the plan: You hurl the ledger in her face
\End ID]
"Half light is the most violent skill" for sure, but have you considered
my boy can do one thing (throw shit real hard) and is dedicated to the craft
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just played SUPERLIMINAL and it reminded me so much of the stanley parable except one thing
#both of these games are my faves now#btw i love how forgiving the jump is in superliminal my hand eye coordination is so dogshit#the stanley parable#tsp stanley#superliminal#tsp fanart#tspud#tspud stanley#tspud art#superliminal fanart#the stanley parable ultra deluxe#did my best with the asl if i could have done better please let me know#my art#fan art#digital art
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ELECTROCHEMISTRY - It'd be indecent to ignore Miss Page-Three. Beauty is inviting you on a pilgrimage!
HAND/EYE COORDINATION - A pilgrimage you can make with just your hand.
YOU - Hold on, is this what happens when you two get together?
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Kurvitz stresses that Kim doesn't actually have a character sheet hidden in Disco Elysium's code. Imagining that Lieutenant Kitsuragi has only one natural attribute point in Motorics helps the ZA/UM team to understand the depth of his character beyond what's referenced in the game's dialogue. "We just came up with this stuff for coherency," says Kurvitz. "And because we're nerds."
"I like to think Kim has a Thought Cabinet project called Revolutionary Aerostatic Brigades that he's worked on since he was a teenager," Kurvitz says. "This raises the learning caps for his Reaction Speed and Interfacing."
Kim's high Volition skill makes him impervious to prying, Kurvitz says, as the detective can find out on occasions being met with Kim's brick-wall resolve. Kim often chastises these whims of the detective's, but will occasionally play along. The Lieutenant finds his new partner funny, says Kurvitz.
Kim is naturally shit at Motorics and thinks Harry is funny source
#THE GUY WHO SO MANY THOUGHT WAS THE MISSING MOTORICS BUILD IS BAD AT THEM#and thinks cop types are stupid <3#the bajillion points in authority make even more sense. he probably has a lot of natural points in the purple skills?#(addition: so empathy too T_T !!!)#so this means he had to put a lot of points in composture on purpose. and had to learn how to sew and repair motorcarriages the hard way?#the interfacing learning cap is higher but he still had to put points in it to have more than 1#his perception is abysmal and it stayed so#his hand/eye coordination is also bad. his shooting posture is horrible. I wonder how he got to 7/10#I want to poke this nerd with a stick#disco elysium#release the kim character sheet now. what the hell is volta do mar I need to know#he must have volta do mar. h/e coordination. kinetic dressage#(and something related to authority)#they're all in the clothes in the zaum atelier
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Seems the Detective and Lieutenant found themselves on a strange path in the woods, and there doesn’t seem to be a way out.
EDIT: part 2 I guess
#slay the princess#disco elysium#harrier du bois#kim kitsuragi#stp the narrator#disco elysium skills#art#my art#poor hand/eye coordination#no I know almost nothing about disco elysium#but I desperately want to
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your headcanon abt peppino performing while he cooks reminded me of that scene in kiki’s delivery service where the chef guy does a cool spin with baking pans solely to impress kiki’s cat
peppino’s in the kitchen with brick and he’s like check THIS out. does a sick pizza flip or smth. brick’s like :O!!!
hes so talented !
#pizza tower#peppino spaghetti#peppino#brick the rat#brick#arts#mine#answered#i had this on my mind ever since u first sent this#its sooo cute#hes got really REALLY good hand eye coordination and control#and he doesnt really ever get a reason to flex that heehee#hes a good juggler too; lots of nifty hand tricks#and hes good w sleight of hand stuff#hes a talented lil performer#brick is VERY entertained <3#also i feel like its not immediately apparent#but hes working the oven for most of the day#so its just very hot in there which is why hes a little Pink
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